Aspectos pol!tico-jur!dicos de la organizaci6n internacional americana 15

TITLE INDEX Acci6n colectiva de la OEA como t~rmino de diferencia entre intervenci6n prohibida y no intervenci6n abusiva 143 Acci6n de 1.a OEA en el

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Los Gobiernes representados en la Séptima Conferencia Internacional Americana
Convención sobre Derechos y Deberes de los Estados Esta Convención fue Adoptada en la Séptima Conferencia de la Organización de Estados Americanos de

Invasión Americana. Veracruz Reseña Gráfica de la
Invasión Americana Reseña Gráfica de la Veracruz 1914 José Pérez de León Secretaría de Marina-Armada de México Oficialía Mayor Unidad de Historia y

Story Transcript



Acci6n colectiva de la OEA como t~rmino de diferencia entre intervenci6n prohibida y no intervenci6n abusiva 143 Acci6n de 1.a OEA en el campo econ6mico y social 406 Acuerdo entre la Organizaci6n de loa Estados Americanos y el lnstituto lndigenista lnteramericano 208 The Administrative Tribunal of the Organization of American States 141,432 Admisi6n y exclusi6n de miembros en la OEA 73 Admission of states to the Organization of American States 478

Agenda for the Americas 419 Alberto Lleras Camargo, first Secretary General of the Organization of American States 119 Alberto Lleras y la OEA 443 Amended OAS Charter goes into effect 204 Amendments to the OAS Charter 182 Am~rica para la humanidad 218 The American republics in partnership 183 The American republics unite to halt spread of communism in the Western Hemisphere 469 The Americas at a crossroads 192 The Americas in 1984, a ye:ar for decis ions 7 The Americas in the 1980's. an agenda for the decade ahead 139 The Americas. the search for hemisphere security 47 A amplia~lo do papel da OEA na solu~~o pacifica dos problemas continentaill 382 An analysis of the inter-American system and the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs 106 Aniversario critico para :la OEA 206 Antecedentes. balance y perspectivas del sistema interamericano 45 Antecedentes de la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos 320-


OAS and hemisphere




Aspectos pol!tico-jur!dicos internacional americana

de la organizaci6n 15

Bases constitucionales de la Organizaci6n de loB EstadoB Americanos 234 Os bastidores daB Am~ricas 98 Batllismo y antimperialismo, de Monroe a Playa Gir6n 132 Bib1iograf!a selects sabre 1a reestructur-aci6n de la O.E.A.

461 Los t'B10ques tl, un concepto anticuado, Am~rica Latina 396 The Bogot4 Charter of the Organization of American States 349 The Bogot4 Conference, the Organization of American States 470 Breaking ground for 1992 222 Breve estudio sabre la Carta de la Organizaci6n de 10s Estados Americanos 209 Budgetary reform at the OAS 16 La busqueda de un nuevo papel para la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos 426

A call for expanding the role of the OAS 456 Cambia y transformaci6n en la OEA 282 Canada and the OAS 280 Canada and the OAS, the vacant chair revisited 436 Canada and the Organization of American States 235 E1 Canadi y la O.E.A. 464 Carta da Organ.iza~"lo dos Estados Americanos 241 Carta da Orgat1,iza~to dos Estados Americanos; Comentirio 67 Carta" da Organ,iza~ro dos Estados Americanos firmada em 30 de abril die 1948 na Nona Confer~ncia lnternacional Americana, Bogot4 242 Carta da Orgat1Liza~io dos Estados Americanos reformada pelo Protocolo de Buenos Aires em 1967 243 La Carta del i1lombre americano 360-361 La Casa de Cu]. tura Americana y la OEA 81 . '!'he case of the OAS and the Dominican Republic, 1960-1962 223 A case study j~n problems of international cooperation 479 The Central ~~erican soccer war, historical patterns and internal dynamics of OAS settlement procedures 123 '!'he challenge of the Americas 82 '!'he changing iLnter-American system 276 '!'he changing OAS 385 Charte de l'O1:-ganization des Etats Am~ricains 249 Charter of th.~ OAS 250


The Charter of the Organization of American States 375 Charter of the Organization of American States as the law of the land 290 Charter of the OAS enters into force 289 The Chilean-Bolivian Lauca River dispute and the OAS 501 Clouds over international efforts to unify rules of conflict of laws 407 A collection of documents, legislation, descriptions of .." lnter-Amerlcan

. organlzatlons,




pertaining to inter-American affairs 92 The Columbus Memorial Library, a century of service to the Americas 515 The coming of age of the Pan American system 362 Commonwealth Caribbean countries and the Organization of American States 24 The Commonwealth Caribbean states and the Organization of American States 386 A comparative perspective of the OAS, OAU, and ASEAN 145 The competence of the Council of the Organization of American States 291 La competencia general del Consejo de la Organizaci6n de loa Estados Americanos con respecto a cuestiones de indole politics 306 Conference on the inter-American system and world order 150 La Conferencia de Bogot' y loa progresos del panamericanismo 523 Conferencia de cancilleres cooperaci6n continertta1

de Am~rica 258




La Conferencia de Caraclis 513 La Conferencia de Quito, un fracaso de 1a OEA 338 Conferencias realizadas por 1a Escuela de Ciencias lnternacionales sobre el sistema interamericano del 18 de julio de 1983 al 14 de febrero de 1984 185 Conflictos de competencia entre 1as Naciones Unidas y 1a Organizaci6n de loa Estados Americanos 246 Los conflictos del Caribe y el sistema interamericano de paz 269 Contribuci6n de 1a O.E.A. al derecho internacional 170 Contribuci6n de la Organizaci6n de loa Estados Americanos al afianzamiento de la Naciones Unidas 33 Contributions of the American States to world peace 398 La convivencia americana 447 Co-operation of countries within the Organization of American States to combat drug problems 502 La coordinaci6n entre las Naciones Unidas y la Organizaci6n de loB Estados Americanos en e1 arreglo de lag controversias, el caBO de Cuba 253



The Council of the OAS) performance and potential 275 The Council of the Organization of American States) watchdog of the hemisphere 328 Cria~io e consolida~ao da comunidade americana 471 La crisis de 1a OEA 232 La crisis del At14ntico Sur y su influencia en el sistema regional 427 La crisis del derecho americano 510 Crisis in the OAS 472 The crisis of the inter-American system 70 Cuba and beyond) role of OAS in inter-American affairs 420 Cuba and the inter-American system) exclusion of the Castro regime from. the Organization of American States 340 Cuba) la OEA y la fuerza interamericana de paz 37 The Cuban problem in the Organization of American States 142 La cuesti6n Cubana en la OEA y la crisis del sistema interamericano 68 The cultural fo,undations of development in the Americas 421

De PanamA a Put1lta del



y perspectivas,

1956-1968 134 Defining econortlic aggression in international law 274 Del Congreso de: PanamA a 1a Conferencia de Caracas,




Congreso de: PanamA a la Conferencia de Caracas, 1826-1954. E1 genic de Bo1!var a trav~s de 1a historia de las re1aciones interamericanas 41, 118, 194 The democratic revolution, inter-American solidarity, new political cloctrine and the concept of social justice

.in' .tfte CAS Charter Derecho constit:uciona1

399 interamericano

E1 derecho en tIn programs Cuenca del Plata 63

El derecho


Los derechos


de desarrollo


en el sistema


h1.lmanos en la


caBS del




PinochetJ ~;exta Asamb1ea de la O.E.A. 221 Los derechos h\Jmanos J la OEA y Chile 30 Los derechos h\Jmanos y la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos 152 Developing relj~tions of mutual trust Development of American regionalism,



ciudadano Presidente Doctor Jaime Lusinchi

Pe:rmanente de la Organizaci6n





Discurso pronulr\ciado par el Republica Ide Venezuela,


and respect 279 the Organization

de los

de la ante



69 Discurso pronunciado por el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores. Clodomiro Almeyda. en la Asamblea General de la Organizaci6n de Estados Americanos, 15 de abril de 1971 203 Documentos de politica internacional 131 The Dominican Republic and the GAS 162 The Dominican Republic crisis of 1965, the role of international law in United States decisionmaking 147 Drafting a new Charter. special committee created by Act of Rio de Janeiro meets in Panama City 530 The dynamics of international organization 93

Economic sanctions. the of the O.A.S. and the Dominican Republic. 19160-1962 223Economic. social and cultl;lral rights and the inter-American system 353 Ecuadorian foreign policy. 1958-1968. as reflected Organization of Americ:an States and the United

in the Nations

171 The Eighth Annual General Assembly. a hemisphere turnaround? 310 An end to unilateral U.S. action in Latin America. a call for expanding the rolt~ of the OAS 456 Entwicklungsnationalismus und Kompradorenpolitik. die Grundug der OAS und d:Le Entwicklung der Abhangigkeit Lateinamerikas von den USA 21 Escrutando un horizonte 8:7 Estados Unidos yla OEA. :La OEA es un foro en que ninguna materia est' fuera de discusi6n 395 Una estructura jur!dica p,anamericana y su efectividad 146 Estrutura e funcionamento da Organiza;10 dos Estados Americanos 492 Estudio de la Organizaci6n de loa Estados Americanos 86 A evolu;~o daB compent~ncias dos orglos pol!ticos internacionais. os casos da Organiza;lo daB Na~oes Unidas e da Organiza~lo dos Estados Americanos 504 La evoluci6n de pol!tica de EE.UU. en Am~rica Latina 72 La evoluci6n hist6rica de laB relaciones interamericanas 153 An examination Organization Security Exclusion of


the Uru,guayan position in of American States and the

Council 65 the Castro Regime



the United


American States 340 Ex-colonias britinicas en el Caribe. origenes participaci6n en org~mos latinoamericanos Expanding fabric of our c:ommon interes t 473

de su 317

Nations of

-70 The expanding Extending



the Organi2:ation


our colmnon interest


of American




474 Observers



As faculdades d:o Conselho da Organiza~~o dos Es tados Americanos 230 Falklands (Malv'inas) , international law, and the CAS 466 El fin de una f'icci6n 512 First General Assembly 388 First Special Inter-American Conference provides for admission of new members to Organization of American States 225 Forging world order, the politics of international organization 144 Un fracaso de la OEA 338 Friedliche Streitbeilegung durch Regionale Organisationen, Theorie und Praxis der Friedenssicherungs-Systeme der CAS, der Liga der Arabischen Staaten und der OAU im Vergleich 85 La funci6n regi,onal de la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos :y su importancia 191 A further inqui'ry into the nature of alliances, NATO and the CAS 188 The futility of O.A.S. collective securitYJ the Ninth Meeting of :Foreign Ministers 100 The future development of the inter-American system 227 The future of the inter-American system 53 Future of the 01rganization of American States 259

The gen'p.ra1 fe1:lowship program of the Organization of American St~ites, 1958 to 1968 137 E1 genio de Bo1j(var a trav~s de la historia de las relaciones iLnteramericanas 41, 118, 194 Globalism verSU!1 regionalism, u. S. policy and the OAS 311 Governance in t~'e Western Hemis phere 8, 188 Growth of the Oz:ganization of American States 200

Hacia la unidad de Am~rica 400 Hacia una nueva Am~rica Latina 401 lHay necesidad de reparar un nav!o? 318 La hegemon!a noI~teamericanat factor de crisis de la OEA 22 Hemispheric 80lj.darity and the OAS 422 Historia de laB elecciones para Secretario General de la Organizaci6n de 108 Estados Americanos en 1975 74

71 Historia

y alcance

de la


de Estados


363 Historical patterns procedures 123 Human Rights issues Organization of Human Rights issues Organization of

and internal


of OAS settlement

at the Seventh Regular Session of the American States General Assembly 179 at the Sixth Regular Session of the American States General Assembly 178

La idea inter-Americana 509 Idea y experiencia de Am~rica 76 El ideal americanista y la remodelaci6n de la O.E.A. 219 An illustration of regional organization for peace 336 Impu1so democritico a1 sistema interamericano 286 La ineficaz OEA 309 The influence of the United States and the Organization of American States on the international law of reservations 324 Informe expedido por la Comisi6n Mixta de Negocios Internacionales Relativo a la Carta de la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos 257 Inquietudes y expectativas de Venezuela sobre las relaciones hemisf~ricas y el sistema interamericano 238 The institutional framework of inter-American relations 518 Institutional reform in the Organization of American States, 1975-1983 479 La integraci6n pol!tica. su realidad. su necesidad 140 Integration and conflict in regional organization 138 Intento de coordinaci6n hemisf~rica, el tr!ptico de Bogoti 214

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights 480 The Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace and the problems of the reorganization of the inter-American system 350 Inter-American conferences, 1826-1954, history and problems 88 Inter-American cooperation moves forward 334 The inter-American dilemma~ the search for inter-American cooperation at the centennial of the inter-American system 156 The Inter-American Economic and Social Council and the Organization of American States 49 The Inter-American Economic and Social Council, instrument of peaceful revolution 29


The inter-American military force 190 The inter-American peace and security system for dealing with threats to the peace and breaches of the peace, 1948-1959 10 An inter-American peace force within the framework of the Organization of American States, advantages, impediments, and implications 94-95 Inter-American progress through the Organization of American States 467 Inter-American regional system 293 The inter-American regional system 56, 292 Inter-American regional system, fifty years of progress 294 Inter-American relations, a collection of documents, legislation, descriptions of inter-American organizations, and other material pertaining to inter-American affairs 92 Inter-American relations in the 1970's 260 Inter-American relationship 463 Inter-American solidarity, new world political doctrine, and the concept of social justice in the OAS charter 399 The inter-American system 35, 256, 271 Inter-American system and recent Caribbean disputes 307 The inter-American system and the United Nations organization 351 The inter-American system, its development and strengthening 90 Inter-American system snarls in Falklands War 397 The inter-American system, the United States and the promotion of hemispheric democracy, perspectives on intervention and collective responsibility in the Americas 60 The inter-American system today 364 The inter-American system's second century 483 Das Interamerikanische Friedensystem, Idee und Wirklichkeit 20 International center for the National Capital 180 International conflicts and collective security, 1946-77, the United ~'ations, Organization of American States, Organization, of African Unity, and Arab League 195 International dimensions of inter-American relations, 1944-1960 434 International organization 17 International oI'ganization in the Western Hemisphere 125 International organizations and the Falklands/Malvinas 322 International organizations: immunity 323 International organizations in their legal setting 125



and the Organization

of American


1959-1967 19 Intervention in international lawj with a reference to the Organization of American States 115 An introduction to the legal systems of the American Republics 44 An introduction to the Member nations of the Organization of American States 425 Is there any future for the lnteramerican system? 435 Issues at Punta del Este, non-intervention v. collective security 295 Jos~ Antonio

The keeper



of the collective

The language Latin Latin

a life

110 America America



to the hemisphere


of t.he Organization

and the United in the foreign


of American

Nations 522 relations of the United



261 America in the int:ernationa1 political system 9 America, internatj.ona1 relations, a guide to information sources 66 The law of the Americas II an introduction to the legal systems of the AmeriLcan Republics 44 Legal issues in inter-&Berican relations 216 A life devoted to the ht~misphere 531 The limits of co11ectiv4~ security in a troubled hemisphere Latin Latin

154 The limits of legitimiz.ation in international organizations; the ~)rganization of American States the Dominican Crisis 493 Lo que dej6 la IX Confe:t'encia: La Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos 365 The majority of one, towards a theory of regional compatibility 50 Manual de derecho internacional americano 83 M~xico ante el sistema interamericano 332 M~xico ante la OEA y las Naciones Unidas 368 M~xico, Cuba y 1a OEA 38 M~xico en 1a OEA 433 Mexico in the Organization of American States 102




M~xico y los Est,ados Americanos 369 Meziamericky syst~m 97 Model OAS Assembly convenes 511 Modernizing the OAS 281 Moving ahead. OAS Council Chairman makes progress report 402 Multilateral negotiation and mediation 107 The multilaterlization of the Monroe Doctrine, the Rio Treaty, 1947 490 A multinational success 321

Nacimiento y desarrollo del panamericanismo 357 Las Naciones Unidas, E1 Tratado de Rio y 1a OEA 487 Las Naciones Unidas y e1 sistema interamericano, conf1ictos jurisdicciona1es 77 As Na~~es Unidas e as organiza~oes regionais 197 The nature and function of international organization 78 Necesidad, importancia y vigencia de 1a OEA 457 Neighbors in a new world, the Organization of American States 99 New departures in the exercise of inherent powers by the UN and the OAS Secretaries General, the Central American situation 233 New efforts toward peace 532 New format, old problems, the Organization of American States under revised charter 212 New horizons for progress and freedom in the Americas 423 New leadership for the O.A.S. 325 New milestones in the inter-American system 389 The new OAS, a special Eightieth Anniversary Message for ,tRe Americas 440 New wine and old bottles, the changing inter-American sys,tem 276 The 1967 Buenos Aires Protocol of amendment to the 1948 Charter of I~ogota 380 The Ninth Meetirlg of Foreign Ministers 100 Non-interventiorl and collective security 295 Non-intervention, the law and its import in the Americas 173 Nonmember parti(:ipation in the Organization of American States 345 The nonshooting war in Latin America 358 Nonstate actors in international politics, from transregion.a.l to substate organizations 168 La norma intera1Dericana de no intervenci6n y la protecci6n internacion,a1 de los derechos humanos 333 Norteam~rica y Suramerica 285

-75 Le nouveau panam~ricanisme, 1 'evolution du syst~me inter-am~ricain vera Ie f~d~ralisme 48 La Novena Asamb1ea General de la OEA 409 La Novena Asamblea General de la D.E.A., un escenario conflictos 304 La Novena Conferencia lnternacional Americana 437 Una nueva visi6n de Am~rica 62 Nuevos horizontes para la OEA 441 Un nuevo enfoque en el Nuevo Mundo 272

The The The The The


OAS and the Dominican election 519 OAS and the English-speaking Caribbean 359 OAS and the Falklands conflict 262 OAS and the maintenance of peace and security 59 OAS and the promotion and protection of human rights 108-109 The OAS and the quest for international cooperation 481 The O.A.S. and the U.N. 448 The OAS and 'United Stat:es foreign policy 164 The OAS as a development agency 157 The OAS as catalyst 410 The OAS as mediator 482 The OAS at the crossroads, human rights 288 OAS Charter comes in effect 277 OAS Council moves to assist in solving U.S.-Panama dispute 226 OAS, death by malign neglect 356 The OAS General Assembly 205 The OAS in a time of change 155 The OAS in transition 11 OAS Museum, a new look 495 OAS: Organization of American States 411 OAS. Organization of American States, the challenge of the Americas 82 The OAS peace and security system 215 OAS reforms and the future of pacific settlement 384 The OAS, the UN, and the United States 255 The OAS today and tomorrow 442 Obsolescent charter 412 Octava asamblea de la OEA 413 La OEA bajo fuego 485 A OEA e a Am~rica Latina 239 OEA, el fin de una ficci6n 512 La O.E.A. en acci6n, nuestro caudal inexplotado 229 La OEA en Europa 403 La OEA, en una encrucijada 486

-76 La OEA es un foro en que ninguna materia est~ fuera de discusi6n 395 OEA: hacia una revita1izaci6n? 414 O.E.A., 1a Organizaci6n de 10s Estados Americanos, medics pac!ficos para 1a soluci6n de conf1ictos interamericanos 13 O.E.A., 1a suerte de una instituci6n regional 5 lUna OEA mis fuerte 0 una Am~rica m4s d~bil? 201 A O.E.A. no sistema politico interamericano 303 OEA: nuevas orientaciones estructura1es 254 O.E.A. ou coexist~ncia pacifica? 251 La O.E.A., permanencia y modernizaci6n 210 La OEA. repensando su crisis 500 La OEA se ocupa de la cooperaci6n econ6mica con Europa 415 OEA. sua obra e seus objetivos 416 La OEA Y e1 problema de loB derechos humanos 264 La O.E.A. y 1as Naciones Unidas, contribuci6n de 1a Organizaci6n de loa Estados Americanos a1 afianzamiento de 1as Naciones Unidas 33 La OEA Y 10s derechos humanos en E1 Salvador 284 La OEA y SUB or!genes 371 ONU Y OEA. relaciones en el imbito del mantenimiento de la paz y 1a seguridad internaciona1es 135 Opiniones de i1ustrados internacionalistas centroamericanos a prop6sito de la OEA y su nuevo Secretario General 418 Oraci6n funebre par la OEA 240 Die Organisation der Amerikanischen Staaten (OAS) 105 L'Organisation des Etats Am~ricans 64. 96. 335 Organismos interamericanos, SUB antecedentes, estructuras. funciones y perspectivas 31 Organism08 intert1.aciona1es. 1a evoluci6n hist6rica de laB r~laciones it1.teramericanas 153 Organiza~io doe E,stados Americanos 196, 526 A Organiza~io dos Estados Americanos, uma crise permanente? 252 La Organizaci6n de Estados Americanos 231, 424, 468 La Organizaci6n die Estados Americanos y 1a no intervenci6n

273 La Organizaci6n dIe la comunidad internacional 18 Organizaci6n de 1.os Estados Americanos (O.E.A.) 6 Organizaci6n de 1.os Estados Americanos 220, 429-430 La Organizaci6n (Ie 10s Estados Americanos 174, 459 La Organizaci6n de loB Estados Americanos, acontecimiento significativo e hist6rico en la capital de Colombia La Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos, el sistema regional interamericano 57 Organizaci6n de Los Estados Americanos (O.E.A~); Antecedentes" Creaci6n, Desarrollo, Organizaci6n, Actuaci6n 21 ~/


77 La Organizaci6n de loa Estados Americanos; su estructura actual y reformas 32 La Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos (O.E.A.); una nueva visi6n de Am~rica 62 La Organizaci6n de loa Estados Americanos y la solidaridad continental 417 La organizaci6n interamericana dentro de la organizaci6n mundia127 Organizaci6n internacional 61 La organizaci6n internacional americana 524 Organization of American States 177, 184, 527-529 The Organization 404









The Organization of American States, a guide to the future 503 Organization of American States, a regional system within the United Nations 330 The Organization of American States; a report on its activities to date 354 The Organization of American States, an example for the world 116 The Organization of American States, an introduction 167 The Organization of American States and international law 211 The Organization of American States and its documentation 516 The Organization of American States and its documentation dissemination 517 The Organization of American States and legal protection to political refugee:s in Central America 525 The Organization of American States and the Commonwealth Caribbean; perspectives on security, crisis and reform 23

The Organization of American States and the Cuban challenge, an analysis of the inter-American system and the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs 106 The Organization of American States and the Dominican crisis 493 The Organization of American States and the hemisphere crisis 46 The Organization of American States and the Organization of African Unity on issues of peace and security 4 The Organization of American States and the United Nations 296

The Organization of American States and the United relations in the peace and security field 112


78 The Organization of Nations, rivals The Organization of funding source

American States and the United or partners? 344 American States, another research 348 .

The Organization of American States in the role of collective security 51 The Organization of American States, its principles and its objectives 297 Organization of American States on its Sixty-Ninth Anniversary 4'75 The Organization of American States; present problems and future prospel:ts 377 The Organization of American States; present status and immediate perj~pective 121 The Organization of American States; the inter-American regional sys t.~m 58 Organization of knerican States; the transition from an unwritten to Ii written constitution 298 The Organization of American States under revised Charter 212 The Organization of American States with special reference to problems o:f international administration 151 Organizing security in the Americas 278 Origenes y evoluci6n del sistema interamericano 136 La OR!T Y la OEA en el campo cultural 337 Our America, an il:\troduction to the member nations of the Organization of American States 425 Outline of the codification of the international law in the inter-Americal:\ sys tem 431

Pacific se~tlement of system, 1948-1970

controversies 124




The pacific settlement of disputes in regional organisations; a comparative perspective of the OAS, OAU, and ASEAN 145 El Pac to del At14ntico 202 Pan America in crisis~ the future of the OAS 122 The Pan American system~ an illustration of regional organization for peace 336 Pan American UnionJ a true community of equal nations 283 Pan Americanism 52 Pan Americanism and regionalismJ a Mexican view 247 Pan Americanism and world peace 245 Pan Americanism, pattern of regional cooperation 374' El panamericanismo 26 El panamericanismo y el Pac to del At1~ntico 202 0 pape1 internacional da Organiza~ao dos Estados Americanos


79 Paralelo


la ONU y la OEA; soluci6n


de las

controversias 148 The paralysis of multilateral peacekeeping; international organizations and the Falklands/Malvinas 322 Peace in parts; integra,tion and conflict in regional organization 138 The peaceful settlement: of disputes in the inter-American system since World War II 43 Peaceful settlement of disputes through the Organization of American States) development and outlook 103 Peacekeeping and human rights. a proposed CAS response to civil strife in Lat:in America 355 The peace-keeping expel~ience of the Organization of American States ll:~ Perpectives on intervention and collective responsibility in the Americas 60 La politica de los Estados Unidos en la OEA y 1a convivencia americana 462 The politics of intern.~tional organization; studies in multilateral socia:l and economic agencies 39 The Politics of policy reversali the U.S. response to granting trade preferences to developing countries and linkages between international organizations and national policy making 394 Posi;~o da Co18mbia no sistema juridico interamericano 366 La posici6n de M~xico ante la OEA 149 Prictica en laB relaciones entre la Organizaci6n de loa Estados Americanos y las Naciones Unidas 268 Practical considerations on human rights within the OAS context 387 Presencia de Venezuela.

en la OEA, Junio





Presidente del CIES, discurso en la Duodecima Reuni6n del Consejo Interameri.cano Econ6mico y Social) 12 de abril de 1977 237 Prevenci6n contra


c:omunismo en el



477 La primera d~cada del Programs Regional de Desarrollo Cultural de la OEA 444 Los problemas que div:lden al continente, deb en resolverse dentro de la OEA, y no con f6rmulas externas yajenas al regionalismo alnericano 265 Problemas Y perspecti'~as del sistema interamericano 383 Problems and prospects of the Organization of American States, perceptions of the member states' leaders 80 El programa de recursos humanos de la OEA 450 El Programa Regional de Desarrollo Educativo de la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos y los. intereseEI juveniles



A proposed responsE~ to civil strife in Latin America 355 A prop6sito de reformas a la Carta de la OEA, una Comisi6n lnteramericana de Seguridad Social 498 Protection of humark rights by the Organization of American States 228 Protocolo de refort1~ da Carta da Organizar;ao dos Estados Americanos 445 El protocolo de reJ:ormas al Tratado lnteramericano de Asistencia Recj:proca 319 El protocolo de reJEormas de la Carta de 1985 426 El protocolo firmado en San Jos~ introduce reformas a1 Tratado InteraIoericano de Asistencia Rec!proca 438 Proyecci6n hist6ric:a de 1a Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos (O.]~.A.) 159 Proyecci6n, presenc:ia y destino de la O.E.A. 266 The public role of the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States in political-security matters 163 Punta del Este, th4! limits of collective security in a troubled hemisl~here 154

Raizes ou causae h:Lst6ricas do panamericanismo 1 Recent changes in Ithe inter-American system 308 Recent steps in the organization of the inter-American system 378 Recognition of the facto governments; is there a basis for inter-American collective action? 299 La reestructuraci6n del sistema interamericano (Carta die la OEA--TIAR); intervenciones en la Comisi6n Especial para Estudiar el Sistema Interamericano y Proponer Medidas para SIU Reestructuraci6n (CEESI) 117 Reflexiones sobre el At14ntico Sur; Am~rica Latina y el Brasil ante la desarticulaci6n del sistema interamericano 339 Reform of the OAS 379 Reform of the OAS. the 1967 Buenos Aires Protocol of Amendment to the 1948 Charter of Bogot4 380 La reforms del sistema interamericano 133 La reforms del Tratado de R!o 390 Reformas a la Carta de la OEA; fortalecimiento del sisl:ema regional 507 Reformas a la Carta de la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos207 Las reformas fundamentales a la Carta de la OrganizacicSn de loa Estados AJIlericanos 126 Regional internati,onal organizations. structures and functions 172


Regional solution offers best hope for Isthmus, Contadora should be brought into GAS forum 312 A regional system within the United Nations 330 Regionalism and the United Nations in American foreign policy; the peace-keeping experience of the Organization of American States 113 Relaciones crecientes entre las Naciones Unidas y la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos 373 Las relaciones interamericanas, una antolog!a de documentos

III Relations between the Organization of American States and non-governmental organizations 300 Report of the inter-American Dialogue 7, 192 Report on the First Regular Session of the General Assembly of the GAS 451 Requiem para la O.E.A. 508 Reservas feitas no Ato da ratific~o da Carta assinada em 1948 452 Resoluci6n sobre Expansi6n del comercio, aprobada por la D~cima Sesi6n Plenaria de la Asamblea General de la OEA, el 23 de Abril de 1971 en San Jos~, Costa Rica 4~j3 Reuni6n en Lima, Peru, de la Comisi6n Especial Encargada de la reestructuraci6n del sistema interamericano 454 A revaluation of collective security; the O.A.S. in action 165 Review of the progress and problems of the Organization of American States 341 The revised GAS Charter and the protection of human rights 224

Revising the Rio Treaty 391 Revision of the Charter of the Organization of American States 458 The revision of the Organization of American States 120 Rhetoric and reality; the inter-American system's second century 483 The right of members of the Organization of American States to refer their 'local' disputes directly to the United Nations Security Council 198 The Rio Treaty, 1947 490 El rol del organismo regional internacional en la mediaci6n y la soluci6n de controversias; la experiencia de la OEA 158 The role of international law in United States decisionmaking 147 Role of the CAS in inter-American affairs 420 The role of the Organization of American States in United States foreign policy, 1947-1963 166 The rule-,naking system of the CAS 499


The search for hem:isphere security 47 The search for inter-American cooperation at the centennial of the inter-American System 156 The Second General Assembly 496 Seguridad colectiva y arreglo pac!fico de controversia!l; dos sistemas en presencia, O.N.U. y O.E.A. 84 Sentido y alcance de la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos 186 Settling disputes in the Western Hemisphere 270 The Seventh General Assembly 313 Seventy-five years of international cooperation 183 Sexta Asamblea de la OEA 221 Die Sicherung des Friedens durch die Organisation der Amerikanischen Staaten (OAS) 71 Significaci6n y objectivos de la O.E.A. 405 El sistema de votaci6n en las conferencias interamericanas 301 El sistema interamericano 36, 316,455 El sistema interamericano en marcha 331 El sistema interamericano, estudio sobre su desarrollo y fortalecimient:o 89, 91 El sistema interamericano, ficci6n y realidad 248 El s is tema interanlericano, g~nes is, integraci6n. decad,encia 160 El sistema interamericano, mudanza y transici6n 161 El sistema interaD~ericano y la guerra de lag Malvinas 130 El sistema regional interamericano 57 Site for Organization of American States and international center 181 Solo la verdad; historia de las elecciones para Secretario General de la Organizaci6n de 10s Estados Americanos en 1975 74 Soluci6n pacifica de controversias a trav~s de la Organizaci6n de los Estados Americanos 104 Soluci6n pacifica de laB controversias 148 SOS for the CAS 326 Sovereignty and i:t'1terdependence in the new world; COtmIlents on the inter-.American system 476 Stalemate or catalyst? the Seventh General Assembly ~113 Statistical activities of the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Statistical Institute 342 Status of inter-American cooperation for development L.39 Streamlined structure for the General Secretariat 497 A study of the evolution of the doctrine of non-intervention in the inter-American System 189 A study of the nature of executive leadership in international organizations 119



La superstici6n jur!, encuentro de 108 1atinoamericanol8 con loa norteamerjlcanos en la reuni6n de la OEA en PanamA 367 Swords into plowshares 34







the OAS


El tema de hoy en la OEA 287 Las tendencias americanas de pacificaci6n al servicio de la humanidad 267 The Tenth General AssI!mbly, optimistic soundings for the hemisphere 314 Torpe y confuso hipopcStamo 460 Toward new dimensions for the OAS 392 Towards a theory of regional compatibility 50 The transmutation of Ithe Organization of American States

169 La trascendencia de 110s reuniones interamericanas Tratado sobre 1a orga1:\izaci6n internacional 42 Tres ensayos universitarios 55


U. N. Security Council rejects Cuban call for opinion of World Court on OAS action 505 The unanimity rule in the inter-American conference 302 La Und~cima Asamb1ea IGeneral de 1a OEA 489 Under the cover of "inter-American solidarity" 79 Unidad interamericana 491 Uni6n de las naciones americanas 408 La Uni6n Panamericana, actual secretar!a de 1a O.E.A., origen, evo1uci6n y r~gimen actual 12. 213 La Uni6n Panamericana y 1as conferencias panamericanas 381. The United States and inter-American Security, 1889-1960 128 The United States and the Fifth Pan American Conference 3~~7 The Unit,ed States and the inter-American system; are therE! functions for the forms? 54 The United States at Rio, 1942; the strain of Pan Americanism 305 United States influence in the Organization of American States 1948-1973 129 United States -Latini America, a special relationship?, the crisis of the int:er-American system 70 United States -Latit1l American relations, a study of the evolution of the Doctrine of non-intervention in the inter-American S~'stem 189


United States obligations under the OAS Charter and the Rio Treaty; an analysis of the Falkland Islands crisis 352 The United States. the OAS, and the dilemma of the undesirable regime 465 The United States. the Organization of American States:1 and the Dominican Republic 1961-1963 494 Universalism and regionalism; a study of the development decade of the United Nations and the Alliance for Progress of the OAS for universal and regional methods for promoting economic and social development 127 Universalismo y panamericanismo 69 Uruguayan policy in respect to the United States intervention in the Dominican Republ ic in April. 1~~65 65 The U.S. and Latin America; a case for the inter-Americ:an system 484 U.S. failure at Punta del Este 428 U.S. influence in the Organization of American States :~93 US interventionism. in Latin America. The Dominican Repllb1ic and the OAS 162 The U.S. measures against Argentina resulting from the Malvinas conflict 199 U.S. outlines views on future inter-American system 34:7 U.S. policy and the OAS 311 The U.S. response to granting trade preferences to developing coulntries and linkages between international organizations and national policy mal

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