Kendriya Vidyalaya E- Magazine 2021-22 Flipbook PDF

Kendriya Vidyalaya E- Magazine 2021-22

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Magazine Institucional Agosto 2013 Laboratorios LAFEDAR Magazine Institucional INDICE 3 04 Editorial 06 Novedades 06 Lanzamiento tecnicatura 10

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Magazine Institucional Enero 2015 Laboratorios LAFEDAR Magazine Institucional INDICE 3 04 Editorial 06 06 08 10 Destacados Premio Senado de la

27 FUERTEVENTURA MAGAZINE hoy THE LIGHT HOUSE OF EL COTILLO And its white sandy beaches surrounded by black rocks called Los Lagos. On the west sid

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Story Transcript

Editor’s pen Creative writing is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some have a natural flair for it some may develop the ability to write in later life. Creativity is a vent to the stream of thoughts arising in the minds of young talents. It can gain new horizons through expressions in the form of creative writing. With immense pleasure, we place before you the winged thoughts and emotions of our young talents. Their efforts to soar high into the realms of imagination reflect their passion towards life. The leaves of the magazine will unravel before you the inquisitive nature of young minds, their hopes and aspirations, their disappointments and sorrows; in short, it reflects a child's venture into the literary foray. The making of the magazine was not an easy one. There were only blank pages to begin with. Preparations were little. Creations flowed in massively but when editing was done a few remained. The musings, the heartbeats, the panting and the hiccups of the budding artists are highlighted in the inside pages. Sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed, guided and motivated in the journey of realising it. No claim is being made since perfection is an illusion. You are the best judges. So we place before you the final draft. It is all yours to acclaim, to condemn or to merely enjoy the creative efforts of the children of this Vidyalaya.






“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.” —George Bernard Shaw

You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure In loving memory of a life so Beautifully lived And a heart So deeply loved.


AISSCE TOPPERS 2020-2021 Science stream

Commerce stream


















































































































Achievement GALORE Malappuram District Olympics Table Tennis Winners (Jan 17, 2021)

From the left Mr. Pramod. P (PE), Sreya Soy X B (III position), Jayalaxmi XII (I position), Reshmi Rajesh XI B (II position), Adithyan D Anil X A (III postion, mens), Avani D Anil IX B (III position) with Principal Mr. V Santhosh Kumar.

Ms. Shreya Bhajith of class 5th was selected to represent Kerala State in Khelo India Tournament. She secured First position in the District Championship in Kalaripayattu Sub junior Kuruvadi category. She has been awarded with the Ujjwala Balya Puraskaram

Ms.Anngelina Thomas of class 7th represented Malappuram district in junior Badminton tournament at Trissur.

Ms.Belinta Thomas of class 4th -represented Malappuram district in junior Badminton tournament at Trissur.

Ahammed kenz of class VII A bagged second position in under13 singles and first in doubles badminton championship

Selected to represent in the national level for the inspire award & received a cash award of rs.10000/.



Selected to represent in National Children’s Science Congress at national level 2021-22


Rishwid Uday IX B

Selected to represent Malappuram district in cricket, under 16 category and played state championship.

Master. Adwait O Haridas of

class XI A represented Kerala state in Roller Skating Hockey and participated in National Tournment.


1st prize in philately quiz competition conducted in connection with national postal week celebration .


Dark hit her straight To another say, It hit her right in the eye Wondered whether she could, Take a chance again To devise that. Wanted to come from dark alive Because she never thought Of staying alive. When she started, She never thought of hitting in eye. Once she started She never thought of lying in dark side. When she landed up there, She got emotions, And before; there Was never. HADIYA FATHIMA XA

AWAKENING Life is a journey, Through the situations one face. It is never ending until one breathes last And there is a clock ticking so, Don’t wait, Enjoy Life! Do things to make your journey a special one A memorable one!! Your choices may lead you differently But believe in yourself To be a conqueror. Choose wisely, Live fully to be someone special!!!


Be Grateful A rich landowner named Carl often rode around his vast estate so he could congratulate himself on his great wealth. One day while riding around his estate on his favourite horse, he saw Hans, an old tenant farmer. Hans was sitting under a tree when Carl rode by. Hans said, ‘I was just thanking God for my food.’ Carl protested, ‘If that is all I had to eat, I wouldn’t feel like giving thanks.’ Hans replied, ‘God has given me everything I need and I am thankful for it.’ The old farmer added, ‘It is strange you should come by today because I had a dream last night. In my dream a voice told me....The richest man in the valley will die tonight.’ I don’t know what it means, but I thought I ought to tell you.’ Carl snorted, ‘Dreams are nonsense,’ and galloped away, but he could not forget Hans’ words…The richest man in the valley will die tonight. He was obviously the richest man in the valley, so he invited his doctor to his house that evening. Carl told the doctor what Hans had said. After a thorough examination, the doctor told the wealthy landowner, ‘Carl, you are as strong and healthy as a horse. There is no way you are going to die tonight.’ Nevertheless, for assurance, the doctor stayed with Carl, and they played cards through the night. The doctor left the next morning and Carl apologized for becoming so upset over the old man’s dream. At about nine o’clock, a messenger arrived at Carl’s door.

‘What is it?’ Carl demanded. The messenger explained, ‘It’s about old Hans. He died last night in his sleep.’ You don’t need money to be rich, be grateful for what you have in lire and you will feel happier. Nedya P S

“BLUE MIRACLE” My favourite movie of recent times.

Misbah Abdulla VIII B

In today’s chaotic world where despair looms over happiness like a shadow, it is always a welcome change to listen to motivational words, read inspiring stories and watch movies that impart good thoughts. It has a great impact on me when these lessons come from people who practice what they preach, people who have proven that messages need not be conveyed through hollow words, but their lives itself can be the message they want to pass on. “Blue Miracle” is not just a movie, it is the reel depiction of a hardly known real-life hero Omar and a group of orphans under his care. Papa Omar, as he was fondly called by the boys, ran the Casa Hogar Orphanage in Mexico. The orphanage, already under heavy debt was further damaged by a raging storm threatening to shut it down forever. The story takes us through the moments of distress and hopelessness Papa Omar went through to save the children from being thrown back on to the streets. In the final moment of desperation human weakness gets the better of him and he very nearly cheats in a prestigious fishing

competition to earn the prize to save the children’s home but then decides against it realizing that he will be giving out a wrong message to the boys by doing so. The children feel let down but his pure intentions and belief in the values which he wanted to nurture in the children he raised gets paid off in the end. The entire story speaks volumes of the virtues of kindness, selflessness and truthfulness among many others. Their life teaches us to remain steadfast to our morals, no matter how difficult the times. The take away message I got from the film is that we should have a malice free heart which cares for others, go miles to help others and as long as we take the righteous path, destiny will be on our side in.

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Strive not to be a success but to be of value. ~ Albert Einstein

COSMETIC SURGERIES ''The best and most beautiful things can never be touched; it can only be felt with heart '' -Helen Keller We all have admired someone for their beauty at least once in our life. So what actually is this beauty? What I define beauty is something that comes from your heart by being compassionate and having a good character. But in today’s society this definition has completely changed into something like having a flawless skin, fair skin tone, long legs, shiny hair, and a slim body for women and as for men it is muscles, toned body and broad shoulders. People judge others based on this. This led many people to take up surgeries to make them look good on the outside. People’s belief that it is more important on how you look on the outside has led to such an increase in the number of such surgeries taking place these days. The most common surgeries that are used for these purposes are termed as plastic surgeries. Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. It can be divided into two categories. The first is reconstructive surgery, which includes the reconstruction of facial and body defects due to birth disorders, traumas, hand surgery, and treatment of burns. The other is cosmetic or aesthetic surgery. While reconstructive surgery aims to reconstruct a part of the body or improve its functioning, cosmetic surgery aims to improve the appearance of it. This is opted because it could bring lasting and dramatic changes to the physical appearance. There are lots of benefits of cosmetic surgery like enhanced appearance. The first and main benefit of cosmetic surgery is that it helps to align your natural appearance with your desired appearance. Another benefit is that improved confidence, by fixing and altering your appearance to suit your wishes, you will automatically have an improved self-esteem. This does wonders for your social life and your mental health. Being confident in the way you look makes you feel better in all aspects of life. However, the disadvantages of cosmetic surgery are much more than the advantages. Firstly Expense, it is not a secret that cosmetic surgeries are expensive. However, this factor makes cosmetic surgery not so ‘easily accessible’ to everyone, as not everyone obtains such funds.

It can be difficult saving up money towards cosmetic surgeries and people often take loans, which can lead to debt. Next is the Chance of Addiction, a grave disadvantage of cosmetic surgery is that some individuals get addicted to it. This has extreme effects on patients’ state of mind. Another disadvantage of cosmetic surgery is that after the procedure, it is not fully guaranteed that you will come out of the other end completely satisfied with the changes. These adjustments made to your face or body may have been desirable before you had them, however, they may not look as you expected and fill you with regret. Another key risk that should not be overlooked is that cosmetic surgeries can go wrong. This is more common than the risk of death, but is still quite uncommon due to advancement in technology. Now, let us come to the actual point. Is it actually necessary to do these surgeries? My opinion is that no! There is no actual need for wasting money on surgeries and other cosmetic materials rather than using this money for some good purpose. We all are beautiful but we just fail to recognize our beauty. Beauty is of two types: inner and outer beauty it is well said that "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder." Inner beauty is that beauty which shows our inner character, our moral values ethics and culture. Whereas outer beauty is just pleasing to the eye. The inner beauty you possess makes you a beautiful person. A beautiful physical appearance does not guarantee a beautiful heart. It is the inner beauty; kindness and generosity of your heart that makes you a beautiful person. You don’t need costly cosmetics or expensive surgeries to keep your inner beauty intact. It is long lasting. No matter how beautiful you may look from outside, you will not have any peace if you are not beautiful and peaceful from inside. Peace and serenity come from deep within. External physical beauty alone will not help you in connecting with people emotionally.

Rather, it will make you aloof and alone. What you need is your inner beauty feeling connected with people you love. “BEAUTY ISN’T ABOUT HAVING A PRETTY FACE, IT’S ABOUT HAVING A PRETTY MIND, A PRETTY HEART AND A PRETTY SOUL” Let us hope that one day everyone comes to realize these meaningful words and recognize and embrace the beauty within every single person regardless of the physical appearance. SWETA M XII A

Dawn When the sun rises in east, The flowers wake up and sing ‘Good morning’ The bird leaves the nest And comes at night to rest!

The sky laughs with joy The baby plays with joy When the dark beat the sun He told us to run!

Sreehari. M VII A

DREAMS The time I feel I am flying The time I smell the chocolate From the chocolate world When the rain is made of sugar

And the Easter egg mountains. When the clouds are Of sugar candies A world where waterfalls Are of chocolate milk

Or dream can be my worst Nightmare where one eye Monster chases me. And the world is made Up of Lava and cobblestones A world where rain is of Lava


CHILDHOOD Childhood is the most memorable time in anyone’s life. It’s the first stage of life which we enjoy in whatever way we like. Besides, this is the time that shapes the future. Moreover, it’s the golden period of life in which we can teach children everything. The memories of childhood ultimately become the lifelong memory which always brings a smile on our faces. Moreover, Children have no worries, no stress, and they are free from the uncertanity of worldly life. Also, when an individual recollects his/her childhood they are delighted. Besides, bad memories haunt the person his entire life. Apart from this, as we grow, we feel more attachment to our childhood and we want to get back those days but we can’t. Children are like buds; they care for everyone equally without any discrimination. Also, they are of helpful nature and help everyone around them. Moreover, they teach everyone the lesson of humanity that they have forgotten in this hectic lifestyle of this world. Besides, these children are the future of the country and if they do not grow properly then in future how can they help in the growth of the nation. In short, we can say that childhood is the time that makes our adulthood special. -NANDANA RAMESH XI B

EXOTIC NATURE Nature is very beautiful With all animals and trees. Nature can be cruel, As it is the survival of the fittest Nature is very weird and exotic From the deep abyss of the ocean To high mountains in the sky And lovely trees in the middle. Nature is very interesting Plants in the soil Eaten by the deers Inturn eaten by the wolfs And it goes around This is nature And that you can't change it Never ever….. ADAM ZAIN LATHIF VIII B


Dream till you fall out of it Dream till you address it in your eyes No such things as only closed eye, Dream even if you are in the daylight No matter night; As Stars are there for you to shine, No matter day; As Sun is there for you to blaze, And not only dream for yourself But dream for others too; Thus That surrounds are making You feel pleased in the charming world But please get out of the dream If the present is fulfilled. Because it makes you a person Where there are no stars to shine, No sun to blaze.


JOURNEY O!! What a journey! My life!!! Will we reach the destination? By moving through the hills and mountains, Forests and seas,

Experiencing different seasons, Going on a roller coaster of emotions Unaware of the right path Carrying Hope We travel each day Wishing it to be peaceful Until we fade away.


LIFE Sometimes life will be happy Sometimes it will be sad … But happiness is like shining stars, Sometimes it will shine, Sometimes it will not… But sadness is like a long path; Without any end…

Who says that? It has an end, Like the gate of the end of the road of happiness, But the movement of sad will start – As we continue our journey, By pushing the gate; Like throwing the happiness away, By keeping it for a next time. And it will be waiting for us – Near the end of the gate of happiness.

Bhavana Krishna J S, X-B

MY FAVOURITE SPORTSMAN MAHENDRA SINGH DHONI A long copper haired man made his debut for India in the match against Bangladesh on December 3, 2004.The name of Mahendra Singh Dhoni was not even noticed by the big fans of the Indian team. He was run out on the first ball of the innings. In the later matches of the series, there was no noticeable performance from the Ranchi youth.

In the next series against Pakistan, we saw the birth of a strong batsman named Dhoni. In The 2007 world cup India could not even get into the semi-finals. The BCCI had decided to send a group of youngsters without Tendulkar, Ganguly and Dravid to the South Africa for the Twenty-20 World Cup 2007. The same Ranchi youth got the opportunity to lead the team which was full of newcomers. India

won that cup. The World Cup gifted a top class cricket captain to India .That fighter, which age could not weary, has finally said goodbye to international cricket on the 74th Independence Day of India. India's search for a wicket-keeperbatsman like Adam Gilchrist came to Dhoni. Later, Dhoni won the inaugural Twenty20 World Cup in India in 2007 and won the 2011 ODI World Cup. Dhoni was not in good form in the tournament but when he promoted himself in the final and came in fourth position, even the big fans frowned. However, his innings in the final and his winning six made history in Indian cricket. Dhoni also became the first captain to win three major ICC Trophy titles after winning the Champions Trophy. Dhoni was the captain of India in the ODI series against Pakistan after winning the Twenty20 World Cup in 2007.India returned with a 3-2 victory. The CB Series win over Australia in 2008 was a testament to Dhoni's top-class captaincy. Dhoni also won the 2010 Asia Cup in India. In 2009, India won the first Test series on New Zealand soil in 41 years under Dhoni. For the first time, India has topped the ICC Test rankings under Dhoni. He was the real captain of the team when the team seemed to be falling apart, But when Mahi was run-out by the kiwis fielder, Martin Guptill, on July 10 two years ago, at the world cup semi finales there weren’t any other player in world cricket who can match the conditions of that match like Dhoni. In 2020, the Dhoni led Chennai super kings in IPL, lost miserably. But in the IPL 2021 Chennai team won the IPL 2021. Mahendra Singh Dhoni is not just a player, but an emotion…


MY BABY BROTHER When I was in Mumbai I lived in a housing society, there lived a cute little baby. Before seeing her I didn’t like babies. After spending some days with her I started loving her, and then I started being friendly with other babies too. After that I wanted a sibling. Sometimes I felt alone as I don’t have anyone to play with. After spending about 4 years in Mumbai, I came to Malappuram as my father got transferred. Still I was alone .Then one day I came to know that I will become an elder sister within some months, knowing that I was dancing with joy. I dreamed many situations with my sibling .When in 6th standard (present) my dream got fulfilled, I came to know that I was blessed with a baby brother when I was writing Hindi notes. I was really happy and I don’t know how to express that feeling through words. It is a pandemic situation and I am the one who is over cautious and scared of covid-19 but I couldn’t wait to see my brother. That evening I went to the hospital to see my brother. I felt as he peeped and smiled at me, my mind was filled the joy. I love him very much.

Jayitha Jayaprakash VI A

I DID IT ONCE, 8 YEARS AGO… The scolding I always heard was from my class teacher when I was in LKG. Do you know, why did it become my habit? There was a girl in my class with curly hair just like me…Dilsha. Dilsha used to climb on top of the desk, always. The teacher mistook her for me. That’s how I receive her scolding. As I hear it every day, week in, week out, I didn’t take it as something serious. One Tuesday morning, as our 2nd period ended and the teacher went out, I decided to talk to Dilsha. I asked her, “Why are you always climbing on the desk? It’s because of you; I’m getting all the scolding.” “Hmm…When I climb on the desk, I’ll become taller than our teacher. That’s why.” She replied cleverly. That stuck in my mind, I was a little taller than Dilsha. So, if I climb on the desk, I’ll become taller than our teacher as well as Dilsha. Then, I looked through the window, and made sure Ma’am was nowhere to be seen. After that, I climbed on the desk too! It was quiet a feeling. Then…I saw someone near the window, staring right at me! I didn’t wait for anything else. I jumped straight onto the floor. But, what do I do now? Ma’am was standing straight in front of me! I tried to make up some story and make her understand. But, she didn’t allow me to speak a word. “Usually, you climb on the desk, removing your shoes. Today, you didn’t even bother to remove it!” She said, pointing at the muddy shoes I was wearing and its mark on the desk. Then, without any word, she send me out of the class. I didn’t feel sad. She had said that there will be a class test that period. Needless to say, my pencil had gone missing again as usual! I stood outside leaning the wall near the door, giggling. REJWA ARIF KILLUDUKKY VII B


It’s been long without you my friend. I’m not to see you again. But I’m so touched by you As you pours down, I go out and cry To hide my tears Rolling down the cheeks. And now What will I do? I know I am not perfect I don’t have many wishes But when I leave this earth I will surely miss you as you’re dear to me. MADHAV MURALI E P IX A

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore.

LIFE Its dreams or nightmares Every day is the same. Nothing new, nothing bright All empty, all lame. But then came one Beautiful and lovely Who never left me lonely. She picks me up when I’m down Oh! She’s all I ever got Who ne’er left me alone. Everything was going great Every day was as per fate Now every day is different All joy, all exciting. But then happened the unexpected That left me alone I felt dejected I remember her always Even in my dreams My sweet Puppy.

Gayathri Murali VIII B


Nature is all around us The trees, the garden, the forest In the morning the sun rises Water dripping from the leaves

The flower blooms, giving colours Birds chirping sing melodiously Butterflies sipping nectar, flutters magnificently See the beauty in nature, all around us.

Ashlyn Azad VII A


I wonder what nature is Some say trees, Some say seas and oceans, Some say rain, Some say mountain And some say valleys are nature

But I wonder what the real “Nature” is Then my father said, “Including me and you the whole world The mother earth is the true “Nature”

Parvathy Krishna IX B



School is said to be a temple of knowledge, the very first place that introduced you to the world and more so your own self. My school life is all about the memories I deeply cherish. The memories of not only the fun, friendship and all the sport and extracurricular but also the way it helped me find my interests. I owe it all to my school life. It has made me who I am today.

My school life has been full of different experiences over the years. It gave various opportunities to develop not only my scholastic abilities but also the art and sport side. It supported me in my sports as well as exposed me to numerous types of people. All of this accounted to make me understand how to behave socially and in building a personality which I have today. “The roots of education is bitter but the fruit is sweet” Aristotle Online school has been implemented all throughout the world for students to obtain their education amidst the breakout of COVID19. The pandemic shut down schools around the beginning of March earlier this year, and over 1.2 billion students world-wide are not physically attending school. Alen s kumar VIII B

P.K.WARRIER Panniyampilly Krishnankuty Warrier (5 June 1921 – 10 July 2021) was an Indian Ayurveda practitioner. He was born in Kottakkal, Malappuram district in the Indian state of Kerala. He was the chief Physician and Managing trustee of Arya Vaidya Sala. He was the youngest nephew of Vaidyaratnam P.S.Warrier, the founder of Arya Vaidya Sala. P.K. Warrier was born on 5 June 1921 In Kottakkal, Malappuram, Kerala, India. His parents were Thalappanna Sreedharan Namboothiri and Panniyampilly Kunchi Varasyar. He was the youngest of their six children. He had his education from Raja’s High School, Kottakkal and Zamorin’s High School at Kozhikode. He studied Ayurveda in Arya Vaidya Pathasala (present Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier Ayurveda College). He married Late Smt. Madhavikutty K. Varier, a poet and a Kathakali writer. His writings, speeches and research papers have been compiled under the title ‘Padamudrakal’. He established a research laboratory for the identification of medicinal plants and to ascertain the chemical identity of their pharmaceutical constituents which grew into the Centre for Medicinal Plants Research He turned 100 in 2021. His 100th birthday was celebrated despite the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. A month later, on 10 July 2021, he died at his home in Kottakkal from COVID-19. His body was cremated at the premises of his home on the same day. Rohit Raman, XI B

Pros and Cons of Online Classes Over the last few years online classes have become increasingly popular around the world. There are many advantages and disadvantages for online classes. Understanding it helps the online education platform to improve. Here are a set of pros and cons of online classes listed down.


 Students can complete independent assignments outside of school hours for more flexibility  Problems like bullying and similar incidents are reduced  Students can learn with less fear of others judging them  Students who may feel ashamed asking for help might be more comfortable coming forward  It would be easy for the illiterate parents to teach their younger ones by listening to the classes  Online classes improve virtual communication and collaboration.


 Many students and teachers face network issues Therefore the students may not be able to be attentive in the class  Reduce social interaction  Staring into your phone, laptop or tab may give a lot of strain to our eyes which may result in problem related with our eye sight.  In my view as a student I feel learning by going to school is more useful when we are at home there are many distractions such as the sound of the grinder someone talking etc. When there are network issues it makes it hard for me to understand the class because the sound may break and many other related problems are there. An advantage of online classes is that we could attend the class from anywhere No matter where we are. I'm eagerly waiting for the schools to be opened soon... Hope it wouldn't just be a dream Fidha Fathima Nanakkal VII B

RAIN Oh rain, dear rain Take away the pain, And wash away the sadness

Along with the gloominess, Bring on the joyness, Give me the happiness,

Give it to me alone Don’t forget The Glee Until the next time we see, Goodbye! Misbah VIII B

RAINBOW Bright in the blue With seven colors. Shades in the sky With a range of colors. When the rain is no more All wait for The rainbow to appear To excite us more. Bright in the blue With seven colors. A true miracle To enchant us ever.

-Amritha K P VI A

Ring a Spring - Gayathri Murali, VIII B

The birds are in a gloom, As the trees are not in bloom. They are waiting for the spring, Wanting to sing.

Finally the spring arrived, Filling the air with joy, Making a lovely season to enjoy With the music of birds chirping.

Flowers dancing, The wind singing. Trees blowing along, I smell magic in the air.

Can’t compare, This is magic, Everything is dynamic. It's too beautiful to be true.

Can’t believe spring is departing The summer is starting. Can’t wait for next year, I’ll be waiting for A season dear to me.

"I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze."

– William Wordsworth

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There are many different ways to use social media for education. Social media has various uses in the classroom because it has the power to make nearly anything easier, including life in the classroom. Social media and technology are integral parts of daily life, and integrating the use of these into the classroom is more natural. Each social media platform offers many different ways to be used in the classroom, from sharing announcements to holding live lectures, and so much more. First, social media provides a smoother, more direct communication tool between students, teachers and parents, who can check in and ask or respond to questions. Social media allows for more elearning opportunities as well. As remote jobs and online classes are becoming more popular, training students to work from a distance is an important lesson, and social media can help with that. It’s important to understand the impact of social media on education before using it. There are many social media tools for education that can be taken advantage by students of any age, from elementary all the way through college.

Use a Facebook group to stream live lectures and host discussions Teachers can create Facebook Groups for each of their classes—both public and private—and stream Facebook Live lectures, post discussion questions, assign homework and make class announcements. Keep students engaged during school breaks by posting reminders and assignments to avoid having to review them once class resumes from the break. When using social media for

education, it’s important to ensure a professional boundary, so when setting up a Facebook Group; teachers do not need to send friend requests. Email both parents and students a direct link to the Facebook Group for access. Use Twitter as a class message board Twitter can be used as a discussion board or message board for a class. Teachers can create a single Twitter handle per class and reuse it every year, or they can create a new handle each school year. The 280 character limit makes students think critically about communicating concisely and effectively, a beneficial skill to develop. Teachers can use Twitter to post reminders for assignment due dates or share inspirational quotes and helpful links to practice quizzes or resources. Teachers can also create discussions and Twitter chats around a specific hashtag that they create. Use Instagram for photo essays In a visual heavy class, students can use Instagram to present a series of photos or graphics in a visually appealing manner. Instagram allows students to practice digital storytelling in ways that other social media platforms may fall short. Students can create class-specific Instagram accounts and may delete them after the course is over if they so choose. Create a class blog for discussions Writing blog posts gives students another outlet for digital content that they can then easily link back to class social channels. There are many different platforms available, such as Word Press, SquareSpace, Wix, Blogger, Tumblr or Medium, where teachers can create a class blog. Students can create their own user accounts to make discussion posts or add comments on class prompts. The course syllabus and any assignments, updates and resources can be shared on a blog as a central location as well. Assign blog posts as essays Another strategy for combining social media and learning is having students create their own blogs for essays or short-form writing. Blogging as a semesteror year-long assignment can improve students’ short-form writing and critical thinking. Have students respond to weekly prompts, making it as informal and

loosely structured as possible. Don’t feel limited to just an English or writing class; this use of social media in education can be transferred across all subjects. Share school events and photos In order to attract new students and parents to the school, we can share photos and events around campus to showcase what they could expect. Highlighting events and extra-curricular activities can make your school stand out from the rest. While school and university websites tend to follow the same mold, social media allows you to be more unique and casual. Create a social media crisis strategy How would you communicate with the entire campus during an emergency? Whether it’s a fire, tornado or other immediate campus emergency, determine how your school will incorporate social media into their crisis communication plan. Keep parents and students updated on the situation by sharing information about the crisis and if authorities are involved. Many campuses have automated messaging alerts set up, but using social media will keep even more people updated and informed. There are many different uses for social media in the classroom and it’s time to embrace them!

Amrita V Menon VIII A

The bear and the rat Once there lived two friends a rat and a bear. Both of them lived in the wild roaming around. One day both of them were going in the search of some food. They went past a river using a log of wood and reached a place with a lot of apple trees. They were happy as they found some food finally. They took those apples and started going to somewhere which is safer as it was about to be night time. But before they found a safe place, they heard a roaring sound both of them understood it was a lion but was far away. They rushed to find somewhere safe but before they could, the lion found them. Both of them did not know what to do. The rat saw a tiny hole it could go through to be safe but then the bear would be killed by the lion. So, the rat denied to go to the hole and told the bear to run with him. Both of them ran for some time and found a safe hiding spot, they hid there. The lion was tired after running behind them for so long became slower and lost his prey. The Bear thanked the rat for not leaving him alone. They started going on their way again…

Moral of the story: A true friend will be there always.

Rohit, VII B

THE EFFECT OF FAMILY ENVIRONMENT ON ADOLESCENT’S WELLBEING I am writing this article to all the parents out there. Parents have a lot of influence on their children both directly and indirectly. The reason behind writing this article was that the effect of the family environment on an adolescents’ wellbeing is one of the least discussed subjects today. In my opinion, people do not understand the seriousness of this matter. According to a study conducted by National Adolescent Health Information Centre, over three-quarters, 15-year-olds report difficulty in talking with their mothers and fathers about things that bother them. But in reality, healthy and open communication is perceived to play a key role in the improvement of a child’s mental health. Studies show that children who had a healthy relationship with their parents performed comparatively better in their academics as well as co-curricular activities. Parents’ support plays a crucial part in the child’s success. Whenever an adolescent receives continuous support and encouragement from their parents, it increases their motivation and helps them to achieve their dreams. It is important to note that the whole environment of the family is also important. If the family members are continuously fighting with each other or do not talk with each other, it will subsequently affect the adolescent’s behavior too. Studies have shown that a majority of the drug-addicted teenagers had some or the other family problems that affected them greatly. Hence, the question arises “what can be done?” As a part of the adolescent community, what I would like to suggest is that; if parents have to fight with each other, they can do it without the adolescent hearing it. Because at this age, it affects them negatively whenever

they see their parents fight. And most adolescents are overthinkers. So, even a small incident can affect their mood. In addition to that, I would like to suggest listening to your children without complaining about their bad behaviour because sometimes, even a small sign which shows that you care may impact us greatly.

Harshan B XI B

VIBGYOR It’s something rarely seen, Beautiful and colourful. It slowly vanish from the sky

When the rain is gone, The sun comes, The rainbow follows.

Never miss a chance, That you get to see A rainbow, Because it’s a marvelous Sight to enjoy in our life.

Devaprabha. S. Nair VII A


Vultures kept fluttering their wings, Birds chirping all around, Post the day break, At times the loud music, At times the preachers preaching, The flags and banners amidst the corrupted conscience. Somewhere a girl’s scream was heard, Desperately yearning for empathy and justice, The blindfolded lady of justice had to take the stand now, It was her voice that mattered at the end. Impartiality was what the poor one’s prayed for, Suppressed souls lost again. Her unsaid words and unfulfilled dreams were the only remains she left, All were helpless, But the predators were on their hunt to play with other lives out there. Time passed. The land where she was buried were always close to her loved ones. So called angels had new things to document. The beasts kept celebrating their victory, The tomb was about to get covered with grass,

She kept passing by a column in the daily evoking tears in some. Far away, the doves were seen reminding the utterance of Aadi Kavi – Manishada! Manishada

- Drisya R XII A

TOKYO 2020

Mithul V Manu 7B

The first modern Olympic games were held on 2 April 1896. The Modern Olympics was founded by Pierre de Coubertin. The Summer Olympics is held every 4 years. In the Olympic games, the top athletes of the world in various sports and categories compete with each other. The 2020 summer Olympics was held in Tokyo, Japan. It was held in 2021 but should have been originally held in 2020 but postponed to 2021 because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The opening ceremony was on 23 July 2021. It was scheduled from 23 July To 8 August. The Olympic flame was lit by Naomi Osaka. There were some plays by the people of Japan. There were no spectators from outside Japan. Some Records were broken. Some made History. In this Summer Olympics, there were a total of 205 Nations participating. The most medals are won by the USA, China in second and the host nation Japan in the third position. India was ranked 48. This is India’s best performance with 1 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze medals and India’s previous best was at the 2012 London Olympics with 2 silver and 4 bronze. It is the 32nd Olympics. Neeraj Chopra won

gold for India. The Indian Hockey Team won their first medal after 41 years gap. The closing ceremony was on 8 august 2021.

वसंत का एक गुलदस्ता मेरे बर्फीले सर्ददयों के ददन चले गए, मुझे अब एक गाना सुनाई दे रहा है: पेडों में पक्षी हवा की झंकार बजते हैं मुझे यकीन है दक वसंत आ गया है हरी घास पहाडी के दकनारे को पार करती है देश के चारों ओर पीला, लाल खखलता है, हर कदम पर सूरज चमकता है रास्ते में र्फूल, मुझे यकीन है वे बात करते हैं। बच्चे लुका-खिपी खेलने के खलए दरवाजे र्फोडते हैंवे र्फूल उठाते हैं, कीचड में खेलते हैं वे चीरते और गरजते हैं, जंगली दौडते हैं, वसंत ऋतु में बच्चा होना मजेदार है

यह हर रोज गमम होता है, लंबे ददनों और िोटी रातों के साथ वह हवाओं को अपनी पकड में रखती है हवा उसकी उं गली की नोक से चलती है

वह ऊनी, सर्फेद रं ग के बादलों को सहलाती है, नीला आसमान, घाटटयों की पहाखडयों और पेडों के बीच से तेज़ हवाएँ। उसके ऊंचे स्वर वाले गीत जो पृथ्वी को जगाते हैं। -अमृता वी मेनन आठ ए

भारतीय संस्कृ तत -अक्षय एस नायर संस्कृ ततयों से समृद्ध एक देश भारत है जहााँ अलग-अलग संस्कृ ततयों के लोग रहते हैं। हम अपनी भारतीय संस्कृ तत का बहुत सम्मान और आदर करते हैं। संस्कृ तत सबकु छ है जैसे दूसरों के साथ व्यवहार करने का तरीका, तवचार, प्रथा तजसका हम अनुसरण करते हैं, कला, हस्ततशल्प, धमम, खाने की आदत, त्योंहार, मेले, संगीत और नृत्य आदद सभी संस्कृ तत का तहस्सा है। भारत की तवतभन्न राज्यों और के न्द्र शातसत प्रदेशों में लगभग 22 आतधकाररक भाषा और 400 दूसरी भाषाएाँ रोज बोली जाती हैं। इततहास के अनुसार, तहन्द्दू और बुद्ध धमम जैसे धमों की जन्द्मस्थली के रुप में भारत को पहचाना जाता| गौतम बुद्ध का जन्द्मददन (बुद्ध पूर्णणमा), भगवान महावीर जन्द्मददन (महावीर जयंती), गुरु नानक जयंती (गुरु पवम) आदद कई धमों के लोगों द्वारा एकसाथ मनाया जाता है। भारत अपने तवतभन्न सांस्कृ ततक नृत्यों जैसे शास्त्रीय (भरत नाट्यम, कथक, कथक कली, कु च्ची पुडी) और अपने क्षेत्रों के लोक नृत्यों के अनुसार बहुत प्रतसद्ध है। पंजाबी भााँगडा करते हैं, गुजराती गरबा करते हैं, राजस्थानी घुमड करते हैं, आसामी तबहू करते हैं जबदक महाराष्ट्रा के लोग लााँवणी का आनन्द्द लेते हैं।

औ औ




औ इ उ


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उ औ


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श्रावण राधेष 8-बी

मेरा अरमान मेरा

दे श


मेरा जीवन भी अपने यही लिरं गा जब अपने यही

दे श मेरा का


हैं ,

मेरे दे श का


अरमान शान

िक लदि दे श


केलिए रोशन

का अरमान

करना ,

हैं I बनाये




रखना , हैं I

आन कायम हैं I


ब ,


, ड


ए 7'ब'

विजयनगर का अमूल्य रतन दविण दे श का रहने िाला, विजयनगर का अज़ीज । कृष्णदे िराय का विशेष सलाहकार, दविण दे श का ब़ीरबल कहे जाने िाला । काल़ी मााँ का भक्त है जो, मााँ का िरदान है प्राप्त उसे । रक्त प्रलय वकए वबना बुद्धि कौशल से करता विजय प्राप्त । हर सिाल का है जिाब, सभ़ी का रिक, बुद्धि कौशल का स्वाम़ी, अष्टवदग्गज है जो, तेनाल़ी का रहने िाला नाम है उसका रामा, लोग कहते हैं उसे तेनाल़ी रामा................ पािवत़ी अवजत ब



एक क

प क

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। इ

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औ उ

, 2021

म म ।इ इ


ए म

औ म म VI A

दो भाईयों की कहानी लेखक : बशशार IX A अली और अब्राहम भाई थे। इनकी माता का देहाांत बहुत पहले हो गया था। उनके पपता की भी कु छ समय बाद मृत्यु हो गई थी । उन्होंने अपने दोनो पुत्रों के पलए एक गाय और एक खजूर का पेड़ छोड़ा था । अली बहुत चालाक और लालची भी था। इब्राहीम दयालु और ईमानदार था। उसे अपने बड़े भाई पर भरोसा था। वे अपने पपता की सपांपि को बाांटना चाहते थे। अली नेकहा, “अब्राहम, मैं तुम्हारे साथ बहुत पनष्पक्ष रहांगा। आप गाय के पहस्से को अपने पहस्से के रूप मेंलेते हैं। मैं गाय का पपछला भाग लूांगा । प्रत्येक को अपना लाभ अपने पहस्से से ही पमलता है। “इसी प्रकार वक्षृ भी पवभापजत हो गया। वृक्ष का ऊपरी भाग अली के पास गया। और वृक्ष का पनचला भाग इब्राहीम के पास गया।

अब्राहम ने गाय को बहुत अच्छी तरह से ताजी घास और पानी पपलाया। गाय स्वस्थ हो गई थी । इसने दूध देना शुरू कर ददया। अली को दूध पमलता गया। उसने दूध बेचा और खबू पैसा कमाया। लेदकन इब्राहीम के पास पैसा नहीं था। इब्राहीम ने अपने भाई से अपने पहस्से के बारे में पूछ पलया। अली ने उिर ददया, “मुझे अपनी गाय के पहस्से से दूध पमलता है। समझौते के अनुसार यह पहस्सा मेरा है। हममें से प्रत्येक को उसके पहस्से से ही लाभ पमलता है। “अब्राहम ने कु छ नहीं कहा।

एक बुपिमान व्यपि ने इब्राहीम को सलाह दी। उसने इब्राहीम के कान में कु छ कहा। अगले ददन अली गाय का दूध दूह रहा था। तब इब्राहीम ने गाय को आगे के भाग में पीटा। गाय लात मारने लगी। अली अब्राहम पर पचल्लाया। “बेवकू फ! गाय को क्यों पीटते हो? मझे गाय दूहते हुए नहीं देखते “ “गाय का अगला भाग मेरा है। मैं कु छ भी कर सकता हां। यह हमारा समझौता है, “अब्राहम ने कहा। अली कु छ न कह सका। अतां में वह पैसे बाांटने के पलए तैयार हो गया। अब्राहम ने कहा, “पसफफ पैसे नहीं। आप गाय को पखलाने और उसकी देखभाल करने के काम में मैं भी पहस्सा लूांगा। “अली मान गया। पेड़ के सबांन्ध में अली ने पेड़ का ऊपरी पहस्सा ले पलया था। उसने पेड़ के ऊपरी पहस्से में छेद दकया। इन छेदों से एक प्रकार की मीठी-महक वाला रस पन कल गया। रस बतफन में एकत्र दकया गया था। इन बतफन को गड्ढों के पास रखा जाता था। अली ने पैसे के पलए जूस बेचा। लेदकन उसने अपने भाई के साथ न तो पैसे साझा दकए और न ही रस। दफर से बुपिमान व्यपि ने अब्राहम को सलाह दी। अगले ददन अली पेड़ की चोटी पर था। वह गड्ढों के पास बतफन ठीक कर रहा था। उस समय अब्राहम पेड़ के पनचले पहस्से को काट रहा था। अली अब्राहम पर पचल्लाया। लेदक अब्राहम ने अली को समझौते के बारे में याद ददलाया। उन्होंने कहा, “मैं अपने पहस्से से कु छ भी कर सकता हां। आप मुझेसे सवाल नहीं कर सकते या रोक नहीं सकते।” अली को अब अपनी गलपत यों का एहसास हुआ। उसने कहा, “अब्राहम, मैं तुम्हारा एक बुरा भाई रहा हूँ। मुझे अपने स्वाथफ पर शमफ आती है। मैं आपसे क्षमा माूँगता हूँ। मैं वादा करता हां दक आगे चलकर मैं आपकी अच्छी तरह से देखभाल करूांगा।“ अब दोनों भाई खुशी-खुशी रहने लगे। उन्होंने लाभ साझा दकया। इस कहानी से हमे यह पशक्षा पमलती है की हमे सभी चीजे पजनसे हमे लाभ पमलता है, वह चीजे हमे अपने बड़े छोटे को पमल बाट कर लेना चापहए


ओ म

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औ ' '

और र

आओ: र



र ,




ओ, , र


र र -


ए ए


उ औ

आज ज


ए ज औ

ज उ


ए अ औ औ इ आज ए

ज ज ए


नीलगिरी की यात्रा छु ट्टियों का हमेशा हम सभी द्वारा इं तजार ककया जाता है। हर साल, हमारी लंबी छु ट्टियों पर हम हमेशा एक यात्रा के ललए जाने की योजना बनाते हैं और इस बार हम इसे कु छ लहल स्टेशनों पर चुनते हैं। योजना बनाते समय ककस लहल स्टेशन पर जाना है मेरे लपताजी ने नीललगरी का सुझाव कदया। नीललगरी ऊटी में है और इसललए हम पहले ऊटी की ओर बढे। हमने सभी आवश्यक कपडे और अन्य सामान के साथ अपने बैग पैक ककए और पूरे एक सप्ताह की यात्रा के ललए तैयार हो गए। ऊटी में पूरे वषष एक महान जलवायु होती है। सर्ददयों में बहुत ठं ड होती है, लेककन नहीं तो यह सुखद है। हम दो कदनों के ललए ऊटी में रुके थे। यह वास्तव में शानदार था। हमने वनस्पलत उद्यान में सैर और झील के ककनारे साइककल की सवारी का आनंद ललया। ऊटी में आमतौर पर दुलनया के कई लहस्सों से पयषटकों की भीड रहती है, हम नीललगरी की ओर बढते हैं। नीललगरी वास्तव में लवदेशी है। पहाड की ढलान आपकी आंखों के ललए लसर्ष एक इलाज है। ठं डी जलवायु और अद्भुत हवा के साथ, यह रहने के ललए एक शानदार जगह है। धुंध से ढके पहाड और खूबसूरत र्ू ल, पूरी तरह से वहां होना बहुत अच्छा था।

हम वहां दो कदन और रुके और वहां की खूबसूरत जगहों का आनंद ललया। हम उन सभी खूबसूरत जगहों पर घूमे और प्रकृ लत की सुंदरता का आनंद ललया। यात्रा इतनी मजेदार और आनंददायक थी कक लबताया गया हर लमनट बहुत अच्छा था। हमारे जाने का लगभग समय हो गया था और हमें अपनी वापसी यात्रा शुरू करनी थी। हमने यात्रा का बहुत आनंद ललया और यात्रा की यादें हमारे कदमाग में हमेशा ताजा रहेंगी।

-अमृता वी मेनन आठ ए


एक ब



एक ज़ब क



| क


ब ब

| क




, ए २४

| क


क ,


क औ

| क


ब क


क, ब

| ज़

ब | क

क औ

ज औ

क औ

औ क


क क

ए |

ब | एक क

| , 8ब

मेरी प्यारी तििली मेरी प्यारी तििली कहा उड़िी चली आओ मेरे बस्िे में िम ु दिखिी हो बहुि प्यारी जैसे की इंद्रधनुष प्यारी िुम्हारे पंख है मुलायम जैसे हो कोयल के पंख क्या जानो िम ु प्यारी तििली िुम्हारे जान को क्या होगा िुम ससर्फ कुछ दिन ही जी सकिी हो िुम जजयो प्यारी तििली खेलो कूिो और मजे करो अपना ध्यान रखना मेरी प्यारी तििली ~ अरं धति अनप ू 3 'ब'






IX ‘ ’

आए -


ग ….?


, ,


औ ।

एक आ

। ग

ठग ।

क ..

क य एक

…। !य


क ग।


य क

। एक

। ..


ग!! ग।

गय औ



क क

ग !!


“य एक

क ।


आ ,

क “क


क क

। क





, क



, -

औ क


ग औ

क क ग,

? ।" य

!! आ


य 9


जब म


" ,"


म ब


भ भ


जर म र


भ म

ज म भ मय ब ब

ज र

र र


र र

ज र


ज य


रफ 9B

म फ म ~


र र


म , ब

म और



औ औ इ |

:, ,इ


, 51%


52 औ

| :औ औ




औ औ

:– इ

, इ

, औ


औ . . इ







औ :-

‘ इ



इ इ

, औ

औ इ औ


, ,

, ,


,औ ,

, ,



:. ,



, ,

, औ

औ इ औ

इ ,


औ ,


आजकल इ क


क क क

कई क

ल –

क क

जल क

ल, प

ल ,उ क


अ लइ अ अप

– क

औ एक

कल क क ज अ

आजकल प


औ उ क

प इल,


क कईक

अ आ

क ज


क क प

अ ल इ


अ इ

अ क


क क

ज क

ज उ क आ ,

ज ज

ल X-B

एक कर र और

र र क तर , र क और र र घर क र त र क र त ककर क क क क क ए और र क क एक क क त र और र एक करत और एक र त एक और क कर र क र और क र र र -त ए त कर क :

क तक: " र


क तक क तक

, क तक: “ क , र

र र रत

र त कर त ”

र र कर

त , एक क ए त त करत ए

क क

एक र

ट ट क क र र क ?"

क क

र क


र करत

त और क त "

त क और र क

क र एक

क त र

क त

क कर र त क क कर क


क क त कत क ?

र और त एक और


: " , और र र र ए त त क

त क क र

त क करत त

क , क


र त

त र र

ए क क " र क एक क कए और क रक क क क त एक और क एक

क क तक. .

र X.B

कह क ह, क वह ह, ,क क क क घ क क ह क यह य क य ह क क च क वय ह (Covid-19) क यऔ क ढ़ य ह, क क क औ क व क क च ह व य क च ह क घ ह क य क ह, औ क , य क च ह ह क क

व ड़ ह ह , य ह य

, (WhatsApp) क (Facebook) य क हऔ फ़ व क च ह क

व ह

ह य

य XB

, मत तम




प प मत तम प प तम ,

त ।

मत प त प





त म

म त


. म. म ‘ ’

अ म

? ।]



प .प. X -B


सम म,

• ह

म ह

म • स

म ह



ह ह

• ह

• स

• ह ह

• स

म ई


ह म


ह औ म





, औ

ग ग 22 ,




औ ,


,ग ,


ग ग

औ झ

ग ,



, XI B

अह द


जब हम बच्चे होते हैं तो हम यही सोच में डूबे रहते हैं कि हम बडे होिर क्या िाम िरें । हम बार-बार इसी िे बारे में सोचते हैं क्योोंकि यही हमारा भकिष्य तय िरे गा। माधि एि आठ साल िा लडिा रहता है जो इसी सोच में डूबा रहता है कि उसे बडे बनिर क्या िाम िरना चाकहए। तो चकलए हम दे खते हैं कि उसने यह फैसला िैसे कलया कि उसे बडे बनिर क्या

बडे होिर क्या बनोगे


ल आप

सबिो क्लास में मुझे य बताना पडे गा कि आप बडे होिर क्या बनना चाहते हैं औ

आयुष तुम बडे होिर क्या बनना चाहते हो?

तो बता कि तू ने क्या सोचा है

यार मैंने तो सोच कलया है कि मैं बडे होिर क्या बनूोंगा

मैं तो बडे होिर डॉक्टर बनूोंगा और लोगोों िा इलाज िर ों गा। ऐसे मैं बहुत सारे लोगोों िी मदद िर ों गा और मैं उनिो खुश रख पाऊोंगा और इससे मैं भी खुश रहों गा क्योोंकि अच्छा िाम िरने से मन िो शाों कत कमलती है

तु म तो बडे तेज कनिले। बडे होिर क्या बनोगे यह अभी से तु मने सोच कलया? क्या पता जब तुम बडे हो जाओ तो िुछ और िरने िा मन हो?

नहीों मैं बडे होिर यह फैसला नहीों बदलूोंगा। मैं तो डॉक्टर ही बनूोंगा।


माधि िे सारे दोस्ोों ने यह सोच कलया था कि िह सब बडे होिर क्या बनेंगे। पर माधि ने अभी ति फैसला नहीों किया था। तो माधि अपनी मम्मी िे पास जाता है और उनिी राय माों गता है ।

मम्मी मम्मी! मुझे बडे होिर क्या बनना चाकहए। मैं यह बात बहुत दे र से सोच रहा हों पर मुझे िुछ समझ में नहीों आ रहा कि मुझे क्या बनना चाकहए।

माधि! तु म्हें िही बनना चाकहए जो तुम्हें पसोंद है । एि ऐसा िाम कजसे तुम्हें िरने में मजा आए और िाफी पैसे भी कमले।


ऐसे तो बहुत सारे िाम है जो मु झे पसोंद है पर उनमें से एि चुनना बहुत ही ज्यादा मु श्किल है ।

तुम्हें अपने कदल और कदमाग से िाम ले ना पडे गा। मु झे बताओ कि तुम्हें सबसे ज्यादा क्या िरना पसोंद है

मम्मी मु झे फुटबॉल खेलना बहुत ज्यादा पसोंद है । अरे हाों मैं बडे होिर फटबॉलर बनूों गा। मैं एि बहुत अच्छा श्कखलाडी बनूोंगा, एिदम मे सी और रोनाल्डो जसे और मु झे तो फुटबॉल खे लना भी पसोंद है । हाों मैं ने यह तय िर कलया है कि मैं एि फुटबॉलर बनूों गा।

हाों बेटा तुम एि बहुत अच्छे फुटबॉलर जरर बन सिते हो। रोनाल्डो ने आठ साल िी उम्र से फुटबॉल खेलना शुर किया था। तुम भी तो अभी बस आठ साल िे हुए हो। अगर तु म मेहनत िरोगे तो तुम बहुत बडे फुटबॉलर बन सिते हो। एि कदन मेरा बेटा एि बहुत बडा फुटबॉलर बनेगा और हमारे पररिार िा नाम रोशन िरे गा।

हाों मम्मी। मैं ने सुना है कि िडी मे हनत ही सफलता िी सीढी है । आज से मैं फुटबॉल और पढाई दोनोों में बहुत ज्यादा ध्यान दू ों गा और बहुत मे हनत िर ों गा ताकि एि कदन मैं मे री मों कजल पा सिूों।

हाों बेटा मुझे पूरा किश्वास है कि तु म यह िर सिते हो। मैं और तुम्हारे पापा तुम्हारा पूरा साथ दें गे।

जब जल , म पर

ल ल

ल प

ल रउ

र - र




म इ


लब म प

र और

लम -म

य र म

और रल


, ल, पर , म


य बज


य और ज ल और

म प

य जल


म ब

य और

- य और


म ब ज र म

य र य


इ र

और इ म

मर ज र एस 7 ब

. .



य ल

प लब

मर ल

ब ब प


ल म 50

ब ल


ल मल रम मर

लब मज

प प और म

मर म र.


लय मर मर



ल मर पर

ल म

ल स 7ब

मर ल


मय ब

ल म २१

लभ ब

य ल

य इजर प

मब बर

र म

और म

और र र

ब र



र और उ

मल प य

म १९

य र

पय म ब

य भर म


ल र ई

और ल


ई र


लइ भ ल ल

मर ए 7-A

ज और ज -ज पम

ज भ


ज ल

और ब र प


र भ पय ज

म रर


ज ल

ज लम

, र,ब और

ई म उपय

ज लम भम



ज प य

ज ज पम

र ब र

,ब र और और

ज 7-B

ब बर र

ज लम

र र और भय र प


ई र


य और


र र

उ र

जब उ


प उ


और ल

ज यर

, य और उ र र

प ल



य और ब



जब फ

लप य


म ,

पर र

और भ ल

रब प

ल 7A

एक अकबर ब रब और अब । ब कब क अकबर क क क ब क ब रब क क ब । रब र " ब

ब रब

क ब क ब क ब

रब र क , क एक

क करक क ब क क क गए क क करक

र" र " क क ए ब रब क

, रर क

ब ," कर र


अकबर ब क क , क क ।"

अकबर र ब रब क

ए कअ

कर अब क

रब अब

अकबर ब

कर र

ब क

क , और क

ए ब

अकबर क क

- र र कर अब बर गए ब रब क क ग । र ब रब र र । र और र !ब क कर ब रब अ और र क , " ! क अ र । क क । क , क र और ब क , र , क र ब क क ब क क और , क और ब क र, अब ब ए क ब क बर ग।"

क ब र र क

, क

और क

अकबर क अब ब क क । र र ए।

( र क ब रब क क

क ब रब ब रब क ब

अक कर ब

अ और र

ग )


हर इ


र ह हर

र र ह

र ह इ ह

ह ह, उ

, ह


ह र

ई ह

ह र



ह र


ह इ

र र

ह र ह |

, र



ह ह और ह इ

र और








മാനത്തെ പഞ്ഞിമിഠായി By: -

ഗായത്രി ബി.എസ് VIII.A




നടെിത്തകാണ്ടിരികുകയാണ് ഉണ്ണികുട്ടൻ.

വാനനിരീക്ഷണം ഒരു നാല് - അഞ്ച്

വയസ്സ് കാണും ഉണ്ണിക്. ആളു വളത്തര ത്തെറുരാത്തണങ്കിെും സംശയങ്ങളുത്തട മെ വാനം ത്തരാടും.






ഇരികുകയാണ് അത് ത്തവറുത്തര ഒന്നുമെല ഒരു കാരയവും ഉണ്ട്

ത്തകാെലെിൽ ഒപന്നാ രപണ്ടാ ത്പാവശയം വരുന്ന പഞ്ഞിമിഠായി കച്ചവടകാരൻ അറിഞ്ഞിെല.



പപായപപാൾ 'എപപാഴാ








വപന്ന? എതാ





ഉണ്ണികുട്ടൻ കളികാൻ അറിഞ്ഞത്.

പറയാത്തഞ്ഞ? ആത്തക



പിണങ്ങി ഇരികുകയാണ്.

അങ്ങത്തനയിരികുപപാഴാണ് ആകാശെ് സഞ്ചരിച്ചുത്തകാണ്ടിരുന്ന ഒരു കൂട്ടം പമഘങ്ങത്തള അത്




അവൻ കണ്ടത്. പപക്ഷ ഉണ്ണികുട്ടന് കഴികുപന്നാ?' എന്ന്




കുസൃരികുറുപന്മാരായ ഉണ്ണികുട്ടന്

ഉണ്ണികുട്ടന്ത്തറ സംശയങ്ങളുത്തട മെയ്ക്ക് കൂട്ടാൻ ആയിട്ട്

പൊദ്ിച്ചു പരാന്നിയത്.


കുറച്ചുകൂത്തട ഉയരം

ഒരു സംശയം കൂത്തട. അത് പവത്തറ ഒന്നുമെല

മുെശ്ശിയും അമ്മയും ഒത്തക പറഞ്ഞു രന്നിട്ടുള്ള കഥകളിെും കാരയങ്ങളിെും സൂരയനുത്തമാത്തക



അമ്മാവനും, നക്ഷത്രങ്ങളും,

അെലാത്തര ഇങ്ങത്തന കുത്തറ പഞ്ഞിമിഠായികൾ

ആകാശെുകൂത്തട ഓടികളികുന്നരായി ഉണ്ണികുട്ടൻ അപപാ


സംശയപമ സംശയം.




വന്നു? ആരുണ്ടാകി? ആത്തക

ങാ.... എതായാെുമിപത്തമതാ? പഞ്ഞിമിഠായി കിട്ടിയാൽ പപാപര? പപക്ഷ...... ഉണ്ണിക് പറകാൻ കഴിയിെലപെലാ. പഞ്ഞിമിഠായികത്തളാത്തക വളത്തര ഉയരെിെും. വീണ്ടും അവൻ കുഴപെിൊയി. ഇനി എത് ത്തെയ്ും ? പപക്ഷ അധികം വവകാത്തര രത്തന്ന അവത്തനാരു വഴികിട്ടി. കുപറകാെമായി വീട്ടിെുള്ള പിങ്കുരെയ്ക്ക് െിറകുകൾ ഉണ്ടപെലാ. അവത്തള പറഞയയ്ക്കാം. എന്നിട്ട് പപരയ്ക്ക ഒത്തക ത്തകാെിെിന്നുന്ന ത്തകാക് ത്തകാണ്ട് ഒരു പഞ്ഞി മിഠായി ത്തകാെി ത്തകാണ്ട് രരാൻ പറയാം. ഇങ്ങത്തനത്തയാത്തക വിൊരിച്ച് ഉണ്ണികുട്ടൻ പിങ്കുരെയുത്തട കൂടിനടുപെക് ഓടി. ഇരു കണ്ട


അമ്മ അവപനാടു പൊദ്ിച്ചു "എങ്ങ്ടാ ഉണ്ണി ഇത്ര രിരകിട്ട് ഓടത്തണ?" ഉണ്ണി മിഠായി കുട്ടന്മാത്തര പിടികാനുള്ള രിരകിൽ ഒറ്റശവാസെിൽ അമ്മപയാട് എെലാം പറഞ്ഞു. പഞ്ഞിമിഠായികത്തള കണ്ടരും രനിക് പറകാൻ കഴിയാെരിനാൽ പിങ്കു വിത്തന അയകാൻ പപാകുന്നരും എെലാം......

ഇത്തരെലാം പകട്ട് അമ്മ അവപനാട് െിരിച്ചുത്തകാണ്ട് അത്തരെലാം രത്തന്ന മിഠായികൾ അെല പമഘങ്ങൾ ആത്തണന്നും ഇനി ആത്തണങ്കിൽ രത്തന്നയും പിങ്കുവിന്

അത്രയും ദ്ൂരം പറകാൻ കഴിയിെല

എന്നുത്തമാത്തക പറഞ്ഞു മനസ്സിൊകി ത്തകാടുെു. ഒപം രത്തന്ന അടുെ ത്പാവശയം മിഠായികാരൻ വന്നാൽ പഞ്ഞി മിഠായി വാങ്ങി രരാം എന്നും പറഞ്ഞ് ആശവസിപിച്ച് അമ്മ പപായി.

അന്നു രാത്രി അൊഴം ഒത്തക കഴിഞ്ഞ് ഉറങ്ങാൻ കിടന്നപപാഴും അവന്ത്തറ മനസ്സിപെക് 'ഞങ്ങത്തള പിടികാൻ പറ്റുത്തവങ്കിൽ പിടിത്തച്ചാ' എന്നും പറഞ്ഞ് ഓടികളികുന്ന കുസൃരി കുറുപന്മാരായ പഞ്ഞിമിഠായികൾ കടന്നു വന്നു. അങ്ങത്തന അവത്തയ ഓർെ് ഓർെ് കിടന്ന് ഉണ്ണികുട്ടൻ ഉറങ്ങിപപായി


Dev Sankar K. III A



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