Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms

Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms The Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms will ens

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Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms The Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms will ensure that you'll be able to reach Hispanic consumers in their own language. Utilize these terms in any marketing communication materials in order to build a stronger relationship with the Hispanic consumer. This comprehensive list will continue to grow as the Hispanic audience is further introduced to the world of fishing and boating. As this is an ongoing, living document, please feel free to contact us with any terms that could be added to this list.

English Terms

Corresponding Spanish Term

amberjack barracuda bass black bass black drum blue crab blue marlin bluefin tuna bluefish bluegill bullhead carp catfish cobia crappie dolphin fickle fish flounder gar grouper jack crevalle king mackerel ladyfish largemouth bass mackerel minnows pompano rainbow trout red fish red snapper redfish sailfish sea bass sea trout shark sheepshead snapper spanish mackerel sunfish tarpon tripletail trout tuna wahoo

Fish Species amberjack barracuda robalo robalo negro tambor negro cangrejo azul marlín azul atún rojo pez azul mojarra de garras azules bagre cabeza de toro carpa bagre bacalao mojarra negra delfín pez voluble lenguado catan mero jack crevalle sierra pez dama lobina negra macarela piscardos pámpano trucha arco iris colorado pargo rojo gallineta nórdica pez vela pargo trucha de mar tiburon cheehe pargo caballa española pez sol sábalo triplecola trucha atún peto

artificial lures bait container bait organizer

Fishing Equipment señuelos artificiales recipiente para carnada organizador para carnada



Updated 7.28.14

Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms The Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms will ensure that you'll be able to reach Hispanic consumers in their own language. Utilize these terms in any marketing communication materials in order to build a stronger relationship with the Hispanic consumer. This comprehensive list will continue to grow as the Hispanic audience is further introduced to the world of fishing and boating. As this is an ongoing, living document, please feel free to contact us with any terms that could be added to this list.

English Terms bait server baitcast rod bobber(s) bobber stop braided line brush anchor bucket bucket organizer carolina rig cast net casting spoon crawler can fillet knife fillet glove fish finder fish gripper fish scaler fishing knots fishing line fishing map fishing reel fishing rod fishing rig fishing weight floating rig floating stringer freshwater tackle hard bait hooks hook remover jig jig head knots leader line cutter line scissors line spooler line spooling bag line stripper lip grip scale live bait lure lures lure retriever minnow trap pegging system pier plug pliers popper

Corresponding Spanish Term Fish Equipment Species Fishing servidor de carnada carrete para baitcasting flotador(es) tope para boya sedal trenzado ancla tipo brush para bote cubeta organizador tipo cubeta señuelo carolina red de casting cuchara de casting lata para lombrices cuchillo para filetear guante para filetear buscador de peces sujetador de peces descamador de pescado nudos para pesca linea de pesca mapa de pesca carrete de pesca caña de pescar aparejo de pesca plomo de pesca aparejo flotante con anzuelo cordel flotante equipo para agua dulce carnada dura anzuelos removedor de anzuelo anzuelo anzuelo con cabeza de plomo nudos de remate guía cortador de línea tijeras para línea rebobinador de línea bolsa para rebobinar línea separador de línea báscula de agarre carnada viva senuelo señuelos recuperador de señuelos trampa para peces pequeños sistema de vinculación muelle conector pinzas señuelo estilo popper



rigging component locks boat onto docks, brush, tree limbs

rigging component for worms

rigging component

rigging component

fishing platform lure component

Updated 7.28.14

Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms The Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms will ensure that you'll be able to reach Hispanic consumers in their own language. Utilize these terms in any marketing communication materials in order to build a stronger relationship with the Hispanic consumer. This comprehensive list will continue to grow as the Hispanic audience is further introduced to the world of fishing and boating. As this is an ongoing, living document, please feel free to contact us with any terms that could be added to this list.

English Terms

Corresponding Spanish Term

ready rig reel reel cover reel lube reel oil rigging binder rod rod sleeve rope float saltwater tackle sinkers sliding sinker rig snap-on float spinners spinning reel spinning rod sponge hook soft plastic lures tackle tacklebox terminal tackle texas rig trolling sinker weedless spoon weightless lures weights

Fish Equipment Species Fishing aparejo con señuelo carrete cubierta para carrete lubricante para carrete aceite para carrete maleta para aparejos vara manga para caña flotador con cuerda equipo para agua salada plomos aparejo plomado corredizo flotador con broche de presión spinners carrete giratorio caña con carrete giratorio anzuelo de esponja señuelos de plástico suave equipo de pesca caja para equipo de pesca aparejo terminal señuelo texas plomada de arrastre señuelo de cuchara señuelos sin peso plomos

bait bait shops chicken liver clam(s) crankbait crayfish cut bait doughball fishing bait flies leech(es) insect(s) minnows mussel(s) night crawlers salmon eggs shrimp spinner bait stink bait worm(s)

Bait carnada tiendas de carnada hígado de pollo almeja(s) señuelo duro crankbait cangrejos carnada cortada bola de masa carnada para pescar moscas sanguijuela(s) insecto(s) piscardos mejillón(es) lombrices huevos de salmón camarones señuelo girador carnada con hedor lombrice(s)



Updated 7.28.14

Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms The Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms will ensure that you'll be able to reach Hispanic consumers in their own language. Utilize these terms in any marketing communication materials in order to build a stronger relationship with the Hispanic consumer. This comprehensive list will continue to grow as the Hispanic audience is further introduced to the world of fishing and boating. As this is an ongoing, living document, please feel free to contact us with any terms that could be added to this list.

English Terms

Corresponding Spanish Term

bass boat boat(s) boat(s) boat(s) boat ramps boating boating for beginners boating registration boating regulations boating safety boating shows boating tips bowrider bridge boat catamarans cruiser current deck boat dinghie fish boat flats boat houseboat inboard cruiser inflatable boat jon boat marinas navigate navigating techniques navigation system pier powerboat pontoon recreational boating sail sail boat(s) saltwater tides sportfishing boat ski boat stowaway walkaround boat yacht

SpeciesTerms BoatsFish & Boating bote para pesca de lobina bote(s) barco(s) embarcacion(es) rampas para navegación navegar navegación para principiantes registro de embarcaciones reglamentos para la navegación seguridad para la navegación exposiciones de embarcaciones consejos para navegar bote tipo Bowrider bote con puente de navegación catamaranes crucero corriente bote pequeño de ocasión lancha bote de pesca bote tipo Flat Boat bote casa bote con motor intraborda bote inflable bote plano tipo Jon Boat marinas navegación tecnicas de navegacion sistema de navegación muelle bote con motor fuera de borda pontón navegación recreativa vela velero(s) mareas bote de pesca deportiva bote para esquiar estuche botes tipo walkaround yates

anglers backwater fishing bay fishing best fishing spots cast

General Fishing Terms pescadores pesca en remansos pesca en la bahía mejores sitios para pescar lanzar



This word is used for legal terminology This term refers to the action of boating

Refers to water current

GPS or Fish finder

Updated 7.28.14

Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms The Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms will ensure that you'll be able to reach Hispanic consumers in their own language. Utilize these terms in any marketing communication materials in order to build a stronger relationship with the Hispanic consumer. This comprehensive list will continue to grow as the Hispanic audience is further introduced to the world of fishing and boating. As this is an ongoing, living document, please feel free to contact us with any terms that could be added to this list.

English Terms

Corresponding Spanish Term

catch a fish catch and release current deep sea fishing fall lake turnover fish (single) fish (plural) fish hatchery fisherman fishermen fishery fishing fishing fishing areas fishing facts fishing license flats fishing freshwater fish species freshwater fishing lake fishing lake turnover landing the fish nearshore fishing migratory fish offshore fishing offshore saltwater fish pier fishing pond fishing recreational fishing river fishing saltwater fish species saltwater fishing saltwater fishing tips saltwater tides seasonal lake turnover setting the drag setting the hook sport fishing spring lake turnover stocked fish stream fishing summer stagnation surf fishing trolling unhook the fish

FishFishing SpeciesTerms General atrapar pez capturar y soltar corriente pesca en mar profundo rotación de agua otoño pez peces vivero de peces pescador pescadores pesquería pescando la pesca lugares de pesca hechos sobre la pesca licencia de pesca pesca en aguas tranquilas especies de agua dulce pesca en agua dulce pesca en lagos rotación de agua en lagos sacar el pez pesca cerca de la costa peces migratorios pesca a distancia de la costa peces de agua salada a distancia de la costa pesca en muelles pesca en estanques pesca recreativa pesca en ríos especies de agua salada pesca en agua salada consejos para pescar en agua salada mareas rotación de agua por estaciones ajustar el freno ajustar el anzuelo pesca deportiva rotación de agua primavera peces de abastecimiento pesca en arroyos estancamiento de agua durante verano pesca de surf pesca por arrastre desenganchar el pez

catch and release conservation

Conservation capturar y soltar conservación



Refers to water current

Single form Plural form

Present participle of the verb "to fish" The concept of fishing

Updated 7.28.14

Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms The Spanish Translation Guide to Commonly Used Fishing and Boating Terms will ensure that you'll be able to reach Hispanic consumers in their own language. Utilize these terms in any marketing communication materials in order to build a stronger relationship with the Hispanic consumer. This comprehensive list will continue to grow as the Hispanic audience is further introduced to the world of fishing and boating. As this is an ongoing, living document, please feel free to contact us with any terms that could be added to this list.

English Terms

Corresponding Spanish Term

conservation and preservation of natural resources preserve natural resources wildlife conservation

Fish Species Conservation conservar y preservar recursos naturales preservar recursos naturales conservación de flora y fauna

Bayou Brook Canal Channel Cove Creek Gulf Harbor Inlet Lake Marsh Ocean Pool Pond Reservoir River Run Sea Sound Spring Strait Stream Swamp

Bodies of Water Brazo pantanoso Arroyo Canal Canal Ensenada Riachuelo Golfo Puerto Ensenada Lago Ciénega Océano Estanque Estanque Reserva Río Arroyo Mar Brazo Primavera Estrecho Corriente Pantano



Updated 7.28.14

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