STI Magazine Group 5 Flipbook PDF

STI Magazine Group 5

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Magazine Institucional
Magazine Institucional Agosto 2013 Laboratorios LAFEDAR Magazine Institucional INDICE 3 04 Editorial 06 Novedades 06 Lanzamiento tecnicatura 10

Magazine Institucional
Magazine Institucional Enero 2015 Laboratorios LAFEDAR Magazine Institucional INDICE 3 04 Editorial 06 06 08 10 Destacados Premio Senado de la

27 FUERTEVENTURA MAGAZINE hoy THE LIGHT HOUSE OF EL COTILLO And its white sandy beaches surrounded by black rocks called Los Lagos. On the west sid

Story Transcript

Contents School Locations... 1. Reception... 2. Lobby... 3. Al Fresco... 4. Canteen... 5. School Facilities... Becoming an STIer 6. What its like being an STIer?... 7. Great Character... 8. Skillful... 9. Great Values... 10-13. Tips and Tricks to succedd and excel in college...

Reception For guiding customer and student inquiries regarding offers and enrollments

Lobby STI provides air conditioned waiting area for students and customers.

Al Fresco STI also has an Outdoor patio with fresh air that is good for spending time leisurely.

Canteen STI has a canteen for students and teachers with varying dishes.

Library and Computer Lab

Gym and Chemistry Lab

What is it like to be an STIer?

An STIer strives to be excellent. Students with Great Characters. Skillfull. and has Great Values

Great Character An STIer cleans as they go, they are disciplined and they help on keeping the environment clean

Skillfull An STIer shows excellence and spends their time mastering and completing their skills so they can improve

Great Values An STIer posseses great values they spend time optimally studying and they help each other in hardships to achieve their goals..

Tips and Facts: How to Excell in College

1. Time Management

2. Self-care

3. Balance

Time Management 1. Be in class. Being on time and maintaining good attendance is important. If you are not in class then you are not learning what is being taught, will not be able to take notes and will not see what subject matter your teacher or professor thinks is important. Obviously it is also important to pay attention when you are in class. 2. Turn work in on time. Start early on assignments and break them into smaller chunks. This is how to make the difficult easy. Use a planner/calendar to record upcoming assignments so that you can keep up with the work load. 3. Set aside enough time to study. To excel in college you need to study at least two hours for every hour you are in class. Do important assignments first. Then reward yourself with play and you will have a stress free mind because you know the important school work is done. Study with concentration for short periods of approximately 30 minutes followed by short breaks in between. Say no to friends who want to play when your school work needs to be done and schedule another and better time with them.

Self-care 1. Take pride in yourself and your work. Do quality work. If something is worth doing it is worth doing well. 2. Take care of your brain. Getting enough sleep, exercise,











Avoid using recreational drugs and drinking much alcohol because they can impair your brain’s ability to function well. 3. Set educational and other goals. This will give you a purpose for going to school and this provides self-motivation. Remind yourself why you want a good education and what you want to achieve in school 4.








teaching. Read a paragraph in your text and then explain what you learned out loud in your own words. Read it again if you did not understand








paragraph until you think you understood the preceding one.

Balance School-life balance is important for optimal academic functioning. Students often prioritize academics at the expense of personal factors, including relationships and exercise. This can lead to a decline in academic performance, as general health and well-being are critical to optimal academic functioning. The pressure to succeed in higher education when classes require large amounts of work and time commitment can be daunting and difficult to manage. Although academics takes a large priority in the lives of college students, it should not consume all of your time and effort. Finding a balance between school/academics and your personal life is essential in remaining successful, motivated, and happy.

Euthenics Created by: Group 5 BSIT-1A Members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Emanuel Melchor I. Sernal Ivan Beltran Hubert Demagante Joshua Miguel Cornel Ram Porteria Samuel Ragay Rose Ellen Talagsad

SY 2022-2023

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