Saint George Catholic Church

Saint George Catholic Church 259 West 200 North - St. George, Utah 84770 LLC series 223 Rev. Oscar Martin Picos, Pastor - Rev. Adrian Komar, Vicar T

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Story Transcript

Saint George Catholic Church 259 West 200 North - St. George, Utah 84770 LLC series 223

Rev. Oscar Martin Picos, Pastor - Rev. Adrian Komar, Vicar

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 30, 2015

Church Office 157 North 200 West P.O. Box 188, St. George, UT 84771 Phone: 435-673-2604 Fax: 435-688-2704 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Closed from Noon - 1:00 pm daily

The soul is the spiritual principle of human beings and subject of human consciousness and freedom. Together, the soul and body form one unique human nature. The soul, created by God for each of us, is immortal. It does not die when separated from the body at the time of the body’s death. The two will be reunited in the final resurrection.¹

El alma es el principio espiritual de los seres humanos y sujetos a la conciencia humana y la libertad. Juntos, el alma y el cuerpo forman una naturaleza humana única. El alma, creada por Dios para cada uno de nosotros, es inmortal. No muere cuando se separa del cuerpo en el momento de la muerte. Las dos se reunirán en la resurrección final.¹

“Jesus, Risen One, may your soul invade my whole being and make me holy. Set me free of sin and fill me with the holiness that fills your own soul.”²

"Jesús, Resucitado, que tu alma invada a todo mi ser y me haga santo. Libérame del pecado y lléname de la santidad que llena tu propia alma."²

Jesus says nothing outside our bodies can defile us; what comes out from within us is what contaminates. Our soul suffers as a result of our sin. The seven “capital” sins are the most dangerous to us because they can produce other sins and evil, immoral habits: pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony and sloth.

Jesús dice que nada fuera de nuestros cuerpos nos puede contaminar; lo que sale de dentro de nosotros es lo que contamina. Nuestra alma sufre como resultado de nuestro pecado. Los siete pecados "capitales" son los más peligrosos para nosotros, ya que pueden producir otros pecados y el mal, los hábitos inmorales: el orgullo, la avaricia, la envidia, la ira, la lujuria, la gula y la pereza.

Pride - inappropriate self-esteem or self-love. It seeks attention and honor. When prideful, we place ourselves in competition with God. Avarice - greed for wealth. Envy - exhibits resentment of another’s good fortune and a desire to have it for self. Wrath - reflects extreme anger or rage. Lust - a strong, often unhealthy desire for something that does not benefit our good. Gluttony - overindulgence in food or drink. Sloth - a blameful lack of physical or spiritual effort, is laziness. “We fall into sin when we are ignorant of the motives beneath the desires. Consider this way of understanding personal sin: We sin, not because we are in touch with our desires but precisely because we are NOT in touch with them!”³ Our world is filled with sin. Each steward who chooses Jesus as companion and guide can help change this world, one person at a time. “Humble God, make us like you. You do not lord it over us, but wait patiently for us to change. May we do the same with our brothers and sisters on the journey.” 4 ¹ Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition ² Friar Jack's Favorite Prayers by Friar Jack Wintz, OFM ³ Catholic Update Guide to Vocations by Mary Carol Kendzia 4 Wondrous Encounters by Richard Rohr, OFM Come, be with our Lord in Adoration - Tuesday through Friday, Ven a estar con nuestro Señor en Adoración - Martes a Viernes, 8:30 am - 7:00 pm

El Orgullo - inadecuado autoestima o amor propio. Se busca la atención y el honor. Cuando orgullosamente, nos ponemos en competencia con Dios. La avaricia - la codicia por la riqueza. La Envidia – exhibimos resentimiento por la buena fortuna de los otros y deseamos tenerlo para uno mismo. Ira - refleja la ira o la rabia extrema. La lujuria - un fuerte deseo, a menudo insalubres por algo que no beneficia a nuestro bien. La Gula - los excesos en la comida o bebida. La Pereza - la falta censurable de esfuerzo físico o espiritual, es la holgazanería. "Caemos en pecado cuando ignoramos los motivos por debajo de los deseos. Considera de esta manera la forma de entender el pecado personal: Pecamos, no porque estamos en contacto con nuestros deseos, sino precisamente porque no estamos en contacto con ellos!"³ Nuestro mundo está lleno de pecado. Cada corresponsable que elige a Jesús como compañero y guía puede ayudar a cambiar este mundo, una persona a la vez. "Dios humilde, haznos como tú. Tú no nos haces que nos enseñoreemos de nosotros, pero esperas pacientemente a que cambiemos. Podemos hacer lo mismo con nuestros hermanos y hermanas en el trayecto. " 4 ¹ Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition, ² Friar Jack’s Favorites Prayers by Friar Jack Wintz, OFM ³ Catholic Update to Vocations by Mary Carol Kendzia 4 Wondrous Encounters by Richard Rohr, OFM

El 10 y 15 de septiembre septiembre, habrá una reunión con Padre Martín en Kuzy Hall a las 7:00 pm para todos los padres de familia de los niños del catecismo en español. On September 10 and 15 15, there will be a meeting with Father Martin in Kuzy Hall at 7:00 pm for all parents of the Spanish CCD classes.

Pastor’s Message by Father Oscar Martin Picos 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time






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What are the actions that evolve from an impure heart? ¨ Evil thoughts. Any external sin comes from an inner decision. ¨ Uncontrolled sexual desires. To desire someone else in your heart is already a sin as it removes from the heart the center of our life, God, for a human being. Theft. To plan a crime, even if you do not go through with the physical act, a simple intention that is forged within us. Murder. To take someone's life is to close the heart to another. Adultery. Betrayal in your heart. Only to wish for the other in your heart is adultery. Greed. Excessive desire for wealth or power. It is to seek happiness in things rather than in God. Wickedness. The desire to harm others; it is morally reprehensible behavior. Lies. Not telling the truth and living life pretending goodness. Addiction. To surrender oneself to something habitually or excessively, losing all sense of shame and decency. Envy. To be saddened by the happiness of another. Gossip. To spread rumors about others. Pride. To feel superior to everyone. This attitude may be hidden in the heart and not outwardly expressed. Lack of judgment. The inability to grasp or comprehend a situation in order to make a sensible choice. Help share Parish news Join the Bulletin Ministry WORK FROM HOME - [email protected]

! Our THIRD Year ! !! You Are Invited !!

“Everyday God” ...a Biweekly Retreat

Have you enough Happiness already? Is there MORE to learn about Jesus? Could your life “BE better”? Would you like greater Peace? Can discussing God be FUN? Is it worth 90 minutes to find out? Then please come to our biweekly meetings devoted to your religious enrichment. Every two weeks there is a new topic designed to enliven your Roman Catholic experience. MORE enjoyment of our Jesus EVERYDAY is the goal! Boredom is not allowed! Greater insight is guaranteed!!! We meet on the Second and Fourth Mondays from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm in Scanlan 2nd floor beginning September 14 14. Questions? Please email [email protected] or phone 954-684-5040.

Domingo 22 del Tiempo Ordinario ¿Cuáles son las acciones que salen de un corazón impuro? ¨ Los malos pensamientos. Cualquier pecado externo procede de una decisión interior. ¨ Los deseos sexuales no controlados. Desear al otro en tu corazón es ya dar cabida al pecado que nos rodea, pues quita del corazón, del centro de nuestra vida a Dios para poner a un ser humano. ¨ Los robos. El planificar un delito es también antes que un acto material, una intención que se fragua en nuestro interior. ¨ Los asesinatos. Quitar la vida a alguien es cerrar el corazón al otro. ¨ Los adulterios. Se traiciona la palabra que se dio con el corazón. Sólo desear al otro en tu corazón ya es adulterio. ¨ La codicia es que es la fuerte necesidad de tener lo que pertenece a otro. Codicia de poder, de dinero; es buscar la felicidad en las cosas en lugar de buscarla en Dios. ¨ Las maldades. Es la persona que en su corazón tiene deseo de dañar a los demás. El malo siendo malo en sí mismo, hace a otros tan malo como él. ¨ El engaño. No decir la verdad ni vivir en la verdad intencionadamente aparentando bondad. ¨ Los vicios. Son la maldad desbordada. Es la persona que ha perdido todo sentido de vergüenza y decencia. Uno que es malo puede que oculte su pecado, pero el que es vicioso peca sin remordimientos y no vacila en escandalizar a sus semejantes. ¨ La envidia. Entristecerse por la alegría del otro. ¨ Chismes. Insultos a las personas y blasfemia contra Dios. ¨ El orgullo. La persona siente desprecio hacia todo lo que no sea ella misma. Esta actitud puede estar escondida casi toda la vida en el corazón de quien la padece. ¨ La falta de juicio. Se refiere a la locura moral. Es el que se hace el tonto para salirse con la suya. WALK FOR LIFE Please join the Pro-Life leaders for “Walk for Life” on the first Saturday of each month 10:00 am to Noon and third Wednesday of each month 10:00 am to 11:00 am, at the corner of Bluff Street and 600 South. Carry Pro-Life signs and banners and pray with friends and neighbors (please bring your rosary) to end the cruel sin of abortion, eliminate Roe v. Wade, and close Planned Parenthood in St. George and throughout the nation. May God bless all of you who come in the name of the Lord to save the helpless. For information call Rita at 435-652-2048. CAMINATA POR LA VIDA Por favor únase a los líderes pro-vida de "Caminata por la Vida", el primer sábado de cada mes de 10:00 am hasta el mediodía y el tercer Miércoles de cada mes de 10:00 am hasta las 11:00 am , en la esquina de Bluff St. y 600 South. Lleva rótulos Pro-Vida y pancartas y ora con amigos y vecinos (favor de traer tu rosario) para poner fin al cruel pecado del aborto, para eliminar Roe contra Wade, y cerrar el Planned Parenthood en San Jorge y en toda la nación. Que Dios bendiga a todos los que vienen en el nombre del Señor para salvar a los indefensos. Para información llamar a Rita al 435-652-2048.

Saint George Catholic Church

Statues behind the Altar: Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Holy Spirit, St George, St Jude/Thaddeus, St Anthony de Padua, Michael the Archangel, St Francis of Assisi

Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday...5:00 pm, 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday.....9:00 am, 11:00 am,1 pm (Spanish) Weekday Monday - Friday....8:00 am Thursday................7:00 pm (Spanish) First Saturday.........8:00 am Holy Days 8:00 am, 6:00 pm, 8:00 pm (Spanish)


Saturday.......3:30 - 4:45 pm Sunday ........7:30 - 8:30 am or by appointment Baptism Preparation: Spanish........1st & 2nd Sat. at 2 pm in Kuzy English............Contact any Deacon to schedule Marriage Preparation: Contact one of Deacons to schedule Anointing of the Sick: First Friday during 8:00 am Mass Call Parish Off. for home/hosp. anointing Eucharistic Adoration : Tuesday - Friday…8:30 am - 7:00 pm Last Friday of the Month : 8:30 am to Saturday 6:00 am

Mission Schedule St. Paul’s —Hurricane (171 South Main) Mass................Every Sunday at 12:30 pm San Pablo Mission, Beryl Mass................Every Saturday at 6:00 pm Zion Park (Palm Sunday through Sept) SCAP...............Sunday at 8:00 am Recitation of the Rosary Before 5 pm, 9 & 11 am weekend Masses After 8 am weekday Masses. 5 pm Sunday

August 31 - Sept 6 Sat 8/29

Sun 8/30

5 pm

UAlfred Jankus by Barbara Kent UCoach Ray Odette by Odette Family All military service personnel, living and deceased

7 pm

Juan Ramon Mendoza Preciado

9 am

UCarmela Vautier UMary Kaufman


UMaria Hostetler

1 pm

Spanish Pro Populo

Mon 8/31 8 am

ULon Bushey by Lenore Madden Anne Jones by Patty & Mike

Tue 9/1

8 am

UBenito Jun Alangilan by Donna Fray UMargaret Reddy by Louis & Nancy Derickson

8 am

URobert Knori Anne Jones by Patty & Mike

8 am

UEdgar Facciotti by George & Marian

Wed 9/2 Thu 9/3 Fri 9/4

Sat 9/5

7 pm

Spanish Pro Populo

8 am

All Souls by Cy & Margaret Anne Jones by Patty & Mike

5 pm

Todd Fitzpatrick by Jim Fitzpatrick UAlfred Jankus by Barbara Kent UCoach Ray Odette by Family All military service personnel, living and deceased

7 pm

Spanish Pro Populo

9 am

UKen Giebel by Lolita & Frank

MON 31

7:00 pm Holy Hour



9:00am Marian Hour 12 - 4 pm Bridge Group 7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way Women’s Group Meeting

Kuzy Kuzy, 2 Kuzy, 2


Noon Deadline to submit items for SEPTEMBER 13 bulletin 7:00 pm Clases Biblicas Holy Hour & Benediction

Scanlan, 3

9:00 am Way of the Cross of the Unborn A f t e r 8:00 am Mass Anointing of the Sick 7:00 pm Holy Hour & Benediction - Spanish


8:00 am Mass in Honor of Our Lady 10:00 am Walk for Life 7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way


5:00 pm

Bluff & 600S Kuzy, 2

No CCD Classes Rosary

Sun 9/6 11 am UDon Musich by Debbi & Jackie Warmus 1 pm

Spanish Pro Populo

Amount Needed Per Week ············· $ 8,500

Weekly Collection (weekend of 8/16/2015) ······ 9,044 Collectio Collection n Under/Over ····································+ 544 Report *Amount Needed Per Week is used for expenses related to operating the church campus, not reducing the loan.

Report ( as of July 31, 2015) Building Fund

P a r i s h S t a f f

Construction Loan Balance · $179,008.06 Building Fund Collections ······$4,119.00 Thrift Store Net ················· $19,766.00

Rectory ...………………………..................................673-7354 Pastor……………….......................Rev. Oscar Martin Picos Parochial Vicar…….................................Rev. Adrian Komar Office.…………………................................................673-2604 Secretary…………………................................Sandra Tellez Maintenance……...................................................Call Office Accounting………………...................................... Don Drake Deacons Roberto Aguirre……………....................................628-9107 Mark Bourget, Sr.……….......................................656-3437 Willie Folkes…………………..................................673-0588 Rogaciano Tellez………..........................................652-9219 Bulletin Ministry.………[email protected] Religious Education................................................ 673-2604 Jill Lutrell (English)[email protected] Luz Manzo (Spanish)[email protected] Thrift Store……………………………………………...673-1029

Spanish CCD starts Knights of Columbus Sept 8 Women’s Group Sept 10 CCD Spanish Mtg. of Parents w/ Fr. Martin Sept 14 “Everyday God” begins Sept 15 CCD Spanish Mtg. of Parents w/ Fr. Martin Sept 8 Sept 8

Sept 16 R.C.I.A. begins Sept 16 Walk for Life Sept 26 Charity Golf Tournament Sept 27 WG Baby Shower Oct 17 K of C Oktoberfest Oct 30 Lourdes/Fatima Trip Nov 7 Thrift Store Fashion Show

Scripture Readings Week of August 30, 2015 Sunday:

Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27/Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18/Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11/Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: Col 1:1-8/Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: Col 1:9-14/Lk 5:1-11 Friday: Col 1:15-20/Lk 5:33-39 Saturday: Col 1:21-23/Lk 6:1-5 Next Sunday: Is 35:4-7a/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37 ©Liturgical Publications Inc.

MASS IN HONOR OF OUR LADY Join fellow parishioners at the Mass in Honor of Our Lady at 8:00 am on the first Saturday, September 5.

MISA EN HONOR A NUESTRA SEÑORA Unase con los feligreses a la misa en Honor a Nuestra Señora a las 8:00 am el primer sabado, Septiembre 5.

ST. THERESE GIFT SHOP Come in to see all the wonderful things we have on the Clearance Table, along with some items donated from the Thrift Store. We have pictures, statues, rosaries, crucifixes, and books, as well as greeting cards, prayer books, children’s books, religious medals and jewelry. Look around and shop to help support our Church! The Church Cookbook has some delicious recipes from our parishioners---it would be a nice gift for the upcoming holidays. The Gift Shop will reopen for regular hours during the week beginning Tuesday, September 8 from 10am—2pm. Hours: Tuesday through Friday 10am-2pm, and after the weekend Masses. Questions? Please contact Sharon Rawlins at 688- 1948.

Come join us at 5:00 pm every Sunday in the church to pray the Rosary.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) SESSIONS BEGIN! ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO: • • • •

Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Wishes to learn more about the Catholic faith? Is curious as to why Catholics do what they do? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not cele brated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults offers Catholics and non-Catholics the opportunity to come together to learn more about the Catholic faith. Sessions focus on our relationship with the Trinity, the teachings of the Church, and prepares individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season.

All are welcome welcome!! Inquiry sessions begin Monday, September 14, at 7:00 pm in the Bishop Scanlan Bldg., 2nd floor. For more information contact Mary Helen Stricklin at 435-251-2084 or Darrell Nelson at 435-632-8296.

CCD REGISTRATION for 2015-2016 Registration is underway for the upcoming year of CCD classes. Continuing your children’s religious education is so important for their faith development. You may register after any English Mass or in the Church office. CCD classes begin August 30, 9:00 am - 10:45 am, Scanlan Building. CCD classes are available for all ages from kindergarten through twelfth. Prayer to Care for Our Common Home Father of all, Creator and ruler of the universe, You entrusted Your world to us as a gift. Help us to care for it and all people, that we may live in right relationship with You, with ourselves, with one another, and with creation. Christ our Lord, both divine and human, You lived among us and died for our sins. Help us to imitate Your love for the human family by recognizing that we are all connected to our brothers and sisters around the world, to those in poverty impacted by environmental devastation, and to future generations. Holy Spirit, giver of wisdom and love, You breathe life in us and guide us. Help us to live according to Your vision, stirring to action the hearts of all individuals and families, communities of faith, and civil and political leaders. Triune God, help us to hear the cry of those in poverty, and the cry of the earth, so that we may together care for our common home. Amen. + This prayer from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is based on Pope Francis' Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home "Now is the time for a change in mindset and to stop pretending that our actions do not affect those who suffer from hunger." Pope Francis

Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not cele RESERVE THIS DATE - September 26 Our parish's Driving for Charity Golf Tournament will be held on September 26 at the Ledges Golf Club.

Sessions focus on our relationship with the Trinity, celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, SIGN UP NOW. For more information and a registration form, go to the church's website, and click on the golf tournament link or contact: Andy Beck 801-580-9336 Kevin Kaminski 435-879-9288

Kevin Rosa Shari Gowers - Parishioner

Robert Huston, Parishioner


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