Parroquia en Favor de la Vida

St. Gerard Majella Roman Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Romana A Pro-Life Parish / Parroquia en Favor de la Vida 4439 INGLEWOOD BOULEVARD LOS ANGE

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St. Gerard Majella Roman Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Romana A Pro-Life Parish / Parroquia en Favor de la Vida 4439 INGLEWOOD BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066-6299 Rectory: (310)390-5034 Website: * e-mail: [email protected]


Holy Mass

Pastor Father Martin Slaughter


Priest in Residence Father Gerardo Padilla.



7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30pm Monday — Saturday

Student Priest in Residence Father Charles Vijay Kumar Business Manager Frances Gomez


Parish Secretary Olga Limon

Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 12:30pm 3:00pm - 6:30pm

Padre Pio Prayer Group Every 3rd Tuesday of the month 6:30pm - 8:00pm Contact: Faby Gomez [email protected] St. Gerard’s Outreach Ministry 310-390-5034

Ministering to the elderly, the homebound, the sick, and convalescent homes. Food Bank (310) 390-5034

Catechism Center (310) 391-9637

Office Hours Tuesday: Friday 4p.m. to 7:p.m. Saturday: 11a.m. to 2p.m.

English English English Español English Español


Holy Days Will be announced in the bulletin. Será anunciado en el boletín.

Parish Music Director Allan Sims

Parish Office Hours

Sunday Vigil

Shrine of St. Gerard Majella Patron of Mothers Difficult Pregnancies and Childless Couples Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento 1st. Friday/1° Viernes 9:00am—6:30pm 9:00pm—7:00am 1st.Saturday/1° Sábado 7:00pm—7:00am Need Help? Unplanned Pregnancy? Necesita ayuda? Embarazo no-planeado?

LAPS Los Angeles Pregnancy Services 1-800-395-4357 24hr. Hotline 213-382-5433 Se habla1 Español

Confessions Saturdays 3:00pm - 4:00pm Baptisms / Bautismos Call the Parish Office Llamar a la Oficina 310-390-5034 Marriage-Matrimonio Quinceañeras Call the Parish Office . Llame a la Oficina. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Wed. after 8:00a.m. Mass SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN COMMITTEE


Pregnant? Considering an Abortion? There are other alternatives. Call the women at : WESTSIDE PREGNANCY CLINIC 24 HOUR HELP (310) 268-8400

Gaudete Sunday - Third Sunday of Advent


December 11, 2016

Atención !!!

Saturday, December 24, 2016 There will be no confessions There will be no 5:30pm Mass

Sábado, 24 de Diciembre, 2016 No habrá confesiones No habrá Misa de 5:30pm

CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Saturday, December 24th Christmas Vigil Mass 11:00p.m.

HORARIO PARA LA NAVIDAD Sábado, 24 de Diciembre Misa de Vigilia Navideña 11:00p.m.



Sunday, December 25th (Christmas)

Domingo, 25 de Diciembre (Navidad)

Regular Sunday Mass Schedule

Horario regular de Misa del Domingo 2

Novenario a la Virgin de Guadalupe Sábado 10 de Dic. 7:00p.m. Exposición del Santísimo y Rosario Domingo 11 de Dic. Horario regular de Misas

Lunes 12 de Diciembre Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 5:00 a.m. Mañanitas 6:00 a.m. Misa POR LA NOCHE

6:30 p.m. Peregrinación 7:00 p.m. Misa

Monthly Devotion to

Our Lady of Fatima Tuesday, December 13th 7:00pm

Thursday, December 15, 2016 7 PM to 8:30 PM St. Gerard Majella Church 4439 Inglewood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066

Recitation of the Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Candlelight procession.

For more information please call (310) 390-5034 or contact Faby Gomez at [email protected] 3

SAVE THE DATE The weekend of February 3 to February 5, 2017 WOMEN’S ANNUAL SILENT RETREAT Theme ”Streams of Grace and Mercy” Retreat Master: Rev. Alphonsus Hermes, O. Praem Located in the beautiful and serene grounds of the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra

To all women, young and old, give yourself a treat . Enjoy a weekend of peace, beauty and time to get closer to our Lord.

For more information and to register for the retreat call : Frances @ 310-390-5034


The second collection is for the Catechism classes for La segunda colecta es para las clases de Catecismo the children of our parish. para los niños de nuestra parroquia. Thank you for your generosity. Gracias por su generosidad.


DID YOU KNOW?  Pokémon Go stops could lead kids to dangerous places With the popular game Pokémon Go, kids can interact with virtual game components in reallife locations. Some features of the game can present serious dangers for children using the app and interacting with other gamers. “PokéStops” – locations in which players can collect Pokémon – can be anywhere, and recently, one was reported to be at the entrance of a rehabilitation center that housed sex offenders. Parents should be aware of the game’s features and monitor children’s use to ensure that any Pokémon collecting is done safely. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Pokémon Go and Social Networking,” email: [email protected] or call 213-637-7227. ¿SABIA USTED? Las paradas de Pokémon Go pueden llevar a los niños a lugares peligrosos  Con el juego popular Pokémon Go, los niños pueden interactuar con componentes del juego virtual en lugares reales. Algunas características del juego pueden presentar serios peligros para los niños cuando usan la aplicación e interactúan con otros jugadores. Las paradas o “PokéStops”, o lugares en los que los jugadores recogen los Pokémon, pueden estar en cualquier lugar, y recientemente se reportó que uno estaba a la entrada de un centro de rehabilitación donde habitaban ofensores sexuales. Los padres de familia deben estar conscientes de las características del juego y monitorear el uso por parte de sus hijos para asegurar que cualquier colecta de los Pokémon se haga en forma segura. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Pokémon Go and Social Networking” (Pokémon Go y las redes sociales) envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame al (213) 637-7508.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every First Friday and First Saturday in the church: On 1st Friday from: 8:30a.m. to 6:30p.m. 10:00pm to 3:30am followed by Mass On 1st Saturday from: 7:00p.m. to 7:00a.m. Spanish

Adoración al Santísimo Cada Viernes Primero 8:30a.m.—6:30p.m. Cada Sábado primero 7:00p.m.-7:30a.m. Español

DAILY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, December 10th 5:30p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Huang + Sunday, December 11th 7:30a.m. David Plaisted + 9:00a.m. St. Gerard Majella Parishioners 10:30a.m. Virgen de Guadalupe 12:00p.m. Jesse Rodriguez + 1:30p.m. Francisco Lara+ Monday, December 12th 8:00a.m. David Plaisted +


INTENCIONES DE MISA DIARIA Tuesday, December 13th 8:00a.m. Souls in purgatory + Wednesday, December 14th 8:00a.m. Christine Van de Bogart + Thursday, December 15th 8:00a.m. Jorge Manuel Navas (B’day) Friday, December 16th 8:00a.m. Francisco Limon (B-day) Saturday, December 17th 6 8:00a.m. Cindy Limon (B-day)

Boleta de Inscripción de la Parroquia de San Gerardo de Majella Nuevos miembros de la parroquia son invitados a utilizar esta forma para registrarse. Los miembros registrados lo pueden utilizar para informarnos de un cambio de domicilio, el número de teléfono o para solicitar sobres de ofrenda. Deposite esta forma en la canasta de ofrendas o entréguelo a la oficina parroquial. Sr.

Primer Nombre Sra. _________________________Apellido___________________________________

Nombre Del Cónyuge

_________________________ Teléfono


Dirección _____________________________________________________________________________ Ciudad Y Código Postal ________________________________________________________________ Hijos(as) _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

St. Gerard Majella Parish Registration Form New members of the parish are invited to use this form to register. Registered members may use it to advise us of a change of address, phone number or to request offertory envelopes. Either drop the form below in the collection basket or bring to the parish office. Mr./Mrs.

First Name Ms. ________________________ Last Name ____________________________________

Spouse’s First Name _________________________ Telephone _______________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ City & Zip code ______________________________________________________________________ Children


____________________________________________________________________________________ 7

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