YES - Youth Unemployment: Fostering Entrepreneurial Skill TR1-LEO

YES - Youth Unemployment: Fostering Entrepreneurial Skill 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155 RESULT 13 Guideline to Promote the ECVET Youth Entrepreneur Curricu

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YES - Youth Unemployment: Fostering Entrepreneurial Skill


RESULT 13 Guideline to Promote the ECVET Youth Entrepreneur Curricula


YES - Youth Unemployment: Fostering Entrepreneurial Skill


RESULT 13 Guideline to promote the ECVET Youth Entrepreneur Curricula



Preperad by METGEM, Turkey: Governorship of Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul Young Entrepreneurs’ Association, Turkey: Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, Portugal: Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Greece : Baltic Education Technology Institute, Lithuania: Documenta, Spain: Project Coordinator Serkan Yeşilyurt +90 (532) 451 51 03 [email protected] Design and Layout Beray Yalılı +90 (536) 963 47 02 [email protected] Printed By Bilgi Copy Shop, Dijital Baskı Merkezi Serencebey Ykş.Beşiktaş/İstanbul +90 (212) 258 5097

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


• Youth Unemployment: Fostering Entrepreneurial Skill • 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155

• RESULT 13 Guideline to promote the ECVET youth entrepreneur curricula RESULT TABLE

• Content



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 3




YES PROFILE: NATIONAL FRAMEWORK RELATED TO NQF’S............................................................. 12




CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 27

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills is a Leonardo da Vinci project for Transfer of Innovation, implemented between December 2012 and November 2014. The overall aim of the YES project is to support the development of “sense of initiative and entrepreneurship” EU key competence in young unemployed, equipping VET providers with methodologies, tools and competences in order to be the future entrepreneurial educators (i.e., VET teachers/trainers/professional) and thus speed up entrepreneurship learning among young unemployed in all partners’ countries. More specifically by: i. Transferring and adapting two innovative methodologies and tools, ePROF and ePACK, focused on entrepreneurship competencies development. While ePROF brings an innovative model and assessment profile tool, ePACK brings a entrepreneurship elearning package; ii.

Addressing two target groups. (a) First, YES project equipped (through a transfer workshop) VET providers with methodologies, tools and competences in order to be the future entrepreneurial educators and thus speed up entrepreneurship learning among young unemployed; (b) Secondly, young unemployed were the end users at the national pilot of YES PACK;

iii. Designing an European ECVET curricula for youth entrepreneur, based on EQF learning outcomes, defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competences, and allocation of ECVET points, taking into account European recommendations and the development of a common guideline for its integration in existing national VET programmes. More specifically:  By increasing the modernisation, quality and flexibility of European VET systems by equipping VET teachers/trainers/ guidance professionals with the YES methodology, tools and materials in order to be the future vehicles for entrepreneurship practices in all partners countries.  By providing new knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development and meeting the employability and participation standards in the European labour market.  By contributing to improvements in quality and innovation in VET organisations and systems. YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


 By developing an EQF-compatible competence profile which will be the basis for documentation of learning outcomes towards a standardised certification model. This profile will be sub-divided into learning outcome units and assigned credit points (ECVET Points).  By assessing the existing situation and opportunities of permeability and access to higher education in the field of VET personnel training.  By transferring and adapting the YES PACK materials to meet the country specificities and target group needs will facilitate the development of innovative practices in the field of VET, including from one participating country to another, allowing the recognition of qualifications and competences. The YES consortium consists of a multidisciplinary team who has technical expertise to achieve the project objectives and a wide experience of participating in European projects. The project consisted of a consortium of partners from six different European countries: PARTNER





Development for Vocational Technical Education Centre of University of Bahcesehir




Governorship of Istanbul




Istanbul Young Entrepreneurship Association




Institute for Technology and Quality




Institute of Entrepreneurship Development




Baltic Education Technology Institute




Instituto Europeo de Estudios para la Formación y el Desarrollo

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



As a core result of the YES project, partners developed a common European Curriculum and a common ECVET profile for a Young Entrepreneur. This profile is related to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), which “helps to compare national qualifications systems and enable communication among them. The core of the EQF is the eight common European reference levels, which are described in learning outcomes: knowledge, skills and competences. This makes it more understandable what a learner with a qualification related to the EQF knows, understands and is able to do. This approach also makes it possible to compare qualifications awarded in all types of education, training and qualifications, from school education to academic, professional and vocational at each of its levels.”1 The process of developing the knowledge, skills and competences within the YES project was to allocate knowledge, skills and competences to meet the needs of a young entrepreneur that will be able to start-up its own business and keep it running in a sustainable way. Having in mind also the state of art of similar national profiles, we created the common European ECVET Youth Entrepreneur Curriculum and Profile which has eight learning units: Learning Unit 1

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Learning Unit 2

Starting a Business

Learning Unit 3

Risk Management and Business Law

Learning Unit 4


Learning Unit 5

Business finance and economics

Learning Unit 6

Management of a firm

Learning Unit 7


Learning Unit 8

The Business Plan

The common European ECVET Youth Entrepreneur Curriculum has been kept very open to several adaptions in different European countries. The objectives may vary slightly from country to country but also the content. Therefore the users also have multiple choice options for the “delivery of units” and the “Assessment of units”. 1 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Throughout Europe, and also in each country, there are several different pathways to become an entrepreneur. This is the reason why this YES ECVET profile itself presents a detailed collection of learning outcomes in knowledge, skills and competences according to the “ECVET Recommendation” and the “Guidelines for describing units of learning outcomes”. With regards to the European developments and regulations, there will be a need to describe all professional profiles in terms of learning outcomes in order to make them more transparent and comparable. This is the reason why the presentation of the Common European YES ECVET profile and curriculum will contribute to keep the findings of YES project not only sustainable but also to enable countries beyond the YES partner consortium to transfer the ECVET profile and adapt it to their own needs. The ECVET profile can be a basis for further development of skills and competences among those who are starting their own businesses all over Europe. But what are learning outcomes? Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process. Learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence. Knowledge means the body of facts, principles, theories and practices that is related to a field of work or study. It is described as theoretical and/or factual knowledge; Skills means the ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete tasks and solve problems. They are described as cognitive (logical, intuitive and creative thinking) or practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments); Competence means the proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and methodological abilities in work or study situations and in professional and personal development. It is described in terms of responsibility and autonomy.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


YES ECVET Curriculum

Learning Outcomes After finishing LU participants will : Learning Unit (LU) /title Knowledge (theoretical and/or factual)

Skills (cognitive and practical)

Competences (responsibility and autonomy)

H/She is able to: H/She is able to: Define entrepreneurship

1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Describe the characteristics of an entrepreneur Identify different types of entrepreneurs

H/She is able to: Demonstrate the driving forces of a new venture

Autonomously recognize a business opportunity

Relate the business environment with possible opportunities or constraints to entrepreneurship

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2. Starting a Business

Summarize the entrepreneurial business idea matrix

Classify the different business legal types

Select the appropriate legal status of a new business

List the steps to start a new enterprise

Develop a business idea

Find an attractive market that can be reached economically

Identify different types of business risks

Layout the different procedures for concluding an agreement

Assess and manage business risks

Describe risk management methods

Prepare the agreement

Recognize the factors that affect a startup Outline the principles of a start-up capital and financing a new business

3.Risk Management and Business Law

State different agreements



Organize process


terms debt



Properly contracts




List the contents of business contracts Describe the debt recovery process

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


4. Marketing

Identify marketing principles and concepts

Relate the marketing




Describe different marketing methods and forms

Design a strategic marketing and communication plan

Select marketing forms Evaluate the factors business environment



Define a marketing mix Recognize environmental marketing factors

State basic finance and economics principles and concepts

5. Business finance and economics

Recognize different financial statements Describe items in financial statements

Establish a financial plan Calculate basic accounting Determine the profitability of own business

Choose the most appropriate business form/mode Plan for own firm’s financing and investment decisions

Present items on financial statements

Describe basic accounting methods Describe a firm’s life cycle

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Outline different perspectives


Describe teamwork

Elaborate a strategy to promote teamwork Layout different steps in personnel management and recruitment

6. Management of a firm Recognize labour legislation

Manage & recruit employees Manage a firm with a growing number of staff Motivate employees

Draft an employee contract

Identify external factors

Manage change

Describe the personnel management process

7. Taxation

Describe taxation sources of income



Identify tax planning and financial statement Describe a business plan

8. The Business Plan

Identify all parts of a business plan Recognize the concept of competitive edge

Explain why taxation of individuals differs from taxation of corporations

Forecast own firm’s yearly taxation

Layout different sections of a business plan

Establish step by step a business plan

Establish the objectives and strategy of the business

Assess a business plan, ensuring it´s coherence

plan your firm’s taxation

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


In order to achieve the learning outcomes described in the curriculum presented above, it is expected that the learner will need about 180 hours of dedication to the training, according to the profile presented next: YES ECVET Profile







1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship



2. Starting a Business



3. Risk Management and Business Law



4. Marketing



5. Business Finance and Economics



6. Management of a firm



7. Taxation



8. The Business Plan









As entry requirements we recommend level 3 of EQF.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



The current chapter aims to provide a better understanding of partners’ countries specific situation regarding Youth Entrepreneurship implementation and I-VET and CVET programmes on the subject, and was developed under the following operational common framework: I.

Analysis of the state of art concerning Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in partners countries through a desk research on Official data, based on country/EU official statistics.


Analysis on current Training offers on Youth Entrepreneurship a) Description of National qualification framework (NQF) in partners’ countries, in comparison with EQF b) Desk research on training offers on Youth Entrepreneurship in partners’ countries c) Description of ECVET system in partners countries

Resulting from this desk research, project partners in Turkey, Portugal, Greece and Spain presented their findings regarding each national reality. The results are presented next. Further details and information about each country’s reality regarding the themes presented in the following section can be found in the annexes to this document.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




IMPLEMENTATION Youth unemployment is one of the most relevant economic problems not only in partner countries, but also in many other developed and developing countries in Europe and in the rest of the world. Increasing entrepreneurship and developing entrepreneurial qualities and abilities in the population is very important in the development of a country, especially if we turn to this solution of looking to the chance of starting one’s own business as a alternative to unemployment. Entrepreneurship activities have very high rates of success in creating employment, accelerating economic growth, ensuring the emergence of new industries in the country and enabling change and improvement in the society.

3.1.1. Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Turkey The 9th Development Plan, which covers the period 2007-2013 in Turkey, pays importance to supporting entrepreneurship policies and aims to apply active labour policies by way of entrepreneurship and employment-guaranteed programs, vocational consultancy and counselling services and vocational training courses under the heading “Developing Active Labour Policies”. Also, in order to improve income distribution, entrepreneurship is encouraged especially in rural and underdeveloped areas. With the development of entrepreneurship and innovation and increase of labour productivity, Turkey will maintain its recent rise in the world economy. The prominent entrepreneurship approach aims the development of new technologies and innovativeness based on the partnership between private sector and government.2 One of the most important problems experienced by entrepreneurs in Turkey is that, in addition to failing to access to financial resources, they lack knowledge and vision, and those who have knowledge are unable to get scientific consultancy service. Another important point in this respect is that prospective entrepreneurs who don’t have adequate knowledge should be made aware of such lack of knowledge, and guided to get support. Accordingly, business owners should also receive consultancy service as part of general entrepreneurship strategies. It is also important that no measurement and assessment is made about the supports by going beyond providing financial resources only. It is believed that if entrepreneurs are supported by business


YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


owners who experienced similar things in the past, this will be a contribution to their success.3 Another important strategy supporting the entrepreneurship is the SME Strategy and Action Plan (2011 – 2013). 4 One of the primary strategic areas of the action plan is the “Development and Support of Entrepreneurship”. According to the report, the areas which are considered weak or need improvement and the areas which must be focused on are as follows:        

The level of knowledge and awareness of potential entrepreneurs is not adequate for setting up a successful business based on a business plan, Entrepreneurship is not covered enough in formal and non-formal education, Activities which call attention to and encourage entrepreneurship are not sufficient, Activities in the field of entrepreneurship are not integrated, Lack of knowledge about the potential contributions of establishing cooperation, Businesses have difficulties in finding a business location and meeting their expenses in their beginning, Entrepreneurs who set up a new business act in an indecisive manner in the beginning, Special target groups are not encouraged enough in entrepreneurship.

The number of opened and closed companies is examined in order to evaluate the entrepreneurship potential in the TR83 Region. The number of companies opened and closed in 2010 in the TR83 Region and countrywide increased compared to 2009. However, when we look at the ratio of TR83 Region to Turkey, there is not too much change in the percentage of opened companies, but the increase in the percentage of closed companies is striking (from 1.80% to 2.14%). Then the first 10-month period of 2011 is compared, there is a decrease in the ratio of the region to Turkey in the category of closed companies, but there is a small increase in the percentage of opened companies. 5 Upon the examination of the statistics published in the Tradesmen and Craftsmen Registry Gazette, it is observed that the number of both registered and unregistered companies in the TR83 Region and Turkey-wide in 2010 increased compared to 2009. The ratio of TR83 Region to Turkey in number of registered and unregistered companies increased in 2010 even if just a drop. The ratio of number of businesses registered in the Region to Turkey decreased from 5.67% to 4.68% in the first 10month period of 2011 compared to 2010.6 These figures show that there is a




6 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


deceleration in the number of newly established business in the Region compared to Turkey-wide.

3.1.2. Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Greece The severe economic crisis that has largely struck the Greek labour market resulted in sever decline. The rate of unemployment in Greece has shifted to more than 27%, from 8% only five years ago. It is the highest unemployment rate in the EU and still seems to be increasing. Even though this increase in unemployment over the past years seems to slightly decrease in 2012 there are still few signs of stabilization. It is of particular importance to note that the youth unemployment rate was already quite high even before the crisis. This, therefore, has led to a less severe increase in the youth unemployment rate as compared to other countries in the EU, which were not suffering from high youth unemployment rates. According to the report for the Task Force for Greece, which was published in March 2014, the new draft Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan (YGIP) in Greece has progressed largely from previous plans that were developed and implemented in that the current plan focuses on making actual progress in policy implementation management. The key stakeholders that are involved were also involved in the design and development of the plan, which adds to its potential effectiveness. The YGIP aims to ensure that “within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education all young people up to the age of 25 receive a high-quality offer for a job, an apprenticeship or a traineeship.” The YGIP focuses on restructuring the Manpower Employment Organisation in Greece (OAED) and to establish programmes for youth (training, subsidy, and apprenticeship). It focuses on providing youth with better opportunities to the labour market and strives to make procedures in place more efficient and effective.

3.1.3. Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Portugal In the current context of the Portuguese economy and changing labour market, entrepreneurship, whilst development of self-employment and/or creation of new businesses, takes on added importance to answer some of the term and structural challenges that defy the Portuguese employment system, especially those related to job creation and the prevention and combating unemployment. The emergence of an entrepreneurial economy is a fact not only cultural and psychological but also economic and technological. To achieve this, it is necessary to stimulate new values and attitudes at an individual level and, therefore, entrepreneurship, besides creating organizations, emerges as a core competency for the learning process throughout life. The promotion of an entrepreneurial culture in terms of youth development, from the most elementary stages of compulsory education, is a key part of the effort made by Portugal. Thus, at the current level of the YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


education system, entrepreneurship represents a fundamental interface between education/training/insertion in the labour market, which should allow for a harmonious fit between the educational and economic systems. Currently, and in general, the Portuguese society is aware that school should promote an entrepreneurial attitude among young people, and that attitude is seen as crucial for the education of new generations and the sustainable development of Portugal. The development of an education for an entrepreneurial mind can only be achieved through the promotion by the authorities responsible for education, and that requires an open mind to new ways of working and a new attitude. Eurobarometer on Entrepreneurship (2012) shows that nearly half of the respondents (49%) in Portugal said that - if they could choose between different kinds of work they would prefer to be self-employed rather than employed by others. This is relatively high compared with the 37% expressing a preference for self-employment at EU level. Currently, a major program was implemented by the Portuguese Government to promote youth employment: Movement for Employment. This is a synergies generator movement between IEFP (Institute for Employment and Vocational Training), the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and COTEC Portugal, in order to provide young unemployed with tertiary qualification work experience through internships in a broad universe of companies. It was launched in May 2013 and is to mobilize the largest possible number of companies, public organizations and the social economy to, in the framework of its mission and public responsibility, provide during the biennium 20132014 at least 5 000 internships in work context to young unemployed with higher-level qualification, graduates, teachers or doctors, under the measures of “Impulso Jovem”.

3.1.4. Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Spain With greater or lesser extent, almost all advanced countries and certainly all EU countries have assumed the need to support business development and entrepreneurship. Spain has joined this political and economic action promoting entrepreneurship in different areas for local, educational, labour, and industrial development. In the educational field, since the Lisbon European Council 2000, Spain has the commitment to promote entrepreneurship within the education system. Both the Organic Law for the Quality of Education (LOCE) of 2002, and the Organic Law of Education (LOE) 2006 which replaced the previous one, include among its purposes and objectives entrepreneurship training, understood as a core competency, together with the initiative and creativity students should develop throughout the educational process7.


Emprendimiento económico y social en España.Guía de recursos para jóvenes emprendedores/as. INJUVE Catálogo General de Publicaciones Oficiales. YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


The main objectives of the Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment Strategy 20132016 designed by the government of Spain are to improve youth employability, increase the quality and stability of jobs, promote equal opportunities of access to the labour market, and foster the entrepreneurship spirit. Key actions: to encourage recruitment and entrepreneurship initiative among young people, adequacy of education and training to the current labour market needs, and reduce school dropout rate. In Spain there are numerous programs, education centres, online portals, and organizations focused on youth employment policies, creating innovative business management training programs and, encouraging youth entrepreneurship initiative and innovation, raising their awareness about its importance for strengthening the business sector and for the creation of employment. Most of the above described organizations private and public are coordinated locally in each of the 17 Autonomous Communities that made up Spain. The public centres and associations are under the Regional Government of each Autonomous Community more specifically within the Local Youth Directorates. (For more details about several of these programmes please see Annex 4)

3.2. Description of National qualification framework (NQF), in comparison with EQF The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a common European reference system which is linking different countries’ national qualifications systems (NQF) and frameworks together. In practice, it works as a translation device making qualifications more readable. It will help learners/workers and workers wishing to move between countries or change jobs or move between VET. As an instrument for the promotion of lifelong learning, the EQF encompasses general and adult education vocational education and training as well as higher education. The eight levels cover the entire span of qualifications from those achieved at the end of compulsory education to those awarded at the highest level of academic and professional or vocational education and training. Each level should in principle be attainable by way of a variety of education and career paths. The primary users of the EQF will be authorities in charge of national and/or sectorial qualification systems and frameworks. Once they have related their respective systems to the EQF, the EQF will help individuals, employers and education and training providers compare individual qualifications from different countries and education and training systems. A National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is a system, which includes definitions and approaches that are closest to countries' societal, cultural and economic realities, and in which degrees are given which are recognized by both national and international stakeholders and are also reachable and comparable. The general framework of EQF is mirrored in the next table: YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


EQF Levels


Level 1

2nd Cycle of Basic Education

Level 2

3rd Cycle of Basic Education (obtained in the traditional way or in double certification paths)

Level 3

Secondary Education (to proceed to University level)

Level 4

Secondary Education obtained by double certification paths or Secondary Education to proceed to University level with a professional internship (minimum 6 months).

Level 5

Post-Secondary Qualification

Level 6

University Degree

Level 7

Master Degree

Level 8

Doctor Degree (PhD)

Portugal shares exactly the same framework (NQF=EQF), and Turkey is planning to do the same. The Hellenic Qualifications Framework (HQF) aims to create a clear and comprehensive system for the classification of qualifications that are acquired through formal, non-formal and information education and learning in Greece. The framework is still being designed and developed. However, the HQF will allow, as does the EQF, for the comparison of qualifications between sectors and individuals throughout Greece and throughout other EU countries. The Hellenic Qualifications Framework is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, which coordinates all involved parties. The institution that is responsible for the referencing of the HQF to the EQF is the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (E.O.P.P.E.P). The general structure of the Hellenic Qualifications Framework has been developed to ensure that it is well designed and can be easily put into place. There are eight (8) levels, as in the EQF, which cover a large range of qualifications, from compulsory education to higher education. Each level is defined by the necessary knowledge, skills

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


and competencies and the learning outcomes linked to each level. These eight levels are provided below in a very basic form, as they are still being developed and finalized. In Spain qualifications are covered by an eight-level framework. There are 8 level descriptors defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence that have been inspired by the EQF level descriptors, but adopted to suit Spanish national context. The four highest levels will be compatible with the Spanish QF for HE8. VET corresponds to the middle EQF levels 4th and 5th. “The Ministry of Education has established the national core curricula for the various levels of education: primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education and vocational training. They are determined by the central government. The core curricula determine the general objectives for each stage of education, as well as, specific objectives for each area or subject. The core curricula also establish the content and evaluation criteria for each area”9. The development of Spain’s National Qualification Framework (NQF) is overall based on various acts and decrees, defining and regulating different education and training subsystems, including: a. Non-university formal education qualifications. b. Higher education qualifications (Universities). c. Professional competences: (recognition of professional competences acquired through professional experience)10. Currently Spain NQF is two folded first it was established the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) referring to all qualifications obtained within the higher education system, therefore, it only refers to formal education. Furthermore, the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (MECU) is being implemented. The MECU refers to all learning contexts, that is, it covers formal learning (taking into account all levels of the education system) as well as informal learning11. The Spanish Qualifications Framework (MECU), structured in 2012, “is an instrument to promote and improve all citizens’ access to lifelong learning and their participation in it, as well as the recognition and use of qualifications at national and European levels. Is an internationally accepted structure to organize learning levels, from the most basic to the most complex learning. The MECU facilitates comparison of the qualifications


CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). 9

CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). 10

Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” 11

MECU YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


recognized in Spain with those in the rest of Europe by means of the European Qualifications Framework EQF.”12 (Please see Annex 4 for further detail)


Description of ECVET system

The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) technical framework will allow the transfer, recognition and where appropriate, accumulation of individuals’ learning outcomes with a view to achieving a qualification. In this sense, in ECVET, an individual’s learning outcomes are assessed and validated in order to transfer credits from one qualification system to another or from one learning pathway to another. According to this approach, learners can accumulate the required learning outcomes for a given qualification over time, in different countries or in different situations. The system also allows the possibility to develop common references for VET qualifications and is fully compatible with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System for higher education (ECTS). ECVET tools and methodology comprise the description of qualifications in terms of units of learning outcomes with associated points, a transfer and accumulation process and complementary documents such as Learning Agreements, transcripts of records and users’ guides. In Turkey, ECVET is considered as a tool for supporting mutual trust in the field of qualifications and for increasing transparency. It would thereby enable knowledge, skills and competences acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to be accumulated, transferred and recognized. The adoption of ECVET principles in Turkey however, is a relatively new area of interest within the Turkish VET reform. The development process started about two years ago and it is still ongoing. Turkey has not only been working on ECVET at a national level but also participating and contributing to studies that take place in a broader EU context. Despite being a new concept, the development of ECVET in Turkey has already reached some technical milestones. Turkey is committed to developing an ECVET system under the lifelong learning approach. This commitment was officially declared in an international meeting concerning ECVET on 28th March 2007 in Ankara. The Educational Research and Development Directorate (ERDD) of MoNE is the unit responsible for the development of ECVET in Turkey. The basic elements of the ECVET approach specific to the Turkish VET context are:


Learning outcomes are credited based on total learning time.

Learning outcomes which lead to qualifications of similar scope, content, complexity and duration are allocated the same amount of credits.

MECU YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Learning outcomes gained through one-to-one learning of up to 20 hours are equivalent to 1 ECVET credit.

One full educational year of VET education is equivalent to 60 credits.

240 credits can be gained upon completion of 4 years of secondary formal VET education.

One of the Key actors of ECVET in Turkey is MYK (Vocational Qualification Institution), which is responsible for the establishment of National Vocational Qualification System compatible to EU. MYK performs its duties in cooperation with Ministry of National Education, Higher Education Council, Employees and Employers ‘Organizations and other related institutions. In the context of the basic tasks of MYK, determination of professional standards is a priority. Occupational standards is the basis for creating training and education programs according to the requirements of the labour market, determining individuals' ability to perform skills in the professions. The other key actor is MoNE (Ministry of National Education), who performs (coordinates and carries out) studies of ECVET within a consultation process. The Main Responsibilities of MoNE are:  To ensure the validity of certificates taken from Vocational and technical training schools / institutions of the document and internationally  To enable reflexion of The European Qualifications Framework and European Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education to Turkish Vet system  To credit Each of the modules according to the weight in occupational levels  The people graduated from Vocational and technical education in all levels or graduated from any levels should be evaluated based on their qualifications and certified The ECVET system in Greece is still at a very initial stage. Even though policy makers and decision-makers agree to the added value of ECVET (mobility, transparency of qualifications etc.), the implementation of such a system is still lacking. There is a lack of communication with stakeholders and the public even though Law 3879/2010 on Lifelong learning foresees the establishment of ECVET (Cedefop, 2013). The Ministry of Education and Religions, Culture and Sports is in charge of ECVET developments through EOPPEP, which is the NCP for Greece. ECVET in Portugal is coordinated by the National Agency for Qualification and Professional Education (ANQEP), which is regulated by the Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Education. The implementation of ECVET is done by the cooperation of several and different institutions, designated “Competent Bodies” i.e., entities responsible for designing and awarding qualifications, for recognizing the units of learning outcomes or other functions linked to the ECVET system. The main ECVET actors in Portugal are: • Public or private entities that have a regulatory function for education and training systems, such as National Agency for Qualification and Vocational, Education and Training (ANQEP) and National Bodies for the Employment and Labour Relations – (DGERT); YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


• Public VET authorities, accreditation, certification or qualification bodies, bodies responsible for recognition; • Public or private entities that provide VET such as: networks of vocational education institutes, VET centers, intercompany training centers, etc. In line with the approval by the European Parliament and the Council, the ECVET is still in implementation in Portugal. Portugal has closely followed the trend of the European context and the qualification systems have come to adopt the approach based on learning outcomes, through the implementation of national qualifications frameworks. Although there is no consensus about the interpretation and description of learning outcome, all instruments and tools developed in this sense, like the EQF, are based on this approach. For the ECVET implementation, the qualifications must be organized into clearly identified and described units of learning outcomes and take into account the effective needs of the labour market, in order to allow a reciprocal understanding of qualifications. For that, the first step is the promotion and understanding of ECVET among all the actors in VET process and for this, the National Catalogue of Qualifications (NCQ) identifying for each qualification the learning units based in learning outcomes. The ECVET system in Portugal is linked with the recognition of previous learning on formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts and for that reason is a motor of mobility in order to promote the actively searching of VET. Several actors in VET have given new contributions for the effective implementation of ECVET, in line with the main stakeholders and national bodies, like ISQ. These contributions should be developed and implemented gradually on a voluntary basis without any legal obligation, since it does not have a regulatory mission. Currently It's happening a change of paradigm in terms of training modules for learning units, based on learning outcomes. In this context, a methodological guide is in preparation for the new construction of these units of learning outcomes and consequent attribution of ECVET credits. When presenting the current situation in Spain on any aspect regarding education and / or vocational training it is important to note the characteristics of the political structure of the Spanish state, where the Autonomous Communities have 40% of decision making responsibilities on education related matters. Therefore, it is possible to find some differences in the application or development status of the national legislation in each Autonomous Community. Spain is undergoing a process of modernization and improvement, aiming to achieve a coherent and integrated framework for Vocational Education and Training that includes the unit of competency as a common reference for training courses and accreditation of acquired learning outcomes, the quality assessment and effectiveness of training, coordination between state government, with the participation of the YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


social partners and employers, while incorporating a European dimension of training. Already several legislative initiatives have been developed with the involvement of the State Administration, through the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour, state government and the social partners. The alignment system ECVET is currently being studied and its implementation on a voluntary basis for the countries of the European Union is scheduled for 2014. In Spain, vocational education and training, framed within the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (CNCP), is consistent with the philosophy of the European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), as the vocational training system is based on modular learning programs. Initial VET certifications and titles in the education system are of 2,000 hours and focus on learning outcomes and allow the acquisition of professional competences according to the standards established to respond to the needs of the productive sector. All diplomas support the acquisition and improvement of professional, personal and social skills. The new system for recognition of acquired skills through professional experience establishes partial evaluation and accreditation of competency units of qualifications included in vocational training diplomas or professional certificates. Thus, accredited competency units may lead to the recognition or exemption from corresponding training modules included in any of the vocational training or professional certificates.



To further reinforce the importance of entrepreneurship education, the European Commission presented in January 2013 a plan of action called “ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2020”, whose purpose is to regulate the action line of the member countries to "relaunch entrepreneurship in Europe' . One of the goals presented undergoes to include teaching and entrepreneurship practice in school programs (young people should have at least one practical experience of entrepreneurship before finishing secondary education). In the document we can read "Investing in entrepreneurship education is one of the highest return Investments Europe can make" Therefore, the European guidelines for the promotion of entrepreneurship happens in schools are evident. In 2001, the "Education report to the European Council” considered the Education for Entrepreneurship as a key area of structural intervention. In 2005, the European Commission's strategy reinforced the importance to strengthen "Learning Key Competences for Lifelong Learning" (EC, 2005), which recognized the education and training for entrepreneurship as key drivers for economic and cultural development across Europe.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


3.4.1. Turkey The influence of entrepreneurship on economic growth and innovation has led to many activities in this field and entrepreneurship support of various institutions. In this respect, public administrations such as KOSGEB, İŞKUR, Ministry of Industry and Trade, and various non-governmental organizations provide support in the area of entrepreneurship. In addition small loan mechanisms such as micro-loan become widespread. Moreover, venture capital and business angels network are getting more effective in Turkey, just like in the entire world. Also, Turkish Union of Chambers and Exchange Commodities (TOBB) runs various activities in order to support entrepreneurship. The Woman Entrepreneurs Board is established under the TOBB. The Board develops general policies for woman entrepreneurs and contributes to formation of opinions. The Board consists of women entrepreneurs from various sectors and representatives of the Youth for Habitat Association, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Directorate General on the Status of Women and the KOSGEB. Also, TOBB established the TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Board in order to support youth entrepreneurship at national and local level. You can find more details about Entrepreneurship programmes in Annex 1.

3.4.2. Greece Training programmes have been put in place over the years for youth as a means to combat the severe economic crisis, to make Greece a more competitive economy and to provide youth with the opportunity to social and economic inclusion in Greece and throughout the EU. However, entrepreneurship education is still at a very initial stage. Although the Ministry of Education is promoting entrepreneurship education, most institutions have not yet implemented such programmes and discussions are still underway. Nonetheless, a programme for the development of professional experience has been put in place, where youth, through apprenticeship programmes, are trained in a specific sector by “working” for a business. This programme is known as Mathiteia4u. In addition, in 2010 the Greece Chamber of Commerce became the second chamber of commerce in the country that is offering a programme in youth entrepreneurship. The Young Entrepreneurs Academcy (YEA!) was developed to offer intensive entrepreneurship training programmes to high school students and to guide them on how to start and run a business.

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3.4.3. Portugal The Portuguese regular education system has proved insufficient in promoting the entrepreneurial culture among students of primary and secondary education, although, in higher education, has been gaining some positive expression. The introduction of vocational courses in secondary schools arises from the DecreeLaw N. º 74/2004 of 26 March, for the reconfiguration of the education system, improving school performance and greater diversification of educational provision, thereby responding to expectations of differentiated school target publics and promoting greater equality of opportunities. It is considerate an educational answer targeted to the integration in the labour market, and its completion allows a professional qualification, generally of level IV and a 12th grade diploma with possibility of entering in higher education system, by meeting the requirements. In Portugal the training offer in entrepreneurship is provided mainly by two different organisms: Private Training Enterprises - offering professional courses in the area, in some cases giving a professional qualification of level 3, 4 or 5; and Higher Education Institutes - leading to a graduation, master or doctor degree in the entrepreneurial field. Most of the entrepreneurship courses are offered by universities and polytechnics. In fact, the vocational training courses offer for young people in the field of entrepreneurship is still scarce, being more frequent, on the other hand, the existence of some specific modules integrated in training curriculums. You can find some of the most common ways of getting training and education in entrepreneurship in Portugal in Annex 3.

3.4.4. Spain Spain does not have a comprehensive system to validate non-formal learning. However, there are ways to validate it within higher education and now regarding professional qualifications. The most significant developments took place with the approval of Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July, for the recognition of skills acquired through work experience. The decree regulates the procedures for accreditation of skills acquired through formal or non-formal learning and work experience. The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications is used as a standard for recognizing non-formal learning, as well as official diplomas of vocational training13. The most important professional qualifications of the Spanish productive system, including the vocational education and training (VET) contents corresponding to each qualification are listed in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (CNCP). This document is an instrument of the National System for Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training (SNCFP), to list Professional Qualifications according 13

Necesidades laborales, perfiles profesionales y competencias. Unificación de Criterios:Competencias, habilidades y Conocimientos en el Marco de Cualificación Europeo. NEPCO LLL program 2013 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


to the appropriate competences for the Professional exercise. Among the CNCP main objectives are to integrate the existing programmes on vocational education and training in order to adapt them to the characteristics and demands of the Spanish productive system. The National Institute of Qualifications (INCUAL) created by Royal Decree 375/1999 of 5th March, under the Ministry of Education and dependent of the Directorate General of Vocational Training and its General Council, is responsible for defining, drawing up and updating the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (CNCP) and the corresponding Modular Catalogue of Vocational Education and Training. The Catalogue methodology is based on the methodological guidelines approved by the General Council of Vocational Education and Training, in May 2003. The Council is the advisory body of the Spanish Government on vocational education and training. It is organized on a tripartite basis with representation of the central and regional Administration, the employers’ organizations and the trade unions. Spain’s National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications identifies the most significant qualifications in the various production sectors and should be included in the professional training programs in the educational and/or labour area. To date a total of 644 qualifications have been published. They are grouped in 26 professional sectors14. Entrepreneurship training, regardless age or target group specification, is included in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications within the professional sector or family of Administration & Management defined as “Creation and management of Microenterprises” (Creación y Gestión de Microempresas). Details regarding this entrepreneurship formally recognized training are included in Annex 4.


Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


4. EUROPEAN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER IMPLEMENTATION The European profile for a young entrepreneur, which was developed under the Leonardo-daVinci Transfer of Innovation project YES “Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills” is intended to be applied in the project countries but also beyond. The piloting activities in the five countries Turkey, Greece, Portugal and Spain had shown that there is a great interest for the YES project and its products and this feedback can be found in the Guidelines on ePROF and ePACK as an integrative solution. In the development of the profile there were inputs from all project partner countries (Turkey, Greece, Portugal and Spain) which represent a range of Europe countries from the geographical perspective from the south. We believe that in the future EQF and the ECVET profiles will play an important role on open labour market in Europe. Furthermore, the ECVET profile for a young entrepreneur with its common European approach offers the opportunity to be adapted to a national context. This was successfully done for the project partners in a first step. No major obstacles were faced – this fact may encourage other institutions from countries beyond the project consortium to transfer not only other project products but also to adapt the ECVET European profile to a tailor-made national one.

5. CONCLUSIONS In general, we think this document can help to take the necessary next steps in partner countries and other countries to further implement the YES PACK and promote mobility and recognition of prior learning, thus contributing to harmonize the qualification systems and also to give more transparency to the qualification processes. We can also conclude that: -

The YES Curriculum and Profile are a huge step on the ECVET process since it’s defined in terms of learning outcomes, which allows the match to the national qualification frameworks and an easy comparison all over Europe.


This system can also help Europe to deal with the training and labour issues that can come from the migrants, internships or people coming from different certification systems or qualification demands.


It is very important to assure a strong country adaptation of internal laws and regulatory systems related to finances and taxation.

We can go deeper on each partner conclusions regarding the matters presented here: YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




Lack of access to financial resources, lack of knowledge and inadequacy of consultancy services are some of the important problems experienced by entrepreneurs in Turkey. Consultancy services must be developed for prospective entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient knowledge in this area. Accordingly, business owners should also receive consultancy service as part of general entrepreneurship strategies. The entrepreneurship supports must be measured and assessed by going beyond providing financial resources only. If entrepreneurs are supported by business owners who experienced similar things in the past, this will be a contribution to their success. The most fundamental problems in entrepreneurship are difficulties in finding financial resources and lack of training and knowledge in various areas, such as marketing and management. Therefore, solution proposals and strategies must focus on these areas. Individuals who want to establish a new business must be supported on how they will receive consultancy support in both formal and non-formal education. Better promotion of financial supports in the field of entrepreneurship and opening entrepreneurship centres to guide entrepreneurs will contribute to the development of youth entrepreneurship in Turkey.



It is apparent that the framework for entrepreneurship education and the development of the HQF and ECVET system in Greece is still at a very initial stage. Even though the basic argumentation is present and the added value of the aforementioned have been agreed upon, actions have not yet been implemented to put these systems into place. The severe economic crisis in Greece calls for reform and radical action to take place, to empower youth and to invest in entrepreneurship. As a result, it is necessary for policy makers, decision-makers and stakeholders to take on concrete actions to combat the acute unemployment rates, to increase competitiveness and productivity of the Greek economy and to invest in its youth. The next years will largely determine the future of Greece and its youth. Therefore, it is of great significance that the YGIP action plan is implemented and that more training programmes and inclusion programmes are developed to ensure for the social and economic inclusion of Greece’s youth both in Greece but in the wider European Union. Finally, it is apparent that Greece is highly lagging behind in the development of its national qualifications framework (HQF) and the ECVET as presented above. Other EU countries have shown great progress and development over the years and have already put into place their own national qualifications framework, promoting mobility, transparency and transfer of qualifications. It is, therefore, pertinent that Greece follows in their footsteps and takes on similar initiatives and actions.



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In a changing world, in which it is anticipated a growth of sectors associated with knowledge, information and creativity, the search for flexible individuals with the capacity for abstraction, analysis and creativity is increasingly demanding. Are schools, VET systems and higher institutions preparing young people for this reality? Are students aware that will need to be professionals able to contribute to the personal/professional growth in a business environment of fierce competition? An important indicator to evaluate the work of education and training systems in this area is to analyze how is the transition of young people in general, to the labour market. It appears that they are “lost in transition”. Without significant professional experience and perhaps without the sufficient information of the current demands of the employability paradigm, the search of the first job is increasingly taken a long time. This situation is leading young people to a long term unemployment situation, gradually worsening the difficulties of (re)integration in the market work, pushing them to a possible situation of social exclusion situation. The promotion of entrepreneurship is one of the national priorities to face this problem, aiming to create more employment opportunities for young people. In this sense, the educational and training agents are increasingly adopting measures to support entrepreneurship education in the school system from an early stage, because after all "you not born entrepreneur, you learn to be one". In terms of vocational education and training, the offers are still below expectations and most professional training courses existing in this area are short-term courses, with an associated cost and are designed to a certain qualified target audience (for e.g. leaders, CEOs, managers). What happens in the training plans designed for young people, there are some modules related to the thematic. On the other hand, in higher education system, the concept is more consolidated and it is integral part of most of the courses curricula. Form the desk research carried out, we identified several universities with bachelors, masters and doctoral paths dedicated to entrepreneurial issues. In sum, we can only say that it is important to promote more training opportunities that enables and encourages the national training systems to act in order to promote a better understanding and contribute for the implementation of entrepreneurial spirit among youngsters. Face to the labour market demands, and structural crises in Portuguese employment situation, vocational education and training should be mainly focused in training to employability and not so much in train for employment.



Entrepreneurship promotion is one of the priorities of Spain social and economic agenda. Given the current social and economic national context, self-employment and entrepreneurship are particularly important, especially for young people as it offers them the opportunity to start professional projects that allow them to develop their skills and start working life. Spain has developed a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for lifelong learning (the Spanish Qualifications Framework MECU) based on learning outcomes. The framework links and coordinates different education and training subsystems. It also includes qualifications YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


obtained through mandatory and higher education and postsecondary education (university and higher vocational training) and integrates the process of validation of informal learning and non-formal. One of the key objectives in Spain education national framework is to achieve a comprehensive system of vocational education and training, qualifications and accreditation which responds effectively to the social and economic demands and most important to the labour market needs at European level, a system encouraging lifelong learning. VET appears as a key instrument and strategy to meet the new social and economic needs and demands, while increasing business competitiveness and improving people employability. In this sense, within the national framework, a new vocational training model has been established in response to the necessary alignment between training and employment. The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications identifies the most significant qualifications in the various production sectors and should be included in the professional training programs in the educational and/or labour area. At this stage the goal pending to be fully achieved is to update the mentioned training model on a regular basis adding flexibility to it and making it transversal, so the competences and learning outcomes acquired through it can be widely recognized at European level, therefore contributing to the creation of a European workforce that is mobile and flexible. Furthermore, it is necessary to align the professional qualifications acquired in Spain with the system of European Credits Vocational Education Transfer (ECVET). Whereas Spanish higher education/university qualifications have already been aligned with the European credit system ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) since 2003, vocational education and training still remains pending to be aligned with the ECVET.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Turkey When we look at Turkey’s growth figures in recent years, no healthy and sustainable decrease has been achieved in Youth unemployment rates. Education plays an important role in preventing Youth unemployment. In this respect, the participants received 48 total hours of training face-to-face in areas of Entrepreneurship, Setting up Business and Development of Business Plan and on e-Learning system in areas of Risk Management, Business Law, Marketing, Economy and Finance, Firm Management and Taxation, through the co-education support of e-Learning system which was created as part of the project YES in İstanbul, Turkey, under the coordination of BAU-METGEM. In order to support participants, who learnt entrepreneurship activities through this training, in finding grants and the ways to use such grants for them, the KOSGEB training is integrated into this training with the assistance of Bahçeşehir University to make sure the training offers a wider perspective. This research includes general information on facilities that are available in Turkey in entrepreneurship supports and trainings for young people and trainers. Also, after the entrepreneurship in Turkey is examined, the European Qualifications Framework and the National Qualifications Framework are covered and 8 levels are described for young people and trainers. Moreover, detailed information is provided on the development of ECVET in Turkey for the youth and stakeholders of vocational training. Furthermore, detailed content is given on Entrepreneurship Training for trainers who are willing to give new trainings on entrepreneurship in following periods.

Some support iniciatives to youth entrepreneurship: TECHNO-INITIATIVE CAPITAL SUPPORT PROGRAM PROVIDED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY The Techno-Initiative Capital Support Program includes supporting, monitoring, concluding and assessment of the result of, the capacity of highly educated and qualified young people to turn their technology and innovation oriented business ideas into initiatives with a high potential to create added value and quality employment.15 Students who have 1 year left to graduate from an undergraduate program of any university, graduate students or doctoral students or those who received bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or PhD at least 5 years before the pre-application date are eligible to apply to the program. The entrepreneur has to document the foregoing educational status during the application. For details, the documents “Application Procedures and Principles” and “Guideline for Pre-Application and Development of Business Plan” must be examined.16 You can apply to the program using e-government password on R&D web portal at Information on application and evaluation processes, documents related to educational status, expenses covered and not covered under the support are given in the documents “Application Procedures and Principles” and “Guideline for Pre-Application and Development of


16 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Business Plan”. Application dates are announced on the website of Ministry. You can apply to the program once a year between October 1st and November 1st.

Until 2023, the term of program is as follows: 2009-2010 TRY 10 million, 100 people at maximum 2011-2023 TRY 50 million, 500 people at maximum The highest amount of support which is applied to the expenses of business ideas that are decided to be supported is TRY 100.000,00 and it is provided as a grant without security. 17

ENTREPRENEURSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PROVIDED BY TÜBİTAK The entrepreneurship support programs provided by TÜBİTAK are as follows: 1512 - Entrepreneurship Support Program in Stages The program aims to support individual entrepreneurs to transform their technology and innovation focused business ideas into enterprises and innovative products throughout the process from idea to market. Graduates from an undergraduate program of any university offering formal education, students enrolled in a master’s or PhD program or graduates from a master’s or PhD program are eligible to apply to this program. Stages of the program are as follows: 1st Stage: From business idea to business plan. 2nd Stage: Start-up and Technological Justification: Application for business plan, evaluation of business plans by the panel and respective committees. Evaluation has three aspects: a. Technological level and innovative aspect of business plan b. Suitability and feasibility of business plan c. Commercialization potential of business plan 3rd Stage: TÜBİTAK 1507 - Support Program: The enterprise is expected to develop the outputs of the 2nd stage more through R&D activities and present a product/process which can be commercialized or put into practice. Enterprises that complete the techno-initiative program or 2nd stage of the program no. 1512 may receive a support of TRY 550.000 with 75% grant. Commercial prototype of the product will be prepared accordingly. 4th Stage: Commercialization.18

17 U%20(3).pdf YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2238 - University Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness Competition Program The purpose of the program is to organize business idea and business plan contests in areas of entrepreneurship and innovation at university level.19 

Contributing to raising a generation placed at the center of innovation and entrepreneurship process and increasing awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation by ensuring that university students have a innovation based thinking ability, Providing support for associate degree, undergraduate and graduate students who have innovative ideas in various areas in order to create an environment for them to put their ideas into practice. RANKING



TRY 10.000


TRY 7.500


TRY 5.000

2239 - Support Program for Education and Research Activities in Entrepreneurship and Innovation The purpose of this program is offer support of participation in foreign training programs in areas of entrepreneurship and innovation for the candidates who are recommended after passing the elimination which will be held by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology from among the winners of Techno-Initiative Capital Support. Participants must meet the following conditions for applying to this program:   

Being a citizen of Turkey, Not benefiting from this program in the past, Passing the elimination held by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology from among the winners of Techno-Initiative Capital Support and being recommended as a result.

Those who are supported under the program may be given assistance for their travel costs, daily/monthly living expenses and registration fees. 18

19 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Applications will be made on and a printout of the form generated by the system in PDF format will be signed and delivered in person or by courier to the address TÜBİTAK Tunus Cad. No. 80, Kavaklıdere – ANKARA. 20

1514 – Venture Capital Funding Program (GİSDEP) The Venture Capital Funding Program no. 1514 aims to utilize the Venture Capital Funds to meet financial needs at the seed, start-up, or development stage of SME companies with a potential to develop and produce innovative products, processes, information, or technology that can provide added value to the country’s economy. The Funding Program is intended to make a contribution to the creation of a venture capital ecosystem by encouraging the establishment of new funds that will provide capital to technology and innovation focused SME companies in the country and Fund Managers that will manage these Funds. Eligible applicants are Fund Managers/Prospective Fund Managers that have or will set up Venture Capital Funds.21 1601 - Support Program to Increase Capacity in Innovation and Entrepreneurship This program will provide support for Technology Transfer Offices which have been and/or will be established at universities under the call “Providing and Implementation of Preparation, Start-up and Capacity Increase for Technology Transfer Offices”. The term of support is 2 years and a maximum of 10 universities will be supported under this call. For the success of activities of Technology Transfer Offices, having necessary knowledge and practical experience is very important. With its new call no. 1601, TÜBİTAK supports the transfer of experience of previously supported Technology Transfer Offices to new candidates. By doing so, it is intended to increase the quality prospective Technology Transfer Offices that do not have basic experience and knowledge, through joint trainings and activities they’ll run with Guiding Technology Transfer Offices. The projects will last for 2 years and their budgets will be TRY 1.000.000 at most. 80% of the budget will be supported by TÜBİTAK as a grant.22 ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAININGS GIVEN BY ISKUR İŞKUR’s Entrepreneurship Training Programs are implemented to help unemployed people registered to İŞKUR to establish and develop their own businesses. Under the entrepreneurship programs, basic level entrepreneurship trainings are conducted within the framework of the principles specified in the “Applied Entrepreneurship Training (UGE) Cooperation 20


22 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Protocol” between “Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization” (KOSGEB) and Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR). At the end of the training program, attendants are awarded Applied Entrepreneurship Training Attendance Certificate. This certificate is a document to be used for application to KOSGEB New Entrepreneur Support. Duration of basic level entrepreneurship training is 60 hours, consisting of in-class training and workshops. The conditions for benefiting the entrepreneurship program are as follows:    

Being registered to the Agency, Being 18 or older, Not having attended the entrepreneurship training organized by the Agency before, Receiving positive opinion by benefiting the business and professional consultancy service.

Accordingly, the program also offers entrepreneurship trainings for those who are registered to the Agency and want to develop their businesses. Also, those who are engaged in agricultural activity, have voluntary insurance and receive social benefit, disabled pension and survivor's pension may benefit from the program. Applications should be made anytime to Provincial Directorates of İŞKUR and its service centers in 81 provinces and positive opinion should be received from the business and professional consultant.23

STARTUPBOOTCAMP IN ISTANBUL, TURKEY ‘Startupbootcamp’, the biggest startup accelerator with programs in six different locations of the world, started its first program at Beşiktaş Campus of Bahçeşehir University, as the center of Turkey, Middle East and North Africa. Preparing the current entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region for the future and offering an innovative accelerator program for potential entrepreneurs with the cooperation of Bahçeşehir University, Startupbootcamp has offered a total funding of 14 million Euros for over 80 entrepreneurs at its accelerator programs with the participation of 130 entrepreneurs until today, and total value of these businesses reached over 90 million Euros. Startupbootcamp follows a very strict and multi-stage election system to choose the entrepreneurs, and selected entrepreneurs receive a 3-month acceleration program. It invests 15.000 Euros in entrepreneurs and gives them an area to work. Participants receive intense support in the development of idea in the first month, development of beta version in the second, and sales in the third. As a result, entrepreneurs present their projects to investors.24



YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


NEW ENTREPRENEUR SUPPORT BY KOSGEB The program aims the following: 

Supporting entrepreneurship

Spreading entrepreneurship

Establishment of successful businesses

Support Items25 are as follows:



Company Establishment Support (Start up Expenses)



Region 1 (İstanbul)

Machinery, Machinery, equipment, Software and Hardware Support for 15.000 Startup Period Operational Expenses Support



70% if entrepreneur is woman or disabled


As part of our new support system, we offer a separate entrepreneurship support program for entrepreneurs who want to establish their own business and have a certain knowledge and experience but no sufficient capital to do that, in order to create small businesses focusing especially on production in areas where self-financing is possible with a small amount of capital. Accordingly, KOSGEB, in cooperation with various institutions and agencies, offers “Applied Entrepreneurship Trainings” for all groups, including women, youngsters, the disabled and especially jobseekers, to ensure the entrepreneurship culture becomes widespread and successful and long-term businesses are established. KOSGEB’s Applied Entrepreneurship Trainings are offered in order to ensure that those who want to establish their own businesses are aware of certain basic concepts and informed on main elements of a business plan. Trainings conducted under many programs in the world are offered with a similar content and duration. The availability of adding support modules based on various needs of participants makes the content of training flexible. A feature of entrepreneurship trainings is that common information is taught as required by new businesses regardless of their sector of business line. Entrepreneurs are expected to reflect researches, forecasts and evaluations specific to their area on the business plan in the light of such common information (by receiving consultancy as needed). Trainings consist of 60-hour basic modules at international level and practical workshops. It is considered that the duration of training is sufficient.26 25 26 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



Theory Practice Laboratory Semester Credits ECTS (hour) (hour) (hour)

Medium of Instruction

Type: (Compulsory / Elective)





Admission Requirements (Prerequisites)









Attendance Requirement

Course Content

The role of initiatives and entrepreneurs is highly important in the development of a country. Accordingly, Applied Entrepreneurship Course aims to make sure the students who want to establish their own business exhibit personal characteristics that are required for being an entrepreneur, acquire necessary knowledge and skills and gain these qualifications practically. This course is equivalent to the Applied Entrepreneurship Training held under the Entrepreneurship Support Program which is organized under the KOSGEB’s Support Program Regulation. Students who pass the course successfully will receive Applied Entrepreneurship Training Participation Certificate. With this certificate, students will be able to receive support from KOSGEB for the businesses they want to establish.

Learning Outcomes

In this course, students are given theoretical information on entrepreneurship and business establishment activities, the processes of developing a business plan and establishing a business are addressed based on the experience of entrepreneurs, and it is aimed to examine the concept of entrepreneurship, which is an economic, legal, financial, psychological,


YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


social and cultural event, and support creative thinking.

Method of Teaching

Providing theoretical information on entrepreneurship and development of business plan, examination of successful business models, and development and presentation of business plan.








Course Hours




Study Hours Out of Class







Assignments Presentation Midterms (including Preparation Period) Project Clinical Practice Laboratory Field World

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Other Practices Finals (including Preparation Period) 1



Quizzes Term Paper/Project Portfolio Reports Learning Logs Thesis/Project Seminar Other Credit Workload


Credit Workload / 25


ECTS Credit


Week Theoretical Topics of the Course


Entrepreneur, entrepreneurships, and relevant basic concepts Basics of entrepreneurial thinking, Testing of entrepreneurial personality

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Entrepreneurship process Developing business idea and creativity Creative problem solving techniques Innovation


Business plan concept and business plan elements (market research) Market research by using primary and secondary sources, identification of customers, current and future needs


Business plan concept and business plan elements (market research) Examination of marketing mix under the marketing plan (product, price, place, promotion)


Business plan concept and business plan elements (production (manufacturing/service) plan) Production planning


Business plan concept and business plan elements (management plan) Adaptation to business plan based on the functions of management Human Resources Management


Business plan concept and business plan elements (financial plan) Resourcing, investment planning, development of financial statements and elements of financial management Accounting (budget and cash flow)


Workshop on market research and marketing plan


Workshop on production plan


Workshop on management plan


Workshop on financial plan


Business plan elements and holistic view, Best business practices, Sustainability, Change Management and Growth, Information Management

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Writing and presenting business plan


Writing and presenting business plan

HISTORY of ECVET IN TURKEY National authorities and social partners from 33 European countries are taking part in the Copenhagen Process28 to help develop vocational education and training systems. The development of ECVET began in 2002 after the Copenhagen Process emphasized the need for a credit transfer system for VET. National governments and the European Parliament gave their final approval to legislation in June 2009.29 Turkey, since being formally recognized as a candidate for EU membership at the Helsinki European Council in December 1999, has been engaged in the accession process, preparing itself to fulfill all the conditions of the membership known as the «Copenhagen Criteria». For this reason the education sector, VET in particular, is one of the important areas that Turkey has been working on. The Turkish Ministry of National Education, the responsible body for managing the overall education system, has been implementing a comprehensive reform process in all aspects of vocational education and training (VET) since 2002. The process is based on a new global understanding of VET. It particularly refers to the priorities of the Copenhagen Process of November 2002 along with national decisions set out in development plans, government programs and declarations by the Education Assembly. Some of the milestones of the VET reform implemented since 2002 have been summarized below. Reforms were mainly achieved through some EU funded projects (via MEDA and IPA programs) under the administration of the Ministry of National Education, in close cooperation with social partners. SVET (Strengthening Vocational Education and Training in Turkey Project - abbreviated as SVET) is a five-year project resulting from an agreement signed between the European Commission and the Government of Turkey, and has a total budget of € 58.2M. The project aims at strengthening Turkey’s VET system rather than imposing an alien structure. Turkey’s international trade, its political ambitions for joining the EU, and its promotion of domestic and international investments give the project an urgent international dimension. This also implies that Turkey has to harness all its economic resources, and also that a degree of decentralization is inevitable since much of its industrial and economic activities are regionally based.



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Any effective vocational education and training system depends on its congruence with the dynamic forces of the labour market and its respect for the culture it serves. The dynamics of the labour market depends on the needs of industry and commerce (the demand side, often – but by no means always – definable at a more centralized level) and the availability of trained individuals (the supply side, definable at a more local level) to meet them in their current form and adapt to them in their future form. The project finds itself at the centre of a debate about the relationship (actual and desired) between labour and education; of another debate about central, provincial and local responsibilities; and of a third debate about the likely career path of VET graduates. The project staff has conducted workshops and studies and held interviews and meetings in a determined effort to gather and understand as much relevant information as they could. The final decisions will have to be taken by the Turkish decision-makers. However, the project staff will provide access for the decision-makers to current international VET activities and recent decentralization experiences. The final outcome of the project should be a strong VET system supported by a National Qualification System with national and international credibility.30 All the achievements outlined here were based on international approaches in the field of VET, such as the consideration of ISCO 88 and ISCED 97. In order to successfully implement the European Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) a viable National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is essential. Turkey is aware that the development of these two systems (NQF and ECVET) needs to be done in parallel. Therefore, before talking about the Turkish initiatives for ECVET, let’s have a brief look at the development process of the NQF in Turkey. A major milestone towards a working NQF in Turkey was the establishment of the Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) in 2006. This was the result of two years of intensive work on an EU funded VET project with the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) and a diverse range of relevant stakeholders, mainly social partners. Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA-MYK)'s first General Assembly was collected on 8 December 2006 and determined the Board of Directors. After determination of Board of Directors, Establishment of this new institution from scratch such as the creation of secondary legislation, staffing, budget creation, building of service building and hardware supplies has been realized. Action plan including the principal activities of the institution was prepared in 2008. It is expressed clearly that Professional standards, testing and certification services will be done by institutions and organizations authorized from MYK.


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The Regulations on “Preparation of the National Professional Standards” and “Establishment of The Sector Committees, Duties and Study” were promulgated on October 5, 2007 and 27 November 2007 respectively. When Examination of The Regulation on “Preparation of the National Occupational Standards”, it is understood that preparation of the drafts of professional standards by elected institutions / organizations with objective criteria, revision of these drafts by sector committees and approval by MYK and announcement as National Occupational Standards in Official Gazette is ensured. Determination of The Format of Professional-standards according to international practice and levels of vocational qualification compatible to EQF were adopted. In addition, a temporary article was added to this regulation so that draft occupational standards prepared through projects of the institutions and organizations with their own means or the support of international organizations within this scope have been enabled the evaluation as national savings. In this context, All the documents related with 250 Occupational Standards prepared through the coordination of İŞKUR’s (Turkish Employment Organization) between 1995-2000 and Approximately 300 Occupational Standards prepared by TSE (Turkish Standards Institution) with its own means and the standards prepared through the coordination of MoNE thanks to SVET Project (Strengthening the Vocational and Technical Education in Turkey Project) between 2003-2007 period have been taken from these institutions and were started to evaluate.31 The Studies of determination and provision of Occupational Standards Savings of Other institutions and organizations are being continued. Being an authorized testing and certification organization should be applied to MYK. First of All, willing the institutions / organizations after creating the necessary infrastructure, must be accredited by Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK) or an accreditation institution with a multilateral recognition agreement in EU. At this point, the formation of the centers for occupational standards, testing and certification are required: Therefore, "Strengthening Vocational Qualifications Authority and National Qualifications System "Project with 11 million budget was prepared with the almost establishment of MYK synchronously. Educational Research and Development Directorate (ERDD – EARGED) has translated Commission Staff Working Document and Questionnaire Form of Consultation into Turkish and 31 & kgKAE&usg=AFQjCNGkXay4gCL1asprFIZdM0rA5o_NYw&bvm=bv.44342787,d.ZWU

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distributed to The Departments of Ministry of National Education, Local Education Authorities, Universities, The Education Departments of Other Ministries, Ngo’s and Workers 'and Employers' Unions. According to their feedbacks, “Turkey Country Report On Ecvet” has been prepared and presented to European Commission. (Note: ERDD’ tasks has handed over to another unit at 25th of August 2011 by decree having force of law no 652). Main Laws and Regulations with regard to ECVET  Law on the vocational qualifications authority Law no 5544 and VQA legislation, Saturday, October 7, 2006 official gazette issue no: 26312,  Regulation on preparation of national occupational standard, Law no 5544 and VQA legislation, Friday, October 5, 2007 official gazette issue no: 26664,  Regulation on vocational qualification, testing and certification, Law no 5544 and VQA legislation, Tuesday, December 30, 2008 official gazette issue no:27096 State of Art of ECVET in Turkey The system will be based on certifications within the accepted occupational standards. It is worth noting here that Turkey has adopted 8 reference levels from the EQF for the National Qualification Framework (NQF) which are to be developed. VQA has two major responsibilities that are crucial to strengthening the relationship between the VET system and employment. First, it is expected to develop occupational standards (OS) based on competences currently required by the labour market. These OS will shape the development of training standards to be used by all training institutions in the country. They will provide VET schools with the much needed objectives in terms of competency-based curricula. Over 150 OS have been prepared so far in cooperation with social partners and sector representatives. Providing social partners are involved in this task their commitment to the VET system will increase and the relevance of VET for employment will improve. VQA also has important responsibilities in the area of assessment and certification of learning outcomes gained by all individuals. It will contribute to overcoming major weaknesses in the Turkish VET system, including the lack of standardized mechanisms to assess and control the quality and the relevance to employment of the learning process that takes place in training institutions leading to the improvement of mobility in VET. In Turkey, ECVET is considered as a tool for supporting mutual trust in the field of qualifications and for increasing transparency. It would thereby enable knowledge, skills and competences acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to be accumulated, transferred and recognized. The adoption of ECVET principles in Turkey however, is a relatively new area of interest within the Turkish VET reform. The development process started about two years ago and it is still ongoing. Turkey has not only been working on ECVET at a national level but also participating and contributing to studies that take place in a broader EU context. Despite being a new concept, the development of ECVET in Turkey has already reached some technical milestones. Turkey is committed to developing an ECVET system under the lifelong learning approach. This commitment was officially declared in an international meeting concerning ECVET on 28th March 2007 in Ankara. The Educational Research and

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Development Directorate (ERDD) of MoNE is the unit responsible for the development of ECVET in Turkey. First, in the same year, an extensive consultation process took place, with over 250 responses from a broad range of stakeholders. ERDD then prepared a Country Report on ECVET, reflecting the views of the stakeholders. The major conclusions compiled in the country report are the following: MoNE then organized a series of workshops with the participation of representatives of CoHE, social partners, teachers from VET, trainers and members of the curricula working groups of MoNE. An ECVET approach specific to Turkey was discussed and based on lessons learnt from the practices of EU Member States. As a result of this development process, an ECVET Discussion Paper for Turkey - including a proposed Action Plan based on SWOT Analysis - was prepared. In keeping with the Action Plan, a multi-actor working group agreed on an approach to assigning credits to the existing VET curriculum. Following this, a national credit-allocation approach was used to allocate credit points to all learning outcomes based on knowledge, skills and competences. The basic elements of the ECVET approach specific to the Turkish VET context are:  Learning outcomes are credited based on total learning time.  Learning outcomes which lead to qualifications of similar scope, content, complexity and duration are allocated the same amount of credits.  Learning outcomes gained through one-to-one learning of up to 20 hours are equivalent to 1 ECVET credit.  One full educational year of VET education is equivalent to 60 credits.  240 credits can be gained upon completion of 4 years of secondary formal VET education. An example of ECVET conversion has been adopted to allocate credits to units of qualifications at levels 2, 3 and 4 in a selected field of training, namely: “Computer and Information Technology” (level 4 curriculum for Network Operator).Given the studies carried out so far for ECVET, it is good to know that the Turkish VET reform, including ECVET development works, will soon be strengthened by the promotion of the Lifelong Learning Project (The LLL project). The overall objective of the project is to promote the development and implementation of coherent and comprehensive strategies for lifelong learning with the purpose of establishing an institutional framework and capacities for LLL, in line with the EU practices. Projects will support individuals’ access to education in order to raise employment opportunities within a system designed to value learning. It is expected to begin early March 2011 with a life-span of 24 months. During the LLL Project, the above proposed ECVET model would be reviewed, adopted for 50 occupational areas and tested in pilot schools, with the ultimate aim of a nationwide implementation by the end of 2012 according to the ECVET Action Plan for Turkey. Turkish citizens have experienced some difficulties while they apply for visa with a view to getting a training course in a European country. If some measures could be developed cooperatively this will increase the participation rate of Turkish citizens in mobility projects designed in the scope of Community Education and Youth Programmes, in particular of LDV since 2004.

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“ECVET Guide for Users” to be envisaged for the potential users facilitators of the system. ECVET guides to be prepared separately according to the features of the sectors and even of the jobs would be useful. The respondents consider ECVET as a mechanism based on learning outputs, guaranteeing quality assurance and supporting lifelong learning. These points of view support the secondary education projects, which could be esteemed as reforms, designed and carried by the Ministry of National Education, and they also support the approaches related to Bologna Process. Even though it is indicative, 120 ECVET credit points on average is seen eligible by the respondents to reflect learning outcomes achieved by an individual in a year in a formal full time 15 VET contexts. It is emphasized that credit points should be determined separately for each vocation by taking into account their standards as well as duration of the learning/training activity. As a part of Strengthening Vocational Education and Training Project (SVET) learning outcomes have been taken into account in curricula development processes for some years. The respondents emphasized the importance of cooperation with vocational and technical education institutions led by the stakeholders. Most of the principles in the Commission Working Document on ECVET are in line with the reform studies (validation of non-formal and informal learning, quality assurance and promoting lifelong learning etc) in Turkey. The respondents believe that deciding on the details of the learning outcomes will take some time. They also believe that, ECVET might be put into practice in the coming 3-5 years. Good Practices of ECVET in Turkey IKMEP Project: Within This Project, The Studies of Credit Transfer in Vocational Education are ongoing Within the scope of this Project, development of the quality of vocational secondary education and vocational higher education and its harmonization with the European Union countries are ongoing. In this direction, between 5 to 8 January 2010 the Workshop related with Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education (MKTS) was carried out in Ankara. The Project of Strengthening Vocational Qualifications Authority (Vqa) and the National Qualifications System. Three main outputs would be obtained at the end of the Project as follows:   

Establishment of National Qualification System in a Sustainable and efficient framework and making the system functional in the selected prior sectors, Increase the capacity of the Centres for Vocational Standards, Knowledge and Skills Testing and Certification (VOC-TEST through the institutional capacity of Vocational Qualification Authority to serve all stakeholders sustainably and co-ordinately. To increase levels of knowledge and awareness of all stakeholders (from public and private sector actors, workers 'and employers' organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations on the National Qualification System and the provision of system ownership.


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1. Arman Kırım, Türkiye’nin Girişimcilik Politikası Ne olmalı?,TOBB Girişimcilik Kongresi, 6 Kasım 2010, Ankara 2. TEPAV, Ankara’da Genç Girişimciliği Destekleme Stratejisi, 2011, Ankara 3. c11107_en.htm 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ved=0CEQQFjAE& l_ozet.doc&ei=QBBSUZr3LIH0OcSkgKAE&usg=AFQjCNGkXay4gCL1asprFIZdM0rA5o_NY w&bvm=bv.44342787,d.ZWU 9. 10. 11. eri.php 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 4.pdf 18. C4%9Fi/TGSD%20SUNUMU%20(3).pdf 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

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It has been observed that different sectors have different needs and different levels of supply and demand for labour. This can be observed in the graph below:

We can see that the tourism sector is highest in demand, followed by construction and the trade sectors. It is deemed important that policy makers focus on the real problems of the economic crisis in Greece and ensure that they are well informed on the situation, while there is a great need to prioritise policies and to set up detailed action plans. The fact that policy makers do not have the capabilities and know-how to successfully achieve this immediately presents the need to better educate and equip these groups with the necessary knowledge, skills and competences. Capacity building is essential to ensure that policy makers identify the immediate problems and address them with the most efficient means. According to the report for the Task Force for Greece, which was published in March 2014, the new draft Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan (YGIP) in Greece has progressed largely from previous plans that were developed and implemented in that the current plan focuses on making actual progress in policy implementation management. The key stakeholders that are involved were also involved in the design and development of the plan, which adds to its potential effectiveness. The YGIP aims to ensure that “within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education all young people up to the age of 25 receive a high-quality offer for a job, an apprenticeship or a traineeship.”

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The main aspects of the YGIP can be summarised in the following table:

Missing table comparing HQF to EQF

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REFERENCES 1. Bruno Coquet, Policymaking Under Extremely Sever Economic Condition: The Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan in Greece, March 2014 2. Hellenic Qualifications Framework Online, px, 3. General Secretariat for the Management of European Funds – Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare, Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, December 2012 4. General Secretariat for Youth, National Report for Youth, December 2012 5. Training Programme for Graduates of Technical Education for the Acquisition of Professional Experience, 6. CEDEFOP, Monitoring ECVET implementation strategies in Europe, 2013

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YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Some ways of getting training and education in entrepreneurship in Portugal . Name and Nature of qualification


(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training) Level of qualification

This course does not confer any level of qualification, but is primarily intended for individuals who want to create a new business.

Existing certification

Not specify

Entry requirements

Not specify

Learning outcomes

 

(at least the training program)

 

Identify the entrepreneur's profile Identify the procedural formalities for setting up a business. Identify financing solutions and support for entrepreneurship Develop a business plan

30 hours Examinations


VET Provider

VET system – Private Training Enterprise

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Approximately level V

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Name and Nature of qualification

Master in Entrepreneurship Public University

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Level of qualification

Level VII

Existing certification

Master in Entrepreneurship

Entry requirements

Level VI

Learning outcomes

1st Semester

(at least the training program)

- Raising Project Resource and Sell - Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Marketing: Market Analysis and Business Opportunities Creation - Financial Resources and Entrepreneurial Finance 2nd Semester - Personnel Management and Human Capital - Globalization: International Marketing Strategies - Business Plan - Option 1 (to choose from :) Accounting and Budget Management E-Business

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Legal and Business Structures Markets and International Investment Economic sociology 3rd Semester - Development of an Applied Project or Dissertation Examinations

Development of an Applied Project or Dissertation

VET Provider

Public Institution

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Level VII – 120 ECTS

Name and Nature of qualification

Degree in Development and Social Entrepreneurship Polytechnic Institute

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training) Level of qualification

Level VI

Existing certification

Graduate in Development and Social Entrepreneurship

Entry requirements

Level III - Secondary Education (to proceed to University level) or Level IV - Secondary Education obtained by double certification paths or Secondary Education to

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proceed to University level with a professional internship (minimum 6 months). Learning outcomes (at least the training program)

To provide graduates with skills in community development and design of innovative and economically sustainable social projects. Three years



VET Provider

Private University

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Level VI - 194 ECTS

Name and Nature of qualification

Professional Training for Entrepreneurship and Employability

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

VET system

Level of qualification

Doesn’t confer any level of certification

Existing certification

Professional Certificate

Entry requirements

Young people between 15 and 24 years old

Learning outcomes

18 hours

(at least the training

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Not specify

VET Provider

Local Training Association

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Approximately level III

Description of ECVET system ECVET national contact (national authority or other)

ECVET projects carried out or still running (include websites for resources, project contacts, etc)

ECVET in Portugal is coordinated by the National Agency for Qualification and Professional Education (ANQEP), which is regulated by the Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Education. The implementation of ECVET is done by the cooperation of several and different institutions, designated “Competent Bodies” i.e., entities responsible for designing and awarding qualifications, for recognizing the units of learning outcomes or other functions linked to the ECVET system. The main ECVET actors in Portugal are: • Public or private entities that have a regulatory function for education and training systems, such as National Agency for Qualification and Vocational, Education and Training (ANQEP) and National Bodies for the Employment and Labor Relations – (DGERT); • Public VET authorities, accreditation, certification or qualification bodies, bodies responsible for recognition; • Public or private entities that provide VET such as: networks of vocational education institutes, VET centers, intercompany training centers, etc. In line with the approval by the European Parliament and the Council, the ECVET is still in implementation in Portugal. Portugal has closely followed the trend of the European context and the qualification systems have come to adopt the approach based on learning outcomes, through the implementation of national qualifications frameworks. Although there is no consensus about the interpretation and description of learning outcome, all instruments and tools developed in this sense, like

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the EQF, are based on this approach. For the ECVET implementation, the qualifications must be organized into clearly identified and described units of learning outcomes and take into account the effective needs of the labour market, in order to allow a reciprocal understanding of qualifications. For that, the first step is the promotion and understanding of ECVET among all the actors in VET process and for this, the National Catalogue of Qualifications (NCQ) identifying for each qualification the learning units based in learning outcomes. The ECVET system in Portugal is linked with the recognition of previous learning on formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts and for that reason is a motor of mobility in order to promote the actively searching of VET. Several actors in VET have given new contributions for the effective implementation of ECVET, in line with the main stakeholders and national bodies, like ISQ. These contributions should be developed and implemented gradually on a voluntary basis without any legal obligation, since it does not have a regulatory mission. Currently there is a change of paradigm in terms of training modules for learning units, based on learning outcomes. In this context, a methodological guide is in preparation for the new construction of these units of learning outcomes and consequent attribution of ECVET credits.

REFERENCES STATE HERE YOUR REFERENCIES HERE 1. empreendedorismo#sthash.HLipuYvF.dpuf 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Spain Brief description of some of the programs, education centres, online portals, and organizations focused on youth employment policies: CEAJE (Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs) a non-profit, state-wide and multi sectorial organization, incorporated on November 23, 1991. Its goal is to motivate, direct and channel business initiatives of young Spanish entrepreneurs. It considers necessary to strengthen the presence of well-trained competitive entrepreneurs, able to design strategies for socio-economic efficiency, exploit synergies and to face up the European and global competitive edge. CEAJE, as the highest representative organ of the Young Entrepreneurs prioritizes improvement of the environment in which companies are developed, helping to foster stability, competitiveness, innovation and internationalization, as well as, helping to ensure its survival. Currently there are 55 Associations of Young Entrepreneurs, AJE's spread all over the country32. CEAJE has created a platform for young entrepreneurs called Ajeimpula designed to foster the entrepreneurial process oriented to development, and to the materialization of entrepreneurship. The service is planned to guide young entrepreneurs, depending on their needs, either along the entire process of development and implementation of their business plan, or at any stage of the process, in order to enhance and strengthen their business development. By Autonomous Community: Andalucía Emprende (1999): a foundation of the Government of Andalusia with the mission to promote the development of entrepreneurial culture and the Andalusian economic activity, with the ultimate aim of contributing to the generation of competitive businesses and quality jobs in the region. The foundation undertakes the design and development of a diverse range of programs and projects to raise awareness and promote entrepreneurship and the creation of wealth and jobs in the region. Focus activities: improve business training, extending the range of services to support entrepreneurial citizenship, encourage entrepreneurship in groups with special difficulties for employment within strategic sectors for Andalusia. Aragon Emprendedor integrated by leading authorities serving Aragon’s entrepreneurs and entity responsible for the management of the project ARAGON ENTREPRENEUR to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of entrepreneurs’ counseling, support and guidance providing a unique updated channel of all entrepreneurial actions organized , existing aids or grants or simply a pathway to contact with entities related. Cantabria Emprendedora leaded by the Government of Cantabria through Cantabria Employment Service, coordinates the work of various actors in the field of entrepreneurship in the region. It comprises entrepreneurial advisory services, training and support for entrepreneurs and businesses, and generally for anyone with an interest in entrepreneurship 32

Confederación Española Jóvenes Empresarios

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(technicians, teachers, etc.). EJECANT is the Entrepreneur Youth School of Cantabria, Youth Department, Regional Government of Cantabria, in northern Spain. EJECANT is the first school of Cantabria dedicated to training for entrepreneurship, to support the creation of new businesses and promote the dissemination of entrepreneurial spirit and culture. Since 2005 EJECANT, belonging to the Directorate General of Equality, Women and Youth, argues the need for a training to help promote businesses, to enable young entrepreneurs in Cantabria create and develop successful companies that create jobs and wealth for themselves and their environment. It is committed to awaken the entrepreneurial and creative attitude that any young person can have, that due to the lack of knowledge, support, or simply the lack of entrepreneurial culture does not get developed. Catalunya Emprén the entities network Catalunya Emprèn offers various activities to raise awareness and motivation to entrepreneurship. The web-based portal for entrepreneurs of the Generalitat of Catalunya provides a wide array of activities counseling and guiding entrepreneurs, lectures before they start up a business, seminars and other actions that can help entrepreneurs taking their first steps. Castilla La Mancha Emprendedores: Castilla La Mancha regional government provides numerous services, counseling, guidance, training, etc. promoting entrepreneurship and supporting the production sector in the region. It eencourages consolidation and revitalization of the business world of Castilla La Mancha, creating business synergies and being a catalyst for collaborative initiatives. Emprende en Canarias: The Directorate General for Economic Development, under the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Security, is the organ of the Canary Islands Government responsible for promoting and supporting the creation, establishment and consolidation of companies in the Canaries. The Department created the brand “Emprende en Canarias” in order to promote entrepreneurship in the archipelago. Within this brand one can find all the main actions of the Canarian Government to promote entrepreneurship in a comprehensive and coordinated manner. Thus, we can see the actions in areas such as training (entrepreneurship at school), finance, innovation, internationalization and entrepreneurship. It also provides procedures for starting a business, success stories, videos empowerment entrepreneurship or the benefits of our Economic System. Emprendedores.gva One of the priorities of the Government of the Community of Valencia is to promote entrepreneurship and job creation through entrepreneurship and micro, small and medium enterprises in the region. Emprendedores.gva is the platform that the Government makes available to entrepreneurs gathering all the information that may be useful to them to develop and implement their business idea and business plan.

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EmprendeRioja Plan aiming to turn La Rioja in a region where entrepreneurs know how to do it and enjoy doing it, under the criteria of quality and efficiency. In addition, La Rioja seeks to achieve the challenge of becoming a region where entrepreneurs have all the tools they need to develop their business ideas, a region where entrepreneurship depends only of oneself. Empresas Castilla y León The regional Government promotes entrepreneurship, for this purpose it created the entrepreneur office (Oficina del Emprendedor ADE) providing a comprehensive service to entrepreneurs. With this service they support entrepreneurship and seek solutions to the needs of anyone who wants to develop a business in the community, wherever they are. ADE encourages entrepreneurship through various initiatives. They work with schools and organizations seeking to value the entrepreneur as a future option. In addition to all entrepreneurs, innovators or not, ADE provides a network of exclusive knowledge exchange, thought for entrepreneurs of Castilla y León. IDEPA Economic Development Institute of Asturias, a regional public body responsible for the business promotion policy and entrepreneurship of the regional government. It is a leader and benchmark institution for business promotion, example of efficient and integrated management, and technical competence for sustainable development of Asturias. Program Promoting Entrepreneurial Culture (Programa Integral para el Fomento de la Cultura Emprendedora) is an action of the Government of the Principality of Asturias to establish the priorities and the basic guidelines for the development of a program of support and promotion of entrepreneurial culture. IGAPE Galician Institute for Economic Promotion is the agency ascribed to the Ministry of Economy and Industry, for the economic development of Galicia. Its mission is to support all activities that contribute to improving the Galician production system, facilitating the processes of creation, consolidation and business growth. IGAPE promotes the creation of new businesses and strongly encourages entrepreneurship among young people. Navarra Emprende promoted by the Government of Navarra, and of public-private nature, providing content (information and services) informative, practical and of interest to entrepreneurs and service to people in the autonomous region of Navarre. The Navarre Network to support entrepreneurship, driven by Navarra Employment Service under the Plan de Navarra 2013-2015 aiming to inform, advice, and guide in an appropriate, efficient and consistent way to entrepreneurship, boosting creation of new businesses and job creation through coordinated actions of all agents. PIME Balears (Confederació de la Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Balears) and CAEB (Confederació d’Associacions Empresarials de Balears), the Government of the Balearic Islands provides support to entrepreneurs, both for the creation of companies and their consolidation, through cooperation agreements adopted between the Public Employment Service of the Balearic Islands (SOIB) and CAEB and PIMEB employers’ associations. These organizations

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provide necessary business guidance for entrepreneurs or anyone with the goal to create or build own business. Asociación Balear de Emprendedores (ABE) a non-profit association of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, with a new vision of what has to be an entity of this kind: modern, exploiting the facilities of ICTs, participatory, project-oriented and results based on cooperation among all members, collective and focused on the economic development of its members. Plan of Entrepreneurs of the Community of Madrid through the Department of Employment, Tourism and Culture, in collaboration with other ministries, develops different programs to help entrepreneurs in the Community to launch their business. Through the Portal de Emprendedores Comunidad de Madrid entrepreneurs can access online information, advice; support and training that allow defining more clearly the business idea, and the path towards the creation of a company with the help of a counselor. The Center for Entrepreneurship of the Community of Madrid (2013) is a comprehensive center providing Support Services to Entrepreneurs, considering entrepreneur anyone who defines a business idea and organizes the necessary resources for the establishment of the company. At the Center are offered advisory services, fundraising, training opportunities, project development and mentoring and networking, as well as information on grants and subsidies for entrepreneurs. Plan of Employment, Entrepreneurs and Enterprises of Plan 3E the plan strategic objectives are based on the development of the Pact for Social and Political Reforms in Extremadura, improving the educational level of workers in Extremadura, supporting strongly entrepreneurs and businesses and reorienting the economy to productive sectors. The regional government focuses on the protection and promotion of entrepreneurs as a key part of the growth and innovation. Plan Emprendemos Region de Murcia headed by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Enterprise and Innovation and coordinated by the INFO (Promotion Institute of the Region of Murcia), which aims to boost the productive sector of the region by encouraging and supporting entrepreneurial initiatives. INFO a regional reference in the promotion of entrepreneurship and support of business creation conducts multiple actions to support and encourage entrepreneurs in the region such as Murcia Emprende. Servicio Vasco de Emprendimiento: The Basque Service for Entrepreneurship is responsible for the coordination and management of existing resources involved in entrepreneurship actions in Euskadi. It is the origin, the point of departure for all Basque entrepreneurial activity and responsible for the creation of Euskadi Emprende brand that symbolizes the foundation, where all entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship related entities may find the solutions they need. It is a solid, source to find answers to the many difficulties characterizing the birth of most of the innovative projects.

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Emprende Euskadi is the network for knowledge sharing and project development, open to the participation of all those who have something to do in the field of entrepreneurship. NQF vs EQF Currently Spain NQF is two folded first it was established the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) referring to all qualifications obtained within the higher education system, therefore, it only refers to formal education. Furthermore, the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (MECU) is being implemented. The MECU refers to all learning contexts, that is, it covers formal learning (taking into account all levels of the education system) as well as informal learning33.

Source MECU EQF Levels


Country Qualifications

Level 1

MECU -Primary Education

Primary Education (--)

Level 2

MECU -Primary Education

Primary Education ( Level 1)



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Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO)(Level 2)

Level 3 -First cycle of Secondary Education


VET Medium level ( Level 2)

Level 4 -Second cycle of Secondary Education

Level 5

MECES- First stage of education: Not-University programmes

tertiary VET Higher level ( Level 3) tertiary

Level 6

MECES -First stage tertiary education Bachelor ( Level 4) (prior Bologna process)

Level 7

MECES -Second stage education (Bologna process)

tertiary Master ( Level 5)

Level 8

MECES -Second stage education (Bologna process)

tertiary PhD (--)

The EQF is fully compatible with the qualifications framework for higher education developed within Bologna Process. The EQF descriptors for levels 5-8 correspond to the Higher education descriptors agreed in the Bologna Process. However, the formulation of the EQF level descriptors is different from those of Bologna (specific for higher education) as the EQF is a framework for lifelong learning which also includes Vocational Education and Training (VET) and labour contexts, to the highest levels. About ECVET system in Spain ECVET national contact (national authority or other)

Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports: Information Centre and Citizen Service (Section of Educational Information): C / Los Madrazo, 15. Madrid. Phone: 913277681 Areas of Education Inspectorate in the Autonomous Communities

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(integrated into the Government Delegations) The administrative framework of VET in Spain is as follows: The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECS ) is responsible for initial vocational training though powers in education are transferred to the authorities of the 17 Autonomous Communities; the Ministry of Employment and Social Security is in charge of vocational training for employment though powers are also transferred to the Autonomous Communities except for the Basque Country. Concerning vocational training for employment, which integrates continuing vocational training and vocational training for the unemployed, the management is jointly made between the central government, Ministry of Employment and Social Security, (MESS ) and the social partners through the Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment (TFTE ) but the ultimate responsibility falls under the Ministry of Employment and Social Security. In the year 2002, the government of Spain proposed a new VET model, based on the National Catalogue of Occupational Standards, regarding education and employment, by creating a new training model, which allows transfer from one system to the other one, with the aim of improving the quality of VET and the recognition of professional competences acquired through labour experience. ECVET projects carried out or still running (include websites for resources, project contacts, etc)

-Project ERA 2003 Competences Evaluation, Recognition and Accreditation coordinated by the General Directorate of Education, Vocational Training and Educational Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science, in collaboration with the National Institute of Qualifications and the National Employment Institute. The main objective of this project was oriented towards experimentation and development of a methodology for the evaluation, recognition and accreditation of skills acquired by workers through work experience and other non-formal education programs. -On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 -ECVET desde la perspectiva española. José Luis García Molina ECVET Taller. IMELSA Valencia, 30 de Octubre de 2012 -ECVET – STEP: ECVET for Strengthening Training to Employment Pathways

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ID number of the project: Project Number: 539816-LLP-1-2013-1-GRLEONARDO-LMP Grant Agreement No: 2013 – 3865 / 001 001 Sponsor: Lifelong Learning Programme – Development of Inovation – Leonardo da Vinci Duration of the project: 2 years Start: January 2014, End: December 2015 Coordinator: Technological Educational Institute of Athens (TEIA), Greece Investigator: UDE (Germany), UAH (Spain), EUM (Belgium), AOC Raad (Netherlands), ÚZEI (Czech Republic), CAFS (Slovenia), INEA (Spain) Responsible person: Petr Bartoň Other investigators: Ing. Andrea Pekárková Website of the project:

Entrepreneurship training offer in Spain Details regarding entrepreneurship formally recognized training are included in the next table: Name and Nature of qualification

VET programe Administración y Gestión: “Creación y Gestión de Microempresas”

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

(Administration & Microenterprises”)







Public program included in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, approved by the General Council of Vocational Education and Training, advisory body of the Spanish Government on vocational education and training that is organized on a tripartite basis with representation of the central and regional Administration, the employers’ organizations and the trade unions. VET System (training).

Level of qualification Level 3 Existing certification

A professional qualification is defined as a set of professional competences significant in employment which can be acquired through vocational education and training (VET) modules or any other kind of learning structure as well as through work experience (Organic Act 5/2002 on Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training). The accreditation of a qualification, an official diploma on vocational

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education and training (VET) or an Occupational Aptitude Certificate (Certificado de Profesionalidad). Entry requirements

Have the Spanish nationality, EU residence certificate, family card of EU citizens or hold a valid Spanish residence/ work permit In addition, depending on the level of the competency units that want to be credited must meet the following requirements: - Being 18 years old for competency units of an occupational qualification level I. -Being 20 years old for competency units of an occupational qualification of Level II and III. Finally, in addition to the above has to meet one of two criteria: - Work experience (gained in the last 10 years) related to the skills that the candidate wants to credit: 2 years (minimum 1200 hours worked) for qualifications of level I.3 years (minimum 2000 hours worked) for qualifications of levels II and III. - Training (performed in the last 10 years) related to the skills that the candidate wants to credit: 200 hours for qualifications of level I. 300 hours for qualifications of level II and III. In the Spanish education system, Level I qualifications are contained in the Initial Professional Qualification Programs; the level II are included in VET Medium level (Level 2); and Level III are those of VET Higher level (Level 3). People over 25 who could not demonstrate experience or training may register provisionally and it will be studied by the appointed consultants.

Learning outcomes

Competency units:

(at least the training program)

UC1788_3:Planning initiatives and business activities in SMEs UC1789_3:Manage and control daily business and SMEs business resources UC1792_2: Managing risk prevention in SMEs. UC1791_3: Perform SMEs financial and economic-administrative

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management. UC1790_3:Marketing products and services provided by SMEs Training modules (480 hours) MF1788_3: Planning and entrepreneurship in small businesses or microenterprises (120 h) MF1789_3:Management of business in SMEs (90 h) MF1792_2: Management of risk prevention in small businesses. (60 h) MF1791_3:Administrative and economic-financial management in SMEs (120h) MF1790_3:Marketing products and services for small businesses or micro (90 h) Occupational field: Present in all sectors of the economy self-employed or as part of a SME or micro business, undertaking and implementing new strategic business areas within the business activity development, fulfilling existing legislation in the field of work risks prevention. Providing consulting, advisory and administrative, financial and management services to SMEs or microenterprises. Examinations VET Provider

Not specified as it depends on the specific program and VET provider Numerous VET providers in the 17 Autonomous Communities of Spain offer training programs to acquire the diploma on vocational education and training (VET) or the Occupational Aptitude Certificate. The following public entities provide information about the VET centers providing these programs in each Autonomous Community:

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NQF/ EQF Level

4 or 5

In addition to the above described entrepreneurs training program, numerous VET providers, educational centres, universities, Chambers of Commerce, Local Development Agencies, etc. throughout Spain offer diverse informal or formal, training courses and programs promoting entrepreneurship among unemployed in general. There is more information available about the entrepreneurship courses that are provided by universities. Below a few examples in detail: Name and Nature of qualification (public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

“Máster Universitario en Iniciativa Emprendedora y Creación de Empresas” of the University Carlos III of Madrid

Level of qualification


Existing certification

Master Degree

“Master on Entrepreneurship and Business Creation” Public Higher Education Center University Master Degree

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Entry requirements

Admission requirements: To access the master will be necessary to be in possession of a college degree, qualified for access to master's degree or equivalent in the issuing country. In the case of certifications issued by countries outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the homologation thereof shall not be required, although the University will verify that they represent a level equivalent to the corresponding Spanish official university training. Can access the master graduates of any degree or academic profile, regardless of their area of expertise. Since entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial phenomenon covers any area of society, are considered appropriate graduates from any branch of knowledge: scientific-technical engineers, scholars, jurists, economists, journalists, architects, etc..

Learning outcomes

First Semester

(at least the training Strategy for Entrepreneurs 6 ECTS program) Legal status of entrepreneurship 6ECTS Management of new business activity 6 ECTS Accounting and finance for new business ventures 6 ECTS Marketing and sales techniques for start- ups 6 ECTS Second Semester People management 6 ECTS Creation and development of technology based enterprises 3 ECTS Information technology and new business projects 3 ECTS Legal Protection of Innovation 3 ECTS Instruments of financing for start-ups 3 ECTS Taxation of the new crated enterprises 3 ECTS Management Skills for Business 3 ECTS

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Family Business 3 ECTS Quantitative Prediction Methods for new enterprises 3ECTS Fundamentals of entrepreneurship phenomenon 3ECTS Data Analysis for Decision Making 3 ECTS Models for commercial exploitation of Innovation 3 ECTS Professional Seminars: entrepreneurial experience 3 ECTS Internship 6 ECTS Final Master Work 6ECTS Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

University Carlos III of Madrid

NQF/ EQF Level


Name and Nature of qualification (public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Aula Mentor: Emprender en Internet

Level of qualification

Recognition of Aula Mentor courses as elective credits in university courses is the responsibility of each faculty or school.

Existing certification

The validity of the Aula Mentor courses is certified by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and, where appropriate, by the relevant Ministry or Department of Education. No official certification. After the course students obtain a certificate of achievement which will set forth the course content and estimated

On-line course on Entrepreneurship in Internet provided by Aula Mentor Aula Mentor is an initiative of open learning, flexible, and via Internet aimed at adults who wish to extend their personal and professional skills. The initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in collaboration with other national and international public and private institutions.

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hours. Such certificate shall be signed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Community. Entry requirements

No entry requirements

Learning outcomes

Module 1: Businesses on the Net

(at least the training - Internet Entrepreneurship program) - Ecommerce Stores - Blogs and micro media Module 2: The online marketing - Basic marketing actions - SEO - Social Media Marketing - Web analytics Module 3: The Business Plan - How to develop a business plan. Throughout the course, students have to take and send to tutor the 17 mandatory activities distributed across the modules. In the manual, the contents are complemented by numerous guided activities and examples. All activities are designed to put into practice the knowledge acquired by the student. In addition, there is also an end-unit activity to evaluate assimilation of the concepts conveyed in each subject. Examinations

Students who have carried out correctly all compulsory course activities are authorized to fulfill the final exam reviewed by the tutor. To obtain the certificate of achievement students must pass a final exam carried out in-class. There are five examination sessions scheduled during the year, the student has the right to be in two calls.

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VET Provider

Aula Mentor on-line course

NQF/ EQF Level

Not specified

Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Master en Creación y Dirección de Empresas para Emprendedores

Level of qualification

60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

Existing certification

Once the student attest a level of attendance not less than 90% and succeeds on the evaluation plan, receives the following qualifications:

(Master in creation Entrepreneurs)






On-line course EUDE Business School

Postgraduate Master Degree, issued by the Royal University Centre "Escorial-Maria Cristina", attached to the Complutense University of Madrid. Professional Master's Degree, issued by the European School of Management and Business. Entry requirements

Information not available

Learning outcomes

Program Organization :

(at least the training program) EUDE as European Business School framed within the EHEA (European Higher Education). Thus, the program is organized in 11 areas of knowledge, which in turn are divided into modules for a total of 25 and a Final Master Project. The program duration is 13 continuous months, develops in online mode, and after the credits for the same student obtaining 60 ECTS credits.

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Management and Business Organization Processes and management of the company Structures and organizational models in the current business environment Internal organization of the company Business Strategy Strategy : objectives, strategic process and formulation Strategic analysis, development and implementation of the strategic plan. The balanced scorecard Human Resources Setting and organization of human resources in the company Strategic management of human resources Marketing and Sales Management Marketing Management Commercial management The marketing plan Financial Management Introduction to Finance. Financial management systems . General Financial Accounting Cash & credit management. Cost management Legal Aspects Financial and Tax Management for SMEs Economic analysis for business decisions Management, strategy and value creation

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Management and valuation of intangibles Purchasing function Tax environment for business Creativity and Entrepreneurship Business development and growth models Creativity : new business models CSR and Entrepreneurship Business ethics . Social responsibility of organizations Skills and Entrepreneurship SMEs and Family Businesses Conceptualization and quirks of family business Conflict Management Communication key processes

Web Management Tools 2.0 Introduction to Web 2.0 tools and social networks

Each module lasts for 14 calendar days. Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

EUDE Business School

NQF/ EQF Level


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Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

“Gestión Empresarial”

Level of qualification

Not available

Existing certification

Double title/certification

Private/Public Course offered by Deusto Formación and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Primero through a joint agreement between both entities.

All those students who pass the evaluation of the program they are pursuing and meet the academic requirements will receive the diploma Deusto Training. In addition, all persons who obtain a positive result in this evaluation and meet the academic requirements stipulated also get the degree awarded by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). Entry requirements

Information not available

Learning outcomes

Course Program Management

(at least the training program)

Business Creation Develop business plan. Choosing the right legal model. Seek funding. Management and leadership Leadership, decision making and motivation of employees. Applied to the management Coaching (coaching process, profile and skills coach, coaching tools). Teamwork

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Effective communication and conflict resolution. Achieve the objectives and bargaining. HR Management Decisions on the design of organizations. Strategic management of human resources. Change management. Organizational Development. Management by objectives management by mission. Recruitment and selection of staff. Marketing Management Principles and fundamentals of marketing. Market definition and identification of the target performance. Definition of product and service model. Marketing strategy development and implementation of operational marketing plan. Online marketing opportunities. Business Management and Sales Objectives and strategies. Planning and organizing campaigns and sales networks. Monitoring and optimization results. Selection and motivation of sales teams. Sales techniques, negotiation and sales. Financial and accounting management

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Principles and fundamentals of financial management. Financial statement analysis and profitability. Planning and budgeting. Investment selection and funding models. Introduction and basic concepts of accounting. Theory of accounts and balance sheet. Income statement: basic concepts. Chart of Accounts. Accounting framework of economic events: purchases and expenses . VAT and corporation tax. The accounting cycle. Operations and logistics Calculation of demand and production planning. Inventory Management. Warehouse Management. Logistics and reverse logistics. Purchases and imports. Outsourcing. Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

Deusto Training

NQF/ EQF Level

Information not available

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Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Iniciativa Emprendedora (Madrid - Universidad Nebrija)

Level of qualification

Information not available

Existing certification

Title on Entrepreneurship Initiative of the University Nebrija Madrid

Entry requirements

Students being preferably pursuing a program Master University, who want to know the process entrepreneurship and closer to the entrepreneur, and senior students of degree, doctorate and university students unemployed graduates in recent years.

Learning outcomes

1) Entrepreneur Ecosystem

(at least the training program)

Trends in entrepreneurship

(Entrepreneurship initiative) Public Program funded by Spain Directorate General of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises. Delivered by Escuela de Organización Industrial EOI

Environment of interest Entrepreneurial values and cultural change 2) Process innovation in entrepreneurship Idea Generation model Canvas Team Building 3) Planning and technical configuration of new business Strategic analysis and planning objectives Marketing and Sales Development of entrepreneurship

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Operations management to undertake Experience the entrepreneurial Industrial Property 4) Presentation of projects Effective communication and project presentations Presentation of projects Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

Escuela de Organización Industrial EOI

NQF/ EQF Level

Information not available

REFERENCES 7. CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). 8. Confederación Española Jóvenes Empresarios 9. Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía, 2012 10. EJECANT 11. Estrategia de Emprendimiento y Empleo joven 2013-2016. Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social del Gobierno de España. 12. Emprendimiento económico y social en España.Guía de recursos para jóvenes emprendedores/as. INJUVE Catálogo General de Publicaciones Oficiales. 13. Eqavet. 14. Escuela de Organización Industrial EOI 15. Gobierno de España. Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte. 16. Gobierno de España. Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte. Mecu.

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17. IFES Instituto de Formación y estudios sociales 18. “Jóvenes y Emprendimiento 2012” Observatorio de la Juventud en España Servicio de Documentación y Estudios. INJUVE 19. Informe 2013 sobre el estado del sistema educativo Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte. Consejo Escolar del Estado CURSO 2011_2012 20. Marco europeo de Cualificaciones: El sistema de cualificación profesional en España y los/as trabajadores/as escasamente cualificados/as. Fernando Marhuenda Fluixá PhD, Professor of the University of Valencia. Joan Carles Bernad i Garcia PhD, psychologist of the University of Valencia. 21. LEY ORGÁNICA 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación. Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) nº 106, de 4 de mayo de 2006.LEY 56/2003, de 16 de diciembre, de Empleo. Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) nº 301, de 17 de diciembre de 2003. LEY 2/2011, de 4 de marzo, de Economía Sostenible. Boletín Oficial del Estado(BOE) nº 55 de 5 de marzo de 2011. 22. Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones para el aprendizaje permanente c46e 23. MECU 24. Proyecto ERA Proyecto Experimental para la Evaluación, Reconocimiento y Certificación de las Competencias Profesionales 2005. Ministerio de Educación Cultura y deporte. Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional. 25. 26. OAPEE VET System in SPAIN: Structure and Organisation 27. Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” 28. Necesidades laborales, perfiles profesionales y competencias. Unificación de Criterios:Competencias, habilidades y Conocimientos en el Marco de Cualificación Europeo. NEPCO LLL program 2013. 29. PEDRAZA LÓPEZ, Bonifacio (Enero/Julio 2011). La formación profesional en Europa y en España: Un nuevo contexto económico y social (Vet in europe and spain: a new economic and social context). Revista Educação Skepsis, n. 2–Formación Profesional Vol. III. La formación profesional desde casos y contextos determinados. São Paulo: pp.2407-2469.

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YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




GİRİŞ .............................................................................. Hata! Yer işareti tanımlanmamış.




YES PROFİLİ: UYÇ İLE BAĞLANTILI ULUSAL ÇERÇEVE ............................................................... 12


UYGULAMAYI SÜRDÜRMEK İÇİN AVRUPA ÖNERİLERİ ....................................................... 25


SONUÇLAR ..................................................................... Hata! Yer işareti tanımlanmamış.

YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşvik edilmesi Aralık 2012 ile Kasım 2014 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilen yenilikçiliğin aktarılmasına yönelik bir Leonardo da Vinci projesidir. YES projesinin genel hedefi, iş bulmamış, geleceğin girişimci eğitimcileri (ayrıca VET öğretmenleri/eğiticileri/profesyonelleri) olabilmek için VET sağlayıcılarını metodolojilerle, araçlarla ve yetkinliklerle donatan ve böylece bütün işbirlikçi ülkelerdeki işsiz gençler arasında girişimci öğrenmeyi hızlandıran gençlerde AB’nin kilit yetkinliği olan “yenilikçi ve girişimci algının” geliştirilmesini desteklemektir. Bu hedefler daha belirgin şekilde aşağıdaki şekillerde gerçekleştirilir: i. Girişimci yetkinliklerin gelişimine odaklı ePROF ve ePACK gibi iki yenilikçi metodolojiyi aktararak ve bunlara uyum sağlayarak… ePROF yenilikçi bir model ve değerlendirme profil aracını öne sürerken, ePACK girişimci bir e-öğrenme paketi sunar, ii.

İki hedef grup belirleyerek... (a) Öncelikle YES projesi VET sağlayıcıları geleceğin girişimci öğreticileri olmak üzere metodolojilerle, araçlarla ve yetkinliklerle (transfer atölyesi yoluyla) donatır ve böylece genç işsizler arasında girişimci öğrenimi hızlandırır, (b) İkinci olarak genç işsizler YES PACK’in ulusal pilotunda son kullanıcılardır,

iii. AYÇ öğrenim çıktılarına bağlı, bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikler açısından belirlenen, genç girişimcilere yönelik bir Avrupa ECVET eğitim müfredatı tasarlayarak, ECVET puanlarını paylaştırarak, Avrupa önerilerini dikkate alarak ve mevcut ulusal VET programlarına müfredatın entegre edilmesine yönelik ortak bir ilkenin geliştirilmesiyle… Daha belirgin şekilde:  Bütün işbirlikçi ülkelerde girişimci uygulamalar için geleceğin araçları olmak üzere VET öğretmenlerini/eğiticilerini/kılavuz profesyonelleri YES metodolojisi, araçlar ve malzemelerle donatarak Avrupa VET sistemlerinin modernleştirilmesi, kalitesi ve esnekliğini artırarak,  Kişisel gelişime imkan tanımak için yeni bilgi, beceri ve yeterlilik sağlayarak ve Avrupa iş piyasasında istihdam edilebilirlikle katılım standartlarını bir noktada buluşturarak,  VET organizasyonları ve sistemlerinde kalite ve yenilikçiliğin geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayarak,  Standartlaştırılmış bir sertifikalandırma modeline yönelik öğrenim çıktılarının belgelendirilmesi için temel oluşturacak olan bir AYÇ uyumlu yetkinlik profile YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


geliştirerek… Bu profil öğrenim çıktı ünitelerine bölünecek ve kredi puanlar (ECVET puanları) tayin edilecektir.  Mevcut durumu, geçirimlilik ve VET personel eğitimi alanında yüksek eğitime erişim imkânlarını değerlendirerek,  Ülkenin özgüllüklerini karşılamak için YES PACK’i başkalarına aktararak ve ona uyum sağlayarak… Ve hedef grubun ihtiyaçları, bir katılımcı ülkeden diğerine hepsini içerek şekilde yeterlilik ve yetkinliklerin tanınmasını sağlayarak VET alanındaki yenilikçi uygulamaların geliştirilmesini kolaylaştıracaktır. YES konsorsiyumu proje hedeflerine ulaşmak ve Avrupa projelerinde yer alarak fazla miktarda tecrübe sahibi olmak üzere teknik uzmanlığa sahip çok disiplinli bir takımdan meydana gelir. Bu projede altı farklı Avrupa ülkesinden işbirlikçilerin bulunduğu bir konsorsiyum yer alır: İŞBİRLİKÇİ






Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Mesleki Teknik Eğitim Geliştirme Merkezi




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İstanbul Genç Girişimciler Derneği




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Girişimciliği Geliştirme Enstitüsü




Baltik Eğitim Teknoloji Enstitüsü




Instituto Europeo de Estudios para la Formación y el Desarrollo

YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



YES projesinin ana sonucu olarak, işbirlikçiler ortak bir Avrupa Eğitim Müfredatı ile Genç Girişimciler için ortak bir ECVET profil geliştirmiştir. Bu profil, Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi (AYÇ) ile bağlantılıdır, “AYÇ ulusal yeterliliklerden oluşan sistemleri karşılaştırmaya ve aralarında iletişim sağlamaya yardımcı olur. AYÇ’nin özü, öğrenim çıktılarında; bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikler, tanımlanan sekiz ortak Avrupa referans seviyesidir. Bu, AYÇ’yle bağlantılı bir niteliğe sahip öğrencinin ne bildiğini, anladığını ve ne yapabildiğini daha anlaşılır kılar. Bu yaklaşım ayrıca her biri kendi içinde seviyelere ayrılan okul eğitiminden, akademik, profesyonel ve mesleki eğitime tüm eğitim, öğrenim ve nitelik türlerinde ödüllendirilmiş yeterliliği karşılaştırmayı mümkün kılar.”1 YES projesi kapsamında bilgi, beceri ve yetkinliklerin gelişim süreci, kendi işini kurabilecek ve onu sürdürülebilir şekilde yürütebilecek genç girişimcinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya yönelik bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikleri belirleme amacına yöneliktir. Benzer ulusal profillerin en gelişmiş halini göz önünde bulundurarak, sekiz Öğrenim Ünitesi bulunan ortak bir Avrupa ECVET Genç Girişimci Eğitim Müfredatı ve Profili oluşturduk: Öğrenim Ünitesi 1

Girişimciliğe Giriş

Öğrenim Ünitesi 2

İş Kurmak

Öğrenim Ünitesi 3

Risk Yönetimi ve İş Hukuku

Öğrenim Ünitesi 4


Öğrenim Ünitesi 5

İş Finansı ve Ekonomisi

Öğrenim Ünitesi 6

Şirket Yönetimi

Öğrenim Ünitesi 7


Öğrenim Ünitesi 8

İş Planı

Ortak Avrupa ECVET Genç Girişimci Eğitim Müfredatı farklı Avrupa ülkelerinde birçok uyumlaştırmaya oldukça açık olmuştur. Hedefler ve içerik de ülkeden ülkeye küçük farklılıklar gösterebilir. Bu yüzden kullanıcıların da “ünitelerin işlenmesi” ve “üniteleri değerlendirilmesi” için birden çok seçim şansı olur.

1 YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Avrupa genelinde ve ayrıca her ülkede girişimci olmanın birbirinden farklı birçok yolu vardır. Bu sebeple bu YES ECVET profili, “ECVET’in Önerisi” ve “öğrenim çıktılarının ünitelerini tanımlayan temel ilkeler” doğrultusunda bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikler temelinde öğrenim çıktılarından oluşan ayrıntılı bir derleme sunar. Avrupa gelişimleri ve düzenlemelerine bağlı olarak öğrenim çıktılarını daha şeffaf ve karşılaştırılabilir hale getirmek üzere bu çıktılar açısından bütün profesyonel profilleri tanımlama ihtiyacı doğacaktır. Bu sebeple, Ortak Avrupa YES ECVET profili ve eğitim müfredatı YES projesinin bulgularını yalnızca sürdürülebilir hale getirmek için değil YES konsorsiyumu dışındaki ülkelerinin ECVET profilini aktarmasını ve onu kendi ihtiyaçlarına uydurmasını kolaylaştırmak için de katkı sağlayacaktır. ECVET profili Avrupa’nın her yerinde kendi işini kuracaklar arasında beceri ve yeterliliğin ileriye taşınması için bir temel oluşturabilir. İyi de, öğrenim çıktıları nedir? Öğrenim çıktıları, bir öğrencinin öğrenim süresini tamamladıktan sonra ne bildiğinin, anladığının ve ne yapabildiğinin ifadesidir. Öğrenim çıktıları bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlik açısından tanımlanır. Bilgi, bir çalışma veya öğrenme sahasıyla bağlantılı gerçekler, prensipler, teoriler ve uygulamalardan oluşan bir temeldir. Teorik ve/veya gerçeklere dayalı bilgi olarak tanımlanır; beceriler bilgiyi kullanma ve görevleri nasıl tamamlayacağını, sorunları nasıl çözeceğini bilme yeteneğidir. Bu beceriler bilişsel (mantıksal, sezgisel ve yaratıcı düşünme) ya da pratik (el becerisi ve metotların, malzemelerin, araç ve gereçlerin kullanımını içerir) olarak tanımlanır; yetkinlik çalışma ve öğrenme durumlarında, profesyonel ve kişisel gelişimde bilginin, becerilerin ve kişisel, sosyal ve metodolojik yeteneklerin kullanımıyla ilgili kanıtlanmış yeterlilik anlamına gelir. Sorumluluk ve bağımsızlık yönünden tanımlanır.

YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


YES ECVET Eğitim Müfredatı

Öğrenim Çıktıları ÖÜ tamamlandıktan sonra katılımcılar şunları yapabilecekler: Öğrenim Ünitesi (ÖÜ) /başlık

Bilgi (teorik ve/veya gerçeklere dayalı)

Bilgi (teorik ve/veya gerçeklere dayalı)

Katılımcı şunları yapabilecek:

Katılımcı şunları yapabilecek:

Girişimciliği tanımlayabilecek

1. Girişimciliğe Giriş

Girişimcinin özelliklerini tanımlayabilecek Farklı türdeki girişimcileri belirleyebilecek

Yeni bir teşebbüsün itici kuvvetlerini ortaya koyabilecek

Bağımsız şekilde bir iş imkânını fark edebilecek

İş ortamıyla olası imkânlar arasında bağlantı kurabilecek veya girişimciliği sınırlandırabilecek

YES - Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2. İş Kurmak

Girişimci iş fikir matrisini özetleyebilecek

Farklı iş hukuku türlerini sınıflandırabilecek

Yeni bir işin uygun hukuki durumunu seçebilecek

Yeni bir teşebbüsü başlatmanın adımlarını sıralayabilecek

Yeni bir iş fikri geliştirebilecek

Ekonomik olarak ulaşılabilir bir pazar bulabilecek

Bir anlaşmanın yönelik farklı düzenleyebilecek

akdedilmesine prosedürlerini

İş risklerine ulaşım sağlayabilecek ve onları yönetebilecek


İş sözleşmelerini doğru şekilde hazırlayabilecek

Yeni iş kurma faktörlerini tanıyabilecek İş kurma anaparasıyla ve yeni bir işin finansmanını sağlama ilkelerini özetleyebilecek Farklı iş risklerini tanımlayabilecek Risk yönetimi metotlarını belirleyebilecek 3. Risk Yönetimi ve İş Hukuku

Farklı anlaşma koşullarını edebilecek İş sözleşmelerinin içeriklerini sıralayabilecek


Bir anlaşmanın hazırlayabilecek Borç tahsili planlayabilecek


Borç tahsili sürecini tanımlayabilecek

YES - Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Pazarlama ilke ve kavramlarını belirleyebilecek

Farklı pazarlama formları arasında bağlantı kurabilecek

Pazarlama formları arasında seçim yapabilecek

Farklı pazarlama metotlarını ve çeşitlerini tanımlayabilecek

Stratejik bir pazarlama ve iletişim planı tasarlayabilecek

İş ortamındaki değerlendirebilecek

Bir finansal plan oluşturabilecek

En uygun iş formunu/ modunu seçebilecek


4. Pazarlama Pazarlama karmasını tanımlayabilecek Çevresel pazarlama faktörlerini tanıyabilecek

Temel finans ve ekonomi ilkeleri ve kavramlarını ortaya koyabilecek Farklı finansal beyanları tanıyabilecek 5. İş Finansı ve Ekonomisi

Finansal beyanlarda yer alan ögeleri tanımlayabilecek Temel muhasebe metotlarını belirleyebilecek

Temel muhasebe hesaplaması yapabilecek

Kendi şirketinin finansını ve yatırım kararlarını planlayabilecek

Kendi işinin kazançlılığını belirleyebilecek Finansal beyanlarda yer alan ögeleri tanıtabilecek

Bir şirketin yaşam döngüsünü tanımlayabilecek

YES - Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Farklı yönetim özetleyebilecek


Takım çalışmasını destekleyecek bir strateji geliştirebilecek

Çalışan işe alabilecek & onları yönetebilecek

Takım çalışmasını tanımlayabilecek

Personel yönetimi ve işe alımının farklı aşamalarını ortaya koyabilecek

Şirkete sayıca artan çalışanlarla birlikte yönetebilecek

6. Şirket Yönetimi İş mevzuatını tanıyabilecek

Çalışanları motive edebilecek Dış faktörleri belirleyebilecek Kişisel yönetim belirleyebilecek

7. Vergilendirme

sözleşmesi Değişimi yönetebilecek


Vergilendirme türlerini ve gelir kaynaklarını tanımlayabilecek Vergi planlaması ve finansal beyan yapabilecek Bir iş planı tanımlayabilecek

8. İş Planı

Personel hazırlayabilecek

İş planının her yönünü belirleyebilecek

Bireylerin vergilendirilmesiyle şirketlerin vergilendirilmesinin neden farklılık gösterdiğini açıklayabilecek

Kendi şirketinin yıllık vergilendirmesini öngörebilecek

İş planının farklı yönlerini ortaya koyabilecek

Bir iş planını adım adım oluşturabilecek

Bir işin hedeflerini ve stratejisini oluşturabilecek

Tutarlılık sağlayarak bir iş planını değerlendirebilecek

Şirketinin planlayabilecek


Rekabet üstünlüğü kavramını tanıyabilecek

YES - Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Yukarıda tanıtılan eğitim müfredatında açıklanan öğrenim çıktılarına ulaşmak için öğrencinin bundan sonra tanıtılacak olan profile göre yaklaşık 180 saatlik bir eğitime tam bağlılık göstererek kayılması beklenir: YES ECVET Profili







1. Girişimciliğe Giriş



2. İş Kurmak



3. Risk Yönetimi ve İş Hukuku



4. Pazarlama



5. İş Finansı ve Ekonomisi



6. Şirket Yönetimi



7. Vergilendirme



8. İş Planı









Katılım gereklilikleri olarak AYÇ- seviye 3’e sahip olmanız önerilir. YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



Bu bölüm, Genç Girişimcilik uygulaması ile konuyla ilgili I-VET ve C-VET programlarıyla bağlantılı olarak işbirlikçi ülkelerin özel durumunu daha iyi anlaşılmasını sağlamayı amaçlar ve aşağıdaki işlevsel ortak çerçeveyle uyumlu olarak hazırlanmıştır: I.

İşbirlikçi ülkelerde Genç Girişimcilik uygulamasını ilgilendiren gelişme seviyesinin ülkenin/ AB’nin resmi istatistiklerine dayalı, resmi verilere bağlı bir masa başı araştırması yoluyla analizi,


Genç Girişimcilikle ilgili aşağıdaki konularda güncel eğitim tekliflerinin analizi; a) İşbirlikçi ülkelerde AYÇ ile karşılaştırmalı olarak Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevesinin (UYÇ) tanımlanması, b) İşbirlikçi ülkelerde Genç Girişimcilikle ilgili eğitim teklifleri konusunda masa başı araştırması, c) İşbirlikçi ülkelerde ECVET sisteminin tanımlanması.

Bu masa başı araştırmasından yola çıkarak, Türkiye, Portekiz, Yunanistan ve İspanya’daki proje işbirlikçileri her bir ulusal gerçekliği göz önünde bulundurarak bulgularını ortaya koydular. Sonuçlar bundan sonra açıklanacaktır. Aşağıdaki bölümde açıklanan temalarla bağlantılı olarak her ülkedeki gerçeklikle ilgili daha fazla ayrıntı ve bilgiyi bu belgenin eklerinde bulabilirsiniz.



Genç işsizliği yalnızca işbirlikçi ülkelerde değil, birçok diğer gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan Avrupa ülkesinde dünyanın geri kalanındaki en güncel ekonomik sorunlardan biridir. Toplumda girişimciliği artırmak ve girişimci nitelik ve yetenekleri geliştirmek bir ülkenin gelişiminde oldukça önemlidir, özellikle de işsizliğe bir alternatif olarak kendi şirketimizi açma YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


şansımızı çözüm olarak görüyorsak… Girişimci faaliyetler istihdam sağlamada, ekonomik gelişimin hızlandırılmasında, ülkede yeni endüstrilerin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamada ve toplumda değişim ve gelişime fırsat sağlamada oldukça yüksek başarı oranlarına sahiptir.

3.1.1. Türkiye’de Genç Girişimcilik Uygulaması Türkiye’de 2007-2013 yıllarını kapsayan 9. Gelişim Planı girişimci politikaların desteklenmesine önem verir ve “Aktif İş Gücü Politikaları” başlığı altında girişimcilik ve istihdam garantili programlar, mesleki danışmanlık ve danışmanlık hizmetleriyle mesleki eğitim kursları yoluyla aktif iş gücü politikalarının uygulanmasını amaçlar. Ayrıca, gelir dağılımının geliştirilmesi için, girişimcilik özellikle de kırsal ve gelişmemiş bölgelerde teşvik edilir. Girişimciliğin, yenilikçiliğin geliştirilmesi ve iş gücü verimliliğinin artırılmasıyla, Türkiye dünya ekonomisinde yakın tarihli yükselişini gerçekleştirecektir. Öne çıkan girişimcilik yaklaşımı, özel sektörle hükümet arasında işbirliğine dayalı yeni teknolojilerin geliştirilmesini ve yenilikçiliği amaçlar.2 Türkiye’deki girişimciler tarafından tecrübe edilen en önemli sorunlardan biri, finansal kaynaklara erişimde başarısızlığa ek olarak bilgi ve vizyondan yoksun olmaları ve bilgiye sahip olanlarınsa bilimsel danışmanlık hizmeti alamamalarıdır. Bu konuda diğer bir önemli noktaysa yeterli bilgiye sahip olmayan ileriye dönük girişimcilerin bu bilgi eksikliğinin farkına vardırılması ve onların destek almaya yönlendirilmesidir. Bu doğrultuda, iş yeri sahiplerinin genel girişimcilik stratejilerinin bir parçası olarak danışmanlık hizmeti almaları gerekir. Yalnızca finansal kaynakların sağlanmasının ötesine geçerek alınan desteklerle ilgili bir ölçüm ve değerlendirmenin yapılmaması da önemlidir. Girişimciler geçmişte benzer şeyleri tecrübe etmiş işyeri sahiplerince desteklenirlerse, bunun girişimcilerin başarısına katkı sağlayacağına inanılır.3 Girişimciliği destekleyen diğer önemli strateji SME Stratejisi ve Eylem Planıdır (2011 – 2013). 4 Eylem planının birincil stratejik alanlarından biri “Girişimciliğin Geliştirilmesi ve Desteklenmesidir”. Rapora göre, zayıf olarak görülen veya geliştirilmesi gereken alanlar ile ağırlık verilmesi gereken alanlar aşağıdaki gibidir:     




Potansiyel girişimcilerin bilgi ve farkındalık seviyesi bir iş planına bağlı kalarak başarılı bir iş kurmak için yeterli değildir, Girişimcilik resmi ve resmi olmayan eğitimle yeteri kadar desteklenmiyor, Dikkat gerektiren ve girişimciliği teşvik eden faaliyetler yeterli değildir, Girişimcilik alanındaki faaliyetler entegre değildir, İşbirliği oluşturmanın muhtemel katkıları hakkında bilgi eksikliği,

Kırım. A., Türkiye’nin Girişimcilik Politikası Ne olmalı?, TOBB Girişimcilik Kongresi, Ankara, 2010 TEPAV, Ankara’da Genç Girişimciliği Destekleme Stratejisi, Ankara, 2011 YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


  

Kurulan işlerde başlangıçta işyeri lokasyonu bulma ve giderlerini karşıma konularında zorluklarla karşılaşılır, Başlangıçta kararsız şekilde yeni bir iş eylemi başlatan girişimciler, Özel hedef grupları girişimcilik konusunda yeteri kadar teşvik edilmemiştir.

Açılan ve kapanan şirketlerin sayısı TR83 Bölgesindeki girişimcilik potansiyelini değerlendirmek üzere gözden geçirilir. TR83 Bölgesinde ve ülke genelinde 2010 yılında açılan ve kapanan şirketlerin sayısı 2009’la karşılaştırıldığında artış göstermiştir. Ancak, TR83 Bölgesinin Türkiye’ye göre oranına baktığımızda açılan şirketlerin yüzdesinde çok fazla farklılık görülmez, ancak kapanan şirketlerin yüzde artışı dikkat çekicidir (%1.80 ila %2.14). Sonrasında 2011’in ilk 10 aylık süreci karşılaştırıldığında, Türkiye bölgesinde kapanan şirketler kategorisindeki oranda azalma görülür, ancak açılan şirketler yüzdesinde küçük bir artış gözlemlenir. 5 Esnaf ve Sanatkârlar Sicil Gazetesi’nde yayımlanan istatistiklerin incelenmesinin ardından 2010 yılında TR83 Bölgesi ve Türkiye genelinde kayıtlı ve kayıtsız şirketlerin sayısının 2009 yılına göre artış gösterdiği gözlemlenir. Türkiye’deki TR83 Bölgesinde 2010 yılında kayıtlı ve kayıtsız şirketlerin oranı küçük de olsa artış göstermiştir. Türkiye’deki Bölgede kayıtlı işyerlerinin sayısının oranı 2011 yılının ilk 10 ayında 2010 yılına kıyasla %5.67’den %4.68’e gerilemiştir.6 Bu rakamlar Türkiye geneliyle kıyaslandığında bahsedilen Bölgede yeni kurulan işyerlerinin sayısında bir azalma olduğunu gösterir.

3.1.2. Yunanistan’da Genç Girişimcilik Uygulaması Yunanistan’ın iş gücü piyasasını geniş oranda vuran ağır ekonomik kriz sert bir düşüşle sonuçlandı. Yunanistan’daki işsizlik oranı yalnızca beş yıl önce %8’den, %27’den daha yüksek oranlara ilerledi. Bu, AB’deki en yüksek işsizlik oranıdır ve hala artış göstermektedir. Son yıllardaki bu işsizlik artışı 2012’de bir miktar azalmış gibi görünse de, hala birkaç stabilleşme belirtisi mevcuttur. Genç işsizlik oranının krizden önce bile zaten oldukça yüksek olduğunu belirtmek özellikle önemlidir. Bu sebeple, yüksek genç işsizlik oranlarından zarar gören AB’deki diğer ülkelerle karşılaştırıldığında bu durum genç işsizlik oranında daha önemsiz seviyede bir artışa yol açmıştır. Mart 2014’te Yunanistan için yayımlanan Görev Gücü raporuna göre, Yunanistan’daki yeni Gençlik Garantisi Uygulama Planı (YGIP) tasarısı, güncel planın politika uygulama yönetiminde asıl ilerlemenin kaydedilmesine odaklanmasıyla geliştirilen ve uygulanan önceki olanlardan büyük oranda ilerleme kaydetmiştir. Dâhili kilit paydaşlar da potansiyel etkinliğine katkıda bulunan planın tasarımı ve geliştirilmesinde yer almışlardır. YGIP, “işsizliğin veya resmi eğitimin tamamlanmasının ardından dört ay içinde 25 yaşına kadar olan bütün genç insanların yüksek kaliteli bir iş teklifi, çıraklık veya stajyerlik teklifi almasını” garantilemeyi amaçlar.


6 YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


YGIP, Yunanistan’daki İnsan Gücü İstihdam Kurumu’nun (OAED) yeniden yapılandırılmasına ve gençlik için programları (eğitim, sübvansiyon ve stajyerlik) oluşturulmasına odaklanır. Bu plan, gençler için iş gücü piyasasında daha iyi imkânlar sağlamaya ağırlık verir ve yerinde prosedürleri daha etkin ve etkili kılmaya çalışır.

3.1.3. Portekiz’de Genç Girişimcilik Uygulaması Portekiz ekonomisi ve değişen iş piyasasının güncel bağlamında, serbest meslek ve/ veya yeni iş alanının yaratılması gelişme gösterirken girişimcilik, Portekiz istihdam sistemine, özellikle de iş üretimi, işsizliğin önlenmesi ve işsizlikle mücadeleyle ilgili sistemlere meydan okuyan bazı şartlara ve yapısal zorluklara cevap verecek şekilde önem katma sorumluluğunu üstlenir. Girişimci ekonominin meydana gelmesi yalnızca kültürel değil, aynı zamanda psikolojik ve de ekonomik ve teknolojik bir gerçekliktir. Bunu başarmak için bireysel seviyede yeni değerler ve tavırlar harekete geçirmek gerekir ve böylece kurum oluşturmanın yanı sıra girişimcilik yaşam boyunca devam eden öğrenme süreci için bir çekirdek yetkinlik olarak ortaya çıkar. Zorunlu eğitimin en temel aşamalarından gençliğin gelişim ilkeleriyle girişimci bir kültürün oluşturulması Portekiz’de gösterilen çabanın kilit parçasıdır. Böylece, eğitim sisteminin şimdiki seviyesinde girişimcilik, eğitim ve ekonomi sistemleri arasında ahenkli bir uyum oluşturması gereken iş gücü piyasasındaki eğitim/öğretim/katkılar arasında temel bir arayüz görevi görür. Son zamanlarda ve genel olarak Portekiz toplumu okulun genç insanlarda girişimci tavrı geliştirdiğinin farkında ve bu tavır yeni nesillerin eğitimi ve Portekiz’in sürdürülebilir şekilde gelişmesi için gerekli görülmektedir. Girişimci bir anlayış için eğitimin geliştirilmesi yalnızca eğitimden sorumlu otoritelerin katkılarıyla mümkün olabilir ve bu da yeni çalışma şekillerine ve yeni tutuma karşı açık fikirli olmayı gerektirir. Girişimcilikte Avro Barometresinin (2012) Portekiz’deki yanıtlayanlarının neredeyse yarısını (%49) göstermesiyle birlikte; farklı iş türleri arasında seçim yapabilirlerse; başkaları tarafından istihdam edilmektense serbest meslek çalışanı olmayı tercih ederler. Bu, AB seviyesinde serbest meslek tercihini ifade eden %37’yle karşılaştırıldığında nispeten yüksek bir orandır. Son zamanlarda Portekiz Hükümeti tarafından gençlerin istihdamını desteklemek üzere esaslı bir program uygulanmaktaydı: İstihdam Hareketi. Bu, işsiz gençlere şirketlerin geniş kâinatında stajlar yoluyla üçüncü derece iş tecrübesi sağlamak amacıyla IEFP (İstihdam ve Mesleki Eğitim Enstitüsü), Calouste Gulbenkian Vakfı ve COTEC Portekiz arasında bir sinerji yaratma eylemidir. Bu hareket Mayıs 2013’te başlatılmıştır ve amacı mümkün olan en fazla sayıda şirketi, kamu kuruluşunu ve sosyal ekonomiyi hareketin misyonu ve sosyal sorumluluk çerçevesinde, 20132014 gibi iki yıllık bir süre boyunca yüksek öğretim niteliğine sahip, mezun genç işsizler, öğretmenler ve doktorlara iş bağlamında en az 5000 adet staj imkânı sağlamak üzere “Impulso Jovem” tedbirleri altında seferber etmektir.

3.1.4. İspanya’da Genç Girişimcilik Uygulaması YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Büyük ya da küçük çapta, neredeyse bütün gelişmiş ülkeler ve tabii ki bütün AB ülkeleri iş geliştirme ve girişimciliği destekleme gerekliliğini öngörmüşlerdir. İspanya yerel, eğitimsel, iş gücü ve endüstriyel gelişim için farklı alanlarda girişimciliği destekleyen bu politik ve ekonomik eyleme katılmıştır. Eğitim alanında, 2000- Lizbon Avrupa Konseyi’nden bu yana İspanya eğitim sistemi kapsamında girişimciliği desteklemeye vaat etmektedir. Hem 2002 Eğitim Kalitesi için Anayasa (LOCE) hem de bir öncekinin yerini alan 2006 Eğitim Anayasası (LOE) amaçları ve hedefleri arasında girişimcilik eğitimi, öğrencilerin eğitim süresi boyunca yetkin olmanın temelini kavramaları ve yenilikçilikle birlikte yaratıcılıklarını geliştirmeleri yer alır7. İspanya hükümeti tarafından tasarlanan 2013-2016 Girişimcilik ve Genç İstihdam Stratejisi’nin ana hedefleri gençlerin istihdam edilebilirliklerini artırmak, işlerin kalite ve stabilliğini geliştirmek, iş gücü piyasasına ulaşımda eşit imkânlar düzenlemek ve girişimcilik ruhunu teşvik etmektir. Kilit eylemler: Genç insanlar arasında işe alımları, girişimciliği ve yenilikçiliği; eğitimin yeterliliğini ve güncel iş gücü piyasasının ihtiyaçlarına uygun eğitim vermeyi teşvik etme ve okulu bırakma oranlarını azaltmadır. İspanya’da genç istihdam politikalarına odaklı, Genç Girişimcilerin girişimcilik ve yenilikçiliklerini destekleyen, iş sektörünü güçlendirmek ve istihdam yaratmak için bunun önemiyle ilgili farkındalığı artıran sayısız program, eğitim merkezi, çevrimiçi portal ve yenilikçi iş yönetimi oluşturma eğitim programı bulunur. Yukarıda tanımlanan özel ve kamu kuruluşlarının çoğu İspanya’yı oluşturan 17 Otonom Toplumun her birinde yerel olarak koordine edilir. Kamu merkezleri ve dernekleri her bir Otonom Toplumun Yerel Hükümet yönetimi altında, daha özel anlamda Yerel Gençlik Müdürlükleri kapsamında yer alır. (Bu programların birçoğuyla ilgili daha fazla ayrıntılı bilgi için lütfen Ek 4’e başvurunuz.)


Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevesinin (UYÇ) AYÇ ile Karşılaştırmalı olarak Tanımlanması

Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi (AYÇ) farklı ülkelerin ulusal yeterlilik sistemleri ve çerçevelerini (UYÇ) birbirine bağlayan ortak bir Avrupa referans sistemidir. Pratik anlamda bu çerçeve yeterlilikleri daha okunaklı hale getiren bir çeviri cihazı olarak işlev görür. Öğrencilere/ çalışanlara ve ülkelerarası hareket etmek isteyen veya iş değiştirmek isteyen ya da mesleki eğitim ve öğretimler (VET) almak isteyen çalışanlara yardımcı olacaktır. Yaşam boyu öğrenimin desteklenmesine yönelik bir araç olarak AYÇ genel ve yetişkinler için eğitim, mesleki eğitim ve öğretimle birlikte yüksek eğitimi içinde barındırır. Eğitimin sekiz seviyesi zorunlu eğitimin sonunda elde edilenlerden akademik ve profesyonel veya mesleki eğitim ve öğretimin en üst seviyesinde kazanılanlara kadar bütün yeterlilikleri kapsar. Her seviye ilke olarak bir dizi eğitim ve kariyer yolunu takip ederek ulaşılabilir olmalıdır.


Emprendimiento económico y social en España.Guía de recursos para jóvenes emprendedores/as. INJUVE Catálogo General de Publicaciones Oficiales. YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


AYÇ’nin öncelikli kullanıcıları ulusal ve/veya sektörel nitelik sistemleri ve çerçevelerinden sorumlu olan otoriteler olacaktır. Bu otoriteler kendi sistemleriyle AYÇ arasında bağlantı kurduğunda, AYÇ bireylerin, işverenlerin, eğitim ve öğretim sağlayıcılarının farklı ülkelerden, farklı eğitim ve öğretim sistemlerinden tek tek yeterlilikleri karşılaştırmalarına yardımcı olacaktır. Ulusal Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi (UYÇ) ülkenin toplumsal, kültürel ve ekonomik gerçekliliklerine en yakın tanımlamaları ve yaklaşımları içeren ve hem ulusal hem de uluslararası paydaşlar tarafından tanınan, ulaşılabilir ve karşılaştırılabilir derecelerin verildiği bir sistemdir. Genel AYÇ çerçevesi aşağıdaki tabloda gösterilir: AYÇ Seviyeleri


Seviye 1

Temel Eğitimin İkinci Döngüsü

Seviye 2

Temel Eğitimin Üçüncü Döngüsü (geleneksel yolla veya çifte sertifikalandırma yollarıyla elde edilen)

Seviye 3

Orta Eğitim (Üniversite seviyesine geçiş)

Seviye 4

Çifte sertifikalandırma yollarıyla ve profesyonel bir stajla Üniversite seviyesine geçiş yapmak üzere alınan Orta Eğitim (en az 6 ay).

Seviye 5

Orta Eğitim Sonrası Nitelik Kazanma

Seviye 6

Üniversite Derecesi

Seviye 7

Yüksek Lisans Derecesi

Seviye 8

Doktora Derecesi (PhD)

Portekiz tam olarak aynı çerçeveyi (UYÇ=AYÇ) paylaşırken, Türkiye de aynı şekilde yapmayı planlamaktadır. Helenik Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi (HYÇ) Yunanistan’daki resmi, resmi olmayan ve bilgi verici eğitim ve öğretim yoluyla edinilen yeterliliklerin sınıflandırılmasına yönelik belirgin ve anlaşılır bir sistem yaratmayı hedefler. Bu çerçeve hala tasarlama ve geliştirme aşamasındadır. Bununla YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


birlikte, HYÇ de AYÇ gibi Yunanistan ve diğer AB ülkeleri genelindeki sektörler ve bireyler arasında yeterlilikler karşılaştırmasına imkân tanır. Helenik Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi bütün müdahil tarafları koordine eden Eğitim ve Diyanet Bakanlığının gözetimi altında yer alır. AYÇ dâhilinde HYÇ’den referans almakla yükümlü olan bu kurum Yeterlilikleri Sertifikalandırma ve Mesleki Kılavuzluk Ulusal Teşkilatı’dır (E.O.P.P.E.P). Helenik Yeterlilikler Çerçevesinin genel yapısı, iyi tasarlandığını ve kolayca yürürlüğe konabileceğini doğrulamak için geliştirilmiştir. AYÇ’de olduğu gibi zorunlu eğitimden yüksek öğretime geniş miktarda niteliği kapsayan sekiz (8) seviye bulunur. Bu sekiz seviye henüz geliştirme ve tamamlama aşamasındayken oldukça basit bir formda aşağıda verilmiştir. İspanya’da yeterlilikler sekiz seviyeli bir çerçevede ortaya konur. AYÇ seviyesinin tanımlayıcılarından ilham alınan bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlik açısından tanımlanan 8 seviyeli tanımlayıcı sözcükler mevcuttur ve bunlar İspanyol ulusal bağlamına uymaları için kabul edilmiştir. En yüksek dört seviye, HE8 için İspanyol Yeterlilikler Çerçevesiyle uyumlu olacaktır. VET, AYÇ’nin 4. ve 5. orta seviyelerine karşılık gelir. “Eğitim Bakanlığı, ilköğretim, alt orta öğretim, üst orta öğretim ve mesleki eğitim gibi eğitimin farklı seviyeleri için ana ulusal eğitim müfredatını oluşturmuştur. Bunlar merkezi yönetim tarafından belirlenirler. Ana eğitim müfredatı eğitimin her bir düzeyi için olmakla birlikte her alan veya konunun özel hedefleri için genel hedefler belirler. Ana eğitim müfredatı ayrıca her alan için içerik oluşturur ve kriterleri inceler”9. İspanya’nın Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevesinin (UYÇ) geliştirilmesi genel anlamda farklı eylem ve kararlara, farklı eğitim ve öğretim alt sistemlerinin belirlenmesi ve düzenlenmesine dayalıdır; bunlar aşağıdaki gibidir: a. Üniversiteye bağlı olmayan resmi öğretim yeterlilikleri. b. Yüksek öğretim yeterlilikleri (Üniversiteler). c. Profesyonel yetkinlikler: (Profesyonel tecrübeyle edinilen profesyonel yetkinliklerin tanınması)10. Günümüzde İspanya’daki UYÇ iki aşamalıdır, ilk olarak yüksek öğretim sistemi kapsamında kazanılan bütün yeterliliklere atfedilen Yüksek Öğretim için İspanyol Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi (MECES) oluşturulmuştur, böylece yalnızca resmi öğretimi ifade etmektedir. Dahası Yaşam Boyu Öğrenim için İspanyol Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi (MECU) uygulamaya konmaktadır. MECU bütün


CEDEFOP (2010): Avrupa’da ulusal yeterlilikler çerçevesinin geliştirilmesi (Ağustos 2010).


CEDEFOP (2010): Avrupa’da ulusal yeterlilikler çerçevesinin geliştirilmesi (Ağustos 2010). ¹⁰ Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” ¹¹ MECU

YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


öğrenim bağlamlarına işaret eder, yani resmi öğrenimle (öğretim sisteminin bütün seviyelerini göz önünde bulundurarak) birlikte resmi olmayan öğrenimi kapsar11. 2012’de yapılandırılan İspanyol Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi (MECU) “bütün vatandaşların” yaşam boyu öğrenime erişimlerini “teşvik edecek”, onları bu öğrenimde yer almaya “itecek” ve ayrıca ulusal seviyelerde ve Avrupa seviyelerinde yeterliliklerin tanınması ve kullanımına “yönlendirecek bir araçtır”. En basitten en karmaşık öğrenime kadar öğrenim seviyelerini düzenlemek üzere uluslararası kabul gören bir yapıdır. MECU, Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi AYÇ yoluyla İspanya’dakilerin Avrupa’daki diğerleriyle birlikte tanınan yeterliliklerin karşılaştırılmasına imkân sağlar.”12 (Ayrıntılı bilgi için lütfen Ek 4’e bakınız)


ECVET Sisteminin Tanımlanması

Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim için Avrupa Kredi Sistemi (ECVET) teknik çerçevesi transfer, tanıma ve uygun görüldüğü yerde bireylerin öğrenim çıktılarının bir nitelik elde etme amacıyla toplanmasını sağlar. Bu anlamda, ECVET’te bir yeterlilik sisteminden diğerine ya da bir öğrenim yolundan diğerine kredilerin aktarılması için bireylerin öğrenim çıktıları değerlendirilir ve geçerli kılınır. Bu yaklaşıma göre farklı ülkelerde veya farklı durumlardaki öğrenciler zaman içinde kazanılan bir nitelik için elde edilen öğrenim çıktılarını toplayabilirler. Sistem ayrıca VET yeterlilikleri için ortak referanslar oluşturma olasılığını ortaya koyar ve yüksek öğretim için Avrupa Kredi Transfer ve Toplama Sistemi (ECTS) ile tamamen uyumludur. ECVET araçlar ve metodolojisi, ilgili puanlarla birlikte öğrenim çıktı üniteleri açısından yeterliliklerin tanımlanmasını, bir transfer ve toplama sürecini ve Öğrenim Anlaşmaları, kayıt transkriptleri ve kullanıcı kılavuzları gibi tamamlayıcı belgeleri bünyesinde barındırır. Türkiye’de ECVET yeterlilikler alanında ve şeffaflığın artırılması için karşılıklı güvenin desteklenmesine yarayan bir araç olarak düşünülür. Bu sebeple, resmi, resmi olmayan ve gayriresmi öğrenim yoluyla elde edilen bilgi, beceri ve yetkinliklerin toplanması, aktarılması ve tanınmasını sağlayacaktır. Ancak, Türkiye’de ECVET ilkelerinin kabul edilmesi Türkiye VET reformu kapsamında kısmen yeni bir ilgi alanıdır. Gelişme süreci yaklaşık iki yıl önce başladı ve hala devam etmektedir. Türkiye ECVET üzerinde ulusal düzeyde çalışmakla kalmayıp, daha geniş bir AB bağlamında yer alan çalışmalara da katılmakta ve katkı sağlamaktadır. Yeni bir kavram olmasına rağmen, ECVET’in Türkiye’de gelişimi zaten bazı teknik kilometre taşlarına ulaşmıştır. Türkiye, yaşam boyu öğrenim yaklaşımı altında bir ECVET sistemi geliştirmeye kendini adamıştır. Bu adanmışlık, 28 Mart 2007 tarihinde Ankara’da ECVET’le ilgili ulusal bir toplantıda resmi olarak duyurulmuştur. MEB’in Eğitim Araştırma ve Geliştirme Müdürlüğü (ERDD) Türkiye’de ECVET’in gelişiminden sorumlu bir ünitedir.



MECU MECU YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Türk VET kavramına özgü ECVET yaklaşımının temel unsurları şunlardır: 

Öğrenim çıktıları toplam öğretim süresine bağlı olarak kredilendirilir.

Benzer kapsamda, içerikte, zorlukta ve sürede yeterliliğe yönlendiren öğrenim çıktılarına aynı miktarda krediler dağıtılır.

20 saate kadar olan sürede bire bir öğrenimle kazanılan öğrenim çıktıları 1 ECVET kredisine eşdeğerdir.

Tam bir VET öğretim yılı 60 krediye eşdeğerdir.

240 kredi 4 yıllık resmi VET orta öğretiminin tamamlanmasıyla kazanılabilir.

Türkiye’deki ECVET’in kilit aktörlerinden biri AB ile uyumlu Ulusal Mesleki Yeterlilik Sisteminin geliştirilmesinden sorumlu MYK’dir (Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu). MYK, görevlerini Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu, Çalışanlar ve İşverenler Örgütleriyle diğer bağlantılı kuruluşlarla işbirliği içinde gerçekleştirir. MYK’nin ana görevleri kapsamında profesyonel standartların belirlenmesi önceliktir. Mesleki standartlar iş gücü piyasasının gerekliliklerine uygun şekilde eğitim ve öğretim programları oluşturmaya, bireylerin mesleklerinde becerilerini kullanma yeteneklerini belirlemeye yönelik bir temeldir. Diğer bir kilit faktörse danışma süreci dâhilinde ECVET çalışmaları gerçekleştiren (koordine eden ve sürdüren) MEB’dir (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı). MEB’in ana sorumluluklar şunlardır:  Mesleki ve teknik okullardan/ uluslararası sertifika veren kuruluşlardan alınan sertifikaların geçerliliğini sağlamak  Mesleki Öğretimde Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi ve Avrupa Kredi Transfer Sisteminin (ECVET) Türk VET sistemine yansımasını sağlamak  Her modülün mesleki seviyelerdeki ağırlığına bağlı olarak kredilendirmek  Tüm seviyelerde mesleki ve teknik öğretim almış veya herhangi bir seviyeden mezun olmuş kişiler yeterliliklerine bağlı olarak değerlendirilmeli ve sertifikalandırılmalıdır. Yunanistan’daki ECVET sistemi henüz başlangıç aşamasındadır. Politika yapıcılar ve karar alıcılar ECVET’in (hareketlilik, yeterliliklerin şeffaflığı vb.) katma değerlerinde hemfikir olsalar da, böyle bir sistem henüz uygulanmamaktadır. 3879/2010 numaralı Yaşam Boyu Öğrenimle ilgili kanun ECVET’in (Cedefop, 2013) kurulumunu öngörse de; paydaşlarla halk arasında iletişim eksikliği mevcuttur. Eğitim ve Diyanet, Kültür ve Spor Bakanlığı Yunanistan’ın NCP’si olan EOPPEP yardımıyla ECVEP’in geliştirilmesinden sorumludur. Portekiz’de ECVET, Çalışma Bakanlığı ve Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından düzenlenen Ulusal Yeterlilik ve Profesyonel Eğitim Ajansı (ANQEP) tarafından koordine edilir. ECVET’in yürürlüğe konması “Yetkin Merciiler” yani; yeterlilikleri tasarlamak ve ödüllendirmekle, öğretim çıktı ünitelerini veya ECVET sistemiyle bağlantılı diğer fonksiyonları tanımakla sorumlu olan kuruluşlarca belirlenen birden çok ve farklı kuruluşların işbirliğiyle gerçekleştirilir. Portekiz’deki ana ECVET aktörleri şunlardır: • Ulusal Yeterlilik ve Profesyonel Eğitim Ajansı (ANQEP) ve İstihdam ve Çalışma İlişkilerinden Sorumlu Ulusal Organlar (DGERT) gibi eğitim ve öğretim sistemlerine yönelik düzenleyici fonksiyona sahip özel veya tüzel kuruluşlar, YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


• VET kamu yetkilileri, akreditasyon, sertifikalandırma veya yeterlilik organları, tanınırlıktan sorumlu organlar; • Mesleki eğitim kuruluşları ağı, VET merkezleri, şirket için eğitim merkezleri vb. şeklinde VET sağlayan özel ve kamu kuruluşları. Avrupa Parlamentosu ve Konseyi’nin onayına paralel olarak ECVET Portekiz’de hala uygulanmaktadır. Portekiz, Avrupa’daki en son koşulları yakından takip etmiştir ve yeterlilik sistemleri, Ulusal Yeterlilikler Çerçevelerinin uygulanmasıyla birlikte öğrenim çıktılarına bağlı bir yaklaşımı benimsemiştir. Öğrenim çıktılarının yorumlanması ve tanımlanması konusunda fikir birliği olmamasına rağmen, bütün araç ve gereçler, AYÇ’de olduğunu gibi, bu bağlamda bu yaklaşıma bağlı olarak gelişme göstermiştir. ECVET’in uygulanması için yeterliliklerin açıkça belirlenen ve açıklanan öğrenim çıktısı üniteleriyle düzenlenmesi ve yeterliliklerin karşılıklı anlaşılmasına olanak tanımak için iş gücü piyasasının etkin ihtiyaçlarını dikkate alınması şarttır. Bunun için ilk adım VET sürecindeki bütün aktörler arasından ECVET’in desteklenmesi ve anlaşılmasıdır ve bunun gerçekleştirilebilmesi için her yeterliliği belirleyen Ulusal Yeterlilikler Kataloğu (UYK) öğrenim çıktılarını esas almalıdır. Portekiz’de ECVET sistemi resmi, resmi olmayan ve gayri-resmi öğrenim bağlamlarında önceki öğrenimlerin tanınırlığıyla bağlantılıdır ve bu sebeple VET’in aktif şekilde araştırılmasını teşvik eden bir hareketlilik motorudur. VET’in birçok aktörü ISQ gibi ana paydaşlarla ve ulusal organlarla aynı doğrultuda ECVET’in etkin uygulanışı için yeni katkılar sağlamıştır. ECVET’in herhangi bir düzenleyici misyonu bulunmadığı için bu katkılar herhangi bir yasal yükümlülük olmaksızın gönüllülük esasında aşamalı olarak geliştirilmeli ve uygulanmalıdır. Son zamanlarda öğrenim çıktılarına bağlı şekilde Öğrenim Üniteleri için eğitim modülleri açısından örneklemde değişiklik yapılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu öğrenim çıktısı ünitelerinin yeniden yapılandırılması ve ECVET kredilerinin sırayla nitelendirilmesi için metodolojik bir kılavuz hazırlık aşamasındadır. İspanya’daki güncel durumu öğretim ve/veya mesleki eğitimin herhangi bir yönüyle ortaya koyarken, Otonom Toplulukların öğretimle ilgili konularda %40 oranında karar alma sorumluluğuna sahip olduğu İspanyol eyaletinin politik yapısının özelliklerini dikkate almak önemlidir. Bu nedenle, her Otonom Toplulukta ulusal mevzuatın uygulama veya gelişim durumunda bazı farklılıklar bulmak mümkündür. İspanya, öğretimin Avrupa boyutunu bünyesinde toplarken, sosyal işbirlikçilerle iş verenlerin katılımıyla, eğitim kursları ve kazanılan öğrenim çıktılarının akreditasyonuna, kalite değerlendirmesine ve eğitimin etkinliğine, eyalet hükümetleri arasında koordinasyona ortak bir referans olarak yetkinlik ünitesini içeren tutarlı ve entegre bir Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim çerçevesi elde etme amacıyla bir modernleşme ve gelişme sürecinden geçmektedir. Eğitim Bakanlığı, Çalışma Bakanlığı, eyalet hükümeti ve sosyal işbirlikçiler yoluyla Eyalet Yönetiminin dâhil olmasıyla zaten birçok yasa koyucu girişimler gerçekleşmiştir. YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


ECVET uyumlaştırma sistemi üzerinde güncel anlamda çalışılmaktadır ve Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri için gönüllülük esasıyla yürürlüğe konması 2014 yılı için planlanmıştır. İspanya’da mesleki eğitim sistemi modüler eğitim programlarına bağlıyken, Ulusal Profesyonel Yeterlilikler Kataloğu (CNCP) çerçevesinde mesleki eğitim ve öğretim Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim için Avrupa Kredi Transfer Sisteminin (ECVET) felsefesiyle uyumludur. Öğretim sisteminde ilk VET sertifikalandırmaları ve başlıklar 2,000 saat içerir, öğrenim çıktılarına odaklanır ve üretim sektörünün ihtiyaçlarına karşılık verecek şekilde oluşturulmuş standartlar doğrultusunda profesyonel yetkinliklerin edinilmesine imkân tanır. Bütün diplomalar profesyonel, kişisel ve sosyal becerilerin edinilmesi ve geliştirilmesini destekler. Profesyonel tecrübeyle edinilmiş becerilerin tanınmasına yönelik bu yeni sistem, mesleki eğitim diplomaları veya profesyonel sertifikalarda yer alan yeterlilikleri gösteren yetkinlik ünitelerinin kısmi olarak değerlendirilmesini ve akreditasyonunu sağlar. Böylelikle akredite yetkinlik üniteleri bütün mesleki eğitim sertifikalarında veya profesyonel sertifikalarda yer alan ilgili eğitim modüllerinin tanınmasına ya da bu modüllerden muafiyete yol açabilir.



Girişimcilik öğretiminin önemini daha da güçlendirmek için Avrupa Komisyonu Ocak 2013 tarihinde amacı ‘Avrupa’da girişimciliği yeniden başlatmak’ için üye ülkelerin hareket tarzını düzenlemek olan “GİRİŞİMCİLİK 2020” olarak adlandırılan bir eylem planı sunmuştur. Sunulan hedeflerden biri okul programlarında eğitim ve girişimcilik uygulamasını (genç insanlar orta öğretimi bitirmeden önce girişimcilikle ilgili en azından bir uygulamalı tecrübe edinmiş olmalıdır) içerir. Belgede “girişimcilik öğretimine yatırım yapmanın Avrupa’nın elde edebileceği en yüksek yatırım kazançlarından birini getireceğiyle” ilgili bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Bu nedenle girişimciliğin desteklenmesi için okullarda uygulanan Avrupa yönetmelikleri belirgindir. 2001’de “Avrupa Konseyi’ne yapılan eğitim raporlamasında” girişimcilik eğitimi yapısal girişimin bir kilit alanı olarak düşünülürdü. 2005’te Avrupa Komisyonu stratejisi, Avrupa genelinde ekonomik ve kültürel gelişimin kilit faktörleri olarak girişimcilik eğitim ve öğretimini tanıyan “Yaşam Boyu Eğitime Yönelik Kilit Yetkinliklerin Öğrenimini” (EC, 2005) güçlendirmek için bu önemi desteklemekteydi.

3.4.1. Türkiye Girişimciliğin ekonomik büyüme ve yenilikçilik üzerindeki etkisi bu alanda birçok faaliyete ve farklı kuruluşların girişimcilik desteğine yol açmıştır. Bu anlamda KOSGEB, İŞKUR, Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı ile birden çok sivil toplum örgütü gibi kamu yönetimleri girişimcilik alanında destek sağlar. Ek olarak mikro kredi gibi küçük çaplı kredi mekanizmaları yaygınlaşır. Dahası risk sermayesi ve iş melekleri ağı tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de daha etkili hale gelmektedir. YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Ayrıca Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği (TOBB) girişimciliği desteklemek üzere birden çok faaliyet yürütür. Kadın Girişimciler Kurulu TOBB bünyesinde kurulmuştur. Kurul kadın girişimciler için genel politikalar geliştirir ve fikirlerin üretilmesi için katkıda bulunur. Kurul, farklı sektörlerden kadın girişimciler ve Habitat için Gençlik Derneği’nden, TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Kadınların Statüsü Genel Müdürlüğü ve KOSGEB’den temsilciler içerir. Ayrıca TOBB ulusal ve yerel düzeyde Genç Girişimciliği desteklemek için TOBB Genç Girişimciler Kurulu’nu kurmuştur. Girişimcilik programları için daha fazla ayrıntılı bilgiyi Ek 1’de bulabilirsiniz.

3.4.2. Yunanistan Eğitim programları ağır ekonomik krizle mücadelenin, Yunanistan’a daha rekabetçi bir ekonomi oluşturmanın ve Yunanistan ve AB genelinde gençliğin sosyal ve ekonomik katılımına imkân sağlamanın bir yolu olarak gençlik için yıllarca uygulana gelmiştir. Bununla birlikte, girişimcilik eğitimi henüz oldukça başlangıç aşamasındadır. Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın girişimcilik eğitimini desteklemesine rağmen çoğu kuruluş henüz bu tür programları uygulamamıştır ve bu konuda tartışmalar hala sürmektedir. Buna rağmen profesyonel tecrübenin geliştirilmesine yönelik bir program uygulamaya konmuştur, bu programda stajyerlik programları vasıtasıyla gençlik bir iş alanında “çalışarak” özel bir sektörde eğitilir. Bu program Mathiteia4u adıyla bilinir. Ek olarak 2010’da Yunanistan Ticaret Odası, Genç Girişimcilik programı sunan ülkede ikinci bir ticaret odası haline gelmiştir. Genç Girişimcilik Akademisi (YEA!) yüksek öğretim öğrencilerine yoğun girişimcilik eğitim programları sunmak ve onlara kendi işlerini kurmak ve sürdürmek üzere kılavuzluk etmek için geliştirilmiştir.

3.4.3. Portekiz Portekiz’in normal öğretim sistemi, yüksek öğretim alanında pozitif bir anlam kazanmasına rağmen ilköğretim ve orta öğretim öğrencileri arasında girişimci kültürü desteklemede yetersiz kalmaktadır. Orta öğretimde mesleki kursların başlatılması, eğitim sistemini yeniden yapılandırmak, okul performansını iyileştirmek ve eğitim koşullarının daha da çeşitlendirmek, bu yolla farklılaştırılmış okulların hedeflediği halkın beklentilerine cevap vermek ve daha fazla fırsat eşitliğini teşvik etmek için 26 Mart’ta N. º 74/2004 Kanun Hükmünde Kararname’den ortaya çıkmaktadır. İş gücü piyasasına entegrasyonu hedefleyen bir eğitim çözümü bulmak temkinli bir yaklaşımdır ve bu çözümün sonuca bağlanması, gerekliliklerin karşılanarak yüksek öğretim sistemine girme imkânı getiren genellikle IV. seviye ve 12. sınıf diplomasıyla profesyonel bir yeterlilik sağlar.

YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Portekiz’de girişimcilik alanında eğitim fırsatı temel olarak iki farklı organizmayla sağlanır: Bu alanda profesyonel kurslar sağlayan, bazı durumlarda 3, 4 ve 5 seviyelerinde profesyonel yeterlilik veren Özel Eğitim Kurumları ile girişimcilik alanında lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora derecesi veren Yüksek Eğitim Enstitüleri. Girişimcilik kurslarının çoğu üniversiteler ve çeşitli dallarda eğitim veren teknik üniversiteler tarafından sunulur. Aslında genç insanlar için girişimcilik alanında sağlanan mesleki eğitim kursları hala az sayıdadır, diğer yandan eğitim müfredatlarına entegre edilen bazı özel modülleriyle daha sık karşılaşılır. Portekiz’de girişimcilik eğitim ve öğretimi almanın en bilinen bazı yollarını Ek 3’te bulabilirsiniz.

3.4.4. İspanya İspanya, resmi olmayan öğrenimi geçerli kılmak için kapsamlı bir eğitime sahip değildir. Ancak, yüksek öğretim kapsamında ve şimdiyse profesyonel yeterlilikler yoluyla bunu geçerli kılmanın yolları ortaya çıkmıştır. En önemli gelişmeler çalışma tecrübesiyle kazanılan becerilerin tanınmasına yönelik 17 Temmuz tarihli 1224/2009 numaralı Kraliyet Kararnamesinin onaylanmasıyla meydana gelmiştir. Bu kararname resmi veya resmi olmayan öğrenim ve çalışma tecrübesiyle elde edilen becerilerin akreditasyonuna yönelik prosedürlerle düzenlenir. Ulusal Profesyonel Yeterlilikler Kataloğundan resmi olmayan öğrenimle birlikte resmi mesleki eğitim diplomalarının tanınması için bir standart olarak yararlanılır13. Her bir yeterliliğe karşılık gelen mesleki eğitim ve öğretim (VET) içeriklerini kapsayan İspanyol üretim sisteminin en önemli profesyonel yeterlilikleri Ulusal Profesyonel Yeterlilikler Kataloğunda (CNCP) listelenir. Bu belge Ulusal Yeterlilikler ve Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim Sistemi’nin (SNCFP) bir aracıdır ve profesyonel çalışma için uygun yetkinlikler doğrultusunda Profesyonel Yeterlilikleri listeler. CNCP’nin ana amaçları arasında mevcut programların İspanyol üretim sisteminin özelliklerine ve taleplerine uyarlanmak üzere mesleki öğretime entegre edilmesi yer alır. 5 Mart tarihli 375/1999 numaralı Kraliyet Kararnamesiyle oluşturulan, Eğitim Bakanlığına ve Mesleki Eğitim Genel Müdürlüğü’yle onun Genel Konseyi’ne bağlı Ulusal Yeterlilikler Enstitüsü (INCUAL) Ulusal Profesyonel Yeterlilikler Kataloğunu (CNCP) ve benzer Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim Modüler Kataloğunu tanımlamak, oluşturmak ve güncellemekle sorumludur. Katalog metodolojisi Mayıs 2003’te Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim Genel Konseyi tarafından onaylanan metodolojik yönetmeliklere dayalıdır. Konsey İspanyol Hükümeti’nin mesleki eğitim ve öğretim alanında danışma organıdır. Bu organ, merkezi ve bölgesel yönetimin, işveren örgütleri ve işçi sendikalarının üçlü temsil temeline bağlı olarak teşkilatlandırılır. İspanya’nın Ulusal Profesyonel Yeterlilikler Kataloğu birçok üretim sektöründeki en önemli yeterlilikleri tanımlar ve eğitim ve/veya iş gücü alanında profesyonel eğitim programlarına dahil


Necesidades laborales, perfiles profesionales y competencias. Unificación de Criterios:Competencias, habilidades y Conocimientos en el Marco de Cualificación Europeo. NEPCO LLL program 2013 YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


edilmelidir. Bu katalog toplamda 644 yeterliliği tarihlendirmek için yayınlanmıştır. 26 adet profesyonel sektör olarak gruplara ayrılmıştır14. Yaş veya hedef grup şartnamesine bakılmaksızın girişimcilik eğitimi “Mikro girişimlerin oluşturulması ve yönetilmesi (Creación y Gestión de Microempresas)” olarak tanımlanan profesyonel sektör veya Sevk & İdare ailesi kapsamında Ulusal Profesyonel Yeterlilikler Kataloğuna dâhil edilir. Resmi olarak tanınan bu girişimcilik eğitimiyle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiler Ek 4’te yer alır.

4. UYGULAMAYI SÜRDÜRMEK İÇİN AVRUPA ÖNERİLERİ Leonardo-da-Vinci, Yenilikçilik Projesi YES’in “Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki” Transferi kapsamında geliştirilen genç girişimciler için Avrupa profilinin proje ülkelerinde ve ayrıca diğer ülkelerde de uygulanması amaçlanır. Türkiye, Yunanistan, Portekiz ve İspanya gibi beş ülkedeki pilot faaliyetler YES projesine ve ürünlerine büyük bir ilgi olduğunu göstermiştir ve bu geribildirim bütüncül bir çözüm olarak ePROF ve ePACK ile ilgili Yönetmeliklerde bulunabilir. Profilin geliştirilmesi sırasında, coğrafi bir perspektiften güneyden bir dizi Avrupa ülkesini (Türkiye, Yunanistan, Portekiz ve İspanya) temsil eden projenin bütün işbirlikçi ülkelerinden gelen girdiler toplandı. Geleceğin AYÇ’sinde EVCET profillerinin Avrupa’daki açık iş gücü piyasasında önemli bir rol oynayacağına inanıyoruz. Dahası, ortak Avrupa tutumu üstlenmiş genç bir girişimci için ECVET profili, ulusal bağlama uyum sağlama imkanı verir. Bu, ilk adımda proje işbirlikçileri için başarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Büyük engellerle karşılaşılmamıştır; bu durum proje konsorsiyumu dışındaki ülkelerden diğer kuruluşları yalnızca diğer proje ürünlerini transfer etmeye teşvik etmekle kalmaz, ayrıca ECVET Avrupa profilinin ulusal şekilde uyumlaştırılmış haline adapte olmaya da yönlendirir.

5. SONUÇLAR Genel anlamda bu belge, işbirlikçi ülkelerin ve diğer ülkelerin YES PACK’i uygulamayı sürdürmelerinde, hareketliliğin ve önceki öğrenimlerin tanınmasının desteklenmesinde, böylece yeterlilik sistemlerinin birbiriyle uyumlu hale getirilmesinde ve ayrıca yeterlilik süreçlerine daha fazla şeffaflık katılmasında gerekli olan bir sonraki adımları atmaya yardımcı olabilir. Ayrıca şu sonuçlara da varabiliriz:


Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



Bu sistem, Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevelerine uyum sağlamayı ve Avrupa genelinde kolayca karşılaştırma yapmaya izin veren öğrenim çıktıları açısından tanımlandığı için YES Eğitim Müfredatı ve Profili ECVET sürecinde büyük bir adımdır.


Bu sistem ayrıca Avrupa’nın göçmenlerden kaynaklanabilecek eğitim ve iş gücü sorunlarıyla, stajlar veya farklı sertifikalandırma sistemlerinden gelen kişiler veya yeterlilik talepleriyle başa çıkmasına yardımcı olabilir.


Finans ve vergilendirme alanında iç hukukta ve düzenleyici sistemlerinde güçlü bir ülke uyarmasını sağlamlaştırmak oldukça önemlidir.

Burada ortaya konan hususlarla ilgili sonuçlarda her işbirlikçi için daha ayrıntılı bir inceleme yapabiliriz:



Finansal kaynaklara ulaşımın eksikliği, bilgi eksikliği ve danışmanlık hizmetlerinin yetersizliği Türkiye’deki girişimcilerin karşılaştığı bazı önemli sorunlardır. Danışmanlık hizmetleri bu alanda yeterli bilgi sahibi olmayan, ileriye dönük girişimciler için iyileştirilmelidir. Aynı doğrultuda işyeri sahipleri genel girişimcilik stratejilerinin bir parçası olarak danışmanlık hizmeti de almalılardır. Girişimcilik destekleri yalnızca finansal kaynak sağlanmasına takılıp kalmayarak ölçümlenmeli ve değerlendirilmelidir. Girişimciler geçmişte benzer şeyler yaşamış işyeri sahiplerince desteklenirlerse, bu onların başarısına katkı sağlayacaktır. Girişimcilikte en temel sorunlar finansal kaynakların bulunması, pazarlama ve yönetim gibi farklı alanlarda bilgi ve eğitim sahibi olunmamasından kaynaklanan zorluklardır. Bu nedenle çözüm önerileri ve stratejiler bu alanlara odaklanmalıdır. Yeni bir iş kurmak isteyen bireyler hem resmi hem de resmi olmayan öğretimde ne şekilde danışmanlık desteği alabilecekleriyle ilgili desteklenmeliler. Girişimcilere kılavuzluk etmek için girişimcilik alanında finansal desteklerin geliştirilmesi ve girişimcilik merkezlerinin açılması Türkiye’de Genç Girişimciliğin gelişmesine katkı sağlayacaktır.



Yunanistan’da girişimcilik eğitimine yönelik çerçeve ve HYÇ ile ECVET sisteminin iyileştirilmesi hala başlangıç aşamasındadır. Asıl tartışma henüz taze olsa da, yukarıda bahsedilenlerin kattığı değerde hemfikir olunmuştur ve bu sistemlerin yürürlüğe konması amacına yönelik eylemler henüz uygulanmamıştır. Yunanistan’daki ağır ekonomik kriz gençliğe güç kazandırmak ve girişimlere yatırımda bulunmak için reform ve radikal bir icraat çağrısında bulunmaktadır. Sonuç olarak akut işsizlik oranlarıyla mücadele etmek, rekabeti ve Yunan ekonomisinin verimliliğini artırmak ve gençliğe yatırım yapmak için politika yapıcılar, karar alıcılar ve paydaşların somut icraatlar üstlenmeleri gerekir. İleriki yıllar Yunanistan ve gençliğinin geleceğini geniş oranda belirleyecektir. Bu nedenle YGIP eylem planının uygulanması ve hem Yunanistan’daki hem de daha geniş çapta Avrupa Birliği’ndeki Yunan gençliğinin sosyal ve ekonomik katılımını sağlamak için daha fazla eğitim ve katılım sağlama programının geliştirilmesi büyük önem arz eder. YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Son olarak Yunanistan’ın Ulusal Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi (HYÇ) ve yukarıda tanıtıldığı şekilde ECVET’in geliştirilmesinde oldukça geride kaldığı aşikardır. Diğer AB ülkeleri yıllar içinde büyük ilerleme ve gelişim göstermiştir ve hareketliliği, şeffaflığı ve yeterliliklerin transferini teşvik eden kendilerine ait Ulusal Yeterlilikler Çerçevesini çoktan uygulamaya koymuştur. Bu sebeple, Yunanistan’ın bu ülkelerin ayak izlerini takip etmesi ve benzer girişimleri ve icraatları üstlenmesi yerinde olur.



Bilgi ve yaratıcılıkla bağlantılı sektörlerin büyümesinin beklendiği değişen dünyada soyutlama, analiz ve yaratıcılık özelliklerine sahip esnek birey arayışı gitgide daha fazla çaba gerektirmektedir. Okullar, VET sistemleri genç insan yetiştiren yüksek öğretim kurumları bu gerçeklik için mi var? Öğrenciler katı rekabetin bulunduğu iş ortamında kişisel/ profesyonel gelişimlerine katkı sağlayabilecek profesyonellere ihtiyaç duyacaklarının farkındalar mı? Bu alanda eğitim ve öğretim sistemlerinin işleyişini değerlendiren önemli bir gösterge genç insanların genel anlamda iş gücü piyasasına nasıl geçeceklerinin incelenmesidir. Görünüşe göre bu gençler “geçiş aşamasında kayboluyorlar”. İstihdam edilebilirlik örnekleminin güncel talepleriyle ilgili yeterli profesyonel tecrübe ve belki de bilgi sahibi olmaksızın, ilk iş arayışı gitgide daha fazla sürmektedir. Bu durum genç insanların uzun süre işsiz kalmalarına yol açmakta, çalışma piyasasına yeniden entegre olmalarındaki zorlukları aşama aşama kötüleştirmekte ve onları olası sosyal dışlanma durumuna itmektedir. Girişimciliğin teşvik edilmesi bu sorunla yüzleşmeye yönelik, genç insanlar için daha fazla istihdam imkânı yaratmayı amaçlayan ulusal önceliklerden biridir. Bu bağlamda eğitim ve öğretim ajanları, erken bir dönemden başlayarak okul sisteminde girişimci öğretimi destekleyen önlemleri gitgide daha yoğun şekilde alınmaktadır, çünkü her şeyden önce “girişimci olarak doğmadıysanız, girişimci olmayı öğrenmelisiniz”. Mesleki eğitim ve öğretim açısından teklifler henüz beklentileri karşılamamakta ve bu alanda mevcut profesyonel eğitim kurslarının çoğu bağlantılı bir ücreti olan kısa dönemli kurslardır ve belli bir kalifiye hedef katılımcıya (örn. liderler, CEO’lar, yöneticiler) yöneliktir. Genç insanlar için tasarlanmış eğitim planlarında olan şeyse esas konuyla alakalı bazı modüllerin bulunmasıdır. Diğer yandan yüksek öğretim sistemlerinde bağlam daha sağlamlaştırılmış ve eğitim müfredatındaki birçok kursun tamamlayıcı bir parçasıdır. Yürütülen masa başı araştırmalarından yola çıkarak girişimcilik konularına yönelik lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora imkanları bulunan birçok üniversite belirledik. Özetle tek söyleyebileceğimiz şey; gençler arasında anlayışı geliştirmek ve girişimci ruhun açığa çıkarılmasına katkıda bulunmak üzere ulusal eğitim sistemlerinin faaliyet göstermesini sağlayan ve destekleyen daha fazla eğitim imkânına önayak olmanın önemli olduğudur. Portekiz’de iş gücü piyasası talepleriyle ve yapısal kriziyle karşı karşıya kalındığında, mesleki eğitim ve öğretim

YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


temel anlamda istihdam edilebilirliğe yönelik eğitime odaklanmalı ve çok da istihdama yönelik eğitime bağlı kalmamalıdır.



Girişimciliğin geliştirilmesi İspanya’nın sosyal ve ekonomik bülteninin önceliklerinden biridir. Güncel sosyal ve ekonomik bağlama bakıldığında, serbest meslek ve girişimcilik gençlerin becerilerini geliştirmelerini ve çalışma hayatına başlamalarını sağlayarak, profesyonel projelere başlamaları için onlara fırsat tanıdığından dolayı özellikle de genç insanlar için ayrı bir önem arz eder. İspanya, öğrenim çıktılarına bağlı bir yaşam boyu öğrenim (İspanya Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi MECU) için bir Ulusal Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi (UYÇ) geliştirmiştir. Bu çerçeve, farklı eğitim ve öğretim alt sistemleri arasında bağlantı kurar ve bunları düzenler. Bu çerçeve ayrıca zorunlu ve yüksek öğretim ile orta öğretim sonrası öğretim (üniversite ve yüksek mesleki eğitim) yoluyla elde edilen yeterlilikleri içerir ve resmi olmayan ve gayri-resmi eğitimin meşrulaştırılma sürecine entegre olur. İspanya eğitimindeki ulusal çerçevenin kilit hedeflerinden biri kapsamlı bir mesleki eğitim ve öğretim sistemiyle sosyal ve ekonomik talepleri etkin şekilde yanıtlayan ve en önemlisi de yaşam boyu öğrenimi teşvik eden Avrupa seviyesinde bir sistemle iş gücü piyasasının ihtiyaçlarına cevap veren yeterlilik ve akreditasyon oluşturmaktır. VET, bir yandan iş rekabetini ve kişilerin istihdam edilebilirliğini artırırken, yeni sosyal ve ekonomik ihtiyaçları karşılayacak kilit bir araç ve strateji olarak ortaya çıkar. Bu anlamda ulusal çerçeve kapsamında eğitim ve istihdam arasındaki önemli uyuma cevaben yeni bir mesleki eğitim modeli geliştirilmiştir. Ulusal Profesyonel Yeterlilikler Kataloğu farklı üretim sektörlerindeki en önemli yeterlilikleri belirler ve eğitim ve/veya iş gücü alanında profesyonel eğitim programlarına dâhil edilmelidir. Bu aşamada tamamen gerçekleştirilmeyi bekleyen hedef, düzenli bir temele dayalı şekilde bahsedilen eğitim modeline esneklik katarak ve onu dünya geneline uyumlu hale getirerek güncellemektir; böylece bu eğitimle edinilen yetkinlikler ve eğitim çıktıları Avrupa seviyesinde geniş çapta tanınabilir ve böylece hareketli ve esnek bir Avrupa iş gücünün yaratılmasına katkıda bulunabilir. Dahası İspanya’da edinilen profesyonel yeterliliklerin Mesleki Eğitim için Avrupa Kredi Transfer (ECVET) sistemiyle uyumlaştırılması gerekir. İspanyol yüksek eğitimi/ üniversite yeterlilikleri 2003’ten bu yana Avrupa kredi sistemiyle (ECTS – Avrupa Kredi Transfer ve Toplama Sistemi) çoktan uyumlaştırılmış olsa da, mesleki eğitim ve öğretimin ECVET ile uyumlu hale getirilmesi henüz gerçekleştirilmemiştir.

YES – Genç işsizliği: Girişimcilik becerilerinin teşviki 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




INTRODUÇÃO ............................................................................................................................ 3



3. PERFIL YES: ENQUADRAMENTO NACIONAL POR RELAÇÃO AOS QUADROS NACIONAIS DE QUALIFICAÇÕES (QNQ) .......................................................................................................................................... 12 4.

RECOMENDAÇÕES EUROPEIAS PARA FUTURA IMPLEMENTAÇÃO ...................................... 27


CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 27

YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



YES – Youth Unemployment - Fostering Entrepreneurial Skills (Desemprego JovemPromoção de competências empreendedoras) é um projecto Leonardo da Vinci de Transferência de Inovação, implementado entre Dezembro 2012 e Novembro 2014. O objectivo geral do projecto YES é apoiar o desenvolvimento de competências-chave nos jovens, nomeadamente o "espírito de iniciativa e empreendedorismo", através da capacitação dos prestadores de Ensino de Formação Profissional (EFP) - professores/ formadores / profissionais de EFP - com metodologias, ferramentas e competências, a fim de serem os futuros promotores do empreendedorismo e assim, acelerar a aprendizagem do empreendedorismo entre os jovens desempregados em todos os países parceiros. Mais especificamente, este objectivo será conseguido através de: i. Transferência e adaptação de duas metodologias e ferramentas: ePROF e ePACK, focadas no desenvolvimento de competências empreendedoras. Enquanto o ePROF evidencia um modelo inovador e uma ferramenta de avaliação de perfil, o ePACK consiste num pacote de empreendedorismo e-learning; ii.

Abranger essencialmente dois grupos-alvo: (a) Em primeiro lugar, os profissionais do Ensino e Formação Profissional que serão capacitados com metodologias, ferramentas e competências empreendedoras para que se tornem os futuros educadores a promovam a aprendizagem do empreendedorismo entre os jovens desempregados; (b) Em segundo lugar, os jovens desempregados serão os utilizadores finais do ePROF e do ePACK (através dos pilotos nacionais).

iii. Desenvolvimento de um Currículo Europeu ECVET de jovem empreendedor, com base nos resultados de aprendizagem do Quadro Europeu de Qualificações (QEQ), definidos em termos de conhecimentos, atitudes e aptidões e alocação dos respectivos pontos ECVET, tendo em conta as recomendações Europeias e o desenvolvimento de um Guia comum para posterior integração nos sistemas de Ensino e Formação Profissional nacionais. Mais especificamente: • Ao aumentar a modernização, qualidade e flexibilidade dos sistemas europeus de EFP, equipando formadores / professores / profissionais de orientação, com metodologia, ferramentas e materiais do projecto YES, a fim de serem os futuros veículos das práticas empreendedoras nos países parceiros. • Ao fornecer novos conhecimentos, atitudes e qualificações para facilitar o desenvolvimento pessoal e ir ao encontro aos padrões de empregabilidade e participação no mercado de trabalho europeu. • Ao contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade e da inovação nas organizações e sistemas de EFP. YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


• Através do desenvolvimento de um perfil de competências compatível com o QEQ, que será a base para a documentação dos resultados de aprendizagem com vista a um modelo padronizado de certificação. Este perfil será sub-dividido em unidades de resultado de aprendizagem e em crédito atribuídos (pontos ECVET). • Ao avaliar a situação actual e as oportunidades de permeabilidade e de acesso ao ensino superior no domínio da formação de pessoal de EFP. • Ao transferir e adaptar os materiais YES para atender as especificidades do país e às necessidades do grupo-alvo, irá contribuir para o desenvolvimento de práticas inovadoras no domínio da formação profissional, designadamente de cada país participante para outros, permitindo o reconhecimento das qualificações e competências. A parceria do projecto YES é composta por uma equipa multidisciplinar com conhecimento técnico para alcançar os objectivos do projecto, bem como vasta experiência na participação em projectos europeus. Os parceiros do projecto provêm de seis países europeus: PARCEIRO






Centro de Desenvolvimento Técnico Profissional da Universidade de Bahcesehir




Governo de Istambul




Associação para o Empreendedorismo Jovem de Istambul




Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade




Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Empreendedorismo




Instituto Báltico para a Educação Tecnológica




Instituto Europeu de Estudos para a Formação e Desenvolvimento

YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2. CURRÍCULO E PERFIL YES (PERFIL EUROPEU COMUM COM BASE NO QEQ) Como resultado principal do projecto YES, os parceiros desenvolveram um currículo europeu comum e um perfil ECVET comum para o Jovem Empreendedor. Este perfil está relacionado com o Quadro Europeu de Qualificações (QEQ), que "ajuda a comparar os sistemas nacionais de qualificações e a permitir a comunicação entre eles. O QEQ contempla oito níveis de referência europeus comuns, que são descritos em resultados de aprendizagem: conhecimentos, aptidões e atitudes. Isso torna mais compreensível o que um aluno com uma qualificação relacionada com o QEQ conhece, compreende e é capaz de fazer. Essa abordagem também torna possível a comparação das qualificações atribuídas em todos os tipos de educação, formação e qualificação, desde a educação escolar, académica, profissional e vocacional em cada um dos seus níveis.” 1 O processo de desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos, aptidões e atitudes no âmbito do projecto YES consistiu em alocar estes conhecimentos, aptidões e atitudes de forma a atender às necessidades de um jovem empresário que queira iniciar o seu próprio negócio e mantê-lo de forma sustentável. Tendo em mente o estado da arte efectuado ao nível dos perfis nacionais existentes, foi desenvolvido o Currículo Comum Europeu ECVET e Perfil de Jovem Empreendedor composto por oito unidades de aprendizagem: Unidade de Aprendizagem 1

Introdução ao Empreendedorismo

Unidade de Aprendizagem 2

Começar um Negócio

Unidade de Aprendizagem 3

Gestão do Risco e Direito Empresarial

Unidade de Aprendizagem 4


Unidade de Aprendizagem 5

Finanças e Economia das Empresas

Unidade de Aprendizagem 6

Gestão de uma empresa

Unidade de Aprendizagem 7


Unidade de Aprendizagem 8

O Plano de Negócios

O Currículo Comum Europeu ECVET de Jovem Empreendedor foi desenvolvido de forma a permitir adaptações consoante o país europeu em que é abordado. Os objectivos e os conteúdos podem variar ligeiramente de país para país e como tal, os utilizadores do Currículo YES terão alguma flexibilidade no que respeita à "entrega de unidades" e à "avaliação de unidades".

1 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Por toda a Europa existem diferentes caminhos para adquirir a qualificação de empreendedor. Esta é a razão pela qual o perfil ECVET YES apresenta um conjunto detalhado dos resultados de aprendizagem em termos de conhecimentos, aptidões e atitudes de acordo com a "Recomendação ECVET" e as "Directrizes para a descrição das unidades de resultados de aprendizagem". Directrizes e regulamentos Europeus realçam a necessidade de descrever todos os perfis profissionais em termos de resultados de aprendizagem, a fim de torná-los mais transparentes e comparáveis. Esta é a razão pela qual a apresentação do perfil e do Currículo ECVET Europeu Comum vai contribuir para manter os resultados do projecto YES não só sustentável, mas também permitir aos países além da parceria YES, transferir o perfil ECVET e adaptá-lo às suas próprias necessidades. O perfil ECVET pode ser uma base para o desenvolvimento de aptidões e competências entre aqueles que estão a iniciar as suas próprias empresas em toda a Europa. Afinal, o que são Resultados de Aprendizagem? Os resultados de aprendizagem são a descrição do que um aluno/formando conhece, compreende e é capaz de fazer no final do seu processo de aprendizagem. Os resultados da aprendizagem são definidos em termos de conhecimentos, aptidões e atitudes. Conhecimento é o conjunto dos factos, princípios, teorias e práticas relacionadas a um campo de trabalho ou de estudo. É descrito como conhecimento teórico e / ou factual; Aptidão refere-se à capacidade de aplicar conhecimentos e os utilizar para concluir tarefas e solucionar problemas. A aptidão é descrita como cognitiva (lógica, intuitiva e pensamento criativa) e prática (implicando destreza manual e o uso de métodos, materiais, ferramentas e instrumentos); Atitude é a capacidade comprovada de utilizar o conhecimento, aptidões e habilidades pessoais, sociais e metodológicas em situações de trabalho ou de estudo e no desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal. Ela é descrita em termos de responsabilidade e autonomia.

YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


YES ECVET Curriculum

Resultados de Aprendizagem Após terminarem as UA, o participante será capaz de: Unidades de Aprendizagem (UA) /título

Conhecimento (teórico e/ou factual)

Aptidões (cognitivas e práticas)

Ele/a será capaz de:

Ele/a será capaz de:

Atitudes (responsabilidade e autonomia) Ele/a será capaz de:

Definir empreendedorismo

1. Introdução ao Empreendedorismo

Descrever as características de um empreendedor Identificar diferentes tipos de empreendedores

Demonstrar as forças motrizes de uma nova empreitada

Reconhecer uma oportunidade de negócio de forma autónoma

Relacionar o ambiente de negócios com possíveis oportunidades e constrangimentos ao empreendedorismo

YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2. Começar um Negócio

Resumir a matriz de uma ideia de negócio

Classificar as diferentes formas legais de negócios

Seleccionar a figura legal mais adequada ao seu novo negócio

Listar as etapas para iniciar uma nova empresa

Desenvolver uma ideia de negócio

Encontrar um mercado atractivo que possa ser economicamente alcançado

Traçar os diferentes procedimentos para a celebração de um acordo

Avaliar e gerir riscos empresariais

Reconhecer os factores que afectam uma start-up Delinear os princípios do capital de uma start-up e do financiamento de um novo negócio

Identificar os diferentes tipos de riscos empresariais

3.Gestão do Risco e Direito Empresarial

Descrever os métodos de gestão de risco

Preparar os termos de um acordo

Declarar diferentes termos de acordos

Organizar o processo de recuperação da dívida

Preparar de forma contratos de negócios


Listar o conteúdo de contratos de negócios Descrever o processo de cobrança de dívidas

YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Identificar os princípios e conceitos de marketing

4. Marketing

Descrever diferentes formas e métodos de marketing

Relacionar diferentes formas de marketing Esboçar um plano estratégico de marketing e comunicação

Seleccionar formas de marketing Avaliar os factores ambiente de negócios



Definir um marketing mix Reconhecer factores ambientais do mercado

Enunciar princípios e conceitos financeiros e económicos básicos Reconhecer diferentes declarações financeiras

5. Finanças e Economia das Empresas

Descrever os itens de uma declaração financeira Descrever métodos contabilísticos básicos

Estabelecer um plano financeiro Realizar básicos


Escolher o formato/modelo de negócio mais apropriado


Determinar a rentabilidade do próprio negócio

Planear o financiamento e decisões de investimento da sua empresa

Apresentar os itens de uma declaração financeira

Descrever o ciclo de vida de um negócio

YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Delinear diferentes perspectivas de gestão

6. Gestão de uma empresa

Descrever o que é trabalho de equipa

Elaborar uma estratégia para a promoção do trabalho de equipa Delinear os diferentes passos no recrutamento e gestão de recursos humanos

Reconhecer legislação laboral Identificar factores externos

Esboçar um contrato de trabalho com um colaborador

Recrutar e gerir colaboradores Gerir uma empresa com um número crescente de pessoal Motivar os empresa



Gerir a mudança

Descrever o processo de gestão de recursos humanos

7. Tributação

Descrever diferentes tipos de tributação e fontes de rendimento

Explicar porque é que a tributação de indivíduos difere da tributação de empresas

Identificar declarações financeiras e planeamento fiscal

Descrever um plano de negócios

8. O Plano de Negócios

Identificar todas as partes de um plano de negócios

Prever a empresa Planear a empresa







Esboçar diferentes secções de um plano de negócios

Implementar o plano de negócios passo a passo

Estabelecer os objectivos e a estratégia da empresa

Avaliar um plano de negócios, assegurando a sua coerência

Reconhecer o conceito de vantagem competitiva

YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


A fim de alcançar os resultados de aprendizagem descritos no currículo apresentado acima, estima-se que o aluno irá precisar de cerca de 180 horas de formação, de acordo com o perfil apresentado a seguir: YES Perfil ECVET





1. Introdução ao Empreendedorismo



2. Começar um Negócio





4. Marketing



5. Finanças e Economia das Empresas



6. Gestão de uma empresa



7. Tributação



8. O Plano de Negócios





Unidades Chave


3. Gestão do Risco e Direito Empresarial




Como requisitos de entrada, recomenda-se o nível 3 do QEQ.

YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


3. PERFIL YES: ENQUADRAMENTO NACIONAL POR RELAÇÃO AOS QUADROS NACIONAIS DE QUALIFICAÇÕES (QNQ) O capítulo actual tem como objectivo proporcionar uma melhor compreensão da situação específica dos países parceiros em relação à implementação de empreendedorismo jovem e de programas de EFP inicial e contínua sobre o assunto, tendo sido desenvolvido sob o seguinte quadro comum operacional: I.

Foi efectuada uma análise do estado da arte da implementação do Empreendedorismo Jovem nos países parceiros, através de uma pesquisa documental em dados oficiais, suportada em estatísticas oficiais país/UE.


Pesquisa e análise da actual oferta de formação em empreendedorismo jovem nos países da parceria: a) Descrição do Quadro Nacional de Qualificações (QNQ) nos países parceiros, em comparação com o QEQ b) Investigação documental sobre a empreendedorismo jovem países parceiros





c) Descrição do sistema ECVET nos países parceiros Como resultado da investigação documental efectuada, os parceiros do projecto apresentaram as suas conclusões a respeito de cada realidade nacional - Turquia, Portugal, Grécia e Espanha. Os resultados são apresentados a seguir. Nos anexos do presente Guia, serão apresentados os resultados sobre a realidade de cada país, em mais detalhe.

YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




EMPREENDEDORISMO JOVEM O desemprego dos jovens é um dos problemas económicos mais relevantes na actualidade, não só nos países parceiros, mas também em muitos outros países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento na Europa e no resto do mundo. Aumentar o empreendedorismo e desenvolver qualidades empreendedoras e competências na população jovem torna-se fundamental para o desenvolvimento de um país, e a oportunidade de criação do próprio negócio pode ser encarada como uma alternativa ao desemprego. As actividades de empreendedorismo têm taxas muito altas de sucesso na criação de emprego, a aceleração do crescimento económico, assegurando o surgimento de novas indústrias no país e permitindo a mudança e melhoria da sociedade.

3.1.1. Implementação do Empreendedorismo Jovem na Turquia O nono Plano de Desenvolvimento, que abrange o período 2007-2013, na Turquia, foca a importância do apoio às políticas de empreendedorismo e visa a aplicação de políticas activas no meio laboral por meio do empreendedorismo e programas garantia-emprego, serviços de consultoria e aconselhamento profissional e cursos de formação profissional, sob o título "O desenvolvimento de Políticas do Trabalho activo". Para além disso, a fim de melhorar a distribuição de fundos, o empreendedorismo é incentivado neste país, especialmente nas áreas rurais e subdesenvolvidas. Com o desenvolvimento do empreendedorismo e da inovação e aumento da produtividade do trabalho, a Turquia irá manter a sua ascensão recente na economia mundial. A abordagem do empreendedorismo proeminente visa o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e inovação com base na parceria entre sector privado e governo. 2 Um dos problemas mais importantes vividos pelos empresários na Turquia está relacionado com a falta de acesso a recursos financeiros, falta de conhecimento e visão, e no caso dos que têm conhecimento, não existe a procura de serviços de consultoria científica. A este respeito, torna-se pertinente para estes empresários, a obtenção de consultoria e apoio para colmatar esta lacuna, enquanto estratégias gerais de empreendedorismo. É importante que as formas de medição e avaliação sejam feitas para além dos recursos financeiros e se foquem noutro tipo de suporte. Acredita-se que se os empreendedores forem apoiados por empresários de sucesso que passaram por experiências semelhantes no passado, isto poderá constituir um contributo para o seu sucesso. 3



Kırım. A., Türkiye’nin Girişimcilik Politikası Ne olmalı?, TOBB Girişimcilik Kongresi, Ankara, 2010 TEPAV, Ankara’da Genç Girişimciliği Destekleme Stratejisi, Ankara, 2011 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Outra estratégia importante para apoiar o empreendedorismo é a Estratégia e Plano de acção para as PME (2011-2013). 4 Uma das principais áreas estratégicas do plano de acção é o "Desenvolvimento e Suporte de Empreendedorismo". De acordo com o relatório, as áreas que são consideradas fracas ou precisam de ser melhoradas e as áreas que devem ser focadas são as seguintes: • • • • • • • •

O nível de conhecimento e consciencialização dos potenciais empreendedores não é adequado para a criação de um negócio bem-sucedido baseado num plano de negócios, Empreendedorismo não suficientemente abordado na educação formal e nãoformal, Actividades que exigem o foco e incentivo do empreendedorismo não são suficientes, As actividades no campo do empreendedorismo não estão integradas, Falta de conhecimento sobre as contribuições para estabelecer potenciais cooperações As empresas têm dificuldades em encontrar uma localização de negócio e satisfazer as suas despesas no início, Empresários estabelecem uma ideia de negócio inicial de forma indecisa Grupos-alvo específicos não são suficientemente incentivados para o empreendedorismo.

Para uma análise do estado do empreendedorismo na Turquia, o número de empresas abertas e fechadas é examinado, a fim de avaliar o potencial de empreendedorismo na Região TR83. O número de empresas abertas e encerradas em 2010 na Região TR83 e em todo o país aumentou em relação a 2009. No entanto, quando olhamos para a relação entre Região TR83 e a Turquia, não há muita mudança no percentual de empresas abertas, mas o aumento no percentual de empresas encerradas é impressionante (de 1,80% para 2,14%). Em seguida, uma comparação aos primeiros 10 meses de 2011, revela que há uma diminuição na relação entre a Região TR83 e a Turquia na categoria de empresas encerradas, mas há um ligeiro aumento na percentagem de empresas abertas. 5 Após a análise das estatísticas publicadas na Registry Gazette de Comerciantes e Artesãos, observa-se que o número de empresas registadas e não registadas nestes sectores, na Região TR83 e na grande Turquia em 2010, aumentou em relação a 2009. A proporção das empresas registadas e não registadas na Região TR83 e na Turquia aumentou em 2010, mesmo que num número muito reduzido. Relativamente à grande Turquia, a proporção do número de negócios registadaos na Região TR83 decresceu de 5,67% para 4,68%, nos primeiros 10 meses de 2011, quando comparado com 2010. 6 Estes números mostram que há uma desaceleração no número de negócios recémcriados na Região TR83 comparativamente com a grande Turquia. 4


6 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


3.1.2. Implementação de Empreendedorismo Jovem na Grécia A grave crise económica que atingiu grande parte do mercado de trabalho grego resultou num grande declínio do emprego neste país. A taxa de desemprego na Grécia aumentou para mais 27%, dos 8% que se registavam até há apenas cinco anos. É a mais elevada taxa de desemprego na UE. Apesar deste aumento do desemprego nos últimos anos estar a diminuir ligeiramente desde 2012 ainda são poucos os sinais de estabilização. É de notar que a taxa de desemprego entre os jovens era já bastante elevada, mesmo antes da crise, o que significou um aumento menos acentuado da taxa de desemprego entre os jovens em comparação com outros países da UE, que não apresentavam altos índices de desemprego jovem. De acordo com o relatório da Força de Trabalho na Grécia, publicado em Março de 2014, o Programa Garantia para a Juventude (YGIP) apresentou resultados significativos relativamente a medidas anteriores que foram desenvolvidas e implementadas na Grécia, por se forcar em tornar real o progresso na implementação da política de gestão. As principais partes interessadas na matéria também foram envolvidas na concepção e desenvolvimento do Programa, o que aumenta a sua eficácia potencial. O YGIP visa assegurar que "ao fim de quatro meses de estar desempregado ou ter abandonado a educação formal, todos os jovens até aos 25 anos tem direito a receber uma oferta de emprego, um estágio ou um estágio-formação." O YGIP – Programa Garantia para a Juventude - centra-se na reestruturação da Organização “Manpower Employment” na Grécia (OAED) e em estabelecer programas para a juventude (formação, subsídios, e estágios). Procura também proporcionar aos jovens melhores oportunidades no mercado de trabalho e em tornar os procedimentos mais eficientes.

3.1.3. Implementação do Empreendedorismo Jovem em Portugal No contexto actual da economia Portuguesa e das mudanças do mercado de trabalho, o empreendedorismo, enquanto desenvolvimento do auto-emprego e/ou criação de novas empresas, assume uma importância acrescida para responder a alguns dos desafios conjunturais e estruturais que desafiam o sistema de emprego Português, principalmente aqueles relacionados com a criação de emprego e com a prevenção e luta contra o desemprego. A emergência de uma economia empreendedora é um facto não só cultural e psicológico, mas também económico e tecnológico. Para atingir tal objectivo, é necessário estimular novos valores e atitudes a nível individual e, portanto, o empreendedorismo, além de criar organizações, surge como uma competência essencial para o processo de aprendizagem ao longo da vida. A promoção de uma cultura empreendedora ao nível do desenvolvimento jovem, desde as etapas mais elementares da escolaridade obrigatória, é uma parte fundamental do esforço feito por Portugal. Assim, ao nível actual do sistema de ensino, o empreendedorismo representa uma interface fundamental entre educação/formação/inserção no YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


mercado de trabalho, que deve permitir um ajuste harmonioso entre os sistemas educacional e económico. Actualmente, e em geral, a sociedade Portuguesa está ciente de que a escola deve promover uma atitude empreendedora entre os jovens, e que tal atitude é vista como crucial para a educação das novas gerações e para o desenvolvimento sustentável de Portugal. O desenvolvimento de uma educação para uma mente empreendedora só será possível através da promoção por parte das entidades responsáveis de educação, e isso requer uma mente aberta para novas formas de trabalho e uma nova atitude. No Eurobarómetro sobre Empreendedorismo (2012), quase metade dos entrevistados (49%) em Portugal diziam que, se pudessem escolher entre diferentes tipos de trabalho, eles prefeririam ser empregados por conta própria em vez de ser empregado por conta de outrem. Isto é relativamente elevado em comparação com os 37% que expressam uma preferência para o auto-emprego ao nível da UE. Actualmente, um grande programa foi implementado pelo Governo Português para promover o emprego jovem: Movimento para o Emprego. Movimento gerador de sinergias entre o IEFP, a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e a COTEC Portugal, com vista a proporcionar a jovens desempregados com qualificação de nível superior uma experiência de trabalho, através da realização de estágios num universo alargado de empresas. Foi lançado em Maio de 2013 e consiste na mobilização do maior número possível de empresas, organizações públicas e da economia social para, no quadro da sua missão e responsabilidade pública, proporcionarem no biénio 2013-2014, no mínimo, 5 000 estágios em contexto de trabalho a jovens desempregados com habilitação de nível superior, licenciados, mestres ou doutores, no âmbito das medidas do Impulso Jovem.

3.1.4. Implementação do Empreendedorismo Jovem em Espanha Com maior ou menor grau, quase todos os países desenvolvidos e, certamente, todos os países da UE têm assumido a necessidade de apoiar o desenvolvimento de negócios e empreendedorismo. Espanha juntou-se a esta acção política e económica que promove o empreendedorismo em diversas áreas para o desenvolvimento local, de educação, trabalho e industrial. No campo da educação, desde o Conselho Europeu de Lisboa de 2000, que Espanha tem o compromisso de promover o espírito empresarial no sistema de ensino. Tanto a Lei Orgânica para a Qualidade do Ensino (LOCE) de 2002, como a da Lei Orgânica de Educação (LOE) 2006, que vem substituiu a anterior, inclui entre os seus propósitos e objectivos, formação para o empreendedorismo, entendida como uma competência essencial, juntamente com o espirito de iniciativa e criatividade, que os alunos devem desenvolver ao longo do processo educativo7.


Emprendimiento económico y social en España.Guía de recursos para jóvenes emprendedores/as. INJUVE Catálogo General de Publicaciones Oficiales. YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Os principais objectivos do Empreendedorismo e Estratégia para o Emprego Jovem 2013-2016 projectados pelo governo Espanhol, são melhorar a empregabilidade dos jovens, aumentar a qualidade e estabilidade do emprego, promover a igualdade de oportunidades de acesso ao mercado de trabalho e fomentar o espírito do empreendedorismo. As acções-chave: encorajar o recrutamento e a iniciativa empreendedorismo entre os jovens, a adequação da educação e formação às necessidades actuais do mercado de trabalho, e reduzir a taxa de abandono escolar. Em Espanha, existem inúmeros programas, centros de educação, portais online, e organizações focadas para as políticas de emprego dos jovens, criando programas de formação inovadores em gestão de negócios e incentivando a iniciativa empreendedorismo jovem e inovação, aumentando a sua consciência da sua importância para o fortalecimento do sector empresarial e para a criação de emprego. A maioria das organizações acima descritas, privadas e públicas, são coordenadas localmente em cada uma das 17 comunidades autónomas que compõem a Espanha. Os centros públicos e associações estão sob o Governo de cada Comunidade Autónoma Regional, mais especificamente, nas Direcções de juventude local. (Para mais detalhes sobre alguns destes programas, por favor consulte o Anexo 4)

3.2. Descrição do Quadro Nacional de Qualificações (QNQ), em comparação com o Quadro Europeu de Qualificações (QEQ) O Quadro Europeu de Qualificações (QEQ) é um sistema europeu comum de referência, que permite a ligação dos sistemas e quadros de qualificação nacionais (QNQ). Na prática, funciona como um instrumento de tradução tornando as qualificações mais legíveis e compreensíveis. Irá auxiliar os estudantes/formandos e trabalhadores que pretendam efectuar mobilidades entre países para trabalhar ou adquirir uma qualificação profissional. Enquanto instrumento para a promoção da aprendizagem ao longo da vida, o QEQ abrange o ensino geral, educação de adultos, ensino e formação profissional, bem como o ensino superior. Os oito níveis compreendem o leque de qualificações, desde as obtidas no final da escolaridade obrigatória, às concedidas ao mais alto nível de educação académica e/ ou formação profissional. Cada nível deve, em princípio, ser atingido por meio de uma variedade de percursos educativos e profissionais. Os principais utilizadores do QEQ serão as autoridades responsáveis pelos sistemas e quadros nacionais e / ou sectoriais de qualificação. Depois de terem relacionado os seus respectivos sistemas com o QEQ, o QEQ irá ajudar indivíduos, empregadores e prestadores de educação e formação a comparar as qualificações individuais de diferentes países e sistemas de educação e formação. O Quadro Nacional de Qualificações (QNQ) é um sistema nacional que inclui definições e abordagens que estão mais próximas das realidades sociais, culturais e económicas dos países, que permite identificar em que níveis estão as qualificações que são reconhecidas por ambos os parceiros nacionais e internacionais e também como são acessíveis e comparáveis. De seguida apresenta-se o QEQ, onde pode consultar os diferentes níveis: YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Níveis QEQ


Nível 1

2º Ciclo Ensino Básico

Nível 2

3º Ciclo Ensino Básico (obtido através da via tradicional ou através de percursos de dupla certificação)

Nível 3

Educação Secundária (vocacionado para prosseguimento de estudos de nível superior)

Nível 4

Ensino Secundário obtido por percursos de dupla certificação ou ensino secundário vocacionado para prosseguimento de estudos de nível superior acrescido de estágio profissional (mínimo 6 meses)

Nível 5

Qualificação pós-secundária não superior com créditos para prosseguimento de estudos de nível superior

Nível 6


Nível 7


Nível 8

Doutoramento (PhD)

Portugal utiliza o mesmo quadro de referência que a União Europeia (QNQ=QEQ) e a Turquia está a planear seguir a mesma prática. O Quadro de Qualificações Grego (HQF) visa criar um sistema claro e abrangente para a classificação de qualificações que são adquiridas através da educação não formal e informação formal e aprendizagem na Grécia. O quadro ainda está a ser projectado e desenvolvido. No entanto, o HQF permitirá, assim como o QEQ, a comparação das qualificações entre os sectores e indivíduos em toda a Grécia e em outros países da UE. O Quadro de Qualificações Grego está sob a supervisão do Ministério da Educação e dos Assuntos Religiosos, que coordena todas as partes envolvidas. A instituição que é responsável pelo referenciamento do HQF ao QEQ é a Organização Nacional para a Certificação de Qualificações e Orientação Profissional (EOPPEP). A estrutura geral do quadro de qualificações da Grécia foi desenvolvida para garantir o seu correcto desenvolvimento e aplicação: Há oito (8) níveis, tal como no EQF, que cobrem uma vasta gama de qualificações, desde o ensino obrigatório ao ensino superior. Cada nível é definido pelos conhecimentos, aptidões e atitudes e os

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resultados de aprendizagem associados a cada nível. Estes oito níveis ainda estão a ser desenvolvidos e finalizados. Em Espanha as qualificações são geridas por uma estrutura de oito níveis. Há 8 indicadores dos níveis definidos em termos de conhecimentos, aptidões e atitudes que foram desenvolvidos com base nos indicadores dos níveis do QEQ, mas adaptados para atender ao contexto nacional espanhol. Os quatro níveis mais elevados são compatíveis com o Quadro de Qualificações Europeu8. Os cursos de educação e formação profissional correspondem em média aos níveis 4 e 5 do QEQ. "O Ministério da Educação estabeleceu currículos nacionais de base para os vários níveis de ensino: ensino básico, ensino secundário e formação profissional. Os currículos centrais determinam os objectivos gerais para cada etapa da educação, bem como, os objectivos específicos para cada área ou assunto. Os currículos centrais estabelecem ainda os critérios de conteúdo e avaliação de cada área"9 O desenvolvimento do Quadro de Qualificação Espanhol é baseado em vários actos e decretos, que definem e regulam diferentes subsistemas de educação e formação, incluindo: a. Qualificações de educação formal (de nível não-superior) b. Qualificações de ensino superior (universidades). c. Competências profissionais: (reconhecimento das competências profissionais adquiridas através da experiência profissional)10. O desenvolvimento do Quadro de Qualificações Espanhol compreende dois momentos: primeiramente foi estabelecido o quadro de qualificações para o Ensino Superior (MECES) referindo-se a todas as qualificações obtidas no âmbito do sistema de ensino superior. Posteriormente, o Quadro de Qualificações Espanhol para a Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida (MECU) está também a ser implementado. O MECU refere-se a todos os contextos de aprendizagem, seja aprendizagem formal (tendo em conta todos os níveis do sistema de educação), ou aprendizagem informal. 11. O Quadro de Qualificações Espanhol (MECU), estabelecido em 2012 "é um instrumento para promover e melhorar o acesso de todos os cidadãos à aprendizagem ao longo da vida e a sua participação no mesmo, bem como o reconhecimento e aplicação das qualificações a nível nacional e europeu. É uma estrutura internacionalmente aceite para organizar os níveis de aprendizagem, desde o mais básico até ao mais complexo. O MECU facilita a comparação das qualificações 8

CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). 9

CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). 10

Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF”


MECU YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


reconhecidas em Espanha com os do resto da Europa por meio do QEQ." 12 (Por favor, consulte o Anexo 4 para mais detalhes)


Descrição do Sistema ECVET

O quadro técnico do Sistema Europeu de Créditos do Ensino e Formação Profissionais (ECVET) permitirá a transferência, o reconhecimento e, quando necessário, a acumulação de resultados de aprendizagem, com vista à obtenção de uma qualificação. Neste sentido, através do ECVET, os resultados de aprendizagem de um indivíduo são avaliados e validados, a fim de transferir créditos de um sistema de qualificação para outro ou de um percurso de aprendizagem para outro. De acordo com esta abordagem, os alunos podem acumular os resultados de aprendizagem necessários para obter uma determinada qualificação, em diferentes países Europeus ou em diferentes situações. O sistema também permite a possibilidade de desenvolver referências comuns para as qualificações de EFP e é totalmente compatível com o Sistema Europeu de Transferência e Acumulação de Créditos - para o ensino superior (ECTS). As ferramentas e metodologia do ECVET incluem a descrição das qualificações em termos de unidades de resultados de aprendizagem, com pontos associados, um processo de transferência e acumulação e documentos complementares, tais como acordos de aprendizagem, transcrições pessoais de registos e guias de usuários. Na Turquia, o ECVET é considerado como uma ferramenta para apoiar a confiança mútua em matéria de qualificações e para aumentar a transparência. Seria, assim, permitir o conhecimento, as aptidões e as atitudes adquiridas através da aprendizagem formal, não formal e informal para ser acumuladas, transferidas e reconhecidas. A adopção de princípios ECVET na Turquia no entanto, é uma área relativamente nova dentro da reforma do EFP turco. O processo de desenvolvimento começou há cerca de dois anos atrás e ainda está em curso. A participação da Turquia ao nível do ECVET foi não só a nível nacional, mas também contribuiu para os estudos que se realizam num contexto mais amplo da UE. Apesar de ser um novo conceito, o desenvolvimento do ECVET na Turquia já atingiu alguns marcos técnicos. A Turquia está empenhada em desenvolver um sistema ECVET sob a abordagem de aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Este compromisso foi oficialmente declarado numa reunião internacional sobre ECVET, a 28 de Março de 2007, em Ankara. A Investigação e Desenvolvimento Direcção da Educação (ERDD) de MoNE é a unidade responsável pelo desenvolvimento do ECVET na Turquia. •


As premissas básicas da abordagem ao ECVET especificamente no contexto de EFP turco são:


MECU YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Os resultados da aprendizagem são creditados com base no tempo de aprendizagem total.

Aos resultados da aprendizagem que levam à obtenção de qualificações de âmbito semelhante, conteúdo, complexidade e duração, são atribuídos os mesmos créditos.

Os resultados da aprendizagem adquiridos através de aprendizagem um-paraum de até 20 horas são equivalentes a 1 crédito ECVET.

Um ano completo de educação e formação profissional é equivalente a 60 créditos.

240 créditos podem ser adquiridos após a conclusão de 4 anos de educação formal secundária por via da formação profissional.

Um dos actores-chave do ECVET na Turquia é MYK (Instituição para a Qualificação Profissional), que é responsável pela criação do Sistema Nacional de Qualificação Profissional compatível para a UE. MYK executa as suas funções em cooperação com o Ministério da Educação Nacional, do Conselho de Ensino Superior, os trabalhadores e organizações e outras instituições relacionadas. No contexto das tarefas básicas da MYK, a determinação de normas profissionais é uma prioridade. Normas profissionais é a base para a criação de programas de formação e educação de acordo com as exigências do mercado de trabalho, determinando a capacidade dos indivíduos para realizar habilidades nas profissões. O outro actor-chave é MoNE (Ministério da Educação Nacional), que realiza (coordena e realiza) estudos de ECVET através de um processo de consultoria. As principais responsabilidades do MoNE são: Garantir a validade dos certificados obtidos através de Escolas Vocacionais e de formação profissional/instituições responsáveis e internacionais. Permitir a reflexão do Quadro Europeu de Qualificações e do Sistema europeu de Transferência de Créditos, para adaptação ao sistema de EFP Turco Creditar cada um dos módulos de acordo com o peso nos níveis ocupacionais Pessoas que se formaram através de percursos de educação profissional e técnica em qualquer um dos níveis devem ser avaliados com base nas suas qualificações e certificados O sistema ECVET na Grécia ainda está numa fase muito inicial. Apesar de decisores políticos reconhecerem com o valor acrescentado do ECVET (mobilidade, da transparência das qualificações, etc.), a implementação de tal sistema ainda está em falta. Existe alguma falta de comunicação com as partes interessadas e o público envolvido, apesar de a Lei 3879/2010 sobre a aprendizagem ao longo da vida prever a criação de ECVET (Cedefop, 2013). A entidade responsável pelo ECVET é o Ministério da Educação e Religiões, Cultura e Desporto, através do EOPPEP, que é o NCP para a Grécia. O ECVET em Portugal é coordenado pela Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e Ensino Profissional (ANQEP), regulamentada pelo Ministério do Trabalho e da Educação. A YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


implementação do ECVET é feito pela cooperação de várias e diferentes instituições, designadas "organismos competentes", ou seja, as entidades responsáveis pela definição e atribuição das qualificações, para o reconhecimento das unidades de resultados de aprendizagem ou outras funções ligadas ao sistema ECVET. Os principais atores ECVET em Portugal são: • Entidades públicas ou privadas que têm uma função de regulação dos sistemas de educação e de formação, como a Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e Formação, Educação e Formação (ANQEP) e a Direcção Geral para o Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho - (DGERT); • Entidades públicas de EFP responsáveis pela acreditação, certificação ou qualificação, e outros os órgãos responsáveis pelo reconhecimento; • As entidades públicas ou privadas que prestam serviços de EFP, tais como: redes e institutos de educação profissional, centros de formação profissional, entidades privadas de formação, etc. Em consonância com a aprovação do Parlamento e do Conselho Europeu, o ECVET ainda está em implementação em Portugal. Portugal tem acompanhado de perto a evolução do contexto europeu e os sistemas de qualificação têm vindo a adoptar a abordagem baseada nos resultados da aprendizagem, através da implementação de um quadro nacional de qualificações. Embora não haja consenso sobre a interpretação e descrição dos resultados da aprendizagem, todos os instrumentos e ferramentas desenvolvidas nesse sentido, como o QNQ, baseiam-se nesta abordagem. Para a implementação ECVET, as qualificações devem ser organizados em unidades de resultados de aprendizagem claramente identificadas e descritas e ter em conta as necessidades efectivas do mercado de trabalho, a fim de permitir uma compreensão mútua das qualificações. Para isso, o primeiro passo é a promoção e compreensão do ECVET entre todos os intervenientes no processo de ensino e formação profissionais e para isso, o Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações (CNQ), identificando, para cada qualificação das unidades de aprendizagem com base em resultados de aprendizagem. O sistema ECVET em Portugal está relacionada com o reconhecimento da aprendizagem anterior em contextos formais, não formais e informais de aprendizagem e por essa razão é um motor de mobilidade, a fim de promover a procura activa de EFP. Vários actores de EFP dão novas contribuições para a implementação efectiva do ECVET, em linha com as principais partes interessadas e os organismos nacionais, como o ISQ. As contribuições devem ser desenvolvidas e implementadas gradualmente, numa base voluntária, sem qualquer obrigação legal, uma vez que não tem uma missão regulamentar. Actualmente está a acontecer uma mudança de paradigma no que respeita aos módulos de formação para as unidades de aprendizagem, com base nos resultados da aprendizagem. Neste contexto, um guia metodológico está a ser desenvolvido para a

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nova construção dessas unidades de resultados de aprendizagem e consequente atribuição de créditos ECVET. Ao apresentar a situação actual em Espanha, em qualquer aspecto relativo à educação e /ou formação profissional é importante observar as características da estrutura política do Estado espanhol, onde as Comunidades Autónomas têm 40% de tomada de decisão responsabilidades sobre assuntos relacionados com a educação. Portanto, é possível encontrar algumas diferenças no status do aplicativo ou o desenvolvimento da legislação nacional em cada Comunidade Autónoma. Espanha está a passar por um processo de modernização e aperfeiçoamento, com o objectivo de atingir um quadro coerente e integrado de educação e formação profissional, que inclui a unidade de competência como uma referência comum para cursos de formação e acreditação dos resultados da aprendizagem adquiridos, a avaliação da qualidade e eficácia da formação, a coordenação do Estado com a participação dos parceiros sociais e empregadores, além de incorporar uma dimensão europeia da formação. Já várias iniciativas legislativas têm sido desenvolvidas com o envolvimento da Administração do Estado, através do Ministério da Educação e do Ministério do Trabalho, o governo e os parceiros sociais. O alinhamento e aplicação do sistema ECVET está a ser analisado numa base voluntária entre os países da União Europeia, prevendo-se a sua implementação em 2014. Em Espanha, a educação e formação profissional, enquadra-se no Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações Profissionais (CNQP), é consistente com a filosofia do Sistema Europeu de Créditos do Ensino e Formação Profissionais (ECVET), com o sistema de formação profissional, baseado em programas de aprendizagem modulares. As certificações de EFP inicial e títulos no sistema de ensino são de 2.000 horas e concentram-se em resultados de aprendizagem para permitir a aquisição de competências profissionais de acordo com as normas estabelecidas para responder às necessidades do sector produtivo. Todos os diplomas apoiam a aquisição e aperfeiçoamento de competências profissionais, pessoais e sociais. O novo sistema de reconhecimento das competências adquiridas através da experiência profissional estabelece a avaliação parcial e acreditação das unidades de competência de qualificação incluídos nos diplomas de formação profissional ou em certificados profissionais. Assim, as unidades de competência credenciadas podem levar ao reconhecimento ou à isenção de módulos de formação incluídos em qualquer um dos certificados de formação profissional correspondente.



JOVEM Para reforçar ainda mais a importância da educação para o empreendedorismo, a Comissão Europeia apresentou em Janeiro de 2013, um plano de acção intitulado "EMPREENDEDORISMO 2020", cujo objectivo é regular a linha de acção dos países membros para “reforçar a prática do empreendedorismo na Europa”. Um dos objectivos apresentados prevê a inclusão do ensino e da prática do YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


empreendedorismo nos programas escolares (os jovens devem ter pelo menos uma experiência prática do empreendedorismo antes de terminar o ensino secundário). No documento pode-se ler "Investir na educação para o empreendedorismo é um dos investimentos com maior retorno que a Europa pode fazer " Assim, as orientações europeias para a promoção do empreendedorismo nas escolas são evidentes. Em 2001, o "Relatório de Educação para o Conselho Europeu" considera a Educação para o Empreendedorismo como uma área-chave de intervenção estrutural. Em 2005, a estratégia da Comissão Europeia reforçou a importância de reforçar a "aprendizagem de competências essenciais para a Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida" (CE, 2005), que reconheceu a educação e formação para o empreendedorismo como factores essenciais para o desenvolvimento económico e cultural em toda a Europa.

3.4.1. Turquia A influência do empreendedorismo no crescimento económico e inovação levou ao aparecimento de muitas actividades neste domínio e ao apoio do empreendedorismo a várias instituições. A este respeito, as administrações públicas na Turquia, tais como KOSGEB, Iskŭr, Ministério da Indústria e Comércio e várias organizações nãogovernamentais prestam apoio na área do empreendedorismo. Mecanismos de apoio como o micro-emprestimo tornaram-se frequentes. Além disso, o capital de risco e os “business angels” estão cada vez mais eficazes na Turquia, assim como em todo o mundo. Além disso, União Turca de câmaras e bolsa de mercadorias (TOBB) executa várias actividades a fim de apoiar o empreendedorismo. O Conselho de Mulheres Empresariais é estabelecido sob a TOBB. O Conselho desenvolve políticas gerais para mulheres empresárias e contribui para a formação de opiniões. O Conselho é composto por mulheres empresárias de diversos sectores e representantes da Juventude para a Habitat Association, Universidade de Economia e Tecnologia, Direcção-Geral sobre a Situação da Mulher e a KOSGEB. Além disso, a TOBB estabeleceu o Quadro de Jovens Empresários, a fim de apoiar o empreendedorismo da juventude a nível nacional e local. Consulte o Anexo 1 para encontrar mais programas sobre empreendedorismo na Turquia.

3.4.2. Grécia Os programas de formação têm sido postos em prática ao longo dos anos para a juventude como um meio para combater a crise económica grave, para tornar a economia mais competitiva e oferecer aos jovens a oportunidade de inclusão social e económica na Grécia e em toda a UE. No entanto, a educação para o empreendedorismo ainda está num estágio muito inicial. Embora o Ministério da Educação esteja a promover a educação para o empreendedorismo, a maioria das instituições ainda não implementaram esses programas e as discussões ainda estão em andamento. YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


No entanto, um programa para o desenvolvimento de experiência profissional tem sido posto em prática, onde os jovens, através de programas de aprendizagem, são treinados num sector específico "trabalhando" para o desenvolvimento de um negócio. Este programa é conhecido como Mathiteia4u. Além disso, em 2010, a Câmara de Comércio tornou-se a segunda câmara de comércio no país a oferecer um programa de empreendedorismo juvenil. A Academia de Jovens Empreendedores (YEA!) foi desenvolvida para oferecer programas de formação para o empreendedorismo intensivo para estudantes do ensino secundário e para orientá-los sobre como iniciar e gerir um negócio.

3.4.3. Portugal O sistema de ensino regular Português revelou-se insuficiente na promoção da cultura empreendedora entre alunos do ensino primário e secundário, embora, no ensino superior, tem vindo a ganhar alguma expressão positiva. A introdução de cursos profissionais nas escolas secundárias surge do Decreto-Lei N. º 74/2004 de 26 de Março, para a reconfiguração do sistema de ensino, melhorando o desempenho escolar e uma maior diversificação da oferta educativa, respondendo assim às expectativas de públicos escolares diferenciados e promovendo uma maior igualdade de oportunidades. É considerado uma resposta educativa voltada para a integração no mercado de trabalho, e a sua conclusão permite uma qualificação profissional, geralmente de nível IV e um diploma 12º ano com possibilidade de entrar no sistema de ensino superior, através do cumprimento dos requisitos. Em Portugal, a oferta de formação em empreendedorismo é fornecida principalmente por dois organismos diferentes: Empresas privadas de formação que oferecem cursos profissionalizantes na área, em alguns casos, para uma qualificação profissional de nível 3, 4 ou 5; e Institutos de Ensino Superior - levando a um grau de licenciatura, mestrado ou doutoramento na área empresarial. A maioria dos cursos de empreendedorismo são oferecidos por universidades e politécnicos. Na verdade, os cursos de formação profissional direccionados aos jovens no campo do empreendedorismo ainda são escassos, sendo mais frequente, por outro lado, a existência de alguns módulos específicos integrados nos currículos de formação. No Anexo 3 poderá encontrar algumas das formas mais comuns de obtenção de formação e educação em empreendedorismo em Portugal.

3.4.4. Espanha Espanha não tem um sistema completo para validar a aprendizagem não formal. No entanto, existem formas de validação no ensino superior e, agora, através das qualificações profissionais. Os desenvolvimentos mais significativos ocorreram com a aprovação do Decreto-lei 1224/2009 de 17 de Julho, para o reconhecimento das competências adquiridas através da experiência de trabalho. O decreto regulamenta os procedimentos para validação das competências adquiridas através da aprendizagem formal ou não formal e experiência de trabalho. O Catálogo Nacional de YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Qualificações Profissionais é usado como uma referência para o reconhecimento da aprendizagem não formal, bem como diplomas oficiais de formação profissional. As qualificações profissionais mais importantes no sistema produtivo espanhol, incluindo o ensino e formação profissional (EFP) conteúdos os correspondentes a cada qualificação, estão listadas no Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações Profissionais (CNCP). Este documento é um instrumento do Sistema Nacional de Qualificações e Educação e Formação Profissional (SNCFP), para listar as qualificações profissionais de acordo com as competências adequadas ao exercício profissional. Entre os principais objectivos do CNCP, pretende-se integrar os programas existentes em matéria de educação e formação profissional, a fim de adaptá-los às características e demandas do sistema produtivo espanhol. O Instituto Nacional de Qualificações (INCUAL), criado pelo Decreto-lei 375/1999 de 05 de Março, no âmbito do Ministério da Educação e dependente da Direcção-Geral da Formação Profissional e do seu Conselho Geral, é responsável pela definição, elaboração e actualização do Catálogo Nacional das qualificações profissionais (CNCP) e o correspondente Catálogo de Ensino e Formação Modular. A metodologia de catálogo é baseada nas orientações metodológicas, aprovadas pelo Conselho Geral da Educação e Formação Profissional, em Maio de 2003. O Conselho é o órgão consultivo do Governo espanhol em matéria de educação e formação profissional. Ele é organizado numa base tripartida, com representação da Administração central e regional, as organizações patronais e os sindicatos. Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações Profissionais da Espanha identifica as qualificações mais significativas nos vários sectores de produção e devem ser incluídos nos programas de formação profissional na área educacional e / ou de trabalho. Até o momento foram publicadas um total de 644 qualificações, agrupadas em 26 sectores profissionais. Formação para o empreendedorismo, independentemente da idade ou da especificação grupo-alvo, está incluída no Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações Profissionais do sector profissional ou familiar de Administração e Gestão definido como "Criação e gestão de microempresas" (Creación y Gestión de Microempresas). Detalhes a respeito da formação em empreendedorismo formalmente reconhecida em Espanha podem ser consultadas no anexo 4.

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4. RECOMENDAÇÕES EUROPEIAS PARA FUTURA IMPLEMENTAÇÃO O perfil europeu de um jovem empreendedor, foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Projecto Leonardo da Vinci, transferência de inovação YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais, destina-se a ser aplicado nos países da parceria, mas também fora dela. As actividades de pilotagem nos quatro países do consórcio: Turquia, Grécia, Portugal e Espanha revelaram que há um grande interesse no projecto YES e nos seus produtos e esse feedback pode ser encontrado no documento: Orientações sobre ePROF e ePack como uma solução integradora. No desenvolvimento do perfil houve contribuições de todos os países parceiros do projecto (Turquia, Grécia, Portugal e Espanha), que representam uma série de países da Europa a partir da perspectiva geográfica do sul. Acreditamos que no futuro, o QEQ e os perfis ECVET vão desempenhar um papel importante para uma maior abertura do mercado de trabalho na Europa. Além disso, o perfil ECVET para um jovem empreendedor baseado numa abordagem europeia comum, oferece a oportunidade de ser adaptado a um contexto nacional, o que se verificou numa primeira fase nos países parceiros do projecto, sem grandes obstáculos identificados. Este facto pode incentivar outras instituições de países além do consórcio do projecto, a transferir não apenas os outros produtos do projecto, mas também a adaptar o perfil europeu ECVET a um contexto nacional feito à medida

5. CONCLUSIONS Em geral, pensamos que este documento pode ajudar a dar os próximos passos necessários para a futura implementação do conjunto de ferramentas e metodologias do projecto YES nos países parceiros e noutros países, e promover a mobilidade e o reconhecimento da aprendizagem prévia, contribuindo para harmonizar os sistemas de qualificação e também para dar mais transparência aos processos de qualificação. Podemos ainda concluir que: - O Currículo e Perfil YES são um enorme passo no processo ECVET uma vez que é definido em termos de resultados de aprendizagem, o que permite um ponto de partida para os quadros nacionais de qualificações e uma fácil comparação em toda a Europa. - Este sistema também pode ajudar a Europa a lidar com as questões de formação e de trabalho muitas vezes associadas à população imigrante, a estágios ou pessoas provenientes de diferentes sistemas de certificação ou com diferentes exigências de qualificação. - É muito importante para garantir uma forte adaptação nacional das leis internas e sistemas regulatórios relacionados às finanças e tributação.

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Para uma análise mais profunda, faz-se uma pequena conclusão por país:



A falta de acesso a recursos financeiros, falta de conhecimento e inadequação dos serviços de consultoria são alguns dos problemas vividos pelos empresários na Turquia. Os serviços de consultoria devem ser desenvolvidos para futuros empresários que não têm conhecimento suficiente nesta área. Assim, os empresários também devem receber o serviço de consultoria como parte de estratégias gerais de empreendedorismo. Os suportes de empreendedorismo devem ser medidos e avaliados, indo além de fornecer apenas recursos financeiros. Se os empreendedores forem apoiados por empresários que tiveram coisas semelhantes no passado, este será um contributo para o seu sucesso. Os problemas mais fundamentais ao nível da implementação do empreendedorismo são dificuldades em encontrar recursos financeiros e falta de formação e conhecimento em diversas áreas, como marketing e gestão. Portanto, propostas e estratégias de solução devem centrar-se sobre estas áreas. Os indivíduos que queiram criar uma nova empresa devem ser apoiados sobre a forma como vão receber apoio de consultoria em educação formal e nãoformal. Melhor promoção dos apoios financeiros no domínio do empreendedorismo e a irá contribuir para o desenvolvimento do empreendedorismo jovem na Turquia.



É evidente que o quadro para a educação para o empreendedorismo e para o desenvolvimento do HQF e sistema ECVET na Grécia ainda está numa fase muito inicial. Mesmo que a argumentação básica esteja presente e o valor acrescentado do referido tema seja reconhecido, as acções ainda não foram implementadas para colocar estes sistemas no lugar. A grave crise económica na Grécia exige uma reforma e acção radical neste domínio, para permitir mais acções de capacitação dos jovens para investir em empreendedorismo. Como resultado, é necessário que os decisores políticos e as partes interessadas assumam acções concretas para combater as elevadas taxas de desemprego, para aumentar a competitividade e produtividade da economia grega e para investir na sua juventude. Os próximos anos irão determinar o futuro da Grécia e dos seus jovens. Portanto, é de grande importância que o plano de acção YGIP seja implementado e que mais programas de formação e de inclusão sejam desenvolvidos para garantir a inclusão social e económica dos jovens, tanto na Grécia, como na União Europeia em geral. Por fim, é evidente que a Grécia está atrasada no desenvolvimento do seu quadro nacional de qualificações (HQF) e do ECVET como apresentado acima. Outros países da UE têm mostrado grande progresso e desenvolvimento ao longo dos anos, já posto em prática no seu próprio quadro nacional de qualificações, a promoção da mobilidade e transferência de qualificações. É, portanto, pertinente que a Grécia siga os passos da UE e assuma iniciativas e acções semelhantes.

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Num mundo em constante mudança, em que se prevê um crescimento de sectores associados ao conhecimento, informação e criatividade, a busca por indivíduos flexíveis com capacidade de abstracção, análise e criatividade é cada vez mais exigente. Estão as escolas, sistemas de EFP e as instituições de ensino superior a preparar os jovens para esta realidade? Os alunos estão cientes de que terão de ser profissionais capazes de contribuir para o crescimento pessoal / profissional num ambiente de negócios com uma concorrência feroz? Um indicador importante para avaliar o trabalho dos sistemas de educação e formação nesta área é analisar como é a transição dos jovens para o mercado de trabalho. Parece que se assiste a um fenómeno em que os jovens estão "lost in translation". Sem experiência profissional significativa e, talvez, sem a informação suficiente das actuais exigências do paradigma da empregabilidade, a procura do primeiro emprego é cada vez mais demorada. Esta situação está a levar os jovens a uma situação de desemprego de longa duração, gradualmente piorando as dificuldades de (re)integração no mercado de trabalho, originando uma possível situação de situação de exclusão social. A promoção do empreendedorismo é uma das prioridades nacionais para enfrentar este problema, com o objectivo de criar mais oportunidades de emprego para os jovens. Neste sentido, os agentes educativos e de formação estão cada vez mais a adoptar medidas para apoiar o ensino do empreendedorismo no sistema escolar a partir de uma fase inicial, porque afinal de contas "não se nasce empreendedor, aprende-se a ser um". Em termos de educação e formação profissional, as ofertas ainda estão abaixo das expectativas e a maioria dos cursos de formação profissional existentes nesta área são cursos de curta duração, com um custo associado e são projectados para um determinado público-alvo qualificado (por exemplo líderes, CEOs, gerentes de empresas). Em alguns planos de formação destinada aos jovens, existem alguns módulos que abordam a temática. Por outro lado, no sistema de ensino superior, o conceito está mais consolidado e é parte integrante da maioria dos currículos de cursos. Através da pesquisa documental realizada, identificamos várias universidades com bacharelados, licenciaturas, mestrados e doutoramentos dedicados ao tema do empreendedorismo. Em suma, afirmamos que é importante promover mais oportunidades de formação que permitam e incentivam os sistemas nacionais de formação a agir a fim de promover uma melhor compreensão e contribuir para a implementação do espírito empreendedor entre os jovens. Face às exigências do mercado de trabalho, e as crises estruturais na situação do emprego Português, a educação e formação profissional deve ser focada principalmente na formação para a empregabilidade e não tanto como uma alternativa para o emprego.

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A promoção do espírito empresarial está no centro da agenda Espanhola social e económica. Dado o actual contexto social e económico nacional, o auto-emprego e empreendedorismo são particularmente importantes, especialmente para os jovens, uma vez que lhes oferece a oportunidade de iniciar projectos profissionais que lhes permitam desenvolver as suas competências e começar a vida profissional. Espanha desenvolveu um Quadro Nacional de Qualificações (QNQ) para a aprendizagem ao longo da vida (MECU), com base nos resultados da aprendizagem. Este quadro liga e coordena diferentes subsistemas de educação e formação. Ele também inclui qualificações obtidas através da educação de nível superior e da escolaridade obrigatória (ensino universitário e formação profissional de nível superior) e integra o processo de validação da aprendizagem informal e não-formal. Um dos objetivos-chave na estrutura nacional de educação em Espanha é alcançar um amplo sistema de educação e formação profissional, a qualificação e acreditação que corresponda eficazmente às demandas sociais e económicas e mais importante para corresponder às necessidades do mercado de trabalho europeu, um sistema de incentivo à aprendizagem ao longo da vida. O EFP aparece como um instrumento fundamental e estratégico para atender às novas necessidades e demandas sociais e económicas, enquanto resposta para o aumento da competitividade das empresas e melhorar a empregabilidade de pessoas. Neste sentido, no âmbito nacional, um novo modelo de formação profissional foi estabelecido em resposta ao alinhamento necessário entre formação e emprego. O Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações Profissionais identifica as qualificações mais significativas nos vários sectores de produção e devem ser incluídos nos programas de formação profissional na área educacional e / ou de trabalho. Nesta fase, para que o objectivo seja plenamente alcançado, é necessário actualizar o modelo de formação, numa base regular adicionando-lhe flexibilidade e tornando-o transversal, de modo a que as competências e os resultados da aprendizagem adquiridos possam ser amplamente reconhecidos a nível europeu, contribuindo para a criação de uma força de trabalho europeia móvel e flexível. Além disso, é necessário harmonizar as qualificações profissionais adquiridas em Espanha, com o sistema europeu de transferência de créditos para a formação profissional (ECVET). Considerando que as qualificações nível superior já foram alinhadas com os ECTS europeus (Transferência e Acumulação de Créditos para o Ensino Superior), desde 2003, a implementação do ECVET na educação e formação profissional ainda contínua pendente.

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Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Turkey When we look at Turkey’s growth figures in recent years, no healthy and sustainable decrease has been achieved in Youth unemployment rates. Education plays an important role in preventing Youth unemployment. In this respect, the participants received 48 total hours of training face-to-face in areas of Entrepreneurship, Setting up Business and Development of Business Plan and on e-Learning system in areas of Risk Management, Business Law, Marketing, Economy and Finance, Firm Management and Taxation, through the co-education support of e-Learning system which was created as part of the project YES in İstanbul, Turkey, under the coordination of BAU-METGEM. In order to support participants, who learnt entrepreneurship activities through this training, in finding grants and the ways to use such grants for them, the KOSGEB training is integrated into this training with the assistance of Bahçeşehir University to make sure the training offers a wider perspective. This research includes general information on facilities that are available in Turkey in entrepreneurship supports and trainings for young people and trainers. Also, after the entrepreneurship in Turkey is examined, the European Qualifications Framework and the National Qualifications Framework are covered and 8 levels are described for young people and trainers. Moreover, detailed information is provided on the development of ECVET in Turkey for the youth and stakeholders of vocational training. Furthermore, detailed content is given on Entrepreneurship Training for trainers who are willing to give new trainings on entrepreneurship in following periods.

Some support iniciatives to youth entrepreneurship: TECHNO-INITIATIVE CAPITAL SUPPORT PROGRAM PROVIDED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY The Techno-Initiative Capital Support Program includes supporting, monitoring, concluding and assessment of the result of, the capacity of highly educated and qualified young people to turn their technology and innovation oriented business ideas into initiatives with a high potential to create added value and quality employment.13 Students who have 1 year left to graduate from an undergraduate program of any university, graduate students or doctoral students or those who received bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or PhD at least 5 years before the pre-application date are eligible to apply to the program. The entrepreneur has to document the foregoing educational status during the application. For details, the documents “Application Procedures and Principles” and “Guideline for Pre-Application and Development of Business Plan” must be examined.14 You can apply to the program using e-government password on R&D web portal at Information on application and evaluation processes, documents related to educational status, expenses covered and not covered under the support are given in the documents “Application Procedures and Principles” and “Guideline for Pre-Application and Development of Business Plan”. Application dates are announced on the website of Ministry. You can apply to the program once a year between October 1st and November 1st. 13

14 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Until 2023, the term of program is as follows: 2009-2010 TRY 10 million, 100 people at maximum 2011-2023 TRY 50 million, 500 people at maximum The highest amount of support which is applied to the expenses of business ideas that are decided to be supported is TRY 100.000,00 and it is provided as a grant without security. 15

ENTREPRENEURSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PROVIDED BY TÜBİTAK The entrepreneurship support programs provided by TÜBİTAK are as follows: 1512 - Entrepreneurship Support Program in Stages The program aims to support individual entrepreneurs to transform their technology and innovation focused business ideas into enterprises and innovative products throughout the process from idea to market. Graduates from an undergraduate program of any university offering formal education, students enrolled in a master’s or PhD program or graduates from a master’s or PhD program are eligible to apply to this program. Stages of the program are as follows: 1st Stage: From business idea to business plan. 2nd Stage: Start-up and Technological Justification: Application for business plan, evaluation of business plans by the panel and respective committees. Evaluation has three aspects: a. Technological level and innovative aspect of business plan b. Suitability and feasibility of business plan c. Commercialization potential of business plan 3rd Stage: TÜBİTAK 1507 - Support Program: The enterprise is expected to develop the outputs of the 2nd stage more through R&D activities and present a product/process which can be commercialized or put into practice. Enterprises that complete the techno-initiative program or 2nd stage of the program no. 1512 may receive a support of TRY 550.000 with 75% grant. Commercial prototype of the product will be prepared accordingly. 4th Stage: Commercialization.16

15 U%20(3).pdf 16 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2238 - University Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness Competition Program The purpose of the program is to organize business idea and business plan contests in areas of entrepreneurship and innovation at university level.17 •

Contributing to raising a generation placed at the center of innovation and entrepreneurship process and increasing awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation by ensuring that university students have a innovation based thinking ability, Providing support for associate degree, undergraduate and graduate students who have innovative ideas in various areas in order to create an environment for them to put their ideas into practice. RANKING



TRY 10.000


TRY 7.500


TRY 5.000

2239 - Support Program for Education and Research Activities in Entrepreneurship and Innovation The purpose of this program is offer support of participation in foreign training programs in areas of entrepreneurship and innovation for the candidates who are recommended after passing the elimination which will be held by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology from among the winners of Techno-Initiative Capital Support. Participants must meet the following conditions for applying to this program: • • •

Being a citizen of Turkey, Not benefiting from this program in the past, Passing the elimination held by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology from among the winners of Techno-Initiative Capital Support and being recommended as a result.

Those who are supported under the program may be given assistance for their travel costs, daily/monthly living expenses and registration fees. Applications will be made on and a printout of the form generated by the system in PDF format will be signed and delivered in person or by courier to the address TÜBİTAK Tunus Cad. No. 80, Kavaklıdere – ANKARA. 18 17 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


1514 – Venture Capital Funding Program (GİSDEP) The Venture Capital Funding Program no. 1514 aims to utilize the Venture Capital Funds to meet financial needs at the seed, start-up, or development stage of SME companies with a potential to develop and produce innovative products, processes, information, or technology that can provide added value to the country’s economy. The Funding Program is intended to make a contribution to the creation of a venture capital ecosystem by encouraging the establishment of new funds that will provide capital to technology and innovation focused SME companies in the country and Fund Managers that will manage these Funds. Eligible applicants are Fund Managers/Prospective Fund Managers that have or will set up Venture Capital Funds.19 1601 - Support Program to Increase Capacity in Innovation and Entrepreneurship This program will provide support for Technology Transfer Offices which have been and/or will be established at universities under the call “Providing and Implementation of Preparation, Start-up and Capacity Increase for Technology Transfer Offices”. The term of support is 2 years and a maximum of 10 universities will be supported under this call. For the success of activities of Technology Transfer Offices, having necessary knowledge and practical experience is very important. With its new call no. 1601, TÜBİTAK supports the transfer of experience of previously supported Technology Transfer Offices to new candidates. By doing so, it is intended to increase the quality prospective Technology Transfer Offices that do not have basic experience and knowledge, through joint trainings and activities they’ll run with Guiding Technology Transfer Offices. The projects will last for 2 years and their budgets will be TRY 1.000.000 at most. 80% of the budget will be supported by TÜBİTAK as a grant.20 ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAININGS GIVEN BY ISKUR İŞKUR’s Entrepreneurship Training Programs are implemented to help unemployed people registered to İŞKUR to establish and develop their own businesses. Under the entrepreneurship programs, basic level entrepreneurship trainings are conducted within the framework of the principles specified in the “Applied Entrepreneurship Training (UGE) Cooperation Protocol” between “Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization” (KOSGEB) and Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR).



20 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


At the end of the training program, attendants are awarded Applied Entrepreneurship Training Attendance Certificate. This certificate is a document to be used for application to KOSGEB New Entrepreneur Support. Duration of basic level entrepreneurship training is 60 hours, consisting of in-class training and workshops. The conditions for benefiting the entrepreneurship program are as follows: Being registered to the Agency, Being 18 or older, Not having attended the entrepreneurship training organized by the Agency before, Receiving positive opinion by benefiting the business and professional consultancy service. Accordingly, the program also offers entrepreneurship trainings for those who are registered to the Agency and want to develop their businesses. Also, those who are engaged in agricultural activity, have voluntary insurance and receive social benefit, disabled pension and survivor's pension may benefit from the program. Applications should be made anytime to Provincial Directorates of İŞKUR and its service centers in 81 provinces and positive opinion should be received from the business and professional consultant.21

STARTUPBOOTCAMP IN ISTANBUL, TURKEY ‘Startupbootcamp’, the biggest startup accelerator with programs in six different locations of the world, started its first program at Beşiktaş Campus of Bahçeşehir University, as the center of Turkey, Middle East and North Africa. Preparing the current entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region for the future and offering an innovative accelerator program for potential entrepreneurs with the cooperation of Bahçeşehir University, Startupbootcamp has offered a total funding of 14 million Euros for over 80 entrepreneurs at its accelerator programs with the participation of 130 entrepreneurs until today, and total value of these businesses reached over 90 million Euros. Startupbootcamp follows a very strict and multi-stage election system to choose the entrepreneurs, and selected entrepreneurs receive a 3-month acceleration program. It invests 15.000 Euros in entrepreneurs and gives them an area to work. Participants receive intense support in the development of idea in the first month, development of beta version in the second, and sales in the third. As a result, entrepreneurs present their projects to investors.22

NEW ENTREPRENEUR SUPPORT BY KOSGEB The program aims the following:



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Supporting entrepreneurship

Spreading entrepreneurship

Establishment of successful businesses

Support Items23 are as follows:



Company Establishment Support (Start up Expenses)



Machinery, Machinery, equipment, Software and Hardware Support for 15.000 Startup Period Operational Expenses Support


Fixed Investment Support

Region 1 (İstanbul) 60% 70% if entrepreneur is woman or disabled

APPLIED ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAININGS GIVEN BY KOSGEB As part of our new support system, we offer a separate entrepreneurship support program for entrepreneurs who want to establish their own business and have a certain knowledge and experience but no sufficient capital to do that, in order to create small businesses focusing especially on production in areas where self-financing is possible with a small amount of capital. Accordingly, KOSGEB, in cooperation with various institutions and agencies, offers “Applied Entrepreneurship Trainings” for all groups, including women, youngsters, the disabled and especially jobseekers, to ensure the entrepreneurship culture becomes widespread and successful and long-term businesses are established. KOSGEB’s Applied Entrepreneurship Trainings are offered in order to ensure that those who want to establish their own businesses are aware of certain basic concepts and informed on main elements of a business plan. Trainings conducted under many programs in the world are offered with a similar content and duration. The availability of adding support modules based on various needs of participants makes the content of training flexible. A feature of entrepreneurship trainings is that common information is taught as required by new businesses regardless of their sector of business line. Entrepreneurs are expected to reflect researches, forecasts and evaluations specific to their area on the business plan in the light of such common information (by receiving consultancy as needed). Trainings consist of 60-hour basic modules at international level and practical workshops. It is considered that the duration of training is sufficient.24

23 24 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




Theory Practice Laboratory Credits ECTS (hour) (hour) (hour)

Medium of Instruction

Type: (Compulsory / Elective)





Admission Requirements (Prerequisites)









Attendance Requirement

Course Content

The role of initiatives and entrepreneurs is highly important in the development of a country. Accordingly, Applied Entrepreneurship Course aims to make sure the students who want to establish their own business exhibit personal characteristics that are required for being an entrepreneur, acquire necessary knowledge and skills and gain these qualifications practically. This course is equivalent to the Applied Entrepreneurship Training held under the Entrepreneurship Support Program which is organized under the KOSGEB’s Support Program Regulation. Students who pass the course successfully will receive Applied Entrepreneurship Training Participation Certificate. With this certificate, students will be able to receive support from KOSGEB for the businesses they want to establish.

In this course, students are given theoretical information on entrepreneurship and business establishment activities, the processes of developing a business plan and establishing a business are addressed based on the experience of entrepreneurs, Learning Outcomes and it is aimed to examine the concept of entrepreneurship, which is an economic, legal, financial, psychological, social and cultural event, and support creative thinking. Method of Teaching Providing theoretical information on entrepreneurship and development of business plan, examination of successful business models, and development and 25 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


presentation of business plan.








Course Hours




Study Hours Out of Class








Assignments Presentation Midterms (including Preparation Period) 1 Project Clinical Practice Laboratory Field World Other Practices Finals (including Preparation Period)


Quizzes Term Paper/Project

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Portfolio Reports Learning Logs Thesis/Project Seminar Other Credit Workload


Credit Workload / 25


ECTS Credit



Theoretical Topics of the Course


Entrepreneur, entrepreneurships, and relevant basic concepts Basics of entrepreneurial thinking, Testing of entrepreneurial personality


Entrepreneurship process Developing business idea and creativity Creative problem solving techniques Innovation


Business plan concept and business plan elements (market research) Market research by using primary and secondary sources, identification of customers, current and future needs


Business plan concept and business plan elements (market research) Examination of marketing mix under the marketing plan (product, price, place, promotion)


Business plan concept and business plan elements (production (manufacturing/service) plan) YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Production planning


Business plan concept and business plan elements (management plan) Adaptation to business plan based on the functions of management Human Resources Management


Business plan concept and business plan elements (financial plan) Resourcing, investment planning, development of financial statements and elements of financial management Accounting (budget and cash flow)


Workshop on market research and marketing plan


Workshop on production plan


Workshop on management plan


Workshop on financial plan


Business plan elements and holistic view, Best business practices, Sustainability, Change Management and Growth, Information Management


Writing and presenting business plan


Writing and presenting business plan

HISTORY of ECVET IN TURKEY National authorities and social partners from 33 European countries are taking part in the Copenhagen Process26 to help develop vocational education and training systems. The development of ECVET began in 2002 after the Copenhagen Process emphasized the need for a credit transfer system for VET. National governments and the European Parliament gave their final approval to legislation in June 2009.27 Turkey, since being formally recognized as a candidate for EU membership at the Helsinki European Council in December 1999, has been engaged in the accession process, preparing itself to fulfill all the 26

27 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


conditions of the membership known as the «Copenhagen Criteria». For this reason the education sector, VET in particular, is one of the important areas that Turkey has been working on. The Turkish Ministry of National Education, the responsible body for managing the overall education system, has been implementing a comprehensive reform process in all aspects of vocational education and training (VET) since 2002. The process is based on a new global understanding of VET. It particularly refers to the priorities of the Copenhagen Process of November 2002 along with national decisions set out in development plans, government programs and declarations by the Education Assembly. Some of the milestones of the VET reform implemented since 2002 have been summarized below. Reforms were mainly achieved through some EU funded projects (via MEDA and IPA programs) under the administration of the Ministry of National Education, in close cooperation with social partners. SVET (Strengthening Vocational Education and Training in Turkey Project - abbreviated as SVET) is a fiveyear project resulting from an agreement signed between the European Commission and the Government of Turkey, and has a total budget of € 58.2M. The project aims at strengthening Turkey’s VET system rather than imposing an alien structure. Turkey’s international trade, its political ambitions for joining the EU, and its promotion of domestic and international investments give the project an urgent international dimension. This also implies that Turkey has to harness all its economic resources, and also that a degree of decentralization is inevitable since much of its industrial and economic activities are regionally based. Any effective vocational education and training system depends on its congruence with the dynamic forces of the labour market and its respect for the culture it serves. The dynamics of the labour market depends on the needs of industry and commerce (the demand side, often – but by no means always – definable at a more centralized level) and the availability of trained individuals (the supply side, definable at a more local level) to meet them in their current form and adapt to them in their future form. The project finds itself at the centre of a debate about the relationship (actual and desired) between labour and education; of another debate about central, provincial and local responsibilities; and of a third debate about the likely career path of VET graduates. The project staff has conducted workshops and studies and held interviews and meetings in a determined effort to gather and understand as much relevant information as they could. The final decisions will have to be taken by the Turkish decision-makers. However, the project staff will provide access for the decision-makers to current international VET activities and recent decentralization experiences. The final outcome of the project should be a strong VET system supported by a National Qualification System with national and international credibility.28 All the achievements outlined here were based on international approaches in the field of VET, such as the consideration of ISCO 88 and ISCED 97. In order to successfully implement the European Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) a viable National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is essential. Turkey is aware that the development of these two systems (NQF and ECVET) needs to be done in parallel. 28 YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Therefore, before talking about the Turkish initiatives for ECVET, let’s have a brief look at the development process of the NQF in Turkey. A major milestone towards a working NQF in Turkey was the establishment of the Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) in 2006. This was the result of two years of intensive work on an EU funded VET project with the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) and a diverse range of relevant stakeholders, mainly social partners. Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA-MYK)'s first General Assembly was collected on 8 December 2006 and determined the Board of Directors. After determination of Board of Directors, Establishment of this new institution from scratch such as the creation of secondary legislation, staffing, budget creation, building of service building and hardware supplies has been realized. Action plan including the principal activities of the institution was prepared in 2008. It is expressed clearly that Professional standards, testing and certification services will be done by institutions and organizations authorized from MYK. The Regulations on “Preparation of the National Professional Standards” and “Establishment of The Sector Committees, Duties and Study” were promulgated on October 5, 2007 and 27 November 2007 respectively. When Examination of The Regulation on “Preparation of the National Occupational Standards”, it is understood that preparation of the drafts of professional standards by elected institutions / organizations with objective criteria, revision of these drafts by sector committees and approval by MYK and announcement as National Occupational Standards in Official Gazette is ensured. Determination of The Format of Professional-standards according to international practice and levels of vocational qualification compatible to EQF were adopted. In addition, a temporary article was added to this regulation so that draft occupational standards prepared through projects of the institutions and organizations with their own means or the support of international organizations within this scope have been enabled the evaluation as national savings. In this context, All the documents related with 250 Occupational Standards prepared through the coordination of İŞKUR’s (Turkish Employment Organization) between 1995-2000 and Approximately 300 Occupational Standards prepared by TSE (Turkish Standards Institution) with its own means and the standards prepared through the coordination of MoNE thanks to SVET Project (Strengthening the Vocational and Technical Education in Turkey Project) between 2003-2007 period have been taken from these institutions and were started to evaluate.29 The Studies of determination and provision of Occupational Standards Savings of Other institutions and organizations are being continued. Being an authorized testing and certification organization should be applied to MYK. First of All, willing the institutions / organizations after creating the necessary infrastructure, must be accredited by Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK) or an accreditation institution with a multilateral recognition agreement in EU. At this point, the formation of the centers for occupational standards, testing and certification are required: 29 GkXay4gCL1asprFIZdM0rA5o_NYw&bvm=bv.44342787,d.ZWU YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Therefore, "Strengthening Vocational Qualifications Authority and National Qualifications System "Project with 11 million budget was prepared with the almost establishment of MYK synchronously. Educational Research and Development Directorate (ERDD – EARGED) has translated Commission Staff Working Document and Questionnaire Form of Consultation into Turkish and distributed to The Departments of Ministry of National Education, Local Education Authorities, Universities, The Education Departments of Other Ministries, Ngo’s and Workers 'and Employers' Unions. According to their feedbacks, “Turkey Country Report On Ecvet” has been prepared and presented to European Commission. (Note: ERDD’ tasks has handed over to another unit at 25th of August 2011 by decree having force of law no 652). Main Laws and Regulations with regard to ECVET Law on the vocational qualifications authority Law no 5544 and VQA legislation, Saturday, October 7, 2006 official gazette issue no: 26312, Regulation on preparation of national occupational standard, Law no 5544 and VQA legislation, Friday, October 5, 2007 official gazette issue no: 26664, Regulation on vocational qualification, testing and certification, Law no 5544 and VQA legislation, Tuesday, December 30, 2008 official gazette issue no:27096 State of Art of ECVET in Turkey The system will be based on certifications within the accepted occupational standards. It is worth noting here that Turkey has adopted 8 reference levels from the EQF for the National Qualification Framework (NQF) which are to be developed. VQA has two major responsibilities that are crucial to strengthening the relationship between the VET system and employment. First, it is expected to develop occupational standards (OS) based on competences currently required by the labour market. These OS will shape the development of training standards to be used by all training institutions in the country. They will provide VET schools with the much needed objectives in terms of competency-based curricula. Over 150 OS have been prepared so far in cooperation with social partners and sector representatives. Providing social partners are involved in this task their commitment to the VET system will increase and the relevance of VET for employment will improve. VQA also has important responsibilities in the area of assessment and certification of learning outcomes gained by all individuals. It will contribute to overcoming major weaknesses in the Turkish VET system, including the lack of standardized mechanisms to assess and control the quality and the relevance to employment of the learning process that takes place in training institutions leading to the improvement of mobility in VET. In Turkey, ECVET is considered as a tool for supporting mutual trust in the field of qualifications and for increasing transparency. It would thereby enable knowledge, skills and competences acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to be accumulated, transferred and recognized. The adoption of ECVET principles in Turkey however, is a relatively new area of interest within the Turkish VET reform. The development process started about two years ago and it is still ongoing. Turkey has not only been working on ECVET at a national level but also participating and contributing to studies that take place in a broader EU context. Despite being a new concept, the development of ECVET in Turkey has already reached some technical milestones. Turkey is committed to developing an ECVET system under the lifelong learning approach. This commitment was officially declared in an international meeting concerning ECVET on 28th March 2007 in Ankara. The Educational Research and YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Development Directorate (ERDD) of MoNE is the unit responsible for the development of ECVET in Turkey. First, in the same year, an extensive consultation process took place, with over 250 responses from a broad range of stakeholders. ERDD then prepared a Country Report on ECVET, reflecting the views of the stakeholders. The major conclusions compiled in the country report are the following: MoNE then organized a series of workshops with the participation of representatives of CoHE, social partners, teachers from VET, trainers and members of the curricula working groups of MoNE. An ECVET approach specific to Turkey was discussed and based on lessons learnt from the practices of EU Member States. As a result of this development process, an ECVET Discussion Paper for Turkey - including a proposed Action Plan based on SWOT Analysis - was prepared. In keeping with the Action Plan, a multi-actor working group agreed on an approach to assigning credits to the existing VET curriculum. Following this, a national credit-allocation approach was used to allocate credit points to all learning outcomes based on knowledge, skills and competences. The basic elements of the ECVET approach specific to the Turkish VET context are: Learning outcomes are credited based on total learning time. Learning outcomes which lead to qualifications of similar scope, content, complexity and duration are allocated the same amount of credits. Learning outcomes gained through one-to-one learning of up to 20 hours are equivalent to 1 ECVET credit. One full educational year of VET education is equivalent to 60 credits. 240 credits can be gained upon completion of 4 years of secondary formal VET education. An example of ECVET conversion has been adopted to allocate credits to units of qualifications at levels 2, 3 and 4 in a selected field of training, namely: “Computer and Information Technology” (level 4 curriculum for Network Operator).Given the studies carried out so far for ECVET, it is good to know that the Turkish VET reform, including ECVET development works, will soon be strengthened by the promotion of the Lifelong Learning Project (The LLL project). The overall objective of the project is to promote the development and implementation of coherent and comprehensive strategies for lifelong learning with the purpose of establishing an institutional framework and capacities for LLL, in line with the EU practices. Projects will support individuals’ access to education in order to raise employment opportunities within a system designed to value learning. It is expected to begin early March 2011 with a life-span of 24 months. During the LLL Project, the above proposed ECVET model would be reviewed, adopted for 50 occupational areas and tested in pilot schools, with the ultimate aim of a nationwide implementation by the end of 2012 according to the ECVET Action Plan for Turkey. Turkish citizens have experienced some difficulties while they apply for visa with a view to getting a training course in a European country. If some measures could be developed cooperatively this will increase the participation rate of Turkish citizens in mobility projects designed in the scope of Community Education and Youth Programmes, in particular of LDV since 2004. “ECVET Guide for Users” to be envisaged for the potential users facilitators of the system. ECVET guides to be prepared separately according to the features of the sectors and even of the jobs would be useful. The respondents consider ECVET as a mechanism based on learning outputs, guaranteeing quality assurance and supporting lifelong learning. These points of view support the secondary education

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projects, which could be esteemed as reforms, designed and carried by the Ministry of National Education, and they also support the approaches related to Bologna Process. Even though it is indicative, 120 ECVET credit points on average is seen eligible by the respondents to reflect learning outcomes achieved by an individual in a year in a formal full time 15 VET contexts. It is emphasized that credit points should be determined separately for each vocation by taking into account their standards as well as duration of the learning/training activity. As a part of Strengthening Vocational Education and Training Project (SVET) learning outcomes have been taken into account in curricula development processes for some years. The respondents emphasized the importance of cooperation with vocational and technical education institutions led by the stakeholders. Most of the principles in the Commission Working Document on ECVET are in line with the reform studies (validation of nonformal and informal learning, quality assurance and promoting lifelong learning etc) in Turkey. The respondents believe that deciding on the details of the learning outcomes will take some time. They also believe that, ECVET might be put into practice in the coming 3-5 years. Good Practices of ECVET in Turkey IKMEP Project: Within This Project, The Studies of Credit Transfer in Vocational Education are ongoing Within the scope of this Project, development of the quality of vocational secondary education and vocational higher education and its harmonization with the European Union countries are ongoing. In this direction, between 5 to 8 January 2010 the Workshop related with Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education (MKTS) was carried out in Ankara. The Project of Strengthening Vocational Qualifications Authority (Vqa) and the National Qualifications System. Three main outputs would be obtained at the end of the Project as follows: • • •

Establishment of National Qualification System in a Sustainable and efficient framework and making the system functional in the selected prior sectors, Increase the capacity of the Centres for Vocational Standards, Knowledge and Skills Testing and Certification (VOC-TEST through the institutional capacity of Vocational Qualification Authority to serve all stakeholders sustainably and co-ordinately. To increase levels of knowledge and awareness of all stakeholders (from public and private sector actors, workers 'and employers' organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations on the National Qualification System and the provision of system ownership.

REFERENCES 1. Arman Kırım, Türkiye’nin Girişimcilik Politikası Ne olmalı?,TOBB Girişimcilik Kongresi, 6 Kasım 2010, Ankara 2. TEPAV, Ankara’da Genç Girişimciliği Destekleme Stratejisi, 2011, Ankara 3. n.htm 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. QFjAE& SUZr3LIH0OcSkgKAE&usg=AFQjCNGkXay4gCL1asprFIZdM0rA5o_NYw&bvm=bv.44342787,d.ZW U YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. GSD%20SUNUMU%20(3).pdf

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It has been observed that different sectors have different needs and different levels of supply and demand for labour. This can be observed in the graph below:

We can see that the tourism sector is highest in demand, followed by construction and the trade sectors. It is deemed important that policy makers focus on the real problems of the economic crisis in Greece and ensure that they are well informed on the situation, while there is a great need to prioritise policies and to set up detailed action plans. The fact that policy makers do not have the capabilities and know-how to successfully achieve this immediately presents the need to better educate and equip these groups with the necessary knowledge, skills and competences. Capacity building is essential to ensure that policy makers identify the immediate problems and address them with the most efficient means. According to the report for the Task Force for Greece, which was published in March 2014, the new draft Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan (YGIP) in Greece has progressed largely from previous plans that were developed and implemented in that the current plan focuses on making actual progress in policy implementation management. The key stakeholders that are involved were also involved in the design and development of the plan, which adds to its potential effectiveness. The YGIP aims to ensure that “within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education all young people up to the age of 25 receive a highquality offer for a job, an apprenticeship or a traineeship.” The main aspects of the YGIP can be summarised in the following table:

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EQF Levels Level 1




PRIMARY SCHOOL YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



Level 2


Level 3

----------------------------------------------------------------------*(VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE (IEK)) CERTIFICATE (Initial Vocational Training post lower secondary level) (PISTOPOIITIKO EPAGELMATIKIS KATARTISIS EPIPEDOU 1- I.E.K. EPIPEDOU 1)



-----------------------------------------------------VOCATIONAL UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL (EPAL) YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




Level 5




Level 6

(PTYCHIO) UNIVERSITIES/TECHNOLOGIC YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




Level 8


REFERENCES 1. Bruno Coquet, Policymaking Under Extremely Sever Economic Condition: The Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan in Greece, March 2014 2. Hellenic Qualifications Framework Online,, 3. General Secretariat for the Management of European Funds – Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare, Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, December 2012 4. General Secretariat for Youth, National Report for Youth, December 2012 5. Training Programme for Graduates of Technical Education for the Acquisition of Professional Experience, 6. CEDEFOP, Monitoring ECVET implementation strategies in Europe, 2013

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Some ways of getting training and education in entrepreneurship in Portugal. Name and Nature of qualification


(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training) Level of qualification

This course does not confer any level of qualification, but is primarily intended for individuals who want to create a new business.

Existing certification

Not specify

Entry requirements

Not specify

Learning outcomes

• •

(at least the training program)

• •

Identify the entrepreneur's profile Identify the procedural formalities for setting up a business. Identify financing solutions and support for entrepreneurship Develop a business plan

30 hours Examinations


VET Provider

VET system – Private Training Enterprise

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Approximately level V

Name and Nature of qualification

Master in Entrepreneurship Public University YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training) Level of qualification

Level VII

Existing certification

Master in Entrepreneurship

Entry requirements

Level VI

Learning outcomes

1st Semester

(at least the training program)

- Raising Project Resource and Sell - Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Marketing: Market Analysis and Business Opportunities Creation - Financial Resources and Entrepreneurial Finance 2nd Semester - Personnel Management and Human Capital - Globalization: International Marketing Strategies - Business Plan - Option 1 (to choose from :) Accounting and Budget Management E-Business Legal and Business Structures Markets and International Investment Economic sociology 3rd Semester

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- Development of an Applied Project or Dissertation


Development of an Applied Project or Dissertation

VET Provider

Public Institution

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Level VII – 120 ECTS

Name and Nature of qualification

Degree in Development and Social Entrepreneurship Polytechnic Institute

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training) Level of qualification

Level VI

Existing certification

Graduate in Development and Social Entrepreneurship

Entry requirements

Level III - Secondary Education (to proceed to University level) or Level IV - Secondary Education obtained by double certification paths or Secondary Education to proceed to University level with a professional internship (minimum 6 months).

Learning outcomes (at least the training program)

To provide graduates with skills in community development and design of innovative and economically sustainable social projects. Three years

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VET Provider

Private University

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Level VI - 194 ECTS

Name and Nature of qualification

Professional Training for Entrepreneurship and Employability

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

VET system

Level of qualification

Doesn’t confer any level of certification

Existing certification

Professional Certificate

Entry requirements

Young people between 15 and 24 years old

Learning outcomes

18 hours

(at least the training program) Examinations

Not specify

VET Provider

Local Training Association

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Approximately level III

Description of ECVET system ECVET national

ECVET in Portugal is coordinated by the National Agency for YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


contact (national authority or other)

ECVET projects carried out or still running (include websites for resources, project contacts, etc)

Qualification and Professional Education (ANQEP), which is regulated by the Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Education. The implementation of ECVET is done by the cooperation of several and different institutions, designated “Competent Bodies” i.e., entities responsible for designing and awarding qualifications, for recognizing the units of learning outcomes or other functions linked to the ECVET system. The main ECVET actors in Portugal are: • Public or private entities that have a regulatory function for education and training systems, such as National Agency for Qualification and Vocational, Education and Training (ANQEP) and National Bodies for the Employment and Labor Relations – (DGERT); • Public VET authorities, accreditation, certification or qualification bodies, bodies responsible for recognition; • Public or private entities that provide VET such as: networks of vocational education institutes, VET centers, intercompany training centers, etc. In line with the approval by the European Parliament and the Council, the ECVET is still in implementation in Portugal. Portugal has closely followed the trend of the European context and the qualification systems have come to adopt the approach based on learning outcomes, through the implementation of national qualifications frameworks. Although there is no consensus about the interpretation and description of learning outcome, all instruments and tools developed in this sense, like the EQF, are based on this approach. For the ECVET implementation, the qualifications must be organized into clearly identified and described units of learning outcomes and take into account the effective needs of the labour market, in order to allow a reciprocal understanding of qualifications. For that, the first step is the promotion and understanding of ECVET among all the actors in VET process and for this, the National Catalogue of Qualifications (NCQ) identifying for each qualification the learning units based in learning outcomes. The ECVET system in Portugal is linked with the recognition of previous learning on formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts and for that reason is a motor of mobility in order to promote the actively searching of VET. Several actors in VET have given new contributions for the effective implementation of ECVET, in line with the main stakeholders and national bodies, like ISQ. These contributions should be developed and implemented gradually on a voluntary basis without any legal YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


obligation, since it does not have a regulatory mission. Currently there is a change of paradigm in terms of training modules for learning units, based on learning outcomes. In this context, a methodological guide is in preparation for the new construction of these units of learning outcomes and consequent attribution of ECVET credits.

REFERENCES STATE HERE YOUR REFERENCIES HERE 1. empreendedorismo#sthash.HLipuYvF.dpuf 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Spain Brief description of some of the programs, education centres, online portals, and organizations focused on youth employment policies: CEAJE (Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs) a non-profit, state-wide and multi sectorial organization, incorporated on November 23, 1991. Its goal is to motivate, direct and channel business initiatives of young Spanish entrepreneurs. It considers necessary to strengthen the presence of welltrained competitive entrepreneurs, able to design strategies for socio-economic efficiency, exploit synergies and to face up the European and global competitive edge. CEAJE, as the highest representative organ of the Young Entrepreneurs prioritizes improvement of the environment in which companies are developed, helping to foster stability, competitiveness, innovation and internationalization, as well as, helping to ensure its survival. Currently there are 55 Associations of Young Entrepreneurs, AJE's spread all over the country30. CEAJE has created a platform for young entrepreneurs called Ajeimpula designed to foster the entrepreneurial process oriented to development, and to the materialization of entrepreneurship. The service is planned to guide young entrepreneurs, depending on their needs, either along the entire process of development and implementation of their business plan, or at any stage of the process, in order to enhance and strengthen their business development. By Autonomous Community: Andalucía Emprende (1999): a foundation of the Government of Andalusia with the mission to promote the development of entrepreneurial culture and the Andalusian economic activity, with the ultimate aim of contributing to the generation of competitive businesses and quality jobs in the region. The 30

Confederación Española Jóvenes Empresarios YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


foundation undertakes the design and development of a diverse range of programs and projects to raise awareness and promote entrepreneurship and the creation of wealth and jobs in the region. Focus activities: improve business training, extending the range of services to support entrepreneurial citizenship, encourage entrepreneurship in groups with special difficulties for employment within strategic sectors for Andalusia. Aragon Emprendedor integrated by leading authorities serving Aragon’s entrepreneurs and entity responsible for the management of the project ARAGON ENTREPRENEUR to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of entrepreneurs’ counseling, support and guidance providing a unique updated channel of all entrepreneurial actions organized , existing aids or grants or simply a pathway to contact with entities related. Cantabria Emprendedora leaded by the Government of Cantabria through Cantabria Employment Service, coordinates the work of various actors in the field of entrepreneurship in the region. It comprises entrepreneurial advisory services, training and support for entrepreneurs and businesses, and generally for anyone with an interest in entrepreneurship (technicians, teachers, etc.). EJECANT is the Entrepreneur Youth School of Cantabria, Youth Department, Regional Government of Cantabria, in northern Spain. EJECANT is the first school of Cantabria dedicated to training for entrepreneurship, to support the creation of new businesses and promote the dissemination of entrepreneurial spirit and culture. Since 2005 EJECANT, belonging to the Directorate General of Equality, Women and Youth, argues the need for a training to help promote businesses, to enable young entrepreneurs in Cantabria create and develop successful companies that create jobs and wealth for themselves and their environment. It is committed to awaken the entrepreneurial and creative attitude that any young person can have, that due to the lack of knowledge, support, or simply the lack of entrepreneurial culture does not get developed. Catalunya Emprén the entities network Catalunya Emprèn offers various activities to raise awareness and motivation to entrepreneurship. The web-based portal for entrepreneurs of the Generalitat of Catalunya provides a wide array of activities counseling and guiding entrepreneurs, lectures before they start up a business, seminars and other actions that can help entrepreneurs taking their first steps. Castilla La Mancha Emprendedores: Castilla La Mancha regional government provides numerous services, counseling, guidance, training, etc. promoting entrepreneurship and supporting the production sector in the region. It eencourages consolidation and revitalization of the business world of Castilla La Mancha, creating business synergies and being a catalyst for collaborative initiatives. Emprende en Canarias: The Directorate General for Economic Development, under the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Security, is the organ of the Canary Islands Government responsible for promoting and supporting the creation, establishment and consolidation of companies in the Canaries. The Department created the brand “Emprende en Canarias” in order to promote entrepreneurship in the archipelago. Within this brand one can find all the main actions of the Canarian Government to promote entrepreneurship in a comprehensive and coordinated manner. Thus, we can see the actions in areas such as training (entrepreneurship at school), finance, innovation, internationalization and entrepreneurship. It also provides procedures for starting a business, success stories, videos empowerment entrepreneurship or the benefits of our Economic System. YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Emprendedores.gva One of the priorities of the Government of the Community of Valencia is to promote entrepreneurship and job creation through entrepreneurship and micro, small and medium enterprises in the region. Emprendedores.gva is the platform that the Government makes available to entrepreneurs gathering all the information that may be useful to them to develop and implement their business idea and business plan.

EmprendeRioja Plan aiming to turn La Rioja in a region where entrepreneurs know how to do it and enjoy doing it, under the criteria of quality and efficiency. In addition, La Rioja seeks to achieve the challenge of becoming a region where entrepreneurs have all the tools they need to develop their business ideas, a region where entrepreneurship depends only of oneself. Empresas Castilla y León The regional Government promotes entrepreneurship, for this purpose it created the entrepreneur office (Oficina del Emprendedor ADE) providing a comprehensive service to entrepreneurs. With this service they support entrepreneurship and seek solutions to the needs of anyone who wants to develop a business in the community, wherever they are. ADE encourages entrepreneurship through various initiatives. They work with schools and organizations seeking to value the entrepreneur as a future option. In addition to all entrepreneurs, innovators or not, ADE provides a network of exclusive knowledge exchange, thought for entrepreneurs of Castilla y León. IDEPA Economic Development Institute of Asturias, a regional public body responsible for the business promotion policy and entrepreneurship of the regional government. It is a leader and benchmark institution for business promotion, example of efficient and integrated management, and technical competence for sustainable development of Asturias. Program Promoting Entrepreneurial Culture (Programa Integral para el Fomento de la Cultura Emprendedora) is an action of the Government of the Principality of Asturias to establish the priorities and the basic guidelines for the development of a program of support and promotion of entrepreneurial culture. IGAPE Galician Institute for Economic Promotion is the agency ascribed to the Ministry of Economy and Industry, for the economic development of Galicia. Its mission is to support all activities that contribute to improving the Galician production system, facilitating the processes of creation, consolidation and business growth. IGAPE promotes the creation of new businesses and strongly encourages entrepreneurship among young people. Navarra Emprende promoted by the Government of Navarra, and of public-private nature, providing content (information and services) informative, practical and of interest to entrepreneurs and service to people in the autonomous region of Navarre. The Navarre Network to support entrepreneurship, driven by Navarra Employment Service under the Plan de Navarra 2013-2015 aiming to inform, advice, and guide in an appropriate, efficient and consistent way to entrepreneurship, boosting creation of new businesses and job creation through coordinated actions of all agents. PIME Balears (Confederació de la Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Balears) and CAEB (Confederació d’Associacions Empresarials de Balears), the Government of the Balearic Islands provides support to entrepreneurs, both for the creation of companies and their consolidation, through cooperation agreements adopted between the Public Employment Service of the Balearic Islands (SOIB) and CAEB YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


and PIMEB employers’ associations. These organizations provide necessary business guidance for entrepreneurs or anyone with the goal to create or build own business. Asociación Balear de Emprendedores (ABE) a non-profit association of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, with a new vision of what has to be an entity of this kind: modern, exploiting the facilities of ICTs, participatory, projectoriented and results based on cooperation among all members, collective and focused on the economic development of its members. Plan of Entrepreneurs of the Community of Madrid through the Department of Employment, Tourism and Culture, in collaboration with other ministries, develops different programs to help entrepreneurs in the Community to launch their business. Through the Portal de Emprendedores Comunidad de Madrid entrepreneurs can access online information, advice; support and training that allow defining more clearly the business idea, and the path towards the creation of a company with the help of a counselor. The Center for Entrepreneurship of the Community of Madrid (2013) is a comprehensive center providing Support Services to Entrepreneurs, considering entrepreneur anyone who defines a business idea and organizes the necessary resources for the establishment of the company. At the Center are offered advisory services, fundraising, training opportunities, project development and mentoring and networking, as well as information on grants and subsidies for entrepreneurs. Plan of Employment, Entrepreneurs and Enterprises of Plan 3E the plan strategic objectives are based on the development of the Pact for Social and Political Reforms in Extremadura, improving the educational level of workers in Extremadura, supporting strongly entrepreneurs and businesses and reorienting the economy to productive sectors. The regional government focuses on the protection and promotion of entrepreneurs as a key part of the growth and innovation. Plan Emprendemos Region de Murcia headed by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Enterprise and Innovation and coordinated by the INFO (Promotion Institute of the Region of Murcia), which aims to boost the productive sector of the region by encouraging and supporting entrepreneurial initiatives. INFO a regional reference in the promotion of entrepreneurship and support of business creation conducts multiple actions to support and encourage entrepreneurs in the region such as Murcia Emprende. Servicio Vasco de Emprendimiento: The Basque Service for Entrepreneurship is responsible for the coordination and management of existing resources involved in entrepreneurship actions in Euskadi. It is the origin, the point of departure for all Basque entrepreneurial activity and responsible for the creation of Euskadi Emprende brand that symbolizes the foundation, where all entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship related entities may find the solutions they need. It is a solid, source to find answers to the many difficulties characterizing the birth of most of the innovative projects.

Emprende Euskadi is the network for knowledge sharing and project development, open to the participation of all those who have something to do in the field of entrepreneurship. NQF vs EQF Currently Spain NQF is two folded first it was established the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) referring to all qualifications obtained within the higher education system, YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


therefore, it only refers to formal education. Furthermore, the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (MECU) is being implemented. The MECU refers to all learning contexts, that is, it covers formal learning (taking into account all levels of the education system) as well as informal learning31.

Source MECU EQF Levels


Country Qualifications

Level 1

MECU -Primary Education

Primary Education (--)

Level 2

MECU -Primary Education

Primary Education ( Level 1)


Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO)(Level 2)

Level 3 -First cycle of Secondary Education


VET Medium level ( Level 2)

Level 4 -Second cycle of Secondary Education

Level 5


MECES- First stage of education: Not-University

tertiary VET Higher level ( Level 3) tertiary

MECU YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



Level 6

MECES -First stage tertiary education Bachelor ( Level 4) (prior Bologna process)

Level 7

MECES -Second stage education (Bologna process)

tertiary Master ( Level 5)

Level 8

MECES -Second stage education (Bologna process)

tertiary PhD (--)

The EQF is fully compatible with the qualifications framework for higher education developed within Bologna Process. The EQF descriptors for levels 5-8 correspond to the Higher education descriptors agreed in the Bologna Process. However, the formulation of the EQF level descriptors is different from those of Bologna (specific for higher education) as the EQF is a framework for lifelong learning which also includes Vocational Education and Training (VET) and labour contexts, to the highest levels. About ECVET system in Spain ECVET national contact (national authority or other)

Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports: Information Centre and Citizen Service (Section of Educational Information): C / Los Madrazo, 15. Madrid. Phone: 913277681 Areas of Education Inspectorate in the Autonomous Communities (integrated into the Government Delegations) The administrative framework of VET in Spain is as follows: The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECS ) is responsible for initial vocational training though powers in education are transferred to the authorities of the 17 Autonomous Communities; the Ministry of Employment and Social Security is in charge of vocational training for employment though powers are also transferred to the Autonomous Communities except for the Basque Country. Concerning vocational training for employment, which integrates continuing vocational training and vocational training for the unemployed, the management is jointly made between the central government, Ministry of Employment and Social Security, (MESS ) and the social partners through the Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment (TFTE ) but the ultimate responsibility falls under the Ministry of Employment and Social Security. In the year 2002, the government of Spain proposed a new VET model, based YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


on the National Catalogue of Occupational Standards, regarding education and employment, by creating a new training model, which allows transfer from one system to the other one, with the aim of improving the quality of VET and the recognition of professional competences acquired through labour experience. ECVET projects carried out or still running (include websites for resources, project contacts, etc)

-Project ERA 2003 Competences Evaluation, Recognition and Accreditation coordinated by the General Directorate of Education, Vocational Training and Educational Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science, in collaboration with the National Institute of Qualifications and the National Employment Institute. The main objective of this project was oriented towards experimentation and development of a methodology for the evaluation, recognition and accreditation of skills acquired by workers through work experience and other non-formal education programs. -On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 -ECVET desde la perspectiva española. José Luis García Molina ECVET Taller. IMELSA Valencia, 30 de Octubre de 2012 -ECVET – STEP: ECVET for Strengthening Training to Employment Pathways ID number of the project: Project Number: 539816-LLP-1-2013-1-GRLEONARDO-LMP Grant Agreement No: 2013 – 3865 / 001 001 Sponsor: Lifelong Learning Programme – Development of Inovation – Leonardo da Vinci Duration of the project: 2 years Start: January 2014, End: December 2015 Coordinator: Technological Educational Institute of Athens (TEIA), Greece Investigator: UDE (Germany), UAH (Spain), EUM (Belgium), AOC Raad (Netherlands), ÚZEI (Czech Republic), CAFS (Slovenia), INEA (Spain) Responsible person: Petr Bartoň Other investigators: Ing. Andrea Pekárková Website of the project:

Entrepreneurship training offer in Spain Details regarding entrepreneurship formally recognized training are included in the next table:

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Name and Nature of qualification

VET programe Administración y Gestión: “Creación y Gestión de Microempresas”

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

(Administration & Microenterprises”)







Public program included in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, approved by the General Council of Vocational Education and Training, advisory body of the Spanish Government on vocational education and training that is organized on a tripartite basis with representation of the central and regional Administration, the employers’ organizations and the trade unions. VET System (training).

Level of qualification

Level 3

Existing certification

A professional qualification is defined as a set of professional competences significant in employment which can be acquired through vocational education and training (VET) modules or any other kind of learning structure as well as through work experience (Organic Act 5/2002 on Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training). The accreditation of a qualification, an official diploma on vocational education and training (VET) or an Occupational Aptitude Certificate (Certificado de Profesionalidad).

Entry requirements

Have the Spanish nationality, EU residence certificate, family card of EU citizens or hold a valid Spanish residence/ work permit In addition, depending on the level of the competency units that want to be credited must meet the following requirements: - Being 18 years old for competency units of an occupational qualification level I. -Being 20 years old for competency units of an occupational qualification of Level II and III. Finally, in addition to the above has to meet one of two criteria: - Work experience (gained in the last 10 years) related to the skills that the candidate wants to credit: 2 years (minimum 1200 hours worked) for qualifications of level I.3 years (minimum 2000 hours worked) for YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


qualifications of levels II and III. - Training (performed in the last 10 years) related to the skills that the candidate wants to credit: 200 hours for qualifications of level I. 300 hours for qualifications of level II and III. In the Spanish education system, Level I qualifications are contained in the Initial Professional Qualification Programs; the level II are included in VET Medium level (Level 2); and Level III are those of VET Higher level (Level 3). People over 25 who could not demonstrate experience or training may register provisionally and it will be studied by the appointed consultants. Learning outcomes

Competency units:

(at least the training program)

UC1788_3:Planning initiatives and business activities in SMEs UC1789_3:Manage and control daily business and SMEs business resources UC1792_2: Managing risk prevention in SMEs. UC1791_3: Perform SMEs financial and economic-administrative management. UC1790_3:Marketing products and services provided by SMEs Training modules (480 hours) MF1788_3: Planning and entrepreneurship in small businesses or microenterprises (120 h) MF1789_3:Management of business in SMEs (90 h) MF1792_2: Management of risk prevention in small businesses. (60 h) MF1791_3:Administrative and economic-financial management in SMEs (120h) MF1790_3:Marketing products and services for small businesses or micro (90 h) Occupational field: Present in all sectors of the economy self-employed or as part of a SME or micro business, undertaking and implementing new strategic business areas within the business activity development, fulfilling existing legislation in the field of work risks prevention. Providing consulting, advisory and YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


administrative, financial microenterprises. Examinations VET Provider

NQF/ EQF Level







Not specified as it depends on the specific program and VET provider Numerous VET providers in the 17 Autonomous Communities of Spain offer training programs to acquire the diploma on vocational education and training (VET) or the Occupational Aptitude Certificate. The following public entities provide information about the VET centers providing these programs in each Autonomous Community:

4 or 5

In addition to the above described entrepreneurs training program, numerous VET providers, educational centres, universities, Chambers of Commerce, Local Development Agencies, etc. throughout Spain offer diverse informal or formal, training courses and programs promoting entrepreneurship among unemployed in general. There is more information available about the entrepreneurship courses that are provided by universities. Below a few examples in detail: Name and Nature of qualification (public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or

“Máster Universitario en Iniciativa Emprendedora y Creación de Empresas” of the University Carlos III of Madrid “Master on Entrepreneurship and Business Creation” Public Higher Education Center YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


VET system(training)

University Master Degree

Level of qualification


Existing certification

Master Degree

Entry requirements

Admission requirements: To access the master will be necessary to be in possession of a college degree, qualified for access to master's degree or equivalent in the issuing country. In the case of certifications issued by countries outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the homologation thereof shall not be required, although the University will verify that they represent a level equivalent to the corresponding Spanish official university training. Can access the master graduates of any degree or academic profile, regardless of their area of expertise. Since entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial phenomenon covers any area of society, are considered appropriate graduates from any branch of knowledge: scientific-technical engineers, scholars, jurists, economists, journalists, architects, etc..

Learning outcomes

First Semester

(at least the training Strategy for Entrepreneurs 6 ECTS program) Legal status of entrepreneurship 6ECTS Management of new business activity 6 ECTS Accounting and finance for new business ventures 6 ECTS Marketing and sales techniques for start- ups 6 ECTS Second Semester People management 6 ECTS Creation and development of technology based enterprises 3 ECTS Information technology and new business projects 3 ECTS Legal Protection of Innovation 3 ECTS Instruments of financing for start-ups 3 ECTS YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Taxation of the new crated enterprises 3 ECTS Management Skills for Business 3 ECTS Family Business 3 ECTS Quantitative Prediction Methods for new enterprises 3ECTS Fundamentals of entrepreneurship phenomenon 3ECTS Data Analysis for Decision Making 3 ECTS Models for commercial exploitation of Innovation 3 ECTS Professional Seminars: entrepreneurial experience 3 ECTS Internship 6 ECTS Final Master Work 6ECTS Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

University Carlos III of Madrid

NQF/ EQF Level


Name and Nature of qualification (public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Aula Mentor: Emprender en Internet

Level of qualification

Recognition of Aula Mentor courses as elective credits in university courses is the responsibility of each faculty or school.

Existing certification

The validity of the Aula Mentor courses is certified by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and, where appropriate, by the relevant Ministry or Department of Education. No official certification. After the course students obtain a certificate of achievement which will set forth

On-line course on Entrepreneurship in Internet provided by Aula Mentor Aula Mentor is an initiative of open learning, flexible, and via Internet aimed at adults who wish to extend their personal and professional skills. The initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in collaboration with other national and international public and private institutions.

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the course content and estimated hours. Such certificate shall be signed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Community. Entry requirements

No entry requirements

Learning outcomes

Module 1: Businesses on the Net

(at least the training - Internet Entrepreneurship program) - Ecommerce Stores - Blogs and micro media Module 2: The online marketing - Basic marketing actions - SEO - Social Media Marketing - Web analytics Module 3: The Business Plan - How to develop a business plan. Throughout the course, students have to take and send to tutor the 17 mandatory activities distributed across the modules. In the manual, the contents are complemented by numerous guided activities and examples. All activities are designed to put into practice the knowledge acquired by the student. In addition, there is also an end-unit activity to evaluate assimilation of the concepts conveyed in each subject. Examinations

Students who have carried out correctly all compulsory course activities are authorized to fulfill the final exam reviewed by the tutor. To obtain the certificate of achievement students must pass a final exam carried out in-class. There are five examination sessions scheduled during the year, the student has the right to be in two calls.

VET Provider

Aula Mentor on-line course

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NQF/ EQF Level

Not specified

Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Master en Creación y Dirección de Empresas para Emprendedores

Level of qualification

60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

Existing certification

Once the student attest a level of attendance not less than 90% and succeeds on the evaluation plan, receives the following qualifications:

(Master in creation and management of enterprises for Entrepreneurs) On-line course EUDE Business School

Postgraduate Master Degree, issued by the Royal University Centre "Escorial-Maria Cristina", attached to the Complutense University of Madrid. Professional Master's Degree, issued by the European School of Management and Business. Entry requirements

Information not available

Learning outcomes

Program Organization :

(at least the training program) EUDE as European Business School framed within the EHEA (European Higher Education). Thus, the program is organized in 11 areas of knowledge, which in turn are divided into modules for a total of 25 and a Final Master Project. The program duration is 13 continuous months, develops in online mode, and after the credits for the same student obtaining 60 ECTS credits. Management and Business Organization Processes and management of the company Structures and organizational models in the current business

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environment Internal organization of the company Business Strategy Strategy : objectives, strategic process and formulation Strategic analysis, development and implementation of the strategic plan. The balanced scorecard Human Resources Setting and organization of human resources in the company Strategic management of human resources Marketing and Sales Management Marketing Management Commercial management The marketing plan Financial Management Introduction to Finance. Financial management systems . General Financial Accounting Cash & credit management. Cost management Legal Aspects Financial and Tax Management for SMEs Economic analysis for business decisions Management, strategy and value creation Management and valuation of intangibles Purchasing function Tax environment for business Creativity and Entrepreneurship

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Business development and growth models Creativity : new business models CSR and Entrepreneurship Business ethics . Social responsibility of organizations Skills and Entrepreneurship SMEs and Family Businesses Conceptualization and quirks of family business Conflict Management Communication key processes

Web Management Tools 2.0 Introduction to Web 2.0 tools and social networks

Each module lasts for 14 calendar days. Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

EUDE Business School

NQF/ EQF Level


Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

“Gestión Empresarial” Private/Public Course offered by Deusto Formación and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Primero through a joint agreement between both entities.

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Level of qualification

Not available

Existing certification

Double title/certification All those students who pass the evaluation of the program they are pursuing and meet the academic requirements will receive the diploma Deusto Training. In addition, all persons who obtain a positive result in this evaluation and meet the academic requirements stipulated also get the degree awarded by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC).

Entry requirements

Information not available

Learning outcomes

Course Program Management

(at least the training program)

Business Creation Develop business plan. Choosing the right legal model. Seek funding. Management and leadership Leadership, decision making and motivation of employees. Applied to the management Coaching (coaching process, profile and skills coach, coaching tools). Teamwork Effective communication and conflict resolution. Achieve the objectives and bargaining. HR Management Decisions on the design of organizations. Strategic management of human resources. Change management.

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Organizational Development. Management by objectives management by mission. Recruitment and selection of staff. Marketing Management Principles and fundamentals of marketing. Market definition and identification of the target performance. Definition of product and service model. Marketing strategy development and implementation of operational marketing plan. Online marketing opportunities. Business Management and Sales Objectives and strategies. Planning and organizing campaigns and sales networks. Monitoring and optimization results. Selection and motivation of sales teams. Sales techniques, negotiation and sales. Financial and accounting management Principles and fundamentals of financial management. Financial statement analysis and profitability. Planning and budgeting. Investment selection and funding models. Introduction and basic concepts of accounting. Theory of accounts and balance sheet. Income statement: basic concepts. Chart of Accounts.

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Accounting framework of economic events: purchases and expenses . VAT and corporation tax. The accounting cycle. Operations and logistics Calculation of demand and production planning. Inventory Management. Warehouse Management. Logistics and reverse logistics. Purchases and imports. Outsourcing. Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

Deusto Training

NQF/ EQF Level

Information not available

Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Iniciativa Emprendedora (Madrid - Universidad Nebrija)

Level of qualification

Information not available

Existing certification

Title on Entrepreneurship Initiative of the University Nebrija Madrid

Entry requirements

Students being preferably pursuing a program Master University, who want to know the process entrepreneurship and closer to the entrepreneur, and

(Entrepreneurship initiative) Public Program funded by Spain Directorate General of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises. Delivered by Escuela de Organización Industrial EOI

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senior students of degree, doctorate and university students unemployed graduates in recent years. Learning outcomes

1) Entrepreneur Ecosystem

(at least the training program)

Trends in entrepreneurship Environment of interest Entrepreneurial values and cultural change 2) Process innovation in entrepreneurship Idea Generation model Canvas Team Building 3) Planning and technical configuration of new business Strategic analysis and planning objectives Marketing and Sales Development of entrepreneurship Operations management to undertake Experience the entrepreneurial Industrial Property 4) Presentation of projects Effective communication and project presentations Presentation of projects


Information not available

VET Provider

Escuela de Organización Industrial EOI

NQF/ EQF Level

Information not available

REFERENCES YES - Desemprego Jovem: Promoção das competências empresariais 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


7. CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). 8. Confederación Española Jóvenes Empresarios 9. Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía, 2012 10. EJECANT 11. Estrategia de Emprendimiento y Empleo joven 2013-2016. Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social del Gobierno de España. 12. Emprendimiento económico y social en España.Guía de recursos para jóvenes emprendedores/as. INJUVE Catálogo General de Publicaciones Oficiales. 13. Eqavet. 14. Escuela de Organización Industrial EOI 15. Gobierno de España. Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte. 16. Gobierno de España. Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte. Mecu. 17. IFES Instituto de Formación y estudios sociales 18. “Jóvenes y Emprendimiento 2012” Observatorio de la Juventud en España Servicio de Documentación y Estudios. INJUVE 19. Informe 2013 sobre el estado del sistema educativo Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte. Consejo Escolar del Estado CURSO 2011_2012 20. Marco europeo de Cualificaciones: El sistema de cualificación profesional en España y los/as trabajadores/as escasamente cualificados/as. Fernando Marhuenda Fluixá PhD, Professor of the University of Valencia. Joan Carles Bernad i Garcia PhD, psychologist of the University of Valencia. 21. LEY ORGÁNICA 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación. Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) nº 106, de 4 de mayo de 2006.LEY 56/2003, de 16 de diciembre, de Empleo. Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) nº 301, de 17 de diciembre de 2003. LEY 2/2011, de 4 de marzo, de Economía Sostenible. Boletín Oficial del Estado(BOE) nº 55 de 5 de marzo de 2011. Europeo de Cualificaciones para el aprendizaje permanente 22. Marco 23. MECU 24. Proyecto ERA Proyecto Experimental para la Evaluación, Reconocimiento y Certificación de las Competencias Profesionales 2005. Ministerio de Educación Cultura y deporte. Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional. 25. 26. OAPEE VET System in SPAIN: Structure and Organisation 27. Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF”

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28. Necesidades laborales, perfiles profesionales y competencias. Unificación de Criterios:Competencias, habilidades y Conocimientos en el Marco de Cualificación Europeo. NEPCO LLL program 2013. 29. PEDRAZA LÓPEZ, Bonifacio (Enero/Julio 2011). La formación profesional en Europa y en España: Un nuevo contexto económico y social (Vet in europe and spain: a new economic and social context). Revista Educação Skepsis, n. 2–Formación Profesional Vol. III. La formación profesional desde casos y contextos determinados. São Paulo: pp.2407-2469.

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YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




ΕΛΣΑΓΩΓΘ ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


TO Ρ΢ΟΓ΢ΑΜΜΑ ΚΑΤΑ΢ΤΛΣΘΣ ΥΕS ΚΑΛ ΤΟ ΡΕ΢ΛΓ΢ΑΜΜΑ YES (KOINO ΕΥ΢ΩΡΑΪΚΟ ΡΕ΢ΛΓ΢ΑΜΜΑ ΣΧΕΤΛΗΟΜΕΝΟ ΜΕ ΤΟ ΕΡΕΡ.................................................................................................................. 5 3.

ΤΟ ΡΕ΢ΛΓ΢ΑΜΜΑ ΥΕS: TO EΚΝΛΚΟ ΡΛΑΛΣΛΟ, ΣΧΕΤΛΗΟΜΕΝΟ ΜΕ ΤΑ ΕΚΝΛΚΑ ΡΛΑΛΣΛΑ ΕΡΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΛΚΩΝ Ρ΢ΟΣΟΝΤΩΝ ................................................................................................................................... 13


ΕΥ΢ΩΡΑΛΚΕΣ ΣΥΣΤΑΣΕΛΣ ΓΛΑ ΡΕ΢ΑΛΤΕ΢Ω ΥΛΟΡΟΛΘΣΘ ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


ΣΥΜΡΕ΢ΑΣΜΑΤΑ .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


1. ΕΙ΢ΑΓΩΓΗ Το YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills είναι ζνα ςχζδιο Leonardo da Vinci για τθ Μεταφορά Τεχνογνωςίασ, το οποίο υλοποιικθκε από τον Δεκζμβριο του 2012 ωσ το Νοζμβριο του 2014. O γενικόσ ςτόχοσ του ςχεδίου YES είναι να ςτθρίξει τθν ανάπτυξθ τθσ " ζννοιασ τθσ πρωτοβουλίασ και τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ" ωσ βαςικισ δεξιότθτασ ςτουσ άνεργουσ νζουσ, παρζχοντασ ςτουσ πάροχουσ ΕΕΚ μεκοδολογίεσ, εργαλεία και δεξιότθτεσ, προκειμζνου να γίνουν μελλοντικοί εκπαιδευτζσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ (εκπαιδευτικοί ΕΕΚ/ εκπαιδευτζσ/ επαγγελματίεσ) και με τον τρόπο αυτό να επιταχφνουν τθ μάκθςθ επιχειρθματικότθτασ ανάμεςα ςτουσ άνεργουσ νζουσ ςτισ ςυμμετζχουςεσ χϊρεσ. Συγκεκριμζνα, μζςω: i. Τθσ μεταφοράσ και προςαρμογισ δφο καινοτόμων μεκοδολογιϊν και εργαλείων, των ePROF και ePACK, τα οποία επικεντρϊνονται ςτθν ανάπτυξθ επιχειρθματικϊν δεξιοτιτων. Το ePROF προςφζρει ζνα καινοτόμο μοντζλο και εργαλείο αξιολόγθςθσ του περιγράμματοσ και το ePACK προςφζρει ζνα πακζτο θλεκτρονικισ μάκθςθσ για τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα. ii.

Τθσ προςζγγιςθσ δφο ομάδων-ςτόχων. (α) Αρχικά, το ςχζδιο YES εξόπλιςε (μζςω εργαςτθρίου μεταφοράσ) τουσ πάροχουσ ΕΕΚ με μεκοδολογίεσ, εργαλεία και δεξιότθτεσ, προκειμζνου να γίνουν οι μελλοντικοί εκπαιδευτζσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ και με τον τρόπο αυτό να επιταχφνουν τθν επιχειρθματικι μάκθςθ ανάμεςα ςτουσ άνεργουσ νζουσ. (β) Επίςθσ, οι άνεργοι νζοι υπιρξαν οι τελικοί χριςτεσ του εκνικοφ πιλοτικοφ πακζτου YES;

iii. Του ςχεδιαςμοφ ενόσ Ευρωπαϊκοφ προγράμματοσ κατάρτιςθσ ECVET για νζουσ επιχειρθματίεσ, το οποίο βαςίηεται ςε μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα του ΕΡΕΡ, τα οποία ορίηονται ςτα πλαίςια τθσ γνϊςθσ, των ικανοτιτων και των δεξιοτιτων και τθσ κατανομισ των πιςτωτικϊν μονάδων του ECVET , λαμβάνοντασ υπόψθ τισ Ευρωπαϊκζσ υποδείξεισ και τθν ανάπτυξθ μιασ κοινισ οδθγίασ για τθν ενςωμάτωςι του ςτα εκνικά προγράμματα ΕΕΚ. Συγκεκριμζνα :  Αυξάνοντασ τον εκςυγχρονιςμό, τθν ποιότθτα και τθν ευελιξία των Ευρωπαϊκϊν ςυςτθμάτων ΕΕΚ, μζςω του εξοπλιςμοφ των εκπαιδευτικϊν/εκπαιδευτϊν/επαγγελματιϊν κακοδιγθςθσ ΕΕΚ με τθ μεκοδολογία, τα εργαλεία και το λοιπό υλικό του YES , προκειμζνου να γίνουν μελλοντικά "οχιματα" επιχειρθματικϊν πρακτικϊν ςτισ ςυμμετζχουςεσ χϊρεσ.  Ραρζχοντασ νζεσ γνϊςεισ, ικανότθτεσ και προςόντα προκειμζνου να διευκολυνκεί θ προςωπικι ανάπτυξθ και να επιτευχκεί θ απαςχολθςιμότθτα και τα απαιτοφμενα ειςόδου ςτθν Ευρωπαϊκι αγορά εργαςίασ.  Συμβάλλοντασ ςτθ βελτίωςθ τθσ ποιότθτασ και τθσ καινοτομίασ ςτισ οργανϊςεισ και τα ςυςτιματα ΕΕΚ.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


 Αναπτφςςοντασ ζνα περίγραμμα επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων ςυμβατό με το ΕΡΕΡ, το οποίο κα αποτελζςει τθ βάςθ για τθν καταγραφι των μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων, προκειμζνου να επιτευχκεί ζνα τυποποιθμζνο μοντζλο πιςτοποίθςθσ. Το περίγραμμα αυτό κα είναι χωριςμζνο ςε επιμζρουσ ψθφίδεσ μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων και κα του ανατεκοφν πιςτωτικζσ μονάδεσ (μονάδεσ ECVET).  Αξιολογϊντασ τθν τρζχουςα κατάςταςθ και τισ ευκαιρίεσ διαπερατότθτασ και πρόςβαςθσ ςτθν τριτοβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ ςτο χϊρο τθσ εκπαίδευςθσ του προςωπικοφ ΕΕΚ.  Μεταφζροντασ και προςαρμόηοντασ τα περιεχόμενα του YES PACK προκειμζνου αυτά να εναρμονίηονται με τισ ιδιαιτερότθτεσ τθσ κάκε χϊρασ και τισ ανάγκεσ των ομάδων-ςτόχων, κάτι το οποίο κα διευκολφνει τθν ανάπτυξθ καινοτόμων πρακτικϊν ςτο χϊρο τθσ ΕΕΚ, ςυμπεριλαμβάνοντασ τθ μεταφορά από τθ μία χϊρα ςτθν άλλθ, δίνοντασ τθ δυνατότθτα για τθν αναγνϊριςθ των προςόντων και των ικανοτιτων. Θ κοινοπραξία του YES αποτελείται από μία διεπιςτθμονικι ομάδα, θ οποία ζχει τθν απαιτοφμενθ τεχνογνωςία προκειμζνου να επιτφχει τουσ ςτόχουσ του ςχεδίου και μία εκτενι εμπειρία ςυμμετοχισ ςε Ευρωπαϊκά ςχζδια. Το ςχζδιο περιλάμβανε κοινοπραξία εταίρων από ζξι διαφορετικζσ Ευρωπαϊκζσ χϊρεσ:







Development for Vocational Technical Education Centre of University of Bahcesehir




Governorship of Istanbul




Istanbul Young Entrepreneurship Association


Ρορτογαλία ISQ

Institute for Technology and Quality




Λνςτιτοφτο Ανάπτυξθσ Επιχειρθματικότθτασ




Baltic Education Technology Institute




Instituto Europeo de Estudios para la Formación y el Desarrollo

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2. ΣΟ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΚΑΣΑΡΣΙ΢Η΢ YES ΚΑΙ ΣΟ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΜΜΑ YES (KOINO EYΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΢ΧΕΣΙΖΟΜΕΝΟ ΜΕ ΣΟ EΠΕΠ) Ωσ ζνα κεντρικό αποτζλεςμα του ςχεδίου YES, οι εταίροι ανζπτυξαν ζνα κοινό Ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα κατάρτιςθσ και ζνα κοινό περίγραμμα ECVET για Νζουσ Επιχειρθματίεσ. Το περίγραμμα αυτό ςχετίηεται με το Ευρωπαϊκό πλαίςιο επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων για τθ δια βίου μάκθςθ (ΕΡΕΡ), το οποίο "επιτρζπει τθ ςφγκριςθ εκνικϊν ςυςτθμάτων πιςτοποίθςθσ και διευκολφνει τθν επικοινωνία ανάμεςά τουσ. Ο πυρινασ του ΕΡΕΡ είναι τα οκτϊ κοινά Ευρωπαϊκά επίπεδα αναφοράσ, τα οποία περιγράφονται ςτα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα: γνϊςεισ, ικανότθτεσ και δεξιότθτεσ. Αυτό κακιςτά κατανοθτό το τι γνωρίηει, αντιλαμβάνεται και μπορεί να κάνει ζνασ εκπαιδευόμενοσ με ζνα επαγγελματικό προςόν το οποίο ςχετίηεται με το ΕΡΕΡ. Αυτι θ προςζγγιςθ επιτρζπει επίςθσ τθ ςφγκριςθ επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων τα οποία ζχουν αποκτθκεί ςτα πλαίςια όλων των ειδϊν εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ, από τθ ςχολικι εκπαίδευςθ ςτθν ακαδθμαϊκι, τθν επαγγελματικι και τθν κατάρτιςθ ςε όλα τουσ τα επίπεδα.”1 Θ διαδικαςία τθσ ανάπτυξθσ των γνϊςεων, των ικανοτιτων και των δεξιοτιτων ςτα πλαίςια του ςχεδίου YES αποςκοποφςε ςτθν κατανομι γνϊςεων, ικανοτιτων και δεξιοτιτων προκειμζνου να καλυφκοφν οι ανάγκεσ ενόσ νζου επιχειρθματία που κα είναι ςε κζςθ να ξεκινιςει τθ δικι του επιχείρθςθ και να ςυντθριςει τθ λειτουργία τθσ με ζναν βιϊςιμο τρόπο. Λαμβάνοντασ υπόψθ τθν τρζχουςα κατάςταςθ και τα παρεμφερι εκνικά περιγράμματα, δθμιουργιςαμε ζνα κοινό Ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα κατάρτιςθσ και περίγραμμα ECVET για τουσ Νζουσ Επιχειρθματίεσ, το οποίο απαρτίηεται από τισ ακόλουκεσ μακθςιακζσ ψθφίδεσ: Mακθςιακι Ψθφίδα 1

Ειςαγωγι ςτθν επιχειρθματικότθτα

Μακθςιακι Ψθφίδα 2

Ξεκινϊντασ μια επιχείρθςθ

Μακθςιακι Ψθφίδα 3

Διαχείριςθ κινδφνου και Εργατικι νομοκεςία

Μακθςιακι Ψθφίδα 4


Μακθςιακι Ψθφίδα 5

Χρθματοδότθςθ των επιχειριςεων και οικονομικά

Μακθςιακι Ψθφίδα 6

Διοίκθςθ μια εταιρίασ

Μακθςιακι Ψθφίδα 7


Μακθςιακι Ψθφίδα 8

Το επιχειρθματικό ςχζδιο

Το κοινό Ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα κατάρτιςθσ ECVET για Νζουσ Επιχειρθματίεσ ζχει διατθρθκεί ιδιαίτερα ανοικτό προκειμζνου να εφαρμοςκεί ςε διάφορεσ Ευρωπαϊκζσ

1 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


χϊρεσ. Ενδζχεται να υπάρχει μια μικρι απόκλιςθ τόςο ςτουσ ςτόχουσ από χϊρα ςε χϊρα, αλλά και ςτο περιεχόμενο. Στθν Ευρϊπθ αλλά και ςτθν κάκε χϊρα ξεχωριςτά, υπάρχουν ποικίλα διαφορετικά μονοπάτια μζςω των οποίων μπορεί κάποιοσ να γίνει επιχειρθματίασ. Αυτόσ είναι ο λόγοσ για τον οποίο το ίδιο το περίγραμμα ECVET του YES παρουςιάηει μία λεπτομερι ςυλλογι από μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα ςε γνϊςεισ, ικανότθτεσ και δεξιότθτεσ ςφμφωνα με τθν "Υπόδειξθ ECVET" και τισ "Οδθγίεσ για τθν περιγραφι ψθφίδων των μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων". Αναφορικά με τισ Ευρωπαϊκζσ εξελίξεισ και τουσ κανονιςμοφσ, κα υπάρξει θ ανάγκθ περιγραφισ όλων των επαγγελματικϊν περιγραμμάτων ςε επίπεδο μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων, προκειμζνου να γίνουν περιςςότερο διαφανι και ςυγκρίςιμα. Αυτόσ άλλωςτε είναι ο λόγοσ για τον οποίο θ παρουςίαςθ του Κοινοφ Ευρωπαϊκοφ περιγράμματοσ CVET του YES και του αντίςτοιχου προγράμματοσ κατάρτιςθσ κα ςυνδράμει όχι μόνο ςτο να διατθρθκοφν τα αποτελζςματα του ςχεδίου YES βιϊςιμα, αλλά και να επιτρζψει ςε χϊρεσ εκτόσ τθσ κοινοπραξίασ των εταίρων του ςχεδίου να μεταφζρουν το περίγραμμα ECVET και να το προςαρμόςουν ςτισ ανάγκεσ τουσ. Το περίγραμμα ECVET μπορεί να αποτελζςει τθ βάςθ για τθν περαιτζρω ανάπτυξθ των ικανοτιτων και των δεξιοτιτων όςων ξεκινοφν τισ επιχειριςεισ τουσ ςε ολόκλθρθ τθν Ευρϊπθ. Σι είναι τα μαθηςιακά αποτελζςματα? Στθν ουςία, τα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα είναι δθλϊςεισ για το τι γνωρίηει, κατανοεί και είναι ςε κζςθ να κάνει ζνασ εκπαιδευόμενοσ όταν ολοκλθρϊςει τθ διαδικαςία μάκθςθσ. Τα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα ορίηονται ςτα πλαίςια των γνϊςεων, των ικανοτιτων και των δεξιοτιτων. Θ γνϊςθ απαρτίηεται από το ςφνολο των γεγονότων, αρχϊν, κεωρίασ και πρακτικϊν που ςχετίηονται με ζνα πεδίο εργαςίασ ι ςπουδϊν. Ρεριγράφεται ωσ κεωρθτικι και/ι πρακτικι γνϊςθ. Οι ικανότθτεσ αναφζρονται ςτθ δυνατότθτα εφαρμογισ των γνϊςεων και τθ χριςθ τθσ τεχνογνωςίασ για τθν ολοκλιρωςθ κακθκόντων και τθν επίλυςθ προβλθμάτων. Ρεριγράφονται ωσ γνωςτικζσ (λογικι, διαιςκθτικι και δθμιουργικι ςκζψθ) και πρακτικζσ (ςυμπεριλαμβάνοντασ τθ χειρονακτικι επιδεξιότθτα και τθ χριςθ μεκόδων, υλικϊν και εργαλείων). Θ δεξιότθτα αναφζρεται ςτθν αποδεδειγμζνθ ικανότθτα χριςθσ τθσ γνϊςθσ, των ικανοτιτων και των προςωπικϊν, κοινωνικϊν και μεκοδολογικϊν επιδεξιοτιτων ςε καταςτάςεισ εργαςίασ ι ςπουδϊν και ςτθν επαγγελματικι και προςωπικι ανάπτυξθ. Ρεριγράφεται ςτα πλαίςια τθσ υπευκυνότθτασ και τθσ αυτονομίασ.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Πρόγραμμα Κατάρτιςησ ECVET ΤΕS

Μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα Μετά τθν ολοκλιρωςθ τθσ ψθφίδασ, οι καταρτιηόμενοι κα μποροφν να : Μαθηςιακή Ψηφίδα /τίτλοσ

Γνϊςθ (κεωρθτικι και/θ πρακτικι)

Δεξιότθτεσ (γνωςτικζσ και πρακτικζσ)

Θα είναι ικανόσ/ι να:

Ικανότθτεσ (ευκφνθ και αυτονομία) Θα είναι ικανόσ/ι να:

Θα είναι ικανόσ/ι να : Γώζεη ηνλ νξηζκό ηεο επηρεηξεκαηηθόηεηαο 1. Ειζαγωγή ζηην επιχειρημαηικόηηηα

Πεξηγξάςεη ηα ραξαθηεξηζηηθά ελόο επηρεηξεκαηία Αλαγλσξίζεη δηάθνξνπο ηύπνπο επηρεηξεκαηηώλ

Αλαγλσξίζεη ηηο δπλάκεηο πνπ δηακνξθώλνπλ κηα λέα επηρεηξεκαηηθή πξνζπάζεηα

Αλαγλσξίδεη απηόλνκα κηα επηρεηξεκαηηθή επθαηξία

Σπζρεηίζεη ην επηρεηξεκαηηθό πεξηβάιινλ κε πηζαλέο επθαηξίεο θαη πεξηνξηζκνύο γηα ηελ επηρεηξεκαηηθόηεηα

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2. Ξεκινώντασ μία επιχείρηςη

Σπλνςίζεη ην ινγηθό πιαίζην ηεο επηρεηξεκαηηθήο ηδέαο

Καηεγνξηνπνηήζεη ηα δηάθνξα επηρεηξεκαηηθά λνκηθά πξόζσπα

Δπηιέμεη ηελ θαηάιιειε λνκηθή κνξθή γηα ηελ επηρείξεζή ηνπ

Απαξηζκήζεη ηα βήκαηα ηα νπνία απαηηνύληαη γηα ηε δεκηνπξγία κηαο λέαο επηρείξεζεο

Αλαπηύμεη κηα επηρεηξεκαηηθή ηδέα

Βξεη κηα ειθπζηηθή αγνξά πξνθεηκέλνπ απηή λα πξνζεγγηζηεί νηθνλνκηθά

Πεξηγξάςεη ηηο δηάθνξεο δηαδηθαζίεο γηα ηε ζύλαςε ελόο ζπκθσλεηηθνύ

Αμηνινγήζεη θαη δηαρεηξηζηεί επηρεηξεκαηηθνύο θηλδύλνπο

Αλαγλσξίζεη ηνπο παξάγνληεο πνπ επεξεάδνπλ ηελ επηρεηξεκαηηθή έλαξμε Πεξηγξάςεη ηηο αξρέο ηνπ θεθαιαίνπ θίλεζεο θαη ηεο ρξεκαηνδόηεζεο κηαο λέαο επηρείξεζεο

Αλαγλσξίζεη ηνπο δηάθνξνπο ηύπνπο επηρεηξεκαηηθνύ ξίζθνπ Πεξηγξάςεη ηηο κεζόδνπο δηαρείξηζεο θηλδύλνπ 3.Διαχείριζη κινδύνου και Εργαηική Νομοθεζία

Πεξηγξάςεη ηνπο δηάθνξνπο ηύπνπο ζπκθσλεηηθώλ Απαξηζκήζεη ηα πεξηερόκελα ησλ εηαηξηθώλ ζπκβνιαίσλ

Πξνεηνηκάζεη ηνπο όξνπο ελόο ζπκθσλεηηθνύ Οξγαλώζεη ηε αλάθηεζεο ρξένπο

Δίλαη ζε ζέζε λα πξνεηνηκάζεη επηρεηξεκαηηθά ζπκθσλεηηθά


Πεξηγξάςεη ηε δηαδηθαζία αλάθηεζεο ρξένπο

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


4. Marketing

Αλαγλσξίζεη αξρέο θαη έλλνηεο ηνπ marketing

Πεξηγξάςεη ηνπο ηύπνπο marketing


Πεξηγξάςεη ηηο δηάθνξεο κεζόδνπο θαη έληππα ηνπ marketing

Σρεδηάζεη έλα ζρέδην marketing θαη επηθνηλσλίαο

Δπηιέμεη έληππα marketing Aμηνινγήζεη ηνπο παξάγνληεο ζην επηρεηξεκαηηθό πεξηβάιινλ

Πεξηγξάςεη ην κίγκα marketing Αλαγλσξίζεη πεξηβαιινληηθνύο παξάγνληεο πνπ επεξεάδνπλ ην marketing

5. Χρηματοδότηςη των επιχειρήςεων και οικονομικά

Πεξηγξάςεη βαζηθέο αξρέο θαη έλλνηεο ηεο νηθνλνκίαο θαη ησλ νηθνλνκηθώλ

Σρεδηάζεη έλα ρξεκαηννηθνλνκηθό ζρέδην

Δπηιέμεη ηελ πιένλ ηαηξηαζηή κνξθή επηρείξεζεο/ιεηηνπξγίαο

Αλαγλσξίδεη δηάθνξεο νηθνλνκηθέο θαηαζηάζεηο

Γηεθπεξαηώλεη βαζηθέο ινγηζηηθέο πξάμεηο

Πεξηγξάθεη ζηνηρεία ζηηο νηθνλνκηθέο θαηαζηάζεηο

Πξνζδηνξίζεη ηελ θεξδνθνξία ηεο επηρείξεζήο ηνπ/ηεο

Σρεδηάζεη ηηο νηθνλνκηθέο θαη επελδπηηθέο απνθάζεηο γηα ηελ επηρείξεζή ηνπ/ηεο

Πεξηγξάςεη βαζηθέο ινγηζηηθέο κεζόδνπο

Παξνπζηάδεη ζηνηρεία ζηηο νηθνλνκηθέο θαηαζηάζεηο

Πεξηγξάςεη ηνλ θύθιν δσήο κηαο επηρείξεζεο

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


6. Διοίκηςη μιασ εταιρίασ

Πεξηγξάςεη δηαθνξεηηθέο πξνζεγγίζεηο δηνίθεζεο

Δθπνλήζεη ζηξαηεγηθή γηα ηελ αλάπηπμε ηεο νκαδηθήο εξγαζίαο

Πεξηγξάςεη ηελ νκαδηθή εξγαζία Αλαγλσξίδεη ηελ εξγαηηθή λνκνζεζία

Πεξηγξάςεη δηάθνξα βήκαηα ζηε δηνίθεζε πξνζσπηθνύ θαη ζηε δηαδηθαζία πξνζιήςεσλ

Αλαγλσξίζεη παξάγνληεο

Σρεδηάζεη έλα ππαιιήινπ



Γηνηθήζεη & πξνζιάβεη ππαιιήινπο Γηνηθήζεη κία εηαηξία κε απμαλόκελν πξνζσπηθό Γώζεη θίλεηξα ζηνπο ππαιιήινπο Γηαρεηξηζηεί ηελ αιιαγή

Πεξηγξάςεη ηε δηαδηθαζία δηνίθεζεο πξνζσπηθνύ

Πεξηγξάςεη ηνπο ηξόπνπο θνξνιόγεζεο θαη ηηο πεγέο εζόδσλ

7. Φορολόγηςη

Αλαγλσξίδεη ηνλ ζρεδηαζκό θαη ηηο θαηαζηάζεηο

θνξνινγηθό νηθνλνκηθέο

Δμεγήζεη γηαηί ε θνξνιόγεζε αηόκσλ δηαθέξεη από ηε θνξνιόγεζε ησλ επηρεηξήζεσλ

Πξνβιέςεη ηελ εηήζηα θνξνινγία ηεο επηρείξεζήο ηνπ Σρεδηάζεη ηε θνξνιόγεζε επηρείξεζήο ηνπ

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



8. Το επιχειρημαηικό ζχέδιο

Πεξηγξάςεη έλα επηρεηξεκαηηθό ζρέδην

Αλαπηύμεη ηα δηάθνξα κέξε ελόο επηρεηξεκαηηθνύ ζρεδίνπ

Δγθαζηδξύζεη έλα επηρεηξεκαηηθό ζρέδην βήκα –βήκα

Αλαγλσξίζεη ηα κέξε ελόο επηρεηξεκαηηθνύ ζρεδίνπ

Αλαπηύμεη ηνπο ζηόρνπο θαη ηε ζηξαηεγηθή ηεο επηρείξεζεο

Αμηνινγήζεη έλα επηρεηξεκαηηθό ζρέδην, δηαζθαιίδνληαο ηε ζπλνρή ηνπ

Αλαγλσξίζεη ηελ έλλνηα ηεο αληαγσληζηηθόηεηαο

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Ρροκειμζνου να επιτφχει τα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα τα οποία περιγράφονται ςτο παραπάνω πρόγραμμα κατάρτιςθσ, υπολογίηεται πωσ ο καταρτιηόμενοσ κα χρειαςτεί να αφιερϊςει περί τισ 180 ϊρεσ ςτθν κατάρτιςθ, ςε ςυνάφεια με το περίγραμμα το οποίο ακολουκεί: Περίγραμμα ECVET του YES






1. Ειςαγωγή ςτην επιχειρηματικότητα



2. Ξεκινώντασ μια επιχείρηςη









6. Διοίκηςη μιασ εταιρίασ



7. Φορολογία



8. Σο επιχειρηματικό ςχζδιο






3. Διαχείριςη κινδφνου και εργατική





4. Marketing

5. Χρηματοδότηςη των επιχειρήςεων και οικονομικά



Ωσ προαπαιτοφμενα ειςόδου προτείνουμε το επίπεδο 3 του ΕΡΕΡ. YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


3. ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΜΜΑ YES : ΣΟ ΕΘΝΙΚΟ ΠΛΑΙ΢ΙΟ, ΢ΧΕΣΙΖΟΜΕΝΟ ΜΕ ΣΑ ΕΘΝΙΚΑ ΠΛΑΙ΢ΙΑ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΣΙΚΩΝ ΠΡΟ΢ΟΝΣΩΝ Θ ενότθτα αυτι αποςκοπεί ςτο να παρζχει καλφτερθ αντίλθψθ τθσ κατάςταςθσ των χωρϊν-εταίρων αναφορικά με τθν υλοποίθςθ τθσ Νεανικισ Επιχειρθματικότθτασ και των προγραμμάτων κατάρτιςθσ πάνω ςτο αντικείμενο και αναπτφχκθκε ακολουκϊντασ το κοινό πλαίςιο που ακολουκεί: I.

Ανάλυςθ τθσ τρζχουςασ κατάςταςθσ αναφορικά με τθν υλοποίθςθ τθσ Νεανικισ Επιχειρθματικότθτασ ςτισ χϊρεσ-εταίρουσ μζςω μελζτθσ που ενςωματϊνει επίςθμα ςτοιχεία, τα οποία βαςίηονται ςε επίςθμα ςτατιςτικά ςτοιχεία τθσ χϊρασ ι τθσ ΕΕ.


Ανάλυςθ τθσ τρζχουςασ προςφοράσ ςτο χϊρο τθσ κατάρτιςθσ για τθ Νεανικι Επιχειρθματικότθτα α) Ρεριγραφι του Εκνικοφ πλαιςίου επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων (NQF) ςτισ χϊρεσ των εταίρων, ςε ςφγκριςθ με το ΕΡΕΡ β) Ζρευνα για τθν προςφορά ςτο χϊρο τθσ κατάρτιςθσ για τθ Νεανικι Επιχειρθματικότθτα ςτισ χϊρεσ των εταίρων γ) Ρεριγραφι του Ευρωπαϊκοφ ςυςτιματοσ πιςτωτικϊν μονάδων επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ (ECVET) ςτθν κάκε χϊρα εταίρο.

Βαςιηόμενοι ςτθν ζρευνα θ οποία πραγματοποιικθκε, οι εταίροι από τθν Τουρκία, τθν Ρορτογαλία, τθν Ελλάδα και τθν Λςπανία παρουςίαςαν τα ευριματά τουσ αναφορικά με τθν εκάςτοτε εκνικι πραγματικότθτα. Τα αποτελζςματα παρουςιάηονται παρακάτω. Ρεριςςότερεσ λεπτομζρειεσ για τθν πραγματικότθτα τθσ κάκε χϊρασ αναφορικά με τα κζματα που ακολουκοφν ςτθν επόμενθ ενότθτα είναι διακζςιμεσ ςτα παραρτιματα αυτοφ του εντφπου.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




ΣΗ΢ ΝΕΑΝΙΚΗ΢ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΣΙΚΟΣΗΣΑ΢ Θ ανεργία των νζων είναι ζνα από τα πλζον ςθμαντικά προβλιματα όχι μόνο ςτισ χϊρεσ των εταίρων, αλλά και ςε πολλζσ άλλεσ ανεπτυγμζνεσ και αναπτυςςόμενεσ χϊρεσ τόςο ςτθν Ευρϊπθ, όςο και ςτον υπόλοιπο κόςμο. Θ ανάπτυξθ τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ και των επιχειρθματικϊν ικανοτιτων και δεξιοτιτων ςτον πλθκυςμό είναι ιδιαίτερα ςθμαντικι για τθν ανάπτυξθ μιασ χϊρασ, ιδιαίτερα αν προςανατολιςτοφμε ςτθ λφςθ τθσ ίδρυςθσ μιασ επιχείρθςθσ ωσ εναλλακτικι λφςθσ για τθν ανεργία. Οι επιχειρθματικζσ δραςτθριότθτεσ ζχουν ιδιαίτερα υψθλζσ πικανότθτεσ δθμιουργίασ νζων κζςεων εργαςίασ, επιτάχυνςθσ τθσ οικονομικισ ανάπτυξθσ, διαςφάλιςθσ τθσ ανάδυςθσ νζων επιχειρθματικϊν κλάδων ςτθ χϊρα και διευκόλυνςθσ των αλλαγϊν ςε κοινωνικό επίπεδο.

3.1.1. Τλοποίηςη τησ Νεανικήσ Επιχειρηματικότητασ ςτην Σουρκία Το 9ο Αναπτυξιακό Σχζδιο, το οποίο και καλφπτει τθν περίοδο από το 2007 ωσ το 2013 ςτθν Τουρκία, δίνει ιδιαίτερθ ζμφαςθ ςτθ ςτιριξθ επιχειρθματικϊν πολιτικϊν και ςτοχεφει ςτο να εφαρμόςει ενεργζσ πολιτικζσ απαςχόλθςθσ μζςω τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ και των προγραμμάτων διαςφάλιςθσ εργαςίασ, τθσ επαγγελματικισ ςυμβουλευτικισ και των υπθρεςιϊν ςυμβουλευτικισ και των προγραμμάτων κατάρτιςθσ, κάτω από τον ευρφτερο τίτλο «Αναπτφςςοντασ Ενεργζσ Ρολιτικζσ Απαςχόλθςθσ». Επιπλζον, προκειμζνου να διευκολυνκεί θ κατανομι του ειςοδιματοσ, θ επιχειρθματικότθτα ενκαρρφνεται ιδιαίτερα ςτισ αγροτικζσ και υπανάπτυκτεσ περιοχζσ. Μζςω τθσ ανάπτυξθσ τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ και τθσ καινοτομίασ, αλλά και τθσ παραγωγικότθτασ, θ Τουρκία κα διατθριςει τθν πρόςφατθ άνοδό τθσ ςτθ διεκνι οικονομία. Θ επιχειρθματικι αυτι προςζγγιςθ αποςκοπεί ςτθν ανάπτυξθ των νζων τεχνολογιϊν και τθσ καινοτομίασ και βαςίηεται ςτθ ςυνεργαςία ανάμεςα ςε ιδιωτικοφσ φορείσ και φορείσ του δθμοςίου.2 Ζνα από τα πλζον ςθμαντικά προβλιματα τα οποία αντιμετωπίηουν οι επιχειρθματίεσ ςτθν Τουρκία, ςε ςυνδυαςμό με τθν αδυναμία πρόςβαςθσ ςε χρθματοδοτικοφσ πόρουσ, είναι θ ζλλειψθ γνϊςεων και οράματοσ, και όςοι από αυτοφσ ζχουν γνϊςεισ, δεν ζχουν πρόςβαςθ ςε ςυμβουλευτικι επιςτθμονικοφ επιπζδου. Άλλο ζνα ςθμείο ςυναφζσ με τα παραπάνω, είναι ότι οι επιχειρθματίεσ οι οποίοι δεν ζχουν επαρκι γνϊςθ κα πρζπει να ςυνειδθτοποιιςουν αυτι τουσ τθν ζλλειψθ και να οδθγθκοφν ςτθ ςτιριξθ. Ραρομοίωσ, οι ιδιοκτιτεσ επιχειριςεων κα πρζπει να γίνουν αποδζκτεσ υπθρεςιϊν ςυμβουλευτικισ ωσ μζροσ μιασ ευρφτερθσ επιχειρθματικισ ςτρατθγικισ .Είναι γενικότερα αποδεκτό ότι εάν οι επιχειρθματίεσ υποςτθρίηονται από επιχειρθματίεσ που ζχουν αντιμετωπίςει παρόμοιεσ καταςτάςεισ ςτο παρελκόν, αυτό κα αποτελεί ςυνειςφορά ςτθν επιτυχία τουσ.3



YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Άλλθ μία ςτρατθγικι που υποςτθρίηει τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα, είναι θ Στρατθγικι και το Σχζδιο Δράςθσ για τισ ΜμΕ.4 Ζνα από τα πιο ςθμαντικά ςτρατθγικά ςθμεία του ςχεδίου δράςθσ είναι θ «Ανάπτυξθ και Υποςτιριξθ τθσ Επιχειρθματικότθτασ». Σφμφωνα με τθν αναφορά, τα ςθμεία τα οποία κεωροφνται αδφναμα ι χριηουν βελτίωςθσ, είναι τα εξισ:        

To επίπεδο των γνϊςεων και τθσ αντίλθψθσ των δυνθτικϊν επιχειρθματιϊν δεν είναι επαρκζσ προκειμζνου να ιδρφςουν μια επιτυχθμζνθ επιχείρθςθ που βαςίηεται ςε ζνα επιχειρθματικό ςχζδιο. Θ επιχειρθματικότθτα δεν καλφπτεται επαρκϊσ ςτθν τυπικι και άτυπθ εκπαίδευςθ. Οι δράςεισ που προςελκφουν τθν προςοχι ςε και ενκαρρφνουν τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα δεν επαρκοφν. Οι δράςεισ ςτον χϊρο τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτεσ δεν ενςωματϊνονται. Ζλλειψθ γνϊςεων για τα πικανά οφζλθ τθσ ςφναψθσ ςυνεργαςιϊν. Οι επιχειριςεισ αντιμετωπίηουν προβλιματα ςτθν εξεφρεςθ τθσ τοποκεςίασ και των εςόδων που απαιτοφνται για τα πρϊτα ζξοδα. Οι επιχειρθματίεσ που ιδρφουν μια νζα επιχείρθςθ είναι πολφ ςυχνά αναποφάςιςτοι ςτθν αρχι. Συγκεκριμζνεσ ομάδεσ-ςτόχοι δεν παραινοφνται αρκετά προκειμζνου να αςχολθκοφν με τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα.

Ο αρικμόσ των ανοικτϊν και κλειςτϊν επιχειριςεων εξετάηεται προκειμζνου να αξιολογθκεί θ επιχειρθματικι δυναμικι ςτθν Ρεριοχι . Ο αρικμόσ των επιχειριςεων που άνοιξαν και ζκλειςαν μζςα ςτο 2001 ςτθν Ρεριοχι TR83 αλλά και ςτθν ευρφτερθ χϊρα, αυξικθκε ςε ςχζςθ με το 2009. Ωςτόςο, εάν εξετάςουμε τθν αναλογία τθσ Ρεριοχισ TR83 προσ τθν Τουρκία, δεν υπάρχει μεγάλθ διαφοροποίθςθ ςτο ποςοςτό των επιχειριςεων που ιδρφκθκαν, θ αφξθςθ όμωσ των επιχειριςεων που ζκλειςαν (από το 1.80% ςτο 2.14%) είναι εντυπωςιακι. Ακολουκεί θ ςφγκριςθ για το πρϊτο δεκάμθνο του 2011 και ςε αυτό εντοπίηεται μια μείωςθ ςτο ποςοςτό τθσ περιοχισ προσ το ευρφτερο ποςοςτό τθσ Τουρκίασ ςτθν κατθγορία των κλειςτϊν επιχειριςεων, υπάρχει όμωσ μια μικρι αφξθςθ ςτο ποςοςτό των επιχειριςεων που ιδρφκθκαν.5 Εξετάηοντασ κανείσ τισ ςτατιςτικζσ οι οποίεσ ζχουν δθμοςιευτεί ςτο Μθτρϊο Εμπόρων και Βιοτεχνϊν, αντιλαμβάνεται πωσ ο αρικμόσ των εγγεγραμμζνων αλλά και μθ εγγεγραμμζνων επιχειριςεων ςτθν Ρεριοχι TR83, αλλά και ςε ολόκλθρθ τθν Τουρκία, ζχει αυξθκεί ςε ςφγκριςθ με το 2009. Το ποςοςτό τθσ Ρεριοχισ TR83 ςε ςχζςθ με ολόκλθρθ τθν Τουρκία ςθμείωςε μια ιδιαίτερα μικρι άνοδο το 2010, αναφορικά με τον αρικμό των εγγεγραμμζνων και μθ εγγεγραμμζνων επιχειριςεων. Σε ςφγκριςθ με το 2010, μζςα ςτο πρϊτο δεκάμθνο του 2011 το ποςοςτό των εγγεγραμμζνων επιχειριςεων ςτθ Ρεριοχι ςε ςχζςθ με τθν Τουρκία μειϊκθκε από το 5.67% ςτο


5 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


4.68%.6 Τα ποςοςτά αυτά καταδεικνφουν ότι υπάρχει μείωςθ ςτων αρικμό των νεοϊδρυκζντων επιχειριςεων ςτθν Ρεριοχι ςε ςφγκριςθ με τθν Τουρκία.

3.1.2. Τλοποίηςη τησ Νεανικήσ Επιχειρηματικότητασ ςτην Ελλάδα H μεγάλθ οικονομικι κρίςθ που ζπλθξε πρόςφατα τθν Ελλάδα, είχε ςαν αποτζλεςμα τθν ζντονθ φφεςθ. Θ ανεργία ςτθν Ελλάδα αναρριχικθκε από το 8% ςε παραπάνω από 27% ςε πζντε μόλισ χρόνια. Είναι ο μεγαλφτεροσ δείκτθσ ανεργίασ τθσ Ευρϊπθσ και φαίνεται πωσ ςυνεχίηει να αυξάνεται. Αν και αυτι θ πρόςφατθ αφξθςθ τθσ ανεργίασ τα τελευταία χρόνια φάνθκε να μειϊνεται ελαφρά το 2012, υπάρχουν ελάχιςτεσ ενδείξεισ ςτακεροποίθςθσ. Είναι ιδιαίτερα ςθμαντικό όμωσ να αποςαφθνιςτεί ότι θ ανεργία των νζων ιταν ιδιαίτερα υψθλι ακόμθ και πριν τθν κρίςθ. Αυτό ιταν που οδιγθςε ςε μια μικρότερθ μείωςθ τθσ ανεργίασ των νζων ςτθν Ελλάδα ςε ςφγκριςθ με άλλεσ Ευρωπαϊκζσ χϊρεσ, οι οποίεσ δεν υπζφεραν από τα ίδια υψθλά ποςοςτά τθσ νεανικισ ανεργίασ. Σφμφωνα με τθν αναφορά τθσ Ομάδασ Εργαςίασ για τθν Ελλάδα, θ οποία και εκδόκθκε τον Μάρτιο του 2014, το νζο προςχζδιο για το Σχζδιο Υλοποίθςθσ Διαςφάλιςθσ των Νζων (YGIP) ςτθν Ελλάδα ζχει προχωριςει αρκετά ςε ςχζςθ με προθγοφμενα ςχζδια τα οποία αναπτφχκθκαν και υλοποιικθκαν, ςτο ότι το τρζχον ςχζδιο επικεντρϊνεται ςτθν επίτευξθ πραγματικισ προόδου ςτθ διαχείριςθ τθσ υλοποίθςθσ πολιτικισ. Τα εμπλεκόμενα μζρθ τα οποία ςυμμετζχουν, ςυμμετείχαν επίςθσ ςτο ςχεδιαςμό και τθν ανάπτυξθ του ςχεδίου, κάτι το οποίο επιτείνει τθ δυνθτικι του αποτελεςματικότθτα. Το Σχζδιο Υλοποίθςθσ Διαςφάλιςθσ των Νζων ςτοχεφει να διαςφαλίςει πωσ «μζςα ςε τζςςερισ μινεσ από τθ ςτιγμι που ζνασ νζοσ μζχρι τθν θλικία των 25 χάςει τθ δουλειά του ι ολοκλθρϊςει τθν τυπικι εκπαίδευςι του, κα λάβει μια προςφορά υψθλοφ επιπζδου για εργαςία, μακθτεία ι πρακτικι». Το ςχζδιο υλοποίθςθσ επικεντρϊνεται ςτθν αναδιοργάνωςθ του Οργανιςμοφ Απαςχόλθςθσ Ανκρϊπινου Δυναμικοφ (ΟΑΕΔ), προκειμζνου να εδραιϊςει προγράμματα για τουσ νζουσ (κατάρτιςθ, επιδότθςθ, μακθτεία). Επικεντρϊνεται ςτο να παρζχει ςτουσ νζουσ μεγαλφτερεσ ευκαιρίεσ ειςόδου ςτθν αγορά εργαςίασ και προςπακεί να κάνει τισ υπάρχουςεσ διαδικαςίεσ περιςςότερο αποδοτικζσ και αποτελεςματικζσ.

3.1.3. Τλοποίηςη τησ Νεανικήσ Επιχειρηματικότητασ ςτην Πορτογαλία Στο τρζχον πλαίςιο τθσ Ρορτογαλικισ οικονομίασ και τθσ αγοράσ εργαςίασ που αλλάηει, θ επιχειρθματικότθτα, μαηί με τθν ανάπτυξθ τθσ αυτο-απαςχόλθςθσ και/θ δθμιουργία νζων επιχειριςεων λαμβάνει ιδιαίτερθ ςθμαςία ωσ απάντθςθ ςε διάφορεσ διαρκρωτικζσ προκλιςεισ του Ρορτογαλικοφ ςυςτιματοσ απαςχόλθςθσ και ιδίωσ ςε αυτζσ που ςχετίηονται με τθ δθμιουργία νζων κζςεων εργαςίασ και τθν πρόλθψθ και καταπολζμθςθ τθσ ανεργίασ. Θ ανάδυςθ μιασ επιχειρθματικισ οικονομίασ δεν είναι μόνο πολιτιςτικι και ψυχολογικι, αλλά επίςθσ οικονομικι και τεχνολογικι. Ρροκειμζνου να επιτευχκεί 6 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


κάτι τζτοιο, απαιτείται θ ενεργοποίθςθ νζων αξιϊν και ςτάςεων ςε προςωπικό επίπεδο και ςυνεπϊσ, πζραν τθσ δθμιουργίασ επιχειριςεων, θ επιχειρθματικότθτα αναδεικνφεται ςε κομβικι ικανότθτα τθσ μακθςιακισ διαδικαςίασ ςε ολόκλθρθ τθ ηωι ενόσ ατόμου. Θ προϊκθςθ τθσ κουλτοφρασ τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτα ςε ςχζςθ με τθν ανάπτυξθ τθσ νεολαίασ, από τα αρχικά ςτάδια τθσ υποχρεωτικισ εκπαίδευςθσ αποτελεί κομβικό ςθμείο τθσ προςπάκειασ που ςυντελείται ςτθν Ρορτογαλία. Συνεπϊσ, ςτο τρζχον επίπεδο του εκπαιδευτικοφ ςυςτιματοσ, θ επιχειρθματικότθτα αντιπροςωπεφει κεμελιϊδθ διεπαφι ανάμεςα ςτθν εκπαίδευςθ/κατάρτιςθ/ ειςαγωγι ςτθν αγορά εργαςίασ, κάτι το οποίο επιτρζπει τθν αρμονικι ςυνφπαρξθ του εκπαιδευτικοφ και εργαςιακοφ ςυςτιματοσ. Γενικά, θ Ρορτογαλικι κοινωνία αντιλαμβάνεται πωσ το ςχολείο κα πρζπει να προωκεί μία επιχειρθματικι ςτάςθ ςτουσ νζουσ και θ ςτάςθ αυτι κρίνεται αναγκαία για τθν εκπαίδευςθ των νζων γενιϊν και τθ βιϊςιμθ ανάπτυξθ τθσ Ρορτογαλίασ. Θ ανάπτυξθ τθσ εκπαίδευςθσ για τθ δθμιουργία του επιχειρθματικοφ «μυαλοφ» μπορεί να επιτευχκεί μόνο μζςω τθσ ςτιριξθσ των αρχϊν που είναι υπεφκυνεσ για τθν εκπαίδευςθ και αυτό απαιτεί ζνα ανοιχτό μυαλό αναφορικά με νζουσ τρόπουσ εργαςίασ, αλλά και μια νζα ςτάςθ. Το Ευρωβαρόμετρο για τθν Επιχειρθματικότθτα (2012) καταδεικνφει ότι ςχεδόν οι μιςοί από τουσ ερωτθκζντεσ (49%) ςτθν Ρορτογαλία διλωςαν ότι κα προτιμοφςαν να είναι αυτό-απαςχολοφμενοι παρά μιςκωτοί. Το ποςοςτό αυτό είναι ςχετικά υψθλό ςε ςχζςθ με τον μζςο Ευρωπαϊκό όρο προτίμθςθσ τθσ αυτό-απαςχόλθςθσ, που ανζρχεται ςτο 37%. Ρρόςφατα υλοποιικθκε ζνα μεγάλο πρόγραμμα από τθν Ρορτογαλικι Κυβζρνθςθ, το οποίο ςτόχευε ςτθν προϊκθςθ τθσ νεανικισ επιχειρθματικότθτασ: το Κίνθμα για τθν Επιχειρθματικότθτα. Είναι ζνα κίνθμα δθμιουργίασ ςυνεργειϊν ανάμεςα ςτο IEFP (Λνςτιτοφτο για τθν Απαςχόλθςθ και τθν Επαγγελματικι Κατάρτιςθ), το ίδρυμα και το COTEC Ρορτογαλίασ, προκειμζνου να παρζχει ςε νζουσ ανζργουσ με τριτοβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ εργαςιακι εμπειρία μζςω πρακτικισ άςκθςθσ ςε ζνα μεγάλο εφροσ επιχειριςεων. Ξεκίνθςε το Μάιο του 2013 και ςκοπεφει ςτα πλαίςια τθσ αποςτολισ του και τθσ δθμόςιασ ευκφνθσ να κινθτοποιιςει ζναν όςο το δυνατόν μεγαλφτερο αρικμό επιχειριςεων, φορζων του δθμοςίου και κοινωνικϊν επιχειριςεων, προκειμζνου να υλοποιιςει τουλάχιςτον 5.000 κζςεισ πρακτικισ άςκθςθσ ςε νζουσ ανζργουσ με υψθλά προςόντα, πτυχιοφχουσ, εκπαιδευτικοφσ ι γιατροφσ, μζςω των δράςεων «ImpulsoJovem».

3.1.4. Τλοποίηςη τησ Νεανικήσ Επιχειρηματικότητασ ςτην Ιςπανία Σε μεγαλφτερο ι μικρότερο βακμό, όλεσ οι ανεπτυγμζνεσ χϊρεσ και οπωςδιποτε οι χϊρεσ τθσ Ευρωπαϊκισ Ζνωςθσ ζχουν ενςτερνιςτεί τθν ανάγκθ υποςτιριξθσ τθσ ανάπτυξθσ των επιχειριςεων και τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ. Θ Λςπανία ζχει υιοκετιςει αυτι τθν πολιτικι και οικονομικι δράςθ προωκϊντασ τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα ςε διάφορουσ τομείσ για τθν τοπικι, εκπαιδευτικι, εργαςιακι και βιομθχανικι ανάπτυξθ. Από το Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβοφλιο τθσ Λιςςαβόνασ (2000), ςτο εκπαιδευτικό πεδίο θ Λςπανία ζχει δεςμευτεί να προωκιςει τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα μζςα ςτο εκπαιδευτικό ςφςτθμα. Τόςο ο Οργανικόσ Νόμοσ για τθν Ροιότθτα ςτθν Εκπαίδευςθ (LOCE) του YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2002, όςο και ο Οργανικόσ Νόμοσ τθσ Εκπαίδευςθσ (LOE) του 2006 o οποίοσ αντικατζςτθςε τον προθγοφμενο, περιλαμβάνουν ςτουσ ςτόχουσ και τουσ ςκοποφσ τουσ τθν επιχειρθματικι κατάρτιςθ, θ οποία γίνεται αντιλθπτι ςαν μία κομβικι ικανότθτα, μαηί με τθν πρωτοβουλία και τθ δθμιουργικότθτα τισ οποίεσ οι μακθτζσ πρζπει να αναπτφξουν ςτα πλαίςια τθσ εκπαιδευτικισ διαδικαςίασ7. Οι κφριοι ςτόχοι τθσ Στρατθγικισ για τθν Επιχειρθματικότθτα και τθν Απαςχόλθςθ των Νζων 2013-2016 που ζχει ςχεδιαςτεί από τθν κυβζρνθςθ τθσ Λςπανίασ είναι να βελτιϊςει τθν απαςχολθςιμότθτα των νζων, να αυξιςει τθν ποιότθτα και τθ ςτακερότθτα τθσ εργαςίασ, να προωκιςει τισ ίςεσ ευκαιρίεσ ειςόδου ςτθν αγορά εργαςίασ και να καλλιεργιςει το πνεφμα τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ. Δράςεισ-κλειδιά: να ενκαρρφνει τισ προςλιψεισ και τισ επιχειρθματικζσ πρωτοβουλίεσ για τουσ νζουσ, να επαρκεί θ εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ για τισ τρζχουςεσ ανάγκεσ τθσ αγοράσ εργαςίασ και να μειϊςει τθ ςχολικι διαρροι. Στθν Λςπανία υπάρχουν πολλά προγράμματα, εκπαιδευτικά κζντρα, διαδικτυακζσ πφλεσ και οργανϊςεισ που επικεντρϊνονται ςτισ πολιτικζσ απαςχόλθςθσ των νζων, δθμιουργϊντασ καινοτόμα προγράμματα επιχειρθματικισ διοίκθςθσ, ενκαρρφνοντασ τθν καινοτομία και τθν επιχειρθματικι πρωτοβουλία των νζων και ευαιςκθτοποιϊντασ για τθ ςθμαςία τθσ ενδυνάμωςθσ του επιχειρθματικοφ χϊρου και τθσ δθμιουργίασ νζων κζςεων εργαςίασ. Οι περιςςότερεσ από τισ παραπάνω ιδιωτικζσ και δθμόςιεσ οργανϊςεισ ςυντονίηονται τοπικά ςε κάκε μία από τισ 17 Ανεξάρτθτεσ Κοινότθτεσ που απαρτίηουν τθν Λςπανία. Τα δθμόςια κζντρα και οι ενϊςεισ ανικουν ςτθν Ρεριφερειακι Αυτοδιοίκθςθ τθσ κάκε Αυτόνομθσ Κοινότθτασ και ςυγκεκριμζνα ςτισ Τοπικζσ Διευκφνςεισ Νεολαίασ. (Για περιςςότερεσ πλθροφορίεσ για κάποια από αυτά τα προγράμματα παρακαλοφμε ανατρζξτε ςτο Ραράρτθμα 4)

3.2. Περιγραφή του Εθνικοφ Πλαιςίου Επαγγελματικών Προςόντων ςε ςχζςη με το Ευρωπαϊκό Πλαίςιο Επαγγελματικών Προςόντων για τη Δια Βίου Μάθηςη (ΕΠΕΠ) Το Ευρωπαϊκό Πλαίςιο Επαγγελματικών Προςόντων (ΕΠΕΠ) είναι ζνα κοινό Ευρωπαϊκό ςφςτθμα αναφοράσ, το οποίο ςυνδζει τα Εκνικά πλαίςια Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων διαφόρων χωρϊν. Στθν ουςία, λειτουργεί ωσ ζνα μεταφραςτικό εργαλείο, το οποίο κακιςτά τα επαγγελματικά προςόντα περιςςότερο κατανοθτά. Είναι ςε κζςθ να βοθκιςει εκπαιδευόμενουσ/εργαηόμενουσ και εργαηόμενουσ οι οποίοι επικυμοφν να μεταβοφν ςε άλλθ χϊρα ι να μετακινθκοφν ςτο ςφςτθμα Επαγγελματικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ και Κατάρτιςθσ (ΕΕΚ). Ωσ ζνα εργαλείο για τθν προϊκθςθ τθσ δια βίου μάκθςθσ, το ΕΡΕΡ εμπεριζχει γενικι και εκπαίδευςθ ενθλίκων, επαγγελματικι εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ, αλλά και τριτοβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ. Τα οκτϊ του επίπεδα καλφπτουν ολόκλθρο το εφροσ των επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων, από αυτά που κάποιοσ αποκτά με τθ λιξθ τθσ υποχρεωτικισ εκπαίδευςθσ μζχρι και εκείνα τα οποία λαμβάνει κανείσ με τθν 7

Emprendimiento económico y social enEspaña.Guía de recursos para jóvenesemprendedores/as. INJUVE Catálogo General de PublicacionesOficiales. YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


ολοκλιρωςθ του υψθλότερου επιπζδου ακαδθμαϊκισ εκπαίδευςθσ ι επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ. Στθν ουςία, το κάκε επίπεδο κα ιταν ιδανικό να μποροφςε να προςεγγιςτεί μζςω μιασ πλθκϊρασ εκπαιδευτικϊν και επαγγελματικϊν μονοπατιϊν. Οι πρωταρχικοί χριςτεσ του ΕΡΕΡ κα είναι οι αρχζσ που διαχειρίηονται τα εκνικά και/θ τομεακά ςυςτιματα και πλαίςια επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων. Από τθ ςτιγμι που κα ζχουν ςυςχετίςει τα εκνικά ςυςτιματα με το ΕΡΕΡ, το ΕΡΕΡ κα βοθκά άτομα, εργοδότεσ και πάροχουσ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ να ςυγκρίνουν μεμονωμζνα επαγγελματικά προςόντα από διάφορεσ χϊρεσ και ςυςτιματα εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ. Σο Εθνικό Πλαίςιο Επαγγελματικών Προςόντων είναι ζνα ςφςτθμα, το οποίο περιλαμβάνει οριςμοφσ και προςεγγίςεισ που βρίςκονται κοντά ςτθν κοινωνικι, πολιτιςτικι και οικονομικι πραγματικότθτα μιασ χϊρασ και ςτο οποίο υπάρχουν βακμοί ςφγκριςθσ οι οποίοι αναγνωρίηονται τόςο από τα εκνικά και διεκνι ενδιαφερόμενα μζρθ, αλλά είναι επίςθσ προςβάςιμα και ςυγκρίςιμα. Το γενικό πλαίςιο του ΕΡΕΡ απεικονίηεται ςτον πίνακα που ακολουκεί:

Επίπεδο ΕΠΕΠ


Επίπεδο 1

2οσ Κφκλοσ τθσ Βαςικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ

Επίπεδο 2

3οσ Κφκλοσ τθσ Βαςικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ (ο οποίοσ ζχει επιτευχκεί με τον παραδοςιακό τρόπο ι μζςω διπλισ πιςτοποίθςθσ)

Επίπεδο 3

Δευτεροβάκμια Εκπαίδευςθ (πριν τθν είςοδο ςτο Ρανεπιςτιμιο)

Επίπεδο 4

Δευτεροβάκμια Εκπαίδευςθ που ζχει αποκτθκεί μζςω διπλισ πιςτοποίθςθσ ι Δευτεροβάκμια Εκπαίδευςθ προκειμζνου να ςυνεχίςει κανείσ ςε Ρανεπιςτθμιακι Εκπαίδευςθ με επαγγελματικι πρακτικι άςκθςθ (το ελάχιςτο 6 μινεσ).

Επίπεδο 5

Ρτυχίο Ανωτζρασ Σχολισ

Επίπεδο 6

Ρτυχίο Ρανεπιςτθμίου

Επίπεδο 7

Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευςθσ

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Επίπεδο 8

Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα

Θ Ρορτογαλία μοιράηεται το ακριβϊσ ίδιο πλαίςιο (ΕΡΡ=ΕΡΕΡ) και θ Τουρκία ςκοπεφει να κάνει το ίδιο. Το Ελληνικό Πλαίςιο Επαγγελματικών Προςόντων αποςκοπεί ςτο να δθμιουργιςει ζνα ξεκάκαρο και περιεκτικό ςφςτθμα για τθν κατθγοριοποίθςθ των προςόντων που αποκτοφνται μζςω τθσ τυπικισ και άτυπθσ εκπαίδευςθσ και τθσ επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ ςτθν Ελλάδα. Το Ελλθνικό Ρλαίςιο κα επιτρζπει, όπωσ άλλωςτε γίνεται και με το ΕΡΕΡ, τθ ςφγκριςθ ανάμεςα ςτα επαγγελματικά προςόντα ανάμεςα ςε τομείσ και άτομα ςτθν Ελλάδα και ςτισ υπόλοιπεσ Ευρωπαϊκζσ χϊρεσ. Το Ελλθνικό Ρλαίςιο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων βρίςκεται κάτω από τθν εποπτεία του Υπουργείου Ραιδείασ και Κρθςκευμάτων, το οποίο και ςυντονίηει όλα τα εμπλεκόμενα μζρθ. Ο φορζασ υπεφκυνοσ για τθν αντιςτοίχθςθ του Ελλθνικοφ Ρλαιςίου με το ΕΡΕΡ είναι ο Εκνικόσ Οργανιςμόσ Ριςτοποίθςθσ Ρροςόντων Επαγγελματικοφ Ρροςανατολιςμοφ (Ε.Ο.Ρ.Ρ.Ε.Ρ.). Θ γενικότερθ δομι του Ελλθνικοφ Ρλαιςίου Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων ζχει αναπτυχκεί προκειμζνου να διαςφαλίςει ότι είναι ορκά ςχεδιαςμζνο και μπορεί να εφαρμοςτεί με ευκολία. Υπάρχουν ςε αυτό 8 επίπεδα, όπωσ και ςτο ΕΡΕΡ, τα οποία καλφπτουν ζνα μεγάλο εφροσ προςόντων, από τθν υποχρεωτικι ωσ και τθν τριτοβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ. Κάκε επίπεδο ορίηεται από τισ απαιτοφμενεσ γνϊςεισ, δεξιότθτεσ και ικανότθτεσ και τα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα τα οποία ςχετίηονται με το κάκε επίπεδο. Τα 8 αυτά επίπεδα παρουςιάηονται πιο κάτω ςε μια βαςικι μορφι, κακϊσ ακόμθ αναπτφςςονται και τελειοποιοφνται. Στθν Λςπανία, τα προςόντα καλφπτονται από ζνα πλαίςιο 8 επιπζδων. Υπάρχουν 8 περιγραφείσ που ορίηονται ςτα πλαίςια των γνϊςεων, των ικανοτιτων και των δεξιοτιτων και τα οποία ζχουν εμπνευςτεί από τουσ περιγραφείσ του ΕΡΕΡ, αλλά ζχουν προςαρμοςτεί το Λςπανικό εκνικό πλαίςιο. «Το Υπουργείο Ραιδείασ ζχει αναπτφξει τα εκνικά προγράμματα εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ για τα διάφορα εκπαιδευτικά επίπεδα: πρωτοβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ, κατϊτερθ δευτεροβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ, ανϊτερθ δευτεροβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ και επαγγελματικι κατάρτιςθ. Αυτά ορίηονται από τθν κεντρικι κυβζρνθςθ. Τα βαςικά προγράμματα ςπουδϊν κακορίηουν τουσ γενικοφσ ςτόχουσ του κάκε επιπζδου εκπαίδευςθσ, κακϊσ και τουσ ςυγκεκριμζνουσ ςτόχουσ του κάκε αντικειμζνου και τθσ κάκε κεματικισ. Τα βαςικά προγράμματα ςπουδϊν κακορίηουν επίςθσ το περιεχόμενο και τα κριτιρια αξιολόγθςθσ τθσ κάκε κεματικισ.»8. Θ ανάπτυξθ του Εκνικοφ Ρλαιςίου Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων (ΕΕΡ) βαςίηεται πάνω ςε διάφορα νομοςχζδια και διατάγματα, τα οποία ορίηουν και ελζγχουν τα διάφορα υποςυςτιματα εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ, περιλαμβάνοντασ: α. Τυπικά εκπαιδευτικά προςόντα τα οποία ζχουν αποκτθκεί εκτόσ Ρανεπιςτθμιακισ Εκπαίδευςθσ. 8

CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


β. Ρροςόντα ανϊτερθσ εκπαίδευςθσ (Ρανεπιςτιμια). γ. Επαγγελματικά προςόντα: ( αναγνϊριςθ επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων, τα οποία ζχουν αποκτθκεί ςτα πλαίςια επαγγελματικισ εμπειρίασ)9. Το Εκνικό Ρλαίςιο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων τθσ Λςπανίασ είναι διττό. Στθν αρχι είχε δθμιουργθκεί το Λςπανικό Ρλαίςιο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων για τθν Ανϊτερθ Εκπαίδευςθ (MECES), το οποίο αναφερόταν ςτα προςόντα που μπορεί κανείσ να αποκτιςει ςτο ςφςτθμα τθσ ανϊτερθσ εκπαίδευςθσ και ςυνεπϊσ αναφζρεται μόνο ςτθν τυπικι εκπαίδευςθ. Ταυτόχρονα υλοποιείται και το Λςπανικό Ρλαίςιο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων για τθ Δια βίου Μάκθςθ (MECU). Το MECU αναφζρεται ςε όλα τα μακθςιακά πλαίςια και καλφπτει τόςο τθν τυπικι εκπαίδευςθ (λαμβάνοντασ υπόψθ όλα τα επίπεδα του εκπαιδευτικοφ ςυςτιματοσ), κακϊσ και τθν άτυπθ εκπαίδευςθ10. Το Λςπανικό Ρλαίςιο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων (MECU), το οποίο ςχεδιάςτθκε το 2012, είναι «ζνα εργαλείο για τθν προϊκθςθ και τθ βελτίωςθ τθσ πρόςβαςθσ των πολιτϊν ςτθ Δια Βίου Μάκθςθ και τθ ςυμμετοχι τουσ ςε αυτι, κακϊσ και τθν αναγνϊριςθ και τθ χριςθ των επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων ςε εκνικό και Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο. Είναι μία διεκνϊσ αναγνωριςμζνθ δομι οργάνωςθσ των εκπαιδευτικϊν επιπζδων, από τθν πλζον βαςικι μάκθςθ ζωσ και τθν πλζον πολφπλοκθ. Το MECU διευκολφνει τθ ςφγκριςθ των προςόντων που ζχουν αποκτθκεί ςτθν Λςπανία με αυτά τθσ υπόλοιπθσ Ευρϊπθσ μζςω του Ευρωπαϊκοφ Ρλαιςίου επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων.11» (Ραρακαλϊ ανατρζξτε ςτο Ραράρτθμα 4 για περιςςότερεσ λεπτομζρειεσ).

3.3. Περιγραφή του Ευρωπαϊκοφ ςυςτήματοσ πιςτωτικών μονάδων επαγγελματικήσ εκπαίδευςησ και κατάρτιςησ Το τεχνικό πλαίςιο του Ευρωπαϊκοφ ςυςτιματοσ πιςτωτικϊν μονάδων επαγγελματικισ κατάρτιςθσ (ECVET) κα επιτρζψει τθν ανταλλαγι, αναγνϊριςθ και όπου αυτό κρίνεται εφαρμοςτζο, τθ ςυγκζντρωςθ των μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων του ατόμου με ςκοπό τθν απόκτθςθ ενόσ επαγγελματικοφ προςόντοσ. Υπό αυτι τθν ζννοια, ςτο Ευρωπαϊκό ςφςτθμα πιςτωτικϊν μονάδων επαγγελματικισ κατάρτιςθσ, τα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα ενόσ ατόμου αξιολογοφνται και επικυρϊνονται προκειμζνου να μεταφερκοφν πιςτωτικζσ μονάδεσ από το ζνα ςφςτθμα προςόντων ςτο άλλο ι από ζνα μονοπάτι ςτο άλλο. Σφμφωνα με αυτι τθν προςζγγιςθ, οι εκπαιδευόμενοι μποροφν να ςυγκεντρϊςουν μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα για ζνα ςυγκεκριμζνο επαγγελματικό προςόν μζςα ςε ζνα μεγάλο χρονικό διάςτθμα, ςε διαφορετικζσ χϊρεσ ι ςε διαφορετικζσ καταςτάςεισ. Το ςφςτθμα επίςθσ επιτρζπει τθν ανάπτυξθ κοινϊν αναφορϊν για τα προςόντα τθσ 9

Schools association for improving ICT vocational trainingLeonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” 10


MECU MECU YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ και είναι πλιρωσ ςυμβατό με το Ευρωπαϊκό Σφςτθμα Μεταφοράσ Ακαδθμαϊκϊν Μονάδων (ECTS). Τα εργαλεία και θ μεκοδολογία του περιλαμβάνουν τθν περιγραφι των επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων ςτο πλαίςιο των μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων με ςυςχετιηόμενουσ βακμοφσ, μια διαδικαςία μεταφοράσ και ςυγκζντρωςθσ και ςυμπλθρωματικά ζγγραφα όπωσ είναι τα Συμφωνθτικά Μάκθςθσ, τα αντίγραφα τθσ βακμολογία και οι οδθγοί χρθςτϊν. ΢την Σουρκία, το ECVET γίνεται αντιλθπτό ωσ ζνα εργαλείο που υποςτθρίηει τθν αμοιβαία εμπιςτοςφνθ ςτο χϊρο των επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων και βελτιϊνει τθ διαφάνεια. Με τθν ζννοια αυτι κακιςτά δυνατι τθ ςυγκζντρωςθ, μεταφορά και αναγνϊριςθ γνϊςεων, δεξιοτιτων και ικανοτιτων που ζχουν αποκτθκεί μζςω τθσ τυπικισ, μθ τυπικισ και άτυπθσ μάκθςθσ. Εν τοφτοισ, θ υιοκζτθςθ των αρχϊν του ECVET είναι μια νζα ςχετικά περιοχι ενδιαφζροντοσ ςτα πλαίςια τθσ αναμόρφωςθσ του Τουρκικοφ ςυςτιματοσ επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ. Θ διαδικαςία ανάπτυξθσ ξεκίνθςε πριν από δφο χρόνια και ςυνεχίηεται ακόμθ. Θ Τουρκία δεν εργάηεται πάνω ςτο ECVET μόνο ςε εκνικό επίπεδο, αλλά και ςυμμετζχει και παρζχει υλικό ςε μελζτεσ που γίνονται ςτο ευρφτερο πλαίςιο τθσ ΕΕ. Ραρά το ότι είναι μία ςχετικά καινοφργια ζννοια, θ ανάπτυξθ του ECVET ςτθν Τουρκία ζχει ιδθ φτάςει ςε κάποια τεχνικά ορόςθμα. Θ Τουρκία ζχει δεςμευτεί να αναπτφξει ζνα ςφςτθμα ECVET ςτα πλαίςια τθσ προςζγγιςθσ για τθ Δια Βίου Μάκθςθ. Θ δζςμευςθ αυτι ζχει ανακοινωκεί επίςθμα ςε διεκνι ςυνάντθςθ με κζμα το ECVET, θ οποία ζχει πραγματοποιθκεί ςτισ 28 Μαρτίου του 2007 ςτθν Άγκυρα. Θ Γενικι Διεφκυνςθ Ζρευνασ και Ανάπτυξθσ του Υπουργείου Εκνικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ είναι θ μονάδα υπεφκυνθ για τθν ανάπτυξθ του ECVET ςτθν Τουρκία, Τα βαςικά ςτοιχεία τθσ προςζγγιςθσ του ECVET όπωσ αυτό ςχετίηεται με το πλαίςιο του Τουρκικοφ ςυςτιματοσ επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ, είναι: 

Τα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα πιςτϊνονται βαςιηόμενα ςτο ςυνολικό χρόνο μάκθςθσ.

Τα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα τα οποία οδθγοφν ςε επαγγελματικά προςόντα που ζχουν τον ίδιο ςκοπό, πλαίςιο, πολυπλοκότθτα και διάρκεια λαμβάνουν τον ίδιο αρικμό πιςτωτικϊν μονάδων.

Τα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα τα οποία αποκτοφνται μζςω τθσ one to one μάκθςθσ διάρκειασ μζχρι 20 ωρϊν, ιςοφνται με 1 πιςτωτικι μονάδα ECVET.

Ζνα ολόκλθρο ζτοσ επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ ιςοφται με 60 πιςτωτικζσ μονάδεσ.

240 πιςτωτικζσ μονάδεσ μπορεί να κερδίςει κανείσ ολοκλθρϊνοντασ 4 χρόνια δευτεροβάκμιασ τυπικισ επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ.

Ζνασ από τουσ πρωταγωνιςτζσ του ECVET ςτθν Τουρκία είναι το MYK (Ινςτιτοφτο Επαγγελματικϊν Προςόντων), το οποίο είναι υπεφκυνο για τθν ανάπτυξθ του Εκνικοφ Συςτιματοσ Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων, παρόμοιου με εκείνο τθσ ΕΕ. Το ΜΥΚ εκτελεί τα κακικοντά του ςε ςυνεργαςία με το Υπουργείο Εκνικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ, το Συμβοφλιο Ανϊτερθσ Εκπαίδευςθσ, Οργανϊςεισ Εργοδοτϊν και Εργαηομζνων και άλλεσ ςυναφείσ οργανϊςεισ. Ο οριςμόσ των επαγγελματικϊν προτφπων αποτελεί προτεραιότθτα ςτα πλαίςια των βαςικϊν αρμοδιοτιτων του MYK. Τα επαγγελματικά YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


πρότυπα αποτελοφν τθ βάςθ για τθ δθμιουργία προγραμμάτων εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ ςφμφωνα με τισ ανάγκεσ τισ αγοράσ εργαςίασ, ορίηοντασ τθν ικανότθτα ενόσ ατόμου να χρθςιμοποιεί τισ δεξιότθτζσ του ςτα διάφορα επαγγζλματα. Ο άλλοσ πρωταγωνιςτισ είναι το MoNE (Υπουργείο Εκνικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ), το οποίο υλοποιεί (ςυντονίηει και διεξάγει) ζρευνεσ ςτο ECVET ςτα πλαίςια μιασ ςυμβουλευτικισ διαδικαςίασ. Οι Κφριεσ Αρμοδιότθτεσ του MoNE είναι:  Να διαςφαλίςει τθν αξιοπιςτία των πιςτοποιθτικϊν τα οποία προζρχονται από ςχολζσ/ινςτιτοφτα επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ.  Να επιτρζψει τθν ςφγκριςθ του Ευρωπαϊκοφ Ρλαιςίου Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων και του Ευρωπαϊκοφ Συςτιματοσ Μεταφοράσ Ριςτωτικϊν Μονάδων Επαγγελματικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ και Κατάρτιςθσ ςτο Τουρκικό Σφςτθμα Επαγγελματικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ και Κατάρτιςθσ.  Να πιςτϊςει κάκε ενότθτα με το βάροσ που αντιςτοιχεί ςτα διάφορα επίπεδα απαςχόλθςθσ.  Τα άτομα τα οποία αποφοιτοφν από προγράμματα επαγγελματικισ και τεχνικισ εκπαίδευςθσ ςε όλα τα επίπεδα ι αποφοιτοφν από όλα τα επίπεδα κα πρζπει να αξιολογοφνται βάςει των επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων τουσ και να πιςτοποιοφνται. Το Σφςτθμα Ριςτωτικϊν Μονάδων Επαγγελματικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ και Κατάρτιςθσ (ECVET) ςτθν Ελλάδα εξακολουκεί να είναι ςε πολφ πρϊιμο ςτάδιο. Αν και οι διαμορφωτζσ πολιτικισ και ικφνοντεσ ςυμφωνοφν για τθν προςτικζμενθ αξία του ECVET (κινθτικότθτα, διαφάνεια των επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων κ.α.), θ υλοποίθςθ ενόσ τζτοιου ςυςτιματοσ ακόμθ πάςχει. Υπάρχει ζλλειψθ επικοινωνίασ ανάμεςα ςτα ενδιαφερόμενα μζρθ και το ευρφ κοινό, παρά το ότι ο Ν.3879/2010 για τθ Δια Βίου Μάκθςθ προβλζπει τθ δθμιουργία του ECVET (Cedefop, 2013). Το Υπουργείο Ραιδείασ και Κρθςκευμάτων είναι αρμόδιο για τισ εξελίξεισ ECVET μζςω του Ε.Ο.Ρ.Ρ.Ε.Ρ., το οποίο αποτελεί το Εκνικό Σθμείο Συντονιςμοφ. Το ECVET ςτθν Πορτογαλία ςυντονίηεται από τον Εκνικό Οργανιςμό για τα Επαγγελματικά Ρροςόντα και τθν Επαγγελματικι Εκπαίδευςθ (ANQEP), το οποίο βρίςκεται κάτω από τθν εποπτεία του Υπουργείου Εργαςίασ και του Υπουργείου Ραιδείασ. Θ υλοποίθςθ του ECVET πραγματοποιείται μζςω τθσ ςυνεργαςίασ διαφόρων και διαφορετικϊν φορζων, τα οποία και αναφζρονται ωσ «Αρμόδιοι Φορείσ», δθλ. φορείσ υπεφκυνοι για το ςχεδιαςμό και τθν απονομι επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων, αναγνωρίηοντασ τισ ψθφίδεσ των μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων ι άλλων δράςεων που ςχετίηονται με το ECVET . Οι κφριοι φορείσ ECVETςτθν Ρορτογαλία, είναι: • Δθμόςιοι ι ιδιωτικοί φορείσ που ζχουν ρυκμιςτικι λειτουργία για τθν εκπαίδευςθ και τα ςυςτιματα κατάρτιςθσ, όπωσ ο Εκνικόσ Οργανιςμόσ για τα Επαγγελματικά Ρροςόντα και τθν Επαγγελματικι Εκπαίδευςθ και Κατάρτιςθ (ANQEP) και Εκνικοί Φορείσ για τθν Απαςχόλθςθ και τισ Εργαςιακζσ Σχζςεισ – (DGERT);

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


• Δθμόςιοι φορείσ Επαγγελματικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ και Κατάρτιςθσ, φορείσ πιςτοποίθςθσ και επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων, φορείσ υπεφκυνοι για τθν αναγνϊριςθ; • Δθμόςιοι ι ιδιωτικοί φορείσ που παρζχουν επαγγελματικι εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ, όπωσ: δίκτυα ινςτιτοφτων επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ, κζντρα εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ, ενδο-εταιρικά κζντρα κατάρτιςθσ κ.α. Σε ςυνάφεια με τθν ζγκριςθ του Ευρωπαϊκοφ Κοινοβουλίου και Συμβουλίου, το ECVET βρίςκεται ακόμθ ςε διαδικαςία υλοποίθςθσ ςτθν Ρορτογαλία. Θ Ρορτογαλία ζχει ακολουκιςει πιςτά τθ γενικι Ευρωπαϊκι τάςθ και τα ςυςτιματα επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων ζχουν οδθγθκεί ςτθν υιοκζτθςθ μιασ προςζγγιςθσ, θ οποία βαςίηεται ςτα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα, μζςω τθσ υλοποίθςθσ των εκνικϊν πλαιςίων επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων. Αν και δεν υπάρχει ομοφωνία για τθν ερμθνεία και τθν περιγραφι του μακθςιακοφ αποτελζςματοσ, όλα τα όργανα και εργαλεία που ζχουν αναπτυχκεί υπό αυτι τθν ζννοια, όπωσ το ΕΡΕΡ, βαςίηονται ςε αυτι τθν προςζγγιςθ. Για τθν υλοποίθςθ του ECVET, τα επαγγελματικά προςόντα πρζπει να είναι οργανωμζνα ςε ξεκάκαρα αναγνωριηόμενεσ και περιγραμμζνεσ ψθφίδεσ μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων και να λαμβάνουν υπόψθ τισ πραγματικζσ ανάγκεσ τθσ αγοράσ εργαςίασ, προκειμζνου να επιτρζψουν μια αμοιβαία κατανόθςθ των προςόντων. Για να επιτευχκεί αυτό, το πρϊτο βιμα είναι θ προϊκθςθ και κατανόθςθ του ECVET ανάμεςα ςε όλουσ τουσ εμπλεκόμενουσ ςτθν διαδικαςία επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ και για το λόγο αυτό ζχει ςυςτακεί ο Εκνικόσ Κατάλογοσ Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων (NCQ), ο οποίοσ προςδιορίηει για το κάκε επαγγελματικό προςόν τισ μακθςιακζσ ψθφίδεσ που βαςίηονται ςτα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα. Το ςφςτθμα ECVET ςτθν Ρορτογαλία ςυνδζεται με τθν αναγνϊριςθ τθσ προγενζςτερθσ μάκθςθσ ςτα πλαίςια τθσ τυπικισ, μθ τυπικισ και άτυπθσ μάκθςθσ και για το λόγο αυτό αποτελεί κινθτιρια δφναμθ για τθν κινθτικότθτα, προκειμζνου να προωκιςει τθν ενεργό ζρευνα τθσ επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ. Κάποιοι φορείσ του VET ζχουν ςυνειςφζρει με νζα ςτοιχεία για τθν αποτελεςματικι υλοποίθςθ του ECVET, ςε ςυνάφεια με τα κφρια ενδιαφερόμενα μζρθ και εκνικοφσ φορείσ, όπωσ είναι ο ISQ. Οι ςυνειςφορζσ αυτζσ κα ζπρεπε να αναπτυχκοφν και να υλοποιθκοφν ςταδιακά ςε μια εκελοντικι βάςθ και χωρίσ κάποια νομικι υποχρζωςθ, κακϊσ αυτό δεν ζχει κάποια ρυκμιςτικι αποςτολι. Αυτι τθ ςτιγμι ςυμβαίνει μια αλλαγι ςε επίπεδο εκπαιδευτικϊν ενοτιτων για τισ μακθςιακζσ ψθφίδεσ, οι οποίεσ βαςίηονται ςτα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα. Σε αυτό το πλαίςιο προετοιμάηεται ζνασ μεκοδολογικόσ οδθγόσ για τθ νζα ςυγκρότθςθ των ψθφίδων των μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων και τθ ςυνεπακόλουκθ απόδοςθ των πιςτωτικϊν μονάδων ECVET. Ραρουςιάηοντασ τθν τρζχουςα κατάςταςθ ςτθν Λςπανία αναφορικά με οποιαδιποτε πτυχι που αφορά τθν εκπαίδευςθ και/ι τθν επαγγελματικι κατάρτιςθ, είναι ςθμαντικό να αναφερκοφμε ςτα χαρακτθριςτικά τθσ πολιτικισ δομισ του Λςπανικοφ κράτουσ, ςτο οποίο οι Αυτόνομεσ Κοινότθτεσ διακζτουν το 40% αναφορικά με τθ YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


διαδικαςία λιψθσ αποφάςεων για ηθτιματα τα οποία αφοροφν τθν εκπαίδευςθ. Συνεπϊσ, είναι πικανό να βρεκοφν κάποιεσ διαφορζσ ςτθν εφαρμογι ι το κακεςτϊσ ανάπτυξθσ τθσ εκνικισ νομοκεςίασ ςε κάκε Αυτόνομθ Κοινότθτα. H Λςπανία βρίςκεται ςε διαδικαςία εκςυγχρονιςμοφ και βελτίωςθσ, αποςκοπϊντασ ςτθ δθμιουργία ενόσ κατανοθτοφ και ολοκλθρωμζνου πλαιςίου για τθν Επαγγελματικι Εκπαίδευςθ και Κατάρτιςθ θ οποία εμπεριζχει τθν επάρκεια ωσ ζνα κοινό ςθμείο αναφοράσ για τα προγράμματα κατάρτιςθσ και τθν πιςτοποίθςθ των μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων που ζχουν επιτευχκεί, τθν εκτίμθςθ τθσ ποιότθτασ και τθσ αποτελεςματικότθτασ τθσ κατάρτιςθσ, του ςυντονιςμοφ ανάμεςα ςτισ δθμόςιεσ υπθρεςίεσ, με τθ ςυμμετοχι των κοινωνικϊν εταίρων και των εργοδοτϊν, ενςωματϊνοντασ ταυτόχρονα τθν Ευρωπαϊκι διάςταςθ ςτθν εκπαίδευςθ. Ιδθ ζχουν αναπτυχκεί αρκετζσ νομοκετικζσ πρωτοβουλίεσ με τθ ςυμμετοχι τθσ Κρατικισ Διοίκθςθσ, μζςω του Υπουργείου Ραιδείασ και του Υπουργείου Εργαςίασ, τθσ κοινοτικισ διοίκθςθσ και των κοινωνικϊν εταίρων. Το ςφςτθμα αναφοράσ ECVET μελετάται και θ υλοποίθςι του ςε εκελοντικι βάςθ για τισ χϊρεσ τθσ Ευρωπαϊκισ Ζνωςθσ ζχει προγραμματιςτεί για το 2014. Στθν Λςπανία, θ επαγγελματικι εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ, ςτα πλαίςια του Εκνικοφ Καταλόγου Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων (CNCP), είναι ςυναφισ με το Ευρωπαϊκό Σφςτθμα Ριςτωτικϊν Μονάδων Επαγγελματικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ και Κατάρτιςθσ (ECVET), κακϊσ τα ςυςτιματα επαγγελματικισ κατάρτιςθσ βαςίηονται ςε μακθςιακά προγράμματα και ςε ενότθτεσ. Οι αρχικζσ πιςτοποιιςεισ επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ ςτο εκπαιδευτικό ςφςτθμα ζχουν διάρκεια 2.000 ϊρεσ, επικεντρϊνονται ςτα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα και επιτρζπουν τθν απόκτθςθ επαγγελματικϊν ικανοτιτων ςε ςυμφωνία με τα πρότυπα τα οποία ζχουν κακοριςτεί προκειμζνου να καλφψουν τισ ανάγκεσ του παραγωγικοφ τομζα. Πλα τα διπλϊματα υποςτθρίηουν τθν απόκτθςθ και βελτίωςθ των επαγγελματικϊν, προςωπικϊν και κοινωνικϊν δεξιοτιτων. Το νζο ςφςτθμα για τθν αναγνϊριςθ των δεξιοτιτων που ζχουν αποκτθκεί μζςω τθσ επαγγελματικισ εμπειρίασ κακιερϊνει τθ μερικι αξιολόγθςθ και επικφρωςθ των ψθφίδων ικανοτιτων των επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων που περιλαμβάνονται ςτα διπλϊματα επαγγελματικισ κατάρτιςθσ ι τα επαγγελματικά πιςτοποιθτικά. Με τον τρόπο αυτό, ψθφίδεσ οι οποίεσ ζχουν ιδθ επικυρωκεί μπορεί να οδθγιςουν ςτθν αναγνϊριςθ ι τθν εξαίρεςι τουσ από αντίςτοιχεσ εκπαιδευτικζσ ενότθτεσ ςε οποιοδιποτε πιςτοποιθτικό προγράμματοσ κατάρτιςθσ ι επαγγελματικό πιςτοποιθτικό.



ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΣΙΚΟΣΗΣΑ Ρροκειμζνου να ενδυναμϊςει περαιτζρω τθ ςθμαςία τθσ επιχειρθματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ, θ Ευρωπαϊκι Επιτροπι παρουςίαςε τον Λανουάριο του 2013 ζνα προςχζδιο δράςθσ με τίτλο «EΡΛΧΕΛ΢ΘΜΑΤΛΚΟΤΘΤΑ 2020», το οποίο ςκοπεφει να ρυκμίςει τθ γραμμι δράςθσ των κρατϊν μελϊν, προκειμζνου να «προωκιςουν εκ νζου τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα ςτθν Ευρϊπθ». Ζνασ από τουσ ςτόχουσ που YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


παρουςιάηονται περιλαμβάνει τθ διδαςκαλία και τθν επιχειρθματικι πρακτικι ςτα ςχολικά προγράμματα ( οι νζοι κα πρζπει να ζχουν τουλάχιςτον μία πρακτικι εμπειρία επιχειρθματικότθτασ πριν ολοκλθρϊςουν τθ δευτεροβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ). Στο ζγγραφο διαβάηουμε « θ επζνδυςθ ςτθν επιχειρθματικι εκπαίδευςθ είναι μία από τισ μεγαλφτερεσ ανταποδοτικζσ επενδφςεισ ςτισ οποίεσ μπορεί να προβεί θ Ευρϊπθ». Συνεπϊσ, οι Ευρωπαϊκζσ οδθγίεσ για τθν προϊκθςθ τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ ςτα ςχολεία είναι εμφανείσ. Το 2001, θ «Αναφορά για τθν εκπαίδευςθ προσ το Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβοφλιο» ζλαβε υπόψθ τθν Εκπαίδευςθ για τθν Επιχειρθματικότθτα ωσ βαςικό τομζα διαρκρωτικισ παρζμβαςθσ. Το 2015, θ ςτρατθγικι τθσ Ευρωπαϊκισ Επιτροπισ ενίςχυςε τθ ςθμαςία τθσ ενδυνάμωςθσ τθσ «Μάκθςθσ των Δεξιοτιτων-Κλειδιϊν για τθ Δια Βίου Μάκθςθ» (EC, 2005), θ οποία αναγνϊριςε τθν εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ για τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα ωσ βαςικζσ κινθτιριεσ δυνάμεισ για τθν οικονομικι και πολιτιςμικι ανάπτυξθ τθσ Ευρϊπθσ.

3.4.1. Σουρκία Θ επιρροι τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ ςτθν οικονομικι ανάπτυξθ και τθν καινοτομία ζχουν οδθγιςει ςε πολλζσ δράςεισ υποςτιριξθσ τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ από διάφορουσ φορείσ. Υπό αυτι τθν ζννοια, θ δθμόςια διοίκθςθ, όπωσ το KOSGEB, το İŞKUR, το Υπουργείο Βιομθχανίασ και Εμπορίου και διάφορεσ μθ κυβερνθτικζσ οργανϊςεισ παρζχουν υποςτιριξθ ςτον χϊρο τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ. Επιπλζον, οι μθχανιςμοί παροχισ μικρϊν δανείων ζχουν γίνει ιδιαίτερα διαδεδομζνοι. Κεφάλαια επιχειρθματικοφ κινδφνου και δίκτυα επιχειρθματικϊν «αγγζλων» γίνονται ολοζνα και πιο αποτελεςματικά ςτθν Τουρκία, όπωσ και ςτον υπόλοιπο κόςμο. Επιπλζον, θ Τουρκικι Ζνωςθ Επιμελθτθρίων (TOBB) υλοποιεί διάφορεσ δράςεισ προκειμζνου να υποςτθρίξει τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα. Θ Επιτροπι Γυναικϊν Επιχειρθματιϊν ζχει ςυςτακεί κάτω από το TOBB. Θ Επιτροπι αναπτφςςει διάφορεσ πολιτικζσ για τισ γυναίκεσ επιχειρθματίεσ και ςυνειςφζρει ςτθ διαμόρφωςθ γνϊμθσ. Θ Επιτροπι αυτι απαρτίηεται από γυναίκεσ επιχειρθματίεσ από διάφορουσ τομείσ και εκπροςϊπουσ του Youth for Habitat Association, του Οικονομικοφ και Τεχνολογικοφ Ρανεπιςτθμίου του TOBB, τθσ Γενικισ Διεφκυνςθσ για τισ Γυναίκεσ και τυ KOSGEB. Επίςθσ, το TOBB ζχει ςυςτιςει τθν Επιτροπι Νζων Επιχειρθματιϊν, προκειμζνου να υποςτθρίξει τθ νεανικι επιχειρθματικότθτα ςε εκνικό και τοπικό επίπεδο. Μπορείτε να βρείτε περιςςότερεσ λεπτομζρειεσ για τα Επιχειρθματικά προγράμματα ςτο Ραράρτθμα 1.

3.4.2. Ελλάδα Ρρογράμματα κατάρτιςθσ για νζουσ ζχουν υλοποιθκεί ςτθν Ελλάδα κατά τθ διάρκεια των προθγοφμενων ετϊν, προκειμζνου να καταπολεμιςουν τθ μεγάλθ οικονομικι κρίςθ, να κάνουν τθν Ελλθνικι οικονομία περιςςότερο ανταγωνιςτικι και να παρζχουν ςτουσ νζουσ τθ δυνατότθτα κοινωνικισ και οικονομικισ ενςωμάτωςθσ ςτθν Ελλάδα και ςτθν ΕΕ. Ραρόλα αυτά, θ επιχειρθματικι εκπαίδευςθ βρίςκεται ςε πολφ YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


πρϊιμο ςτάδιο. Αν και το Υπουργείο Ραιδείασ προωκεί τθν επιχειρθματικι εκπαίδευςθ, πολλοί φορείσ δεν ζχουν υλοποιιςει ακόμθ αυτοφ του είδουσ τα προγράμματα και οι ςυηθτιςεισ ςυνεχίηονται. Ραρόλα αυτά, ζχει υλοποιθκεί πρόγραμμα για τθν απόκτθςθ εργαςιακισ εμπειρίασ, ςτα πλαίςια του οποίου νζοι εκπαιδεφονται «εργαηόμενοι» ςε μία επιχείρθςθ ςυγκεκριμζνου κλάδου, μζςω πρακτικισ άςκθςθσ. Το πρόγραμμα είναι γνωςτό ωσ Mathiteia4u. Επιπλζον, το 2010, το Ελλθνικό Εμπορικό Επιμελθτιριο ζγινε το δεφτερο επιμελθτιριο τθσ χϊρασ το οποίο παρζχει πρόγραμμα για τθ νεανικι επιχειρθματικότθτα. Θ Ακαδθμία Νζων Επιχειρθματιϊν (YEA!) δθμιουργικθκε για να προςφζρει εντατικά προγράμματα επιχειρθματικότθτασ ςε μακθτζσ γυμναςίου και να τουσ κακοδθγιςει για το πϊσ να ιδρφςουν και να «τρζξουν» μια επιχείρθςθ.

3.4.3. Πορτογαλία Το Ρορτογαλικό εκπαιδευτικό ςφςτθμα ζχει αποδειχκεί αναποτελεςματικό ςε ςχζςθ με τθν προϊκθςθ τθσ επιχειρθματικισ κουλτοφρασ ανάμεςα ςτουσ μακθτζσ τθσ πρωτοβάκμιασ και δευτεροβάκμιασ εκπαίδευςθσ, αν και ςτθν ανϊτερθ εκπαίδευςθ είχε κάποια κετικά αποτελζςματα. Θ ειςαγωγι προγραμμάτων κατάρτιςθσ ςε ςχολεία δευτεροβάκμιασ εκπαίδευςθσ προκφπτει από το Διάταγμα – Νόμο N. º 74/2004 τθσ 26θσ Μαρτίου, για τθν αναδιάρκρωςθ του εκπαιδευτικοφ ςυςτιματοσ, για τθ βελτίωςθ τθσ ςχολικισ απόδοςθσ και τθ μεγαλφτερθ ποικιλία ςτθν παροχι εκπαιδευτικϊν υπθρεςιϊν, ςε απάντθςθ των αναγκϊν του διαφοροποιθμζνου ςχολικοφ κοινοφ και για τθν προϊκθςθ τθσ μεγαλφτερθσ ιςότθτασ ευκαιριϊν. Κεωρείται ωσ εκπαιδευτικι απάντθςθ για τθν ενςωμάτωςθ ςτθν αγορά εργαςίασ και θ ολοκλιρωςι του οδθγεί ςε επαγγελματικό ποςόν, γενικότερα τφπου IV και απολυτθρίου Λυκείου, με τθ δυνατότθτα ειςαγωγισ ςτθν τριτοβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ, ανταποκρινόμενοσ ςτισ απαιτιςεισ. Στθν Ρορτογαλία, θ κατάρτιςθ επιχειρθματικότθτασ προζρχεται κυρίωσ από δφο διαφορετικοφσ οργανιςμοφσ: Τισ Λδιωτικζσ Επιχειριςεισ Κατάρτιςθσ –οι οποίεσ παρζχουν επαγγελματικά μακιματα ςε τοπικό επίπεδο και ςε μερικζσ περιπτϊςεισ οδθγοφν ςε επαγγελματικά προςόντα 3ου, 4ου ι 5ου επιπζδου και ςε Λνςτιτοφτα Ανϊτερθσ Εκπαίδευςθσ- τα οποία οδθγοφν ςε πτυχίο, μεταπτυχιακό τίτλο ι διδακτορικό τίτλο ςτθν επιχειρθματικότθτα. Θ κατάρτιςθ επιχειρθματικότθτασ ςυνικωσ προζρχεται από τα πανεπιςτιμια και τα πολυτεχνεία. Στθν πραγματικότθτα, τα προγράμματα κατάρτιςθσ που προςφζρονται ςτουσ νζουσ ςτο χϊρο τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ είναι ακόμθ ςπάνια και αυτό που ςυναντάται πιο ςυχνά είναι θ φπαρξθ κάποιων ςυγκεκριμζνων ενοτιτων οι οποίεσ και ενςωματϊνονται ςτα προγράμματα κατάρτιςθσ. Μπορείτε να βρείτε περιςςότερεσ πλθροφορίεσ για τα προγράμματα κατάρτιςθσ και εκπαίδευςθσ ςτθν επιχειρθματικότθτα ςτθν Ρορτογαλία ςτο Ραράρτθμα 3.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


3.4.4. Ιςπανία Θ Λςπανία δεν ζχει ζνα ςαφζσ ςφςτθμα για τθν επικφρωςθ τθσ μθ τυπικισ εκπαίδευςθσ. Υπάρχουν όμωσ τρόποι προκειμζνου να τθν επικυρϊςει κανείσ ςτα πλαίςια τθσ ανϊτερθσ εκπαίδευςθσ και αναφορικά με τα επαγγελματικά προςόντα. Οι πιο ςθμαντικζσ εξελίξεισ ζλαβαν χϊρα με τθν ζγκριςθ του Βαςιλικοφ Διατάγματοσ 2009 τθσ 17θσ Λουλίου, για τθν αναγνϊριςθ των δεξιοτιτων που ζχουν αποκτθκεί μζςω τθσ τυπικισ, μθ τυπικισ μάκθςθσ και τθσ εργαςιακισ εμπειρίασ. Το διάταγμα ρυκμίηει τισ διαδικαςίεσ για τθν αναγνϊριςθ των δεξιοτιτων που ζχουν αποκτθκεί μζςω τθσ τυπικισ, μθ τυπικισ μάκθςθσ και τθσ εργαςιακισ εμπειρίασ. Ο Εκνικόσ Κατάλογοσ Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων χρθςιμοποιείται ωσ το πρότυπο για τθν αναγνϊριςθ τθσ μθ τυπικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και των επίςθμων διπλωμάτων τθσ επαγγελματικισ κατάρτιςθσ12. Τα πιο ςθμαντικά επαγγελματικά προςόντα του Λςπανικοφ παραγωγικοφ ςυςτιματοσ, τα οποία περιλαμβάνουν τα περιεχόμενα τθσ επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ που αντιςτοιχοφν ςτο κάκε προςόν, παρουςιάηονται ςτον Εκνικό Κατάλογο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων (CNCP). Το ζγγραφο αυτό είναι ζνα εργαλείο του Εκνικοφ Συςτιματοσ Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων και Επαγγελματικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ και Κατάρτιςθσ (SNCFP), το οποίο περιγράφει αναλυτικά τα Επαγγελματικά Ρροςόντα ςφμφωνα με τισ κατάλλθλεσ ικανότθτεσ για τθν Επαγγελματικι τουσ άςκθςθ. Ζνασ από τουσ κφριουσ ςτόχουσ του CNCP είναι να ενςωματϊςει τα υπάρχοντα προγράμματα επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ, προκειμζνου να τα προςαρμόςει ςτα χαρακτθριςτικά και τισ απαιτιςεισ του Λςπανικοφ παραγωγικοφ ςυςτιματοσ. Το Εκνικό Λνςτιτοφτο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων (INCUAL) που δθμιουργικθκε με το Βαςιλικό Διάταγμα 375/1999 τθσ 5θσ Μαρτίου κάτω από το Υπουργείο Εκπαίδευςθσ και εξαρτϊμενο από τθ Γενικι Διεφκυνςθ Επαγγελματικισ Κατάρτιςθσ κα το Γενικό τθσ Συμβοφλιο, είναι υπεφκυνο για τον οριςμό, τθν εκπόνθςθ και τθν ανανζωςθ του Εκνικοφ Καταλόγου Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων (CNCP) και του αντίςτοιχου Καταλόγου Ενοτιτων για τθν Επαγγελματικι Εκπαίδευςθ και Κατάρτιςθ. Θ μεκοδολογία του Καταλόγου βαςίηεται ςτισ μεκοδολογικζσ οδθγίεσ που ζχουν εγκρικεί από τθ Γενικι Διεφκυνςθ Επαγγελματικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ και Κατάρτιςθσ το Μάιο του 2003. Το ςυμβοφλιο είναι το ςυμβουλευτικό όργανο τθσ Λςπανικισ Κυβζρνθςθσ για τθν επαγγελματικι εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ. Είναι οργανωμζνο ςε μια τριμερι βάςθ με εκπροςϊπθςθ από τθν κεντρικι και περιφερειακι Αυτοδιοίκθςθ, τισ οργανϊςεισ των εργοδοτϊν και τα ςυνδικάτα. Ο Εκνικόσ Κατάλογοσ Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων τθσ Λςπανίασ εντοπίηει τα πιο ςθμαντικά επαγγελματικά προςόντα ςτουσ διάφορουσ παραγωγικοφσ τομείσ και κα πρζπει να ενςωματϊνεται ςτα επαγγελματικά προγράμματα κατάρτιςθσ ςτον χϊρο


Necesidadeslaborales, perfiles profesionales y competencias. Unificación de Criterios:Competencias, habilidades y Conocimientosen el Marco de CualificaciónEuropeo. NEPCO LLL program 2013 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


τθσ εκπαίδευςθσ ι/και τθσ εργαςίασ. Μζχρι ςιμερα ζχουν δθμοςιευτεί 644 επαγγελματικά προςόντα. Είναι ομαδοποιθμζνα ςε 26 επαγγελματικοφσ τομείσ13. Θ κατάρτιςθ για τθν επιχειρθματικότθτα, ανεξαρτιτωσ θλικίασ ι ομάδασ ςτόχου περιλαμβάνεται ςτον Εκνικό Κατάλογο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων ςτον επαγγελματικό τομζα ι οικογζνεια τθσ Διοίκθςθσ & Διαχείριςθσ και ορίηεται ωσ «Δθμιουργία και Διοίκθςθ Μικρϊν Επιχειριςεων» (Creación y Gestión de Microempresas). Λεπτομζρειεσ για αυτό το επίςθμα αναγνωριςμζνο πρόγραμμα κατάρτιςθσ πάνω ςτθν επιχειρθματικότθτα περιλαμβάνονται ςτο Ραράρτθμα 4.


Schools association for improving ICT vocational trainingLeonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


4. ΕΤΡΩΠΑΙΚΕ΢ ΢Τ΢ΣΑ΢ΕΙ΢ ΓΙΑ ΠΕΡΑΙΣΕΡΩ ΤΛΟΠΟΙΗ΢Η Το Ευρωπαϊκό περίγραμμα του νζου επιχειρθματία, το οποίο αναπτφχκθκε ςτα πλαίςια του προγράμματοσ Μεταφοράσ Τεχνογνωςίασ Leonardo da Vinci ΥΕS «Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills” ςτοχεφει να εφαρμοςτεί ςτισ χϊρεσ του προγράμματοσ, αλλά και ςε επιπλζον χϊρεσ. Οι πιλοτικζσ δραςτθριότθτεσ ςτισ πζντε ςυμμετζχουςεσ χϊρεσ Τουρκία, Ελλάδα, Ρορτογαλία και Λςπανία ζδειξαν ότι υπάρχει μεγάλο ενδιαφζρον για το ςχζδιο YES και τα παραδοτζα του και θ ςχετικι ανάδραςθ είναι διακζςιμθ ςτο Οδθγίεσ για το ePROF και το ePACK ωσ μία ολοκλθρωμζνθ λφςθ. Για τθ δθμιουργία του περιγράμματοσ υπιρχαν ςυνειςφορζσ από όλεσ τισ χϊρεσ που ςυμμετείχαν ςτο ςχζδιο (Τουρκία, Ελλάδα, Ρορτογαλία και Λςπανία), οι οποίεσ αντιπροςωπεφουν ζνα μεγάλο γεωγραφικό εφροσ από τον Ευρωπαϊκό νότο. Ριςτεφουμε πωσ μελλοντικά τα περιγράμματα του Ευρωπαϊκοφ Ρλαιςίου Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων για τθ Δια Βίου Μάκθςθ και του Ευρωπαϊκοφ Συςτιματοσ Ριςτωτικϊν Μονάδων επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ κα παίξουν ζναν ςθμαντικό ρόλο ςτθν ανοιχτι αγορά εργαςίασ τθσ Ευρϊπθσ. Επιπλζον, το προφίλ του Ευρωπαϊκοφ Συςτιματοσ Ριςτωτικϊν Μονάδων επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ για τον νζο επιχειρθματία με τθν κοινι του Ευρωπαϊκι προςζγγιςθ προςφζρει τθ δυνατότθτα προςαρμογισ ςτο εκνικό πλαίςιο. Αυτό είναι κάτι που επιτεφχκθκε ςε πρϊτθ φάςθ με επιτυχία από τουσ εταίρουσ του προγράμματοσ. Δεν υπιρξαν ςθμαντικά εμπόδια-αυτό μπορεί να ενκαρρφνει και άλλουσ φορείσ από άλλεσ χϊρεσ πζραν τθσ κοινοπραξίασ του ςχεδίου να μεταφζρουν όχι μόνο τα παραδοτζα του ςχεδίου, αλλά και να προςαρμόςουν το Ευρωπαϊκό περίγραμμα ςε ζνα περίγραμμα φτιαγμζνο για να καλφψει τισ ανάγκεσ ςε εκνικό επίπεδο.

5. ΢ΤΜΠΕΡΑ΢ΜΑΣΑ Γενικά, πιςτεφουμε πωσ αυτό το ζντυπο μπορεί να βοθκιςει προκειμζνου να γίνουν τα απαραίτθτα βιματα ςτισ χϊρεσ των εταίρων και ςε άλλεσ χϊρεσ, προκειμζνου να κζςουν ςε εφαρμογι το πακζτο YES PACK και να προωκιςουν τθν κινθτικότθτα και τθν αναγνϊριςθ τθσ προγενζςτερθσ μάκθςθσ, ςυνειςφζροντασ με αυτόν τον τρόπο ςτθν εναρμόνιςθ των ςυςτθμάτων πιςτοποίθςθσ και προκειμζνου να δοκεί μεγαλφτερθ διαφάνεια ςτθ διαδικαςία πιςτοποίθςθσ. Συμπεραίνουμε επίςθσ ότι: -

Το πρόγραμμα κατάρτιςθσ του YES και το περίγραμμα που το ςυνοδεφει αποτελοφν ζνα τεράςτιο βιμα ςτθ διαδικαςία του Ευρωπαϊκοφ Συςτιματοσ Ριςτωτικϊν Μονάδων επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ κακϊσ ορίηεται ςτα πλαίςια των μακθςιακϊν αποτελεςμάτων, κάτι το οποίο επιτρζπει τθν αντιςτοίχιςθ ςτα εκνικά πλαίςια επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων και τθν εφκολθ ςφγκριςθ ςε Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



Το ςφςτθμα αυτό επίςθσ επιτρζπει ςτθν Ευρϊπθ να διαχειριςτεί τα ηθτιματα κατάρτιςθσ και απαςχόλθςθσ που προζρχονται από τουσ μετανάςτεσ, τισ πρακτικζσ αςκιςεισ ι άτομα τα οποία προζρχονται από διαφορετικά ςυςτιματα πιςτοποίθςθσ ι ζχουν άλλεσ ανάγκεσ επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων.


Είναι πολφ ςθμαντικό να διαςφαλιςτεί θ προςαρμογι των εςωτερικϊν νόμων και ρυκμιςτικϊν ςυςτθμάτων ςε κάκε χϊρα που ςχετίηονται με τα οικονομικά και τθν φορολογία.

Μποροφμε να εμβακφνουμε ςτα ςυμπεράςματα του κάκε εταίρου αναφορικά με τα παραπάνω εδϊ:



Θ αδυναμία πρόςβαςθσ ςε χρθματοδοτικζσ πθγζσ, θ ζλλειψθ γνϊςεων και θ ανεπάρκεια των ςυμβουλευτικϊν υπθρεςιϊν αποτελοφν τα πιο ςθμαντικά προβλιματα τα οποία αντιμετωπίηουν οι επιχειρθματίεσ ςτθν Τουρκία. Οι ςυμβουλευτικζσ υπθρεςίεσ πρζπει οπωςδιποτε να αναπτυχκοφν για τουσ υποψιφιουσ επιχειρθματίεσ οι οποίοι δεν ζχουν επαρκείσ γνϊςεισ ςε αυτόν τον τομζα. Ραρομοίωσ, ακόμθ και οι ιδιοκτιτεσ επιχειριςεων κα πρζπει να λαμβάνουν υπθρεςίεσ ςυμβουλευτικισ ωσ κομμάτι μιασ γενικότερθσ επιχειρθματικισ ςτρατθγικισ. Θ υποςτιριξθ επιχειρθματικότθτασ πρζπει να μετράται και να αξιολογείται πζρα από τθν παροχι αποκλειςτικά χρθματοδοτικϊν πόρων. Εάν οι επιχειρθματίεσ υποςτθρίηονται από ιδιοκτιτεσ επιχειριςεων οι οποίοι ζχουν αντιμετωπίςει παρόμοια ηθτιματα ςτο παρελκόν, τότε αυτό κα ςυνδράμει ςτθν επιτυχία τουσ. Τα πλζον ςθμαντικά προβλιματα που εντοπίηονται ςτθν επιχειρθματικότθτα είναι οι δυςκολίεσ ςτθν αναηιτθςθ χρθματοδοτικϊν πόρων και θ ζλλειψθ κατάρτιςθσ και γνϊςεων πάνω ςε διάφορα ηθτιματα , όπωσ είναι θ προϊκθςθ και θ διαχείριςθ. Συνεπϊσ, οι προτάςεισ λφςεων και οι ςτρατθγικζσ πρζπει να επικεντρϊνονται πάνω ςε αυτά τα ηθτιματα. Τα άτομα τα οποία επικυμοφν να δθμιουργιςουν μια νζα επιχείρθςθ πρζπει να λάβουν ςτιριξθ για το πϊσ κα ζχουν πρόςβαςθ ςε ςυμβουλευτικι, τόςο ςτθν τυπικι, όςο και τθ μθ τυπικι εκπαίδευςθ. Θ καλφτερθ προϊκθςθ τθσ υπάρχουςασ χρθματοδοτικισ ςτιριξθσ ςτο χϊρο τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ και το άνοιγμα κζντρων επιχειρθματικότθτασ τα οποία κα παρζχουν κακοδιγθςθ ςτουσ επιχειρθματίεσ είναι δράςεισ που κα ςυνδράμουν ςτθν ανάπτυξθ τθσ νεανικισ επιχειρθματικότθτασ ςτθν Τουρκία.



Είναι εμφανζσ ότι το πλαίςιο για τθν εκπαίδευςθ επιχειρθματικότθτασ και θ ανάπτυξθ του Εκνικοφ Ρλαιςίου Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων και του Ευρωπαϊκοφ ςυςτιματοσ πιςτωτικϊν μονάδων επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ βρίςκεται ςε πολφ αρχικό ςτάδιο. Ραρά το ότι θ βαςικι επιχειρθματολογία και θ προςτικζμενθ αξία ζχουν ςυμφωνθκεί, δεν ζχουν γίνει ακόμθ δράςεισ προκειμζνου να υλοποιθκοφν τα ςυςτιματα αυτά. Θ μεγάλθ οικονομικι κρίςθ θ οποία ζχει πλιξει τθν Ελλάδα απαιτεί τθ μεταρρφκμιςθ και τθ ριηοςπαςτικι δράςθ , προκειμζνου να ενδυναμωκεί θ νεολαία και να γίνει επζνδυςθ ςτθν επιχειρθματικότθτα. Ωσ YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


αποτζλεςμα, είναι ςθμαντικό για τουσ διαμορφωτζσ γνϊμθσ, τουσ ικφνοντεσ και τα ενδιαφερόμενα μζρθ να προβοφν ςε ςαφείσ δράςεισ προκειμζνου να καταπολεμιςουν τα μεγάλα ποςοςτά ανεργίασ, να αυξιςουν τθν ανταγωνιςτικότθτα και τθν παραγωγικότθτα τθσ Ελλθνικισ οικονομίασ και να επενδφςουν ςτθ νεολαία. Τα χρόνια που ζρχονται κα επθρεάςουν ςθμαντικά το μζλλον τθσ Ελλάδασ και τθσ νεολαίασ τθσ. Επομζνωσ, είναι ιδιαίτερα ςθμαντικό να υλοποιθκεί το ςχζδιο δράςθσ του YGIP και να αναπτυχκοφν περιςςότερα προγράμματα κατάρτιςθσ και ενςωμάτωςθσ, προκειμζνου να διαςφαλιςτεί θ κοινωνικι και οικονομικι ενςωμάτωςθ τθσ νεολαίασ τθσ Ελλάδασ τόςο ςτθ χϊρα, όςο και ςτο εξωτερικό. Τελικά, είναι εμφανζσ ότι θ Ελλάδα βρίςκεται πολφ πίςω ςτθν ανάπτυξθ του εκνικοφ πλαιςίου επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων (HQF) και του Ευρωπαϊκοφ ςυςτιματοσ πιςτωτικϊν μονάδων επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ, όπωσ αυτά παρουςιάηονται παραπάνω. Τα τελευταία χρόνια, άλλεσ χϊρεσ τθσ ΕΕ ζχουν να επιδείξουν μεγάλθ πρόοδο και ανάπτυξθ και ζχουν ιδθ υλοποιιςει το εκνικό τουσ πλαίςιο αναφοράσ, προωκϊντασ τθν κινθτικότθτα, τθ διαφάνεια και τθ μεταφορά των επαγγελματικϊν προςόντων. Συνεπϊσ, είναι ιδιαίτερα ςθμαντικό για τθν Ελλάδα να ακολουκιςει τα βιματά τουσ και να προβεί ςε παρεμφερείσ πρωτοβουλίεσ και δράςεισ.



Σε ζναν κόςμο που ολοζνα αλλάηει και ςτον οποίο αναμζνεται να ςθμειωκεί ανάπτυξθ ςτουσ τομείσ που ςχετίηονται με τισ γνϊςεισ, τθν πλθροφορία και τθ δθμιουργικότθτα, θ αναηιτθςθ ευζλικτων ατόμων με ικανότθτεσ αφαίρεςθσ, ανάλυςθσ και δθμιουργικότθτασ αναμζνεται να αυξθκεί. Ρροετοιμάηουν τα ςχολεία, οι πάροχοι επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ και τα ιδρφματα τριτοβάκμιασ εκπαίδευςθσ τουσ νζουσ γι’ αυτι τθν πραγματικότθτα; Γνωρίηουν οι εκπαιδευόμενοι ότι κα απαιτθκεί να γίνουν επαγγελματίεσ ικανοί να ςυνδράμουν ςτθν προςωπικι/ επαγγελματικι ανάπτυξθ ςε ζνα επιχειρθματικό περιβάλλον ι κάτω από ζντονο ανταγωνιςμό; Ζνασ ςθμαντικόσ δείκτθσ ο οποίοσ επιτρζπει τθν αξιολόγθςθ των ςυςτθμάτων εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ ςε αυτόν τον χϊρο, είναι θ ανάλυςθ τθσ μετάβαςθσ των νζων ςτθν αγορά εργαςίασ. Φαίνεται πωσ οι νζοι «χάνονται ςτθ μετάβαςθ». Χωρίσ αξιόλογθ επαγγελματικι εμπειρία και ίςωσ χωρίσ επαρκι πλθροφορία για τισ τρζχουςεσ ανάγκεσ τθσ αγοράσ εργαςίασ, θ αναηιτθςθ τθσ πρϊτθσ κζςθσ εργαςίασ μπορεί να κρατιςει για μεγάλο χρονικό διάςτθμα. Θ κατάςταςθ αυτι οδθγεί τουσ νζουσ ςε μια κατάςταςθ μακροπρόκεςμθσ ανεργίασ, θ οποία ςταδιακά δυςχεραίνει τισ δυςκολίεσ τθσ ενςωμάτωςθσ ςτθν αγορά εργαςίασ, ςπρϊχνοντασ τουσ ςε μία δυνθτικι κατάςταςθ κοινωνικοφ αποκλειςμοφ. Θ προϊκθςθ τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ αποτελεί μία από τισ εκνικζσ προτεραιότθτεσ για τθν αντιμετϊπιςθ του προβλιματοσ, αποςκοπϊντασ ςτθ δθμιουργία νζων ευκαιριϊν εργαςίασ για τουσ νζουσ. Υπό αυτι τθν ζννοια, οι φορείσ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ αυξάνουν ολοζνα και περιςςότερα τα μζτρα για να ςτθρίξουν τθν εκπαίδευςθ επιχειρθματικότθτασ ςτο ςχολικό ςφςτθμα και από πολφ νωρίσ, γιατί «κάποιοσ δε γεννιζται επιχειρθματίασ, αλλά μακαίνει να είναι».

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Πςον αφορά ςτθν επαγγελματικι εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ, θ προςφορά είναι κατϊτερθ από τισ προςδοκίεσ και τα περιςςότερα υπάρχοντα επαγγελματικά προγράμματα κατάρτιςθσ ςε αυτόν τον χϊρο είναι βραχυπρόκεςμα, με ζνα ςχετιηόμενο κόςτοσ και είναι ςχεδιαςμζνα για μία ςυγκεκριμζνθ ομάδα ςτόχο (για παράδειγμα, κακοδθγθτζσ, Διευκφνοντεσ Συμβοφλουσ, διαχειριςτζσ). Αυτό που ςυμβαίνει με τα προγράμματα κατάρτιςθσ που ζχουν ςχεδιαςτεί για νζουσ, είναι ότι κάποιεσ ενότθτεσ μόνο ςχετίηονται με τθν κεματικι. Από τθν άλλθ, ςτο ςφςτθμα τριτοβάκμιασ εκπαίδευςθσ θ ζννοια είναι περιςςότερο αποκρυςταλλωμζνθ και αποτελεί αναπόςπαςτο κομμάτι των περιςςότερων εκπαιδευτικϊν προγραμμάτων. Από τθν ζρευνα που πραγματοποιικθκε, εντοπίςαμε κάποια πανεπιςτιμια με τίτλουσ ςπουδϊν, μεταπτυχιακοφσ τίτλουσ και διδακτορικά που ςχετίηονται με ηθτιματα επιχειρθματικότθτασ. Εν ολίγοισ, μποροφμε να τονίςουμε ότι είναι ςθμαντικό να προωκιςουμε περιςςότερεσ ευκαιρίεσ κατάρτιςθσ που επιτρζπουν και ενκαρρφνουν τα εκνικά εκπαιδευτικά ςυςτιματα προκειμζνου να προωκιςουν μία καλφτερθ κατανόθςθ και να ςυνδράμουν για τθν υλοποίθςθ του επιχειρθματικοφ πνεφματοσ ςτουσ νζουσ. Αντιςτοιχιηόμενεσ με τισ ανάγκεσ τθσ αγοράσ εργαςίασ και λαμβάνοντασ υπόψθ τθ διαρκρωτικι κρίςθ ςτθν τρζχουςα κατάςταςθ τθσ απαςχόλθςθσ ςτθν Ρορτογαλία, θ επαγγελματικι εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ κα πρζπει να επικεντρϊνεται ςε κατάρτιςθ που οδθγεί ςτθν απαςχόλθςθ.



Θ προϊκθςθ τθσ επιχειρθματικότθτασ αποτελεί μία από τισ προτεραιότθτασ τθσ Λςπανικισ οικονομικισ και κοινωνικισ ατηζντασ. Δεδομζνου του τρζχοντοσ κοινωνικοφ και οικονομικοφ πλαιςίου, θ αυτο-απαςχόλθςθ και θ επιχειρθματικότθτα είναι ιδιαίτερα ςθμαντικζσ, ιδιαίτερα για τουσ νζουσ, γιατί τουσ δίνουν τθ δυνατότθτα να ξεκινιςουν επαγγελματικά ςχζδια που κα τουσ επιτρζψουν να αναπτφξουν περαιτζρω τισ δεξιότθτζσ τουσ και να ξεκινιςουν τθν επαγγελματικι τουσ ςταδιοδρομία. Θ Λςπανία ζχει αναπτφξει ζνα Εκνικό Ρλαίςιο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων για τθ Δια Βίου Μάκθςθ (το Λςπανικό Ρλαίςιο Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων MECU), το οποίο βαςίηεται ςτα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα. Το πλαίςιο ςυνδζει και ςυντονίηει διαφορετικά υποςυςτιματα εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ. Επίςθσ ςυμπεριλαμβάνει επαγγελματικά προςόντα τα οποία ζχουν αποκτθκεί ςτα πλαίςια τθσ υποχρεωτικισ και τριτοβάκμιασ εκπαίδευςθσ και μεταδευτεροβάκμιασ (πανεπιςτθμιακι ι ανϊτερθ επαγγελματικι κατάρτιςθ) και ενςωματϊνει τθ διαδικαςία πιςτοποίθςθσ τθσ άτυπθσ και μθ τυπικισ εκπαίδευςθσ. Ζνασ από τουσ βαςικοφσ ςτόχουσ του Λςπανικοφ εκνικοφ πλαιςίου είναι να επιτφχει ζνα ολοκλθρωμζνο ςφςτθμα επαγγελματικισ εκπαίδευςθσ και κατάρτιςθσ, κακϊσ και επαγγελματικά προςόντα και πιςτοποίθςθ τα οποία ανταποκρίνονται επαρκϊσ ςτισ κοινωνικζσ και οικονομικζσ ανάγκεσ και πρωτίςτωσ ςτισ ανάγκεσ τθσ Ευρωπαϊκισ αγοράσ εργαςίασ, ζνα ςφςτθμα το οποία κα ενκαρρφνει τθ δια βίου μάκθςθ. Θ επαγγελματικι εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ αποτελοφν βαςικά μζςα και ςτρατθγικζσ προκειμζνου να απαντθκοφν οι νζεσ κοινωνικζσ και οικονομικζσ ανάγκεσ και απαιτιςεισ, αυξάνοντασ ταυτόχρονα τθν ανταγωνιςτικότθτα των επιχειριςεων και τθν απαςχολθςιμότθτα.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Υπό αυτι τθν ζννοια, ςτο εκνικό πλαίςιο ζχει αναπτυχκεί ζνα νζο μοντζλο κατάρτιςθσ, ωσ απάντθςθ ςτθν απαιτοφμενθ ευκυγράμμιςθ τθσ κατάρτιςθσ και τθσ απαςχόλθςθσ. Ο Εκνικόσ κατάλογοσ Επαγγελματικϊν Ρροςόντων αναγνωρίηει τα πιο ςθμαντικά επαγγελματικά προςόντα ςε διάφορουσ παραγωγικοφσ τομείσ και κα πρζπει να περιλαμβάνεται ςτα επαγγελματικά προγράμματα κατάρτιςθσ ςτο χϊρο τθσ εκπαίδευςθσ ι/και εργαςίασ. Σε αυτό το ςθμείο ο ςτόχοσ που εκκρεμεί είναι θ ενθμζρωςθ του προαναφερκζντοσ εκπαιδευτικοφ μοντζλου ςε τακτικι βάςθ, προςκζτοντασ ευελιξία και κακιςτϊντασ το οριηόντιο, προκειμζνου οι ικανότθτεσ και τα μακθςιακά αποτελζςματα που ζχουν αποκτθκεί μζςω αυτοφ να αναγνωρίηονται ευρζωσ ςε Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, ςυνειςφζροντασ με αυτόν τον τρόπο ςτθ δθμιουργία ενόσ Ευρωπαϊκοφ εργατικοφ δυναμικοφ το οποίο χαρακτθρίηεται από κινθτικότθτα και ευελιξία. Επιπλζον, είναι ςθμαντικό να ευκυγραμμιςτοφν τα επαγγελματικά προςόντα που αποκτά κανείσ ςτθν Λςπανία με το Ευρωπαϊκό Σφςτθμα Ριςτωτικϊν Μονάδων Επαγγελματικισ Εκπαίδευςθσ και Κατάρτιςθσ (ECVET). Αν και τα επαγγελματικά προςόντα τα οποία αποκτά κανείσ από τα ανϊτερα ιδρφματα/πανεπιςτιμια τθσ χϊρασ ζχουν ιδθ ευκυγραμμιςτεί με το Ευρωπαϊκό Σφςτθμα Ριςτωτικϊν Μονάδων ECTS από το 2003, θ επαγγελματικι εκπαίδευςθ και κατάρτιςθ δεν ζχει αντιςτοιχιςτεί ακόμθ.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Annex 1 Turkey

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Turkey When we look at Turkey’s growth figures in recent years, no healthy and sustainable decrease has been achieved in Youth unemployment rates. Education plays an important role in preventing Youth unemployment. In this respect, the participants received 48 total hours of training face-to-face in areas of Entrepreneurship, Setting up Business and Development of Business Plan and on e-Learning system in areas of Risk Management, Business Law, Marketing, Economy and Finance, Firm Management and Taxation, through the co-education support of e-Learning system which was created as part of the project YES in İstanbul, Turkey, under the coordination of BAU-METGEM. In order to support participants, who learnt entrepreneurship activities through this training, in finding grants and the ways to use such grants for them, the KOSGEB training is integrated into this training with the assistance of Bahçeşehir University to make sure the training offers a wider perspective. This research includes general information on facilities that are available in Turkey in entrepreneurship supports and trainings for young people and trainers. Also, after the entrepreneurship in Turkey is examined, the European Qualifications Framework and the National Qualifications Framework are covered and 8 levels are described for young people and trainers. Moreover, detailed information is provided on the development of ECVET in Turkey for the youth and stakeholders of vocational training. Furthermore, detailed content is given on Entrepreneurship Training for trainers who are willing to give new trainings on entrepreneurship in following periods.

Some support iniciatives to youth entrepreneurship: TECHNO-INITIATIVE CAPITAL SUPPORT PROGRAM PROVIDED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY The Techno-Initiative Capital Support Program includes supporting, monitoring, concluding and assessment of the result of, the capacity of highly educated and qualified young people to turn their technology and innovation oriented business ideas into initiatives with a high potential to create added value and quality employment.14 Students who have 1 year left to graduate from an undergraduate program of any university, graduate students or doctoral students or those who received bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or PhD at least 5 years before the pre-application date are eligible to apply to the program. The entrepreneur has to document the foregoing educational status during the application. For details, the documents “Application Procedures and Principles” and “Guideline for Pre-Application and Development of Business Plan” must be examined.15 You can apply to the program using e-government password on R&D web portal at Information on application and evaluation processes, documents related to educational status, expenses covered and not covered under the support are given in the documents “Application Procedures and Principles” and “Guideline for Pre-Application and Development of


15 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Business Plan”. Application dates are announced on the website of Ministry. You can apply to the program once a year between October 1st and November 1st.

Until 2023, the term of program is as follows: 2009-2010 TRY 10 million, 100 people at maximum 2011-2023 TRY 50 million, 500 people at maximum The highest amount of support which is applied to the expenses of business ideas that are decided to be supported is TRY 100.000,00 and it is provided as a grant without security.16

ENTREPRENEURSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PROVIDED BY TÜBİTAK The entrepreneurship support programs provided by TÜBİTAK are as follows: 1512 - Entrepreneurship Support Program in Stages The program aims to support individual entrepreneurs to transform their technology and innovation focused business ideas into enterprises and innovative products throughout the process from idea to market. Graduates from an undergraduate program of any university offering formal education, students enrolled in a master’s or PhD program or graduates from a master’s or PhD program are eligible to apply to this program. Stages of the program are as follows: 1st Stage: From business idea to business plan. 2nd Stage: Start-up and Technological Justification: Application for business plan, evaluation of business plans by the panel and respective committees. Evaluation has three aspects: a. Technological level and innovative aspect of business plan b. Suitability and feasibility of business plan c. Commercialization potential of business plan 3rd Stage: TÜBİTAK 1507 - Support Program: The enterprise is expected to develop the outputs of the 2nd stage more through R&D activities and present a product/process which can be commercialized or put into practice. Enterprises that complete the techno-initiative program or 2nd stage of the program no. 1512 may receive a support of TRY 550.000 with 75% grant. Commercial prototype of the product will be prepared accordingly. 4th Stage: Commercialization.17

16 U%20(3).pdf YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2238 - University Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness Competition Program The purpose of the program is to organize business idea and business plan contests in areas of entrepreneurship and innovation at university level.18 

Contributing to raising a generation placed at the center of innovation and entrepreneurship process and increasing awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation by ensuring that university students have a innovation based thinking ability, Providing support for associate degree, undergraduate and graduate students who have innovative ideas in various areas in order to create an environment for them to put their ideas into practice. RANKING



TRY 10.000


TRY 7.500


TRY 5.000

2239 - Support Program forEducation and Research Activities in Entrepreneurship and Innovation The purpose of this program is offer support of participation in foreign training programs in areas of entrepreneurship and innovation for the candidates who are recommended after passing the elimination which will be held by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology from among the winners of Techno-Initiative Capital Support. Participants must meet the following conditions for applying to this program:   

Being a citizen of Turkey, Not benefiting from this program in the past, Passing the elimination held by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology from among the winners of Techno-Initiative Capital Support and being recommended as a result.

Those who are supported under the program may be given assistance for their travel costs, daily/monthly living expenses and registration fees. 17

18 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Applications will be made on and a printout of the form generated by the system in PDF format will be signed and delivered in person or by courier to the address TÜBİTAK Tunus Cad. No. 80, Kavaklıdere – ANKARA.19

1514 – Venture Capital Funding Program (GİSDEP) The Venture Capital Funding Program no. 1514 aims to utilize the Venture Capital Funds to meet financial needs at the seed, start-up, or development stage of SME companies with a potential to develop and produce innovative products, processes, information, or technology that can provide added value to the country’s economy. The Funding Program is intended to make a contribution to the creation of a venture capital ecosystem by encouraging the establishment of new funds that will provide capital to technology and innovation focused SME companies in the country and Fund Managers that will manage these Funds. Eligible applicants are Fund Managers/Prospective Fund Managers that have or will set up Venture Capital Funds.20 1601 - Support Program to Increase Capacity in Innovation and Entrepreneurship This program will provide support for Technology Transfer Offices which have been and/or will be established at universities under the call “Providing and Implementation of Preparation, Start-up and Capacity Increase for Technology Transfer Offices”. The term of support is 2 years and a maximum of 10 universities will be supported under this call. For the success of activities of Technology Transfer Offices, having necessary knowledge and practical experience is very important. With its new call no. 1601, TÜBİTAK supports the transfer of experience of previously supported Technology Transfer Offices to new candidates. By doing so, it is intended to increase the quality prospective Technology Transfer Offices that do not have basic experience and knowledge, through joint trainings and activities they’ll run with Guiding Technology Transfer Offices. The projects will last for 2 years and their budgets will be TRY 1.000.000 at most. 80% of the budget will be supported by TÜBİTAK as a grant.21 ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAININGS GIVEN BY ISKUR İŞKUR’s Entrepreneurship Training Programs are implemented to help unemployed people registered to İŞKUR to establish and develop their own businesses. Under the entrepreneurship programs, basic level entrepreneurship trainings are conducted within the framework of the principles specified in the “Applied Entrepreneurship Training (UGE) Cooperation 19


21 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Protocol” between “Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization” (KOSGEB) and Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR). At the end of the training program, attendants are awarded Applied Entrepreneurship Training Attendance Certificate. This certificate is a document to be used for application to KOSGEB New Entrepreneur Support. Duration of basic level entrepreneurship training is 60 hours, consisting of in-class training and workshops. The conditions for benefiting the entrepreneurship program are as follows:    

Being registered to the Agency, Being 18 or older, Not having attended the entrepreneurship training organized by the Agency before, Receiving positive opinion by benefiting the business and professional consultancy service.

Accordingly, the program also offers entrepreneurship trainings for those who are registered to the Agency and want to develop their businesses. Also, those who are engaged in agricultural activity, have voluntary insurance and receive social benefit, disabled pension and survivor's pension may benefit from the program. Applications should be made anytime to Provincial Directorates of İŞKUR and its service centers in 81 provinces and positive opinion should be received from the business and professional consultant.22

STARTUPBOOTCAMP IN ISTANBUL, TURKEY ‘Startupbootcamp’, the biggest startup accelerator with programs in six different locations of the world, started its first program at Beşiktaş Campus of Bahçeşehir University, as the center of Turkey, Middle East and North Africa. Preparing the current entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region for the future and offering an innovative accelerator program for potential entrepreneurs with the cooperation of Bahçeşehir University, Startupbootcamp has offered a total funding of 14 million Euros for over 80 entrepreneurs at its accelerator programs with the participation of 130 entrepreneurs until today, and total value of these businesses reached over 90 million Euros. Startupbootcamp follows a very strict and multi-stage election system to choose the entrepreneurs, and selected entrepreneurs receive a 3-month acceleration program. It invests 15.000 Euros in entrepreneurs and gives them an area to work. Participants receive intense support in the development of idea in the first month, development of beta version in the second, and sales in the third. As a result, entrepreneurs present their projects to investors.23



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NEW ENTREPRENEUR SUPPORT BY KOSGEB The program aims the following: 

Supporting entrepreneurship

Spreading entrepreneurship

Establishment of successful businesses

Support Items24 are as follows:



Company Establishment Support (Start up Expenses)



Region 1 (İstanbul)

Machinery, Machinery, equipment, Software and Hardware Support for 15.000 Startup Period Operational Expenses Support



70% if entrepreneur is woman or disabled


As part of our new support system, we offer a separate entrepreneurship support program for entrepreneurs who want to establish their own business and have a certain knowledge and experience but no sufficient capital to do that, in order to create small businesses focusing especially on production in areas where self-financing is possible with a small amount of capital. Accordingly, KOSGEB, in cooperation with various institutions and agencies, offers “Applied Entrepreneurship Trainings” for all groups, including women, youngsters, the disabled and especially jobseekers, to ensure the entrepreneurship culture becomes widespread and successful and long-term businesses are established. KOSGEB’s Applied Entrepreneurship Trainings are offered in order to ensure that those who want to establish their own businesses are aware of certain basic concepts and informed on main elements of a business plan. Trainings conducted under many programs in the world are offered with a similar content and duration. The availability of adding support modules based on various needs of participants makes the content of training flexible. A feature of entrepreneurship trainings is that common information is taught as required by new businesses regardless of their sector of business line. Entrepreneurs are expected to reflect researches, forecasts and evaluations specific to their area on the business plan in the light of such common information (by receiving consultancy as needed). Trainings consist of 60-hour basic modules at international level and practical workshops. It is considered that the duration of training is sufficient.25 24 25 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



Theory Practice Laboratory Semester Credits ECTS (hour) (hour) (hour)

Medium of Instruction

Type: (Compulsory / Elective)





Admission Requirements (Prerequisites)









Attendance Requirement

Course Content

The role of initiatives and entrepreneurs is highly important in the development of a country. Accordingly, Applied Entrepreneurship Course aims to make sure the students who want to establish their own business exhibit personal characteristics that are required for being an entrepreneur, acquire necessary knowledge and skills and gain these qualifications practically. This course is equivalent to the Applied Entrepreneurship Training held under the Entrepreneurship Support Program which is organized under the KOSGEB’s Support Program Regulation. Students who pass the course successfully will receive Applied Entrepreneurship Training Participation Certificate. With this certificate, students will be able to receive support from KOSGEB for the businesses they want to establish.

Learning Outcomes

In this course, students are given theoretical information on entrepreneurship and business establishment activities, the processes of developing a business plan and establishing a business are addressed based on the experience of entrepreneurs, and it is aimed to examine the concept of entrepreneurship, which is an economic, legal, financial, psychological,


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social and cultural event, and support creative thinking.

Method of Teaching

Providing theoretical information on entrepreneurship and development of business plan, examination of successful business models, and development and presentation of business plan.








Course Hours




Study Hours Out of Class







Assignments Presentation Midterms (including Preparation Period) Project Clinical Practice Laboratory Field World

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Other Practices Finals (including Preparation Period) 1



Quizzes Term Paper/Project Portfolio Reports Learning Logs Thesis/Project Seminar Other Credit Workload


Credit Workload / 25


ECTS Credit


Week Theoretical Topics of the Course


Entrepreneur, entrepreneurships, and relevant basic concepts Basics of entrepreneurial thinking, Testing of entrepreneurial personality

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Entrepreneurship process Developing business idea and creativity Creative problem solving techniques Innovation


Business plan concept and business plan elements (market research) Market research by using primary and secondary sources, identification of customers, current and future needs


Business plan concept and business plan elements (market research) Examination of marketing mix under the marketing plan (product, price, place, promotion)


Business plan concept and business plan elements (production (manufacturing/service) plan) Production planning


Business plan concept and business plan elements (management plan) Adaptation to business plan based on the functions of management Human Resources Management


Business plan concept and business plan elements (financial plan) Resourcing, investment planning, development of financial statements and elements of financial management Accounting (budget and cash flow)


Workshop on market research and marketing plan


Workshop on production plan


Workshop on management plan


Workshop on financial plan


Business plan elements and holistic view, Best business practices, Sustainability, Change Management and Growth, Information Management

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Writing and presenting business plan


Writing and presenting business plan

HISTORY of ECVET IN TURKEY National authorities and social partners from 33 European countries are taking part in the Copenhagen Process27 to help develop vocational education and training systems. The development of ECVET began in 2002 after the Copenhagen Process emphasized the need for a credit transfer system for VET. National governments and the European Parliament gave their final approval to legislation in June 2009.28 Turkey, since being formally recognized as a candidate for EU membership at the Helsinki European Council in December 1999, has been engaged in the accession process, preparing itself to fulfill all the conditions of the membership known as the «Copenhagen Criteria». For this reason the education sector, VET in particular, is one of the important areas that Turkey has been working on. The Turkish Ministry of National Education, the responsible body for managing the overall education system, has been implementing a comprehensive reform process in all aspects of vocational education and training (VET) since 2002. The process is based on a new global understanding of VET. It particularly refers to the priorities of the Copenhagen Process of November 2002 along with national decisions set out in development plans, government programs and declarations by the Education Assembly. Some of the milestones of the VET reform implemented since 2002 have been summarized below. Reforms were mainly achieved through some EU funded projects (via MEDA and IPA programs) under the administration of the Ministry of National Education, in close cooperation with social partners. SVET (Strengthening Vocational Education and Training in Turkey Project - abbreviated as SVET) is a five-year project resulting from an agreement signed between the European Commission and the Government of Turkey, and has a total budget of € 58.2M. The project aims at strengthening Turkey’s VET system rather than imposing an alien structure. Turkey’s international trade, its political ambitions for joining the EU, and its promotion of domestic and international investments give the project an urgent international dimension. This also implies that Turkey has to harness all its economic resources, and also that a degree of decentralization is inevitable since much of its industrial and economic activities are regionally based. 27


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Any effective vocational education and training system depends on its congruence with the dynamic forces of the labour market and its respect for the culture it serves. The dynamics of the labour market depends on the needs of industry and commerce (the demand side, often – but by no means always – definable at a more centralized level) and the availability of trained individuals (the supply side, definable at a more local level) to meet them in their current form and adapt to them in their future form. The project finds itself at the centre of a debate about the relationship (actual and desired) between labour and education; of another debate about central, provincial and local responsibilities; and of a third debate about the likely career path of VET graduates. The project staff has conducted workshops and studies and held interviews and meetings in a determined effort to gather and understand as much relevant information as they could. The final decisions will have to be taken by the Turkish decision-makers. However, the project staff will provide access for the decision-makers to current international VET activities and recent decentralization experiences. The final outcome of the project should be a strong VET system supported by a National Qualification System with national and international credibility.29 All the achievements outlined here were based on international approaches in the field of VET, such as the consideration of ISCO 88 and ISCED 97. In order to successfully implement the European Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) a viable National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is essential. Turkey is aware that the development of these two systems (NQF and ECVET) needs to be done in parallel. Therefore, before talking about the Turkish initiatives for ECVET, let’s have a brief look at the development process of the NQF in Turkey. A major milestone towards a working NQF in Turkey was the establishment of the Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) in 2006. This was the result of two years of intensive work on an EU funded VET project with the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) and a diverse range of relevant stakeholders, mainly social partners. Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA-MYK)'s first General Assembly was collected on 8 December 2006 and determined the Board of Directors. After determination of Board of Directors, Establishment of this new institution from scratch such as the creation of secondary legislation, staffing, budget creation, building of service building and hardware supplies has been realized. Action plan including the principal activities of the institution was prepared in 2008. It is expressed clearly that Professional standards, testing and certification services will be done by institutions and organizations authorized from MYK.


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The Regulations on “Preparation of the National Professional Standards” and “Establishment of The Sector Committees, Duties and Study” were promulgated on October 5, 2007 and 27 November 2007 respectively. When Examination of The Regulation on “Preparation of the National Occupational Standards”, it is understood that preparation of the drafts of professional standards by elected institutions / organizations with objective criteria, revision of these drafts by sector committees and approval by MYK and announcement as National Occupational Standards in Official Gazette is ensured. Determination of The Format of Professional-standards according to international practice and levels of vocational qualification compatible to EQF were adopted. In addition, a temporary article was added to this regulation so that draft occupational standards prepared through projects of the institutions and organizations with their own means or the support of international organizations within this scope have been enabled the evaluation as national savings. In this context, All the documents related with 250 Occupational Standards prepared through the coordination of İŞKUR’s (Turkish Employment Organization) between 1995-2000 and Approximately 300 Occupational Standards prepared by TSE (Turkish Standards Institution) with its own means and the standards prepared through the coordination of MoNE thanks to SVET Project (Strengthening the Vocational and Technical Education in Turkey Project) between 2003-2007 period have been taken from these institutions and were started toevaluate.30 The Studies of determination and provision of Occupational Standards Savings of Other institutions and organizations are being continued. Being an authorized testing and certification organization should be applied to MYK. First of All, willing the institutions / organizations after creating the necessary infrastructure, must be accredited by Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK) or an accreditation institution with a multilateral recognition agreement in EU. At this point, the formation of the centers for occupational standards, testing and certification are required: Therefore, "Strengthening Vocational Qualifications Authority and National Qualifications System "Project with 11 million budget was prepared with the almost establishment of MYK synchronously. Educational Research and Development Directorate (ERDD – EARGED) has translated Commission Staff Working Document and Questionnaire Form of Consultation into Turkish and 30 & kgKAE&usg=AFQjCNGkXay4gCL1asprFIZdM0rA5o_NYw&bvm=bv.44342787,d.ZWU

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distributed to The Departments of Ministry of National Education, Local Education Authorities, Universities, The Education Departments of Other Ministries, Ngo’s and Workers 'and Employers' Unions. According to their feedbacks, “Turkey Country Report OnEcvet” has been prepared and presented to European Commission. (Note: ERDD’ tasks has handed over to another unit at 25th of August 2011 by decree having force of law no 652). Main Laws and Regulations with regard to ECVET  Law on the vocational qualifications authority Law no 5544 and VQA legislation, Saturday, October 7, 2006 official gazette issue no: 26312,  Regulation on preparation of national occupational standard, Law no 5544 and VQA legislation, Friday, October 5, 2007 official gazette issue no: 26664,  Regulation on vocational qualification, testing and certification, Law no 5544 and VQA legislation, Tuesday, December 30, 2008 official gazette issue no:27096 State of Art of ECVET in Turkey The system will be based on certifications within the accepted occupational standards. It is worth noting here that Turkey has adopted 8 reference levels from the EQF for the National Qualification Framework (NQF) which are to be developed. VQA has two major responsibilities that are crucial to strengthening the relationship between the VET system and employment. First, it is expected to develop occupational standards (OS) based on competences currently required by the labour market. These OS will shape the development of training standards to be used by all training institutions in the country. They will provide VET schools with the much needed objectives in terms of competency-based curricula. Over 150 OS have been prepared so far in cooperation with social partners and sector representatives. Providing social partners are involved in this task their commitment to the VET system will increase and the relevance of VET for employment will improve. VQA also has important responsibilities in the area of assessment and certification of learning outcomes gained by all individuals. It will contribute to overcoming major weaknesses in the Turkish VET system, including the lack of standardized mechanisms to assess and control the quality and the relevance to employment of the learning process that takes place in training institutions leading to the improvement of mobility in VET. In Turkey, ECVET is considered as a tool for supporting mutual trust in the field of qualifications and for increasing transparency. It would thereby enable knowledge, skills and competences acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to be accumulated, transferred and recognized. The adoption of ECVET principles in Turkey however, is a relatively new area of interest within the Turkish VET reform. The development process started about two years ago and it is still ongoing. Turkey has not only been working on ECVET at a national level but also participating and contributing to studies that take place in a broader EU context. Despite being a new concept, the development of ECVET in Turkey has already reached some technical milestones. Turkey is committed to developing an ECVET system under the lifelong learning approach. This commitment was officially declared in an international meeting concerning ECVET on 28th March 2007 in Ankara. The Educational Research and

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Development Directorate (ERDD) of MoNE is the unit responsible for the development of ECVET in Turkey. First, in the same year, an extensive consultation process took place, with over 250 responses from a broad range of stakeholders. ERDD then prepared a Country Report on ECVET, reflecting the views of the stakeholders. The major conclusions compiled in the country report are the following: MoNE then organized a series of workshops with the participation of representatives of CoHE, social partners, teachers from VET, trainers and members of the curricula working groups of MoNE. An ECVET approach specific to Turkey was discussed and based on lessons learnt from the practices of EU Member States. As a result of this development process, an ECVET Discussion Paper for Turkey - including a proposed Action Plan based on SWOT Analysis - was prepared. In keeping with the Action Plan, a multi-actor working group agreed on an approach to assigning credits to the existing VET curriculum. Following this, a national credit-allocation approach was used to allocate credit points to all learning outcomes based on knowledge, skills and competences.The basic elements of the ECVET approach specific to the Turkish VET context are:  Learning outcomes are credited based on total learning time.  Learning outcomes which lead to qualifications of similar scope, content, complexity and duration are allocated the same amount of credits.  Learning outcomes gained through one-to-one learning of up to 20 hours are equivalent to 1 ECVET credit.  One full educational year of VET education is equivalent to 60 credits.  240 credits can be gained upon completion of 4 years of secondary formal VET education. An example of ECVET conversion has been adopted to allocate credits to units of qualifications at levels 2, 3 and 4 in a selected field of training, namely: “Computer and Information Technology” (level 4 curriculum for Network Operator).Given the studies carried out so far for ECVET, it is good to know that the Turkish VET reform, including ECVET development works, will soon be strengthened by the promotion of the Lifelong Learning Project (The LLL project). The overall objective of the project is to promote the development and implementation of coherent and comprehensive strategies for lifelong learning with the purpose of establishing an institutional framework and capacities for LLL, in line with the EU practices. Projects will support individuals’ access to education in order to raise employment opportunities within a system designed to value learning. It is expected to begin early March 2011 with a life-span of 24 months. During the LLL Project, the above proposed ECVET model would be reviewed, adopted for 50 occupational areas and tested in pilot schools, with the ultimate aim of a nationwide implementation by the end of 2012 according to the ECVET Action Plan for Turkey. Turkish citizens have experienced some difficulties while they apply for visa with a view to getting a training course in a European country. If some measures could be developed cooperatively this will increase the participation rate of Turkish citizens in mobility projects designed in the scope of Community Education and Youth Programmes, in particular of LDV since 2004.

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“ECVET Guide for Users” to be envisaged for the potential users facilitators of the system. ECVET guides to be prepared separately according to the features of the sectors and even of the jobs would be useful. The respondents consider ECVET as a mechanism based on learning outputs, guaranteeing quality assurance and supporting lifelong learning. These points of view support the secondary education projects, which could be esteemed as reforms, designed and carried by the Ministry of National Education, and they also support the approaches related to Bologna Process. Even though it is indicative, 120 ECVET credit points on average is seen eligible by the respondents to reflect learning outcomes achieved by an individual in a year in a formal full time 15 VET contexts. It is emphasized that credit points should be determined separately for each vocation by taking into account their standards as well as duration of the learning/training activity.As a part of Strengthening Vocational Education and Training Project (SVET) learning outcomes have been taken into account in curricula development processes for some years. The respondents emphasized the importance of cooperation with vocational and technical education institutions led by the stakeholders. Most of the principles in the Commission Working Document on ECVET are in line with the reform studies (validation of non-formal and informal learning, quality assurance and promoting lifelong learning etc) in Turkey. The respondents believe that deciding on the details of the learning outcomes will take some time. They also believe that, ECVET might be put into practice in the coming 3-5 years. Good Practices of ECVET in Turkey IKMEP Project: Within This Project, The Studies of Credit Transfer in Vocational Education are ongoing Within the scope of this Project, development of the quality of vocational secondary education and vocational higher education and its harmonization with the European Union countries are ongoing. In this direction, between 5 to 8 January 2010 the Workshop related with Credit Transfer System in Vocational Education (MKTS) was carried out in Ankara. The Project of Strengthening Vocational Qualifications Authority (Vqa) and the National Qualifications System.Three main outputs would be obtained at the end of the Project as follows:  

Establishment of National Qualification System in a Sustainable and efficient framework and making the system functional in the selected prior sectors, Increase the capacity of the Centres for Vocational Standards, Knowledge and Skills Testing and Certification (VOC-TEST through the institutional capacity of Vocational Qualification Authority to serve all stakeholders sustainably and co-ordinately. To increase levels of knowledge and awareness of all stakeholders (from public and private sector actors, workers 'and employers' organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations on the National Qualification System and the provision of system ownership.


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1. Arman Kırım, Türkiye’ninGirişimcilikPolitikası Ne olmalı?,TOBB GirişimcilikKongresi, 6 Kasım 2010, Ankara 2. TEPAV, Ankara’daGençGirişimciliğiDesteklemeStratejisi, 2011, Ankara 3. c11107_en.htm 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ved=0CEQQFjAE& l_ozet.doc&ei=QBBSUZr3LIH0OcSkgKAE&usg=AFQjCNGkXay4gCL1asprFIZdM0rA5o_NY w&bvm=bv.44342787,d.ZWU 9. 10. 11. eri.php 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 4.pdf 18. C4%9Fi/TGSD%20SUNUMU%20(3).pdf 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

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Annex 2 Greece

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It has been observed that different sectors have different needs and different levels of supply and demand for labour. This can be observed in the graph below:

We can see that the tourism sector is highest in demand, followed by construction and the trade sectors. It is deemed important that policy makers focus on the real problems of the economic crisis in Greece and ensure that they are well informed on the situation, while there is a great need to prioritise policies and to set up detailed action plans. The fact that policy makers do not have the capabilities and know-how to successfully achieve this immediately presents the need to better educate and equip these groups with the necessary knowledge, skills and competences. Capacity building is essential to ensure that policy makers identify the immediate problems and address them with the most efficient means. According to the report for the Task Force for Greece, which was published in March 2014, the new draft Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan (YGIP) in Greece has progressed largely from previous plans that were developed and implemented in that the current plan focuses on making actual progress in policy implementation management. The key stakeholders that are involved were also involved in the design and development of the plan, which adds to its potential effectiveness. The YGIP aims to ensure that “within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education all young people up to the age of 25 receive a high-quality offer for a job, an apprenticeship or a traineeship.”

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The main aspects of the YGIP can be summarised in the following table:

Missing table comparing HQF to EQF

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REFERENCES 1. Bruno Coquet, Policymaking Under Extremely Sever Economic Condition: The Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan in Greece, March 2014 2. Hellenic Qualifications Framework Online, px, 3. General Secretariat for the Management of European Funds – Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare, Action Plan of Targeted Interventions to Strengthen Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, December 2012 4. General Secretariat for Youth, National Report for Youth, December 2012 5. Training Programme for Graduates of Technical Education for the Acquisition of Professional Experience, 6. CEDEFOP, Monitoring ECVET implementation strategies in Europe, 2013

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Annex 3 Portugal

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Some ways of getting training and education in entrepreneurship in Portugal. Name and Nature of qualification


(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training) Level of qualification

This course does not confer any level of qualification, but is primarily intended for individuals who want to create a new business.

Existing certification

Not specify

Entry requirements

Not specify

Learning outcomes

 

(at least the training program)

 

Identify the entrepreneur's profile Identify the procedural formalities for setting up a business. Identify financing solutions and support for entrepreneurship Develop a businessplan

30 hours Examinations


VET Provider

VET system – Private Training Enterprise

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Approximately level V

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Name and Nature of qualification

Master in Entrepreneurship Public University

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Level of qualification

Level VII

Existing certification

Master in Entrepreneurship

Entry requirements

Level VI

Learning outcomes

1st Semester

(at least the training program)

- Raising Project Resource and Sell - Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Marketing: Market Analysis and Business Opportunities Creation - Financial Resources and Entrepreneurial Finance 2nd Semester - Personnel Management and Human Capital - Globalization: International Marketing Strategies - Business Plan - Option 1 (to choose from :) Accounting and Budget Management E-Business

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Legal and Business Structures Markets and International Investment Economic sociology 3rd Semester - Development of an Applied Projector Dissertation Examinations

Development of an Applied Project or Dissertation

VET Provider

Public Institution

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Level VII – 120 ECTS

Name and Nature of qualification

Degree in Development and Social Entrepreneurship Polytechnic Institute

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training) Level of qualification

Level VI

Existing certification

Graduate in Development and Social Entrepreneurship

Entry requirements

Level III - Secondary Education (to proceed to University level) or Level IV - Secondary Education obtained by double certification paths or Secondary Education to

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proceed to University level with a professional internship (minimum 6 months). Learning outcomes (at least the training program)

To provide graduates with skills in community development and design of innovative and economically sustainable social projects. Three years



VET Provider

Private University

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Level VI - 194 ECTS

Name and Nature of qualification

Professional Training for Entrepreneurship and Employability

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

VET system

Level of qualification

Doesn’t confer any level of certification

Existing certification

Professional Certificate

Entry requirements

Young people between 15 and 24 years old

Learning outcomes

18 hours

(at least the training

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Not specify

VET Provider

Local Training Association

NQF/ EQF Level assigned (if any or approximately)

Approximately level III

Description of ECVET system ECVET national contact (national authority or other)

ECVET projects carried out or still running (include websites for resources, project contacts, etc)

ECVET in Portugal is coordinated by the National Agency for Qualification and Professional Education (ANQEP), which is regulated by the Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Education. The implementation of ECVET is done by the cooperation of several and different institutions, designated “Competent Bodies” i.e., entities responsible for designing and awarding qualifications, for recognizing the units of learning outcomes or other functions linked to the ECVET system. The main ECVET actors in Portugal are: • Public or private entities that have a regulatory function for education and training systems, such as National Agency for Qualification and Vocational, Education and Training (ANQEP) and National Bodies for the Employment and Labor Relations – (DGERT); • Public VET authorities, accreditation, certification or qualification bodies, bodies responsible for recognition; • Public or private entities that provide VET such as: networks of vocational education institutes, VET centers, intercompany training centers, etc. In line with the approval by the European Parliament and the Council, the ECVET is still in implementation in Portugal. Portugal has closely followed the trend of the European context and the qualification systems have come to adopt the approach based on learning outcomes, through the implementation of national qualifications frameworks. Although there is no consensus about the interpretation and description of learning outcome, all instruments and tools developed in this sense, like

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the EQF, are based on this approach. For the ECVET implementation, the qualifications must be organized into clearly identified and described units of learning outcomes and take into account the effective needs of the labour market, in order to allow a reciprocal understanding of qualifications. For that, the first step is the promotion and understanding of ECVET among all the actors in VET process and for this, the National Catalogue of Qualifications (NCQ) identifying for each qualification the learning units based in learning outcomes. The ECVET system in Portugal is linked with the recognition of previous learning on formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts and for that reason is a motor of mobility in order to promote the actively searching of VET. Several actors in VET have given new contributions for the effective implementation of ECVET, in line with the main stakeholders and national bodies, like ISQ. These contributions should be developed and implemented gradually on a voluntary basis without any legal obligation, since it does not have a regulatory mission. Currently there is a change of paradigm in terms of training modules for learning units, based on learning outcomes. In this context, a methodological guide is in preparation for the new construction of these units of learning outcomes and consequent attribution of ECVET credits.

REFERENCES STATE HERE YOUR REFERENCIES HERE 1. empreendedorismo#sthash.HLipuYvF.dpuf 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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Annex 4 Spain

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Youth Entrepreneurship implementation in Spain Brief description of some of the programs, education centres, online portals, and organizations focused on youth employment policies: CEAJE (Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs) a non-profit, state-wide and multi sectorial organization, incorporated on November 23, 1991. Its goal is to motivate, direct and channel business initiatives of young Spanish entrepreneurs. It considers necessary to strengthen the presence of well-trained competitive entrepreneurs, able to design strategies for socio-economic efficiency, exploit synergies and to face up the European and global competitive edge. CEAJE, as the highest representative organ of the Young Entrepreneurs prioritizes improvement of the environment in which companies are developed, helping to foster stability, competitiveness, innovation and internationalization, as well as, helping to ensure its survival. Currently there are 55 Associations of Young Entrepreneurs, AJE's spread all over the country31. CEAJE has created a platform for young entrepreneurs called Ajeimpuladesigned to foster the entrepreneurial process oriented to development, and to the materialization of entrepreneurship. The service is planned to guide young entrepreneurs, depending on their needs, either along the entire process of development and implementation of their business plan, or at any stage of the process, in order to enhance and strengthen their business development. By Autonomous Community: Andalucía Emprende (1999): a foundation of the Government of Andalusia with the mission to promote the development of entrepreneurial culture and the Andalusian economic activity, with the ultimate aim of contributing to the generation of competitive businesses and quality jobs in the region. The foundation undertakes the design and development of a diverse range of programs and projects to raise awareness and promote entrepreneurship and the creation of wealth and jobs in the region. Focus activities: improve business training, extending the range of services to support entrepreneurial citizenship, encourage entrepreneurship in groups with special difficulties for employment within strategic sectors for Andalusia. Aragon Emprendedorintegrated by leading authorities serving Aragon’s entrepreneurs and entity responsible for the management of the project ARAGON ENTREPRENEUR to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of entrepreneurs’ counseling, support and guidance providing aunique updated channel of all entrepreneurial actions organized , existing aids or grants or simply a pathway to contact with entities related. Cantabria Emprendedora leaded by the Government of Cantabria through Cantabria Employment Service, coordinates the work of various actors in the field of entrepreneurship in the region. It comprises entrepreneurial advisory services, training and support for entrepreneurs and businesses, and generally for anyone with an interest in entrepreneurship 31


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(technicians, teachers,etc.). EJECANT is the Entrepreneur Youth School of Cantabria, Youth Department, Regional Government of Cantabria, in northern Spain. EJECANT is the first school of Cantabria dedicated to training for entrepreneurship, to support the creation of new businesses and promote the dissemination of entrepreneurial spirit and culture.Since 2005 EJECANT, belonging to the Directorate General of Equality, Women and Youth, argues the need for a training to help promote businesses, to enable young entrepreneurs in Cantabria create and develop successful companies that create jobs and wealth for themselves and their environment. It is committed to awaken the entrepreneurial and creative attitude that any young person can have, that due to the lack of knowledge, support, or simply the lack of entrepreneurial culture does not get developed. CatalunyaEmprénthe entities network CatalunyaEmprènoffersvarious activitiesto raise awareness andmotivation to entrepreneurship.The web-based portal for entrepreneurs of the Generalitat of Catalunya provides a wide array of activities counseling and guiding entrepreneurs,lectures before they start up a business,seminars and otheractions that canhelp entrepreneurs taking their first steps. Castilla La Mancha Emprendedores: Castilla La Mancha regional government provides numerous services, counseling, guidance, training, etc. promoting entrepreneurship and supporting the production sector in the region. It eencourages consolidationand revitalizationof the business worldofCastilla La Mancha, creating business synergiesandbeinga catalyst forcollaborative initiatives. Emprendeen Canarias: The Directorate General for Economic Development, under the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Security, is the organ of the Canary Islands Government responsible for promoting and supporting the creation, establishment and consolidation of companies in the Canaries. The Department created the brand “Emprendeen Canarias”in order to promote entrepreneurship in the archipelago. Within this brand one can find allthe main actionsof the Canarian Governmentto promoteentrepreneurship in a comprehensiveand coordinated manner.Thus, we canseethe actionsin areassuch astraining (entrepreneurship at school), finance,innovation, internationalization andentrepreneurship. It alsoprovides proceduresfor starting a business, success stories, videos empowermententrepreneurshiporthe benefits of ourEconomic System. Emprendedores.gva One ofthe prioritiesof the Government of the Community of Valencia is to promoteentrepreneurship andjob creationthroughentrepreneurshipandmicro, smalland medium enterprises inthe region.Emprendedores.gvais the platform thatthe Governmentmakes available to entrepreneurs gatheringall the informationthat may beuseful to themto developand implementtheir business ideaandbusiness plan.

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EmprendeRioja Plan aiming to turn La Rioja in a region where entrepreneurs know how to do it and enjoy doing it, under the criteria of quality and efficiency. In addition, La Rioja seeks to achieve the challenge of becoming a region where entrepreneurs have all the tools they need to develop their business ideas, a region where entrepreneurship depends only of oneself. EmpresasCastilla y LeónThe regional Government promotes entrepreneurship, for this purpose it created the entrepreneur office (OficinadelEmprendedor ADE) providing a comprehensive service to entrepreneurs. With this service they support entrepreneurship and seek solutions to the needs of anyone who wants to develop a business in the community, wherever they are. ADEencouragesentrepreneurshipthroughvarious initiatives. They work withschoolsand organizations seekingto valuethe entrepreneurasa future option. In addition to all entrepreneurs, innovators or not, ADE provides a network of exclusive knowledge exchange, thought for entrepreneurs of Castilla y León. IDEPA Economic Development InstituteofAsturias, aregionalpublic body responsible forthe business promotionpolicy and entrepreneurship of the regional government. It is a leader and benchmark institution for business promotion, example of efficient and integrated management, and technical competence for sustainable development of Asturias.Program Promoting Entrepreneurial Culture (Programa Integral para el Fomento de la CulturaEmprendedora) is an action of the Government of the Principality of Asturias to establish the priorities and the basic guidelines for the development of a program of support and promotion of entrepreneurial culture. IGAPE Galician Institute for Economic Promotion is the agency ascribed to the Ministry of Economy and Industry, for the economic development of Galicia. Its mission is to support all activities that contribute to improving the Galician production system, facilitating the processes of creation, consolidation and business growth. IGAPE promotes the creation of new businesses and strongly encourages entrepreneurship among young people. Navarra Emprendepromoted by the Government of Navarra, and of public-private nature, providing content (information and services) informative, practical and of interest to entrepreneurs and service to people in the autonomous region of Navarre.The Navarre Network to support entrepreneurship, driven by Navarra Employment Service under the Plan de Navarra 2013-2015 aiming to inform, advice, and guide in an appropriate, efficient and consistent way to entrepreneurship, boosting creation of new businesses and job creation through coordinated actions of all agents. PIME Balears(Confederació de la Petita i MitjanaEmpresa de Balears) and CAEB (Confederaciód’AssociacionsEmpresarials de Balears),theGovernment of the Balearic Islands provides support to entrepreneurs, both for the creation of companies and their consolidation, throughcooperation agreementsadopted betweenthe PublicEmployment Service ofthe BalearicIslands(SOIB) andCAEB and PIMEBemployers’ associations. These organizations

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provide necessary business guidance for entrepreneurs or anyone with the goal to create or build own business. AsociaciónBalear de Emprendedores (ABE)a non-profit association of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, with a new vision of what has to be an entity of this kind: modern, exploiting the facilities of ICTs, participatory, project-oriented and results based on cooperation among all members, collective and focused on the economic development of its members. Plan of Entrepreneurs of the Community of Madrid through the Department of Employment, Tourism and Culture, in collaboration with other ministries, develops different programs to help entrepreneurs in the Community to launch their business.Through the Portal de EmprendedoresComunidad de Madrid entrepreneurs can access online information, advice; support and training that allow defining more clearly the business idea, and the path towards the creation of a company with the help of a counselor. The Center for Entrepreneurship of the Community of Madrid(2013) is a comprehensive center providing Support Services to Entrepreneurs, considering entrepreneur anyone who defines a business idea and organizes the necessary resources for the establishment of the company. At the Center are offered advisory services, fundraising, training opportunities, project development and mentoring and networking, as well as information on grants and subsidies for entrepreneurs. Plan of Employment, Entrepreneurs and Enterprises of Plan 3Ethe plan strategic objectives are based on the development of the Pact for Social and Political Reforms in Extremadura, improving the educational level of workers in Extremadura, supporting strongly entrepreneurs and businesses and reorienting the economy to productive sectors. The regional government focuses on the protection and promotion of entrepreneurs as a key part of the growth and innovation. Plan Emprendemos Region de Murcia headed bythe Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Enterprise andInnovation andcoordinated by theINFO (Promotion Institute of the Region of Murcia),which aims toboost theproductive sector of theregion byencouraging and supportingentrepreneurial initiatives.INFOa regional reference in the promotion of entrepreneurship and support of business creation conducts multiple actions to support and encourage entrepreneurs in the region such as Murcia Emprende. Servicio Vasco de Emprendimiento:The Basque Service for Entrepreneurship is responsible for the coordination and management of existing resources involved in entrepreneurship actions in Euskadi. It is the origin, the point of departure for all Basque entrepreneurial activity and responsible for the creation ofEuskadiEmprende brand that symbolizes the foundation, where all entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship related entities may find the solutions they need. It is a solid, source to find answers to the many difficulties characterizing the birth of most of the innovative projects.

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EmprendeEuskadi is the network for knowledge sharing and project development, open to the participation of all those who have something to do in the field of entrepreneurship. NQF vs EQF Currently Spain NQF is two folded first it was established the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) referring to all qualifications obtained within the higher education system, therefore, it only refers to formal education. Furthermore, the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (MECU) is being implemented. The MECU refers to all learning contexts, that is, it covers formal learning (taking into account all levels of the education system) as well as informal learning32.

Source MECU EQF Levels


Country Qualifications

Level 1

MECU -Primary Education

Primary Education (--)

Level 2

MECU -Primary Education

Primary Education ( Level 1)



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Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO)(Level 2)

Level 3 -First cycle of Secondary Education


VET Medium level ( Level 2)

Level 4 -Second cycle of Secondary Education

Level 5

MECES- First stage of education: Not-University programmes

tertiary VET Higher level ( Level 3) tertiary

Level 6

MECES -First stage tertiary education Bachelor ( Level 4) (prior Bologna process)

Level 7

MECES -Second stage education (Bologna process)

tertiary Master ( Level 5)

Level 8

MECES -Second stage education (Bologna process)

tertiary PhD (--)

The EQF is fully compatible with the qualifications framework for higher education developed within Bologna Process. The EQF descriptors for levels 5-8 correspond to the Higher education descriptors agreed in the Bologna Process. However, the formulation of the EQF level descriptors is different from those of Bologna (specific for higher education) as the EQF is a framework for lifelong learning which also includes Vocational Education and Training (VET) and labour contexts, to the highest levels. About ECVET system in Spain ECVET national contact (national authority or other)

Ministryof Education, Cultureand Sports: Information Centreand Citizen Service(SectionofEducational Information): C/ LosMadrazo, 15. Madrid. Phone:913277681 Areas ofEducation Inspectoratein the Autonomous Communities(integrated

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into the Government Delegations) The administrative framework of VET in Spain is as follows: The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECS ) is responsible for initial vocational training though powers in education are transferred to the authorities of the 17 Autonomous Communities; the Ministry of Employment and Social Security is in charge of vocational training for employment though powers are also transferred to the Autonomous Communities except for the Basque Country. Concerning vocational training for employment, which integrates continuing vocational training and vocational training for the unemployed, the management is jointly made between the central government, Ministry of Employment and Social Security, (MESS ) and the social partners through the Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment (TFTE ) but the ultimate responsibility falls under the Ministry of Employment and Social Security. In the year 2002, the government of Spain proposed a new VET model, based on the National Catalogue of Occupational Standards, regarding education and employment, by creating a new training model, which allows transfer from one system to the other one, with the aim of improving the quality of VET and the recognition of professional competences acquired through labour experience. ECVET projects carried out or still running (include websites for resources, project contacts, etc)

-Project ERA 2003 Competences Evaluation, Recognition and Accreditation coordinated by the General Directorate of Education, Vocational Training and Educational Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science, in collaboration with the National Institute of Qualifications and the National Employment Institute. The main objective of this project was oriented towardsexperimentation and development of a methodology for the evaluation,recognition and accreditation of skills acquired by workers through work experience and other non-formal education programs. -On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 -ECVET desde la perspectiva española.José Luis García Molina ECVET Taller. IMELSA Valencia, 30 de Octubre de 2012 -ECVET – STEP: ECVET for Strengthening Training to Employment

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PathwaysID number of the project: Project Number: 539816-LLP-1-2013-1GR-LEONARDO-LMPGrant Agreement No: 2013 – 3865 / 001 001 Sponsor:Lifelong Learning Programme – Development of Inovation – Leonardo da Vinci Duration of the project: 2 years Start: January 2014, End: December 2015 Coordinator: Technological Educational Institute of Athens (TEIA), Greece Investigator:UDE (Germany), UAH (Spain), EUM (Belgium), AOC Raad (Netherlands), ÚZEI (Czech Republic), CAFS (Slovenia), INEA (Spain) Responsible person: Petr Bartoň Other investigators: Ing. Andrea Pekárková Website of the project:

Entrepreneurship training offer in Spain Details regarding entrepreneurship formally recognized training are included in the next table: Name and Nature of qualification

VET programe Administración y Gestión: “Creación y Gestión de Microempresas”

(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

(Administration & Microenterprises”)







Public program included in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, approvedby the General Council of Vocational Education and Training, advisory body of the Spanish Government on vocational education and training that is organized on a tripartite basis with representation of the central and regional Administration, the employers’ organizations and the trade unions. VET System (training).

Level of qualification

Level 3

Existing certification

A professional qualification is defined as a set of professional competences significant in employment which can be acquired through vocational education and training (VET) modules or any other kind of learning structure as well as through work experience (Organic Act 5/2002 on Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training). The accreditation of a qualification, an official diploma on vocational

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education and training (VET) or an Occupational Aptitude Certificate (Certificado de Profesionalidad). Entry requirements

Have the Spanish nationality, EU residence certificate, family card of EU citizens or hold a valid Spanish residence/ work permit In addition, depending on the level of the competency units that want to be credited must meet the following requirements: - Being 18 years old for competency units of an occupational qualification level I. -Being 20 years old for competency units of an occupational qualification of Level II and III. Finally, in addition to the above has to meet one of two criteria: - Work experience (gained in the last 10 years) related to the skills that the candidate wants to credit: 2 years (minimum 1200 hours worked) for qualifications of level I.3 years (minimum 2000 hours worked) for qualifications of levels II and III. - Training (performed in the last 10 years) related to the skills that the candidate wants to credit: 200 hours for qualifications of level I. 300 hours for qualifications of level II and III. In the Spanish education system, Level I qualifications are contained in the Initial Professional Qualification Programs; the level II are included in VET Medium level (Level 2); and Level III are those of VET Higher level (Level 3). People over 25 who could not demonstrate experience or training may register provisionally and it will be studied by the appointed consultants.

Learning outcomes

Competency units:

(at least the training program)

UC1788_3:Planning initiatives and business activities in SMEs UC1789_3:Manage and control daily business and SMEs business resources UC1792_2: Managing risk prevention in SMEs. UC1791_3: Perform SMEs financial and economic-administrative

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management. UC1790_3:Marketing products and services provided by SMEs Training modules (480 hours) MF1788_3: Planning and entrepreneurship in small businesses or microenterprises (120 h) MF1789_3:Management of business in SMEs (90 h) MF1792_2: Management of risk prevention in small businesses. (60 h) MF1791_3:Administrative and economic-financial management in SMEs (120h) MF1790_3:Marketing products and services for small businesses or micro (90 h) Occupational field: Present in all sectors of the economy self-employed or as part of a SME or micro business, undertaking and implementing new strategic business areas within the business activity development, fulfilling existing legislation in the field of work risks prevention. Providing consulting, advisory and administrative, financial and management services to SMEs or microenterprises. Examinations VET Provider

Not specified as it depends on the specific program and VET provider Numerous VET providers in the 17 Autonomous Communities of Spain offer training programs to acquire the diploma on vocational education and training (VET) or the Occupational Aptitude Certificate. The following public entities provide information about the VET centers providing these programs in each Autonomous Community:

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NQF/ EQF Level

4 or 5

In addition to the above described entrepreneurs training program, numerous VET providers, educational centres, universities, Chambers of Commerce, Local Development Agencies, etc. throughout Spain offer diverse informal or formal, training courses and programs promoting entrepreneurship among unemployed in general. There is more information available about the entrepreneurship courses that are provided by universities. Below a few examples in detail: Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

“Máster Universitario en Iniciativa Emprendedora y Creación de Empresas” of theUniversity Carlos III of Madrid

Level of qualification


Existing certification

Master Degree

“Master on Entrepreneurship and Business Creation” Public Higher Education Center University Master Degree

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Entry requirements

Admission requirements: To access the master will be necessary to be in possession of a college degree, qualified for access to master's degree or equivalent in the issuing country. In the case of certifications issued by countries outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the homologation thereof shall not be required, although the University will verify that they represent a level equivalent to the corresponding Spanish official university training. Can access the master graduates of any degree or academic profile, regardless of their area of expertise. Since entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial phenomenon covers any area of society, are considered appropriate graduates from any branch of knowledge: scientific-technical engineers, scholars, jurists, economists, journalists, architects, etc..

Learning outcomes

First Semester

(at least the training Strategy for Entrepreneurs 6 ECTS program) Legal status of entrepreneurship 6ECTS Management of new business activity 6 ECTS Accounting and finance for new business ventures 6 ECTS Marketing and sales techniques for start- ups 6 ECTS Second Semester People management 6 ECTS Creation and development of technology based enterprises 3 ECTS Information technology and new business projects 3 ECTS Legal Protection of Innovation 3 ECTS Instruments of financing for start-ups 3 ECTS Taxation of the new crated enterprises 3 ECTS Management Skills for Business 3 ECTS

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Family Business 3 ECTS Quantitative Prediction Methods for new enterprises 3ECTS Fundamentals of entrepreneurship phenomenon 3ECTS Data Analysis for Decision Making 3 ECTS Models for commercial exploitation of Innovation 3 ECTS Professional Seminars: entrepreneurial experience 3 ECTS Internship 6 ECTS Final Master Work 6ECTS Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

University Carlos III of Madrid

NQF/ EQF Level


Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Aula Mentor: Emprenderen Internet

Level of qualification

Recognition of Aula Mentor courses as elective credits in university courses is the responsibility of each faculty or school.

Existing certification

The validity of the Aula Mentor courses is certified by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and, where appropriate, by the relevant Ministry or Department of Education. No official certification. After the course students obtain a certificate of achievementwhichwillset forththe course contentand

On-line course on Entrepreneurship in Internet provided by Aula Mentor Aula Mentor is an initiative of open learning, flexible, and via Internet aimed at adults who wish to extend their personal and professional skills. The initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in collaboration with other national and international public and private institutions.

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estimatedhours.Such certificateshall be signedby the Ministry ofEducation, Cultureand SportsandtheMinistry of Education oftheAutonomous Community. Entry requirements

No entry requirements

Learning outcomes

Module 1: Businesses on the Net

(at least the training - Internet Entrepreneurship program) - Ecommerce Stores - Blogs and micromedia Module 2: The online marketing - Basic marketing actions - SEO - Social Media Marketing - Web analytics Module 3: The Business Plan - How to develop a business plan. Throughout the course, students have to take and send to tutor the 17 mandatory activities distributed across the modules.In the manual, the contents are complemented by numerous guided activities and examples. All activities are designed to put into practice the knowledge acquired by the student. In addition, there is also an end-unit activity to evaluate assimilation of the concepts conveyed in each subject. Examinations

Students who havecarried out correctlyall compulsorycourse activitiesare authorizedto fulfill the final examreviewed by thetutor.Toobtain thecertificate of achievementstudents mustpass a final exam carried out in-class.There are fiveexamination sessionsscheduledduring the year, the studenthas the right tobe intwo calls.

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VET Provider

Aula Mentor on-line course

NQF/ EQF Level

Not specified

Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Master en Creación y Dirección de Empresas para Emprendedores

Level of qualification

60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

Existing certification

Once the student attest a level of attendance not less than 90% and succeeds on the evaluation plan, receives the following qualifications:

(Master in creation Entrepreneurs)






On-line course EUDE Business School

Postgraduate Master Degree, issued by the Royal University Centre "Escorial-Maria Cristina", attached to the Complutense University of Madrid. Professional Master's Degree, issued by the European School of Management and Business. Entry requirements

Information not available

Learning outcomes

Program Organization :

(at least the training program) EUDE as European Business School framed within the EHEA (European Higher Education). Thus, the program is organized in 11 areas of knowledge, which in turn are divided into modules for a total of 25 and a Final Master Project. The program duration is 13 continuous months, develops in online mode, and after the credits for the same student obtaining 60 ECTS credits.

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Management and Business Organization Processes and management of the company Structures and organizational models in the current business environment Internal organization of the company Business Strategy Strategy : objectives, strategic process and formulation Strategic analysis, development and implementation of the strategic plan. The balanced scorecard Human Resources Setting and organization of human resources in the company Strategic management of human resources Marketing and Sales Management Marketing Management Commercial management The marketing plan Financial Management Introduction to Finance. Financial management systems . General Financial Accounting Cash & credit management. Cost management Legal Aspects Financial and Tax Management for SMEs Economic analysis for business decisions Management, strategy and value creation

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Management and valuation of intangibles Purchasing function Tax environment for business Creativity and Entrepreneurship Business development and growth models Creativity : new business models CSR and Entrepreneurship Business ethics . Social responsibility of organizations Skills and Entrepreneurship SMEs and Family Businesses Conceptualization and quirks of family business Conflict Management Communication key processes

Web Management Tools 2.0 Introduction to Web 2.0 tools and social networks

Each module lasts for 14 calendar days. Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

EUDE Business School

NQF/ EQF Level


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Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)


Level of qualification

Not available

Existing certification

Double title/certification

Private/Public Course offered by DeustoFormación and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Primero through a joint agreement between both entities.

All those students who pass the evaluation of the program they are pursuing and meet the academic requirements will receive the diploma Deusto Training. In addition, all persons who obtain a positive result in this evaluation and meet the academic requirements stipulated also get the degree awarded by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). Entry requirements

Information not available

Learning outcomes

Course Program Management

(at least the training program)

Business Creation Develop business plan. Choosing the right legal model. Seek funding. Management and leadership Leadership, decision making and motivation of employees. Applied to the management Coaching (coaching process, profile and skills coach, coaching tools). Teamwork

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Effective communication and conflict resolution. Achieve the objectives and bargaining. HR Management Decisions on the design of organizations. Strategic management of human resources. Change management. Organizational Development. Management by objectives management by mission. Recruitment and selection of staff. Marketing Management Principles and fundamentals of marketing. Market definition and identification of the target performance. Definition of product and service model. Marketing strategy development and implementation of operational marketing plan. Online marketing opportunities. Business Management and Sales Objectives and strategies. Planning and organizing campaigns and sales networks. Monitoring and optimization results. Selection and motivation of sales teams. Sales techniques, negotiation and sales. Financial and accounting management

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Principles and fundamentals of financial management. Financial statement analysis and profitability. Planning and budgeting. Investment selection and funding models. Introduction and basic concepts of accounting. Theory of accounts and balance sheet. Income statement: basic concepts. Chart of Accounts. Accounting framework of economic events: purchases and expenses . VAT and corporation tax. The accounting cycle. Operations and logistics Calculation of demand and production planning. Inventory Management. Warehouse Management. Logistics and reverse logistics. Purchases and imports. Outsourcing. Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

Deusto Training

NQF/ EQF Level

Information not available

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Name and Nature of qualification(public, private, under which educational system is obtained: formal education system or VET system(training)

Iniciativa Emprendedora (Madrid - Universidad Nebrija)

Level of qualification

Information not available

Existing certification

Title on Entrepreneurship Initiative of the University Nebrija Madrid

Entry requirements

Studentsbeingpreferablypursuinga program MasterUniversity, who want to knowtheprocess entrepreneurship andcloser tothe entrepreneur, and senior studentsof degree,doctorate anduniversity students unemployedgraduatesin recent years.

Learning outcomes

1) EntrepreneurEcosystem

(at least the training program)

Trends in entrepreneurship

(Entrepreneurship initiative) Public Program funded by Spain Directorate General of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises. Deliveredby Escuela de Organización Industrial EOI

Environment of interest Entrepreneurial values and cultural change 2) Process innovation in entrepreneurship Idea Generation model Canvas Team Building 3) Planning and technical configuration of new business Strategic analysis and planning objectives Marketing and Sales Development of entrepreneurship

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Operations management to undertake Experience the entrepreneurial Industrial Property 4) Presentation of projects Effective communication and project presentations Presentation of projects Examinations

Information not available

VET Provider

Escuela de Organización Industrial EOI

NQF/ EQF Level

Information not available

REFERENCES 7. CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). 8. ConfederaciónEspañolaJó 9. Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía, 2012 10. EJECANT 11. Estrategia de Emprendimiento y Empleojoven 2013-2016. Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social del Gobierno de España. 12. Emprendimiento económico y social enEspaña.Guía de recursos para jóvenesemprendedores/as. INJUVE Catálogo General de PublicacionesOficiales. 13. Eqavet. 14. Escuela de Organización Industrial EOI 15. Gobierno de España. Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte. 16. Gobierno de España. Ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte. Mecu.

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17. IFES Instituto de Formación y estudios sociales 18. “Jóvenes y Emprendimiento 2012”Observatorio de la Juventud en España Servicio de Documentación y Estudios. INJUVE 19. Informe 2013 sobre el estado del sistema educativo Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte. Consejo Escolar del Estado CURSO 2011_2012 20. Marco europeo de Cualificaciones: El sistema de cualificaciónprofesionalenEspaña y los/as trabajadores/as escasamentecualificados/as. Fernando MarhuendaFluixá PhD, Professor of the University of Valencia. Joan CarlesBernad i Garcia PhD, psychologist of the University of Valencia. 21. LEY ORGÁNICA 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación. Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) nº 106, de 4 de mayo de 2006.LEY 56/2003, de 16 de diciembre, de Empleo. Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) nº 301, de 17 de diciembre de 2003. LEY 2/2011, de 4 de marzo, de EconomíaSostenible. Boletín Oficial del Estado(BOE) nº 55 de 5 de marzo de 2011. 22. Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones para el aprendizaje permanente c46e 23. MECU 24. Proyecto ERA Proyecto Experimental para la Evaluación, Reconocimiento y Certificación de las Competencias Profesionales 2005. Ministerio de Educación Cultura y deporte. Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional. 25. 26. OAPEE VET System in SPAIN: Structure and Organisation 27. Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” 28. Necesidades laborales, perfiles profesionales y competencias. Unificación de Criterios:Competencias, habilidades y Conocimientos en el Marco de Cualificación Europeo. NEPCO LLL program 2013. 29. PEDRAZA LÓPEZ, Bonifacio (Enero/Julio 2011). La formación profesional en Europa y en España: Un nuevo contexto económico y social (Vet in europe and spain: a new economic and social context). Revista EducaçãoSkepsis, n. 2–Formación Profesional Vol. III. La formación profesional desde casos y contextos determinados. São Paulo: pp.2407-2469.

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ÍNDICE ...................................................................................................................................... 2 1.

INTRODUCCIÓN ..................................................................................................................... 3






RECOMENDACIONES EUROPEAS PARA SU IMPLEMENTACIÓN FUTURA.............................................. 29


Conclusiones ................................................................................................................... 29

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills es un proyecto Leonardo da Vinci de Transferencia de Innovación, desarrollado entre Diciembre de 2012 y Noviembre de 2014. El objetivo principal del Proyecto YES es apoyar el desarrollo de la competencia clave europea “Sentido de la iniciativa y espíritu empresarial” en los jóvenes sin empleo, equipando a los proveedores de formación con las metodologías, herramientas y competencias necesarias para convertirse en los futuros formadores en emprendimiento (por ejemplo, profesores de formación profesional/formadores/profesionales), y así acelerar el aprendizaje de esta competencia en todos los países participantes. De manera específica, esto se consigue mediante: i. La transferencia y adaptación de dos metodologías y herramientas innovadores, el ePROF y el ePACK, que abarcan el desarrollo de las competencias para el emprendimiento. Mientras el ePROF contiene un modelo innovador y herramienta de validación de este perfil, el ePACK contiene un paquete de formación e-learning en emprendimiento; ii.

La orientación a dos grupos objetivo: (a) En primer lugar, el proyecto YES provee a los formadores y centros educativos con métodos, herramientas y competencias para convertirse en los futuros educadores en emprendimiento y acelerar el proceso de aprendizaje en esta competencia en los jóvenes desempleados; (b) En segundo lugar, los jóvenes desempleados, que fueron los destinatarios del curso piloto nacional de YES PACK;

iii. El diseño de un currículo ECVET europeo del Joven Emprendedor, basado en los resultados de aprendizaje del EQF, en términos de conocimientos, habilidades y competencias, y la asignación de créditos ECVET, teniendo en cuenta las recomendaciones europeas y el desarrollo de una guía común para su integración en los programas nacionales de FP existentes. Más en concreto, el proyecto YES se caracteriza por:  Fomentar la modernización, calidad y flexibilidad de los sistemas europeos de formación profesional equipando a los formadores/profesores/profesionales de la orientación con las herramientas, metodologías y materiales necesarios para ser los futuros promotores de las prácticas de emprendimiento en todos los países socios.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


 Proveer de nuevos conocimientos, habilidades y competencias para facilitar el desarrollo personal de los desempleados y cumplir con los objetivos de empleabilidad y participación del mercado laboral europeo.  Contribuir a la mejora de la calidad y la innovación en las organizaciones y sistemas de formación profesional.  Desarrollar un perfil de competencias en línea con el EQF, que es la base para documentar los resultados de aprendizaje de un currículo, de cara a crear un modelo estandarizado de certificación. Este perfil estará subdividido en Unidades de Resultados de Aprendizaje y se asignarán puntos en formato de créditos ECVET.  Evaluar la situación existente y las oportunidades de permeabilidad y acceso a la educación superior en el campo de la formación de profesionales.  Transferir y adaptar los materiales del YES PACK para dirigirse a la especificidades de cada país y sus grupos objetivo, lo cual facilitará el desarrollo de prácticas innovadoras en el campo de la FP, incluyendo la transferencia de las mismas de un país hacia otro, y posibilitando el reconocimiento de cualificaciones y competencias. El partenariado del YES está formado por un equipo multidisciplinar con experiencia técnica amplia en la participación en Proyectos Europeos. El grupo está compuesto por socios de seis países europeos distintos: SOCIO






Development for Vocational Technical Education Centre of University of Bahcesehir




Governorship of Istanbul




Istanbul Young Entrepreneurship Association




Institute for Technology and Quality




Institute of Entrepreneurship Development




Baltic Education Technology Institute




Instituto Europeo de Estudios para la Formación y el Desarrollo

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



Como parte de los resultados principales del Proyecto YES, los socios desarrollaron un Currículo Europeo Común y un perfil ECVET del Joven Emprendedor. Este perfil se relaciona con el Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones (EQF), que “ayuda a comparar los sistemas nacionales de cualificación y facilita la comunicación entre ellos. El núcleo de del EQF se compone de los ocho niveles de referencia comunes, descritos en términos de resultados de aprendizaje: Conocimientos, Habilidades y Competencias. Ello facilita la comprensión de lo que un alumno sabe, entiende o es capaz de hacer de forma homogénea. Este enfoque permite, además, comparar las calificaciones obtenidas en distintos tipos de programas formativos, profesionales o educativos en cada uno de sus niveles.”1 El proceso de desarrollo de los conocimientos, habilidades y competencias dentro del proyecto YES se basó en relacionar estos 3 aspectos en función de las necesidades de un joven emprendedor que quiere iniciar su propio negocio, y mantenerlo de forma sostenible. Teniendo en cuenta el estado del arte en cuanto a los perfiles de formación nacionales de tipo similar, se ha creado el perfil y currículo común europeo ECVET, que contiene ocho unidades de aprendizaje: Unidad de Aprendizaje 1

Introducción al Emprendimiento

Unidad de Aprendizaje 2

Crear una Empresa

Unidad de Aprendizaje 3

Gestión del Riesgo y Derecho Empresarial

Unidad de Aprendizaje 4


Unidad de Aprendizaje 5

Finanzas y economía empresarial

Unidad de Aprendizaje 6

Gestión de una empresa

Unidad de Aprendizaje 7


Unidad de Aprendizaje 8

El Plan de Empresa

El perfil común europeo ECVET del Joven Emprendedor se ha construido de manera flexible, teniendo en cuenta las adaptaciones que se han tenido que realizar en los distintos países europeos. Los objetivos pueden variar ligeramente entre unos países y

1 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


otros, así como el propio contenido. Por tanto, los usuarios tienen varias opciones a la hora de elegir el aprendizaje de las unidades y su evaluación. En toda Europa, así como en cada país participante, existen distintos caminos para convertirse en emprendedor. Esta es la razón por la que el propio perfil ECVET YES contiene una detallada síntesis de resultados de aprendizaje en términos de conocimientos, habilidades y competencias, de acuerdo con el marco de recomendaciones de ECVET y las “Directrices para describir Unidades de Resultados de Aprendizaje”. Con respecto a los desarrollos legislativos europeos y regulaciones, existe la necesidad de describir todos los perfiles profesionales en términos de resultados de aprendizaje, para hacerlos más transparentes y comparables. Esta es la razón por la que la presentación del Perfil Común Europeo ECVET YES y su currículo contribuirán a la sostenibilidad de los resultados del proyecto, así como que a no solo los miembros del consorcio, sino sus propios países, puedan transferir el perfil ECVET y adaptarlo a sus necesidades. El perfil ECVET puede constituir la base para el desarrollo futuro de habilidades y competencias entre quienes están creando un negocio en toda Europa. ¿Pero qué son los resultados de aprendizaje? Los resultados de aprendizaje enumeran lo que un alumno sabe, entiende o es capaz de hacer como consecuencia de haber completado un proceso de aprendizaje. Los resultados de aprendizaje se definen en términos de conocimientos, habilidades y competencias. El Conocimiento implica el conjunto de hechos, principios, teoría y prácticas que se relacionan con un campo de estudio. Se describe como conocimiento teórico o factual; Las Habilidades significan la capacidad de aplicar el conocimiento y emplear el saberhacer para completar tareas y resolver problemas. Se describen como cognitivas (lógicas, intuitivas y de pensamiento creativo) o prácticas (que incluyen las destrezas manipulativas y el uso de métodos, materiales, herramientas e instrumentos); las Competencias comprenden la capacidad probada de usar el conocimiento, capacidades y habilidades sociales, personales y metodológicas en el trabajo o el estudio de un área, y en el desarrollo profesional y personal. Se describen en términos de responsabilidad y autonomía.

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Curriculum YES ECVET

Learning Outcomes After finishing LU participants will : Unidad de Aprendizaje (LU) /título

Conocimiento (teórico/factual)

Habilidades (Cognitivas/prácticas)

Él/ella es capaz de:

Él/Ella es capaz de

Competencias (Responsabilidad y autonomía) Él/ella es capaz de

Definir el término “emprendimiento”

1. Introducción al Emprendimiento

Describir las características de un emprendedor Identificar distintos tipos de emprendedores

Poner de manifiesto las fuerzas que impulsan un nuevo negocio

Saber reconocer de manera autónoma una idea de negocio

Relacionar el ambiente empresarial con las oportunidades y barreras potenciales que existen al emprendimiento.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


2. Crear una empresa

Sintetizar la idea de negocio en una matriz.

Clasificar las distintas formas legales de empresa

Enumerar los pasos para la puesta en marcha de una nueva empresa

Desarrollar la idea de negocio

Seleccionar el estatus legal apropiado para una nueva empresa Encontrar un mercado atractivo que sea alcanzable económicamente

Reconocer los factores que afectan a una nueva empresa Señalar los principios a tener en cuenta para fijar el capital inicial y la financiación de un nuevo negocio

Identificar distintos tipos de riesgo empresarial Describir los métodos de gestión del riesgo

3. Gestión del Riesgo y Derecho empresarial

Conocer los distintos términos en que se realizar los acuerdos

Mostrar los distintos procedimientos que existen para cerrar un acuerdo Plantear las condiciones de un acuerdo Organizar el proceso recuperación de una deuda

Evaluar y gestionar los riesgos en la empresa Preparar adecuadamente contratos en la empresa


Realizar un listado de contenidos de un contrato de empresa Describir el proceso de recuperación de la deuda

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


4. Marketing

Identificar los principios y conceptos del marketing

Entender las distintas formas de marketing

Seleccionar marketing



Describir distintos métodos y formatos de marketing

Diseñar un plan estratégico de marketing y comunicación

Evaluar los factores ambientales que influyen en el mercado empresarial

Establecer un plan financiero

Elegir el modo/forma de empresa más adecuado

Definir el marketing mix Reconocer los factores ambientales del marketing

Establecer los principios y conceptos financieros básicos Reconocer distintos estados financieros 5. Finanzas y economía en la empresa

Describir los ítems de un estado financiero Describir los métodos básicos de contabilidad

Calcular la contabilidad financiera básica

Planificar la financiación y las decisiones de inversión de la firma

Determinar la rentabilidad de tu empresa Presentar los ítems del estado contable

Describir el ciclo de vida de una empresa

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Conocer la distintas perspectivas de gestión de una empresa

Elaborar una estrategia para promover el trabajo en equipo

Gestión personal

Describir el trabajo en equipo

Gestión de una firma con un número creciente de empleados

Conocer la legislación laboral

Señalar los distintos pasos en la gestión de personal y reclutamiento

Identificar los factores externo

Elaborar un contrato laboral

6. Gestión de una empresa




Motivar al personal Gestión del cambio Describir el proceso de gestión de personal

Describir los tipos de impuestos y las fuentes de ingresos 7. Fiscalidad

Identificar las formas de planificación fiscal y el balance financiero

Explicar en qué se diferencia la tributación de personas físicas de la de las empresas

Predecir la fiscalidad anual de la empresa Planificar empresa



YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




Describir el plan de negocio

8. El Plan de Empresa

Identificar todas las partes de un plan de empresa Entender el concepto de margen competitivo

Mostrar la distintas partes de un Plan de empresa

Implantar paso a paso el plan de empresa

Establecer los objetivos y la estrategia de un plan de empresa

Realizar un seguimiento del plan de empresa, asegurando su coherencia

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Para poder alcanzar estos resultados de aprendizaje que se describen en el currículo mostrado, se estima que el alumno necesita un total de 180 horas de dedicación a la formación, de acuerdo con el perfil que se presenta a continuación: Perfil ECVET YES





1. Introducción al Emprendimiento



2. Crear una empresa





4. Marketing



5. Finanzas y economía empresarial



6. Gestión de una empresa



7. Fiscalidad



8. El Plan de Empresa








3. Gestión del riesgo y derecho empresarial




Como requerimientos de acceso, se recomienda un nivel 3 dentro del EQF. YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155



Este capítulo pretende mejorar la comprensión de la situación específica de cada país participante sobre las formas que existen a la hora de favorecer el emprendimiento juvenil y los programas de formación profesional inicial y continua en la materia. Ha sido desarrollado teniendo en cuenta el siguiente esquema operativo común: I.

Análisis del estado de la cuestión del emprendimiento juvenil en los países participantes mediante una investigación basada en datos estadísticos oficiales a nivel nacional y europeo.


Análisis de la oferta de formación existente en emprendimiento juvenil a) Descripción de los Marcos Nacionales de Cualificaciones en los países socios, en comparación con el EQF b) Investigación en la oferta de cursos y formación para el emprendimiento juvenil en cada país c) Descripción del sistema ECVET en los países participantes.

Como resultado de esta investigación de gabinete, los socios del proyecto en Turquía, Portugal, Grecia y España presentaron sus resultados que a continuación se detallan. Una información más profunda sobre la realidad de cada país y los temas abordados en cada uno se puede encontrar en los anexos de este documento (en inglés).

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155




El emprendimiento juvenil es uno de los problemas económicos más relevantes, no solo en los países socios, sino también en muchos otros países desarrollados o en desarrollo, tanto en Europa como en el resto del mundo. Fomentar el emprendimiento y el desarrollo de las cualidades y capacidades empresariales es muy importante para el crecimiento de cualquier país, especialmente si contemplamos el emprendimiento como una posible solución al desempleo. Las actividades emprendedoras tienen altas tasas de éxito en la creación de empleo, aceleran el crecimiento económico, aseguran la emergencia de nuevas áreas de actividad en un país y posibilitan el cambio y las mejoras en la sociedad.

3.1.1. Desarrollo del emprendimiento juvenil en Turquía El 9º Plan de Desarrollo, que cubre el periodo 2007-2013 en Turquía, otorga importancia especial al apoyo de políticas de emprendimiento, y promueve la aplicación de políticas activas de empleo por medio de la creación de empresas y programas de garantía de empleo, orientación profesional, servicios de acompañamiento y cursos de formación laboral dentro del área “Desarrollo de Políticas Activas de Empleo”. Además, y para mejorar la distribución de ingresos, se fomenta el emprendimiento de manera específica en las áreas rurales y menos desarrolladas. A través del emprendimiento, la innovación, y el incremento de la productividad laboral, Turquía podrá mantener su reciente ascenso en la economía mundial. El enfoque predominante hacia el emprendimiento se orienta al desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías y la innovación, basado en la colaboración entre el sector privado y el gobierno.2 Uno de los problemas más importantes que enfrentan los emprendedores en Turquía es, además de las dificultades de acceso a recursos financieros, su falta de conocimientos y visión adecuados; mientras que los que poseen el conocimiento, no tienen a su alcance servicios de consulta válidos. Otro aspecto relevante es que aquellos que se perfilan como futuros emprendedores, pero no poseen los conocimientos adecuados, deberían ser al menos conscientes de esa falta de conocimientos, y ser orientados mediante el servicio correcto. De acuerdo con esto, los propietarios de las empresas deben recibir también servicios de orientación adecuados, como parte de las estrategias generales de fomento del emprendimiento. También es importante señalar que no se realiza ningún tipo de medición ni valoración de los distintos soportes que existen, más allá del cálculo de los recursos financieros que se destinan a dicho servicios. Se cree que si los emprendedores contasen con el


Kırım. A., Türkiye’nin Girişimcilik Politikası Ne olmalı?, TOBB Girişimcilik Kongresi, Ankara, 2010 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


apoyo de aquellos que abrieron sus empresas antes que ellos y sufrieron los mismos contratiempos, el éxito de sus nuevas empresas se ampliaría enormemente.3 Otra elemento importante de apoyo al emprendimiento es la estrategia de las PYMEs y el Plan de Acción (2011 – 2013). 4 Uno de las áreas de acción principales del plan de acción se denomina “Desarrollo y Apoyo al Emprendimiento”. De acuerdo con el informe, las áreas que se consideran débiles o con necesidad de mejorar o dirigir los esfuerzos, son las siguientes: 

      

El nivel de conocimiento y concienciación de los empresarios potenciales no es el adecuado para poder establecer un negocio con éxito, basado en un plan de empresa, El emprendimiento no está suficientemente cubierto por la educación formal o no formal, No se realizan suficientes actividades para atraer el interés hacia el emprendimiento, Las actividades para el emprendimiento no están integradas entre sí, Existe una notable falta de conocimiento sobre las posibilidades potenciales que se abren al cooperar con otros agentes, Las empresas tienen dificultades a la hora de encontrar un emplazamiento y afrontar los gastos de inicio, Los emprendedores que crean una nueva empresa actúa de forma indecisa al comienzo, No se anima al emprendimiento a grupos objetivo específicos.

En la región TR83 se ha estudiado el número de empresas abiertas y cerradas para evaluar su potencial de creación de empresa. Según los datos recogidos, el número de compañías que abrieron, y las que cerraron entre 2010 y 2009 en dicha región, así como en todo el país, aumentó. Sin embargo, si se observa la ratio de la región TR83 en comparación con el conjunto del país, no existe un gran cambio en el porcentaje de empresas abiertas, cuando sin embargo, el número de empresas que cerraron es alarmante (de 1,80% al 2,14%). Posteriormente, se comparó el periodo de los diez primeros meses de 2011, observándose que la ratio de esta región decrece con respecto al total de Turquía, en la categoría de empresas cerradas, produciéndose un ligero aumento en el porcentaje de empresas abiertas. 5 Si se examinan las estadísticas publicadas en la Gaceta del Registro de Comerciantes y Artesanos, se observa que tanto el número de empresas registradas como las no registradas en la región TR83 y en toda Turquía aumentó en 2010, en comparación con el año anterior. La ratio de la región TR83 de empresas con y sin registro, en relación con el resto del país, aumentó en 2010, aunque mínimamente. La cifra de empresas registradas en esta región, en relación con Turquía, decreció de 5.67% a 4.68% en los


TEPAV, Ankara’da Genç Girişimciliği Destekleme Stratejisi, Ankara, 2011


5 YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


10 primeros meses de 2011, comparados con el mismo periodo en 2010.6 Estas cifras indican que se ha producido una deceleración en el número de empresas recién establecidas en la Región, en comparación con el conjunto del país.

3.1.2. Desarrollo del emprendimiento juvenil en Grecia La severa crisis económica que asola el mercado laboral griego ha hecho declinar el desarrollo del país. La tasa de desempleo en Grecia ha aumentado hasta más del 27%, partiendo del 8% de hace tan solo cinco años. Se trata de la tasa de desempleo más alta de toda la UE, y aún parece seguir aumentando. A pesar de que este aumento del desempleo a lo largo de los años anteriores parece haber disminuido en 2012, todavía existen escasos visos de estabilización. Es de particular importancia resaltar que la tasa de desempleo juvenil era ya bastante alta antes de la crisis. Este hecho, por tanto, ha derivado en un aumento menos severo de la tasa de desempleo juvenil, en comparación con otros países de la UE, que no tenían ya anteriormente un desempleo en los jóvenes tan elevado. De acuerdo con el informe de la Fuerza de Trabajo en Grecia, publicado en Marzo de 2014, el borrador del nuevo Plan de Implementación de Garantía Juvenil (YGIP) ha supuesto un progreso llamativo con respecto a los planes diseñados e implementados anteriormente, dado que el plan actual sí que está consiguiendo avances reales en la gestión para la puesta en marcha de políticas. Los actores clave que participan en dicho Plan también estuvieron involucrados en el diseño y desarrollo del mismo, lo que contribuye a elevar su capacidad de crear beneficios potenciales. El YGIP pretende asegurar que “en el plazo de cuatro meses de estar en desempleo o abandonar la educación formal, todo los jóvenes hasta los 25 años recibirán una oferta de empleo de calidad, de prácticas o para trabajar como aprendiz.” El YGIP se centra en la reestructuración de la Organización de Empleo Manpower en Grecia (OAED), y en establecer los programas de juventud (formación, subsidios, y aprendizaje en centros de trabajo). Trata de ofrecer mejores oportunidades a los jóvenes para acceder al mercado de trabajo y lucha por hacer más eficientes y eficaces los procedimientos que deben ponerse en marcha.

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3.1.3. Desarrollo del emprendimiento juvenil en Portugal En el actual contexto de la economía portuguesa y el cambiante mercado laboral, el emprendimiento, entendido como desarrollo o autoempleo y/o creación de nuevas empresas, adquiere importancia añadida a la hora de responder a algunos de los retos coyunturales y estructurales que desafían al sistema de empleo del país, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la creación de empleo y la atenuación del paro. La emergencia de una economía de emprendimiento es un hecho no solo cultural y psicológico, sino también económico y tecnológico. Para alcanzar esto, es necesario estimular los nuevos valores y actitudes a nivel individual, y por ello, el emprendimiento, además de crear nuevas organizaciones, emerge como una competencia central dentro del proceso de aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. La promoción de la cultura empresarial en términos del desarrollo juvenil, desde las etapas más básicas de la educación obligatoria, es un área clave de los esfuerzos que realiza Portugal. Por lo tanto, dentro de la situación actual del sistema educativo, el emprendimiento representa la interfaz fundamental entre la educación, la formación y la inserción en el mercado de trabajo, que debe permitir una adaptación armoniosa entre los sistemas educativo y económico. Actualmente, y en general, la sociedad portuguesa es conocedora de la importancia de la escuela en la promoción de la actitud emprendedora entre los jóvenes, siendo esta actitud crucial en la educación de las nuevas generaciones y el desarrollo sostenible de Portugal. El desarrollo de la educación para fomentar la mentalidad empresarial solo puede alcanzarse mediante la promoción, por parte de las autoridades responsables educativas, y requiere un pensamiento abierto hacia nuevas formas de trabajo, adoptando una nueva actitud. El Eurobarómetro sobre Emprendimiento (2012) señala que casi la mitad de los encuestados (49%) en Portugal creen que –si pudiesen elegir entre distintos tipos de trabajos- preferirían auto-emplearse en vez de trabajar por cuenta ajena. Este resultado es relativamente alto, en comparación con el 37% de personas que a nivel europeo, prefieren el autoempleo. En la actualidad, el Gobierno portugués viene desarrollando un programa general para promover el empleo juvenil: Movimiento por el Empleo. Este programa actúa como un generador de sinergias entre el IEFP (Instituto para el Empleo y la Formación Profesional), la Fundación Calouste Gulbenkian, y COTEC Portugal, con el fin de ofrecer a los jóvenes sin empleo una cualificación superior y experiencia laboral a través de periodos de prácticas en un amplio espectro de empresas. Se creó en Mayo de 2013, sirviendo para movilizar al mayor número de compañías, entidades públicas y empresas de economía social para, en el marco de su misión y responsabilidad social, ofrecer en el periodo 2013-2014 al menos 5000 prácticas laborales a jóvenes sin empleo con un nivel de cualificación alto, graduados, profesores o doctores, bajo las medidas de “Impulso Jovem”.

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3.1.4. Desarrollo del emprendimiento juvenil en España Con mayor o menor extensión, casi todos los países desarrollados, y ciertamente, todos los países de la UE han asumido la necesidad de apoyar el crecimiento de las empresas y el emprendimiento. España ha seguido esta tendencia política y económica promoviendo el emprendimiento en distintas áreas del desarrollo local, educativo, laboral e industrial. En el área de la educación, desde la Cumbre Europea de Lisboa en 2000, España contrajo el compromiso de promover el emprendimiento dentro del sistema educativo. Tanto la Ley Orgánica de Calidad (LOCE) de 2002, como la Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) de 2006, que reemplazó a la anterior, incluyen entre sus propósitos y objetivos la formación en emprendimiento, entendida como competencia clave, junto con la iniciativa y la creatividad de los estudiantes que debe desarrollarse en el proceso educativo.7 Los principales objetivos de la Estrategia de Emprendimiento y Empleo Juvenil 20132016 diseñada por el Gobierno de España son: mejorar la empleabilidad de los jóvenes, mejorar la calidad y estabilidad del empleo, promover la igualdad de oportunidades de acceso al mercado laboral, e impulsar el espíritu empresarial. Las acciones clave son: animar el reclutamiento y las iniciativas de emprendimiento entre los jóvenes, adecuar la educación y la formación a las necesidades actuales del mercado de trabajo, y reducir la tasa de abandono escolar. En España existen numerosos programas, centros educativos, portales web y organizaciones sobre políticas de empleo juvenil, que están creando programas de formación innovadores para gestionar empresas, y fomentando la iniciativa de emprendimiento juvenil e innovación, así como aumentando su nivel de sensibilización hacia la importancia del sector empresarial en la creación de empleo. La mayor parte de las entidades descritas arriba (privadas y públicas) son coordinadas locamente en cada una de las 17 Comunidades Autónomas que forman España. Los centros públicos y asociaciones dependen el Gobierno regional de cada Comunidad Autónoma, en concreto, de las Direcciones Generales de Juventud. (Para más información sobre los distintos programas se debe consultar el Anexo 4).


Descripción del Marco Nacional de Cualificaciones (NQF), en comparación con el EQF

El Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones (EQF) es un sistema común de referencia a nivel europeo que relaciona los distintos sistemas nacionales de cualificación de los países europeos (NQF) y sus marcos de desarrollo. En la práctica, funciona como un sistema 7

Emprendimiento económico y social en España. Guía de recursos para jóvenes emprendedores/as. INJUVE Catálogo General de Publicaciones Oficiales. YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


de traslación que permite hacer más inteligibles las cualificaciones de cada país. Es especialmente útil para los estudiantes/trabajadores que quieren moverse a otros países, cambiar de trabajo o estudiar en un sistema de formación profesional distinto. Como instrumento para promover el aprendizaje continuo, el EQF engloba tanto la educación general y profesional como la formación de adultos, así como la educación superior. Sus ocho niveles cubren el espectro total de cualificaciones de entre las que se alcanzan al final de la educación obligatoria, hasta las vinculadas a los niveles más altos de la formación académica y profesional. Cada nivel debe ser, en principio, alcanzable, por medio de un número variado de itinerarios educativos y laborales. Los usuarios primarios del EQF son las autoridades responsables de los sistemas nacionales/sectoriales de cualificación. Una vez que han vinculado sus respectivos marcos de cualificaciones al EQF, éste sirve para que cualquier persona, empleador o proveedor de formación, pueda comparar las cualificaciones individuales en los distintos países y sistemas de educación y formación. El Marco Nacional de Formación (NQF) es un sistema que incluye definiciones y aproximaciones lo más cercanas posibles a las realidades sociales, culturales y económicas de cada país, y en el que se otorgan distintas titulaciones reconocibles por las partes interesadas a nivel nacional e internacional, siendo éstas alcanzables y comparables. El marco general del EQF se muestra en esta tabla: Niveles EQF


Nivel 1

2º Ciclo de Educación Básica

Nivel 2

3er Ciclo de Educación Básica (obtenido en la forma tradicional o través de itinerarios de doble certificación)

Nivel 3

Educación Secundaria (de acceso al nivel universitario)

Nivel 4

Educación Secundaria obtenida mediante itinerarios dobles de formación o Educación Secundaria para el acceso al nivel universitario con un periodo de prácticas profesionales (de mínimo 6 meses).

Nivel 5

Cualificación post-secundaria

Nivel 6

Carrera Universitaria

Nivel 7

Nivel de Máster YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Nivel 8

Nivel de Doctorado (PhD)

Portugal comparte su Sistema nacional de cualificaciones con un formato exactamente igual que el europeo (NQF=EQF), y Turquía se está planteando hacer lo mismo. El Marco Helénico de Cualificaciones (HQF) pretende crear un sistema claro y compendiador para clasificar las cualificaciones que se adquieren a través de la educación formal, no formal y el aprendizaje en Grecia. Este marco está siendo diseñado y desarrollado en la actualidad. De cualquier modo, el HQF permitirá, como ocurre con el EQF, comparar las cualificaciones entre sectores e individuos en toda Grecia y a lo largo y ancho de otros países europeos. El Marco Helénico de Cualificaciones está supervisado por el Ministerio de Educación y Asuntos Religiosos, que coordina a todas las partes involucradas. La institución responsable de establecer las referencias entre el HQF y el EQF es la Organización Nacional para la Certificación de las Cualificaciones y la Orientación Profesional (E.O.P.P.E.P). La estructura general del Marco Helénico de Cualificaciones ha sido desarrollada para asegurar su adecuación y facilidad de uso. Comprende ocho niveles, como el EQF, que cubren una gran variedad de cualificaciones, desde la educación obligatoria a la superior. Cada nivel está definido por los conocimientos, habilidades y competencias necesarias y los resultados de aprendizaje vinculados a cada Nivel. Estos ocho Niveles se muestran de manera general, puesto que aún están siendo desarrollados y matizados. En España, las cualificaciones son cubiertas por un sistema de ocho niveles. Hay ocho descriptores definidos en términos de conocimientos, habilidades y competencias, que se inspiran en los descriptores del EQF, pero adaptados al contexto nacional. Los cuatros niveles más altos son los compatibles con los niveles del Marco de Cualificaciones Europeos para el HE8. La formación profesional o vocacional se corresponde con los niveles intermedios 4º y 5º. “El Ministerio de Educación ha establecido las enseñanzas mínimas a nivel nacional para los distintos Niveles de la educación: La educación primaria, la educación secundaria obligatoria, la educación post-secundaria, y la formación profesional. Están determinados por el Gobierno central. Las enseñanzas mínimas determinan los objetivos generales para cada etapa de la educación, así como, los objetivos específicos para cada área o materia. Las enseñanzas mínimas también establecen los criterios de contenido y evaluación de cada área.”9.


CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). 9

CEDEFOP (2010): The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe (August 2010). YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


El desarrollo del Marco Español de Cualificaciones (NQF) se basa sobre todo en distintas leyes y decretos, que definen y regulan los distintos subsistemas educativos, incluyendo: a. Educación formal no universitaria. b. Cualificaciones de Educación Superior (Universidades). c. Competencias profesionales: (reconocimiento de las competencias profesionales adquiridas mediante la experiencia laboral)10. Actualmente, el Marco Nacional de Cualificaciones de España comprende dos áreas. La primera establece el Marco Español de Cualificaciones en la Educación Superior (MECES) referido a todas las cualificaciones obtenidas dentro del Sistema de Educación Superior, y por lo tanto, respondiendo solo a la educación formal. Posteriormente, se puso en marcha el Marco Español de Cualificaciones para el Aprendizaje Permanente (MECU). El MECU hace referencia a todos los contextos de aprendizaje, esto es, cubre la enseñanza formal (teniendo en cuenta todos los niveles del sistema educativo), así como el aprendizaje informal11. El Marco Español de Cualificaciones (MECU), estructurado en 2012, es “un instrumento para promover y mejorar la educación de todos los ciudadanos, y el acceso al aprendizaje continuo a lo largo de la vida y su participación en él, así como en el reconocimiento y uso de las cualificaciones a nivel nacional y europeo. Se trata de una estructura internacionalmente aceptada para organizar los Niveles de aprendizaje, desde el aprendizaje más básico al más complejo. El MECU facilita la comparación entre las cualificaciones reconocidas en España con las del resto de Europa por medio del Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones EQF.”12 (Remitimos al Anexo 4 para mayor detalle).


Descripción del sistema ECVET

El Sistema Europeo de Créditos para la Educación y Formación Profesional (ECVET) establece el marco técnico que permite la transferencia y el reconocimiento, y cuando sea necesario, la acumulación de los resultados de aprendizaje de cualquier persona, con miras a la adquisición de una cualificación concreta. En este sentido, en el ECVET, los resultados de aprendizaje de un individuo son evaluados y validados para poder transferir los créditos de un sistema de cualificaciones a otro, o desde un itinerario formativo a otro. De acuerdo con este enfoque, los alumnos pueden acumular los resultados de aprendizaje necesarios para alcanzar una cualificación concreta a lo largo del tiempo, 10

Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” 11


MECU s-cualificaciones.html MECU YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


en distintos países y distintas situaciones. El sistema también contempla la posibilidad de desarrollar referencias comunes para cualificaciones profesionales y es totalmente compatible con el Sistema Europeo de Transferencia y Acumulación de Créditos en la Educación Superior (ECTS). Las herramientas y metodología ECVET comprenden la descripción de las cualificaciones en términos de resultados de aprendizaje con su puntuación (créditos) asociada, un proceso de transferencia y acumulación, y documentación complementaria como los Acuerdos de Aprendizaje, transcripciones de grabaciones y guías de usuario. En Turquía, el ECVET se considera una herramienta que apoya la confianza mutua en el área de las cualificaciones y el fomento de la transparencia. Por ello, sirve para acumular, transferir y reconocer los conocimientos, habilidades y competencias adquiridos a través de la educación formal, no formal e informal. La adopción de los principios del ECVET en Turquía, sin embargo, es un área de interés relativamente nuevo dentro de la reforma de la formación profesional en el país. El proceso de desarrollo iniciado hace dos años aún está en marcha. Turquía no solo ha estado trabajando en el ECVET a nivel nacional, sino que también participa y contribuye a distintos estudios en una escala más amplia, a nivel europeo. A pesar de tratarse de un nuevo concepto, el desarrollo del ECVET en Turquía ha alcanzado varias metas técnicas. El país se ha comprometido a desarrollar el sistema ECVET en el marco del Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Este compromiso fue declarado oficialmente durante una reunión internacional sobre el ECVET el 28 de Marzo de 2007 en Ankara. La Dirección de Investigación y Desarrollo Educativo (ERDD) de MoNE es la unidad responsable del desarrollo del ECVET en Turquía. Los elementos básicos del enfoque ECVET, específicos del sector de FP turco son: 

Los resultados de aprendizaje se acreditan en base al tiempo total de aprendizaje

Los resultados de aprendizaje que conducen a cualificaciones de alcance, contenido, complejidad y duración similar contienen la misma cantidad de créditos.

Los resultados de aprendizaje que se adquieren mediante el aprendizaje personal de hasta 20 horas equivalen a 1 crédito ECVET

Un año escolar completo en la formación profesional equivale a 60 créditos.

Se adquieren 240 créditos tras haber completado 4 años de formación profesional post-secundaria

Uno de los actores clave del ECVET en Turquía es el MYK (Instituto de Cualificaciones Profesionales), responsable del establecimiento del Sistema Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales, compatible con la UE. MYK desarrolla sus funciones en colaboración con el Ministerio de Educación, el Consejo de Educación Superior, las organizaciones de trabajadores y empresarios, y otras instituciones relevantes. En el contexto de las actuaciones básicas de MYK, la determinación de los estándares profesionales es una prioridad. Los estándares de ocupación son la base para diseñar YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


los programas de educación y formación de acuerdo con los requisitos del mercado laboral, determinando las habilidades de los individuos que son necesarias en el ámbito profesional. El otro actor clave es MoNE (Ministerio de Educación Nacional), que lleva a cabo (coordina y desarrolla) estudios sobre el ECVET dentro un proceso de consulta. Las principales áreas de responsabilidad de MoNE son:  Asegurar la validez de los certificados expedidos por los centros/instituciones de formación profesional y técnica internacionalmente  Favorecer la reflexión sobre el Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones y el Sistema Europeo de Créditos en la Formación Profesional y su relación con el sistema de formación profesional turco.  Asignar los créditos a cada uno de los módulos de acuerdo con su peso en niveles ocupacionales  Las personas que se gradúan en la formación profesional y técnica en todos los Niveles, o han obtenido el grado en alguno de estos niveles deben ser evaluados en base a dicha cualificación, y certificados en consecuencia. El sistema ECVET en Grecia se encuentra aún en una fase muy incipiente. Incluso aunque los responsables políticos y de la toma de decisiones coinciden en el valor añadido que éste supone (movilidad, transparencia de las cualificaciones, etc.), la implementación de un sistema de este tipo aún es complicada. Existe una notable falta de comunicación con las partes interesadas y el público, a pesar de que la Ley 3879/2010 de Aprendizaje Permanente prevé el establecimiento del ECVET (Cedefop, 2013). El Ministerio de Educación, Religión, Cultura y Deportes se encuentra a cargo de los desarrollos del ECVRT a través de EOPPEP, que constituye el punto de contacto nacional de Grecia. El ECVET en Portugal se encuentra coordinado por la Agencia Nacional de Cualificación y Educación Profesional (ANQEP), regulada por el Ministerio de Trabajo y el Ministerio de Educación. La puesta en marcha del ECVET se realiza mediante la cooperación de varias instituciones, “órganos competentes” designados, es decir, entidades responsables de asignar y otorgar las cualificaciones, para el reconocimiento de los resultados de aprendizaje u otras funciones relacionadas con el sistema ECVET. Los principales actores del ECVET en Portugal son: • Las entidades públicas o privadas que tienen una función reguladora en los sistemas de educación y formación, como la Agencia Nacional para la Cualificación, la formación profesional y la educación ANQEP) y las entidades nacionales de empleo y relaciones laborales – (DGERT); • Las autoridades públicas en el sector de la formación profesional, o las entidades de acreditación, certificación o cualificación, las entidades responsables del reconocimiento; centros de formación de empresas, etc.

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En línea con la aprobación del Parlamento y el Consejo Europeo, el ECVET está aún siendo puesto en marcha en Portugal. Portugal ha seguido de cerca la tendencia dentro del contexto europeo, en cuanto a los sistemas de cualificaciones y su adopción del enfoque basado en resultados de aprendizaje, con la implementación de los marcos nacionales de cualificaciones. Aunque no existe un consenso total sobre la interpretación y descripción de los resultados de aprendizaje, todos los instrumentos y herramientas desarrollados en este sentido, como el EQF, se basan en dicho enfoque. Para la puesta en marcha del ECVET, las cualificaciones se deben organizar en Unidades de Aprendizaje claramente identificadas y descritas, tomando en consideración las necesidades efectivas del mercado de trabajo, con el fin de permitir la comprensión recíproca de las cualificaciones. Para ello, el primer paso que debe darse es promover y dar a conocer el ECVET entre todos los actores que participan en la formación profesional mediante el Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones (NCQ), que identifica para cada cualificación una Unidad de Aprendizaje basada en resultados de aprendizaje. El sistema ECVET en Portugal se relaciona con el reconocimiento de las enseñanzas anteriores en contextos formales, no formales e informales, y por ello, es un motor de impulso de la movilidad que promueve la búsqueda activa de formación profesional. Distintos actores en el sector de la FP han aportado nuevas contribuciones para la implementación efectiva del ECVET, en línea con los principales entes responsables y centros nacionales, como ISQ. Estas contribuciones deben desarrollarse e implementarse de manera gradual y voluntaria (sin obligación legal), dado que no tienen una función regulatoria. En la actualidad, se está produciendo un cambio de paradigma en cuanto a los módulos de formación para cada unidad de Unidad de Aprendizajes basada en Resultados. En este contexto, se está preparando una guía metodológica para construir con un nuevo enfoque las unidades de resultados de aprendizaje, y la consecuente asignación de créditos ECVET. En cuanto a la situación actual en España en el ámbito educativo y/o en la formación profesional, es importante señalar que las características de la estructura política del Estado Español tienen un papel destacado, ya que las Comunidades Autónomas poseen el 40% de la responsabilidad en la toma de decisiones en todas las materias relacionadas con la educación. Por tanto, es posible que existan algunas diferencias en la aplicación o el estado de desarrollo de la legislación nacional en cada Comunidad Autónoma. España está desarrollando un proceso de modernización y mejora del sistema educativo hacia la creación de un sistema coherente e integrado para la Educación y Formación Profesional, que incluye las unidades de competencia como marco común de referencia para la realización de cursos de formación y acreditación de los aprendizajes adquiridos, la evaluación de calidad y efectividad de dicha formación, y la coordinación entre el gobierno del Estado, con la participación de los interlocutores YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


sociales y empresarios, al mismo tiempo que se incorpora una dimensión europea en la formación. Se han llevado a cabo varias iniciativas legislativas con la participación de la Administración del Estado, a través del Ministerio de Educación y el Ministerio de Trabajo, el gobierno estatal y los interlocutores sociales. El sistema de alineación del ECVET está siendo actualmente estudiado y su implementación voluntaria en los países de la Unión Europea se programó para 2014. En España, la educación y formación profesional, encuadrada en el Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales (CNCP), es consistente con respecto a la filosofía del Sistema Europeo de Transferencia de Créditos en la Formación Profesional (ECVET), dado que el sistema de formación profesional se basa en programas curriculares desarrollados en módulos. Las certificaciones de formación profesional inicial y los títulos propuestos en el sistema educativo contienen 2.000 horas de trabajo, se centran en los resultados de aprendizaje y permiten la adquisición de las competencias profesionales de acuerdo con los estándares establecidos para responder a las necesidades del sector productivo. Todos los títulos conducen a la adquisición y mejora de las habilidades profesionales, personales y sociales. El nuevo sistema para el reconocimiento de las habilidades adquiridas mediante la experiencia profesional establece la evaluación parcial y la acreditación de unidades de competencia de las cualificaciones que se incluyen en los títulos oficiales de formación profesional o en los certificados de profesionalidad. Además, las unidades de competencia acreditadas pueden servir para reconocer o permitir la exención de la evaluación en determinados módulos formativos en cualquiera de estos itinerarios formativos.



Para reforzar en los próximos años la importancia de la educación en emprendimiento, la Comisión Europea presentó en Enero de 2013 un plan de acción denominado “EMPRENDIMIENTO 2020”, con el propósito de regular las líneas de acción de los países miembro para “relanzar el emprendimiento en Europa”. Una de las metas que en él se expresan pretende incluir la enseñanza y la práctica del emprendimiento en la programación escolar (los jóvenes deberían tener al menos una experiencia práctica en emprendimiento antes de acabar la educación secundaria). En el documento se manifiesta que “La inversión en emprendimiento es una de las que genera mayor retorno en la Unión Europea”. Por tanto, las directrices europeas para la promoción del emprendimiento en las escuelas se han ido sucediendo. Ya en 2001, el “Informe Europeo sobre Educación para el Consejo Europeo” consideraba la Educación para el Emprendimiento como un área clave para la inversión estructural.

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En 2005, la Estrategia de la Comisión Europea volvió a manifestar la importancia de fortalecer las “Competencias Clave del Aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida” (CE, 2005), donde la educación y la formación para el emprendimiento se convertían en motores clave del desarrollo económico y cultural en toda Europa.

3.4.1. Turquía La influencia del emprendimiento en el crecimiento económico y la innovación ha llevado a que distintas instituciones se interesen en dar soporte a actividades en este campo. Organismos públicos, como el KOSGEB, İŞKUR, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, así como distintas organizaciones no gubernamentales ofrecen ayuda para el emprendimiento. Además, existen herramientas de financiación a pequeña escala como los microcréditos, que empiezan a extenderse. Por otra parte, el capital riesgo y las redes de inversiones (también conocidas como “Redes de Ángeles de negocios” están ganando en efectividad en Turquía, al igual que en el resto del mundo. También, la Unión Turca de Cámaras e Intercambio de Bienes (TOBB) lleva a cabo distintas actividades de apoyo al emprendimiento. La Junta de Mujeres Emprendedoras está establecida al amparo de TOBB. Esta junta desarrolla políticas generales para las mujeres emprendedoras y contribuye a formar una opinión. Está compuesta por empresarias de distintos sectores y por representantes de la Asociación Youth for Habitat, miembros de la Universidad de Economía y Tecnología de la TOBB, la Dirección General del Estado de la Mujer, y el KOSGEB. Además, el TOBB ha establecido la Junta de Jóvenes Emprendedores, con el fin de apoyar el emprendimiento juvenil a nivel local y nacional. Se ofrece mayor detalle sobre los programas de Emprendimiento en el Anexo 1.

3.4.2. Grecia Progresivamente, se han ido poniendo en marcha programas de formación para jóvenes como un medio para combatir la fuerte crisis económica, convertir a Grecia en una economía más competitiva y ofrecer a este colectivo mayores oportunidades de inclusión social y económica, tanto en el país como en el resto de Europa. Sin embargo, la educación en emprendimiento se encuentra aún en una fase inicial. Aunque el Ministerio de Educación está promoviendo la educación en emprendimiento, la mayor parte de las instituciones no han llevado a cabo ninguno de estos programas, siendo aún debatidos muchos aspectos. No obstante, se ha llevado a cabo un programa para el desarrollo de la experiencia profesional, donde los jóvenes, mediante programas de prácticas, son formados en un sector concreto “trabajando” para una empresa. Este programa se conoce como Mathiteia4u.

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Además, en 2010 la Cámara de Comercio Griega se convirtió en el segundo organismo de este tipo en el país que ofrece un programa de formación para el emprendimiento juvenil. La Academia de Jóvenes Emprendedores (YEA!) ha sido creada para ofrecer cursos de formación intensivos en emprendimiento para estudiantes de instituto, guiándoles en cómo establecer y hacer funcionar un negocio.

3.4.3. Portugal El sistema regular de educación portugués se ha mostrado como insuficiente a la hora de promover la cultura empresarial en los estudiantes de Primaria y Secundaria, aunque en la Educación Superior se está mejorando su apreciación. La introducción de cursos formativos en las escuelas de secundaria parte del Decreto Ley N. º 74/2004 de 26 de Marzo, para la reconfiguración del sistema educativo, mejorando el funcionamiento de los colegios y diversificación la oferta educativa, y por tanto, respondiendo a las expectativas de los distintos tipos de grupos objetivo, a la vez que se promueve la igualdad de oportunidades. Se considera como una respuesta educativa orientada hacia la integración del mercado laboral, y su finalización permite obtener la cualificación profesional, generalmente del Nivel IV, y un diploma de nivel 12º con la posibilidad de acceder al Sistema de Educación Superior, cumpliendo con los requerimientos que se establezcan. En Portugal, la oferta formativa en emprendimiento la proveen dos organismos distintos: las empresas privadas de formación –que ofrecen cursos profesionales en el área, que en algunos casos ofrecen una cualificación profesional en los Niveles 3, 4 o 5; y las instituciones de Educación Superior –que imparten grados, máster y doctorados en el campo empresarial. La mayor parte de los cursos de emprendimiento los ofrecen las universidades y escuelas politécnicas. No obstante, los cursos completos de formación profesional orientados a un público joven en el campo del emprendimiento son aún escasos, siendo más frecuente la inclusión de módulos específicos integrados en los currículos. En el Anexo 3 puedes encontrar las formas más frecuentes de obtener formación en emprendimiento en Portugal.

3.4.4. España España no tiene un sistema conjunto de validación del aprendizaje no formal. No obstante, existen formas de validarlo dentro del Sistema de Educación Superior, y actualmente, mediante las cualificaciones profesionales. Los desarrollos más significativos tuvieron lugar con la aprobación del Decreto 1224/2009 de 17 de Julio, sobre el reconocimiento de las capacidades adquiridas mediante la experiencia laboral.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


El decreto regula los procedimientos de acreditación de las habilidades adquiridas mediante el aprendizaje formal o no formal y la experiencia de trabajo. El Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones se usa como estándar para el reconocimiento del aprendizaje no formal, así como los títulos oficiales de formación profesional13. Las cualificaciones profesionales más relevantes para el sistema productivo español, incluyendo los contenidos de la educación y formación profesional que corresponden a cada cualificación están recogidos en el Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales (CNCP). Este documento es un instrumento del Sistema Nacional de Cualificaciones y Formación Profesional (SNCFP), para enumerar todas las cualificaciones profesionales existentes de acuerdo con las capacidades profesionales necesarias para su desarrollo. Entre los principales objetivos del CNCP se encuentra la integración de los programas existentes de formación profesional para poder adaptarlos a las características y necesidades del sistema productivo español. El Instituto Nacional de Cualificaciones (INCUAL) fue creado mediante el Real Decreto 375/1999 de 5 de Marzo por el Ministerio de Educación y depende de la Dirección General de Formación Profesional y su Consejo General, siendo el responsable de definir, diseñar y actualizar el Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales (CNCP) y el correspondiente Catálogo de Módulos de la Formación Profesional. La metodología del Catálogo se basa en el desarrollo de las directrices metodológicas aprobadas por el Consejo General de la Formación Profesional en Mayo de 2003. El Consejo es el órgano consultivo del Gobierno de España en la Formación Profesional. Se organiza de forma tripartita con representación de la Administración regional y central, las organizaciones de empresarios y los sindicatos. El Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones identifica las cualificaciones más significativas en los distintos sectores productivos y debe incluirse en los programas de formación profesional, tanto en el área educativa como en el laboral. Hasta ahora, se han publicado un total de 644 cualificaciones. Todas ellas se agrupan en 26 sectores profesionales14. La formación en emprendimiento, sin importar la edad u otras especificaciones del grupo objetivo, se incluye dentro del Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones, dentro del sector profesional o familia de Administración y Gestión de Empresas, contemplada como “Creación y gestión de microempresas”. Se pueden encontrar más detalles sobre la formación en emprendimiento reconocida oficialmente en el Anexo 4.


Necesidades laborales, perfiles profesionales y competencias. Unificación de Criterios:Competencias, habilidades y Conocimientos en el Marco de Cualificación Europeo. NEPCO LLL program 2013 14

Schools association for improving ICT vocational training Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership 2010-1-ES1-LEO04-20657 “On the way to an European Qualification Framework EQF” YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


4. RECOMENDACIONES EUROPEAS PARA SU IMPLEMENTACIÓN FUTURA El perfil europeo del joven emprendedor desarrollado en el proyecto Leonardo-da-Vinci de Transferencia de Innovación YES “Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills” pretende ponerse en práctica en los países que han participado en el mismo, así como en otros Estados. Las actividades de testación en los cinco países (Turquía, Grecia, Portugal y España) han mostrado el gran interés que existe por el proyecto y sus productos. El feedback al respecto se encuentra recogido en el documento Guidelines on ePROF and ePACK as an integrative solution (Guía de ePROF y el ePACK como una solución formativa integrada). En el desarrollo del perfil han contribuido todos y cada uno de los países participantes (Turquía, Grecia, Portugal y España), que representan un conjunto de estados del Sur de Europa. Creemos que en el futuro, el EQF y en los perfiles ECVET jugarán un papel importante en la apertura del mercado de trabajo europeo. Por otra parte, el perfil ECVET del joven emprendedor, con un enfoque europeo unitario, ofrece la oportunidad de ser adaptado a los contextos nacionales. El primer paso para ello ha sido tomado con éxito por los países participantes en el proyecto. No se han encontrado obstáculos significativos –lo cual fortalece el interés de instituciones de otros países más allá del consorcio del proyecto en la transferencia no solo de los otros productos del proyectos, sino también en la propia adaptación del perfil ECVET Europeo para crear un perfil acorde con las necesidades del país.

5. CONCLUSIONES En líneas generales, creemos que este documento puede ser útil para dar los pasos necesarios en los países socios, así como en otros países interesados, para poner en marcha en el futuro el YES PACK y promover la movilidad y el reconocimiento de los conocimientos adquiridos previamente, contribuyendo además a armonizar los sistemas de cualificación y aumentar la transparencia de los procesos de cualificación. Se puede concluir que: -

El Perfil y Curriculum YES constituyen un gran paso en el proceso ECVET, al estar definidos en términos de resultados de aprendizaje, lo que permite relacionados con los marcos nacionales de cualificaciones y facilita su comparación con el resto de Europa.


El sistema también ayuda a Europa a afrontar las cuestiones relacionadas con la formación y el empleo que se derivan de la inmigración, las estancias de prácticas o las personas que provienen de sistemas de certificación y cualificación distintos.

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Es muy importante asegurar la adaptación de las leyes internas de cada país y sus sistemas regulatorios en relación con las finanzas e impuestos.

Es posible profundizar en las conclusiones obtenidas por cada socio en relación con los aspectos recién señalados:



La falta de acceso a los recursos financieros, así como la falta de conocimientos y la inadecuación de los servicios de consulta, son los principales problemas que sufren los emprendedores en Turquía. Deben ponerse en marcha servicios de orientación para los futuros emprendedores que no tienen conocimientos suficientes en esta área. De manera acorde, los propietarios de las empresas deben también recibir asesoramiento como parte general de sus estrategias. Los servicios de apoyo al emprendimiento deben medirse y evaluarse más allá de la cantidad de recursos económicos que se destinan a su funcionamiento. Si los emprendedores recibiesen el apoyo de empresarios ya consolidados, probablemente aumentaría su éxito. Las principales cuestiones en el emprendimiento son las dificultades para encontrar recursos financieros, y la falta de formación y conocimientos en distintas áreas como el marketing y la gestión. Por lo tanto, las propuestas y estrategias deben encaminarse en torno a estas áreas. Aquellos que desean establecer un nuevo negocio deben contar con apoyo (tener un servicio de asesoramiento adecuado, mediante la educación formal y no formal). También se debe hacer una mayor promoción de los apoyos financieros existentes para emprender, y abrir centros de emprendimiento que orienten a los jóvenes para poder convertirse en empresarios en Turquía.



Parece que el actual marco de la educación en emprendimiento y el desarrollo del HQF y el sistema ECVET en Grecia se encuentra aún en una etapa muy incipiente. Aunque se ha argumentado ampliamente a favor y se destaca su valor añadido, no se han desarrollado las acciones adecuadas para poner en marcha estos sistemas. La fuerte crisis económica del país hace necesario llevar a cabo una reforma radical con acciones para empoderar a los jóvenes e invertir en emprendimiento. Como resultado, es necesario que los responsables de las políticas, de la toma de decisiones y las partes interesadas lleven a cabo acciones concretas para combatir las altas tasas de desempleo, mejorar la competitividad y productividad de la economía griega e invertir en la juventud. Por tanto, es necesario poner en marcha el plan de acción de YGIP y desarrollar un mayor número de programas de formación e inclusión para asegurar la inserción social y económica de los jóvenes, tanto en Grecia, como en un contexto europeo.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Finalmente, parece que Grecia se encuentra muy por detrás de otros países en cuanto al desarrollo de su marco nacional de cualificaciones (HQF) y el ECVET, tal y como se ha expuesto. Otros países de la UE han demostrado un mayor progreso y grado de desarrollo en los últimos años y ya han puesto en marcha su propio marco nacional de cualificaciones, promoviendo la movilidad, la transparencia y la transferencia de las cualificaciones. Es, por lo tanto, pertinente que Grecia sigua sus pasos y tome iniciativas y acciones similares.



En un mundo cambiante, en el que se prevé un crecimiento de los sectores relacionados con el conocimiento, la información y la creatividad, la búsqueda de individuos flexibles con capacidad de abstracción, análisis y creatividad cada vez se está exigiendo más. En este contexto, ¿están las escuelas, los sistemas de formación profesional y las instituciones superiores preparando a los jóvenes para afrontar esta realidad? ¿Son los estudiantes conscientes de que deben convertirse en profesionales capaces de trabajar en su crecimiento personal / profesional en un entorno empresarial donde la competencia es feroz? Un indicador importante para evaluar el trabajo de los sistemas de educación y formación en este ámbito se basa en el análisis sobre cómo se produce la transición de los jóvenes en general, al mercado de trabajo. Este colectivo parece que esté "perdido en transición". Sin experiencia profesional significativa y tal vez sin la información suficiente sobre las exigencias actuales del paradigma de la empleabilidad, la búsqueda del primer empleo llevar cada vez un mayor tiempo. Esta situación está llevando a los jóvenes a una situación de desempleo de larga duración, empeorando gradualmente las dificultades de la (re) integración en el mercado de trabajo, y enfrentándolos a una posible situación de situación de exclusión social. La promoción del emprendimiento es una de las prioridades nacionales para poder enfrentar este problema, orientado a crear mayor mayores oportunidades de empleo en los jóvenes. En este sentido, los agentes educativos y de formación están tomando medidas para apoyar la educación en emprendimiento en el sistema escolar desde una fase temprana, porque ante todo, “nadie nace siendo emprendedor, sino que hay que aprender a serlo”. En cuanto a la educación y formación profesional, las actuales ofertas se encuentran aún a la expectativa, y la mayoría de los cursos de formación para profesionales que existen son de corta duración, teniendo un coste asociado y dirigiéndose a una audiencia cualificada concreta (p.ej. directivos de empresas, gestores, managers). En los planes de formación diseñados para jóvenes, se incluyen módulos relacionados con el tema. Por otra parte, en el sistema de educación superior, el concepto se encuentra mucho más consolidado, y es una parte integral de la mayor parte de los currículos. En la investigación realizada, se han encontrado varias universidades con licenciaturas, master y doctorados que se centran en los aspectos empresariales. En suma, lo más destacable es que es importante promover un mayor número de oportunidades de formación que favorezcan y animen a los sistemas de formación nacionales a actuar, para facilitar su comprensión y contribuir a la implementación del espíritu empresarial entre los jóvenes. YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


Para poder enfrentarse a las demandas del mercado laboral y la crisis estructural del país que afecta al empleo, la educación y formación profesional debe centrarse fundamentalmente en mejorar la empleabilidad, y no tanto para en formar para desempeñar un trabajo concreto.



La promoción del emprendimiento es una de las prioridades de la agenda económica y social española. Dado el marco económico y social actual, el autoempleo y el emprendimiento alcanzan una importancia particularmente alta, especialmente en la gente joven, ya que les ofrece la oportunidad de iniciar proyectos profesionales con los que desarrollar sus habilidades e iniciarse en la vida laboral. España ha desarrollado un Marco Nacional de Cualificaciones (NQF) para el Aprendizaje permanente (el Marco Español de Cualificaciones, o MECU) basado en Resultados de Aprendizaje. Este marco relaciona y coordina los diferentes subsistemas de educación y formación. También incluye los títulos obtenidos a través de la educación y la educación post-secundaria obligatoria y superior (formación universitaria y formación profesional de grado superior) e integra el proceso de validación del aprendizaje informal y no formal. Uno de los objetivos clave en el marco nacional de educación de España es crear un sistema integral de formación profesional, así como de cualificaciones y acreditación que responda con eficacia a las demandas sociales y económicas, y sobre todo, a las necesidades del mercado de trabajo actual a nivel europeo, un sistema que además debe fomentar el aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida. La FP aparece como un instrumento y estrategia clave para satisfacer las nuevas necesidades y demandas sociales y económicas, al tiempo que aumenta la competitividad empresarial y mejora de la empleabilidad de las personas. En este sentido, en el marco nacional, se ha establecido un nuevo modelo de formación profesional en respuesta a la necesaria adaptación entre la formación y el empleo. El Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales identifica los títulos más significativos en los diversos sectores de la producción, y debe ser tenido en cuenta en todos los programas de formación profesional en el ámbito educativo y / o laboral. En la etapa actual, el objetivo pendiente para lograr plenamente las metas establecidas pasa por actualizar el modelo de formación mencionado de manera regular, procurando su flexibilidad y favoreciendo la transversalidad de las competencias y resultados de aprendizaje adquiridos a través de él, para que sean ampliamente reconocida a nivel europeo, y por lo tanto, contribuyan a la creación de una mano de obra europea móvil y flexible. Además, es necesario adaptar las cualificaciones profesionales adquiridas en España al Sistema Europeo de Transferencia de Créditos en la Formación Profesional (ECVET). Mientras que en España, los títulos superiores/ estudios universitarios ya se han alineado con el sistema de créditos europeo (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) desde el año 2003, la educación y la formación profesional aún permanece a la espera de ser alineada con el ECVET.

YES - Youth unemployment: fostering Entrepreneurial Skills 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35155


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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