Client Newsletter - March 2023 Flipbook PDF

Client Newsletter - March 2023

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Story Transcript

ISSUE 47 : MARCH 2023



WHAT’S INSIDE SOL AMORIM BECOMES THE FIRST PERSON TO RECIEVE A PRINCIPLE STAR AWARD!!! This month, OnePrinciple were delighted to sit down with Sol Amorim and inform her that she was the first ever Principle employee to receive our STAR Award. In early March, John Anderson-Dixon, contacted Sol Amorim, explaining that a member in his family wasn’t very well and they wanted to do something special for him at The Shard. To read more see pages 36 - 37 >>>

CAMELIA PASCU IS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY! Camelia Pascu was nominated by the client for her incredible efforts and going above and beyond her job role. She is an incredibly deserving winner! To find out why, see pages 34 - 35 >>>

SAVE OUR SERVICES YO YO U U RR SS U U PP PP O O RR TT We need your help more than ever. The cost-of-living crisis has devastated our families at what is already the most challenging time of their lives. Without financial support, we will not be able to provide this vital palliative and respite care, and these families will endure further hardship.

O OU U RR JJ O O BB II SS C CA A RR II N NG G Our job is caring for and supporting children with life-limiting illnesses. Our absolute priority is to look after these children and their families. But we are struggling. Without your support, we will be unable to continue our essential work. We currently care for 188 children and support their families – without your vital donations, this level of care is impossible, and children will suffer.

PP LL EE A A SS EE D DO ON N AT AT EE Please donate to this crucial cause, and know how grateful we are for your kindness, compassion and continued support. Join the Richard House journey, where we give hope, dignity, and care to these children today and every day.

Help Richard House Children’s Hospice by challenging yourself and your team...

SS K KY Y D D II V V EE SS If a sky dive is on your bucket list, or you are an adrenaline junkie, throw yourself out of a plane for a good cause and raise £395 for seriously ill children in London. You can pick the date you sky dive, but it is subject to weather and safety precautions. Sign up with the Richard House Fundraising Team at [email protected]

TT O OU UG GH H M MU UD DD D EE RR We have spaces and places in Tough Mudders across London, where your target is to raise £300 for charity while testing your strength and stamina. North London (Finsbury Park) – 15th and 16th April. Option of 5km or 10km race London West (Culden Faw) – 6th and 7th May. Option of 10km or 15km race London South (Holmbush Estate) – 23rd and 24th September. Option of 5km, 10km or 15km race. Sign up with the Richard House Fundraising Team at [email protected]

Donate to Richard House! Click below to donate via OnePrinciple’s Just Giving page


FUTUREDREAMS BREAST HEALTH MASTERCLASS Future Dreams Support and Awareness Ambassador, Amanda Hanison, leads the Breast Health Masterclasses. She was diagnosed nine years ago and shares how she discovered she had the disease. Speaking about the subject in the workplace reminds everyone that it is not a taboo subject- and not a disease confined to women only. 1 in 400 men will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime. As a result of the Breast Health Masterclass some attendees have gone on to spot a symptom they may have otherwise ignored. Like Jane from the Metropolitan Police who told Future Dreams:

What seemed like a good idea, turned out to be a lifesaver. Making the time to join your masterclass was one of the most important decisions I have ever made, probably the most important as it turned out. Watching the highly interesting, informative and well-delivered session meant I caught my breast cancer early. I’ve now had surgery to remove the cancer and I’m about to start radiotherapy, all within weeks of making that decision to take a lunch break and learn properly about regularly checking your breasts. Amanda is looking forward to the Future Dreams Breast Health Masterclass with Principle Cleaning and will leave the floor open for questions and conversation afterwards.


WHY CHECKING YOUR BREASTS CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE Checking your breast tissue every month should become part of everybody’s well-being routine. But first you have to know what to look for. We often hear that it is important to check our breasts, but do you really know what the signs and symptoms of breast cancer are? The first symptom of breast cancer that most patients notice is a lump or an area of thickened tissue in their breast. The good news is most breast lumps are not cancerous, but you should never ignore them and always have them checked by a doctor to make sure. You should also see your GP if you spot any changes in your breast tissue or any of the following signs: A change in the size or shape of one or both breasts A discharge of fluid from either of your nipples A lump or swelling in either of your armpits A change in the look or feel of your skin, such as puckering or dimpling, a rash or redness A rash (like eczema), crusting, scaly or itchy skin or redness on or around your nipple A change in the appearance of your nipple, such as becoming sunken into your breast It is important to not just check your breasts by touch but to look at them in the mirror. Become familiar with them so you can be aware of anything that looks or feels different. Check them at the same time every month as your breasts may look or feel different at different times. Knowing your normal will allow you to notice any changes as soon as possible. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK with one woman diagnosed every 10 minutes. Every day 150 people are diagnosed with breast cancer. 1 in 7 women will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime. In the UK, there are 370 new male breast cases a year. Early detection and diagnosis saves lives. 23% of breast cancer cases are preventable. 3 in 4 women diagnosed with breast cancer in England survive their disease for 10 years or more. Breast cancer survival is improving and has doubled in the past 40 years in the UK due to a combination of improvements in treatment and care, earlier detection through screening and a focus on targets, including faster diagnosis.


y r e v o c Dis



Old Spitalfields Market (SP4C) and Borough Market (SE1 9AG) Do you have a sweet tooth? Then you will love Humble Crumble, the world’s first crumble bar. Humble Crumble takes the traditional Sunday food to the next level in a favourite London location. Available all week long at Old Spitalfields Market and at Borough Market. Humble Crumble makes delicious, artisan crumbles that taste as good as they look from £5.50.

WALLACE COLLECTION Hertford House, Manchester Square, London W1U 3BN The Wallace Collection is probably an art museum you’ve not yet visited. Big mistake! For even the casual art enthusiast will be impressed and fall in love with how easy it is to navigate and experience. The collection is beyond impressive with 17th, 18th and 19th century furniture, paintings, sculptures, and so much more. The museum is open to the public free of charge seven days a week.

DO DO YOU YOU TRAVEL TRAVEL TO TO LONDON LONDON BY BY TRAIN? TRAIN? Get 2FOR1 on many outdoor London Attractions with your nation rail ticket by clicking here!

DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR FREE / CHEAP PLACES TO VISIT IN LONDON? Click here to have your submission in the OnePrinciple newsletter!





ARE YOU FOLLOWING US ON SOCIAL MEDIA? In our One Principle Ambassador workshop we discovered that a lot of you do not know about Principle’s social media. We post across many platforms including Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and, most recently; TikTok. For Principle, we need as many followers on these platforms as possible and the best way to do this is to get you, all our staff, behind our efforts. You can help us in many ways, starting by following each of our platforms and liking our content. Have a look at the list below of the things that you can do to help us reach more people: » Follow every Principle account » Like all our posts » Comment on our content, what do you like about that post? » Share our posts on your stories or your page » Tell your colleagues about what we are posting so they can do all of the above themselves Click each logo below to go straight to our social media platforms:


DO YOU WANT TO STAR IN PRINCIPLE’S TIKTOKS? We’re looking for staff around the business - all teams are welcome to apply - to star in our social media videos. Is this something you’d like to take part in? To find out more and to let us know you’re interested please email us at: [email protected]



2nd April is

WORLD AUTISM AWA R E N E S S D AY On 2nd April 2023, it is World Autism Awareness Day and the day is to encourage raising awareness about autism and supporting research to improve wellness and inclusion. In 1911 the term “autism” was first used by psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler who used it to describe a cluster of symptoms, which were previously described as symptoms of schizophrenia, due to social withdrawal. In 1944, an article was published by Hans Asperger who stated that autism is “a disorder of normal intelligent children who have difficulties with social and communication skills”. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is 4.3 times more prevalent in boys than in girls as some girls tend to be undiagnosed as they do not fit the autism stereotypes and mask their symptoms more than boys do.


To s u p p o r t t h e d a y , you can do the following




Share diverse stories of people on the spectrum or tell your own story

Encourage acceptance, understanding and inclusion with acts of kindness and create a world where people with autism can reach their full potential

Learn the different ways you can fundraise



On 7th April 2023, it will be World Health Day, which is a global health awareness day and is celebrated each year. The day was first created in 1948 by the WHO (World Health Organisation). Since 1950, each year there has been a different theme to celebrate the day and the theme is chosen based on suggestions from governments throughout the world. To celebrate 75 years of World Health Day, the theme this year is “Health for All”. The day will focus on nurses and midwives and the role they play in providing health care. The day also aims to raise awareness to give people access to healthcare without the prospect of financial hardship, irrespective of what country they live in.




FAC T S of social and health workers are women



people survive on

£1.58 or less a day

6.6 MILLION children die around the world

due to weak healthcare systems

In 2017, 800 million people spent a good proportion of their household budget on healthcare




Safety Champions have returned, meeting for the first time this year at our Head Office on Thursday 23rd February. A lot of new members have joined the team as some of the previous ones had been promoted! We are always delighted to see people improve and move forward in their careers so we wish them all the best of luck and we welcome the new members with lots of new perspectives for them too. The champions had a fun afternoon learning about RIDDORs, playing Safety Bingo and doing their own H&S awareness posters! Congratulations to Marcela, Adna, Robert, Deise and Monic who won the competition!

AT T E N D E E S M a rcel a M u n a r

C átia Pi n a

A d n a C osta

Ro sa Gi ng a o

Ro b ert Bal asa D ei se Si l va

Lu ís Tei xei ra Ag n i eszka M aj ka

M o n i c Fu rtad o

Greg o ria Tei xei ra

Fl o rb el a C o rreia

O sca r M i n a

M a ri n al va So u sa

A ug u sti n e Frazer

J o h n Lozad a

D i ova n y G u i m a ra es

J avi er M u n oz 14



With Martin Reges

On joining Principle back in 2016 my initial role was as a Window Cleaner at 25 Ropemaker, this was when one of our now General Managers was the Site Supervisor. After a couple of months I was promoted to supervisor level and this is where my initial interest and journey into H&S began. As a Working Supervisor, I was now much more involved in the safety procedures and processes and of course the responsibility of my colleagues. This change in role gave me the opportunity to enhance and improve the current safe systems wherever possible while gaining an invaluable insight and understanding of the industry first hand. After being on site for eighteen months, I was considered for, and offered the position as a Vertical Manager at The Shard, an iconic London landmark building. Mobilising a site such as The Shard was an exciting opportunity and it furthered my interest in safety even more and it was around this time that I embarked on my first safety qualification, my NEBOSH General Certificate. Working closely with our client to improve both theirs and our safety systems and procedures while developing a robust and positive culture was initially a daunting prospect but one that I enjoyed and I was involved in resolving a number of challenging situations. I worked as a Vertical Manager for a period of 5 years and as each year passed, I was getting more and more involved in H&S while expanding my operational knowledge. Due to the complex nature of the operations at The Shard I slowly started to become involved in the mobilisation and reviewing of other Principle locations. We can now fast forward a few years and in late 2022 I joined the Principle H&S team as the Vertical Safety & Compliance Manager. Due to the organic growth of the vertical division it was identified that a dedicated health and safety resource was required to help with this growing demand. Having ‘been on the tools’ and worked as a Window Cleaner and in operations, I concluded that this grounding and understanding of the challenges faced every day, on every shift, by my colleagues out in the


operational field it made for a valuable background together with my health and safety knowledge to be right person for this role. The understanding of the operational side of window cleaning and its physical and operational demands allows me to look at the safety procedures from a different perspective than others may have. There are health and safety professionals who have worked with us on different projects in the past but I noticed that in many cases, these people would have no first hand experience with the task. A task that was being reviewed by someone who had never been in an operator's position. The scenarios proposed were often unrealistic even though the procedures were compliant with all relevant regulations, and this is when I decided that I wanted to bring a different dimension to being a working at height safety professional. As a person who has the actual operational knowledge and working experience of the tasks, I wanted to create procedures that are not only safe and compliant with the relevant regulations, but also if possible, make the procedures easier for our teams. But health and safety is not only about safety procedures, I believe Principle has a positive H&S culture in the division which we are always looking to improve by adopting a programme of continual improvement. One of the initiatives introduced is a bespoke internal audit focused on the vertical side of business, of which I designed the audit template. Through this audit we are looking to assess our procedures, to make sure they work as well for our window cleaners as they do for our management. Also, as the majority of our contracts are managed by our horizontal managers with limited experience in window cleaning, the in-house working at height training was developed in order to demystify and remove the ‘fear factor’ associated with working at height. Now, there is plenty of work ahead of us to reach the vision we are aiming for but I believe that with joint effort, it can be achieved.





The team at the television centre have been doing some incredible work going above and beyond to help the local community all in their own time. In February, Dawn Brown, from a local community centre near TVC, reached out to Sabrina Feitor and the Principle team and asked for their help cleaning their floors. These floors had not been properly cleaned in a long time which meant this was going to be a much harder task than the team anticipated. Clara Mantuani, Assistant Account Manager, began speaking to the team to see if anyone would be willing to volunteer their time to such a cause. Within seconds members of the team were offering their services and time stepping forward to help. When Joaquim Fonseca, Samantha Mantovan and David Barreto arrived at the centre they soon realised this wouldn't be a quick task, but without a second thought began getting stuck in mopping, buffing and polishing the floors. On the first day the team started work at the community centre after their normal shifts with Principle starting at 5.00 pm and finishing around 10.00 pm. By the end of this first shift, the team realised that someone would need to come back the following day to complete the work. Joaquim put himself forward and wanted to polish it again the next day, purchasing some of the cleaning products himself, all to ensure the work was done to the highest standard. Joaquim spent 5-6 hours at the centre himself buffing and polishing the floor. After speaking with the team it has become apparent they would happily do work like this again and they highly recommend other teams to volunteer their services like this to those who need it.

The team at TVC have been doing some fantastic things in the past year and have set themselves some very ambitious targets for the next 12 months that I have no doubt they will achieve under the leadership of Sabrina and Clara. They have all been very passionate about helping the local community and how they can support local charities. The recent clean of the community centre shows how much they are willing to give back and everyone at Principle is very proud of their achievements.

Russell Southern - Account Director

I just would like to say thank you to you and the team, As you know may or may not know we are a non profit community centre for the residents and the community in general. You have helped us out brilliantly with your team scrubbing and polishing our main hall. Your team are truly professional and it looks wonderful. Thank you we appreciate all you have done! The floor really wasn’t in good shape but now it’s perfect. I would like to also thank Justin Waylen who really does look after us as a community, Sabrina Feitor who has arranged this and Clara Mantuani who without her input and leadership would not have had this done.

Dawn Brown - Community Centre



Wh at is t h e H i d d en D i sa b i l i ti e s S u n f low er ? The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is a simple tool for you to voluntarily share that you have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent – and that you may need a helping hand, understanding, or more time in shops, at work, on transport, or in public spaces.

Mak in g t h e i nvi si bl e vi si b l e As diverse as these conditions are, so are your individual access needs and the barriers you face in your daily life. So you can opt to wear the Sunflower to discreetly be seen in shops, at work, on transport, or in public spaces.

J ust becau s e yo u ca n’t se e i t, doesn ’ t me a n i t i s no t there While some of us experience a disability that is visible, many have a nonvisible condition or experience a combination of both visible and non-visible conditions. These disabilities can be temporary, situational or permanent. They can be neurological, cognitive and neurodevelopmental as well as physical, visual, auditory and include sensory and processing difficulties. They can also be respiratory as well as chronic health conditions such as arthritis and diabetes, chronic pain and sleep disorders.


D I D YO U KNOW? Globally 1 in 7 of us live with a disability. That is approximately 1.3 billion people.


C L I M AT E C H A N G E Save up to 40% on a brand new electric car Choose from the best range of electric cars.

The whole package Car, charger, energy, insurance, servicing, maintenance, breakdown cover and tyres.

Free home charger If you have off-street parking. If you don’t, we’ll give you 4,000 miles of free public charging credit from Electric Universe.

First 4,00 miles free When you switch your energy to Intelligent Octopus. Or with public charging from Electric Universe.

Play your part Help the fight against climate change.


THE CLEANING SHOW 2023 The Cleaning Show is always a really insightful event and we were delighted that so many of our team were able to visit, along with panel representation from Principle’s Director of People and Culture - Lilia Lamberto and Commercial Director - Matt Kuwertz. The topics of tech and data are a primary focus for Principle as we continue to push the boundaries and enhance our offering to customers so it was only right that Lilia and Matt joined the CSSA panels to discuss technology creating career opportunities and data driving positive change. Many of our team also took part in the (also CSSA hosted) Rising Star debate on whether data-led cleaning is overcomplicating the traditional method. Being a responsible business is something we’re always conscious of so members of our team were keen to contribute to the topic ‘Is chemical free solution the best way forwards?’. Additionally, and in collaboration with the Cleaning Show, the WFBSC held their Global Executive Summit (GES) which was attended by CEO Tom Lloyd and Chairman and Founder - Douglas Cooke. The Shangri-La Hotel event was opened and closed by Douglas and Tom was on the panel discussing challenges facing the cleaning industry. Other sessions within the program included industry transition, sustainability and digital business opportunities for the Building Service Contracting industry. We hope it was a beneficial event for everyone who attended over the three days!


FOOD WASTE ACTION WEEK 6th - 12th March 2023 The 6th March marked the start of Food Waste Action Week; climate action charity group, WRAP’s third annual campaign. Reducing food waste can save time, money and most importantly minimise the impact it has on climate change so this year’s focus is ‘Win. Don’t Bin.’. Thank you to everyone who came to learn more about how we can tackle food waste together at Solar House and to Daisy for making amazing banana bread (to demonstrate what yumminess can be produced from ingredients that might ordinarily have been thrown away)! We covered the basics of food waste - including some shocking food waste statistics - as well as the most commonly wasted foods, good food habits (during which we discovered some of our team are freezing lots of varying foods that many wouldn’t have thought of), labelling and portion sizes. At the end of the workshop everyone placed a ‘Guardian of Grub’ pledge on the whiteboard so it was an hour very well spent! Well done all! Below are some businesses fighting food waste:


Producing food requires significant land, energy and water resources. In fact, food production and consumption amounts to around 30% of global carbon emissions.

Every year, more than 6 million tonnes of edible food is thrown away in the UK. Almost three quarters is food that could have been eaten.

25% is wasted due to cooking or serving too much. This costs UK households £3.5 billion each year. 25

OnePrinciple Virtual Running Club We can run as ONE! The OnePrinciple Virtual Running Club, where members get to run as and when they want, with the support and engagement of running with a group...

Week Commencing 27th February Rank






Andre Marques

26.1 km


8.1 km


André Loureiro

21.3 km


11.3 km


David Israel Arevalo Perez

9.3 km


9.3 km


Miguel Angel Holguin

8.0 km


8.0 km


Scott Fitzgerald

6.9 km


6.9 km


Douglas Cooke

6.8 km


6.8 km

Week Commencing 6th March Rank






David Israel Arevalo Perez

10.5 km


10.5 km


Bruno Alexandrino

10.3 km


5.3 km

Week Commencing 13th March Rank






David Israel Arevalo Perez

10.0 km


10.0 km


Bruno Alexandrino

5.5 km


5.5 km


Andre Marques

5.2 km


5.2 km


André Loureiro

5.0 km


5.0 km


Miguel Angel Holguin

4.3 km


4.3 km

Week Commencing 20th March Rank






André Loureiro

10.0 km


5.0 km


David Israel Arevalo Perez

9.9 km


9.9 km


Miguel Angel Holguin

5.3 km


5.3 km


Scott Fitzgerald

5.2 km


5.2 km

If you would like to get involved then click here to join → 28

We are currently looking for staff who are willing to take on extra hours... Do you want some extra hours yourself? Or know someone who does?

Click here to apply

Absence Cover

Holiday Cover


Antonietta Magaldi in the spotlight This is Antonietta and she is a part of the Health and Safety team working alongside them as the dedicated Safety and Compliance Resource on the Savills contract. Antionetta has been with Principle for a few years now, starting her journey as a Supervisor moving into other roles such as Events Coordinator and Assistant Manager. Now being a part of the Health and Safety team, Antionetta expressed how delighted she is. The Health and Safety team was a team Antionetta had always wanted to be a part of, so when she was finally approached to work alongside them, she was thrilled. Antonietta explained ‘I am happy to help, we are a team, it doesn’t matter the shift, the size of the team, contract or location we are all there to support each other’. Russell Southern, Account Director, described Antonietta as ‘someone who always goes above and beyond in order to deliver a first class support to the Savills contract’. During her time at Savills Antionetta has been fantastic in helping support the teams, delivering BICS training to all team members within a couple of days. Antonietta gave up her time to carry out this training starting at 4am, finishing late and even coming in over the weekends to ensure everyone has been covered. Antonietta has also been a massive help with the WorkFit programme at 71 Fenchurch Street where she has come to attend training and complete site risk assessments to make sure the programme could start without delay.


‘‘Antionetta is someone who always goes above and beyond in order to deliver a first class support to the Savills contract’’.

‘‘I am happy to help, we are a team, it doesn’t matter the shift, the size of the team, contract or location we are all there to support each other’’.

In addition to this Antonietta also attends the Hive in Wembley regularly to carry out training with the team and has made great relationships with the clients. Russell shared that ‘she is certainly an asset to your team and an invaluable member to Principle’. Outside of working at Principle, Antonietta loves her art. Since a young age, Antonietta has enjoyed painting. When she was in Italy she focused a lot on her artwork and decided to continue it as a hobby and occasionally she was commissioned for specific painting jobs which brought her a lot of joy. Alongside this Antonietta describes herself as very sporty, cycling everywhere possible and taking part in running competitions for charity. She tries to get others who perhaps are not very active or don’t enjoy running involved to help raise money, so if you have considered running for charity, Antonietta is the person to go to!

33 33


Employee Of The Month for February Camelia Pascu 22 Bishopsgate

How do you feel about winning employee of the month? Camelia - ‘I feel like I have won the oscars in cleaning! I feel so good and I am happy.’

Why does Camelia deserve this award? Ben - ‘I think Camelia’s relationship with the client is really good and it makes a difference. You make the clients feel elated and at ease, your communication is also great as you are chatty and it makes you, even more, a part of the team and friendly. I just think you are very good at your job, you went above and beyond to take care of the showers and you deserve this nomination and award.’

You nomination came from the client, how does this make you feel? Camelia - ‘I am doubly happy about this. I have a very good relationship with the client, almost friends. He always asks me if I am okay, he is so human and looks at me and the team as people not just cleaners, it makes this job the best.’

Is there anything you’d like to add or share with everyone? Camelia - ‘It is not about working hard one day, it is about working hard every day. I do what I need to do, but I try to do my best, even if I am not feeling 100% that day. This is my responsibility and I wouldn’t want to go home without doing my job properly. I like working at 22 Bishopsgate. I love my team and I think it’s important to have a good relationship with them. Here at 22 when you make mistakes, the team and clients are always so kind and understanding. I come to work so happy, I know you won’t believe it, but I really do because I feel okay here, I feel like I am privileged.’


Sol Amorim

S TA R AWA R D This month, OnePrinciple were delighted to sit down with Sol Amorim and inform her that she was the first ever Principle employee to receive our STAR Award. The STAR Award has been created to honour those who go above and beyond their job description to do something kind, selfless and outstanding.


In early March, John Anderson-Dixon, Portfolio Director, contacted Sol Amorim, Housekeeping & Quality Manager - Shard Quarter, explaining that a member in his family, wasn't very well and they wanted to do something special for him at The Shard. After chatting with John in more depth about his family, it became apparent that this family member used a wheelchair and would struggle finding a parking space. Without a second thought Sol contacted the client at The Shard to see if they had anything in place to ensure John’s family could arrive comfortably and park somewhere without any hassle. This could have been enough of a kind gesture to give but Sol took it upon herself to go further knowing John's family member was terminally ill. Sol expressed that she wanted to do more for John’s family during this difficult time and arranged free tickets to the View of the Shard for them. Though this wasn't an easy task, Sol knew she wanted to make this happen for John and his family. When asked why she carried out such an extraordinary act Sol responded ‘I think that with power comes responsibility, so if I have the power to help someone, why not? I think it is our responsibility to help people and we just need someone to listen to our issues sometimes and take the feelings on board. We are human beings and we should all help each other and I know John would have done the same for me’. John shared with us the following ‘My family memeber has recently been diagnosed with having terminal cancer, which came as a huge shock. The selfless act shown by Sol allowed us to create precious memories as a family that we will treasure forever. He spent most of his working life working in central London and it was lovely to hear his stories and for him to point out the iconic landmarks. I would just like to extend a huge thank you to Sol, for arranging two tickets to access The Shard and the associated parking. If you could pass on our gratitude to Sol it would be much appreciated. It truly was a magical day and one we will cherish as a family.’ Having received this special recognition from Principle, Sol has described herself as feeling ‘very honoured’ and revealed she really wasn't expecting this. Sol didn't believe what had happened was a big deal and described this act as a ‘gesture from the heart’ making her incredibly deserving of this award. Congratulations on your magnificent efforts to help John and thank you for being such a compassionate member of the Principle team!

REWARD & RECOGNITION NOMINATE YOUR STAFF Every nominee gets a hand written and signed thank you card delivered to them personally by their manager. The OnePrinciple Steering group evaluates the nominees each month and decides on a winner. Employee of the month to receive a framed certificate signed by all the directors and a £75 Love2Shop voucher. All winners get invited to an annual awards ceremony involving all directors and senior management. Employee of the year to receive a significant prize (European flight (return!) / ipad etc)

ALEENA HEMBYA CBRE VISA BASINGSTOKE We would like to say a huge thank you to Aleena who always delivers a great job at Visa Basingstoke. Her positive attitude, hard work, willingness to go the extra mile are genuinely appreciated and really stand out! Andre Ferreira | Account Manager

JULIAN TANGARIFE 52 LIME STREET Julian’s support and kindness on site is very much appreciated. He is always the first to help. We are very lucky to have him on site and wish him a very successful future. Ramune Klimaviciene | Account Manager

ADNA DA COSTA WALT DISNEY Adna is an absolute ray of sunshine and a huge asset to our team! Her can-do attitude, patience, understanding, ability to lead, and capability to communicate and network with others in an authentic and personable manner is admirable. I always feel confident that a task will be completed and a high standard will be met when Adna is involved. A true and rare gem! Jess Knight | Walt Disney Facilities & Workplace Coordinator



ANN LAWRENCE LLOYD’S OF LONDON Ann has been working with us for over four years, as a Full Time Supervisor at Fidentia House in Chatham. Ann has an excellent relationship with the client and the team. Her proactive approach is an extraordinary quality that strengthens our team. We can always count on her and she is available and flexible to help whenever we need it. That sets a great example and encourages other team members to be supportive. Ann, everyone on our team respects you for being a great leader, always kind and helpful. We wanted to thank you for the amazing job you have been doing and we are proud to hear the client’s feedback. Robert Frost - Lloyd’s Datacentre Delivery Manager said, “I’d like to give a shout out to Ann who has been helping us to clear out the huge pile of empty laptop cardboard boxes from our areas at Fidentia House. She has disposed of as many as she can for us this week and has undertaken to dispose of the remaining boxes once the cardboard bin is emptied next week. I realise that disposing of 180+ empty cardboard boxes is not part of Ann’s usual day-to-day work, but she was happy to dispose of these boxes for us, promptly, and with a professional attitude”. | Lloyd’s Management Team


GUSTAVO ARCO MORALES HERON TOWER Gustavo is always willing to help and never complains when changes ocurr with work. Thank you Gustavo! Osvaldo Nobrega | Account Manager

CLAYTON CARVALHO HEAD OFFICE COMMERICAL DEPARTMENT Clayton is a friendly and resourceful support any time of the day. Clayton, along with the entire Commercial Department, has been extremely helpful. I couldn’t be more appriciative of the hard work that Clayton has had to put into keeping a very demanding client happy (and it’s still not over yet :)) Ana Sturzu | Account Manager

MARIA DOS SANTOS DE ALMEIDA CANADIAN HIGH COMMISSION Maria regularly goes above and beyond for our cleaning standards. She is a team worker, polite and charismatic. Everyone in our contract loves Maria. A true living legend. Johnny Sambato | Account Manager



ALEJANDRO TISCARENO & JAMIE HERRON LLOYD’S OF LONDON Alejandro and Jamie are part of Principle’s Mobile Abseiling team but provide a brilliant service to Lloyd’s of London. They have been helping us here at Lloyd’s with external glazing cleaning for a while now due to the BMU’s being under refurbishment and they are considered an integral part of the team. We are very grateful that they could help us during this time and they have an excellent reputation with Principle, nevertheless, the client is very satisfied with their work and always sends us wonderful feedback about their high level standards and their friendly approach. We can always count on their availability, flexibility and knowledge. They have changed their schedule several times to accommodate last minute requests to meet Lloyd’s business needs. Recently, an important event took place in our building and, as always, we could count on Alex and Jamie to complete the job on time and to the higher standards required, working after their normal shift hours. Thank you to Alex and Jamie, they always go above and beyond our expectations. We can always count on their help and availability, nothing is ever difficult for them. It has been a pleasure working with you both. Your efforts do not go unnoticed! Well done and thank you for your fantastic work! | Lloyd’s Management Team


80 FENCHURCH STREET TEAM 80 FENCHURCH STREET I wanted to share my thanks with you to the team here at 80Fen. We had a really important Client event yesterday – Gus and the team work so hard to help us prepare for these events and it does not go unnoticed. Their dedication to the building and their service delivery is outstanding. Please ensure this is noted in their records and if you can arrange a special thank you from PCS to the team here, I’m sure it would be warmly received. Well done to Maria Chasi, Gustavo Torres, Nelson Alvarez, Silvia Caiseletinand William Toscano! Lyndsey Poole | Facilities Manager Francesca Pacor Jordan | Assistant Facilites Manager








FIDELITY 4 CANNON STREET TEAM 4 CANNON STREET The team at Fidelity Cannon Street encountered a blockage that produced a large amount of sewerage to be backed up through the drains into the shower facility which was rather unpleasant. Three of the team at 4 Cannon Street (Fabiana, Daniella and Lucilene) were close to the incident and responded quickly. They grabbed their PPE and equipment and attended the scene to assist the on site engineers. They helped as much as they could and dropped everything (including their break) to help. The team were very professional and followed on site spillage response procedures. They wrapped the wet vacuums used in compactor sacks to ensure the machinery was kept isolated before it was sent off to be sanitized. They worked really hard in such unpleasant circumstances, whilst remaining professional and calm. The engineering team and the client at Fidelity have personally thanked the team but I really feel they need recognition for their outstanding work and commitment to their role. I am really proud to have Fabiana, Daniella and Lucilene on my team. Emma Ruff | Account Manager



ISSUE 47 : MARCH 2023

PUZZLE ANSWER Can you guess the film using emojis?




NEW PUZZLE Can you point out who’s who in these famous boy bands?

Which one is Roger Taylor?

Which one is John Lennon?

Which one is Simon Webbe?




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