ANA MARIA IBAÑEZ Calle 18 A No 1-37 Este Bogotá, Colombia Tel: (571) Ext

ANA MARIA IBAÑEZ Calle 18 A No 1-37 Este Bogotá, Colombia Tel: (571) 3394949 Ext. 3634 e-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION 2000 1999 1989-1993

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ANA MARIA IBAÑEZ Calle 18 A No 1-37 Este Bogotá, Colombia Tel: (571) 3394949 Ext. 3634 e-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION 2000



University of Maryland at College Park Agricultural and Resource Economics Department Ph.D Agricultural and Resource Economics University of Maryland at College Park Agricultural and Resource Economics Department M.A Agricultural and Resource Economics Universidad de los Andes B.A in Economics

College Park

College Park

Bogotá, Colombia


UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES Full Professor – Department of Economics

Bogotá, Colombia


UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES Dean – School of Economics

Bogotá, Colombia


UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES Director CEDE – Department of Economics

Bogotá, Colombia


UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES Associate Professor – Department of Economics

Bogotá, Colombia


UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES Assistant Professor – Department of Economics

Bogotá, Colombia


FEDESARROLLO Research Associate

Bogotá, Colombia


World Bank Washington, DC Consultant Latin America and the Caribbean Social Protection Sector


World Bank Consultant Research Department

Washington, DC


Universidad de los Andes Assistant Professor

Bogotá, Colombia


University of Maryland at College Park College Park Research Assistant- Doctor Darrell Hueth Research Assistant- Doctor John Horowitz Research Assistant- Doctor Rimjhim Aggarwal Teaching Assistant- Doctor Nancy Bockstael-Advanced Econometrics


Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) Summer Internship-Environmental Division Washington, D.C Environmental Department of Bogotá City D.A.M.A (Bogotá’s Environmental Authority) Development Deputy Director Bogotá, Colombia




Ministry of the Environment Advisor to the Viceminister

Bogotá, Colombia

Ministry of the Environment Advisor to the International Cooperation Office

Bogotá, Colombia

COURSES TAUGHT Applied Welfare Economics and Non-Market Valuation Advanced Econometrics Advanced Environmental Economics Microeconomics Econometrics Topics in Development Economics

PUBLICATIONS Ibáñez, A.M. and V. Calderón. “Labor Market Effects of Migration-Related Supply-Shocks: Evidence from Internal Refugees in Colombia”. Forthcoming Journal of Economic Geography. Fernández, M., A.M. Ibáñez and X. Peña (2014). “Adjusting the Labor Supply to Mitigate Violent Shocks: Evidence from Rural Colombia” Journal of Development Studies 50(8): 1135-1155. Arias, M.A., A.M. Ibáñez and P. Querubín (2013). “The Desire to Return during Civil War: Evidence for Internally Displaced Populations in Colombia”, Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy 20(1):209-233. Lozano-Gracia, N, G. Piras, Ana María Ibáñez and G. J. D. Hewings (2010). “The Journey to Safety: Country-Driven Migration Flows in Colombia”, International Regional Science Review 33(2): 157180. Ibáñez, and A. Moya (2009). “Vulnerability of Victims of Civil Conflict: Empirical Evidence for the Displaced Population in Colombia”. World Development 38(4): 647-663. Ibáñez, A.M and A. Velásquez (2009) “Identifying Victims from Civil Conflicts: An Evaluation of Forced Displaced Households in Colombia” Journal of Peace Research 46(3). Ibáñez, A.M (2009) “Forced Displacement in Colombia: Magnitude and Causes” The Economics of Peace and Security Journal 4(1). Ibáñez, A.M. and. C. Jaramillo (2008). “Oportunidades de desarrollo económico en el posconflicto: propuestas de política”. Coyuntura Económica 36(2): 93-127. Ibáñez, A.M. and C.E. Vélez (2008) “Civil Conflict and Forced Migration: The Micro-determinants and the Welfare Losses of Displacement in Colombia”, World Development 36(4): 659-676. Engel, S. and A.M. Ibáñez (2007) “Displacement Due to Violence in Colombia: A Household Level Analysis” Economic Development and Cultural Change 55(2): 335-365. Ibáñez, and A. Moya (2007). “¿Cómo deteriora el desplazamiento forzado el bienestar de los hogares desplazados: Análisis y determinantes de bienestar en los municipios de recepción”, Coyuntura Social 37: 29-62. Rao, V and Ibáñez, A.M (2005). “The Social Impact of Social Funds in Jamaica: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Participation, Targeting and Collective Action in Community Driven Development” Journal of Development Studies 41 (5): 788-838. Ibáñez, A.M and E. Uribe (2005), “La política ambiental en Colombia durante los últimos 35 años”, Coyuntura Económica, 35(2):335-343. Echeverry J.C., A.M. Ibáñez, A.Moya and L.C. Hillón (2005). “The Economics of TransMilenio, A Mass Transit System for Bogotá” Economía 5 (2):151-188. Jaramillo, C and A.M (2005) “El Censo Nacional de Población: Una comparación de metodologías mediante simulaciones de Monte Carlo” Coyuntura Social, 32: 45-65 Echeverry, J.C. , A.M. Ibáñez and A. Moya (2004) “Una evaluación económica del sistema TransMilenio”. Revista de Ingeniería Número 21. Universidad de los Andes.

Ibáñez, A.M. (2004). “Génesis del desplazamiento forzoso en Colombia: sus orígenes, sus consecuencias y el problema del retorno” Coyuntura Social, 30, Junio. Ibáñez A.M. y P. Querubín (2003). “Determinantes del deseo de retorno de los hogares desplazados en Colombia” Planeación y Desarrollo, XXXIV (2), Julio Diciembre. Ibánez, A.M, K.Lindert and M. Woolcock (2003) “Social Capital in Guatemala: A Mixed Methods Analysis” in Poverty in Guatemala. World Bank Document. World Bank: Washington DC. Erazo, Jaime A; Ibáñez, Ana María; Kirchhoff, Stefanie; Galán, Alberto (1999). “Diversas Causas y Costos del Desplazamiento: Quién los compensa?; Departamento Nacional de Planeación, Revista Planeación y Desarrollo, XXX (3), July-September 1999; Bogotá, Colombia.

BOOKS AND CHAPTERS IN BOOKS Ibáñez A.M. (2014). “Growth in forced displacement: cross-country, sub-national and household evidence on potential determinants” en International Handbook on Migration and Economic Development (eds. R.E.B. Lucas). Northampton, EEUU: Edward Elgar. Gáfaro, M., A.M. Ibáñez y D. Zarruk. “Equidad y eficiencia rural en Colombia: una discusión de políticas para el acceso a la tierra” en Equidad y Movilidad Social: Diagnósticos y propuestas para la transformación de la sociedad colombiana (eds. A. Montenegro y M. Meléndez). Ediciones Uniandes. Arias, M.A. and A.M. Ibañez (2014). “Conflicto armado en Colombia y producción agrícola: ¿Aprenden los pequeños productores a vivir en medio del conflicto?” in Costos económicos y sociales del conflicto en Colombia: ¿Cómo construir un posconflicto sostenible? (eds. M.A. Arias, A. Camacho, A.M. Ibáñez, D. Mejia and C. Rodríguez). Ediciones Uniandes. Zetter, R., A.Purdekova and A.M. Ibáñez (2013). “Violence, conflict and mobility – A Micro Level Analysis” in Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence, and Development (eds. T. Brück, P. Justino y P. Verwimp). Oxford University Press. Ibáñez, A.M, J. Kissner, C. Jaramillo, M. Fernández, M.A. Arias y D. Bocarejo (2012). “Cuando el crecimiento viene de afuera: dinámicas territoriales en Susa y Simijaca” en De Yucatán a Chiloé: Dinámicas Territoriales en América Latina (eds Julio A. Berdegué y Félix Modrego), Editorial Teseo. Ibáñez, A.M and J.C. Muñoz (2012). “La persistencia de la concentración de la tierra en Colombia: ¿Qué pasó entre 2000 y 2009”: 301-332 en Justicia Distributiva en Sociedades en Transición (eds. Morten Bergsmo, César Rodríguez, Pablo Kalmanovitz and María Paula Saffon), Torkehl Opshal Academic EPublisher, Oslo, Norway. Ibáñez, A.M and J.C. Muñoz (2010). “The Persistence of Land Concentration in Colombia: What Happened between 2000 and 2009?”: 279-310 en Distributive Justice in Transitions (eds. Morten Bergsmo, César Rodríguez, Pablo Kalmanovitz and María Paula Saffon), Torkehl Opshal Academic EPublisheand, Oslo, Norway. Ibáñez A.M, and A. Moya (2009). “Do Conflicts Create Poverty Traps? Asset Losses and Recovery for Displaced Households in Colombi” in The Economics of Crime (eds. Rafael Di Tella, Sebastián Edwards y Ernesto Schargrodsky), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Estados Unidos. Ibáñez, A.M. (2009). “Los programas de retorno para la población desplazada en Colombia” in Más allá del desplazamiento: políticas, derechos y superación del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia” (eds. César Rodríguez). Editorial Uniandes, Bogotá, Colombia. Ibánez, A.M. (2008). El desplazamiento forzoso en Colombia: Un camino sin retorno hacia la pobreza. Editorial Uniandes. Bogotá, Colombia. WORKING PAPERS Gáfaro, M., A.M, Ibáñez and P. Justino (2014). “Collective Action and Armed Group Presence in Colombia”. HiCN Working Papers 178. Arias. M.A., A.M. Ibáñez and A. Zambrano (2014). “Agricultural Production amid Conflict: The Effects of Shocks, Uncertainty and Governance of Non-State Armed Actors)” Documento CEDE 08-2014. Ibáñez, A.M., C. Rodríguez and D. Zarruk (2013). “Crime, Punishment and Schooling Decisions: Evidence from Colombian Adolescents”. IDB Working Paper Series No. IDB-WP 413.

Ibáñez, A.M., J.C. Muñoz and P.Verwimp (2013). “Abandoning Coffee under the Threat of Violence and the Presence of Illicit Crops: Evidence from Colombia”. HiCN Working Papers 150. Gáfaro, M., A.M. Ibáñez, and V Calderón (2011). “Forced Migration, Female Labor Force Participation, and Intra-household Bargaining: Does Conflict Empower Women?”. Documento CEDE 28-2011. Mejia, D. M.J. Uribe and A.M. Ibáñez (2011), “Una evaluación del Plan de Consolidación Integral de la Macarena (PCIM)”, Documento CEDE 13-2011. Ibáñez, A.M.and A. Velásquez (2008). “Public Policies to Assist Internally Displaced Persons: The Role of Municipal Authorities”. Occasional Paper Series, Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement. Ibáñez, A.M (2006) “La estabilización económica de la población desplazada”. FIP Working Paper 3. Ibáñez, A.M. and A. Moya (2006) “¿Cómo el desplazamiento forzado deteriora el bienestar de los hogares desplazados?: Análisis y determinantes del bienestar en los municipios de recepción”. Documento CEDE 2006-26. Barrera, F. and A.M. Ibáñez “Does Violence Reduce Investment in Education: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach”. Documento CEDE 2004-27. Ibáñez, A.M. and P. Querubin (2004). “Acceso a tierras y desplazamiento forzado en Colombia”. Documento CEDE 2004-23. Ibáñez, A.M. and C.E. Vélez (2003). “Instrumentos de atención a la población desplazada en Colombia: Una distribución desigual de las responsabilidades municipales”- Documento CEDE 2003-37. Ibáñez, A.M. and E.Uribe (2003). “Medio ambiente y desarrollo económico: priorización de la inversión ambiental con criterios económicos”. Documento CEDE 2003-33. Carriazo, F., A.M. Ibáñez and M. Garcia (2003). “Valoración de los beneficios económicos provistos por el Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales: Una aplicación del análisis de transferencia de beneficios”. Documento CEDE 2003-26. Ibáñez, A.M. (2001). “The Random Utility Model for Recreation: A Model for Incorporating Health Effects and the Costs of Imperfect Information.” Documento CEDE D2001-03. Ibáñez, A.M. Lozano, N. and McConnell K. (1998). Benefits of Improving Water Quality in Cartagena Bay. Documento Cede 98-22. RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY PROJECTS               

Valuing the Benefits of Reducing Water Pollution in Cartagena: Combining Epidemiological Techniques and the Random Utility Model.” Funded by the Maryland-Uniandes Fund for Collaborative Research, World Bank and Ministry of the Environment, Colombia. Estimating Welfare Losses from Displacement in Colombia. Funded by Colciencias and the Department for National Planning. Displaced Population in Colombia: Socioeconomic Profile, Welfare Losses and Policy Instruments. Funded by the World Bank. Causes and Consequences of Violence in Colombia: An Spatial and Econometric Approach. Funded by the Ford Foundation. Valuing the Benefits of Colombia´s National Parks. Funded by the Ministry of the Environment. Environment and Development: An Analysis of Environmental Investment in Colombia. Funded by the IADB. Benefits and Costs of Environmental Policy in Colombia: A Review of Valuation Studies. Funded by the World Bank. Socio-economic Conditions in Bogotá: An Analysis based on Fedesarrollo’s Social Survey. Funded by Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá. Forcefully Displaced population in Colombia: An Evaluation of their Socio-Economic Conditions and Current Public Policies. Funded by IADB. Access to Land and Forced Displacement. Funded by USAID Towards a Proactive Policy for the Displaced Population in Colombia. Funded by USAID and GDN. Moving Out of Poverty. Research funded by the World Bank. Public Policy for Forcefully Displaced Population: Policy Recommendations. Funded by IADB. Land Informality in Colombia. Funded by USAID. Protecting the Displaced Population: The Role of Local Authorities. Funded by the Brookings Institution.

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Policies to Prevent Forceful Displacement: Analysis and Policy Recommendations. Funded by USAID. Estimating the Costs of the Victims’ and Land Restitution Law. Funded by USAID. Rural Efficiency and Equality in Colombia: A Discussion of Public Policies to Increase Land Access. Funded by DNP. Crime, Punishment and Schooling Decisions: Evidence from Colombian Adolescents. Funded by IADB. Overcoming Violence Through Local Institutions: A comparative study of households and communities in Colombia. Funded by IDRC. Violence, Civil Conflicts, and Remittances: A Case Study of Monetary Transfers for Forced and Economic Migrants in Colombia. Funded by World Bank.


Institute of Advanced Studies (2016), XI HiCN Workshop – University of Toronto (2015), 33rd International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association - San Juan, Puerto Rico, London School of Economics (2015), Sao Paulo School of Economics (2014), IX HiCN Workshop – University of California at Berkeley (2013), Northwestern University (2013), Banco Mundial (2013), BID (2013 y 2012), XXVIII Triennial Conference, International Association of Agricultural Economists – Brasil (2012), VII HiCN Workshop – Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2011), Sixteen Annual SOLE Meetings, Vancouver (2011), VI HiCN Workshop – Universidad de los Andes (2010), Université de Toulouse (2010), The 6th Midwest International Economic Development Conference, University of Minessota (2009), 5ta Midwest International Economic Development Conference, Wisconsin (2008), XI II Reunión de LACEA, Brasil (2008), NBER-LICIP Conferencia en Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (2007), XII Reunión de LACEA, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (2007), Seminar on Poverty Reduction in Conflict and Fragile States: Perspectives from a Household Level, Washington (2007), Yale University (2006), MIT (2005), VI Conferencia del GDN Conference en Dakar (2005), IX Reunión de LACEA en Costa Rica (2004), Cornell University (2004), Seminario Journal Economia, Boston (2004), VIII Reunión de LACEA en México (2003), VII Reunión de LACEA en España (2002), Summer 2001 AERE Workshop, Bar Harbor Maine (2001), VI Reunión de LACEA en Argentina (1998) OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Member Advisory Group – United Nations Peace Building Fund Member Board of Directors - Grupo Éxito Member Advisory Group – Global Comission on Poverty AWARDS Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development, Global Development Network, 2005 Honorary mention in social sciences, Fundación Alejandro Ángel Escobar, 2009 Juan Luis Londoño award, 2010

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