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Story Transcript


4 - 6 JULY 2007


Colegio Argentino de Cardioangiólogos Intervencionistas

Sociedad Latinoamericana de Cardiología Intervencionista



4 - 6 JULY 2007



Índice / Index Carta de bienvenida


Welcome Letter


Autoridades del Congreso / Congress Authorities


Invitados internacionales / International Faculty


Invitados latinoamericanos / Latin American Faculty


Invitados argentinos / Argentine Faculty


Invitados Congreso tecnólogos y enfermeros /


Nurses and Technicians Faculty Información general / General Information


Grilla horaria / Schedule . Miércoles / Wednesday . Jueves / Thursday . Viernes / Friday

14 16 18

Programa Científico . Miércoles . Jueves . Viernes

20 24 30

Programa Científico de Tecnólogos y Enfermeros


Scientific Program . Wednesday . Thursday . Friday

36 40 46

Scientific Program for Nurses and Technicians


Temas libres / Abstracts Presentations . Orales / Oral Sessions . Posters / Poster Sessions

52 55

Planos del hotel / Hotel Maps . Segundo piso / Second Floor . Segundo subsuelo / Second Underground Floor . Quinto piso / Fifth Floor

65 66 68

Servicio de traslados / Shuttle Service


Tours pre y post Congreso / Pre and Post Congress Tours


Estimados amigos: Estas palabras de bienvenida están dirigidas a todos los presentes en el XIII Congreso SOLACI´07 y el XVII Congreso CACI´07. Otra vez en Argentina, otra vez en Buenos Aires, con las mismas ganas de que este evento sea de utilidad y grato para todos, sabiendo de ante mano que Latinoamérica es así, con todos sus encantos, toda su espontaneidad, toda su juventud y algunos pequeños errores que seguramente vamos a cometer; ustedes nos disculparán y nosotros trataremos de disimularlos. La alegría de tenerlos aquí es superadora de todo el trabajo y esfuerzo que desde comienzos de 2006 venimos realizando un grupo de profesionales médicos y no médicos con reuniones semanales, actividad diaria y con la pasión necesaria para que un Congreso de este volumen y nivel de participantes pueda ser realizado a la altura que todos merecen. El programa científico fue basado en la problemática internacional, pero con los matices necesarios para que la concurrencia latinoamericana se vea representada en su práctica intervencionista diaria, que es la esencia de la realización de este evento, precisamente aquí en Latinoamérica. El enfoque de la clínica cardiovascular, incluyendo la diabetología, gerontología, pediatría, infectología, sin excluir los avances de la cirugía vascular y cardíaca, son motivo de encuentros conjuntos con expertos, que serán desarrollados durante los tres días del Congreso, dando una visión unicista del paciente. Uno de los atractivos del programa de los eventos intervencionistas en todo el mundo es justamente mostrar cómo realizan la práctica los expertos internacionales y locales. En esa línea, SOLACI/CACI da un protagonismo destacado a la discusión de los “casos en vivo”. Nuevamente los enfermeros y tecnólogos en cardiología participan en este evento con sus importantes aportes e inquietudes. Reciban mi agradecimiento los invitados y conferencistas internacionales que, recorriendo a veces largas distancias, se acercan a nuestro país para compartir con nosotros sus experiencias enriquecedoras; a los integrantes del Comité Organizador y Científico; a todo el staff del Congreso, extensivo a los miembros de las Comisiones Directivas de CACI y SOLACI, que han sabido ayudarnos cuando fueron requeridos. Un especial agradecimiento a la industria relacionada al intervencionismo y a la industria farmacéutica por su apoyo y visión respecto de la práctica en América Latina. Este evento nos proporciona una oportunidad única para confraternizar e intercambiar experiencias en nuestra extensa región latinoamericana y con los invitados y participantes del resto del mundo, y así sentirnos gratamente incluidos en el universo del intervencionismo. Nuestro deseo es que disfruten de la calidez argentina, de la cual esperamos darles una pequeña muestra en los eventos sociales. Nuevamente, ¡BIENVENIDOS A ARGENTINA!

Dra. Liliana Grinfeld Presidente XIII SOLACI’07 XVII CACI’07 |3|

Dear friends, These welcome words are intended for all the attendants of the XIII SOLACI Congress '07 and the XVII CACI Congress '07. Once again in Argentina, once again in Buenos Aires, we are keen on making this event useful and pleasant for everybody, knowing in advance that Latin America is special, with its charm, spontaneity and youthness, and even some mistakes we will make; you will understand and we will try to disguise them. The joy of having you here overwhelms all the hard work and effort a team of medical and non-medical professionals has been doing since 2006, with weekly meetings and daily activities, with the passion that a Congress of this extent needs to be held as we all deserve. The Scientific Program is based on international issues including the necessary nuances so that Latin American attendees feel highly represented in their daily interventional practice, which is the aim of this event. The approach of cardiovascular practice including diabetology, gerontology, pediatrics and infectology, without leaving aside the advances in vascular and cardiac surgery, is the essence of the joint meetings with experts that will take place during this 3-day event, thus providing us with a comprehensive vision of the patient. One of the most attractive issues in the program of interventional events worldwide is how international and local experts perform their practice. In this regard, SOLACI/CACI emphasizes the discussion of Live Cases. Once again, Nurses and Technicians in Cardiology will take part in this event with their contributions and concerns. I would like to thank particularly our international speakers and guests for coming from distant places to share with us their enriching experiences; the members of the Organizing and Scientific Committees and all the SOLACI '07 staff, as well as the SOLACI/CACI Boards that have helped us every time we required. A special thanks to the industry related to interventional cardiology and pharmaceutical companies for their support and vision regarding the practice in Latin America. This event provides a unique opportunity to get closer and share experiences in the wide Latin American region with invited guests and participants from all around the world and thus allowing everybody to be part of the interventional universe. We deeply wish you enjoy the Argentine warmth that will be partly reflected in our social activities. Once again, WELCOME TO ARGENTINA! Liliana Grinfeld, M.D. President XIII SOLACI’07 Congress XVII CACI’07 Congress


Autoridades del Congreso / Congress Authorities

Autoridades del Congreso / Congress Authorities Presidente / Chairman

Comité Científico Internacional International Scientific Committee

Liliana Grinfeld

Comité Organizador Organizing Committee

Asesor / Advisor Valentín Fuster Ernesto Ban Hayashi Jorge Belardi Fausto Buitrón Hugo Londero Eugenio Marchant Díaz Irving Peña Expedito Ribeiro Eduardo Sousa Alberto Suárez Nitola

Secretarios / Secretaries Fernando Cura Antonio Pocovi Tesorero / Treasurer Alejandro Palacios José Álvarez Jorge Baccaro Juan Alberto Díaz Alejandro Fernández José Gabay Marcelo Halac Lucio Padilla Gustavo Pessah Rubén Piraíno Omar Santaera

Comité de Casos en Vivo Live Cases Committee José Álvarez Jorge Belardi Alejandro Fernandez Oscar Mendiz Lucio Padilla Alejandro Palacios León Valdivieso

Comité Científico Scientific Committee Secretarios / Secretaries Oscar Mendiz José Vaccaro Ricardo Lluberas

Autoridades Congreso de Tecnólogos y Enfermeros Nurses and Technicians Congress Authorities

Carla Agatiello Arturo Cagide Horacio Faella Ricardo Gamboa Miguel Granja Diego Grinfeld Jorge Iravedra Hugo Lastiri Jorge Leguizamón Juan Carlos Linares Casas Pedro Lylyk Alejandro Peirone Ricardo Sarmiento León Valdivieso Sergio Varini

Director / Director Roberto D'Agosto Sub-director / Vice-Director Alejandro Incarbone Secretario / Secretary Claudio Rodríguez Comité Científico / Scientific Committee Alejandro D’Aiello Carlos Maryszczyn Patricia Leishmer Alberto Zichert Daniel Maggio Silvia Beati Fernando Orsi Gustavo Bulacio Claudio Llaurado María Inés di Pasquo Juan Alberto Díaz

David Vetcher


Autoridades del Congreso / Congress Authorities

Autoridades SOLACI SOLACI Authorities Presidente / Chairman Daniel Berrocal (Argentina) Vice Presidente / Vice-Chairman Alexandre Abizaid (Brazil) Secretario / Secretary Alejandro Palacios (Argentina) Tesorero / Treasurer Rubén Piraíno (Argentina) Vocales / Members Fabio Sandoli Brito Jr. (Brazil) Gastón Dussaillant Nielsen (Chile)

Autoridades CACI CACI Authorities Presidente / Chairman Alberto Sampaolesi Vice Presidente / Vice-Chairman Omar Santaera Secretario / Secretary Rubén Piraíno Tesorero / Treasurer José Gabay Secretaría Científica / Scientific Secretariat Oscar Mendiz Secretaria Gremial / Union Secretariat Ernesto Torresani Vocales / Members Alejandro Cherro Aníbal De Sanctis Jorge Iravedra Jorge Baccaro


Invitados internacionales / International Faculty

Invitados internacionales / International Faculty Khaled Al-Shaibi, M.D. Interventionalist Armed Forces Hospital Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Eberhard Grube, M.D. Heart Center Siegburg Siegburg, Germany

Joseph Babb, M.D. East Carolina University School of Medicine Greenville, USA

Luis Guzmán, M.D. UF College of Medicine Jacksonville, USA

Lee Benson, M.D. The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, Canada

Ziyad Hijazi, M.D. University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital Chicago, USA

Giancarlo Biamino, M.D. Villa Maria Cecilia Hospital Cotignola, Italy

Andrés Iñiguez Romo, M.D. Hospital Meixoeri Vigo, Spain

Marco Costa, M.D. UF College of Medicine Jacksonville, USA

Alex Javois, M.D. The Heart Institute for Children Oak Lawn, USA

Alberto Cremonesi, M.D. Villa Maria Cecilia Hospital Cotignola, Italy

Larry Latson, M.D. Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, USA

Frank Criado, M.D. Union Memorial Hospital Baltimore, USA

Trong-Phi Lê, M.D. University of Hamburg Hamburg, Germany

Alain Cribier, M.D. Hôpitaux de Rouen Rouen, France

Carlos Macaya, M.D. Hospital Universitario San Carlos Madrid, Spain

Dariusz Dudek, M.D. Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland

Roxana Mehran, M.D. Columbia University Cardiovascular Research Foundation. New York, USA

Stephen Ellis, M.D. Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, USA

Jeffrey Moses, M.D. Columbia University Cardiovascular Research Foundation. New York, USA

Jean Fajadet, M.D. Clinique Pasteur Toulouse, France

Christoph Nienaber, M.D. Universität Rostock Rostock, Germany

Valentín Fuster, M.D. Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, USA

William O´Neill, M.D. University of Miami Miami, USA

Eulogio García, M.D. Hospital Gregorio Marañón Madrid, Spain

Igor Palacios, M.D. Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, USA

Juan Granada, M.D. Methodist Hospital Houston, Texas

Julio Palmaz, M.D. University of Texas San Antonio, USA


Invitados internacionales / International Faculty

Invitados distinguidos Distinguished Guests

Juan Carlos Parodi, M.D. Jackson Memorial Hospital Miami, USA Ivo Petrov, M.D. Tokuda Hospital Sofia, Bulgaria

Carlos Bertolasi, M.D. Antonio Colombo, M.D.

Augusto Pichard, M.D. Washington Hospital Center Washington DC, USA

Luis de la Fuente, M.D.

Dierk Scheinert, M.D. University of Leipzig Leipzig, Germany Sigmund Silber, M.D. Munich, Germany Gregg Stone, M.D. Columbia University Cardiovascular Research Foundation. New York, USA Eliseo Vañó Carruana, M.D. Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain Renu Virmani, M.D. The Armed Forces Institute of Medical Science Washington DC, USA Ron Waksman, M.D. Washington Hospital Center Washington DC, USA Giora Weisz, M.D. Columbia University Medical Center New York, USA Gerald Werner, M.D. Klinikum Darmstadt Jena, Germany Neil Wilson, M.D. Royal Hospital for Sick Children London, England


Invitados latinoamericanos / Latin American Faculty

Invitados latinoamericanos / Latin American Faculty BOLIVIA Mercado Luis BRAZIL Abizaid Alexandre Abizaid Andrea Botelho Roberto Cano Manuel Caramori Paulo Carnevale Francisco Correia de Lima Valter Costa Ribamar José Costa Ricardo Costantini Costantino Costantini Costantino Jr. Espinosa Gaudencio Esteves César Feres Fausto Ferreira Marcelo Figueira Helio Roque Gowdak Luiz Enrique W. Kambara Antonio M. Leite Maria do Rosario Lemos Neto Pedro Loures Bueno Ronaldo Mandil Ari Mangione José Marino Marco Ântonio Martínez Eulogio Nercolini Deborah Nunes Gilberto Pedra Carlos Perin Marco Ântonio Pilla Carlo Piva Mattos Luiz Queiroga Marcelo Razuk Álvaro Ribeiro Expedito Rodrígues Alves Claudia Rossi Raul Sandoli Brito Jr. Fabio Sarmento Leite Rogerio Simoes Luiz Carlos Sousa Amanda Sousa Eduardo Souza José Augusto Wainstein Marco Wender Orlando Zago Alcides

CHILE Ayala Riquelme Francisco Chamorro Hernán Delgado Durán Juan Dussaillant Nielsen Gastón Fava Mario Heuser Felipe Marchant Díaz Eugenio Martínez Sepúlveda Alejandro


COLOMBIA Arango Juan José Echeverri Darío Franco Sergio Mor Jorge Suárez Nitola Alberto

VENEZUELA Ascanio Estevez Carlos Borges Federico Casal Heredia Humberto Condado José Hidalgo Useche Pedro León Carlos Peña Irving

COSTA RICA Calderón Calvo Carlos ECUADOR German Gaibor John GUATEMALA Rodríguez Nelson HONDURAS Somoza Alvarenga Francisco MEXICO Ban Hayashi Ernesto Gaxiola López Efraín Moguel Ancheita Rafael Zabal Carlos PANAMA Marchena Noriega Alfaro

PARAGUAY Ebner Adrián Gallo Santiago PERU Alvarado Oscar Agüero José Balaguer Alfonso

| 10 |

URUGUAY Buitrón Fausto Durán Reyes Ariel César Gaspar Juan Lluberas Ricardo Pardiñas César

Invitados latinoamericanos / Latin American Faculty

ARGENTINA Abdo Leonardo Agatiello Carla Alday Luis Alico Juan Carlos Allende José Alonso José Altman Raul Alvarez José Álvarez Iorio Alejandro Álvarez Iorio Carlos Ameriso Sebastián Argentieri Julio Argibay Pablo Aymat María Rosa Baccaro Jorge Bahit Cecilia Ballarino Miguel Barbagallo Daniel Bayol Pablo Belardi Jorge Bernardi Víctor Bernal Castro Rafael Berrocal Daniel Bertoni Hernán Bettinotti Marcelo Blanco Jorge Bono Julio Bordagaray Jorge Bozovich Gerardo Bracco Daniel Bravo Alfredo Bretal Raúl Brieva Sergio Cagide Arturo Casabé Horacio Casey Marcelo Centeno Sergio Cerezo Marcelo Cherro Alejandro Cigalini Claudio Clara Liliana Clavijo Ricardo Cosentino Adolfo Costa Gil José Crottogini Alberto Cura Fernando Damonte Aníbal Damsky Barbosa Jesús De La Casa Jorge De Luca Carlos De Sanctis Aníbal Descalzo Amalia

Díaz Alejandro Díaz Juan Dulbecco Eduardo Durlach Ricardo Endrei Ladislao Fabregues Guillermo Faella Horacio Falconi Mariano Fava Carlos Favaloro Roberto Fernández Alejandro Fernández Juan Fernández Murga Arturo Fernández Pereira Carlos Ferrín Liliana Fernández Viña Roberto Fiakosky Enrique Flores Luis Frank Luis Gabay José Gadaleta Leonardo Gadda Carlos Gamboa Ricardo García Escudero Alejandro García Mónaco Ricardo Gelpi Ricardo Gómez Moreno Oscar González Estevez Alejandro Granja Miguel Grinfeld Diego Grinfeld Liliana Guasch Jorge Gurfinkel Enrique Halac Marcelo Iglesias Agustín Iglesias Ricardo Iravedra Jorge Kantor Pablo Kevorkian Ruben Kirschmann Diego Kotliar Carol Krauss Juan La Pasta Alejandro Laplumé Héctor Larribau Miguel Lastiri Hugo Leguizamón Jorge Leonardi Carlos Lev Gustavo Lichieri Alberto Linares Casas Juan Carlos Litwak León Londero Hugo Lylyk Pedro | 11 |

Magariños Eduardo Marchetti Guillermo Marraco Aníbal Masoli Osvaldo Mauro Daniel Mautner Branco Mauvecín Carlos Mele Eduardo Mendaro Esteban Mendiz Oscar Menendez Marcelo Miano Jorge Miceli Miguel Miriuka Santiago Moles Víctor Molina Alberto Mollón Pedro Mrad Jorge Musacchio Alejandro Navia Daniel Navia José Nauwerk Ricardo Notrica Marcelo Oberti Pablo Ortiz Baeza Oscar Pacheco Guillermo Padilla Lucio Palacios Alejandro Paolantonio Daniel Paolasso Ernesto Paoletti Francisco Pastene Ricardo Payaslian Miguel Peirone Alejandro Pérez Analía Pérez de Arenaza Diego Pessah Gustavo Pettinari Marcelo Picabea Eduardo Pieroni Mario Piñeiro Daniel Piraíno Rubén Pocoví Antonio Pollono Pablo Pomes Iparaguirre Horacio Raimondi Eduardo Rey Jorge Riccitelli Miguel Angel Rivarola Marcelo Rodríguez Alfredo Rodríguez Adolfo Rodríguez Granillo Gastón Rolandi Florencia Rosental Raúl

Invitados latinoamericanos / Latin American Faculty

Rojas Matas Carlos Rojo Liliana Romero Graciela Rostagno Román Rubio Carlos Ruda Vega Marcelo Salvati Ana Sarti Daniel Sampaolesi Alberto Santaera Omar Sarmiento Ricardo Sciegata Alberto Seoane Martín Serra César Skvarca Jorge Sztejfman Carlos Tajer Carlos Tamashiro Alberto Telayna Juan Manuel Torresani Ernesto Trainini Carlos Trentacoste Luis Trivi Marcelo Vaccaro Jorge Vagnola Oscar Valdivieso León Varini Sergio Vetcher David Vicario José Vozzi Carlos Williams Guillermo Wisner Jorge Woscoboinik Javier Zaefferer Patricio Zangroniz Pedro

Invitados Congreso tecnólogos y enfermeros / Nurses and Technicians Faculty Ramón Aibar Jorge Alvarado Enrique Arias José Luis Ávalos José Boggiano Carlos Bordarampe Miriam Cabrera Juan Cañete Natalia Cárdenas Gustavo Conde Ramirez Hugo Corrandine Alfredo Culquicondor Gustavo Diez Robert Domínguez César Echegaray Carmén Fusco Ivanise Gomes Germán Gonzalez Irian Guidugli Heriberto Hernández Erick Jaramillo Adriana Lima Claudio Llaurado Leonidas Londoño Olaya Ariel Luero Miguel Martínez Ambar Medina Daniel Meza Janeeth Moscoso Beatriz Morales Fernando Orsi Victoria Orsi Yudelca Perez Jorge Antonio Rafael Rosa Ruiz Piñeiro Mauricio Salinas Simone de Souza Sor María Suárez Vázquez Luis Taramelli José Uribe María Teresa Velazco Livia Regina Yarza

| 12 |

Información general / General Information

Información general / General Information Ubicación de salones / Conference Rooms Layout

Secretaría del XIII Congreso SOLACI 2007 XIII SOLACI Congress 2007 Secretariat

5º Piso / 5th Floor

A. Alsina 2653, 2º “H” (C1090AAQ) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Teléfono: (5411) 4953-3578 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.solaci2007.com.ar www.solaci.org

Pacará (Salón de conferencias de pediatría / Pediatric Conference Room); Lenga, Alerce y Jacarandá (Salones de conferencias / Conference Rooms); Quebracho (Faculty Room); Sauce (Salón de cordialidad miembros SOLACI/CACI / SOLACI/CACI Members Courtesy Lounge).

Sede del Congreso / Congress Venue

Buen Ayre A & B (Salón de conferencias de tecnólogos y enfermeros / Nurses and Technicians Room); Buen Ayre C (Salón de conferencias / Conference Room); Foyer (Sesión de pósters y exhibición científica / Poster Session and Scientific Exhibit).

2º Piso / 2nd Floor

Hilton Buenos Aires Av. Macacha Güemes 35, Puerto Madero, (C1106BKG), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Teléfono: (5411) 4891–0000 Fax: (5411) 4891 – 0100 www.hilton.com

Planta baja / Ground Floor

Fechas / Dates

Secretaría y Acreditación del Congreso / Congress Secretariat and Registration.

El XIII Congreso SOLACI´07 se llevará a cabo los días 4, 5 y 6 de julio de 2007. The XIII SOLACI Congress '07 will take place on July 4th6th 2007.

2º Subsuelo / 2nd Underground Floor Pacífico (Salón de casos en vivo y conferencias / Live Cases & Conference Room); Atlántico (Salón de conferencias / Conference Room); Foyer (Área de exhibición comercial / Commercial Exhibit Area).

Horarios generales / Opening Hours Día / Date

3 julio/July 4 julio/July 5 julio/July 6 julio /July

Actividades / Activities

Cerrado / Closed 08.00 – 20.00 07.00 – 19.00 07.00 – 19.00

Acreditación / Registration

Centro de Internet / Internet Station

16.00 – 19.00 07.00 – 19.00 07.00 – 19.00 07.00 – 19.00

El centro de Internet está ubicado en el 2º subsuelo y funciona durante el Congreso. An Internet station is located on the 2º underground floor and will be open during Congress hours.

Idioma / Language El idioma oficial del Congreso es el español. Todas las sesiones científicas contarán con traducción simultánea al inglés. Spanish is the official language of the Congress. All sessions will have simultaneous translation into English.

Moneda y cambio / Currency Exchange La moneda de curso legal en nuestro país es el Peso Argentino. Numerosos comercios aceptan dólares, pero se aconseja cambiarlos en bancos o casas de cambio autorizadas para tal fin. El horario bancario es de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 15:00 horas. The legal currency is the Argentine Peso. Most shops accept dollars, but it is advised to buy pesos in banks or authorized bureaus de change. Banking hours are Monday to Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Credenciales / Name Badges Miembro / Member: violeta / purple. Comité Organizador / Organizing Committee: rojo / red. Expositor / Exhibitor: amarillo / yellow. Staff Solaci’07 / Solaci’07 Staff: celeste / light blue. Disertante / Speaker: rojo / red. Prensa / Press: gris / grey. Estudiante / Student: negro / black. Tecnólogo -Enfermero / Technician - Nurse: verde / green.

Corriente eléctrica / Electrical System Voltaje / Voltage: 220 Frecuencia / Frequency: 50 Hz

Reglamentación / Rules

Diferencia horaria / Time Zone

Está prohibido fumar en salones de conferencias, áreas de exhibición, inscripción y halls. SOLACI promotes a "No Smoking" policy. The use of tobacco products is strictly prohibited in the Convention Center and all hotel meeting rooms. Thank you for your compliance.

La hora oficial de Argentina es GMT -3. The official Argentine time zone is GMT -3. Clima / Weather La temperatura media en la región central del país es 23º C de noviembre a marzo y 12º C de junio a septiembre. The average temperature in the central region of the country is 23 degrees from November to March and 12 degrees from June to September.

Áreas de café / Coffee Break Areas Las áreas de café se encuentran en la exhibición comercial y científica. Coffee break at both exhibit and scientific areas.

| 13 |

Grilla horaria / Schedule

Grilla horaria / Schedule Miércoles 4 Wednesday 4



Buen Ayre A & B

Inscripción / Registration 08:00 09:30 Investigación básica y clínica en Argentina Basic and Clinical Research in Argentina

Revisión de casos SOLACI 2006 SOLACI 2006 Case Review Session

Curso UBA - CACI: Sesión de preguntas y respuestas con los expertos UBA - CACI Course: Meet The Experts

Lunch Symposium ANGIOMAX (Sponsored by Bagó - Ferrer)

Sesión inaugural tecnólogos y enfermeros Nurses and Technicians Opening Session

09:30 11:00

11:00 11:05

Presentación del Congreso Mundial de Cardiología 2008 World Cardiology Congress 2008 Presentation

11:05 12:00

Conferencia de apertura: Aterotrombosis, diabetes, revascularización Conferencia Dr. Valentín Fuster Opening Conference: Atherothrombosis, Diabetes, Revascularization Conference by Valentín Fuster, M.D.

12:00 13:00

Lunch Symposium ¿Reducirá la nueva generación de DES el riesgo de trombosis tardía de stent? Will New Generation DES Reduce The Risk of Late Stent Thrombosis? (Sponsored by Biosensors) 13:00 13:30 Left Main and Multiple Vessels Disease Management: We Should Not Ignore Historical Backround Conference by Valentín Fuster, M.D.

13:00 14:30

13:30 14:30 Hot Topics: The Clinical Physician´s Point of View (Comments by Valentín Fuster, M.D.)

Stenting carotídeo Carotid Stenting

13:00 - 13:45 Cuidados de enfermería en el paciente cardiovascular Nursing Care of Cardiovascular Patients

13:45 - 15:15

14:30 15:00

¿Se debe intervenir a pacientes con enfermedad coronaria estable? Should We Intervene Patients With Stable Coronary Disease?

Más allá de las arterias coronarias: La función del cardiólogo clínico en intervenciones periféricas Beyond Coronary Arteries: The Role of Cardiologists in Peripheral Interventions

Reparación valvular percutánea Percutaneous Valve Repair

Tendencias actuales en intervenciones de miembros inferiores Current Trends in Lower Limbs Interventions

16:30 - 17:45 SAC @ SOLACI Infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del ST ST-Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction

Enfermedad renovascular Renovascular Disease

15:00 16:30

16:30 18:00

18:00 18:30

19:00 20:00

FCA@SOLACI Intervenciones cardiovasculares en mujeres Cardiovascular Interventions in Women

15:15 - 16:45 Manejo del paciente cardiovascular en América Latina Management of Cardiovascular Patients in Latin America 16:45 - 18:00 Relación paciente - profesional Patient - Professional Relationship

Ceremonia de apertura Opening Ceremony

Cóctel de bienvenida Welcome Cocktail Reception

| 14 |

Sesiones Tecnólogos y Enfermeros Nurses & Technicians Sessions

Miércoles 4 / Wednesday 4

Miércoles 4 / Wednesday 4 Lenga


Jacarandá 08:00 09:30


Inscripción / Registration

SADI@SOLACI Infecciones en intervenciones percutáneas Infections in Percutaneous Interventions

Mejorando la práctica en Argentina Improving The Practice in Argentina

12:00 13:00

11:05 12:00

11:00 11:05

Placa y paciente vulnerable Vulnerable Plaque and Patient

09:30 11:00

Buen Ayre C

Actualización en DES de primera generación Update on First Generation DES

Simposio de nuevas tecnologías II Ultimate Technology Symposium II (Sponsored by Unrestricted Grants of SOLACI´s Sponsors)

Pacientes y lesiones complejas Challenging Patients and Lesions

Simposio de nuevas tecnologías III Ultimate Technology Symposium III (Sponsored by Unrestricted Grants of SOLACI´s Sponsors)


15:30 - 17:00 ProEducar: Discusión de intervenciones carotídeas ProEducar: Discussion of Carotid Interventions

FREEDOM (Reunión de investigadores) FREEDOM (Investigators’ Meeting)

Intervencionismo para cardiólogos clínicos I Interventions for Clinical Cardiologists I (Sponsored by Boston Scientific)

Guías SOLACI SOLACI Guidelines

| 15 |

15:00 16:30 14:30 15:00

Endoprótesis aórtica: historia y evolución Aortic Endoprosthesis: History and Evolution

19:00 20:00 18:00 18:30 16:30 18:00

¿Qué DES actual no debe faltar en mi lista? Which Current DES Should Be On My Shelf?

13:00 14:30

Simposio de nuevas tecnologías I Ultimate Technology Symposium I (Sponsored by Unrestricted Grants of SOLACI´s Sponsors)

Grilla horaria / Schedule

Grilla horaria / Schedule Jueves 5 Thursday 5



Buen Ayre A & B

Casos en vivo 1 Live Cases 1

JIM@SOLACI: Bifurcaciones ¿Cuán lejos estamos de una solución ideal? Bifurcation Lesions How Far Are We from an Ideal Solution?

Contrastes y su nefrotoxicidad Contrast Media and Their Nephrotoxicity

Casos en vivo 2 Live Cases 2

Actualización en programas de DES nuevos y no tan nuevos I New and Not So New DES Programs Update I

Comparación de métodos de diagnóstico en intervencionismo Comparison of Diagnosis Methods in Interventional Cardiology

08:00 09:00

09:00 10:30 10:30 11:00

Intervalo / Break

Casos en vivo 3 Live Cases 3

El lado oscuro de los DES The Dark Side of DES

Lunch Symposium Intervenciones con DES en el mundo real Real World DES Interventions (Sponsored by Cordis, Johnson & Johnson Company)

Lunch Symposium Stenting carotídeo Carotid Stenting (Sponsored by Boston Scientific)

Tratamiento de la enfermedad aórtica Treatment of Aortic Disease

11:00 12:30

12:30 13:45 13:45 14:00

Intervalo / Break

Casos en vivo 4 Live Cases 4

14:00 15:30

Actualización en programas de DES nuevos y no tan nuevos II New and Not So New DES Programs Update II

15:30 16:00

Intervalo / Break

16:00 17:30

CRT@SOLACI: Enfermedad de tronco de coronaria izquierda y enfermedad de vasos múltiples ¿Dónde estamos? ¿Hacia dónde vamos? Left Main and Multiple Vessels Disease. Where Are We? Where Are We Going?

Coronary & Peripheral Hot Topics from EuroPCR 2007

17:30 17:45

Radiología intervencionista Interventional Radiology

Enfermedad vascular periférica Peripheral Vascular Disease

Intervalo / Break

SOLACI 2008 Presentation

Casos en vivo 5 Live Cases 5

Temas libres seleccionados Best Abstracts Session

17:45 18:45

18:45 19:05

12:30 - 14:00 Sesión de temas libres Abstracts Session

17:45 - 19:00 Cardiopatías congénitas Congenital Cardiopathies Conferencia: Cierre Foramen Ovale Permeable Pediatric Conference: PFO Closure

Perspectivas del stent intravascular al final de un largo camino Perspectives of Intravascular Stents at The End of The Road

Asamblea SOLACI / SOLACI Assembly 19:05 20:00 | 16 |

Sesiones Tecnólogos y Enfermeros Nurses & Technicians Sessions

Jueves 5 / Thursday 5

Jueves 5 / Thursday 5

Nuevas modalidades en imágenes New Images Modalities

Trucos y secretos para intervenciones extra-cardíacas Tips and Tricks for Non-Cardiac Interventions

Debates controvertidos I Hot Debates I

Cierre de ductus arterioso por cateterismo Catheter-Based PDA Closure




CoreValve ReValvingTM System (Workshop Sponsored Latamprojects)

Minimización del riesgo de radiación en la sala de cateterismo Minimizing The Radiation Risk in The Cath Lab

ProEducar: Discusión de intervenciones coronarias ProEducar: Discussion of Coronary Interventions

08:00 09:00


09:00 10:30

Buen Ayre C

Implante endovascular de válvulas Endovascular Valve Implantation

Formación y acreditación Training and Accreditation

12:30 13:45

Lunch Symposium Lunch Symposium El camino hacia angioplastias Cierre de CJV con Nit Occlud más seguras: Nuevas generaciones Experiencia global de stents coronarios VSD Closure with Nit Occlud The Road to Safer Angioplasties: Global Experience New Coronary Stent Generations (Sponsored by PFM) ( Sponsored by Terumo)

Intervalo / Break CACCV@SOLACI: Reparación endovascular de aorta torácico Thoracic Aortic Endovascular Repair

13:45 - 15:45 Intervencionismo para cardiólogos clínicos II Interventions for Clinical Cardiologists II (Sponsored by Boston Scientific)

Angioplastia en recién nacidos Angioplasty in Newborns

Diseño de ensayos para intervenciones cardiovasculares Trial Design for Cardiovascular Interventions. (Workshop Sponsored by TANGO CC)

14:00 15:30

TEAM@SOLACI: Enfoque actual para OTC Current Approach for CTO

11:00 12:30

Intervalo / Break. Sesión de Pósters I / Poster Session I (*)

Angiogenesis y miogenesis Angiogenesis and Myogenesis

Cierre de CIA: técnica, resultados y complicaciones ASD Closure: Techniques, Results and Complications

TCT-HORIZON (Reunión y cóctel) (Meeting and Cocktail)

Reemplazo valvular aórtico endovascular Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement (Workshop Sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences)

16:00 17:30

Intervalo / Break. Sesión de Pósters II / Poster Session II (*)

Angiografía coronaria por TAC multicorte: ¿Realidad o promesa? Coronary MSCT: Reality or Promise?

Reparación aórtica endovascular: Puesta al día Endovascular Aortic Repair: State of the Art

Sesión de temas libres III Abstracts Session III

Sesión de temas libres IV Abstracts Session IV

18:45 19:05

Sesión de temas libres II Abstracts Session II

19:05 20:00

Sesión de temas libres I Abstracts Session I

17:45 18:45

Intervalo / Break

(*) Foyer

| 17 |

Grilla horaria / Schedule

Grilla horaria / Schedule Viernes 6 Friday 6



Actualización en farmacología intervencionista Update on Interventional Pharmacology


08:00 09:00

Buen Ayre A & B

8:00 - 10:30 Neurointervencionismo Neuro Interventions

Casos en vivo 6 Live Cases 6

Debates controvertidos II Hot Debates II

09:00 10:30 10:30 11:00

Intervalo / Break

Casos en vivo 7 Live Cases 7

Nuevos dispositivos no stent Non-Stent New Devices

Estrés profesional: Síndrome de Burn Out Professional Stress: Burn Out Syndrome

Lunch Symposium DES: De la práctica a la evidencia DES: From Practice to Evidence (Sponsored by Boston Scientific)

Lunch Symposium Stent Endeavor: Concepto, presente y futuro Endeavor Stent: Concept, Present and Future (Sponsored by Medtronic)

Sesión de temas libres orales Oral Abstracts Session

11:00 12:30

12:30 13:45 13:45 14:00

Intervalo / Break

TCT@SOLACI + Casos en vivo 8 Live Cases 8

Revisión de casos I: Lo mejor de casos cardíacos Case Review Session I: The Best of Cardiac Cases

Administración y organización de la sala de hemodinamia en América Latina Management & Organization of the Hemodynamics Lab. In Latin America

14:00 15:30 15:30 16:00

Intervalo / Break

Casos en vivo 9 Live Cases 9

FAC@SOLACI: Infarto agudo de miocardio sin elevación del ST Non-ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction

16:00 - 16:45 Actualidad del enfermero - tecnólogo Nurses & Technicians Current Issues 16:45 - 17:00 Ceremonia de cierre. Closing Ceremony

16:00 17:30 Ceremonia y mesa de cierre: ¿Una nueva pandemia? Closing Ceremony and Round Table: A New Pandemia?

17:30 19:00

Coordinador / Coordinator: Dr. Carlos Bertolasi

| 18 |

Sesiones Tecnólogos y Enfermeros Nurses & Technicians Sessions

Viernes 6 / Friday 6

Viernes 6 / Friday 6

Reparación de aorta abdominal Abdominal Aortic Repair

La función de los stents en cardiopatías congénitas The Role of Stents in Congenital Cardiopathies

Cleveland Clinic@SOLACI

Actualización en procedimientos híbridos Update on Hybrid Procedures



Jacarandá 08:00 09:00


ProEducar: Discusión de intervenciones de aorta y miembros inferiores ProEducar: Discussion of Aortic and Lower Limbs Interventions

09:00 10:30

Buen Ayre C

Intervalo / Break. Sesión de Pósters III / Poster Session III (*)

11:00 12:30

Cierre de CIV VSD Closure

Simulador de acceso radial: Una herramienta para optimizar el proceso de aprendizaje Radial Approach Simulator: A Tool to Optimize the Learning Process. (Workshop Sponsored by Terumo)

12:30 13:45

SAD@SOLACI: Optimizando el tratamiento del paciente diabético Optimizing Diabetic Patients´ Treatment

Lunch Symposium Espere más de los DES Expect More From DES (Sponsored by Abbott Vascular)

¿Cómo tratar a pacientes de alto riesgo? How to Approach High-Risk Patients?

13:45 - 15:45 Intervencionismo para cardiólogos clínicos III Interventions for Clinical Cardiologists III (Sponsored by Boston Scientific)

Tratamiento intervencionista del procedimiento del Fontan Interventional Treatment of the Fontan Procedure

14:00 15:30

Intervalo / Break

Intervalo / Break. Sesión de Pósters IV / Poster Session IV (*)

17:30 19:00

16:00 17:30

Revisión de casos II: Lo mejor de casos extra-cardíacos Case Review Session II: The Best of Non-Cardiac Cases

(*) Foyer

| 19 |

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Wednesday 4

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program Wednesday 4

Left Main and Multiple Vessels Disease Management: We Should Not Ignore Historical Background. Conference by Valentín Fuster M.D. Wednesday 4, 13:00-13:30

PACIFICO AUDITORIUM Basic and Clinical Research in Argentina Wednesday 4, 09:30-11:00

Chairman: Liliana Grinfeld

Hot Topics: The Clinical Physician's Point of View Comments by Valentín Fuster, M.D. Wednesday 4, 13:30-14:30

Chairmen: Liliana Grinfeld, Rafael Bernal Castro Panelists: Alberto Crottogini, Pablo Argibay, Carlos Tajer, Branco Mautner

Wednesday 4

Learning Objectives: To understand current problems in basic and clinical research. What should be done by investigators, centers and sponsors to improve research in Argentina.

Chairman: Alfredo Rodríguez - Clinical Application of MSCT64 in Patients with ACS in ICU. Enrique Gurfinkel - Present Status of Clinical Application of DES. Carlos Tajer - What Patients Does COURAGE Data Apply to? Arturo Cagide

- Current Valid Regulations: Can We Improve Them? Can We Optimize The Time? Analía Perez - Frequent Ethical Observations in Investigation Protocols. Martín Seoane - Sponsor-Hospital-Investigator Relationship and Their Roles. Eduardo Raimondi - Basic Investigation in Argentina. Where Are We? Where Are We Going? Ricardo Gelpi - What Can We Do To Improve? Rafael Bernal Castro - What Should Be The Role Of The Scientific Societies? Osvaldo Masoli - Q&A and Conclusions.

The Great Debate: Should We Intervene Patients With Stable Coronary Disease? Wednesday 4, 14:30-15:00 Learning Objectives: After recent evidence, this debate should give the audience enough information on invasive treatment in patients with stable angina. Chairman: Efraín Gaxiola

World Congress of Cardiology 2008 Presentation Wednesday 4, 11:00-11:05

- Pro: Carlos Macaya - Cons: Ricardo Iglesias

Percutaneous Valve Repair Wednesday 4, 15:00-16:30

Presenter: Horacio Faella

Opening Conference: Atherothrombosis,Diabetes,Revascularization Conference by Valentín Fuster M.D. Wednesday 4, 11:05-12:00

Chairmen: Alain Cribier, Igor Palacios Panelists: Jorge Wisner, Deborah Nercolini, César Esteves, Carla Agatiello Learning Objectives: To receive information on state of the art percutaneous aortic valve replacement, which will eventually benefit patients. Evidence from the latest trials in this field.

Chairman: Daniel Berrocal Speaker: Valentín Fuster

Lunch Symposium Will New Generation DES Reduce the Risk of Late Stent Thrombosis? (Sponsored by Biosensors) Wednesday 4, 12:00-13:00

- Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty Revival. Igor Palacios - Update on Balloon Expandable Aortic Valve. Alain Cribier - Update on Self-Expandable Aortic Valve. Eberhard Grube - Update on Mitral Valve Repair. José Condado - Q&A

Joint Session SAC@SOLACI: ST-Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction Wednesday 4, 16:30-17:45

Chairman: Eberhard Grube - DES Safety: Where Are We and What Have We Learnt? Eberhard Grube - DES Considerations: Stent Design, Coatings, Healing and Late Thrombosis. John Schulze - Biolimus A9: Past, Present and Future. Alexandre Abizaid - Completed Trials and Registries: What Have We Learnt? - Globalization of Clinical Research: The Wave of the Future. Liliana Grinfeld - Conclusion and Discussion. Eberhard Grube

Chairmen: Osvaldo Masoli, Alberto Sampaolesi Panelists: Horacio Pomes Iparaguirre, Costantino Costantini, Horacio Casabé, Daniel Piñeiro Learning Objectives: The audience should be able to define where and to whom each strategy can be applied.

| 36 |

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Wednesday 4

Wednesday 4 - Current Role of Fibrinolytics and Antithrombotics. Carlos Tajer - Optimizing Primary PTCA Outcomes According to Time and Patients. Dariusz Dudek - Adjunctive Treatment. William O´Neill - DES in Primary PTCA. Roxana Mehran - Q&A

- Why Should We Treat Asymptomatic Patients with Severe Stenosis? Juan Carlos Parodi - Should We Treat Octogenarian Patients? Giancarlo Biamino - Protection Devices: Are They All The Same? Dierk Scheinert - Carotid Stents: Are They All The Same? Alberto Cremonesi - Carotid Stenting: Level of Evidence. Where Are We? Where Are We Going? Giancarlo Biamino - Q&A

Opening Ceremony Wednesday 4, 18:00-18:30

Beyond Coronary Arteries: The Role of Cardiologists in Peripheral Interventions Wednesday 4, 14:30-15:00

Speakers: Liliana Grinfeld, Daniel Berrocal, Alberto Sampaolesi

Chairman: Adolfo Cosentino

Social Activities:

Speaker: Giancarlo Biamino

Welcome Cocktail – Hilton Hotel Comercial Exhibit

Faculty Gala

Current Trends on Lower Limb Interventions Wednesday 4, 15:00-16:30

Champagne Reception and Tango Show at Sr. Tango (Sponsored by Boston Scientific). Shuttle available from Hilton Hotel. Invitation Only

Chairmen: Ari Mandil, Jorge Leguizamón Panelists: Eduardo Picabea, Jorge Iravedra, José Allende Learning Objectives: To understand and discuss noninvasive current diagnosis indications, techniques and outcomes of percutaneous interventions in patients with claudication. To be able to discriminate when, how and which patients should be studied and intervened.

SOLACI 2006 Case Review Session Wednesday 4, 09:30-11:00 Learning Objectives: To discuss the strategies and one year follow-up of patients who were treated during SOLACI 2006 live sessions.

- Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Peripheral Vascular Disease. Ricardo García Mónaco - Cutting-Edge Strategies for Aorto-Iliac Obstructive Disease. Francisco Carnevale - New Evidence in Superficial Femoral Artery PTCA. Giora Weisz - New Tools and Strategies for Below-The-Knee Interventions. Dierk Scheinert - The Role of Vascular Surgery in Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia. Patricio Zaefferer - Q&A

Chairman: Alcides Zago Speakers: Rogerio Sarmento Leite, Paulo Caramori, Raul Rossi, Alcides Zago Commentators: Costantino Costantini, Alejandro Martínez Sepúlveda, Carlos Ascanio Estevez, Jorge Bordagaray

Lunch Symposium ANGIOMAX Symposium (Sponsored by Bagó-Ferrer) Wednesday 4, 12:00-13:00

Renovascular Disease Wednesday 4, 16:30-18:00 Chairmen: Marco Wainstein, Mario Fava

Chairmen: Liliana Grinfeld, José Gabay

Panelists: Carlos Rojas Matas, Carlos Gadda, José Agüero, Juan Delgado Durán

Panelists: Marcelo Trivi, Alejandro Palacios, Rubén Piraíno, Jorge Leguizamón

Learning Objectives: To discuss when and how renovascular disease should be angiographically studied and treated. To update the technique and how to protect patients from contrast-induced nephropathy.

- Use and Benefits of Bivalirudin in the Cath. Lab Augusto Pichard

Carotid Stenting Wednesday 4, 13:00-14:30

- Why Should Renovascular Disease Be Investigated? A NonInterventional Perspective. Carol Kotliar - Should All Severe Renal Artery Stenosis Be Treated? Ari Mandil - Endovascular Interventions in Patients with Renal Transplantation. Valter Correia de Lima - Optimizing Renal Artery Angioplasty Outcomes and Techniques. Hernán Bertoni - Intrarenal Infusion of Fenoldopan to Prevent ContrastInduced Nephropathy. Profilaxis of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy. Giora Weisz - Q&A

Chairmen: Marco Ântonio Marino, Pedro Lylyk Panelists: Aníbal De Sanctis, Carlos Vozzi, Alejandro Musacchio Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, the audience should have updated information on the current level of evidence on carotid stenting, as well as results on sub-groups of patients. Different strategies and devices for specific situations will be discussed.

| 37 |

Wednesday 4


XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Wednesday 4


Which Current DES Should Be On My Shelf? Wednesday 4, 14:30-15:00

UBA-CACI Course Session: Meet The Experts Wednesday 4, 09:30-11:00

Chairman: Jorge Wisner Speaker: Eduardo Sousa

Chairmen: Marcelo Ruda Vega, Hugo Londero

Update on First Generation DES Wednesday 4, 15:00-16:30

Panelists: Igor Palacios, Giancarlo Biamino, Eduardo Sousa, Eberhard Grube

Chairmen: Eduardo Sousa, Alberto Sampaolesi

Learning Objectives: To discuss strategies and techniques for edited challenging cases presented by CACI fellows.

Panelists: Costantino Costantini Jr, Efraín Gaxiola, Paulo Caramori, Jorge Mrad

Joint Session FCA@SOLACI. Cardiovascular Interventions in Women Wednesday 4, 13:45-15:15

Learning Objectives: To get an update on the level of clinical evidence for DES and also understand the healing process. To receive an update on the two most-studied DES. - Level of Evidence of First Generation DES. Sigmund Silber - Taxus: Safety and Efficacy. Alexandre Abizaid - Cypher: Safety and Efficacy. Gregg Stone - The Healing Process of First and Next Generation DES. Marco Costa - Final Message. Eduardo Sousa

Wednesday 4

Chairmen: Andrea Abizaid, Ana Salvati Panelists: Amalia Descalzo, María do Rosario Leite, Guillermo Fabregues, Oscar Alvarado Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, the audience should have enough information on gender differences regarding symptoms, indications and outcomes of interventional procedures.

Challenging Patients & Lesions Wednesday 4, 16:30-18:00

- Are There Any Differences Between Genders in the Diagnosis of Coronary Disease? César Serra - Angioplasty in Women. Is It the Same that in Men? Ernesto Ban Hayashi - Do Women Benefit From Primary PTCA? Dariusz Dudek - Non-Cardiac Interventions in Women. Marco Ântonio Marino - Adjuntive Therapy in PTCA in Women. Roxana Mehran - Q&A

Chairmen: Fausto Buitrón, Alberto Suárez Nitola Panelists: Jorge Mor, Ivo Petrov, Marcelo Queiroga, Juan Granada Learning Objectives: To receive information on high-risk patients and/or strategies and outcomes for difficult anatomies. - Optimizing Outcomes in Diabetic Patients with Long Lesions. Fabio Sandoli Brito Jr. - Have We Improved the Outcomes in Saphenous Vein Graft Lesions? Luíz Piva Mattos - Calcified Lesions: How to Optimize DES Outcomes. Fausto Feres - What Is the Best Strategy for High-Risk Surgical Patients with Severe Coronary and Valve Disease? Deborah Nercolini - Diffuse Disease: Where Is the Limit for Endovascular Approach? Helio Roque Figuira - Q&A

BUEN AYRE C AUDITORIUM Vulnerable Plaque and Patients Wednesday 4, 9:30 - 11:00 Chairmen: Ernesto Gurfinkel, Expedito Ribeiro Panelists: Pedro Lemos Neto, Juan Manuel Telayna, Gilberto Nunes, Luis Mercado Learning Objectives: To understand the problem of vulnerable plaque/patient. The audience will receive information on developing concepts on vulnerable plaque/patients and state of the art diagnosis and treatment options.

PACARÁ AUDITORIUM Joint Session SADI@SOLACI: Infections in Percutaneous Interventions Wednesday 4, 09:30-11:00

- Defining Vulnerable Plaque and Patients. Marco Costa - Biomarkers and Clinical Predictors. Arturo Cagide - Non-Invasive Diagnosis: From Echo to CT Angiography. Juan Granada - Invasive Diagnosis: IVUS and Beyond. José Ribamar Costa - Can We Cool Down Plaque and Patients? Marco Wainstein - Q&A

Chairmen: Juan Manuel Telayna, Héctor Laplumé Panelists: Claudio Cigalini, Raúl Bretal, Juan Carlos Alico, Ariel Cesar Durán Reyes

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Wednesday 4

Wednesday 4 Learning Objectives: To have a comprehensive review of the problem of infections associated to endovascular procedures. Guidelines from the Argentine Society of Infectology and suggestions from the regulatory agency.

- IRIST: Pharmacoactive Simvastatin-Eluting Stent. Eulogio García. (Iberohospitex). - Paclitaxel Eluting Coronary Stentsystem euca TAX. Camouflage Proactive Coating. (Michael Giese. Eucatech). - EXTREME Study: Titanox Coated Stent in Small Coronary Vessels. Raul Valdesuso. (Hexacath). - FREEDOM. Eberhard Grube. (Biosensors).

- Access Site Infections. Fernando Cura - Do We Need to Keep Reprocessing Materials? - The Opinion of the Infectiologist. Ricardo Durlach - The Opinion of the Interventional Cardiologist. José Gabay - Regulatory Aspects to Reprocess Materials. Agustín Iglesias - Stent Infections. Carlos Macaya - Aortic Endoprosthesis Infection: What to Do and How to Avoid It. Liliana Clara - Q&A and final message.

SALÓN ALERCE FREEDOM Trial (Investigators´ Meeting) Wednesday 4, 15:00-16:30 Chairman: Enrique Gurfinkel

Ultimate Technology Symposium I (Supported by Unrestricted Grants of SOLACI's Sponsors) Wednesday 4, 13:00-14:30

Speaker: Valentín Fuster


Chairmen: Darío Echeverri, Manuel Cano Panelists: Oscar Alvarado, Ivo Petrov, Costantino Costantini Jr., Amalia Descalzo

Improving the Practice in Argentina Wednesday 4, 09:30-11:00 Chairmen: Alberto Sampaolesi, Daniel Berrocal Panelists: Jorge Belardi, Antonio Pocoví, Jorge Leguizamón, Guillermo Williams Learning Objectives: To discuss what we are doing and how can we improve interventional cardiology in Argentina, regarding physicians, centers accreditation, quality control, reimbursement, etc.

Aortic Endoprosthesis: History and Evolution Wednesday 4, 14:30-15:00

- How to Accredit Physicians and Centers. What Kind of Regulations Should Be Implemented? Alberto Sampaolesi - How to Avoid Destructive Competition. Jorge Baccaro - Medical Evidence vs. Clinical Practice: How to Bring Them Closer. Jorge Belardi - The Role of the Hospital. Gerardo Bozovich - The Role of the Finance Manager. Gabriel Barbagallo - The Opinion of a Foreign Practizing Expert. William O´Neil - Q&A - Final Message. Daniel Berrocal

Chairman: Miguel Angel Riccitelli Speaker: Juan Carlos Parodi

Ultimate Technology Symposium II (Supported by Unrestricted Grants of SOLACI's Sponsors) Wednesday 4, 15:00-16:30 Chairmen: Gastón Dussaillant Nielsen, Marcelo Halac

Interventions for Clinical Cardiologists I (Sponsored by Boston Scientific) Wednesday 4, 14:30-16:30

Panelists: Marcelo Bettinotti, Alejandro García Escudero, Rafael Moguel Ancheita, Pedro Hidalgo Useche - SPIRIT Women Trial. Liliana Grinfeld. (Abbott Vascular). - DREAMS: Drug-Eluting Absorbable Stent. Preclinical Data. Thomas Zeller. (Biotronik). - AMICATH for Primary or Rescue PCI. Andrés Iñiguez Romo. (Iberohospitex). - Solus Echinomycin-Eluting Stent. Adrián Ebner. (InSitu). - New Tools for Below-The-Knee Interventions. Dierk Scheinert. (Invatec).

Chairmen: Darío Echeverri, Eduardo Mele Panelists: Enrique Gurfinkel, Julio Bono, Marcelo Trivi, Anibal Damonte Learning Objectives: To review what should be an optimal milieu for performing PTCA; recommendations for NON-ST ACS, left main and clinical practice with DES.

Ultimate Technology Symposium III (Supported by Unrestricted Grants of SOLACI's Sponsors) Wednesday 4, 16:30-18:00

- Optimizing Primary PTCA: Considering Time and Facilities. William O´Neill - Drug-Eluting Stents: Safety and Efficacy. Sigmund Silber - Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: When and How Should We Intervene? Expedito Ribeiro - Left Main and Multiple Vessels Disease: When is PTCA a Good Strategy? Marco Ântonio Perin - Q&A

Chairmen: Carlos León, Gilberto Nunes Panelists: Alejandro Martinez Sepúlveda, Marcelo Halac, Carlos Vozzi, Jorge Bordagaray

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Wednesday 4

- Firebird I and II. Chinese and Latin American Experience. Marco Wainstein. (Microport). - NOGA XP for Cell Therapy. Marco Costa. (Cordis, Johnson & Johnson). - Titan2 BAS. Israeli National Registry. Alberto Hendler. (Hexacath). - STELLIUM Project. Gregory Starke. (CTP Medica). - PROLimus. Eberhard Grube. (Biotronik).

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Wednesday 4

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program Thursday 5

SOLACI Guidelines Wednesday 4, 16:30-18:00


Chairman: Daniel Berrocal - How to Manage Antithrombotics in Percutaneous Interventions. Gilberto Nunes - Safe and Rational Management of Contrast Agents. Ricardo Lluberas - How to Choose the Best Approach for Each Clinical Case According to the Area Involved. Anibal Damonte - Debate on How to Improve Methods, Topics Selection for Future Consensus and Work Groups.

Live Cases 1 Thursday 5, 08:00-09:00 Chairman: Carlos Zabal Secretary: Alberto Sciegata Panelists: Carlos Pedra, Alejandro Peirone, Ricardo Gamboa, César Esteves, Felipe Heuser


Operators: Trong-Phi Lê, Miguel Granja Transmission Center: Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires

Protocol for Treatment with Primary Coronary Angioplasty Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Galicia. (PROGALIAM Project) Wednesday 4, 14:30-15:00

Live Cases 2 Thursday 5, 09:00-10:30 Chairman: Alexandre Abizaid

Wednesday 4

Chairman: Jorge Vaccaro

Panelists: Dariusz Dudek, Helio Roque Figueira, Darío Echeverri, William O´Neill, Santiago Gallo, Alfredo Rodríguez, Carlos Calderón Calvo, Juan Carlos Alico

Speaker: Andrés Iñiguez Romo

Operators: Efraín Gaxiola, Jorge Belardi Transmission Center: Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires

ProEducar Session: Discussion of Carotid Interventions Wednesday 4, 15:30-17:00

Operators: Fausto Feres, Hugo Londero Transmission Center: Sanatorio Allende, Córdoba

Chairmen: Hugo Londero, José Gabay

Operators: Gaudencio Espinosa, Patricio Zaefferer Transmission Center: Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires

Panelistas: Alberto Cremonesi, Marco Wainstein, León Valdivieso, Pedro Lylyk, Mario Fava These sessions will be videotaped, edited and included in SOLACI's distance educational program as: “Case Discussions on the Web”.

Live Cases 3 Thursday 5, 11:00-12:30 Chairman: Omar Santaera Panelists: Christoph Nienaber, Manuel Cano, Ari Mandil, Pedro Hidalgo Useche, José Ribamar Costa, José Vaccaro, Dierk Scheinert, Frank Criado Operators: Liliana Grinfeld, Carlos Macaya Transmission Center: Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires Operators: Marco Ântonio Perin, Fernando Cura Transmission Center: Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Operators: Esteban Mendaro, Hugo Londero Transmission Center: Sanatorio Allende, Córdoba

Lunch Symposium Real World DES Interventions (Sponsored by Cordis, Johnson & Johnson) Thursday 5, 12:30-13:45 Chairman: Eduardo Sousa - 5-Year Cypher Data in Brazil. Eduardo Sousa - From Global to Local. Daniel Berrocal - From Simple to Complex. Jorge Belardi - From Evidence to Practice. Expedito Ribeiro

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Thursday 5

Thursday 5 Live Cases 4 Thursday 5, 14:00-15:30

ATLANTICO AUDITORIUM Joint Session JIM@SOLACI: Bifurcation Lesions. How Far Are We From an Ideal Solution? Thursday 5, 08:00-09:00

Chairman: Costantino Costantini Panelists: Igor Palacios, Francisco Ayala Riquelme, Carlos Sztejfman, Alejandro Palacios, Joseph Babb, Alejandro Díaz, Julio Argentieri, José Condado

Chairmen: Eberhard Grube, Ricardo Costa

Operators: Carlos Macaya, José Gabay Transmission Center: Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires

Panelists: Víctor Bernardi, Alfonso Balaguer, César Pardiñas, Ricardo Lluberas

Operators: Jean Fajadet, Lucio Padilla Transmission Center: Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires

Learning Objectives: To learn how different approaches, techniques or devices can improve PCI outcomes for bifurcation lesions.

Operators: Eugenio Marchant Díaz, Hugo Londero Transmission Center: Sanatorio Allende, Córdoba

- One or Two Stents? When and How Should Be Used? Ricardo Costa - Do Dedicated Bare-Metal Stents Still Have a Key Role? Marco Ântonio Perin - Dedicated DES for Bifurcations. Where Are We? Eberhard Grube - Q&A.

Chairman: Jean Fajadet

New and Not So New DES Programs Update I Thursday 5, 09:00-10:30

- Coronary/Cardiac: Hot Topic Highlights from EuroPCR 2007. Speaker: Jean Fajadet

Chairmen: Eduardo Sousa, Ernesto Ban Hayashi Learning Objectives: To understand which are the requirements for the new generation of DES. Biodegradable stent platforms overview. Limus and Taxol Family new DES.

- Peripheral: Hot Topics Highlight From EuroPCR 2007: - Carotid Interventions. - Critical Limb Ischemia Speakers: Giancarlo Biamino, Alberto Cremonesi

- What Should We Ask to a New DES? From Pathology to Clinical Practice. Ron Waksman - Limus Family. Luíz Piva Mattos - Taxol Family. Expedito Ribeiro - Biodegradable Stent Platforms. Ernesto Ban Hayashi

SOLACI 2008 Presentation Thursday 5, 17:30-17:45 Speaker: Efraín Gaxiola

The Dark Side of DES Thursday 5, 11:00-12:30

Live Cases 5 Thursday 5, 17:45-18:45

Chairmen: Jorge Belardi, Amanda Sousa

Chairmen: Miguel Granja, Oscar Mendiz

Panelists: Igor Palacios, Alfredo Rodríguez, William O'Neill, Marcelo Queiroga

Panelists: Alberto Sciegatta, José Alonso, Ricardo Gamboa, Carlos Vozzi, Guillermo Marchetti, Alfaro Marchena Noriega

Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, the attendees should be able to understand the current limitations of DES, how to avoid and treat them. To obtain a Latin American perspective on DES cost effectiveness ratio.

Operators: Ari Mandil, Hugo Londero Transmission Center: Sanatorio Allende, Córdoba Operators: Alex Javois, Horacio Faella Transmission Center: Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires

- Update on Late and Very Late DES Thrombosis. Sigmund Silber - Antithrombotic Treatment. How Long Should It Be Used? Marcelo Casey - DES Restenosis: How to Avoid It and How to Treat It. Alexandre Abizaid - Which Lesions Still Don't Have Good Results with DES? Jean Fajadet - Cost-Effectiveness in Single and Multiple Lesions. A Latin American Perspective. Juan José Arango - Q&A

Pediatric Conference: PFO Closure Thursday 5, 18:45-19:05 Chairman: Luis Alday Secretary: César Esteves - PFO Closure: When Is It Indicated? Techniques and Outcomes. Ziyad Hijazi

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Thursday 5

Joint Session EuroPCR 2007@SOLACI Coronary & Peripheral Hot Topics from EuroPCR 2007 Thursday 5, 16:00-17:30

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Thursday 5

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program Lunch Symposium Carotid Stenting (Sponsored by Boston Scientific) Thursday 5, 12:30-13:45

Perspectives of the Intravascular Stent at the End of the Road Thursday 5, 18:45-19:05 Chairman: David Vetcher

Chairmen: Pedro Lylyk, Carlos León

Speaker: Julio Palmaz

Panelists: Gustavo Lev, Costantino Costantini, Álvaro Razuk, Ari Mandil

SOLACI Assembly Thursday 5, 19:05-20:00

- Which Patients Would Benefit From Carotid Stenting? Oscar Mendiz - Which Stent and Distal Protection Device Should Be Used for Specific Lesions? Alberto Cremonesi - Q&A.

BUEN AYRE C AUDITORIUM New Images Modalities Thursday 5, 08:00-09:00

New and Not So New DES Programs Update II Thursday 5, 14:00-15:30

Chairmen: Pablo Bayol, Eduardo Picabea Chairmen: Oscar Mendiz, Marco Costa

Panelistas: Francisco Ayala Riquelme, Juan Manuel Telayna, Marco Costa, Pablo Pollono

Thursday 5

Learning Objectives: To understand which are the requirements for the new generation of DES. Alternative technologies.

Learning Objectives: To learn the applications in clinical practice of new MRI & MSCT technologies. To get comprehensive information on the latest developments in catheter-based images.

- What Should We Ask to a New DES? The Cardiologist´s Point of View. Sigmund Silber - New Platforms. Eberhard Grube - Prohealing. Marco Costa - Statins Program. Eulogio García - Titanium and Nitrous Oxide Stent Program. Pasi Karjalainen - Future Programs. Alexandre Abizaid

- MRI: Anatomy and Function. Diego Perez de Arenaza - MSCT: Cardiac and Non-Cardiac Applications. Augusto Pichard - Catheter-Based Images: Have We Moved Forward? Gastón Rodríguez Granillo - Panel Discussion / Q&A

CRT@SOLACI: Left Main & Multiple Vessels Disease: Where Are We? Where Are We Going? Thursday 5, 16:00-17:30

Hot Debates I Thursday 5, 09:00-10:30 - Should We Treat All Severe Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis?

Chairmen: Ron Waksman, Alfredo Rodríguez

Chairman: Juan Carlos Parodi - Pro: Alberto Cremonesi - Con: Sebastián Ameriso - Final Message. Juan Carlos Parodi

Panelists: Roberto Favaloro, Ricardo Iglesias, Daniel Navia, Miguel Ballarino. Learning Objectives: To get comprehensive information on the current role of PCI in patients with left main & multiple vessels disease. To evaluate acute and long term outcomes.

- Should We Treat Non-Complicated Type B Chronic Aortic Dissection?

- Update on DES Outcomes in Multiple Vessels Disease. Expedito Ribeiro - Left Main Stenting Outcomes. Eulogio García - DES or Bare Metal Stent for Multiple Vessels or Left Main Lesions? Augusto Pichard - Clinical Follow-Up of Patients with DES in Multiple Vessels Disease or Left Main. Andrea Abizaid - Which Patients Would Benefit from Multiple Vessels Disease PTCA? Alfredo Rodríguez - Q&A

Chairman: Marcelo Cerezo - Pro: Christoph Nienaber - Con: Frank Criado - Final Message. Marcelo Cerezo - Should We Use GP IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in All Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes? Chairman: Juan José Arango - Pro: Joseph Babb - Con: Carlos Macaya - Final Message. Juan José Arango

Best Abstracts Session Thursday 5, 17:45-18:45 Chairmen: Alexandre Abizaid, Helio Roque Figueira

Joint Session: TEAM@SOLACI: Current Approach for CTO Thursday 5, 11:00-12:30

Panelists: José Álvarez, Carlos Macaya, Andrés Iñiguez Romo, Igor Palacios

Chairmen: Eulogio García, Andrés Iñiguez Romo

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Thursday 5

Thursday 5 Panelists: Rolando Loures Bueno, Alberto Sampaolesi, Gastón Dussaillant Nielsen.

- From Bench to Bedside: Can We Predict the Results? Santiago Miriuka - A Critical Appraisal of Cell-Based Myocardial Repair. Luiz Henrique W. Gowdak - A Critical Appraisal of Gene Therapy. Alberto Crottogini - Cell Therapy Pitfalls. William O'Neill - Gene Therapy Pitfalls. Diego Grinfeld - Q&A

Learning Objectives: To help the audience with patient selection. What strategy, tools and techniques should be used for a successful and safe approach to treat CTO. - Tips and Tricks to Select a Case for CTO Recanalization. Eulogio García - New Tools for CTO Approach. How Safe and Effective Are They? Gerald Werner - When Should the Procedure Be Stopped? Jeffrey Moses - New Strategies for CTO Recanalization. Gerald Werner - DES Outcomes for CTO. Should We Always Use Them? Luíz Piva Mattos - Q&A

Abstracts Session I Thursday 5, 17:45-18:45 Chairmen: Ernesto Ban Hayashi, Marcelo Ruda Vega Panelists: Aníbal Damonte, Miguel Ángel Riccitelli, Gastón Dussaillant Nielsen, Sergio Centeno

Lunch Symposium The Road To Safer Angioplasties: New Coronary Stent Generations (Sponsored by Terumo) Thursday 5, 12:30-13:45

Coronary MSCT: Reality or Promise? Thursday 5, 18:45-19:05 Chairman: Iriving Peña Speaker: Augusto Pichard

Chairman: Jean Fajadet

PACARÁ AUDITORIUM Tips and Tricks for Non-Cardiac Interventions: My Top Ten Thursday 5, 08:00-09:00

Joint Session CACCV@SOLACI: Thoracic Aortic Endovascular Repair Thursday 5, 14:00-15:30

Chairmen: Hernán Chamorro, Francisco Carnevale Learning Objectives: Expert's practical topics that can help the audience to avoid or solve a problem in similar situations.

Chairman: Luis Frank, Claudia Rodrígues Alves

- Carotid Stenting. Alberto Cremonesi - Aortic and Iliac Stenting. Antonio M. Kambara - Thoracic Aortic Stent Graft. Christoph Nienaber - Renal Stenting. Valter Correia de Lima

Panelists: Daniel Bracco, Hernán Bertoni, Gustavo Lev Learning Objectives: To learn which patients would benefit from endovascular aortic repair, tips and tricks for successful procedures and management of acute and late complications.

Catheter-Based PDA Closure Thursday 5, 09:00-10:30

- How to Select the Patient for Endovascular Approach. Frank Criado - Acute and Chronic Type B Aortic Dissection: When and How to Approach It. Christoph Nienaber - Tips and Tricks. Marcelo Ferreira - Other Thoracic Aortic Pathologies. Claudia Rodrigues Alves - Acute and Late Complications. Gaudencio Espinosa - Q&A

Chairman: Luis Trentacoste Secretary: José Alonso - Experience with Nit Occlud. Pedro Mollón. - Limitations and Complications with Nit Occlud. Alex Javois - Limitations and Complications with Amplatzer. Carlos Zabal - PDA Closure in Preterm Infants. Neil Wilson

Angiogenesis and Myogenesis Thursday 5, 16:00-17:30

Endovascular Valve Implantation Thursday 5, 11:00-12:30

Chairmen: Julio Argentieri, Rafael Moguel Ancheita

Chairman: Horacio Faella

Panelists: Carlos Trainini, Roberto Fernández Viña, José Vicario, Nelson Rodríguez

Secretary: Esteban Vagnola

Learning Objectives: To learn about the relationship between basic research and clinical trials. To understand when a research is ready for clinical application. How to delineate these strategies.

- Opportunity for Pulmonary Valve Replacement. Alejandro Peirone - Experience in Pulmonary Valve Replacement. Ziyad Hijazi - Melody Pulmonary Valve. Lee Benson - Aortic Valve Implantation. Neil Wilson

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Thursday 5

- MATSURI Registry Results: 1-Year Follow-Up of Over 1,400 Patients Implanted with a New Stent. Eulogio García - First Clinical Results of Tsunami Gold Implantation in Latin America. Ricardo Lluberas - NOBORI I: New Generation of Drug-Eluting Stents. Clinical Results. Eulogio García

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Thursday 5

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program Chairman: Eberhard Grube

Lunch Symposium VSD Closure with Nit Occlud. Global Experience. (Sponsored by PFM) Thursday 5, 12:30-13:45

- Benefits of Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement. - Review of the CoreValve ReValving ™ System Technology. - Identification of Appropriate Patient Criteria. - Implantation Technique. - Case Review and Discussion.

Chairmen: Miguel Granja, Trong Phi Lê - Introduction, Development and First Experiences With Nit Occlud. Trong-Phi Lê - Experience Closing VSD. Experience With Nit Occlud. Nit Occlud Advantages Over Other Devices. Miguel Granja - Experience in Venezuela. Federico Borges - Experience in Brazil. Luiz Carlos Simoes - Discussion / Q&A

Training and Accreditation Thursday 5, 11:00-12:30 Chairman: Marcelo Ruda Vega, Alberto Sampaolesi Panelists: José Mangione, Joseph Babb, Giancarlo Biamino, Efraín Gaxiola

Angioplasty in Newborns Thursday 5, 14:00-15:30

Learning Objectives: to discus how to train and accredit specialists according to different regions. To learn the utility of simulators.

Chairman: Liliana Ferrín

- Training for New Specialists in Interventional Cardioangiology. Alejandro Cherro - Ongoing Medical Education in Interventional Cardioangiology and Recertification. Ernesto Torresani - Utility of Virtual Reality Simulators for the Above Mentioned Goals. Joseph Babb - Training Requirements in Brazil. José Mangione - Training Requirements in Mexico. Efraín Gaxiola - EuroPCR Experience on Continuous Medical Education for Interventional Cardiologists. Giancarlo Biamino - Q&A - Conclusions. Alberto Sampaolesi, Marcelo Ruda Vega

Thursday 5

Secretary: Carlo Pilla - Critical Pulmonary Valve Stenosis. José Alonso - Critical Pulmonary Valve Stenosis. Experience in Chile. Felipe Heuser - Critical Aortic Valve Stenosis. Alberto Sciegata - Other Interventions. Ricardo Gamboa - Post-Norwood Procedure Interventions. Lee Benson

ASD Closure: Techniques, Results and Complications Thursday 5, 16:00-17:30

Abstracts Session III Thursday 5, 17:45-18:45

Chairman: Miguel Granja Secretary: Jesús Damsky Barbosa

Chairmen: Amanda Sousa, David Vetcher

- ASD Device Closure. New Devices. Ziyad Hijazi - Tricks for ASD Closure with Amplatzer Device. How to Minimize the Complications. Miguel Granja - ASD Closure with Helex Device. Larry Latson - New Developments. Trong-Phi Lê - Nightmare Cases in ASD Closure. Neil Wilson

Panelists: Jorge Mor, Humberto Casal Heredia, Ariel Durán Reyes, Nelson Rodríguez, Eduardo Magariños


Abstracts Session II Thursday 5, 17:45-18:45

ProEducar Session: Discussion of Coronary Interventions Thursday 5, 09:00-10:30

Chairmen: Fabio Sandoli Brito Jr., Fausto Feres

Chairmen: Ricardo Sarmiento, Fernando Cura

Panelists: José Mangione, Diego Kirschmann, Costantino Costantini Jr., Adrián Ebner, Liliana Rojo

Panelists: Eulogio García, Fabio Sandoli Brito, Costantino Costantini, Jorge Leguizamón

Endovascular Aortic Repair: State of the Art Thursday 5, 18:45-19:05

These sessions will be videotaped, edited and included in SOLACI's distance educational program as: “Case Discussions on the Web”.

Chairman: Claudia Rodrígues Alves Speaker: Christoph Nienaber

Trial Design for Cardiovascular Interventions (Workshop Sponsored by TANGO CC) Thursday 5, 14:00-15:30


Chairman: Liliana Grinfeld

CoreValve ReValving™ System. Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement Evolving Into a Standard Cathlab Procedure (Workshop Sponsored by Latamprojects) Thursday 5, 09:00-10:30

Speakers: Arturo Cagide, Marcelo Halac Panelists: Stephen Ellis, Jean Fajadet, Roxana Mehran, Jeffrey Moses, William O'Neill, Dariusz Dudek, Graciela Romero Julio Palmaz, Cecilia Bahit, Leonardo Gadaleta, Martín Seoane, Agustín Iglesias, Analía Perez

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Thursday 5

Thursday 5 Learning Objectives: Overview of several non-cardiac interventions, indications and clinical outcomes.

- Selection of End Point for a Trial: Single vs Combined. - Definition of Non-Fatal End Point. - Mortality as End Point in Interventional Trials: Sample Size and Follow-Up Time. - Selection of End Points and Population to Reduce Bias. - Very Frequent Mild Events and Unfrequent Serious Events. - Differences in Trials with Devices vs Drugs.

- Carotid Stenting: Where Are We? Alberto Cremonesi - Endovascular Aortic Valve Replacement. Is It Real? Alain Cribier - Endovascular Thoracic Aortic Repair. Is It the First Option? José Augusto Souza - When and How Should We Intervene Claudicating Patients? Antonio M. Kambara - Q&A

Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement: From Sternotomy to Minimal Invasive Procedure (Workshop Sponsored By Edwards Lifesciences) Thursday 5, 16:00-17:30

TCT-HORIZON (Investigators’ Meeting and Cocktail) Thursday 5, 16:00 - 17:30

Chairmen: Alain Cribier, Liliana Grinfeld

Hosts: Gregg Stone, Roxana Mehran, Jeffrey Moses

Panelists: Daniel Berrocal, Carla Agatiello, Deborah Nercolini, Sergio Franco, Orlando Wender, Juan Krauss, Pablo Oberti, Mariano Falconi, Daniel Bracco - What Are the Requirements Needed to Start a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Program? Carla Agatiello - PAVR by Transfemoral Approach: Case Revision. Alain Cribier - PAVR by Transapical Approach: Case Revision. Deborah Nercolini - Conclusions: - From The Surgeon's Point Of View. - From The Cardiologist's Point Of View. Juan Krauss


Commentators: Omar Santaera, Fausto Buitrón, Marcelo Pettinari, Carlos Fernández Pereira, Mario Pieroni, Miguel Payaslian, Ricardo Clavijo, Ricardo Nauwerk, Miguel Miceli, Marcelo Notrica, Esteban Vagnola.

Abstracts Session IV Thursday 5, 17:45-18:45

Poster Session II Thursday 5, 15:30-16:00

Chairmen: Antonio Pocoví, Oscar Alvarado Panelists: Luis Flores, Ricardo Pastene, Luis Mercado, Daniel Mauro

Commentators: Ernesto Torresani, César Pardiñas, Alejandro Álvarez Iorio, Marcelo Bettinotti, Juan Delgado Durán, Carlos Mauvecin, Pedro Lemos Neto, Humberto Casal Heredia, Pedro Zangroniz, Jesús Damsky Barbosa, Juan Carlos Alico.

ALERCE AUDITORIUM Minimizing The Radiation Risk in The Catheterization Lab Thursday 5, 09:00-10:30

Social Activities:

Closing Gala at Opera Pampa (Sponsored by Cordis, Johnson & Johnson Company). Shuttle available from Hilton Hotel. Invitation Only

Chairman: Ariel Durán Reyes Panelists: Aníbal Marraco, Alejandro La Pasta, Rubén Kevorkian, Jorge Skvarca, Jorge Blanco Learning Objectives: How to reduce the radiation risks and how to protect patients and staff. A survey will be carried out at the end of the session. - How to Protect the Staff? Eliseo Vañó Carruana - How to Protect the Patient? Ariel Durán Reyes - Suggestions to Improve the Quality-Radiation Ratio. Eliseo Vañó Carruana - Q&A

Interventions for Clinical Cardiologists II (Sponsored by Boston Scientific) Thursday 5, 13:45-15:45 Chairmen: Carlos Rubio, Sergio Varini Panelists: Raúl Rosental, Sergio Brieva, Adolfo Rodríguez, Enrique Fiakosky

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Thursday 5

Poster Session I Thursday 5, 10:30-11:00

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Friday 6

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program Friday 6

Joint Session TCT@SOLACI: Evidence-Based Medicine. Controversies and Progress in Interventional Vascular Therapies. The Year in Review. Friday 6, 14:00-15:30

PACIFICO AUDITORIUM Update on Interventional Pharmacology Friday 6, 08:00-09:00

Chairmen: Gregg Stone

Chairmen: Alberto Suarez Nitola, Roxana Mehran

Panelists: Roxana Mehran, Alexandre Abizaid, Jorge Belardi

Learning Objectives: To up-date adjunctive drugs strategies. To learn how to select a drug/strategy in different clinical situations.

- Controversies in Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease. - Treatment of Stable CAD: - COURAGE in Perspective. Lessons Learned. Gregg Stone - Revascularization Will Improve the Quality of Life at No Cost to the Patient: ACME AVERT and others. - DES or BMS: How Do You Choose? The Pros and Cons. Roxana Mehran

- Antiplatelet Therapy. Raúl Altman - IIb/IIIa Inhibitors. Stephen Ellis - Antithrombin. Gregg Stone

Live Case 8

Live Cases 6 Friday 6, 09:00-10:30

Operators: Gregg Stone, Daniel Berrocal Transmission Center: Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires

Chairman: Luiz Piva Mattos

Panelists: Roxana Mehran, Alexandre Abizaid, Liliana Grinfeld, Eduardo Sousa.

Friday 6

Panelists: Augusto Pichard, José Álvarez, José Condado, Francisco Paoletti, Eulogio Martínez, Víctor Moles, Rubén Piraíno

- Key Note Lecture: Valvular Heart Disease: The Year in Review: Progress Made. We Still Have a Long Way to Go. Martin Leon - The Future of DES: Platforms, Drugs and More. Alexandre Abizaid

Operators: Oscar Mendiz, Carlos Fava Transmission Center: Fundación Favaloro, Buenos Aires Operators: Gerald Werner, Jorge Baccaro Transmission Center: Instituto de Cardiología de Corrientes, Corrientes

Live Cases 9 Friday 6, 16:00-17:30

Operators: Oscar Mendiz, León Valdivieso Transmission Center: Fundación Favaloro, Buenos Aires

Chairman: Expedito Ribeiro Panelists: Andrés Iñiguez Romo, Juan Carlos Alico, Luiz Piva Mattos, Jorge Mor, Jorge Belardi, Fausto Feres, Jorge Bordagaray.

Live Cases 7 Friday 6, 11:00-12:30

Operators: Carlos León, Jorge Baccaro Transmission Center: Instituto de Cardiologia de Corrientes, Corrientes

Chairman: Jorge Leguizamón Panelists: Jorge Antonio Miano, Esteban Mendaro, Alejandro González Estevez, Carlos Álvarez Iorio, Marcos Wainstein, Ron Waksman, Mario Fava.

Operators: Eberhard Grube, Oscar Mendiz Transmission Center: Fundación Favaloro, Buenos Aires

Operators: Giancarlo Biamino, Gustavo Lev Transmission Center: Fundación Favaloro, Buenos Aires

Operators: José Mangione, Carlos Rojas Matas Transmission Center: Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.

Operators: Marco Ântonio Perin, Jorge Baccaro Transmission Center: Instituto de Cardiología de Corrientes, Corrientes

Closing Ceremony and Round Table: A New Pandemia? Friday 6, 17:30-19:00

Operators: Marcos Marino, Oscar Mendiz Transmission Center: Fundación Favaloro, Buenos Aires

Coordinator: Carlos Bertolasi

Lunch Symposium DES: From Practice to Evidence (Sponsored by Boston Scientific) Friday 6, 12:30-13:45

Speakers and Panelists: Sebastián Ameriso, Pablo Argibay, Liliana Grinfeld, Oscar Mendiz, José Navia, Juan Carlos Parodi, Florencia Rolandi, Marcelo Trivi Final Mesagge: Carlos Bertolasi

Chairmen: Daniel Berrocal, Jorge Belardi


Panelists: Costantino Costantini, Juan José Arango, Miguel Ballarino, Ricardo Lluberas

Joint Session SCAI@SOLACI Friday 6, 08:00-09:00

- Current Evidence for DES. Sigmund Silber - DES in the Daily Practice. The Importance of the Technique. Gregg Stone - DES in Latin America. Daniel Berrocal - Q&A

Chairman: Joseph Babb

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Friday 6

Friday 6 Learning Objectives: After attending this session, participants will be able to understand and discuss the results of recent key interventional trials and new consensus for DES usage. Evidence and expert opinions on adult structural heart diseases repair. Main topics of accredited training for US Interventional Cardiology training program.

Case Review Session I: The Best of Cardiac Cases Friday 6, 14:00-15:30

- Review of Recent Interventional Trials. Ron Waksman - Current Status of DES Usage and Guidelines. Fausto Feres - ASD and PFO Closure: Current Status and New Devices in Adults. Ziyad Hijazi - Current Status of Accredited Training in Interventional Cardiology in the US. Joseph Babb

Panelists: Ronaldo Loures Bueno, Fabio Sandoli Brito Jr., Gilberto Nunes, Alejandro Palacios, Diego Grinfeld, Alejandro De La Casa, Khaled Al-Shaibi.

Chairmen: José Mangione, Darío Echeverri

Learning Objectives: After discussing edited teaching cases, participants will have a broader knowledge how to approach challenging patients with coronary lesions. How to avoid or solve complications.

Hot Debates II Friday 6, 09:00-10:30

Joint session FAC@SOLACI: Non-ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction Friday 6, 16:00-17:30

- Should We Use DES in all Lesions? Chairman: Eduardo Sousa Pro: Fausto Feres Con: Jean Fajadet Final Message: Eduardo Sousa

Chairmen: Ladislao Endrei, Joseph Babb Panelists: Ernesto Ban Hayashi, Alfaro Marchena Noriega, Francisco Somoza Alvarenga, Juan Carlos Linares Casas

- Late DES Events: Do They Modify the Indications?

- Antithrombotics in Non-ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction. Ernesto Paolasso - Which Is the Current Role of Non-Invasive Coronary Angiography? Eduardo Picabea - Biomarkers. How Do They Modify the Strategy? Julio Bono - How Useful & Frequently Are Guidelines Used? Joseph Babb - When and How to Use PTCA. Gilberto Nunes - Q&A

- Are We Ready for Left Main Stenting? Chairman: Jean Fajadet Pro: Jeffrey Moses Con: Pedro Lemos Neto Final Message: Jean Fajadet

Non-Stent New Devices Friday 6, 11:00-12:30


Chairmen: Irving Peña, Alberto Suarez Nitola

Abdominal Aortic Repair Friday 6, 08:00-09:00

Panelists: Alberto Licheri, Román Rostagno, Pedro Hidalgo Useche, Hernán Chamorro Learning Objectives: After this session, participants will learn about new devices for CTO, abdominal stent grafts, left ventricular assist devices, imaging and will have a glimpse of the future of autologous by-passes.

Chairmen: Hugo Londero, Claudia Rodrígues Alves

- New Tools for CTO. Jeffrey Moses - Aortic Stent Graft with Side Branches. Marcelo Ferreira - PTCA with Left Ventricular Assist Device. Jeffrey Moses - New Invasive Images. Augusto Pichard - Autologous Bypass. Julio Argentieri - Q&A

Learning Objectives: All attendees will learn which patients would or should receive EVAR. Interventional cardiologists will learn tips & tricks and also how to recognize and manage acute and late complications.

Panelists: Carlos De Luca, Eduardo Dulbecco, Esteban Mendaro, Daniel Sarti

- EVAR: Should We Only Treat High-Risk Surgical Patients? Juan Carlos Parodi - Tips and Tricks. Frank Criado - Acute and Late Complications. Gaudencio Espinosa - Q&A

Lunch Symposium Endeavor Stent: Concept, Present and Future (Sponsored by Medtronic) Friday 6, 12:30-13:45

Joint Session Cleveland Clinic @ SOLACI Friday 6, 09:00-10:30

Chairman: Roxana Mehran

Chairman: Jorge Belardi

- Drug Eluting Stents: Safety and Efficacy. - The Endeavor Clinical Program: 1300 Patients with up to Four Years Follow-Up. - Latin American Experience with Endeavor-5 Protocol. - Endeavor Resolute Stent: Clinical Findings in 130 Patients. - Discussion.

- Drug-Eluting Stents: An Update in 2007. Stephen Ellis - Should We Abandon Distal Embolic Protection in Acute Myocardial Infarction? Fernando Cura - Percutaneous Approach to Aortic Stenosis. Stephen Ellis

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Friday 6

Learning Objectives: To obtain a critical appraisal of standard and new strategies, to approach patients with acute coronary syndromes. To discuss the use of the guidelines and which patients would benefit from PCI.

Chairman: Ron Waksman Yes: Igor Palacios No: Gregg Stone Final Message: Ron Waksman

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Friday 6

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program Learning Objectives: After discussing edited teaching cases, participants will learn how to approach non-cardiac challenging patients. How to avoid or solve complications.

Joint Session Argentine Society of Diabetes@SOLACI. Optimizing Diabetic Patients´ Treatment Friday 6, 11:00-12:30


Chairmen: José E. Costa Gil, Fausto Buitrón Panelists: Marcelo Halac, José Peña Reyes, Miguel Larribau, León E. Litwak

The Role of Stents in Congenital Cardiopathies Friday 6, 08:00-09:00

Learning Objectives: To understand the problem of the diabetes pandemia; to highlight the value of early diagnosis and treatment of vascular complications, to discuss how to select the best strategy for coronary and non-cardiac revascularization.

Chairman: Luis Alday, Felipe Heuser Secretary: Alberto Molina - Pulmonary Branch Stenosis. Neil Wilson - Aortic Coarctation. Alex Javois - Aortic Coarctation: Experience in Argentina. Miguel Granja. - Right Ventricular Outflow Tract. Larry Latson

Friday 6

- Significance of the Diabetes Pandemic. José E. Costa Gil - Early Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Vascular Disease. León E. Litwak - Can We Slow Down the Atherosclerotic Progression? Luis Guzmán - Current Trends in Revascularization. Carlos Macaya - Non-Cardiac Revascularization: Indications and Results. Ernesto Torresani - Q&A

Update on Hybrid Procedures Friday 6, 09:00-10:30 Chairman: Carlos Zabal Secretary: Jesús Damsky Barbosa

Lunch Symposium Expect More From DES (Sponsored by Abbott Vascular) Friday 6, 12:30-13:45

- Update on Hybrid Procedures. Lee Benson - Experience in Argentina. Luis Trentacoste - Hybrid Procedures in Latin America. Is It Necessary to Have a Hybrid Suite to Carry Out Procedures? Carlos Pedra

Chairmen: Liliana Grinfeld, Carlos Macaya

VSD Closure Friday 6, 11:00-12:30

- The Science Behind Xience V SPIRIT III: 9-Month Results. Alexandre Abizaid - Is DES Safe? Renu Virmani - Q&A

Chairman: Pedro Mollón Secretary: Luis Trentacoste

How to Approach High-Risk Patients Friday 6, 14:00-15:30

- Experience in Perimembraneous VSD Closure with Amplatzer Device. Carlos Zabal - VSD Closure with PFM Device. Trong-Phi Lê - VSD Closure Experience in Latin America (Nit Occlud). Luiz Carlos Simoes

Chairmen: Eugenio Marchant Díaz, Fausto Feres Panelists: José Oscar Gómez Moreno, John German Gaibor, Jorge Guasch, Juan Delgado Durán

Interventional Treatment of the Fontan Procedure Friday 6, 14:00-15:30

Learning Objectives: how to approach high-risk Lesions and patients. - Contrast-Induced Nephropathy: Identifying and Managing Patients at Risk. Roxana Mehran - Carotid and Coronary Disease. How to Approach It? Manuel Cano - Myocardial Revascularization in Elderly Patients. Rogerio Sarmento Leite - Small Vessels and Diffused Disease. Paulo Caramori - Percutaneous Approach of Pulmonary Embolism. Mario Fava - Q&A

Chairman: Carlos Pedra Secretary: Alejandro Peirone - Fontan Assessment. Larry Latson - Failing Fontan. Alex Javois - Closing Fenestration. Horacio Faella - Fontan Completion. Lee Benson

Case Review Session II: The Best of Non-Cardiac Cases Friday 6, 16:00-17:30

JACARANDÁ AUDITORIUM ProEducar Session: Discussion of Aorta and Lower Limbs Interventions Friday 6, 09:00-10:30

Chairmen: Marco Ântonio Marino, Antonio Pocoví Panelists: Marcelo Queiroga, Pedro Lemos Neto, Antonio M. Kambara, Luis Guzmán, Hernán Bertoni, Carlos Rojas Matas, Esteban Mendaro.

Chairmen: Hugo Londero, Sergio Brieva

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program / Friday 6

Friday 6 Panelists: Marcelo Cerezo, Claudia Rodrígues Alves, Francisco Carnevale, Frank Criado, Hernán Bertoni

Poster Session IV: Friday 6, 15:30-16:00

These sessions will be videotaped, edited and included in SOLACI's distance educational program as: “Case Discussions on the Web”.

Commentators: Carlos Leonardi, Ricardo Sarmiento, Alejandro Cherro, María Rosa Aymat, Eugenio Marchant Díaz, Jorge Mor, Darío Echeverri, Carlos Gadda, Leonardo Abdo, Oscar Ortiz Baeza, Guillermo Pacheco, Alfredo Bravo, Alberto Molina.

LENGA AUDITORIUM Radial Approach Simulator: A Tool To Optimize The Learning Process (Workshop Sponsored by Terumo) Friday 6th, 11:00-12:30 Chairman: Jean Fajadet - New Tools for Transradial Approach Training. Terumo Transradial Approach Simulator Presentation. Jean Fajadet - Advantages of Transradial Approach. Learning Curve. Juan Gaspar - New Terumo Transradial Approach Products. Roberto Botelho

Friday 6

ALERCE AUDITORIUM Interventions for Clinical Cardiologists III (Sponsored by Boston Scientific) Friday 6, 13:45-15:45 Chairmen: Ricardo Iglesias, Raúl Altman Panelists: Anibal Damonte, Carlos Fernández Pereira, Arturo Fernández Murga, Alfredo Bravo Learning Objectives: to discus different drug therapies in patients who receive percutaneous interventions. - Update on Clopidogrel Associated to PTCA. Amanda Sousa - Prasugrel: Is It a Good Alternative? Raúl Altman - Update on IIb/IIIa Inhibitor. Pedro Lemos Neto - Can We Replace IIb/IIIa Inhibitors with Bivalirudina in All Cases? José Mangione - Low Molecular Weight Heparin. Advantages Over Unfractioned Heparin During PTCA. Marcelo Casey - The Role of Statins After Endovascular Procedures. Ricardo Rey - Q&A

FOYER Poster Session III Friday 6, 10:30-11:00 Commentators: Rafael Moguel Ancheita, Juan Fernández, Alejandro Escudero, Pablo Kantor, Javier Woscoboinik Marcelo Menendez, Carlos De Luca, Daniel Paolantonio, Alberto Tamashiro, Santiago Gallo, Marcelo Rivarola

| 49 |

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program for Nurses and Technicians

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program for Nurses Thursday 5


8:00 - 9:00 Contrasts Mediaand Their Nephrotoxicity

Wednesday 4

Chairmen: Patricia Leishmer Janeeth Moscoso

12:00 -13:00 Opening Session

Speakers: Patricia Leishner Alberto Zichert Enrique Arias Janeeth Moscoso

Speakers: Roberto D'Agosto Alejandro Incarbone

13:00 -13:45 Nursing Care of Cardiovascular Patients

- Experience with Contrast Media in the Cath Lab. - Experience with Contrast Media in 64 Multislice CT. - A Different Latin American Reality with Contrast Media.

Chairmen: Daniel Maggio Juan Cañete Speaker:

9:00 - 10:30 Comparison of Diagnosis Methods in Interventional Cardiology

Alfredo Culquicondor Rosa Ruiz Piñeiro

Chairmen: Alejandro Incarbone Claudio Llaurado

- Importance of Nursing Care. - Latin American Nursing Approach. - Round Table: Regina Yarza, Robert Domínguez

Speakers: Hugo Corradini Carlos Bordarampe Alberto Zichert José Uribe Mirian Cabrera

15:15 -16:45 Management of Cardiovascular Patients in Latin America Chairmen: Juan Alberto Díaz Regina Yarza

- Nuclear Medicine. - NMR and CT in Congenital Disease. - 64 Multislice CT. - Coronary Angiography. - Intravascular Ultrasound. - Round Table.

Speakers: Beatriz Morales Ramón Aibar Regina Yarza Ariel Luero

10:30 -11:00 Break

- Symptomatology to Diagnose Acute Myocardial Infarction. - Treatment of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes in Hospitals without a Cath. Lab. - Rescue PTCA. - Primary PTCA. - Round Table: Hot Debate on of Acute Myocardial Infarction Treatment.

11:00 - 12:30 Treatment of Aortic Disease Chairmen: Gustavo Diez Claudio Rodríguez Speakers: Adriana Lima Heriberto Hernandez Carmen Fusco Victoria Orsi Germán Gonzalez

16:45 -18:00 Patient-Professional Relationship Chairmen: Alejandro Incarbone Daniel Maggio Ambar Medina

- Clinical Diagnosis of Aortic Disease. - Specificity and Sensibility of Non-Invasive Methods. - Kinds of Devices and Selection. - Surgical Treatment of Aortic Disease. - Aortic Endovascular Repair.

Speakers: Roberto D'Agosto Rosa Ruiz Piñeiro César Echegaray - Life Tyle Modification in Cardiovascular Patients. - Importance of the Nurse/Technician-Patient Relationship. - Psychological Care of Patients Post-Therapeutic Procedures.

12:30 -14:00 Abstracts Session 14:00 -15:30 Interventional Radiology Chairmen: Alejandro D´Aiello María Inés di Pasquo Speakers: Fernando Orsi Alejandro D'Aiello Roberto D´Agosto

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Scientific Program for Nurses and Technicians

and Technicians - Angioplasty in Transplanted Kidney. - Uterine Embolization. - Endovascular Treatment and Prevention of Obstetric Haemorrhage. - Round Table: Trauma Emergency.

10:30 -11:00 Break 11:00 -12:30 Professional Stress: Burn Out Syndrome

15:30 -16:00 Break

Chairmen: Alejandro Incarbone Claudio Llaurado

16:00 -17:30 Peripheral Vascular Disease Chairmen: Gustavo Bulacio José Luis Avalos

Speakers: José Boggiano Alejandro Incarbone Ambar Medina Daniel Meza

Speakers: Leonardo Strati Robert Dominguez Miguel Martínez Gustavo Bulacio

- Work-Related Stress: How to Deal With It? - Psychosocial Factors That Influence Professional Stress - What is Latin America Doing to Eradicate This Phenomenon? - Round Table.

- Carotid Angioplasty Update. - Endoluminal Treatment of Lower Limbs. - Pressure Ulcer Treatment. - Evolution of Gene Therapy for Peripheral Angiogenesis.

12:30 -14:00 Oral Abstracts Session 14:00 -15:30 Management and Organization of a Cath Lab in Latin America

17:30 -17:45 Break

Chairmen: Roberto D'Agosto Prof. Simone De Souza

17:45 -19:00 Congenital Cardiopathies

Speakers: Prof. Irian Guidugli Prof. Simone De Souza

Chairmen: Alberto Zichert Mauricio Salinas

- Resources Management in a Cath Lab. - Work Organization in a Cath Lab. - Round Table: Special Situations in Latin American Labs.

Speakers: Gustavo Conde Ramirez Leonidas Londoño Olaya Yudelca Perez María Teresa Velazco Lívia Mauricio Salinas

15:30 -16:00 Break

- Percutaneous Closure of Defects: PDA, ASD, VSD, PFO. - Angioplasty and Valvuloplasty. Endoluminal Alternative for Aortic Coarctation, Pulmonary Branch Stenosis, Aortic and Pulmonary Valvuloplasty. - Interventions in Complex Pediatric Congenital Cardiomyopathies. - Nursing Care Post-Congenital Cardiopathy Treatment.

16:00 -16:45 Nurses and Technicians Current Issues Chairmen: Silvia Beati Roberto D'Agosto Speakers: Jorge Antonio Rafael Aguilar Robert Dominguez Rosa Ruiz Piñeiro Regina Yarza Simone Fantin De Souza Erick Jaramillo

Friday 6

16:45 -17:00 Closing Ceremony 08:00 -10:30 Neurointerventions Latin American Approach to Hemorrhagic Stroke Chairmen: Carlos Maryszczyn Luis Taramelli Speakers: Natalia Cárdenas Prof. Jorge Alvarado Robert Domínguez Ivanise Gomes - CT and NMR. - Hemorrhagic Stroke Diagnosis. - Endovascular Treatment. - Care of Neurological Patients Post-Endovascular Treatment.

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation Jueves 5 / Thursday 5

Oral Oral Session

MEJORES TEMAS LIBRES BEST ABSTRACTS SESSION ATLANTICO AUDITORIUM 17:45-18:45 Presidentes / Chairmen: Alexandre Abizaid, Helio Roque Figueira Comentadores / Panelists: José Álvares, Carlos Macaya, Andrés Iñiguez Romo, Igor Palacios

Oral Session

411 Long-term Clinical Outcomes of the DESIRE (Drug Eluting Stents In the Real world) Registry. Souza , Amanda y colaboradores 430 Cual es la Evolución Tardia de Alcoholización de la Rama Septal en la Miocardiopatía Hipertrófica Obstructiva? Cano, Nicolás y colaboradores 463 Successful Treatment of Refractory Angina (RA) by Minimally Invasive Delivery of Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells (ABMMC) Mid-term Follow-up. Tuma-Mubarack, Jorge y colaboradores 210 Evalução a Longo Prazo da Valvoplastia Mitral por Balão. Fatores de Risco para Óito e Eventos Mayores e Influência do Escore de Ecocardiográfico. P Borges, Ivana y colaboradores 318 Comparación del Tratamiento Médico y la Revascularización Coronaria en Pacientes con Lesiones Coronarias Moderadas y Valores de la Reserva de Flujo Fraccionada Miocárdica entre 0.75 y 0.80. Courtis, Alejandro y colaboradores 382 Nuevo Tratamiento Percutáneo con Dispositivo Intra Seno Coronario. La Cardiopatía Dilatada con Insuficiencia Mitral (Carillon - CDI) Seguimiento de 6 Meses. Ebner, Adrián y colaboradores

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation





Presidente / Chairman: Ernesto Ban Hayashi, Marcelo Ruda Vega

Presidentes / Chairmen: Fabio Sandoli Brito Jr, Fausto Feres

Comentadores / Panelists: Aníbal Damonte, Miguel Angel Riccitelli, Gastón Dussaillant Nielsen, Sergio Centeno

Comentadores / Panelists: José Mangione, Diego Kirschmann, Constantino Costantini Jr, Adrián Ebner, Liliana Rojo

460 Heart Failure Improvement Alter Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells (ABMMC) Transplantation. Tuma-Mubarack, J. y colaboradores

361 Estudo Inicial com o Stent Liberador de 17ß Estradiol (ETHOS™) Avaliação Clínica, Angiográfica e Pelo Ultra-som Intracoronário. Maia, Julio y colaboradores

296 Aumento da Penetração dos Stents Farmacológicos na América Latina. Registro SOLACI 2005 e 2006. Souza, Amanda y colaboradores

342 A Tri-dimensional Intravascular Análisis of the New Zotarolimus-eluting Stent (ZoMaxx). Costa Jr, José y colaboradores

136 Direct stenting after thrombus removal before primary angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction: a sub anaysis of the The DEAR-MI (Dethrombosis to Enhance Acute Reperfusion in Myocardial Infarction) study. Silva Orrego, Pedro y colaboradores

350 Aterectomía Rotacional Ascendente Retrógrada en Isquemia Crítica de Miembro Inferior por Lesiones Difusas Infrapatelares. Dini, Andrés y colaboradores

498 Aposição Incompleta Persistente e Tardia Após Implante de Stents com Sirolimus e Zotarlimus: Incidência e Evolução Clínica. Siquiera, Dimytri y colaboradores

322 Reserva del Flujo Fraccionada para Determinar la Severidad de las Estenosis Moderadas del Tronco Común: ¿Deberíamos evaluar las Arterias Descendente Anterior y Circunfleja en Todos los Casos? Courtis, Alejandro Javier y colaboradores

483 Stents farmacológicos no tratamento de pontes de safena sem proteção distal - Registro DESIRE SVG. Moreira, Adriana y colaboradores 507 Angioplastia Carotídea com Stent e Sistemas de Proteção Cerebral. Uma Análise Tardia Comparativa dos Pacientes Sintomáticos versus Asintomático Pré-procedimento. Sánchez , Andrés y colaboradores

| 53 |

Oral Session

476 Impacto Tardío dos Stents Farmacológicos em Pacientes Diabéticos - Registro DESIRE - DM. Moreira, Adriana y colaboradores

464 Experiencia Preliminar com Novo Dispositivo para Tratamiento Percutâneo de Oclusões Coronarianas Crônicas. Estudio RAPID (Revascular Active Percutaneous Interventional Device) CTO: Primeiro Chamié, Daniel y colaboradores

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

Oral Session





Presidentes / Chairmen: Amanda Sousa, David Vetcher

Presidentes / Chairmen: Antonio Pocoví, Oscar Alvarado

Comentadores / Panelists: Jorge Mor, Humberto Casal Heredia, Ariel Durán Reyes, Nelson Rodríguez, Eduardo Magariños

Comentadores / Panelists: Luís Flores, Ricardo Pastene, Luís Mercado, Daniel Mauro

524 Tratamento Endovascular do Endoleak Tardio após Implante de Endoprótese de Aorta Abdominal Infra-renal ? Análise com Angiotomografia Computadorizada e Aortografia com Subtração Digital. Sánchez, Andrés y colaboradores

416 Ensayo clínico controlado para determinar la utilidad del bicarbonato de sodio en la prevención de la nefropatía por medio de contraste en pacientes con riesgo intermedio y alto sometidos a coronariografía diagnóstica y/o intervencionismo coronario . Miranda-Malpica, Emma y colaboradores

538 Valor Prognóstico dos Critérios de Obesidade em Pacientes Submetidos à Angioplastia Transluminal Coronariana em População Tratada em Centro de Referência. Estival Tarastchuk, José Carlos y colaboradores

434 Remodelado Ventricular Progresivo Post-Ablación Spetal por Alcohol en la Miocardiopatía Hipertrófica Obstructiva. Fortunato de Cano, Silvia Judith y colaboradores 328 Sitio de Flexión de la Arteria Poplitea. Tamashiro, Gustavo A y colaboradores

566 Relación Entre el Indice de Masa Corporal y la Concordancia de la Anatomía Coronaria y Estudios Funcionales. Arellano, Juan y colaboradores

375 Reto farmacológico con adenosina en pacientes adultos con cardiopatía congénita asociada a Hipertensión arterial pulmonar grave como factor pronóstico de de éxito quirúrgico Uriona Villarroel, Juan Hedí y colaboradores

468 Influencia de los sistemas de protección accesorios en Laboratorios de hemodinamia durante cine angiografía coronaria. Análisis con aplicación de fantomas de Plaxiglas. Fabri, Daniella y colaboradores

340 Assessing the relationship between quantitative coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound and defining the best surrogate of target-lesion revascularization. Costa Jr., José de Ribamar y colaboradores

446 Effect of Adventitial Neovascularization on Plaque Remodeling, Inflamation and Composition in a Porcine Model of Complex Atherosclerosis. Alviar, Carlos L. y colaboradores

363 Non-invasive coronary angiography by 64-row multidetector CT using a gadolinium contrast agent. Carrascosa, Patricia y colaboradores

435 Safety and Efficacy of Low Dose Unfractionated Heparin and Tirofiban During Percutaneous Coronary Interventions. Tuma-Mubarak, Jorge y colaboradores

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XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

Jueves 5 / Thursday 5

Posters Posters Session

SESION DE POSTERS I POSTER SESSION I FOYER 10:30 -11:00 Comentador / Panelist: Esteban Vagnola 399 Cateterismo Intervencionista em Recém-nascidos e Lactantes de Muito Baixo Peso: Resultados Atuais. Pilla, Carlo y colaboradores

209 Cierre percutáneo del ductus arterioso con dispositivo NIT OCCLUDER (PFM) desde Marzo 1998 hasta Diciembre 2006 "Hospital Militar Dr. Carlos Arvelo" Fundacardin Unidad de Hemodinamia Salas Cañizales, Ana Maria y colaboradores Comentador / Panelist: Omar Santaera 456 Stent de ostium (Ostium Stent): resultados de estudios preclínicos. Grinfeld, Roberto y colaboradores 202 Valvoplastia Mitral por Balão. Comparação dos resultados do grupo submetidos a plastia percutânea ou cirúrgica prévia com os de pacientes tratados pela primeira vez e evolução do grupo com plastia prévia. C Sandoval Peixoto, Edison y colaboradores Comentador / Panelist: Fausto Buitrón 213 Clinical effectiveness of a titanium-nitride-oxidecoated stent in acute STEMI. Millenium Registry. Calvo Cebollero, Isabel y colaboradores | 55 |

Posters Session

299 Procedimento Híbrido Para Oclusão da Comunicação Interatrial (CIA) Sem Uso de Circulação Extracorpórea em Lactente com Pneumopatia Crônica. Pedra, Simona y colaboradores

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation


Comentador / Panelist: Mario Pieroni 544 Valoración de la Perfusión Miocárdica con TIMI V (Venoso), Posterior al Implante de un Stent Coronario en el Infarto Agudo de Miocardio con Elevación del Segmento ST (I.A.M.E.S.S.T.E.) . Gutierrez Hugo y colaboradores


600 A stable polymer for DES without late stent thrombosis. A Dream or reality ? Beinhauer A y colaboradores 266 Resultados Tardíos da Técnica de "Pullback" para o Tratamento de Lesão Coronária em Bifurcação Tipo 4B. Meireles George y colaboradores

Posters Session

Comentador / Panelist: Marcelo Pettinari 145 Uso de cateter extrator de trombo em pacientes com IAM e grande carga trombótica: o que aprendemos com o uso do cateter Pronto após 14 casos complexos de IAM. Lacativa Marcus y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Miguel Payaslian 250 Na Era dos Stents Farmacológicos Ainda Podemos Utilizar Stents Convencionais em Pacientes Multiarteriais? Ferreira Esmeralci y colaboradores

542 Resultados de Valvoplastia Mitral Percutãnea Realizada com Três Diferentes Técnicas de Dilatação. Guérios Ênio Eduardo y colaboradores

248 Importância do Controle Glicêmico na Evolução Pós-Intervenção Coronariana com Stent. Moura Rogério y colaboradores

557 Tratamiento Percutáneo con Cateter Aspirex en la Embolia Pulmonar Masiva Aguda. Gutierrez Hugo y colaboradores

401 Angioplastia Carotídea y Cirugía Cardiovascular Simultánea. Evolución Hospitalaria y Seguimiento. Fava Carlos y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Carlos Fernández Pereira

Comentador / Panelist: Omar Santaera

529 Angioplastia con Stent Liberador de Droga en Diabéticos: Características Clínicas y Evolución Alejada en Relación con no Diabéticos. Albertal Mariano y colaboradores

320 Importancia de la resistencia coronaria epicárdica anormal en la evaluación funcional de lesiones coronarias moderadas mediante la reserva de flujo fraccionada miocárdica. Courtis Alejandro Javier y colaboradores

496 Trombosis Intrastent en la Era del Stent Liberador de Droga. Candiello Alfonsina y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Miguel Micceli 533 Intervención Percutanea en Infarto Agudo de Miocardio: Evaluación de la Incidencia de Eventos Clínicos Mayores al Final del 1º año de Acuerdo a la Arteria Relacionada al Infarto. Sanches Esteva Andrés Gustavo y colaboradores

550 Índices Antropométricos de Obesidade como Preditores de Desfechos após Angioplastia Transluminal Coronariana. Estival Tarastchuk José Carlos y colaboradores | 56 |

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

Comentador / Panelist: Marcelo Notrica

Comentador / Panelist: Ricardo Clavijo 526 Relación entre el Tiempo de Evolución de los Síntomas y el Grado de Repercusión Según la Localización del Infarto de Miocardio. Jozami Samir y colaboradores

137 Hemostasia percutánea con dispositivo Starclose en intervencionismo coronario. Camino hacia un método ideal. Kabbani Zuheir y colaboradores

362 Resultados Clínicos do Uso de Stents Farmacológicos na Reestenose Intra-Stent no Mundo Real - Registro DESIRE-ISR. Maia, Julio y colaboradores

580 Angioplastía del Tronco de la Coronaria Izquierda no Protegido en Pacientes con Alto Riesgo Quirúrgico. Resultado Primario y Seguimiento Alejado. Leguizamon Jorge y colaboradores

323 Estudo prospectivo da prevalência e dos preditores de estenose aterosclerótica das artérias renais (EAR) em pacientes (pc) com síndrome coronariana aguda(SCA). Bregagnollo Edson Antonio y colaboradores


Comentador / Panelist: Ricardo Nauwerk 402 Acceso por Arteria Pulmonar para el Tratamiento de la Hemoptisis Originados por las Arterias Sistémicas Bronquiales y no Bronquiales. Tamashiro Alberto y colaboradores 462 Existen Diferencias entre la Incidencia de Eventos Cardíacos Mayores en Pacientes < 70 años vs. 70 años, Sometidos a Intervención Coronaria Percutanea Primaria en el Infarto Agudo de Miocardio al final de 1 año en un Hospital Regional? Nicolas Cano Manuel y colaboradores 234 Implante de stents carotídeos sin sistema de protección cerebral ni postdilatación. (Técnica de Maynar) Experiencia Argentina. Rodríguez Saavedra Aldo y colaboradores Comentador / Panelist: Miguel Micceli 254 Avaliação Tardia da Angioplastia Percutänea com Stents Farmacológicos em Pacientes Diabéticos. Estudio Prospectivo em Amostra näo Seleccionada. Ferreira Esmeralci y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Jesús Damsky Barbosa 102 Intervenciones Percutaneas Poco Frecuentes en Cardiopatías Congenitas. Rios Méndez, Raul y colaboradores 104 Oclusión del Ductus Arterio Permeable con NitIOcclud: Experiencia de un Único Centro. Rios Méndez, Raul y colaboradores 308 Tratamiento percutaneo de la arteria principal izquierda coronaria. Presente de un futuro cercano. Ortas, María del Rosario y colaboradores Comentador / Panelist: Ernesto Torresani 567 Avalição da Segurança e Eficacia dos Stents de Sirolimus Extra-Longos (39 mm) com Polímeros Biodegradáveis para o Tratamento de Lesões Coronarias Muito Longas. Arruda J, Airton y colaboradores 487 Influência da idade em mulheres tratadas com stents farmacológicos no Registro DESIRE. Moreira, Adriana y colaboradores | 57 |

Posters Session

FOYER 10:30 -11:00

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation 489 Seguimiento a largo plazo de pacientes sometidos a angioplastia coronaria con implante de stent liberador de Paclitaxel en Uruguay en el año 2005. Varela, Gonzalo y colaboradores

465 Estudio Multicéntrico de Correlación entre Coronariografía y Pruebas Funcionales en Pacientes Diabéticos y no Diabéticos. Arellano, Juan y colaboradores 444 Registro SCORE: Stent Coronário em Artéria Renal. Meireles, George y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Cesar Pardiñas

Posters Session

491 Angioplastía en Pacientes con Enfermedad de Múltiples Vasos Evaluación del Uso Racional de Stent Liberador de Droga Albertal, Mariano y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Juan Delgado Durán 448 Resultados del Implante de Filtros de Vena Cava Removibles. Graziano, Federico y colaboradores

495 Resultados Clínicos de "Full Metal Jacket" en la Era del Stent Liberador de Drogas. Albertal, Mariano y colaboradores

388 Eficacia clínica a un año del stent recubierto de tacrólimus en pacientes diabéticos (Registro DIABETES 3). Ferrer Gracia, María y colaboradores

503 Impacto clínico de la angioplastía renal en nuestra actualidad. Bassani Molinas, Humberto y colaboradores

432 Análisis Electrocardiográfica Inmediata y Tardía Post Ablación Septal por Alcohol en la Miocardiopatía Hipertrófica Obstructiva. Fortunato de Cano, Silvia Judith y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Alejandro Alvarez Iorio 506 Reestenosis Clínica Luego del Implante de Stent Liberador de Droga: Características, Abordaje y Pronostico Clínico. Jozami, Samir y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Carlos Mauvecín 421 Uso de a Heparina no Fraccionada en la Sala de Cateterismo. Delgado Leal, Luis y colaboradores

535 Evolução clínica de pacientes portadores de insuficiência coronária após implante de stent Endeavor® e stent Driver® . Nunes, Paulo y colaboradores

319 Asociación entre los polimorfismos de la interleucina 1 y el antagonista de su receptor y la restenosis angiográfica intrastent. Miranda-Malpica, Emma y colaboradores

536 Angioplastia coronariana em obesos: tentando desvendar a proteção paradoxal da obesidade sobre a evolução tardia dos pacientes. Loures Bueno, Ronaldo da Rocha y colaboradores

257 Resultados Clínicos Tardíos Comparativos entre Pacientes Diabeticos e não Diabéticos Submetidos a Angioplastia Coronariana com Implante de Stent Infinnium. Lopes Prudente, Mauricio y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Marcelo Bettinoti 522 Tratamento Endovascular das Estenoses de Artérias Ilíacas. Seguimento Clínico de 1 ano. Sánchez , Andrés y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Pedro Lemos Neto | 58 |

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

96 Monoterapia con Bivalirudina en intervencionismo coronario percutáneo en pacientes con Infarto Agudo de Miocardio. Kabbani, Zuheir y colaboradores 92 Plavix (Clopidogrel) Pretreatment Prior to Primary PCI in Patients with STEMI. Jung, Jae-Hun y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: León Valdivieso 502 Angioplastía a Múltiples Vasos: ¿Existen Diferencias entre Mujeres y Hombres? Perez Baliño, Pablo y colaboradores

153 Tratamiento de la reestenosis difusa intrastent con stent liberadores de Rapamicina o Placlitaxel. Leguizamon, Jorge y colaboradores


Comentador / Panelist: Humberto Casal Heredia

FOYER 10:30 -11:00

181 Tratamiento Endovascular de Aneurismas de Aorta Abdominal con Dispositivo. Grinfeld, Diego y colaboradores 274 Angioplastía Carotídea: aspectos técnicos relevantes y evolución intrahospitalaria. Agüero, Marcelo y colaboradores Comentador / Panelist: Pedro Zangroniz 242 Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis and longterm results comparing paclitaxel-eluting versus bare metal stents. Prospective study in real world. Ferreira, Esmeralci y colaboradores 244 Estudo Prospectivo Comparando Stents Farmacológicos com Stents Convencionais em Pacientes Multiarterias. Impacto no Mundo Real. Ferreira, Esmeralci y colaboradores Comentador / Panelist: Pedro Zangroniz, León Valdivieso 523 Tratamento Endovascular dos Aneurismas de Aorta Abdominal Infra-renal. Uma Análise Tardia com Angiotomografia Co. Sánchez, Andrés y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Marcelo Rivarola 184 Experiencia con Amplatzer Vascular Plug en Cardiopatías Congénitas. Serie de Casos. Rios Méndez, Raul y colaboradores 304 Valvoplastía pulmonar e implante de stent no canal arterial em RN de 1.200grs. Pedra, Carlos y colaboradores 383 Versatilidade do uso de stents em cardiopatias congênitas. Pilla, Carlo y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Santiago Gallo 510 Resultados Alejados en Pacientes con Estenosis Renovascular Sometidos a Angioplastia Renal con Stent. Jozami, Samir y colaboradores 488 Angioplastía Carotídea según el grupo Etáreo: Evolución Hospitalaria y Seguimiento Fava, Carlos y colaboradores

| 59 |

Posters Session

173 Resultados Imediatos e Evoluçõo Intra- Hospitalar na Intervenção Coronária Percutânea em Homes e Mulheres Fatores de Risco para Óbito. C Sandoval Peixoto, Edison y colaboradores

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation 565 Angioplastía del Tronco de la Coronaria Izquierda en el Mundo Real. Bassani Molinas, Humberto y colaboradores

259 Evolução Clínica Tardia de Pacientes Diabéticos Sometidos a Angioplastia com Implante de Stent Infinnium. Lopes Prudente, Mauricio y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Rafael Moguer Ancheita

255 Existem Diferenças Entre os Stents com Rapamicina e Paclitaxel na Avaliação Tardia em Pacientes Diabéticos. Estudo Prospectivo em Amostra Não Selecionada. Ferreira, Esmeralci y colaboradores

Posters Session

559 Tratamiento Percutáneo con Balón de la Embolia Pulmonar Crónica (EPC) . Gutiérrez, Hugo y colaboradores 563 Impacto del Tirofiban en el grado final De Blush Miocárdico y en la evolución clínica post angioplastia primaria en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio. Zanuttini, Daniel y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Carlos De Luca 256 Evolução Tardia de Pacientes Octogenários Sometidos a Implante de Stent. Lopes Prudente, Mauricio y colaboradores

394 Angioplastía Primaria en el IAM, 10 años de experiencia. González, Paola y colaboradores

195 Resultados e Fatores de Risco na Intervenção Coronária Percutânea em Idosos, Octogenários e Nonagenários. Evolução Intra-Hospitalar. C Sandoval Peixoto, Edison y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Alejandro Escudero

197 Resultados Imediatos e Evolução Intra-Hospitalar Após Intervençäo Percutânea de Artéria Renal. Comparaçäo do Grupo de Etiologia Ateroscler´tica e Displasia Fibro Muscular. T Sandoval Peixoto, Ricardo y colaboradores

534 Tomografía Computadorizada por Múltiplos Detectores na Avaliação Não-Invasiva de Pacientes com Oclusões Coronarias Crönicas. Nunes, Pablo y colaboradores 525 Intervenção Carotídea Percutânea. Seguimento Clínico de 2 anos. Sánchez, Andrés y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Juan Fernández 182 Aneurismas Torácicos Agudos y Crónicos Tratados con Prótesis Endovasculares. Grinfeld, Diego y colaboradores

246 Estudo Prospectivo Comparativo Tardio da Angioplastia Coronariana Entre Stents Farmacológicos com Rapamicina e Paclitaxel Mundo Real em Pacientes Multiarteriais. Ferreira, Esmeralci y colaboradores

110 Avaliçäo Clínica Tardía de Pacientes Submetidos a Implante de Stent Infinnium, Eluído em Paclitaxel e com Polímero Biodegradavel. Lopes Prudente, Mauricio y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Javier Woscoboinik

119 Cistatina C Como Marcador Temprano de Nefropatía Por Medio de Contraste en Pacientes Sometidos a Cateterismo Cardíaco. Uribe Gonzalez, Luis y colaboradores

279 Radiodermitis en la Cardiología Intervencionista: Descripción de dos casos. Castro, Jose Javier y colaboradores | 60 |

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

Comentador / Panelist: Daniel Paolantonio 528 Ablación Septal con Alcohol para el Tratamiento de la Cardiomiopatía Hipertrófica Obstructiva Sintomática. Hernandez Chica, Cesar y colaboradores 313 Resultados Intrahospitalarios y en el seguimiento alejado de la Angioplastia Coronaria con stent liberador de zotarolimus (Endeavor) en pacientes con lesiones coronarias. Alvarez, Carlos Alejandro y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Marcelo Menéndez

419 Intervención Coronaria Percutánea con Stent Liberador de Fármaco del Tronco Coronario Principal Izquierdo. Experiencia del Centro Médico Nacional Manuel Avila Camacho IMSS, Puebla, México. Zatarain Rivero, Rodrigo y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Alberto Tamashiro 111 Avaliçäo Clinica Tardia dos Pacientes Submetidos a Angioplastia com Implante de Stent em Tronco de Coronária Esquerda. Lopes Prudente, Mauricio y colaboradores

437 Experiencia en Intervencionismo Coronario en el Hospital Militar de Quito. Análisis entre Géneros. Lasso, Ramiro y colaboradores


439 Resultados Preliminares del Espost. Estudio Comparativo de Implante de Stent Convencional con Implante con Postdilatación (Teoría de Perfección del Resultado). Lasso, Ramiro y colaboradores 457 Implante de Stents Revestidos com Medicamentos na Angioplastia Primária. Comparaçäo entre Stent com Rapamicina Verus Paclitaxel. Assad, João y colaboradores Comentador / Panelist: Pablo Kantor 458 Comparaçäo entre o Emprego de Stents Farmacológicos versus Convencionais em Angioplastia Primária no Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio: Eventos Hospitalares e aos 6 Meses. Assad, João y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Alberto Molinari 298 Oclusão Percutânea de Anastomose de BlalockTaussig Modificado com Coils de Gianturco. Pedra, Carlos y colaboradores

302 Implante de stent para coartação da aorta em crianças < 12 anos. Pedra, Carlos y colaboradores 101 Cierre percutaneo del ductus arterioso permeable en adultos. Rios Mendez, Raul y colaboradores

| 61 |

Posters Session

356 Cateterismo Cardíaco Derecho (CD) a través de las venas del Antebrazo (VA) Una Técnica eficaz y Segura que Complementa el Cateterismo Izquierdo (CI) con Acceso Radial (AR). Ferrer Gracia, María y colaboradores

393 Angioplastia de lesiones en bifurcaciones de novo: Técnica utilizada y evolución clínica en un Hospital de la Comunidad (2004-2006). Roman, Raul y colaboradores

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation Comentador / Panelist: Alejandro Cherro

530 Fístulas Coronarias como Hallazgo en Pacientes Sometidos a Coronariografía. Hernandez Chica, Cesar Augusto y colaboradores

315 Cierre Percutáneo de Fenestraciones en Circulación tipo Montan Alonso, José Luis y colaboradores

Comentadores / Panelists: Aquiles Sarmiento, Pablo Liva

94 Abciximab en Intervencionismo Coronario Percutáneo en pacientes añosos con Infarto de Miocardio: nueva estrategia de administración. Kabbani, Zuheir y colaboradores

560 Cinecoronariografía con Bajas Dosis de Heparina . Tejerina, Fernando Daniel y colaboradores 348 Relación de las Medidas Ecocardiográficas y Angiográficas del Ductus Arterioso. Variación Interobservador en Pacientes Pediátricos. DeCaro, Adalgisa y colaboradores

Posters Session

Comentador / Panelist: Aldo Rodríguez Saavedra

Comentador / Panelist: Leonardo Abdo

198 Resultados Imediatos e Evoluçäo Intra-Hospitalar Após Intervençäo Percutânea de Artéria Renal. Análise uni e Multivariada das Variá veis Estudadas. T Sandoval Peixoto, Ricardo y colaboradores

445 Angioplastía de Urgencia en Infarto Agudo de Miocardio Complicado. Pollono, Pablo Maximiliano y colaboradores

200 Reestenose após intervenção coronária percutânea. Estudo clínico, angiográfico, de procedimento e polimorfismos C. Sandoval Peixoto, Edison y colaboradores

452 Avaliação do Escalonamento no Implante de Stent Imposto Pelo Sistema Nacional de Saúde Brasileiro. Meireles, George y colaboradores

240 Síndrome con supradesnivel del ST y DIABETES. Codutti, Oscar y colaboradores

Comentadores / Panelists: Rosa Aymat, Jorge Mor 219 Tratamiento de bifurcaciones con Stent Frontier. Técnica y resultados a largo plazo. Garcia, Eulogio y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Jorge Iravedra 203 Valvoplastia Mitral com Balão Único. Evolução a Longo Prazo e Fatores de Risco para Óbito e Eventos Maiores. P Borges, Ivana y colaboradores

235 Nueva dosis de enoxaparina durante la intervención coronaria percutanea electiva. Deambulación temprana, tiempo de coagulación activado y seguridad. Molina Maldonado, Juan Pablo y colaboradores

Comentadores / Panelists: Carlos Leonardi, Darío Etcheverri

Comentadores / Panelists: Carlos Gadda

520 Resultados Intrahospitalarios de la Angioplastía Coronaria en Pacientes Mayores de 75 años. Alvarez, Carlos Alejandro y colaboradores

277 La aspirina en diabéticos, y la utilidad del tiempo de sangrado. Delgado Leal, Luis y colaboradores | 62 |

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 Temas libres / Abstracts Presentation

185 Trombosis Aguda, Subaguda y Tardía en Pacientes con Angioplastía Coronaria con Stents. Grinfeld, Diego y colaboradores 161 Evolución Alejada de los Pacientes Diabéticos y no Diabéticos con Reestenosis Difusa Intrastent Tratados con Stent Liberador de Drogas. Leguizamon, Jorge y colaboradores Comentadores / Panelists: Oscar Ortiz Baeza, Guillermo Pacheco 97 Tratamiento percutáneo de las fístulas coronarias sintomáticas. Kabbani, Zuheir y colaboradores

Comentadores / Panelists: Alejandro Cherro, Alfredo Bravo 275 Asociación de Hemoglobina Glucosilada, glucosa postprandial a 2 horas y microalbuminuria, con la gravedad de la enfermedad arterial coronaria. Muñoz, Elias y colaboradores 252 Comparaçäo entre Stents Eluídos e Convencionais em Uniarteriais. Ferreira, Esmeralci y colaboradores

403 Angioplastia Carotídea en Pacientes Diabéticos: Comparación entre el Sexo Masculino y Femenino. Fava, Carlos Miguel y colaboradores 454 INTERVENÇÃO CORONÁRIA PERCUTÂNEA NO INFARTO AGUDO DO MIOCÁRDIO COMPLICADO COM CHOQUE CARDIOGÊNICO. Assad, João Alexandre y colaboradores Comentador / Panelist: Alejandro De la Casa 387 Impacto de la Diabetes en Pacientes con Infarto Agudo de Miocardio Sometidos a Angioplastia Primaria . Perez Baliño, Pablo y colaboradores 311 Importancia de la Angioplastia primaria con trombo-aspiración con catéter Export en la prevención de la embolización distal y no reflow, en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio y obstrucción total de la arteria coronaria culpable. Alvarez, Carlos Alejandro y colaboradores 77 Implante direto de Stent na angioplastia primária. Santos, Marcio y colaboradores

Comentadores / Panelists: Guillermo Pacheco 429 Un Programa Activo de Angioplastía Primaria Cancela el "Efecto Fin de Semana". Telayna, Juan Manuel y colaboradores Comentadores / Panelists: Ricardo Sarmiento, Alfredo Bravo 171 Sexo Feminino como Fator Independente de Risco na Evolução Imediata e a Médio Prazo após a Intervenção Coronária Percutânea P. T Sandoval Peixoto, Rodrigo y colaboradores | 63 |

Posters Session

325 Lack of Differences by Gender in a Retrospective Cohort of Patients who underwent a planned PTCA in a Community Hospital. Agatiello, Carla y colaboradores

Comentador / Panelist: Jorge Iravedra

Planos del Hotel Hotel Maps

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 / Plano Segundo Piso / Second Floor

Plano Segundo Piso / Second Floor Stand / Booths

ACETIA SCAI Federación Argentina de Cardiología Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología XVI World Congress of Cardiology Buenos Aires, 2008




Escaleras / Stairs


Ascensores / Elevators


Puertas de ingreso / Entrance


SALÓN BUEN AYRE A&B Actividades de tecnólogos y enfermeros


Intervencionismo cardíaco

BUEN AYRE A&B AUDITORIUM Nurses and Technicians Activities

BUEN AYRE C AUDITORIUM Cardiac Interventions



Entrega de traductores

53 54 55 56 57

Translators Pick-Up Point









57 56 55 54 53



| 65 |

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 / Segundo Subsuelo / Second Underground Floor

Segundo Subsuelo / Second Underground Floor 22 23



20 1 3


39 21 11


16 18 19 65 37 25 35 42


34 27 13 15 76






08 20




Intervencionismo cardíaco



Cardiac Interventions









Entrega de traductores Translators Pick-Up Point

Las áreas de café se encuentran en la exhibición comercial. Coffee Break at both exhibit and scientific areas.

| 66 |








XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 / Segundo Subsuelo / Second Underground Floor

Exhibición Comercial / Commercial Exhibit 8 14 45


12 64 61


71 74 70 73 68 69


43 60


67 59 66 29 44 24 30 32


63 31 28 33 72


Stand / Booths


Escaleras / Stairs


Ascensores / Elevators


Sanitarios / Toilets


Entrega de maletines / Bag Pick-up


Puertas de ingreso / Entrance Internet


59 SN

A 34











75 74

73 72

68 69

70 71

63 64

P 35













28 29

Intervencionismo cardíaco



42 25






Entrega de traductores


Translators Pick-Up Point


| 67 |

Cardiac Interventions P

XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 / Quinto piso / Fifth Floor

Quinto Piso / Fifth Floor ES

Escaleras / Stairs


Ascensores / Elevators

Puertas de ingreso / Entrance

ARACAURIA Oficina ALAMO Receptora Prensa Material Reception Press Room Room









PACARA A•B Salón Pediatría Pediatric Conference Room





QUEBRACHO A•B Faculty Room



SAUCE Salón de cordialidad

P miembros SOLACI/CACI



SOLACI/CACI Members Courtesy Lounge












Sanitarios / Toilets





| 68 |


XIII SOLACI´07 - XVII CACI´07 / Servicio de traslados / Shuttle Service

Servicio de traslados / Shuttle Service

Al ve ar





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Estados Unidos

Rivarola Santiago del Estero




Ruta de ida: de 8:30 a 11:30 Ruta de regreso: de 19:00 a 22:00 hs

Ruta de ida: de 7:00 a 10:00 Ruta de regreso: de 17:00 a 20:00

Ruta de ida: de 7:00 a 10:00 Ruta de regreso: de 17:00 a 20:00 hs

To Hilton Hotel: from 8:30 to 11:30 From Hilton Hotel: from 19:00 to 22:00

To Hilton Hotel: from 7:00 to 10:00 From Hilton Hotel: from 17:00 to 20:00

To Hilton Hotel: from 7:00 to 10:00 From Hilton Hotel: from 17:00 to 20:00

Ruta 1 / Route 1 Intercontinental Hotel - Liberty Hotel - Tryp Buenos Aires Hotel - NH Jousten Hotel Hilton Hotel

Ruta 1 / Route 1 Intercontinental Hotel - Liberty Hotel - Tryp Buenos Aires Hotel - NH Jousten Hotel Hilton Hotel

Ruta 1 / Route 1 Intercontinental Hotel - Liberty Hotel - Tryp Buenos Aires Hotel - NH Jousten Hotel Hilton Hotel

Ruta 2 / Route 2 Dolmen Hotel - Sheraton Hotel - Madero by Sofitel Hotel - Hilton Hotel

Ruta 2 / Route 2 Dolmen Hotel - Sheraton Hotel - Madero by Sofitel Hotel - Hilton Hotel

Ruta 2 / Route 2 Dolmen Hotel - Sheraton Hotel - Madero by Sofitel Hotel - Hilton Hotel

Technicians and Nurses Shuttle Departure at 8:00 Catalinas Suites Hotel - Hilton Hotel Return 19:00 Hilton Hotel - Catalinas Suites Hotel

Technicians and Nurses Shuttle Departure at 8:00 Catalinas Suites Hotel - Hilton Hotel Return 19:00 Hilton Hotel - Catalinas Suites Hotel

Technicians and Nurses Shuttle Departure at 8:00 Catalinas Suites Hotel - Hilton Hotel Return 19:00 Hilton Hotel - Catalinas Suites Hotel

| 69 |

Tours Pre y Post Congreso / Pre and Post Congress Tours

Tours Pre y Post Congreso / Pre and Post Congress Tours Cataratas del Iguazú / Iguazú Falls Paquete incluye - Package includes: Ticket Aéreo Buenos Aires / Iguazú / Buenos Aires Buenos Aires / Iguazú / Buenos Aires flights Traslados aeropuerto / hotel / aeropuerto Airport / hotel / airport transfers Alojamiento por 2 noches. Accommodation for 2 nights Excursión a Cataratas lado Argentino. Half-day tour on the Argentine side of the falls. Excursión a Cataratas Lado Brasilero. Half-day tour on the Brazilian side of the falls. Entrada al Parque Nacional - Entrance fee to the National park

Cataratas Iguazú: La más espectacular vista imaginable, donde el río encuentra sus picos y cascadas de hasta 80 metros de altura. El clima subtropical y la vegetación hace que del rocío de las aguas se formen arcoiris añadiendo un efecto increíble. Importante: Por favor chequear si necesita Visa de Turista para ingresar a Brasil . www.conbrasil.org.ar.

Precios por persona. Rates per person Sheraton Iguazú v/cat - room view to the falls - 5* Cataratas Hotel (downtown) - 4* Grand Iguazú Casino & Resort Hotel - 5* Saint George - Master Room - 3* Sup

The most spectacular landscape you can imagine. This is the place where the Iguazú River peaks at 80-meters high and cascades downwards. The lavish vegetation is amazing. The subtropical climate and the dew create charming rainbows. Important note: please check if you need a tourist visa to visit the Brazilian side of the falls www.conbrasil.org.ar.


Sgl + tax

Dbl + tax

Des/bkfst Des/bkfst Des/bkfst Des/bkfst

1105 + 183 769 + 111 1131 + 188 677 + 92

823 + 122 655 + 87 836 + 125 619 + 80

Salta Paquete incluye / Package includes: Ticket Aéreo Buenos Aires / Salta / Buenos Aires Buenos Aires / Salta / Buenos Aires flights Traslados aeropuerto / hotel / aeropuerto Airport / hotel / airport transfers Alojamiento por 3 noches con desayuno Accommodation for 3 nights with breakfast included Excursión de día entero Quebrada de Humahuaca (No incluye almuerzo) Full day excursión to Humahuaca Ravine (lunch not included)

Salta "La Linda". Su nombre deriva del vocablo aymará "sagta", que significa la muy hermosa. Es la ciudad que conserva el mayor patrimonio de la época colonial. Su plaza central concentra edificios significativos como la Catedral y el Cabildo, que alberga en su interior el Museo Histórico del Norte; la Casa de Uriburu y el Museo de Bellas Artes. La Iglesia San Francisco posee una torre de 53 m, una de las más altas de América. El Convento San Bernardo, actual monasterio carmelita, es la construcción más antigua de la ciudad; se destaca por su portal de madera de algarrobo tallada.

Precios por persona. Rates per person Sheraton - 5* Hotel Solar de la Plaza - 4* Sup Hotel Almerías - 4* Hotel Wilson - 3*

Salta “La Linda”. Its name comes from the Aymará word "sagta", which means "the beautiful one". This city has the best preserved colonial architecture in the country. Its most significant buildings surround the main square: the Cathedral, the Cabildo or Town Council (which houses the Museo Histórico del Norte (North Historical Museum)); Uriburu´s House and the Museum of Fine Arts. San Francisco´s church has one of the highest church towers in America (53 meters) and the San Bernardo Abbey belongs to the Carmelite Order.

Sgl + tax 1131 + 173 1130 + 173 819 + 108 789 + 100

Dbl + tax 896 + 125 893 + 125 754 + 95 717 + 91

San Carlos de Bariloche Paquete incluye / Package includes: Ticket Aéreo Buenos Aires / Bariloche / Buenos Aires Buenos Aires / Bariloche / Buenos Aires flights Traslados aeropuerto / hotel / aeropuerto Airport / hotel / airport tranfers Alojamiento por 3 noches con desayuno Accommodation for 3 nights with breakfast included Excursión circuito chico y Cerro Catedral. Tour to Cerro Catedral and Circuito Chico.

Uno de los centros vacacionales más importantes en el sur Argentino. Sus parques nacionales, con sus bellezas naturales (lagos y bosques) se pueden apreciar mediante excursiones opcionales específicas, como ser el tour por los 7 lagos.

Precios por persona. Rates per person Llao Llao (Leading Hotels) v/ montaña / Mountain View Design Suites Bariloche - 5* Gran Hotel Panamericano - 3*

Located at Nahuel Huapi National Park, on the northern shore of the Nahuel Huapi Lake, San Carlos de Bariloche is one of the most important tourist centers in the country. Its incredible flora & fauna, lakes, mountains, extensive variety of trees and flowers can be observed during a tour around the Seven Lakes area.

Sgl + tax

Dbl + tax

1379 + 278 1295 + 207 964 + 138

850 + 188 1000 + 147 879 + 120

Nota: No esta incluido la Tasa Aeroportuaria de $18. This package does not include Airport taxes ($18).

Todos los precios de los programas se encuentran cotizados en dólares estadounidenses y sujetos a modificación. Todos los precios están cotizados para NO residentes y/o NO ciudadanos Argentinos. All package prices are quoted in US dollars and subject to change. Prices are quoted for NON residents and/or NON argentine citizens only.

| 70 |

www.solaci2007.com.ar | www.solaci.org Evento declarado de interés nacional. SOLACI ´07 has been declared an event of national interest. Este evento fue declarado "Libre de Humo de Tabaco". This event has been declared a smoke-free event.

Informes e inscripción General Enquiries and Registration

Información turística Tourist Information

Secretaría del Congreso SOLACI 2007 A. Alsina 2653 2° H (C1090AAQ) Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel.: (5411) 4953-3578 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www. solaci2007.com.ar / www.solaci.org

Agencia oficial de turismo Official Travel Agency B.T.S. Bounty Travel Service S.R.L. Mariano Acha 4525 (C1430DWG) Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel.: (5411) 4545-0103 / 4545-2326 Fax: (5411) 4545-7693 [email protected] / [email protected]

Acceda al Syllabus y a los Temas Libres del XIII Congreso SOLACI’07 y XVII Congreso CACI ‘07 You can access the XIII SOLACI Congress ‘07 and XVII CACI Congress’07 Syllabus and Abstracts via the following websites:

www.solaci2007.com.ar www. solaci.org www.caci.org.ar

Get in touch


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