AMerican school Student. After School Activities

AMerican school Student s e i t i v i t c A l o o After Sch 2015-2016 Index Aloha, Mental Arithmetic (Abaco) Baseball Basketball Chess Cross Countr

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AMerican school Student

s e i t i v i t c A l o o After Sch 2015-2016

Index Aloha, Mental Arithmetic (Abaco) Baseball Basketball Chess Cross Country Dance Eco-craft Horseback Riding Judo M.U.N. Soccer Surf Swimming Pool Violin Volleyball Yoga

Aloha, Mental

Arithmetic (Abaco) Objective: Aloha/Mental arithmetic links mathematics to the world around us and acknowledges its role in our day-to-day lives. Fun activities with the abacus stimulate learning and help students to understand math skills and to internalize the relationship between the abacus and its numerical representation. Aloha/Mental Arithmetic improves concentration, focus and speed in all areas of study. Attention is drawn to accepting error as a natural process of learning and group work provides a safe environment to solve problems.  


Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays / Martes y jueves. Grades: From Elementary to Upper School. Price: 52€ month / mes.

Intellectual development through mental arithmetic, using the abacus.

Baseball Objective: Baseball is a typical American sport, popular amongst all ages. It promotes a variety of physical and mental talents and combines skills which make it unique and interesting. Each position is different and requires a specific understanding of the importance of each role, individually and as a team, in order to be effective. Baseball is a slower sport than others but requires speed and agility and the ability to be acutely aware of what happening around you. It is an especially beneficial sport to work on and reinforce attention and focus.  


Days: Mondays & Wednesdays / Lunes y miércoles. Grades: From Kinder to Middle School. Price: 23€ month / mes.

Companionship, learning and personal development.

Basketball Objective: Basketball is a team sport that fosters the child’s physical, social and psychological growth. It is a perfect way to achieve a rounded and complete education. Basketball helps to reinforce the following physical characteristics: strength, physical contact and interaction, memory skills, tactical and technical moves, values and respect for the rules of the game. It is a sport which requires an active body and an alert mind. El baloncesto es un deporte de equipo que ayuda al desarrollo físico, social y psicológico del niño. Es un gran complemento a la enseñanza obligatoria para lograr una educación integral. Practicar baloncesto supone mejorar las siguientes cualidades físicas: fuerza, contacto, memoria, táctica, técnica, valoración y respeto de las normas. Es uno de los deportes más completos, ya que requiere todo el cuerpo en activo para su realización así como la mente para su compenetración y predicción.


Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays / Martes y jueves. Grades: From Elementary to Upper School. Price: 23€ month / mes.

Solidarity, team work, generosity, education, effort and respect.

Chess Objective: Numerous studies reinforce the positive impact of playing chess at school. It develops skills such as concentration, decision-making, arithmetic, analysis while providing a fun and motivating activity. The Chess classes combine theoretical explanations with practical exercises with complementary activities meant to enrich the experience. The children are given the opportunity to participate in tournaments, use computers with different programs to learn additional skills and even the possibility of playing online against other school. Numerosos estudios demuestran las ventajas de la práctica del ajedrez en la escuela, tanto por las facultades que desarrolla (la concentración, la toma de decisiones, el cálculo, la capacidad de análisis, etc.) como por su base lúdica y motivadora. En la escuela de ajedrez, las clases combinan las explicaciones teóricas con los ejercicios prácticos y con un conjunto de actividades complementarias destinadas a enriquecer el aprendizaje de los alumnos: participación en torneos de carácter externo con jóvenes de otros centros, el empleo de ordenadores con diversos programas informáticos para aprender jugando, la posibilidad de jugar on-line por Internet contra alumnos de otros colegios, etc. Days: Mondays and Wednesdays / Lunes y miércoles. Grades: From Elementary to Middle School. Price: 23€ month / mes.

Develops concentration, decision-making, arithmetic skills and the ability to analyze in a fun and motivating way.


Cross Country Objective: We propose running cross-country as an option for free-time or entertainment. Running promotes a general sense of well-being and fosters an atmosphere of team-spirit and integration. Cross country requires discipline, serves as a solid base for all sports and results in an overall attitude of healthy living. Proponemos la actividad atlética como una alternativa de ocupación de ocio y tiempo libre, así como un medio de salud y bienestar, convivencia e integración. El atletismo requiere una gran disciplina que sirve como base para todos los deportes y consigue una actitud general de vida saludable. Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays / Martes y jueves. Grades: From 3rd to 8th grade.


Price: 23€ month / mes.

A place of fun, physical development and self awareness.

Dance Objective: The fundamental characteristic of dance is the ability to coordinate and integrate both mind and body. It develops in a natural way and builds self awareness and confidence. Dancing provides opportunities for integral coordination through the sequence of movements and memory while toning the muscles and improving aerobic capacity. The relaxing, musical atmosphere teaches students to control their emotions and to release stress. Una de las características más destacadas de la danza es su capacidad de favorecer la coordinación de la mente y el cuerpo de forma natural, desarrollándola de una manera armónica y generando confianza en uno mismo. Bailando se adquiere sentido de coordinación a través de cada secuencia de movimientos y se trabaja la memoria motriz, a la vez que se tonifican los músculos y se mejora la capacidad aeróbica. Todo ello, disfrutando de un ambiente distendido y musical. Days: Mondays and Wednesdays / Lunes y miércoles. Grades: From Pre-kinder to Elementary School. Price: 23€ month / mes.

Promotes mind and body coordination in a natural way.


Eco-craft Objective: In this activity, students will be involved in all types of craft using recycled materials. Weaving, clay work, sculptures, collage... and lots more!  

Days: Mondays / Lunes. Grades: From Kinder to 5th grade. Price: 12€ month / mes.


Stimulates the artistic spirit and the development of creativity. Discover new pathways for expression.

Horseback Riding Objective: Horseback riding is a healthy, positive sport for children of all ages; one which fosters a sense of freedom. It provides good physical exercise and works on skills like balance and coordination. Horseback riding is a social activity while it simultaneously builds on the child’s individual sense of trust and self-confidence. Different from other activities, horseback riding allows the children to establish a strong bond with the horse and introduces responsibility and the importance of caring of the animal. En la hípica, a través del caballo, se desarrollan las diferentes capacidades motoras (equilibrio, coordinación, etc..), espaciales, afectivas y sociales del niño, en un marco lúdico que tiene en cuenta fomentar la responsabilidad y el trabajo en grupo. Distinto a otras actividades, la hípica posibilita la estrecha relación entre los niños y los caballos enseñando la importancia y la responsabilidad que implica cuidar un animal. En estas clases se proporciona una base sólida para futuros niveles de equitación. Days: Wednesdays / Miércoles. Grades: From Elementary to Middle School. Price: 45€ month / mes.

They will get to know the horse and learn to take care of and to respect the animal.


Judo Objective: Judo is a very popular sport and is highly recommended to develop self-confidence, to promote team work and to foster respect for others. The activity focuses on fun, active games and participation in competitions. El judo es uno de los deportes más recomendados para desarrollar la confianza, la capacidad de trabajo en grupo y el respeto hacia los demás. El aprendizaje se desarrolla, para los más pequeños, a través de juegos diversos y participando en competiciones. Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays / Martes y jueves. Grades: Preschool, Elementary and Middle School. Price: 26€ month / mes.


Excellent mode of physical education that emphasizes values such as respect for your teammates, self-control and playing fair.

M. U. N.

(Model United Nations) Objective: This activity allows the children to learn about and understand the role of the United Nations. They work on public speaking skills and research important world issues like regional conflicts, peace-making, human rights and protecting the environment. This course also works on such skills as diplomacy and compromise. Con esta actividad nuestros alumnos aprenderán cual es la tarea de las Naciones Unidas y mejorarán sus habilidades a la hora de hablar en público analizando aspectos como los conflictos regionales, el mantenimiento de la paz, los derechos humanos o el medio ambiente. En esta actividad se desarrolla además habilidades como la diplomacia y el compromiso. Days: Wednesdays / Miércoles. Grades: From 9th to 12th grade. Price: 12€ month / mes.

Understand the objectives of the U.N. and improve your oral expression.


Soccer Objective: Soccer is always a popular sport amongst boys and girls.  A healthy team spirit fosters coordination and cooperation amongst the children. Through activities and games, the children acquire and put into practice technical and tactical skills typical in soccer. Understanding and accepting the rules provide the basis for discipline and control.  El fútbol es un deporte muy popular entre chicos y chicas. Esta actividad implica cooperación y coordinación. Con esta actividad el alumno logrará adquirir y poner en práctica las diferentes habilidades específicas propias del fútbol, así como conocer, comprender y aceptar los requerimientos técnicos y tácticos básicos de dicha disciplina deportiva. Days: Mondays and Wednesday / Lunes y miércoles (Preschool to 2nd grade). Tuesdays and Thursdays / Martes y jueves (3rd grade to Upper School).


Grades: From Pre-kinder to Upper school. Price: 23€ month / mes.

In the spirit of effort and discipline, team work establishes a relationship of friendship.

Surf Objective: The objective of this activity is for the student to introduce the basic technical skills for surfing and bodyboarding and ensure that the students are able to execute them correctly. They will also learn about common practices and safety measures on and around the beach and water. The classes will address both areas, theory and practice. We will be working with The Surf Home. El objetivo de la actividad es que el alumno conozca y ejecute correctamente la técnica básica del surf y el bodyboard. Además aprenderán todo sobre la seguridad y conocimiento del medio de la playa en un entorno seguro. Las clases tendrán una parte teórica y una práctica. Trabajaremos con The Surf Home. Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays / Martes y jueves. Time: Pick up at 6:00 pm will be organized at a location which is convenient to all of the families involved. Los padres quedarán a las 18:00 h. en un punto intermedio cerca de la casa de los alumnos apuntados a la actividad. Grades: The requirement to participate in this activity is to know how to swim. El requisito para realizar esta actividad es saber nadar. Price: 65€ 1 day / week / 1 día a la semana. 80€ 2 days / week / 2 días a la semana.

An aerobic exercise to reinforce the muscles and improve balance.


Swimming Pool

Objective: Swimming is considered the most complete sport and is recommended for all ages from a very early age. From the early years, swimming improves coordination, equilibrium and spatial awareness. It increases the cardiovascular and respiratory capacity and strengthens the flow of blood around the body. The exercises and activities combined with a mild water temperature relax the child and stimulate the appetite so your child eats and sleeps well. This leads to improvements in character and behavior. La natación es uno de los deportes más completos que existen, por eso se aconseja su práctica desde los primeros años de vida. En edad infantil mejora la coordinación, el equilibrio y el conocimiento del espacio. Es beneficioso para la condición cardiovascular y amplía la capacidad de su sistema respiratorio y la regulación adecuada a su circulación sanguínea. Los ejercicios suaves, combinados con el agua a una temperatura agradable, relajan al niño y estimulan su apetito, consiguiendo que coma y duerma mejor. En consecuencia, mejorará su carácter y su comportamiento.


Days: Mondays and Wednesdays / Lunes y miércoles. Times: Students take the school bus to the activity and parents pick them up at 17.30 at Club Metropole. Los alumnos van en el autobús hasta el Club Metropole. Allí los padres recogen a sus hijos a las 17.30h. Grades: From Nursery to Upper School. Price: 35€ month / mes. * Swimsuit, swim cap, towel, slippers and a change of clothes are needed. * Se necesita: gorro, bañador, toalla, chanclas y una muda para la actividad.

Coordination, equilibrium and spacial awareness.

Violin Objective: The music program helps to develop intelligence and concentration and activates the area of the brain that corresponds to language development. The study of music fosters learning in all areas on a daily basis as it is present in both language and math. It provides opportunities for both musical creativity and expression. La música ayuda a desarrollar la inteligencia y está demostrado que potencia la zona del cerebro que se corresponde con el lenguaje. El aprendizaje musical involucra todas las demás áreas del aprendizaje diario, está presente en lengua y matemáticas, además de desarrollar el aspecto creativo y expresivo. Days: Beginning: Wednesday / Advanced: Thrursdays. Principiantes: Miércoles / Avanzado: Jueves. Grades: From Elementary to Middle School. Price: 30€ month / mes. * The school provides the instrument. * El colegio pone el instrumento.

Development of attention, concentration, memory and imagination and the coming together of personality and character.


Volleyball Objective: Volleyball is a very popular sport for physical development and team work. It favors coordination and concentration, improves speed, skills and reflexes. It strengthens and tones the body due to the speed and pace of the game. It fosters motivation through integration and cooperation and develops social skills. The volleyball program focuses on integrating both technical and formative skills at all times. El voleibol es un deporte muy aconsejable para el desarrollo físico y el trabajo en equipo. Este deporte favorece la coordinación y la concentración, mejora la rapidez, la habilidad y los reflejos; además de reforzar los muslos y abdominales durante las carreras. Otros beneficios de esta actividad son: motivación por la integración, cooperación y un desarrollo corporal armónico; se trata de un deporte que activa la socialización. Los monitores han elaborado un programa en el que los aspectos técnicos junto a los formativos, están siempre presentes en el desarrollo de la actividad.


Days: Mondays and Wednesdays, Thursdays for Upper School. Lunes y miércoles, jueves para Upper School. Grades: From 3rd grade to Upper School. Price: 23€ month / mes.

Volleyball is a sport recommended for physical development and team work.

Yoga Objective: The practice of yoga is a natural, fun and healthy way to exercise the body and mind. The children learn to use breathing techniques to concentrate, relax and confront stressful situations or conflicts. In a peaceful and respectful atmosphere, they play games and enjoy themselves while developing physical, emotional and cognitive skills like flexibility, self-control and focused attention. Yoga provides tools for maintaining a balanced, calm lifestyle. La práctica del yoga es una manera natural, divertida y sana de ejercitar el cuerpo y la mente. Los niños aprenden a utilizar su respiración para concentrarse, calmarse y hacer frente al estrés y los conflictos. En una atmósfera agradable juegan y se divierten mientras desarrollan habilidades físicas, emocionales y cognitivas como la flexibilidad, el autocontrol y la atención. Día a día desarrollan una actitud vital respetuosa y amable. Days: Thursdays / Jueves (grades 1 & 2). Grades: From Pre-kinder to 2nd grade. Price: 12€ month / mes. * Max. 10 students in this activity (by inscription order). * Max. 10 alumnos en esta actividad por orden de inscripción.

Yoga is a natural, fun and healthy way to exercise the body.


The A MERICAN SCHOOL of Las Palmas Established since 1967

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