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Project Proposal Guidance and Template Level 4 Professional Diploma in Creative Enterprise

Extended Diploma in Level 4 Professional Diploma in Music Performance Creative Enterprise and Production Project proposal template In producing the project proposal, and in preparing for the project realisation, you should familiarise yourself with Uni ts312 and 13 of the qualification. In particular, you shoul d of the qualification. In particular, you should understand the assessment and grading criteria, which will be used to determine standards of achievement. Unit 3 12requires you to produce a project proposal of about 800 words, excluding the project action plan and bibliography. Project proposals should not be so succinct that they do not address the requirements listed, nor should they be excessively long and unfocused. Your project proposal should be sufficiently challenging to ensure you have thebest possible chance of meeting the grading criteria in Unit 13, the extended project. Your project proposal should include: - Centre name and number - Candidate name and number - Project proposal title and date - Main area of activity / pathway. The project proposal must be word processed and presented under the headings listed here: Section 1 - Context (Approximately 300 words) This section provides you with an opportunity to reflect on, review and summarise your progress and achievements through the first 211 units, and the knowledge, skills and understanding you have acquired. What you know now, and what it means to you, compared with what you knew and could do before you started the course, and how this has influenced your choice of pathway and your project proposal. It also provides an opportunity for you to explain your reasons for choosing a particular pathway and to outline both your immediate and longer-term aspirations. You should use this section to clearly explain the concept andaims of your personal project, and what you anticipate producing, making reference to the critical and contextual perspectives within which your own work is situated.

Section 2 – Research (Approximately 50 words)

This section provides you with an opportunity to record the initial research sources that you intend to use, both primary and secondary and the ideas that will support and inform the development of your project. Your sources of research should be as wide as possible, including: libraries, museums and galleries; books and magazines; theatre and live events;film, TV and radio, and websites and digital sources. You should include references to print or digital media in the form of a bibliography presented using the Harvard system of referencing, within the template provided. Section 3 - Problem solving (Approximately 100 words) In this section, you should describe how you intend to overcome problems you are likely to encounter during the development of your proposed project. Give examples of both practical and theoretical problems that you have resolved through your previous work. Include examples of personal initiative and commitment that you have previously demonstrated and use this to anticipate the level of comprehension, appreciation, knowledge and proficiency that will be necessary to achieve your identified goals. Section 4 - Planning and production (Approximately 50 words) This section provides you with an opportunity to outline your planning and organisation over a period of weeks, and the activities youwill need to carry out in order to successfully complete your project within the agreed timeframe. Your planning should be presented within the template provided. It is important that you consider how you will balance ambition, time and realism in the realisation of the project. This should include what you are going to do, how you will do it and by when.

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Extended Diploma in Level 4 Professional Diploma in Music Performance Creative Enterprise and Production Project proposal template The more time and thought you give to planning your project, the more successfulit is likely to be. Remember to include timespent on: sourcing materials, performing questionnaires, accessing workshops, tutorial and peer group feedback opportunities and where you will incorporate independent study. You should also outline the resources that you will need and an indication of the form in which you will complete and present your final realisation within the allocated timescale. Section 5 - Practical skills (Approximately 100 words) In this section, you should describe the practical elements of your project and the materials processes and technical skills that you will need to apply in order to successfully realise your proposal.

Section 7 – Presentation (Approximately 100 words) The final section provides an opportunity for you to describe how you intend to organise and present the work generated throughout the development of your project. You should consider the most appropriate formats for communicating the development of your ideas to an identified audience, both visually and conceptually and how you will present your conclusions and outcomes. Additional requirements, not included in the 800 word proposal: - Proposal cover sheet and project title - Bibliography - Project timetable - Digital presentation

Give examples of techniques and processesthat you have used during previous units. This can include the development of a range of skills used to support and ensure the successful communication of experiences and ideas and the resources you will need to access in order to fully explore the potential of your project concept. Section 6 – Evaluation and reflection (Approximately 100 words) This section provides an opportunity for you to explain how you will reflect on and evaluateyour work, as both an ongoing activity and at the conclusion of the project. You should describe how you intend to recordyour decision making, and how you will document changes to your ideas as work progresses. The evaluation should be referenced to your stated aims and be reflective and analytical rather than a description of actions completed. When working in collaboration with others you should comment on how this may impact either positively or adversely and steps you can take to minimise disruption to your own progress.

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Extended Diploma in Level 4 Professional Diploma in Music Performance Creative Enterprise and Production Unit 3 12Project ProjectProposal proposalTemplate template Candidate Name

Candidate Number

Isabelle Driver



Project Title

Final Major Project (FMP)

Section 1: Context (approx. 300 words)

Throughout Units 1 and 2, I tried many different creative areas because I hadn’t learnt about them before. Eventually after trying different sectors, I settled on my business being an activity club (workshops, experiences etc.) with my target demographic being children and parents. I decided on this demographic because of my insight into helping children within my work experience opportunities. I also look to incorporate an 18+ sector within this club to allow for more formal, yet fun educational activities. Initially I planned for this activity club to be primarily focused on outdoor activities (camping, sailing, hiking etc.) however after undertaking experience with the theatre, this enabled me to see how I didn’t want to focus on one area, but instead a range of areas which I know will be beneficial for development and skill growth. During Unit 1 and 2 we undertook masterclasses in photography and moving image. This will be very beneficial for my business because I plan to create a small video which shows some of the possibilities of my club. I intend to feature some clips from my test marketing as both evidence and for these ‘trailers’. Within regards to my aspirations for my business, as a short-term goal I hope to go into schools and conduct some workshops, both outdoors and indoors. I feel this is achievable because going into schools will be an easy way to test-market with a large group of my target demographics. When looking into the adult age group, as a short-term goal I hope to take my peers along with me to sail or paddleboard, this will allow me to gain more feedback. When looking long-term, I would like to have a base for the club, where everyone can gather. I’d love to have my own equipment too, which will reduce rental costs.

Section 2: Research (approx. 50 words)

Test-marketing - executing a minimum of three sessions. Age categories are Year 1 - Year 3, Year 4 - Year 6 and then an 18+ category. Questionnaires – Figuring whether this is an in-demand experience for people. My secondary research will be heavily reliant on statistics and data looking into the statistics of youth clubs and how they support young people’s lives and education.

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Extended Diploma in Level 4 Professional Diploma in Music Performance Creative Enterprise and Production Unit 3 12Project ProjectProposal proposalTemplate template Section 3: Problem Solving (approx. 100 words)

There are numerous problems I can think of, and hopefully resolve as much as possible. The first and primary one being within my test-marketing. If my business and intentions aren’t explained well enough to a school before I run some workshops, they may not allow me to conduct the workshops. This is a key current problem I have. In order to reduce this risk as much as possible I intent to meet with the teachers and headteacher in so I can convey what I would like and how I will execute these workshops. Hopefully this will enable them to see and take the benefit of these workshops.

Section 4: Planning and production (approx. 50 words)

My market research should be mostly done by the 13th of February, with an exception to any water sports which would likely take place in March (though with adults not being the key focus of my club, this won’t interrupt anything else I must conduct.)

Section 5: Practical skills (approx. 100 words)

A key skill I will need to ensure I have before my test-marketing will be effective communication. When working with a group of people it is mandatory to be able to communicate efficiently in a way the listener understands. Furthermore, as the person leading these activities, I need to maintain a professional tone whilst adapting to the needs of my audience. Another skill I will need to ensure I have is high organization. I need to ensure I am completely planned for the activities I plan to run, as well as potential, costs, transports etc. Whilst I am an organized person, I need to ensure my planning is effective and not too ambitious.

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Extended Diploma in Level 4 Professional Diploma in Music Performance Creative Enterprise and Production Unit 3 12Project ProjectProposal proposalTemplate template Section 6: Evaluation and reflection (approx. 100 words)

Section 7: Presentation (approx. 100 words)

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

I intend to keep record of my work by writing everything down in a diary. This will include all decisions and ideas alongside dates so I can easily record progress etc. I will also record challenges and problem-solving within this. In order to evaluate my work and activities, I am going to ask questions during activities (to ensure engagement and enjoyment) and potentially even give a small survey at the end of them in order to gain feedback. Furthermore, during school workshops, I will get feedback from the teacher so I can also gain adult/parental perspectives which are fundamental to the progression of my business.

For my presentation, I plan to give both physical and online visuals. My physical copies will likely be leaflet/brochures while my PowerPoint will contain all facts, figures and so on. I further plan to have a video in my PowerPoint, displaying what my club has to offer as well as small interviews with people who have undertaken my workshops. I’m also going to create a website and social media account (likely Instagram) which I will screenshot and add to my PowerPoint to demonstrate how I have marketed my business.'youth,needed%20for m%20of%20youth%20provision.

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Project Action Plan and Timetable Week

Date Week Beginning

Activity / What you are intending to do - including independent study

Resources / What you will

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