Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City Post Event Report 2015
Author:  Jorge Díaz Rubio

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BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

Post Event Report 2015

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BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

sponsors 2015

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BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

Conference wrap up The vision of major industry players on Mexico’s oil and gas development after the approval of the energy reform was the focus of BNamericas 3rd Mexico Oil & Gas Summit. A new edition of this successful summit was held in Mexico City on April 15-16, 2015, bringing together more than 35 speakers and 150 delegates, including directors, managers and senior executives. During the keynote opening speech, Lourdes Melgar, hydrocarbons undersecretary from Mexico’s energy ministry SENER, shared an outlook of the sector for 2020. Another highlight of the conference was the first CEO & Leadership Forum of the oil sector, where the discussion panel “Mexico as a new center of global oil investment” took a center stage, with the participation of Carlos Morales Gil, Petrobal CEO; Adrián Rodríguez-Monfort, director of public and corporate affairs of BG Group; and Gerardo Villela, director of global account, Schlumberger Mexico. Main topics covered: • Competition and investment in Mexico’s hydrocarbon sector • Pemex new business model • National Hydrocarbons Commission and its plans for deep waters: When, how and where? • Opportunities in E&P for new players and potential Mexican oil groups • Opportunities in midstream: Transport and storage • The future of Mexico oil refining business and the petrochemical potential • Clusters and energy poles: The case of Monterrey BNamericas’ next Mexico Oil & Gas Summit will be held in Mexico City on June 15- 16, 2016, where a new opportunity to create contacts and identify business opportunities for the private sector will be provided.

BNamericas Events is a leader in the organization of strategic conferences on the most relevant sectors in Latin America, including Mining, Oil & Gas, Electric Power, Infrastructure and Telecommunications. Our conferences allow senior executives to acquire new knowledge and pick up on the new market trends, as well as to network with other industry leaders to make informed decisions. With 12 years of experience, BNamericas Events has successfully brought together thousands of international business executives to exchange ideas and best practices, facilitate business development in the region and provide a new vision to face future challenges.

w w w. B N a m e r i c a s E v e n t s . c o m

BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

AGENDA AND HISTORY The conference’s program aimed at showcasing the role of Mexico as a focus of the global energy industry due to the great development opportunities the country has to offer. Intelligence and networking are critical factors in these times, and BNamericas Mexico Oil & Gas Summit becomes a key opportunity to understand where the country’s hydrocarbon industry is headed.

Top speakers present

Carlos Morales Gil, CEO, Petrobal

Lourdes Melgar, hydrocarbons undersecretary, SENER

Gerardo Villela, global account director, Schlumberger Mexico

Mario Beauregard, CFO, Pemex

Frédéric Bathy, regional director, GDF Suez Energía de México

Jorge de la Huerta, deputy director of natural gas, Pemex Gas Natural y Petroquímica Básica

w w w. B N a m e r i c a s E v e n t s . c o m

BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City


Excellent. I’m grateful Alex Beltrán, business developer, So Energy.

Good participation of the authorities (SENER, Pemex...) Frédéric Bathy, regional director, GDF Suez Energía de México

Everything was excellent; very interesting panels Erika Paulina Cabrera Merino, business developer, Generac.

Overall it was excellent. Very valuable in terms of information Rodrigo Rivas, mining and oil manager, Snf Floerger de Mexico SA de CV.

w w w. B N a m e r i c a s E v e n t s . c o m

BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

Sponsors of BNamericas 3RD MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT

had the chance to access the following benefits:

This year audience was mainly composed of

leading decision makers in

the industry


North America

2% europe

USA Mexico


9% south america

Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Republica Dominicana

w w w. B N a m e r i c a s E v e n t s . c o m

BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

COMPANIES THAT HAVE ATTENDED: »» Abengoa México »» Accudyne Industries »» Ace Seguros »» Advent International PE Advisors SC »» Aggreko »» Alpek »» Ancora, Agente de Seguros y de Fianzas »» Anton Oilfield Services Sucursal Colombia »» ASCO Numatics – Emerson »» Asocad »» Asociación Mexicana de Gas Natural, A.C. (AMGN) »» Baker Hughes »» Banco Espirito Santo, S.A. »» Banco Santander »» BASF Mexicana SA DE CV »» Basham, Ringe y Correa, S.C. »» Bentek Energy »» BNP Paribas »» BNY Mellon »» Bonatti Spa »» Boston Strategies International »» Boyle Energy Services & Technology Inc »» Braskem »» Cámara de Comercio México Estados Unidos, A. C. »» Cámara Mexicana Chilena de Comercio e Inversión, A.C »» Camargo Correa

»» Carboline »» CASA Exploration »» CBM »» CBMM »» CH2M HILL »» Chesapeake Energy Corporation »» Cima Gerenciamiento de Proyectos LTDA »» Colemont »» Consultoria Colombiana »» Coremar Compañia de Servicios Portuarios S.A.S »» Corporación Mexicana de Inversiones de Capital »» Corporativo Cotemar »» Deloitte »» Domos Agua »» Drilling Info. »» Elecnor »» Enermusa SAPI de CV »» Estrategia Global »» EY Mexico »» FC Stone Latin America, LLC »» Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH »» Flow Control, S.A. de C.V. »» Fundes Costa Rica, SA »» GDF SUEZ ENERGÍA DE MÉXICO »» GE International, Mexico »» GE Oil & Gas »» GENERAC

»» Gerdau Corsa »» Global Gas »» Grupo Asesores Petroleros Costa Fuera SC »» Grupo Atalaya »» Grupo Idesa, S.A. de C.V. »» Hilti »» Honeywell »» Hornbeck Offshore »» IENOVA »» IFC »» IHI E&C International Corporation »» Industrial Fabrics »» INFRAESTRUCTURA ENERGETICA NOVA (IENOVA) »» Integrated Flow QASolutions »» Intertek Testing Services de México S.A. de C.V. »» Iron Mountain »» Japan Bank for International Cooperation »» Jáuregui y Del Valle, S.C. »» JM & RAL Energy , INC »» KIO Networks »» Kotug »» KPMG México »» LW Partners »» Madisa »» Naviomar, S.A de C.V »» Neci Construcciones »» Nov Servicios de Personal

w w w. B N a m e r i c a s E v e n t s . c o m

»» Odebrecht Ingeniería y Construcción »» Oil M&S »» OTTOMOTORES »» Parker Drilling »» Pason »» Petrotécnica S.A de C.V. »» Platts »» Quimica Apollo »» Repsol »» Rockwell Automation de Mexico S.A. de C.V. »» Sabadell Capital »» Samsung Heavy Industries »» Scotiabank »» Sem Group Corp »» SENER »» Sespec, Agente de Seguros S.A DE C.V. »» Shell Servicios México S.A de C.V »» SNC Lavalin »» SNF FLOERGER DE MEXICO »» Svitzer »» Tag Pipelines »» Technip »» Tecna »» Ticsa »» TRANSCANADA »» V Energy, S.A. »» Veolia

BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

lunch sponsor

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BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

Cocktail sponsor

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BNamericas 3rd MEXICO OIL & GAS SUMMIT April 15-16, 2015 / Marriott Reforma Hotel Mexico City

photographic register of the conference

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