Monthly Events
Home of the Rockin’ Roadrunners!
Rolling Ridge Elementary School Newsletter
Mark Your Calendar Dec 7-10 Mobile Dentists Dec 10 BYOT 5th Gr. Meeting Dec 11 PTA Meeting 8AM Dec 14-18 Book Fair Week Dec 15 Healthy Bodies/Healthy Minds Family Night 6pm
Lottie M. Spurlock, Principal Kim Comrie, Assistant Principal
Dec 21-Jan 1 Winter Break Jan 4
Classes Resume
Dear Roadrunner Families: Wow, what an amazing first semester of school at Rolling Ridge! Our students have learned what it means to be a CHAMP, have engaged in new learning experiences in our STEAM lab or through Project-Based Learning in their classroom, various after-school enrichment clubs are up and running, and our teachers are working extra hard to ensure a positive learning experience is achieved every day for every student! I hope your Thanksgiving break was a wonderful time spent with family and friends. As we move into the winter season and a time filled with various holiday celebrations and family traditions, let us all think on thoughts of peace, joy, compassion, and a spirit of service to others. As much as it is nice to receive during this time of year, let us remind our students how we can all carry out act of kindness and show generosity by helping someone else and giving to others. That's the true CHAMP spirit!
PTA Officers 2015-2016 President: Tracey Kelly Vice President: Amy Romney Vice President: Yasmin Hassan Secretary: Wynona Heck Treasurer: Kevin Heck
Please check our calendar of upcoming school events! Please note the following: December 8 - JOE'S Restaurant Spirit Night for Rolling Ridge. Dine inside the restaurant from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. to help earn money for our school! December 10 - at 8:00 am or 6:30 p.m. - 5th Grade Parents are invited to a meeting about our upcoming Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Initiative December 11 - 8:00 a.m. - PTA Meeting December 15 - Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds Family Night - 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Thank you for your continued support of our school. Happy winter season, Happy Holidays and fondest wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year! Roadrunner Principal, Lottie M. Spurlock
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Home of the Rockin’ Roadrunners!
Boletin de Rolling Ridge Elementary
Eventos del mes Marque su calendario Dic 7- Dentista movil Dic 10- Junta BYOT 5to. Grado Dic 14-18- Feria del libro Dic 15- Noche de cuerpos saludables/mentes saludables 6pm
Lottie M. Spurlock, Principal Kim Comrie, Assistant Principal
Dic 21-Ene 1 Vacaciones de inverno Ene 4- Regreso a clases
Queridas Familias Correcaminos: Guau, qué increíble primer semestre de la escuela a los Rolling Ridge! Nuestros estudiantes han aprendido lo que significa ser un campeón, han participado en nuevas experiencias de aprendizaje en nuestro laboratorio VAPOR oa través de aprendizaje basado en proyectos en su salón de clases, varios clubes después de la escuela de enriquecimiento están en marcha, y nuestros maestros están trabajando muy duro para garantizar una experiencia positiva de aprendizaje se consigue todos los días para todos los estudiantes! Espero que tu escapada de Acción de Gracias fue un tiempo maravilloso que pasamos con la familia y amigos. A medida que nos adentramos en la temporada de invierno y un tiempo lleno de diversas celebraciones y tradiciones familiares, vamos a todos pensamos en los pensamientos de la paz, la alegría, la compasión y el espíritu de servicio a los demás. Por mucho que es agradable recibir durante esta época del año, recordemos a nuestros alumnos cómo todos podemos llevar a cabo acto de bondad y mostrar generosidad al ayudar a otra persona y dar a los demás. Ese es el verdadero espíritu CAMPEÓN! Por favor, consulte nuestro calendario de eventos de la escuela próximos! Por favor tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: 08 de diciembre -'S Restaurant Espíritu Noche JOE para Rolling Ridge. Cene en el restaurante desde las 17:00-20:00 para ayudar a ganar dinero para nuestra escuela! 10 de diciembre - a las 8:00 am o 6:30 pm - 5to Grado Los padres están invitados a una reunión sobre nuestra próxima Bring Your Own Tecnología (BYOT) Iniciativa 11 de diciembre - 8:00 AM - Reunión de la PTA 15 de diciembre - Los cuerpos sanos, saludables Minds Noche Familiar - 6:00-20:30
Oficiales del PTA 2015-2016
Presidenta: Tracey Kelly Vice Presidente: Amy Romney Vice Presidente: Yasmin Hassan Secretaria: Wynona Heck Tresorero: Kevin Heck
Gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestra escuela. Temporada de invierno feliz, buenas fiestas y fondest deseos para un año nuevo sano, feliz y próspero! Directora, Lottie Spurlock
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CONGRATULATIONS to COLE BROWN On Winning the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC BEE, better known as the “GEOGRAPHY BEE” 2 Years in a Row! Keep up the great work. Cole will now take a test to see if he qualifies to move to the next round of this national competition! We wish Cole the very best!
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Computer Lab
This month in computer lab students are continuing their study of digital citizenship with the Common Sense Media curriculum. One very important lesson students are learning about is privacy on the internet and their digital footprints. Students need to know that what they put on the internet can follow them their whole life. For more information on this topic to continue the conversation at home, please see the attached Family Tip Sheet.
Este mes en computación los estudiantes continuaran el estudio de la ciudadanía digital con el currículo Common Sense Media. Una lección muy importante que están aprendiendo los estudiantes es acerca de la privacidad en internet y sus huellas digitales. Los estudiantes necesitan saber que lo que ponen en internet puede seguirlos para toda su vida. Por favor para más información acerca de este tema para que pueda seguir siendo platicado en casa revise la hoja de consejo de familia que esta adjunta.
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Music Notes: Students in all grades will be preparing for the Holiday Singalong. In class, we will read the words to the songs chorally and rhythmically before singing. The Holiday Singalong is a fun and informal inschool event that takes place on Friday, December 18. 4th Grade Students are beginning to learn to play the Soprano Recorder. Parents - Even if you don't love the sound of the recorder please encourage your child to practice! For many students, this is their first experience playing an instrument, and the goal is to keep them enthusiastic about music. Students in 4th and 5th Grade Chorus will have a performance at the 'Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds' event on Tuesday, December 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. All chorus members are expected to attend, and should report to the multi-purpose room by 5:30 p.m. If your child is participating in chorus and does not have a ride that evening, please contact Mrs. Wallace at
[email protected]. We may be able to arrange a ride with someone else from your neighborhood. Mrs. Wallace, Music Teacher
[email protected]
Mr. Trammell, Music Teacher
[email protected]
Notas Musicales: Todos los estudiantes se estarán preparando para el evento de canto de días festivos. En la clase, leeremos la letra de las canciones en coro y rítmicamente antes de cantarlas. El evento de canto de días festivos es un evento divertido, informal que se llevará a cabo en la escuela el día viernes, 18 de diciembre. Los estudiantes de 4to. Grado están empezando a aprender a tocar la flauta. Padres de familiaaunque el sonido de la flauta no suene agradable, ¡por favor animen a su hijo(a) a practicar! Para muchos estudiantes, esta es su primera experiencia tocando un instrumento, y la meta es mantenerlos entusiasmados en la música. El coro de estudiantes de 4to. Y 5to. Grado tendrán una actuación en el evento de 'Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds' el día martes, 15 de diciembre a las 6:00 p.m. en el salón de usos múltiples. Todos los integrantes del coro deberán de asistir, y reportarse en el salón de usos múltiples a las 5:30 p.m. Si su hijo(a) está participando en el coro y no tiene como venir a la escuela esa noche, por favor mande un correo a la Sra. Wallace
[email protected] quizás podremos ayudar a conseguirle que se pueda venir con alguien de su vecindario. Sra. Wallace, maestra de música
[email protected]
Sr. Trammell, maestro de musica
[email protected]
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From the Counseling Corner We hope everyone enjoyed their November break. During the month of December, we will be talking about changing our mindsets. Students will be learning strategies to change how they are thinking about different things. They will learn to think more positively and take their time. At the Healthy Bodies, Healthy Mind Family Night, Mrs. Huey will be there to teach families ways to calm down and think more positively. Students will be able to make Hush Bottles that they can talk home as ways to calm down. As a reminder, although it is getting colder, students need to be in school every day! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Huey and Mrs. McCrea.
Esperamos que todos hayan disfrutado el descanso de noviembre. Durante el mes de diciembre, estaremos hablando acerca de los cambios en nuestra mente. Los estudiantes estarán aprendiendo estrategias de como cambiar la forma en que están pensando acerca de cosas diferentes. Ellos aprenderán a pensar más positivamente y tomarse su tiempo. En la noche familiar de cuerpos saludables, mente saludable, la Sra. Huey estará ahí para enseñarle a las familias maneras de calmarse y pensar positivamente. Los estudiantes harán botellas Hush que pueden usar como una forma de calmarse en casa. Como recordatorio, aunque cada vez hace más frio, ¡los estudiantes necesitan estar en la escuela todos los días! Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación, por favor contacte a la Sra. Huey y a la Sra. McCrea.
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December Newsletter: Physical Education Thank you to all students and staff for making it another successful month in Physical Education for the month of November. In December, we will engage in new and exciting lessons that will make us even more knowledgeable about health and physical activity. This month we will participate in Fitness by using noodles. We learn that we must wash our hands for 20 seconds in order to terminate bacteria. We will continue to learn the 5 components of fitness and where to find our heart rate. After our noodle unit, we will finish up with an end of the year review of what we have learned through fitness games. We are really excited about exercising while reflecting on what we have learned. Looking forward to another fun and rewarding month of Physical Education – Mr. Cross and Mr. Binford Note: If due to a disability you need assistance to participate fully in any school activity, please contact us at 571-434-4540 at 5 working days prior to the event. Nota: Si debido a una discapacidad Ud. no puede participar en algún evento escolar, por favor contáctese al 571-4344540 con 5 días de anticipación antes del evento
. Circular de Deciembre: Educacion Fisica Gracias a todos los estudiantes y al personal por hacer exitoso el mes de noviembre en educación física. En diciembre, vamos a participar en nuevas y emocionantes lecciones que nos harán aún más conocedores sobre la salud y la actividad física. Este mes vamos a ejercitarnos con los noodles. Aprenderemos que debemos lavarnos las manos durante 20 segundos para ponerles fin a las bacterias. Vamos a continuar aprendiendo los 5 componentes del ejercicio donde encontraremos nuestro ritmo cardiaco. Después de nuestra unidad con los noodles, acabaremos el fin de año revisando lo que hemos aprendido a través de los juegos de ejercicio. Estamos muy entusiasmados al ejercitarnos, mientras que también reflexionamos sobre lo que hemos aprendido. Esperamos tener otro mes de Educacion Fisica divertido y gratificante -Sr. Cross y Sr. Binford
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Visual Arts News
Come see student artwork on December 15th at the Book Fair and Specialists Healthy Bodies/Healthy Minds Expo at 6:00 p.m. Works on view will include a variety of art mediums such as oil pastels, colored pencils, markers, and crayons.
Olivia Sanchez Art Educator
Circular de Artes Visuales Venga a ver el trabajo de arte de su estudiante el día 15 de diciembre a la expo feria del libro y especialistas cuerpos saludables/mentes saludables a las 6:00 p.m. Las obras que se expondrán incluirán diferentes técnicas como pasteles, prisma color, marcadores y crayolas. Olivia Sanchez-Dawson Art Educator
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Dear Parents and Families: Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits. It unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. Here’s what you can do to help children develop stronger reading skills and a love for reading: Set the example. Let children see you read. Have a collection of books in your home. Update this collection routinely to keep pace with changing tastes and reading skills. Support our school’s Book Fair. Allow your children to choose their own books to read. Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that brings the books kids want to read right into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits. Book Fair dates: December 11th – 17th Shopping hours: Monday, December 14th 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 15th 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 16th 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, December 17th 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Special activities: HEALTHY BODY/HEALTHY MIND Specialist Event Tuesday, December 15th 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. (Book Fair opens @ 7:00 p.m.) We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school. Sincerely, Mrs. Shea – Rolling Ridge Librarian Book Fair Chairperson
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Permission to reproduce this item is granted by Scholastic Book Fairs®.
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Estimados padres y familiares: Leer por placer dentro y fuera de la escuela tiene muchos beneficios duraderos. Brinda información, desarrolla la imaginación y ayuda a los niños a descubrir quiénes son. Esto es lo que pueden hacer para ayudar a los niños a desarrollar sus habilidades de lectura y el amor por la misma:
Den el ejemplo. Dejen que los niños los vean leer. Tengan una colección de libros en el hogar. Actualicen la colección frecuentemente para mantenerla al día según cambien los gustos y las habilidades de lectura de sus hijos. Apoyen nuestra Feria del Libro. Permitan que sus hijos elijan sus propios libros para leer.
La Feria del Libro de Scholastic es un evento de lectura que trae a la escuela los libros que los niños desean leer. Ofrece una gran selección de libros interesantes y asequibles para todos los niveles de lectura. Por favor, planeen visitar la Feria del Libro y participar en la formación de los hábitos de lectura de sus hijos. Fecha de la Feria del Libro: 11 – 17 de Diciembre Horario de compra: Lunes, 14 de Diciembre 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Martes, 15 de Diciembre 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Miercoles, 16 de Diciembre 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Jueves, 17 de Diciembre 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Actividades especiales: HEALTHY BODY/HEALTHY MIND Specialist Event Martes, 15 de Diciembre 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. (Feria del Libro @ 7:00 p.m.)
¡Esperamos verlos junto a su familia en la Feria del Libro! Recuerden que todas las ventas benefician nuestra escuela. Atentamente, Mrs. Shea – Rolling Ridge Librarian Book Fair Chairperson
© 2015 Scholastic Inc. 12474 • 161000 Permission to reproduce this item is granted by Scholastic Book Fairs®.
© 2015 Scholastic Inc. 12474 • 160610
Common Sense on Privacy and Digital Footprints
What’s the Issue? Our kids live in a culture of sharing that has forever changed the concept of privacy. In a world where everyone is connected and anything created online can be copied, pasted, and sent to thousands of people in a heartbeat, privacy starts to mean something different than simply guarding personal or private information. In this context, you might think about kids’ privacy in three categories: privacy and security, privacy and reputation, and privacy and advertising. • Privacy and security: This is the private information (e.g., Social Security number, first and last name) that could put kids at risk for identity theft if it got into the wrong hands.
• Privacy and reputation: The information that could be personally embarrassing or hurtful to them or others if posted publicly.
• Privacy and advertising: The information about their habits and behavior online that companies collect in order to target them with ads and other content.
Why Does It Matter? For good or bad, everything our kids do online creates digital footprints that migrate and persist. Kids share work with others and, as they get older, receive comments and feedback. This culture of sharing is beneficial in many ways. But if kids aren’t careful, their reputations can be harmed, or their information used in ways they never intended. For example, your child may think he or she just sent something to a friend, but that friend can send it to a friend’s friend, who can send it to their friends’ friends, and so on. Or they may innocently fill out an online form without understanding that this may make them vulnerable to identity theft. And their online behavior will likely be tracked without them knowing by the industry, which has little incentive to be responsible.
common sense says Make sure kids get your permission before filling out forms. Let kids know that you are the gatekeeper. They should ask your permission before filling out online forms, and they should always keep their Social Security number, birth date, address, and full name private. Help kids think long term. Everything online leaves a digital footprint. Help them think before they post so that they will be proud of their Internet presence down the road. Remind kids that the Golden Rule applies online. Remind kids that they will be treated online as they treat others. Whatever negative things they say can and probably will come back to haunt them, in more ways than they can imagine. Help kids see through advertising. The next time an ad pops up online, or you see that you are being targeted by ads specific to your interests, point it out to your kids. Let them know that some companies advertise to you based on what kinds of things you look at online.