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Story Transcript


AT GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH Church: 1451 Furnace Ave. Glen Burnie, MD 21060

AT HOLY TRINITY PARISH Church: 7436 Balmore Annapolis Blvd. MSCS Auditorium: 120 Dorsey Rd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061

AT CRUCIFIXION PARISH Church: 100 Sco Ave. Glen Burnie, MD 21060

Catholic Church of Glen Burnie Parish Center: 126 Dorsey Rd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061 / Phone: 410-766-5070 • Fax: 410-760-6738 • PASTORAL STAFF Rev. C. Lou Marn, Pastor -------------------------- ext. 221 l.mar[email protected] Rev. Christopher Moore, Associate Pastor ----- ext. 214 [email protected] Rev. Vincent Arisukwu, Associate Pastor ------- ext. 217 [email protected] Rev. Jesús Aguirre, Hispanic Pastoral Care ----- ext. 224 [email protected] Rev. Godswill Agbagwa, In residence [email protected] Rev. Anthony Eboh, In residence [email protected] Deacon Kevin Brown Deacon Allen Greene, [email protected] Deacon German Flores, [email protected] Dan Miller, Director, Faith Formaon (grades 9-12) & Young Adult Ministry ------------ ext. 220 Joyce Pagan, Religious Ed. Coordinator ---------- ext. 218 (Pre-K-8th) [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 410-766-5070 Parishes of Crucifixion, Good Shepherd & Holy Trinity Kathy Ferris, Execuve Asst. to the Pastor ------ ext. 231 [email protected] Ana Gonzales, Bilingual Secretary-----------------ext. 225 [email protected] Hillevi Flores, Bilingual Receponist --------------ext. 226 h.fl[email protected] Ed Hurley, Maintenance -----------------------------ext. 229 [email protected] Bob Hanna, Maintenance --------------------------- ext. 229 Judy Heydt, Bookkeeper ----------------------------- ext. 212 [email protected] Kelly Kramer, REP Secretary ------------------------ext. 215 Airryn Sorto, Sacramental Records Secretary & Shield The Vulnerable Screening Coordinator ----------- ext. 213 [email protected] Parish Center Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 am - 4 pm (closed 12:30 - 1:15 pm). For health emergencies requiring the presence of a priest aer office hours, call the emergency line at 410-553-2893.

MUSIC DIRECTORS To leave a message for the music directors, call the Parish Center. Susan Esserwine, at Crucifixion Parish Sco Romanoski, at Good Shepherd Parish Kathi Hie & Benjamín Ramírez at Holy Trinity Parish

DAILY/WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULES Catholic Church of Glen Burnie at Crucifixion Parish Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 11:00 am

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR OUR ADVISORY BODIES Corporators Gerry Schreiber / 410-761-7694

Catholic Church of Glen Burnie at Good Shepherd Parish Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 10:15 am

Jim Dunne / 410-859-0544 [email protected]

Catholic Church of Glen Burnie at Holy Trinity Parish Monday - Friday: 6:30 & 8:30 am Wednesday: 7:00 pm (Español) Saturday: 8:30 am & 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm 6:00 pm (Español) MSCS Auditorium: 7:30 (Español) & 10:30 am

Ma Donlan / ma[email protected]

MSGR SLADE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Faith  Knowledge  Service Educang Students since 1954 Pre-K 2’s thru 8th Grade Admissions: 410-766-7130

Dave Hall Robin Rodgers / [email protected] Mary Rogers Finance Council Joanne Wonders / 410-766-4908 [email protected] Paul Labrecque Paula Belleere / [email protected] Skip Welch / [email protected] Pastoral Council Rose Lis / [email protected] Kathleen Morris / [email protected] Pa Sadler / pa[email protected]

NUESTRA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Padre C. Lou Marn, Párroco Padre Jesús Aguirre, Cuidado Pastoral de la Comunidad Español HORARIO DE OFICINA Centro Parroquial: 126 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Padre Jesús Aguirre, Martes 3:00 - 6:30 pm Ana Gonzalez, Secretaria Bilingüe de la Parroquia / 410-766-5070 • ext. 225 Nuevo horario de oficina del Padre Jesús - Todos los martes por cita previa de 3:00 - 7:00 pm. El Padre Jesús estara en la parroquia de Holy Trinity los miercoles de 4:00 - 7:00 pm para confesiones. HORARIO DE MISAS EN ESPAÑOL DE LA PARROQUIA HOLY TRINITY Domingo: 7:30 am (en el Auditório) & 6:00 pm • Miércoles: 7:00 pm Iglesia: 7436 Balmore-Annapolis, Blvd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Auditório: 120 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 COMITÉ HISPANO DE HOLY TRINITY Ivee Collazo, Coordinador y Representante del Consejo Parroquial Imelda Caceres, Coordinador del Grupo de Oración (Para los anuncios en Español vaya a la pagina 8)

On behalf of the staff of the Catholic Church of Glen Burnie, we pray that God bless you abundantly in the faith of the Crucifixion, the hope of the Good Shepherd, and the love of the Holy Trinity.

Scripture Readings for the Week October 2 – October 8, 2016 Sun Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4 / 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14 / Lk 17:5-10 Mon Weekday Gal 1:6-12 / Lk 10:25-37 Tues Saint Francis of Assisi Gal 1:13-24 / Lk 10:38-42 Wed Weekday Gal 2:1-2, 7-14 / Lk 11:1-4 Thu Saint Bruno, Priest; Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, Virgin Gal 3:1-5 / Lk 11:5-13 Fri Our Lady of the Rosary Gal 3:7-14 / Lk 11:15-26 Sat Weekday Gal 3:22-29 / Lk 11:27-28

Family Reflection for the Week Key Passage: Jesus said, “So you also, when you have done all that you were ordered to do, say, ‘We are worthless slaves; we have done only what we ought to have done!’” (Luke 17:10) Adult: When have you done more than was required of you in the service of others? Child: When have you done something extra for someone in your family without being asked? What did you learn from this? Input for our Sunday bulletin may be sent to [email protected] for consideration. Input must be received by 12 noon on Friday to appear in the following weekend’s issue

Weekly Chapel Hours & Devotions Chapel Hours: Mon. – Fri., 9am – 4pm Good Shepherd: Chapel of the Angels CCGB Parish Center: Gethsemane Prayer Room Rosary: Holy Trinity: 8a.m. Mon.-Fri. Holy Trinity: 7:45 a.m. Saturday Miraculous Medal Novena at the churches located: Holy Trinity: Thurs. after 8:30 a.m. Mass St. Philip Neri: Tues. after 6:30 p.m. Mass Eucharistic Adoration: Crucifixion: 7 p.m. Wednesday: Adoration, Rosary, Evening Prayer, Benediction in the Church Good Shepherd: 3rd Fri. monthly, 7 – 8 p.m. in the Church Holy Trinity: 1st Fri. monthly, 9 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. in the Church Parish Center, Catholic Church of Glen Burnie: Every Tues. 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. in Gethsemane Prayer Room Reconciliation Held on Saturdays or by appointment Crucifixion 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. Good Shepherd 4:30 – 5:15 p.m. Holy Trinity 4:00 – 4:45 p.m. USCCB Intercession for Life: For Christians worldwide: May God’s mercy move our hearts to respond with love and concern for those whose lives are most vulnerable; We pray to the Lord. Join us as we pray for our brave men and women in uniform at home and abroad, and for their families.

CLUSTER WEEKDAY MASS INTENTIONS FOR MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 6:30 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. Daily Masses are held at the at Holy Trinity, 7436 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 6:30 p.m. Masses are held at St. Philip Neri, 6405 S. Orchard Rd., Linthicum, MD 21090 Mon. October 3

6:30 AM 8:30 AM

Nguyen Family Ancestors Teresa Wagner; Maria deCastro (L)

Thur. October 6

6:30 AM 8:30 AM

Souls in Purgatory Marion Delss

Tues. October 4

6:30 AM 8:30 AM

Eton Balancad Archie deCastro; Ramon Castillo

Fri. October 7

6:30 AM 8:30 AM

Mike and Vi Yachera (L) Louise Wolfe

Wed. October 5

6:30 AM 8:30 AM

Anna & Charles Conigliaro Estelle Starke, George Carr

Sat. October 8

8:30 AM

Craig S. Saxon

(Italics denotes li i




Please pray for our recently deceased family, friends and parishioners, especially Mary E. Barker, William Chubb, Bernard Harvey, Bryan Lee Robinette, Patricia Salatti, and Martin Stepke Wleklinski. Also, please keep in your prayers the special intentions of the living: Florence Henschel, John Martin, Mary Siske, Tom Umberger, Vi Yachera and those serving in the military and uniformed services and their devoted families. (Names will appear for a period of approximately four weeks)


Pastor’s Notes This past Thursday, September 29, Archbishop Lori was to meet with all the priests serving parishes in the Archdiocese of Baltimore to explain and roll out his plan for organizing our parishes around “pastorates.” In a letter addressed to me personally in response to my forwarding our request for unification of our three parishes, the archbishop stated to me that “once the plan for the merger of parishes is fully launched, yours [ours] will be in the first round of Pastorates.” He states that I had submitted to him three names for the “newly-formed parish” and he goes on to announce the name he has chosen. When I consulted with his office requesting permission to announce the name this past weekend, I was asked to delay informing you of the name until the Archbishop announces it to the priests on Thursday when he meets with priests at Saint Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore. Assuming all goes according to plan, I will insert the letter in next week’s bulletin. The name of our church and parish will be one and the same, with the added designation “at either Crucifixion, Good Shepherd or Holy Trinity.” Our “The Catholic Church of Glen Burnie” will be morphed into our new name. Masses and all other liturgical services will, for the foreseeable future, remain exactly as you have been accustomed to. For some time under the leadership of Dan Miller, CCGB has been working with Omega to get a new website up and running for our new parish. In order for our new website to be as informative and useful as possible, we will need our ministry lay leaders to get their ministry information to Dan as soon as possible. We will include your ministry information on our website so that our parishioners can learn about each ministry just by viewing our website. As Dan still works for us part-time as we interview candidates for his replacement, you can still contact him via email. Be sure to explain your ministry as simply and concisely as possible and give contact information. Effective communication on our new website will be one of the keys to a healthy and vibrant parish. Our next Holy Day, All Saints, is on Tuesday, November 1st, so it is a “Holy Day of Obligation” this year. As is the custom at The Catholic Church of Glen Burnie, Masses will be celebrated at 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. at Holy Trinity, at 9:00 a.m. at Crucifixion and at 7:00 p.m. at Good Shepherd. Please plan your Mass attendance accordingly.

Please know that if you would like to be anointed before entering the hospital or for any other reason, ask any one of our priests before or after Mass and he will be glad to offer you the sacrament. If you would like the community gathered around you at Mass time to pray for you, I would be happy to anoint you after communion. People have taken me up on the offer and it has been a beautiful experience for those involved. My contact info: Email address: [email protected] and my cell number is 410-299-6731. Remember God loves you and so do I. Make it a good week! Fr. Lou

Mass Intentions for October 8 & 9 Crucifixion Sat., Oct 8 4:30 p.m. Lillian & Emerson Crandall Sun., Oct 9 11:00 a.m. Souls in Purgatory Good Shepherd Sat., Oct 8 5:30 p.m. Souls in Purgatory Sun., Oct 9 10:15 a.m. For Vocations Holy Trinity Sat., Oct 8 5:00 p.m. Teresa Swanson Sun., Oct 9 7:00 a.m. Souls in Purgatory 8:30 a.m. Anna R. Day 10:00 a.m. Joseph Firko 12:00 Noon For the People (L) MSCS Auditorium Sun., Oct 9 7:30 a.m. Luis Alberto Correa 10:30 a.m. For our Seminarians Banns of Marriage The second Banns of Marriage is hereby published between Brittany Marie Higgins, of Good Shepherd Parish, Glen Burnie and Eric John Hammack of Crucifixion Parish, Glen Burnie.

Weekly Offering, September 24 & 25, 2016 Crucifixion Offertory Haiti Poor Box Total Attendance

$2,463 110 49 $2,622 224

Good Shepherd $2,423 10 32 $2,465 175

Holy Trinity $11,980 720 225 $12,925 1,391

October’s Poor Box Donations A portion of this month’s poor box intentions will support Anne Arundel House of Hope and our local St. Vincent De Paul conference. SVdP is our parish based outreach ministry which meets with and helps neighbors who are in dire need of assistance. Your generosity is always appreciated. 3

Leading us in our Worship… October 8 & 9, 2016 Time Celebrant Location



4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon 6:00 p.m.

Msgr. Kenney Fr. Chris Fr. Vin Fr. Lou Fr. Jésus Fr. Chris Fr. Vin Fr. Godswill TBD Fr. Carpenter Fr. Vin Fr. Jésus


EVENTS & GENERAL INFORMATION Heaven is Open ~ Come Holy Spirit The St. Josephine Bakhita Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society cordially invites you to our “HEAVEN IS OPEN ~ COME HOLY SPIRIT” celebration next Saturday, October 8 from 7-10 p.m. in the Holy Trinity Hall. Bring the FAMILY for a holy hour, followed by a night of music, praise, worship, fellowship, and food! Your free-will offering will benefit our ministry here at CCGB. Knights of Columbus & CC-GB Blood Drive The Knights of Columbus Council 7025 and the Catholic Church of Glen Burnie have planned a Blood Drive at the Holy Trinity Hall on Sunday, October 30. The Red Cross will be at the Hall from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Breakfast/Brunch will be served for those who donate blood. Please come and help save the life of 3 people in your community. One blood donation saves on average 3 lives. This is an extremely selfless gift that cost nothing but your time. Visit to reserve your donation time. Look for the “Find a Drive” link and put in zip code 21061, and then look for October 30, Holy Trinity Parish. We are looking forward to seeing you there! Haiti Outreach Committee

Are you interested in traveling to our sister parish in Haiti? Do you want to experience firsthand the beauty of the country, the joy of the people, and the challenges of life in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? The Haiti Outreach Committee meetings are held monthly. Join us October 18 at 7 p.m. in the Lipin Room of the CC-GB Parish Center. All are cordially invited to attend these meetings!

An Invitation to Prayer Talking with God: Lessons About Prayer Join us beginning October 4 at Crucifixion Parish Hall for a FREE 6-week series: Talking with God: Lessons About Prayer with Fr. James Kubicki, S.J., M.Div on DVD. This is the course on prayer you’ve always wanted and it will inspire you to find your own individual way of communicating with God. Morning AND evening sessions available! Register by calling the CC-GB Parish Center, 410-766-5070 or Deacon Kevin at 301-873-2104. Total Discipleship Good news! We are happy to announce that the life-changing Total Discipleship is coming to the CCBG. Total Discipleship is an exciting new way to stay totally committed to the Gospel as a Parish Family. It invites us to a life of intimacy with God and draws us closer to one another through community prayer. It also calls us to materially support Christ’s mission in our Parish Family, each according to his or her ability, and to seek out members of our Parish Family that have drifted from the Faith. In the coming weeks, we will begin Total Discipleship through an initial emphasis on prayer. Total Discipleship invites the involvement of the entire Parish family, so there will be a frequent use of the word ‘we’. We invite you to begin focusing your thoughts on this spiritual topic, prayerfully believing God invites us to call on him. When we are in need, we call on God in prayer. We pray because we have a relationship with God, one he has initiated with us. In any meaningful relationship, healthy communication is essential. Though we might not consider our relationship with God on those terms, he has provided a means for us to communicate with him, openly and often. We communicate with God through prayer. For more information, contact Fr. Godswill Agbagwa at [email protected] Sodality News OCTOBER MEETING: Blessed Virgin Mary Ladies Sodality of Holy Trinity Parish Meeting will meet in the Holy Trinity Parish Hall, on Oct. 4 after the 7 p.m. Living Rosary. We will start our new year with Bands 1 & 2 providing refreshments. Be sure to encourage everyone you know to attend the Living Rosary at 7 p.m., and encourage all of the women you invite to stay and listen in on our meeting afterwards. Home Blessing is Here Again Beginning, Saturday, October 8 to December 8 (Feast of Immaculate Conception), the priests, led by Fr. Vin and a team of volunteers, will be visiting parishioners who would like to have their homes blessed. Inspired by the Family Apostolate at CCGB, the home blessings take place on Saturdays between 9:00am and 12:00noon. A sign-up sheet will be provided at the back of the church. For more information, please contact Patti Rubin at 410-978-8341 or email [email protected].


First Saturday Mass & Breakfast Fellowship Would you like to renew your wedding vows in the church? How about celebrating your birthday? Do you want your family event or accomplishment recognized and blessed by the priest? We have great news for you! The Family Apostolate at CCGB is dedicating the First Saturday of every month to family celebrations in the parish. At the First Saturday morning mass, all birthdays, marriage renewals and family events/accomplishments will be recognized and blessed by the priest together with the worshipping community. A family breakfast fellowship will follow in the Holy Trinity Hall after First Saturday morning mass. This is to help build a stronger communal spirit and friendship among the parish family. Please join us! For more information, please contact Marlene Lauer at 410-733-4281 or email at [email protected].

to register your time on the sign-up sheet in the Church narthex. Jesus will be present – will you join him?

Living Rosary

Join us Sunday, October 9 at 4 p.m. for a hymn festival worthy of worship! Presented by the American Guild of Organists, Annapolis Chapter with guest organist, Daniel Weatherholt from St. Mark’s Church in Boonsboro, MD invites lovers of singing, of hymns, and of the Christian faith join in a community of voices to celebrate and honor our faith. The Terry W. York hymn text, “Worthy of Worship,” is the basis for our afternoon hymn-sing. This event is free. All are welcome!

Once again, the Knights of Columbus (Archbishop Francis P. Keough Council number 5263 - Odenton) will be in Glen Burnie to celebrate the Living Rosary with our CCGB Community, at the annual invitation of Holy Trinity's Blessed Virgin Sodality. We hope for a large crowd of men, women and children from our three parishes on October 4 to honor the "Month of Mary" as we pray the Rosary led by Mr. Joe Pfeiffer, a parishioner of St. Augustine, Elkridge, and his Council's Living Rosary Chairman. He has used this same big bead lit rosary for decades, creating a moving spiritual experience. In 2014 his Living Rosary Ministry celebrated their 45th Anniversary. That history is shared by many of us in our three parishes, not only through the visits to our parishes by Mr. Pfeiffer, but during our school days, as Lois Gross used to borrow the Rosary and pray it with the school children at Msgr. Slade the years her 6 kids attended school there. Now in his 47th year, Mr. Pfeiffer now in his 80's, is still sharing this ministry throughout the Archdiocese and we are blessed to have him as a continued part of our devotion to Our Lady. Please come to the Holy Trinity Parish Hall by 7:00 p.m. on October 4 to pray as a Church Community. Tuesday Adoration at the Parish Center Adoration is held every Tuesday in the Gethsemane Prayer Room from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Substitutes are needed for vacations and illness. Please call Theresa Weir at 410-766-4060 and let her know what hour you can be with the Lord. First Friday Adoration at Holy Trinity Eucharistic Adoration is held on the 1st Friday of each month at Holy Trinity Parish. Come pray for all Vocations found within our Parish – Sacramental Married Life, Holy Single Life, Priesthood, or Religious Life. This is a wonderful opportunity to pray our path as well as for those we hold dear. Our Lord cannot be left alone! The Eucharist is the heart of the Church, our nourishment. It is central to this devotion that one or more Eucharistic adorers be present until the Blessed Sacrament has reposed at 6:30 p.m. Prayer sheets are available or bring your own. Your commitment to signing up and following through on your commitment is critically important. Please take a moment

Adoration & Holy Hour at Crucifixion Weekly holy hour/adoration is held at Crucifixion Parish every Wednesday. Adoration starts at 7 p.m. During the holy hour, we pray for family needs and other special intentions. We contemplate Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament. We use traditional and contemporary meditation songs to lift hearts up in prayer. And Christ blesses his people in the end. Join us for this spirit filled hour with Jesus. You'll be glad you did. Daily Prayer at Good Shepherd Chapel The chapel at Good Shepherd Parish is open daily for prayer in the presence of our Lord Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call the Parish Office if you need the security code.

A Hymn Festival Worthy of Worship

Scouting News Cub Scout Pack 887 based at Crucifixion and Cub Scout Pack 712, based at Msgr. Slade are looking for new members! New Cub Scout members are always welcome. Please contact Pack 887 Cubmaster Heather Comstock (410-979-7221, [email protected]) or Pack 712 Cubmaster Bryce Bennie (cubmaster@Glenburnie or visit the website

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - RCIA Reservations for the 2016/2017 RCIA classes are being taken for interested candidates. English and Hispanic Classes are available and classes begin this month! For more information, contact Deacon Kevin Brown at [email protected] or Lizette Vazquez [email protected] (Hispanic).

Liturgy Retreat Join us on a day retreat to discover the spirituality of being a Liturgical Minister. All currently serving and those interested in serving the Lord at the Liturgy are welcome. We are inviting Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Sacristans, and Ushers. Come and join in a wonderful day of worship, teaching and fellowship, Saturday, October 22 at Good Shepherd Hall. Good Shepherd Parish Choir Do you like to sing? The Good Shepherd Parish Choir is looking for people to join the choir. Women, men, & students are encouraged to join us! Rehearsals are every Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the church! 5

The King’s Men are doing a Bible study of the Epistle of James at 7:30 p.m. at Good Shepherd Parish every 2nd & 4th Monday of each month. Adoration is held the 3rd Friday of each month at 7 p.m. in Good Shepherd Parish. Contact Orville: 410761-3715.

Senior Ministry features Medicare Talk Senior Ministry meets the 2nd Saturday of the month. We will meet on October 8 at 1:00 pm in the Crucifixion Parish Hall. This month we will have pot luck with a guest speaker who will talk about changes to Medicare. Please contact Dee (443) 867-8960, Helen (443) 714-0801, Margaret (410) 647-3087 or Skip & Cookie (410) 766-0856 for more information.

Partners In Care Partners In Care, a non-profit, needs volunteers to drive older members of the community to medical appointments, grocery shopping, and other necessary errands. Even one ride a month in your neighborhood will help! Volunteers also provide help with our office work, light honey-do repairs in the home and neighborly assistance such as reading and writing, friendly visits, and help in our Upscale-Resale Boutique. We offer a unique culture of service exchange where neighbors help each other and in return ask for assistance when the need arises. Monthly orientation sessions are offered. Visit, call 410-544-4800, or email [email protected].

Respect Life Corner Project Rachel – Healing the Wounds of Abortion Rachel's Vineyard Baltimore is the church's ministry which operates as a network of professional clergy, licensed counselors and volunteers all trained to provide one-on-one spiritual and psychological support for those who are suffering from the trauma of abortion. Upcoming Retreats: Come to the Waters Retreats (one day retreat for women) Nov. 19, 2016 ♦ April 8, 2017 Rachel's Vineyard Retreats (weekend retreat for women and men) Oct. 14-16, 2016 ♦ March 17-19, 2017 Registration must be received by mail or email no later than one week before the scheduled retreat. If you are interested in attending the retreat or would like to speak with a priest or counselor, please contact us at [email protected] or (410) 625-8491. Pregnant, Need Help? Call 1-800-ANGEL-OK Suffering Post-Abortion Stress? Call 410-625-8491 Or email Rachel’s Vineyard: [email protected]

Fr. McGivney Council #7025 Bingo At Msgr. Slade School Fr. McGivney Council #7025 has Bingo on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month in the Msgr. Slade Cafeteria. Doors open at 11:30 a.m., Early Birds begin at 1 p.m. We offer 3 Jackpots games: $500, $1,000, and a Progressive 7 Jackpot. For more info, call Val Floyd at 443-714-1503. Since the inception of our Bingo games, Fr. McGivney Council has donated over $100,000 to the School.

Cluster & Area Church News Marriage Evening At St. Jane Frances 8499 Virginia Ave, Pasadena, MD 21122 Join us on Saturday, Nov. 5 for Mass at 5 pm followed by dinner at 6 p.m. and hear Fr. James Boric’s talk “Doing God’s Will in your Marriage”. RSVP & Details: 410-4373048 by Nov. 3. Beginner’s Bible Study at St. Bernadette Parish

On Wednesday evening, St. Bernadette’s Parish will host their “Beginner’s Bible Study” hosted by Mike & Theresa Doyle. The Beginners Bible Study will provide the basics of understanding the Bible with the hope of enriching one’s relationship with God and with Jesus Christ. The study is free and will begin at 7 p.m. at St. Bernadette’s hall. For more questions, contact Dan Miller at 410-969-2783 or [email protected] . Attention UMBC Alumni To celebrate UMBC 50th Anniversary, Catholic Campus Ministry is working to involve alumni who will share their faith journeys and life experiences with current students. Join "UMBC Catholic Alumni" on Facebook or check out to sign up for our mailing list. For more information, contact Hannah Jones '15 at [email protected].

From the Archdiocesan Bulletin Rev. Gene Nickol - The Power of Divine Mercy Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 9:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Bon Secours Retreat Center “The Power of Divine Mercy” Fr. Gene Nickol will share his personal experience of how the Divine Mercy Chaplet helped to deliver him from the clutches of evil and gave him a greater appreciation for the gift of life and priesthood. Father Gene Nickol will lead us during this day of prayer, open to all. We begin with a morning presentation, followed by Mass in the chapel, a delicious lunch, and an afternoon presentation. Free time will be offered to walk the labyrinth, spend quiet time in prayer or shop in the bookstore. $35 includes lunch. To register: Call the Welcome Center at 410442-3120 or sign up on our website ( St. Mary's Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adult meeting in Annapolis scheduled for this week has been postponed. Contact Mary Lipscombe 410990-4041 or [email protected] for more information or visit their Facebook page.


Marriage, Divorce & Annulments from a Catholic Perspective The Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be giving a presentation in our area concerning divorce and annulment from the Catholic perspective. This presentation will be helpful for divorced Catholics, those divorced who wish to marry Catholics, those parish leaders involved in the RCIA process, and any others who may have an interest because of family or friends. This session will be held on Tuesday, October 4 at 7 p.m. at Our Lady of the Fields, Millersville Parish Hall. No registration is required. For more information please call 410-547-5533 Seton Shrine Holds Annual Sea Services Event TODAY - Sunday, October 2, marks the annual pilgrimage for the Sea Services at the Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton is the Patroness of Sea Services, which includes the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine and Public Health Service. The Pilgrimage Mass will take place at 3 p.m. at the Basilica in Emmitsburg, with musical accompaniment by the U.S. Naval Academy Catholic Choir. Pray for 40 Days for our Nation & to End Abortion

From Sept. 28 – Nov. 8, participate in one of the following: 1. Spend 1 hour each Saturday from October 1-November 5 at Planned Parenthood OR 2. Spend 1 hour praying for an end to abortion during Eucharistic Adoration OR 3. Pray and fast on Friday each week (Pray the Rosary and skip two meals) Find more information at:

Catholic Engaged Encounter Catholic Engaged Encounter is an international program committed to preparing couples for the sacrament of marriage. Engaged couples attend a weekend retreat that fosters openness and communication through a series of presentations, private reflection and dialog time. Catholic Engaged Encounter is an approved marriage preparation program within the Baltimore Archdiocese. 2016 weekend dates are: Nov. 4-6. 2017 Weekends: Jan. 13-15, Feb. 18-19, April 7-9, May 19-21, July 14-17; Sept. 8-10; Nov. 3-5. Weekends fill quickly. Register early! For more information or to register for a weekend, please visit our website at or call 410-439-4217.

Religious Education Pre-K – 8th Grade Including Special Education - 410-766-5070 ext. 218 Joyce Pagan, Religious Ed. Coordinator

October 2 Elementary REP Classes 2 Middle School REP Classes 7 Middle School Bowling Night 9 Elementary REP Classes 9 Fire Drill for all Students 9 Middle School REP Classes

16 16 21 23 23 23 26 30 30

Elementary REP Classes Middle School REP Classes Middle School Youth Group Meeting - Halloween Party Elementary REP Classes 3rd Grade Open House 3rd Grade Mass Participation Middle School REP Classes Youth Group Planning Meeting Elementary REP Classes Middle School REP Classes (last class for Fall Session)

RE-REGISTRATION FORMS FOR FALL 2016 –Families have been mailed re-registration forms. Please remit re-registration forms to our office as soon as possible. This will allow our office ample time to prepare classes and update contact information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION – If you are new to the area or if your child is new to our program, please visit our website ( and download our New Student Registration Form. For additional information about our program and curriculum, please contact Joyce at 410-766-5070 ext. 218. ELEMENTARY REP – Classes begin September 25th at 9 am. If you were unable to attend our Elementary REP Orientation, classroom assignments will be posted outside of the auditorium and in the multi-purpose room on September 25th. MIDDLE SCHOOL BOWLING NIGHT - All middle school students are invited to join us for a night of bowling, pizza, and fun with other Middle School Youth Groups from Anne Arundel County! On October 7, we will meet at Greenway Bowling (8246 Telegraph Rd, Odenton, MD 21113) at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $20 and includes two hours of bowling w/ shoes, pizza, and drinks. Please contact Joyce at [email protected] to RSVP. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP HALLOWEEN PARTY - Middle School students are invited to celebrate Halloween at our annual Middle School Halloween Party. Our night will include games, costume contest, movies and lots of snacks. Our celebration is Friday, October 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Parish Center. Students are welcome to invite friends to this event! 3rd GRADE OPEN HOUSE AND MASS PARTICIPATION ~ On Sunday, October 23, our 3rd Grade classes will host their OPEN HOUSE. All 3rd grade parents are invited to join their children in class. During class, our students with the help of their parents will transform their pumpkins into Saints. After class, all parents are invited to attend our 10:30 am mass at Monsignor Slade Auditorium as our 3rd Grade students participate in mass. They will serve as greeters, gift bearers, and ushers. FAMILY MASS CHOIR – Do you like to sing? Here is your opportunity to join other in lift your voices in prayer! The choir practice once or twice a month to prepare to the 10:30 Auditorium Mass on the 4th and 5th Sunday of the month. Please contact Debbie if you are interested at 410-761-1191. WANTED: Our Religious Education Program is looking for donations. These items will be used for a 4th Grade Outreach. 7

Items needed are: Travel Sized Toiletries (such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, tissues, etc.) Donations may be brought to the Parish Center (Attn: REP 4th Grade Outreach).

Faith Formation News [email protected] 410-766-5070 ext. 220

Sacramental Faith Formation News

Confirmation Class of 2016 • UPDATED - Small Group Sessions: This is a reminder to all of our 2016 Candidates that the final Small Group Session will be held the week of October 16. Please look for information regarding these dates from your small group leaders. • UPDATED - CONFIRMATION DATE FOR 2016: We have received news from Bishop Madden’s office confirming our sacramental date! Confirmation Mass for the 2016 candidates will be held on November 5, 10 a.m., at St. Philip Neri Church. There will be a mandatory rehearsal on Sunday, October 30 beginning at 1:30 p.m. Confirmation Class of 2017 • By now parents/guardians should have received 2017 Confirmation Orientation letter. If you have not received this letter, please contact Dan Miller at the parish center as soon as possible. 1st Reconciliation • Parents should be receiving registration information for 2016 Reconciliation. To be eligible for Reconciliation, young people must meet the following guidelines: o In the 2nd grade, or higher. o Currently enrolled in Religious Education classes, or private Catholic school. o Must have successfully completed a whole year of religious education (or Catholic private school) prior to the Fall of 2016. o Please Remember: Young people wishing to receive the 1st Communion in the Spring of 2017 must complete sacramental preparation in the Fall of 2016.

• Parent Session: All parents of young people receiving the sacrament are to attend a parent information session. If you did not attend the meeting on September 21, you MUST attend the meeting on September 28. The meeting will be held at CCGB Parish Center and will begin at 6:30 p.m. Only one parent/guardian need to attend. Boletín Parroquial de la Comunidad Hispana Notas del Pastor El jueves pasado, 29 de septiembre el Arzobispo Lori se reunió con todos los sacerdotes, que sirven a las parroquias de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore, para explicar y poner en práctica su plan para la organización de nuestras parroquias en torno a los "pastorales." En una carta dirigida a mí, personalmente, en respuesta a mi reenvío de nuestra solicitud de unificación de nuestras tres parroquias, el arzobispo me manifestó que "una vez que esté completamente en marcha el proyecto de fusión de parroquias, el suyo [nuestro] estará en la primera ronda de

Pastorales." afirma que había presentado a él tres nombres para el "parroquia recién formada" y él va a anunciar el nombre que ha elegido. Cuando consulté con su oficina solicitando permiso para anunciar el nombre de este fin de semana pasado, se me pidió que retrasar y que no informa del nombre hasta que el Arzobispo se lo anuncié a los sacerdotes el jueves cuando se reúna con los sacerdotes en el Seminario de Santa María en Baltimore. Suponiendo que todo va según lo previsto, voy a insertar una carta en el boletín de la próxima semana. El nombre de nuestra iglesia y parroquia será uno y el mismo, con la designación añadida ", ya sea en la crucifixión, Buen Pastor o Santísima Trinidad." Nuestra "La Iglesia Católica de Glen Burnie" será cambiado por un nuevo nombre. Misas y todos los demás servicios litúrgicos, en el futuro previsible, siendo exactamente como se les ha acostumbrado. Desde hace algún tiempo bajo la dirección de Dan Miller, CCGB hemos estado trabajando con Omega para obtener un nuevo sitio web en funcionamiento para nuestra nueva parroquia. Para que nuestra nueva página web sea lo más informativa y útil posible necesitaremos nuestros líderes ministerios laicos para obtener su información dársela a Dan lo más pronto como sea posible. Vamos a incluir la información de su ministerio en nuestra página web para que nuestros feligreses pueden aprender acerca de cada ministerio, tan solo por ver nuestra página web. Como Dan todavía trabaja para nosotros medio tiempo, para entrevistar a los candidatos para su reemplazo, todavía se puede contactar con él a través de su correo electrónico. Asegúrese de explicar su ministerio de forma simple y concisa como sea posible y dar información de contacto. La comunicación efectiva en nuestra nueva página web será una de las claves para una parroquia saludable y vibrante. Nuestro próximo Día Santo, Día de Todos los Santos, es el martes, 1 de noviembre por lo que es un "día de precepto" este año. Como es costumbre en la Iglesia Católica de Glen Burnie, las misas se celebrarán a las 6:30 am y 8:30 am en la Santa Trinidad, a las 9:00 am en la Crucifixión y en 7:00 pm en El Buen Pastor. Por favor planifique su asistencia a misa como corresponde. Por favor, sepa que, si le gustaría ser ungido antes de entrar en el hospital o por cualquier otra razón, puede preguntar a cualquiera de nuestros sacerdotes antes o después de la misa y estarán encantados de ofrecerle el sacramento. Si desea que la comunidad reunida en torno en el momento de la misa ore por usted, yo estaría feliz de ungirle después de la comunión. Las personas me han tomado la palabra y ha sido una experiencia muy bonita para todos los involucrados. Mi información de contacto: Mi correo electrónico es [email protected] y mi número de celular es 410-299-6731. Recuerde que Dios te ama y yo también, ¡que tengan una buena semana! P. Lou 8

Mensaje del Padre Jesús ¿Qué le pide usted a Dios? Le pedimos la salud, le pedimos trabajo, le pedimos que nos libre del sufrimiento, le pedimos la felicidad del matrimonio, le pedimos por los hijos, etc. ¿Le pedimos alguna vez que nos aumente la fe? Hoy, le vamos a pedir todos que nos aumente la fe. Y el Señor no nos va a negar este don que quiere ofrecer a todos. Pero hay que pedirlo. Hay que estar abiertos a la obra de Dios. La fe es como el sol. Ilumina nuestra vida con la luz de Dios. Si usted tiene en su casa las cortinas cerradas, las persianas bajas, el sol no entra. Vive sin la luz del día. Para que la luz de Dios nos ilumine y penetre tenemos que abrirnos a la obra de Dios. Quitar la cortina de humo que es el pecado y abrir la ventana de la oración. Pedir la fe es querer y dejar que Dios entre e ilumine nuestra alma. El don de Dios, el don de la fe, tiene que ser alimentada con la compañía de los hermanos y la fe también es probada en las dificultadas de la vida. La vida del cristiano es la fe con la ropa de trabajo. ¿Cuándo se pone usted la ropa de trabajo? ¿Sólo para trabajar? El creyente lleva puesto la ropa de trabajo de la fe todos los días porque tenemos que hacer siempre el trabajo de Dios. "Si tuvieran fe como un granito de mostaza"… Una mujer no está un poco embarazada. Lo está o no lo está. El problema de la fe no es la cantidad. Es tener o no tener. ¿Ha movido usted alguna montaña? ¿Ha arrancado su fe algún árbol? Yo no conozco a nadie. Ni siquiera Jesús lo hizo. Y Jesús se negó muchas veces a hacer los signos que le pedían. La fe nos abre a lo imposible, al Dios siempre imposible de creer: La fe hace posible lo imposible. La fe no es magia, es confianza total en Dios. Los apóstoles le pidieron al Señor "auméntanos la fe" y estos hombres, llenos de Dios, confiados en Dios, sin organización, sin periódicos, sin radio, sin facebook… pero llenos de fe cambiaron el curso de la historia. Llevaron el sol de Dios al mundo. La música de Dios estaba en sus almas y a pesar de su fe, de su testimonio, y de hacer el trabajo de Dios, Jesús les dijo: "Cuando hayan hecho todo lo que les ha sido mandado, digan: Somos siervos inútiles, sólo hicimos lo que debíamos hacer". Dios nos necesita. Dios nos manda hacer su trabajo y nos hace sus colaboradores y sin embargo nos llama "siervos inútiles", "siervos que no hacen falta". Le gusta que le digan, ¿usted es un inútil? Hay que tener una buena dosis de humildad para aceptar que "yo soy un inútil en las cosas de Dios". Sólo Dios es necesario. Sólo Dios salva. Sólo Dios tiene la última palabra. Sólo Dios es amor. Todo lo que no es Dios es inútil. Todos nosotros somos inútiles porque no salvamos, porque no tenemos la última palabra, porque somos una mezcla de amor y de odio, y porque muchas veces queremos hacer el papel que no nos corresponde. Sólo Dios es Dios y Señor de todo. Nosotros no somos dios pero estamos invitados a ser siervos y colaboradores de Dios y

tenemos que hacer todo lo que Él nos ha mandado. San Pablo dice: "Ni el que riega ni el que siembra es nada, sólo Dios hace crecer la fe que él ha sembrado en nuestros corazones." Ofertorio Semanal Septembre 24 & 25

CoC Ofrenda Haiti Cajade de Pobre Total Atiéndanse

$2,463 110 49 $2,622 224



$2,423 10 32 $2,465 175

$11,980 720 225 $12,925 1,391

Donaciones Caja de Pobres para Octubre Una porción de donaciones caja de este mes se reservará para Anne Arundel House of Hope & St. Vincent de Paul Ministry. Su generosidad es siempre apreciada.

Sacramentos Confesiones: Domingo después de la Misa y miércoles de 4:00pm-7:00pm en la Parroquia Bautismos: Se celebran el primer sábado se cada mes Preparación para el Bautismo: Preparación para el Bautismo: Llamar al Centro Parroquial. Preparación para Primera Comunión: Llamar al Centro Parroquial. Preparación y Recepción de Matrimonios, Quinceañeras y Santa Unción a los enfermos: Hacer cita con el Padre Jesús

Rincón de Respeto A La Vida Embarazada, ¿Necesitas Ayuda? Llama a la red de Gabriel 1-800ANGEL-Ok. Sufrimiento Post-Aborto ¿Estrés? Llame Rachel

Vineyard de Baltimore / Proyecto Rachel 410-625-8491/ correo electrónico [email protected] Muchas gracias por su cooperación en este asunto. Educación Religiosa Pre-k-8vo Grado or 410-766-5070 ext. 218 Joyce Pagan, Coordinadora Educación Religiosa

Calendario de Eventos Programa de Educación Religiosa – Registración para Nuevo Estudiante – Si son nuevos en la zona o si su hijo es nuevo en nuestro programa, visite nuestro sitio web ( y descargue nuestro Formulario de Registro de Estudiantes. Para obtener información adicional acerca de nuestro programa y plan de estudios, por favor, póngase en contacto con Joyce al 410-7665070 ext . 218. Formación de Fe Sacramental [email protected] 410-766-5070 ext. 220 Dan Miller, Director de Formación de Fe

• Los padres y candidatos de esta clase se les anima a que se inscriban a nuestro sistema de información “FLOCKNOTE” enviando un SMS al 84576 CONF2016. San Vicente de Paul despensa de alimentos En el Evangelio de hoy vemos cómo Jesús, en su camino a Jerusalén, envió un "mensajero delante de él." Para ser los mensajeros de Dios, debemos conocer bien lo que es Dios quiere decir y hacer a través de nosotros como él nos envía a 9

llevar su amor a los demás. Confirmación Clase de 2017 • Por ahora los padres/tutores, deben haber recibido una carta de orientación para confirmación 2017. Si no has recibido esa carta, pónganse en contacto con Dan Miller en el centro parroquial tan pronto como sea posible.

Martes Adoración en el Centro Parroquial Adoración se lleva a cabo todos los martes en el Salón de Oración Getsemaní de se necesitan para las vacaciones y enfermedad 9:30 am a 4 p.m. Sustitutos. Por favor, llame al 410766-4060 Theresa Weir y hacerle saber a qué hora se puede estar con el Señor.

Miércoles Adoración en Crucifixión Adoración al Santísimo es todos los miércoles en la iglesia de Crucifixión. Exposición del Santísimo comienza a las 7 p.m. es una oportunidad de ofrecer sus intenciones especiales de la familia de Dios. Jesus pregunta: “No puedes estar una hora conmigo?” Usted puede ponerse en contacto con el Padre Vin para obtener más información (410-766-5070 ext.217 o [email protected]) VEN Y ASISTE ÉL TE ESPERA!

Holy Trinity Adoracion El primer viernes Adoración en Holy Trinity Adoración Eucarística son el 1er viernes de cada mes en la Iglesia de Holy Trinity. Ven a orar por Vocaciones. Esta es una maravillosa oportunidad para orar por nuestro camino, así como para aquellos que apreciamos. ¡Nuestro Señor no puede ser dejado solo! La Eucaristía es el corazón de la Iglesia, nuestra alimentación. Es el centro de esta devoción que uno o más adoradores eucarísticos estén presentes hasta que el Santísimo Sacramento ha sido reposado a las 6:30 pm. Disfrute su tiempo con Jesús, siempre presente en la Eucaristía, mientras que mostrar su aprecio y amor por Él. Hojas de oración están disponibles. Su compromiso con la firma y seguimiento de su compromiso es críticamente importante. Por favor tomen un

momento para registrar su tiempo en la hoja de inscripción en la parte posterior de la iglesia. Jesús estará presente - va a unirse a él? La oración diaria en el Buen Pastor Capilla La capilla de la Parroquia del Buen Pastor está abierto todos los días para la oración en la presencia de nuestro Señor de lunes a viernes 9 a.m.-4 p.m. llamar a la oficina si necesita el código de seguridad.

Retiro Litúrgico Acompáñenos en un retiro de un día para descubrir la espiritualidad de ser un ministro litúrgico. Es para Todos los que sirven actualmente y aquellos interesados en servir al Señor en la Liturgia son bienvenidos. Estamos invitando a los Servidores del Altar, Ministros de Eucaristía, lectores, Sacristanes y Ujieres. Se unirá a un maravilloso día de culto, enseñanza y comunión, el sábado, 22 de octubre la iglesia del buen pastor Hall.

Oren por 40 días por nuestra nación y para poner fin al Aborto Desde el 28 de septiembre - 8 de noviembre puede participar en una de las siguientes actividades: 1. 1 hora cada sábado a partir de 1-noviembre a octubre 5 en frente al edificio de Plan Parenthood in Annapolis 2. Pasa 1 hora de orando por el fin del aborto durante la Adoración Eucarística 3. Ore el viernes de cada semana (rezar el Rosario y ayune) Encuentre más información en:

El cielo es abierto ~ Ven Espíritu Santo La Conferencia Bakhita Santa Josefina de la Vicente de Paúl le invita cordialmente a nuestro "EL cielo está abierto ~ VEN ESPÍRITU SANTO" celebración el próximo sábado, 8 de octubre, de 7-10 pm en la Santísima Trinidad Hall. ¡Lleva a toda tu familia para una hora santa, seguido de una noche de música, alabanza, adoración, comunión, y la comida! Su ofrenda voluntaria beneficiará a nuestro ministerio aquí en CCGB. Una invitación a la oración Hablar con Dios: Lecciones sobre la oración Únete a nosotros a partir del 4 de octubre en el Hall de la Iglesia de la Crucifixión para una serie LIBRE de 6 semanas: Hablar con Dios: Lecciones Sobre La oración con el P. James Kubicki, S. J., M. Div en DVD. Este es el curso sobre la oración que siempre has querido y que esperamos te inspire a encontrar su propio camino individual en la comunicación con Dios. ¡Sesiones disponibles en la mañana y la tarde! Inscribirse llamando al Centro Parroquial 410-766-5070 o Diácono Kevin al 301-8732104.

Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) Para las clases de RICA 2016/2017 se están tomando para los candidatos interesados. Clases de Inglés e hispanos estarán disponibles. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con el Diácono Kevin Brown en [email protected] o Lizette Vázquez en [email protected] (para los hispanos). 10

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