Report of the IEB s activities

2012 Report of the IEB’s activities 2012 Report of the IEB’s activities 2012 Report of activities 4 2012 Report of activities List of conten

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Report of the IEB’s activities


Report of the IEB’s activities

2012 Report of activities


2012 Report of activities

List of contents 1. Presentation ................................................................................................................................. 6 2. People ........................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1. Management Committee ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2. Board of trustees and executive board of the IEB Foundation ...................................................................................... 9 2.3. Research ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.4. The XREAP................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.5. Members....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 3. Publications................................................................................................................................ 12 3.1. By IEB members....................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.2. IEB Working Papers................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 3.3. Reports on Fiscal Federalism ........................................................................................................................................................... 29 3.4. Information services ............................................................................................................................................................................. 30 4. Events......................................................................................................................................... 32 4.1. Seminars ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 4.2. Workshops, summer schools and symposiums ..................................................................................................................... 36 5. Research projects and economic projects.............................................................................. 42 5.1. Competitive research projects involving IEB members .................................................................................................... 43 5.2. Other competitive projects............................................................................................................................................................... 45 5.3. IEB research calls .................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 5.4. Economic projects................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 6. Attendance at congresses, seminars and conferences ......................................................... 48 6.1. Congresses.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49 6.2. Seminars and conferences.................................................................................................................................................................. 59 7. Visits........................................................................................................................................... 64 7.1. By IEB members ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 65 7.2. By professors visiting the IEB............................................................................................................................................................ 66 8. PhD theses................................................................................................................................. 68


2012 Report of activities

1. Presentation


2012 Report of activities

The Barcelona Economics Institute (IEB) is a centre for research in Economics. Its aim is to support and disseminate economic research and to contribute to the debate and the decision-making processes in economic policy. Founded in 2001, the IEB enjoys the official recognition of the Catalan Government and the University of Barcelona. In 2008, the IEB received a major boost with the creation of the IEB Foundation (in which Abertis, Applus, Gas Natural Fenosa, La Caixa and the Barcelona City Hall and Provincial Council are partners). The IEB also hosts the UB’s Chair in Fiscal Federalism (in cooperation with the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Institute of Autonomous Studies), the Chair of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (in cooperation with Funseam) and the Chair in Markets and Industrial Policy (with the sponsorship of ISDEFE). The IEB currently has more than 50 staff members, including researchers and doctoral students. Its research is mainly carried out in the area of applied economics, especially in the areas of fiscal federalism and public economics, urban economy and innovation, and transport economics and infrastructure. To help disseminate its research and its activities in general, the IEB publishes a collection of working documents, a newsletter, InfoIEB and an annual Report on Fiscal Federalism.The results of its members’ research can be found in specialist journals and in collections of working documents, seminars, workshops and other research activities, as well as in applications for research grants. The IEB’s researchers also present their work at symposiums and other publications. Thanks to its research excellence and the cooperation established between the university, the public sector and the business world, the IEB is today a point of reference in international research in applied economics. In the last two years, the IEB has doubled the number of articles published in leading economics journals, while its number of researchers has risen by 34%. The members of the IEB also carry out studies in their areas of expertise for government institutions, providing guidance for economic decision-making. The IEB publicizes its activities through a variety of media: its newsletter, Info IEB, its website, and more recently via its official profiles on Twitter and Facebook. The IEB staff are pleased to present this annual report, which will help to bring the institute’s work and activities to a wider public.

Further information:


2012 Memòria d’activitats

2. People


2012 Memòria d’activitats

2.1. Management committee The management committee has the following members: • Núria Bosch • José Mª Durán (Secretary-Manager) • Alejandro Esteller • Anna Matas • Daniel Montolio • Martí Parellada (Director) • Esteve Sanromà • Pilar Sorribas • Elisabet Viladecans 2.2. Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of the IEB Foundation Board of Trustees President Mr Joaquim Coello President of Applus Servicios Tecnológicos, S.L. Vice-president Mr Martí Parellada Institut d’Economia de Barcelona & Universitat de Barcelona Trustees Mr Salvador Alemany President of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. Mr Isidre Fainé President of Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona Mr Salvador Gabarró President of Gas Natural, SDG, S.A. Mrs Sònia Recasens Ajuntament de Barcelona Mr Salvador Esteve Diputació de Barcelona

Executive Committee of the IEB Foundation Mr Joaquim Coello President of Applus Servicios Tecnológicos, S.L. Mr Martí Parellada Institut d’Economia de Barcelona & Universitat de Barcelona Mr Antoni Brunet Studies & President’s Office Direction of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. Mr Jordi Gual Deputy Director of Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona Mr Antonio Gallart Director of Resources of Gas Natural, SDG, S.A. Mrs Sònia Recasens Ajuntament de Barcelona Mr Jordi Roca Diputació de Barcelona


2012 Memòria d’activitats

2.3. Research The IEB’s research is organised in Research Programs and Chairs. • The Research Programme in Fiscal Federalism promotes the study of the public finances in multilevel systems of government (national, regional, and local) and debate on local and regional funding. Its research covers topics such as the effects of the decentralization of public services, the allocation of certain taxes at subcentral level, and the effects of intergovernmental transfers. This program is coordinated by UB professors Núria Bosch and Albert Solé-Ollé and includes the UB’s Chair in Fiscal Federalism, which is currently held by Dr Bosch. • The Research Programme in Cities and Innovation promotes the study of urban and regional economics, focusing on competitiveness and prioritizing the issues that may be relevant to the design of public policies. The programme analyses “knowledge spillovers”, covering areas such as human capital, innovation, the role of universities in disseminating knowledge, and the location of the most advanced and innovative economic activities, and examines the effects of public sector intervention on economies. This program is coordinated by UB professors José GarcíaQuevedo and Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal. • The Research Programme in Infrastructure and Transport is to promote research in this area from an economic viewpoint, in order to generate knowledge that is useful to society and is able to guide public policy. It focuses on the effects of infrastructure investments and transport policies on economic growth and the environment, examines the impact of policies of regional distribution, regulation and competition in the transport sector as well as user charges for infrastructure. This program is coordinated by UAB professor Anna Matas. • The Chair of Energy Sustainability at the UB promotes research into the production, supply and use of the energy needed to maintain social welfare and development, placing special emphasis on economic, environmental and social aspects. The Chair is held by UB professor Maria Teresa Costa Campi. • The IEB also hosts the Chair in Markets and Industrial Policy, held by UB professor Néstor Duch. IEB research covers also other topics in Economics, such as economics of education, labour market and public economics. 2.4. The XREAP The IEB belongs to the Reference Network for Research in Applied Economics (Catalan acronym XREAP), a research network of the most important research groups in applied economics at Catalan universities. The XREAP was set up in 2006 as part of a contract program with the Department of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise of the Catalan government.


2012 Memòria d’activitats

2.5. Members

Associate Researchers

Researchers: • Álvarez Cardeñosa, Montserrat • Arcarons Bullich, Jordi • Arqué Castells, Pere • Backus, Peter G. (Leave from November 2012) • Baró i Tomás, Ezequiel • Bosch Roca, Núria • Calero Martínez, Jorge • Castells Oliveres, Antoni • Costa Campí, Maite • Costa Cuberta, Mercè • Cubel Sánchez, María • Choi de Mendizábal, Álvaro • Duch Brown, Néstor • Durán Cabré, José María • Escardíbul Ferrà, Josep Oriol • Espasa Queralt, Marta • Esteller Moré, Alejandro • Foremny, Dirk (From September 2012) • García Brosa, Gemma • García Quevedo, José • Garrido Torres, Antoni • Gispert Brosa, Cristina de • González-Val, Rafael (Leave from September 2012) • Jofre Monseny, Jordi • Matas Prat, Anna • Mediavilla Bordalejo, Mauro • Montolio Estivill, Daniel • Nuevo-Chiquero, Ana • Parellada Sabata, Martí • Pelegrín Solé, Àngels • Piolatto, Amedeo • Raymond Bara, Josep Lluís • Sanromà Meléndez, Esteve • Solé Ollé, Albert • Solé Vilanova, Joaquim • Sorribas Navarro, Pilar • Vázquez Grenno, Javier • Viladecans Marsal, Elisabet • Vilalta Ferrer, Maite Researchers on temporary leave:

• Arauzo Carod, Josep M. • Asensio, Javier (From February 2012) • Backus, Peter G. (From November 2012) • Boffa, Federico • Dahlberg, Matz • Galmarini, Umberto • García-López Miquel-Àngel • González-Val, Rafael (From September 2012) • Lago Peñas, Santiago • Mantovani, Andrea • Mas-Verdú, Francisco • Mora, Toni • Mörk, Eva • Rizzo, Leonzio • Simón Pérez, Hipólito • Trillas i Jané, Francesc PhD students: • Arenas Jal, Andreu • Brué Pérez, Albert • Costas Pérez, Elena • Curto Grau, Marta • García Estévez, Javier • Hortas Rico, Miriam • Marín López, Raquel • Pellegrino, Gabriele • Planells Struse, Simón • Polo Otero, José Luis (Leave from May 2012) • Salinas Peña, Paula • Salvadori, Luca • Sánchez Vidal, María • Trujillo Baute, Elisa External collaborators: • Ceniceros, Angel Mª • Mora Puigví, Antoni Research support technicians: • Arqué Castells, Pere (Leave from April 2012) • Trujillo Baute, Elisa • Mediavilla Pineda, Angela (From February 2012)

• Soy Casals, Antoni Administrative services: • Cobos Gil, Susana • Gómez Hidalgo, M. Àngels (Coordinator) Communication services: • Torrent Queralt, Natàlia 11

2012 Memòria d’activitats

3. Publications


2012 Memòria d’activitats

3.1. Publications by IEB members In 2012, IEB members published the following research studies: JCR Articles (Journal Citation Reports) • Arauzo, J.M. “Location determinants of new firms: does skill level of human capital really matter?” Growth and Change, forthcoming • Arauzo,J.M.; Liviano, D. “Industrial location and interpretation of zero counts” Annals of Regional Science, forthcoming • Arauzo,J.M.; Liviano, D. “Industrial location and spatial dependence: an empirical application” Regional Studies, forthcoming • Arauzo,J.M.; Llop, M. “Identifying the economic impact behind a cultural asset: an input-output subsystems analysis” Annals of Regional Science, 49 (3), 861-877, 2012 • Arauzo, J.M.; Manjón, M. “(Optimal) Spatial aggregation in the determinants of industrial location” Small Business Economics, 39, 645-658, 2012 • Arauzo, J.M.; Manjón, M.; Martínez, O. “The geographical scope of industrial location determinants: an alternative approach” Tijdschriftvoor Economische en Sociale Geografie - Journal of Economic and Social Geography, forthcoming • Arauzo,J.M.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Can a knowledge-based cluster be created? The case of the Barcelona22@district” Papers in Regional Science, 91 (2), 377-400, 2012 • Arqué-Castells, P. “Persistence in R&D performance and its implications for the granting of subsidies” Review of Industrial Organization, forthcoming • Arqué-Castells, P. “How venture capitalists spur invention in Spain: evidence from patent trajectories” Research Policy, 41 (5), 897–912, 2012 • Alañón, A.; Arauzo,J.M.  “Agglomeration, accessibility and industrial location: evidence from Spain” Entrepreneurship& Regional Development, forthcoming • Alañón, Á.; Arauzo,J.M. “Impacto de la accesibilidad por carretera en la localización de nuevos establecimientos industriales en la Comunidad de Madrid” Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Vol. XVIII (3), 465-481, 2012


2012 Report of activities

• Baviera-Puig, A.; Buitrago, J.; Mas-Verdú, F. “Trade areas and knowledge intensive services: the case of a technology centre” Management Decision Vol. 50 Iss: 8 pp. 1412 – 1424, 2012 • Baviera-Puig, A.; Roig , H. Buitrago, J.; Mas-Verdú, F. “Comparing trade areas of technology centres using GIS” Service Industries Journal, forthcoming • Boffa, F.; Panzar, J. “Bottleneck co-ownership as a regulatory alternative” The Journal of Regulatory Economics, 41, 2, 201–215, 2012 • Boffa, F.; Succurro, M. “The impact of search cost reduction on accommodation seasonality” Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 2, 1176–1198, 2012 • Boffa, F.; Vannoni, D. “Entry and collusion after market opening” Theoretical Economic Letters, 2, 3, 316-322, 2012 • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M.; Mora, T. “Citizen control anf the efficiency of local public services” Environment and Planning C-Government and Policy, 30, 2, 248-266, 2012 • Buonanno, P.; Montolio, D.; Raya, J.M. “Housing prices and crime perception” Empirical Economics, forthcoming • Caamaño, J.; Lago-Peñas, S. “La inversión territorializada de fomento: análisis de las diferencias entre proyecto, presupuesto y ejecución” Revista de Economía Aplicada, 60, 107-126, 2012 • Caamaño, J.; Lago-Peñas, S.; Reyes, F.; Santiago, A. “Budget transparency in local governments: an empirical analysis” Local Government Studies, forthcoming • Cantarero, D.; Lago-Peñas, S. “Decomposing the determinants of health expenditure: the case of Spain” European Journal of Health Economics, 13, 19-27, 2012 • Castells, P.; Trillas, F. “The effects of surprise political events on quoted firms: the March 2004 elections in Spain” SERIE’s, forthcoming • Castrogiovanni, G. J.: Domenech, J.; Mas-Verdú, F. “Variations in SME characteristics and the use of service intermediaries for R&D” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 29, 2, 154–164, 2012 • Costas, E.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. “Corruption scandals, voter information, and accountability” European Journal of Political Economy, 28, 469-484, 2012


2012 Report of activities

• Curto-Grau, M.; Herranz, A.; Solé-Ollé, A. “Pork Barrel politics in semi-democracies: the Spanish ‘Parlamentary roads’, 1874-1915” Journal of Economic History, 72, 3, 771-796, 2012 • Choi, Á.; Calero, J. “Determinantes del riesgo de fracaso escolar en España en PISA-2009 y propuestas de reforma” Revista de Educación, forthcoming • Choi, A.; Calero, J.; Escardíbul, J.O. “Private tutoring and acadèmic achievement in Korea: an approach through PISA-2006” KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 9, 2, 299-322, 2012 • Dahlberg, M.; Edmark, K.; Lundqvist, H. “Ethnic diversity and preferences for redistribution” Journal of Political Economy, 120:1, 41-76, 2012 • Dahlberg M.; Fredriksson, P.; Eklöf, M.; Jofre-Monseny, J. “Estimating preferences for local public services using migration data” Urban Studies, 49(2), 319-336, 2012 • Di Paolo, A.; Raymond, J.L. “Language knowledge and earning in Catalonia” Journal of Applied Economics, forthcoming • Di Paolo, A.; Raymond, J.L.; Calero, J. “A new proposal to gauge intergenerational mobility: educational mobility in Europe as a case study” Social Indicators Research, 109, 3, 2012 • Duch, N.; Fonfría, A. “The Spanish defence industry: an introduction to the special issue” Defence and Peace Economics, forthcoming • Duch, N.; Fonfría, A.; Trujillo-Baute, E. “Structure, conduct and performance of Spanish defence contractors” Defence and Peace Economics, forthcoming • Duch, N.; Parellada, M.; Polo Otero, J. “Economies of scale and scope of university research and technology transfer: a flexible multi-product approach” Bulletin of Economic Research, forthcoming • Duch, N.; Vilalta, M. “Can better governance increase university efficiency?” Global Economic Review, forthcoming • Escardibul, J.O.; Mora, T.; Villarroya, A. “Peer effects on youth screen media consumption in Catalonia (Spain)” Journal of Cultural Economics, forthcoming


2012 Report of activities

• Escudero, A.; Simón, H. “Diferencias provinciales de bienestar en la España del siglo XX” Revista de Historia Industrial. Economía y Empresa, 49, 17-53, 2012 • Esteller-Moré, A. “Trust in the justice administration: is it dependent on the economic cycle and on decentralization?” Environment and Planning C-Government and Policy, forthcoming • Esteller, A.; Galmarini, U.; Rizzo, L. “Vertical tax competition and consumption externalities in a federation with lobbying” Journal of Public Economics, 96, 295-305, 2012 • Esteller, A.; Polo, J.L. “Fiscal transparency: (Why) does your local government respond?” Public Management Review, forthcoming • Fernández, M.; Calero, J. “Los costes no monetarios del abandono educativo prematuro: una estimación en términos de años de buena salud” Educación XX1, forthcoming • Galmarini, U.; Pellegrino, S.; Piacenza, M.; Turati, G. “The runaway taxpayer. Or: is prior tax notice effective against scofflaws?” International Tax and Public Finance, forthcoming • Garcia, J.; Trujillo-Baute, E. “R&D drivers in the defence industry: evidence from Spain” Defence and Peace Economics, forthcoming • García, J.; Duch, N. “Does the presence of a university alter firm’s location decisions? Evidence from Spain” Regional Studies, forthcoming • García-Quevedo, J.; Mas Verdú, F.; Montolio, D. “What types of firms acquire knowledge intensive services and from which suppliers?” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, forthcoming • García-Quevedo, J.; Mas Verdú, F.; Polo Otero, J. “Which firms want PhDs? An analysis of the determinants of the demand” Higher Education, 63, 607-620, 2012 • García-López, M.A. “Urban spatial structure, suburbanization and transportation in Barcelona” Journal of Urban Economics, 72, 176-190, 2012 • García-López, M.A.; Muñiz, I. “Urban spatial structure, agglomeration economies and economic growth in Barcelona: an intra-metropolitan perspective” Papers in Regional Science, forthcoming • García-López, M.A.; Muñiz, I. “Anatomía de la dispersión urbana en Barcelona” EURE Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales, forthcoming • González-Val, R. “A nonparametric estimation of the local Zipf exponent for all US cities” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 39(6): 1119–1130, 2012 16

2012 Report of activities

• González-Val, R.; Marcén, M. “Unilateral divorce versus child custody and child support in the U.S.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 81(2): 613- 643, 2012 • González-Val, R.; Marcén, M. “Breaks in the breaks: an analysis of divorci rates in Europe” International Review of Law and Economics, 32(2), 242-255, 2012 • Jofre-Monseny, J. “Is agglomeration taxable?” Journal of Economic Geography, forthcoming • Jofre-Monseny, J.; Solé-Ollé, A. “Which communities should be afraid of mobility? The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of employment location to local taxes” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42, 257-268, 2012 • Kappeler, A.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Stephan, A.; Valila, T. “Does fiscal decentralization foster regional infrastructure investment?” European Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming • Lang K.; Nuevo-Chiquero A. “Trends in self-reported spontaneous abortions: 1970-2000” Demography, 49, 989-1009, 2012 • Larcinese, V.; Rizzo, L.; Testa, C. ”Changing needs and sticky spending: evidence from US federal budget allocation to the States” National Tax Journal, forthcoming • Mancebón, M.J.; Calero, J.; Choi, A.; Pérez, D. “The efficiency of public and publicly-subsidized high school in Spain. Evidence from PISA-2006” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63, 1516-1533, 2012 • Mantovani, A.; Naghavi, A “Parallel imports and innovation in an emerging economy: the case of Indian pharmaceuticals” Health Economics, 21, 1286-1299, 2012 • Matas, A.; Raymond, J.L.; Ruiz, A. “Traffic forecast under uncertainty and capacity constraints” Transportation, 39, 1, 1-17, 2012 • Martínez, A.; Belso Martínez, J.A.; Mas-Verdú, F. “Industrial clusters in Mexico and Spain: comparing inter-organizational structures within the context of change” Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25, 5, 657 – 681, 2012 • Mediavilla, M. “Heterogeneidad en el impacto de la política de becas en la escolaridad secundaria post-obligatoria en España: un análisis por sub-grupos poblacionales” Estudios de Economía, forthcoming • Montolio, D.; Trillas, F. “Regulatory federalism and industrial policy in broadband Telecommunications” Information Economics and Policy, forthcoming


2012 Report of activities

• Mora, T. “Avoiding disaffection in the mathematics class at secondary school: teacher’s gender role” Revista de Economía Aplicada, 60 (vol. XX), 89-105, 2012 • Mora, T.; Moreno, R. “The role of network acces on regional specialization in manufacturing across Europe” Regional Studies, forthcoming • Mörk, E.; Sjögren, A.; Svaleryd, H. “Childcare costs and the demand for children – Evidence from a nationwide reform” Journal of Population Economics, forthcoming • Piolatto, A.; Schuett, F. “Music piracy: a case of “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” Information Economics and Policy, 24, 30-39, 2012 • Ramos, R; Sanromá, E. “Overeducation and local labour markets in Spain” Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, forthcoming • Simón, H. “The gender gap in earnings: an international comparison with European matched employer-employee data” Applied Economics, 44(15), 1985-1999, 2012 • Solé-Ollé, A. “Inter-regional redistribution through infrastructure investment: tactical or programmatic?”  Public Choice, forthcoming • Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. “The dynamic adjustment of local government budgets: does Spain behave differently?” Applied Economics, 25, 44, 3203-3213, 2012 • Solé Ollé, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Lobbying, political competition and local land supply: recent evidence from Spain” Journal of Public Economics, 96, 10-19, 2012 Other Articles • Álvarez, X.C.; González, X.M.; Gago, A., Labandeira, X.; Lago-Peñas, S.; Vaquero, A. “La docencia de fiscalidad aplicada en las nuevas titulaciones de administración de empresas: experiencia y resultados” e-publica, forthcoming • Arauzo, J.M.; Llop, M. “Economic impact of a new museum on the local economy: “the Gaudí Centre” Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 5 (1), 17-23, 2012 • Alba M.; García Álvarez-Coque, J.M.; Mas-Verdú, F. “New firm creation and innovation: industrial patterns and inter-sectoral linkages” International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, forthcoming • Bertin, L.; Rizzo, L. “Simulazione finanziaria della legge delega 42/2009: una proposta di riparto e prime valutazioni” Economia Pubblica, 1-6, 105-125, 2010 (issued in 2012)


2012 Report of activities

• Bosch, N. “La financiación autonómica: presente y futuro” Papeles de Economía Española, 133, 164-171, 2012 • Calero, J. “El acceso a la formación permanente: efectos de la crisis económica” FRA Revista de Ciencias y Humanidades de la Fundación Ramón Areces, 7, 73-78, 2012 • Calero, J.; Choi, Á. “El efecto de las desigualdades socioeconómicas en el sistema educativo español Ekonomiaz. Revista Vasca de Económica, 81, 82-107, 2012 • Calero, J.; Choi, Á. “La evaluación como instrumento de política educativa” Presupuesto y Gasto Público. Instituto Estudios Fiscales, 67, 29-41, 2012 • Calero, J.; Escardíbul, J.O.; Choi, Á. “El fracaso escolar en la europa mediterránea a través de PISA-2009: radiografía de una realidad latente” Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 19, 69-103, 2012 • Calero, J.; Gil Izquierdo, M.; Fernández-Gutiérrez, M. “Los costes del abandono escolar prematuro” Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 427, 80-83, 2012 • Castells, A. “Crisi de l’euro i integració fiscal” Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, núm. 65, juliol, 70-81, 2012 • Costa, M.T.; Alonso, N. “La formación de los precios en los mercados energéticos” Mètode, 73, 44-46, 2012 • Costa, M.T.; Alonso, N. “La formació dels preus en els mercats elèctrics” Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 65,16-30, 2012 • Costa, M.; Espasa, M.; Esteller, A.; Jofre, J.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. “Análisis de un input de las clases de economía pública: el nivel de cultura fiscal de los alumnos” e-pública, 10, 10-23, 2012 • Cubel, M.; de Gispert, C.; Vilalta, M. “Las reglas de la mayoría y Borda: un ejercicio de simulación” e-pública, forthcoming • Cubel, M.; Sanchez-Pages, S. “The effect of within-group inequality in a conflict against a unitary threat” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 18, 3, 2012 • Choi, Á., Calero J. “Rendimiento académico y titularidad de centro en España” Profesorado: Revista de curriculum y formación del profesorado, 16, 3, 31-57, 2012 • Duch-Brown, N.; García-Quevedo, J.; Montolio, D. “Assessing the assignation of public subsidies: do the experts choose the most efficient R&D projects?” World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 9, 2/3/4,149-168, 2012 19

2012 Report of activities

• Edmark, K.; Liang, C-Y.; Mörk, E.; Selin, H. ”Därför går det inte att utvärdera jobbskatteavdraget” Ekonomisk Debatt 5, 2012 (in Swedish) • Escardíbul, J-O.; Mora, T. “Recursos escolares, competencias y fracaso. Un análisis regional” Presupuesto y Gasto Público, 67(2), 119-136, 2012 • Espasa, M.; Vilalta, M.; “Diagnosi de la situació actual de els entitats locals catalanes” Nota d’Economia, n. 101, forhcoming • García, J.J.; Gutiérrez, L.; Trillas, F. “Reforma regulatoria energética en Europa: impacto de los cambios de control corporativo sobre el valor de las empresas” Revista de Desarrollo y Sociedad, 70: 7-50, 2012 • García-López, M.A. “Policentrismo y suburbanización en Barcelona” ACE: Architecture, City, Environment, 18, 55-68, 2012 • Garrido Torres, A. “La actuación de las autoridades españolas frente a la crisis financiera” Revista de Estudios Empresariales, 1, 2, 5-28, 2012 • González-Val, R. “Zipf ’s law: main issues in empirical work” Région et Développement, special issue on “Urban hierachies and city growth - Recent developments on Zipf ’s and Gibrat’s laws for cities,” 36, 147–164, 2012 • Mediavilla, M. “El sistema de becas y la desigualdad” Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 425, 63-67, 2012 • Mediavilla, M.; Afcha, S.; Choi, A.; Escardíbul, J. O. “Impacto de la introducción de un sistema de autoevaluación en línea en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos de Derecho en la asignatura de Economía” e-pública, 11,38-52, 2012 • Parellada, M., M. Eguiguren, X.llinàs “The GDOR model. A new methodology for the analysis of training nedds: the case of Andorra” Intangible Capital, 8, 2, 406-424, 2012 • Pelegrín Solé, A.; Bolance, C. “‘Deslocalización y características empresariales en España” Revista Económica de Cataluña” Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 66, 16-27, 2012 • Pellegrino, G.; Piva, M.; Vivarelli, M. “Young firms and innovation: a microeconometric analysis” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 23, 329-340, 2012 • Rivo, E.; Carballo, R.; Lago-Peñas, S. “El aprendizaje de la gestión tributaria mediante hoja de cálculo: una visión integradora y práctica” e-publica, forthcoming


2012 Report of activities

• Sanromá, E. “El mercado de trabajo español en la crisis económica (2008-2012): desempleo y reforma laboral” Revista de Estudios Empresariales, 2, 29-57, 2012 • Sanromá, E. “Discussion” del artículo de Bande, Fernández y Montuenga “Wage flexibility and local labour markets: a test on the homogeneity of the wage curve in Spain” Investigaciones Regionales, 24, 196-198, 2012 • Sicras-Mainar, A.; Gil, J.; Mora, T.; Navarro-Artieda, R.; Ayma, J. “Healthcare use and costs associated with obesity in Badalona, Spain: evidence for the period 2003-2010” BMJ Open, 2, 000547, 2012 • Sicras-Mainar, A.; Gil, J.; Mora, T.; Ayma, J. “Prevalencia e impacto económico de la obesidad en adultos durante el periodo 2003-2010” Medicina Clínica, 139(13), 599-600, 2012 • Velarde, A.; Llinàs-Audet, X.; Escardíbul, J.O. “International briefing 27: training and development in Peru” International Journal of Training and development, 17 (1), 2012 Books • Castells, A. “El desafío de la política: Europa y la gran recesión” RBA, 2012 • Parellada, M. (dir.); Álvarez, M. “Las universidades españolas. Una perspectiva autonómica” Fundación CYD, 2012 • Parellada, M.; Álvarez, M.; Duch, N. “La contribución de las universidades españolas al desarrollo”, Informe CYD 2011 Fundación CYD, 2012 • Pineda, P. (dir.); Calero, J.; Fernández Salinero, C.; Mediavilla, M.; Moreno, V.; Quesada, C.; Úcar, X.; Vilaseñor, K. “Evaluación de la iniciativa de bonificaciones de acciones de formación en las empresas”. Ejercicios 2007 y 2008. Madrid: Fundación Tripartita para la Formación en el Empleo, 2012 Book chapters • Azagra-Caro,J.; Mas-Verdú F.; Martínez-Gómez, V. “Forget R&D – pay my coach: young innovative companies and their relations with universities” In D.B. Audretsch et al. (eds.), Technology Transfer in a Global Economy, 13 International Studies in Entrepreneurship 28, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6102-9_2, Springer, New York 2012 • Arauzo, J.M.; Pablo, F. “Spatial distribution of economic activities: an empirical approachusing self-organizing maps” In E. Fernández-Vazquez y F. Rubiera-Morollón(eds.), Rethinking the economic region. New possibilities of regional analysis from data at small scale. Springer 2012


2012 Report of activities

• Batalla, J.; Costa, M.T. “Principales condicionantes par la creación de mercados regionales de electricidad: la experiencia europea de las iniciativas regionales” In El regulador ante los nuevos desafios de la energía en Iberoamérica (pp. 41-67), Cívitas-Thomson, Madrid 2012 • Boffa, F. “Economic tools in the European environmental law” In “The Difficult Implementation of European Law in the Environmental Sector”, CEDAM, Padova, 2012 (in Italian) • Bosch, N. “Avaluació dels resultats del model de finançament autonòmic” In Cambres Oficials del Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Catalunya, Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya 2011 (pp. 129-132), Barcelona, 2012 • Bosch, N. “Horizontal Equity in the 2009 Regional Financing Model” In Bosch, N.; Solé-Ollé, A. (Eds.), Informe de Federalismo Fiscal en España’11 (pp.54-59) Barcelona, 2012 • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M.; Solé-Vilanova, J. “The case of Spain” In Governance and finance of large metropolitan areas in federal systems, Forum of Federations, Canada, forthcoming • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M.; Montolio, D. “Costes y beneficios diferenciales de las grandes ciudades” Fundación Manuel Giménez Abad y Diputación de Zaragoza, forhcoming. • Bosch, N.; Vilalta, M. “El equilíbrio vertical em el sistema de financiación autonómica” In S. Lago y J. Martínez-Vázquez (Eds,), Las transferencias intergubernamentales en España: análisis y propuestas de reforma (pp. 21-44), Madrid, 2012 • Calero, J. “Capital Humà” In Cambres Oficials del Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Catalunya, Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya, 2011 (pp. 189-204), Barcelona, 2012 • Calero, J; Choi, Á. “Exclusión social de los hogares con hijos. Incidencia de la crisis económica” In El impacto de la crisis en las familias y en la infancia (pp.5798), Editorial Ariel, Barcelona, 2012


2012 Report of activities

• Costa, M.T. “Perspectiva económica y de empresa: interés general en mercados abiertos a la competencia. El caso del sector eléctrico” In Los derechos de las personas consumidoras y usuarias y la prestación de servicios de interés general por empresas privadas, (pp. 52-92), Ararteko, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2012 • Costa, M.T. “Prólogo, Economía de la Generación Eléctrica Solar” In Pere Mir, Economía de la Generación Eléctrica Solar, (pp.15-19), Cívitas-Thomson, Madrid, 2012 • Costa, M.T. “Los mercados regionales son etapas intermedias en la creación del mercado interior energético de la UE” In Vicente Lopez Ibor, Conversaciones sobre la Energía (pp. 152-161), Cívitas-Thomson, Madrid, 2012 • Costa, M.T. “La protección del consumidor energético en un entorno de competencia” In Energia a debate, nº 53 (pp. 65-72), Mundi Comunicaciones S.A., México, 2012 • Costa, M.T.; Alonso-Borrego, N. “Mercado eléctrico el caso de España” In Energia a debate, nº 51 (pp.20-24), Mundi Comunicaciones S.A., México 2012 • Costa, M.T.; Fernández-Otheo, C.M. “Las empresas y su internacionalización” In Jose Luis Garcia Delgado; Rafael Myro (ed), Economía Española. Una introducción (pp. 103-121), Cívitas-Thomson, Madrid, 2012 • Cubel, M. “Fiscal equalization and political conflict” In Karl Wärneryd (ed.), The economics of conflict: theory and evidence, MIT Press, forthcoming • Cubel, M.; Acacia, F. “Strategic voting and happiness” In Francesco Forte; Ram Mudambi; Pietro Navarra (eds.), Handbook of Alternative Theories of Public Economics, forthcoming • Dahlberg, M. ”Påverkar den ökade etniska mångfalden välfärdspolitiken och sammanhållningen inom EU?” In A Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, L Oxelheim and T Persson (eds) Arbetslöshet, migrationspolitik och nationalism – hot mot EU:s sammanhållning?, Santérus Förlag, 2012 (In Swedish) • Escardíbul, J.O. “Mujeres en la universidad: carrera profesional y rendimiento educativo” Informe CyD 2011. Barcelona: Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo, pp. 91-92, 2012 • Espasa, M. “El sector públic” In Cambres Oficials del Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Catalunya, Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya 2011 (pp.123147), Barcelona, 2012 •  Gallego, L.; Mediavilla, M.; Pereira, R. “Aplicación del enfoque de capacidades a las desigualdades educativas en Brasil” In Xavier Rambla (ed.). La Educación para Todos en América Latina. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores, 2012.


2012 Report of activities

• García, G.; Sanromá, E. “Mercado de trabajo” In Jose Luis Garcia Delgado; Rafael Myro (ed), Economía Española. Una introducción (pp. 131-148), Cívitas-Thomson, Cizur Menor (Navarra), 2012 • Garrido, A. “El sector financer” In Cambres Oficials del Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Catalunya, Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya 2011 (pp. 111-121), Barcelona, 2012 • Garrido, A. “Sistema financiero” In Jose Luis Garcia Delgado; Rafael Myro (ed), Economía Española. Una introducción (pp. 149-165), Cívitas-Thomson, Cizur Menor (Navarra), 2012 • Garrido, A. “Cambio estructural y retos de futuro del sistema financiero español” In Tirant Lo Blanch-N, España en la Unión Europea. 25 años después (pp.101-123), Valencia, 2012 • Garrido, A. “La reestructuració del sistema bancari espanyol. La història interminable“ In Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya 2011. Consell General de Cambres de Catalunya, Barcelona, pp. 116-118, 2012. • Mediavilla, M. “Les beques com a factor d’èxit escolar: una avaluació d’impacte a partir d’una metodologia quasiexperimental” In L’estat de l’educació a Catalunya. Anuari 2011. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill, 2012 • Mediavilla, M.; Calero, J. “Apunts sobre la situació del fracàs escolar a Catalunya: elements essencials de l’Informe sobre el risc de fracàs escolar a Catalunya” In L’estat de l’educació a Catalunya. Anuari 2011. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill, 2012 • Rizzo, L.; Zanardi, A. “Federalismo Fiscale sotto stress finanziario” In La Finanza Pubblica Italiana, Rapporto 2012, Alberto Zanardi (editor), Il Mulino, (pp. 199-233), Bologna, 2012 • Sanromá, E. “Reforma laboral 2012. Profunda, però parcial” In Cambres Oficials de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació Barcelona, Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya 2011 (pp.88-92), Barcelona, 2012 • Solé-Ollé, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Boom immobiliari i finançament municipal: mite o realitat?” In Cambres Oficials de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació Barcelona, Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya 2011, Barcelona, 2012 • Turati, G.; Montolio, D.; Piacenza, M. “Fiscal decentralization and private funding as mechanisms to increase accountability in schools: comparing Italy and Spain” In Bosch, N.; Solé-Ollé, A. (Eds.), Informe de Federalismo Fiscal en España’11, Barcelona, 2012 • Vilalta, M. “La hacienda municipal: una reforma necesaria” In Bosch, N.; Solé-Ollé, A. (Eds.), Informe de Federalismo Fiscal en España’11, Barcelona, 2012


2012 Report of activities

Working papers • Boffa, F.; Clò, S.; D’Amato, A. “Environmental policy and Incentives to Adopt Abatement Technologies under Endogenous Uncertainty”, Società Italiana degli Economisti, 2012 • Curto-Grau, M.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. “Partisan targeting of inter-governmental transfers & state interference in local elections: evidence from Spain” Working Paper Facultat d’Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, E12/288 • Edmark, K.; Liang, C-Y.; Mörk, E.; Selin, H. “Evaluation of the Swedish earned income tax credit” Working Paper 2012:1, Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation (IFAU) • Ferraresi, M.; Rizzo, L. “Fabbisogni e costi nella stima della spesa standard: una simulazione per i comuni Pugliesi” Università di Ferrara, Department of Economics, 17/2012 • García, J.J.; Trillas, F. “Regulatory reform and corporate control in European energy industries” Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies Working Paper 2012/30 • García-López, M.A.; Muñiz, I. “Chaos and order in the contemporary city. The impact of urban spatial structure on population density and commuting distance in Barcelona, 1986-2001” Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Department of Applied Economics 12.07, 2012 • Larcinese, V.; Rizzo, L.; Testa, C. “Do small states get more federal monies? US senate representation and the allocation of the federal budget” Università di Ferrara, Department of Economics, 15/2012 • Mantovani, A.; Vandekerckhove, J. “The strategic interplay between bundling and merging in complementary markets” University of Bologna, Department of Economics, 814, 2012 • Pasqual, J.; Serrano, E.; Trillas, F. “Costes y beneficios de unos JJOO:¿la excepción de Barcelona?” Cátedra Pasqual Maragall Working Paper 03/2012, Universitat de Barcelona Others • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M. “Viabilitat de Catalunya com a Estat. Anàlisi de la hisenda pública” Fundació Catdem, 2012 • Castells, A.; Castells, M.; Garcia, G.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada; M. (EuropeG) “Towards a European Federal Union: monetary integration and political sovereignty” Policy Brief 1, EuropeG, Barcelona, 2012 • Castells, A.; Castells, M.; Garcia, G.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada, M. (EuropeG) “Competitiveness and deleveraging in Spain: the challenges ahead” Policy Brief 2, EuropeG, Barcelona, 2012 • Castells, A.; Castells, M.; Garcia, G.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada, M. (EuropeG) “Is the European Union really moving toward a Fiscal Union?” Policy Brief 3, EuropeG, Barcelona, 2012 25

2012 Report of activities

3.2. IEB Working Papers The IEB publishes a series of electronic working papers presenting researches carried out by internal and external researchers. These documents are avalaible at the IEB website. In 2012, the following working papers were published: 2012/001: What drives investment in telecommunications? The role of regulation, firms’ internationalization and market knowledge Daniel Montolio, Elisa Trujillo 2012/002: The size distribution across all “cities”: a unifying approach Kristian Giesen, Jens Suedekum 2012/003: Business taxes and the electoral cycle Dirk Foremny, Nadine Riedel 2012/004: Student graduation: to what extent does university expenditure matter? Javier García-Estévez, Néstor Duch-Brown 2012/005: Empirical evidence on horizontal competition in tax enforcement José María Durán-Cabré, Alejandro Esteller-Moré, Luca Salvadori 2012/006: Ideology and the growth of US state government Andrew C. Pickering, James Rockey 2012/007: How does aid matter? the effect of financial aid on university enrolment decisions Loris Vergolini, Nadir Zanini 2012/008: Gibrat’s law and legacy for non-profit organisations: a non-parametric analysis Peter G. Backus 2012/009: What underlies localization and urbanization economies? Evidence from the location of new firms Jordi Jofre-Monseny, Raquel Marín-López, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal 2012/010: The strategic interplay between bundling and merging in complementary markets Andrea Mantovani, Jan Vandekerckhove 2012/011: Urban spatial structure, suburbanization and transportation in Barcelona Miquel-Àngel García-López 2012/012: Business taxation and economic performance in hierarchical government structures Federico Revelli 2012/013: Sunk costs, extensive R&D subsidies and permanent inducement effects Pere Arqué-Castells, Pierre Mohnen 2012/014: Centralization and accountability: theory and evidence from the Clean Air Act Federico Boffa, Amedeo Piolatto, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto 2012/015: Land use regulation and productivity – land matters: evidence from a UK supermarket chain Paul C. Cheshire, Christian A. L. Hilber, Ioannis Kaplanis


2012 Report of activities

2012/016: The contribution of the disabled to the attainment of the Europe 2020 strategy headline targets Álvaro Choi, Jorge Calero 2012/017: The ins and outs of unemployment in a two-tier labor market José I. Silva, Javier Vázquez-Grenno 2012/018: New evidence on Gibrat’s law for cities Rafael González-Val, Luis Lanaspa, Fernando Sanz 2012/019: Job search methods in times of crisis: native and immigrant strategies in Spain Javier Vázquez-Grenno 2012/020: Regional inequality and decentralization – an empirical analysis Christian Lessmann 2012/021: Trends in shotgun marriages: the pill, the will or the cost? Ana Nuevo-Chiquero 2012/022: Neighborhood quality and labor market outcomes: vidence from quasi-random neighborhood assignment of immigrants Anna Piil Damm 2012/023: Space, settlements, towns: the influence of geography and market access on settlement distribution and urbanization Florian Ploeckl 2012/024: Diversity and local public goods: a natural experiment with exogenous residential allocation Yann Algan, Camille Hémet, David Laitin 2012/025: Vertical externalities with lump-sum taxes: how much difference does unemployment make? Diego Martinez, Tomas Sjögren 2012/026: The effect of within-group inequality in a conflict against a unitary threat Maria Cubel, Santiago Sanchez-Pages 2012/027: Marshallian labor market pooling: evidence from Italy Monica Andini, Guido de Blasio, Gilles Duranton, William C. Strange 2012/028: Do political parties matter for local land use policies? Albert Solé-Ollé, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal 2012/029: Poor institutions, rich mines: resource curse and the origins of the Sicilian mafia Paolo Buonanno, Ruben Durante, Giovanni Prarolo, Paolo Vanin 2012/030: Evaluating a bilingual education program in Spain: the impact beyond foreign language learning Brindusa Anghel, Antonio Cabrales, Jesus M. Carro 2012/031: Partisan targeting of inter-governmental transfers & state interference in local elections: evidence from Spain Marta Curto-Grau, Albert Solé-Ollé, Pilar Sorribas-Navarro


2012 Report of activities

2012/032: Does fiscal decentralization foster regional investment in productive infrastructure? Andreas Kappeler, Albert Solé-Ollé, Andreas Stephan, Timo Välilä 2012/033: Single vs double ballot and party coalitions: the impact on fiscal policy. Evidence from Italy Leonzio Rizzo, Alberto Zanardi 2012/034: Language use in education and primary schooling attainment: evidence from a natural experiment in Ethiopia Rajesh Ramachandran 2012/035: Teacher quality policy when supply matters Jesse Rothstein 2012/036: The hidden dimensions of urbanity Gabriel M. Ahlfeldt 2012/037: The influence of BMI, obesity and overweight on medical costs: a panel data approach Toni Mora, Joan Gil, Antoni Sicras-Mainar 2012/038: Which firms are involved in foreign vertical integration? Angels Pelegrín, José García-Quevedo 2012/039: Inequality in education: can Italian disadvantaged students close the gap? A focus on resilience in the Italian school system Tommaso Agasisti, Sergio Longobardi


2012 Report of activities

3.3. Reports on Fiscal Federalism The report, published each year by the Barcelona Economics Institute, proposes capitalizing on the current economic crisis to reform local government and funding. The 2011 report focuses on local funding and proposes changes in the organization and funding of local government.The study, edited by the UB professor and IEB researchers Núria Bosch and Albert Solé, includes analyses by leading economists and aims to stimulate debate on the serious financial situation currently facing government offices. The report comprises studies by researchers such as Maite Vilalta (University of Barcelona and IEB); Germà Bel (University of Barcelona) Francisco Pedraja and José Manuel Cordero (University of Extremadura) Anti Moisio (Government Institute of Economic Research, Helsinki), and Enid Slack (University of Toronto).

IEB’s Report on Fiscal Federalism

Informe IEB Informe sobre Fed sobre Federal eralismo Fisc ismo Fiscal al en España ‘11 ‘09

IEB’s Report on Fiscal Federalism ‘11

The reports, published both in Spanish and English, are available at the IEB website.

‘11 The Barcelona Economics Institute (IEB) is a University of Barcelona research centre that carries out work in Economics. Its aim is to support and disseminate economic research and to guide economic policy decision-making processes. The IEB is home to the “Chair in Fiscal Federalism at the University of Barcelona” set up in 2008 with the support of the ICO Foundation, the Institute of Fiscal Studies and the IEA, the Generalitat’s self-government research body. In cooperation with the IEB Foundation created in the same year (supported by Abertis, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Applus, Caixa Catalunya, “la Caixa”, Diputació de Barcelona, Gas Natural), this new Chair launched the IEB’s research program in Fiscal Federalism, under the leadership of Drs. Núria Bosch and Albert Solé-Ollé.

Inform InefoIE rm Beso sobbre re FFeeddeera ralilism smooFFisisccaal l en España

The research program organizes symposia, workshops, seminars and summer schools and runs a visiting professor program. It also publishes a collection of working papers in Fiscal Federalism as part of the series run by the IEB, and two annual reports on Fiscal Federalism, one in Spanish and an international one in English. This document is the English version of the second annual report.


El Institut d’Economia de de Barcelona (IEB) investigació es un centro de n en Econom de la Unive rsitat de Bar ía celona que tiene com promoción, o objetivo la el desarrollo divulgación y la de la invest igación económica con la finalid ad de incidir en las decisio nes política eco de nómica.

El IEB acoge la “Cátedra Federalismo de Fisc de Barcelona aldelaUniversitat ” que con el apoyo de la Fundac ión ICO, el Ins tituto de Estudios Fis d’Estudis Au cales y el Institut tonòmics se en 2008. Gra creó cias a la Cát edra y a la constit ución el mis mo año de la Fundac ión IEB (que cuenta conelapoyo de CaixaCatalu Abertis, Applus, nya,“laCaixa” Natural)seest y ablecióunpro Gas gra deinvestiga cióndeFedera ma Fiscal,dirigid lismo oporlosDrs .Núria Bosch y Alb ert Solé-O llé. Entre las act ividades de dicho programade investigació n,cabe destacar la org simposios,wor anización de kshops,sem ina yescuelasde verano;unpro rios grama de profesore s visitantes publicación ; y la de de document una colección os de trabaj Federalism o de o Fiscal, den tro seriedelIEB de la ,así informesanu comodesendos ales,unonac ionalen castellanoy otro inglés,deFed internacionalen era primerejemp lismoFiscalcuyo lartieneellec sus manos toren .


2012 Report of activities

3.4. Information services Our publications Info IEB and the IEB newsletter keep our members and the research community up to date with the institute’s work and activities. Info IEB Info IEB is a communication tool that publicizes the studies carried out by IEB members for public and private bodies, and to analyse subjects of general interest in which the IEB members are specialists. Each Info IEB is a summary of a project carried out by a researcher; as a result, it does not have a fixed publishing schedule, but is published whenever the institute’s research production requires it. Info IEB appears on the IEB website and is also sent out via e-mail. In 2012, 4 info were published. Newsletter The Newsletter, edited in English, is the IEB’s information bulletin which provides regular updates on the institute’s activities in research and in other areas. Published every two months, it contains news and a summary of recent activities, and advertises upcoming events, economic projects and scheduled visits by foreign researchers. Like Info IEB, the Newsletter appears on the IEB website and is also sent out via e-mail. In 2012, 5 newsletters were published. Social networks Adopting web 2.0 communication channels, the Barcelona Economics Institute (IEB) has created its own official profile on Twitter and Facebook. With the profile @FundacioIEB, which is regularly updated, this new channel will support the website and the IEB’s publications by offering information on the institute’s activities, upcoming events and news regarding the institution and its members. The IEB publishes photos of events and other information on Facebook.

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2012 Report of activities

Website In 2012, the Barcelona Economics of Institute redesigned its website to make navigation faster, simpler, and more efficient.The new design incorporates the use of Web 2.0 tools to enhance interaction and to highlight the IEB’s major areas of research. The site includes a multimedia section presenting interviews with internationally renowned experts as well as the personal pages of all its researchers. In addition, users now have search engines at their disposal to help them find training activities and publications in their specialist areas. All these improvements will help online visitors to find out more about the Institute and what it offers, and to locate the information that most interests them.


2012 Memòria d’activitats

4. Events


2012 Memòria d’activitats

During 2012, the IEB has organized the following events: 4.1. Seminars IEB or external researchers present ongoing research projects or selected research lines at a series of seminars. 21/02/2012 “The strategic interplay between bundling and merging in complementary markets” Speaker: Andrea Mantovani (Università degli Studi di Bologna) 28/02/2012 “Electoral competition through issue selection” Speaker: Enriqueta Aragonés (Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica, CSIC) 06/03/2012 “The role of Apps platforms, developers, and complementors: from empirical to incentive sspects?” Speaker: Wolf Gick (Center for European Studies – Harvard) 13/03/2012 “When trains go faster than planes” Speaker: Ofelia Betancor (Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) 20/03/2012 “Politicians’ luck of the draw: evidence from the Spanish Christmas lottery” Speaker: Manuel Bagüés (Universidad Carlos III) 27/03/2012 “Long-run vs.short-run perspectives on consumer scheduling: evidence from a revealed-preference experiment among peak-hour road commuters” Speaker: Erik Verhoef (VU University) 10/04/2012 “The productivity costs for supermarkets of planning” Speaker: Christian Hilber (London School of Economics) 17/04/2012 “Business taxation and economic performance in hierarchical government structures” Speaker: Federico Revelli (University of Torino) 24/04/2012 “On the historical and geographic origins of the Sicilian Mafia” Speaker: Paolo Buonanno (University of Bergamo) 02/05/2012 “Means-tested grants and academic achievement in higher education - Evidence from France” Speaker: Gabrielle Fack (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) 08/05/2012 “Compliance behavior in networks: evidence from a field experiment” Speaker: Christian Traxler (University of Marburg)


2012 Report of activities

15/05/2012 “Competition and innovation: new evidence from US patent and productivity data” Speaker: Carmine Ornaghi (University of Southampton) 17/05/2012 “Diseño, contenido y aplicaciones del nuevo panel de declarantes de irpf 1999-2007” Speaker: Jorge Onrubia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 22/05/2012 “Economic aspects of the U.S. firearms industry: quantities, prices, marketpower” Speaker: Jurgen Brauer (Augusta State University) 29/05/2012 “Do fiscal rules matter? A difference-in-discontinuities design” Speaker: Tommaso Nannicini (University of Bocconi) 12/06/2012 “Agglomeration economies, Hirschmann linkages and knowledge: regional specialisation in business services in the EU-27” Speaker: Maria Savona (University of Sussex) 19/06/2012 “Tax incentives and direct support for R&D: what do firms use and why” Speaker: Isabel Busom (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) 03/07/2012 “The ups and downs of a public transport reform: the case of Transantiago” Speaker: Andrés Gomez Lobo (Universidad de Chile) 14/09/2012 “Efficient noncompliance in regulated markets” Speaker: Niklas Bengtsson (Uppsala University) 18/09/2012 “Private provision of public goods and information diffusion in social groups” Speaker: Kimberley Scharf (Warwick University) 25/09/2012 “Do political parties matter for local land use policies?” Speaker: Albert Solé-Ollé (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB) 02/10/2012 “Interwar militarism and fascist mobilization” Speaker: Heléne Lundqvist (Stockholm IIES) 09/10/2012 “Asymmetric incentives of private and public firms to labour-saving technical progress: evidence from the Italian motorway industry” Speaker: Massimiliano Piacenza (University of Torino)


2012 Report of activities

16/10/2012 “Firm worker Matching in industrial districts” Speaker: Paulo Guimaraes (Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina) 23/10/2012 “The static-dynamic efficiency trade-off in the US rail freight industry: assessment of an open access policy” Speaker: Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics) 30/10/2012 “Inequality in conflicts” Speaker: María Cubel (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB) 06/11/2012 “Regulatory reform and corporate control in European energy industries” Speaker: Francesc Trillas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & IEB) 13/11/2012 “Neighborhood dynamics and natural amenities: evidence from US cities, 1880-2010” Speaker: Jeffrey Lin (FED Philadelphia) 15/11/2012 “Residential electricity demand for Spain: new empirical evidence using aggregated data” Speaker: Leticia Blázquez (Universidad Castilla La Mancha) 20/11/2012 “Suburbanization and highways when the Romans, the Bourbons and First Cars still shape Spanish cities” Speaker: Miguel Angel Garcia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & IEB) 27/11/2012 “Field experiment tests for discrimination against Hispanics in the U.S. rental housing market” Speaker: Andrew Hanson (Georgia State University) 03/12/2012 “Migration into the welfare state: tax and migration competition” Speaker: Assaf Razin (Cornell University) 11/12/2012 “School choice and inequality – Lessons from a voucher reform” Speaker: Helene Holmlund (Swedish Institute for Social Research)


2012 Report of activities

4.2. Workshops, summer schools, symposiums The IEB organized the following events in 2012: • II Workshop on Transport Economics (12/03/2012) El II Workshop on Transport Economics, which brought together several experts in transport and infrastructure from universities around the world, reached the conclusion that “competition in the railway sector improves efficiency and quality of service”. Analysing European experiences, Professor Chris Nash (University of Leeds) claimed that market competition based on an invitation to tender is the best way to introduce competition in passenger railway services. Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics) analysed the consequences of allowing the entry of operators that compete in the same infrastructure network in the US. According to the Professor, direct competition would reduce the incentives of incumbent (existing) firms to invest in infrastructure improvements. However, as Javier Campos (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) stressed, the situation in the US cannot be compared with that of Europe where 27 different approaches exist alongside each other, suggesting the need for the creation of a European infrastructure administrator. Another of the guest speakers at the Workshop was Pedro Cantos (University of Valencia), who analysed the relative efficiency of the main railway operators in 23 European countries. The workshop (organised by the IEB and FEDEA), concluded with a round table at which a consensus was expressed that the liberalization of freight rail transport in Spain has yet to have the expected returns.


2012 Report of activities

• II Workshop on Urban Economics (04-05/06/2012) Participants at the IEB’s II Workshop on Urban Economics discussed questions such as the spatial dimensions of the labour market, the creation of clusters in cities, and the influence of infrastructure investment on an area’s economic growth. The meeting was attended by 64 experts and researchers from universities from all over the world, including the London School of Economics, Brown University, and the Universities of Toronto, Oxford, Stanford, Syracuse, and Aarhus. Three experts in Urban Economics who took part in the workshop stressed the key role of cities in responding to the crisis. For William C. Strange (University of Toronto) “the recession that we are in is a huge obstacle to prosperity, and the cities are called to lead us out of this recession, as they have always done in the past”. Diego Puga (IMDEA) agreed with the prognosis: “the only solution for escaping the crisis is to increase productivity, and that requires innovation, investigation and research. And the cities are the motor of this. If we look at where the great ideas come from, it’s always from the biggest and most diverse cities.” And Professor Vernon J. Henderson (Brown University) warned that, in a recession like the one we are in, the cities need help from governments: “they take the leading role in caring for the unemployed without being able to stop providing public services and this leads to tension”. Interviews: II Workshop on Urban Economics


2012 Report of activities

• III Workshop on Economics of Education: Improving Quality in Education (12-13/09/2012) Anna Vignoles (Institute of Education-University of London & Institute for Fiscal Studies) and Víctor Lavy (Hebrew University of Jerusalem & University of Warwick & NBER) warned that cuts in education have a negative impact on student performance. With education authorities under pressure to reduce budgets in the current recession, both specialists recommended a selective approach that avoids cuts in primary schools and in schools in poorer neighbourhoods. Vignoles and Lavy were taking part in the III Workshop on Economics of Education: Improving Quality in Education (September 12-13), organized by the Barcelona Economics Institute. There were also 10 papers presented by other international researchers. The goal of this workshop was mainly to establish and share knowledge and latest theoretical and methodological progress in educational production function and its effect on the quality of the education system. This workshop was aimed not only at international and national experts from academia, but to serve the public administration responsible for education. A maximum of 35 people was allowed to attend the workshop.

Interviews: III Workshop on Economics of Education


2012 Report of activities

• Conference on Airports Competition (19/11/2012) Internationally recognized experts analysed the benefits of introducing competition into the airport sector and discussed its implications in terms of regulation in the Conference on Airport Competition. Their main conclusion was that competition is feasible, although it is recommended that the scope of this competition be analysed in each particular case, and in some airports the need for regulation may persist. In his paper, Professor H.M. Niemeier (University of Bremen) reported that there exists evidence of competition between small and medium-sized airports, but the large airports can enjoy considerable market power. As a result, the feasibility of competition between airports needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Likewise, Professor Peter Forsyth argued that where competition was fierce, regulation was unnecessary. In situations of market power, regulation should be designed in such a way as to foster competition, avoiding the restrictions that might impede it. And Mike Tretheway presented the possible sources of the distortion of competition. In the case of public subsidies, he stressed the need for a rigorous evaluation so as to avoid any possible distortions in market functioning.

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13/11/12 18:18

The conference, organised by the Barcelona Economics Institute and the FEDEA-Abertis Chair, was concluded with a round table discussion on the development of air routes.


2012 Report of activities

• The IEB Fiscal Forum. Symposium on the Spanish tax system in times of crisis: Changes or reform? (04-05/12/2012) The IEB Fiscal Forum: the Spanish tax system in times of crisis: Changes or reform? was organized to promote public debate on Spain’s tax system and its possible reform. The forum’s starting-point was an academic analysis of six aspects of the system: Income tax, Company tax, Consumption taxes, Wealth taxes, Tax authorities, and Fiscal decentralization.


fiscal iEB SimPOSiUm EL SiStEmA fiSCAL ESPAñOL En tiEmPOS dE CriSiS: ¿CAmBiOS O rEfOrmA? 4-5 diciembre 2012 · Auditori de La Pedrera (Barcelona)

On each of these issues, leading specialists including Emilio Albi, Josep Costa, Miguel Cruz, José Manuel de Bunes, Jorge de Juan, Antonio Durán-Sindreu, José Mª Durán, Alejandro Esteller, Jorge Martínez Vázquez, Jorge Onrubia, Desiderio Romero and Juan José Rubio presented a set of initial observations on the forum’s website in order to generate a wide-ranging debate on the Spanish tax system. This debate was continued at the Symposium held on 4 and 5 December, and attended by Professor Richard Blundell of University College, London, as well as other recognized experts such as Antoni Castells, Gonzalo García de Castro, Miguel Ángel García Ruiz, Valentí Pich, and Salvador Ruiz Gallud. The Forum directors Durán and Esteller stressed the need for a deep-seated reform of the Spanish tax system in order to adapt it to the current situation in Spain and in the rest of the world. According to the results of a survey presented at the forum, this opinion is shared by 88% of Spain’s tax consultants. The survey respondents also underlined the growing complexity of taxation in Spain. Professor Richard Blundell, co-editor of the Mirrlees Review, highlighted the need to analyse the tax system as a whole, that is, from the point of view of revenue and also from that of spending. The aim is to maintain the neutrality of the system and to avoid distorting the behaviour of economic agents; however, when necessary, this neutrality should be abandoned in order to correct negative externalities and to fulfil the objective of tax progressivity as efficiently as possible. The IEB Fiscal Forum will publish a report reflecting the positions of academics and professionals but also taking into account the views of all interested parties, which may serve to establish the foundations of the Spanish tax system of the twenty-first century.

Interviews: IEB Fiscal Forum




2012 Report of activities


2012 Memòria d’activitats

5. Research projects and economic projects


2012 Memòria d’activitats

5.1. Competitive research projects with the participation of IEB members In 2012, IEB members participated in the following competitive research projects: • “Tertiary Higher Education for People in Mid-life” Comisión Europea y Dirección General de Educación y Cultura Lifelong Learning Programme Director: Martí Parellada Period: 2010-2013 • “Rendición de cuentas y calidad del gobierno en los municipios españoles: Adaptación a las preferencias de los votantes, eficiencia en la provisión de servicios públicos, corrupción y clientelismo” (ECO2009-12680) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Director: Albert Solé-Ollé Period: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012 • “Asignación de impuestos y descentralización fiscal“ (ECO2009-12928) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Director: Alejandro Esteller-Moré Period: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012 • “Ciudades prósperas: economías de aglomeración, innovación y políticas públicas” (ECO2010-16934) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Director: Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal Period: 01/01/2011-31/12/2013 • “Infraestructuras y capital humano como factores de crecimiento” (ECO2010-20718) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Director: Josep Lluis Raymond Period: 01/01/2011-31/12/2013 • “Grup de Recerca Consolidat en Federalisme Fiscal i Economia Regional” (2009SGR102) Departament d’Innovació, Universitat i Empresa (Generalitat de Catalunya) Director: Albert Solé-Ollé Period: 30/09/2009-31/12/2013 • “Grup de Recerca Consolidat Grup Interdisciplinar de Polítiques Educatives” (2009SGR352) Departament d’Innovació, Universitat i Empresa (Generalitat de Catalunya) Director: Jorge Calero Period: 30/09/2009-31/12/2013 • “Reconeixement de la Xarxa de Referència d’R+D+I: Xarxa de Referència en Economia Aplicada” Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa (Generalitat de Catalunya) Director: Martí Parellada Period: 01/01/2010-31/12/2011 • “Programa de cooperación interuniversitaria e investigación científica” – AP/042840/11 Agencia Española de Cooperación internacional (AECID) “Evaluación de políticas e instituciones educativas: Efectos de la formación universitaria sobre el desarrollo territorial” Director: José García-Quevedo Period: 13/12/2011-13/12/2012


2012 Report of activities

• “Determinación de la escala mínima eficiente en la provisión de bienes públicos locales. Evidencia para los municipios españoles Instituto de Estudios Fiscales” Directors: Miriam Hortas-Rico / Paula Salinas Period: 27/07/2012-31/05/2013 • “Factores explicativos del grado de confianza y satisfacción con el sector público: el impacto de la descentralización Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics” Director: Marta Espasa Period: 2012-2014 • “Quins factors determinen la cooperació entre administracions tributàries autonòmiques?” Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics Director: José Mª Durán-Cabré Period: 2012-2013 • “Una aproximación teòrica y experimental a la relación entre desigualdad, conflicto e identidad” (ECO2012-33243) Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Period: 2012-2014 • “Descentralización y (des)igualdad en el Estado autonómico: ideología y partidos, opinión pública, financiación territorial y políticas públicas” (CSO2011-27547) Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Period: 2012-2014 • “Los nuevos cuasi-mercados en educación en América Latina. Un análisis de su implementación e impacto sobre la desigualdad y la pobreza” (CSO2011-22697) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Period: 2012-2014 • “Descentralización y autonomía política: el impacto de la ideología y la financiación territorial en la trayectoria de políticas públicas en Cataluña y Andalucía. El caso de la sanidad” Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics (Generalitat de Catalunya) Period: 2012-2014


2012 Report of activities

5.2. Other competitive projects In 2012, in recognition of the group’s research activity, the IEB received the following grants and economic support from administrations for activities and infraestructure improvement: • “Acciones Complementarias - ECO2011-16157 Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad For the IEB’s Seminars “Seminarios IEB-UB 2011” (02/01/2012-31/12/2012) Grant director: Albert Solé-Ollé • “Ajuts per a l’organització de congressos, simposis, cicles de conferències, seminaris o reunions científiques de caràcter internacional que s’organitzin i celebrin a Catalunya - 2012ARCS100160 Generalitat de Catalunya For the event V Workshop on Fiscal Federalism: “The Economics and Politics of Local Governments” (01/08/2012-31/07/2013) Grant director: Albert Solé-Ollé • “Acciones Complementarias” - ECO2011-16116 Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad For the event II Workshop on Urban Economics (07/05/2012-31/12/2012) Grant director: Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal • “Construcció de carreteres i polítiques urbanístiques” Càtedra Pasqual Maragall (2012 – 2013) Grant directors: Miquel-Angel García, Albert Solé-Ollé, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal • “Creativity, innovation and culture in the competitive strategies of European and Japanese city-regions” Japan Foundation. Grant Program for Intellectual Exchange Conferences (2012 – 2013) Grant director: Àngels Pelegrin


2012 Report of activities

5.3. Research calls for applications The IEB has made the following calls for applications: 1 Post-Doctoral Researcher Call made by the IEB and the Departament of Public Economics of the University of Barcelona for a specialized postdoc researcher in Fiscal Federalism and Cities and Innovation. 5.4. Economic studies In 2012, including the materials prepared by the IEB’s consultancy service for public and private institutions and the other research activities carried out by its members, the institute produced the following studies and reports: • “Educación y equidad. Desigualdades en el sistema educativo y políticas educativas“ Fundación Alternativas Director: Jorge Calero Period: 05/03/12-04/10/12 • “Estudi de les magnituds pressupostàries i comptables de les grans ciutats espanyoles corresponents als exercicis 2008-2010“ Ajuntament de Barcelona Director: Núria Bosch Period: 04/07/12-03/01/13 • “Elaboración protocolo de evaluación de programas y políticas públicas en materia de discapacidad y específicamente, para las de los ámbitos de educación y formación y de la inserción laboral“ Fundación ONCE Director: Jorge Calero Period: 23/07/12-10/12/12 • “Implicació econòmica i financera en el marc de l’estudi global de plantes mixtes de tractament de residus de dejeccions ramaderes (especialment purins) i d’altres activitats econòmiques humanes“ Infinit Valuengineering, s.l. Director: Alejandro Esteller-Moré Period: 03/09/12-29/10/12 • “Reforma fiscal a Andorra: Import sobre la renda“ Grup parlamentari Socialdemòcrata d’Andorra Director: José Mª Durán-Cabré Period: 01/10/12-31/3/2013


2012 Report of activities

• “Règim fiscal del sector de les telecomunicacions: comparativa a sis països“ Ajuntament de Barcelona Director: José Mª Durán-Cabré Period: 02/10/12-13/11/12 • “Acció Formativa: Sessions monogràfiques sobre informació socioeconòmica territorial“ Diputació de Barcelona Director: Marta Espasa / Josep Maria Arauzo Period: 15/11/12 - 05/12/12


2012 Memòria d’activitats

6. Attendance at congresses, seminars and conferences


2012 Memòria d’activitats

6.1. Congresses International Congresses • Afcha Chávez, S.; García-Quevedo, J. The impact of R&D subsidies on R&D employment CESifo SUMMER INSTITUTE, 2012 Venice (Italy) • Afcha Chávez, S.; García-Quevedo, J. “Efectos de las ayudas a la I+D sobre el empleo en I+D” XV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada A Coruña (Spain) • Asensio, J. “Regional retail regulation and supermarket entry in Spain” 9th INRA/IDEI Conference on Industrial Organization and the Food Processing Industry Toulouse (France) • Asensio, J. “Regional retail regulation and supermarket entry in Spain” 13th CCRP Workshop Competition & Regulation London (United Kingdom) • Boffa, F.; Clò, S.; D’Amato, A. “Environmental policy and Incentives to Adopt Abatement Technologies under Endogenous Uncertainty” AISRE (Italian Association of Regional Science) Rome (Italy) • Boffa, F.; Clò, S.; D’Amato, A. “Environmental policy and Incentives to Adopt Abatement Technologies under Endogenous Uncertainty” EPI (Industrial Economics and Policy) Parma (Italy) • Boffa, F.; Clò, S.; D’Amato, A. “Environmental policy and Incentives to Adopt Abatement Technologies under Endogenous Uncertainty” EARIE (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Rome (Italy) • Boffa, F.; Clò, S.; D’Amato, A. “Environmental policy and Incentives to Adopt Abatement Technologies under Endogenous Uncertainty” SIE (Italian Economic Society) Matera (Italy) • Boffa, F.; Sala, F. “Strategic investments in merchant transmission capacity and must-offer rule” SIET (Italian Association of Transport Economics) Bari (Italy) • Bosch, N. “El estado del bienestar, las finanzas públicas, la austeridad y las regiones. ¿Han gastado demasiado las comunidades autónomas? International Conference on Regional Science: The Challenge of Regional Development in a world of chanching hegemonies: Knowledge, competitiveness and austerity, AECR Bilbao (Spain) 49

2012 Report of activities

• Calderón Martínez, G.; García-Quevedo, J. “Transferencia de conocimiento y diagnóstico sobre determinantes en la producción de patentes en universidades públicas mexicanas” XVII Congreso Internacional en Contaduría, Administración en Informática, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Ciudad de México (Mexico) • Calero, J.; Choi, Á. “La repetición de curso en los centros españoles de educación secundaria obligatoria” XXI Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación Oporto (Portugal) • Cubel, M.; Sánchez-Pages, S. “Inequalities in conflicts” ASSET (Association of Southern European Economic Theorist) Annual Meeting Cyprus (Cyprus) • Cubel, M.; Sánchez-Pages, S. “Inequalities in conflicts” 2012 Scotish Economics Society Annual Conference Perth (Scotland) • Cubel, M.; Sánchez-Pages, S. “Inequalities in conflicts” 12th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference (Annual Meeting of NEPS) Berlin (Germany) • Cubel, M.; Sánchez-Pages, S. “Inequalities in conflicts” 12th Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET) Brisbane (Australia) • Cubel, M.; Sánchez-Pages, S. “Inequalities in conflicts” Resource Security, International Trade and The Environment Workshop Exeter (United Kingdom) • Cuberes, D.; González, R. “Urban primacy and history: muslim cities in Spain before and after the Reconquista: 800-1800” 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International Ottawa (Canada) • Curto-Grau, M.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. “Partisan targeting of inter-governmental transfers & state interference in local elections: evidence from Spain” 3nd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association Berlin (Germany) • Curto-Grau, M.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. “Partisan targeting of inter-governmental transfers & state interference in local elections: evidence from Spain” CESifo Public Economics Area Conference Munich (Germany) • Curto-Grau, M.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. “Partisan targeting of inter-governmental transfers & state interference in local elections: evidence from Spain” XXXVII Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe2012) Vigo (Spain) 50

2012 Report of activities

• Dahlberg, M.; Edmark, K.; Lundqvist, H. ”Ethnic diversity and preferences for redistribution” Royal Economic Society Meeting Cambridge (England) • Dahlberg, M.; Edmark, K.; Lundqvist, H. ”Ethnic diversity and preferences for redistribution: response” Political Economy Workshop Oslo (Norway) • Dahlberg, M.; Fredriksson, P.; Jofre-Monseny, J. “On the dynamics of segregation” The 9th PEARL Conference - Public Economics At the Regional and Local level Helsinki (Finland) • Dahlberg, M.; Fredriksson, P.; Jofre-Monseny, J. “On the dynamics of segregation” 68th Annual Conference of the International Institute of Public Finance Dresden (Germany) • Dahlberg, M.; Fredriksson, P.; Jofre-Monseny, J. “On the dynamics of segregation” 52th ERSA Meetings - Urban Economics Sessions Bratislava (Slovakia) • Durán-Cabré J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L. “Empirical evidence on information sharing among sub-central administrations” 24th SIEP conference: “Informal Economy, Tax Evasion and Corruption” Pavia (Italy) • Durán-Cabré J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L. “Empirical evidence on information sharing among sub-central administrations” 25th ERSA Summer School: “Fiscal federalism, mobility and policy evaluation” Ümea (Sweden) • Durán-Cabré J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L. “Empirical evidence on horizontal competition in tax enforcement” 2012 Spanish Stata Users Group Meeting Barcelona (Spain) • Durán-Cabré J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L. “Empirical evidence on horizontal competition in tax enforcement” ERSA 2012 Congress: “Regions in Motion - Breaking the Path” Bratislava (Slovakia) • Durán-Cabré J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L. “Empirical evidence on horizontal competition in tax enforcement” International Institut of Public Finance 2012 Congress: “Public Finance, Public Debt and Global Recovery” Dresden (Germany) • Durán-Cabré J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L. “Empirical evidence on horizontal competition in tax enforcement” Workshop on “Macroeconomic and Policy Implications of Underground Economy and Tax Evasion” Milano (Italy)


2012 Report of activities

• Durán-Cabré J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L. “Empirical evidence on horizontal competition in tax enforcement” The 13th Mediterranean Research Meeting. III Workshop on “Causes and Effects of the Shadow Economy” Montecatini Terme (Italy) • Escardíbul, J.O.; Calero, J. “Dos factores de calidad en el sistema educativo: profesorado y autonomía de los centros. Estado actual de la investigación” XXI Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación Porto (Portugal) • Escardíbul, J.O.; Mediavilla, M.; Afcha, S.; Choi, A. “Impact of the introduction of an on line self-evaluation system on the academic performance in the subject of economics for law students” EDULEARN 2012. 4th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Barcelona (Spain) • Escardibul, J.O.; Oroval, E. “Precios públicos universitarios: análisis y propuestas de reforma en su previsible evolución” XXI Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación Porto (Portugal) • Espasa, M.; Aparicio, P.; Dominguez, M.; Maestro, I.; Pons, E.; Soler, M. “El rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de primer curso de los grados de la facultad de economía y empresa de la Universidad de Barcelona: resultados y factores explicativos” Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación CIDUI, CIDUI 2012 Barcelona (Spain) • Esteller-Moré, A.; Galmarini, U.; Rizzo, L. “Fiscal-Capacity Equalization-Grants with Taxpayers’ Lobbying” International Institut of Public Finance Annual Conference Dresden (Germany) • Ferraresi, M.; Rizzo, L. “Local infrastructure and externalities: does the size matter?” Workshop on Federalism and Regional Policy Siegen (Germany) • Foremny, D; von Hagen, J. “Sub-national budgetary discipline during times of crisis: The impact of fiscal rules and tax autonomy” European Commission, ECFIN Workshop Brussels (Belgium) • García, J.J.; Trillas, F. “Regulatory Reform and Corporate Control in European Energy Industries” Conference European Energy Markets (EEM-2012) Florence (Italy) • García-López, M.A. “Suburbanization and highways when the Romans, the Bourbons, and first cars still shape Spanish cities” 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARCS) Ottawa (Canada)


2012 Report of activities

• García-López, M.A.; Holl, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Suburbanization and highway improvements: Evidence from Spanish cities” Rimini Conference in Economics and Finance (RCEF) 2012: Cities, Open Economies, and Public Policy Toronto (Canada) • García-López, M.A.; Holl, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Suburbanization and highway improvements: Evidence from Spanish cities” II Workshop on Urban Economics Barcelona (Spain) • García-López, M.A.; Holl, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Suburbanization and highways: Evidence from Spanish cities” XXXVII Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe2012) Vigo (Spain) • García Pérez, C.; Prieto, M.; Simón, H. “La modelización paramétrica de las distribuciones salariales. Un estudio aplicado al caso español” XV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada A Coruña (Spain) • García-Quevedo, J.; Pellegrino, G.; Vivarelli, M. “R&D drivers in young innovative companies” Workshop on firm growth and innovation Reus (Spain) • García-Quevedo, J.; Pellegrino, G.; Vivarelli, M. “R&D divers in young innovative companies” 1º Potsdam PhD workshop in Empirical Economics” University of Potsdam Postdam (Germany) • González-Val, R.; Lanaspa, L.F. “Patterns in U.S. urban growth (1790-2000)” 51st Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association Kauai (USA) • González-Val, R.; Pueyo, F. “Trade liberalisation and global-scale forest transition” 19th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Praga (Czech Republic) • González-Val, R.; Pueyo, F. “Trade liberalisation and global-scale forest transition” 66th European Meeting of the Econometric Society Málaga (Spain) • González-Val, R.; Pueyo, F. “Trade liberalisation and global-scale forest transition” 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International Ottawa (Canada) • González-Val, R.; Ramos, A.; Sanz, F. “Size distributions for all cities: Which one is best?” XXXVII Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe2012) Vigo (Spain)


2012 Report of activities

• González-Val, R.; Ramos, A.; Sanz, F. “Size distributions for all cities: Which one is best?” 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARCS) Ottawa (Canada) • González-Val, R.; Sánchez-Vidal, M.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Sequential city growth in the US: Does age matter?” XXXVII Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe2012) Vigo (Spain) • González-Val, R.; Sánchez-Vidal, M.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Sequential city growth in the U.S.” XV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada A Coruña (Spain) • González-Val, R.; Tirado-Fabregat, D.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Market potential and city growth: Spain 1860-1960” XXXVII Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe2012) Vigo (Spain) • González-Val, R.; Tirado-Fabregat, D.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Market potential and city growth: Spain 1860-1960” 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARCS) Ottawa (Canada) • Jofre-Monseny, J. “The effects of unemployment benefits on migration in lagging regions” II Workshop in Urban Economics Barcelona (Spain) • Jofre-Monseny, J. The effects of unemployment benefits on migration in lagging regions XXXVII Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe2012) Vigo (Spain) • Jofre-Monseny, J. “The effects of unemployment benefits on migration in lagging regions” 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARCS) Otawa (Canada) • Jofre-Monseny, J., Marín-López, R.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Localization and urbanization economies: Evidence from the location of new firms in Spain” 52th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Special Session on Location of New Plants: Externalities and Agglomeration Economies Bratislava (Slovakia) • Mantovani, A.; Ruiz-Aliseda, F. “Equilibrium Innovation Ecosystems: The Dark Side of Collaborating with Complementors?” 39th EARIE Conference Roma (Italy) • Mantovani, A.; Ruiz-Aliseda, F. “Equilibrium Innovation Ecosystems: The Dark Side of Collaborating with Complementors?” Public Economic Theory 13th Annual Conference Taipei (Taiwan) 54

• Mantovani, A.; Vandekerckhove, J.

2012 Report of activities

“The strategic interplay between bundling and merging in complementary markets” The 10th Annual International Industrial Organization Cconference Virginia (USA) • Mantovani, A.; Vandekerckhove, J. “The strategic interplay between bundling and merging in complementary markets” 4° Workshop NERI Torino (Italy) • Matas, A.; Raymond, J.L.; Roig, J.L. “Wages and accessibility: the impact of transport infrastructure” 7th Kuhmo-Nectar Conference Berlin (Germany) • Mediavilla, M. “Método de imputación de los valores no observados. Una aplicación en el análisis de la importancia de las becas escolares” XXI Meeting of the Economics of Education Association Porto (Portugal) • Montolio, D. ; Planells-Struse, S. “Does tourism boost criminal activity? Evidence from a top touristic country.” XV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada A Coruña (Spain) • Mora, T. “The influence of BMI/obesity on medical costs: a panel data approach” XV Encuentros de Economía Aplicada A Coruña (Spain) • Mora, T. “The influence of BMI/obesity on medical costs: a panel data approach” XXXVII Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe2012) Vigo (Spain) • Mörk, E. “Parental unemployment and child health” UCLS Workshop on Family, Gender, and Children Tavira (Portugal) • Mörk, E. ”Local tax setting and electoral accountability” The 68th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF) Dresden (Germany) • Mörk, E. ”Local tax setting and electoral accountability” The Jorn Rattso Workshop Trondheim (Norway) • Mörk, E. ”Local tax setting and electoral accountability” The National Conference in Economics Stockholm (Sweden) • Nuevo-Chiquero, A. 55

2012 Report of activities

“Trends in shotgun marriages: the pill, the will or the cost?” XXXVII Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe2012) Vigo (Spain) • Nuevo-Chiquero, A. “Trends in shotgun marriages: the pill, the will or the cost?” Seventeenth Annual Meetings of the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE) Chicago (USA) • Nuevo-Chiquero, A. “Trends in shotgun marriages: the pill, the will or the cost?” 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) Bonn (Germany) • Parellada, M.; Krüger, K. “Implementing a field-base ranking system in Europe? The example: A Spanish University Ranking” The 4th annual international symposium on university rankings and quality assurance 2012 Brussels (Belgium) • Pelegrín, A “Creativity and innovation: the keys to productive change in Spain” Workshop of Association for Urban Creativity. Osaka City University Osaka (Japó) • Pelegrín, A.; Garcia-Quevedo, J. “Offshoring and firm heterogeneity” 8th Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Trade Seminal Singapore (Singapore) • Pelegrín, A.; Garcia-Quevedo, J. “Foreign sourcing: vertical integration and heterogeneity” European Trade Study Group (ETSG) Leuven (Belgium) • Piolatto, A.; Schuett, F. “Ethical voters and the demand for political news” Association for Public Economic Theory (APET) - 13th Annual Conference (PET12) Taipei (Taiwan) • Piolatto, A.; Schuett, F. “Ethical voters and the demand for political news” Workshop on Media Economics Bogotá (Colombia) • Solé-Ollé, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Do political parties matter for local land use policies?” Fourth Annual Conference Spatial Economics Research Centre. London School of Economics London (United Kingdom) • Trujillo, E. “What drivers investment in telecommunications? The role of regulation, firms’ internationalization and market knowledge” Workshop on Telecommunications Barcelona (Spain)


2012 Report of activities

• Turati, G.; Montolio, D.; Piacenza, M. “Fiscal decentralisation, private school funding, and students’ achievements. A tale from two roman Catholic countries” 2nd World Congress of the Public Choice Societies Miami (USA) • Turati, G.; Montolio, D.; Piacenza, M. “Fiscal decentralisation, private school funding, and students’ achievements. A tale from two roman Catholic countries” 4th NERI Workshop Torino (Italy) • Vázquez-Grenno, J. “Job search methods in times of crisis: Native and immigrant strategies in Spain” XXXVII Simposi de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe2012) Vigo (Spain) National Congresses • Asensio, J. “Regional retail regulation and supermarket entry in Spain” XXVII Jornadas de Economía Industrial Murcia (Spain) • Bosch, N. “Algunas reflexiones entorno al gasto autonómico. ¿Han gastado demasiado las comunidades autónomas?” III Conferencia sobre Federalismo y Descentralización en España. REDE Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M.; Montolio. D. “Should large Spanish cities be financially compensated? Cost and benefits a capital/central city” XIX Encuentro de Economia Pública Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Calero, J. “La formación a lo largo de la vida en España” Simposio Internacional “Educación a lo largo de la vida: un desafío social y económico” Madrid (Spain) • Costa, M.; Espasa, M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Jofre, J.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. “La motivación como input del aprendizaje autónomo” Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación CIDUI, CIDUI 2012 Barcelona (Spain) • Costa, M.; Espasa, M.; Jofre, J.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. La autoevaluación formativa en línea como forma de incentivar la participación del alumno VII Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación CIDUI 2012 Barcelona (Spain) • Costa, M.; Espasa, M.; Jofre, J.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. “Evaluación continua on_line en grupos masificados: implementación y resultados” IV Jornadas de Docencia en Economía A Coruña (Spain)


2012 Report of activities

• Cubel, M.; de Gispert, C. “Solidaridad entre regiones: simulación en el aula” VII Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación CIDUI 2012 Barcelona (Spain) • Cubel, M.; de Gispert, C. “El método de casos: ¿Cómo interpretamos la solidaridad a nivel territorial?” IV Jornadas de Docencia en Economía A Coruña (Spain) • Durán-Cabré, J.M. “La necesaria reforma del sistema fiscal español” XXVII Jornadas de Alicante sobre Economía Española Alicante (Spain) • Durán-Cabré, J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L. “Tax auditing interdependence among subcentral administrations” XIX Encuentro de Economía Pública Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Fedele, A.; Liucci, F.; Mantovani, A. “Reducing Credit Rationing for SMEs in Times of Crisis: the case of the European Investment Bank Group” XXV Moneda y Crédito Symposium Madrid (Spain) • García-Quevedo, J.; Pellegrino, G.; Vivarelli, M. R&D drivers in young innovative companies XXVII Jornadas de la Economía industrial Murcia (Spain) • Garrido, A. “Crisis y reestructuración del sistema bancario español” XXVII Jornadas de Alicante de Economía Española Alicante (Spain) • Mediavilla, M. “Método de imputación de los valores no observados. Una aplicación en el análisis de la importancia de las becas escolares” XIX Encuentro de Economía Pública Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Montolio, D.; Gallardo, E. “¿Existe relación entre la evaluación continua y los resultados de los alumnos?” XIX Encuentros de Economía Pública Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Montolio, D. ; Planells-Struse, S. “Does tourism boost criminal activity? Evidence from a top touristic country.” IX Congreso Español de Criminología. Girona (Spain) • Mora, T. “The influence of BMI/obesity on medical costs: a panel data approach” XXXII Jornadas Asociación Economía de la Salud Santander (Spain) 58

2012 Report of activities

• Parellada, M. “¿Quién financia las universidades públicas?” XXVII Jornadas de Alicante sobre Economía Española Alicante (Spain) • Turati, G.; Montolio, D.; Piacenza, M. “Fiscal decentralisation, private school funding, and students’ achievements. A tale from two roman Catholic countries” XIX Encuentros de Economía Pública Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Trillas, F. “Independent regulators: Theory, empirical evidence and reform proposals” Political Science Conference (IPSA-2012) Madrid (Spain) 6.2. Seminars and Conferences • Bosch, N. “Propuestas para una financiación local más eficiente” UIMP, Curso sobre Financiación Local Barcelona (Spain) • Bosch, N. “La reforma de la financiación autonómica” Seminario sobre Crisis y Reformas de la Economía Española. FUNCAS Madrid (Spain) • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M. & Montolio, D. “Costes y beneficios diferenciales de las grandes ciudades” Jornada sobre Haciendas Locales. Fundación Manuel Giménez Abad Zaragoza (Spain) • Calero, J. “The efficiency of public and publicly-subsidized high schools in Spain. Evidence from PISA-2006” Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa Madrid (Spain) • Calero, J. “Quasi-experimental models for the evaluation of public policies” GEPS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona (Spain) • Costa, M.T. “Mercado versus regulación” XV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada A Coruña (Spain) • Costa, M.T. “Perspectiva económica y de empresa: interés general en mercados abiertos a la competencia. El caso del sector energético” Universidad del País Vasco-Arateko San Sebastián (Spain)


2012 Report of activities

• Cubel, M.; Montolio, D. “Equality of opportunity in Spanish education” Departamento de Economía Universidad de Girona Girona (Spain) • Cubel, M.; Sánchez-Pages, S. “Inequalities in conflicts” University of Sydney Sydney (Australia) • Cubel, M.; Sánchez-Pages, S. “Inequalities in conflicts” Department of Economics University of Edinburgh Edinburgh (Scotland) • Choi, Á. y Calero, J. “Determinants of the risk of school failure in Spain in PISA-2009 and proposals for reform” LCLL London Seminars London (United Kingdom) • Durán-Cabré, J.M. “Fiscalidad energética y ambiental en España” Workshop sobre Economía de la Energía: análisis de costes, modelización económica y regulación, XARMAE - IREC Barcelona (Spain) • Durán-Cabré, J.M. “La imposición sobre el consumo” VIII IEB Simposium de Federalismo Fiscal: El sistema fiscal español en tiempos de crisis: ¿cambios o reforma? Barcelona (Spain) • Durán-Cabré, J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L. “Empirical evidence on horizontal competition in tax enforcement” Department of Economics and Mathematical Sciences University of Salento, Lecce (Italy) • Espasa, M. “Sobirania fiscal: eficiència i equitat?” Jornada dels Economistes 2012, Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya Barcelona (Spain) • Ferraresi, M.; Rizzo, L. “Local infrastructure and externalities: does the size matter?” University of Barcelona Barcelona (Spain) • García-Quevedo, J. “La contribución de las universidades al desarrollo económico territorial y la transferencia de conocimientos” Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Mar del Plata (Argentina) • García-Quevedo, J.; Pellegrino, G.; Vivarelli, M. “R&D drivers in young innovative companies” “SPRU Department Seminar” University of Sussex Brighton (United Kingdom)


2012 Report of activities

• Garrido, A. “La actuación de las autoridades españolas frente a la crisis financiera” Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo Santander (Spain) • Jofre-Monseny, J. “The effects of unemployment benefits on migration in lagging regions” University of Toronto (Department of Economics) Toronto (Canada) • Jofre-Monseny, J. “The effects of unemployment benefits on migration in lagging regions” Università della Svizzera Italiana- IdeP Lugano (Switzerland) • Jofre-Monseny, J.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.; Vázquez-Grenno, J. “Welfare spending and ethnic heterogeneity: Evidence from a massive immigration wave” Uppsala Center for Labor Studies Uppsala (Sweden) • Jofre-Monseny, J.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.; Vázquez-Grenno, J. “Welfare spending and ethnic heterogeneity: Evidence from a massive immigration wave” Instituto de Economía - Universidad de la República Montevideo (Uruguay) • Lehmann, Jee-Yeon K.; Nuevo-Chiquero, A.; Vidal-Fernandez, M. “Explaining the birth order effects: the role of prenatal and early childhood investments” University of Sydney Sydney (Australia) • Lehmann, Jee-Yeon K.; Nuevo-Chiquero, A.; Vidal-Fernandez, M. “Explaining the birth order effects: the role of prenatal and early childhood investments” The Melbourne Institute Melbourne (Australia) • Lehmann, Jee-Yeon K.; Nuevo-Chiquero, A.; Vidal-Fernandez, M. “Explaining the birth order effects: the role of prenatal and early childhood investments” University of New South Wales Sydney (Australia) • Mediavilla, M. “La importancia de la evaluación de las políticas públicas: Evaluación de políticas e instituciones educativas” Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Mar del Plata (Argentina) • Mediavilla, M. “Método de imputación de los valores no observados. Una aplicación en el análisis de la importancia de las becas escolares” Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Mar del Plata (Argentina) • Nuevo-Chiquero, A. “Trends in shotgun marriages: the pill, the will or the cost?” UPF Faculty Labor Lunch Barcelona (Spain) 61

2012 Report of activities

• Nuevo-Chiquero, A. “The labor force effects of unplanned childbearing” University of Queensland Brisbane (Australia) • Nuevo-Chiquero, A. “The labor force effects of unplanned childbearing” Monash University Clayton (Australia) • Parellada, M. “Comments on ‘innovation Policy mixes and implications on Higher Education Institutions’” OECD roundtable on higher education in regional and city development ‘universities for skills, entrepreneurship, innovation and groth’ 19-20 September 2012 Paris (France) • Parellada, M. “La transferencia de conocimientos en la investigación pública: Datos disponibles y datos deseables” Seminario indicadores de Red OTRI Madrid (Spain) • Parellada, M. “Universidad y sociedad: Experiencias de financiación del postgrado y la formación permanente” Seminario Iberoamericano. La financiación de los estudios de postgrado y la formación permante en España y Latinoamérica Cádiz (Spain) • Parellada, M. “Situación actual y futura de la economia catalana” UIMP, La economia catalana a debate Barcelona (Spain) • Parellada, M. “Competitivitat i despalanquejament a Espanya: els reptes pendents” Cercle d’Economia Barcelona (Spain) • Pelegrín, A “Spanish Economy. The keys to productive change” University of Senshu Tokyo (Japan) • Pelegrín, A. “¿Qué podemos aprender de la crisis japonesa de los 90?” Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Barcelona (Spain) • Piolatto, A. “Ethical voters and the demand for political news” Girona University Girona (Spain)


2012 Report of activities

• Piolatto, A. “Ethical voters and the demand for political news” Economic Theory Seminar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (Spain) • Piolatto, A. “Ethical voters and the demand for political news” Economic Theory Seminar, ICESI Business School Cali (Colombia) • Rizzo, L.; Zanardi, A. “Single ballot versus double ballot and party coalitions: the impact on fiscal policy. Evidence from Italy” University of Lancaster (United Kingdom) • Turati, G.; Montolio, D.; Piacenza, M. “Fiscal decentralisation, private school funding, and students’ achievements. A tale from two Roman Catholic” Condorcet Center Seminar Rennes (France) • Turati, G.; Montolio, D.; Piacenza, M. “Fiscal decentralisation, private school funding, and students’ achievements. A tale from two Roman Catholic” Department of Economics. Universidad del Rosario. Bogota (Colombia) • Viladecans-Marsal, E. “Infrastructure and cities: the impact of new highways on urban growth” Department of Economics. University of Porto Porto (Portugal)


2012 Memòria d’activitats

7. Visits


2012 Memòria d’activitats

7.1. By the IEB members During 2012, the IEB members have made some visiting abroad: • Choi, Álvaro Visiting at the Institute of Education, University of London (United Kingdom) Visiting period: February 2012 - July 2012 • Cubel, Maria Visiting at the University of Queensland , Brisbane (Australia) Visiting period: July 1-18, 2012 • Cubel, Maria Visiting at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) Visiting period: October 3-9, 2012 • Cubel, Maria Visiting at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) Visiting period: November 28 - December 5, 2012 • Jofre-Monseny, Jordi Visiting at the University of Toronto (Canada) Visiting period: January 2012 – June 2012 • Montolio, Daniel Visiting at the University of Rosario (Colombia) Visiting period: November 2012 • Pellegrino, Gabriele Visiting at the University of Sussex (United Kingdom) Visiting period: October 2011 – December 2012 • Salvadori, Luca Visiting at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance (Germany) Visiting period: November 5, 2012 – May 31, 2013 • Solé Ollé, Albert Visiting at the University of California Irvine (UCI) (USA) Visiting period: June 2012 - September 2012 • Sorribas-Navarro, Pilar Visiting at the University of Toronto (Canada) Visiting period: January 2012 – June 2012 • Vázquez-Grenno, J. Visiting at the University of Uppsala (Economics Department & Uppsala Center for Labor Studies) (Sweden) Visiting period: January 2012 – May 2012 • Viladecans Marsal, Elisabet Visiting at the University of California Irvine (UCI) (USA) Visiting period: June 2012 – September 2012


2012 Report of activities

7.2. By professors visiting the IEB In 2012, the following researchers have visited IEB: • Andrea Mantovani (Università degli Studi di Bologna) Visiting period: February 20 – February 29, 2012 Ralph Siebert (Purdue University) Visiting period: March 12 – March 16, 2012 Christian Hilber (London School Economics) Visiting period: April 9 – April 16, 2012 Federico Revelli (University of Torino) Visiting period: April 16 – April 20, 2012 Paolo Buonanno (University of Bergamo) Visiting period: April 23 – May 4, 2012 Jurgen Brauer (Augusta State University) Visiting period: May 21 – June 1, 2012 Andrés Gómez Lobo (Universidad de Chile) Visiting period: July 1 – July 6, 2012 Heléne Lundqvist (Stockholm IIES) Visiting period: October 1 – October 12, 2012 Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics) Visiting period: October 22 – October 26, 2012 Leticia Blázquez (Universidad Castilla La Mancha) Visiting period: October 29 – November 16, 2012 Jeffrey Lin (FED, Philadelphia) Visiting period: November 12 – November 16, 2012 Andrew Hanson (Marquette University) Visiting period: November 26 – November 30, 2012 Assaf Razin (Cornell University) Visiting period: December 3 – December 13, 2012 Maria Savona (University of Sussex) Visiting period: December 13 – December 21, 2012


2012 Report of activities


2012 Memòria d’activitats

8. PhD theses


2012 Memòria d’activitats

In 2012, IEB members have supervised or read the following PhD theses: Defended PhD • PhD Student: Sergio Afcha Director: José García-Quevedo Title: Evaluación de las ayudas públicas a la I+D en España Reading date: 05/03/2012 University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: José Luis Polo Otero Directors: Martí Parellada / Néstor Duch Title: Essays on the economics of technology transfer Reading date: 29/05/2012 University: Universitat de Barcelona Upcoming defenses • PhD Student: John Fredy Ariza Director: Josep Lluís Raymond Title: Essays on employment and wage inequality University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • PhD Student: Daniela Calá Director: Josep Maria Arauzo Title: Firm demography: an analysis for Argentina University: Universitat Rovira i Virgili • PhD Student: Elena Costas Pérez Directors: Albert Solé-Ollé / Pilar Sorribas-Navarro Title: Corruption in Spanish municipalities: causes and consequences University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Marta Curto-Grau Directors: Albert Solé-Ollé / Pilar Sorribas-Navarro Title: The political economy of the tactical allocation of public spending: Evidence from Spain University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Samuel de la Fuente Oliva Director: Anna Matas Title: La influencia de la forma urbana en la movilidad: un análisis empírico para las áreas urbanas de Madrid y Barcelona University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • PhD Student: Jaume Doménech Reinoso Director: Josep-Oriol Escardíbul Title: The scars of economic austerity pattern in European labor market. 1970-2008 University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Liliana Franco Vázquez Director: Josep Lluís Raymond Title: Tres ensayos sobre las desigualdades regionales en Colombia University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


2012 Report of activities

• PhD Student: José Raymundo Galán González Director: Anna Matas Title: Tenencia y uso de coches en México: Un análisis estático y dinámico a nivel regional, 1992-2008 University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • PhD Student: Javier García Estévez Directors: Martí Parellada / Néstor Duch Title: Essays on the relationship between universities and regional economic development University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Lina Gómez Director: Josep Lluís Raymond Title: Productividad regional y posición competitiva de las empresas industriales españolas en el período 1994-2006 University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • PhD Student: Miriam Hortas-Rico Director: Albert Solé-Olle Title: The effects of urban sprawl on local budgets University: Universitad Complutense de Madrid • PhD Student: Eugenia Muñoz Piña Director: Josep-Oriol Escardíbul Títle: Los determinantes del rendimiento académico en la Universidad de jóvenes vulnerables. Estudio de caso en Chile University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Joan Mª Mussons Directors: Núria Bosch / Josep Lluis Raymond Title: Les finances subcentrals i els cicles econòmics University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Gabriele Pellegrino Directors: José García-Quevedo / Marco Vivarelli Title: Peculiarities of young innovative companies University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Simón Planells-Strusse Director: Daniel Montolio Title: Essays on economics of crime University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Orlando Reyes Martínez Director: Anna Matas Title: La implementación de la medida de eficiencia energética en el sector transporte y sus impactos en el medio ambiente en España University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • PhD Student: Inmaculada Rico Delgado Directors: Josep Lluís Raymond / Roxana Gutiérrez Title: Disparidades regionales de desempleo entre regiones del norte y del sur: Una visión empírica para el caso de España University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


2012 Report of activities

• PhD Student: Albert Rico Directors: José Mª Durán-Cabré / Alejandro Esteller-Moré Title: Three essays on Taxation University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Adriana Karina Ruiz Marín Directors: Anna Matas / Josep Lluís Raymond Title: Ensayos sobre infraestructuras de transporte University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • PhD Student: José Alberto Saucedo Sánchez Director: Núria Bosch Title: Una aproximación a las balanzas fiscales de los estados de México University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • PhD Student: Paula Salinas Peña Director: Albert Solé-Olle Title: Evaluación de los efectos de la descentralización sobre la eficiencia en la provisión de los servicios públicos University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Luca Salvadori Directors: José Mª Durán-Cabré / Alejandro Esteller-Moré Title: Three essays on fiscal federalism University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Maria Sánchez-Vidal Directors: Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal / Jordi Jofre-Monseny Title: Essays on urban economics University: Universidad de Barcelona • PhD Student: Sara Torregrosa Directors: Alejandro Esteller-Moré / Alfonso Herranz Title: Sistema impositivo y redistribución. La transición fiscal española (1960-1990) University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Tania Paola Torres Gutiérrez Directors: Rafael González-Val/ Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal Title: Crecimiento urbano, segregación y políticas públicas University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Elisa Trujillo-Baute Directors: Daniel Montolio / Francesc Trillas Title: Essays on regulation and firms’ behaviour: European broadband market University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Edna Villarreal Directors: Josep Ll.uís Raymond / Andrés Rodríguez Title: Innovation and regional growth in Mexico: 2000-2010 University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Report preparation: Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB) Supervision: Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB) Graphic design: EPA Disseny S.L.

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