Procedure for entering recreational fishing equipment or used materials to the country

Procedure for entering recreational fishing equipment or used materials to the country On the occasion of the forthcoming 1st FIPS-Mouche World Master

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Procedure for entering recreational fishing equipment or used materials to the country On the occasion of the forthcoming 1st FIPS-Mouche World Masters Fly Fishing Championship – Aysen 2014, and under the frame of Article 47 of the Health Regulations, S.D. N° 319/2001, the National Fishing and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) has determined to develop a pilot procedure in order to keep diseases from entering national territory that will be applied to the competitors of the championship on a mandatory way. Additionally, information on the flow of people entering the country with equipment related to recreational fishing will be collected and communication of the risk associated will also be conducted. The following are the measures to meet: a. Enter with new equipment, clothing and other tools. b. In the case of entering with used equipment and tools, requirements indicated in Table 1, “Sanitary risk associated to used tools and equipment and its management measures” shall be met Table Nº 1 Sanitary risk associated to used tools and equipment and its management measures Risk Levels

Minimal Risk

Low Risk

Medium Risk

Definition It is estimated that the equipment rarely behaves as mechanical vectors

It is estimated that the equipment behaves as a mechanical vector in low frequency

It is estimated that the equipment behaves as mechanical vector regularly

Risk Management Measure

No requirement

No requirement

Self-declaration of washing, drying and disinfecting

Main equipment by risk level

Forceps, retractable pin, thermometer, tied lathe

Clipper, leader, floating holder, chest pack, fishing rod, reel, bag materials, wading staff, jackets, wading jacket, materials for making flies (feathers, hairs, threads)

Hooks, lines, boats, flies


High Risk

It is estimated that the equipment behaves with high frequency as a mechanical vector

Self-declaration of washing, drying and disinfecting and disinfection at destination

Wading boots, waders.

Procedures to be applied for cleaning and disinfection of equipment are detailed in Annex 3 “Disinfection of sport fishing equipment” I.

Procedure for interning recreational fishing equipment and tools: 1.

The concerned person shall be obliged to declare any recreational fishing equipment and tools to the Sernapesca officials at the Santiago airport.


To this end, the “Cleaning and disinfection statement for recreational fishing equipment“(Annex 1) shall be submitted with all the information required in it.


In case equipment represents medium risk and it is not cleaned and disinfected, authorization may be granted by submission of the Cleaning and Disinfection Order (Annex 2) to apply procedures indicated in Annex 3 at the destination point.


High risk equipment shall be disinfected at the destination point after submitting the Cleaning and Disinfection Order (Annex 2).


If in the course of the activity of passenger routine inspection a fishing equipment is found, the concerned person shall be informed about the implemented procedures in order to complete the “Cleaning and disinfection statement for recreational fishing equipment”..


In case of irregularities that may affect the risk level associated to the equipment (for example, dirty equipment with presence of organic matter), the Cleaning and Disinfection Order shall be submitted (Annex 2).

Since this is a pilot procedure, disinfection shall be conducted by Sernapesca officials on equipment with final destination the Balmaceda airport.



Anexo Nº 1 Declaración de Ingreso de materiales y equipos de pesca recreativa a Chile Statement for interning recreational fishing equipment to Chile Uso Exclusivo Sernapesca DECLARACIÓN Nº: _____________________ (Statement Nº) FECHA: ______________________________ (Date) Información de entrada: Entrance information Identificación del pasajero : Passanger identification Número de Pasaporte: Passport Number Fecha de llegada: Arrival Date

Hora de llegada: Arrival Time

Línea aérea: Air company

Número de Vuelo: Fligth Number

Lugar de embarque (origen): Place of loading (origin)

País: (Country)

Identificación de los equipos: Equipment identification: Descripción de equipos: Description of equipment:

Equipo sin uso Unused Equipment

Equipo usado Used Equipment

Responder en caso que el equipo sea usado: El equipo ha sido limpiado, secado y desinfectado conforme a los procedimientos señalados por Sernapesca The equipment has been thoroughly cleaned, dried and disinfected according to the procedures required by Sernapesca


Destino : Destination

Directo Región de Aysén Directly Aysén región

( 2)

Otro destino Other destination Especificar: ………………..……………… Specify


Objetivo del ingreso: Interning Purpose: Campeonato Mundial de Pesca con Mosca Masters 2014 World Fly Fishing Championship 2014 Masters Otro Other (1) (2)

Especificar Specify


Indicar el primer lugar de destino en el territorio/ Enter the first destination within the territory. Indicar regiones, ciudades, localidades y/o cursos de agua a visitar en caso que se disponga de esa información/ Indicate regions, cities, towns and / or waterways to visit if information is available.

Observaciones: Observations

Lugar y fecha de la declaración Place and declaration´s date

Nombre y firma del importador Name and signature of the importer

La falsedad en la presente declaración podrá generar responsabilidades conforme a la legislación vigente The falsity of this statement may generate responsibilities under current legislation

_________________________ Funcionario Sernapesca Sernapesca Officer

_________________________ Firma y timbre Sernapesca Stamp and signature



Anexo Nº 2 Orden de limpieza y desinfección en destino Cleaning and Disinfection Order

Identificación del pasajero : Passanger identification

Número de Pasaporte: Passport Number:

Número de declaración: Statement Number

Lugar de embarque (origen): Place of loading (origin)

_________________________ Funcionario Sernapesca Sernapesca Officer

_________________________ Firma y timbre Sernapesca Stamp and signature



Anexo Nº 3 Protocolo básico de limpieza y desinfección de equipos de pesca recreativa Disinfection of sport fishing equipment Con el propósito de autorizar el ingreso de equipos usados, se deberá aplicar los siguientes procedimientos básicos: In order to authorize the entry of used equipment, it shall apply the following basic procedures: 1. Limpieza: Cleanning: a.

Limpieza: Eliminación de remanentes orgánicos adherida a las superficies Cleaning: Removal of organic remnants adhered to surfaces


Lavado; eliminación mecánica de suciedad Washing, mechanical removal of dirt


Enjuague: remoción de detergentes Rinse: Removal of detergents


Secado Drying

2. Desinfección: eliminación de agentes patógenos y enjuague de productos cuando así se requiera. Disinfection: Removal of pathogens and rinse product when required.

Para los propósitos de desinfección pueden ser utilizados desinfectantes aprobados, realizando aspersión de los equipos o sumergiéndolos en el producto. Se deberán seguir las instrucciones específicas indicadas por el fabricante del producto. For disinfection, approved disinfectants can be used, by spraying or dipping equipment used in the product. The specific instructions provided by the manufacturer must be followed.

1. Virkon-S (1% solution)


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