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Story Transcript

Resource Guarding Managing and Resolving When it comes to resolving resource guarding, we need to make sure that we are preventing the behaviour from occurring while we are working on changing the dogs emotional response to resources. If we do not focus on prevention during training, we are simply perpetuating the issue and the dogs need to guard resources. Managing the Environment Management is ensuring we set up the environment, the home, in order to control the behaviour from occurring. This can mean using gates, crates, bedrooms and confinement to ensure the dog is not allowed access to things or spaces they may guard. For example: • Make sure the dog does not have access to things they will guard, such as; toys, bones, furniture, beds etc. • Use a crate • Use an exercise pen to control the dogs access to space gradually • Install gates The answers on management will differ from dog to dog, depending on the severity of the issue and the need to control access to rooms and space. Prevention This means we need to fully understand the precursor to the behaviour. The precursor is what causes the behaviour to occur. ** The biggest mistake we can make, is “testing the waters” too soon. During a behaviour modification protocol, we tend to see success rather quickly. Allowing that success to give us false confidence in seeing if the behaviour is fully resolved. Just because the dog has not resource guarded anything in a few weeks, does not mean we can attempt to simply take an item away from them and deviate from the behaviour modification protocol.

Identify Resource Guarding Items Identify your dogs least valued items from lowest to highest. Lowest valued items are items your dog doesn’t show much interest in, or any interest at all. The highest valued items are items your dog highly covets. We recommend having at least 6 items to use valued from lowest to highest, 3 lower valued items and 3 higher valued items. Example of a dogs items: Lowest valued (lowest to highest) : Level 1. Stuffed Animal Toy Level 2. Rope Level 3. Kong Highest valued (lowest to highest) : Level 1. Ball Level 2. Bully Stick Level 3. Bone Marrow Approach, Drop and Go ! Approach, drop and go is a technique in which you walk towards the dog holding high value treats. It is important before beginning this stage in active training that the dogs favourite treat is identified. It is helpful to use a treat that is extra smelly. This “special” treat should ONLY be used during this exercise. The approach, drop and go should only be utilized once the dogs “safe zone” has been established and positively associated. Identify Notice of Approach In the beginning stages it can help to maintain the same safe zone. This will help your dog understand the predictability of the exercise and also allow you to make a point of reference to utilize in the beginning stages of the behaviour modification protocol. When identifying the approach, you simply need to notice when the dog notices you. The moment they notice your presence, is where you want to begin this exercise. Do not simple walk up right up towards the dogs safe zone and directly drop food in their space. It can help to place a piece of tape on the ground in order to give you a frame of reference. The reason we want to slow down on the approach is to avoid the dog feeling defensive. Most active training sessions should look boring and seem “easy” to safely accomplish. LEVEL ONE PLAN will be an approach, throw and go. In the beginning of the exercise the dog may not realize your approach is going to bring something tasty. Even if they aren’t looking right at you, throw and go. SAY NOTHING. After a few repetitions they will associate your presence with food falling from the sky. This should be as non confrontational as possible, the goal is for the dog NOT to react at all. If your dog does seem uncomfortable, simply take a few steps back. LEVEL TWO PLAN will be an approach, drop and go. This stage will create more proximity between you and the dog. During this stage your dog should be conditioned to look at you in anticipation for a reward as you approach. If they aren’t you are moving to quickly and will need to go back to stage 1. This is the stage you will also introduce your reward marker, a clicker. The reason we want to utilize a clicker during this level and not yet introduce a verbal marker, is to prevent anything the dog may perceive as a challenge over the item or conflict. You will begin to mark with a clicker, the moment the dog looks at you. Even if you are still 5 feet away,

mark the moment they look and continue walking towards the dog to finish the approach, drop and go. LEVEL THREE PLAN will be an approach, drop and go, similar to level two. However, instead of using a clicker, you will use the verbal command, Out. Day 1 3 Lessons Per Day, ONE approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 1, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 2 2 Lessons Per Day, TWO approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 1, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 3 3 Lessons Per Day, ONE approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 1, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 4 3 Lessons Per Day, TWO approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 1, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them.

Day 5 2 Lessons Per Day, ONE approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 2, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 6 3 Lessons Per Day (Once lesson with a level 1 toy and two lessons with a level 2 toy) TWO approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 2, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 7 2 Lessons Per Day, TWO approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 3, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 8 3 Lessons Per Day (Once lesson with a level 1 toy and two lessons with a level 3 toy) ONE approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 3, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 9 2 Lessons Per Day, TWO approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 2, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them.

Day 10 2 Lessons Per Day, THREE approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 3, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 11 3 Lessons Per Day, ONE approach, drop and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 2, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL TWO PLAN (clicker). Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 12 3 Lessons Per Day, TWO approach, drop and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 2, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL TWO PLAN (clicker). Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 13 2 Lessons Per Day, THREE approach, drop and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 3, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL TWO PLAN (clicker). Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 14 4 Lessons Per Day, ONE approach, drop and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 3, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL TWO PLAN (clicker). Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them.

Day 15 3 Lessons Per Day, THREE approach, drop and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 1, lowest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL TWO PLAN (clicker). Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 16 2 Lessons Per Day, ONE approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 1, highest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Day 17 3 Lessons Per Day, TWO approach, throw and go per lesson only. Dog should be placed in the safe zone. Once the dog is in the safe zone, throw them the level 1, highest valued toy that you have identified prior and walk away out of sight. You will then return into the room utilizing the LEVEL ONE PLAN. Once the lesson is done, invite the dog out of the safe zone and end the session. If the dog does not want to leave the safe zone, walk away and leave them. Safe zone should only be used for the approach, drop and go. Resource Guarding the Bowl

Safe Zone - Tethered or gated off Mat training

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