SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC PARISH 8670 Byron Ave., Miami Beach FL 33141 Phone: (305) 866-6567 Fax: (305) 864-1069 Website : Visi

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Story Transcript

SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC PARISH 8670 Byron Ave., Miami Beach FL 33141 Phone: (305) 866-6567 Fax: (305) 864-1069 Website : Visit us on Facebook/StJosephCatholicChurchInMiamiBeach And

SEPTEMBER 4TH, 2016 TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES Monday - Saturday 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (Eng.) Tuesday & Thursday 7:00pm (Spa.) Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m. English 7:00 p.m. Portuguese Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. English 12:30 & 6:00 p.m. Spanish 3:30 p.m. Polish CONFESSIONS Saturday: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. And by Appointment St. John Vianney TAIZE PRAYER SERVICE Second Friday of the Month 7:30pm - Church


WEDNESDAY SPECIAL DAY OF DEVOTION Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Hora Santa 2:30 p.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help After the 5:30 p.m. Mass RECITATION OF THE ROSARY Monday - Saturday, 7:30 a.m. Chapel

PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Deacon Faith Formation Dir. of Music Dir. of Music Organist Youth Ministry Coordinator of Ministries

Rev. Juan J. Sosa Rev. Mr. Roberto Pineda Mr. Adam J. Irizarry Mr. Ralph D’Ovidio, eng Mr. Jorge Ore, spa Ms. Georgette Heinold Mr. Gustavo Mejia Mrs. Ana Veloso

Support the fundraising efforts of our various groups.

Pastor’s Corner Reflexiones de tu Pastor

Apoye los esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos de los diferentes grupos.

MASS INTENTIONS Our Christian vocation requires us to renounce the social ties that the world promotes. Today’s readings teach that God’s wisdom leads us on counter– cultural paths. In the second reading, Paul writes his friend Philemon from prison, asking to forgive his slave Onesimus, who had escaped from Philemon’s household. Onesimus ended up in the same jail with Paul for committing robbery, had an encounter with Christ, and asked Paul to be baptized. In justice, Paul demands that Onesimus return to his master, Philemon, but he also requires Philemon to break their master-slave relationship and accept Onesimus, now baptized, as a brother. This week, the Gospel helps us to understand how the Lord’s cross enriches and transforms our lives with the glory of God, as a victorious sign that forgiveness always prevails. It is important that all parishioners, especially those ministers in service to the community, reflect on this theme during this Year of Mercy.

************************************* La vocación del cristiano exige la renuncia a las ataduras sociales que la cultura con frecuencia propone para el mundo. Las lecturas de hoy nos invitan a reconocer que la sabiduría de Dios nos conduce por sendas diferentes a las que nos presenta la vida social. Por eso, Pablo le pide a Filemón desde la cárcel (segunda lectura), que perdone al que fue su esclavo, Onésimo quien se ha escapado de su casa y a quien Pablo se encontró en la cárcel por haber robado en otro sitio, porque Onésimo encontró a Jesucristo por medio de Pablo y ya es un nuevo cristiano. En justicia, Pablo exige que Onésimo regrese a su amo, Filemón, pero a la vez le exige a Filemón que rompa la relación amo-esclavo para que acepte a Onésimo, bautizado como él, como a un hermano. El Evangelio nos ayuda a comprender este gesto; la cruz del Señor transforma la vida y la enriquece con la gloria de Dios porque es la victoria de la reconciliación que siempre prevalece. ¡Cuán importante es para todos en la asamblea, especialmente para nuestros servidores en la comunidad, que se utilice este tema en la reflexión de la semana durante este Año de la Misericordia!

Rev. Juan J. Sosa

Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 8:30am

St. Joseph Parishioners Dr. Ghoulem Berrah, +Suzanne & Gabriel Ollo, +Svetlana Hopkinson Thanksgiving to St. Joseph


+Joe & +Flora Fontana +Joan Zarb, +Francia Carraha


+Antonia Dos Santos Barros, +Bela Botar, +Irma Selyem, +Cesar Guerrero, +Samuel Crespo, +Jose Jil y +Crispina Saldivar, +Maria Rosa Fernandez

6:00pm Monday 8:00am Tuesday 8:00am

Salud de Victor Manuel Moscol Baca


+Ilda & Paolo Ancilli, +John & Yvonne Omer +Jesus Armando Estrada

7:00pm Wednesday 8:00am 5:30pm 7:00pm Thursday 8:00am 5:30pm 7:00pm Friday 8:00am 5:30pm Saturday 8:00am

+Dulce Sosa Bueno Family (liv. & dec.)

Virginia & Manuel Iza (liv.) +Candida Agustin, +Angelo Belfi +Maria A. Jimenez-San Pedro +Gustavo Medina, +Paul Fernandes +Dr. & Mrs. Jose A. Caballero, +Gloria G. Mendoza, +Armando Larrea +Juan C. Sosa Mikhail Galina Zharinou (liv.) +George Sadowski, +Beate Kanter, +Abe Feigenbaum +Amadeo & +Esperanza Pardo

“Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest” Matt. 11:28

PARISH NEWS The second collection TODAY provides funds to benefit our St. Vincent de Paul Society to continue their ministry of feeding the needy on Saturdays.

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius will begin on October 10th in the Parish Hall. Please register in the Parish Office.

Congratulations to Erick Ghersi & Alejandro Lambert, recipients of the St. Joseph Don & Mary Anne Shula Scholarship. This scholarship awards $10,000.00 over 4 years to a deserving student who wishes to pursue a Catholic High School education.

The next Emmaus Men's Retreat in English will take place on the weekend of November 4th. If you would like to participate, please fill out the registration form on the welcome table.

To commemorate the Canonization of Mother Theresa, today, September 4th, prayer cards are available to all our parishioners at the bookstore. In observation of Labor Day, September 5th, there will be NO 5:30pm Mass and the parish office will be closed. Please pray that all nations and states ensure fair labor laws, safe working conditions, and just pay for workers. Join our Spirit of Taize Prayer Service celebrating 3 years, September 9th, 7:30pm, Church. Why Catholic Training Session for small Community leaders will take place on September 10th at 10am in English and 2pm in Spanish in St. Thomas University. Parish leaders from each ministry should register at the parish office. We are taking registration for students for all classes of Religious Education. This includes Children’s Faith Formation: K-12 grades, Children's Sacramental Classes, RCIA and RCIC. Children must be registered each year, registration is not automated. For more information, contact Adam, Pastoral Coordinator for Faith Formation. Attention all Parents of Religious Education Students: On Saturday, September 10th at 10am we will hold a meeting for parents. During this meeting we will distribute books, materials and the class schedule. Please attend this very important meeting. The feast of Our Lady of Charity will be celebrated in our parish on Sunday, September 11th, during the 12:30pm Mass. The second collection on September 11th will be taken up to benefit the scholarship program of the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC for seminarians. The traditional blessing of domestic pets, in honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, will be on Sunday, October 2nd at 12:15pm.

Our Annual Health Fair event, Sunday, November 6th, 9:30am to 2:30pm, is hosted by Drake Torrado, of RX Home Health Services, takes place in the Parish Hall. Featuring free screenings of blood pressure, vision balance, memory and much more. Highlights from the Stewardship Meeting: On November 6th & 13th, Ministry leaders will be present at all Masses to sign up volunteers interested in the ministries. Parish Survey will be explained on the weekend of November 20th. On November 27th, Fr. Sosa & Grace Veloz from the Archdiocese will do a PowerPoint presentation on the Parish Survey. A Pilgrimage to Holy Rome is being planned as part of our 75th Anniversary next year. Fr. Richard Vigoa is hosting a Eucharistic Ministers Workshop in St. Hugh Church, we will be notifying our new ministry members.


Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 9:13-18b; Ps 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17; Phlm 9-10, 12-17; Lk 14:25-33 Monday 1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-6, 7, 12; Lk 6:6-11 Tuesday 1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a, and 9b; Lk 6:12-19 Wednesday 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17; Lk 6:20-26 Thursday The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6ab, 6c; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23 Friday Saint Peter Claver, Priest 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6, 12; Lk 6:39-42 Saturday 1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18; Lk 6:4349 Sunday Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10

VIGÉSIMO TERCER DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO La segunda colecta de hoy esta destinada a la sociedad de San Vicente de Paul. Por favor sean generosos. Felicitaciones a Erick Ghersi y Alejandro Lambert quienes fueron galardonados con la beca de San José: Don Shula y Mary Anne. Esta beca otorga $10,000. en cuatro años a un estudiante merecedor y que desea realizar sus estudios secundarios en una escuela Católica. Únete a nosotros y participa del Seminario de “Vida en el Espíritu” en la capilla de la iglesia que durará 7 semanas. El Seminario terminará el 13 de octubre con una Misa Carismática en la iglesia a las 7:30pm. Están todos invitados. Las sesiones de entrenamiento para Servidores del Altar comenzarán el sábado 3 de Septiembre a las 10 de la mañana y a las 12 del mediodía. Los estudiantes que deseen participar deberán cumplir con dos requisitos indispensables: haber completado cuarto grado y haber recibido los Sacramentos del Bautismo y de la Primera Comunión. Únete a nuestro servicio de Canto y Oración en la tradición de Taize, que esta celebrando sus 3 años, el Viernes, 9 de septiembre a las 7:30pm en la iglesia. La inscripción para la Educación Religiosa: Ahora estamos tomando inscripciones para estudiantes de todas las clases de Educación Religiosa. Esto incluye: niños formación de Fe: K-12 grados, clases sacramentales de los niños, RCIA y RCIC. Los niños deben registrarse cada año. La registración no es automática. Atención a los padres, el sábado 10 de septiembre a las 10am tendremos una reunión para los padres. Durante esta reunión vamos a distribuir los libros, los materiales y el horario de las clases. Por favor de asistir a esta reunión importante. Para obtener más información, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto con Adam-Coordinador Pastoral para la formación en la fe. En conmemoración del Día del Trabajo, lunes 5 de septiembre la oficina parroquial estará cerrada y NO Habrá Misa de 5:30pm. Por Que Ser Católico? Sesión de entrenamiento para los líderes de pequeña comunidad, será el 10 de septiembre a las10am en Inglés, y a las 2pm en Español en St. Thomas University. Por favor de asistir a esta reunión importante. Lo mas destacado de la reunión de Mayordomía:

El 6 y 13 de noviembre los dirigentes de ministerios, estarán presentes en todas las Misas, para registrar voluntarios interesados en los ministerios. Las encuestas de la parroquia, se explicará el fin de semana del 20 de noviembre. El 27 de noviembre, el padre Sosa y Grace Veloz de la Arquidiócesis, harán una presentación de la encuesta parroquial en un programa en Powerpoint. Una peregrinación a la ciudad Santa, Roma está prevista como parte de nuestro 75 aniversario el próximo año. El padre Richard Vigoa, tendrá lugar un taller de ministros de la Eucaristía en la iglesia de St Hugh, notificaremos a los nuevos miembros de este ministerio. Les recordamos, nuestra parroquia celebrará la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad el domingo 11 de septiembre en la Misa de 12:30pm. Los esperamos. La segunda colecta de Septiembre 11, estos fondos se tomaran para sufragar los gastos del programa de becas para los seminaristas, de la Universidad Católica de América, en Washington D.C. En honor a la festividad de San Francisco de Asis, habrá una bendición de los animales el domingo 2 de octubre a las 12:15pm. Ejercicios Espirituales St. Ignacio de LoyolaEn Español, comenzarán Octubre 10, 2016 en el Salón Parroquial. Favor de registrarse en la oficina parroquial o con Pilar Fernandez . Retiro de Hombres de Emaús en inglés: Noviembre del 4 al 6. Para más información comuníquese con nuestra oficina parroquial. *********************************************** PARISH FINANCES - JULY 2016 Expenses Building Repairs

$ 664.55


$ 6,089.40

General Assessment

$ 3,552.22

& Prop. Liability

$ 6,030.21

Bank Loan

$ 7,099.81

Salaries & Benefits


Collections ................................................ $25,644.00 Totals [Deficit

$51,456.23 $25,812.23]


MINISTER’S SCHEDULE Eucharistic Minister


Danoushka Capponi, Pat Collins, Aleida Delgado, Rosa Tamburine, Charles Venturi


Nikki Carraano, Maria D’Ovidio, Esther Esmat, Ascencao Fernandez, Elida Mangan

Letty Bondoc

Cheryl Hodowud


John & Lourdes Ermer, Rosie Ivens, Bruce & Susan Matens, Sylvia Ospina

Pamela O’Hagan

Ian Macdougald


Carmen Almirall, José Almirall, Pilar Fernandez, Jorge Mirabent, Marta Mirabent, Heidi Morales, Elva Oré, Elba Botar

Graciela Digenni

Marta Amieva


Alicia Zuniga, Juana Perez, Estella Rodrigues, Juan Pineda

Tery Howard



Graciela Peralta

Sylvia Ospina

Pedro Peralta

DIOCESAN NEWS Join us for the Celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Charity, patroness of Cuba and co-patroness of the Archdiocese of Miami, taking place on Thursday, September 8th at 5pm, at the Bank United Center, University of Miami, 1245 Dauer Drive, in Coral Gables. The Rosary will be recited at 6:30pm, the image will arrive at 7pm with a procession concluding with Holy Mass at 8pm. This year we will be celebrating the centennial of the proclamation of Our Lady of Charity as Patroness of Cuba. Free Parking-Metrorail: University of Miami. Reserved parking near the building. For more Information please contact Cristina Brito at 305-854-2404. Los invitamos a participar en la celebración de la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad, patrona de Cuba y co -patrona de nuestra Arquidiócesis de Miami, el Jueves, 8 de septiembre en el Bank United Center. Abren las puertas a las 5pm, Rosario at las 6:30pm, Desfile de los colegios/Llegada de la Virgen at las 7pm y la Santa Misa a las 8pm. Parqueo gratis-Metrorail: University of Miami. Reservaremos parqueo para ustedes cerca del edificio. Cualquier pregunta pueden llamar a Cristina Brito al 305-854-2404. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami are accepting monetary donations for the victims of the recent flooding in Louisana. More information is available on their website Las Caridades Católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Miami, están aceptando donaciones monetarias para las víctimas de las recientes inundaciones en Louisiana. Para más información, por favor dirigirse a su website: Detention Ministry Conference for the Jubilee Year of Mercy: “Beyond Justice to Mercy” taking place on September 24th at Corpus Christi Catholic Church. Archbishop Thomas Wenski will celebrate the opening Mass, and there will be keynote addresses by Bishop Peter Baldacchino, Auxiliary Bishop of Miami and Bishop Lorenzo León De Alvarado, M. Email Deacon Edgardo Farias at [email protected] for more information. Join us for the 19th National Convention of Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities, Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities from Friday-Sunday, October 28-30, 2016 at Innisbrook Golf and Spa Resort, 36750 US Highway 19 N, Palm Harbor, FL 34683. Hosted by the Couples For Christ USA, invited Speakers include, His Eminence Cardinal Antonio Tagle, Archdiocese of Manila, His Excellency Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Vatican Permanent Observer United Nations, New York and Most Reverend Bishop Robert N. Lynch, Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida. Register online at Contact 1-813-323-0454 for more information. An Introduction to the Theology of the Body by Pope St. John Paul II, Saturday October 29th in St. Louis Church in the new family center, 7273 SW 120 Street, Miami. Join Karl and Stephen Collella as they share an overview of this beautiful bible study and how this teaching helps us better understand life, love, marriage sex and heaven. For more information please contact Mildred Ratcliffe at 305-762-1140 or [email protected].




28 Scholarship Drive Second Collection Children’s Liturgy 10:30am & 12:30pm

29 Ejercicios Espirituales 6:30pm (Li) Emaús Hombres 7pm (PH)



Children’s Liturgy 10:30am & 12:30pm

Knights of Columbus Event 7-9pm (PH)

English Choir 8pm (CHU)


Bautizos en Español 1:45pm (Chu)

25 Children’s Liturgy 10:30am & 12:30pm English Baptism 1:45pm



1 Scripture Class 6pm (PH) 7pm (Li) Coro Español 8:00 pm (Chu) Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu 7:30pm (Cha)

8 Scripture Class 6pm (PH) 7pm (Li) Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu 7:30 pm (Cha) Coro Español 8:00 pm (Chu)

Hora Santa 2:30pm (Cha) (PH)/(Li) Divina Misericordia 7pm (Cha) Legión de María 7:30pm(Ti)

13 Cenacle of Mary 6pm (Cha) Emaús Mujeres 7pm (PH) Emmaus Men English 7pm (Li)

14 Hora Santa 2:30pm (Cha) Divina Misericordia

19 Ejercicios Espirituales 6:30pm (Li) Emaús Hombres 7pm (PH) Baptism class 7pm-(Li) English Choir 8pm (CHU) Pastoral Meet 7pm (PO)

20 Cenacle of Mary 6pm (Cha) Emaús Mujeres 7pm (PH) Emmaus Men English 7pm (Li)

21 Hora Santa 2:30pm (Cha) Divina Misericordia 7pm (Cha) Legión de María 7:30pm(Ti)

Priest’s Convocation

Priest’s Convocation

22 Scripture Class 6pm (PH) 7pm (Li) Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu 7:30 pm (Cha) Coro Español 8:00 pm (Chu)

26 Ejercicios Espirituales, 6:30pm (Li) Emaús Hombres 7pm (PH) English Choir 8pm (CHU)

27 Cenacle of Mary 6pm (Cha) Emaús Mujeres 7pm (PH) Emmaus Men English 7pm (Li)

28 Hora Santa 2:30pm (Cha) Divina Misericordia 7pm (Cha) Legión de María 7:30pm(Ti) Stewardship Meet 7pm (PO)

29 Scripture Class 6pm (PH) 7pm (Li) Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu 7:30 pm (Cha) Coro Español 8:00 pm (Chu)

Labor Day


Our Lady of Religious Education Charity Begins 12:30pm Mass Ejercicios Children’s Espirituales 6:30pm Liturgy 10:30am (Li) & 12:30pm Emaús Hombres 7pm (PH) Religious Clase de Bautismo Education 7pm (Li) Begins English Choir 8pm (CHU)

Children’s Liturgy 10:30am & 12:30pm

30 31 Cenacle of Mary 6pm Hora Santa (Cha) 2:30pm (Cha) Emaús Mujeres 7pm Virtus Workshop (PH) 6:30-9:30pm Emmaus Men (PH) Eng 7pm (Li) Divina Misericordia 7pm (Cha) Legión de María 7:30pm(Ti)


Cenacle of Mary 6pm (Cha) Emaús Mujeres 7pm (PH) Emmaus Men English 7pm (Li) Taize Rehearsal 6:30pm

No 5:30pm Mass Parish Office Closed 11


7pm (Cha) Legión de María 7:30pm(Ti)

15 Scripture Class 6pm (PH) 7pm (Li) Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu 7:30 pm (Cha) Coro Español 8:00 pm (Chu)



2 3 Grupo 212 St. Vincent de Paul Jóvenes Adultos 9:30am 7-9:30pm (PH)/ Kids and Youth (Li) Programs 10-12pm (PH) Altar Training Workshop 10-12pm (Chu)



Grupo 212 Jóvenes Adultos 7-9:30pm (PH)/ (Li) Taize Prayer Service 7:30pm (Chu)

St. Vincent de Paul 9:30am Kids and Youth Programs 10-12 pm(PH)


17 St. Vincent de Paul 9:30am Kids and Youth Programs 10-12pm (PH)

Grupo 212 Jóvenes Adultos 7-9:30pm (PH)/ (Li)

23 Grupo 212 Jóvenes Adultos 7-9:30pm (PH)/ (Li)

Priest’s Convocation

30 Grupo 212 Jóvenes Adultos 7-9:30pm (PH)/ (Li)

Religious Education parents Orientation 10:AM (PH)

24 St. Vincent de Paul 9:30am Kids and Youth Programs 10-12 (PH) Altar Training Workshop 10-12pm (Chu)

GENERAL INFORMATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Ceremonies are performed in English and Spanish. Please call the Parish Office for requirements and registration. BAPTISM CLASSES Are available both in English and Spanish: Please register in the parish office, there is a $15.00 fee if the baptism is not taking place here. CLASES DE BAUTISMO Disponibles en inglés y español: Si el bautismo no se celebrará en nuestra parroquia, se requiere un pago de $15.00. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE We follow the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Miami. Please call the Parish Office at least six months in advance. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Classes are available for children from first grade through high school age, and for Adults in English and Spanish, from September through May. Sundays 11:20am & Mondays 3:15pm.

LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION The necessary requirements to receive a Letter of Recommendation is to be a registered and practicing member of our parish. CARE OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office to request Communion for patients at home and in the local nursing home, we have Eucharistic Ministers that visit the sick of the parish every week. After Office Hours: Please leave a message on the extension number of our Pastor, Rev. Juan J. Sosa. Deacon Roberto Pineda visits the patients at Mount Sinai hospital every Thursday morning. Also, St. Patrick’s Church has lay ministers who bring Communion to the sick in Mount Sinai. If you or someone you know is hospitalized and would like to receive Communion, please inform the hospital of your Catholic affiliation. OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday: 8:30am to 8pm Saturday 9am to 6pm - Sunday 9am to 2pm GIFT SHOP Open 30 minutes before and after all the weekend Masses. Abierto durante 30 minutos antes y después se las Misas de fin de semana.

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