THE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Welcome! ¡Bienvenidoss! Serving the Upper West Side Manhattan Valley and Morningside Heights communities since 1895. Sirvi

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THE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Welcome! ¡Bienvenidoss! Serving the Upper West Side Manhattan Valley and Morningside Heights communities since 1895. Sirviendo las comunidades del Upper West Side, Manhattan Valley y Morningside Heights desde 1895.

Rectory 221 West 107th Street New York, NY 10025 Phone: 212-222-0666 Fax: 212-961-1086

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 13, 2016

OMAR O. ORTIZ, PRINCIPAL 220 West 108th St. New York, NY 10025 Phone: 212-222-5161 Fax: 212-280-4690

[email protected]

Sacraments (English) Penance: Saturday 4-5pm

Pastoral Staff

Baptism: Second Saturday & third Sunday. Call the rectory, e-mail [email protected], or visit


Plans need to be made at least 6 weeks in advance.


CIPRIANO LANTIGUA Pastoral Associate

Parish Staff PRESTON SMITH Organist & Director of Music [email protected] JOHN NORELLI Business Manager [email protected]

Marriage: Please make arrangements in advance with the Pastor or a Priest.

Celebration of the Eucharist Saturdays 12:10pm (Spanish) 5:00pm (English)

Sundays 8:15am (English) 9:30am (Spanish)

6:15pm (Spanish)

11:00am(Choir) (English)

Weekdays Noon (English) 7:00pm (Spanish) 6:00pm Wednesday (English)

12:30pm (Spanish) 6:00pm (Jazz) (English)

YESENIA MORAN-LEZAMA Parish Secretary [email protected] RICARDO RIOS Head Custodian [email protected] ANGEL FALCON Space Rentals (non-party), Coordinator of Special Projects, Ad Hoc Advancement Initiatives, (212) 810–9004 or [email protected]

221 West 107th St. New York, NY 10025 Phone: 212-749-5938 Fax: 212-961-1086

Ascension School

Saturday and Sunday Sábado y Domingo 9:00am to 7:30pm Weekdays Los dias de semana OPEN: 9:00am to 12:30pm CLOSED 12:30 pm to 1:30pm OPEN: 1:30pm to 8:00pm

WARREN THOMAS Hospital Chaplain


[email protected]

Office Hours


Religious Education

Los Sacramentos (EEspañol) Penitencia: Sábado 4-5pm Bautizos: 2do Domingo y 3er Sábado del mes. Contacte la rectoria para detalles, email [email protected], o visite

Planificaciones tienen que ser 6 semanas por adelantación. Bodas: Favor de hacer arreglos con anticipación con el Párroco o sacerdote.

Ministry For The Sick/ Homebound We are anxious to help anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in church because of illness, handicap or age. Please call Cipriano Lantigua at the rectory.

Ministerio Para Los Enfermos Ayudamos a todos los que no pueden venir a celebrar la Misa por enfermedad o otra razón. Favor de llamar a Cipriano Lantigua en la Rectoría.

New Parishioners and Visitors Welcome

Pastor’s Letter Notas del Pastor

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Ascension,

On March 13, 2015, Pope Francis announced that there would be an extraordinary Year of Mercy. The Year of Mercy began last year on December 8th and the Holy Year of Mercy will officially end next Sunday, November 20th, the Solemnity of Christ the King. During this past year we have had several events to celebrate and punctuate this Holy Year of Mercy, including the opening of our Saturday night Homeless Shelter, a parish pilgrimage to the Cabrini Shrine (Cabrini Shrine was designated as a site for Holy Year pilgrimages.) But most importantly, this Holy Year was intended to give everyone an opportunity to keep mercy in the forefront of our minds. During this Holy Year, each of us has been invited to open our hearts, most especially to those living on the outermost fringes of society. Pope Francis had said, “During this Jubilee, the Church will be called upon even more to heal wounds, to assuage them with the oil of consolation, to bind them with mercy and cure them with solidarity and vigilant care.” As this Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy comes to an end, we will have a special parish celebration next Saturday. On Saturday, November 19th, we will host, in conjunction with the Welcome Table, a special meal. That meal will be for those who are hungry, for those who are alone, for those who are lonely, for those who do not or cannot cook, etc., for anyone who is in need of a meal, company, and/or friendship. This meal will have two sittings, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. The evening celebration will be similar but it will also include the homeless men that we house on Saturday nights. (In this bulletin, there is more information about next Saturday’s meal, and ways to volunteer.) While the Holy Year officially ends next Sunday, our call to be instruments of God’s mercy is ongoing. In the meantime, I would also like to remind you that Thanksgiving this year is on Thursday, November 24th. On that day we have just one Bilingual Mass at 10a,m. We also try and use Thanksgiving as the one day of the year on which we restock our food pantry. We continue the custom here at Ascension of asking parishioners to bring in canned foods or non-perishable goods on Thanksgiving Day. We go through food more quickly than in the past since we now have a monthly food pantry. This is another opportunity to practice the corporal works of mercy. Thanks to your generosity, we are able to continue helping out those in need. Thank you again for your continued support and generosity. Peace, Fr. Kearney Queridos Feligreses y Amigos de la Ascensión, El 13 de marzo del 2015, el Papa Francisco anunció que habría un año de jubileo extraordinario de la misericordia. El año de la misericordia comenzó el 8 de diciembre del año pasado y el año santo de la misericordia terminará oficialmente el próximo domingo, 20 de noviembre, la Solemnidad de Cristo Rey. Durante el año pasado hemos tenido varios eventos para celebrar y acentuar el año santo de la misericordia, incluyendo la apertura de nuestro albergue para desamparados del sábado por la noche, una peregrinación parroquial al Santuario de la Madre Cabrini (el Santuario Cabrini fue designado como un sitio para peregrinaciones del año santo). Pero, más importante, este año santo se intentaba dar una oportunidad a todos de tener la misericordia como lo más presente en nuestras mentes. Durante el año santo, cada uno de nosotros ha sido invitado a abrir nuestros corazones, muy especialmente a aquellos viviendo en las capas externas de la sociedad. El Papa Francisco había dicho: “Durante este jubileo, la iglesia será exhortada aún más a sanar heridas, a calmarlas con el aceite del consuelo, a vendarlas con misericordia y a curarlas con solidaridad y cuidado vigilante.” A medida que este año santo de misericordia llega a su fin, tendremos una celebración parroquial especial el próximo sábado, 19 de noviembre, auspiciaremos, en conjunto con la mesa de bienvenida, una comida especial. Esa comida será para aquellos que tienen hambre, para aquellos que están solos, para aquellos que se sienten solos. Para aquellos que no cocinan o no pueden cocinar, etc., para cualquiera que necesite una comida, compañía y/o amistad. Esta comida tendrá dos turnos, uno en la tarde y otro en la noche. La celebración por la noche será igual pero incluirá a los hombres desamparados que hospedamos los sábados por la noche. (En este boletín hay más información acerca de la comida del próximo sábado y maneras de servir como voluntario.) Mientras que el año santo terminará oficialmente el próximo domingo, nuestro llamado a ser instrumentos de la misericordia de Dios continúa. Mientras tanto, también me gustaría recordarles que el Día de Acción de Gracias este año será el 24 de noviembre. Ese día tendremos solo una misa bilingüe a las 10 de la mañana. También usamos el Día de Acción de Gracias como el único día en el año en el que abastecemos nuestra despensa de comida. Continuamos la costumbre, aquí en la Ascensión, de pedir a los feligreses a que traigan comidas enlatadas o artículos no perecederos el Día de Acción de Gracias. Se nos acaba la comida más rápido que en el pasado desde que repartimos comida de la despensa mensualmente. Esta es otra oportunidad para practicar las obras corporales de misericordia. Gracias a su generosidad, podemos continuar ayudando a aquellos en necesidad. Gracias otra vez por su continuo apoyo y generosidad. Paz, Padre Kearney Website:

FaceBook: Ascension Church NYC

Twitter: @nyc_ascension

We here at Ascension are very grateful for the exemplary way you willingly share the precious gifts of

Norbert Burgos, James Gilroy Sr., The Minnear Family, Angela Pistilli, Rosalia Reyes, Josephine Suarez, Yuan Su A person’s name will appear for four weeks, after which it will be removed unless we hear from the family. El nombre de una persona aparecerá durante cuatro semanas, después de lo cual se eliminará al menos que la familia se comunique con nosotros.

Thanks to the generosity of Ascension's parishioners, we have collected $3,431 to assist the victims of the hurricane in Haiti. Thank Hatian Creole…”Mèsi” Gracias a la generosidad de los parroquianos de la Ascensión, hemos recaudado $3,431 para ayudar a las víctimas del huracán en Haití. Gracias…en Criollo Haitian…”Mèsi” October Shelter News- Got Socks? October proved to be a busy month at the Ascension-Holy Trinity Shelter. Many new volunteers received training and started helping. Repeatedly our guests reported their gratitude for the volunteers they have come to expect to see each month and for the new volunteers that are enriching their lives. In October we hosted 54 men as guests in the shelter. They were served by 41 volunteers. As the weather turns rainy and cold in NYC, a challenge for the men who use our shelter is keeping their feet clean and dry. You can help! In November we are collecting new men’s socks that will be distributed to our guests. If you want to help, drop off new men’s socks at the parish office with a note indicating socks are for the shelter. All types of socks, athletic socks, socks for work boots, and dress socks are needed. If you would like more information about the shelter ministry email: [email protected] . For volunteer sign ups go to: Noticias del refugio – Buscamos calcetines Octubre fue un mes ocupado en nuestro refugio de AscensionHoly Trinity. Muchos nuevos voluntarios recibieron entrenamiento y apoyaran. Repetidamente, nuestros huéspedes y nuestros voluntarios expresaron su agradecimiento el uno por el otro, por enriquecer sus vidas. En Octubre, alojamos 54 hombres como huéspedes al refugio. Ellos fueron servidos por 41 voluntarios. Como el clima se vuelve lluvioso y frio en NYC, un desafío para los hombres que utilizan nuestro refugio es mantener los pies limpios y secos. ¡Pueden ayudar! En noviembre, coleccionamos calcetines para hombre nuevos que vamos a distribuir a los huéspedes. Si quieren ayudar, pueden dejar nuevos calcetines de hombre a la oficina de la parroquia con una nota indicando que son para el refugio. Se necesitan todos los tipos de calcetines, incluyendo calcetines atléticos, calcetines para botas de trabajo, y calcetines de vestir. Si desean más información sobre el ministerio del refugio, envía un correo a: [email protected]. Para inscribirse a ser voluntarios, vayan a Website:

time, talent, and treasure God has given you. Sept Collections -Sep $ 3,461 1-Sep $ 5,002 8-Sep $ 4,311 5-Sep $ 3,648

aith Direct: $ 11,625 133) $ 28,047

October Collections 2-Oct $ 3,263 9-Oct $ 3,462 16-Oct $ 4,610 23-Oct $ 3,328 3,430 30-Oct $

November Collections 6-Nov $ 5,639 13-Nov 20-Nov 27-Nov

Faith Direct: $ (135) $

Faith Direct: (135)

12,935 31,028



Upcoming Special Collections November 20th – Human Development (Thanksgiving) December 11th – Retired Religious

Tuesday, November 15th - Laudato Si Panel discussion (Notre Dame Church) Thursday, November 17th – Noche Mariana Saturday, November 19th – Parish Thanksgiving Dinner Monday, November 21st – AGF sponsors “Full of Grace”. Journeys of LGBT Catholics. Visit for details

Daily Readings and Mass Intentions Sunday, November 13– Mal 3:19-20a; 2 Thes 3:7-12; Lk 21:5-19 9:30am Freddy York & Gertrudis York (Living- Birthdays), Arnobia Londoño, Alcides Baraltona, Matilde Baraltona, Argentina Baraltona, Carlos Baraltona 11:00am Marcella Park 12:30pm Julio E. Ravelo 6:00pm Orlando Prendes Monday, November 14– Rv 1:1-4, 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43 7:00pm Juan Feliciano Tuesday, November 15– Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19:1-10 7:00pm Nelly Jorge, Maria Senises Wednesday, November 16– Rv 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28 7:00pm Jose Marte, Ana Paulino, Jose Miguel Feliu, Maria Ana Rosa Sabatino, Erasmo Peña Thursday, November 17– Rv 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44 7:00pm Sofia Peralta, Fausto Miguel Garcia Friday, November 18– Rv 10:8-11; Lk 19:45-48 7:00pm Mercedes De Peña Saturday, November 19– Rv 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40 6:15pm Virgen de la Providencia

FaceBook: Ascension Church NYC

Twitter: @nyc_ascension

El COMITÉ ARQUIDIOCESANO DEL DESFILE MARIANO En la Iglesia de la Ascensión Te Invita A la Noche Mariana JUEVES 17 de Noviembre Iniciando con el Rosario a las 6:30PM Continuando con la Misa precidida por el Padre Jose Amable Taveras Vengan Todos en acción de gracias a la Virgen Maria Lugar: Iglesia de la Ascensión th 221 West 107 St. (Manhattan) Para información: (212) 222-0666 – Rectoria Rev. Pastor Daniel Kearney

Thanksggiving Mercy DinnerVolunteer Opportunity To close out the Year of Mercy Ascension Parish is sponsoring a community dinner on November 19. Volunteer shifts are available in the morning, afternoon, and evening. To volunteer contact Jacqueline Deleon At 347-355-4796 [email protected] Cena para dar misericordia oportunidad para ser voluntario Para cerrar el año de la misericordia, la parroquia de la Ascensión está patrocinando una cena comunitaria el 19 de noviembre. Las horas disponibles para los voluntarios seran en la mañana, en la tarde y en la noche. Para ser voluntario contacte a Jacqueline Deleon al 347-355-4796 [email protected] Un Paso por mi familia el 20 de noviembre empezando con la caminata a las 11am y continuando con la Misa de 12:30pm. Terminando con una celebracion en el centro parroquial. Informacion llamar a Belkys 646-234-4904 Website:

Ascension School Gymnasium 220 W108th St., NY, NY

Due to an error in last week’s bulletin, the 2015-2016 Mass attendance statistics were inadvertently omitted. September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016

September 1, 2014 - August 31, 2015

Day Mass Saturday/ Sábodo 5:00 6:15 Sunday/ Domingo 8:15 9:30 11:00 12:30 6:00 TOTAL

Day Mass Saturday/ Sábodo 5:00 6:15 Sunday/ Domingo 8:15 9:30 11:00 12:30 6:00

Sacrament Baptisms/ Bautismos First Communions/ Confirmations/ Confirmación Marriages/ Matrimonios Funerals/ Funerales

# 96 88 64 12 17

# 65 98 91 230 263 264 166 1,177

Language Spanish/Español Spanish/Español Spanish/Español (Jazz)

Sacrament Baptisms/ Bautismos First Communions/ Confirmations/ Confirmación Marriages/ Matrimonios Funerals/ Funerales

Language Spanish/Español Spanish/Español Spanish/Español (Jazz)

# 83 85 71 6 22

# in Rel.Ed.


# in Rel.Ed.


# in School/ # en escuela


# in School/ # en escuela


# in RCIA


# in RCIA


FaceBook: Ascension Church NYC

# 82 138 97 228 225 230 175 1,175

Twitter: @nyc_ascension

MUSIC FOR THE MASSES IN ENGLISH 5:00 P.M., 8:15 A.M. AND 11:00 A.M., WITH CHOIR Boldface numbers refer to music found in the red Worship hymnal. The Order of Mass may be followed in the missals.

at 5pm & 8.15am: DEUTSCHE MESSE (GERMAN MASS), D 872 – FRANZ SCHUBERT, 1797-1828 (Congregational copies are available from the Ushers; kindly return them following Mass.) at 11am: REQUIEM MASS IN D MINOR, OPUS 48 – GABRIEL FAURÉ, 1845-1924 (Sung in Latin by the Ascension Choir; copies of the English translations are available from the Ushers.)

INTRODUCTORY RITES Music before Mass: (5pm & 8.15am) Organ, Blessed ye who live in faith, Op. 122 – Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897 (11am) Organ and violin, Pavane – Gabriel Fauré, 1845-1924 At the Procession (all stand): (5pm & 8.15am) Hymn, Now the day of the Lord is at hand (tune: Remember the poor) (11am) Introit et Kyrie – Faure (5pm & 8.15am) Kyrie and Gloria – Schubert (11am) Gloria – Cantus Missae

LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading (5pm & 8.15am) Psalm 98, vv.5-9 (11am) Choir, Pie Jesu – Fauré Second Reading Gospel Acclamation – Cantus Missae Homily The Creed General Intercessions LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Music at the Offertory: (5pm & 8.15am) Hymn, Awake, O sleeper, rise from death (tune: Azmon) (11am) Choir, Offertorium – Fauré (5pm & 8.15am) Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation and Amen – Schubert (11am) Choir, Sanctus – Fauré; Benedictus – Cantus Missae

Memorial Acclamation and Amen – Cantus Missae (chanted by all)



Missal Page 102 343 Missal Page 110 296


349; 350

COMMUNION RITE (5pm & 8.15am) Jesus, Lamb of God – Schubert (11am) Choir, Agnus Dei; Libera me – Fauré CONCLUDING RITE At the Retiring Procession: (5pm & 8.15am) Hymn, Jesus, lead the way (tune: Rochelle) Organ, Chorale improvisation on Rochelle – Paul Manz, 1919-2009 (11am) Choir, In paradisum – Fauré


Choir Personnel: Geoff Chang, Sanyoung Cho, Paul D’Arcy, *Hayden DeWitt, Brian Downen, Allegra Durante, Will Ferguson, Heather Horgan, Gregg Kirsopp, Margarita Martinez, Carmen Meyers, Ellen O’Neill, *Michael Rice, Thomas Rousseau, Susan Stando, Renee Stupfel. (*soloists) Michael Hey, Guest Organist (Saint Patrick’s Cathedral); Christiana Liberis, Violinist; Preston Smith, Conductor


“Blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7

Invite a person around me who might enjoy a free dinner; OEnsure this person has the support needed, like transportation and a reminder to attend; OConfirm my guest’s attendance at OPray for those who may be lonely, struggling financially, hungry or sick; and OBe open to God’s mercy in my life.

I pledge to:

‘giving merc y dinner

_______________________________ as my guest for the

Together with fellow parishioners at the Church of the Acsension, I have invited

Messenger of Mercy

“The Lord is good to all: And his tender mercies are over all his works.” Psalms 145:9

When: Saturday, Nov. 19. Time: At 2 p.m. or at 7:30 p.m. Where: At the Church of the Acension in the Parish basement at 221 West 107th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam, in Manhattan.

You have been invited to attend a FREE community dinner for the Thanksgiving holiday.

‘giving merc y dinner

Be Our Guest


“Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán Misericordia.” Mateo 5:7

Invitar a una persona a mi alrededor que podría disfrutar una cena gratis; OAsegurar que esta persona tiene el apoyo necesario para asistir, como transportación y un recordatorio; OConfirmar la asistencia de mi huésped a OOrar para los que pueden estar solitarios, en dificultades financieras, hambrientos o enfermos; y OEstar abierta a la misericordia de dios en mi vida.

Me comprometo a

‘Cena de Misericord ia’

_______________________________ ser mi huésped en el

Junto con mis compañeros feligreses de la parroquia de la Ascensión, he invitado a

Mensajero de la Misericordia

“Bueno es El Señor para con todos, Y sus misericordias sobre todas sus obras.” Salmos 145:9

Cuando: Sábado, 19 Nov Horario: 14:00 o 19:30 Dónde: Parroquia de la Ascensión, en el sótano de 221 West 107th Street, entre Broadway y Amsterdam, en Manhattan.

Están invitado a asistir a una cena comunitaria gratis para el día de acción de gracias.

‘Cena de Misericord ia’

Se Nuestro Invitado

· Affordable Pricing H · Newly Renovated · Pre-Need Arrangements DAILY SPECIALS 212-222-0098

953 Amsterdam (Cor. of 107th)

445 WEST 43RD STREET · NY, NY (212) 245-7575

· Cremation Services H · Family Owned

& Operated Serving Church of The Ascension Members


Morningside Montessori School

Dr. Rafaelina Rodriguez, D.D.S.

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e-mail: [email protected] · website:

In this memoir, set as deeply in his mind as in the Southeast Asian jungle, a young American soldier embarks on a journey to a war that, for him, will never be over. The world was a playground for Mickey, a naive Irish American kid bored with his life. His father served in World War II, his brother was a Marine in Vietnam; now it was his turn. His 365 days in Vietnam builds in torment until an attack on a bunker complex in Cambodia. Wounded, his friend captured, he becomes a tormented survivor knowing he is always just a heartbeat from death.

AVAILABLE Scan Here: NOW! or visit:

161D (JR) - Church of the Ascension - New York, NY


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