Class 6_Pre&Post 24 Jan to 5Feb Flipbook PDF

Class 6_Pre&Post 24 Jan to 5Feb

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Salwan Public School, Gurugram Session: 2021 – 2022 Class VI MONTH – JANUARY (24 January to 5 February 2022) The Assignments will be uploaded weekly / chapter-wise with reference to the uploaded monthly planner/syllabus.

PRE-CLASS CONTENT (Subject-wise) Subjects


Unit ConjunctionsConjunctions are words used to connect words, phrases, or clauses. Eg- and, since, because,as, so, etc.

Formal Letter FORMAT Sender’s Address ________________ ________________

Date: December 20, 2021 /20 December 2021 (The month must be written as a word, followed by the date and year).

Recipient’s designation Name and address of the Company/Organisation/Institution Salutation: Sir/Madam Subject: SUB: [Title of the letter] Page 1 of 11

Content: The content, as has already been mentioned, must be clear, concise, logical, and related to your objective.

Yours sincerely [Full name]


‘लंका विजय’ राम का राज्याभिषेक ि िन के मार्ग में सहायक वाचन पाठ्यपस्ु तक सक्षं िप्त एवं सबु ोध बालकथा से पाठ 11 ‘लक ं ा क्षवजय’ पढ़ें। मूल्यपरक ब दिं ु –‘लक िं ा बिजय’ •

हनुमान द्वारा लंकादहन के बाद सिी लंकािासी ियिीत ि आतंककत थे। वििीषण रािण के पास र्ए और उसे समझाने का प्रयास ककया।

रािण क्रोभित हो उठा। उसने क्रोि में आकर वििीषण को भनकाल कदया।

वििीषण राम की शरण में र्ए। । उन्होने वििीषण का स्िार्त ककया।लंका की बहुत सी र्ुप्त जानकाररयााँ वििीषण ने राम को बताई ।

राम की सेना युद्ध के भलए तैयार थी पर सार्र को पार करना एक विकट समस्या थी। राम ने समुद्र से प्राथगना की कक िह उन्हे रास्ता दे दे । समुद्र ने उन्हे सलाह दी कक नल की सहायता से सार्र पर पुल बनाया जा सकता है ।

नल की दे खरे ख और िानरों की सहायता से पूरे पााँच कदनों में पुल बनकर तैयार हो र्या। पुल को पार कर िानर सेना लंका पहुाँच र्ई। Page 2 of 11

राम ने रािण से सुलह करने के भलए अंभतम प्रयास करते हुए अंर्द को दत ू बना कर रािण के पास िेजा।

रािण अपने भनणगय पर अड़ा रहा। अब दोनों सेनाएाँ आमने सामने थी। ियंकर युद्ध हुआ ।

अकंपन, िूम्राक्ष, प्रहस्त,िज्रद्र्ष्ट सिी ढे र हो र्ए। रािण ने अपने िाई कुंिकरण को युद्ध के भलए िेजा,जो छ: महीने सोता था। पर िह िी मारा र्या।

मेघनाद की चमत्काररक शवि से सिी िानर हताश हो रहे थे। तब लक्ष्मण ने मोचाग संिाला। दोनों के बीच ियंकर युद्ध हुआ । घायल होकर मेघनाद अपने महल में घुस र्या। वििीषण की मदद से लक्ष्मण महल में घुस र्एऔर मेघनाद को मार भर्राया।

रािण के सिी बेटे और महाबलशाली सैभनक मारे र्ए। कंपन, प्रजंघ, यूपाक्ष, कुंि मारे जा चुके थे। भनकुंि, दे िांतक और विभशरा को हनुमान ने मौत के घाट उतार कदया था। अंर्द ने नरांतक को मार डाला था।

राम, लक्ष्मण,वििीषण और रािण के बीच ियंकर युद्ध हुआ । रािण के एक शविशाली बाण से लक्ष्मण मूर्च्छग त हो र्ए। उनके उपचार के भलए सुषेण

िैद्य को बुलाया र्या। हनुमान संजीिनी बूटी लेकर आए र्चजससे लक्ष्मण की मूछाग टू टी। •

राम और रािण के साथ ियंकर संग्राम हुआ । एक दस ू रे पर शस्त्रों की बौछार हो रही थी। अंत में रािण मारा र्या। सत्य की जीत हुई ।

वििीषण िाई का शि दे खकर रो पड़े । उन्होने विभिपूिक ग रािण का अंभतम संस्कार ककया। लक्ष्मण ने वििीषण का राजभतलक ककया। हनुमान ने अशोक िाकटका में सीता को जाकर रािण की मृत्यु का समाचार कदया।

सीता को पालकी िेजकर अशोक िाकटका से बुलाया र्या। सिी में खूब उत्साह था, प्रसन्नता थी । राम ने सिी िानरों के प्रभत आिार व्यि ककया।

िन के मार्ग में •

पहले सिैये में िन जाते समय सीता जी की व्याकुलता एिं थकान के बारे में बताया र्या है ।

सीता नर्र से बाहर कदम रखते ही कुछ दरू जाने के बाद काफी थक जाती हैं ।

उन्हें पसीना आने लर्ता है और उनके होंठ सूखने लर्ते हैं ।

सीता की ऐसी हालत दे खकर श्री रामजी िी दख ु ी हो जाते हैं ।

िे र्चजज्ञासा से श्रीराम से पूछती हैं कक अिी और ककतना चलना शेष है तथा पुनकुगटी कहााँ बनाना है ?

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इस तरह सीता जी को विचभलत दे खकर श्रीराम की आाँखों में आाँसू आ जाते हैं ।

दस ू रे सिैये में श्रीराम और सीता की दशा का ममग िेदी भचिण है ।

इस प्रसंर् में श्रीराम ि सीताजी के प्रेम को दशागते हुए कहा र्या है कक कैसे

श्रीरामसीता के थक जाने पर अपने पैरों के कााँटे भनकालने का अभिनय करते हैं और सीताजी श्रीराम का अपने प्रभत प्रेम दे खकर पुलककत हो जाती हैं । राम का राज्याभिषेक ि पुनरािृवि व्याकरण - िाषा और व्याकरण, िणग विचार, सिगनाम, विशेषण, पयागयिाची शब्द (21-40 पृष्ठ 38 ि 39) , विलोम शब्द (2650 पृष्ठ 43 ) Sanskrit

चतुर््र दश पाठः -अहह आः च॥ •

अस्मिन् पाठे कश्चन स्वामी बहु चतुरः आसीत् सः अजीताय तस्य वेतनं दातुं नेच्छतत ि अतः यद स्मितः गृह गमनाय अवकाशं पृच्छतत तदा स्वमी तिै अहह तथा आः आनेतुं आतदशतत परन्तु एकस्या वृद्धायाः साहाय्येन सः काययतमदं कतुुं समथाय जता।

पञ्चदश पाठः - मातुलचन्द्र । •

मातुकचन्द्र इत्यस्मिन् पाठे लघु बालाः चन्द्रेन सह वताुं कुवयस्मन्त तथा चन्द्र स्व गृहं प्रतत आह्वयस्मन्त।अतप च वदस्मन्त यत् भवान् तु नीलाकाशे वसतत मम गृहे तकमथुं नागच्छतत इतत। एवं प्रकारे न चन्द्रबालय ः मध्ये वाताय प्रचलतत।


Chapter 13: Symmetry ❖ Read pages 261 to 262 before Ex. 13.1 ❖ Read pages 264 to 266 before Ex.13.2 ❖ Read pages 269 to 271 before Ex 13.3 Concept of Symmetry: •

When we fold a paper in such a way that the picture is divided into two equal halves then the line which divides the picture into two halves is called a Line of Symmetry.

Line of symmetry is the line which divides figures into two identical parts and these are mirror images of each other. • Line of symmetry may be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. • Symmetry can be found in art, nature, sports, math, and even in the mirror. Page 4 of 11


Regular polygons have lines of symmetry equal to the number of sides/ angles they possess.

Chapter 14: Water • Students will know about the sources of water and the different forms of water. • Students will understand the water cycle in detail. • Students will understand the ways of conserving water. • The concept of Rainwater Harvesting will be taken in detail. • Rainwater Harvesting is the method of collecting rainwater and storing it for use during scarcity. • The causes and effects of drought in an area will also be discussed. • Students will explore the following words and will be discussed in the class: Precipitation, Evaporation, Drought, Condensation, Groundwater, Water cycle, Floods. Chapter 15: Air Around Us •

Students will understand the presence of air around us with the help of activities. The related videos will be shown in the class:

Activity: Air is present everywhere around us Materials Required: Empty bottle, bucket/container, water. Activity: Oxygen is required for burning Materials Required: Two containers, candle, water, matchbox. Activity: Soil contains Air Materials Required: Beaker/glass, soil, water

Social Science

Geography: Chapter 7: Our Country – India Read the chapter from the following link: Download the following links to understand the content Chapter 9: Urban Livelihood Read the chapter from the following link:

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Download the following links to understand the content Chapter 11: Building, Paintings and Book Read the chapter from the following link: Download the following links to understand the content

Computer Science

More on Artificial Intelligence Learn about Artificial Intelligence (AI) |

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POST-CLASS CONTENT (Subject-wise) Subjects English

Unit ConjunctionsChoose the Correct Conjunction 1. The weather in Texas is hot, ____ it's known to get cold there as well. 2. ____ it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive. 3. I like dogs a lot ____ they're so friendly. 4. Amber doesn't have a ride, ____ Pearl will have to take her home. 5. Neither my mother _____ my father will be able to attend the party on Sunday. 6. Will you please wait here ................................. I come back? 7. I will come and see you ........................... I can. 8. I will be in bed ........................ the time you get back. 9. I will call you ............................. I have the information. 10. I scraped my knee ............................. I was playing football. Complete the exercises of Conjunctions in the WOW Grammar book. Formal LetterWrite an application to the principal asking for arranging a trip to adventure camp. Write an application to the principal of your school for setting-up a canteen in your school.


कक्षा पश्चात ् अभ्यास कायग(सोने का कहरण): िाचन के उपरांत प्रश्न 1 सुग्रीि के सेनापभत का क्या नाम था :?

प्रश्न 2 राम ने समुद्र से रास्ता दे ने के भलए ककतने कदन तक र्ुहार की ? प्रश्न 3 रािण का कौन सा पुि मायािी था ? प्रश्न 4 पुल कौन बना सकता है , यह बात ककसने बताई? पुल ककसने बनाया? प्रश्न 5 कुंिकरण ककतने महीने सोता था ?

भनम्नभलर्चखत प्रश्नों के उिर संक्षेप में दीर्चजए1. प्रथम सिैया में कवि ने राम-सीता के ककस प्रसंर् का िणगन ककया है ? 2. िन के मार्ग में सीता को होने िाली ककठनाइयों के बारे में भलखो। 3. सीता की आतुरता दे खकर राम की क्या प्रभतकक्रया होती है ? Page 7 of 11

4. राम बैठकर दे र तक कााँटे क्यों भनकालते रहे ? 5. सिैया के आिार पर बताओ कक दो कदम चलने के बाद सीता का ऐसा हाल क्यों हुआ?

6. अपनी कल्पना से िन के मार्ग का िणगन करो। याद करें पुनरािृवि व्याकरण - िाषा और व्याकरण, िणग विचार, सिगनाम, विशेषण, पयागयिाची शब्द (21-40 पृष्ठ 38 ि 39) , विलोम शब्द (26-50 पृष्ठ 43)



चतुदगशस्य तथा पंचदशस्य पाठस्य अभ्यासकायं करणीयं॥ •

सिेषां प्रश्नानां उिरम ् लेखनम ्।

एकपदे न उिरलेखनम ्।

ररिस्थानस्य पूभतग:।

समुभचत मेलनम ्।

Chapter 13: Symmetry Do the questions of the following exercises after the discussion of the value points in the class ❖ Ex 13.1 ❖ Ex 13.2 ❖ Ex 13.3 Extra Practice Questions: Choose the correct option: 1) Which of the following does not have a line of symmetry? a) Rhombus

b) Parallelogram

c) An Angle

d) Line segment

2) Which letter has 2 lines of symmetry? a)


b) A

c) T

d) I

3) The number of lines of symmetry in a rhombus a)1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 0 4) Which letter does not have reflection symmetry? a) A

b) C

c) T

d) I

5) Which of the following have multiple lines of symmetry (i.e. more than two lines)? a) Rectangle b) Rhombus c) Equilateral triangle

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Chapter 14: Water Do the following questions in your notebook: Q1. Why is there a need to conserve water? Give three reasons. Q2. Diagrammatically explain the water cycle. Q3. Arshia dissolved a few spoons of salt in half a glass of water. Now she wants to obtain the salt back , how can she get it back? Q4. Explain the process of rooftop rainwater harvesting with the help of a suitable diagram. Q5. When does a drought occur? Q6. List the various forms in which water exists. Chapter 15: Air Around Us Do the following questions in your notebook: Q1. Explain with the help of an activity that air is present everywhere. Q2. Explain with the help of an activity that oxygen is a supporter of burning. Q3. Does soil contain air? If yes, how can we experimentally check?

Social Science

Do the following questions in the Geography notebook: Geography: Chapter 7: Our Country – India Q1. State the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India. Q2. Assess the importance of Standard Meridian in India. Q3. Analyse the reasons for high concentration of population in the northern plains. Q4. Name the parallel ranges of the Himalayas. Q5. Summarize the important features of the Peninsular Plateau. Q6. On an outline map of India label and locate the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

The Great Indian Desert Western Ghats Eastern Ghats Aravali Range Andaman Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep Islands River Ganga River Brahmaputra

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Do the following questions in the Political Science notebook: Chapter 9: Urban Livelihood Q1. Who are casual labourers? Discuss the problems faced by them. Q2. Assess the importance of a permanent job. Q3. Compare the living conditions of people living in urban and rural areas. Q4. Answer the questions based on the case study given below: Case Study Bachchu Manjhi – A Cycle-Rickshaw Puller I come from a village in Bihar where I worked as a mason. My wife and three children live in the village. We don't own land. In the village I did not get masonry work regularly. The income that I earned was not enough for our family. After I reached this city, I bought an old cycle rickshaw and paid for it in installments. This was many years ago. I come to the bus stop every morning and take the customers wherever they want to go. I work till 8.30 in the evening. I take rides of up to 6 kilometres in the surrounding area. Each customer gives me Rs. 10-30 per trip depending on the distance. When I'm ill I can't do this work, so on those days I don't earn anything. I stay with my friends in a rented room. They work in a nearby factory. I earn between Rs. 200-300 every day, out of which I spend Rs. 100-150 on food and rent. The rest I save for my family. I visit my village two or three times a year to see my family. Though my family survives on the money I send, my wife also earns from agricultural work that she gets once in a while a. Why do you think people like Bachhu Manjhi come to the city? b. Interpret from his daily life why Bacchu Manjhi cant take a day off from work. c. Highlight any 3 points on everyday lives of street workers. Q5. Define the term labour chowk with the help of suitable examples. Q6. In what ways is a permanent and regular job different from a casual job? Discuss Do the following questions in the History notebook: Q1. Study the picture given below and answer the questions given below:

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a. Identify the image given above. Where is this located? b. When was it constructed? Mention any 1 feature of this. Q2. Discuss the features of the Ajanta Painting. Q3. Define Stupa? Mention certain common features of the stupa. Q4. What are epics?Mention two famous Tamil epics which were written 1800 years ago. Q5. a. With reference to the picture given below explain what monolithic temples are. c. Which temple is shown in the picture? d. Elucidate the importance of garbhagriha, shikhara and mandapa in a temple.

Q6. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: A number of Hindu religious stories that were in circulation earlier were written down around the same time. These include the Puranas. a. What do you mean by the term Puranas from the extract? b. Enlist any three important features of Puranas.

Computer Science

AI curriculum based activities

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