Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad

Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad Catholic Church/Iglesia Católica Basilian Fathers Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston 1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Te

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Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad Catholic Church/Iglesia Católica

Basilian Fathers Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston 1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Texas 77515 Mary, the Holy Mother of God - Jan. 1, 2012 The Mission of Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, a parish empowered by the Holy Spirit, is to spread the Gospel of Jesus the Christ in order to bring all people into union with God our Father, through worship, preaching, teaching, fellowship and service. La Misión de la Iglesia Católica de la Santisima Trinidad una parroquia bajo el poder del Espíritu Santo, es proclamar el Evangelio de Cristo Jesús, con el fin de unir a todos con Dios Padre a través del culto, la predicación, la enseñanza, la convivencia y el servicio.

Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas: Mass for Vocations/Misa para Vocaciones: 9:00 a.m. Saturday/Sábado – English/Inglés Saturday Anticipated/Sábado Anticipado: 5:00 p.m. English/Inglés Sunday/Domingo: 8:00 a.m. Español/Spanish (Nursery/Guardería) 10:00 a.m. English/Inglés (Nursery/Guardería) Mon.-Tue.-*Thur.-Fri./Lun.-Mar.-*Jue.-Vier. 8:10 a.m. English/Inglés Wednesday/Miércoles: 12:00 Noon English/Inglés Parish Staff/Personal Administrativo: 979-849-2421 Pastor: Rev. Maurice Restivo, CSB, x-118 [email protected] Deacon/Diacono: Robert Ward [email protected] Deacon/Diacono: Luis Hernandez [email protected] Pastoral Asst./Ast. Pastoral: Cheryl Scott, x-109 Apprentice: Kristi Haas, x-108 Receptionist/Recepcionista: Rebecca Mireles, x-100 Secretary/Secretaria: Bookkeeper/Contadora Publica: Annie Damian, x-104 Music Director: – Tim Dyksinski, x-112 Director of Parish Social Ministry: Mildred Wauson – 849-9458 CCE Coordinator/Coor. CCE: Norma Mata, x-110 Maintenance: Eleuterio (Marty) Martinez, x-105

Confessions/Confesiones – English & Español 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Thursday/Jueves 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Saturday/Sábado Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santisimo: 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Mon, Tue, Thur. & Fri.; 1:00-9:00 p.m., Wed. Anointing of the Sick/Unción a los Enfermos: 1st Sunday after all Masses/1er Dom. despues de todas las Misas Directory: (Area Code 979) Church Office/Oficina---------------------- --------------849-2421 Church Fax----------------------------------- --------------849-2425 Parish Social Ministry/Centro de Servicio Social------849-9458 Parish Social Ministry Fax----------------- --------------848-3146 Resale Shop/Tienda de 2a mano ---------- --------------849-2767 Emergency/Emergencias ----------------- --------------849-1143 Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina: Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes– 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (closed from 12:30-1:30 for lunch) E MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITES: Parish: Archdiocese: Basilian: U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops: Catholic News Service: Lectionary, Scripture Study:

Mary, the Holy Mother of God January 1, 2012 Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. — Luke 2:19

From the Pastor’s Desk

Mensaje del Parroco

Happy New Year! As we enter the Year of Our Lord 2012, I pray that each and every one of you may experience the goodness and comfort of God, and I give thanks for the many blessings that we have received during 2011. Thanks to all who made our Christmas celebrations so beautiful and meaningful: those who decorated the church, the choir and the servers and all the liturgical ministers, and all of you who came and participated in our worship. We even had rain, after praying for it for so long! As I write this, it is the 25th anniversary of my ordination to the ministerial priesthood. I am conscious of the many blessings that I have received throughout these years, of a number of successes, and of many, many failures. What a beautiful life it has been, and is! At this time, I am especially grateful for you here at Most Holy Trinity. It is such a privilege to be in this place. I ask your prayers for me, so that together we can continue to spread the word of the God who loves us so much he was born into our history as Jesus of Nazareth. And, please plan on helping me celebrate these 25 years with our Mass together at 10:00 a.m., on January 29, followed by a bit of spaghetti at the KC hall. Be assured of my prayers for all of you as we continue this journey called life. Fr. Maurice

¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Al entrar en el Año de Nuestro Señor 2012, oro para que todos y cada uno de ustedes puedan experimentar la bondad y el consuelo de Dios, y doy gracias por tantas bendiciones que hemos recibido durante el año 2011. Gracias a todos los que hicieron nuestras celebraciones navideñas tan hermosas y significativas: los que decoraron la iglesia, el coro y los monaguillos y todos los ministros litúrgicos, y a todos ustedes que vinieron y participaron en nuestra devoción. ¡Hasta tuvimos lluvia, después de rezar por ella por tanto tiempo! Al escribir esta, es el 25o aniversario de mi ordenación al sacerdocio ministerial. Estoy consciente de las muchas bendiciones que he recibido a lo largo de estos años, de una serie de éxitos, y de muchos, muchos fracasos. ¡Qué vida tan hermosa ha sido, y es! En este momento, estoy especialmente agradecido por ustedes aquí en la Santísima Trinidad. Es un privilegio estar en este lugar. Les pido sus oraciones por mí, para que juntos podamos seguir difundiendo la palabra de Dios que nos ama tanto que nació en nuestra historia como Jesús de Nazaret. Y, por favor, planeen ayudarme a celebrar estos 25 años juntos en nuestra misa a las 10:00 el 29 de enero, seguido por un poco de espagueti en el salón de los KC. Tenga la seguridad de que ofrezco mis oraciones por todos ustedes a medida que continuamos este viaje llamado vida. Padre Maurice

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Reflection by Deacon Rob Ward Mary pondered all this within her heart, scripture tells us. She, obviously, knew about the mysterious conception of the child nine moths earlier. She continually reflected on the events of Jesus‘ birth. Normally, a boy was given the name of a relative. Jesus was given the name Yahweh Saves. Mary remembered the message from the angels that the shepherds proclaimed “To you, this day is born in the City of David a Savior who is Messiah and Lord.” Mary was a woman of faith, complete faith. She had faith that somehow God would care for her in her pregnancy, in the childbirth, throughout her life and at the foot of the cross. She had faith that His plan was working through this wonderful child of the common life. She had faith that she was changing the diapers of the Son of God. On this, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, we should pray for faith, real faith, faith like Mary, not faith that demands proofs and is therefore a very weak faith, but faith that God is working His plan in and through us in mysterious ways. We pray today for the Gift of the Holy Spirit called understanding. The gift of understanding helps us realize that God is far greater than our intelligence can comprehend. This gift leads us to take the step of faith that proclaims, along with Mary, that the child of Bethlehem is the Son of God. All of us have doubts in faith. They are part of human life. The very apostles who witnessed the resurrection of the Lord had doubts of faith even while they stood on the Mountain of the Ascension. Faith demands our taking a step from our human perspective and trusting in God to do the incomprehensible. Today let us pray to Mary, the Mother of God. We ask her to petition her Son for us so that we also might have the courage, the humility, and the faith to proclaim with the Church that Jesus is Lord.

La Natividad del Señor Reflexión por Diacono Rob Ward María meditaba todo esto en su corazón, nos dicen las Escrituras. Ella, obviamente, sabía de la misteriosa concepción del niño nueve meses atrás. Continuamente reflexionaba sobre los acontecimientos del nacimiento de Jesús. Normalmente a un niño se le daba el nombre de un pariente. A Jesús le fue dado el nombre de Yahweh salva. María recordó el mensaje de los ángeles, proclamado por los pastores “Hoy les ha nacido, en la ciudad de David, un Salvador, que es el Mesías, el Señor.” María era una mujer de fe, y una fe completa. Tenía fe en que de alguna manera Dios iba a cuidar de ella en su embarazo, en el parto, a lo largo de su vida y al pie de la cruz. Tenía fe en que el plan de Dios se estaba efectuando a través de ese maravilloso niño de la vida ordinaria. Ella tenía fe de que estaba cambiando los pañales del hijo de Dios. En esta, la solemnidad de María, Madre de Dios, debemos orar por fe, por una fe verdadera, fe como la de María, no una fe que exija pruebas, y que por lo tanto es una fe muy débil, pero fe en que Dios está llevando a cabo su plan en nosotros y a través de nosotros de manera misteriosa. Hoy oramos por el don del Espíritu Santo llamado entendimiento. El don de entendimiento nos ayuda a darnos cuenta que Dios es mucho mayor de lo que nuestra inteligencia puede comprender. Este don nos lleva a dar el paso de fe que proclama, junto con María, que el niño de Belén es el Hijo de Dios. Todos tenemos dudas sobre la fe. Estas son parte de la vida humana. Los mismos apóstoles que fueron testigos de la resurrección del Señor tenían dudas sobre la fe, incluso al estar en el monte de la Ascensión. La fe exige que demos un paso, desde nuestra perspectiva humana, y confiemos en Dios, para hacer lo incomprensible. Hoy oremos a María, la Madre de Dios. Implorémosle que le pida a su Hijo por nosotros, para que tengamos la valentía, la humildad y la fe de proclamar con la Iglesia que Jesús es el Señor.

Please pray for our loved ones and friends in the hospital: Andrea & Scooter Jennings, Tony Lopez, Fr. Dan Morales, Emma Perry, Alton Prihoda, David Silba, Bernardene Stawarczik, Rene Zabala. Please note: An individual whose name appears on the hospital list will be published for 4 weeks. For an extension, please call the Parish Office.

Remember also those in the nursing homes: Cypress Woods Care: Mary Jane Baker, Elida Benitez, Karyn-Anne Brown, Josefa Cruz, Eugene & Lenora Duval, Joann Erdelt, Dominga Fleming, Michael Fuchs, Fannie Garcia, Mary Hausl, Judy Homrighaus, Charlie Hundl, Diane Jurek, Rebecca Labaki, Manuel Longoria, Eugenio Martinez, Carlos Medeles, Joyce Newmann, Sharon Nuernberg, Mitchell Peltier, Walter Piszczyk, Santana Ramos, Lowell Stuessel, Leonarda Whittington. Country Village: Cy & Elizabeth Adamcik, Rita Anthony, Maria Aparicio, Betty Bartee, Lucianna Farrar, Lucy Garrett, William Kolojaco, Eva Mobley, Lillian Pool, Deacon Andy Shefts, Elsie Shman, Doris Soria, Matilda West, Evelyn Zbranek. Country Village Assisted Living: Emma Horky, Elsie Kadera, Florence Kohutek, Eura Mobley, Lucinda Sendejo, Barbara Shaw, Annie Walcik.

We express our sympathy to Margarito & Eliz Cruz on the death of their Godson, Estevan Leija.

Most Holy Trinity is on facebook! “Like” us and join the group. Here’s how. Either: Log in to facebook and search: “Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Angleton, TX,” or Scan this QR code → → These sites will be used to invite you to events at our parish, share the latest news from our parish community and beyond, and point you to ways to learn about our faith online.

Among Our People

Jordyn Paige and Ava Grace Rutkowske are happy to announce the birth of their brother, Collin Charles. Collin was born December 19 to proud mother, Cheri, and weighed in at 7 lbs. ¾ oz. Filled with pride is Paw Paw, Gene Giraud. Congratulations to all!

CCE Classes resume this Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Adoration Christmas schedule Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume on Tuesday, January 3, after the 8:10 a.m. Mass.

Parish Offices will be closed this Monday, January 2

Secretarial/Office Assistant position open at Most Holy Trinity Applications are being taken for a Secretary/Office Assistant position to perform secretarial/clerical services in the parish office. Experienced computer skills in Word, Publisher, database management and electronic mail is required. Must be 18 years or older, self-motivated, and have the ability to multitask. Spanish language proficiency desired, but not required. Please call Cheryl Scott, 849-2421 x109, for more information or to receive a complete job description and application form. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Leaders Leaders are like eagles. They do not flock. You find at a time.

- Anonymous

A huge thank you to the following who helped decorated our church for the Christmas season: Betty Rees; Cathy Peltier; Cheryl, Steve & Chase Scott; Norma Mata; Ilda, Angelica & Olivia Hernandez; Glenn, Gilbert & Stephanie LaMont; Donna, John & Calie Hundl; Tom & Dayna Wilde; Dennis & Erma Hastings; Sandra Mouton; Patrick, Katherine & Elizabeth Soisson; Larrisa Jimenez; Josh Dominguez; Carlos, Mariza, Juan Carlos & Sergio Buentello; Cub Scout Pack #507 and Paula, Idette & Idaliz Saenz. Thanks also to Michael & Natasha Stulberg for the donation of the Christmas trees and to all who donated a poinsettia in memory of a loved one. Apologies to Roseanne Scoggins who donated a poinsettia in memory of her husband, James.

Adult Confirmation classes offered The Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation are required to complete a persons initiation into the Catholic Faith. Adults who are baptized Catholic, have made their 1st Communion, but for whatever reason were never Confirmed are encouraged to call the parish office to sign up for preparation classes for the Sacrament of Confirmation. To be eligible for these classes, you must be out of High School, 18 years of age or older, actively practicing the faith by attending Mass regularly, and if married, marriage must be recognized by the Church. Classes will be starting in February, dates to be announced. For more information, or to register, call Cheryl in the parish office at 849-2421.

Lenten small Faith-Sharing groups forming The season of Lent, which begins on February 22, will be here before you know it. It is not too early to begin thinking about what you will do to enter into this season of prayer, reflection, and sacrifice. One option is join a small faith sharing group to study, reflect and share on some aspect of our Catholic faith. This year, we are forming small groups of 6-8 people, who will meet weekly for the six weeks of Lent and use a resource from Renew International, called "Lifting Up Our Hearts", a scriptural study of the Eucharist, the core of our Faith. If you are interested in joining, call the parish office by February 1 so that enough preparation materials may be ordered in advance.

Bazaar follow-up meeting planned A bazaar follow-up meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 10, at 7:00 p.m., in the Parish Office meeting room. All chairpersons are encouraged to attend. All are welcome.

Upcoming dates for 1st Reconciliation Candidates Final preparation class for students preparing for their 1st Reconciliation is scheduled for this Tuesday, January 3, at 6:00 p.m., in the church. This class is for students only (English & Spanish). First Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation for these students and their parents will be held on Saturday, January 7, at 10:00 a.m. in the church.

Dos Fechas Importantes Los candidatos de Primera Reconciliación Clase final de preparación para los estudiantes de la Primera Reconciliación está programada para este martes, 3 de enero, a las 6:00 pm, en la iglesia. Esta clase es sólo para estudiantes (Inglés y Español). La celebración de Primer Sacramento de la Reconciliación para los estudiantes y los padres se llevará a cabo el sábado, 7 de enero, a las 10:00 am en la iglesia.

Archdiocesan Jr. High Youth Rally planned for February The 2012 Archdiocesan Junior High Youth Rally will be held on Saturday, February 18, at St. Thomas Moore Parish in Houston, from 10:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m., for youth in grades 6-8. The theme for this year is Hollywood: Created Anew, which is based on Ephesians 2:13-18. This year the theme focuses on our personal relationship with Christ. We will break open our theme through keynotes, workshops and challenging community building, along with prayer experiences and the celebration of the Mass. Registration, which includes lunch, dinner and a t-shirt is: $40.00 by January 23 $50.00 after January 23 The last day to register is February 6. For more information, call Cheryl at the Parish Office.

Weekly Scripture Readings Monday/Lunes, January 2 1 John 2:22-28 ......................................John 1:19-28 Tuesday/Martes, January 3 1 John 2:29—3:6 .................................John 1: 29-34 Wed./Miércoles, January 4 1 John 3:7-10 ........................................John 1:35-42 Thursday/Jueves, January 5 1 John 3:11-21 ......................................John 1:43-51 Friday/Viernes, January 6 1 John 5:5-13 .........................................Mark 1:7-11 Saturday/Sábado, January 7 1 John 5:14-21 ........................................John 2:1-11 Sunday/Domingo, January 8 Isaiah 60:1-6 ........................... Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 ......................................................... Matthew 2:1-12

Stewardship Corner Sunday Coll.: December 17/18................ $8,171.79 Poor & Needy Coll. ................................. $2,340.21 Sunday Coll.: December 24/25................ $7,314.01 Christmas Coll......................................... $3,370.00 Debt Reduction Coll................................ $1,550.25 Maintenance Fund Coll. ......................... $1,204.92

Mass Attendance - December 17/18—Total 969 5:00 p.m. 260; 8:00 a.m. 256; 10:00 a.m. 453. December 24/25—Total 1,168 6:00 p.m. 570; 9:00 p.m. No count; 11:30 p.m. 282; 10:00 a.m. 316.

Liturgical Ministers for January 7/8, 2011 Ministry Saturday Sacristan: Eva Gutierrez

Sunday 8:00 a.m. Camila Belmares

Sunday 10:00 a.m. Erma hastings

Lector 1: Dana Ernst Lector 2: Blanca Ochoa

Sylvia Munoz Deyanira Perez

Laura Cruz Margarito Cruz, Jr.

Servers: Drew Blawvelt Abigail Haston Joshua Haston Olivia Haston

Christian Ayala Agustin Carrizales Luis Garcia Nicolas Belmares

Albert Barrientes Kailey Kaiser Jessica Santos Christian Vargas


Hope Arce Brian Ernst Eddy Garcia-Meitin Annie Hernandez Beth Kaspar Kelly Marksberry Joe Sandoval Kristina Sandoval Bertha Vasquez

Camila Belmares Victoria Calderon Rosy Cruz Ana Leveck Julia Perez Marcos Perez, Sr. Andres Silva Vicky Silva Elisa Sustaita

Marcos & Shirley Calderon Lori Greak Abel Gutierrez Fred & Helen Infante Pat Jennings Arnold & Lina Ramirez Cindy Stone Robert & Annette Trevino Barbara Villarreal Maria Wilde

T. J. Sbrusch Henry DeVries Oscar Greak Roger Hernandez Steve Ramirez Greg Wiley

Santos Canizales, Sr. Felipe/Maura Martinez Guadalupe Mendez Guillermina Mendez Jesus Ozuna Francisco Sustaita

Fred Sander Patrick Buentello Eddie Damian Gene Giraud Vincent Perez Tommy Sbrusch


Robert Villarreal

Johnny Voss



Altar Guild – January 1-7, 2012 Evelyn Boeker

Baptismal Classes scheduled Baptismal classes will be held on Sunday, January 22 & 29, at 5:00 p.m. Please come by the Parish Office to register for these classes. Clases de Preparacion para Bautismo. Favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para inscribirse, por favor, 6:30 p.m. cada Jueves el 12, 19 y 26 de Enero.

Golden Stars, the senior group at Most Holy Trinity, is open to anyone in the community age 50+. Bring your friends and neighbors. For more information, call Helen Infante, 849-8895 Tuesday, January 3, 10:30 a.m. Movie Day Tuesday, January 10, 0:30 a.m. Monthly Meeting.

Commemorative Pavers Christmas Special Solidarity Dignity of Work Rights and Sanctity of Responsibilities Human Life and Dignity of the Person Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable High school age & young adults under 20! Take action and help end global hunger! On January 14 & 15, Most Holy Trinity Youth Ministry will be participating in a 24 hour Food Fast/Retreat, a program designed by Catholic Relief Services. During this retreat, we will be fasting in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world who struggle with poverty and hunger. We will journey with the poor and hungry as a way of living out our Catholic Faith by abstaining from solid food for 24 hours, by seeking shelter outdoors, by learning about the causes and effects of hunger in our country and around the world, and by participating in service projects in the local community. All High School Age Youth and Young Adults 20 years and under are encouraged to be a positive witness to the world by living out their Catholic faith by actively putting the principles of Catholic Social Teaching into to practice. We will break our fast with the celebration of the Eucharist at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday morning, followed by a meal and sharing about the retreat experience in St. Basil hall.

What: Food Fast/Tent City Where: Most Holy Trinity Church Grounds When: January 14 & 15, 2012 Who: M.H.T. High School Youth and Young Adults age 20 and Under Time: Begins Saturday at 11:00 a.m. Ends Sunday with the Celebration of the Eucharist at 10:00 a.m. Go to the parish Facebook page or call Cheryl Scott or Kristi Haas in the parish office, 979‐849‐2421 to sign up or for more information by Monday, Jan. 9, 2012 . Participants must have signed parental permission forms and medical consent forms. Other members of the community are asked to please begin praying for the youth who will be on retreat. Those who wish to show support of the youth’s efforts in this event may also drop off donations of non‐perishable food, coats, and or money between 5:00‐7:00 p.m. on Saturday at the circle driveway of St. Basil Hall.

Are you are looking for a unique gift for someone on your Christmas list this year, or would you like to commemorate the loss of a special someone? Commemorative Pavers for the patio at the entrance of the church are available. The pavers will be inscribed with the name or In Memory of message of your choice. The Grandma Smith Christmas Special cost for each paver is $75.00, and will be in effect through January 9. You are allowed 2 lines with no more than 16 characters per line (a character includes spaces, commas, etc.). For more information, or for help/suggestions on how to word your paver, call the parish office.

Gathering Place news "Reunion," a new format for the Gathering Place Interfaith Ministries, will start at Most Holy Trinity Wed., Mar. 21. Sponsored by the Guadalupanas, the event will be offered in Spanish, and will be held from 1-4 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month. Caregivers of people with Alzheimer's Disease or other memory disorders may drop off their family members and use that time for rest. During the threehour party, volunteers will provide activities including exercise, dance, crafts, music, a dessert, and bingo. Volunteer recruitment will begin in January, and training will be offered Sun., Feb. 19, at 2 p.m. in Heyck Hall. The Gathering Place is co-sponsoring a 4-hour seminar "Alzheimer's, Dementia and Communication" Sat., Jan. 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church in Angleton. Lunch will be provided to people who have preregistered. The Gathering Point at St. Jerome's will meet Tues., Jan. 3 from noon until 4 p.m. Bilingual volunteers provide activities and lunch. The Gathering Place at First United Methodist in Angleton will meet Thurs., Jan. 5, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The combined ministries of Most Holy Trinity and First Methodist provide activities and the Danbury Rotary will provide lunch. For more information, call Roseanne Scoggins, 549-0509 or Brenda Maust, 849-5051.


Epiphany Poor & Needy Coll.



4:30 CCE Grades K-5 6:00 CCE Grades K-5 6:15 CCE Special Needs 7:00 Grupo de Oracion 7:30 RCIA

10:00 Golden Stars

7:30 KC Meeting

Parish Offices Closed NO RCIA NO CCE


Bulletin Deadline Tuesdays at 12:00 Noon

MONDAY, JANUARY 2 8:10 Mike & Rosie Volek (++) and all living and deceased family members by granddaughter, Helen Russell TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 8:10 Amelia Browne (+) & Joseph Murawski (+) by daughter and niece, Barbara Bohnert

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31 9:00 For Vocations 5:00 Gregorio & Elvira Cuellar (++) by Christine & Michael Gregg & The Cuellar Family SUNDAY, JANUARY 1 THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY 8:00 Guadalupe Society 10:00 For all the people

4:00 Confirmation Session #5

10:00 CCE PK


Solemnity of Mary Building Fund Coll. NO CCE


5:30 CCE Grades 6-8 6:00 Choir 7:00 CCE Grades 9-12



SATURDAY, JANUARY 7 9:00 For Vocations 5:00 Richard Garza (+) by friend SUNDAY, JANUARY 8 8:00 Luz & Encarnacion Gurrola (++); Marta Munoz (+) & Maria Hernandez (+) by daughter, Lina & Luis Hernandez 10:00 For all the people






Debt Reduction Coll.

3:30 Confessions


Poor & Needy Coll.

3:30 Confessions

[7 10:00 Communal 1st Penance Service


SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 9:00 For Vocations 5:00 Benito & Oscar Santellana (++) by wife & mother, Jacinta

MONDAY, JANUARY 9 8:10 Joe & Toni and living and deceased family members by granddaughter, Helen Russell TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 8:10 Louise Sykes (+) by Carl Lapaglia WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 12:00 Rudolph Buchta (+) by son, Greg & Teresa & family THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 8:10 Randy Reed (+) by sister, Robbe & Paul Sebesta & family FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 8:10 Albert Cook (+) by John & Bernetta Cook

5:00 Confessions 7:30 RCIA

5:00 Confessions 7:30 RCIA


WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4 12:00 Eloy Salinas, Sr. (+) by Lydia Thompson THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 8:10 1) Special intention for the good health and well-being of Luisa Lopez 2) Special intentions for good wishes for Johnny & Dona Voss on their birthday FRIDAY, JANUARY 6 8:10 E. J. Rab (+) by wife, Bettie

7:00 Bazaar Follow-up Mtg. 7:30 KC Charity Bingo (non-smoking)


5:30 CCE Grades 6-8 6:00 Choir 7:00 CCE Grades 9-12

6:00 1st Reconciliation Candidates only 7:30 KC Charity Bingo (non-smoking)

10:00 Golden Stars Monthly Meeting




Adoration Resumes 10:00 Golden Stars Movie Day


January 1-14, 2012

Baptisms: Preparations sessions are required for parents and godparents and a recognition Mass. Parents should be registered in the parish and practicing Catholics. Call the parish office as early as possible during pregnancy to pre-register for classes. Baptism will be set upon completion of the required classes. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For individuals who are not baptized, baptized in another denomination and interested in becoming Catholic, or baptized Catholics who never completed the sacraments of initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation). This process leads to full communion in the Catholic Church. First Reconciliation/First Communion: Enrollment in the sacrament preparation process is open to children in grade 2 or older who are registered in the parish, faithfully attending Mass and enrolled in ongoing faith formation programming. Classes include required parent & child sessions for both sacraments. Confirmation: Enrollment in a 2-year preparation process is open to youth in grade 10 or higher who actively practice the Catholic faith and are registered in the parish. Youth must be regularly attending Mass and ongoing faith formation classes. An entrance interview may be required. Marriage: By appointment only, 6-12 months in advance. Either one or both of the couple must be registered in the parish. Marriage Preparation Program required. No weddings during Lent. Holy Orders: If interested in the Priesthood or Diaconate, contact Fr. Maurice Restivo, C.S.B. Death in the Family: Call the Parish Office before you make an appointment with the funeral home. We are here to help you spiritually and emotionally. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 849-2421.

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