CV ANTONIO HEREDIA BAYONA 1) PERSONAL INFORMATION: DNI: 24.855670 PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: 19 September, 1957; Jaén, Spain HOME ADDRESS: C/ Olivos, 77, Alhaurín de la Torre, E-29130, Málaga, Spain PHONE NUMBER: (+34) 952414028. Mobile: (+34) 675824922 2) PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION NRP: 2585567002 A0500 ORGANIZATION: Universidad de Málaga CENTRE: Facultad de Ciencias DEPARTMENT : Biología Molecular y Bioquímica PROFESIONAL CLASSIFICATION: Professor, Catedrático de Universidad PHONE NUMBER: (34) 952131940 FAX NUMBER: (34) 95 213 4267 E-mail:
[email protected] 3) EDUCATION B. Sc. Chemistry. Universidad of Málaga, 1979 M. Sc. Physical-Chemistry. Universidad of Málaga, 1981 Ph. D. Physical-Chemistry. University of Málaga, 1982 4) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor, Universidad of Málaga, 1979-1983 Associated Professor, Universidad of Málaga, 1983-2002 Visiting Research, Michigan State University, 1988-89. Professor, Universidad of Málaga, 2002. Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Experimental Botany, The New Phytologist . Member of ANECA (2011-13), Evaluation National Agency, Ministerio de Educación. Spain Foreing referee of USDA, DGCYT (Spain), BARD (Israel, USA).
5) TEACHING POSITIONS From 1983, responsible for courses of General Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics and Chemistry of Biopolymers. Universidad of Málaga. 2008/2015 Responsible of the course: “Nanotechnology”. Master Degree in Advance Biotechnology. University of Málaga-UNIA.
5) DOCTORAL THESIS 5.1 MY OWN PhD. In Chemistry. University of Málaga. 1979-1982.
TITLE: Reguladores del crecimiento de las plantas, ácidos y aldehídos fenólicos: desarrollo y aplicación de métodos analíticos espectroscópicos. PH. D. STUDENT: Cristobal Carnero Ruíz UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 1989 MARK: Apto "cum laude" ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Cambios en los niveles de ácido indol-3-acético y en las actividades e isoenzimas peroxidasa en frutos de melocotón (Prunus persica L. Batsch) durante su ciclo de crecimiento. PH. D. STUDENT: Cristina Sánchez Roldán UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 1991 MARK: Apto "cum laude" ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Actividades e isoenzimas peroxidasa en hojas de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) en distintos estados ontogenéticos. Purificación, caracterización molecular y desglicosilación parcial de una peroxidasa asociada al cambio de fase. PH. D. STUDENT: Carolina Sánchez Romero UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 1992 MARK: Apto "cum laude" ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Niveles endógenos de ácido indol-3-acético e indol-3-acetil aspartato durante el proceso de enraizamiento de tallos juveniles de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) cultivados in vitro. PH. D. STUDENT: María Luisa García Gómez UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 1993 MARK: Apto "cum laude" ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Propiedades físicoquimicas y estructura de la cutícula de fruto de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) PH. D. STUDENT: Patricia Luque Molina UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 1994 MARK: Apto "cum laude" ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Caracterización electrocinética de la membrana cuticular aislada de fruto de pimiento (Capsicum annuum) PH. D. STUDENT: Alberto Muñoz Ballesta UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 1995 MARK: Apto "cum
3 ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Ceras epicuticulares de grano de uva (Vitis vinifera L.): Morfología, ultraestructura y dinámica molecular. PH. D. STUDENT: Carolina García Casado UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 1999 MARK: Sobresaliente "cum laude” ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Estudio de los factores incidentes en el agrietado del fruto de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum mill.) tipo cereza: el papel de la cutícula del fruto. PH. D. STUDENT: Antonio Javier Matas Arroyo UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 2005 MARK: Sobresaliente "cum laude" ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Estudio de AgaGDSL, una lipasa específica de epidermis de hojas de Agave americana L. PH. D. STUDENT: José Juan Reina Pinto UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 2005 MARK: Sobresaliente "cum laude" _____________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Estudio de la pared celular de frutos de fresa (Fragaria vesca) modificados por Fape1 , una isoenzima pectinmetil esterasa. PH. D. STUDENT: Sonia Osorio Algar UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 2005 MARK: Sobresaliente "cum laude" ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Biomecánica de la epidermis y cutícula del fruto de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) y su relación con el agrietado. PH. D. STUDENT: Gloria María López Casado UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 2006 MARK: Sobresaliente "cum laude" ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Autoensamblaje molecular y síntesis de materiales biomiméticos a partir de hidroxiácidos
de cutinas vegetales. PH. D. STUDENT: José Alejandro Heredia Guerrero UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 2011 MARK: Sobresaliente "cum laude" ______________________________________________________________________ TITLE: El papel de los flavonoides en las propiedades biomecánicas de la cutícula del fruto de
tomate. PH. D. STUDENT: Laura España Ramírez UNVERSITY: Málaga FACULTY: Ciencias YEAR: 2012 MARK: Sobresaliente "cum laude"
_________________________________________________________________________ 6) RESEARCH AREAS Biochemistry and Biophysics of plant cuticles Characterization of plant biopolymers Tomato plant breeding
1. Jesus Benitez, J.; Alejandro Heredia-Guerrero, J.; Guzman-Puyol, S.; Dominguez, E.; Heredia, A., Polyester Films Obtained by Noncatalyzed Melt-Condensation Polymerization of Aleuritic (9,10,16Trihydroxyhexadecanoic) Acid in Air. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2015, 132 (4). 2. San-Miguel, M. A.; Oviedo, J.; Alejandro Heredia-Guerrero, J.; Heredia, A.; Jesus Benitez, J., Biomimetic polymers of plant cutin: an approach from molecular modeling. J. Mol. Model. 2014, 20 (7). 3. Kwiatkowska, M.; Wojtczak, A.; Poplonska, K.; Polit, J. T.; Stepinski, D.; Dominguez, E.; Heredia, A., Cutinsomes and lipotubuloids appear to participate in cuticle formation in Ornithogalum umbellatum ovary epidermis: EM-immunogold research. Protoplasma 2014, 251 (5), 1151-1161. 4. Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Benitez, J. J.; Dominguez, E.; Bayer, I. S.; Cingolani, R.; Athanassiou, A.; Heredia, A., Infrared and Raman spectroscopic features of plant cuticles: a review. Front. Plant Sci. 2014, 5. 5. Fernandez, V.; Sancho-Knapik, D.; Guzman, P.; Javier Peguero-Pina, J.; Gil, L.; Karabourniotis, G.; Khayet, M.; Fasseas, C.; Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Heredia, A.; Gil-Pelegrin, E., Wettability, Polarity, and Water Absorption of Holm Oak Leaves: Effect of Leaf Side and Age. Plant Physiology 2014, 166 (1), 168-180. 6. Espana, L.; Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Segado, P.; Benitez, J. J.; Heredia, A.; Dominguez, E., Biomechanical properties of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit cuticle during development are modulated by changes in the relative amounts of its components. New Phytologist 2014, 202 (3), 790802. 7. Espana, L.; Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Reina-Pinto, J. J.; Fernandez-Munoz, R.; Heredia, A.; Domiguez, E., Transient Silencing of CHALCONE SYNTHASE during Fruit Ripening Modifies Tomato Epidermal Cells and Cuticle Properties. Plant Physiology 2014, 166 (3), 1371-+. 8. Curiel-Balsera, E.; Munoz-Bono, J.; Rivera-Fernandez, R.; Benitez-Parejo, N.; Hinojosa-Perez, R.; Reina-Toral, A.; Investigadores Proyecto, A. C., Consequences of obesity in outcomes after cardiac surgery. Analysis of ARIAM registry. Medicina Clinica 2013, 141 (3), 100-105. 9. Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; de Lara, R.; Dominguez, E.; Heredia, A.; Benavente, J.; Benitez, J. J., Chemical-physical characterization of isolated plant cuticles subjected to low-dose gamma-irradiation. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 2012, 165 (8), 803-808. 10. Dominguez, E.; Dolores Fernandez, M.; Lopez Hernandez, J. C.; Perez Parra, J.; Espana, L.; Heredia, A.; Cuartero, J., Tomato fruit continues growing while ripening, affecting cuticle properties and cracking. Physiologia Plantarum 2012, 146 (4), 473-486. 11. Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; San-Miguel, M. A.; Luna, M.; Dominguez, E.; Heredia, A.; Benitez, J. J., Structure and support induced structure disruption of soft nanoparticles obtained from hydroxylated fatty acids. Soft Matter 2011, 7 (9), 4357-4363.
5 12. Fernandez, V.; Khayet, M.; Montero-Prado, P.; Alejandro Heredia-Guerrero, J.; Liakopoulos, G.; Karabourniotis, G.; del Rio, V.; Dominguez, E.; Tacchini, I.; Nerin, C.; Val, J.; Heredia, A., New Insights into the Properties of Pubescent Surfaces: Peach Fruit as a Model. Plant Physiology 2011, 156 (4), 2098-2108. 13. Dominguez, E.; Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Heredia, A., The biophysical design of plant cuticles: an overview. New Phytologist 2011, 189 (4), 938-949. 14. Dominguez, E.; Cuartero, J.; Heredia, A., An overview on plant cuticle biomechanics. Plant Science 2011, 181 (2), 77-84. 15. Cruz-Hipolito, H.; Rojano-Delgado, A.; Dominguez-Valenzuela, J. A.; Heredia, A.; Dolores Luque de Castro, M.; De Prado, R., Glyphosate tolerance by Clitoria ternatea and Neonotonia wightii plants involves differential absorption and translocation of the herbicide. Plant and Soil 2011, 347 (1-2), 221230. 16. Sarria, E.; Palomares-Rius, F. J.; Lopez-Sese, A. I.; Heredia, A.; Gomez-Guillamon, M. L., Role of leaf glandular trichomes of melon plants in deterrence of Aphis gossypii Glover. Plant Biology 2010, 12 (3), 503-511. 17. Lopez-Casado, G.; Salamanca, A.; Heredia, A., Viscoelastic nature of isolated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit cuticles: a mathematical model. Physiologia Plantarum 2010, 140 (1), 79-88. 18. Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Dominguez, E.; Luna, M.; Benitez, J. J.; Heredia, A., Structural characterization of polyhydroxy fatty acid nanoparticles related to plant lipid biopolyesters. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 2010, 163 (3), 329-333. 19. Eichert, T.; Javier Peguero-Pina, J.; Gil-Pelegrin, E.; Heredia, A.; Fernandez, V., Effects of iron chlorosis and iron resupply on leaf xylem architecture, water relations, gas exchange and stomatal performance of field-grown peach (Prunus persica). Physiologia Plantarum 2010, 138 (1), 48-59. 20. Dominguez, E.; Alejandro Heredia-Guerrero, J.; Jesus Benitez, J.; Heredia, A., Self-assembly of supramolecular lipid nanoparticles in the formation of plant biopolyester cutin. Molecular Biosystems 2010, 6 (6), 948-950. 21. Alejandro Heredia-Guerrero, J.; Angel San-Miguel, M.; Sansom, M. S. P.; Heredia, A.; Jesus Benitez, J., Aleuritic (9,10,16-trihydroxypalmitic) acid self-assembly on mica. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2010, 12 (35), 10423-10428. 22. Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; San-Miguel, M. A.; Sansom, M. S. P.; Heredia, A.; Benitez, J. J., Chemical Reactions in 2D: Self-Assembly and Self-Esterification of 9(10),16-Dihydroxypalmitic Acid on Mica Surface. Langmuir 2009, 25 (12), 6869-6874. 23. Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Heredia, A.; Garcia-Segura, R.; Benitez, J. J., Synthesis and characterization of a plant cutin mimetic polymer. Polymer 2009, 50 (24), 5633-5637. 24. Heredia, A.; Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Dominguez, E.; Benitez, J. J., Cutin synthesis: A slippery paradigm. Biointerphases 2009, 4 (1), P1-P3. 25. Heredia, A.; Dominguez, E., The Plant Cuticle: A Complex Lipid Barrier Between the Plant and the Environment. An Overview. In Counteraction to Chemical and Biological Terrorism in East European Countries, Dishovsky, C.; Pivovarov, A., Eds. 2009, pp 109-116. 26. Dominguez, E.; Luque, P.; Heredia, A., Sorption and Interaction of the Flavonoid Naringenin on Tomato Fruit Cuticles. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009, 57 (16), 7560-7564. 27. Dominguez, E.; Espana, L.; Lopez-Casado, G.; Cuartero, J.; Heredia, A., Biomechanics of isolated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit cuticles during ripening: the role of flavonoids. Functional Plant Biology 2009, 36 (7), 613-620. 28. Cruz-Hipolito, H.; Osuna, M. D.; Heredia, A.; Ruiz-Santaella, J. P.; De Prado, R., Nontarget Mechanims Involved in Glyphosate Tolerance Found in Canavalia ensiformis Plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009, 57 (11), 4844-4848. 29. Adato, A.; Mandel, T.; Mintz-Oron, S.; Venger, I.; Levy, D.; Yativ, M.; Dominguez, E.; Wang, Z.; De Vos, R. C. H.; Jetter, R.; Schreiber, L.; Heredia, A.; Rogachev, I.; Aharoni, A., Fruit-Surface Flavonoid
6 Accumulation in Tomato Is Controlled by a SIMYB12-Regulated Transcriptional Network. Plos Genetics 2009, 5 (12). 30. Osorio, S.; Castillejo, C.; Quesada, M. A.; Medina-Escobar, N.; Brownsey, G. J.; Suau, R.; Heredia, A.; Botella, M. A.; Valpuesta, V., Partial demethylation of oligogalacturonides by pectin methyl esterase 1 is required for eliciting defence responses in wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca). Plant Journal 2008, 54 (1), 43-55. 31. Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Benitez, J. J.; Heredia, A., Self-assembled polyhydroxy fatty acids vesicles: a mechanism for plant cutin synthesis. Bioessays 2008, 30 (3), 273-277. 32. Fernandez, V.; Eichert, T.; Del Rio, V.; Lopez-Casado, G.; Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Abadia, A.; Heredia, A.; Abadia, J., Leaf structural changes associated with iron deficiency chlorosis in field-grown pear and peach: physiological implications. Plant and Soil 2008, 311 (1-2), 161-172. 33. Dominguez, E.; Lopez-Casado, G.; Cuartero, J.; Heredia, A., Development of fruit cuticle in cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Functional Plant Biology 2008, 35 (5), 403-411. 34. Benitez, J. J.; Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Serrano, F. M.; Heredia, A., The Role of Hydroxyl Groups in the Self-Assembly of Long Chain Alkylhydroxyl Carboxylic Acids on Mica. J Phys Chem C 2008, 112 (43), 16968-16972. 35. Reina, J. J.; Guerrero, C.; Heredia, A., Isolation, characterization, and localization of AgaSGNH cDNA: a new SGNH-motif plant hydrolase specific to Agave americana L. leaf epidermis. Journal of Experimental Botany 2007, 58 (11), 2717-2731. 36. Lopez-Casado, G.; Matas, A. J.; Dominguez, E.; Cuartero, J.; Heredia, A., Biomechanics of isolated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit cuticles: the role of the cutin matrix and polysaccharides. Journal of Experimental Botany 2007, 58 (14), 3875-3883. 37. Benitez, J. J.; Heredia-Guerrero, J. A.; Heredia, A., Self-assembly of carboxylic acids and hydroxyl derivatives on mica. A qualitative AFM study. J Phys Chem C 2007, 111 (26), 9465-9470. 38. Ruiz-Santaella, J. P.; Heredia, A.; De Prado, R., Basis of selectivity of cyhalofop-butyl in Oryza sativa L. Planta 2006, 223 (2), 191-199. 39. Plaza, G. A.; Osuna, M. D.; De Prado, R.; Heredia, A., Absorption and translocation of imazethapyr as a mechanism responsible for resistance of Euphorbia heterophylla L. biotypes to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors. Agronomía Colombiana 2006, 24 (2), 302-305. 40. Guerrero, C.; Martin-Rufian, M.; Reina, J. J.; Heredia, A., Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a membrane bound acyl-CoA binding protein from Agave americana L. epidermis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2006, 44 (1), 85-90. 41. Matas, A. J.; Lopez-Casado, G.; Cuartero, J.; Heredia, A., Relative humidity and temperature modify the mechanical properties of isolated tomato fruit cuticles. American Journal of Botany 2005, 92 (3), 462-468. 42. Douliez, J. P.; Barrault, J.; Jerome, F.; Heredia, A.; Navailles, L.; Nallet, F., Glycerol derivatives of cutin and suberin monomers: Synthesis and self-assembly. Biomacromolecules 2005, 6 (1), 30-34. 43. de Prado, J. L.; Osuna, M. D.; Heredia, A.; de Prado, R., Lolium rigidum, a pool of resistance mechanisms to ACCase inhibitor herbicides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2005, 53 (6), 2185-2191. 44. Monquero, P. A.; Christoffoleti, P. J.; Matas, J. A.; Heredia, A., Caracterização da superfície foliar e das ceras epicuticulares em Commelina benghalensis, Ipomoea grandifolia e Amaranthus hybridus. Planta Daninha 2004, 22 (2), 203-210. 45. Mercado, J. A.; Matas, A. J.; Heredia, A.; Valpuesta, V.; Quesada, M. A., Changes in the water binding characteristics of the cell walls from transgenic Nicotiana tabacum leaves with enhanced levels of peroxidase activity. Physiologia Plantarum 2004, 122 (4), 504-512. 46. Matas, A. J.; Cuartero, J.; Heredia, A., Phase transitions in the biopolyester cutin isolated from tomato fruit cuticles. Thermochimica Acta 2004, 409 (2), 165-168.
7 47. Benitez, J. J.; Matas, A. J.; Heredia, A., Molecular characterization of the plant biopolyester cutin by AFM and spectroscopic techniques. Journal of Structural Biology 2004, 147 (2), 179-184. 48. Beniitez, J. J.; Garcia-Segura, R.; Heredia, A., Plant biopolyester cutin: a tough way to its chemical synthesis. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 2004, 1674 (1), 1-3. 49. Matas, A. J.; Sanz, M. J.; Heredia, A., Studies on the structure of the plant wax nonacosan-10-ol, the main component of epicuticular wax conifers. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2003, 33 (1-3), 31-35. 50. Heredia, A., Biophysical and biochemical characteristics of cutin, a plant barrier biopolymer. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 2003, 1620 (1-3), 1-7. 51. Reina, J. J.; Heredia, A., Plant cutin biosynthesis: the involvement of a new acyltransferase. Trends in Plant Science 2001, 6 (7), 296-296. 52. Reina, J. J.; Dominguez, E.; Heredia, A., Water sorption-desorption in conifer cuticles: The role of lignin. Physiologia Plantarum 2001, 112 (3), 372-378. 53. Casado, C. G.; Heredia, A., Ultrastructure of the cuticle during growth of the grape berry (Vitis vinifera). Physiologia Plantarum 2001, 111 (2), 220-224. 54. Casado, C. G.; Heredia, A., Specific heat determination of plant barrier lipophilic components: biological implications. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 2001, 1511 (2), 291-296. 55. Casado, C. G.; Heredia, A., Self-association of plant wax components: A thermodynamic analysis. Biomacromolecules 2001, 2 (2), 407-409. 56. Villena, J. F.; Dominguez, E.; Heredia, A., Monitoring biopolymers present in plant cuticles by FT-IR spectroscopy. Journal of Plant Physiology 2000, 156 (3), 419-422. 57. Heredia, A.; Matas, A.; Dominguez, E., Investigating plant lipid biopolymers. Biochemical Education 2000, 28 (1), 50-51. 58. Gallardo, F.; Galvez, S.; Medina, M. A.; Heredia, A.; Gomez-Moreno, C., A laboratory exercise for photochemistry and photobiology: Production of hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Chemical Education 2000, 77 (3), 375-377. 59. Villena, J. F.; Dominguez, E.; Stewart, D.; Heredia, A., Characterization and biosynthesis of nondegradable polymers in plant cuticles. Planta 1999, 208 (2), 181-187. 60. Matas, A.; Heredia, A., Molecular dynamics modellization and simulation of water diffusion through plant cutin. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-a Journal of Biosciences 1999, 54 (11), 896-902. 61. Laguna, L.; Casado, C. G.; Heredia, A., Flavonoid biosynthesis in tomato fruit cuticles after in vivo incorporation of H-3-phenylalanine precursor. Physiologia Plantarum 1999, 105 (3), 491-498. 62. Fernandez, S.; Osorio, S.; Heredia, A., Monitoring and visualising plant cuticles by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 1999, 37 (10), 789-794. 63. Dominguez, E.; Mercado, J. A.; Quesada, M. A.; Heredia, A., Pollen sporopollenin: degradation and structural elucidation. Sexual Plant Reproduction 1999, 12 (3), 171-178. 64. Dominguez, E.; Heredia, A., Self-assembly in plant barrier biopolymers. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section C-a Journal of Biosciences 1999, 54 (1-2), 141-143. 65. Dominguez, E.; Heredia, A., Water hydration in cutinized cell walls: a physico-chemical analysis. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 1999, 1426 (1), 168-176. 66. Casado, C. G.; Heredia, A., Structure and dynamics of reconstituted cuticular waxes of grape berry cuticle (Vitis vinifera L.). Journal of Experimental Botany 1999, 50 (331), 175-182. 67. Benavente, J.; Munoz, A.; Heredia, A.; Canas, A., Fixed charge and transport numbers in isolated pepper fruit cuticles from membrane potential measurements: Donnan and diffusion potential contributions. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 1999, 159 (2-3), 423430. 68. Amaya, I.; Botella, M. A.; de la Calle, M.; Medina, M. I.; Heredia, A.; Bressan, R. A.; Hasegawa, P. M.; Quesada, M. A.; Valpuesta, V., Improved germination under osmotic stress of tobacco plants overexpressing a cell wall peroxidase. Febs Letters 1999, 457 (1), 80-84.
8 69. Dominguez, E.; Mercado, J. A.; Quesada, M. A.; Heredia, A., Isolation of intact pollen exine using anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. Grana 1998, 37 (2), 93-96. 70. Dominguez, E.; Heredia, A., Waxes: a forgotten topic in lipid teaching. Biochemical Education 1998, 26 (4), 315-316. 71. Casado, C. G.; Heredia, A., Water permeability of hypodermis isolated from Clivia miniata roots. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-a Journal of Biosciences 1998, 53 (11-12), 1096-1099. 72. Benavente, J.; Ramos-Barrado, J. R.; Heredia, A., A study of the electrical behaviour of isolated tomato cuticular membranes and cutin by impedance spectroscopy measurements. Colloids and Surfaces aPhysicochemical and Engineering Aspects 1998, 140 (1-3), 333-338. 73. Benavente, J.; Munoz, A.; Heredia, A., Electrokinetic parameters of ion transport across isolated pepper cuticular membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 1998, 139 (2), 147-154. 74. Luque, P.; Heredia, A., The glassy state in isolated cuticles: Differential scanning calorimetry of tomato fruit cuticular membranes. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 1997, 35 (3), 251-256. 75. Benavente, J.; Munoz, A.; Heredia, A., Electrokinetic characterization of isolated pepper cuticles in protonic form. Solid State Ionics 1997, 97 (1-4), 89-95. 76. Sanchezromero, C.; Garciagomez, L.; Pliegoalfaro, F.; Heredia, A., ONE-STEP PURIFICATION OF AN AVOCADO PEROXIDASE. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 1995, 33 (5), 531-537. 77. Luque, P.; Gavara, R.; Heredia, A., A STUDY OF THE HYDRATION PROCESS OF ISOLATED CUTICULAR MEMBRANES. New Phytologist 1995, 129 (2), 283-288. 78. Luque, P.; Bruque, S.; Heredia, A., WATER PERMEABILITY OF ISOLATED CUTICULAR MEMBRANES - A STRUCTURAL-ANALYSIS. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1995, 317 (2), 417-422. 79. Garciagomez, M. L.; Sanchezromero, C.; Barcelomunoz, A.; Heredia, A.; Pliegoalfaro, F., PEROXIDASE-ACTIVITY DURING ADVENTITIOUS ROOT-FORMATION IN AVOCADO MICROCUTTINGS. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique 1995, 73 (10), 1522-1526. 80. Sanchezromero, C.; Garciagomez, M. L.; Pliegoalfaro, F.; Heredia, A., EFFECT OF PARTIAL DEGLYCOSYLATION ON CATALYTIC CHARACTERISTICS AND STABILITY OF AN AVOCADO PEROXIDASE. Physiologia Plantarum 1994, 92 (1), 97-101. 81. Luque, P.; Heredia, A., GLASSY STATE IN PLANT CUTICLES DURING GROWTH. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-a Journal of Biosciences 1994, 49 (3-4), 273-275. 82. Garciagomez, M. L.; Sanchezromero, C.; Barcelomunoz, A.; Heredia, A.; Pliegoalfaro, F., LEVELS OF ENDOGENOUS INDOLE-3-ACETIC-ACID AND INDOLE-3-ACETYL-ASPARTIC ACID DURING ADVENTITIOUS ROOTING IN AVOCADO MICROCUTTINGS. Journal of Experimental Botany 1994, 45 (275), 865-870. 83. Benavente, J.; Munoz, A.; Heredia, A., IONIC PERMEABILITIES OF DIFFERENT ISOLATED FRUIT CUTICLES CALCULATED BY CONDUCTIVITY AND MEMBRANE-POTENTIAL MEASUREMENTS. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-a Journal of Biosciences 1994, 49 (9-10), 615618. 84. Sanchezromero, C.; Garciagomez, M. L.; Pliegoalfaro, F.; Heredia, A., PEROXIDASE-ACTIVITIES AND ISOENZYME PROFILES ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT OF AVOCADO (PERSEAAMERICANA, M) LEAVES AT DIFFERENT ONTOGENIC STAGES. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 1993, 12 (2), 95-100. 85. Ramosbarrado, J.; Benavente, J.; Heredia, A., ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY OF DIFFERENTLY TREATED ISOLATED CUTICULAR MEMBRANES BY IMPEDANCE SPECTROSCOPY. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1993, 306 (2), 337-341. 86. Luque, P.; Heredia, A.; Ramirez, F. J.; Bukovac, M. J., CHARACTERIZATION OF NO2 BOUND TO THE PLANT CUTICLE BY FT-IR SPECTROSCOPY. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-a Journal of Biosciences 1993, 48 (7-8), 666-668.
9 87. Benavente, J.; Ramosbarrado, J. R.; Heredia, A., IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT OF DIFFERENTLY TREATED TOMATO CUTICLE MEMBRANES WITH CALCIUM SOLUTIONS. Solid State Ionics 1993, 61 (1-3), 235-238. 88. Ramirez, F. J.; Luque, P.; Heredia, A.; Bukovac, M. J., FOURIER-TRANSFORM IR STUDY OF ENZYMATICALLY ISOLATED TOMATO FRUIT CUTICULAR MEMBRANE. Biopolymers 1992, 32 (11), 1425-1429. 89. Quesada, M. A.; Sanchezroldan, C.; Heredia, A.; Valpuesta, V.; Bukovac, M. J., PEROXIDASE AND IAA OXIDASE ACTIVITIES AND PEROXIDASE ISOENZYMES IN THE PERICARP OF SEEDED AND SEEDLESS REDHAVEN PEACH FRUIT. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 1992, 11 (1), 1-6. 90. Benavente, J.; Heredia, A., ELECTRIC ASYMMETRY OF TOMATO CUTICULAR MEMBRANES FROM PERMSELECTIVITY AND RESISTANCE VALUES. Solid State Ionics 1992, 53, 170-175. 91. Tigier, H. A.; Quesada, M. A.; Heredia, A.; Valpuesta, V., PARTIAL DEGLYCOSYLATION OF AN ANIONIC ISOPEROXIDASE FROM PEACH SEEDS - EFFECT ON ENZYME-ACTIVITY, STABILITY AND ANTIGENICITY. Physiologia Plantarum 1991, 83 (1), 144-148. 92. Heredia, A.; Benavente, J., A STUDY OF MEMBRANE-POTENTIAL ACROSS ISOLATED FRUIT CUTICLES FOR NACL AND CACL2 SOLUTIONS. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta 1991, 1062 (2), 239-244. 93. Sanchezroldan, C.; Heredia, A.; Valpuesta, V.; Bukovac, M. J., INDOLE-3-ACETIC-ACID CONTENT AND GLUTAMINE-SYNTHETASE ACTIVITY IN THE PERICARP, AND PEROXIDASEACTIVITY AND ISOENZYMES IN THE MESOCARP AND EXOCARP OF GROWING PEACH FRUITS. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 1990, 9 (3), 171-174. 94. Valpuesta, V.; Quesada, M. A.; Sanchezroldan, C.; Tigier, H. A.; Heredia, A.; Bukovac, M. J., CHANGES IN INDOLE-3-ACETIC-ACID, INDOLE-3-ACETIC-ACID OXIDASE, AND PEROXIDASE ISOENZYMES IN THE SEEDS OF DEVELOPING PEACH FRUITS. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 1989, 8 (4), 255-261. 95. Garciacaballero, M.; Neugebauer, E.; Rodriguez, F.; Decastro, I. N.; Heredia, A.; Oosting, E.; Thorbeck, C. V., CHANGES IN HISTAMINE SYNTHESIS, TISSUE CONTENT AND CATABOLISM IN HUMAN-BREAST CANCER. Agents and Actions 1989, 27 (1-2), 227-231. 96. Sanchezroldan, C.; Quesada, M. A.; Bukovac, M. J.; Valpuesta, V.; Heredia, A., IMPROVED PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE INDOLE-3-ACETIC-ACID BY FLUORESCENCE DERIVATIVE. Phytochemistry 1988, 27 (6), 1579-1581. 97. Sanchezroldan, C.; Quesada, M. A.; Bukovac, M. J.; Valpuesta, V.; Heredia, A., IMPROVED PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING FREE AND CONJUGATED INDOLE-3-ACETIC-ACID BY A SPECTROFLUORIMETRIC KINETIC METHOD. Analytical Letters 1988, 21 (9), 1535-1543. 98. Sanchez, F. G.; Carnero, C.; Heredia, A., DETERMINATION OF P-COUMARIC AND FERULIC ACIDS IN MIXTURES BY ISODIFFERENTIAL DERIVATIVE SPECTROPHOTOMETRY. Analytical Letters 1988, 21 (7), 1243-1257. 99. Quesada, M. A.; Sanchezroldan, C.; Heredia, A.; Tigier, H.; Valpuesta, V.; Bukovac, M. J., CHANGES IN IAA, IAA-OXIDASE AND PEROXIDASE ISOENZYMES IN THE SEED DURING PEACH FRUIT-DEVELOPMENT. Hortscience 1988, 23 (3), 809-809. 100. Garciasanchez, F.; Carnero, C.; Heredia, A., FLUOROMETRIC-DETERMINATION OF PARACOUMARIC ACID IN BEER. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1988, 36 (1), 80-82. 101. Sanchez, F. G.; Lopez, M. H.; Heredia, A., SPECTROFLUORIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF BERYLLIUM BASED ON THE INCLUSION COMPLEX OF 1-AMINO-4HYDROXYANTHRAQUINONE WITH BETA-CYCLODEXTRIN AS LIGAND. Analytica Chimica Acta 1986, 187, 147-155. 102. Sanchez, F. G.; Heredia, A.; Requena, G., DETERMINATION OF THE PHYTOHORMONE INDOLE-3-ACETIC-ACID BY SYNCHRONOUS DERIVATIVE SPECTROFLUOROMETRY
10 FOLLOWING ACETIC-ANHYDRIDE DERIVATIZATION. Analytical Letters 1986, 19 (19-20), 1939-1947. 103. Alonso, F. J.; Heredia, A.; Marquez, J. C., INCLUSION COMPLEXES PHENANTHRENEBETA-CYCLODEXTRIN AND THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH ALIPHATIC-AMINES. Journal of Molecular Structure 1986, 143, 399-401. 104. Alonso, F. J.; Galache, M. I.; Heredia, A.; Requena, G.; Ruperez, A., ELECTRON-TRANSFER IN THE FLUORESCENCE QUENCHING OF SYSTEMS RHODAMINE B-ARYLAMINES. Anales De Quimica Serie a-Quimica Fisica Y Quimica Tecnica 1986, 82 (1), 20-22. 105. Alonso, F. J.; Galache, M. I.; Heredia, A.; Requena, G.; Ruperez, A., ON THE FLUORESCENCE QUENCHING BY IODIDE - DEVIATIONS FROM THE STERN-VOLMER LAW. Anales De Quimica Serie a-Quimica Fisica Y Quimica Tecnica 1986, 82 (1), 17-19. 106. Heredia, A.; Requena, G.; Sanchez, F. G., AN APPROACH FOR THE ESTIMATION OF THE POLARITY OF THE BETA-CYCLODEXTRIN INTERNAL CAVITY. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1985, (24), 1814-1815. 107. Alonso, F. J.; Heredia, A., STATICS FLUORESCENCE QUENCHING IN THE SYSTEMS RHODAMINE-B/ARYLAMINES IN ETHANOL. Anales De Quimica Serie a-Quimica Fisica Y Quimica Tecnica 1985, 81 (3), 371-374. 108. Alonso, F. J.; Galache, M. I.; Heredia, A.; Requena, G.; Ruperez, A., UTILIZATION OF ANION EXCHANGER-FIA-SYSTEM AND ATOMIC-ABSORPTION SYSTEM FOR THE DETERMINATION OF MANGANESE, LEAD AND COPPER. Anales De Quimica Serie B-Quimica Inorganica Y Quimica Analytica 1985, 81 (1), 113-116. 109. Alonso, F. J.; Galache, M. I.; Heredia, A.; Jimenez, G.; Ruperez, A., FLUORESCENCE QUENCHING IN THE SYSTEM PHENANTRENE CARBON-TETRACHLORIDE. Anales De Quimica Serie a-Quimica Fisica Y Quimica Tecnica 1985, 81 (1), 22-24.
8) PROJECTS AS PI 8.1 Public funds ____________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: Estudio de los cambios ultraestructurales en cutículas de uva producidos por Botrytis cinerea (PTR91-0003) SOURCE: Plan Nacional de I + D. Programa PETRI SINCE: 1991 UNTIL: 1993 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona ______________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: Permeabilidad hidrodinámica, propiedades eléctricas y estructura de cutículas aisladas de fruto de tomate (PB91-0768) SOURCE: DGICYT SINCE: 1992 UNTIL: 1995 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona ______________________________________________________________________
11 PROJECT TITLE: Control integrado de enfermedades de la vid producidas por Botrytis cinerea en el marco de Jerez (PTR94-0068) SOURCE: Plan Nacional de I + D SINCE: 1995 UNTIL: 1998 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Isidro González Collado (UNVERSITY de Cádiz). Proyecto coordinado con Dra. Tahía Benítez (UNVERSITY de Sevilla) y Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona ______________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: La interfase planta-medio ambiente: mecanismos de interacción de compuestos agroquímicos con cutículas vegetales (PB94-1492) SOURCE: DGICYT SINCE: 1995 UNTIL: 1998 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona ______________________________________________________________________
PROJECT TITLE: Diseño de formulaciones para el control integrado de enfermedades fúngicas en cultivos hortofrutícolas, vid y uva almacenada (1FD97-0668-C06-04) SOURCE: Plan Nacional de I+D, Programas FEDER SINCE: 1999 UNTIL: 2001 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona ______________________________________________________________________
PROJECT TITLE: Aislamiento y ultraestructura de la cutícula de Abies pinsapo. Estudio de sus propiedades hidrodinámicas (PB98-1404). SOURCE: DGICYT SINCE: 2000 UNTIL: 2002 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona
PROJECT TITLE: Caracterización y expresión de genes involucrados en la biosíntesis de cutina (BCM2001-1759). SOURCE: DGICYT SINCE: 2001 UNTIL: 2002 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona
PROJECT TITLE: Caracterización y expresión de un gen de epidermis de Agave americana involucrado en la síntesis de cutina (BMC2002-00104) SOURCE: Plan Nacional de I + D + I SINCE: 2003 UNTIL: 2005 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona
PROJECT TITLE: Agrietado del fruto de tomate I (AGL2006-12494) SOURCE: Plan Nacional de I + D + I SINCE: 2007 UNTIL: 2009 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona
PROJECT TITLE: Agrietado del fruto de tomate II (AGL2009-12134) SOURCE: Plan Nacional de I + D + I SINCE: 2009 UNTIL: 2012 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona
PROJECT TITLE: Genética de la formación de la cutícula de tomate. Efecto de los flavonoides (AGL2012-32613) SOURCE: Plan Nacional de I + D + I SINCE: 2007 UNTIL: 2009 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona
8.2 Private funds
PROJECT TITLE: Deposición de nitratos y efecto de óxidos de nitrógeno en cutículas y ceras epiestomáticas de Pinus helepensis SOURCE: Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo (CEAM), Valencia, España. SINCE: 1999 UNTIL: 2001 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona
PROJECT TITLE: Agrietado del tomate Cherry: Estudio de los factores incidentes y de soluciones a aportar en pre y post-cosecha EMPRESA FINANCIADORA: Dole-Pascual Hnos. S. A., Aguilas, Murcia. SINCE: 2000 UNTIL: 2001 ___________________________________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona (en colaboración con el Dr. Jesús Cuartero Zueco, Estación Experimental La Mayora, CSIC, Algarrobo-Costa, Málaga. ______________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: Agrietado del fruto de tomate. Factores implicados y posibles soluciones. SOURCE: CAJAMAR SINCE: 2002 UNTIL: 2005. Renovado UNTIL diciembre 2006. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona (en colaboración con el Dr. Jesús Cuartero Zueco, Estación Experimental La Mayora, CSIC, Algarrobo-Costa, Málaga.
PROJECT TITLE: Microrayado del fruto de pimiento. Factores involucrados. SOURCE: Semillas Arnedo S.A., El Ejido (Almería) SINCE: 2006 UNTIL: 2008. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona. ______________________________________________________________________
PROJECT TITLE: Caracterización y propiedades físico-química de polihidroxialcanoatos. SOURCE: Neuron BioPharma, Granada SINCE: 2008 UNTIL: 2009 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona. ______________________________________________________________________
8.3 Others
________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: Interaction between selected chemicals and plant cuticles (CRG-9021000) SOURCE: Scientific Affairs Division / NATO/Brussels SINCE: 1991 UNTIL: 1994 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona. In collaboration: Prof. Dr. Martin J. Bukovac, Michigan State University, USA. _____________________________________________________________________________
PROJECT TITLE: Influence of Contaminant Stress on Plant Surface Lipids (ref. 983031) SOURCE: Scientific Affairs Division / NATO/Brussels SINCE: 2007 UNTIL: 2009 s PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona. In collaboration: Dr. Monika Roeder (Germany) y Dr. Natalia Schtemenko (Ukraine) _____________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: Presente y Futuro de la Ciencia y Tecnología 03 (DIF2001-5182-E). SOURCE: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Acciones Especiales del Programa de Divulgación de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. DURATION: 2002-2003 COORDINATORS: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona/Dr. Laureano Moreno Leal/Dr. Miguel Angel García Aranda. ______________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: Presente y Futuro de la Ciencia y Tecnología 04 (DIF2003-1015-E-04). SOURCE: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Acciones Especiales del Programa de Divulgación de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. DURATION: 2003-2004 COORDINATORS: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona/Dr. Laureano Moreno Leal/Dr. Miguel Angel García Aranda. ______________________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: Presente y Futuro de la Ciencia y Tecnología 05 (263053C1/CCT001-04-00045). SOURCE: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Acciones Especiales del Programa de Divulgación de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. DURATION: 2004-2005 COORDINATORS: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona/Dr. Laureano Moreno Leal/Dr. Miguel Angel García Aranda. ______________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: Presente y Futuro de la Ciencia y Tecnología 07 (CCT005-06-00191) SOURCE: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Acciones Especiales del Programa de Divulgación de la Ciencia y la Tecnología.
14 DURATION: 2007 COORDINATORS: Dr. Antonio Heredia Bayona/Dr. Laureano Moreno Leal/Dr. Miguel Angel García Aranda. ______________________________________________________________________