Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity

Abril 24, 2016 Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church PASTOR: Monsignor James E. White PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Amiro L. Jiménez PAROCH

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Story Transcript

Abril 24, 2016

Saint Vito - Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church

PASTOR: Monsignor James E. White PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Amiro L. Jiménez PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Jeba Lourdu DEACONS: Augustine DiFiore, Thomas Vargas WEEKEND ASSOCIATE: Father Steven Reilly, L.C. PAX CHRISTI SISTERS : Sister Eleazar & Sister Cleotilde RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR: Sister Eleazar, P.C . • OFFICE HOURS / HORARIO DE OFICINA/ORARIO D’ UFFICIO

Monday thru Friday /Lunes a Viernes/ Lunedi a Venerdi 9:30am to 6:30pm Saturdays / Sábados/ Sábato 9:30am to 1:00pm & 2:00pm to 4:00pm •MASSES / MISAS / MESSAS Monday - Friday/Lunes-Viernes 8am Chapel & 12pm Church Saturdays / Sábados/ Sabato 9:00am Chapel & 5:00pm Church Sundays /Domingo's/: 8:00am, 9:30am y 11:00am Church •SPANISH MASSES / MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Mondays & Thursdays/ Lunes & Jueves 7:30PM Church Sundays /Domingos: 12:30pm •ITALIAN MASS / MESSA IN ITALIANO: First Sunday of the month /Prima Domenica del Mese 9:30am •PENANCE / CONFESIONES / CONFESSIONI Saturday / Sábado / Sábato: 4:00pm to 5:00pm. •BAPTISMS / BAUTIZOS/ BATTESIMO Baptism are celebrated once a month on a Sunday after the 12:30 Mass in Spanish and 2:00pm in English. The dates for the Baptism of children and for the Pre-Baptismal instruction of parents should be arranged in the rectory ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE. In addition to English, and Spanish this Sacrament may also be in Italian. •WEDDINGS/ MATRIMONIO Pre–marital instruction is a requirement for all engaged couples. Consequently, arrangements for weddings should be made SIX MONTHS in advance.

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY: Mr. John Myers SPANISH MUSIC MINISTRY: Mr. Edgar Riquelme PARISH MANAGER & CYO DIRECTOR: Mr. Joseph Comblo PARISH SECRETARIES: Mrs. Yenny Duran-Rivera & Ms. Angelina Gomez PARISH CENTER SECRETARY: Mrs. Anne Debacher RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ASSISTANT: Mrs. Jennie Bucolo •WELCOME/ BIENVENIDO/ BENVENUTO To register in the parish, please come to the Rectory. Para registrarse en la parroquia, por favor acérquese a la Rectoría. Sponsor Certificates are ONLY given to qualified registered parishioners. *Priest approval needed. • BIBLE STUDY/ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA Monday’s at 7:00pm in the Parish Center • MEETINGS/ REUNIONES/ RIUNIONI Italian Club, First Friday, 7:30pm Parish Council, Third Thursday, 7:00pm •PREPARACIÓN DE BAUTIZOS: Hermanas de Pax Christi y Roció Gómez Domingos 9:30am en el Centro Parroquial •PREPARACIÓN DE SACRAMENTOS PARA JÓVENES Y ADULTOS: Domingos 10:45am en el Centro Parroquial Hermanas de Pax Christi Dolores Martínez •GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE ADULTOS: Dirigente: Ana Loaiza Miércoles de 7:30 a 10:00pm en la Iglesia. •DIVINA MISERICORDIA Dirigentes: Imelda Maldonado, 914-514-7674 Martha Maldonado, 914-777-8202 •GRUPO GUADALUPANO Dirigente: Dolores Martínez, 914-261-0035


RECTORY OF ST. VITO 816 Underhill Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tel. 914-698-2648 Fax: 914-698-6081 E-mail:

826 Underhill Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tel. 914-698-2949 Fax: 914-698-2994 E-mail:

FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 24, 2016 QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA  24 DE ABRIL, 2016 QUINTA DOMENICA DI PASQUA  24 DI APRILE, 2016 “After Paul and Barnabas had proclaimed the good news in that city and made a considerable number of disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch. They strengthened the spirit of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in the faith…they appointed elders for them in each church and with prayer and fasting commended them to the Lord in whom they had put their faith.” How exciting to trace the steps of Paul in his missionary journeys, discover the fruit of his ministry, and his care in leaving the growing communities in able hands. He with Barnabas spent themselves in forming missionary disciples. Pope Francis is doing the same thing. His visits to Washington, New York and Philadelphia proclaimed the same mission. His travels to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic were to produce the same results. It is time for us to respond to the challenge. Through our own prayer and fasting, we too are strengthened to do the work of the elders in our own communities. We do not wait for others to come to us, but we go out to bring the saving message of Jesus to others. Question: When was the last time you invited someone to return to the practice of the faith, or told someone why you are a believer? “Después de haber evangelizado esta ciudad y haber hechos numerosos discípulos, volvieron a Listra, a Iconio y a Antioquía. Confortaron a sus discípulos y los exhortaron a perseverar en la fe… En cada comunidad establecieron presbíteros, y con oración y ayuno, los encomendaron al Señor en el que habían creído.” Qué emocionante seguir los pasos de San Pablo en sus viajes misioneros, descubrir el fruto de su ministerio, y su cuidado al dejar las crecientes comunidades en hábiles manos. El y Barnabé se esforzaron formando discípulos misioneros. El Papa Francisco está haciendo lo mismo. Sus visitas a Washington, Nueva York y Filadelfia proclamaron la misma misión. Sus viajes a Kenya, Uganda y la República Centroafricana han producido los mismos resultados. Es hora de que nosotros respondamos al reto. A través de nuestra oración y ayuno también se nos fortalece para hacer el trabajo de presbíteros en nuestras comunidades. No esperamos a que otros vengan a nosotros, sino que nosotros salimos y llevamos el mensaje de Jesús a otros. Pregunta: ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que invitó usted a alguien a regresar a la práctica de la fe, o le dijo a alguien por qué es creyente? Il Vangelo di oggi ci trasmette il testamento di Gesù. È diretto ai suoi discepoli, turbati dalla partenza di Giuda. Ma è anche diretto ai numerosi discepoli che succedono a loro e vivono il periodo di Pasqua alla ricerca di un orientamento. Sono soprattutto essi che trovano qui una risposta alle loro domande: Che cosa è successo di Gesù? Ritornerà? Come incontrarlo? Che cosa fare adesso? Sono alcune delle domande che capita anche a noi di fare. In fondo, il Vangelo ci dà una risposta molto semplice: è un nuovo comandamento: “Amatevi gli uni gli altri come io vi ho amati”. Ma se ci si dedica a seguire questo comandamento, ci si accorge molto presto che l’amore non si comanda. Eppure, se si è capaci di impegnarsi ad amare il proprio prossimo per amore di Gesù - come egli stesso ha fatto - si trova ben presto la risposta a parecchie altre domande. Ci si rende conto che il cammino di Gesù è un cammino di vita, per lui ma anche per molte altre persone intorno a lui.



The Sacrament of Baptism is Celebrated Once a month on Sunday One Sunday in Spanish after the 12:30pm Mass and One Sunday in English at 2:00PM.

Couples celebration their 50th wedding anniversary anytime during 2016 are invited to attend the Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 25th at 1:30pm or Sunday, June 26th at 2pm.

THE NEXT AVAILABLE DATES ARE: May 22nd — English Baptisms May 29th — Spanish Baptisms Please come to the Parish office at least one month in advance before planning your child’s baptism.

Pre-registration is required. Please contact the parish rectory. The Closing date to register its Tuesday May 24, 2016


LESS and MORE of yourself No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for their little mistakes you will always be alone. So, JUDGE LESS and LOVE MORE. Fr. Jeba

FIRST COMMUNION RETREAT Saturday, April 30th, 2016 9:45AM—2:30PM SECOND CONFIRMATION PRACTICE Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 a las 6:30pm (Candidates & Sponsors) CONFIRMATION MASS Thursday, May 5, 2016 5:00PM

VISIT US ONLINE Visit our website for news and updates regarding our parish mass schedule, religious education, weekly bulletins, sacrament information and much more! STAY CONNECTED, INFORMED & INVOLVED Stvitomostholytrinity St Vito Church - Most Holy Trinity

FIRST COMMUNION MASS 1st Group Saturday, May 7th, 2016 • 11:00AM FIRST COMMUNION MASS 2nd Group Saturday, May 14th, 2016 • 11:00AM

2016 Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal summary to Date St. Vito - Most Holy Trinity Church Parish #461

FINANCIAL CORNER The total parish income amount for last weekend was $7,482. Thank you for your generosity! Upcoming Special Collections April 23rd & 24th - Fuel Collection







Number of Gifts Average Gift

113 $281.19

NOTICIAS & EVENTOS DE LA SEMANA INFORMACION SOBRE LOS BAUTIZOS El Sacramento de Bautizo solo se celebrara una vez al mes los domingos. Los Bautizos en Español se llevan acabo después de la misa de 12:30pm y los bautizos en Ingles a las 2:00pm. LAS PROXIMAS FECHAS SON: MAYO 22, 2016 - INGLES MAYO 29, 2016 - ESPAÑOL Por favor acérquese a la rectoría de la Parroquia por lo menos un mes en adelanto antes de planear el bautismo.

MISA DE BODAS DE ORO ANNUAL Las parejas que celebran su 50 aniversario de casados durante el 2016 están invitadas a asistir a la misa anual de Bodas de Oro con el Cardinal Dolan en la Catedral de San Patricio, Sábado 25 de June a la 1:30pm o Domingo, 26 de Junio a las 2pm. Se requiere pre-registración en la rectoría. Las inscripciones se cerraran el Martes 24 de Mayo.

La Campaña de Cardenal 2016 Resumen de contribuciones hasta la fecha Iglesia San Vito - Most Holy Trinity # de la Parroquia - 461 Meta

FECHAS IMPORTANTES DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA PRIMERA PRÁCTICA DE CONFIRMACIÓN Martes, 26 de Abril 2016 a las 6:30PM (Solo Estudiante) RETIRO DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Sábado, 30 de abril 2016 9:45 AM - 2:30 PM Parroquia de San Vito SEGUNDA PRÁCTICA DE CONFIRMACIÓN Martes, 3 de Mayo 2016 a las 6:30pm (Estudiante y Padrino) MISA DE CONFIRMACIÓN Jueves, 5 de mayo 2016 5:00 PM MISA DE RIMERA COMUNIÓN Primero Grupo Sábado, 7 de mayo 2016 • 11 a.m. ULTIMOS DIAS DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Martes 10 de mayo, 2016 • 6:30pm Miércoles , 11 de mayo 2016 • 3:30pm MISA DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Segundo Grupo Sábado, 14 de mayo 2016 • 11 a.m.

MENOS y MÁS de ti mismo Nadie en este mundo es puro y perfecto. Si evitas a las personas por sus pequeños errores, siempre estarás solo. Por lo tanto, JUZGA MENOS y AMA MÁS. Padre Jeba







El total de la colecta de este fin de semana fue de - $8,369 Gracias por su generosidad!

Numero de Regalos Promedio en Regalos

113 $281.19

Colectas Especiales Abril 24 - Combustible de la Iglesia


CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED Saturday / Sábado / Sabato 5:00 Antonetta Spano - †


Sunday / Domingo / Domenica 8:00 Francesco Doria & Family-† 9:30 Nicola Ferrante -† 11:00 Filomina & Lupo Sommella - † 12:30pm Mary Romero, Sheily & Omar Aguilar-


Monday / Lunes / Lunedi 8:00 Joan P. Howe -† 12:00 Claudia Duque - † 7:30pm Carlos Mario Marin -


Tuesday / Martes /Martedi 8:00 Lasso—Ramos Family 12:00 Joseph Bucolo & Patricia Comblo -†


Wednesday / Miércoles / Mercoledi 8:00 ST. VITO - MOST HOLY TRINITY 12:00 Frank Maiolo -†


Thursday / Jueves / Giovedi 8:00 Mildred Traub -† 12:00 Andrew Cannistraci -† 7:30pm Gilberto Velez -†


Friday / Viernes / Venerdi 8:00 Souls in Purgatory 12:00 Giuseppina & Vito Ciraco -†


Saturday / Sábado / Sabato 9:00 Gilda Salamone -† 5:00 Sour– Maria Totino -† Sunday / Domingo / Domenica 8:00 Patricia Andreoli -† 9:30 La Madona of Lourdes 11:00 Vincenzo Violi & Family -† 12:30pm Ruben Romero -


Daniella Interiano Derek Orozco-Navarro Jackelin Miranda-Ardiano Shanelle Cintron Guadalupe Patricio Macedonio Rey Patricio Macedonio Melissa Gutierrez








In Thanksgiving

Acción de Gracias

Wedding Anniversary

Aniversario de Bodas

The parish of St. Vito - Most Holy Trinity extends its deepest sympathy to the loved ones on their loss

Angelica Fiorito


BREAD & WINE ALTAR FLOWERS The next available dates for intentions for bread & wine or altar flowers are: May 1st, 7th, 21st June 4th, 25th

PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS PREGARE PER I MALATI James Comblo, Gonzalo Maldonado, Arcangelo Borrello, Susan Congdon, Millie Paonessa, Juan Alviar, Jeanette & Petritat Rangel, John Astorina, Pat Hachey, John A. Santorini, Sandy Albert, Marcia Maya, Louisa Germani, Ana Bencosme, Alyssa Cullagh, Raymond Recchia, Antonette Fraioli, Marianne Fischetti, JoAnn Troccoli & Louise Yannuzzi. To submit a name please call the rectory. Para añadir nombres por favor llame a la rectoría . (914) 698-2648

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