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Story Transcript


APRIL 2023| Vol. 3

Hello Spring

Table of

contents CEO Message


Open Positions


Employee Highlight


Top Impression






Upcoming Events


Training Tips


Webinar schedule


Industry News


Property of the Month


New Clients


CEO MESSAGE As we wrap up the first quarter of the year, I wanted to reflect on what we've accomplished so far. It's been an eventful few months, filled with challenges and successes, and I'm proud of all we've achieved together. First and foremost, I want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that each and every one of you have shown over the past few months. As a team, we've seen significant improvements in the team's KPI's performance and the commitment to recognizing each other for those successes. We've launched several new IT initiatives, expanded our reach into new markets (Naples, FL), and built strong relationships with our customers and partners. We've also continued to deliver exceptional results for our clients, consistently exceeding expectations and raising the bar for excellence. Of course, it hasn't all been smooth sailing. We've encountered our fair share of setbacks and obstacles along the way, and we must take the time to reflect on these as well.

Rafael P. Aquino , LCAM, CMCA© Co-Founder & CEO

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Whether it's missed deadlines, communication breakdowns, or unexpected roadblocks that have yet to allow us to complete our ROCKS, there are always lessons to be learned from our challenges. So, as we move forward into the next quarter, I encourage you to reflect on both our successes and our challenges. Think about what worked well and what didn’t and consider what steps we can take to build on our successes and overcome our challenges. To help facilitate this process, we'll hold team-wide meetings over the coming weeks to discuss our organization's progress and identify improvement areas. This meeting will allow us to collaborate, share our insights and perspectives, and chart a course grounded in collaboration and our shared vision as an organization. In closing, as we embark on the second quarter, let's remember the words of Winston Churchill: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Let's build on our successes, learn from our challenges, and approach the next few months with a spirit of collaboration, innovation, and determination. Together, we can achieve great things.




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Manager of the Month

Karen Kretschmann, thank you for your service, and congratulations on being recognized as Manager of the month. There are several key components that can be used to highlight an individual as an outstanding team member. Firstly, Karen has demonstrated exceptional skills and capabilities within their role, such as consistently meeting or exceeding performance targets, displaying excellent team management skills, and receiving positive feedback from colleagues and customers. She has demonstrated a commitment to professional development and growth and contributes to the overall success of the organization. Additionally, she has shown an ability to adapt to changing circumstances, think creatively to solve problems and maintain a positive attitude and strong work ethic even in challenging situations. Overall, Karen is someone who consistently goes above and beyond their job requirements, contributes to a positive workplace culture, and serves as a role model for others to follow.


TOP IMPRESSIONS LUIS ALICEA Business Development Director

ROSA CANO Regional Director

JESSENIA CASTILLO Transition Manager

SANTIAGO GROSSY Director of Associations Operatios

SANDRA MORALES OJEDA Community Association Manager

EVA RODRIGUEZ Community Association Manager

VIDHALY VERGES Community Association Manager





Jairo Sierra April 01, 2019

Fidel Villamar April 07, 2014

Alberto Gomez April 10, 2017






Mowshumi Mahbub

Yoana Vidal

April 11, 2022

Rosa Cano

April 17, 2017

April 25, 2022


Karen Kretschmann April 09

Yordanis Diaz April 17

Hugo Rios April 13

Eva Rodriguez April 21

Ronaldy Demarais April 15

Manuel Rodriguez April 26


UPCOMING EVENTS As we look ahead to April, we continue to focus on enhancing the culture within our organization and the associations we manage. The month of April has a couple of important dates; see below, which will allow for an opportunity for us to engage our team members and residents alike. Below are some ideas per event to get your creative juices going. By engaging our team members with the community, our staff can build stronger relationships, gain valuable experience, and contribute to the betterment of society. Together, we can create a strong and inclusive culture that benefits everyone involved.


04/05 - 04/13

Passover is a significant holiday for Jews, as it commemorates the liberation of their ancestors from slavery in ancient Egypt. Passover runs from the evening of April 5, 2023, to the evening of Thursday, April 13, 2023. It reminds Jews of their roots and the importance of freedom and human dignity. It is a time for reflection, family gatherings, and religious observances. During Passover, Jews retell the story of the Exodus from Egypt and perform rituals, such as the Seder meal, to remember the suffering of their ancestors and their journey to freedom. The holiday also emphasizes the themes of renewal and rebirth, as it marks the start of the spring season.

Good Friday


Good Friday is a Christian holiday that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday and is a solemn day of remembrance for many Christians worldwide. Good Friday is a day of mourning, reflection, and prayer for many Christians, and it is often observed with religious services, fasting, and charitable acts.

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There are many fun and engaging activities that a community association can organize for Easter. Here are some ideas: 1. Easter Egg Hunt: Organize an Easter egg hunt for children in the community. Hide Easter eggs around the community center or in a nearby park, and let the kids find them. 2. Easter Crafts: Set up a craft station where kids can make Easterthemed crafts like Easter cards, bunny masks, or paper eggs. 3. Easter Basket Drive: Organize a basket drive for those in need in the community. Ask members to donate baskets filled with Easter treats, toys, and other goodies.

Administrative Day


Celebrate Administrative Day as these individuals are often the unsung heroes of the workplace. Here are some ideas: 1. Breakfast or Lunch: Provide your administrative team with a catered breakfast or lunch. This is a simple yet effective way to show appreciation for their hard work. 2. Recognition: Take the time to publicly recognize and thank your administrative team for all they do. This can be done at a team meeting, through an association-wide email, or even with a small token of appreciation. 3. Professional Development: Provide opportunities for your administrative team to develop new skills or attend training sessions. This shows that you value their growth and development as professionals. 4. Small Gifts: Consider giving your administrative team small gifts such as flowers, chocolates, or personalized desk accessories. This shows that you value and appreciate their contributions to the company. 5. Team Building: Plan a team-building activity or outing to celebrate Administrative Day. This can be a fun way to bring the team together and show your appreciation for their hard work.

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Bring your Kid to Work Day


If you are an Onsite Community Association Manager and are planning to host a "Bring Your Kid to Work Day," Here are some tips to help make the day a success: Plan age-appropriate activities: Plan activities that are ageappropriate and will engage children. Consider activities such as a scavenger hunt, a tour of the property, or a chance to meet your Board of Directors and learn about their experiences. Safety first: Ensure that the property is safe for children and that any potential hazards are addressed before the event. Offer a chance to learn: Use the day to educate children about the role of property managers and what it takes to maintain a property. You can give a brief presentation or have the children participate in a hands-on activity demonstrating the work involved. Create a fun atmosphere: Make the day fun and enjoyable by providing snacks, drinks, and giveaways. This can include company-branded items such as company cap. It is an excellent opportunity to build a positive relationship with your employees and their families while educating children about the community association management industry.


TRAINING TIPS By: Santiago M. Grossy, CAM, CMCA, AMS

As we move into the second quarter of the year, community association managers and board members need to take the time to review their financial statements. Doing so ensures they stay on track financially and can make necessary adjustments. In this month's training tips, we will discuss three tips for community association managers and board members to review when looking at their financial statements. Budget Variance - The first thing to review in your financial statements is your budget variance. This term refers to the difference between your actual and budgeted expenses. A positive variance means that you spent less than you had planned, while a negative variance means that you spent more than planned. Understanding why any positive or negative variances and changes are communicated to the Board is essential. This way, you can adjust your spending accordingly and avoid any surprises down the road. PRO TIP: Sometimes, you may have a variance because an invoice was improperly coded, and an adjustment needs to be made. Operating Cash - The second critical aspect of reviewing, is your operating Cash. Operating Cash is your community's money available to pay for day-to-day expenses. It's essential to review how much operating Cash you have on hand to ensure that you have enough to cover expenses like landscaping, maintenance, and utilities. If you need more operating Cash, you may need to adjust your budget, explore ways to reduce expenditure or start having the difficult conversation of adding additional revenue (SA or Budget Amendment.)


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Accounts Receivable - The last item to review is your accounts receivable. This refers to the money that your community is owed from members who are behind on their payments. It's important to have a system to follow up on these outstanding payments, whether through late fees, phone calls, or letters. By keeping track of your accounts receivable, you can ensure your community has the necessary funds to meet its expenses. In conclusion, as we move into the year's second quarter, you must review your financial statements as a community association manager or board member. Keep an eye on your budget variance, operating Cash, and accounts receivable. Doing so will help you stay on track financially and ensure your community meets its financial obligations.


WEBINAR SCHEDULE Legislative Update: Reserves Laws and More Date: April 12th Time: 11 am

What You Need to Know and How Proposed Legislation May Affect Your Association: “Milestone Inspections & Structural Integrity Reserve Studies (aka SIRS)” Panelists include: Michael Bender, Esq., BCS from Kaye Bender Rembaum Engineers from m2e Consulting Engineers

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Hurricane Season 2022: Ian & Nicole Aftermath By Matthew Sengsourinh

CURRENT SITUATION: Ian was the third-costliest weather disaster on record, and the deadliest hurricane to strike the state of Florida since the 1935 Labor Day hurricane. Despite hitting Florida back in 2022, Floridians are still picking up the pieces. The number of closed claims is unprecedented given the size, strength and geographic area impacted by Hurricane Ian. This may be an indicator of how understaffed insurance companies are currently and these staffing issues may ultimately lead to a rise in litigation. Another contributing factor may be the trend toward higher deductibles and less coverage in to- day’s insurance products. For associations impacted by Hurricane Ian and now, Nicole, it is a wake-up call and a reminder of your obligation, which is to prove the damage. If it’s believed that your association’s claim is under the deductible, but the Association disagrees, either the association didn’t prove its damages, or the insurer blamed the cause of the loss on something other than a Hurricane, such as wind-driven rain. In either situation, it’s an important reminder to avoid trying to be an insurance coverage expert, buy proper insurance, and most importantly, get representation. Review the coverage matrix: unit owner v. Community Association insurable interest. This will serve as a reminder or a quick reference guide for Florida Statute 718 and its insurance parameters defining unit owner, limited common area, and common area insurable interests.

Matthew Sengsourinh

However, this is subject to interpretation, and change and is often influenced by case law.

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How to make an advance payment demand for Flood and Wind? If you have suffered flood damage, make a demand for an advance payment. However, exercise patience and create a meaningful demand for immediate, emergency services. Avoid making a demand for only the amount of the flood deductible. For wind-related losses, exercise more patience and obtain reasonable estimations of your loss or damages. Trying to rush the demand for advance payment on a wind-related claim for an association earlier in the process may increase your chances of denial, underpayment, and delays in your claim. How to claim funds from FEMA for uninsurable damages? For Hurricane Ian, the federal government has extended debris removal cost coverage from 30 days to 60 days. You have 60 days from the event to put in a FEMA request that can cover debris removal, a typically uninsurable loss. Debris removal includes landscaping debris removal, costs of garbage containers, etc. Associations are able to file for this relief either by phone, physically at a FEMA Disaster Recovery Center, or online. Associations have reported having issues filing online, so it is recommended that you appear in person. Please note, the request requires personal information such as SSN and gross annual income. We advise against having a Manager or team member submit their personal information tying them to the request. We recommend making this information available to the Boards and having them submit the claim on the Association's behalf, should they so choose. The management’s responsibility would be to collect all debris removal invoices, requesting landscaping or debris removal vendors to identify "Hurricane Ian Debris Removal" on the invoice (for claim identification), and any other cost consolidation for them. Addition- ally, the initial request does not allow for FEIN to be added. After a request and account have been created, the FEIN can be added to reflect what FEMA considers to be a business-related request. Please note, this is not a guaranteed cost recovery, only a potential, additional option.

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Additional information can be found at: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/hurricane-ian or by phone: (800) 621-3362 Why FEMA adjusters are demanding your signatures on documents that are not required by law or policy? Be careful what you sign and to whom it is provided. The NFIP policies require a Proof of Loss (POL) in order to receive payment. We are unaware of any other Federal laws or policy conditions that would require you to waive rights or swear to anything other than the number of your damages stated on the Proof of Loss form. For hurricane Ian, FEMA extended the POL deadline for 365 days from September 26, 2022, however, under normal circumstances a policyholder only has 60 days from the date of loss. If a policyholder fails to file a properly filled out POL within 60 days, it may waive all rights and entitlement to benefits. How to deal with unqualified insurance adjusters, i.e. contingent workers? Insurance Companies lack the resources necessary to adequately respond to a hurricane. The claim may be reassigned numerous times and these services are frequently outsourced to third parties that temporarily staff up to meet the needs of an insurance company. However, they don’t represent your interest. To protect the Association’s interests, ask the adjuster(s) representing the insurance company for a copy of their valid adjusting license and check the Department of Financial Services office website to ensure they are registered and in compliance. Also, keep a diary of everyone you speak with including the date and time and mode of communication, i.e.: phone, email, or text. If an adjuster visits the property or conducts an inspection. Review the policy terms and conditions and look for the policy requirements to report a claim. Contrary to popular belief, for an Association, the requirements typically stipulate that the claims must be made directly to a third party, someone other than the insurance company or the Broker. If you do not follow these provisions, your association’s claim may be denied. Also, look for the duties in the event of a loss section. Go ahead and print this section out to help remind you of what you need to do to comply with the Association’s obligations under the policy.



Vintage Estates is in the heart of Doral, a beautiful and luxurious HOA that exudes elegance and sophistication. The community boasts a plethora of amenities that can be considered a five-star spa experience. As you enter the gates, you are welcomed by lush tropical landscaping with an oasis-like atmosphere. The centerpiece of the community is the stunning resort-style pool, complete with a heated Jacuzzi and cabana-style furnishings for relaxation. The stateof-the-art fitness center is equipped with the latest exercise equipment and is surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows that offer breathtaking views of the pool and gardens. The kids' room and sauna are truly exceptional. The kids' room is designed with the utmost care and attention to detail, with vibrant colors and playful décor that create a fun and inviting atmosphere for children.

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The room is equipped with a range of toys, games, and activities that cater to children of all ages, ensuring they are entertained and engaged while their parents enjoy the other amenities offered. Additionally, our sauna is a haven of tranquility and relaxation, with sleek, modern décor and plush seating that invite you to unwind and rejuvenate. The sauna's state-of-the-art heating system ensures a consistently comfortable temperature, allowing you to bask in the warmth and tranquility of this luxurious space. Whether you are looking to entertain your children or relax and unwind after a long day, our kids' room and sauna are the perfect retreats for you and your family. This HOA truly sets the standard for sophisticated living in the heart of Doral.

Team Members

Edwin Abreu (CAM) Fidel Villamar (Janitor)


NEW CLIENTS Coronado Condominium Association, Inc. Number of Units: 760 Location: Aventura, FL Start Date: April 1, 2023 Description: The Coronado Condominium Association is a residential community located in Aventura, Florida. The community consists of three high-rise towers, each standing 27 stories tall, and offers a total of 760 units. Built-in 1975, Coronado Condominium Association offers a luxurious living experience in a prime location in Aventura, next to the wellknown Turnberry Golf Course with a range of amenities and services that cater to the needs of its residents.

Boca Grand Condominium Association, Inc. Number of Units: 164 Location: Boca Raton, FL Start Date: April 1, 2023 Boca Grand Condominium Association is a luxury residential community located in Boca Raton, Florida. The community was built in 2003 and offers a total of 164 units spread across nine floors. Boca Grand Condominium Association offers a luxurious living experience in a prime location in Boca Raton, with a range of amenities and services that cater to the needs of its residents.



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