INSECTA MUNDI, Vol. 14, No.4, December, 2000
Catalogue of the ectoparasitic insects of the bats of Argentina Analia G. Autino Consejo Nacional d
Story Transcript
The prosthetic of the dwelling Preservation is usually considered as an Endeavor to carefully protect History; the Object of Preservation being viewed as a treasure that cannot be touched. Just like Renaissance Architects considered the Human Body as the Measure of all things, this Project deals with a Damaged Buildings as Amputated Human
Bodies in need of a Prosthetic. The Keepers of the House an old Woman and an old Man on a Wheelchair, in the Quartier of Gemmayze. This “Jedo” and “Teta” decided to open a “house café” on their roof, serving home made goods. The Insertion of the Program is a Campaign to Raise Awareness about the Old Architecture and Vernacular Architecture that is now Endangered as well as the Forced Displacement of the Older Population from the Neighborhood and an attempt to Revive this Place through an Intervention to the Existing Building.
Unfolded Exterior Elevations of the Existing Building:
Unfolded Interior Elevations of the Existing Building: