St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

STAFF Rev. Fred Valone …. Pastor Felix Ramos . . . . Permanent Deacon Kathy Boscarino . .DRE / Y M Maria Delgado ..…Elem. CCE Mari Maloney……Administra

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St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. 1603 Avenue N Huntsville, TX 77340 Ph. 936.295.8159 Fax 936.295.3543 www.sain

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ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH WELCOME ~ BIENVENIDOS December 14, 2014 ~ 14, Deciembre, 2014 185 St. Thomas Drive, Ojai, CA 93023 Parish Office:

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Story Transcript

STAFF Rev. Fred Valone …. Pastor Felix Ramos . . . . Permanent Deacon Kathy Boscarino . .DRE / Y M Maria Delgado ..…Elem. CCE Mari Maloney……Administrative Asst. Rick Reed ……… Music Coordinator Jill Baker ………...Nursery Coordinator Letty Clark. . . . . . .Bookkeeper Sylvia Vitela . . . . .Secretary Laura Puente . . . ..Custodian

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. 1603 Avenue N Huntsville, TX 77340 Ph. 936.295.8159 Fax 936.295.3543 Fr. Fred’s Disciples of Mercy blog "...there is no inequality of significance amongst us except holiness..." “No hay desigualdad de importancia entre nosotros excepto la santidad…”

Mary, the Holy Mother of God

January 1, 2017



5:30 pm Veronica Antwi and family (their intentions)



7:45 am Parishioners

OFFICE MEMOS The parish office will be closed this Monday, January 2nd in observance of the New Year Holiday.

10:45 am Sylvia Yesenia Arteaga (birthday)

Important Office Memo to all Parish Ministries/Organizations: As the new year is

12:30 pm

about to start, we are now scheduling our parish ministries/organizations events in our 2017 calendar. It is important that we receive your yearly schedule to be included. Please email to [email protected] or bring them by the office. Thank you for your cooperation.



No Mass



No Mass



No Mass

Thurs 1/5

No Mass



No Mass



5:30 pm Catherine “Cathy” Gabel



7:45 am Parishioners 10:45 am Paula Legler Phillips

Starting January 8th, the bulletin will have an extra page-and-a-half, and will be formatted with color throughout. So if the various Ministries and Organizations take pictures of activities, please share with the bulletin. Send pictures via email to [email protected]

12:30 pm Juan Garcia

Weekly Readings Mon


1 JN 2:22-28; JN 1:19-28



1 JN 2:29–3:6; JN 1:29-34



1 JN 3:7-10; JN 1:35-42

Thurs 1-5

1 JN 3:11-21; JN 1:43-51



1 JN 5:5-13; MK 1:7-11



1 JN 5:14-21; JN 2:1-11



IS 60:1-6; EPH 3:2-3A, 5-6; MT 2:1-12

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION... “Octave” comes from the Latin word for “eight,” and since eight is one step beyond seven, the number of days in a week, it has long been seen as a symbol of perfection, completion, and new beginnings. Early Christians called Sunday the “eighth day,” since it was the day after the Sabbath and a day of resurrected life, the Lord’s Day. Christmas didn’t claim the honor of a continuous feast, but it did get an Octave Day. January 1 is the oldest Marian feast, the Octave of Christmas. It was originally a feast of the motherhood of Mary, although for centuries until 1969 it was called the Feast of the Circumcision. Our reformed calendar follows the earlier tradition of celebrating Mary as Mother of God. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

PLEASE HELP! If some of these persons are doing better and can be removed from this prayer list, please call the parish office. We are running out of space and we need to think of others who have called to please add them to the prayer list. Thank you for your assistance. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS / RECUERDEN EN SUS ORACIÓNES… Judy Adib, Veronica Antwi, James Aubey, Irma Avalos, Gene Barrett, Jordan Bergeron, Chelsea Brown, Fidelis Burton, Phillip Caito, Sunni Cook, Sabrina Coronado, Terry Corral, Melanie Davis, Katie Davison, Tom and Erin Degnan, Jose Luis Ecamilla, Carrie, Justin, and Abby Claire Faltysek, Paul Fivel, Diane Fuller, Diana Garcia, Isla Garcia, Mary Gedelian, Mary Hall, Cecilia Hopkins , Dorothy Jordan, Sandra Kilgore, Kevin Kretzschmar, Dorothy Laskoskie, Al Losack, Don Marcotte, Sam and Marie Martinez, Ralph McHargue, Coby Meinzer, Bill Middleton, Donna Moore, Floyd and Maryann Moore, Tom Morales, Lourdes Mosqueda, Brenda Piñeda, John Raia, Lillian Rodriguez, Lydia Rodriguez, Maria Ines Rodriguez, Margaret Rozell, Jack Rumfield, Audra Rumfield, Ana Marie Santos, John Sarley, Jerry Seaton, Cindy Schwanke, Lorayne Shaw, Kayden Bryn Shipley, Linda Skains, Cheryl Smith, Kara Gustafson Saloman, Elizabeth Speck, Tim Speck, Kathy Spivey, Dorothea Stachowiak, Dorothy Townsend, Matthew Varnum, Maria Elena Valencia, Leo Vasquez, Shirley Villareal, Alma Williams, Rose Youngblood.

Father Fred writes... Happy New Year. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? How about making a resolution to grow in our commitment to be a disciple of Jesus? When I was growing up, there was a desire to be different than my parents. The choice of music; clothes; hair style; etc. Did you experience the same teen desires? Jesus’ disciples always have been different and countercultural. Think about the Advent season that we recently concluded. While the days were getting darker, we decorated everything with lights symbolizing that Christ is the Light of the World. We are that light. Evergreens were everywhere reminding us that that we are the evergreen flavor of hope in a world filled with discouragement. With the incarnation of Christ at Christmas, we boldly claim that Emmanuel, Christ – God – is with us. As Paul states in Romans 8: if God is for us who can be against us. Countercultural? How about being instruments of peace in a violent world? Pope Francis in his World Day of Peace message this year quoted Pope Benedict: For Christians, nonviolence is not merely tactical behavior but a person’s way of being, the attitude of one who is so convinced of God’s love and power that he or she is not afraid to tackle evil with the weapons of love and truth alone. Love of one’s enemy constitutes the nucleus of the ‘Christian revolution’”. The Gospel command to love your enemies (cf. Lk 6:27) “is rightly considered the magna carta of Christian nonviolence. It does not consist in succumbing to evil…, but in responding to evil with good (cf. Rom 12:17-21), and thereby breaking the chain of injustice.” Making a discipleship commitment will however require a reorganization of our priorities and how we will use our time. May we all become countercultural symbols of Christ’s mercy and compassion in 2017. Also, don’t forget that I am trying to frequently update my discipleship blog which you can access on the parish web page.

DON’T FORGET… the KCs will be selling tamales and Scrip cards after all masses this weekend. CHOOSE LIFE . . . In honor of Sanctity of Human Life week The Care Center of Huntsville invites you to a BBQ fundraiser, Sunday, January 22nd from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Dine in or take out orders will be available. Donations will be accepted at the door for a BBQ Sandwich plate including chips, dessert, & a drink. Please join us in Support of Life! For more information call (936)294-0404.


Fr. Elias Rafaj Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday January 16, 17, 18 January 23, 24, 25 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM in the parish hall

All materials will be provided Cost $200 Make checks payable to St. Thomas Church and bring by the church office or mail to: St. Thomas Church ATTN: Icon Guild 1603 Avenue N Huntsville, TX 77340 If you have any questions about iconography please contact Fr. Elias Rafaj at [email protected] If you have any questions about the workshop please contact Susan Garrett at [email protected] Sponsored by the St. Thomas Catholic Church Icon Guild

Contact Information

St. Thomas the Apostle Youth

Weekly Events

Sundays CCE 9:15 a.m.—10:30 a.m. Kathy Boscarino, DRE/YM Edge (5th –8th grade) CCE Bldg [email protected] Lifeteen (9th– 12th) CSC (936) 520-6524 Wednesdays STAY Youth Night http:// 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Youth Center 2nd Thursday of Each Month STAY Edge Night 6:00pm—7:30pm

I Praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works.

Psalm 139:14

Important Information The final fall semester CCE Classes will be let out 5-10 minutes early to assist in traffic flow. Beginning Sunday, January 8, 2017 CCE (Lifeteen; Edge and English k-5 CCE) will begin at 9:05 a.m. and end at 10:20 a.m. The Spanish k-5 CCE and Confirmation times will remain the same.

Parents, Consider coming to the 7:45 a.m. Mass with your children. January 01, 2017

Happy New Year !

Edge and Life Teen returns Next Sunday from 9:05 am—10:20 am Coming up in STAY

Saturday, February 25, 2017 Archdiocesan Junior High Youth Rally @ St. Simon and Jude from 10:30 am-9:00 pm. Cost is $40. Registrations forms may be picked up at parish office, or online at: Deadline for registration is January 22, 2017 Friday, July 28—Sunday July 30 Archdiocesan Youth Conference for high school youth. For more information, contact Kathy Boscarino, Youth Minister at 936-295-8159.

What is your New Year’s Resolution?

¿Cuál es tu resolución de Año Nuevo?

What about completing your initiation in to the Catholic Church by preparing for and receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation?

¿Qué tal si completas tu iniciación dentro de la iglesia Católica preparándote para recibir el Sacramento de Confirmación?

Interviews for Adult Confirmation will begin January 09, 2017 – January 20, 2017.

Las entrevistas para Confirmación de Adultos comenzarán del día 9 de Enero 2017 hasta el 20 de Enero 2017

Candidates must be: • Beyond high school age and have not been Confirmed • Bap zed Catholic and has received first Communion

Candidatos deben: •

Haber terminado la escuela secundaria y no estar confirmados

Haber sido bautizados en la fe católica y haber recibido la Primera Comunión

If married, they are married in the Catholic faith or have an irregular marriage corrected before Confirma on

Si son casados, que sea por la fe católica o si tienen un matrimonio irregular, debe ser corregido antes de ser Confirmado

Please contact Kathy Boscarino, DRE in the church office to set up an interview at (936) 295-8159 or kboscarino@sain

Póngase en contacto con Kathy Boscarino, DRE en la oficina parroquial para programar su entrevista. Llamar al (936)295-8159 o [email protected]

Palabras del Padre Fred…

Feliz año nuevo. ¿Haces resoluciones de Año Nuevo? ¿Qué tal si hacemos una resolución para crecer en nuestro compromiso de ser un discípulo de Jesús? Cuando yo estaba creciendo, había un deseo de ser diferente a mis padres. La elección de la música; ropa; estilo de pelo; etc¿ Experimentó usted los mismos deseos adolescentes? Los discípulos de Jesús siempre han sido diferentes y contraculturales. Piensa en la temporada de Adviento que acabamos de concluir. Mientras los días se oscurecían, decoramos todo con luces que simbolizan que Cristo es la Luz del Mundo. Somos esa luz. Árboles de hoja perenne estaban en todas partes recordándonos que somos el sabor siempre imperecedero de la esperanza en un mundo lleno de desánimo. Con la encarnación de Cristo en Navidad, afirmamos atrevidamente que Emmanuel, Cristo - Dios - está con nosotros. Como dice Pablo en Romanos 8: si Dios es por nosotros, que puede estar contra nosotros. Contracultural? ¿Qué tal si somos instrumentos de paz en un mundo violento? El Papa Francisco en su mensaje del Día Mundial de la Paz citó al Papa Benedicto XVI: Para los cristianos la no violencia no es un mero comportamiento táctico, sino más bien un modo de ser de la persona, la actitud de quien está tan convencido del amor de Dios y de su poder, que no tiene miedo de afrontar el mal únicamente con las armas del amor de Dios y de la verdad. El amor a los enemigos constituye el núcleo de la “revolución cristiana”» Precisamente, el evangelio del amad a vuestros enemigos (cf. Lc 6:27) es considerado como «la charta magna de la no violencia cristiana», que no se debe entender como un «rendirse ante el mal […], sino en responder al mal con el bien (cf. Rm 12:17-21), rompiendo de este modo la cadena de la injusticia”. Hacer un compromiso de discipulado requerirá sin embargo una reorganización de nuestras prioridades y cómo usaremos nuestro tiempo. Que todos se conviertan en símbolos contraculturales de la misericordia y compasión de Cristo en el año 2017. Además, no olvide que estoy tratando de actualizar con frecuencia mi blog de ndiscipulado al que puede acceder en la página web de la parroquia.

EVANGELIO DE SAN MATEO Y SAN LUCAS El Proyecto de Estudios Bíblicos estará ofreciendo el Evangelio de San Marcos en la parroquia de San Lucas Evangelista en Houston, TX. Estos cursos de Estudio Bíblico fueron diseñados como seguimiento para aquellas personas que han tenido algún tipo de formación básica teológica ya sea a través del programa de Formación para el Ministerio Cristiano o algún curso bíblico impartido en cualquier parroquia. Está abierto a todos los proclamadores de la palabra, RICA, catequistas, coordinadores de estudio bíblico y cualquier persona mayor de 18 años que quiera aprender de la biblia. Para mayor información sobre fechas, horarios y costo, visite el siguiente sitio: o enviar correo electrónico a Adrián Herrera [email protected] PASIONES… Debemos poner nuestras pasiones al servicio de la vida, y no malgastar nuestra vida en servir a nuestras pasiones. —Richard Steele TIEMPO… No malgastes tu tiempo, porque es lo que constituye la vida. —Benjamin Franklin

Sacrament of Baptism Sacramento de Bautismo Baptisms are held on the second Saturday of the month. Parents and Godparents are required to attend preparation sessions. Please call the parish office for more information. Bautismos se toman lugar cada segundo Sabado del mes. Los padres y padrinos deben participar en las sesiónes de preparación. Por favor de llamar a la oficina para otra información.

Sacrament of Marriage Sacramento de Matrimonio Contact office at least six months prior to wedding. Favor de llamar a la oficina seis meses antes de la boda. Special Blessings Bendiciónes Especiales All blessings are done on the third Sunday of the month. Call the office to make arrangements. Todas las bendiciónes especiales se haran el tercer domingo del mes. Hable a la oficine para hacer arreglos.

Get in touch


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