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April Newsletter

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APRIL 2016
Nº 156 · ABRIL/APRIL 2016 Tus manos libres para lo que de verdad importa. Descubre tu perfil solar Soluciones ZEISS Outdoor. Protección solar para

CURRICULUM VITAE April, 2015 Nora C. England Address: Department of Linguistics 305 E 23rd St Mail Code B5100 University of Texas at Austin Austin, T

Story Transcript

Sharing Space Reflections on Lent By Rev. Dr. Christopher Greene The Great Fifty Days of Easter begins on Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023. We will celebrate the triumph of Christ over the powers of sin and death through proclamation, music, sacrament and prayer, while surrounded by the beauty of the season. But it’s only the beginning! Easter is fifty days. The Easter season is about living into the new reality of the resurrected Christ. The shocking news that death is not the end of the story takes some reorientation to begin to understand the implications of such a transformative and profound truth. So, Eastertide is where we let this knowledge wash over us, and we begin, with joy, to embrace this new way of living!

Everything is different now. We will never be the way we were before. We have all heard these statements, usually from a place of regret or sadness. But applied to Easter, these become statements of hope. The epistle of 1 Peter states, “By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3).

Our Easter series, “An Enduring, Living Hope” will help us explore this hope and to know it well enough to recognize it when we encounter it in our own community. Our readings will focus on the epistle and psalm texts to give us a flavor of both the understanding and the experience of hope. So, join us for this journey through the Great Fifty Days of Easter and into the new world of a living hope that is ours in the resurrection as we give thanks to God.

BEING SEEKER SENSITIVE THIS EASTER Holy Week is often a time seekers (an unchurched person who is seeking Christ) look to the church for the first time, or for the first time in a long time. This year, be encouraged to step-out in faith and invite those in your circle who may not have a home church to visit New Beginnings. Your invitation may be the only they receive this year and could be the catalyst for a life-changing relationship with Jesus. The graphic above will be shared on our social media platforms to raise awareness in our community about our Holy Week services. By doing so, we can reach all of the one thousand followers on our social channels. However, our reach is substantially amplified by members who share our posts to their own social media pages. Consider sharing this graphic to your page whenever you see it on our social media. Together, we can do more!

"With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God's grace was so powerfully at work in them all."- Acts 4:33

DEEPEN YOUR CONNECTION @ NB April offers several opportunities to deepen your connection at New Beginnings. Consider joining one, or all: •

“Jesus’ Table”, a community meal open to all, will be offered on April 4 at 11:30 am.

Lunch Bunch will meet twice in April, on the 5 and on the 19. Please bring a snack to share on the 19, lunch will be provided on the 5.

J.O.Y, or Just Older Youth, is hosting a Hymn Sing on April 16 at 6:00 pm. Everyone is welcome! Participants are encouraged to bring a snack to share.

The Congregational Care Team will hold a meeting on April 18 at 6:00 pm. The team is deeply involved in the care and support of New Beginnings members and staff and would warmly welcome new members to the team. This meeting will be held in the church office, so please be encouraged to attend if you feel called to get involved.

“Dinner and a Movie” will be offered on April 20 at 6 pm. RSVP to Melissa Lusk: [email protected]

SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES @ NB The apostle Paul once remarked that a church grows when all of the members do their share. It is our goal to have every member of New Beginnings connected and engaged in the energy, excitement, and responsive living of our faith community. Serving is yet another way to deepen your connection to the church, below are two of the current opportunities at NB.

Recently, the kind volunteer who had been handling our prayer list each week has stepped away from serving, creating the need for a replacement manager for the prayer list. The prayer list manager checks on prayer requests through the prayer list email and through the communication cards each week before compiling the requests into a PDF and emailing to members. Perhaps this is a calling you can fulfill? If so, please contact the church office. A weekly copy of the prayer list will be unavailable until a new prayer list manager is found and trained. In the interim, please contact Pastor Christopher with essential prayer concerns.

Our Security Team hopes to add a few additional members to the rotation. Members of the security team serve on Sunday mornings during Worship and Sunday School, walking the campus, monitoring the cameras, and responding to any concerns. If you are interested in becoming a member of the security team, please contact Mark Phillips at [email protected]

Other volunteer opportunities are always available. Contact the office to learn more!

UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Trustees Update: Trustees voted to lease the soccer field to Libertas Academy for this upcoming school year. 3 or 4 modular buildings will be placed on the soccer field from May 1st of this year through July 2024. This is a great community partnership and it is our prayer this will draw more families to our church. We also trimmed back Crepe Myrtles and made minor repairs throughout the property

Congregational Care Update: We are so happy to welcome Monea Hines as the newest member to join the Congregational Care Team! Monea will be a great asset to the team with her in-depth knowledge of New Beginnings and her giving and positive attitude.

Trustees meet as needed

A big shout-out to the 29 individuals who signed up to provide food items and assist with serving and table/chair setup and teardown for Bereavement Meals. We have an awesome church family who supports their fellow congregants and their families when they need it the most. Thank you!

Finance Update: Finance hopes to find a Fundraising President for this year. Could this be your calling? Contact Phyllis Shropshier to learn more at [email protected]

Congregational Care meets on the third Tuesday of every month

Finance will next meet on April 23

Missions Update: We had a fantastic turnout for our recent Craft and Vendor Fair. It was a huge success and vendors were so impressed with the level of help they received from the church and with how smoothly things went. A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success!

Jesus’ Table Update: We continue to get more new people to eat and also new workers every month. Both are a blessing! We are usually serving 50+ meals, nearly half of these are togo meals for shut-ins. Our next meal will be April 4 from 11:30– 1:00 pm. Needs for this meal include 1lb bags of cooked spaghetti, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and green peppers. If you can donate any of these items, please contact Sue Miller at [email protected]

Missions will next meet on April 17

SPRC Update: SPRC is updating the job description for the Director of Music Ministry with intention to post it soon. Please refer interested parties to our Pastor for further information. SPRC will next meet on May 9

Women’s Ministry Update: The Women’s Small Group continues to meet on Thursday at 6 and we welcome others to join us. We’re reading Being Mary in a Martha World which has prompted good discussion. We also serve in many other capacities and grow in our faith. Women’s Ministry meets weekly on Thursdays

Worship Planning Team Update: Please take a moment next time you are at the church to pick-up an “invitation card.” This tool was designed to give you a sharable for inviting a friend or neighbor to attend New Beginnings. Cards are located at the Welcome Center and in the office. We encourage all members to park in front of the church, if possible, during Maundy Thursday and Easter services. Parking in the front creates a more welcoming visual to newcomers. However, we’d like to encourage you to park at the back of the church on Good Friday so that space is available at the front for cluster service visitors who wouldn’t know about the back lot. Thank you for doing your part to provide a warm welcome to both members and guests this Easter!



Kidlink K3-5th

6-12th Grade

Club 456 Gathering:

United Youth Sunday Nights:

4th-6th graders are invited to join the next Club 456 gathering on April 19 from 6-8 pm.

We will not meet on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday but will be together again April 16. God is surely moving through United Youth! Come Join us!

Easter Eggs: Please return all filled Easter Eggs by April 6. Thank you for helping provide a wonderful experience for our KidLink friends and families!

Easter Egg Hunt: Join us April 8 at 12:00 pm for the KidLink Easter Egg Hunt. Invite friends and neighbors to join us, everyone is welcome!

United Youth Newsletter: Did you know United Youth sends a weekly newsletter? Email Rev. Maggie if you’d like to be on the distribution list.

United Youth Social Media: Follow “United Youth Spartanburg” on Facebook and “Unitedyouthspartanburg” on Instagram

Youth Sunday Youth Sunday will be May 7 at Silver Hill UMC. This is a chance for the youth from 7+ churches to lead worship together for our congregations and for us to be encouraged by the faith and service of our young people. The service will begin at 5:00 pm and dinner will follow at 6:00 pm. All are invited to come and worship in this connectional service. Please keep each of the youth in your prayers as we prepare for worship!

Youth Meals: If you or your small group/Sunday school class wants to provide the meal one Sunday evening, email Rev. Maggie at [email protected].

For more information on Children’s Ministry,

For more information on Youth Ministry,

contact Susan Blackwood at

Contact Rev. Maggie Cantey at

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sunday School 9:45am

Congregational Care Prayer and Care Requests

Fellowship Class Study of Foundations

To submit a prayer or care request:

Leader: Cathy Blair

• Email to [email protected]

Room 4, M & M Center

• Write them on the Sunday Bulletin Communication Card. • Visit the Prayer tab on our website. If you want to pray for concerns please send an e-mail to:

Foundation Class

[email protected] to be added to the list.

Study of Acts Leader: Jeanne Mitchell

Congregational Care Team

Room 6, M & M Center

Michele Kinker [email protected] Angela Duckworth [email protected] Jean Jansen [email protected] Amy Mathiason [email protected]

Living By Grace Class Class will not meet at this time– plan to resume at a later date.

To contact a member of Congregational Care Team for prayer concerns or requests for care, please send an email to: [email protected]

Live It Class Study of Miracles Leader: Brad Lusk Room 7, M & M Center

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Prayer shawls for anyone who is seriously ill or going through a serious life challenge. 864-599-1303

Weathering the Storm - Young Adults

Class will not meet at this time– plan to

experiencing a life challenge or crisis.

resume at a later date.

Our Staff

Stephen Ministry: Christian care for those


Rev. Dr. J. Christopher Greene

Lead Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Maggie Cantey

Associate Pastor for Student Ministry [email protected]

Susan Blackwood

Director of Children’s Ministry

[email protected]

Sarah Pruitt

Communications Lead

[email protected]

Richey Blackwood

Praise Team Leader

[email protected]

Tonya Miller

Church Administrator

[email protected]

Get in touch


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