March 2012
Stedwick Star The Stedwick Elementary PTA Newsletter
From the Stedwick PTA
From the Principal’s Desk
Eugene & Maria Hayes
Dr. Peggy Pastor
C0-PTA President
The month of February has been an exciting month. We had three Family Fun nights at Panera Bread, Roy Rogers, and Red Robin. We would like to thank the parents, teachers, and community members for their continued support in all of our events.
Spring has come early this year and that makes our spring activities all the more fun. We have many field trips scheduled so watch the backpack for any updates. We also have Living History Day at the end of the month and preparations are well under way for a day of visits from important historical figures.
We are looking forward to the remainder of this month and the activities that we have in store like Living History Day, the Stedwick Semi-Formal, and the Science Fair as well as some fundraising events. We look forward to seeing everyone at these events over the next few months. Also, we are actively recruiting for the PTA executive board members and PTA program organizers. As usual we encourage each of you to share the great ideas that you have for improving our system, and to volunteer your time so that we can continue to have the great events and programs that we currently have.
After-school activities end in March with the exception of the Opera Company. We are grateful to Grace Magdamo and her mother Carla for organizing a club for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) for a group of fourth graders this year. The club was a great success thanks to their work to create engaging and informative activities each week. I want to remind everyone that if you have a question or concern to contact your child’s teacher for answers. If the question is about something that happens in an area other than the classroom, the teacher is still the best person to continued on page 2
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Save the Date! April 13th - Spring Semi-Formal – “Walk the Red Carpet” 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. April 24th - Family Fun Night – Ledo Pizza 4:00 p.m. – closing (10% of all sales benefit the 2nd grade class) April 26th & 27th – Kindergarten Orientation May 22nd - Family Fun Night – McDonalds 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. (A portion of the sales including drive-thru benefit the 5th grade class)
Stedwick Star
From the Stedwick PTA
From the Principal’s Desk
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Thank you and if you have any questions, comments, or want to throw your name in the volunteer hat please feel free to email
[email protected]. We look forward to seeing you soon.
either investigate or to pass the question on to the appropriate staff member. Also, encourage your child to tell their teachers right away if they have been hurt or if another child has acted in a threatening manner toward them. We want all of our children to demonstrate the best behavior and language.
Sincerely, Gene & Maria Hayes
There are no classes for students on March 30th because it is a Professional Development Day and the following Monday, April 2, is the first day of Spring Break. Classes resume on April 10. The flowers are coming out quickly in our courtyard and in our other gardens. Be sure and take the time to enjoy the colors and fragrance of spring!
Desde el Escritorio de la Directora La Primavera ha llegado muy pronto este año y permite que nuestras actividades de la Primavera las disfrutemos más. Tenemos muchos paseos o excursiones programados de tal manera que verifiquen las mochilas de sus hijos por cualquier información actualizada. También tenemos el Día de la Historia en Vivo al final del mes y los preparativos están en marcha para un día de visitas de nuestras importantes figuras históricas. Las actividades extraescolares de la jornada de la tarde terminan en marzo con excepción de la Compañía de Opera. Estamos muy agradecidos con Grace Magdamo y su madre Carla por organizar un club STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemática) para un grupo de estudiantes de cuarto grado este año. El club fue de gran éxito gracias a su trabajo por crear actividades atractivas e informativas cada semana. Quiero recordarles a cada uno de ustedes que si tienen alguna pregunta o duda pueden ponerse en contacto con el (la) maestro(a) de su hijo para obtener respuestas. Si la pregunta es acerca de algo que sucede en una área diferente del salón de clase, el (la) maestro(a) es la persona más indicada para investigar o pasar la pregunta a un miembro apropiado del personal de la escuela. También, anime a su hijo(a) para decir a sus maestros inmediatamente si han sido lastimados o si otro niño ha actuado de una manera amenazante hacia ellos. Deseamos que todos nuestros niños demuestren lo mejor de ellos en comportamiento y lenguaje. No hay clases para los estudiantes el 30 de marzo porque es el Día Profesional de Desarrollo y el siguiente lunes, abril 2, es el primer día de las vacaciones de la primavera. Las clases se reanudan el 10 de abril. Las flores ya están saliendo con rapidez en nuestro patio interior escolar y en otros jardines. Asegúrense de tomar el tiempo para disfrutar de sus colores y de la fragancia de la Primavera!
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Family Fun Nights During our February family fun night at Panera Bread, Stedwick raised $174.00 that will go to the 4th grade classes.
Upcoming Family Fun Nights:
About the Stedwick Star
Editor/Publisher: Michele Weikert
Ledo Pizza – Montgomery Village Tuesday, April 24th 4:00 p.m. - Closing
Submit Content to:
[email protected]
Deadline: **10% of all sales will benefit Stedwick’s 2nd Grade Classes** Wear your spirit wear and win a prize! ALL children must be accompanied by an adult during this event!
McDonald’s – Clubhouse Road Tuesday, May 22nd 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Join us for our FINAL family fun night of this school year.
The Wednesday after the PTA Meeting
Distribution Date: The Friday after the PTA Meeting
Download: schools/stedwick
**A portion of all sales including drive-thru benefit the 5th Grade classes.** Wear your spirit wear and win a prize! ALL children must be accompanied by an adult during this event!
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Direct Donation Program
BAR-T Highlights
The PTA asks for your gracious support of our Direct Donation Program. What’s the Direct Donation Program you ask? NO time commitment! NO products to buy! NO hassles! Just simply send in your tax-deductible donation. For many busy families this is the easiest way to support our fine school. Your support is critical to keeping up our high level of commitment and assistance to teachers, staff, students and parents. All of the funds directly finance and/or subsidize student programs such as:
Education Enrichment Cultural Arts Assemblies Computer Club Class Field Trips Family Programs After School Activities And much, much more…
Our goal is to provide the best possible learning experience for YOUR children. Your support will ensure we continue meeting our current commitments and pursue special learning initiatives. No amount is too small. Consider this, if every family gave as little as $10, the PTA would generate over $3,000 to help support student activities, programs and trips. Use the PTA membership application included in this newsletter to make your tax-deductible contribution in support of the “Direct Donation” Program! “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” – Sir Winston Churchill
Did you know that BAR-T: 1. Offers drop in care? Registration for this program is $100 and daily fees are: a. AM Care = $19 b. PM Care = $27 c. Half day = $40 d. Full day = $60 2. Is now enrolling kids for summer camp. Please visit their website at for locations and pricing. 3. Offers flexible scheduling for child care. You can pick from 1,2,3,4 or 5 days as well as the day of the week you would like your child to attend. Are you on Facebook? If so, be sure to stop by the BAR-T page and LIKE them. Be one of the first to see all the pictures and receive exciting news about BAR-T events and programs. For more information regarding the BAR-T program at Stedwick, please contact Lataira Davis as
[email protected] or stop by to speak with her.
Nominating Committee The nominating committee is actively recruiting to fill vacate seats on the PTA executive board. If you are interested please contact Ms. Schawaroch, chair of the nominating committee, at
[email protected].
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Stedwick Accepts Donated Books!!!!
Get an email when school is closed! Register at:
Do you have books that your kids are no longer reading? We’ll give your precious, gently used books a chance to make another child smile! Donated books may be used in any of the following ways: Read in classrooms Given to students who may have limited access to books at home Awarded to students for good behavior If you have books to donate, please indicate that they are for the “Books for Our Kids” program and drop them off at the school office. Be sure to tell your neighbors and friends…the more books, the better!
Did You Miss Our Joe Corbi’s Fundraiser? It is not too late for online ordering! Joe Corbi’s can be ordered online thru the remainder of the school year by going to: and clicking the “online ordering” link. Enter Stedwick’s group seller code 00STEEMM in the “online group code” box and click on “group and fundraiser orders”. Online orders will not count towards student prize goals. All proceeds will benefit the Stedwick Elementary PTA!
Box Top Standings to Date: The competition is rising, who will end this year with the highest total of box tops collected? What classes will win the box tops ice cream parties????? As of now, the leaders are: K-2 – Mrs. Lynch with 1217 3-5 – Mrs. Fitzgibbons with 532 And here are the current standings: 0-100: Boukal-King, Bossler, Brisbane, Diggs, Malloy-Taylor, Maydak, Smith, Stagnito, Taylor, Withrow, Stephens, Antizzo, Hauptman, McGinn, Galbo, Scott 101-200: Craine, Harris, Kimbro 201-300: Poole, Pindell, Stephenson 301-400: Myers, Racosky, Mason 401-500: Frenck, McCarty, Conley, Pelzer 500-999: Fitzgibbons, White, Schawaroch, Dimmick 1000+: Lynch
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Spring Fundraiser
Show your school spirit and support the PTA spring fundraiser!! Cost is $5.00 per car magnet and all proceeds will go back into the PTA budget to be used for upcoming student/school activities. Simply fill out the bottom portion and return with your payment in a sealed envelope Please make checks payable to: Stedwick Elementary PTA Be sure to indicate on the envelope: PTA Car Magnet/Michele Weikert Orders will be processed and returned to school to be sent home with your child.
Name (please print): ___________________________________________________________ Your child’s name: _________________________________________________ Teacher’s name: ___________________________________________________ Quantity: _____
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Michele Weikert at
[email protected] or by cell 240-751-5463
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Character Counts at Stedwick To help our children understand how their actions are a reflection of their character and of the importance of good character, we ask our teachers to nominate one or two students from their class each month for exhibiting good character. These may be actions that demonstrate respect, responsibility, caring, fairness, honesty or citizenship. Each month at our PTA meeting we recognize those students. We salute the following Stedwick Stars! March 2012
RESPECT Giuliana Penado Jackeline Gamez Melanie Chacon-Andino Perry Tebong Emily Klaus Kaleb Adams Shanzae Malik Pramshu Ghimire Sufia Jilani TRUSTWORTHINESS Christian Boyd Regina Ricamata Dennis McDougall Khava Tsarni
CITIZENSHIP Brooke Bailey Jonah Graham Alexander Pope Thao Pham
RESPONSIBILITY Erykah Badou Brian Stoppelmoor Isaac Beltran Amber Barnes Genevieve Seldin Jake Laird Alex Incao
CARING Taylor Dawson Trevon Prophet Samantha Carranza Tammy McDougall Davon Williams Rayn Anwar Seda Tsarni Nour Susu Luke Swander
FAIRNESS Rachel Hollingsworth
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Stedwick Star Little Bell Daycare LLC Lic #157998 A loving, caring, safe learning environment Openings, Full Time, Breakfast and Snacks Provided, Reasonable Rates. Visit Us.
Please mention this ad to receive:
Open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 10217 Cove Ledge Court, Montgomery Village 20886 301-355-7818
[email protected]
Family Day Care
Following location ONLY! 19200 Montgomery Village Ave., Gaithersburg, MD (301) 740-3351
We provide After/Before School transportation License #15139378 240-601-9134 Montgomery Village
YOUR AD HERE Attention business owners! Got a product or service you want to share with the families of our 600+ student population? Be sure to reserve your quarter page advertisement in the Stedwick Star. Ad costs are $50 for a business card size and only $100 for your ¼ advertisement to be included in ALL issues of the Star for the 20112012 school year. Contact Karen Armstrong on 301-528-6062 or
[email protected] for more information and to lock in your space today! Limited space is available so don’t delay!
Are You a Facebook Friend? The Stedwick PTA is - and we have a group page on Facebook that will allow you to stay connected to our Stedwick community. Visit and search for Stedwick ES PTA. With over 175 million active members on Facebook, online networking will help you discover inside connections and stay informed about our school, community and to exchange information, ideas and opportunities.
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ORDER your 2011-2012 STEDWICK YEARBOOK now!!! It is time to order your copy of the 2011-2012 Stedwick ES Yearbook.
All orders placed by March 30th will be at the discounted price of $18 per yearbook. Please fill out the Yearbook Order form below and return to school before March 30th! (Orders received after March 30th will be $20 per yearbook.) Yearbooks will be delivered to students in June. Any questions on the annual Stedwick ES Yearbook, please contact Kathie Roberts directly at 301-330-0828 (home) or
[email protected]. She is our Stedwick PTA Yearbook Coordinator.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEDWICK YEARBOOK 2011-2012 ORDER FORM Please fill out this order form below and return it, along with your payment, to your child’s teacher. Please place in a sealed envelope labeled “YEARBOOK ORDER”. Cash or check will be accepted. Checks should be made out to “Stedwick Elementary PTA”. Student’s Name: __________________________________________________________ Student’s Grade: ______________ Teacher: __________________________________ Parent’s Name: __________________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number: __________________________________________________
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Join the PTA and be a Stedwick Star! The Stedwick Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a parent/teacher organization which promotes involvement in the school, sponsors events, raises funds, supports and speaks on behalf of YOUR CHILD. The PTA will be particularly important during these challenging budget times. The PTA enriches your child’s education by supporting and supplementing the school in activities such as:
Cultural Arts Assemblies Living History Day Science Fair Winter Carnival
World’s Fair After School Clubs Foreign Language Programs Family Programs
Annual membership dues is just $8 and PTA meetings occur in the Gathering Room the 1 st Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm unless otherwise posted. Everyone is encouraged to attend! By joining the PTA, you are not obligated to perform a service or give your time. However, your participation is one of the most important resources we have at Stedwick, and the more parents that get involved, the more we can accomplish. A high membership level also sends a powerful message to the school district and community. It shows we are a community committed to our children and their education! New and renewing members please fill out the form below and return it to the school with the membership fee as soon as possible. As an added benefit, members will receive a FREE student directory. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 2011-2012 Stedwick PTA Membership Form (Please neatly print your responses. Use the back of this form if additional space is needed) Primary Family Member:
1. _____________________________________________________
Secondary Voting Membership:
2. _____________________________________________________
1. ______________________________ 2. ____________________________________
Email(s) 1. ______________________________ 2. ____________________________________ Student Name _______________________________ Grade & Teacher__________________________ Student Name _______________________________ Grade & Teacher__________________________ Quantity ____ PTA Family Membership ($8) ____ 2nd Voting Membership ($5)
Direct Deposit Program (please check one) ** $25 $50 $100 Other $_______ Total enclosed
Amount _____ _____
_____ _____
Make checks payable to “Stedwick PTA” ** Direct Deposit Program is your opportunity to make an immediate tax-deductible contribution of any amount to the PTA. Participation is optional and 100% of your contribution will be used to subsidize the cost of PTA-sponsored events, programs and expenses. Thank you in advance for your financial support and generosity!
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Únase a la Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA) y sea una Estrella de Stedwick
La Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA, por sus iniciales en Inglés) es una asociación que promueve participación en la escuela, patrocina eventos, recauda fondos, apoya y habla en representación de NUESTROS Niños El PTA es especialmente importante en este tiempo económicamente difícil para la escuela. El PTA apoya la educación de sus niños al patrocinar actividades como:
Asambleas culturales El Proyecto de Historia Viva (Living History) Exposición de Ciencias Carnaval de Invierno Feria Mundial Actividades después de la escuela Programa de Idiomas Programas para toda la familia
La cuota de membresía anual es solamente $8.00. Las reuniones son el primer martes de cada mes a las 7:00 PM en el cuarto de Reuniones de la escuela a menos que se de un anuncio sobre lo contrario. Los invitamos a que vengan y participen en las reuniones. El ser miembro del PTA no lo obliga a dar un servicio o a donar su tiempo. Sin embargo, su participación es el recurso más importante que tenemos en la escuela y entre más miembros, mas podremos lograr. Además, un alto número de miembros manda un fuerte mensaje a la comunidad y al distrito. ¡Le demostramos de esta manera que tenemos una gran dedicación a nuestros niños y a su educación! Para renovar su membresía o para membresías nuevas por favor llene el formulario que esta abajo y entréguelo a la escuela con su pago lo mas pronto posible. Si tiene alguna pregunta puede comunicarse con Maria Hayes al llamar a 240-997-2519 o envíele un mensaje a
[email protected] Como un beneficio extra los miembros recibirán una guía estudiantil GRATIS. ¡GRACIAS POR SU APOYO!
____________________________________________________________________________ Formulario de Membresía del PTA de la Escuela Stedwick 2011-2012 Por favor use letra de molde en llenar este formulario. Puede usar la parte de atrás si necesita más espacio. La primera persona que se registre paga $8.00 y cuenta por un voto. Para tener una segunda persona y poder votar cuesta $5.00 extra. Nombre del padre/madre __________________________________________ (Primer Miembro) Nombre del padre/madre__________________________________________ (Segundo Miembro) Numero de Teléfono 1_______________________________2.___________________________ Correo Electrónico 1______________________________ 2.___________________________ Nombre de l Estudiante___________________________Grado/Maestro____________________ Nombre de Estudiante___________________________ Grado/Maestro____________________ Numero de Miembros ________Membresía Familiar ($8.00)
Cantidad $ ______
________Segundo Miembro el la Familia ($5.00)
¡Nuevo! “Apoyo de Recaudación de Fondos Sin Complicaciones” **Marque uno. $25 $50 $100 $_________ Total
$______ $______
**La Recaudación de Fondos Sin Complicaciones es una oportunidad de dar una donación que puede deducir de sus impuestos. Su participación es opcional y 100% de su contribución ayudara a cubrir los costos de los eventos patrocinados por el PTA. Gracias por su generosidad y apoyo financiero.
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Stedwick Garden Sale May 1st, 2nd & 3rd Get your garden veggies at Stedwick this year! Stedwick students have planted a variety of garden veggies for a Garden fundraiser! Veggies include: Cherry Tomatoes
Big Boy Tomatoes
Sweet Peppers
Sweet Peas
And Herbs!
Assorted flowers/Indoor plants will also be on sale: Day Lilies
Spider plants
and MORE!!!!!!
All plants grown by students and/or staff! Mrs. Craine’s class will be holding the plant sale after school on 3 days AND on the evening of the May PTA Meeting to raise money for the Stedwick Gardens. Students may bring money to school to purchase plants or parents may visit the sale at the dates below. Parents sending money with children may also want to send a list of desired plants. Thank you for your support!
May 1 - 3:00-3:45 + 7:00-8:00 (before & after the PTA meeting nd
May 2 - 3:00-3:45 rd
May 3 - 3:00-3:45
Thank you & see you at the Plant Sale!!! -Mrs. Craine’s Garden Stewards & Megan Wilson, School Counselor & Gardener
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All sizes are only $10.00 each!!!! To place your order, please fill out this form and send it to school with your student. NAME: _______________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________ PHONE: _______________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________ SIZE: ___________________ COLOR: _________________________
SIZES AVAILABLE: YOUTH SMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE ADULT SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE AND EXTRA LARGE COLORS AVAILABLE: BRIGHT PASTEL TYE DYE PRIMARY COLOR TYE DYE NEON TYE DYE Shirts will be available for viewing and purchasing at all PTA events and programs! Don't miss the opportunity to get one, we are selling out fast!!!!
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