Aileen El-Kadi, Ph.D

Aileen El-Kadi, Ph.D. Department of Languages and Linguistics Liberal Arts Building 137 University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, TX 79968 USA Office Ph

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Aileen El-Kadi, Ph.D. Department of Languages and Linguistics Liberal Arts Building 137 University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, TX 79968 USA Office Phone: 915.747.8054 / Fax: 915.747.5292 Email: [email protected] Website:

Areas of Specialization Brazilian and Hispanic American Contemporary Narrative and Film. Brazilian and Hispanic American History and Politics.

Current Academic Employment 2008-to present Assistant Professor and Director of Brazilian Studies at the University of Texas at El Paso EDUCATION University of Colorado at Boulder 2004-2007

PhD in Spanish and Latin American Literature. Dissertation title: “The Representation of Urban Violence in Contemporary Colombian and Brazilian Narrative.” Director: Professor Peter M. Elmore (PhD University of Texas at Austin 1991)

Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina) 1999

Bachelor (Licenciatura) in Iberian and Latin-American Literature.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) 1997

Graduate researcher on Medieval Spanish Literature at Instituto de Filología del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Universidad Complutense de Madrid; and at Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Mujer, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. Advisors: Manuela Marín (Semitic Studies at CSIC, UCM) and Pilar Pérez Cantó (Professor of Modern History-Director of Women Studies UAM). PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT

University of Colorado at Boulder 2008

Lecturer of Spanish and Portuguese. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Colorado at Boulder.


Instructor and lecturer of Spanish and Portuguese (1st, 2nd, 3d levels). School of Continuing Education.


Graduate Part-Time Instructor of Spanish and Portuguese . Department of Spanish and Portuguese. University of Colorado at Boulder.

Emerson Process Management Micro Motion Inc. (Boulder, Colorado) 2007

Portuguese for Business.

Watershed High School (Boulder, Colorado) 2005

Language Instructor. Taught courses in advanced Spanish.

SCOLA (McClelland, Iowa) 2004-2005

Official translator of Brazilian News Jornal Nacional for Brazilian Television Network Rede Globo.

Mexico Real Estate (Denver, Colorado) 2002

Spanish for Business. Taught courses in advanced Spanish for business.

Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina) 2


Lecturer. Taught graduate seminar entitled, “Trasvase cultural árabe. España y Argentina” [The Arab Culture Presence in Spain and in Argentina] and “Las comunidades española, aborigen, sirio-libanesa y sefaradita en Tucumán. Tradición cultural e identidad.” [Spanish, Indigenous, Syrian-Lebanese, and Sephardic communities in Tucuman] Sponsored by Research Programs– Consejo de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (CIUNT), and coordinated by Professors María Esther S. de Cywiner, Liliana Palacios de Cosiansi (Center of African and Asian Studies), and Liliana Asfoura de Adad (Department of History), Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNT, Argentina.


Lecturer. Taught graduate seminar entitled, “Espacios y sociedades del mundo árabe.” [Spaces and Societies in the Arab World] Sponsored by Research Programs – CIUNT, Department of Asian and African Geography, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNT, Argentina.


Lecturer and Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, on Argentine Literature. Courses: “Literatura argentina del siglo XIX”, [19th Century Argentine Literature] and “Literatura contemporánea del Cono Sur.” [The South Cone Contemporary Literature] Chair: Nilda Flawiá de Fernández. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNT. Argentina. PUBLICATIONS

Books Co-authored (published) 2012

Sam no es mi tío – veinticuatro crónicas migrantes y un sueño americano. [Sam is Not My Uncle: fourteen migrant chronicles and one American Dream] Chronicles written by well-known Latin American fiction writers, scholars, and journalist living in the US and in Latin America. Co-editor with journalist Diego Fonseca. Published in fourteen countries including the USA. (Alfaguara/Santillana USA)

Forthcoming 2013

Las Caras de la Violencia. Los Escritores de Hoy en Brasil. [Faces of Violence: Contemporary Brazilian Writers] As the editor, organizer, and translator (with Julia Maciel). Twenty short stories and chapters of contemporary Brazilian writers translated into Spanish. (Corregidor, 2013)


Faces of Violence. A Critical Anthology of Brazilian Contemporary Fiction. As the 3

editor, organizer, and contributor (preface and two essays). Fifteen short stories and chapters translated into English and accompanied by essays written by well-known scholars from the US and Brazil. Sponsored by Itamaraty, Ministry of External Relations in Brazil and the General Consul of Brazil in Houston, TX. (Metamorphoses, Literary Translation. Smith College Northampton, MA. 2015) Under-Review by Press 2011

In the Shadow of the State: the Rule of the Narcos in the Americas. An anthology that explores the transformative impact of drug trafficking organizations on fundamental social, political, cultural, and legal structures in the Americas. Coeditor with Moira Murphy (University of Texas at El Paso). (Under review by Arizona University Press)

Authored (published) 2000

Trivias. Poems. Nueva Avenida. Año 8, número 91. (Fiction)


Imágenes de mujeres a través de poetas musulmanes de al-Andalus (en sus poesías amorosaseróticas) [Representations of Women in the Muslin Poetry of Al-Andalus –in Love and Erotic Poems] Serie Raíces 7. Colección Pliegos del ILE (Instituto de Literatura Española). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. (Non-fiction)


Los dioses verticales. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. (Fiction)

Book Chapters 2012

“Reflexiones sobre puntos de contacto en las ficciones contemporáneas de Brasil, México y Colombia” [Reflections of contact aspects in Contemporary Fiction in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia] in Beyond Tordesillas: Critical Essays in Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies. Edited by Robert Newcomb (UC Devis) and Richard Gordon (University of Georgia) Forthcoming 2013.


“La oficialidad del crimen en la narrativa de Elmer Mendoza” [Official Crimes in Elmer Mendoza’s Narrative] en Vida y Resistencia en Ciudad Juárez. Colegio de La Frontera Norte. COLEF, Ciudad Juárez, Chichuahua, Mexico.


“La mujer y su espacio en la sociedad de al-Andalus en el siglo XIII.” [The Social Spaces for Women in Al-Andalus’ Society of 13th Century] Temas de Mujeres - Perspectivas de género. Centro de Estudios Históricos Interdisciplinarios 4

sobre las Mujeres. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Univesidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina. 826-30. Articles and other Publications Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals 2013

“Os fantasmas pornô de Santiago Nazarian e seus adolescentes bizarros” [The Pornographic Ghosts of Santiago Nazarian and his Bizarre Adolescents] in Revista de Estudos em Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea. Ed. UnB (Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil) Forthcoming 2013.


“Evident Body: Balas de plata by Elmer Mendoza and the National Narcothriller” (Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, Tufts University) Forthcoming 2013.


“O dia em que matei meu pai: o parricídio como espetáculo da violência” [The Day I Killed My Father] in Revista de Estudos em Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea. Ed. UnB (Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil) nº 37 - Brasília, janeiro/junho de 2011.


“Un asesino solitario, la autoria de un crimen compartido: del centro a los márgenes y el espectáculo de la violencia política en el México de los 90.” [A Lonely Assassin, The Authorship of a Shared Crime: From the Center to The Margins and The Spectacle of the Political Violence in Mexico During the 1990s] In Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea, número 44. Año 16. University of Texas at El Paso, TX.


“The Violence and the Imaginary in Brazilian and Colombian Contemporary Fiction.” In Journal Encruzilhadas/Crossroads n.8. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. University of California at Los Angeles.


“Violencia y melodrama en Rosario Tijeras.” In Revista Estudios de Literatura Colombina. Asociación de Colombianistas.


“Feliz Ano Novo: A escenificação da violencia urbana.” [Happy New Year: The Staging of Urban Violence] In Brasil/Brazil: A Journal of Brazilian Literature. Brown University.


“La Virgen de los Sicarios o una gramática del caos.” Espéculo. Revista Electrónica Cuatrimestral de Estudios Literarios. Facultad de Ciencias de la Información. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Marzo 2007 Año XIII. 35.



“Utopía nacional, violencia y conciencia citadina en El Periquillo Sarniento.” The Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies 2: 7-25.


“Sujeto marginal y discurso de protesta: Argentina: entre el tango y la cumbiavillera.” Revista Candil 4, Argentina: 12-23.


Theater Reviews: “Romeo y Julieta de Oli Alonso” 8:6, “El combate del Establo de Mauricio Rosencof” 9:9, “Ivonne, princesa de Borgoña de Gombrowicz” 10:9, “Chico Buarque de Hollanda: la figura del malandro” 11:9. Journal Critica. Cuadernos del Alberdi. Teatro Alberdi de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.


“Trasvase cultural árabe en el NOA.” Revista Candil 7.4, Argentina: 43-46.

Book Reviews 2012

Cacilda Rêgo & Carolina Rocha (editors). New Trends in Argentine and Brazilian Cinema (Intellect Bristol / University of Chicago Press, 2011). Hispania. The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.


Drummond, Roberto. Hilda Hurricane (University of Texas Press, 2010), translated by Peter Vaudry-Brown. Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas 83, ‘Cityscapes: Rio and Bahia’ (guest editors for the issue: Elizabeth Lowe and Peggy Sharpe).


Perrone, Charles A. “Brazil, Lyric, and the Americas. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.” In Hispania, published by the AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). Classical & Modern Languages at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. Issue December, 93.4.


Domínguez-Ruvalcaba, Héctor and Ignacio Corona. “Gender Violence at the U.S.Mexico Border: Media Representation and Public Response. Edited by. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Press.” In Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana. Department of Romance Languages at Tufts University, Medford, MA. VOL. XXXVI - No 72 - 2010 -- J.M. ARGUEDAS: 100 años de vigencia--


Ruffato, Luiz. “Luiz Ruffato: O Livro das Impossibilidades.” In Brasil/Brazil – A Journal of Brazilian Literature. Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown University. N. 39



Weiss, Jason. “Lights of Home: A Century of Latin American Writers in Paris. London: Routledge, 2003.” In Confluencia 20.2: 246 (3). University of Northern Colorado, CO.


Moraña, Mabel, ed. “Espacio urbano, comunicación y violencia en América Latina. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh P, 2002.” In The Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies. 2: 224–27.

Translations 2013

Translation from Portuguese to Spanish of excerpts of novels and short stories by João Almino, Bernardo Ajzenberg, Altair Martins, Marçal Aquino, Santiago Nazarian, Luiz Ruffato, and Mario de Araújo for anthology Las Caras de la Violencia. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Corregidor.


Translation from Portuguese to Spanish of João Paulo Cuenca “Terror”, André de Leones chronicle “Abaixo da linha de sombra” and Carola Saavedra “Heranças” for Sam no es mi tío. Chronicles written by well known Latin American fiction writers and journalist living in the US and in Latin America. Alfaguara/Santillana USA.


Translation from English to Spanish of Daniel Alarcón’s chronicle “Aquí está bien” [Here is fine] for Sam no es mi tío. Alfaguara/Santillana USA.


Translation from Portuguese to Spanish of excerpts from João Almino’s novel Cidade Livre. “Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos” (n. 735, september 2011) Special edition “Literatura Brasileña Hoy”. Madrid, Spain.


Translation of Milton Hatoum´s short stories from A Cidade Ilhada from Portuguese to Spanish. Mesa Redonda Grupo Editorial and Underwood Peru.


Translation and adaptation to Spanish of Jorge Amado’s Dona Flor e seus dois maridos and A Ópera do Malandro for theater, including Chico Buarque’s songs from “A ópera do malandro.” Teatro Alberdi de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Director: Carlos Alsina.

Other Publications 1999

Various articles on the arts in the periodical El Siglo / Siglo XXI (literary session). San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.



Interviewed by Patricia Rodríguez (El Siglo / Siglo XXI) about my research on “The Domestic Context for Chauvinist Jokes in Spanish on the Web” as part of a Research Program for the Sociology Department of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNT, Argentina. PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS AND LECTURES

Invited Lectures and Courses 2013

Invited to DePaw University, Indiana, to participate on a panel discussion and classroom visits with students and faculty to discuss my edited/authored book Sam no es mi tío and discuss issues on immigration in the US. (March 4, 5, and 7)


Invited to present my edited/authored book Sam no es mi tío in three states and Federal Universities in Argentina (Salta, Santiago del Estero, Jujuy), (November)


US-Brazil Higher Education Consortia Program FIPSE/CAPES. Taught course “A experiência urbana na literatura e filmes contemporâneos da América Latina” at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. (June 2012)


Invited to give a talk at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. At the XI Seminário Internacional de Estudos de Literatura - Cenários Contemporâneos da Escrita as part of the Grupo de pesquisa do CNPQ. Organized by Karl Erik Schollhammer and Heidrun Krieger Olinto. (26 and 27 June)


Invited by Alfaguara/Santillana Publisher at Los Angeles Book Fair LéaLA to present book Sam no es mi tio with Diego Fonseca (co-editor) and Mario Bellatin. (11 to 13 of May)


Vida y Resistencia en la Frontera Norte. (October 20, 21, 22) panel entitled: “Sexualidad, Violencia y Estudios Culturales”. Ciudad Juárez en el Entramado Mundial – Colegio de La Frontera Norte. COLEF. Sponsored by Dirección Regional Noroeste Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico. (Invited speaker)


Invited to teach a graduate course for the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth 18th Annual Summer Program in Portuguese. Director Christopher Larkosh. Course entitled: Urban Violence in Contemporary Brazilian Literature and Culture. (From July 5 to August 4) 8


Second Brazilian Literary Festival at Georgetown University. Sponsored by the Embassy of Brazil at Washington DC.


FLIP (Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, invited as interviewer at “Jogo de Ideias” by Itaú Cultural (Brazil). Interviewed Flavio Carneiro, Brazilian Writer, on his latest book of essays The Feigned Reader.


Brazilian Literary Networks. “The Brazilian Initiative” at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Invited speaker at the panel “On Literary Translation”


Invited speaker at “Encontros de Interrogação” sponsored by Itaú Cultural – São Paulo, Brazil. Panel entitled: “Debate: O Espaço da Tradução ou Como o Ofício de Traduzir Irrompe na Criação e Como a Criação se Insinua no Ato de Traduzir”, with: Allison Entrekin, Paulo Henriques Britto and Walter Costa.


Invited lecturer at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão – Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução. Paper entitled “Conotação e contextualização cultural no processo de tradução literária.” Directors: Walter Costa and Andreia Guerini.


Lecture for “The Disappeared exhibition.” The Rubin Center, the Centennial Museum and the Union Gallery here on the UTEP campus. Lecture title: “The Burned Society: Brazilian Dictatorship in Cildo Meireles' Art.”


Invited hostess at the “70th Anniversary of the Exile of the Spanish Civil War”, Lecture and testimonials by the Spanish Civil War Refugees. Sponsored by the Department of History, and the Center for Inter-American and Border Studies. University of Texas at El Paso.


Invited lecture and participant of the Roundtable discussion on “Drug Trade Issues: The Colombian Experience”, with Dr. Manuel Ernesto Salamanca and Edgar Mauricio Solano Calderon (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana). University of Texas at El Paso.


Book presentation. Commentator of Oswaldo Zavala’s novel Siembra de Nubes Centro Cultural Paso del Norte Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez.

Refereed Panels 2013

(organizer of panel and presenter) 28th Contemporary Mexican Literature Conference in El Paso, Texas. Panel entitled: The Other Artificial Borders. Paper entitled: “Political and Literary Decisions to Narrate the Migrant Experience in the US-MX Border” (March 7-9) 9


(presenter) 60th Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies will be held in Santa Fe, NM. Paper entitled: “Os fantasmas pornôs de Nazarian: outras margens sociais” (April 3-6)


(presenter) 55th Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado. Borderlands Studies – Association for Border Studies. Panel entitled: Violence and Transnationalism in the US-MX Border. Paper entitled: “The Micro politics of Violence on Mexican Migrant Women in the USA” (April 10-13)


(presenter) 31st International Congress of Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Washington DC. Panel entitled: (Auto)(etno)(bio)grafies: Contemporary Latin American Narratives. Paper entitled: The Narcissistic Masks of Masculinities in the Confessional Fictions of Daniel Guebel and Gonzalo Garcés” (May 29-June 1)


(presenter) 66th Annual Rocky Mountain Modern Languagew Association Convention in Boulder, Colorado. Panel entitled: De la locura y la prostitución en los estudios hispánicos y lusófonos - Siglo XX y XXI. Paper entitled: “Los fantasmas porno de Santiago Nazarian, cuando el bizarrismo adolecente encuentra la locura urbana.” (October 11-14)


(organizer, chair, presenter) Eleventh International Congress of the BRASA (Brazilian Studies Association) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Panel entitled: Novidade ou repetição na literatura contemporânea brasileira. As a panel leader, coordinator, & discussant: Discussants: João Camillo Penna (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Jaime Ginzburg (Universidade de São Paulo), Márcia Ivana de Lima e Silva (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), Helena Bonito Couto Pereira (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie), Pedro Erber (Cornell University).


(presenter) Eleventh International Congress of the BRASA (Brazilian Studies Association) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Panel entitled: Creating Citizenship: Contemporary Brazilian Culture and the Arts of Citizenship. Paper entitled: Milton Hatoum: o Paradoxo do Exotismo Brasileiro.


(organizer, chair, presenter) AATSP 93rd Conference –The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese – Washington DC. (July 69) Paper entitled: “Violentando a civitas: Ronaldo Bressane e as metástasis lingüísticas”


(presenter) RMCLAS – Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies Conference. Santa Fe, New Mexico. (April 6-8) Panel entitled: Spaces of Hope 10

and Cartographies of the (Im)Possible: Literary Agendas in Early TwentiethCentury Latin American Literature. Paper entitled: “Eles eram muitos cavalos de Luiz Ruffato, vértigo y anonimato en la ciudad mecánica” 2010

Participated in ASNE/IAPA Border Newspapers Editors Summit on Violence Against Journalists Along the U.S.-Mexican Border. at University of Texas at El Paso.


(presenter) APSA (American Portuguese Studies Association) 7th Conference “Trans-Atlantic Exchanges”(October 7-9) at Brown University. Paper entitled: “O dia que matei meu pai: parricídio como arte biográfica”


(presenter) BRASA 10th International Congress of The Brazilian Studies Association – Brasília, Brazil. Panel entitled: “Arte-compassiva, Arte-corrosiva, Apresentações da Violência na Cultura Brasileira.” Paper entitled: “Perversos melodramas: Marçal Aquino 2005”


(presenter) XV Congreso de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea – El Paso, Texas. University of Texas at El Paso. Paper entitled: “El cuerpo evidente: Balas de Plata de Elmer Mendoza y el narcothriller nacional”


(presenter) AATSP 91st Conference –The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese – Albuquerque, New Mexico. Paper entitled “Luiz Ruffato, Infernos da Modernidade”


(presenter) Symposium on Portuguese Traditions. University of California Los Angeles. Paper entitled “A violência e o imaginário nas ficções brasileiras e colombianas”


(presenter) XII Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Lusophone Studies. The Ohio State University. Paper entitled “Violence and the Imaginary in Brazilian and Colombian Contemporary Fiction”


(presenter) The Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture Since 1900. University of Louisville, KY. Paper entitled: “Keep them there! Patricia Melo’s Inferno: Marginalizing the Favelados”


(presenter) LASA (Latin American Studies Association) Conference, Montreal, Canada. – Paper Titled “Inferno: El favelado como criminal pop”



(participant) Primer Congreso Internacional de Docentes de Lenguaje y Literatura.Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, and la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.


(presenter) 60th Annual RMMLA Convention Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Paper entitled “La ausencia del estado y el espectáculo de la violencia criminal en Cidade de Deus”


(presenter) Céfiro’s Annual Conference on Latin American and Iberian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Paper entitled “El papel del discurso oriental/orientalista dentro del proyecto “ideológico” en la prosa castellana medieval. El Libro del Caballero Zifar y El Conde Lucanor”


(presenter) 10th Annual Conference in México “México en el mundo: el mundo en México” University of California at Irvine. Paper entitled “Discurso nacional, violencia y conciencia citadina en El Periquillo Sarniento”


(presenter) Primeras Jornadas “Espacio, Memoria e Identidad,” Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fé, Argentina. Paper entitled “Testimonios de inmigrantes sirios y libaneses en la Provincia de Tucumán”


(participant) XIV Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres. Workshop “Mujer y Violencia.” San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina.


(participant) XIII Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres. Workshop “Mujer y Violencia.” Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina.


(presenter) VI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística (SAL), FFL, UNT, Argentina.


(presenter) IV Jornadas de Historia de las Mujeres y Estudios de Género. Paper entitled “La Mujer y su espacio en la sociedad de al-Andalus del siglo XII”, with Dr. Liliana Asfoura de Adad and Arq. Aldo Misuriello. UNT, Argentina.


(presenter) JALLA (Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana). Tucumán, Argentina.



(presenter) VIII Congreso Nacional de Literatura Argentina. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNT. Paper entitled “El concepto de nación en tres textos de Héctor Tizón”


(presenter) JALLA (Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana) Chulumani- La Paz – Bolivia.


(presenter) VII Congreso Nacional de Literatura Argentina (La literatura Argentina a partir de 1940). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNT. Paper entitled “Una lectura psicoanalítica de Todo verdor perecerá de Eduardo Mallea”


(presenter) II Jornadas de Literatura Hispanoamericana. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Faculdad de Filosofia y Letras, UNT, Argentina. Paper entitled “Sor Juana entre espejos y sombras”


(presenter) VI Congreso Nacional de Literatura Argentina. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNT. RESEARCH GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS, AND AWARDS


Competitive grant by Itamaraty, Ministry of External Relations by the Cultural Department of Brazilian Government through the Consulate General of Brazil at Houston, TX. For translations. Award $12,000.


UCLA Library Research Grant. Latin American Institute. University of California at Los Angeles. (competitive)


Grant from the Center of Academic Excellence Program (CAE) by the Office of National Intelligence (US), to develop and strengthen the study of Brazil in the United States.


Eaton Graduate Student Travel Grant. Center for Humanities and the Arts at the University of Colorado at Boulder. (competitive)


Summer Research Fellowship. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Colorado at Boulder.


First prize in Bienal de Poesía Horacio Rega Molina. Mensuario Cultural. Nueva Avenida de La Plata. Argentina. Ed. Medi Calgraf- SA (Publication of poems) 13


First prize in the poetry contest “Nueva Avenida” (Publication of poems) Publicación Mensual Independiente de Arte y Cultura. Año 8, número 91.


First prize in poetry contest sponsored by “Organización Federal por la Cultura.” Poems edited in Revista OFC. Año 1, número 1, La Plata, Buenos Aires.


Second prize in Arts Contest of Salón del Poema Ilustrado Casa Nougués (with painter Alejandro Contreras Moiraghi). Gobierno de la Provincia de Tucumán. Argentina.


Scholarship to work in cultural activities at the Teatro Alberdi, UNT, Argentina. Director: Carlos Alsina (Premio Casa de las Américas 1996 (Teatro), Jurado Casa de las Américas 2005: Teatro).


Scholarship to work as coordinator of cultural activities for the University Extension Dept. of the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina. Director: David Lagmanovich.


Scholarship to conduct research on medieval Iberian literature at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Instituto de Estudios de la Mujer). CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Universidad de Granada (Departamento de Estudios Semíticos). SERVICE AND OUTREACH

Directed Master Thesis 2012

Thesis Advisor of graduate student Lizeth Lopez (UTEP). Thesis entitled: “The New Criminal Novel in Latin America” (work-in-progress)


Thesis advisor of graduate student Clayton Nacimento (from Brazil). Thesis entitled: La representacion estetica de la violencia en La Virgen de los sicarios (de Fernando Vallejo) y en Un asesino solitario (de Élmer Mendoza). (currently a student at Universidad de Sonora, Mexico)


Thesis advisor of graduate student Amaris Guzman (Center for Inter Americas and Border Studies). UTEP-CIBS Thesis entitled: “Youth Movements in Latin America: Stories of Age, Struggle, and Socio-Political Independence.” Student received the Outstanding Graduate Student Award for her performance. (currently a PhD candidate at Miami University)

Master Thesis Advisement 14


Member of graduate committee of Kerry Doyle, MA Candidate, Latin American and Border Studies and Assistant Director Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for the Visual Arts (UTEP). Thesis entitled: “Pacto por la Cultura: The Power and Possibility of Cultural Activism in Juarez.” (defended)


Member of graduate committee of Luciene Wandermurem. (UTEP – Department of Education). Thesis entitled: “Dominant discourses in popular culture: An analysis of Brazilian teachers` critical consciousness.” (defended)

External Reviewer for Peer-Reviwed Journals 2011-to present External reviewer for Revista de Estudos em Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea. Ed. UnB (Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil) 2011-to present External reviewer for Perífrasis, Revista de Literatura, Teoría y Crítica. Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. 2010 -to present External reviewer for Hispania, A journal devoted the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese, published by the AATSP (The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese) Member of Scholarly Commitees 2011-to pr.

AATSP (The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). Organizer of Cultural Studies sessions.

2011-to pr.

Member of the Advisory Board for the Center for Inter American and Border Studies at the University of Texas at El Paso.

2009-to pr.

Member of committee for Admissions and Academic Standards at the University of Texas at El Paso

2009-to pr.

Member of committee for Reviewing the Academic Curriculum for the Department of Languages and linguistics at the University of Texas at El Paso

Service to Texas and Colorado Universities 2008-to pr.

Advisor of the Student Organization: Brazilian Culture Center (University of Texas at El Paso) 15


Advisor of the Student Organization: Environmental Clothing Organization. University of Texas at El Paso


Organizer of the Portuguese Club – University of Texas at El Paso.


Member of the Organizing Committee of the IV International Conference in Education, Labor and Emancipation. June 16-19, 2009. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.


Organizer of the Capoeira sport group at UTEP.


Coordinator of Portuguese Round Table. Spanish and Portuguese Department. University of Colorado at Boulder.


Promotional representative for the University of Colorado Study Abroad Program in Brazil and Argentina.


Presenter of Brazilian films at the annual “Spanish and Portuguese Film Series.” Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Colorado at Boulder.


Coordinator of weekly Portuguese meetings for students at the University of Colorado at Boulder, sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.


Graduate advisor for the Chair. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Colorado at Boulder.


Member of the Organizing Committee of the Cultural Department at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina.


Official Translator of Brazilian news for Jornal Nacional O Globo Television (Brazilian Network TV) for SCOLA (a non-profit educational organization that receives and re-transmits television programming from around the world in native languages. SCOLA content is available via satellite, the Internet and cable providers).


Assistant of Direction and Actor in the Drama “Nuestra Señora de las Nubes” by Arístides Vargas. Directed by Frédéric Conrod. University of Colorado at Boulder. 16


Member of the Staff at the Teatro Alberdi de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina Co-organizer of Symposia, political debates and national and international cultural events.


Member of the Organizing Committee of the “Segundo Julio Cultural Universitario”, UNT, Argentina.


co-organizer at the “II Encuentro Nacional de Poetas” sponsored by Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina.


Speaker in several meetings for the environmental organization “Conciencia Verde”, Argentina.


Educational workshops with handicapped children using arts. Coordinator of literature workshop. “Taller integral de arte Lajta Mauca” (sponsored by UNICEF), Tucumán y Santa Fé, Argentina.


Collaborator with the project “Quila-Quina Mapuche-Curruhuinca Community”. Teaching Spanish and literature to the native children in the indigenous community in San Martin de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS

MLA - Modern Language Association. LASA - Latin American Studies Association. BRASA - Brazilian Studies Association. AATSP – The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. RMLA - Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. LANGUAGES

Spanish: Native fluency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Portuguese: Native fluency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. English: Near-Native fluency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. 17

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