St. Mary Church • •
MASS TIMES Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. Sundays 6:30 a.m. * 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. * 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Spanish 6:00 p.m. Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fridays 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (First Fridays all night) Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fatima Devotion First Saturday 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saturdays 9:00 a.m. (at the end of 8:30 Mass) PARISH OFFICE 2051 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 OFFICE HOURS 8:30 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday This Thursday, December 8, is the feast of the Immaculate Conception and it is a holy day of obligation. We will celebrate the following Masses that day: 6:30 am 8:15 am (Student Body) 12:05 pm 7:00 pm (bilingual)
Dear Friends, The busy-ness of this season is getting busier and busier each day, and I’m hearing my own words to “slow down, sit quietly, and have that cup of coffee with the Lord.” I hope you are finding the ways you need to just spend time with Jesus in prayer – even for just those few moments – and so prepare your heart and your mind to celebrate the coming of the Savior in a new and more wonderful way. The image represented in today’s First Reading from the Prophet Isaiah is one often portrayed on Christmas cards I have received. The image of animals lying peacefully with one another is a representation of the Kingdom of God, where all will be at peace with each other. Even though the Kingdom has come to us in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, we still await the fullness of that Kingdom in Heaven. It is not here, but we need to develop it here, in our lives and in our hearts. We need to pray for peace, and we need to seek that peace wherever we can find it. Let us pray for each other, and let us pray for the whole world, that the peace and grace of God will fill our lives, and that we can share these great gifts more and more each day! Have a wonderful week. Father Fred PREPARE THE WAY Saint John the Baptist appears on the scene today as Advent enters its second week. The mysterious consumer of locusts and wild honey, John echoes the words of the prophet Isaiah as he calls for repentance in the face of the nearness of the kingdom of heaven. The rhythms of the Christian life are often confounding. Each year we meet the Baptist and hear his calls for repentance. Each year we see him pointing to the one who is coming after him, the Lord Jesus. Yet each year the words and actions of John the Baptist echo anew in our hearts, because we have fallen into old sinful traps again and again. Advent gives us the opportunity once again to turn away from our sinful ways and embrace the gospel way of life. John the Baptist invites us to prepare the way for the Lord, in whom we place our hope. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Second Collection next week for the Retirement Fund for Religious
Your gift works for elderly religious by helping to furnish medications, nursing care, and more. Please support next week’s second collection and give to those who have given a lifetime. ORGANIZATIONS CYO, Jerry Florence
[email protected] Charismatic Prayer Group, Jim Crowley Catholic Divorced, Widowed & Separated, Char Buckman Eucharistic Adoration, Mary Johnstone Finance Council, Brian Mulligan Gabriel Project-Hotline Homebound Ministry, Helene Vizcarra Hospital Ministry, Angeles Ron Immaculata Guild, Arlene Verdugo Knights of Columbus, Bill Clark Pastoral Council, Chris Watson Respect Life Ministry, Jim Crowley Rosary Makers, Ana Lau St. Vincent de Paul, Brian Kavanagh
510-504-5954 944-0359 932-5054 954-7205 210-1031 800-910-0191 891-8936 640-8146 933-6215 932-1167 314-1355 944-0359 256-4428 937-2817
Staff and Administration Parish Office Fr. Fred Riccio, Pastor Fr. Ben Wonganant, Parochial Vicar Fr. John Blaker, In residence Ana Lau, Office Manager Aileen Baker, Bookkeeper
891-8900 Fax 934-1358
[email protected] 891-8900
[email protected] 891-8900 891-8900
4:30 pm
Eliana Celis
6:30 am
Charlotte Koskelin (L)
8:00 am
The People of St. Mary Parish
9:30 am
Araceli Thommes
11:00 am
Gilbert Choa
[email protected] 891-8908
[email protected] 891-8911
Faith Formation Austin Pisciotto, Administrative Assistant Tim Mannix, RCIA & Liturgy Coordinator Doug Talmadge, Director of Youth Ministries Maureen Tiffany, Director of Faith Formation Heather Abraham, Director of Middle School Phil Battaglia, Youth Music Coordinator
[email protected] 891-8939
[email protected] 891-8921
[email protected] 891-8939
[email protected] 962-5808
[email protected] 891-8934
Website: Alumni: Tracey Schmidt, Principal Advisory Council Karen Redwood, President Parents Club Jennifer Millette, Co-President Lynne Kenny, Co-President Kids Club Vicki Schwartz
12/05 12/06 12/07 12/08
932-5504 12/09
School Office
1:00 pm
[email protected]
[email protected] 935-5054
Virtudes & Tony Sparvoli
6:00 pm
Jose Silva
6:30 am
Henry Graham (L)
12:05 pm
Rio Cabatingan (L)
6:30 am
Behnaz Nejadlotfi (L)
12:05 pm
William Deignan (L)
6:30 am
Natalia Koskelin (L)
12:05 pm
John Francis Parenti II
6:30 am
Sharon Dubois
8:15 am
St. Mary School Community
12:05 pm
Mason Ross, Jr. (L)
7:00 pm
Alicia Peraza (L)
6:30 am
Jack Meinbress (L)
12:05 pm
Heney Graham (L)
8:30 am
John Portoni
408-332-6879 296-0117 954-7865 938-5114
Yolanda Rangel PRAY Susie Hutchins FOR Pat Roland THEM Deacon James Pearce Michael Lund Christopher & Daniel Moradi Mayah Pisciotto Josephine Velasco Harry Prudhomme Mike Sterrett Gail Case Dorothy Langguth Jacob & Katherine Pollnow Dominador Hontucan Ashley Ng
Carter Ankey Mary Jean Alexander Elizabeth Michenfelder Colin Worster Carmel Roubal Carol Erikson Rosalie Jacoby Ann Hirsch Lindsay Davis Vidya Ramanan Katie Gebler Sheila Deignan Bob Bussani Jack Meinbress Walter Davenport
The Second Collection this weekend is for Parish Maintenance. Thank you for your support!
THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR December 5 - 11 MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 7:00 AM Men of St. Joseph/OS 12:30 PM Walking with Purpose 101/FF 6:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Group/SE 7:00 PM Faith Form. 6th Gr./FF 7:00 PM Faith Form. 7th-8th Gr/Gym 7:30 PM Choir Practice/Church WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 9:00 AM Scripture Study/FF 7:30 PM Charismatic Prayer/FF-SM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 7:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration/FF-SP 7:00 PM Hispanic Prayer Group/Church 7:00 PM Young Adults/OS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 7:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration/FF-SP 7:00 PM Hisp. Choir Practice/Church SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 8:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group/OS 9:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration/FF-SP SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 9:15 AM Faith Formation K-3rd/FF 10:30 AM Coffee Sunday/SE 11:15 AM Hispanic Faith Form./FF 10:30 AM RCIA/FF-SJ 4:00 PM Band Practice/Church 7:00 PM Quest Youth Group/Gym FF = Faith Formation Center SE = St. Elizabeth Hall (Conf. Rm.) SJ = St. Joseph Room SM= St. Michael Room ST = St. Therese Room SP = St. Peter Room OS = Our Space
ADVENT GIVING TREE During the Advent season, parishioners are invited to take a gift tag from the Advent Giving Tree in church. The gifts will be donated to support the St. Vincent de Paul conferences at St. Peter Martyr in Pittsburg and St. Paul in San Pablo. To donate a gift for a child, please take an ornament off the tree and return it back under the tree taped to an unwrapped gift. Final collection of the gifts will be on December 19.
Join us for coffee, donuts and fellowship next Sunday, December 11, after the 9:30 Mass.
Advent & Christmas 2016 Thurs., Dec. 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Holy Day) English Masses: 6:30, 8:15 am (with school children), 12:05 pm Bilingual Mass: 7:00 pm Mon., Dec. 12: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 5:00 am - Mañanitas, Rosary & Mass (bilingual) 6:30 am - 12:05 pm-Masses in English 7:00 pm - Mass in Spanish Mon., Dec. 19: Penance Service (with individual confessions) Sat., Dec. 24: Christmas Eve 8:30 am - Morning Mass 3:00 pm - Mass in the church 4:30 pm - Mass in the church 8:00 pm - Bilingual Mass 10:00 pm - Carols in the church 11:00 pm - Mass of Christmas Sun., Dec. 25: Christmas Day
NO 6:30 am Mass 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am - Masses in English 1:00 pm - Mass in Spanish NO Evening Mass We are looking for children who would like to participate as readers or actors in the Christmas Pageant at the 3:00 pm Mass on Christmas Eve. Mandatory rehearsal at 9:30 am on December 23 in the church. Deadline for sign-ups is Friday, December 15. Please email Cathe Cracknell at
[email protected].
It’s Advent, guys. Let’s prepare ourselves for the Birth of Christ the best we can! Adoration, Rosary, and Confession for men. What else is more important? Wednesday, December 7, 6:30pm in church. Food and drink follow. Invite a friend and sons welcome. Questions? Contact:
[email protected]
From Cosmo to Catholic Former writer for Cosmopolitan magazine, Sue Ellen Browder, is silent no more as she tells her eye-opening account of how the original 'Feminist Movement' was secretly taken over by abortion advocates who now use it to promote abortions. At the direction of her superiors, she made up stories with fictional people to push the false narrative of a "Sex in the City" lifestyle as the single woman's path to personal fulfillment. Come to the Catholics At Work breakfast meeting, Tuesday, December 13, at Crow Canyon Country Club in Danville from 7:00am to 8:15am, where you will hear how this one-time Cosmo writer managed to find her way back to God's reality, the Catholic Church, and true freedom. Optional Mass celebrated at 6:30am on site. All are welcome. For more information or registration: Walk-ins are welcome.
Disciples in Training
Faith Formation Youth Ministry
LITTLE SAINTS Kinder - 3rd Sunday 9:15am - 10:45am
Catequesis en espanol Ages 6-13yrs Sunday 11:15am - 12:45pm ROCK 4th - 5th Grade Thursday 4:00pm - 5:30pm BLAST 6th Grade Tuesday 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDGE 7th - 8th Grade Tuesday 7:00pm - 8:30pm CONFIRMATION Call for Info YOUTH GROUP 9th - 12th Grade Sunday 7:00pm - 9:00pm Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Office 925-891-8939 Lifeteen.stmarywc Sunday– Thursday 8:30—5:30pm
Mark your calendars! Sunday, December 11 Immediately following our 6pm Youth Mass Our Youth Band will be hosting a Christmas Concert in the church with refreshments to follow in our Faith Formation Building. All are welcome! Please bring the little ones too!!
Jeans-4-Teens Needs your HELP! Our Edge/Blast Ministries are in need of slightly used or new jeans. Our middle school youth have partnered up with “The Covenant House,” who helps homeless and trafficked teens stay off the streets, provides housing and education, and teaches and nurtures habits that will help teens become strong, self-sustaining citizens and lead to a more fruitful life. We are trying to collect 2000 pairs of Jeans!! Check Covenant House out at With your help, WE CAN DO THIS!! Bring Jeans to church or our office.
All Classes K-12 have resumed!
Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe El 8 de diciembre, la Iglesia celebra solemnemente la Inmaculada Concepción de María. A la vez, la Madre de Jesucristo es honrada en Venezuela bajo la advocación de Nuestra Señora de Coromoto, en Paraguay como Nuestra Señora de Caacupé, en Panamá como Nuestra Señora de La Antigua y en Nicaragua como Nuestra Señora del Viejo. Esta última advocación tiene distintas historias que relatan su origen. Hay quienes dicen que pertenecía a un viejo ermitaño que viajaba con unos marinos. En cierto punto la imagen no quiso continuar el viaje y el barco no se movió hasta que se bajó el viejo con ella. Según otro relato, Nuestra Señora del Viejo fue traída a Nicaragua por Francisco de Ahumada, hermano de Teresa de Ávila. Francisco viajaba a América y su santa hermana quiso mandar tres imágenes marianas como regalo a los misioneros religiosos que estaban evangelizando en Guatemala, Perú y Nicaragua. Durante el año 1562, Francisco entregó la imagen de la Purísima a los Franciscanos de Nicaragua en el pueblo de “El Viejo”, por lo cual los nicaragüenses han declarado por años que “El viejo nos trajo a la Conchita”. Hay que saber que el viejo Francisco tenía 41 años de edad cuando pasó por Nicaragua.
Prepara el Camino San Juan Bautista aparece hoy cuando el Adviento comienza su segunda semana. Juan, el misterioso consumidor de saltamontes y miel silvestre, hace eco de las palabras del profeta Isaías en su llamado al arrepentimiento en la cercanía del Reino de los cielos. Los ritmos de la vida cristiana son muchas veces confusos. Todos los años conocemos a Juan Bautista y oímos su llamado al arrepentimiento. Todos los años lo vemos señalando al que vendrá después de él, al Señor Jesús. Sin embargo, cada año las palabras y las acciones de Juan Bautista hacen eco de nuevo en nuestro corazón, porque hemos caído una y otra vez en antiguas trampas pecaminosas. El Adviento nos da otra oportunidad para alejarnos del camino del pecado y aceptar el modo de vida del Evangelio. Juan Bautista nos invita a preparar el camino para el Señor en quien depositamos nuestra esperanza. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
¡Celebremos Juntos La Navidad! El Grupo de Teatro La V oz de Cristo te invita a celebrar La Navidad con la presentación de la obra de teatro:
La Pastorela
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Palabras de Nuestra Señora a Juan Diego “No se turbe tu corazón; no temas esa enfermedad, ni ninguna otra enfermedad o angustia. ¿No estoy yo aquí? ¿No soy tu Madre? ¿No estás bajo mi sombra? ¿No soy yo tu salud? ¿No estás por ventura en mi regazo? ¿Qué más has de menester? No te apene ni te inquiete otra cosa”.
¡Peregrinación Guadalupana 3 de diciembre!
Diciembre 4 No hay clase Diciembre 11 Clase 11:15 am Reunió n de Padres Diciembre 18 Posadas Janet (925)357-3048 -
[email protected]
Ven y comparte con nosotros nuestra posada parroquial y nuestras tradiciones Navideñas. Trae a toda tu familia y amigos y celebremos juntos el nacimiento de Cristo. Sábado 17 de Diciembre a las 6:30 de la tarde en el Gimnasio No te la pierdas. ¡Te esperamos! Habrá comida, piñatas y regalos para los niños. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes:
Is 35:1-10; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Lc 5:17-26 Martes: Is 40:1-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14 Miércoles: Is 40:25-31; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Jueves: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26-38 Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Sábado: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Domingo: Is 35:1-6a, 10; Sal 146 (145):6-10; Sant 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11
¡Aparta la Fecha! Febrero 3 - 5, 2017
Retiro de Iniciación Cristiana