Celebrating the men that make it happen!

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Lifestyle Sta Shout-Out Events Roots                  Celebrating the Men that make it happen NOVEMBER 2022

  NOTE Editor-In-Chief Izore Lami Bamawo This month is packed with diverse themes, ranging from Gratitude to the upcoming Festive season, but most importantly, the celebration of Men. Globally, November is a month dedicated to honouring men and their accomplishments. Everyone, regardless of gender, has their own unique struggles and deserves to feel loved and included, which is why men deserve a day of appreciation just as much as women do. Contrary to popular beliefs men are loaded with feelings, passions, and goals. Simply talking to your father, brother, husband, boyfriend, or co-worker and listening to them, as well as thanking them for being a valuable part of your life, can make a huge dierence to them. Their voices are important, as are their problems and accomplishments.   That’s why each segment in this edition explores the various ways we can ensure better lives for men, which is the global focus for this year's International Men's Day celebration with the theme "Helping men and boys."   I'd also be remiss if I didn't express my heartfelt gratitude to the Gazette team who go above and beyond to provide you, our readers, with exceptional resources to keep you encouraged and entertained throughout the year. Thank you for your hard work and dedication over the last three years. Colleagues, the next time you see one of them, shake their hand, say a heartfelt thank you, and squeeze some ‘benjamins’ into their, for their time and eort, as this magazine would not exist without them.  Once again, we wish all our men a Happy International Men's Day!

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Staying up to date and in style can feel overwhelming. Everywhere you look in menswear, there seem to be new rules and trends that make it more challenging to stay on top of everything and remain the best-dressed man in the room. There will always be trends to keep on top of, but we can make staying in style easier by giving you 15 tips to follow to always look fantastic. These fashion tips are the basics you should know •Wear A Suit Well: The key to a suit looking good is fit. The idea is to think of this suit as a canvas to build different ideas of individuality around. It’s the way you wear it, not the label inside that impresses. •Invest Wisely In A Watch: A watch is like a piece of art. Choose it because you love it, not because you think it might make money. Watches are personal, it marks your passage through time and it should feel comfortable and be right in terms of size and depth relative to your wrist as well. •Don’t Shy Away From Colour: Whether it’s on casual wear or formal wear, indulge in a bit of colour. Most men are unjustly scared of it and they’re intimidated by anything that isn’t black, navy or grey. However, when it comes to colour, less is still more. •Spend Money On Shoes: Timelessness is about simple design and all the more so with shoes. Quality shoes are the kind of investment that should last 15 years or more. •Keep Accessorizing To A Minimum: Accessories like ties and pocket squares bring individuality to classic clothing, but be careful how you use them. It’s best to harmonize them with what you’re wearing by picking out a colour or two. And don’t overdo the accessories either, if in doubt, think less is more and take one element away. •Know When To Break The Rules: Know when to adhere to dress codes such as black tie and know when to break them. Some are there for a good reason, typically because the occasion demands it. We can get too hung up on rules as well, and there’s always a case for ripping them up, so when in doubt, overdress. •Look after Your Appearance: This is the kind of advice your mother might offer, but if you’ve invested money and thought in your clothing, look after it. Establish a simple, but no less solid grooming regime; wash your clothes regularly, iron them, polish your shoes, brush your hair and teeth, shave or trim your beards, cut your nails and most importantly, SMELL NICE! After all, the devil resides in the details. "What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language." - Miuccia Prada Movie of the Month Lifestyle FASHION 101 •Dress for The Setting: Style is not merely about self-expression, it’s also about being dressed appropriately for your environment. Think of clothes as being codes, you need the right combination to work with the setting you’re in. The worst style is one which is out of place. November will always be a memorial month in 2022 for movie lovers. The month features the release of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the second installation in the franchise, which pays homage to Chadwick Boseman, who plays T’Challa in the Marvel superhero movie. Chadwick Boseman not only remains a hero in Wakanda, he also remains a favourite in our hearts. After the death of T’Challa, Wakanda, the most powerful and richest nation in the world faces threat and hostility from the international world. However, there’s a new and unknown threat, the empire of Talocan, a hidden tribe, led by their God-King Namor. Talocan not only possesses vibranium, but also unique features and powers that may rival the Wakandians. With the rest of the world and an unknown enemy against them, the Wakandians must unite and fight for their survival. Black Panther 2 is an emotional and action packed ride, with a central theme of grief. With original scores from Burna Boy, Fireboy, Ckay and Rihanna, it features an African oriented playlist that will keep you in your feelings. Wakanda Forever doesn’t leave you satisfied, it leaves you wanting more.

  € You don’t need statistics to tell you that men are more likely to avoid the doctor than women. Women are, in fact, 100 percent more likely to see a doctor for examinations, screenings, and preventive health consults, even though they’re far less likely to die from one of the top 10 causes of death. It shouldn’t take a health scare to get you to the doctor. Here are the checkups you should be making time for: Every Year Blood Sugar Check: Yearly checks for glucose levels are imperative for men to decrease their likelihood of significant cardiac disease. Annual glucose testing serves as the best method of diagnosing diabetes before it gets too advanced. Skin Check: Men with a family history of skin cancer, or who had significant sunburns when they were younger, are at high risk for skin cancer. It is very important to get yearly skin checks by a dermatologist. PSA Test (Prostate check): After skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among men. Stats show that one in seven men will develop prostate cancer. The prostate-specific antigen, or PSA blood level test, along with digital rectal exams (DREs), are the best way to detect prostate cancer. All men 50 to the age of 70 should be checked on a yearly basis. If you have trouble urinating, develop pain when you urinate, or notice blood in your urine, it may be a sign of prostate problems. Make an appointment with your doctor. Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Check: High blood pressure is the number one cause of stroke in men, and it is very serious if left unmanaged. High cholesterol can also lead to serious cardiovascular problems, like heart attack or stroke. Getting a thorough exam with basic blood work is important. Echocardiogram: Many deadly cardiac risk factors are caught with simple cholesterol testing and blood pressure monitoring, as well as weight management. But if there is a family history of cardiac disease, echocardiograms or cardiac stress tests can ensure that there is not significant heart damage. Liver Enzyme Test: Liver enzyme testing is part of standard blood work and looks for any damage to the liver that can come from various sources, including alcohol. Men, after all, drink more alcohol than women, on average. TSH Test: Your thyroid helps every cell in your body by releasing hormones that regulate metabolism. Any changes in the hormones it produces can impact a man’s life, and cause weight gain, lethargy, exhaustion, or fatigue. A blood test called a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test can be done by your doctor to check your thyroid’s function. Many of the symptoms of an underactive or overactive thyroid unfortunately are symptoms that many men feel are “part of life” but if testing shows abnormalities, they can usually be fixed through medication. Lung Screenings: Lung cancer is the most preventable of all cancers. Ninety percent of the time, it is found in people who smoke. The rest are typically people with a genetic predisposition to developing it or people who’ve been exposed to secondhand smoke or caustic chemicals. Lung cancer is often an incidental finding on scans that are done for an alternate reason. Screening for lung cancer is controversial, as the well-accepted forms of scanning are high in radiation. Live a Healthier Lifestyle: In between doctor visits, there are many different ways that men, well, everyone actually can prevent diseases. Some examples are: Exercise, Eat a balanced diet, Drink lots of water, don’t smoke, Limit drinking, and Get enough sleep. Dear Men: Here Are 9 Things You Need to Get Checked Colonoscopy: A colonoscopy is a rite of passage for men (and women) over the age of 50, as that’s when colon cancer risk increases. Other risk factors include a medical history of inflammatory bowel disease or a diet high in animal fat. Every 3 Years Every 4 Years

International Men’s Day was first conceptualized in 1991 and celebrated on February 7 in 1992 by Thomas Oaster. The day was revived in 1999 by Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh, a history lecturer at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago. Calls for a Men’s Day had been going on since at least the 1960s, when it was reported in the New York Times in 1969 that many men had been agitating privately to make February 23 International Men’s Day, the equivalent of March 8, which is International Women’s Day. On November 19, International Men’s Day is marked globally to celebrate the positive value men bring to the world and the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of men within their families and communities. The day also seeks to address many different issues surrounding men’s mental health. This is supported by men, women, and organizations in over 60 countries across the globe. The focus of International Men’s Day supports raising awareness about the following: Objectives of Celebrating International Men’s Day The objectives of celebrating International Men’s Day are set out in "All the Six Pillars of International Men’s Day" as follows: •The high male suicide rate across the world. •The educational challenges that face both men and boys at all stages of life. •Men’s health, their shorter life expectancy, and the fact that they suffer from workplace deaths at a much higher rate than women •Male violence and the fact that males are also victims of things such as rape, sexual exploitation, and domestic violence. •The difficulties that men face as parents, particularly single parents or parents who do not have a good relationship with their children's mother. •Male survivors of violence or abuse, including domestic abuse. •The negative portrayal of men in the media and beyond. •To promote positive male role models, not just actors and athletes, but every day, working-class men who live decent, honest lives. •To celebrate men’s positive contributions to society, community, family, marriage, child care, and the environment. •To focus on men’s health and wellbeing; social, emotional, physical, and spiritual. •To highlight discrimination against men in areas of social services, social attitudes and expectations, and law. •To improve gender relations and promote gender equality. •To create a safer, better world where people can be safe and grow to reach their full potential. ROOTS The History of Men’s Month

SPO RTS There are certain things in life that every man needs to know, or at least that it would be wise to take into consideration when trying to stay fit. Here, we reveal six fitness tips that all men should put into practice. Make Sure You're Eating Healthy: Ask almost any personal trainer and they’ll tell you that regardless of your training goals, healthy eating is the backbone. Food is what fuels your body to reach your goals, and without proper nutrition from quality foods, you’re likely to stall. Maintain a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, complete proteins, and healthy fats. Work on Your Flexibility: One of the key differences between a man’s and a woman’s body is that men are generally less flexible than women. You may not think flexibility is important, but it is. Stretching your muscles regularly will not only help you move more efficiently, but it can also help you stay injury-free and relax your muscles, in turn reducing stress. Go Slower: It may be something of a cliché, but men do tend to have a healthy competitive spirit. While this is great for your motivation and encourages you to push yourself, it can also lead to problems. Many men fall into the trap of thinking that in order to be better and achieve more, they have to perform all of their exercises at a super-fast pace. Remember, faster is not always better. Take the time to find out what speed you should be working at for each different exercise. Try New Things: In most cases, it would appear that men are terrible at sticking to the same fitness routine. If this sounds familiar, perhaps you need to explore new ways to get fit. Doing different types of fitness activities means that you work different parts of your body, and in so doing, you improve your core strength, your flexibility, and your balance. Holistic Approach to Fitness: Another thing that women seem to be better at than men is taking a holistic approach to fitness. That means they engage physically, mentally, and emotionally with their fitness programs. Taking this approach to fitness has many health benefits, and studies show that some holistic training techniques can improve fitness. Take a Break: Another fitness tip that men should put into action is to properly rest and recover between sessions. Back-to-back workouts may make you feel like you're doing the best thing for your body, but not giving yourself a break between workouts will result in burnout, a loss of motivation, and overall harm.

  Books Every Man 5 Should Read Books are a storehouse of knowledge that can make you a better individual. Cutting across finance, family and work, these books below are highly recommended. 1. The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason: Almost a century after this was published, it remains a powerful guide to financial independence, discipline and success. Set in the ancient Babylon, the writer uses a collection of parables to advice on finance, taking readers through the journey of the fictional character, Arkad who becomes the richest man in Babylon. With financial tips like saving 10% of your annual income, controlling your expenditure, compound interesting, stock tips, and much more advice, this is a book every financial enthusiast should consume. 2. The Godfather by Mario Puzo: Set in New York in 1945 to 1955, the crime novel tells the story of a fictional Mafia family, the Corleones, one of the Five Families of the New York Mafia, who have to fight the other four families to retain power in an evolving world. The Godfather is a revealing power play that will educate men on politics, tradition, family and crime. With an intriguing plot, at the end of the day, it is a breakdown of the importance of loyalty and family. 3. The Joys of Motherhood by Buchi Emecheta is considered an African masterpiece: It is an emotional rollercoaster of the traumas of Nnu Ego, who becomes a wife at a young age, and is neglected by her husband and eventually by her children. It is a heart wrenching book that will guide men in the journey of marriage, parenthood and societal values. 4. The Mafia Manager: A Guide to the Corporate Machiavelli by V, is a capitalist guide to navigating through the corporate world. It contains practical knowledge, given from experience from the angle of an employer and an employee. With the knowledge in this book, you should be able to navigate with dealing with your colleagues and supervisors, and also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 5. The Art of War by Sun Tzu: is a Chinese warfare manuscript dating from the 5th century BC. Originally meant as a guide to win wars, the knowledge in the book is so impactful in our day to day lives with strategies on keeping alliances, creating impactful connections and navigating through life and the corporate world. The Art of War teaches discipline.

OGECHI NWOKEDI Your support means a lot, Thank you for your open heart and willingness to assist always. CHUKWUEMEKA OKENGWU Unit Head, CSS AISHA GARBA Tikristi Akande Has always been helpful to me as in he is always there at any moment of need. Kudos to him he deserve to be well appreciated. TIKRISTI AKANDE Team Member, Reconciliation E- Business Support & Operations Services ADEYEMI ADETONA EMMANUEL My Shoutout goes to Moshood Raheem (BTL -Oshogbo) for his resilience in turning around the position of Oshogbo branch in terms of Deposit and Protability. Well-done Sir!!! MOSHOOD RAHEEM - Business Team Lead, Oshogbo Sta Shoutouts MODUPE OLADEINDE Dear Olubukola, thank you for all you do to support us as a branch. Thank you for speedy feedback on all requests. I appreciate you now and always. OLUBUKOLA OLALEKAN Account Opening Authorizer/Supervisor, CSS PRECIOUS TOYOBO Thank you sir for your assistance on this job, you make the work have meaning. I appreciate and celebrate you every day!!! GEORGE UWOLLOH Unit Head, Upcountry, Subsidiaries & Other Investments Oladapo Olowo

Oladapo Olowo OLIGBI VIVIEN Dear Ella, I appreciate all your assistance and support anytime I call out for your help. God bless you always. UGBOMA EMMANUELA - Service Manager SHADRACH OJIH OJONUGWA Good day, Thank you for being supportive, your eorts are well noted and appreciated. Lots of thanks ABDULLATEEF SHUAIBU, PAUL NWANNA and SALISU IDRIS (Kebbi Koko Branch) NJIDEKA CHARLES-IRIELE Thanks for always responding on time to our enquiries. Keep up the good work. BOLAJI AKINPELUMI - Unit Head, Trade Services Sta Shoutouts Oladapo Olowo OLUWAFUNMILAYO AGBAOSI Thank you for all that you do. The patience, the teaching, the shoulder to lean on and the opportunity to grow. SIMILOLUWA FAJIMI - Service Manager OSUNSANYA OLUWATOSIN Thank You All For Making Working Here Interesting, You All Are Special And Unique In Your Ways. OPERATIONS TEAM IKOTA BRANCH

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