Practice and Communicate

RE1_08NATE_Ch5_246-269.qxd 6/15/06 8:21 AM Page 252 Practice and Communicate Objectives • Describe people and foods • Order a meal in a restaurant •

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Practice and Communicate

Objectives • Describe people and foods • Order a meal in a restaurant • Learn to use the verb venir



Standards: 1.2






Go around the room and describe different students. Have students respond with cierto or falso according to the information. For example: Ella es rubia; ¿cierto o falso?

Vocabulario y gramática en uso Ac

Bellringer Review


• Know some uses of the verbs ser and estar



¿Quiénes son?

También se dice . . .

Vas a escuchar descripciones de las personas en el dibujo. En una hoja de papel, escribe los números del 1 al 5. Al lado de cada número escribe el nombre de la persona que describen.

pelirrojo(a) = colorado(a) (Argentina); colorín, colorina (Chile) el pelo = el cabello (muchos países) rubio(a) = güero(a) (México)

Resources: Teacher’s Resource Book: Audio Script, p. 33; Audio Program: Track 6; Answers on Transparencies

Focus: Understanding descriptions of people Suggestions: Before students listen to the descriptions, have them look at the pictures concentrating on hair color, height, and age of each person. Play the Audio CD or read the script aloud. Script and Answers:


Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3



Extension: Bring in photos and ask students to describe the people.


Focus: Describing people Recycle: tener; gustar; leisure activities Suggestions: Brainstorm a list of two feminine nouns and two masculine nouns. Have students suggest an adjective to describe each word on the list. Then write the plural of each word and have the students make the adjectives agree. Answers will vary. Common Errors: Remind students to make adjectives agree with nouns. Extension: Have volunteers read their sentences, without saying who they are describing. Have students guess the name of the person who is being described.



Eduardo, 15

Rosalía, 14

Lucía, 18

Alejandro, 20

María Elena, 60

Jorge, 65



1. Es muy guapo. Tiene el pelo negro. Le encanta hablar por teléfono. ¿Cuántos años tiene? Creo que tiene 20 años. Es joven. (Alejandro) 2. Tiene el pelo canoso. Ni es alto ni bajo. Tiene 65 años pero le encanta montar en bicicleta. ¡Qué gracioso es! (Jorge) 3. La joven es baja. Le gusta mucho esquiar. Sólo tiene 14 años. Es rubia y tiene el pelo largo. (Rosalía) 4. ¡Qué seria es ella! Tiene el pelo castaño y corto. Le encanta leer. Creo que tiene 60 años. (María Elena) 5. Es pelirroja y muy guapa. Tiene 18 años. Le gusta mucho dibujar. (Lucía)



¿Quién es? 1 Mira los dibujos de la Actividad 4 y escribe frases para describir a cada persona.

¿Recuerdas? Adjectives agree in number and gender with the nouns they describe.

Modelos El joven muy alto es Eduardo. Tiene 15 años. Tiene el pelo castaño. Le gusta jugar al tenis.

2 Describe a uno(a) de tus amigos(as).

252 doscientos cincuenta y dos Tema 5 • Fiesta en familia

Advanced Learners

Students with Learning Difficulties

Have students find five pictures of people in your school. They can be members of the volleyball team, the Spanish club, or the football team or they may just be friends. Using the vocabulary introduced in this lesson, have students write captions for each picture.

Students may need help understanding that the adjective castaño in the model in Actividad 5 modifies the masculine noun pelo. Therefore the adjective will not change even if the subject changes from Eduardo to María Elena. (María Elena tiene el pelo castaño.)

Practice and Communicate




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la madre : la hija :: el padre : el hijo

You would read this as “La madre es a la hija como el padre es al hijo.” Complete these analogies. Modelos trabajador : perezoso :: alto : bajo

1. aburrido : interesante :: largo : 2. comida : plato :: bebida : 3. escuela : profesora :: restaurante :


5. bistec : plato principal :: pastel :


Resources: Answers on Transparencies Focus: Reading and writing about logical relationships; learning about analogies Suggestions: Remind students that when looking for logical relationships between words, they should look beyond that of opposites. Another kind of relationship is a functional relationship (a dish is used to serve food). Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4.

4. chico : joven :: abuelo :

Standards: 1.2, 1.3



Many exams test your vocabulary by asking about the logical relationships, or analogies, between words. In analogies, the symbol “:” is used to mean “is to” (es a) and the symbol “::” is used to mean “as” (como). For example:


Las analogías

corto vaso camarero viejo

5. postre 6. mujer 7. cuchara

6. amigo : amiga :: hombre :

Bellringer Review




7. ensalada : tenedor :: sopa :



¿Qué te gusta pedir? Escribe frases para decir lo que te gusta pedir cuando tienes . . . En un restaurante en Cali, Colombia






Getting a server’s attention at a restaurant in a Spanish-speaking country sometimes differs from how it is done in other cultures. For example, in Costa Rica people often make a pfft sound to get a server’s attention, while in Colombia people may raise or clap their hands. Be very careful in using this sort of attention-getting device—it may seem rude when done by someone from outside the culture! • How do you get a server’s attention in a restaurant here in the United States? Compare this to what is acceptable in some Spanish-speaking countries.


doscientos cincuenta y tres 253 Capítulo 5B

Enrich Your Teaching


Standards: 1.3


Modelos Cuando tengo hambre, me gusta pedir pizza en un restaurante.

Show Voc. and Gram. Transparency 83, scene 1. Have students give names to the students pictured and write one true statement and one false statement using descriptive words found on p. 248. Ask a partner to respond with “Es cierta” or “Es falsa.”


Focus: Asking for things orally and in writing Recycle: tener hambre; tener sed Suggestions: Before beginning, review each picture by asking students: ¿Cómo está él (ella)? Have them answer using the appropriate tener expression. Have students write their answers according to the model and then share their answers with the class. Answers will vary. Common Errors: Remind students to use tener rather than estar in these expressions.

Standards: 2.1, 4.2

Resources for All Teachers

Culture Note Many restaurants in the Spanish-speaking world combine fine dining with a distinctive cultural performance. For example, in cities like Buenos Aires and Mendoza (both in Argentina), visitors and locals alike are given an opportunity to

experience the tango first hand while enjoying typical cuisine. During the meal, tango music is performed while several dancers demonstrate Argentina’s national dance.

Suggestions: Point out that it is always a good idea to use the Ud. form of the verb when talking to a server as well as to use polite expressions such as con permiso and por favor. Answers will vary but may include eye contact or polite expressions, such as “excuse me,” to get someone’s attention.




Practice and Communicate


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En el restaurante

Bellringer Review


Standards: 1.1, 1.2


Un restaurante en la Argentina

1. g 2. c 3. f

4. a 5. e 6. h

7. b 8. d


Standards: 1.1



Extension: Have students come up with their own responses and read them to the class.


Resources: Teacher’s Resource Book: GramActiva BLM, p. 43

Focus: Using faltar to talk about missing items. Suggestions: After having students review the Nota, arrange the pictures of table items on your desk, leaving out two items. Ask: ¿Qué me faltan? After students answer correctly, place the missing items back on the desk. Then remove one item and ask: ¿Qué me falta? Answers will vary.

El camarero 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Los jóvenes

Buenas noches. ¿Qué desean de bebida? ¿Qué desea pedir de plato principal? ¡Ay, señor! Le falta el cuchillo, ¿no? ¿Le gusta la sopa? Señorita, ¿qué desea Ud. de postre? Señor, ¿le traigo otra bebida? ¿Desean Uds. algo más? Gracias por venir a nuestro restaurante.

a. Sí, está deliciosa. Umm. ¡Qué rica! b. No, sólo la cuenta, por favor. c. Quisiera el arroz con pollo, por favor. d. De nada. Hasta luego. e. Un helado, por favor. f. Sí. ¿Me trae uno, por favor? g. Para mí, un refresco y, para la señorita, un té helado. h. Sí, por favor. Tengo mucha sed.



Resources: Answers on Transparencies Focus: Reading and speaking using vocabulary for ordering in a restaurant Suggestions: Have students number their papers 1–8 and write the letter of the correct response. Tell students they can refer to their papers so that they can practice the dialogue at a more natural pace. Ask for volunteers to read the dialogue. Answers:





Review the vocabulary for ordering in restaurants. You may also want to use Transparency 110 to review additional food and utensils vocabulary.

Con otro(a) estudiante, lee la conversación entre un camarero y dos jóvenes. Empareja (Match) lo que dice el camarero con lo que contestan (answer) los jóvenes para crear (create) la conversación.





1 Work in groups of three or four. Your teacher will give you copies of pictures of various table items. Cut or tear the pictures apart to make cards.

When one item is missing, use me / te falta. When more than one item is missing, use me / te faltan.

2 Arrange the pictures in a table setting on a desk. While the other players have their backs turned, hide one or more of the cards. Then ask: ¿Qué me falta? The first player to say correctly Te falta(n) . . . and name the missing item(s) receives a point. 3 Put the hidden items back on the desk and continue playing until all players have had a chance to hide items. The player with the most points is the winner.

254 doscientos cincuenta y cuatro Tema 5 • Fiesta en familia


Students with Special Needs

Heritage Language Learners

Have a pre-cut set of pictures available to students who would experience difficulties in the tasks of cutting or tearing. This is also a time-saving suggestion for setting up this activity.

Have students create a radio ad for a restaurant specializing in food from their heritage countries. The ad should include a description of the food, the hours of operation, and the location of the restaurant. Emphasize that they must speak clearly in the ad. You might want to have students tape record the ad and play it for the class.

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Practice and Communicate

Exploración del lenguaje Adjectives ending in -ísimo Muy + an adjective can be expressed in another way by adding the correct form of -ísimo to the adjective. The -ísimo ending conveys the idea of “extremely.”

Exploración del lenguaje ANSWERS

Core Instruction

un chico muy guapo = un chico guapísimo una clase muy difícil = una clase dificilísima

Standards: 4.1

Adjectives that end in -co or -ca have a spelling change to -qu-. The -o or -a is dropped.

Resources: Answers on Transparencies Suggestions: Remind students that since they are adding -ísimo to adjectives, the ending must agree in number and gender with the noun it is describing. Point out to students that -ísimo always has an accent mark. Answers:

unos pasteles muy ricos = unos pasteles riquísimos

Try it out! Rework the following phrases using the correct -ísimo form. una clase muy aburrida = ¿ ? unas chicas muy simpáticas = ¿ ?




un perro muy perezoso = ¿ ? dos libros muy interesantes = ¿ ?


1. 2. 3. 4.


El Café Buen Libro

perezosísimo interesantísimos aburridísima simpatiquísimas

Nuevo León, 28

✓✓ ++ $

Es un café tranquilo con un ambiente* intelectual donde puedes pasar el tiempo en la compañía de un buen amigo o un buen libro. Los precios son muy razonables. Puedes comer un sándwich, una ensalada, un postre riquísimo o simplemente beber un café. También tienen lo último en libros, videos y música. Un “plus” es la presentación de grupos musicales los fines de semana.

Ambiente aburrido ✓ tranquilo ✓✓ fantástico ✓✓✓ Comida y bebida regular + buena ++ excelente +++ Precios barato $ medio $$ caro $$$ Servicio regular bueno superior

* atmosphere

1. Carmen: “Quisiera comer un bistec sabroso”. 2. Marta: “Me encanta escuchar música”.

Standards: 1.2, 1.3, 4.1



Café Buen Libro


Lee la crítica del café y lo que dicen estas (these) personas. ¿A quiénes recomiendas el café? ¿A quiénes no?


Resources: Answers on Transparencies Focus: Reading, writing, and speaking about a place to eat Recycle: Foods; likes Suggestions: Have students look at the picture and give their opinions of what they think the restaurant is like. Review the symbols to the right of the text. How does the critic rate Café Buen Libro? Remind students to use cognates to help them understand the reading. Answers: 1. no 2. sí 3. no

3. Diego: “Tengo muchísima hambre y poco tiempo”. 4. Lupe: “Me gusta pasar tiempo con otras personas interesantes y graciosas”.


4. sí 5. sí 6. Answers will vary.

Extension: Have students choose a restaurant that they have been to and write a brief review. Encourage students to create their own rating system.

5. Ana: “No tengo mucho dinero (money) ahora”. 6. Y a ti, ¿te gustaría ir al Café Buen Libro? ¿Por qué? doscientos cincuenta y cinco 255 Capítulo 5B

Additional Resources WAV Wbk.: Audio Act. 6, pp. 102–103 Teacher’s Resource Book: Audio Script, p. 34, Communicative Activity BLM, p. 38 • Audio Program: Track 8 •

Enrich Your Teaching Resources for All Teachers

Culture Note

Internet Search

La Guía del Ocio is a guide to what’s going on in major cities in Spain. It comes out every week and lists current films, plays, shows and musical events. It also includes a listing of most restaurants and cafes with brief descriptions for each. It is extremely useful for tourists looking to make the most of their stay.

Keyword: Guía del Ocio

Assessment •

Prueba 5B-2: Vocab. Production, pp. 135–136


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Practice and Communicate

Gramática The verb venir

Gramática Gramática

You use venir to say that someone is coming to a place or an event.


Core Instruction

¿A qué hora vienes a mi casa? When are you coming to my house?

Standards: 4.1

Siempre vengo a esta playa. I always come to this beach.

Resources: Voc. and Gram. Transparency 108; Teacher’s Resource Book: Video Script, p. 36; Video Program: Cap. 5B

Here are all the present-tense forms:



Standards: 1.2, 1.3




Ud. (él) (ella)


(nosotros) (nosotras) (vosotros) (vosotras) Uds. (ellos) (ellas)

venimos venís Want more help with venir? Watch the GramActiva video.




¿Cómo vienen? Tu amigo Antonio invita a tu familia a su casa en el campo. Escribes una nota para explicar cómo y cuándo todos Uds. vienen. Completa la nota con las formas apropiadas del verbo venir.

Antonio: ¡Gracias por tu invitación! Yo 1. en bicicleta con mi amiga, Marta. Nosotros 2. a las dos porque Marta trabaja hasta la una. Mi abuela 3. en tren1 con mis padres. Ellos 4. a las once para ayudar2 con la cena. Mis hermanitos también 5. en tren con mis padres. Mi hermana mayor, Cecilia, 6. en monopatín. No sé a qué hora va a venir.

4. vienen 5. vienen 6. viene

¡Nos vemos el sábado! train







Resources: Teacher’s Resource Book: Audio Script, p. 34; Audio Program: Track 9; Answers on Transparencies

Focus: Listening to and writing family descriptions Recycle: Describing people; family members Suggestions: Play the Audio CD or read the script several times. The first time, have students take brief notes. After listening again, have them write the full descriptions. Give the students time to complete their drawings and have them listen a final time to check for accuracy. Script and Answers: 1. Mi amigo Roberto viene. Él es altísimo y muy artístico. 2. La hermana de Roberto viene. Ella es muy alta, rubia y guapa. 3. Dos primos de Roberto vienen. Tienen el pelo corto. Uno es ordenado y el otro primo es desordenado. 4. El hermano de Roberto viene también. Él es bajo y tiene el pelo negro y largo.





Standards: 1.2, 1.3




Resources: Answers on Transparencies Focus: Reading and writing using the verb venir Suggestions: Have students first read through the entire note for meaning, noting the various subjects. After completing the activity, have students check their work with a partner. Answers: 1. vengo 2. venimos 3. viene






Suggestions: After presenting the forms of venir to the class, ask volunteers to put the forms of tener and venir on the board. Have students compare them side-by-side. Use the transparency to reinforce the verb. Use the GramActiva Video as a follow-up to your presentation.


to help




Escucha, escribe y dibuja Roberto, otro amigo de Antonio, también va a la fiesta con su familia. Vas a escuchar la descripción de su familia. Escribe las cuatro descripciones y después dibuja a la familia. Compara tu dibujo con el dibujo de otro(a) estudiante.

256 doscientos cincuenta y seis Tema 5 • Fiesta en familia

Students with Learning Difficulties Actividad 12 will be more manageable for students if they can focus on only a few words instead of the entire description. Provide students with a copy of the script. White out three or four adjectives and ask students to listen for them.

Advanced Learners/Pre-AP* Have students write a letter to a friend describing a family party. Students Pre-AP* should tell at what time different members of the family are coming and what each person is going to bring.

Practice and Communicate




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¿Qué traen a tu casa?

Modelos A — Cuando tus tíos vienen a tu casa, ¿traen algo? B — Sí, generalmente traen el postre. o: — No, generalmente no traen nada.

• Mañana traigo pasteles para todos. • Y tú, ¿traes bebidas?

Estudiante A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Estudiante B

tu(s) abuelo(s) tu mejor amigo(a) tus amigos tus tíos tus primos los amigos de tus padres

el plato principal el postre un regalo flores nada ¡Respuesta personal!




Pronunciación The letters b and v


Traer, “to bring,” follows the pattern of -er verbs except for the irregular yo form: traigo.




¿Quiénes vienen?

In Spanish, b and v are pronounced the same. At the beginning of a word or phrase, b and v sound like the b in “boy.” Listen to and say these words: voy bolígrafo vienen bien viejo video

In most other positions b and v have a softer “b” sound. The lips barely touch as the b or v sound is pronounced. Listen to and say these words: abuelo divertido joven huevos globo Alberto

Estás en una fiesta en la escuela y hablas con los otros estudiantes.


3. ¿Traen los estudiantes pizza o sándwiches? ¿Frutas o pasteles? 4. ¿Quién trae las decoraciones? ¿Qué traes tú?

Try it out! Listen to and say this trabalenguas:

Más práctica Practice Workbook, p. 98: Act. 5B-5 WAV Wbk.: Writing, p. 106 ● Guided Practice: Grammar Acts., pp. 175–176 ● Real. para hispanohablantes, pp. 194–197 ● ●

Student A Answers will vary but correct verb forms are: 1. tu abuelo viene / trae; tus abuelos vienen / traen 2. tu mejor amigo(a) viene / trae 3. tus amigos vienen / traen 4. tus tíos vienen / traen 5. tus primos vienen / traen 6. los amigos de tus padres vienen / traen Student B Answers will vary.

Extension: Have students talk about what they bring to three different classes.

For: Venir Web Code: jcd-0513



Core Instruction Standards: 4.1

Resources: Teacher’s Resource Book: Audio Script, p. 35; Audio Program: Track 11

Suggestions: Have students pronounce the consonants b and v and the example words. Check for correct pronunciation. Say the tongue twister and then ask volunteers to say it for the class.

Standards: 1.1, 1.3




Cabral clava un clavo. ¿Qué clavo clava Cabral?


Resources: Answers on Transparencies Focus: Using the verb traer in conversation Recycle: Foods; family members Suggestions: After reviewing the Nota, brainstorm a list of items that someone might bring to another person’s home. Answers:

1. ¿Quiénes vienen a la fiesta? ¿A qué hora vienen? 2. ¿Vienen todos los profesores a la fiesta? ¿Qué traen ellos?

Standards: 1.1




Estás en casa de un(a) amigo(a). Habla de lo que traen las personas a la casa.


doscientos cincuenta y siete 257 Capítulo 5B

Focus: Using venir and traer to answer questions about a party Recycle: Telling time; foods Suggestions: Have students read all of the questions before they begin. Ask volunteers to share their answers with the class. Answers will vary.

Enrich Your Teaching Resources for All Teachers

Additional Resources WAV Wbk.: Audio Act. 7, p. 103 Teacher’s Resource Book: Audio Script, pp. 34–35, Communicative Activity BLM, p. 39 • Audio Program: Track 10 •

Teacher-to-Teacher On small pieces of paper, write the names of items that students might bring to a party. Be sure to have as many items as there are students. Pass around the papers and ask each student to choose one. The first student to start says: Vengo a la fiesta y traigo refrescos. ¿Qué traes tú? That student points to the next

student, who replies: Yo vengo a la fiesta y traigo pizza y él (ella) viene a la fiesta y trae refrescos. ¿Qué traes tú? Have the class continue until someone forgets what a previous student is bringing. If someone breaks the chain, start again with the next person.

Assessment • • Prueba

Quiz 5B-3: The verb venir, p. 137


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Practice and Communicate

Gramática The verbs ser and estar You know that both ser and estar mean “to be.” Their uses, however, are different.

Gramática Gramática


Core Instruction Standards: 4.1

Resources: Voc. and Gram. Transparency 109; Teacher’s Resource Book: Video Script, pp. 36–37; Video Program: Cap. 5B

Suggestions: Write several sample sentences on the board, leaving out ser or estar. Have students tell you which verb to use and the reason for their decision. Ask volunteers for sample sentences. Use the transparency to reinforce ser and estar. Use the GramActiva Video as a follow-up to your presentation.



(nosotros) (nosotras)



Ud. (él) (ella)


(vosotros) (vosotras) Uds. (ellos) (ellas)








Ud. (él) (ella)


¿Dónde está Mariana? No está aquí. No puede venir hoy porque está muy enferma.



• how a person feels • where a person or thing is

Want more help with ser and estar? Watch the GramActiva video.



¿Dónde están las otras personas?


Estás en un café con un(a) amigo(a) y preguntas dónde están los otros amigos. Tu amigo(a) explica dónde están y cómo están.

Using rhymes To remember the uses of estar, memorize this rhyme:

Modelos Marcos y Graciela A — ¿Dónde están Marcos y Graciela? B — Están en la biblioteca. Están muy ocupados. Estudiante A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Yolanda Miguel y Fernando Isabel y Raquel Ana María Federico Enrique

For how you feel And where you are, Always use the verb estar.

Estudiante B la escuela casa el trabajo la lección de . . . la biblioteca

ocupado, -a enfermo, -a cansado, -a triste mal contento, -a

¡Respuesta personal!

258 doscientos cincuenta y ocho Tema 5 • Fiesta en familia

Block Schedule

••• •• • • • • • • • • • • •

Have students bring in photos of their family members or friends and describe them using ser and estar. They should include information on where each person is from, what the person is like and where he or she is. Encourage volunteers to present their photos to the class. Ask students follow-up questions to their presentations. For example: En esa foto, ¿está contenta tu prima?


estoy soy



Student A 1. —¿Dónde está Yolanda? 2. —¿Dónde están Miguel y Fernando? 3. —¿Dondé están Isabel y Raquel? 4. —¿Dónde está Ana María? 5. —¿Dónde está Federico? 6. —¿Dónde está Enrique? Student B Answers will vary.


• who a person is or what a person is like • what something is or what something is like • where a person or thing is from


Resources: Answers on Transparencies Focus: Using estar to talk about where people are and how they feel Recycle: Places; adjectives Suggestions: Remind students that adjectives agree in number and gender with the nouns they describe. Encourage Student B to come up with a personal reply to Student A’s questions. Answers:


Use estar to talk about conditions that tend to change. For example:

Standards: 1.1



Uds. (ellos) (ellas)


Use ser to talk about characteristics that generally do not change. Ser is used for descriptions that are not about conditions or location. For example:

Teresa es mi prima. Es muy graciosa. Los tacos son mi comida favorita. Son riquísimos. Mis tíos son de México. Son muy simpáticos.


(nosotros) (nosotras) (vosotros) (vosotras)

Multiple Intelligences Musical/Rhythmic: Prior to Actividad 15, go over the Strategy box including the rhyme. Say it aloud with the students. Encourage them to create and share with the class any rhymes they make up that help them learn Spanish.

Practice and Communicate




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16 Leer/Escribir Entrevista con una chef Lee la entrevista con la chef Ortiz y completa la conversación con la forma apropiada del verbo estar o ser.

Bellringer Review




¡Qué rico!





Read the rhyme in the Strategy on p. 258 and call on several volunteers to repeat it.


— Bienvenida, Chef Ortiz. ¿Cómo 1. Ud. hoy? — 2. muy bien, gracias. — Ud. trabaja aquí en Asunción ahora pero, ¿de dónde 3. Ud. originalmente? — Mi familia y yo 4. del campo. — ¿Y cuál 5. su trabajo aquí? — Yo 6. directora de los chefs en el famoso restaurante La Capital. — La Capital 7. un restaurante muy popular aquí. ¿Dónde 8. el restaurante? — Al lado de la catedral. — Los platos en su restaurante 9. muy típicos de Paraguay, ¿no? — Sí, y según los clientes, la comida en nuestro restaurante 10. deliciosa. — Y los postres 11. muy populares también, ¿no? — Sí, tenemos pasteles ricos, helados simples con frutas exóticas, un poco de todo. — ¡Muchas gracias, Chef Ortiz! — De nada. Siempre 12. muy contenta de estar aquí con Uds.

17 Leer/Pensar Un postre delicioso

Your grandmother has given you her recipe for arroz con leche and you want to try it out. But the ingredients are given in gramos and litros and you don’t know what the customary measure equivalents are. Study the conversion chart, convert the measurements given in the recipe, and answer the question.

Standards: 1.2, 1.3


Resources: Answers on Transparencies Focus: Reading about a chef and using present-tense forms of estar and ser Recycle: Locations; food vocabulary; adjectives Suggestions: Remind students that after choosing the verb, they have to conjugate it correctly according to the subject. Review the answers with the class by having one volunteer play the role of the interviewer and another the role of Chef Ortiz. Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4.

está Estoy es somos

5. 6. 7. 8.

es soy es está

9. 10. 11. 12.

son es son estoy

Para 8 un poco de vainilla

3 litros de leche


400 gramos de azúcar

Pon el arroz en remojo2 con la leche una hora y media. Luego cocina a fuego lento3 una hora más o menos. Añade4 el azúcar y la vainilla y cocina unos 5 minutos más. Pon el arroz en el refrigerador y esparce5 un poco de canela encima.

1 kilo (k) = 2,2 libras (pounds) 1 gramo (g) = 0,035 onzas (ounces) 1 litro (l) = 1,057 cuartos (quarts)

Multiplica los kilos, gramos o litros por su medida6 correspondiente en el sistema que usas. Calcula las onzas o los cuartos que hay en 300 gramos de arroz, tres litros de leche y 400 gramos de azúcar. • ¿Cuántas libras hay en dos kilos de arroz?





cook slowly








doscientos cincuenta y nueve 259 Capítulo 5B

Enrich Your Teaching Resources for All Teachers

Culture Note In many restaurants in the capital city of Asunción, you can find sopa paraguaya, a traditional soup of Paraguay. It is said that a cook of the famous military leader Mariscal Francisco Solano López (1826–1870) invented the dish, made with balls of corn flour.



300 gramos de arroz




Standards: 1.2, 3.1


Resources: Answers on Transparencies Focus: Cross-curricular math activity Suggestions: Before reading, brainstorm a list of measurements that might be used in a recipe. Ask students what metric measurements they are familiar with and which of those could be used to make a dessert. Explain to them that they are going to learn how to make arroz con leche, a typical dessert served in many Spanish-speaking countries. Point out the use of commas in place of decimal points when writing numbers in Spanish. You may want to allow students to use a calculator to make their conversions. Answers: 300 gramos de arroz = 10,5 onzas 3 litros de leche = 3,1 cuartos 400 gramos de azúcar = 14 onzas 2 kilos de arroz = 4,4 libras

Theme Project Students can perform Step 4 at this point. Be sure they understand your corrections and suggestions. (For more information, see p. 220-a.)




Practice and Communicate


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1 Escribe una lista de diez comidas y bebidas. 2 Usa tu lista y pregunta a un(a) compañero(a) si come lo que le preguntas. Tu compañero(a) va a contestar y decirte por qué come o no come cada una de estas comidas.

Nota To describe what a food item is like in general, use ser. To describe how a food item tastes at a particular time, use estar.

Modelos A — ¿Comes muchas verduras? B — ¡Por supuesto! Las verduras son muy

buenas para la salud. o:— No. ¡Qué asco! Las verduras son horribles.



Focus: Writing and speaking about food using ser Recycle: Foods and beverages Suggestions: Brainstorm a list of foods and beverages by categories such as desayuno, almuerzo, or cena. Remind students that it is easier to recall vocabulary if they think of the category the word belongs to. Point out the Nota and explain that in this activity they will talk about food and drinks in general using ser. Answers will vary. Common Errors: Remind students to make adjectives agree with nouns.

Habla con otro(a) estudiante sobre cómo son las comidas en general.





¡Es buenísimo para la salud! Standards: 1.1, 1.3


bueno (para la salud) malo (para la salud) rico riquísimo

sabroso delicioso horrible



Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 4.1



¡La sopa está riquísima! 19

Resources: Voc. and Gram. Transparency 111 Focus: Talking about items on a menu Recycle: Food vocabulary Suggestions: Have students read the menu and identify any new words. Ask them to guess the meaning of those words using context clues or cognates. Explain that estar is used when talking about how a food or beverage tastes. Answers will vary. Extension: Have students work in pairs to create their own menú del día, using the menu from Restaurante Hidalgo as a model. Have students exchange menus and repeat the activity.

Standards: 2.1, 4.2

Estás en un restaurante y el (la) camarero(a) te pregunta cómo está todo. Mira el menú para contestar. Modelos A —Señor(ita), ¿cómo está el arroz con pollo? B —Está muy sabroso. Me encanta. o: —Lo siento. Está malo. ¿Me trae otro plato


Restaurante Hidalgo ✺

Menú del día


S OPAS Y E NSALADAS P LATOS PRINCIPALES In many Spanish-speaking countries, restaurants and cafés often offer un menú del día or, as they are called in some parts of Mexico, una comida corrida. These daily menus usually offer one to three choices for each course at a reasonable fixed price. • Do any restaurants that you know offer something similar to el menú del día? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of ordering from un menú del día?

Ensalada de tomates y cebollas Sopa de verduras Sopa Hidalgo V ERDURAS Papas fritas Papas al horno Guisantes con jamón

Bistec Pescado Arroz con pollo P OSTRES Pastel de chocolate Helado de mango o papaya Frutas frescas

También se dice . . . el menú = la carta (México, España)

260 doscientos sesenta

Suggestions: Have students bring in a menú del día from a restaurant in their community that serves food from a Spanish-speaking country, or have them download one from the Internet. Answers will vary but should include that pre-set menus don’t give the widest selection but they are often cheaper and faster than ordering a la carte.


Tema 5 • Fiesta en familia

Multiple Intelligences

Heritage Language Learners

Visual/Spatial: Have students draw table settings with obvious errors such as a plate on top of a glass, a spoon under a plate, a tomato in a cup, and so on. Have them exchange their drawings with another student. Tell them to describe each error and explain how to fix the problem. For example: El plato está encima del vaso. Debe estar al lado del plato.

Ask students to choose a traditional dish from their heritage country and have them write a short paragraph describing the dish. Ask for volunteers to read their paragraphs to the class and have the class explain why they would or would not like the dish.

Practice and Communicate




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El menú del día




Puerto Rico

el (la) camarero(a) el (la) cliente ¿Cómo está el bistec?



Standards: 1.1





Resources: Voc. and Gram. Transparency 111 Focus: Asking questions in a restaurant Recycle: Food vocabulary; question words Suggestions: Encourage students to ask about a variety of soups, salads, vegetables, main dishes, and desserts. Answers will vary.




¿Qué desea pedir de plato principal?

Standards: 1.1, 1.3



With a classmate, prepare to play the roles of a server and client (cliente) at the Restaurante Hidalgo, which is in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Write five questions that each one could ask. Use the menu in Actividad 19 to help you decide what to ask. Don’t forget to use the formal Ud. form in your questions and answers.


En el restaurante

Focus: Ordering in a restaurant Recycle: Food vocabulary; questions Suggestions: Have students refer to the charts they made in Actividad 20, but encourage them not to read them word for word. Ask for volunteers to repeat their dialogues for the class. Answers will vary.

Usa las preguntas y frases de la Actividad 20 para tener una conversación completa. En tu conversación habla de las sopas y ensaladas, verduras, platos principales y postres. Modelos —¿Qué desea pedir de plato principal? —No sé. ¿Cómo está el bistec? —Está muy sabroso. —¡Genial! Quisiera el bistec, por favor.


El español en el mundo del trabajo

Core Instruction How can you combine an interest in nutrition and health with skills in Spanish? Here’s one example. As you know, the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides the public with a wide range of nutritional information through print materials and Web sites. Much of this information is available in Spanish. There is a need for federal employees who are knowledgeable to translate and work with the Spanishspeaking community on issues related to nutrition. • What other opportunities can you think of that would combine communication skills with a knowledge of nutrition?

Standards: 5.1

Suggestions: Brainstorm a list of professions that require knowledge of nutrition. Then ask students how Spanish would be useful in each.

Más práctica Practice Workbook, pp. 99–100: 5B-6, 5B-7 ● WAV Wbk.: Writing, p. 107 ● Guided Practice: Grammar Acts., pp. 177–178 ● Real. para hispanohablantes, pp. 198–201 ●

For: Ser vs. estar Web Code: jcd-0514

doscientos sesenta y uno 261 Capítulo 5B

Theme Project Students can perform Step 5 at this point. Record their presentations on cassette or videotape for inclusion in their portfolio. (For more information, see p. 220-a.)

Additional Resources Enrich Your Teaching Resources for All Teachers


Internet Search

Have students examine the menú del día on page 260, and use it as a model for creating their own menu of the day for a restaurant in their town or city. Have them write the menu in Spanish on a piece of poster board, and decorate it as they wish. Display the menus in the classroom.

Keywords: menú del día, comida corrida + restaurante

WAV Wbk.: Audio Act. 8–9, pp. 103–104 Teacher’s Resource Book: Audio Script, p. 35, Communicative Activity BLM, pp. 40–41 • Audio Program: Tracks 12–13 • •

Assessment Quiz

• • Prueba

5B-4: The verbs ser and estar,

p. 138


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