CEPLI (Centre of Studies for the Promotion of Reading and Children s Literature)

CEPLI (Centre of Studies for the Promotion of Reading and Children’s Literature) INTRODUCTION The Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha’s Centro de Estudi

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CEPLI (Centre of Studies for the Promotion of Reading and Children’s Literature) INTRODUCTION The Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha’s Centro de Estudios de Promoción de la Lectura y Literatura Infantil (Centre of Studies for the Promotion of Reading and Children’s Literature, CEPLI, in its abbreviation in Spanish) basically aims at developing studies and research in said fields both at a regional and a national level as well as training specialists working within the framework of reading promotion, enhancement and mediation. It is the first university centre with these features in Spain although there are certain European institutions which carry out a similar activity. In Spain, for over twenty years, the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation’s Centro Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil (International Centre for Children’s and Juvenile Literature), located in Salamanca, has been carrying out a very important activity. The CEPLI has subscribed a collaboration agreement with it, as well as with the Santa María Foundation, the Seminario Permanente de Lectura de la Universidad de Extremadura (University of Extremadura’s Permanent Reading Seminar), the Network of Reading Universities, the Universidad Iberoamericana of Mexico and the Reading and Patrimony Seminar of the University of Passo Fundo (Brazil), among other institutions. The CEPLI has a specialised library (located at the library of the Cuenca Campus, open to researchers since October 2000), created through the acquisition of Carmen Bravo-Villasante’s personal library, one of the pioneer researchers in the field of Children’s Literature. Nowadays, the CEPLI’s resources are formed by over fourteen thousand books. The CEPLI coordinates all the activities related to Children’s Literature and the Promotion and Enhancement of Reading carried out at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: summer courses, training courses for teachers, seminars for the promotion of reading within students of different degrees as well as specialised publications. One of this Institution’s consolidated projects is the Master in Promotion of Reading (which as attained its 5th edition), providing teachers, philologists, librarians, editors, social workers and bachelors in similar degrees with specialised training in these fields.


The development of research in the fields of Children’s and Juvenile Literature, the promotion and mediation of reading. The training of non-university teachers, focusing specially on the teachers of our Region, in the fields specified above. The planning of courses, lectures and seminars. The PhD credit planning in the PhD Programme of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Humanities. The promotion of the preparation of doctoral thesis in these fields. The promotion of reading in all fields.


Research Groups integrated in the CEPLI 1. Literatura Infantil y Educación Literaria (LIEL, Children’s Literature and Literary Education, in its abbreviation in Spanish) Main researcher: Pedro C. Cerrillo. 2. Psicología, Educación y Lectura (PEC, Psychology, Education and Reading, in its abbreviation in Spanish) Main researcher: Santiago Yubero. 3. Multimodalidad y Literatura Infantil (MLI, Multimodality and Children’s Literature, in its abbreviation in Spanish) Main researcher: A. Jesús Moya. Lines of research - History, theory and Children’s Literature criticism. - Reading promotion and mediation. - Popular Literature of children’s tradition. - Reading and values. - Analysis of reading habits. - Promotion of reading in different contexts: techniques and strategies. MASTER IN PROMOTION OF READING AND CHILDREN’S LITERATURE This Master, of two years of duration, is celebrating its fifth edition in the twoyear period 2009-2011 and has a 130 ECT credits, divided into two years as follows: - First year: theoretical modules (60 ECT credits) and supplements of presential training (20 ECT credits, 60 hours). - Second year: research work (50 credits ECT). This Master is distance-based; presential training credits, celebrated during the summer of the first year, are compulsory. The Master’s objectives are: - Training specialists who can work in the fields of development of reading habits and reading promotion programmes. - Studying the reading process and the skills which make reading easier. - Learning and undertaking different reading promotion techniques and strategies for different ages and in different contexts. - Guiding when selecting books. - Promoting the idea of Children’s Literature as a space for creativity, tolerance and understanding.

PUBLICATIONS “ESTUDIOS” COLLECTION (“Literatura Infantil” Series) 1. Literatura Infantil: Teoría, crítica e investigación. (1990) 4. Poesía Infantil: Teoría, crítica e investigación. (1990) 11. Literatura Infantil y enseñanza de la literatura. (1992) 19. Literatura Infantil de tradición popular. (1993) Agotado 27. El niño, la literatura y la cultura de la imagen. (1995) 34. Hábitos lectores y animación a la lectura. (1996) 46. Teatro infantil y dramatización escolar. (1997)

53. Literatura Infantil y su didáctica. (1999) 65. Presente y futuro de la Literatura Infantil. (2000) 81. La literatura infantil en el siglo XXI. (2001) 90. Canon, Literatura infantil y juvenil y otras literaturas. (2003) 101. Literatura infantil y educación literaria. (2005) 113. Literatura infantil: nuevas lecturas, nuevos lectores (2007) “ARCADIA” COLLECTION 1. Adivinanzas populares españolas. Estudio y antología. Cerrillo, Pedro C. (1999) 2. Cancionero musical de Castilla-La Mancha. Cabañas Alamán, Fernando J. (2000) 3. El intertexto lector. El espacio de encuentro de las aportaciones del texto con las del lector. Mendoza Fillola, Antonio (2001) 4. Narración infantil y discurso. Estudio lingüístico de cuentos en castellano e inglés. Albentosa Hernández, José Ignacio Moya Guijarro, A. Jesús (2000) 5. Así pasaron muchos años... (En torno a la Literatura Infantil Española). García Padrino, Jaime (2001) 6. Libros, lectores y mediadores. Cerrillo, Pedro C.; Larrañaga, Elisa; Yubero, Santiago (2002) 7. Análisis de narrativas infantiles y juveniles. Lluch, Gemma (2003) 8. Intertextos: aspectos sobre la recepción del discurso artístico. Mendoza Fillola, Antonio; Cerrillo, Pedro C., Coord. (2003) 9. Formas y colores: la ilustración infantil en España. García Padrino, Jaime (2004) 10. Leer en la escuela durante el franquismo. Sánchez-Redondo Morcillo, Carlos (2004) 11. Violencia, discurso y público infantil. Sánchez Corral, Luis (2005) 12. Valores y lectura. Estudios multidisciplinares. Yubero, Santiago; Larrañaga, Elisa; Cerrillo, Pedro C., Coord. (2004) 13. El cuento de hadas, el cuento maravilloso o el cuento de encantamiento. Zapata Ruiz, Teresa (2007) 14. La voz de la memoria. (Estudios sobre el Cancionero Popular Infantil). Cerrillo, Pedro C. (2005) 15. Cuentos y leyendas tradicionales. (Teoría, textos y didáctica). Martos Núñez, Eloy (2007) 16. Invención de una tradición literaria. (De la narrativa oral a la literatura para niños). Lluch, Gemma, Coord. (2007) 17. El Quijote para niños y jóvenes. 1905-2005. Sotomayor Sáez, Mª Victoria (coming soon) 18. La palabra y la memoria. (Estudios sobre Literatura Popular Infantil). Cerrillo, Pedro C.; Sánchez Ortiz, César, Coord. (2008) READING GUIDE 1. Versos que saben a Gloria. (1999)

Prepared by Pedro C. Cerrillo and Santiago Yubero. Illustrations by Paula Acebo. 2. El Bandido Saltodemata. (2000) Prepared by Pedro C. Cerrillo and Santiago Yubero. 3. Leer a Manolito Gafotas. (2000) Prepared by Ángel Luis Mota and Mª Carmen Utanda. 4. Los ángeles de Ángela. (2001) Prepared by Pedro C. Cerrillo and Julio C. Fernández Carmona. Illustrations by Roberto Nieto. 5. Los tres perritos, GUÍA INTERACTIVA (2002) Prepared by Carlos Julián Martínez Soria and José A. Perona. Illustrations by José A. Perona. 6. Yo leo, tú lees, él lee. Libros para todos. (2002) Various authors. 7. El hombrecillo de papel. (2002) Prepared by Santiago Yubero, Elisa Larrañaga, Ana R. Bodoque and Isabel Mª Ferrándiz. 8. Versos con música. (2003) Prepared by Cristina Cañamares, Pedro C. Cerrillo and Carmina Martínez. Illustrations by Paula Acebo. 9. Rimas de luna. (2005) Prepared by Pedro C. Cerrillo, Luz M. Ruiz Soria and César Sánchez Ortiz. Illustrations by José A. Perona. 10. Hidalgos, cómicos y escuderos. Maese Pedro y su retablo. (2005) Prepared by Mª Carmen Utanda, Pedro C. Cerrillo, Ángel Luis Mota, Cristina Cañamares and Juan Senís. Illustrations by José A. Perona. 11. Rimas de luna. GUÍA INTERACTIVA (2005) Prepared by Carlos Julián Martínez Soria and José A. Perona. Illustrations by José A. Perona. 12. Una vuelta al mundo de los valores en 80 libros. Selección de lecturas y valores. (2007) Coordinated by Santiago Yubero. 13. Lecturas con certificado de garantía. (2007) Prepared by Pedro C. Cerrillo, Cristina Cañamares and César Sánchez Ortiz. 14. El capitán Alatriste: una mirada crítica sobre el Siglo de Oro español. (2007) Prepared by José Belmonte and Jaime García Padrino. Illustrations by Joan Mundet. 15. Rima rimando. Poemas de 10 por 3. Poemas de Carlos Lapeña. (2008) Prepared by Pedro C. Cerrillo, César Sánchez and Cristina Cañamares. Illustrations by Antonio Santos. “LUNA DE AIRE” PRIZE OF POETRY for children 1. Versos para estar guapo. (2004) Isabel Cobo. Illustrations by José A. Perona. 2. La vieja Iguazú. (2005) Darabuc. Illustrations by Ana Cuevas. 3. Zumo de lluvia. (2006) Teresa Broseta Fandos. Illustrations by Joaquín Reyes.

4. Rima rimando. (2007) Carlos Lapeña Morón. Illustrations by Antonio Santos. 5. Estelas de versos. (2008) Antonio García Teijeiro and Rafael Cruz Contarini Illustrations by Fran Collado. “OCNOS” Magazine “OCNOS” is a yearly magazine of a scientific nature which basically aims at making research and studies on reading and writing public with different approaches (social, psychological, anthropological, philological and historical), as well as research and studies on the educational processes, the promotion of reading and reading habits. Yearly periodicity (November). Price/unit: 12 Euros. Nos. 1 to 4 available. Years 2005 to 2008. Abstracts on www.uclm.es/cepli The CEPLI’s headquarters are located at the Cuenca Campus and administratively comes under the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Humanities of the University of Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Director: Dr. Pedro C. Cerrillo Torremocha Deputy Director: Dr. Santiago Yubero Jiménez Secretary: Dr. Mª Carmen Utanda Higueras Technical Secretary: Mr. Carlos Julián Martínez Soria Clerical Officer: Andrés Villanueva CEPLI. Centro de Estudios de Promoción de la Lectura y Literatura Infantil Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades Avda. de los Alfares, 44. 16071 Cuenca (Spain) Tel: +34 969 179 100 Ext. 4329 and 4205 Fax: +34 969 179 107 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] http://www.uclm.es/cepli

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