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ARTE DEL BUON GELATO ARTIGIANALE . C ATA LOG O 2016 . ITA / ESP . PICCOLI PIACERI QUOTIDIANI . I Piccoli Piaceri Quotidiani soddisfano quella vogl

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i|English for Business and Economics


ii | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s

TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER...................................................................................................................... i PREFACE................................................................................................................. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................iii UNIT 1 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION ............................................................... 1 New Employee...................................................................................................... 3 Part Of Speech ...................................................................................................... 5 UNIT 2 Marketing .................................................................................................. 10

iii | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s

UNIT 1 Business Communication

1|English for Business and Economics

A. READING Read the text below carefully! Business communication is communication that is used in the business world, it is the interaction that occurs between business people. This communication can occur between sellers and buyers, between companies and customers, between banks and customers. Communication also occurs internally between superiors and subordinates and vice versa, or at the same level. Issues communicated are matters relating to trade or business. The process of buying and selling occurs communication, namely bargaining or regarding various terms that are being negotiated. Business communication covering various forms of communication, both verbal and non-verbal communication to achieve certain goals. The business world is very broad, from small traders, large traders, local, national to international scale. Small sellers who sell their goods are basically doing business communication. Big or small entrepreneurs who make offer letters to their partners or customers are communicating business. Assigning tasks to employees, receiving and responding to customer feedback are all examples of business communication. Business communication occurs between entrepreneurs, sellers and customers, and is related to the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action). (Source: Book of Business Communication by Prof. Dr. H. Rizali Hadi, MM.)

GLOSSARY     

Assigning Tasks Business Communication Buyers Bargaining Companies

: Memberikan Tugas : Komunikasi Bisnis : Pembeli : Menawar : Perusahaan


: Pelanggan

2|English for Business and Economics

      

Employees Entrepeneurs Feedback Issues Offer Letters Sellers Vice Versa

: Karyawan : Wirausahawan : Umpan Balik : Masalah : Surat-surat Penawaran : Pedagang : Sebaliknya

EXERCISE 1 Answer the questions based on the text above! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is business communication? What forms of communication does a business communication cover? Give the examples of business communication! Business communication can also occur internally, between whom? What is AIDA that related to business communication?

B. SPEAKING New Employee


: Good morning, Ms. Yuyun, how are you?


: Good morning, I am doing fine, and you?


: I am fine too.


: Are you a new employee here?

3|English for Business and Economics


: Yes, I am. Let me introduce myself, Miss. My name is Sulhan Ali.


: Pleased to meet you.


: Pleased to meet you too.


: What job do you do here?


: I work as a secretary and will assist you.


: I hope you can complete your work well and work hard.


: I will do. I am always ready to contribute to the company, that why I am here, Ms. Yuyun.


: Ok. Good luck for your job.


: Thank you, Miss.


: Talk to you later.


: See you, have a nice day.

GLOSSARY       

Assist Contribute Job New Employee Pleased Secretary Work

: Membantu : Kontribusi : Pekerjaan : Karyawan Baru : Senang : Sekretaris : Tugas

EXERCISE 2 Circle TRUE or FALSE for each following statement based on the dialogue above! 1. 2. 3. 4.

Sulhan is the new employee (TRUE / FALSE) The employee is not ready to contribute to the company (TRUE / FALSE) Ms. Yuyun and Sulhan met at night time (TRUE / FALSE) Sulhan Ali work as a secretary (TRUE / FALSE)

4|English for Business and Economics


The manager job is to assist the employee (TRUE / FALSE)

C. GRAMMAR Part Of Speech

1. Noun Nouns are used to name people, things, animals, places, ideas or concepts. Nouns are used to mark an object. Usually at the beginning of a noun there is particle such as a, an or the. Nouns are further divided into seven types, namely: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Countable noun: Book, car, foot, mountain, tree. Uncountable noun: English, happiness, money, milk, snow. Common noun: Country, desert, accountant. Proper noun: America, Qatar, Jeff Bezos Abstract noun: Idea, honesty, imagination, kindness, love. Concrete noun: Cheese, desk, man, sugar, water. Collective noun: Class, deer, couple, furniture, staff.

2. Pronoun Pronouns are used to replace nouns. These parts of speech are useful for avoiding repetition of the use of nouns. Pronouns have several types, including the following: a) Personal pronoun: I, you, we, they, she, he, it. 5|English for Business and Economics

b) c) d) e) f)

Demonstrative pronoun: This, that, these, those. Interrogative pronoun: Who, what, which, whom, whose. Relative pronoun: Who, which, whom, whose, that. Indefinite pronoun: Another, anything, everything, none, someone. Reflexive pronoun and intensive pronoun: Myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves, herself. g) Reciprocal pronoun: Each other, one another.

3. Verb Verb is used to express the action, action or state of the subject to show events or circumstances. Kinds of verbs are: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Transitive verb: Ask, buy, hit, make, show. Intransitive verb: Arrive, come, go, smile, wait. Regular verb: Accept, bake, decide, live, walk. Irregular verb: Bear, choose, feel, send, write. Action Verb: Eat, grow, jump, run, work. Stative verb: Adore, deserve, forgive, impress, sound. Finite verb: Transitive dan intransitive verb, action dan stative verb, linking verb, dan auxiliary verb. Non-finite verb: Present participle, past participle, infinitive, bare infinitive. Linking verb: Act, be, look, seem, taste. Causative verb: Get, have, lead, let, make.

4. Adjective Adjective is a word that is used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun. Usually located before a noun or pronoun. However, it can also come after linking verbs related to the senses (seem, taste). For one noun or pronoun, there can be more than one adjective. Example: Old, young, bad, fat, thick, big, small, pretty. 5. Adverb Adverb usually used to describe or modify a verb, adjective, or other adverbs. Not only that, adverbs of an adjective usually end with the particle –ly, such as deeply, extremely, happily, fairly, and others, but there are also adverbs that do not originate from adjectives such as very, somewhat, only, quite, and others. The kinds of adverbs are: 6|English for Business and Economics

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Adverb of time: Early, recently, yesterday, now, tonight. Adverb of manner: Fast, hard, slowly, softly, quickly. Adverb of degree: Enough, quite, so, too, very. Adverb of modality: Likely, maybe, perhaps, possibly, unlikely. Adverb of frequency: Always, barely, daily, often, sometimes. Adverb of place: Away, behind, here, nearby, somewhere. Adverb of focus: Also, even, just, mainly, only.

6. Preposition Prepositions have a function to show the relationship between nouns and other words. This part of speech is placed before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase that modifies other words in a sentence. Prepositions are divided into several types: a) b) c) d) e) f)

Preposition of time: After, before, during, since, until. Preposition of place: Above, at, in, on, under. Preposition of movement: Inside, into, off, toward(s), up. Prepositition of manner: By, in, like, on, with, without. Preposition of purpose: For. Preposition of quantity/measure: For, by.

7. Conjunction Conjunctions used to connect two words, phrases, clauses, so that they become a sentence. There are several types of conjunctions, namely: a) b) c) d)

Coordinate conjunction: And, but, nor, or, yet Correlative conjunction: Between … and, either … or, from … to, rather … than, if … then. Subordinate conjunction: After, because, before, although, when. Conjunctive adverb: At last, besides, however, hence, then.

8. Interjection Interjection is a word used to express different levels of emotion. Grammatically, it is usually seen as a part that is not related to the main sentence. Example: Oh! Hey! Oops..

EXERCISE 3 7|English for Business and Economics

Answer the following questions by choosing the specified part of speech of underlined word that belongs to! 1. The young employee is working with computer. a. Adjective b. Verb c. Noun d. Conjunction 2. Our business doing well this year a. Adverb b. Interjection c. Verb d. Adjective 3. Communication is important between business people. a. Noun b. Verb c. Adverb d. Conjunction 4. She responsible for responding customer feedback. a. Noun b. Interjection c. Preposition d. Pronoun 5. We should try the new marketing strategy. a. Preposition b. Verb c. Adverb d. Adjective 6. Amazon will never forget to contact you. a. Verb b. Interjection c. Adverb d. Pronoun 7. Steve Jobs is the founder of Apple. a. Noun b. Pronoun c. Adjective d. Adverb 8|English for Business and Economics

8. Hey! We are going to have a meeting! a. Conjunction b. Interjection c. Adjective d. Preposition 9. Lala is talking to her manager. a. Noun b. Adverb c. Pronoun d. Verb 10. The company is happily welcome the new employee. a. Adverb b. Adjective c. Preposition d. Pronoun

9|English for Business and Economics

UNIT 2 Marketing

10 | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s

A. READING Read the text below carefully! Digital Marketing Digital marketing is an activity of marketing or promotion of a brand or product using digital media or the internet. Digital marketing is growing in the world in general and Indonesia in particular, since the 2019 Covid pandemic. The existence of a policy of limiting activities due to the pandemic has made people’s trends shift to buy all kinds of products and services online. Types of Digital Marketing are: 1. Website The web is very functional in displaying industry professionalism, helping consumers recognize your business, frugal promotion and easy business media. 2. Search Engine Marketing Efforts to make the industrial web easy to find in search engine systems. Search Engine Marketing is divided into Search Engine Optimization( SEO) and Search Engine Marketing ( SEM). SEO is tried by yourself with a longer time and cheaper otherwise SEM is paid but faster. 3. Social Media Marketing Circulate the platform on social media such as Facebook and Twitter because they can be tried for a small fee, let alone free. This can definitely increase the brand of the industry. 4. Online Advertising Promotional media via the internet with paid. This can get consumers more lightning and satisfying but is somewhat more expensive than the previous type. 5. Email Marketing You can tell the latest data on promotions that are taking place or the latest products or services. 6. Video Marketing With this method, you can immediately talk about your business, display products and methods of using them and show customer testimonials. (Source: https://iblu-academy.co.id/materi-digital-marketing-gratis/)


Grow Particular Since

/ɡrəʊ/ /pə’tɪkjələ(r)/ /sɪns/

: Bertambah : Khusus : Sejak

11 | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s

      

Existence Display Recognize Frugal Engine Circulate Service

/ɪɡ’zɪstəns/ /dɪ’spleɪ/ /’rekəɡnaɪz/ /’fruːɡl/ /’endʒɪn/ /’sɜːkjəleɪt/ /’sɜːvɪs/

: Adanya : Memperlihatkan : Mengenali; Mengakui : Cermat : Mesin : Mengedarkan : Jasa

EXERCISE 1 Answer these following questions by reading the text above ! 1. 2. 3. 4.

What is the text about? What is the digital marketing? Mention the types of digital marketing and explain ! What type of marketing can get consumers faster and more satisfying but somewhat more expensive? Give the reason !

B. SPEAKING Showroom Shopkeeper

: “Hello sir, welcome to our showroom. How can I help you?”


: “ Could you show me where I can find a handmade batik?”


: “Sure, please follow me.”


: “Our showroom provides a wide range batik collection, from Lasem, Pekalongan, Solo, Yogyakarta, Cirebon etc. Each type of batik has its own motifs and value. Batik Lasem for example is the evidence of the acculturation of Indonesian and Chinese culture. Meanwhile, batik from Yogyakarta and solo is the type of fabric that was worn by the aristocrats back then before Indonesia got its independence”.


: “Oh, can you give me the Lasem one?”


: “Sure, this one is batik tulis from Lasem.”


: “Oh, this is beautiful. How much is it?”

12 | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s


: “It will cost 40$, but if you buy another one our showroom gives a 10% discount.”


: “I’d like to buy more, but sadly I have limited cash. Do you offer, non-cash payment instead?”


: “Don’t worry, paypal and other cashless payment methods are available.”


: “Great.”

EXERCISE 2 Match the name of the text with its definition. Draw a line! 1. Showroom 2. Handmade 3. Limited 4. Cashless Payment 5. Paypal

a. Products made with own hands b. Something indicating that the company is a limited liability c. A place to showcase certain products to improve marketing d. Virtual account that povides transfer services e. No need to carry large amounts of cash

C. GRAMMAR Tenses Tenses that use the word present are used to express an event that occurred in the present or is taking place. In the use of the present is also divided into four, namely: 1. Simple Present Tense Simple Present Tense is used to express an act or event that occurs in the present. In addition, Simple Present Tense is also used to: 

A habit or event that occurs in a daily (habitual action) or an activity that has been scheduled. Verbs that are often used include arrive, begin, close, finish, open, and others.

Example sentences: a) I take a bath twice a day b) The train arrives at 8.00 am 

Expressing a general truth.

Example sentences: 13 | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s

a) The sun rises in the east b) Five and three make eight Frequently used adverbs include: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

Always : selalu Usually : biasanya Sometimes : kadang-kadang Occasionally : kadang-kadang Often : sering Frequently : sering Everyday/week/month/year : setiap hari/minggu/bulan/tahun Once a week : satu minggu sekali

The formula of the Simple Present Tense, namely:   

Positive sentence: Subject (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) + V1 (s/es) + O + adverbs Negative sentence: Subject (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) + do/does + not + V1 + O + adverbs Interrogative sentence: Do/does + Subject + V1 + O + adverbs

Examples of using sentences: (+) You speak French (-) You don’t speak French (?) Do you speak French? Yes, I do or No, I don’t. 2. Simple Continuous Tense or Present Progressive Present Continuous Tense is used to express an activity or event that is taking place at the moment or in other words is taking place. Description of the time used, namely: a) b) c) d) e) f)

Now : sekarang This morning : pagi ini Right now : saat ini This afternoon : sore ini Soon : segera Tonight : malam ini

The formula of Simple Continuous Tense:  

(+) S + to be + V-ing + O + adverbs (-) S + to be + not + V-ing + O + adverbs

14 | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s

(?) to be + S + V-ing + O + adverbs ?

Examples of using sentences: (+) Susan is typing a letter now (-) Susan isn not typing a letter now (?) Is Susan typing a letter now? Yes, she is or No, She is not 3. Present Perfect Tense Present Prefect Tense represents an act or event that began to occur in the past to the present. A description of the time used, usually since (since) and for (during). Reveal events or events that occur in the present. Frequently used adverbs, namely already (sudah), recently (akhir-akhir ini), lately (akhir-akhir ini), and so far (sampai sekarang). The formula of Present Perfect Tense   

(+) S + have/has + V3 + O + adverbs (-) S + have/has + not + V3 + O + adverbs (?) Have/has + S + V3 + O + adverbs?

Example of using sentences: (+) I have written a novel for a year (-) I have not a novel for a year (?) Have you written a novel for a year? 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an act or event that occurred in the past and lasted until now (now it is still being done or happening). The time description used is since (sejak) and for (selama). The formula of Present Perfect Continuous Tense   

(+) S + have/has + been + Ving + O + adverbs (-) S + have/has + not + been + Ving + O + adverbs (?) Have/has + S been + Ving + O + adverbs?

Example of using sentences: (+) I have been studying English for 6 years (-) I have not been studying English for 6 year 15 | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s

(?) Have you been studying Englisgh for 6 years?

EXERCISE 3 Choose either a, b, c, or d as the correct answer to fill the blank space! 1. Tiara ___ her room once a week. a. To clean b. Clean c. Cleans d. Cleaning 2. Anya ___ always ___ to the library every Friday. a. Do not, goes b. Does not, go c. Do not, went d. Does not, gone 3. __ they ____ a movie together now? a. Is, seeing b. Do, see c. Are, seeing d. Do, seeing 4. My mother ___ to market right now. a. Is going b. Is goes c. Went d. Gone 5. He and she ___ not ___ the discussion a. Is, understand b. Are, understanding c. Is, understanding d. Are, understand 6. On 17th August, we ___ our independence day in city hall untill now. a. Have celebrated b. Celebrates c. Celebrating d. Do celebrate 7. They ___ already bought my car a. Have b. Has c. Have been d. Has been 8. We have ___ ___ on karaoke for a month. a. Been, singing 16 | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s

b. Been, sings c. Been, sing d. Been, sung 9. Don’t use this bicycle, because it has been __ since last month. a. Recover b. Recovering c. Recovered d. Recovers 10.__ you been taking course here for 2 years? a. Are b. Do c. Have d. Is

17 | E n g l i s h f o r B u s i n e s s a n d E c o n o m i c s

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