Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism Celebrando el Sacramento del Bautismo

Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism Celebrando el Sacramento del Bautismo General Procedures Instrucciones Generales English Baptism After picking u

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Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism Celebrando el Sacramento del Bautismo General Procedures Instrucciones Generales

English Baptism After picking up the Baptismal Packet from our office, you must try to fulfill the requirements (first step is to know when and where parents and godparents are taking the baptismal preparation class ! if taking class at our parish, you must RSVP/Limited space). Please be aware that you baptismal date and time are not official until you submit, at least two weeks prior your desired date, this complete package with all its requirements (incomplete packages will not be admitted): ! Submit: Sacrament of Baptism Registration Form” (other side). Carefully read “Baptismal Guidelines and Requirements” " Submit: Child’s Birth Certificate. Parents and legal guardians can only register a child for baptism. # Submit: Proof of baptismal preparation class attendance from Parents and Godparents. $ Submit: Letter of Candidacy. Both sponsors must give you the completed forms signed and stamped by their priest. ! Submit: Donation of $ if registered or not. Cash or check accepted. Note: Before submitting your package, please confirm the date and time of baptism; dates and times may change.

Bautizos en Español Después de recoger su Paquete Bautismal de nuestras oficinas, deberá buscar reunir los requisitos (iniciar por buscar dónde y cuándo van a tomar las clases pre-bautismales los papás y padrinos ! para pláticas en nuestra parroquia deberá reservar su lugar). Favor de tener en cuenta que la fecha y hora del bautismo no es oficial hasta que todo el paquete y requisitos hayan sido entregados, por lo menos entregar dos semanas antes del bautismo, en nuestras oficinas (no se aceptan paquetes incompletos): ! Entregar: “Forma de Registro Sacramento del Bautismo” (reverso). Leer bien la “Guía y Requisitos para el Bautismo” " Entregar: Acta de Nacimiento del infante. Solamente los padres o tutores legales del infante pueden hacer trámite. # Entregar: Certificado de Asistencia Clases pre-bautismales de los papás y padrinos. $ Entregar: Cartas de Candidatura. Padrino y madrina deberán de entregar a los papás las cartas firmadas y selladas. ! Entregar: Donación de $si están registrados o no. Se acepta efectivo o cheques. Nota: Antes de entregar paquete, por favor revisar fecha y hora de bautismo; cambios pueden suceder sin notificación.

¡Gracias por su apoyo! Thanks for your support! Santa Clara Church & Chapel

SANTA  CLARA  PARISH:      SACRAMENT  OF  BAPTISM  REGISTRATION  FORM   Santa Clara Church: 323 S. E St., Oxnard, CA 93030 w (805) 487-3891 w Fax (805) 487-4733 Santa Clara Chapel: 1333 Ventura Blvd., Oxnard, CA 93030 w (805) 485-7335 w Fax (805) 981-1183 ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

¨ English @ Church (1st & 4th Sunday @ 2pm) ¨ English @ Chapel (2nd Saturday @ 10am) Today’s date:___________________

¨ Spanish @ Church (2nd Sunday @ 2pm) ¨ Spanish @ Chapel (4th Saturday @ 10am)

Date of Baptism:___________________ Hour of Baptism___________

Child’s Information/Información del niño o niña Last Name/Apellido Paterno

First Name/Nombre propio

Middle Name/Segundo Nombre

Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento


Place of Birth/Lugar de Nacimiento

Was the Child ever baptized in an emergency/¿Ha sido el niño bautizado por una emergencia?

When? Where?/¿Cuándo? ¿Dónde?

Parent’s Information/Información de los Padres Father’s Name/Nombre del papá




City, State, and Zip code/Ciudad, Estado y Código Postal

Mother’s Name/Nombre de la mamá



City, State, and Zip code/Ciudad, Estado y Código Postal


Are the parents married in the Catholic Church?/¿Están los papas casados en la Iglesia Católica?


Is the family resgister at our parish?/¿Está la familia registrada en nuestra parroquia?

Registration Number/Número de Registro

Godparent’s Information/Información de los Padrinos Godfather’s Name/Nombre del Padrino


Single or married?/¿Casado ó soltero?

Practicing Catholic?/¿Practica su fe católica?

Godmother’s Name/Nombre de la Madrina


Single or married?/¿Casado ó soltero?

Practicing Catholic?/¿Practica su fe católica?

To complete the application, the following must be turned in to our office two weeks prior to the baptism: ŒThis completed form Child’s Birth Certificate ŽProof of baptismal preparation class attendance Letter of Candidacy yDonation Para completar su aplicación, dos semanas antes del bautismo, lo siguiente tiene que ser entregado en la oficina: ŒEsta forma completada Acta de nacimiento del niño/niña ŽComprobante de pláticas pre-bautismales Carta de candidatura yDonación By signing this document you have already read and agreed to comply with our “Baptismal Guidelines and Requirements” Al firmar este documento Usted acepta haber leido y estar de acuerdo con los “Lineamientos y Requisitos para el Bautismo” XXX


Mother’s or Father’s Signature/Firma del Papá o Mamá

Office Use Only – Para Uso de Oficina Donation/Donación: $40.00 Date Paid____________________ Applic. Recv’d by___________________ Notes ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Minister of Baptism____________________________


Receipt No.____________ Date of Class attendance: Father ________________ Mother________________ Godfather______________ Godmother_____________

Santa Clara Catholic Parish Church: 323 S. E St., Oxnard CA 93030 (805) 487-3891 ä 1333 E. Ventura Blvd., Oxnard CA 93036 (805) 485-7335

Letter of Candidacy Dear soon to be Godparent, Please fill out the following information and take this letter to your parish priest. After he reaffirm your commitment (candidacy) to Christ and the teaching of our Church, please returned this document signed and stamped to the family that you are supporting as sponsor of the Sacrament of Baptism.

Name of the child to be sponsored

( Sponsor’s Full Name


Address/Unit number


Sponsor’s home parish




Phone number


Cell number

State/Zip Code

( State/Zip Code


Phone number

Dear Priest, The purpose of this letter is to ask you to please assist the faithful presenting this letter to reaffirm his/her candidacy to be a sponsor for the sacrament of Baptism. Canon law reminds us how important is that the sponsor be a practicing Catholic living in the Sacraments and the teachings of our Catholic Church. Would you please help the faithful answer these questions that will state his/her candidacy for the role a sponsor.

Is the candidate to become sponsor married or single? If married, must be in the Sacrament of Marriage

£ Single

£ Married

Is the candidate living in a common law union? Not a candidate if living in a civil marriage only

£ Yes

£ No

Is the candidate coming to Sunday Mass? Has the candidate the Sacraments of Initiation?

£ Yes £ Baptism

£ No £ Sometimes st £ 1 .Comm. £ Confirm.

How does the faithful practices his/her the faith? Devotions, reading of the Bible, etc.…

£ Rosary £ Novenas £ Holy Hour ____________________________________

Is this faithful a good candidate to be a sponsor? Comments or recommendations…

£ Yes £ Not now ____________________________________

Priest’s Name



£ Civil Only



The role of the Godparents is “together with the parents, to present an infant at baptism, and help the baptized to lead a Christian life in harmony with baptism, and to fulfill the obligations connected with it.” (Canon 872). Thus, the Church has established the following norms governing the qualifications needed to be a Godparent. The Godparent must be: At least sixteen (16) years old; “A Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and leads a life in harmony with the faith and role to be undertaken…Not be bound by any canonical penalty…Not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized” (Canon, 874, Sección 1). Only one Godfather and/or one Godmother can be baptismal sponsor (Canon 873), but additional Catholic persons act as witnesses at the baptism. I addition, “a baptized person who belongs to a noncatholic ecclesial community may not be admitted except as a witness to baptism and together with a Catholic Sponsor.” (Canon 87, Section 2). A non-Christian may not be a Godparent or witnesses.

Santa Clara Catholic Parish Church: 323 S. E St., Oxnard CA 93030 (805) 487-3891 ä 1333 E. Ventura Blvd., Oxnard CA 93036 (805) 485-7335

Carta de Candidatura Estimado futuro padrino o madrina, Favor de llenar la información correspondiente el infante y sobre usted. Después, llevar esta forma a su parroquia para que su sacerdote reafirme su compromiso, con Cristo y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia, como candidato a ser padrino o madrina. Favor de entregar esta forma firmada y sellada a la familia del infante.

Nombre del infante o persona a bautizar

( Nombre completo padrino/madrina




Parroquia a la que corresponde el padrino o madrina




Tel. casa


Tel. Celular

Estado/Código Postal

( Estado/Código Postal


Tel. de contacto, celular o residencia

Estimado Sacerdote, El propósito de esta carta es el de pedirle asista al portador reafirmar su candidatura como futuro padrino o madrina de bautismo. Según Código de la Ley Canónica nos recuerda la importancia de que los padrinos practiquen su fe, viviendo su vida sacramental y viviendo de acuerdo a las enseñanzas de nuestra Iglesia Católica. Fuera usted amable de reafirmar la candidatura del padrino o madrina que porta esta carta:

¿Esta el candidato a bautizar casado o soltero? Si esta casado(a), deberá ser por la Iglesia

£ Casado(a) £ Soltero(a) £ Civil

¿Esta el candidato viviendo en unión libre? No se puede ser candidato si solo viven al civil

£ Si

¿Esta el candidato asistiendo a la Misa Dominical? ¿Tiene el candidato los sacramentos de iniciación?

£ Si £ No £ A veces £ Bautismo £ Comunión £ Confirm.

¿Cómo el candidato practica su fe Católica? Devociones, lee la Biblia, etc.…

£ Hora Santa £ Rosario £ Novenas ____________________________________

¿Recomienda a esta persona como padrino o madrina? Comentarios o recomendaciones…

£ Si £ No por el momento ____________________________________

Nombre del Sacerdote


£ No




El papel de los padrinos es “junto a los padres, presentar un infante en el bautismo y ayudar al bautizado a llevar una vida cristiana en armonía con el bautismo y cumplir fielmente con las obligaciones conectadas a él.” (Cn 872) De este modo, la Iglesia ha establecido los siguientes requisitos necesarios para ser un(a) padrino/madrina. El padrino (madrina) deberá: Tener no menos de dieciséis (16) años; Ser “un(a) Católico(a) que haya sido cofirmado(a) y ya haya recibido el Sacramento de la Sagrada Eucaristía y que lleve una vida en armonía con la fe y el papel que va a emprender…No estar confinado por ninguna pena canónica…No ser ni el padre ni la madre de quien va a ser bautizado.” (Cn, 874, Sección 1). Solamente puede haber un Padrino y/o Madrina por bautizado (Cn 873), pero personas Católicas adicionales pueden actuar como testigos en el bautismo. Además, “Una persona bautizada que pertenece a una comunidad eclesiástica no católica solamente puede ser admitida como testigo en el bautismo si es acompañada por un padrino/madrina Católico(a)” (Cn 87, Sección 2). Una persona que no es Cristiana no puede ser ni padrino/madrina o testigo.

Santa Clara Catholic Parish: Church & Chapel RSVP required for class and "Baptismal Packet" Month Day Date Time August SUN 8/3/2014 2:00 PM SAT 8/9/2014 10:00 AM SAT 8/9/2014 6:00 PM SAT 8/9/2014 6:00 PM SUN 8/10/2014 2:00 PM SUN 8/17/2014 2:00 PM SAT 8/23/2014 10:00 AM SAT 8/23/2014 6:00 PM

must be turn in (completed) two weeks prior Baptisms Event Language Location Limit** Status Baptisms English Church 15 Open Baptisms English Chapel 15 Open Class* English Church 40 Open Class* Spanish Church 30 Open Baptisms Spanish Church 15 Open Baptisms English Church 15 Open Baptisms Spanish Chapel 15 Open Class* Spanish Chapel 30 Open



9/7/2014 9/13/2014 9/13/2014 9/13/2014 9/14/2014 9/21/2014 9/27/2014 9/27/2014

2:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM

Baptisms Baptisms Class* Class* Baptisms Baptisms Baptisms Class*

English English English Spanish Spanish English Spanish Spanish

Church Chapel Church Church Church Church Chapel Chapel

15 15 40 30 15 15 15 30

Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open



10/5/2014 10/11/2014 10/11/2014 10/11/2014 10/12/2014 10/19/2014 10/25/2014 10/25/2014

2:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM

Baptisms Baptisms Class* Class* Baptisms Baptisms Baptisms Class

English English English Spanish Spanish English Spanish Spanish

Church Chapel Church Church Church Church Chapel Chapel

15 15 40 30 15 15 15 30

Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open



11/2/2014 11/8/2014 11/8/2014 11/8/2014 11/9/2014 11/16/2014 11/22/2014 11/22/2014

2:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM

Baptisms Baptisms Class* Class* Baptisms Baptisms Baptisms Class

English English English Spanish Spanish English Spanish Spanish

Church Chapel Church Church Church Church Chapel Chapel

15 15 40 30 15 15 15 30

Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open



12/7/2014 12/13/2014 12/13/2014 12/13/2014 12/14/2014 12/14/2014 12/27/2014 12/27/2014

2:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM

Baptisms Baptisms Class* Class* Baptisms Baptisms Baptisms Class*

English English English Spanish Spanish English Spanish Spanish

Church Chapel Church Church Church Church Chapel Chapel

15 15 40 30 15 15 15 30

Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Church: 323 S. E Street, Oxnard CA 93030 - (805) 487-3891 Chapel: 1333 E. Ventura Blvd., Oxnard CA 93036 - (805) 485-7335 The Baptismal Class is held at the Parish Center of each site * No children allowed in the class please. For safety, please no unattended children within our facilities on this day.

** Children per Baptisms (children) or per class (adults)

Last Updated: 7/24/2014 7:24:02

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