Queens College Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures. SPAN 204. INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II Fall Semester 2012

Queens College Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures SPAN 204. INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II Fall Semester 2012 SPAN 204: Tuesdays and Thursdays

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Queens College Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures SPAN 204. INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II Fall Semester 2012 SPAN 204: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:40 - 2:55 p.m. Room: Kiely Hall 246 Profesora: Beatriz Carolina Peña E-mail: [email protected] Office address: Kiely Hall, room 243D. Office telephone: (718) 997-5635 Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. I. Course Description: “Span 204. Intermediate Spanish II. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: SPAN 203, or four years of high school Spanish. Continuation of SPAN 203, with grammar review, conversation, composition, and readings in literary and cultural materials.” (Queens College Bulletin). This course is not open to Spanish Heritage Speakers (Native Speakers of Spanish). These students should consult the Departmental Advisor for proper placement or exemption from the Foreign Language requirement by examination. II. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to perform proficiently at an advanced intermediate level in the following language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, the student will gain a deeper understanding of cultural and historical aspects of the Spanish speaking world. In the study of grammar, special attention will be paid to the present tense of regular and irregular verbs, the uses of ser and estar, progressive forms, direct and indirect object noun and pronouns, gustar and similar verbs, reflexive verbs, the preterit and the imperfect, the subjunctive in noun clauses, formal and informal commands, por y para, comparatives and superlatives structures, negative, affirmative, and indefinite expressions, the subjunctive in adjective clauses, the present perfect, the past perfect, the future and the conditional, the adverbial clauses with the indicative and subjunctive moods; the past subjunctive, and si clauses among other points, the improvement of which will be reinforced through classroom conversation, workbook exercises, readings, compositions, and written tests. III. Textbooks: The following materials –available at the Queens College Bookstore– are mandatory: a. Blanco, José A and María Colbert. Facetas: Nivel Intermedio. Curso breve. 3rd ed. Boston: Vista Higher Learning, 2012. b. Blanco, José A and María Colbert. Facetas: Nivel Intermedio. Curso breve. Student Activities Manual. 3rd ed. Boston: Vista Higher Learning, 2012. c. Spanish dictionary (Larousse or similar). It is recommended that students buy a good bilingual dictionary of medium size (Oxford, Larousse, etc.). Students must bring the textbook to each and every class. The instructor will let you know when you need to bring the workbook. IV. Course Policies: A. Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial to the successful attainment of the course objectives. Regular attendance is also directly related to your in-class participation. Therefore, it is essential that students attend classes on a regular basis. If you miss any quiz, exam, or composition, you will only be able to make it

SPAN 204 Syllabus Fall 2012


up if you have an official excuse (e.g. doctor’s note for medical reasons, jury duty note, coach’s note for participation in championships or games, etc.). Arriving 20 minutes late or more will equal one absence. If you accrue significant absences, your participation grade will be considerably reduced. Religion-related absences are exempted, but must be notified in advance. Absence or tardiness is not an acceptable excuse for missing assignments or for not being prepared for tests or exams. Therefore, you are advised to consult the syllabus and to get in touch with classmates to obtain and/or clarify the work that needs to be completed. The spaces below are provided for you to record the names, telephone numbers, or email addresses of at least two of your classmates: 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ B. Class participation. In a language class, participation is essential and is the key to a lively class. 15% of the course grade will depend upon your contributions to class sessions. Class participation provides the opportunity to practice speaking, listening and understanding, and reading skills. Participation also shows your enthusiasm and preparation for the class. You MUST study the grammatical explanations and vocabulary, as well as the examples in the text, BEFORE coming to class. Your participation grade will be given at the end of the semester and will be based on: 1) class attendance, 2) your willingness to ask and answer questions, 3) a collaborative and respectful attitude when working with others, 4) solely use of Spanish in class, 5) interest in the class and 6) preparation in advance. C. Homework: Readings and written homework assignments are to be prepared before class, as indicated in the syllabus. Keep in mind that careful review of the vocabulary and at least two readings of each text are necessary in order to fully comprehend the assigned material. Workbook assignments will be reviewed in class or by any other method your instructor considers appropriate. For correction of the longer writing exercises of the workbook, you could visit your instructor during office hours or look for tutoring at the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures located in Kiely Hall, room 243. No appointment is necessary. Please do not view your workbook activities as busy-body work or disregard them because they are not being graded. Your Spanish skills will benefit extensively from the mechanical practice and more creative exercises of the workbook. D. Writing: There will be two compositions in the semester. The first composition will have two drafts, both done in class. You will write the first draft in the classroom on the date indicated in the syllabus, and will hand it in when done. Your instructor will mark your errors, including content, organization, use of grammatical structures, and vocabulary, with appropriate symbols, and he/she will return your composition to you on the date indicated on the syllabus for the second draft. You will proceed to make the corrections in class and will submmit your second version (with your first draft attached) to receive the final grade on the composition. The final draft could raise your first grade up to five points (5 if you correct all errors, 4 if most, 3 if half, 2 if some, 1 if few and 0 if there are no corrections or no accurate corrections). The second composition will have only one draft done in class. The use of a dictionary and the textbook are allowed during these writing activities. E. Tests and Exams: These will evaluate reading and listening comprehension, vocabulary, grammatical competency, writing, and analytical skills. a. Written exams: There will be one departmental midterm exam and one departmental final exam. The final exam will be comprehensive, will include a composition, and will not be returned to students. The Registrar’s office will set the date, time and room number for the final exam. Your instructor will announce this information opportunely. In addition, this information will be posted outside the department’s office (Kiely Hall, 243). b. Tests: There will be four chapter tests. These are given in class on the days stipulated in the syllabus.

SPAN 204 Syllabus Fall 2012


F. Audio Program: The Facetas program includes audio materials for practice with listening comprehension and grammar. Frequent listening practice is recommended. Students can listen to the Audio Program from any computer. G. Grading: The final grade will be calculated as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Class participation Presentation Midterm exam Writing (2 compositions) 4 Chapter tests Final exam Total

10% 5% 15% 15% 40% 15% 100%

H. Undergraduate Grade Equivalencies: 97-100 93-96 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82

A+ A AB+ B B-

4.0 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7



77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 60-66 0-59

C+ C CD+ D F, WF, or WU

2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0


Lowest Passing Grades


“Grading notes: Incomplete (INC) - This is a temporary grade assigned when: (a) a student does not satisfy a portion of the course requirements; and (b) there is a reasonable expectation that the student can pass the course by submitting the outstanding work by the end of the next regular semester, spring or fall. Students assigned a grade of INC must satisfy missing course requirements by the deadline you establish. This deadline may be no later than the end of the next semester. A grade of INC not resolved to a regular grade by the end of the next semester will be converted to a grade of F. Unofficial Withdrawal (WU) - This is a disciplinary grade to be assigned when there is insufficient basis for assigning a regular passing or failing grade and none of the conditions for a grade of INC is present.” (Queens College Bulletin) V. Academic Honesty: The primary objective of Queens College is to offer a rigorous education. This objective can be furthered only if there is strict adherence to scrupulous standards of honesty. All members of the College community have a responsibility to see that standards of honesty and integrity are maintained. It is the responsibility of each student to learn and understand the standards of academic integrity expected at The City University of New York, as expressed in the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity: “Academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York. Penalties for academic dishonesty include academic sanctions, such as failing or otherwise reduced grades, and or disciplinary sanctions, including suspension or expulsion”. Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, plagiarism and/or cheating on exams and papers, sabotage of research materials, the purchase or sale of academic papers, and the falsification of records and official documents. Any student who engages in an activity that is academically dishonest is subject to disciplinary charges, as in any student who knowingly aids another who engages in them. For more information, please go to: http://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/sa/policies/AcademicIntegrityPolicywithoutmemo.pdf

SPAN 204 Syllabus Fall 2012


The CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity includes definitions and examples of academic dishonesty, methods for promoting academic integrity, and procedures for the imposition of sanctions for various violations of this policy. VI. Emergencies: In the event of a health or family emergency, please do not just stop attending classes without letting your instructor know that you have a problem. You must contact your instructor immediately and inform her/him of your situation. Unjustified absences affect your participation grade. VII. Other On-line resources. There is a website for Facetas: Facetas Supersite at facetas3e.vhlcentral.com. The site provides videos and multiple resources for the practice of grammar, vocabulary, listening and comprehension, and Spanish culture. Many activities can be self-corrected electronically. Enter the site by using the Supersite code you receive with your new student text. VIII. Disabilities. If there are students in the class who have a disability and need accommodations, please see your instructor in private to discuss the accommodation needed. You should have this discussion as soon as possible before getting too far into the semester. If you are a student with physical, learning, emotional, or psychological disabilities you are encouraged to stop by room 171 in Kiely Hall, the Office of Special Services, or call at (718) 997-5870 and make an appointment. Please inform the instructor at least 10 days before a quiz or test of any accommodations that are needed. IX. Tutoring. If you need extra help, you may go to the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures located in Kiely Hall, room 243 to see a tutor. The tutoring schedule will be available at the department. There will be no tutoring after the last day of classes. X. Culture. This course does not teach culture as a discrete aspect of the program on specific days. Instead, culture is embedded in diverse ways in each of the various skills taught in the course. XI. Electronic devices. Pagers, cell phones, and other electronic devices will be turned off and put away during class and tests. XII. Problems and concerns: Any concerns or complaints you may have about this course should first be presented to your instructor. For any unresolved issues thereafter –only after you have discussed your problem with your instructor– please contact Beatriz Carolina Peña, the course director, at [email protected] or in person at the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures (Office 243D). NOTE: The following abbreviations are used in the syllabus: FACETAS= Textbook WB = Workbook to accompany FACETAS SEMANA 1 Del 27 de agosto al primero de septiembre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 28 Presentación del curso. FACETAS: Las relaciones Memorice el vocabulario de agosto personales: vocabulario (p. 2-3). del Cap. 1 (p. 2-3). Jueves, 30 Lección 1: Las relaciones FACETAS: The present tense (p. WB: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 (p. 1 de agosto personales 14-15). y 2). -Contextos: La personalidad, los Lectura: “Poema 20”, de Pablo estados de emocionales, los Neruda (p. 33). sentimientos y las relaciones personales. Práctica (p. 3 y 4). Comunicación (p. 5). Fotonovela (6-9).

SPAN 204 Syllabus Fall 2012


SEMANA 2 Del 2 al 8 de septiembre (Lunes, 3 de septiembre: Día del trabajo. No hay clase) TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE CLASE SIGUIENTE

Martes, 4 de

-Cultura -Estructura: The present tense septiembre Práctica (p. 16). Comunicación (p. 17).

FACETAS: Ser and estar (p. 1819).

WB: 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 3-4).

Lectura: “Poema 20”, de Pablo Neruda -Estructura: Ser and estar Práctica (p. 20). septiembre Comunicación (p. 24). Jueves, 6 de

FACETAS: Progressive forms (p. WB: 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 4-5). 22-23).

SEMANA 3 Del 9 al 15 de septiembre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 11 -Estructura: Progressive forms FACETAS: Las diversiones: de Práctica (p. 24). vocabulario (p. 42-43). septiembre Comunicación (p. 25). -Cinemateca: “Di algo”. Estudie para la prueba del Cap. 1. Jueves, 13 Lección 2: Las diversiones de -Contextos: La música y el teatro, septiembre los lugares de recreo, los deportes y las diversiones. Práctica (p. 43-44). Comunicación (p. 45).

FACETAS: Object pronouns (p. 54-55).

TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE WB: 1, 2, 3 y 4 (p. 7-8).

WB: 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 1314).

**Prueba Lección 1 SEMANA 4 Del 16 al 22 de septiembre (No hay clases el lunes, 17 de septiembre ni el martes, 18 de septiembre) FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE CLASE SIGUIENTE Jueves, 20 Fotonovela (46-49). VISTAS: Gustar and similar WB: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 (p. de -Cultura verbs (p. 58-59). 14-15). septiembre -Estructura: Object pronouns Reflexive verbs (p. 62-63). Práctica (p. 56). Comunicación (p. 57).


SPAN 204 Syllabus Fall 2012 SEMANA 5 Del 23 de septiembre al 29 de septiembre (No hay clases el martes, 25 de septiembre ni el miércoles, 26 de septiembre) FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE CLASE SIGUIENTE Jueves, 27 -Estructura: -Gustar and similar FACETAS: Antes de leer (p. 71) y WB: 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 17de verbs Leer: “Idilio” (p. 73). 18). septiembre Práctica (p. 60). Comunicación (p. 61). -Reflexive verbs Práctica (p. 64). Comunicación (p. 65). SEMANA 6 Del 30 de septiembre al 6 de octubre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 2 Cinemateca: “Espíritu deportivo”. FACETAS: La vida diaria: de octubre Lectura: “Idilio”, de Mario vocabulario (p. 82-83). Benedetti (p. 71-74). Estudie para la prueba del Cap. 2. Jueves, 4 -Lección 3: La vida diaria de octubre -Contextos: en casa, de compras, expresiones y la vida diaria. Práctica (p. 83-84). Comunicación (p. 85).

FACETAS: The preterite (p. 9495). The imperfect (p. 98-99).

TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE WB: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 (p. 19-20).

WB: 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 2526).

**Prueba Lección 2 SEMANA 7 Del 7 al 13 de octubre (Lunes, 8 de octubre: Día de Cristóbal Colón. No hay clase) FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 9 - Fotonovela (86-89) FACETAS: The preterit vs. the WB: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 (p. de octubre - Cultura imperfect (p. 102-103). 27-28). -Estructura: -The preterite WB: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 (p. Práctica (p. 96). 29-30). Comunicación (p. 97). -The imperfect Práctica (p. 100). Comunicación (p. 101). Jueves, 11 -Estructura: The preterit vs. the de octubre imperfect Práctica (p. 104). Comunicación (p. 105). -Cinemateca: “Adiós mamá”.

Repase para el examen parcial. Identifique sus áreas débiles y prepare preguntas para la clase de repaso.

WB: 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 3132).


SPAN 204 Syllabus Fall 2012 SEMANA 8 Del 14 al 20 de octubre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 16 Repaso para el examen parcial. Estudie para el examen parcial. de octubre Jueves, 18 EXAMEN PARCIAL FACETAS: La salud y el de octubre bienestar: vocabulario (p. 122123). SEMANA 9 Del 21 al 27 de octubre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 23 Lección 4: La salud y el bienestar Prepare el vocabulario y el de octubre -Contextos: Los síntomas y las esquema para la composición # 1. enfermedades, la salud y el bienestar, los médicos y el hospital y las medicinas y los tratamientos. Práctica (p. 123-124). Comunicación (p. 125). Jueves, 25 - Fotonovela (126-129). FACETAS: The subjunctive in de octubre -Cultura noun clauses (p. 134-136). Composición # 1 en clase (primera versión). S E M A N A 10 Del 28 de octubre al 3 de noviembre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 30 -Estructura: The subjunctive in FACETAS: Commands (p. 140de octubre noun clauses 141). Práctica (p. 137-138). Comunicación (p. 139). Jueves, primero de noviembre

-Estructura: Commands Práctica (p. 142). Comunicación (p. 143). Enfoques: “De abuelos y chamanes” (p. 130-132).

TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Memorice el vocabulario del Cap. 4.


WB: 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 3738).

TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE WB: 1, 2, 3 y 4 (p. 39-40).

FACETAS: Por and para (p. 144- WB: 1, 2, 3 y 4 (p. 41-42). 145).

S E M A N A 11 Del 4 al 10 de noviembre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 6 -Estructura: Por and para Estudie para la prueba del Cap. de Práctica (p. 146). 4. noviembre Comunicación (p. 147). - Cultura -Cinemateca: “Éramos pocos”.

TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE WB: 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 4344).


SPAN 204 Syllabus Fall 2012 Jueves, 8 Lectura: Mujeres de ojos grandes: de “Último cuento; sin título”, de noviembre Ángeles Mastretta (p. 152-156).

FACETAS: Los viajes: vocabulario (p. 164-165).

WB: 1, 2 y 3 (p. 45).

**Prueba Lección 4 S E M A N A 12 Del 11 al 17 de noviembre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 13 -Lección 5: Los viajes FACETAS: Comparatives and de -Contextos: De viaje, el alojamiento, superlatives (p. 176-177). noviembre la seguridad y los accidentes y las excursiones. Práctica (p. 165-166). Comunicación (p. 167).

TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE WB: 1, 2, 3 y 4 (p. 49-50).

Fotonovela (p. 168-171). - Cultura Jueves, 15 Estructura: Comparatives and de superlatives noviembre Práctica (p. 178). Comunicación (p. 179). Composición # 1 en clase (segunda versión).

FACETAS: Negative, affirmative, WB: 1, 2, 3 y 4 (p. 51-52). and indefinite expressions (p. 180181). FACETAS: Antes de leer (p. 196) y leer: “La luz es como el agua” (p. 197-199).

S E M A N A 13 Del 18 al 21 de noviembre RECESO DEL DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS (No hay clases del 22 al 25 de noviembre) FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 20 Estructura: Negative, affirmative, FACETAS: La naturaleza: de and indefinite expressions vocabulario (p. 208-209). noviembre Práctica (p. 182). Estudiar para la prueba del Cap. Comunicación (p. 183). 5. Lectura: “La luz es como el agua”, de Gabriel García Márquez (p. 196-200). Cinemateca: “El anillo”. Lectura: “La ruta maya” (p. 201204).

TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE WB: 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 5354).


SPAN 204 Syllabus Fall 2012 S E M A N A 14 Del 26 de noviembre al primero de diciembre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 27 -Lección 6: La naturaleza FACETAS: The future and the de -Contextos: La naturaleza, los conditional (p. 220-221). noviembre animales, los fenómenos naturales y el medio ambiente. Prepare un bosquejo y el Práctica (p. 209-210). vocabulario para la composición # Comunicación (p. 211). 2 (versión única). Fotonovela (p. 212-215). No traiga a clase ideas Cultura completas ya escritas.

TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE WB: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 (p. 55-56). Memorice el vocabulario del Cap. 6. WB: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 (p. 63-64).

**Prueba Lección 5 Jueves, 29 Estructura: The future and the de conditional noviembre Práctica (p. 222). Comunicación (p. 223).

FACETAS: The subjunctive in adverbial clauses (p. 224-225). The past subjunctive (p. 228-229).

WB: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 (p. 65-66).

Composición # 2 en clase (versión única). S E M A N A 15 Del 2 al 8 de diciembre FECHA TEMAS DE CLASE PREPARACIÓN PARA LA TAREA PARA LA CLASE SIGUIENTE CLASE SIGUIENTE Martes, 4 Estructura: The subjunctive in FACETAS: Si clauses with simple WB : 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 67de adverbial clauses tenses (p. 232-233). 68). diciembre Práctica (p. 226). WB : 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 69Comunicación (p. 227). 70). Cinemateca: “El día menos pensado”. Estructura: The past subjunctive Práctica (p. 230). Comunicación (p. 231). Jueves, 6 Estructura: Si clauses with simple de tenses diciembre Práctica (p. 234). Comunicación (p. 235). Lectura: “El eclipse”, de Augusto Monterroso (p. 240-244)

FACETAS: Recapitulación para WB : 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 (p. 71revisar en clase (p. 626-627). 72). Prepárese para el repaso general. Identifique sus áreas gramaticales débiles.


SPAN 204 Syllabus Fall 2012

Martes, 11 de diciembre


S E M A N A 16 Del 9 al 12 de diciembre ESTUDIE PARA EL EXAMEN FINAL

Repaso general

FECHA, HORA Y LUGAR DEL EXAMEN FINAL: Jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012 (12/20/2012), de la 1:45 a las 3:45 p.m. en Kielly Hall 246.

¡Les deseo mucho éxito! Espero que continúen con sus estudios de español

MIS NOTAS1 Lleve un récord de sus notas aquí: ACTIVIDAD EVALUATIVA Prueba del Capítulo 1 Prueba del Capítulo 2 Prueba del Capítulo 4 Prueba del Capítulo 5 Examen parcial Composición 1 (dos versiones) Composición 2 (versión única) Presentación

Participación Examen final TOTAL


Nota= grade.

Valor 10% 10% 10% 10% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 100%



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