1. Dónde alojaría a los siguientes viajeros? Relacione las columnas A y B. Utilice un diccionario si no conoce el significado de algunas palabras

BÁSICO. UNIDAD 6 UNIT 6. EL PASADO y MISCELLANEA y Diferentes tipos de habitación en un hotel 1. ¿Dónde alojaría a los siguientes viajeros? Relacio

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1. Consulta en el diccionario las siguientes palabras y escribe dos de sus acepciones
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Diferentes tipos de habitación en un hotel

1. ¿Dónde alojaría a los siguientes viajeros? Relacione las columnas A y B. Utilice un diccionario si no conoce el significado de algunas palabras. A Una persona que viaja sola y Un matrimonio con dos hijos adolescentes y

B y A double room and a twin bedded room. y A suite.

Un matrimonio con dos hijos pequeños y

y A single room.

Un multimillonario y

y A family room.

y TEXT y

The Past Simple Tense. Regular and Irregular Verbs

Los verbos regulares son todos aquellos que forman el pasado y el participio añadiendo la terminación -ed al infinitivo del verbo. workÄworked



La grafía de algunos verbos puede variar al añadir esta terminación:

- Los verbos acabados en -e eliminan esta vocal: likeÄliked


- Los monosílabos con la estructura (consonante) +consonante + vocal + consonante doblan esta última consonante al añadirles -ed: stopÄstopped



- Los verbos acabados en -y precedida de consonante hacen diptongo -ie: studyÄstudied


Los verbos irregulares, tal como su nombre indica, no siguen ninguna norma y es necesario aprender las formas de pasado y participio correspondientes a cada verbo. Por ejemplo: Infinitive do fly put buy be see

Past simple did flew put bought was/were saw

Página 1

Past Participle done flown put bought been seen

BÁSICO. UNIDAD 6 Como puede observar, en la tabla hay una conjugación única para todas las personas. Las formas interrogativas y negativas necesitan del auxiliar did (pasado del verbo ‘do’). Al utilizar este auxiliar, el verbo principal queda en la forma de infinitivo. PAST SIMPLE Afirmative



I stopped

I did not (didn't) stop

Did I stop?

You stopped

You did not (didn't) stop

Did you stop?

He/she/it stopped

He/she/it did (didn't) stop

Did he/she/it stop?

We stopped

We did not (didn't) stop

Did we stop?

You stopped

You did not (didn't) stop

Did you stop?

They stopped

They did not (didn't) stop

Did they stop?

- La negación e interrogación de los verbos irregulares se hacen de la misma manera: They ran Ä They did not (didn't) run Ä Did they run? He knew Ä He did not (didn't) know Ä Did he know?

2. Listening. ‘At the meeting’. Lidia está en Heidelberg, Alemania, en viaje de negocios. Ha citado a Mr Lang, Mrs Ackerman y Mr Helmotz en un restaurante para mantener una reunión. Escucha la conversación y lee el diálogo.

Mrs Ackerman & Mr Lang: Hi, Frank. How are you? Mr Helmotz: Fine, thanks. Mrs Ackerman:Let me introduce you to Mrs Lidia Ferrer, from Easy Travel in Barcelona. Lidia: Pleased to meet you. Mr Helmotz: Pleased to meet you too. I’m sorry we couldn’t meet yesterday but I had another appointment, as you know. But I’m sure you talked about very interesting things. Lidia: You’re right. As you know, I work for Easy Travel, one of the leading holiday enterprises in Spain. I’m here because my company wants to attract a specific type of European tourist to Spain. Mrs Ackerman: And we also talked about the possibility of doing the same thing in Germany and getting Spanish tourists to come here. The idea is to do a sort of exchange. Mr Lang: Yes! For example, imagine that a Spanish family would like to visit Germany and the German family wants to visit Spain. We offer them different possibilities: they can buy the typical organized trip, of course, or they can exchange homes. While the Spanish family is in Germany they can accommodate themselves at the German family’s home and vice-versa.

Página 2

BÁSICO. UNIDAD 6 Lidia: Obviously this type of tourism is only for select families. We started this programme in Great Britain a couple of years ago and in France last year and the people who tried it were extremely satisfied. Mr Helmotz: That sounds really great! But tell me about the conditions...

3. Vuelve a escuchar la conversación e indica cuáles de las frases siguientes son verdaderas (T) y cuáles son falsas (F). 1.

This is the first time Lidia meets Hans Helmotz.



Lidia, Helmotz and Lang had a meeting the day before.



Lidia works for a hotel.



Mrs Ackermann works for Easy Travel.



Easy Travel wants to send Spanish tourists to Germany.



Mrs Ackerman and Mr Lang want to attract Spanish tourists.



This type of tourism is addressed to all types of people.



Easy Travel started this scheme two years ago.


4. Contesta a estas preguntas con oraciones completas. 1.

Why could Mr Helmotz not meet Lidia yesterday? ________________________________________________________________________


What is Easy Travel? ________________________________________________________________________


Why is Lidia in Germany? ________________________________________________________________________


According to Easy Travel’s plan, where can Spanish families accommodate themselves while they are on holiday in Germany? ________________________________________________________________________


When did Easy Travel start to offer this kind of holiday? _______________________________________________________________________

y VOCABULARY 5. A continuación presentamos situaciones típicas que se dan en un aeropuerto. Escoge la opción correcta. Usa un diccionario si lo necesitas.

Página 3



Ud. quiere facturar su equipaje. Esta operación se llama: a. facturation

b. check-in

c. check-out

d. baggage

Una vez ha facturado el equipaje, cambia su billete por: a. the boarding card

b. the flight ticket

c. the plane pass



Ahora que ya tiene su tarjeta de embarque, decide compra unos artículos libres de impuestos. Esto lo hará en: a. the souvenir shop

b. the airport shop

c. the gift shop

d. the duty free shop

Su vuelo es anunciado por megafonía. ¿Adónde se dirigirá? a. the waiting room

b. door number ...

c. the boarding gate



Ya ha llegado a su destino. Ahora para recuperar su equipaje, Ud se dirigirá a: a. baggage claim

b. traveller's bags

c. luggage wanted

d. lost property office

Greetings and polite expressions

¡A su/tu salud!



Hi (there)!

¡Adiós ! ; ¡Hasta la vista!


¡Hola! ¡Qué hay!





Excuse me!



¡Perdón! ; ¡Lo siento!


¡Buena suerte!

Good luck!

¿Cómo está usted?

How do you do?

¡Buenas noches!

Good night ; Night-night

¿Cómo está/estás?

How are you?

¡Buenas tardes!

Good afternoon

¿Qué tal?

How are things?

¡Buenas tardes/noches!

Good evening

¿Y usted/tú?

And you?

¡Buenos días!

Good morning

Adiós definitivo

Farewell ; Adieu

¡Cúanto lo siento!

How sorry I am!


To thank



Bien ; Vale ; Tirando

OK, okay

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Happy New Year!

Bien, gracias

Fine, thanks

¡Feliz cumpleaños!

Happy Birthday!

Buenos deseos

Good intentions

¡Feliz Navidad!

Merry Christmas!

De nada; ¡Faltaría más!

Don't mention it



Deseos de felicidad

Wishes for happiness

¡Hasta la noche!

See you tonight


To apologize

¡Hasta luego!

See you later

Encantado de conocerle/te

Pleased to meet you

¡Hasta pronto!

See you (soon)

To shake hands with


Hallo, hello!

Estrecharle la mano a alguien

Página 4

BÁSICO. UNIDAD 6 Felizmente ; Por fortuna


No hay de qué ; De nada

Not at all

Guardar un feliz recuerdo

To have happy memories of

Por favor


Le presento a…

I'd like to introduce you to...


To introduce

Me alegro de verle/te

Nice to see you



Muchos recuerdos

Kindest regards



Muy bien

Very well

Sí, por favor

Yes please

y SELF-EVALUATION EXERCISES 6. Detecta y corrige los errores de las siguientes oraciones en pasado. 1.

Where did he spends his summer holiday last year?


When my mother were 18, she won a beauty contest.


I didn’t did the homework because I left the workbook in the classroom.


Sheila buyed me a CD for my birthday.


We don’t enjoyed the film very much.

7. Vuelve a escribir estas frases usando la forma negativa del pasado simple. Usa las palabras que aparecen entre paréntesis: Example:

Jack always takes the train to go to work. (yesterday. / take / bus) Jack didn’t take the train to go to work yesterday. He took the bus.


I usually have a toast with jam and an orange juice for breeakfast. (this morning. / have / ham sandwich / coffee)


We watch ‘Army Babes’ on TV every Tuesday. (last Tuesday. / our television / break down)

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My parents always give me some clothes for my birthday. (this year. / give/ computer)


I usually spend 30 € at the weekend. (money / this weekend. / I / be / ill / bed)


Our friends from Germany come to visit us every summer (last summer. / we / travel / there)

8. Relaciona la columna A con la columna B para formar oraciones completas con sentido. A When I was at school y When I was a child y When I was 18 y When I broke my leg y When I left school y When I was five y On my first day at school y

B y I went to school for the first time. y my parents gave me a car for my birthday. y I found a job in an office. y I didn’t like studying very much. y I cried. y I always spent my holidays on the beach. y I stayed at home for a month.

y OPEN EXERCISES EVALUATION 9. Busca el pasado de los siguientes verbos: try ____________

stop ____________

have ____________

drink ____________

buy ____________

spend ____________

put ____________

talk ____________

can ____________

remember ____________ think ____________

say ____________

study ____________

play ____________

read ____________

10. Responde a estas preguntas sobre ti. Escribe respuestas con oraciones completas. 1.

What time did you get up today? Yesterday, I got up at 6:30 am.

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What did you have for breakfast? ________________________________________________________________________


How old were you when you left school? ________________________________________________________________________


What was your first job? ________________________________________________________________________


What presents did you get on your last birthday? ________________________________________________________________________


When was the last time you played any sport? ________________________________________________________________________


Did you practise any sports when you were a child? ________________________________________________________________________


Did you go to the cinema yesterday? ________________________________________________________________________


What did you do last weekend? ________________________________________________________________________

10. Where did you go on your last summer holiday? ________________________________________________________________________


List of irregular verbs Present Be Become Begin Blow Break Bring Build Burn Buy Catch Choose Come Cost Cut Do Draw Dream Drink Drive Eat Fall Feel Fight Find

Past was/were became began blew broke brought built burn bought caught chose came cost cut did drew dreamt drank drove ate fell felt fought found

Participle been become begun blown broken brought built burn bought caught chosen come cost cut done drawn dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen felt fought found

Página 7

Meaning Ser/estar Llegar a ser Comenzar Soplar Romper Traer Construir Quemar Comprar Agarrar/coger Elegir Venir Costar Cortar Hacer Dibujar Soñar Beber Conducir Comer Caer Sentir Luchar Encontrar

BÁSICO. UNIDAD 6 Present Fly Forbid Forget Get Give Go Grow Hang Have Hear Hit Hold Hurt Keep Know Learn Leave Lend Let Lose Make Mean Meet Pay Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Sell Send Set Show Shut Sing Sit Sleep Speak Spend Stand Steal Swim Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Understand Wake Wear Win Write

Past flew forbade forgot got gave went grew hung had heard hit held hurt kept knew learnt left lent let lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sold sent set showed shut sang sat slept spoke spent stood stole swam took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote

Participle flown forbidden forgotten got given gone grown hung had heard hit held hurt kept known learnt left lent let lost made meant met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sold sent set shown shut sung sat slept spoken spent stood stolen swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written

Página 8

Meaning Volar Prohibir Olvidar Conseguir/obtener Dar Ir Crecer Colgar Tener/haber Oír Golpear/dar Sujetar/agarrar Herir Guardar/conservar Saber Aprender Abandonar/irse Prestar Dejar/permitir Perder Hacer Significar/querer decir Encontrarse con/conocer Pagar Poner Leer Montar Sonar/repicar/tañer Subir/elevarse Correr/funcionar Decir Ver Vender Enviar Poner/colocar Mostrar/enseñar Cerrar Cantar Sentarse Dormir Hablar Gastar/pasar Estar de pie Robar Nadar Llevar/coger/tardar Enseñar/dar clases de Rasgar/romper Decir/contar Pensar Arrojar Comprender/entender Despertar Llevar puesto Ganar Escribir

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