To: J. S. Paluch, Co. For: December 11, 2016

From: Saint Junipero Serra Parish 42121 N. 60th Street West 661-943-9314 Bulletin #913086 Rev. Leo Dechant, C.S.J. - Pastor Bulletin Editor: Vicki Whi

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Story Transcript

From: Saint Junipero Serra Parish 42121 N. 60th Street West 661-943-9314 Bulletin #913086 Rev. Leo Dechant, C.S.J. - Pastor Bulletin Editor: Vicki White [email protected] To: J. S. Paluch, Co. For: December 11, 2016

Saint Junípero Serra Parish A Catholic Faith Community 42121 North 60th Street West Lancaster, CA 93536‐3767 Website:

Mission Statement Saint Junípero Serra Parish is an evangelizing Catholic Faith Com‐ munity committed to moving forward always as missionary disci‐ ples for the Kingdom: attentive to the Word, to Sacrament, to Service and to Faith Formation.

Declaración de Nuestra Misión La Parroquia de San Junípero Serra es una Comunidad evangeliza‐ dora de Fe Católica que se ha comprometida como discípulos misioneros a ir siempre adelante para realizar el Reino: por medio de la Palabra, de los Sacramentos, del servicio y instrucción de fe.

Modified September 23, 2015

Pastoral StaffLessons and Carols Ecumenical Advent Fr. Leo A. Dechant, C.S.J., D.Min.—Pastor Members of St. Paul Episcopal and St. Serra Fr. Ernest Candelaria, C.S.J. Catholic will gather in St. Serra Church on Fr. Sylvan Schiavo, C.S.J. th at 7:00 December Fr. Giampietro20Gasparin, C.S.J.PM. Traditional Scripture Lessons and Seasonal Songs to prepare for the Fr. Jeyaraj Joseph William, C.S.J.

Birth of our Savior. Reception follows in St. Serra Hall. Deacons Gary Poole, Paul Schwerdt, Rito Lopez

Modificado el 23 de septiembre 2015

AV Penance Services All begin at 7:30 PM • • •

December 19th Sacred Heart Church December 21st St. Mary Church December 22nd Saint Junípero Serra Church

Christmas Masses December 24th in church: English: 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM; 12:00 Midnight Español: 8:30 PM—Misa de Gallo December 24th at St. Elizabeth Mission: English, 5:00 PM December 25th in church (none at SEM): English: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM; 12:00 Noon Español: 2:00 PM

Third Sunday of Advent, December 11, 2016

SAINT SERRA PARISH DIRECTORY Continuing the ongoing effort of keeping Mercy at the forefront of our ministry, the Archdiocese has launched two new ministries. The Mercy Fund will help breathe new life and greater sustainability into a few of the most compelling mercy ministries it sponsors. The Mercy Fund will support the Office of Restorative Justice, which provides comfort, healing and hope to over 120,000 people annually in detention facilities, their families and victims, and our Hospital Ministries, which ministers to the sick and dying at the 12 Catholic Hospitals and 9 Catholic Senior Care facilities throughout the Archdiocese. By Your Side LA is a healing ministr y for women and men who are hurting after experiencing abortion. Through volunteers called “merciful companions,” those affected by abortion will be offered support to find God’s love and forgiveness. For more information on By Your Side LA, visit Information about the Mercy Fund arrived too late to put into the bulletin before Thanksgiving. They were encouraging donations on “Giving Tuesday” the week after Thanksgiving. (New day to me!) There were no envelopes sent to me. If you’d like to donate to this fund, please put an envelope marked “Mercy Fund” into the collection basket. My understanding is that you can earmark it either for “restorative justice” or “Catholic hospital/nursing home”. We will forward any moneys received. As we enter the second half of Advent our gaze turns more to the imminent coming of the Messiah. We are bid to rejoice! As we patiently wait like a farmer waiting for spring, we know by faith that repentance brings about a new world. Pray not only for your personal ongoing conversion, but for the conversion of “enemies”—especially the most violent and ruthless whose attacks seem to be ever more in the news. If you missed getting Oplatki in church, call the office and let us know how many to prepare. Please pray for my niece Sarah who is marrying Brandon next Saturday in central Florida. Sadly I am unable to join in the celebration. May they grow in love for one another and for the Lord. Fortunately both have decent jobs in the Columbus, Ohio area, but his college loans seem to be a promethean rock to get over the hill!

WORSHIP Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are scheduled by Anne Trabold, 992-6404. Parish Director of Music: Sharon Rohaley 816-4288 Coordinador de Música en Español: Alfonso Alvarado 943-9314 Altar Servers: Joanne Lacson 267-2036, 400-1728 email [email protected] Communion to the Homebound Diana Sipes Home Ph. 722-5409; Cell 317-4999, [email protected] FAITH FORMATION Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Kay & Pat McNeil [email protected] English parent preparation for baptism Fr. Leo 943-9314 ext. 103 Rito de Iniciación de Adultos y Platicas por bautismos infantiles Marvin y Maria Julia Castillo 618-1578 Hispanic Ministry & Quinceañeras Fr. Sylvan Schiavo, CSJ 9439314 ext. 102 Coordinator of Religious Education Cassandra Ortiz 943-5912 ext. 101 (Bilingüe) Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Confirmation Cathy Moreno 9435912 ext. 110 Mission Bell Preschool Director Cheryl Espinosa 802-6375 PHONE NUMBERS & EXTENSIONS All parish business (except for Religious Education and Youth Ministry/Confirmation Preparation): 943-9314: Vicki White/Frances Rini 100, Fr. Sylvan 102, Fr. Leo 103, Ms. Cheryl 106, Estela Carlos (Finance) 108 & (Capital Campaign) 107, Mike Gass (Facilities) 111, Michele Simpliciano 109 Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Confirmation Prep: 9435912: Cassandra Ortiz (RE)101; Cathy Moreno (YM-Conf.) 110; Admin. Asst. 105 Office Hours—Noon to 7pm, M-Th. Prayer Quilt Request: Mary Menchaca: (661) 400-3986, Angie Duenez:; Alma Marquez: 661-317-1801 (Español) Paraclete High School: 943-3255: Fr. Giampietro 118, Fr. Jeyaraj 138. Staff emails: first initial/last [email protected] Bulletin— [email protected]. Calendar—[email protected]

Remember St. Serra Parish in your will! SAINT ELIZABETH DIRECTORY Community Council Chairperson Jerry Lindaman - 661 270-0495 Altar Society President Lu Bole - 661 270-9262 WORSHIP Attending Priest: Fr. Jeyaraj Joseph William, CSJ — [email protected]—(818) 967-4163 Altar Flowers—Mary Borjon -947-6032 & Joanne Melfi -724-0314 E-Ms of Holy Communion—Soliman Villapando-262-6090 Hospitality—Jerry Lindaman - 270-0495 Lectors—Soliman Villapando - 262-6090 Sacristan—Janet Donoho -724-2067

Simbang Gabi at St. Serra, 5:00 Mass December 17th. Reception with Filipino food in St. Serra Hall after Mass.

Mission Bell Preschool Now that our Christmas Pageant is behind us, we’ll wind our week down with fun, fun, fun! We’ll enjoy a visit from a very sweet lady who wears a dress of red, has hair of white, and stays home on that special night! Any guesses? Mrs. Claus is correct-a-mundo! She arrives with bells a ringing and children singing and all of us grinning from ear to ear! The kiddos cuddle up next to her to tell her their wish lists and she writes everything down so she won’t forget to tell Santa! What fun! We’ll also be working on our Zoo Phonics friend L-Lizzy Lizard. We incorporate a pre-writing page every day in our Pre-K class in which the students have an opportunity to practice holding a pencil, to write their name and our letter of the week. Thank you God for practice opportunities. Practice makes progress!!! Last week our Preschool class worked on fine motor skills by making their very own reindeer food! Hooray! We combined oats, cookie sprinkles and a cute set of directions to follow. Santa’s reindeer won’t miss any one’s house with this yummy snack on their lawn! Advent Blessings! Ms. Cheryl and Staff

Stress in Your Marriage? – Retrouvaille is a peer marriage ministry that conducts programs to rediscover a loving marriage relationship for couples that feel alone, bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage, whether they have strained relations or have already separated or divorced. The program begins with a weekend stay followed by a series of post-weekend sessions. For information, including cost, or to register for the next program beginning with a weekend on Jan-6-8 in San Diego and Jan 20-22 in Orange County. Please call or (800) 470-2230 or email: Bereavement Ministry Support Group—Have you recently experience the loss of someone you love, perhaps even in the past few years, and are having difficulty dealing with the pain? Come and be comforted...This Christ-centered Faith-sharing group is for you. We meet the second and fourth Thursday of every month in Father Leo’s office. Prayer, faith sharing, and fellowship begin at 7:30 PM. For more information please call Leona Fenbers at 943-9646.

Women of Grace—We will be having a Women of Grace Study Series beginning January 12, 2017. You will need to purchase Johnnette’s book, Full of Grace and Study Guide. For more information, please call Susan Allen at (661) 433-4213 or Vicki White at (661) 267-1877. We look forward to hearing from many of you! Pro-Life Walk, OneLife LA, Downtown Los Angeles, January 21, 2017 Join thousands for the 3rd annual event celebrating the beauty and dignity of every human life. Register for FREE today at Lancaster Knights of Columbus is offering free METRO LINK tickets.

Pray for our ill parishioners… Charles Aubrie, Emmanuel Audencial, Warde Bajakjian, Maria Barber, Peter Barraza, Paul Bozigian, Paul Burkman, David Carrillo, Tito Collantes, Dr. Edwin Corpuz, Curtis Crawford, Mary Crow, Pat Defusco, Jean DeLaVara, Isidro DeLeon, Theresa Farey, Marie Fernando, Mario Galvan, Mary L. Glover, Atanacio Gonzales, Claudio Gormaz, Mercy Gonzales, Patrick Guzman, Bob Henderson, Lily Honeycutt, Dan Hodgens, Emily Jarquin, Sonny Huerta, Helen Kaniewski, Alicia Kessler, Hala Kessler, Betty Knolls, Hope Lariosa, Manual Lopez, Manuela Lopez, William Mahady, Herb & Jo Meister, Agustina Mendoza, Michelle Moklebust, Betty Nolls, Ryan Noonan, Colton Oschmann, Samantha Orozco, Christina Padilla, Joseph Terry, Jeannie Poole, Carleen Pixley, Jacob Raellano, Allen Ralph, Wilfredo Repuyan, James Rockey, Rosa Elida Castillo-Rodriquez, Syndi Sabo, Kristian Salazar, Jonathan Sherman, Sharon Smith, Roberto Sosa, Franco Stanco, Mary M. Tapia, Juan Ubillus, Jay Valerio, Grace Watson, Gene Wheeler, David Wilson, Josephine Wilson. FINGERPRINTING Mandatory for ONLY those adults 18 and older, who work/volunteer near or with children at Churches and Schools of the L.A. Archdiocese. Fingerprinting will be done here at St. Junipero Serra Parish on Saturday, January 7, 2017. By appointment only-please call (661) 943-9314. You must bring a valid ID with you. Evangelization is the duty of all the baptized— bring someone with you to Sunday Mass or to a social event at the parish. Take time to introduce yourself before or after Mass to someone new. The seasons of Advent and Christmas are full of great opportunities to bring someone to visit our church!

DID YOU KNOW? Pokémon Go stops could lead kids to dangerous places. With the popular game Pokémon Go, kids can interact with virtual game components in reallife locations. Some features of the game can present serious dangers for children using the app and interacting with other gamers. “PokéStops” – locations in which players can collect Pokémon – can be anywhere, and recently, one was reported to be at the entrance of a rehabilitation center that housed sex offenders. Parents should be aware of the game’s features and monitor children’s use to ensure that any Pokémon collecting is done safely. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Pokémon Go and Social Networking,” email: [email protected] or call 213-637-7227. FRIENDS MYTH: Those who have ADD as children

usually outgrow it as they enter their teens. FACT: Often ADD impairments are not very noticeable until the teen years when more self-management is required in school and elsewhere. And ADD may be subtle but more disabling during adolescence than in childhood. Source: Thomas E. Brown, "ADD The Unfocussed Mind In Children and Adults.

Interpreted Mass (Signed for hearing impaired) Sacred Heart Church at 9:30 am Sunday Mass Saint Junípero Serra Church at 5:00 pm Saturday Mass

Readings for the Week of December 11th Monday:

Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47,or any readings from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712 Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 1719, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Is 45: 6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 7:18b-23 Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b; Lk 7:24-30 Is 56:1-3a, 6-8; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Jn 5:33-36 Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-6; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24

SATURDAY, 7:00 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY, 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM SEM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM Esp MONDAY, 7:00 AM 7:30 PM Esp TUESDAY, 7:00 AM 10:00 AM MFG 12:00 PM WEDNESDAY, 7:00 AM 12:00 PM THURSDAY, 7:00 AM 12:00 PM FRIDAY, 7:00 AM 7:30 PM SATURDAY, 7:00 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY, 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM SEM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM Esp


10 December St. Serra Parish †Maria Stanco 11 December, Third Sunday of Advent † Paul Eischeid Hector & Andy Garcia For the People of the Parish † Luis Acuzar, Jr. † Vladimir Herrera Fosda 12 December, Our Lady of Guadalupe † Maria Flores [in Spanish] Vocations for the Priesthood 13 December, St. Lucy † Ingrid Monterroso Josephine Cervantes † Dionisio & † Maria Pancho 14 December, St. John of the Cross † John Santana † Lovella Norman 15 December † Ralph Venegas † Cedric Norman 16 December † Francisco Ibera Maggie Hanson 17 December † Patricia Lee Smith † Patricia Gass 18 December, Fourth Sunday of Advent † Mary Linda Burnias † Maria Figiel Altar Society For the People of the Parish † Elva del Carmen Morales

Please pray for the recently deceased—Maria Dorado and Thomas LaRocco. May they and all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Because of the large communal Penance Services during the fourth week of Advent, there will be NO CONFESSIONS heard here on Saturday, December 24th. Thank you for understanding.


Rincón del Párroco Continuando con el esfuerzo de mantener la Misericordia al frente de nuestro Ministerio, la Arquidiócesis ha lanzado dos nuevos ministerios. The Mercy Fund. El fondo de miser icor dia ayudar á a dar más vida y una mayor sostenibilidad en algunos de los ministerios decisivos que apoya. El fondo de misericordia apoyará la Oficina de Justicia Restaurativa (Restorative Justice) que ofr ece apoyo, cuidado y esperanza a más de 120.000 personas al año en centros de detención, a sus familias y las víctimas, así como a nuestro Ministerio en Hospitales, que visita a enfermos y moribundos en 12 hospitales católicos y en 9 instalaciones católicas para cuidado de los Adultos mayores, a lo largo de la Arquidiócesis. By Your Side LA, “A tu lado LA” es un Ministerio de sanación para mujeres y hombres que están sufriendo después de un aborto. Servicio otorgado a través de voluntarios llamados "compañeros misericordiosos", los afectados por el aborto reciben ayuda para encontrar el amor y el perdón de Dios. Para más información sobre este servicio por favor visite: La información sobre el fondo para la misericordia llegó demasiado tarde para ponerla en el boletín antes de Acción de Gracias. De hecho, hubo invitaciones para donar durante el “Giving Tuesday” de la semana después de acción de gracias. (¡día nuevo para mí!) que, por cierto, no me enviaron sobres. Si gustan donar para este fondo, por favor póngalo en un sobre marcado con la frase: “Mercy Fund” dentro de la canasta. Tengo entendido que lo que ustedes donen puede bien ser destinado a “restorative justice” o a “Catholic hospital/nursing home”. Tengan la confianza de que enviaremos cualquier dinero recibido. Al entrar en la segunda mitad del Adviento, nuestra atención se postra más sobre la inminente venida del Mesías. ¡Estamos invitados a alegrarnos! Mientras esperamos pacientemente como un granjero espera la primavera, sabemos por la fe, que el arrepentimiento trae consigo un mundo nuevo. Oraremos no sólo por una permanente conversión personal, sino por la conversión de los "enemigos", especialmente de los más violentos y despiadados cuyos ataques aparecen cada vez más en las noticias. Les encargo oración por mi sobrina Sarah que se casara con Brandon el próximo sábado en la Florida central, lamentablemente no puedo participar en la celebración. Para que ellos crezcan en amor mutuo y en amor por el Señor. Afortunadamente ambos tienen empleos decentes en el área de Columbus, Ohio, ¡sin embargo, sus préstamos universitarios parecen ser una roca que les impide alcanzar la cima de la colina!

Padre Leo Dechant

Las paradas de Pokémon Go pueden llevar a los niños a lugares peligrosos. Con el juego

popular Pokémon Go, los niños pueden interactuar con componentes del juego virtual en lugares reales. Algunas características del juego pueden presentar serios peligros para los niños cuando usan la aplicación e interactúan con otros jugadores. Las paradas o “PokéStops”, o lugares en los que los jugadores recogen los Pokémon, pueden estar en cualquier lugar, y recientemente se reportó que uno estaba a la entrada de un centro de rehabilitación donde habitaban ofensores sexuales. Los padres de familia deben estar conscientes de las características del juego y monitorear el uso por parte de sus hijos para asegurar que cualquier colecta de los Pokémon se haga en forma segura. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Pokémon Go and Social Networking” (Pokémon Go y las redes sociales) envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame al (213) 637-7508. Servicios de penitencia comunal del Adviento:  El 19 de diciembre en Sagrada Corazón  El 21 de diciembre en Santa María  El 22 de diciembre en San Junípero Serra

Todos empiezan en las 7:30 PM.

Lunes, el 12 de diciembre: •

Mañanitas en el Salón Parroquial a las 4:00 AM

Canziones y Santo Rosario en la iglesia a las 6:00 PM

Santa Misa en la iglesia a las 7:30 PM

Comida y folklórico en el Salón Parroquial después de la Misa

Office of Faith Formation News

Oficina de Formación en la Fe

Religious Education—Our next family night will be the week of December 12th. Our night will focus on “Reconciliation” and everyone will be given the opportunity to make use of this beautiful Sacrament of grace. Don’t forget to light your third candle to symbolize Faith with the “Bethlehem Candle” reminding us of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem.

Educación Religiosa—Nuestra próxima noche familiar será la semana del 12 de diciembre. Nuestra noche se centrará en la "Reconciliación" y todos tendrán la oportunidad de hacer uso de este hermoso Sacramento de gracia. No olviden de encender la tercera vela para simbolizar la fe con la "Vela de Belén" que nos recuerda el viaje de María y José a Belén.

Confirmation Prep – Classes for candidates registered for Spring Semester began LAST WEEK. If your candidate missed his or her first class, you must make sure they attend class this week. If not, the candidate will be dropped from class. Questions? Call Cathy Moreno (Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Confirmation) at 943-5912, ext. 110. Life Teen (grades 9-12) – Life Night Sunday, December 11, 6-7:30 p.m. in St. Serra Hall. The Life (Living the Paschal Mystery) is the final night in the fourLife Night series called The Promise: The Paschal Mystery, where we will dive deep into understanding Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Edge (grades 6-8) – There will be no Edge gathering December 21 and January 4 due to Christmas and the winter break. Please join us again on Wednesday, January 18, from 6-7:30 p.m. in St. Serra Hall for Bright Lights!, a fun Hollywood-themed social night. Los Angeles Youth Day in Anaheim (Thursday, February 23) – Registration is NOW OPEN for Youth Day 2017! Cost is $50 ($30 registration fee and $20 for bus). Forms are available in the Office of Faith Formation, and also on the table beneath the bulletin board in the church vestibule. Tickets available are first come-first served, so make your reservation early! ### “Your happiness has no price. It cannot be bought. It is not an app that you can download on your phones, nor will the latest update bring you freedom and grandeur in love.” Pope Francis to Youth in Rome

Preparación para la ConfirmaciónRecordatorio a los padres de los candidatos inscritos para el semestre de primavera que ¡Clases comenzaron la semana pasada! Si su candidato se perdió su primera clase, debe asegurarse de que asistan a clase esta semana. Si no, el candidato será retirado de la clase. ¿Preguntas? Llame a Cathy Moreno, coordinador, a 943-5912, ext. 110. Life Teen (grados 9-12)—Life Night de este Domingo, el 11 de diciembre, 6:00-7:30 PM en el Salón Parroquial. La Vida (viviendo el misterio pascual) es la última noche en la serie de cuatro entitulado La

Promessa: El Misterio Pacual. Nosotros

vamos a investigar para entender major de la vida y la muerte de Jesús. Edge (grados 6-8)—La siguiente Noche Edge es miércoles, el 18 de enero, 6:00-7:30 PM en el Salón Parroquial para ¡Luces Brillantes!, una noche social divertida con temas de Hollywood. Jornada de la Juventud de Los Ángeles en Anaheim (Jueves, 23 de febr er o)—¡La inscripción está AHORA ABIERTA para el Día de la Juventud 2017! El costo es de $50 (cargo de inscripción de $ 30 y $ 20 de bus). Las formas están disponibles en la Oficina de Formación de la Fe, y también en la mesa debajo del tablón de anuncios en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. Las entradas disponibles son las primeras en llegar primero, así que haga su reserva con tiempo!

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