First Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent November 27, 2016 Celebration of the Eucharist Sunday Mass Times 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil — English (Church) 7:00 am Español (C

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Story Transcript

First Sunday of Advent November 27, 2016

Celebration of the Eucharist Sunday Mass Times

5:00 pm Saturday Vigil — English (Church) 7:00 am Español (Capilla) 8:00 am English (Church) 9:45 am English (Church) 11:30 am English (Church) 1:15 pm Español (Iglesia) 5:00 pm Youth Mass — English (Church) 7:00 pm Español (Iglesia)

Weekday Masses Misas Diarias

6:30 am Thursdays, English, Chapel 8:30 am Monday-Saturday, English, Chapel 6:30 pm Monday and Wednesday, English, Chapel 6:30 pm Martes y Viernes, Español, Capilla

Exposition of the Holy Eucharist Hora Santa 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Tuesday (Chapel) 9:00 am -10:00 am Friday (Chapel, immediately following morning Mass)

Reconciliation Confesiones

Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 pm, in the Chapel Saturdays from 3:30-4:30 pm in the Chapel, or by appointment.

El Sacramento de la Reconciliación se celebra los jueves de 6-7 p.m. y los sábados de 3:30-4:30 pm en la Capilla o con previa cita.

Baptism Bautismos

Parents and godparents must attend a Baptism class prior to scheduling the baptism. Please call the office for dates, times and to register.

Los padres y padrinos deberán asistir a las clases prebautismales antes de programar la fecha de bautismo. Favor de llamar a la oficina para el horario y para inscribirse.

Anointing of the Sick Unción de los Enfermos After business hours, call the emergency phone at 972-974-5430 for critical situations requiring anointing of the sick.

Después del horario de oficina, favor de marcar el número de emergencia para situaciones críticas que requieren la Unción de los Enfermos: 972-974-5430.

Matrimony Matrimonio

Marriages require a nine month preparation period. Please call the office to inquire about marriage preparation.


8000 Eldorado Parkway Frisco, Texas 75033 Office (972) 712-2645 Fax (972) 712-1087 General e-mail: [email protected] Website:

Se programarán con un mínimo de nueve meses antes del matrimonio. Por favor llamen a la oficina para más información.

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl 214-619-4096

Views from Fr. Larry Pichard, Pastor Visiones del Párroco, Pbro. Larry Pichard Let us greet Advent with open arms! Advent began in about the eighth century way before the “Commercialization of Christmas” was born. I think you know what the “Commercialization of Christmas” means—the frenzy of shopping, partying, and gift giving. Advent emerged as a time to reflect quietly and prayerfully upon remembering the birth of the Savior and looking forward to his Second Coming at the end of time. Oh, I know that our culture of pre-Christmas frenzy usually dominates our lives, but I hope you as an individual or as a family can spend at least some reflective time. The best thing to do is to read the Scriptural passages of our weekday Masses. Just google “daily Mass readings” and you will go to Or you can use your smartphone app called Laudate. Check in daily because I find those Old Testament prophecies, classic dreams of Isaiah and the Lord, to be so hopeful and so appropriate for today’s problems; in fact, I think they are the very best of the liturgical year! Maybe, with a family, your prayers before meals could incorporate those dreams for peace, healings, and God’s mercy. Maybe you could make it for daily Mass itself, weekdays at 8:30 am, Thursdays at 6:30 am, Monday evenings and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. Whatever you do, just remember the spiritual dimension of all your pre-Christmas activities. Definitely put these Advent dates on your calendar: December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, a holyday of obligation. Also consider Monday, December 12, bilingual Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe at 7:30 pm although it is not a holyday of obligation. I would also like to invite you to make your Christmas Confessions early. Please don’t wait till the last minute, because if you do, you will find yourself waiting in very long lines.

¡Recibamos el Adviento con los brazos abiertos! El Adviento comenzó a celebrarse cerca del siglo VIII mucho antes que la “Comercialización de Navidad” apareciera. Pienso que ustedes saben lo que la “Comercialización de Navidad” significa—la euforia de las compras, fiestas y de dar regalos. Adviento surge como un tiempo de reflexión en silencio y de devoción recordando el nacimiento del Salvador y preparándonos para su Segunda Venida al final de los tiempos. Oh, yo sé que nuestra cultura de frenesí pre-navideño usualmente domina nuestras vidas, pero espero que ustedes en forma individual o como familia puedan tener al menos un momento de tiempo de reflexión. La mejor opción es leer los pasajes del Evangelio de las Misas de entre semana. Sólo busquen en google “lecturas de Misas diarias” y encontrarán la siguiente liga , en la parte superior derecha en la opción que dice “Bible” encontrarán la opción de Lecturas del Día. O ustedes pueden utilizar en su teléfono inteligente una aplicación llamada Laudate la cual está disponible en varios idiomas. Revísenlo diariamente porque yo encuentro esas profecías del Antiguo Testamento, clásicos sueños de Isaías y el Señor, muy esperanzadoras y muy apropiados para los problemas de hoy y de hecho pienso que son las mejores del año litúrgico! Tal vez, en compañía de la familia, en sus oraciones antes de comer podrían incorporar esos sueños por la paz, la sanación y la misericordia de Dios. Tal vez ustedes pueden asistir a las Misas diarias, que tendremos entre semana a las 6:30 pm los martes y viernes en español, a las 6:30 am los jueves, a las 8:30 am de lunes a viernes en inglés o los lunes y miércoles a las 6:30 pm en inglés. Hagan lo que hagan, solo recuerden la dimensión espiritual de todas sus actividades antes de Navidad. Definitivamente aparten esta fecha en su calendario: 8 de diciembre, Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción de María, un día obligación. También consideren el sábado 12 de diciembre, la Misa bilingüe de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a las 7:30 pm en la Iglesia, aunque no es un día de obligación. También los quiero invitar a que se Confiesen con anticipación antes de Navidad. No esperen hasta el último momento, porque si se esperan hasta el último momento, porque pueden encontrarse con largas filas para poder confesarse.


Sunday, November 27th

7:00 am Misa en español, Iglesia - † Edward Pinto (AP) 8:00 am Mass, Church, English - † Tom McKinstry (PI) 9:45 am Mass, Church, English - † Inona & M.H. Miley (LP) 11:30 am Mass, Church, English -Mario & Cathy Rodríguez Anniversary (PI) 1:15 pm Misa en español, Iglesia -Oscar Martínez (AP) 5:00 pm Mass, Church, English - Pro populo (LP) 7:00 pm Misa en español, Iglesia Joshua Adam Martínez(AP)

Monday, November 28th

8:30 am Mass, Chapel - † Baby Harding (PI) 6:30 pm Mass, Chapel -† Briana & Connor Quigley (PI)

PARISH STAFF Msgr. Larry Pichard, Pastor Rev. Paul Iverson, Parochial Vicar Rev. Artemio Patiño, Parochial Vicar Benigno Arana, Deacon, Ext. 664 Frank Reyna, Deacon, Retired Gregory Kahrs, Deacon, Ext. 662 John Costello, Deacon Ext 667 Tomas Baca, Deacon Ext. 362 All e-mails end in Todos los e-mails terminan con

Staff and Ministry Supervisor Ext. 247 David Utsler...........................................................................................dutsler 8:30 am Mass, Chapel - † Jasper Wilkerson (LP) Financial Director Ext. 226 6:30 pm, Mass, Chapel - † Roberto Ernesto Pérez (AP) Tracy Brown...........................................................................................tbrown 7:00 pm Adoration Chapel till 9:00 pm Development Director Ext. 351 Mark Smith.............................................................................................msmith Wednesday,November 30th Music Director Ext. 313 8:30 am Mass, Chapel - † Joseph & † Mary Moran (LP) Kevin Shelley.......................................................................................kshelley 6:30 pm Mass, Chapel - † Frank Montoya (LP) Adult & Family Life Director Ext. 230 Melissa Silvestro............................................................................msilvestro Thursday, December 1st SPN Faith Formation Director Ext 227 6:30 am Mass, Chapel - Griselda Villegas (PI) Greysi Bargas.....................................................................................gbargas 8:30 am Mass, Chapel— † Mary Stauffer (LP) SPN Faith Formation Asst Ext. 364 6:00 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel Julie Saldaña.......................................................................................jsaldana HS Ministry Director Ext 358 Tammy Bielamowicz...........................................................tbielamowicz 8:30 am Mass, Chapel – + Adelina Castro (LP) MS Ministry Director Ext. 244 9:00 am Adoration in Chapel, until 10:00 am Jenny Rohde...........................................................................................jrohde 6:30 pm Misa en español, Capilla - † José E De Luna (AP) Youth Ministry Musician Ext 234 David Casper.......................................................................................dcasper Saturday, December 3rd Youth Ministry Asst. Ext 224 8:30 am Mass, Chapel Souls in Purgatory (PI) 5:00 pm Vigil Mass, Church -Raymond & Mariza De León (LP) Chastity Herlihy...... ..........................................................................cherlihy Director of Faith Formation Ext. 229 Sunday, December 4th Niki MacDougall.......................................................................nmacdougall 7:00 am Misa en español, Iglesia (AP) Children’s Ministry Asst. Ext 232 8:00am Mass, Church, English (LP) Rachel Hansen.....................................................................................rhansen 9:45 am Mass, Church, English (PI) Liturgy Director Ext 237 Anneliese Rivera.................................................................................. arivera 11:30 am Mass, Church, English (LP) Marriage Administrator Ext. 225 1:15 pm Misa en español, Iglesia (AP) Maricel Medero..............................................................................mmedero 5:00 pm Mass, Church, English (PI) Hispanic Ministry Director Ext. 245 7:00 p.m. Misa en español, Iglesia (AP) Blanca Balderas...............................................................................bbalderas Liturgy & Hispanic Ministry Asst Ext 241 Please pray for the Ismary D. González..........................................................................................igonzalez sick and suffering of our parish: Safe Environment Coordinator Ext 228 Alejandrina Padrón, Piedad Trejo Zamarripa, Gene Ginny Milich............................................................................................gmilich Denler, José Gómez, Héctor Trujillo,Candace Piña, Bookkeeper Ext. 360 Kate Disbrow.................................................................................... kdisbrow Ricardo Araúz, Victor Peña, Viviana Rodríguez, Parish Administrator Ext 352 Marilyn Neal, Isidero Serratos,Mackenzie Massey, Alma Geller.............................................................................................ageller Felix Guijarro Communications Coordinator Ext 246 Candace Bermender..............................................................cbermender Please pray for the recently deceased: Receptionist Ext 221 Mary Snyder, José Andrés Santos, Patty Stroud -Salazar..............................................................receptionist Bob Horton, Tirza Cox, Kathy Bedrich, Facilities Director Ext. 231 Nelda Lobaugh, Josepha Mirabent, Albin Donnie Floyd...........................................................................................dfloyd Facility Technician Ext 238 Grossmen, Louis Gutiérrez Carlos Gaona........................................................................................cgaona Cecilia Serra, Dante Carbajal, Jaime Amézcua, Little Friends Preschool Director, Ext. 235. Kaden Serafín, Catherine Gabel Lauren Harbour........................................................................lharbour

Tuesday, November 29th

Friday, December 2nd


PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS NOVENA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE 2016 Novena, sábado 3, lunes 5, martes 6, miércoles 7, viernes 9, sábado 10 de diciembre 6:00 pm – Confesiones 6:15 pm – Rosario 7:00 pm – Misa, Capilla 7:45 pm – Danza Matachines


1. El horario de la Misa diaria de las 6:30 pm cambiará a las 7:00 pm durante la Novena, por lo que las Misas del lunes 5 y miércoles 7 serán bilingües, ya que reemplazan la Misa diaria en inglés. 2. Los sábados 3 y 10 de diciembre las confesiones serán en el horario regular de los sábados, de 3:30 pm a 4:30 pm. 3.El viernes 9, día de San Juan Diego, tendremos la Misa de unción de enfermos.

Inmaculada Concepción Jueves 8 de diciembre No hay confesiones ese día 6:30 pm – Rosario, Capilla 7:30 pm – Misa en español, Iglesia


Los invitamos a Celebrar a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el lunes 12 de diciembre con los siguientes eventos: 5:00 am – Mañanitas, en el Centro Parroquial. 3:10 pm – Salida en autobús del estaciona miento de San Francisco al Parque Toyota. 4:30 pm – Peregrinación y Rosario bilingüe d Parque Toyota a San Francisco de Asís. 6:30 pm – Representación de las Apariciones, Centro Parroquial. 7:30 pm – Misa bilingüe en la Iglesia. 8:30 pm – Danza Matachines en la Plaza y refrigerio en el Centro Parroquial. 4

Posada Navideña Jueves 15 de diciembre de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm en el Gran Salón “Venid, todos”… Adeste Fideles

Cordialmente los invitamos a unirse a la celebración de Navidad que el Ministerio Hispano ha organizado para la comunidad el jueves 15 de diciembre de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm en el Gran Salón del centro Parroquial de la Iglesia Católica de San Francisco de Asís. El propósito de esta celebración es compartir y dar la bienvenida a los feligreses en este tiempo, en el que unidos como familia parroquial esperamos con gozo y esperanza la venida de Nuestro Señor a la tierra. Como comunidad de San Francisco, las familias pediremos posada, cantaremos villancicos, disfrutaremos una pastorela, tendremos piñatas, dulces para los niños y un pequeño refrigerio. ¡Todos están invitados, Los esperamos con su familia!


¡La inscripción está abierta para los hombres mayores de 21 años! Retiro de hombres en español del 2 al 5 febrero, 2017. Un retiro ACTS permite una oportunidad para que cada persona se centre en su fe y la aplique en la vida cotidiana, para construir propósito en su propia vida de oración, para aumentar su presencia en la liturgia y para cultivar amistades entre los miembros de la comunidad de la Iglesia. Para obtener información adicional o para inscribirse, por favor visite y seleccione “Spanish Retreats”. La inscripción para retiros de mujeres se abrirá a finales de deciembre. La fecha del retiro para mujeres en español es del 2 al 5 del marzo, 2017.


Por favor pasen al Nártex del Centro Parroquial para tomar una o más información de algún niño, familia, adulto mayor o un veterano al cual quieran ayudar esta navidad. Ésta es una gran oportunidad de ayudar a los necesitados en esta temporada y así vivir el verdadero espíritu de Navidad. Todas las donaciones tienen que ser entregadas en el Gran Salón del Centro Parroquial el fin de semana del 3 y 4 de diciembre después de las Misas. Si tienen alguna pregunta, por favor contacten a Laura Kate Bishop al email [email protected]

Reflexión de Adviento Como preparar nuestro corazón para Navidad Jueves, 1 de diciembre en el Gran Salón lado C. de 7:30 pm a 9:00 pm Se les invita a todos los feligreses a tener una reflexión de Adviento, para prepararse a vivir la Navidad. Esta reflexión será dirigida por el Padre Artemio Patiño y será el jueves 1 de diciembre en el gran Salón

Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel en español 2 al 4 de diciembre El Viñedo de Raquel es una oportunidad extraordinaria para cualquier persona que lucha con dolor emocional y espiritual del aborto. El fin de semana es un proceso único y efectivo diseñado específicamente para ayudarle a sentir la misericordia y compasión de Dios. Este proceso es extremadamente bueno para ayudarles a los que luchan con perdonarse a sí mismos o a otros. ¡El fin de semana ayudará que su alma encuentre una voz, y transforme el dolor del pasado en esperanza! Para más información y para registrarse comuníquese a [email protected] o 972-679-4760 o visite Para información sobre el retiro solo para hombres, visite Toda consulta es estrictamente confidencial.

Desayuno con San Nicolás

4 de diciembre de 9:00 am a 12:00 pm Los Caballeros de Colón y los escuderos de Colón los invita al desayuno con San Nicolás el 4 de diciembre en el Gran Salón. Los niños pueden tomarse la foto con San Nicolás después de las Misas de 8:00 am y 9:45 am. Donativo por el desayuno $3 dólares por niño y $5 dólares por adulto, máximo $16 dólares por familia. Habrán vllancicos en inglés y películas.

Misa de Niños 4 de diciembre

Los invitamos a celebrar con nuestros hijos el adviento participando el domingo 4 de diciembre en la Misa de niños de 1:15 pm. Los niños serán recibidos hasta la 1:05 pm en las primeras bancas. Los adultos que deseen ser voluntarios, comuníquense con Yamilet Jaramillo al teléfono 972-762-9130. Los voluntarios deben tener ambiente seguro vigente.


UPCOMING EVENTS Breakfast with St. Nick Sunday December 4, 2016 9:00 am -12:00pm

The Knights of Columbus and the Columbian Squires would like to invite you and your family to have your picture taken with St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas will be in our presence after the 8:00 Mass and 9:45 Mass. The Squires will also be serving our monthly Breakfast Café along with live Christmas music and movies. We will be serving fresh pancakes, sausage, country potatoes, scrambled eggs, yogurt, seasonal fruit, orange juice, and coffee. Prices are $3 for children, $5 for adults, $16 maximum for the family. Please join us for a morning of food, fellowship, and fun.

ACTS Men’s Retreat Registration Open!

Registration is now open for the English Men’s Retreat, being held February 9-12, 2017! An ACTS weekend is a three-day, three-night retreat presented by Catholic laymen with the support of clergy and a spiritual director. The goal of the weekend retreat is to strengthen your faith, to renew yourself spiritually, to build purpose in your prayer life and to build lasting friendships with your church community. For additional information or to register, please visit and select “English Retreats”. Registration information for the Women’s Retreat will be announced in January.

Donut Sunday

Every 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday of the month! We invite everyone to join us after 8:00 am & 9:45 am morning Masses for some donuts. 6

NOVENA OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE 2016 December Sat. 3, Mon. 5, Tue. 6, Wed. 7, Fri. 9 and Sat. 10 6:00 pm – Confessions (Spanish and English) 6:15 pm – Rosary 7:00 pm – Mass, Chapel 7:45 pm – Matachines Traditional Dance


1.The daily Mass schedule will change from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm during the novena. Mon 5 and Wed 7 will be bilingual Masses. 2. On Sat. 3 and 10 Confessions will be during the Saturday regular schedule, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

3. On Fri 9, Saint Juan Diego Feast, we will have the Anointing of the Sick in Spanish during the Mass.

Immaculate Conception Thursday, December 8 No Confessions Mass Schedule: 6:30 am Chapel, (no music, English) 8:30 am,Church (English) 12:15 pm, Church (English) 6:00 pm, Church (English) 6:15 pm – Rosary in the Chapel (Spanish) 7:30 pm – Church (Spanish)


5:00 am – Mañanitas, Parish Center. 3:10 pm – Transportation to the Toyota Park. 4:30 pm – Procession and bilingual Rosary. 6:30 pm – Our lady of Guadalupe, Apparitions play. 7:30 pm – Bilingual Mass. 8:30 pm – Matachines Dancers in the Plaza and reception in Parish Center.

UPCOMING EVENTS Check out the Thank you’s on page 10!

Living Your Marriage Sacrament Workshop

Saturday December 3, 2016 at St Francis of Assisi Great Hall 8:30 am-3:30 pm

Living your Marriage as a Sacrament is a marriage preparation and enrichment process for Catholics who find themselves in civil marriages or married in another faith without proper dispensation. To register please e-mail Deacon Gregg Kahrs at or Maricel Medero at [email protected]

Children’s Christmas Choir

If you are in third grade to fifth grade and would like to sing in the St. Francis of Assisi Chidren’s Christmas Choir, please join us! Rehearsals are in the Duesman Room in the Parish Center from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm on the following Wednesdays: December 7th, 14th, 21st. Attendance at the rehearsals is mandatory. The Children’s Choir sings at the 5:00 pm Mass on Christmas Eve in the Church.

The Good Shepherd Ornament Last Chance! Purchase yours after Masses on December 3rd & 4th Our FINAL sales weekend for the 2016 Ornament is after Masses on 12/3-4! Don’t miss out on this limited edition, translucent recreation of our Narthex window, “Christ, The Good Shepherd”! The ornament is $20, and all proceeds are donated back to the Church! A limited supply of past years may be available at a discounted price.Please contact Marie Engelman for further information or if you have any questions at [email protected] or by phone at 972-863-1630.

St. Francis of Assisi Angel Tree Adoptions

Please stop by the Great Hall to adopt an angel or two this year to help a family, child, senior, or vet in our community. We will be available after all Masses. This is great way to help fulfill the wishes of those in need during the holiday season and get in the spirit! All angel tree donations need to be delivered back to the Church the weekend of Dec. 3/4 in the Great Hall, after all Masses. If you have questions or are unable to stop by, please email Laura Kate Bishop at [email protected]

Christmas Poster Contest

Knights of Columbus and the Squire Roses are sponsoring the annual Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest. Poster paper and registration forms are in boxes located in the Parish Office and the Education Reception area. All completed posters and forms should be returned to the boxes by Friday, Dec. 2nd. Posters will be displayed in the Great Hall. For any questions, contact Kathleen Smith – [email protected]



Ministry Liaison Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected] Staff Liaison Anneliese Rivera - [email protected] Altar Guild Sue Rejmaniak - [email protected] Altar Servers Andrew & Kathleen Smith - [email protected] Art & Environment Missty Deutsch - (972) 335-7695 Eucharistic Ministers Chris Moen - [email protected] Lectors Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected] Music Ministry Kevin Shelley - (972) 712-2645 x313 Ushers Brian Moen—[email protected] Weddings & Annulments Maricel Medero - (972) 712-2645 x225 Funeral Meals Jenny Bloemendaal - [email protected] Hearing Loss Ministry Peggy Hemmer - 972-704-3875


Ministry Liaison Melisa Manjeot –[email protected] Staff Liaison Alma Geller - [email protected] Adoptive Parents Ministry Iris [email protected] AIDS Outreach Ministry Evelyn Grimes - [email protected] Always Our Children Cathy Gonzalez - [email protected] Angel Tree Laura Kate Bishop- [email protected] Blood Drive Robin Wren - [email protected] Brown Bag Sunday Nellie Hill - [email protected] Catholic Addiction Ministry Vincent Webb - (972) 804-2812 Clothe a Child Kim Jezek - [email protected] Divorce Support Deacon Gregg Kahrs - (972) 712-2645 x662 Grief Ministry Donna Schmittler - [email protected] Homebound Ministry Tricia Shafer- [email protected] Hospital Ministry Jeff Webster - (281) 414-1426 Illness & New Baby Meals Melanie Duhaime - (214) 636-6277 Nursing Home Ministry Jim and C.C. Maness - (817) 915-5856 Prayer Chain Anneliese Rivera - [email protected] Prison Ministry John Quincey - [email protected] Respect Life Kim Neitzschman - [email protected]> Society of St. Vincent de Paul Alice [email protected] Thanksgiving Baskets Pat Valentino - [email protected] Rays of Sunshine Elizabeth & Charlie Donner [email protected]


Honduras/Friends of Los Niños Geralyn [email protected] Natural Family Planning Holly Baril - (469) 774-6559 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Bryan & Melissa [email protected]


Ministry Liaison Danie Love: [email protected] Staff Liaison Niki MacDougall: [email protected] High School Youth Ministry Tammy Bielamowicz [email protected] Middle School Youth Ministry Jenny Rohde [email protected] Children’s Faith Formation Niki MacDougall [email protected] Spanish Faith Formation Greysi Bargas - [email protected] Preschool Faith Formation Kristin Klembara - [email protected] Vacation Bible School Michelle Ryan [email protected]



Ministry Liaison Noel Johnston - [email protected] Staff Liaison Tracy Brown - [email protected] Boy Scouts Sid Bradbury - [email protected] Cub Scouts Ghassan Hattar - (972) 712-1183 Empty Nesters Diana Cook,- [email protected] Girl Scouts Carol Bowman - (520) 245-4956 Hospitality /Donuts Lauren Bricker - [email protected] Knights of Columbus Andrew Smith - [email protected] K of C Squires Raul Perez - [email protected] Ladies Auxiliary Courtney DeMakas - [email protected] Squire Roses Donelle Hamilton - [email protected] Softball Teams Raul Perez - [email protected] Women of St. Francis Betty Hamilton - [email protected]


Committee Chair Greg Deiter - [email protected] Staff Liaison Mark Smith - (972) 712-2645 x351 Financial Peace University Teri [email protected] Greeters Robin Wren - [email protected] Welcome Callers Karen Sarnacki - [email protected] Parish Development Building Committee Steve Hulsey - (972) 335-1616 Finance Council Andrew Smith - [email protected] Parish Council Valentine [email protected]


Ministry Liaison Michelle Ryan—[email protected] Staff Liaison Melissa Silvestro –[email protected] ACTS Retreats Marie Engelman - [email protected] TEAMS Marriage Ministry Jim & Lillian [email protected] Bible Study Harry Bonham-214-801-0008 [email protected] Book Club Melissa Silvestro - [email protected] Catholic Homeschoolers Sarah Griffith [email protected] Come Home David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247 Lamplight Catholic Learning Melissa [email protected] Little Friends of St. Francis Preschool Lauren Harbour (972) 712-1657 Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) Kristen Hunt [email protected] Morning Prayer/Rosary Group Theresa Etcheverry (972) 377-0952 Salve Regina Stephanie Chilek - [email protected] RCIA Melissa Silvestro - [email protected] Catholic Men’s Fellowship Mauricio Frye [email protected] Catholic Women’s Fellowship Donelle Hamilton [email protected] Young Adults Melissa Silvestro - [email protected] Women’s Christian Fellowship Janilce Branco [email protected]


Enlace Parroquial Greysi Bargas- [email protected] Catecismo K-12 Massiel Walker - (214)773-6007 Rocio Olvera– (909) 319-3050 RICA: Iniciación Cristiana Adultos Juan y Lupita Barrera (972) 754-0447 Quinceañeras Patty Caceres - (469) 358-7948 Grupo Juvenil, JUMP Natalie Huerta - (972) 712-2645 [email protected] Campamento de Verano Christy Scott [email protected]


Comisionado Héctor Rodas - (469) 237-4523 Vocaciones Victor y Deya Peña - [email protected] Enlace Parroquial Blanca Balderas – [email protected]


Contacto Liturgia Ismary González [email protected] Lectores Juan y Lupita Barrera - (972) 754-0447 Ministros de la Comunión Susy Hernández – (214) 529 3210 Monaguillos Abraham Pérez - (214) 912-8671 Ujieres Samuel Mora - (469) 888-2677 Coro Instrumento de tu Paz Celene Orozco - (469) 471-1089 Coro Divina Providencia Rubén Padilla - (972) 533-0696 Coordinadores de Bodas Jerry & Mila Ledesma (214) 407-0253 Liturgia de Niños Yamilet Jaramillo - (972) 762-9130 Christy Scott - [email protected]


Acompaña Anabell Avilés - (469) 258-6379 Padres de Niños Necesidades Especiales Elia Huerta - (214) 415-9410 Pro Vida Mixaida Van Der Werf - (469) 667-5469 Ministerio de Enfermos William Lanzas - (214) 471-3601 Clases de Inglés (ESL) Amy Vulk - (214) 777-2609 Adicciones Carlos Padilla - (817) 987-7466


Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos Martha Cáceres (469) 233-6762 Recién Casados Gera y Brenda Hernández [email protected] Encuentro Matrimonial Gume y Betty Torres 214-994-4483 Preparación Matrimonial Roberto y Maru Alexander (214) 317-6867 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Fernando y Lilia Chávez (915) 726-2403 Ministerio de Mamá a Mamá M.O.M.S. Hilda Pérez (469) 288-3906 Montserrat Lópéz – (817) 371-4305 Programa Mujer Sharon Robles - (214) 842-2735 Guadalupanos Silvia Lopez - (972) 891-1666 Grupo de Oración Petra Taraian - (469) 363-9536 Talleres de Oración y Vida Edith Pereyra - (972) 841-0092 ¿Por qué ser Católico? Rogelio Pacheco - (469) 441-3013 ACTS Yoli Liscano - (214) 202-5473 Rocendo Montes - (469) 363-0157 Bodas y Anulaciones Maricel Medero (972) 712-2645 x225 Conquest Daniel Treviño [email protected] Challenge Lety Martinez & Grisel Pé[email protected] Familias Misioneras Juan Pablo y Tania Santillán [email protected]


Administradora de Matrimonios Maricel Medero - [email protected]


Comida Mexicana Anual & Día Cultural Melissa Marjeot [email protected] Caballeros de Colón Ricardo González - [email protected] Coro Juvenil Solados de Cristo Bernabe Jara [email protected] Rays of Sunshine Sofia Hiten - [email protected]


Representante Francisco López - (469) 396-9267

Your St. Francis of Assisi Legacy Making a gift for the benefit our parish after you are gone is a wonderful way to create a lasting legacy and ensure that the faith life you and your family have received will be there for generations to come. For more info or to answer your questions about a possible gift, please phone or e-mail Mark Smith at 972-712-2645 or [email protected] Thank you to all of our bulletin sponsors who participated this past year. Bill Strait with Trinity publications is working on the New Year’s listings. Bill can be reached at 972-743-3864 or email him at 9

A Note from the Thanksgiving Box Outreach Ministry

A HUGE Thank You to all those who donated and volunteered in this year’s Thanksgiving Box Outreach. Through the GENEROUS donation of parishioners time, talent and treasure we were able to meet the goals promised to Frisco Family Services, St Vincent de Paul and AIDS Outreach with over 165 meals, gift cards and appreciated items donated. Please take a moment to recognize your contribution and the tremendous impact you were able to make on the lives of your fellow parishioners in need and those of our parish served by these worthwhile organizations. Each one of you is appreciated by us at the Thanksgiving Box Outreach Ministry.

A Thank you from the Troops

Dear Cindy & Parishioners of St. Francis,

Thank you for the generous care package goodies which were immediately enjoyed by me and my staff. You should know that I have the most selfless staff in all of Southwest Asia, who without prompting, volunteered to quality check some goodies for freshness (though not sure ‘quality checking’ an entire box of cookies qualifies)! As military leaders, we call on our soldiers, sailors airmen and marines to give their best every hour, often for long hours, and they deliver each day without partiality to their personal comfort, so getting a little piece of home to read or eat, gives them an extra push to the next hour, or short escape to the simple pleasures of home. Even greater than the delight from a double stuffed Oreo or a Slim Jim is the thoughtfulness of the parishioners and your Green Bag Ministry that remind them that they are not “out-of-sight-out-of-mind”... on behalf of all of us, thank you.


Major General Scott Kindsvater

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