THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 11, 2016

2511 South “C” Street - Oxnard, CA 93033 Church Phone: (805) 486-7301 Fax: (805) 486-3142 Website: Parish Founded 1959 by Msgr

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2511 South “C” Street - Oxnard, CA 93033 Church Phone: (805) 486-7301 Fax: (805) 486-3142 Website: Parish Founded 1959 by Msgr. Michael Condon (1915 - 2001)

THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 11, 2016

Living God’s Word Dear God, source and giver of joy, open my heart to receive your joy. As the Advent season continues, help me to live in a spirit of anticipation and watchfulness for how Christ continues to come into the world, a spirit of joy rooted in the awareness that you are faithful to your children. Amen.

Pastor: Fr. Doan T. Pham Associates: Fr. Daniel M. Martinez Fr. Porfirio Álvarez (Retired in residence) Fr. Anthony Berchmanz (In residence) Senior Deacons: Jim Henry, Joe Kennedy, Jon McPheeters Deacons: Andrew Cottam, George Garcia, Aurelio Macias, Donald Pinedo & Roy Sadowski LITURGIES ~ LITURGIAS: Monday—Friday / Lunes—Viernes 8:00 am, 5:15 pm (No 5:15 pm Mass on Tues. & Weds.) (No 5:15 pm Misas el mar. y miér.) Todo los Martes: 7:00 pm (Misa de Sanación segundo martes del mes)

R ~C : Fridays / Viernes 6:00—6:30 pm Saturdays / Sábados 3:30—5:00 pm E A ~A First Fridays 8:30 am-5:15 pm Primer Viernes 8:30 am–5:15 pm


R ~R : Monday—Saturday after 8:00 am Mass. Lunes—Sábado después de la Misa de las 8:00 am O H ~H O : Monday-Friday ~ Lunes-Viernes: 8:30 am - 8:00 pm (closed-cerrado 12:00 pm-1:00 pm)

Saturday~Sábado 8:00 am, 5:15 pm (Vigil)

Saturday~Sábado: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Sunday Liturgy ~ Liturgias del Domingo: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am (English) 12:00, 1:30 pm (Español)

Sunday~Domingo: Closed-Cerrado


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Greater Than He By Cynthia Reyes When uncertainty walks into our lives, often we need some kind of concrete assurance that all will be okay. In today’s gospel, John the Baptist perhaps is not quite certain whom this person is that has come while he sits in prison. How could John the Baptist not know Jesus since he was the one who baptized him? Interesting that John sends his scouts to see whom this person might be. Did John expect a different Messiah, one to come with sovereignty or judgment, a messiah of fire and brimstone, challenging the law of the land? Jesus defines his role as one of blessing on the needy, of healing and restoring with abundant mercy. John’s scout party is sent by Jesus to tell John what they see and hear as they are witnessing these compassionate acts of Christ. Further, Jesus interacts with the people about John the Baptist’s role, telling them that he is a more than a prophet, a messenger of Christ and the greatest human being. However, as shocking as this may seem, Jesus further says that if we hold firm and remain faithful, that we too are inheritors of the Kingdom, and will be greater than John the Baptist. Our Messiah’s message to all of us is incredibly generous to all who act as Christ’s hands and feet. The echo becomes our mission: whom are we loving, caring, and assisting others in need. Are we evangelizing with our actions as Jesus did? During this preparation time of Advent, now is the time to begin our acts of charity. Our Messiah has our backs if we do our part. Mas Grande Que El Por Cynthia Reyes Cuando la incertidumbre entra en nuestras vidas, a menudo necesitamos algún tipo de garantía concreta de que todo estará bien. En el evangelio de hoy, Juan el Bautista tal vez no está muy seguro de quién es esta persona que ha venido mientras está en la cárcel. ¿Cómo podía Juan el Bautista no conocer a Jesús desde el inicio que él fue bautizado por el? Algo interesante es que Juan envía a sus exploradores para ver quién podría ser esta persona. ¿Acaso Juan esperaba un Mesías diferente, uno que vendría con dominación o juicio, un Mesías de fuego y azufre, que desafíe la ley de la tierra? Jesús define su papel como un bendición sobre los necesitados, de sanación y restauración con abundante misericordia. La exploración de Juan es enviada por Jesús para decirle a Juan lo que habían visto y lo que oyeron cuando estaban presente a estos actos compasivos de Cristo. Además, Jesús interactúa con la gente acerca del papel de Juan el Bautista, diciéndoles que él es más que un profeta, un mensajero de Cristo y el ser humano más grande. Sin embargo, por sorprendente que parezca, Jesús dice además que si nos mantenemos firmes y permanecemos fieles, somos también herederos del Reino, y más grande que Juan el Bautista. El mensaje de nuestro Mesías a todos nosotros es increíblemente generoso para todos los que actúan como las manos y los pies de Cristo. El eco se convierte en nuestra misión, a quien amamos, cuidamos y ayudamos a los mas necesitados. ¿Estamos evangelizando con nuestras acciones como lo hizo Jesús? Durante este tiempo de preparación de Adviento, ahora es el momento de comenzar nuestros actos de caridad.

Aging religious need your help. Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have offered their lives in service to others—educating the young, comforting the sick, seeking justice for the oppressed. Today, many are frail, elderly, and in need of assistance. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps to furnish medications, nursing care, and other necessities. Please give generously to today’s second collection.

Los religiosos ancianos necesitan su ayuda. Estas hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes de ordines religiosas católicas—han dedicado su vida en servicio a los demás—educaron a los jóvenes, cuidaron a los enfermos y lucharon para que los oprimidos fueran tratados con justicia. Hoy, muchos son ancianos y necesitan atenciones. Su donativo al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos ayuda con las recetas medicas, cuidados de enfermería y mas. Sea generoso con la segunda colecta de hoy.

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“Building the Bridge to Spirituality, Academics and Service”



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H 7:30 —F




(805) 487-5317

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(805) 486-1537 ( . .

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Just a reminder, St. Anthony School has a closed campus policy. In the interest of security and safety for students & staff, our campus will be locked and fully secured. All visitors/parents must report directly to the school office, not the classroom.

Do you purchase gi cards for Christmas gi s? If so, please stop by the SAS office any me between now and Monday, December 12th at 8:30. The school sells gi cards as an on-going fundraiser. There is everything: restaurants, movie theaters, coffee places, hardware and department stores, and plenty more. Support your Parish school by making them your 1-stop shopping this Christmas shopping season. A percentage of each purchase supports the school in our fundraising efforts. As always, we thank you for your con nued support.

“In the Catholic school, family values are supported. Parents know their children are being not only informed, but also formed.”

12/15— Christmas Program 12/16— Noon dismissal 12/19— 1/3 – No school; winter break

Are you interested in enrolling your child in our Parish school? We accept 2 ½ year olds (po y-trained) through 8th graders. For registra on informa on, please feel free to visit our website, Or please contact Mrs. Duran. You may email [email protected] or call (805) 487.5317.

SAS Parents – Are you last minute Christmas shopping? Use all the resources at Take advantage of the many choices for easy, no sell fundraising through the gi card program. Enroll in and the PrestoPay program to take advantage of the ScripNow! and reload op ons. Using the scrip program and all its op ons is a great way to do your fundraising. You can find a link at under the Parent tab; Resources for Parents.

December 11, 2016

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Saturday December 10 5:15 PM Rose & Louis Lopez Mariano Arena (†) 7:00 PM Our Lady of Guadalupe (Novena) Sunday December 11 7:30 AM Yazmin Wiggins & Destinee Herrera Sabino (Joe) Rubio (†) 9:00 AM Nicholas Andrew & Julian Anthony Martinez Adalaide & Anastasia Chipres 10:30 AM Robert Flores (†) Donald Dudley (†) 12:00 PM Catalina Magaña Héctor Paz (†) y María Elena Sahagún (†) 1:30 PM Vigilia de los difuntos (†) 7:00 PM Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Novena) Monday December 12 5:00 AM Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 8:00 AM Robles Olivera Aparicio Family 5:15 PM Eduardo Cruz (†) Concepción Marcelo (†) 7:00 PM Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Tuesday December 13 8:00 AM Alicia & German Porras 7:00 PM Raúl Cortez (cumpleaños) Angela Montañez (†) Wednesday December 14 8:00 AM Maureen Martinez Thursday December 15 8:00 AM Alicia & German Porras 5:15 PM For an end to abortion Friday December 16 8:00 AM Alicia & German Porras 5:15 PM Juan Carlos Bernardino (†) Saturday December 17 8:00 AM For the elderly & homebound

~In Remembrance ~ Please pray for Leticia Torres & all the deceased of St. Anthony’s Parish.


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TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The barren deserts will rejoice and flower. Tired bodies will receive strength. Aching hearts will be made glad (Isaiah 35:1-6a, 10). Psalm — Lord, come and save us (Psalm 146). Second Reading — Be patient, for the coming of the Lord is as sure as the rain (James 5:7-10). Gospel — Tell of what you hear and see: The blind regain their vision, the crippled their movement, the deaf their hearing (Matthew 11:2-11). LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — ¡Estén fuertes, no teman! Su Dios viene a salvarlos. Los redimidos del Señor serán corona-dos con alegría eterna (Isaías 35:1-6a, 10). Salmo — Ven, Señor, a salvarnos (Salmo 146 [145]) Segunda lectura — Sean también pacientes y valientes porque la venida del Señor está cerca (Santiago 5:7-10). Evangelio — “¿Eres tú el que debe venir o tenemos que esperar a otro?” Jesús les contestó, “Vayan y cuéntenle a Juan lo que han visto y oído” (Mateo 11:2-11). Mon/lun: Tues/mar: Wed/mie: Thurs/jue: Fri/vie: Sat/sab: Sun/dom:

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47, or any readings from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712 Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Is 45: 6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 7:18b-23 Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b; Lk 7:24-30 Is 56:1-3a, 6-8; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Jn 5:33-36 Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-6; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24

Advent Penance Service During the season of Advent the parishes in Deanery III schedule Penance Services to help meet the spiritual needs of our Catholic faithful. Catholics are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Penance to be spiritually prepared to celebrate the Incarnation of Jesus, our Christmas grace. The following dates and services are offered during Advent 2016. December 13, Tuesday December 14, Wednesday December 14, Wednesday December 15 Thursday December 16, Friday December 19, Monday December 20, Tuesday December 21, Wednesday December 22, Thursday

St. Thomas Aquinas, Ojai at 7 PM Mary Star of the Sea, Oxnard at 7:30 PM St. Anthony, Oxnard at 7 PM Our Lady of Guadalupe, Oxnard at 7 PM Sacred Heart, Ventura at 7 PM Santa Clara, Oxnard at 6:30 PM Mission San Buenaventura at 7 St. Sebastian, Santa Paula at 7 PM St. Francis of Assisi, Fillmore at 7 PM

SAC WEEKLY OFFERING/OFRENDAS SEMANALES DECEMBER 4, 2016 Sunday Collection/ Col. del Domingo…$9,248.00 Building Funds/fondos de edificio…$4,410.50

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Third Sunday of Advent December 11, 2016 Those whom the L has ransomed will return and enter Zion singing, crowned with everlasting joy. • Isaiah 35:10a “B C ” (Wਠ਱਱ਨਮ਱ਲ ਥਮ਱ Cਧ਱ਨਲਲ਼): All men are invited to deepen your spirituality. We meet Wed. @ 6:30 pm in the Community Room. L M "Mystical Rose": What does the Legion of Mary do? We evangelize, visit the sick, the elderly, the disabled in homes or hospitals and of course, we pray the Holy Rosary together for our Church and the whole world. Join us! Location All Purpose Room. For information contact Juan Velasquez at (805) 302-8391. If you would like to request a home visit from the Pilgrim Virgin Mary Statue please call Frank Nava at (805) 485-8457.

RCIA: ADULT FAITH FORMATION 2016 This process is for those who wish to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Sessions will resume January 17th 2017 @ 7:00 pm For more information please contact Cynthia Reyes at 486-7301, ext.120.

RICA 2016: FORMACIÓN DE LA FE PARA ADULTOS Hay adultos que fueron bautizados en la infancia y que no han completado sus sacramentos de Confirmación y de Eucaristía. El Procesó resumen el 24 de Enero 2017 @7:00 pm Si usted está interesado en completar sus sacramentos de iniciación o si desea saber más acerca de la Iglesia Católica, favor de hablar con Cynthia Reyes, Directora de Iniciación, al 486-7301, X120.

Silent Praying the Rosary If you would like to pray the Rosary silently in the church, you are welcome to join our worship community, Monday though Saturday at 7:30am to 7:50am at the Blessed Mother’s side of the church. For more information you may contact Henry Reifer at 486-3433.


Page 5 Tercer Domingo de Adviento 11 de diciembre de 2016 Volverán a casa los rescatados por el Señor, vendrán a Sión con cánticos de júbilo, coronados de perpetua alegría. — Isaías 35:10a

SVDP: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY’S FOOD PANTRY is available on Tuesdays & Fridays from 9:30 am to 11:45 am and serve those from our parish boundaries. For more information or if you would like to become a Vincentian, please call 486-7302.

M : martes a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. M S : Cada segundo martes del mes a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia.

Adult Confirmation Registration If you or someone you know who is 18 yrs. or older, and only needs to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, you may pick up a registration form and a detailed schedule at the parish office. Submission of Registration Forms and fees will take place on Sunday, January 29, 2017 at the parish office at 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM.

PLANIFICACION FAMILIAR NATURAL: Se dará un curso de planificación familiar Natural para las parejas. Ya no habrá necesidad de usar anticonceptivos que traen muchas enfermedades para la mujer y provocan muchos cambios en su cuerpo. En este curso aprenderán el método del la ovulación. Este método NO es el conocido método del ritmo o del calendario. El método de la Ovulación puede ser usado por todas las mujeres, regulares e irregulares. Es fácil de aprender y científicamente comprobado y exitosamente usado por todo el mundo. Conozcamos como parejas, como Dios creo nuestro sistema reproductivo y saquemos buen provecho de ello siguiendo su plan como El lo diseño. Para registrarse o para mas información llamar a: Tanis y María del Socorro Morado al (805) 469-5192.

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CELEBREMOS JUNTOS NUESTRA POSADA NAVIDEÑA La Posada Navideña de nuestra parroquia será el día 16 de diciembre, dando inicio a las 6:15 pm., en la iglesia, iniciando con el rezo del santo rosario, posteriormente se partirá en procesión con los peregrinos al frente, las personas adultas y todos los niños por la calle “C” y entraremos por la parte de atrás del estacionamiento de la Escuela hasta llegar al area de reunión y ahí se pedirá la posada y se romperán las piñatas y se entregaran los regalos empezando primeramente por los niños.

¡La parroquia de San Antonio les espera a todos ustedes! Pastor: Fr. Doan The Pham ST ANTHONY’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE DIRECTOR: Jacklyn Gonzalez O FFICE H OURS T UESDAY —T HURSDAY : 2:00-7:00 PM SATURDAY: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM SUNDAY: 9-10:15 & 11:45-1:00 PM


December 11, 2016

CELEBRATE TOGETHER OUR POSADA NAVIDEÑA Our parish Posada will be on December 16, beginning at 6:15 p.m., in the church, with the recitation of the holy rosary and followed in procession with the “Holy Family” as we all journey along "C" street. We will then proceed into the school parking lot until arriving at the Gathering area. The celebration will begin once lodging is found for the Holy Family. The piñatas will be broken and gifts will be given to all the children.

The parish of St. Anthony invites you all! Pastor: Fr. Doan The Pham

805-486-0784 [email protected]


The Religious Education & Confirmation Program, will be on Christmas break from the week of Dec. 23 to January the 14th. For more information call the Office of Religious education. We wish you a Merry and Blessed Christmas season and a Happy New Year. Youth Group IMPACT will be on Christmas break Dec. 22, 29 & Jan 5th. We will resume our group meetings in AP Room on January 12th at 6:30pm. *************************************************************************************************************** El Programa de Educación Religiosa & Confirmación, tomara su descanso navideño empezando Diciembre 23 al 14 de Enero. Para más información llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa, les Deseamos una Feliz y Santa Navidad y un Próspero Ano Nuevo. El Grupo de Jóvenes Impacto tomara su descanso Navideño Dec. 22, 29 & Enero 5. Regresamos el 12 de Enero @6:30pm en el salón AP. DID YOU KNOW? Pokémon Go stops could lead kids to dangerous places With the popular game Pokémon Go, kids can interact with virtual game components in real-life locations. Some features of the game can present serious dangers for children using the app and interacting with other gamers. “Poke Stops”location in which players can collect Pokémon-can be anywhere, and recently, one was reported to be at the entrance of a rehabilitation center that housed sex offenders. Parents should be aware of the game’s features and monitor children’s use to ensure that any Pokémon collecting is done safely. For a copy of the VIRTUS® “Pokémon Go and Social Networking, “email: [email protected] or call 213-637-7227. ¿SABIA USTED? Las paradas de Pokemón Go pueden llevar a los niños a lugares peligrosos Con el juego popular Pokemón Go, los niños pueden interactuar con componentes del juego virtual en lugares reales. Algunas características del juego pueden presentar serios peligros para los niños cuando usan la aplicación e interactúan con otros jugadores. Las paradas o “Poke Stops”, o lugares en los que los jugadores recogen los Pokemón, pueden estar en cualquier lugar, recientemente se reporto que uno estaba a la entrada de un centro de rehabilacion donde habitaban ofensores sexuales. Los padres de familia deben estar conscientes de las características del juego y monitorear el uso por parte de sus hijos para asegurar que cualquier colecta los Pokemón se haga en forma segura. Para una copia del articulo de VIRTUS® “Pokemon Go and Social Networking” (Pokemón Go y las redes sociales) envié un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame al 213-637-7227.

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Poinsettias Donations/Christmas Flowers: Please consider making a donation to the environment fund to defray expenses for plants and flowers during the Advent and Christmas seasons. Or you may bring your Poinsettias to the front office no later than December 19th. Thank you for your support. Donaciones de Noche Buenas/ Flores de Navidad: Por favor de hacer una donación al fondo del ambiente para cubrir gastos para las plantas y las flores durante las estaciones del Adviento y de la Navidad. O pueden traer sus plantas de Noche Buenas a la oficina antes de 19 de diciembre. Gracias por su apoyo. In Gratitude from St. Vincent De Paul: Thank you to all who donated generously to St. Vincent De Paul’s organization to help the less fortunate. A total of $2,621.50 was collected. On behalf of our parish community, a heartfelt “thank you” for your charitable contributions. May God continue to move your generous hearts. Gracias a todos que donaron generosamente a la organización de San Vicente de Paúl para ayudar a los menos afortunados. Se recolectó un total de $ 2,621.50. En nombre de nuestra comunidad parroquial, un sincero "gracias" por sus contribuciones caritativas. Que Dios continúe bendiciendo sus generosos corazones. RETREAT FOR MEN: will be held at the Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in the City of Sierra Madre on the week-end of January 6-8, 2017. The theme for this year is “The Crucified One Is No Stranger”. The retreat begins Friday evening with a buffet supper and concludes Sunday after Mass. The retreat team offers inspirational talks on the theme, as well as time for quiet prayer, Mass, Confession, and Stations of the Cross. Requested Donation: $240.00 ($50.00 nonrefundable deposit) Please contact Captain Richard B Perez Jr at (805) 223-6176 or [email protected] for reservations or questions. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ECOUNTER: "The desert and the parched land will exult, the steppe will rejoice and bloom." As we await the coming of the Lord, let us rejoice and encourage our marriages to bloom by participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend March 3-5 or April 22-23 TBD. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at We help make good marriages better. Mary & Joseph Retreat Center: Advent Pilgrimage in the Labyrinth, Sunday, December 18, 2:00 to 4:00pm. A simple couple from Nazareth, Joseph and Mary were reluctant travelers on their journey to and from Bethlehem-all for the Child. This Advent we are invited to remember their travels as we walk the labyrinth-all for the Child who came to be with us. Free-will donation. We will also be having Las Posadas on Sunday, December 18, 4:00-6:00pm. In California, Christmas has been enriched with many elements from the Hispanic culture including music, food, piñatas, and the Posada journey. Join us for a symbolic commemoration of Las Posadas as Mary & Joseph search for lodging on their journey to Bethlehem. We will have a piñata for the children as well as snacks and refreshments for all. Cost: Adults $5, children 4-12, $2, children under 4 free.


December 11, 2016

Christmas has come to our Gift Shop! We have Advent candles, wreaths, calendars. There are a variety of tree ornaments and musical figurines to share with your family. You may also find a stocking stuffer or for that "hard to buy for" person, I will have Gift Certificates available. Start your holiday shopping early and support St. Anthony Gift Shop! Open Sunday from 8:30am to 2:00pm. Knights of Columbus: We will be having our Children Christmas Party at the Knights of Columbus Hall, December 11th, 2016, Doors open at 2:00 pm. Face painting, activities, crafts, snack bar will be open. Parents may bring a wrapped gift for their child and Santa will give the gift to the child.


Adult Confirmation Director: Cynthia Reyes 486-7301, X120 Administrative Assistant : Cynthia Reyes 486-7301, X120 Altar Servers: Dn. Andrew Cottam 486-7301 Bulletin: 486-7301 x119 / [email protected] Communion to Homebound: Dn. Jon McPheeters 985-0611 Director of Music: Alberto La Torre 486-7301 X121 ElementaryReligious Ed. Program : Jacklyn Gonzalez 486-0784 Gift Shop: Ann Marie Stein 486-6799 Legion of Mary: Juan Velasquez 302-8391 High School Confirmation Director : Jacklyn Gonzalez 486-0784 Men’s Ministry “Bellatoris”: Dn. George Garcia 984-9393 RCIA : Cynthia Reyes 486-7301 X120 Safeguard the Children: Julia Inouye 487-4779 School Principal: Dn. Henry Barajas 487-5317 St. Vincent De Paul: Richard B. Perez Jr. 486-7302 Wedding & 15era Coordinator: Maria Hernandez 620-8348 Women’s Council: Ann Marie Stein 486-6799 Youth Ministry Coordinator : Jacklyn Gonzalez 486-0784


Convalidación Programa: Dn. Aurelio Macías (805) 844-0663 Danza Mensajeros de María SAS: Dn. Barajas 487-5317 Grupo de Formación Espiritual: Padre Daniel 486-7301 Grupo de Oración “El Buen Pastor” : Dn. García 984-9393 Guadalupanos: Diacono Aurelio Macías (805) 844-0663 Planificación Familiar Natural: Tanis y María Morado (805) 469-5192 Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Cynthia Reyes, 486-7301 x120 Voluntarios de Lectores, Ujieres, Ministros de Eucaristía: Diacono Aurelio Macías 844-0663

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