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OLMC MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 (Weekday) 5:00pm Nicole Franzone SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 (First Sunday of Advent) 8:00am Maria Camisa of LaSpezia, Italy 9:00am Giuseppe & Giuseppa Dilluvio 10:00am Maria & Giorgio Blanda & Mario Blanda 11:15am Octavie Gabriel 12:30pm Pietro Sferrazza 5:00pm Parish Family MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28 (Advent Weekday) 8:00am Sergio A. de Mesa 12:00pm Emilio Cortes Cortes TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 (Advent Weekday) 8:00am Lina Mazzeo 12:00pm Catherine Barretta WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 (Saint Andrew) 8:00am Celina Parra (75th Birthday Anniversary)- Living 12:00pm Giuseppe Barretta THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 (Advent Weekday) 8:00am Mary DePinto 12:00pm John & Mary Greehy FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 (Advent Weekday) 8:00am Purgatorial Society 12:00pm Nancy Devaney 7:30pm Our Parish Family SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 (Saint Francis Xavier) 8:00am Dominador Castroverde, Sr. 5:00pm Living & Deceased Parishioners, Staff & Benefactors of Our Lady of Mount Carmel SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 (Second Sunday of Advent) 8:00am Benjamin Ting 9:00am San Nicola’ 10:00am Living & Deceased Members of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rosary Society 11:15am Mario Blanda 12:30pm Mateo Sferrazza 5:00pm Parish Family

Wedding arrangements should generally be made 6 months in advance. Arreglos para bodas generalmente deben hacerce 6 meses en avance.

PRAY FOR THE SICK If you have a family member you wish to be prayed for, please let us know immediately and we will be happy to pray for them. The names will remain on the sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested. Week 1: Anthony Velez Dylan Cresta

Juana Mitre Rose Barulic

James Leung

Week 2: Bill Celio Rosa Maria Collado Joseph Roeder Ana Petrak Iris Ortiz Hernan Goris Lydia Ayala Mario Valazquez Piedad Torrero Lynne Von Equidy Mary Frances Von Eqidy Marcos Velazquez Sister Richard CSJ Tracy O’Donnell Robert Dempsey Victor Mayo Pedro Acevedo Robert Lohman Deacon Manuel Barahona Mario Briones

Angela Smith

Kevin Wooley Justin Crespo Trinidad Flores Antonia Hoa Margarita Dostall Sharon Newman

Week 3: Juan Vina

Blanca Cisneros

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Mario Tamburello Ana Ocasio

Maria Cuadrado Lucille Odermatt

DEDICATED OFFERINGS The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for Maria Camisa of LaSpezia, Italy This was requested by Maria & Fran Camisa Altar Bread & Wine has been offered for Maria Camisa of LaSpezia, Italy This was requested by Maria & Fran Camisa Altar Candles are Offered for Maria Camisa of LaSpezia, Italy This was requested by Maria & Fran Camisa Altar Flowers are Offered for Maria Camisa of LaSpezia, Italy This was requested by Maria & Fran Camisa

1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT First Reading: Isaiah 2:1-5 Isaiah has a vision in which all people will stream to the Temple of the Lord, and he will establish a kingdom where there will be no more war. Second Reading: Romans 13:11-14 Paul urges the Romans to give up the ways of the night and to live sober lives in the light of day. Gospel: Matthew 24:37-44 Jesus urges his disciples to remain awake and ready for he coming of the Son of Man.

PARISH BULLETIN BOARD BAPTISMS IN 2016 BAPTISM SCHEDULE—ENGLISH WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Conference 8:00pm- Institute Ceremony 2:00 pm November 23 November 27 (3:00pm) NO ENGLISH BAPTISMS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER January 18, 2017 January 22, 2017 February 22, 2017 February 26, 2017 HORARIO DE BAUTISMOS—ESPANOL MIERCOLES DOMINGO Charla 8:00pm— Instituto Ceremonia 2:00pm 7 de Diciembre 11 de Diciembre 4 de Enero 2017 8 de Enero 2017 8 de Febrero 2017 12 de Febrero 2017

SUNDAY 8AM MASS ANTIPHONS Entrance Antiphon Ad te levavi animam meam, Deus meus, in te confide, non erubescam. Neque irrideant me inimici mei, etenim universi qui te expectant non confundentur. To you, I lift up my soul, O my God. In you, I have trusted; let me not be put to shame, Nor let my enemies exult over me; and let none who hope in you be put to shame. Offertory Antiphon Ad te Domine lavavi animam meanm, Deus meus, in te confide, non erubescam. Neque ieeideant me inimici mei, etenim universi qui te expectant non confundentur. To you, O Lord, I lift up my sould. O my God, in you I have trusted; let me knot be put to shame. Nor let my enemies exult over mel and let non who hope in you be put to shame. Communion Antiphon Dominus dabit bengnitatem, et terra nostra dabit fructum suum, The Lord will bestow his bounty, and our earth shall yield its increase.

ADULT SEWING GROUP Interested in learning to sew? Already know how but need to brush up? Free lessons age 10+, alternate Saturdays at 3:30pm in the parish center. Email Louise for specific meeting dates at [email protected] or check the parish website calendar.

SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL GIVES BACK Our Lady of Mount Carmel should share in the profits. For every car, truck or van, running or not, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will give back to our church $50/$100 per vehicle. Maybe you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member, friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 718.491.2525. Thank you for your participation.

THIS WEEK AT OLMC PARISH INSTITUTE We try to keep our schedule that is printed in the bulletin as accurate as possible. For the most up-to-date calendar please visit our website at Thank you. Sunday November 27 All Day 10:30am– 12:30pm 11:30pm– 12:30pm 6:00pm– 7:00pm Monday November 28 7:00am– 5:00pm 5:00pm-7:00pm 5:30pm– 9:00pm 6:30pm– 8:00pm

Vietnamese Community Cursillo Czech Community Zumba

Gym Guadalupe A/B Lourdes A/B Guadalupe A/B

TYWLS Consolation Ministry CYO School of Mariachi

7:00pm– 9:00pm

Gym Fatima Gym Lourdes A/B +Guadalupe B Practica– Señora de Guadalupe– Guadalupe A

Tuesday November 29 7:00am– 5:00pm 5:00pm– 7:00pm 5:30pm– 9:00pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm

TYWLS Project Connect 1+2 CYO Marriage Encounter

Gym Lourdes A+B Gym Guadalupe B+ Fatima

Wednesday November 30 7:00am– 4:00pm TYWLS 4:00pm– 7:30pm Religious Education 7:00pm– 9:00pm CYO 8:00pm– 9:00pm Pre-Baptismal Class

Gym All Rooms Gym Guadalupe A

Thursday December 1 7:00am– 5:00pm 1:00pm– 4:00pm 5:30pm– 9:00pm 5:30pm– 7:30pm 7:30pm– 9:00pm

TYWLS Carmel Diamond Seniors CYO Religious Education Levantate

Gym Guadalupe A/B Gym All Rooms Fatima

Friday December 2 7:00am– 4:30pm 4:30pm– 9:00pm 6:00pm– 9:30pm 6:00pm– 9:00pm 7:00pm– 10:00pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm 7:00pm– 8:30pm

TYWLS CYO PreCana Spanish Choir Jornada Spanish Youth Grupo Azteca English RCIA

Saturday December 3 All Day 9:00am– 12:00pm 10:00am– 1:00pm 3:30pm– 7:00pm

175TH Closing Year Gym AA Meeting Guadalupe A/B+ Fatima Saturday Lessons in Faith Lourdes A/B Adult Sewing Group Lourdes A/B

Gym Gym Fatima Nazareth Guadalupe A Guadalupe B Assumption Room


• •

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH 10:00 am– AA Meeting (English)- Rectory 11:30 a.m. Spanish Faith Sharing Group – (Hall)

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH: 7:00 p.m. Spanish Prayer Group – (Hall + Chapel) - Santa Margarita Maria • 7:30 pm– AA Meeting (English)- Rectory •

HORA SANTA, ADORACION Y BENEDICION DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Cada primer Sabado del mes en Santa Margarita María de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. Todos estan Invitados.

AA MEETING (ENGLISH) Sundays -10am -11am- Closed Discussion Meeting Wednesday– 7pm– 8pm- Step Meeting (Tradition Last Wednesday of the Month) in the Rectory Room

DEVOCION A LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA El grupo devocional a la Divina Misericordia se reune cada segundo Sabado del mez a las 3pm en la capilla de Santa Margarita Maria. “DREAM ACT” DEFERRED ACTION APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE & CONSULTS RE. ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment please call at 718-721-9020.

ACCION DIFERIDA - ASISTENCIA CON ALIVIO ADMINISTRATIVO Las aplicaciones para la acción diferida para los llegados en la infancia están disponibles. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta y/o quiere hacer una cita por favor llamar al 718-721-9020.

RUMMAGE SALE/ VENTA There will be a rummage sale on December 13, 14 & 15th 2016. The doors open at 9:00am. Habra una venta el 13, 14 y 15 de Diciembre del 2016. Las puertas se abren a las 9:00am.

ST. MARGARET MARY FOOD PANTRY NEWS In the month of October 2016 a total of 2,394 people were served. This included 1,059 children, 1,104 adults and 231 seniors. You may come in Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays at 11:00am



St. Margaret Mary 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102

Santa Margarita María 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102

Federal and NY State Forms You may be eligible for earned income tax credit OBTAIN TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS Call Denise for more info: (718) 721-9020

Formulario Federal y Estatal de NY Usted hasta pueda calificar para el crédito de los impuestos de salario Obtenga su número de identificación de impuestos Llame a Denise para más información al: (718) 721-9020

SUPPORT OUR PARISH FOOD PANTRY WITH OUR ROSARY SOCIETY: In a cooperative venture between the parish Rosary Society and our Parish Food Pantry at St Margaret Mary, we have instituted a monthly food collection on the First Sunday of the month at all Masses. Please bring only dried or canned foods (non-perishables). Please no food beyond expirations dates. Thank you for your help in carrying out the Corporal Works of Mercy in this era of need. All women of the parish are welcome to join them in their prayer, good works, and conviviality. Next Pantry is Sunday, December 4, 2016.

APOYO DESPENSA DE COMIDAS Y NUESTRA SOCIEDAD DEL ROSARIO: En una iniciativa conjunta entre la Sociedad del Rosario y la Parroquia despensa de alimentos a Santa Margarita María, que se instituyo una colección mensual de alimentos en el primer domingo del mes en todas las misas. Favor de traer solamente los alimentos secos o enlatados (no perecederos). Por favor no comida expirada. Gracias por su ayuda en la realización de las Obras de Misericordia Corporales en esta época de necesidad. Todas las mujeres de la parroquia están invitados a unirse a ellos en sus oraciones, buenas obras, y la convivencia domingo projimo. Proxima vez: 4 de Diciembre del 2016.

SANTA CECILIA En Santa Margarita Maria El comite de Santa Cecilia en Astoria los invita al decimo festival el Domingo, 27 de Noviembre del 2016 en la Iglesia de Santa Margarita Maria, 9-18 27th Avenue. Los esperamos apartir de las 4:00pm. Tendremos la presentacion de la danza y a las 7:00pm, la Santa Misa; Posteriormente, la presentacion de los grupos patrocinadores. La entrada es gratis!



Dear friends, I wish to express thanks to all those who made the closing liturgy for the Extraordinary Jubilee Holy Year of Mercy so special. Bishop Sanchez as usual gave us a great message in his words and in his very presence. Our liturgical ministers all did their parts well, especially the English choir, newly re-situated in the choir loft. It was good to hear our rebuilt pipe organ sounding forth again, newly blessed by the Bishop. It needs a few more points of fine-tuning but it’s quite functional now, thanks to the skilled artisanship of Tony Meloni and the equally skilled fingers of our organist Catherine Lankford. The church was full, with a count of over 500 people, and probably more than half from other parishes throughout Queens. We completely filled a second visitors’ register in less than a month, and filled a number of pages in a third volume. The Holy Year was a real landmark in our lengthy parish history and we will be erecting a plaque to mark this unique experience here in “the Mother Church of Queens County”. Now our job is look upon each other more often with the compassionate eyes of Christ and open doors to kind actions in the world where we live. Let is strive our best to be “merciful like the Father.”

Queridos amigos, Quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a todos aquellos que hicieron especial la celebración de la liturgia de clausura para el Año Jubilar Extraordinario de la Misericordia. El obispo Sánchez como de costumbre nos dio un gran mensaje en sus palabras y en su propia presencia. Nuestros ministros litúrgicos hicieron bien sus partes, especialmente el coro inglés, recién resituado cerca del órgano. Era bueno oír el sonido de nuestro órgano de tubo reconstruido que volvía a sonar, recién bendecido por el obispo. Necesita unos cuantos puntos más de afinación, pero ahora es bastante funcional, gracias a la habilidad de Tony Meloni y los expertos dedos de nuestra organista Catherine Lankford. La iglesia estaba llena, con un recuento de más de 500 personas, y probablemente más de la mitad de otras parroquias en todo Queens. Llenamos completamente un segundo registro de visitantes en menos de un mes, y llenamos un número de páginas en un tercer volumen. El Año Santo fue un verdadero hito en nuestra larga historia parroquial y vamos a erigir una placa para marcar esta experiencia única aquí en "la Iglesia Matriz del Condado de Queens". Ahora nuestro trabajo es mirarnos el uno al otro más a menudo con los ojos compasivos de Cristo y puertas abiertas a las acciones bondadosas en el mundo donde vivimos. Hagamos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para ser "misericordiosos como el Padre".

God love you, Msgr. Sean G. Ogle

Dios te cuide, Mons. Sean G. Ogle

COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services Inc. Home Base Homeless Prevention program assists families who are experiencing a housing crisis. Services are available for pregnant women and families with children age 18 and under who live in Queens and the East New York and Canarsie sections of Brooklyn. Single adults and adult families without children in the home who have a history of being in shelter may also apply. Call 718-674-1000 for Queens and 929-234-3036 for Brooklyn or walk in to 87-80 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica, 1847 Mott Avenue Far Rockaway, 3060 Fulton Street Brooklyn. Caridades Católicas y Servicios Inc. Programa Homebase de prevención para personas sin hogar asiste familias que están experimentando crisis en su vivienda. Los servicios están disponibles para mujeres embarazadas y familias con niños con edad de 18 años o menores, quienes viven en Queens y en las áreas del Este de Nueva York y Canarsie localizadas en Brooklyn. Adultos solteros y familias de adultos sin niños en la vivienda quienes tengan historia de haber estado en un refugio también pueden aplicar. Llame al 718674-1000 para Queens y 929-234-3036 para Brooklyn o visite nuestras oficinas localizadas en 87-80 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, Queens, 1847 Mott Avenue en Far Rockaway, 3060 Fulton Street en Brooklyn.

PARISH BULLETIN BOARD PRAYER OF THE WEEK Prayer for First Week in advent In this season of expectation We prepare to welcome Christ Jesus, Messiah Into the bustle of our lives and the hard to find moments of solitude We prepare to welcome Christ Jesus, Messiah Into our homes and situations along with friends and families We prepare to welcome Christ Jesus, Messiah Into our hearts, and those often hidden parts of our lives We prepare to welcome Christ Jesus, Messiah For beneath the surface of your story is an inescapable fact You entered this world as vulnerable as any one of us in order to nail that vulnerability to the cross. Our fears, our insecurities and our sins all that can separate us from God exchanged by your Grace for Love. We cannot comprehend the reasoning only marvel that Salvation comes to us through a baby born in a stable, and reaches out to a world in need. In this season of anticipation We prepare to welcome Christ Jesus, Messiah Submitted by Elaine Rodriguez Share your favorite prayers: [email protected]

OLMC ONLINE UPDATES & RESOURCES We are pleased to announce that you can now request a copy of your Baptism, Communion, Confirmation or Marriage Certificates through our website. Under the Sacraments tab click the sub-tab “Request a Certificate.” Fill in all the information and your certificate will be mailed to you or you can pick it up. Nos da gusto anunciarles que ahora puede pedir una copia de certificados de Bautizo, Comunión, Confirmación o Matrimonio por medio de nuestra pagina web. Bajo la pestaña de Sacramentos haga clic en “Request a Certificate” (Pedir un Certificado). Llene la información y su certificado será enviado a su casa o lo podrá recoger en la oficina. Para su conveniencia se ha traducido en ingles/ español.

SECOND COLLECTIONS/ SEGUNDA COLECTA December 4, 2016– There will be a second collection after communion for the campaign for our Parish Maintenance. Your donations, as always, are very much appreciated. 4 de Diciembre, 2016– Habra una segunda colecta después de la comunión para nuestro mantenimiento parroquial. Sus donaciones, como siempre, son muy apreciados. December 11, 2016– There will be a second collection after communion for “Religious Retirement”. Your donations, as always, are very much appreciated. 11 de Diciembre, 2016– Habra una segunda colecta después de la comunión para “Retiro de los Religiosos”. Sus donaciones, como siempre, son muy apreciados. December 18, 2016– There will be a second collection after communion for “Christmas Gift to My Church”. Your donations, as always, are very much appreciated. 18 de Diciembre, 2016– Habra una segunda colecta después de la comunión para “Mi relgalo a Mi Parroquia”. Sus donaciones, como siempre, son muy apreciadas. December 25, 2016– There will be a second collection after communion for Christmas/ Catholic Charities. Your donations, as always, are very much appreciated. 25 de Diciembre, 2016– Habra una segunda colecta después de la comunión para Navidad/ Caridades Catolicas. Sus donaciones, como siempre, son muy apreciadas.

ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL/ CAMPAÑA CATOLICA ANUAL We thank all those who have made a pledge to this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal. As of November 14th, 2016, we have 262 Donors who have pledged $56,821 towards our parish goal of $59,118. Over $50,000 has been collected thus far. Pledge envelopes are still available at the church doors and in the rectory. Please remember we need many new people to pledge this year if we are going to make our goal. No pledge is too small and everyone can help our campaign succeed. Agradecemos a todos que han hecho una promesa a la Campaña Católica Anual de este año. A partir del 14 de Noviembre del 2016, tenemos 262 donantes que han prometido $56,821 hacia nuestra meta de la parroquia de $59,118. Más de $50,000 se ha colectado hasta el momento. Los sobres todavía estan disponibles en las puertas de la iglesia y en la rectoría . Por favor recuerde que necesitamos mucha gente nueva a prometer este año si vamos a llegar a nuestra meta. Ninguna doncaion es demasiado pequeña y todos podemos ayudar a que nuestra campaña tenga éxito.

CARMEL DIAMOND SENIORS The Carmel Diamond Seniors will be having their Christmas Dinner Party at Riccardo’s on December 8th, 2016 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. The cost is $40.00 per person. You can leave your name and money at the Rectory. Come join us for a truly enjoyable afternoon. Of course, friends are always welcome!


LAS POSADAS Las Posadas, a Hispanic Christmas custom: Our Spanish– speaking community is again preparing to celebrate an ancient tradition to prepare for Christmas call “Las Posadas”, which replicates the search of Mary and Joseph for a place to stay in Bethlehem during the nine nights before Christmas, from December 16 to December 24. A couple representing the Holy Family enact a ritual at the house door, and are eventually asked in, where many from the community are gathered for prayers together and fraternity custom also serves as a means of evangelizing our parish. Pray for the pastoral fruitfulness of this year’s “posadas”. Las Posadas, nos acercamos a una de las fechas de mayor alegria, colorido y de union familiar. Es por ello que en nuestra parroquia, se esta organizando nuevamente con la ayuda de nuestro Pastor, Monseñor Ogle, las Posadas. Las Posadas son un medio para recorder y vivir los momentos que pasaron Jose y Maria antes del naciemiento de Nuestro Redentor. La finalidad es que cada uno de nosotros conozca el verdadero significado de la Navidad, ademas de compartir y convivir como una verdadera familia, ya que debemos vivir las tradiciones y costumbres navideñas con el significado interior y no solo el exterior y asi poddremos preparer nuestro Corazon para la commemoracion mas del Naciemiento de Jesus. La duracion de este Proyecto es de 9 dias desde el 16 hasta el 24 de Diciembre.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT—FIRST FRIDAYS Spiritual writers speak of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as the Mass held in contemplation”. As a way of encouraging devotion to the Eucharist, we invite everyone to spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament each First Friday of the month. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place after the 8:00 am Mass until the 12 Noon Mass. Come join us in prayer.

FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Thursday, December 8, 2016 is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. This is a holy day of obligation. Masses will be held in the Upper Church at 8:00am, 12:00pm & 7:30pm. A vigil mass will be offered on Wednesday night at 7:30pm.

December 24th, 2016 at the 5pm Family Mass 24 Diciembre—5:00pm Misa Familiar “I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS, YOU CAN COUNT ON ME” We need parish youngsters to help prepare for a special FAMILY-CHILDREN’S LITURGY AT 5:00 pm ON CHRISTMAS EVE, DECEMBER 24th. We plan a living nativity scene. We need actors as angels, shepherds, innkeepers, kings, and a Mary and Joseph. Return to Father Peter or Nelly Gutierrez in the Rectory no later than Wednesday, December 14th, 2016. Yes, we’ll be home for Christmas. Please enter our child’s name as a volunteer for Christmas Eve at 5:00pm. Child’s Name/Nombre del Nino: _____________________________________________ School/Escuela: ________________________Grade/Grado:_________ Our Address/Direccion _____________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________ E-mail address: _____________________________________________

Parent’s Signature:_____________________________

2016 GIVING TREE It is time for our 8th annual Giving Tree to help those less fortunate than us. Beginning this weekend and through the weekend of January 8, there will be 3 trees decorated with tags that will benefit BRIDGE TO LIFE and some parish members from St. Margaret Mary who need our assistance. These trees will be located in the following areas: 1) in the narthex of the upper church, 2) in the West Vestibule near the elevator and 3) in the lower church. We hope you are able to take a tag or more if possible and buy the items listed. Please do not wrap the gift. Just tape the tag to the bag or box so we can identify the item and where it is to go. Please bring the gift no later than the weekend of January 8 and give to an usher during Masses or bring to the Rectory for safe keeping. We all know times are tough but for those of us lucky enough, a donation will aid someone during this time of year where it is better to give than to receive. God bless you and your families for your generosity.

ARBOL DE REGALOS Es el tiempo de nuestra octava edición de árbol de regalos para ayudar a aquellos menos afortunados que nosotros. A partir este fin de semana y hasta el fin de semana del 8 de enero, habrán 3 árboles decorado con etiquetas que beneficiarán al PUENTE A LA VIDA y algunos miembros de la parroquia de Santa Margarita María que necesitan nuestra ayuda. Estos árboles se encuentran en las siguientes áreas: 1) en el nártex de la iglesia arriba, 2) en el vestíbulo oeste cerca del ascensor y 3) en la iglesia de abajo. Esperamos que tomen una etiqueta o más si es posible y puedan comprar los artículos mencionados. Por favor, no envuelva los regalos. Simplemente pegue la etiqueta a la bolsa o caja para que podamos identificar el articulo y a donde va a ir. Vamos a colectar hasta el primer fin de semana de enero. Por favor, traiga el regalo y darlo a un ujier durante las misas o lleven a la Oficina durante las horas de trabajo. Todos sabemos que estamos en tiempos difíciles, aquellos de nosotros que podamos hacer una donación será bien recibida. Dios los bendiga a ustedes y a sus familias por su generosidad.





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