Repaso, Examen Final ~ Español III Nombre: Formato: los siguientes son las secciones del examen escrito (recuerda que también hay una sección de com

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Repaso, Examen Final ~ Español III


Formato: los siguientes son las secciones del examen escrito (recuerda que también hay una sección de comprensión y producción oral, pero esa es la evaluación oral – una nota separada) I. Subjuntivo / indicativo: 20 pts II. Tiempos perfectos: 10 pts III. Mandatos de tú, usted y ustedes: 15 pts IV. Assorted grammar multiple choice (past participles, infinitive vs. conjugation, vosotros / nosotros mandatos, etc.): 8 pts V. Artículo: 7 pts VI. Lectura: 15 pts VII. Composición: 15 pts VIII.España – cultura + arte: 10 = 100 pts (+ 6 puntos, crédito extra) This sheet will walk you through the different sections of the written portion of the Spanish III final exam. Practice activities are included for some topics. I. El subjuntivo contra el indicativo: 20 puntos / 20% del examen escrito Descripción: For the first ten items, you are required to circle one of five possible verbs to complete a sentence. The verb options include present indicative, present subjunctive, past indicative (preterit or imperfect), past subjunctive, and infinitive. The verb tenses are in the same order for each question. For the remaining 10 items, you are required to come up with a verb to fill in the blank in a two-verb sentence. Use the same skills you used in the first section. Conjugación: The present subjunctive is conjugated by removing the –O from the yo form of the present indicative tense, then adding the opposite endings. These are, for –AR verbs, -e / es / e / emos / éis / en and for –ER / -IR verbs, -a / as / a / amos / áis / an. Irregulars are IR / VAYA, HABER / HAYA, SER / SEA, and SABER / SEPA. The past or imperfect subjunctive is formed by removing the letters –RON frmo the ellos form of the preterit tense, then adding the following endings (they are the same regardless of verb ending): -ra / ras / ra / ramos / rais / ran or –se / ses / se / semos / seis / sen. (The alternate –se endings will only appear on the extra credit section of the test.) Estrategia: For each question, consider the tense of the first (already conjugated) verb. If it is in the present tense, you know that you should choose a present tense verb for the second (sometimes, a past tense verb may also make sense, but you will always be safe choosing the present tense); if it is in the past tense, choose a past tense verb. Then, consider whether the first verb implies doubt, denial, uncertainty, emotion, or opinion. (Some clues: dudar, recomendar, aconsejar, ser + adjetivo de emoción, ojalá, negar, decir [as an order] etc.). If it does, choose the subjunctive. If it implies certainty or knowledge (some clues: ser + verdad / cierto / claro / obvio, no hay / había duda, saber, creer, pensar, decir [as a statement]), choose the indicative. If there is no que (or other word, such as cuando, that starts a new clause) and only one subject, choose the infinitive. Ojalá: sentences with ojalá generally have only one verb – that verb always requires the subjunctive. You must determine the tense based on the time clause at the end of the sentence. Adverb clauses: this semester, we practiced extensively with 18 adverb clauses that are sometimes used with the subjunctive. You can download the packet about these from the wiki, but in brief, always use the subjunctive with the following clauses: para que / a fin de que / a condición de que / con tal de 1

que / en caso de que / antes de que / a no ser que / a menos que / sin que. With the following clauses, only use the subjunctive if the sentence refers to something that hasn’t happened yet (i.e., if the other clause is in the future, or a command): después de que / cuando / en cuanto / tan pronto como / hasta que / mientras / nada más que / por más [adjetivo] que / por mucho que / siempre que. Nonexistence: when a topic that does not exist (or whose existence is uncertain) is introduced and then described, any verbs used to describe it must be in the subjunctive. If the first (non-subjunctive) verb is in the past tense, use the past subjunctive for the descriptive verbs; if the first verb is in the present, use the present subjunctive. For example, Yo buscaba [past indicative] una cocinera que supiera [past subjunctive] cocinar comida española. / No existe [present indicative] ningún estudiante en esta clase que hable catalán. Como si . . . Como si means as if, and is always followed by the imperfect (past) subjunctive. Práctica: The items that follow are very similar to the items in the first subjunctive section. 1. Yo dudaba que tú (conoces, conozcas, conociste, conocieras, conocer) a Dick Cheney. 2. Mi madre dice que yo (soy, sea, era, fuera, ser) su hijo más hermoso. 3. Todo el mundo prefiere que tú no (vienes, vengas, viniste, vinieras, venir) a la fiesta. 4. No sé si existe alguien que (es, sea, era, fuera, ser) perfecto para la posición. 5. Llegamos a casa anoche después de que nuestro programa favorito (termina, termine, terminó, terminara, terminar). 6. Los hijos de Fermín creen que él (sabe, sepa, sabía, supiera, saber) todo. 7. Necesitamos una computadora que (puede, pueda, podía, pudiera, poder) abrir estos documentos. 8. Ojalá que no (llueve, llueva, llovió, lloviera, llover) el fin de semana pasado. 9. Yo quería bailar el flamenco después de (veo, vea, vi, viera, ver) la presentación de Wanchope. 10. El Sr. Otis recomendó que Uds. (estudian, estudien, estudiaron, estudiaran, estudiar) para el examen. 11. Para entender el subjuntivo, es importante (practica, practique, practicó, practicara, practicar) mucho. 12. Mercedes no sabía que yo (puedo, pueda, podía, pudiera, poder) leer su mente. 13. Ellos necesitaban cambiar de casa antes de que los vecinos (vuelven, vuelvan, volvieron, volvieran, volver) a casa. 14. Tus padres pidieron que (conducimos, conduzcamos, condujimos, condujéramos, conducir) despacio. 15. Es claro que tú no (debes, debas, debías, debieras, deber) llevar esa camisa de los Backstreet Boys. 16. Yo quería comprar una bicicleta que (es, sea, fue, fuera, ser) rápida y también barata. 17. Ella era la única persona que me (entiende, entienda, entendía, entendiera, entender) bien. 18. Mi hermano negó que (ha, haya, había, hubiera) robado el mini-super el sábado por la noche. 19. Ojalá que esos imbéciles (llegan, lleguen, llegaron, llegaran, llegar) a clase a tiempo mañana. 20. No pensamos que él (va, vaya, iba, fuera, ir) a estar tan enojado con nosotros. 21. Es triste que Jacinta y Máximo (pierden, pierdan, perdieron, perdieran, perder) el torneo de Scrabble. 22. Yo te ayudaré a no ser que tú no (tienes, tengas, tuviste, tuvieras, tener) tiempo. 23. Era cierto que mi madre (cocina, cocine, cocinó, cocinara, cocinar) un bistec miserable esa noche. 24. Los novatos aconsejan que tu hermano les (compra, compre, compró, comprara, comprar) cerveza. 25. El profesor repasa para que uds. (entienden, entiendan, entendían, entendieran, entender) el concepto. 26. No había duda que Domínico (hace, haga, hacía, hiciera, hacer) su tarea casi siempre. 27. El profesor recogerá las tareas en cuanto todos (llegan, lleguen, llegaron, llegaran, llegar) a clase. 28. Mi jefe me mandó que te (llamo, llame, llamé, llamara, llamar) por teléfono todos los días. 2

Práctica: The items that follow are very similar to the items in the second subjunctive section. 1. Mis padres trabajan para que nosotros __ bien. 2. Los perros querían que tú les __ la comida. 3. Yo creía que tus amigos __ comido la cena ya. 4. Mi madre desea que nosotros __ más en casa. 5. Los hermanos de Federico mandan que él __ para ellos. 6. No debías haber hecho eso, a no ser que no te __ tu futuro. 7. Papá Noel esperaba __ a todos los niños esa noche. 8. Te aconsejamos que no __, porque estás borracho. 9. Su mamá le prohibió que Humberto __ esa película con sus amigos. 10. ¡Yo siempre te ruego que no __ tus pies en mi sofá! 11. Es muy obvio que tú no __ salir a bailar conmigo. 12. Cuando era niña, tenía que hacer a la tarea en cuanto __ a casa. 13. Fue ridículo que él siempre __ inglés en la clase. 14. Ese hombre no recibirá el trabajo, por más simpático que ___. 15. Estoy segura que tus amigos __ a visitarte en la cárcel. 16. ¿Es verdad que tú pediste que yo te __ con la tarea? 17. No es cierto que nosotros __ en Mongolia. 18. Yo espero __ a muchos países en mi vida. 19. Nunca había tranquilidad en su casa mientras sus padres __ juntos. 20. Esperábamos localizar al hombre que __ robado la casa. II. Los tiempos perfectos: 10 puntos / 10% del examen escrito Descripción: In this section, you are asked to conjugate the missing verb in each sentence in one of six perfect tenses (presente, pluscuamperfecto, futuro, condicional, o presente / pasado del subjuntivo). You must consider the time clauses in the sentences to determine which tense to use . . . this may sound very challenging, but fortunately, you will receive partial credit for conjugating haber and the present participle correctly. *REMEMBER, when they are part of perfect tenses, PAST PARTICIPLES SHOULD ALWAYS END IN –O AND SHOULD NOT BE MADE TO AGREE as if they were adjectives! Conjugación: To form the perfect tenses, conjugate HABER in the appropriate tense. 1) present perfect (I HAVE done) = he / has / ha / hemos / habéis / han 2) pluscuamperfecto (I HAD done) = había / habías / había / habíamos / habían / habíais / habían 3) futuro perfecto (I WILL HAVE done) = habré / habrás / habrá / habremos / habréis / habrán 4) condicional perfecto (I WOULD HAVE done) = habría / habrías / habría / habríamos / habríais / habrían 5) presente subjuntivo perfecto (I HAVE done, given appropriate subjunctive circumstances) = haya / hayas / haya / hayamos / hayáis / hayan 6) pluscuamperfecto subjuntivo (I HAD done, given appropriate subjunctive circumstances) = hubiera / hubieras / hubiera / hubiéramos / hubierais / hubieran Then, conjugate the action verb in the past participle. For –AR verbs, remove the –AR and add –ADO; for –ER / -IR verbs, remove the –ER / -IR and add –IDO. Make sure to memorize the irregular past participles: ver (visto), hacer (hecho), decir (dicho), romper (roto), cubrir (cubierto), freír (frito), satisfacer (satisfecho), morir (muerto), resolver (resuelto), absolver (absuelto), volver (vuelto), poner (puesto), imprimir (impreso), escribir (escrito) Estrategia: Just as in the subjunctive section, think about time. If the sentence is in the simple present (with no doubt, denial, etc.), use the present perfect; if it implies a “double past” (i.e., “When I arrived this morning, it had already started to rain.”), use the pluscuamperfecto; if the time indicated is in the future, 3

use the future perfect; if a “but” or “if/then” structure is evident, use the conditional perfect; and if doubt, denial, etc. is implied, use the present or past subjunctive perfect. Think about the following English sentences, and write present / pluperfect / future / conditional or present / past subjunctive on the blank to indicate the appropriate tense: 1) When the bus came, we 2) I

waiting for 2 hours already.

you, but I didn’t have any money left. (to pay)

3) When we graduate next year, we 4) Last year at finals, I doubted that you 5) At this point we still (neg.)

(to be)

KIS for 4 years. (to attend) enough for the test. (to study) the new movie. (to see)

It should be evident that only one perfect tense makes sense in each sentence – the same is true in Spanish, at least for the sentences I’ll put on the test. In the event that two different tenses actually do make sense, you would receive credit for either. However, I will do my best to avoid ambiguous sentences. Práctica: The following items are very similar to the sentences in this section. 1. Cuando terminé mi sándwich, la clase ya __. (empezar) 2. Yo __ cinco películas fantásticas en el último año. (ver) 3. No creemos que tú __ para este examen. (estudiar) 4. En 8 años, Flavio __ dos millones de dólares, si tiene suerte. (ganar) 5. Nosotros __ a Estela durante su enfermedad, pero no estábamos. (ayudar) 6. Martín __ por seis horas cuando el teléfono sonó. (dormir) 7. Ellos __ la tarea, pero tenían que asistir a una fiesta. (hacer) 8. Era increíble que Iván __ veinte huevos en una hora. (comer) 9. Este año de escuela, nosotros __ siete u ocho días. (perder) 10. En veinte años, nuestro país __ muchísimo, creo. (cambiar) 11. Ayer a las seis de la mañana, ya __ todas las ventanas. (abrir) 12. Si yo hubiera ganado la lotería, no __ a la escuela hoy. (venir) 13. Era obvio que nadie __ la tarea anoche. (entender) 14. Cuando me desperté la Navidad pasada, mucha nieve __. (caer) 15. Nosotros __ de la universidad en cinco años, más o menos. (graduarse) III. Los mandatos de tú, usted y ustedes: 15 puntos / 15% del examen escrito Descripción: Although the following chart contains conjugation information for all commands, this 15 point section on the final will include only tú, usted & ustedes commands. You will find a few nosotros & vosotros commands questions in the multiple choice section with various smaller grammatical concepts. For the fifteen commands questions, you will have to translate as on the most recent test. However, all verbs will be the simple, basic verbs that everyone should truly know by now. There will be some irregulars, of course. Estrategia: The most useful thing to remember when conjugating all commands is that most of them use the subjunctive forms. In fact, most of them are very logical: usted commands (+ & - ) – usted form of present subjunctive / ustedes commands (+ & - ) – ustedes form of present subjunctive / nosotros commands (+ & - ) – nosotros form of present subjunctive / tú commands (negative only) – tú form of present subjunctive / vosotros commands (negative only) – vosotros form of present subjunctive. Only tú and vosotros AFFIRMATIVE commands do not use the subjunctive. Affirmative tú commands 4

use the present indicative él form (and the 8 irregular VenDiSal verbs); affirmative vosotros commands simply replace the final R with a D (eliminating this D before ‘os’ if the verb is reflexive). The other tricky concept with commands is where to place object pronouns. Remember, for all negative commands, the object pronouns go before the conjugated verb, just as in all regular verb tenses in Spanish. However, for affirmative commands (of all types), the object pronouns are added to the end of the verb, attached to the conjugated verb. If the resulting verb is 3+ syllables long, an accent mark is added to the second to last (not counting the pronouns) syllable. Conjugación: below is a table with conjugation information for all command types, including irregulars and irregularity rules for reflexive verbs. MANDATOS



indicativo, forma de él / usted subjuntivo, forma de tú - háblame - no me hables - vive - no vivas - empiézalo - no lo empieces - no digas IRREG: Ven (venir), di (decir), sal (salir), haz (hacer), ten (tener), ve (ir), pon (poner), sé (ser) LOS IRREGULARES SON LOS DEL SUBJUNTIVO (no vayas, seas, sepas) Quita la ‘R’, pon una ‘D’ Usa el subjuntivo, forma de vosotros: - habladme - no me habléis VOSOTROS (informal / - no viváis aquí plural) vivid - empezadlo - no lo empecéis - no vayáis NO HAY IRREGULARES Con verbos reflexivos, cuando pones ‘os’, necesitas quitar la ‘D’: LOS IRREGULARES SON LOS DEL - cepillaos SUBJUNTIVO (no vayáis, seáis, sepáis) - divertíos - la excepción es IRSE - idos Usa la forma del subjuntivo, nosotros Usa la forma del subjuntivo, nosotros - hablemos - no hablemos NOSOTROS - vivamos - no vivamos - empecémoslo - no lo empecemos Una excepción: IR, usa VAMOS PERO, ‘ir’ NO es una excepción: - no vayamos Si es un verbo reflexivo, la última ‘S’ desaparece: - cepillémonos - divirtámonos - vámonos LOS IRREGULARES SON LOS DEL LOS IRREGULARES SON LOS DEL SUBJUNTIVO SUBJUNTIVO (no vayamos, seamos, sepamos) (vayamos, seamos, sepamos) Usa la forma del subjuntivo, usted Usa la forma del subjuntivo, usted - hábleme - no me hable USTED (formal / singular) - viva aquí - no viva aquí - tenga paciencia - no tenga paciencia - levántese - no se levante LOS IRREGULARES SON LOS DEL SUBJUNTIVO LOS IRREGULARES SON LOS DEL (vaya, sea, sepa) SUBJUNTIVO (no vaya, sea, sepa) Usa la forma del subjuntivo, uds. Usa la forma del subjuntivo, uds. - háblenme - no me hablen USTEDES (formal / plural) - vivan aquí - no vivan aquí - tengan paciencia - no tengan paciencia - levántense - no se levanten LOS IRREGULARES SON LOS DEL SUBJUNTIVO LOS IRREGULARES SON LOS DEL (vayan, sean, sepan) SUBJUNTIVO (no vayan, sean, sepan) TÚ (informal / singular)


Práctica: below is a copy of the commands pages (both B & G blocks) from the recent Spanish III test. I recommend using these commands to practice conjugation, although the more difficult vocabulary terms will not be used on the final. 1. Don’t hurt yourself. (tú) _________________________ 1. Be good. (tú) _________________________ 2. Understand me well. (ud.)


2. Keep the money. (uds.) _________________________

3. Don’t sleep in class. (tú) _________________________

3. Read it now. (ud.)


4. Get up. (tú)


4. Don’t cry. (ud.)


5. Don’t blame us. (uds.)


5. Hurry up! (tú)


6. Look at me! (tú)


6. Don’t lose it! (tú)


7. Eat it. (tú)


7. Know the words. (uds.) _________________________

8. Don’t come back. (uds.)


8. Give it to me! (tú)


9. Don’t do it. (ud.)


9. Don’t leave. (uds.)


10. Don’t take a picture. (ud.) _________________________

10. Run faster. (uds.)


11. Don’t read it. (tú)


11. Come here. (tú)


12. Tell me. (uds.)


12. Don’t drop it! (tú)


13. Give her a hug. (ud.)


13. Be well. (tú)


14. Start working. (uds.)


14. Don’t shrug yr shoulders. (tú) ______________________ 15.Listen to me. (ud.)


15. Sing it now. (ud.)


16.Don’t hit us. (tú)


16. Don’t walk. (ud.)


17.Have fun! (tú)


17. Go to school. (tú)


18.Ignore them. (uds.)


18. Don’t eat it! (tú)


19.Watch me! (tú)


19. Call me. (uds.)


20.Drink it. (tú) 21.Don’t try it. (uds.)

_________________________ _________________________

20. Give my regards to her! (tú) ______________________ 21. Don’t hurry. (uds.)


22. Drive it. (uds.)

_________________________ _________________________

22.Don’t say it. (ud.)


23. Don’t feed the animals.


23. Work more. (tú)

24. Don’t steal it. (tú)


24. Don’t stop talking! (tú) _________________________

25. Look for us. (uds.)


25. Drop it. (ud.)

_________________________ 6

IV. Selección múltiple, gramática variada (pero / sino, participios pasados, infinitivo vs. conjugación, vosotros / nosotros mandatos, etc.): 8 puntos / 8% del examen escrito Description: This section is where you’ll find small grammatical concepts that are important, but don’t merit their own section. There weren’t many of these this semester, because we spent so much time working with the subjunctive. However, you will see items in which you choose between pero / sino / sino que, translate passive sentences, choose whether or not to conjugate verbs, and translate commands in the nosotros and vosotros forms. There will only be 8 questions. Passive constructions & past participle use: We began studying the passive voice in Spanish II, and although it is a fairly simple concept, it still causes a surprising number of errors in many students’ work. Although there will only be 1 – 3 questions on this topic, you may wish to review the following information. Passive voice sentences (the building was constructed by a team of German architects – el edificio fue construido por un equipo de arquitectos alemanes) are formed by the combination of the verb ser (usually in the preterit, but the passive voice is possible in any tense) and the past participle (see the section on perfect tenses for a review of past participle conjugation). In the passive voice (unlike in the perfect tenses), the past participle is acting as an adjective, meaning that it must agree in number and gender with the noun it describes (the house was built = la casa fue construida). Keep in mind that the past participle can be used as an adjective in many contexts, not only in the passive voice – see the examples below. Práctica: For extra practice with this concept, translate some of the following items into Spanish. Participle as adjective: 1. the shouted accusations: 2. three lost dogs: 3. some unfinished sandwiches: 4. our half-eaten hot dogs: 5. the melted ice cream (to melt = derretir): 6. those broken pencils: 7. his written work: 8. some unspoken insults: 9. the unwatched movies: 10. a half-read book:

Passive voice sentences: 1. The letters were written by the history class. 2. Her house was painted by a strange old man. 3. The movies were returned by the little boys. 4. The money was found by a kind old woman. 5. Some answers were given by Ricardo and Miguel. 6. The information was destroyed in the fire. 7. Five photographs were stolen by the secretaries. 8. The insane clown was seen by the police at the market. 9. Our car was hidden by a fallen tree. 10. The library was built by a Spanish architect.

Verb conjugation vs. infinitive: The question or two you will see on this topic will assess your understanding of a concept we’ve worked with repeatedly this year – when to use the infinitive. In Spanish, a verb can never be conjugated after a preposition (por, para, en, a, de, con, sin, etc.). In English this is not the case. Often, when the subject of a sentence has already been identified in another part of a sentence, Spanish verbs retain the infinitive form after these words – however, if the subject is changed, the word QUE is inserted after the preposition, and the verb is conjugated. Examples: I returned home after running in the park. - Volví a casa después de correr en el parque. They returned home after Juana ran in the park. - Volvieron a casa después de que JUANA corrió . . . The subject change between they and Juana requires that the second verb be conjugated. 7

Similarly, with two-verb sentences (such as the ones we practiced frequently while studying the subjunctive) with only one subject usually use the infinitive, whereas 2-subject sentences require QUE and a second verb conjugation: I hope to live (that I live) forever. - Espero vivir para siempre.. I hope you live forever. - Espero que tú vivas para siempre. You will find sentences such as these in this section. Nosotros / vosotros commands: See the commands section a few pages back for information about how to conjugate verbs in these forms of the imperative. V. Las noticias (artículo): 7 puntos / 7% del examen escrito Descripción: This section of the test should look very familiar – you will be given a current events article, and asked to write a four-sentence summary of the important information. You will need to use the subjunctive at least once. Estrategia: As always, write relatively simple sentences and explain the terms you don’t know, rather than making up false cognates. You will lose points for invented terms! Of course, you will also lose points if you use any English at all. You are permitted to ask one vocabulary question in Spanish – if you can explain the term you need without using English, I will help you with it. Práctica: If you want to practice for this section, retend the following is an actual article (it isn’t), and write a 4+ sentence summary. Ricky Martin and Julio Iglesias make a surprise appearance in a Tijuana hospital. The two international superstars joined forces last Wednesday, in the spirit of world-wide peace and harmony. Appearing for an unannounced concert in the children’s ward, Martin and Iglesias played for a full house of sick and injured youngsters. Said hospital nurse Rosalita Montoya, “The kids were shocked speechless. The only live music they’ve ever heard is the hospital mariachi band. Most of them know who Ricky Martin is, but they were confused by Julio Iglesias. Some of them thought he was Mr. Martin’s father.” (Siento de inventar un artículo tan estúpido . . . ) VI. Lectura: 15 points / 15% of written final Descripción: You will be given an excerpt from a short story / novel that we have not read in class, and will be asked to answer several multiple choice and / or true / false questions, as well as 2 – 3 short answer questions about the content. Estrategia: It is difficult to prepare for the reading comprehension section, since the excerpt will be new to you. However, if you would like some reading materials to use for practice, let me know – I have several of the Spanish IV stories (similar in level to the excerpt you’ll see on the exam) photocopied, and you are welcome to a copy. VII.Los consejos (composición): 15 points / 15% of written final Descripción: The essay for the exam will require you to write a letter of advice to a friend or family member with an ongoing problem, using present (and occasionally past) subjunctive, and informal 8

commands – we’ve done similar things before, so you should be familiar with the format. You will need to use the subjunctive 6 or 7 times, as well as some adverbial phrases, which will be listed for you. Estrategia: You will succeed on this essay by writing simple, “Yo recomiendo que tú . . .” sentences. Mostly, I am looking for successful use of both subjunctive tenses. Make sure you imagine that you have been counseling this individual for some time, so that you can also say things like, “Hace tres años cuano empezaste a fumar cigarros, yo te aconsejé que dejaras de fumar . . .” etc. Práctica: Write a practice essay on a separate sheet of paper using the following topic: Tu amigo es un senior en KIS. Fue aceptado a la Universidad de Yale, pero ha decidido que no va a ir, porque él cree que puede ganar en un programa de televisión, Korean Idol. Miguel baila muy bien, pero no puede cantar, y además no es muy guapo. Escribe un consejo de 13+ frases para Miguel, usando el presente y pasado subjuntivo, y por lo menos 6 mandatos informales (3+ afirmativos, 3+ negativos). Usa también 3 de las siguientes frases: antes de que, después de que, en caso de que, para que, a condición de que, a no ser que, a fin de que, a menos que, sin que VIII.La cultura de España: 10 points / 10% of written final Descripción: The culture section will involve simple multiple choice or matching questions, including some topics that you and your classmates presented to the class, as well as some basic questions about Spanish art and the Spanish civil war. The information used to describe each item will come from the sheets that students passed out. Topics for each class are listed below. The information you are required to know is very basic – an identification of the item, more or less – but you may want to check in with the presenter if you were confused about their topic. Bloque B 1) Gente famosa de España (Raquel) 2) Las Fallas de Valencia (Gabriel) 3) El Flamenco (Roxana) 4) Semana Santa (Felisa) 5) Cervantes / Don Quijote (Iñaki) 6) San Fermines / El Encierro de Pamplona (Jacinto) 7) La Tomatina (Ida) 8) Arquitectura de Gaudí (Espe) 9) La comida (Lita) 10)La Inquisición (Verónica) 11)El fútbol (Raúl) 12)Cine de Almodóvar (Elena) 13)La movida madrileña (Reina) 14)Las corridas de toros (Alicia) 15)Música pop en España (Ana) 16)El Siglo de Oro (Adriana) Crédito extra: you will probably see some command irregularities (vosotros / nosotros), indirect commands, difficult subjunctive + perfect tense commands, alternate imperfect subjunctive endings (-se), and possibly some cultural content in this section.


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