Nature’s Songs of Love revised Nov 29 2022 Flipbook PDF

Nature’s Songs of Love revised Nov 29 2022

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Story Transcript

Nature’s Songs of Love Written by: Shoshannah Born Illustrated by: Josephine Wall 1

Copyright © December 2022 by Shoshannah Rose Illustrations by Josephine Wall used with permission All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America

Mount Shasta Press 2305 Ashland Street, Ste. 345 Ashland, OR 97520 [email protected] (541) 890-5077


For Howard, my loving father who taught me to find the silver lining of every cloud.



Nature’s Helpers work together within the sea and on the land to teach us how to help the earth and help us grow and understand.


When you hope seeds of light will grow and nurture them with love and care a sweet rainbow of compassion flows through your dear heart song to 6 share.

Songs of mermaids, whales and dolphins ring through the oceans and our souls gifting us with nature’s music to help us heal and to feel whole.



There’s so much love supporting us from guides and music of the spheres to help our heart’s dreams come alive and blossom with joy through the years.


Gaia’s Helpers play your heartstrings with magic healing harps of light. They enchant songs of rushing streams and bring light sparkles of delight. 10


Everything has a frequency. Through blossoms Mother Gaia sings. For earth keepers and guardians enchanting fairy magic rings.



Helpers blend love’s rays of magic, waves of ribbons of rainbows hues, shimmers of love and fairy dust to help sweet wishes to come true.



When you act with care and kindness and spread the light and share good deeds, your goodness will come back to you. The universe will meet your needs. 16


You’ll feel aligned and in the flow. Doors will appear along the way. When you work for the greatest good love will provide for you each day.


Helpers may reach out to your heart through dreams and whispers throughout time. When you wish good things for the world they’ll be clues and treasures to find. 19


Life can be a fun treasure map, a puzzle to find pieces of. Opportunities will open when you live in service to love. 21

All goodness returns back to you. Every act of loving kindness goes in your cosmic treasure chest. Pure deeds born of love are timeless.



When you let your feelings wash through and forgive and stay positive, you can be a flowing channel through which the universe can give.




Dear helpers can send songs of love and magic to our creations. They guide us to see the bright side and send light to situations. 27


They will send their love and sparkles to anything you ask them to. You can call on Nature’s Helpers to light and pave the way for you.


When you’re grateful for the rivers, and thank the music of the breeze and appreciate the sunshine that feeds the waters, plants and trees 30

gratitude helps you feel centered in the presence of love you are. Then you can dance to your heart song and spread angel dust from the stars.



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