4º ESO VOCABULARY SCHOOL YEAR 2014-15 VOCABULARY 4th YEAR IRELAND (Caragh’s first presentation)      Shamrock  trébol Leprechaun  duende ena

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VOCABULARY 4th YEAR IRELAND (Caragh’s first presentation)     

Shamrock  trébol Leprechaun  duende enano Coffin ships  barcos ataúd Bury (-ied)  enterrar Brewery  cervecería

CANADA                         

Ice rink  pista de hielo Row  fila Rough  duro, agresivo Puck  disco de hockey Poutine  chips, gravy and cheese (typical dish from Canada) Beaver’s tail  it is a dessert, it is a dough with banana slices, chocolate sauce and sugar Dough  masa Stroller  sillita de bebé ELD  ENGLISH LITERACY DEVELOPMENT ESL  ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Refugees  refugiados Bark  corteza Sap  savia Maple  arce Quaint  pintoresco (city/ town) Fake  falso Sullen  sombrío, lúgubre, deprimente Cobbled (streets)  (calle) adoquinada Self-taught  autodidacta Drop –out rate  tasa de abandono escolar Break time /recess  recreo Professor (a teacher at college/ university) Supply teacher  profesor sustituto Zipline  tirolina Career  carrera profesional (a profession that is one's most important work in life) Degree  university studies (an academic title given upon the completion of studies, or as an honorary recognition of achievement)

  

Go bowling  ir a la bolera Workshop  taller Lecture  clase magistral

TEENAGE ISSUES            4º ESO

(be) sold out  estar agotadas (las entradas) (sth) mean  malo, mezquino, cruel A thief  un ladrón Afford (to)  permitirse el lujo de Allowance  paga de los padres alone / only/lonely Balaclava  pasamontañas BE used to DOING sth  están acostumbrado/a a hacer algo Beans  habas Behave (to)  comportarse Brush (to) rozar Page 1

4º ESO VOCABULARY                                                       

4º ESO


Bullying acoso escolar Burglar  allanador de morada Chickpeas  garbanzos Childhood  infancia Coat  abrigo Copper  cobre crowded  atiborrado Deaf  sordo Disturbing  alarmante, inquietante, perturbador dome  cúpula eager  ansioso, deseoso engaged  comprometido, ocupado enhance (to)  mejorar, realzar Enough  suficiente Gathering  reunión de personas Get a good deal on  conseguir una buena oferta Go wild  volverse loco godfather padrino gorgeous  precioso, maravilloso Green beans  judías verdes Gypsy  gitano Hoof  pezuñas Host  anfitrión House chores  tareas domésticas hunt (to)  cazar I have a sore throat  tener dolor de garganta ice skate  patinar sobre hielo Lighthouse  faro Lost for words  quedarse sin palabras Me neither  yo tampoco Messy  desordenado miracle  milagro Mortgage  hipoteca Mug (to)  rob violently atracar naughty  malcriado, travieso Neat  aseado, pulcro, limpio outcast paria, marginado outdated  anticuado, obsoleto Overcome  superar overcrowded  superpoblado, atiborrado peer pressure  presión del grupo Pickpocket  un carterista plenty  multitud pressure  presión raise (to) (cattle or a child) → ciar ganado o a un niño Regret  arrepentirse, lamentar relieved  aliviado Rob (to)  (a bank) robar Robber  ladrón de bancos root  raíz, orígenes rush (hour)  hora punta Sales  rebajas Seed  semillas Sense  sentido Sigh (to)  suspirar

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4º ESO VOCABULARY            


Skip breakfast  saltarse el desayuno, pasar sin desayunar smelly  apestoso, nauseabundo Spare time  tiempo libre Stand still  quedarse quieto Steal (to)  (an object) robar Still  todavía Struggle (to)  luchar, esforzarse Succeed (to)  tener éxito Success  éxito Successful  exitosa/o swap (to)  intercambiar target  dirigirse a alguien She targeted her energies towards finishing the project. Ella enfocó su energía en terminar el proyecto. The president is the target of many jokes. El presidente es blanco de muchos chistes.

            

Till / until  hasta To text  mandar un mensaje de texto Trust (to)  confiar Turnip leaves  grelos twin  gemelo typo  error tiopográfico Upbringing  crianza updated  actualizado upset  enfadado Visually –impaired con problemas de visión wardrobe → armario whale  ballena yell /scream  gritar, chillar

SECOND TERM                       4º ESO

accurate  preciso, exacto allow (to) permitir bother  molestar, fastidiar bribe  soborno, mordida Broad = wide (ancho) comfy informal) cómodo complaint  queja date (cita romántica) vs appointment (cita con el médico) device  aparato, artefacto Fair  feria Flea market  mercadillo de segunda mano guilty (adjective)  culpable high-pitched (voz) aguda low-pitched (voz) grave hold a party  dar una fiesta low-budget  de bajo presupuesto miscarriage  aborto espontáneo/natural Narrow  estrecho Pass vs. Spend  pass someone in the street but you spend time or Money ON Passer-by  transeúnte plastic surgery cirugía plástica purchase  comprar/ compra put on weight  ganar peso Page 3

4º ESO VOCABULARY         


rise (to)  elevar stepsister  hermanastra Stink (to)  oler mal subsidiary  sucursal, filial thrive  prosperar, progresar unbearable  insoportable unsuitable  inapropiado, inadecuado Wonders  maravillas wrinkle  arruga

TEXAS       

Ribs  costillas Brisket  a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest of beef or veal. Litter (to)  tirar basura en la calle Litter  basura que tiras en la calle Trash  basura fine  multa get a ticket (USA)  que te pongan una multa I got a ticket for speeding Me pusieron una multa por exceso de velocidad

     

populous poblado Ferris wheel / big wheel  noria Touristy  appealing to tourists (turístico) Skyline  silueta de los edificios en el horizonte (the outline of something, such as the buildings of a city, against the sky) Skyscraper  rascacielos (a tall building of many stories, esp. one for office or commercial use) Livestock ganado ( cattle, horses, poultry, and similar animals kept for domestic use but not as pets, esp on a farm or ranch)

    

livestock show  an exhibition of prize cattle by cattle breeders. kolaches  type of pastry that holds a dollop of fruit rimmed by a puffy pillow of supple Doug. Originating as a semisweet wedding dessert from Central Europe, they have become popular in parts of the United States stage  escenario barrel  barril corny dog  is a hot dog sausage coated in a thick layer of cornmeal (harina de maíz) batter

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS  Drop a hint  soltar una indirecta  Take a hint  captar una indirecta  Make up his mind  tomar una decisión  What a pity!  ¡Qué pena!  It is a pity that …  es una pena que  to be in the known  estar al tanto, estar al día, al corriente  Get grounded  encerrado, castigado  Feel like DOING sth apetecer hacer algo  “Food for thought”  algo para reflexionar  Be concerned about sth  estar preocupado por algo/alguien  I was on my way home  estaba de camino a casa FOOD       4º ESO

pickles  encurtidos dip (to) mojar en /meter en un líquido o salsa gherkin  pepinillo sour  agrio crispy  crujiente, crocante ranch  rancho Page 4

4º ESO VOCABULARY     


fattening  que engorda, que hace engordar shrimp  langostino shellfish  marisco grocery store supermercado, tienda de comestibles raw  crudo

TOURISM  Abroad  en el extranjero  along the coast  a lo largo de la costa  Arch  arco  binge-drinking  botellón  build up tolerance  crear tolerancia  charter a flight  alquilar, fletar  Customs  aduanas  damage daño, prejuicio  drug mule  mula  Duty free shop  tienda libre de impuestos en el aeropuerto  ease (to) aliviar  Fair  feria  flea market  mercadillo de segunda mano  hill  colina  hot spell / cold spell  ola de calor  hot spring terma  issue  problem, matter of concern; ejemplar de una revista  landmarks  lugar emblemático (a building or other place of outstanding historical or cultural importance)  Miss (a means of transport) vs lose (your wallet)  mosque  mezquita  obey (to) obedecer  overdose sobredosis  peer  colega  pilgrimage  peregrinación  scenery  paisaje, vista  schedule  horario (programación)  she's teasing you  te está tomando el pelo  Sightseeing trip  viaje para ver los monumentos más importantes  sightseeing (to go sightseeing)  hacer turismo  snorkel (to) hacer buceo con snorkel  spank (to)  azotar, dar una palmadita  Spark (to)  desatar, desencadenar  spring  manantial  stem from  originarse en  Stink (to)  oler mal  summer home  residencia de verano  unspoiled  impecable, inmaculado, fresco, no contaminado  wonders  maravillas CHARACTER/PERSONALITY  biased  parcial, partidista  Fickle  caprichoso, voluble  Forgiving  compasivo  Greedy  avaricioso  Humble  humilde  lenient  indulgente, poco severa  Mean  mezquino, tacaño 4º ESO

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4º ESO VOCABULARY             


Neat  arreglado, pulcro, limpio Open-minded  de mentalidad abierta pampered mimado, consentido patronising  condescendiente Quarrelsome  peleón Reliable  persona en la que puedes confiar Selfless  desinteresado Sensible  sensato Sensitive  sensible spoiled  mimado Stingy  tacaño, rácano, agarrado Stubborn  terco Tight-fisted  tacaño, apretado, rata

CINEMA  character  personaje (literatura)  drive-in cinema  autocine  dubbed  doblado (película)  lead role  papel principal supporting role  papel secundario  release (to)  lanzar, estrenar una película  review  crítica  sitcoms  comedias de situación  script  guión (written copy for the use of performers in films and plays)  thriller  a book, film, play, etc, depicting crime, mystery, or espionage in an atmosphere of excitement and suspense  TV shows  series  Trailer  a series of short extracts from a film, used to advertise it in a cinema or on television

4º ESO

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Look UP TO  admirar Many children look up to their older siblings. Muchos chicos admiran a sus hermanos mayores. Boys often look up to professional athletes as role models. Muchos chicos admiran a los atletas profesionales como modelos a seguir.

Look DOWN ON  menospreciar, mirar por encima del hombro It is wrong to look down on people less fortunate than yourself. No está bien menospreciar a quienes tienen menos suerte que uno.

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depend ON  depender de deal WITH  tratar con The problem was brought to my attention and I dealt with it. El problema llegó a mis manos y lidié con él. You answer the phones and I'll deal with the customers. Tú contesta los teléfonos y yo me ocupo de los clientes.

Laugh (to) AT  reírse de My boyfriend laughs at my jokes, even when they're not funny. Mi novio se ríe de mis chistes, aunque no sean graciosos.

  

Throw AT  lanzarle algo a alguien con la intención de hacerle daño Throw TO  lanzarle algo a alguien para que lo coja al vuelo Give UP  rendirse /dejar de I give up - you're far better than me at this game! Me rindo. ¡Eres mucho mejor que yo en este juego!

 

Find OUT  descubrir Insist ON  insistir en The strikers are insisting on higher wages. Los huelguistas están insistiendo en salarios más altos. Despite my complaints, he insisted on doing things his way. Insistía en hacer las cosas a su manera, a pesar de mis quejas.

   

Spend ON  gastar dinero en Reflect ON / UPON  reflexionar sobre Take OFF  despegar Come OUT  salir del armario; publicarse, salir a la venta After college, Luke decided to come out to his parents. Después de la universidad, Luke decidió salir del armario y decírselo a sus padres. His new novel comes out this autumn. En marzo sale a la venta su próximo libro.

    

Stand FOR  significar, representar Afraid OF  tener miedo de Breathe IN  inspirar Breathe OUT  expirar come UP  salir, surgir (un tema) The senator knew that questions about his campaign would come up. El senador sabía que esa pregunta sobre su campaña iba a salir.

depend ON  depender de She is a proud lady and doesn't like having to depend on her relatives for help. Es una mujer orgullosa y no le gusta tener que depender de sus parientes.

kicked OUT  (expel or eject) expulsar I was kicked out of class for refusing to turn off my iPod. Me echaron de la clase porque no quise apagar el iPod.

come OUT  en sentido figurado confesar que es gay; publicar, salir, After college, Luke decided to come out to his parents. Después de la universidad, Luke decidió salir del armario y decírselo a sus padres.

  4º ESO

bring OUT  publicar, lanzar bring IN  traer Page 7

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