GoodNews 04 FALL Following Jesus Example. Come to Worship, Leave to Serve


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HONORING ST. JOSEPH Altars established to give thanks to Jesus earthly father. Page 8
MAY 2013 T H E V O L U M E 3 1, N U M B E R 5 O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E D I O C E S E O F A U S T I N Help, prayers po

Story Transcript



GoodNews LA

Buena Nueva

Come to Worship, Leave to Serve ISSUE


Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 828-693-6901 208 7th Ave West Hendersonville, NC 28791

FA L L 2010

A Stewardship Parish

Following Jesus’ Example this issue: Homebound Ministry P.1 Father Nick’s 50th P.3 Divorce and Beyond P.4 Passion and Purpose Retreat P.5 Have Mass Kit Will Travel P.5 EDGE P.7 Knights of Columbus P.8 St. Gerard House P.10 Rose’s Ministry P.11

departments: From Fr Nick P.2 Immaculata P.6 New Parishioners P.9 Honoring Parish Family Military P.12 Upcoming Events P.12

Homebound Ministry

Kathleen Healy Schmieder

One of the ministries of Immaculate cation of the volunteers with the success and Conception is the Homebound Ministry, an growth of the ministry. “They are an amazing outreach to those who can no longer attend group of ministers,” he notes. “We develop Mass and para special relationticipate in the ship with the peoEucharist at the ple we visit, makchurch. About ing them know sixty parishioners they are a part of participate in the parish family the Homebound even though they M i n i s t r y , are not able to bringing Holy come to church.” C o m m u n i o n The Homebound beyond the physiMinistry is now cal building and run in three into the comteams: Nursing munity so any Homes, led by P A R I S H I O N E R B A R B A R A B U R T O N W E L C O M E S John Connelly; Catholic unable E U C H A R I S T I C M I N I S T E R C A R O LY N R O B E R T S O N to attend Mass is Homebound, led able to receive it. The Extraordinary Ministers by Rosemary Klotzback and Jan Guess; and visit more than 120 people each week who are Hospitals, led by Mary Ann Owens. The confined to their homes or nursing facilities, leaders of each section coordinate the scheduled visits and ensure no one who desires as well as attend to five to ten hospitalized Communion and visitation from the parish is Catholics every day. forgotten. The ministry was started by Immaculate Conception parishioner Tony Lefeber, with For those who feel isolated and unable to participate in the Mass and other programs only a few volunteers. Lefeber continues to at church, this ministry offers an opportuserve in the ministry and remains as backup nity to share the church and remind them of to Dr. Colin Thomas, the present leader of the the important role they share in the church program. Thomas credits the talent and dediContinued on page 4

Come Join Us: The Good News owes its success to those willing to share their talent and time. Experience in writing, editing, publishing, or project management can be readily applied to the wide range of tasks that go into producing the newsletter. The Good News is published quarterly and time commitment is self-determined. For additional information contact Jim Mosakowski at 698-5969 or goodstory@

The Good News is a newsletter of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Hendersonville, NC, published quarterly for the benefits of its parishioners. Comments or story ideas may be sent to [email protected].


From Father Nick Dear Parishioners, God’s peace to you. One of the blessings of our parish is the number of people who are willing to offer service out of love for God and neighbor. Many times new ministries are borne of the desires of the human heart. An event or an issue that one person experiences in their life becomes a call to reach out to others who face the same situation. We read in the Scriptures: “Praise be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all consolation. He comforts us in all our afflictions and thus enables us to comfort those who are in trouble, with the same consolation we have received from him. As we have shared much in the suffering of Christ, so through Christ do we share abundantly in his consolation.” 2 Corinthians 1: 3-5 Let’s read about some of your fellow parishioners who are responding to God’s call whether it be as a result of an experience in their own life or simply a desire to serve the Lord and His people. We continue to welcome our newest parishioners while remembering members of our parish families who are serving in the military. Enjoy.

In His Love, Fr. Nick, ofm, Cap, Pastor

Father Nick Mormando, ofm, Cap

Editorial Board: Geri Ellis, Joanie Fischer,


GoodNews LA

ip, Come to Worsh Leave to Serve

Alma Jones, Chris Power, Jim Mosakowski


Joe Jakubielski

Contributors: Sandra Almy, Annamarie Jakubielski, Karen Kater, Pam McCoy, Karen Mosakowski, John Remensnyder, Emily Sevier, Colin Thomas, Dick Webber


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04 FA L L 2010

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this issue: Home boun d P.1 Minis try s 50th P.3 Fathe r Nick’ Have Mass Kitl P.5 Will Trave EDG E P.7 Knigh ts of Colum bus P.7 Divor ce and Beyo nd P.8 try P.9 Rose ’s Minis e P.10 St. Gera rd Hous

departments: P.2 From Fr Nick P.6 Imma culat a rs P.9 New Paris hione h Hono ring Paris P.8 ry Fami ly Milita ts P.12 Upco ming Even

Queridos feligreses, Que la paz del Señor esté con ustedes. Una de las bendiciones de nuestra parroquia es la cantidad de personas que están dispuestas a ofrecer ayuda por el amor que le tienen a Dios y al prójimo. Muchas veces los nuevos ministerios salen de los deseos del corazón humano. Un suceso o asunto por lo que una persona ha pasado en la vida se convierte en un llamado para ayudar a otros que enfrentan la misma situación. Leemos en la Sagrada Escritura: Bendito sea Dios, el Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Padre de las misericordias y Dios de todo consuelo, que nos reconforta en todas nuestras tribulaciones, para que nosotros podamos dar a los que sufren el mismo consuelo que recibimos de Dios. Porque así como participamos abundantemente de los sufrimientos de Cristo, también por medio de Cristo abunda nuestro consuelo. 2nda Carta a los Corintios 1: 3-5

Con cept ion Imm acul ate rch Cath olic Chu


Photographer: Barbara Rock

Buena Nueva

Del Padre Nick

Kathle are an amazing ministry. “They a growth of the . “We develop Immaculate ters,” he notes ministries in group of minis e we visit, One of the with the peopl Ministry, an l relationship the Homebound specia is ption a part of the parConce r attend know they are who can no longe able to making them not are the at they outreach to those rist though h.” ipate in the Eucha ish family even come to churc Mass and partic participate in sixty parishioners The Homebound church. About Ministry is now the Homebound y , run in three M i n i s t r ng Holy teams: Nursi bring ing by on Homes, led Communi John Connelly; beyond the physi led and Homebound, cal building uniRosem ary by into the comm and lic Klotz back ty so any Catho and Jan Guess; unable to attend by to Hospitals, led Mass is able s. The Mary Ann Owen receive it. of y r rs a n i d leade r The Extrao visits visit uled ters sched Minis inate the union 120 each section coord Comm s their desire to more than ed one who who are confin and ensure no is forgotten. attend people each week parish as the well from g facilities, as and visitation homes or nursin every day. talized Catholics and unable to to five to ten hospi feel isolated For those who other programs by Immaculate the Mass and was started tunity participate in with The ministry offers an oppor Tony Lefeber, h, this ministry ioner churc at parish them of the Conception continues to h and remind teers. Lefeber share the churc to volun few p a the church famin only ns as backu they share try and remai important role Communion g the of sharin serve in the minis and leader r tas, the present ily. Through praye they are reuni to Dr. Colin Thom talent and dediparishioners, 4 as credits the with the other Continued on page program. Thom success and teers with the cation of the volun

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Leamos un poco sobre lo que hacen sus compañeros feligreses que responden al llamado de Dios a raíz de una experiencia en su propia vida o simplemente por su deseo de servir al Señor y a Su gente. Continuamos dándoles la bienvenida a los miembros más nuevos de nuestra parroquia mientras recordamos a aquéllos que sirven en las fuerzas armadas. ¡Disfrútenlo! En Su amor, P. Nick, ofm, Cap, Párroco

We Gather to Celebrate

Sid Baker

An August parish dinner became a joyous celebration of Fr. Nick’s 50th birthday, with more than 400 people in attendance. There were many surprises, though none greater than the arrival of Fr. Nick’s mother, Mary, and sister, Julie. Brother John Salvas began the festivities by presenting Father with a huge cake, out of which emerged Grace Poli, Pastoral Council President. Many activities followed, including a special appearance by the “Little Sisters of the Poor” (Immaculata school teachers) who serenaded Fr. Nick with their rendition of the song “My Guy.” Grupo Juvenil (Hispanic Youth) portrayed some of the halting activities of old men when they performed “Los Vietos”, or “Dance of the Old Men”. Coro Hispano (Hispanic Choir) also performed, singing the traditional Mexican birthday song “Las Mananitas”. At the conclusion of the evening, Fr. Nick thanked everyone and added, “I am generally not without words but tonight I am. I continue to be grateful to be among you and I look forward to what the Lord continues to do here.” Amen

Nos reunimos para celebrar

Una cena parroquial en agosto se convirtió en una celebración llena de alegría para celebrar el cumpleaños 50 del Padre Nick con más de 400 personas. Hubo muchas sorpresas, aunque ninguna fue tan grande como la llegada de la madre del Padre Nick, Mary y su hermana, Julie. El hermano Juan Salvas empezó la celebración al presentarle un pastel inmenso de la que salió Grace Poli, la presidente del consejo pastoral. Le siguieron un sinnúmero de actividades, que incluyeron la presentación especial de las “Hermanitas de los pobres” (profesoras del Colegio Inmaculada) que serenatearon al Padre Nick con su versión de la canción “My Guy” (Mi tipo). El Grupo Juvenil representó el baile de “Los viejitos” que imita los movimientos vacilantes de las personas mayores. El coro hispano cantó “Las mañanitas”. Para terminar la noche, el Padre Nick les dio las gracias a todos y añadió: “Usualmente no tengo ningún problema con las palabras, pero esta noche sí. Sigo agradeciendo el estar entre ustedes y espero ansiosamente la obra continua del Señor aquí.” Amén.



New Parish Ministry:

Divorce and Beyond Divorce and Beyond offers support for Catholics who have been or are currently going through the separation and divorce process, providing attendees with the guidance needed to get through the often confusing and difficult steps of building back a life after divorce. The group meets every other Sunday at 5 p.m. in the lower level of the church, as well as for periodic social interaction and planned activities. See the weekly bulletin for scheduled dates. Please contact Elisabeth Oehler at (828) 693-7054 for additional information.


continued from cover

family. Through prayer and sharing Communion with the other parishioners, they are reunited in the Body of Christ both physically and emotionally. The Ministers also serve as evangelists as they attend to their duties. The opportunity to meet with those in the hospital allows them to reach Catholics who may have stopped attending church. The renewal of their Catholic connection and knowing they are welcomed to join the family of Immaculate Conception provides a bridge for those who have been out of the church to resume practicing their Catholic faith. “The Eucharist allows me to share my faith in the Great Healer we all depend on,” said Thomas. “This is a way for me to give back to my community.” One of the greater gifts the ministry offers those who serve is the ability to share their faith and give back to those who otherwise feel excluded from the parish due to circumstances beyond their control. By providing an opportunity to receive Communion and to visit with a church member, the

Extraordinary Ministers carry the message of love from the entire parish. Barbara Burton, a nursing home resident, receives a visit from Thomas every Wednesday. “Barbara is always dressed and waiting. She also always shares her faith with the other residents,” Thomas says. “I call her my St. Paul of the Laurels. Because of these visits she now feels she is a part of the church again.” The Homebound Ministry follows the example of Jesus, who not only met with those who came to Him but also went to the sick and infirmed to bring them His healing, His compassion and His boundless love. Anyone who knows of someone who is hospitalized, sick, or unable to attend Mass in person can call the parish office in order to have a Eucharistic Minister bring the Eucharist and visit with the person. If you would be interested in participating in the Homebound Ministry, training is provided. Guidelines and the requirements for serving are available by calling Dr. Thomas at 828-692-8291.

Seguir el ejemplo de Jesús

El ministerio de los confinados a sus hogares El ministerio de los confinados a sus hogares en Inmaculada Concepción ayuda a los que ya no pueden ir a misa y participar en la eucaristía en la iglesia. Unos sesenta ministros extraordinarios les traen la Sagrada Comunión a los feligreses que están confinados a su hogar o en residencias de la tercera edad, como también de diez a cinco católicos hospitalizados cada día. Para aquéllos que se sienten aislados y no pueden participar en la misa y otros programas en la iglesia, este ministerio les ofrece una oportunidad de compartir la iglesia y recordarles del papel que comparten en la familia de la iglesia. Por medio de oraciones y el compartir la comunión con los otros feligreses, se vuelven a reunir al Cuerpo de Cristo de una manera física y emocional. Cualquier persona que conozca a alguien que esté hospitalizado, enfermo o no pueda ir a misa en persona puede llamar a la oficina de la parroquia para que un ministro eucarístico le pueda traer la eucaristía y visitar a esa persona. Las pautas y los requisitos para servir en este ministerio se pueden conseguir al llamar al Dr. Thomas al 828-692-8291.

Have Mass Kit, Will Travel A

fter 50 years of traveling and serving God and country as a priest and Army chaplain, Father Richard Benonis recently retired to Flat Rock and Immaculate Conception parish. Born the youngest of five in Pottsville, Pa., Father Rich was ordained in 1958 and served in local parishes until 1967, when he received permission to join the military. Eleven months after finishing Chaplain’s Basic School, he was sent to Vietnam where he served in the Ninth Infantry Division and the Third Surgical Hospital for twelve months. His second tour in Vietnam began in 1970. He was attached to the 815th Engineer Battalion which was building a main road between Cam Ranh Bay and Saigon. He spent the next twelve months celebrating Mass for soldiers over a three brigade area. While serving at Fort Story in Virginia Beach, Va., he studied psychology and counseling at Old Dominion University. Father Rich then attended the Chaplain’s Career Course, earned a master’s degree in counseling from Long Island University in 1974, and was sent to Germany for seven years, where he became active in both AA and

Suzanne Grasser

International Marriage Encounter. After returning to the States, he trained in drug and alcohol counseling and family therapy. He was assigned to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. In 1984 he was assigned to Germany. He returned to the States a year later because both his mother and sister were ill. After their deaths, he retired to San Antonio where he worked for four years as a contract chaplain to the Academy of Health Sciences and then at the VA Hospital for another five years. Even after this long and varied career, Father Rich still wants to serve. He is the new chaplain for our local Knights of Columbus and with Mass kit in hand, celebrates weekend Masses wherever the diocese needs him. With Father Nick’s approval, he FAT H E R R I C H A R D B E N O N I S is happy to celebrate Mass for our parishioners who have a special event such as a family reunion. His faith, wide experience and willingness to serve, even in retirement, are truly a blessing to our community!

Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose with Matthew Kelly Have you ever wondered if God was speaking to you, or if it was just a voice in your head? Do you know how to tell the difference? This is just one of the things you will learn during the Passion & Purpose event, an all day retreat scheduled for Saturday, March 12. Being a dynamic Catholic means knowing how to apply the incredible genius of Catholicism to our everyday lives. Matthew Kelly, New York Times bestselling author of numerous books (among them, Rediscovering Catholicism), will host a day guaranteed to be a life-altering experience. This event is being promoted across the Carolinas and beyond. Seating is limited. For tickets or information contact Barbara Wilde at [email protected]

Saturday, March 12 9am - 4pm Immaculate Conception Catholic Church $50 per ticket (includes lunch, refreshments and retreat materials)

An optional $99 ticket includes additional reference materials.


Back to School at Immaculata Renee Kumor



he rich history of Immaculata School continues as the eightyfourth class began the school year on August 25. Opening day was the usual hustle and bustle to be found in a building containing 160 students, pre K through the eighth grade.

My children are delighted to be here.”

All the fun and excitement of the first day is seen in Carol Konsler Belk and her daughter, Leyla. Carol is an Immaculata graduate and a mother of three children attending Immaculata School - Kimber in the second grade, Madison in the fifth and Leyla starting kindergarten. Carol has moved back to Hendersonville from Charlotte and is excited to have her children enrolled in our parish school. She said, “I value the security and comfortable atmosphere.

At the first PTO meeting of the year Father Nick told parents, “Our ability to teach children is a blessing to all of us.” Carole Breerwood, principal of the school, introduced the faculty and staff, saying, “If you don’t love the children, then nothing you teach them matters.”

Others returning on opening day were the classroom volunteers. Jan Hadley, whose children attended Immaculata, has been a volunteer classroom aid for more than ten years. There are several other parishioners who give their time and talent regularly and in a variety of services.

The enthusiasm of the parents at the meeting was voiced by many who point to Father Nick and Mrs. Breerwood as terrific advocates for the children. As one person put it, “Father Nick and Carol Breerwood are the ‘Good News’ at Immaculata.” There are a variety of ways to help our parish school – from volunteering your time – to giving through the various fundraisers and events. For more detailed information about our parish school go to

De regreso a clase en Immaculata PRESCHOOL STORY TIME



a rica historia de Immaculata sigue este año escolar con la bienvenida a la promoción ochenta y cuatro el pasado 25 de agosto. El primer día tuvo los típicos ajetreos que ocurren en un edificio con 160 estudiantes, del pre-Kinder al octavo grado.

El entusiasmo de los padres se expresó por muchos que señalaron al Padre Nick y a la Sra. Breerwood como magníficos defensores de los niños. Como dijo alguien: “el Padre Nick y Carole Breerwood son la ‘Buena Nueva’ en la Inmaculada”.

Carole Breerwood, la directora del colegio, presentó al profesorado y personal comentando: “Si no amas a los niños entonces, nada de lo que les enseñes valdrá la pena.”

Hay muchas maneras de ayudar a nuestro colegio parroquial, desde hacerse voluntario hasta donar dinero por medio de los varios eventos para recaudar fondos que hay. Para información más detallada sobre nuestro colegio parroquial, visite

SCHOOL CHAPEL NOW COMPLETE Christ the Teacher Chapel was brought to life as Jesus was placed in its tabernacle on September 8th, Feast of the birth of Mary. Father Nick processed from the church with the Holy Eucharist, led by Bro. Michael with incense, Bro. John with the Sanctuary Lamp and altar servers Reece Kelsch and Julia Slawek with lit candles. Parishioners, school staff, and parents awaited His arrival at the school with the students, who lined the hallway and


Middle School Faith Formation What has 70 hands, 70 feet, and enough energy to fuel a small city? The students of EDGE, the new Middle School Faith Formation program! On Wednesday evening, September 1st, EDGE leaders and students came together at Immaculata’s gym for an opening night of icebreakers, games and skits. Before the evening was even called to order, beach balls and Nerf balls filled the air as 35 youth got to know each other and their new leaders. Emily Sevier, youth minister, opened with prayer and greetings. Sandy Donecho, Director of Religious Education, told the kids that in EDGE learning about their faith would be experienced through small group discussions, games and art. The students broke into applause when they learned there would be no textbooks, chairs, or desks! Emily challenged the 6th, 7th and 8th graders to “find out what it really means to be Catholic today.” Sandy calls EDGE “stepping outside the box” of Continued

EDGE sang “To Jesus Christ our Sovereign King.” After the Eucharist was reposed in the tabernacle, a period of silent adoration was followed by prayers of welcome to Jesus composed by each of the grades at Immaculata. The joy-filled celebration concluded with the singing of “Immaculate Mary” in honor of Our Lady’s feast day. Commenting on the day, Mrs. Carole Breerwood, Immaculata principal, said, “So many people have participated in planning, constructing and outfitting this chapel. Today it’s been brought to life; it’s been an amazing day both for the school and the parish.” Father Nick described the morning as “surreal” and added, “It would be difficult to fully acknowledge everyone who had a hand in making this dream a reality, but I do offer my sincere thank you for the time, talents and treasures so many have contributed out of faith and love. The Chapel visibly highlights Immaculata as a CATHOLIC school with Christ as the Ultimate Teacher.”

La formación de la fe para la escuela media EDGE es el nuevo programa de formación de la fe para la escuela media. Es el programa hermano al programa de la secundaria/preparatoria, Life Teen. Ambos programas se esfuerzan por darles la oportunidad a los estudiantes de aprender, amar y vivir el catolicismo con sus amigos. El 1ero de septiembre, los líderes y estudiantes de EDGE se reunieron en el gimnasio de Immaculata para una noche de apertura para comenzar a conocerse, jugar y hacer obritas graciosas. Emily Sevier, la ministra de la juventud, desafió a los estudiantes de la escuela media a que “se enteren lo que significa en realidad el ser católico hoy en día.” Sandy Donecho, la directora de educación religiosa, les dijo a los muchachos que en EDGE el aprender sobre su fe se iba a hacer por medio de discusiones en grupos pequeños, juegos y arte. Continua





traditional Faith Formation. EDGE is a sister-program to the high school youth ministry Life Teen, and is structured along the same lines. Both programs strive to give students the opportunity to learn, love and live Catholicism with their peers. With parish prayers for our youth, the EDGE program will produce middle school students more confident and knowledgeable in their faith. EDGE meets every Wednesday EDGE evening from 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm in Immaculata’s gym, and takes the place of Sunday Faith Formation classes.. Students in grades 6, 7 and 8 are encouraged to attend and bring their friends. EDGE Students need to register with Sandy Donecho in the Religious Education office. For more information, please call Sandy at 697-7420, or Emily at 693-6901.


EDGE se reúne los miércoles por la noche de 6:30 a 7:30 pm en el gimnasio de Immaculata y reemplaza las clases dominicales de formación de la fe. Se les anima a venir a los estudiantes del 6to, 7mo y 8vo grado y a que traigan a sus amigos. Los estudiantes de EDGE tienen que matricularse con Sandy Donecho en la oficina de eduLEADERS AND STUDENTS cación religiosa. Para más información, por favor, llame al 697-7420 o a Emily al 693-6901.

Who are the Knights of Columbus?

Fred Carberry, Grand Knight

In 1882 a young parish priest in New in Washington, DC. in 2009 alone. In addition, Knights have conHaven, Connecticut saw a need for a support Today the Knights are still one of the tributed nearly 70,000,000 volunteer hours in group for widows and children who needed major forces in the Pro-Life moment. The 2009. financial and moral help. He organized a Knights also are an integral part of the United Locally, the Knights are heavily involved group of men and eventually called it the States Special Olympics, started in 1969 by in both the church and community, with such Knights of Columbus. One of the reasons the a brother Knight, Sergeant Shriver and his programs as Operation LAMB (a program Knights was formed was to offer insurance to wife Eunice Kennedy Shriver. Over the past to assist people with intellectual disabiliits members. The Knights flourished through decade Knights have given more than $1.3 ties), Special Olympics, Interfaith Assistance the years and today it is an international billion to charitable causes, $151 million Ministry, Confirmation, First Communion, organization of more than 1.8 and an annual essay contest at million men in about 14,000 Immaculata School. The Knights councils. The Knights are the also hold an Italian Night dinlargest and most influential ner, a St. Patrick’s Day dinner group of Catholic men in the and a Mother’s Day breakfast. The Knights assist the Bounty of world. Imagine being part of an Bethlehem Dinner and Woman’s In the 1950’s the Knights organization that fills your heart Guild Rummage sale, and support were the driving force that and your mind with the joy of giving the Rosary for Life held the first made possible the inclusion to others and the feeling that comes with making Thursday of each month. Many of the words “Under God” in a difference. Knights within our parish are the Pledge of Allegiance. The extraordinary ministers, lectors Knights have been in the foreKnights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and ushers. The Knights have a front of the Pro-Life movement and older, who are committed to making their great camaraderie and fun when since its beginning, and strongcommunity a better place, while supporting their they get together. They are truly ly believe that life begins at Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; conception. The Knights also a Brotherhood of Catholic Men. If it is being involved with your community; it is funded the Incarnation Dome you have an interest in joining or supporting your local Catholic Church, while and the Knights Tower at the finding out more about the Knights, enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting Basilica of the National Shrine please contact Fred Carberry at and enhancing your family life. of the Immaculate Conception 692-4429.



WELCOME OUR NEW PARISHIONERS Please extend a warm welcome to the new members of Immaculate Conception Sharon & David Calhoun have joined us from Tulsa, OK. Sharon is a registered Sleep Technologist and enjoys reading, cooking, and shopping. David is an experienced stained glass repairman. They have a daughter, Mary. 198M Brittany Place Dr., Hendersonville; 435-0567 Carmen Caprio most recently was a member of Sacred Heart parish in Brevard, NC. 5 Doral St., Hendersonville; 890-0415. Becky Chaurin recently moved to the area to more fully enjoy her 2 children and 4 grandchildren. A retired kindergarten teacher, Becky enjoys jewelry making and sewing. 55 Mistletoe Trail, Hendersonville; 693-8345.

children at Bruce Drysdale elementary school. She enjoys singing and hopes to join the Saturday evening choir. Sr. Peggy, a nurse, works for the Hendersonville County Public Health Department. Sr. Rebecca, a physical therapist, works in childcare for Helping Hands Development Center and WCCA. Sr. Rebecca enjoys vegetable gardening and fishing with Sr. Peggy. Rita O’Malley is a recently retired Catholic school educator and administrator from Woodridge, IL., and enjoys quilting. 1735B Haywood Manor Rd, Hendersonville; 630-373-7001. Family ties brought Dolores Pizzo from Elmira, NY. A retired surgical technician, Dolores enjoys reading, puzzles, soap operas and letter writing. 31 Partridge Berry Loop, Mills River; 542-3953.

The beauty of the mountains brought Rick Coley to our parish from Ohio. He enjoys hiking and golfing in his free time. 616 Buffalo Shoals Rd., Lake Lure; 674-1614.

Joseph & Lillian Rodano moved to the area from Candler, NC. Joseph is retired from Bell South and enjoys trains. Lillian is also retired and enjoys oil painting. 297 Summerfield Pl, Flat Rock; 693-6363.

Family ties lured Paul & Annie Coletta from Carlsbad, CA. Paul is a retired software development manager and enjoys biking and pickleball. Annie is a freelance technical writer and enjoys biking and reading. They have two children. 365 Rhett Dr, Flat Rock; 595-0707.

Retirement helped Catherine Scout decide to move from Duluth, GA. Catherine enjoys gardening, reading and crafts. P.O. Box 669, Horse Shoe; 890-8446.

Becky Chaurin

Jorge & Sandra Davila moved to our parish from Mexico. They are both Certified Nursing Assistants, and look forward to being involved in parish ministries. They have 4 children. 171 Clear Creek Road, Hendersonville; 697-5456. A love of the mountains brought us Dennis & Julie Eberhardt. Dennis is a self-employed carpenter/remodeler and loves wood working, hiking, and gardening. Julie is a Registered Nurse and enjoys outdoor activities with Dennis and their two sons. 451 Lakeland Dr., Pisgah Forest; 883-3024. Mary & Robert Greer chose to move from Tampa, FL, upon retirement. Robert’s interests are car restoration and NRA. Mary enjoys water coloring, and gardening. 210 Fernwood Dr, Hendersonville; 301-9340. Edward & Suzanne Hinchey came to Hendersonville because they love the mountains. Edward is a heavy equipment operator and enjoys reading, watching sports, and gardening. Suzanne owns a small business and enjoys sewing and reading. They have 5 children. 890-3484.

Pam Tankersley recently joined the church through the RCIA Program. Pam is an accountant and enjoys reading, book collecting, walking, music and studying Catholic philosophy & theology. Richard and Cara Temple recently moved from Charlotte. Richard is a financial services officer and enjoys golf, football and basketball. Cara is a teacher and enjoys golf, gardening, and shopping. They have one child. 12 Lilac Fields Way, Arden; 676-1569. A job opportunity brought Justin & Colby Towel to this area. Justin is a MD, Colby a Registered Nurse. Together they enjoy their child (22 month old Rylan), biking, hiking, family time, church, and the outdoors. 55 Bowenterra Dr, Hendersonville; 806-438-0902. Chuck & Judy Van Rens join us from Sylvania, OH. Chuck retired from marketing and human resources, and enjoys photography and history. Judy is a retired high school teacher, and enjoys education, gardening and sewing. They have 5 children. 109 Woodhaven Dr, Hendersonville; 419-787-8937.

A better environment for her family brought Shelly LopezBattazar to this area. Shelly is a daycare teacher and enjoys cooking, reading, baking and gardening. She has 5 children. 259 South Highland Dr, Hendersonville; 489-7074.

Conrad and Kathy Wrobel moved from Coral Springs, FL, to enjoy the peace of the area. Conrad is a VP in operations management, and enjoys golf, reading and travel. Kathy is a sales manager, and enjoys golf, cooking and reading. 141 Winding Meadows Dr, Flat Rock; 696-2419.

Sr. Mary Lou Herlihy, Sr. Peggy Ann Lipsio & Sr. Rebecca Nyaki are Maryknoll Sisters living in Hendersonville. Sr. Mary Lou, a social worker, works as a “Foster Grandparent” tutoring

New parishioners wishing to have a photo included in The Good News should contact Barbara Rock at 685-3775 or email [email protected]


St. Gerard House, Ministry of Hope Combine a dynamic Catholic faith, and two children with special needs, and what our faith community gets is a national model for how to minister hope and tangible help to families coping with the epidemic of autism disorder. People feel an urgent need for information on how to help their autistic children. After word got out about Immaculate Conception Church’s new resource center and preschool for families with autistic children, St. Gerard House founder and director Caroline Long Blackwell has been responding to scores of telephone calls, emails and personal visits each week. One day, Caroline found herself in tearful prayer in the Immaculata school chapel. “I felt suddenly overwhelmed with the magnitude of the need and just how lonely it is to be given this diagnosis,” Caroline recalled. “I thought, ‘Dear God, how am I going to help all these people’”. The answer came to her: “I needed to let God be in charge of the work” – such a huge relief. St. Gerard House resource center and The Grotto preschool opened its doors CAROLINE BLACKWELL WITH SON this summer at LIAM AND DAUGHTER BRIDGET 718 Oakland Street. The center offers support and services to children with autism and their families. Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD, is the second most common developmental disability following mental retardation. It is estimated that up to one out of every 110 children born today has some form of ASD. Doctors had told Caroline she would never bear children. Sensing her despair and unknown to Caroline, her father began a novena to St. Gerard Majella, patron saint to expectant mothers. He finished the novena with a request: “Let me know my prayer has been heard.” Caroline remembers calling her father the next day to tell him she was pregnant. “I had Liam, a beautiful, healthy boy,” Caroline said. Nineteen months later Bridget was born, her second miracle. After several years,


Denise Layfield

Caroline began to worry that Liam was not developing normally. Eventually, he was diagnosed with autism and then Bridget. At that time, information was not readily available on how to manage symptoms of the disorder. She and her youngsters coped with a multitude of issues, including physical, emotional, social and intellectual challenges. Caroline reorganized her life to research and experiment with solutions that helped her children. This enabled Liam and Bridget to attend Immaculata with their peers, to read and write and to have meaningful friendships. At age 7, Liam could recite the entire mass by heart. As a preschooler, Bridget loved our Mother Mary and carried her beloved statue of Mary from Medjugorje until she rubbed the paint off of it. “I really want people to learn how to celebrate the joy of these children and the purity of their souls,” Caroline said. With the help of her family and the Immaculate Conception community, Caroline has created the place she was looking for six years ago – a resource center that brings together the many facets of best treatment practices for autism. She and her family are personally funding the center, with hopes of attracting resources to keep the doors open. Caroline recently needed money to hire a grant writer. “I needed a grant to hire a grant writer,” she laughed. She continued, “Just days later, a parishioner put a $10,000 check in the collection at church for the St. Gerard House. Another parishioner gave us an authentic relic of St. Gerard. It’s been one blessing after another after another.” Caroline recalled the story of Our Lady of Lourdes, when in 1858 the Virgin Mary asked a peasant girl, Bernadette, to drink from a fountain in the grotto of Massabielle, France. There was no fountain, but when Bernadette scratched into the earth as directed, a spring began to flow. “Those healing waters haven’t stopped flowing for more than 150 years,” Caroline said. “I want our Grotto to be a place of healing waters for our children and their families, that place of life spring.”

La Casa de San Gerardo, Un ministerio de esperanza El centro de recursos Casa de San Gerardo* y preescolar La Gruta ha abierto sus puertas este verano en la calle Oakland 718. El centro ofrece apoyo y servicios a niños con autismo y a sus familias. El espectro autístico es la segunda incapacidad de desarrollo más común (el retraso mental siendo el más común). Se estima que 1 de cada 110 niños nacidos hoy tiene algo del espectro autístico. Los dos hijos de Caroline, Liam de 9 y Bridget de 8 han sido diagnosticados con autismo. Caroline considera que su mera existencia es un “obsequio milagroso”. Caroline volvió a organizar su vida para investigar y experimentar con soluciones que ayudaron a sus hijos. Esto ha posibilitado que Liam y Bridget puedan ir a Immaculata con sus amigos, leer y escribir y tener amigos allegados. Con la ayuda de su familia y de la comunidad de la

Inmaculada Concepción, Caroline ha creado un lugar que le hubiera gustado encontrar hace 6 años. Su familia y ella están financiando ellos mismos este centro con la esperanza de atraer recursos para mantener las puertas abiertas. Hace muy poco ella necesitaba dinero para contratar a un redactor de propuestas. “Sólo unos días después, un feligrés puso un cheque de $10,000 en la colecta de la iglesia para la Casa de San Gerardo. Otro feligrés nos dio una reliquia auténtica de San Gerardo. Ha sido una bendición tras otra tras otra.” *San Gerardo Majella (Mayela) es el patrono de las mujeres embarazadas y parturientas.

Inspired by the Spirit, Rose’s Ministry W

hen Joan Mazzatenta died this past April, her family and parish members gathered to honor her and comfort her husband, Ernie. During this time of grief, he found it not only consoling but also convenient to have a reception after his wife’s funeral provided by Rose’s Ministry in the St. Francis Room. His out-of-town relatives were impressed with the warmth and professionalism of the reception. It provided Ernie and the family with a chance to visit with people who knew Joan. It was a chance to begin healing, a process that is strengthened by being surrounded by friends and family. This reception was even more personal because many of the volunteers knew Joan from her service with Rose’s Ministry. Joan joined the ministry because of her friendship with Rose Fiumara, Sandy Donecho’s mother. It was after her mother’s funeral that Sandy realized how important this social occasion was to grieving families. Two years ago, when Sandy asked for volunteers, 80 parishioners responded and Rose’s Ministry was born. Named in honor of Sandy’s mother, Rose, the ministry provides the consoling embrace of the parish when a Catholic family suffers the loss of a loved one. After the funeral home or the parish office notifies Sandy of a death, she offers the family a cake and coffee reception to be served after the funeral Mass here at Immaculate Conception. Some families choose to have a gathering at another place, but many are very grateful for this outreach by the parish. Once the arrangements have been made, Rose’s Ministry jumps into action. One of the eight rotating teams bakes

Suzanne Grasser

cakes, sets up tables (usually in the St. Francis Room), sets them with tablecloths and flowers, makes coffee and punch, and then serves and cleans up after the reception. They are easily identified by their name pins and white aprons which are embroidered with a single red rose. Each team consists of approximately ten women and men. The members of Rose’s Ministry get together for a potluck luncheon twice a year and share the camaraderie of friends with a common purpose. Ernie Mazzatenta says

that Joan found it to be a great way to meet people in the parish and she enjoyed the feeling of satisfaction it gave her to help others. With eight teams rotating, the time commitment is fairly minimal. Donations are gratefully accepted and new volunteers are always welcome. If interested, call Sandy at 697-7420. When an organization runs strictly on donations and volunteers, you know it is inspired by the Spirit.


Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

208 7th Avenue West Hendersonville, NC 28791 828.693.6901 ph 828.697-1656 fax





UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS Details will be provided in the weekly bulletin as the event nears

Operation Christmas Shoebox Collection Saturday & Sunday, November 13th and 14th Immaculate Conception Church

Bounty of Bethlehem Saturday, December 25 Immaculata School

1st Annual Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, February 19, 2011 Charlotte, NC

Passion & Purpose Retreat with Matthew Kelly Saturday, March 12, 2011 Immaculate Conception Church

The Good News Issue 04 FALL 2010

Honoring Parish Family Members Serving in the Military

Please pray for the safety of the men and women serving active military duty most especially those who are members* of the Immaculate Conception parish family, many of whom are listed here.

• Spec 4 David Buentello Jr., US Army, grandnephew of Juanita A. Rosas • TSgt. Noah Burgess, USAF Force, husband of Cindy Hosack Burgess • Maj. Russell W. Donaldson, USAF, nephew of Frank E. Donaldson • PFC Brinton Jay Finley, US Army, grandson Lorraine N. Hidding • 2nd Lt. Jay Hosack, US Army, grandson of Ed and Anita Hosack • PFC Catherine Marie Kelly, USMC, granddaughter Richard & Rosemarie Cunningham • 2nd Lt. Philip Hugh Lord, US Army, son of Tim & Sandra Almy • 1st Lt. Ashley S. Martin, USAF, wife of Scott Martin • 1st Lt. Scott Martin, USAF, grandson of Ed and Anita Hosack • CW2 Brian McGraw, US Army, grandson Ed and Anita Hosack • Cpt. Brian Potter, USAF, son of David and Mary Kay Potter • Gunnery Sgt.T Robert L Sanchez, USMC, son of Doug & Marcie Scott • Lt. Col Ronald Webber, US Army, son of Ruth & Dick Webber. • Maj. General Richard Webber, USAF, son of Ruth & Dick Webber * If you would like to have a family member currently on active military duty listed in the next newsletter please provide the following information: name of military family member, branch of service and rank, relationship, your name(s) and telephone number. For accuracy please submit the information in written form; title the message “military family” and send via email to [email protected] or mail to / drop off at the office. The information will appear in the next scheduled newsletter; names must be resubmitted for each subsequent issue.

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