TRATAMIENTO ARANCELARIO -Correas, collares, bozales, arneses y equipos para perros: se clasifican en la posición arancelaria 4201.00.30.00 del Nomencl

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TRATAMIENTO ARANCELARIO -Correas, collares, bozales, arneses y equipos para perros: se clasifican en la posición arancelaria 4201.00.30.00 del Nomenclador de Importaciones de Estados Unidos (HTSUS) y tienen un arancel de importación de 2,4%. El producto se encuentra beneficiado por el Sistema Generalizado de Preferencias (SGP) por lo cual puede no abonar arancel de importación el producto de origen argentino, siempre que el importador cumpla con los requisitos necesarios para acogerse a dicho beneficio. Australia, Bahrein, Canadá, Chile, países miembros de la Cuenca del Caribe, Israel, países miembros del Pacto Andino, Jordania, Marruecos, México, países miembros del acuerdo de libre comercio de República Dominicana y América Central y Singapur tienen un arancel de importación de 0%. -Manufacturas de cuero natural (Entretenimientos para mascotas): se clasifican en la posición arancelaria 4205.00.80.00 del Nomenclador de Importaciones de Estados Unidos (HTSUS) que corresponde a las demás manufacturas de cuero distintas de las de cuero de reptil y tienen un arancel de importación de 0%. REGULACIONES -Los productos de cuero están regulados por la Federal Trade Commission: -Guía sobre cuero e imitación de productos de cuero se puede consulta en 16 Code of Federal Regulations 24 (Se adjunta)

POTENCIALES IMPORTADORES PETCO 9125 Rehco Rd. San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858-453-7845 Fax: 858-677-3095 Website: Comentario: Es el número dos de Estados Unidos en venta de productos para mascotas. Tiene 780 locales distribuidos en 49 estados. Aunque sus oficinas centrales están en California, varios negocios están en area de la jurisdicción de esta embajada. Para poder ser un nuevo proveedor, se debe acceder a la siguiente página de internet : PET SMART 19601 N. 27th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85027 Tel: 623-580-6100 Fax: 623-580-6183

Website: Comentario: Es el número uno de Estados Unidos en venta de productos para mascotas. Tiene 825 locales en Estados Unidos y Canadá. Aunque sus oficinas centrales están en Arizona, varios negocios están en area de la jurisdicción de esta embajada. Para poder ser un nuevo proveedor, se debe enviar muestras de los productos que se quieren vender e información sobre la empresa por correo al Merchandising Department a la dirección arriba mencionada. METRO PET 4420 Fessenden St., NW Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202-966-7387 Fax: 202-966-1716 Contacto: Casey Stiehm E-mail: [email protected] Comentario: Manifestó interés en recibir información de exportadores argentinos de artículos de cuero para mascotas. DIAZ ROCK AND PET SUPPLY, INC. 600 E Western Ave. Lombard, IL 60148 Tel: 630-627-7625 Fax: 630-627-7640 Contacto: Rom Kessleman E-mail: [email protected] Website: Comentario: Son distribuidores de artículos para mascotas. Manifestó interés en recibir información de exportadores argentinos de artículos para mascotas. RYAN’S PET SUPPLY 34115 Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85040 Tel: 602-255-0900 Fax: 602-258-4900 Contacto: Larry Ryan E-mail: [email protected] Website: Comentario: Manifestó interés en recibir información de exportadores argentinos de artículos para mascotas.

PRECIOS -Precios mayoristas y minoristas de productos para mascotas nacionales e importados se pueden consultar en: -Precios mayoristas se pueden consultar en: -Precios minoristas se pueden consultar en: y

WEBSITES DE UTILIDAD -American Pet Products Manufacturers Association: -World Wide Pet Industry Association:

IMPORTACIONES DE ESTADOS UNIDOS IMPORTACIONES EN DOLARES DE CORREAS, COLLARES, BOZALES Y EQUIPOS PARA PERROS (P.A. 4201.00.30.00) PAIS China Germany Taiwan Canada Denmark France Vietnam Philippines Hong Kong Italy Mexico United Kingdom India South Africa Korea Australia Colombia Argentina Thailand Japan Hungary Costa Rica Belgium Peru Kenya Mauritius Netherlands Slovak Republic Czech Republic Poland Sweden Switzerland Turks & Caic Is Malaysia Slovenia Ireland Dominican Rep Uruguay Pakistan Turkey Israel Russia Sri Lanka Brazil Nepal Norway

2003 24,925,848 19,941,412 12,033,887 1,963,033 1,062,128 316,161 77,002 588,958 466,667 359,064 501,560 458,751 236,076 0 175,991 6,222 24,554 12,009 7,864 95,470 8,449 12,649 3,746 0 15,238 0 12,001 1,529 5,252 0 1,538 5,737 0 1,863 0 13,760 0 0 9,712 33,181 0 0 0 8,085 0 2,400

2004 37,840,358 21,498,906 10,731,924 2,167,748 1,076,703 501,394 256,987 564,281 250,078 589,252 299,175 862,996 288,866 70,089 258,065 25,426 98,666 64,282 45,651 122,162 6,412 21,013 644 7,171 44,839 0 5,470 15,922 31,124 0 11,854 7,312 0 0 0 29,599 645 1,400 2,325 2,053 0 4,336 0 3,589 0 0

2005 51,133,253 23,520,970 12,446,594 1,489,364 1,438,912 760,374 659,422 645,900 574,881 537,718 461,136 401,512 284,701 281,722 236,594 133,819 130,765 104,966 98,117 95,707 61,452 54,158 49,621 36,450 15,948 15,680 14,751 12,291 11,737 10,735 9,633 6,728 5,604 5,466 4,885 3,983 3,679 3,220 2,853 2,774 2,000 1,857 1,651 1,388 1,200 775

Morocco Spain Macedonia Austria New Zealand Bolivia Ecuador Singapore Cameroon Finland TOTAL

381 1,460 0 0 7,775 0 981 13,286 567 1,096 63,413,343

0 2,376 1,776 8,629 0 6,237 0 0 0 1,213 77,828,948

300 293 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95,777,794

IMPORTACIONES POR DISTRITO DE CORREAS, COLLARES, BOZALES Y EQUIPOS PARA PERROS (P.A. 4201.00.30.00) DISTRITO ADUANERO Cleveland, OH Los Angeles, CA Great Falls, MT New York, NY St. Louis, MO Norfolk, VA Chicago, IL Seattle, WA Houston-Galveston, TX Boston, MA Savannah, GA New Orleans, LA Tampa, FL Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Columbia-Snake, OR San Francisco, CA Minneapolis, MN Buffalo, NY Ogdensburg, NY Philadelphia, PA Miami, FL Charleston, SC Laredo, TX Pembina, ND San Juan, PR Detroit, MI San Diego, CA Mobile, AL El Paso, TX Washington, DC Anchorage, AK Honolulu, HI Nogales, AZ Baltimore, MD Charlotte, NC

2003 22,434,414 7,289,353 8,354,834 9,446,216 746,053 834,821 2,261,441 1,547,100 91,923 479,803 1,115,483 1,044,726 1,656,018 1,186,148 131,540 447,215 933,044 284,800 1,427,294 299,242 104,641 1,152 310,280 300 125,522 292,432 136,537 133,549 0 3,741 46,890 37,375 60,156 68,247 610

2004 26,304,903 10,766,088 11,820,269 8,637,527 316,741 935,437 1,867,178 3,519,837 291,306 1,483,394 1,414,251 1,208,801 2,334,858 529,367 251,514 824,055 1,627,210 365,127 1,487,251 363,148 269,051 11,522 106,432 52,984 208,177 176,664 130,524 218,993 278 14,194 76,114 80,403 79,217 25,642 21,272

2005 30,505,041 13,312,176 12,990,901 8,584,137 5,930,636 3,172,295 2,721,634 2,255,504 2,136,471 2,102,681 1,729,739 1,504,227 1,302,796 1,293,650 1,011,624 923,355 862,529 655,109 542,100 413,672 371,115 278,047 249,506 151,428 147,604 111,573 107,637 102,605 67,214 60,578 55,943 43,187 30,594 26,465 12,668

St. Albans, VT Providence, RI TOTAL

74,563 5,880 63,413,343

9,219 0 77,828,948

11,353 0 95,777,794

IMPORTACIONES POR PROGRAMA DE CORREAS, COLLARES, BOZALES Y EQUIPOS PARA PERROS (P.A. 4201.00.30.00) 2003 PROGRAMA No program claimed 60,084,090 NAFTA-CA 1,951,655 GSP (excluding GSP for LDBC 864,906 NAFTA-MX 500,401 Andean Act (excluding ATPDEA 8,909 Australia-U.S. Free Trade Agre 0 Caribbean (CBI) 3,382 Israel- U.S. 0 TOTAL 63,413,343

2004 74,320,975 2,116,186 1,081,731 298,328 9,078 0 2,650 0 77,828,948

2005 92,364,555 1,455,204 1,213,954 460,652 130,498 104,759 46,172 2,000 95,777,794

IMPORTACIONES EN DOLARES DE LA POSICION 4205.00.80.00 DONDE SE ENCUENTRAN CLASIFICADOS LOS ENTRETENIMIENTOS DE CUERO PARA PERROS PAIS China India Argentina Mexico Canada Italy Thailand Brazil Spain France Hong Kong United Kingdom Taiwan Turkey Philippines Norway Slovak Republic Pakistan Colombia Costa Rica Korea Germany Dominican Rep Greece Peru Australia Belgium Japan Sweden

2003 67,980,274 13,998,402 7,184,667 9,585,972 7,919,389 12,468,242 5,018,830 2,283,239 1,582,407 2,231,599 2,671,568 2,213,470 2,127,922 2,144,119 601,670 0 1,676,518 551,545 1,767,187 21,863 945,282 2,169,638 429,152 471,533 103,826 70,459 169,653 32,692 63,947

2004 77,849,689 15,640,889 8,553,825 8,265,634 7,482,406 6,579,482 6,923,264 2,523,177 1,760,966 3,158,171 1,919,664 1,622,162 1,471,738 1,769,034 571,484 375 1,565,712 387,817 520,392 765,876 363,221 513,629 241,446 359,517 135,386 201,779 145,005 62,861 104,117

2005 59,897,196 16,721,353 7,083,602 6,372,742 5,432,497 5,195,412 4,178,278 2,574,660 2,083,984 2,027,245 1,745,703 1,607,215 1,451,288 1,442,723 811,214 811,200 733,954 666,005 567,595 539,705 471,767 399,045 396,295 390,009 217,445 206,603 204,885 191,955 171,774

Malaysia Switzerland South Africa Uruguay Denmark Netherlands Bangladesh Indonesia Bolivia Tunisia Vietnam Morocco New Zealand Poland Austria Guatemala United Arab Em Israel Russia Romania Portugal Ecuador Czech Republic Haiti Serbia/Montenegro Niger Nauru Guadeloupe Ethiopia Egypt Chile Namibia Slovenia Finland Macao Kenya Singapore Nepal Montserrat Is Nicaragua Nigeria Zimbabwe Paraguay Barbados El Salvador Burkina Faso Hungary Saudi Arabia Syria Bahamas Lebanon Botswana

219,407 765,375 52,399 150,896 10,469 129,073 83,404 171,555 94,426 2,314 22,012 47,122 96,479 40,351 41,896 12,844 11,224 12,250 19,002 20,357 0 3,556 70,212 13,855 0 0 0 5,240 2,940 9,630 5,821 742 7,837 5,933 8,938 8,065 900 0 0 0 2,012 275 85,682 0 420 0 4,478 0 0 0 0 0

166,352 1,235,791 36,314 36,453 37,003 62,278 54,303 98,497 80,406 764 65,828 87,277 70,553 19,390 93,295 27,062 15,014 6,794 0 944 11,494 9,488 64,425 2,728 0 299 0 0 0 9,984 34,277 767 0 1,200 0 3,739 12,052 0 0 1,000 0 0 8,775 0 2,690 0 4,087 0 0 0 0 0

167,904 162,328 158,245 113,471 108,845 107,122 75,592 70,261 65,947 52,970 52,516 46,416 44,487 40,044 34,012 29,272 25,502 21,345 19,001 15,852 11,968 8,831 7,862 7,502 7,461 7,186 6,898 6,182 4,700 4,225 3,890 3,706 3,239 3,213 2,798 2,568 2,250 2,208 2,175 1,778 1,191 1,180 1,127 987 925 764 668 600 597 500 369 320

Ghana Fiji Kuwait Panama Uganda Bulgaria Mongolia Mauritius Venezuela Turks & Caic Is Antigua Barbuda St Kitts-Nevis Br Virgin Is St Lucia Is San Marino Sri Lanka Lithuania Honduras Ireland Armenia Latvia Mali TOTAL

16,280 690 310 3,058 0 0 300 0 0 0 2,188 0 0 1,800 0 4,413 0 0 6,483 260 0 2,395 0 0 10,070 2,162 0 1,000 0 0 900 0 0 540 0 0 4,413 0 0 0 300 0 678 0 0 2,480 0 0 765 1,326 0 463 713 0 7,726 8,895 0 400 265 0 707 0 0 16,287 508 0 150,803,814 153,839,148 126,114,659

IMPORTACIONES POR DISTRITO DE LA POSICION 4205.00.80.00 DONDE SE ENCUENTRAN CLASIFICADOS LOS ENTRETENIMIENTOS DE CUERO PARA PERROS DISTRITO ADUANERO Los Angeles, CA New York, NY Charlotte, NC New Orleans, LA Miami, FL Houston-Galveston, TX Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Cleveland, OH Chicago, IL Laredo, TX San Francisco, CA Philadelphia, PA Detroit, MI San Diego, CA Norfolk, VA Seattle, WA Charleston, SC Buffalo, NY Tampa, FL Savannah, GA Ogdensburg, NY Boston, MA Great Falls, MT St. Louis, MO

2003 20,629,344 25,939,437 15,391,572 20,709,528 6,857,540 4,575,610 4,583,176 3,577,131 4,178,374 5,009,584 1,738,656 2,115,283 3,365,812 3,749,541 3,064,977 2,409,797 3,366,251 1,291,581 1,700,012 2,518,015 3,168,960 1,888,080 2,048,682 294,429

2004 24,147,289 18,509,349 22,851,520 16,467,823 8,020,901 6,152,290 5,241,514 3,803,894 3,563,074 3,351,387 2,341,644 2,890,425 2,696,648 6,009,221 3,602,591 1,751,043 2,352,597 1,874,493 1,717,750 2,922,735 2,388,903 1,592,181 1,394,858 590,900

2005 25,512,680 18,696,296 8,249,752 7,770,532 7,602,032 6,769,243 4,692,975 4,678,609 4,123,403 3,494,251 3,473,126 3,363,571 3,215,978 3,012,366 2,986,219 2,171,403 2,091,860 1,777,511 1,692,509 1,691,996 1,544,532 1,407,422 959,610 795,355

El Paso, TX Minneapolis, MN Baltimore, MD Anchorage, AK Pembina, ND Columbia-Snake, OR Milwaukee, WI Mobile, AL Honolulu, HI Portland, ME Nogales, AZ San Juan, PR Washington, DC St. Albans, VT Providence, RI TOTAL

2,021,989 3,013,561 750,664 736,929 702,514 704,531 340,464 365,943 629,669 726,063 960,941 593,138 358,205 151,508 356,890 432,456 320,413 215,935 24,621 262,212 212,820 970,414 679,059 198,161 407,020 652,388 196,671 4,510 55,701 169,330 283,316 242,638 133,107 155,255 97,572 103,974 37,522 17,487 35,320 119,949 78,333 23,966 13,729 3,848 17,252 150,803,814 153,839,148 126,114,659


2003 2004 2005 150,803,814 153,839,148 126,114,659 150,803,814 153,839,148 126,114,659


2003 5,279,804

2004 6,066,712

2005 5,764,264


2003 52,841,861

2004 2005 90,500,656 184,047,703

Fuente: Datos compilados de Departamento de Comercio de EEUU (U.S. Department of Commerce) Departamento del Tesoro (U.S. Treasury) y de la Comisión de Comercio Internacional

[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 16, Volume 1] [Revised as of January 1, 2006] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 16CFR24] [Page 153-156] TITLE 16--COMMERCIAL PRACTICES CHAPTER I--FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION PART 24_GUIDES FOR SELECT LEATHER AND IMITATION LEATHER PRODUCTS Sec. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3

Scope and purpose of guides. Deception (general). Deception as to composition. Misuse of the terms ``waterproof,'' ``dustproof,'' ``warpproof,'' ``scuffproof,'' ``scratchproof,'' ``scuff resistant,'' or ``scratch resistant.''

Authority: 15 U.S.C. 45, 46. Source: 61 FR 51583, Oct. 3, 1996, unless otherwise noted. Sec. 24.0 Scope and purpose of guides. (a) The Guides in this part apply to the manufacture, sale, distribution, marketing, or advertising of all kinds or types of leather or simulated-leather trunks, suitcases, traveling bags, sample cases, instrument cases, brief cases, ring binders, billfolds, wallets, key cases, coin purses, card cases, French purses, dressing cases, stud boxes, tie cases, jewel boxes, travel kits, gadget bags, camera bags, ladies' handbags, shoulder bags, purses, pocketbooks, footwear, belts (when not sold as part of a garment) and similar articles (hereinafter, ``industry products''). (b) These Guides represent administrative interpretations of laws administered by the Federal Trade Commission for the guidance of the public in conducting its affairs in conformity with legal requirements. These Guides specifically address the application of section 5 of the FTC Act (15 U.S.C. 45) to the manufacture, sale, distribution, marketing, and advertising of industry products listed in paragraph (a) of this section. They provide the basis for voluntary compliance with such laws by members of industry. Conduct inconsistent with the positions articulated in these Guides may result in corrective action by the Commission under section 5 if, after investigation, the Commission has reason to believe that the behavior falls within the scope of conduct declared unlawful by the statute. Sec. 24.1 Deception (general). It is unfair or deceptive to misrepresent, directly or by

implication, the [[Page 154]] kind, grade, quality, quantity, material content, thickness, finish, serviceability, durability, price, origin, size, weight, ease of cleaning, construction, manufacture, processing, distribution, or any other material aspect of an industry product. Sec. 24.2 Deception as to composition. It is unfair or deceptive to misrepresent, directly or by implication, the composition of any industry product or part thereof. It is unfair or deceptive to use the unqualified term ``leather'' or other unqualified terms suggestive of leather to describe industry products unless the industry product so described is composed in all substantial parts of leather. \1\ This section includes, but is not limited to, the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ For purposes of these Guides, footwear is composed of three parts: the upper, the lining and sock, and the outersole. These three parts are defined as follows: (1) The upper is the outer face of the structural element which is attached to the outersole; (2) the lining and sock are the lining of the upper and the insole, constituting the inside of the footwear article; and (3) the outersole is the bottom part of the footwear article subjected to abrasive wear and attached to the upper. --------------------------------------------------------------------------(a) Imitation or simulated leather. If all or part of an industry product is made of non-leather material that appears to be leather, the fact that the material is not leather, or the general nature of the material as something other than leather, should be disclosed. For example: Not leather; Imitation leather; Simulated leather; Vinyl; Vinyl coated fabric; or Plastic. (b) Embossed or processed leather. The kind and type of leather from which an industry product is made should be disclosed when all or part of the product has been embossed, dyed, or otherwise processed so as to simulate the appearance of a different kind or type of leather. For example: (1) An industry product made wholly of top grain cowhide that has been processed so as to imitate pigskin may be represented as being made of Top Grain Cowhide. (2) Any additional representation concerning the simulated appearance of an industry product composed of leather should be immediately accompanied by a disclosure of the kind and type of leather in the product. For example: Top Grain Cowhide With Simulated Pigskin Grain. (c) Backing material. (1) The backing of any material in an industry product with another kind of material should be disclosed when the backing is not apparent upon casual inspection of the product, or when a representation is made which, absent such disclosure, would be

misleading as to the product's composition. For example: Top Grain Cowhide Backed With Vinyl. (2) The composition of the different backing material should be disclosed if it is visible and consists of non-leather material with the appearance of leather, or leather processed so as to simulate a different kind of leather. (d) Misuse of trade names, etc. A trade name, coined name, trademark, or other word or term, or any depiction or device should not be used if it misrepresents, directly or by implication, that an industry product is made in whole or in part from animal skin or hide, or that material in an industry product is leather or other material. This includes, among other practices, the use of a stamp, tag, label, card, or other device in the shape of a tanned hide or skin or in the shape of a silhouette of an animal, in connection with any industry product that has the appearance of leather but that is not made wholly or in substantial part from animal skin or hide. (e) Misrepresentation that product is wholly of a particular composition. A misrepresentation should not be made, directly or by implication, that an industry product is made wholly of a particular composition. A representation as to the composition of a particular part of a product should clearly indicate the part to which the representation applies.\2\ Where a product is made principally of leather but has certain non-leather parts that appear to be leather, the product may be described [[Page 155]] as made of leather so long as accompanied by clear disclosure of the non-leather parts. For example: --------------------------------------------------------------------------\2\ With regard to footwear, it is sufficient to disclose the presence of non-leather materials in the upper, the lining and sock, or the outersole, provided that the disclosure is made according to predominance of materials. For example, if the majority of the upper is composed of manmade material: Upper of manmade materials and leather. --------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) An industry product made of top grain cowhide except for frame covering, gussets, and partitions that are made of plastic but have the appearance of leather may be described as: Top Grain Cowhide With Plastic Frame Covering, Gussets and Partitions; or Top Grain Cowhide With Gussets, Frame Covering and Partitions Made of Non-Leather Material. (2) An industry product made throughout, except for hardware, of vinyl backed with cowhide may be described as: Vinyl Backed With Cowhide (See also disclosure provision concerning use of backing material in paragraph (c) of this section). (3) An industry product made of top grain cowhide except for partitions and stay, which are made of plastic-coated fabric but have the appearance of leather, may be described as: Top Grain Cowhide With Partitions and Stay Made of Non-leather Material; or Top Grain Cowhide With Partitions and Stay Made of Plastic-Coated Fabric.

(f) Ground, pulverized, shredded, reconstituted, or bonded leather. A material in an industry product that contains ground, pulverized, shredded, reconstituted, or bonded leather and thus is not wholly the hide of an animal should not be represented, directly or by implication, as being leather. This provision does not preclude an accurate representation as to the ground, pulverized, shredded, reconstituted, or bonded leather content of the material. However, if the material appears to be leather, it should be accompanied by either: (1) An adequate disclosure as described by paragraph (a) of this section; or (2) If the terms ``ground leather,'' ``pulverized leather,'' ``shredded leather,'' ``reconstituted leather,'' or ``bonded leather'' are used, a disclosure of the percentage of leather fibers and the percentage of non-leather substances contained in the material. For example: An industry product made of a composition material consisting of 60% shredded leather fibers may be described as: Bonded Leather Containing 60% Leather Fibers and 40% Non-leather Substances. (g) Form of disclosures under this section. All disclosures described in this section should appear in the form of a stamping on the product, or on a tag, label, or card attached to the product, and should be affixed so as to remain on or attached to the product until received by the consumer purchaser. All such disclosures should also appear in all advertising of such products irrespective of the media used whenever statements, representations, or depictions appear in such advertising which, absent such disclosures, serve to create a false impression that the products, or parts thereof, are of a certain kind of composition. The disclosures affixed to products and made in advertising should be of such conspicuousness and clarity as to be noted by purchasers and prospective purchasers casually inspecting the products or casually reading, or listening to, such advertising. A disclosure necessitated by a particular representation should be in close conjunction with the representation. Sec. 24.3 Misuse of the terms ``waterproof,'' ``dustproof,'' ``warpproof,'' ``scuffproof,'' ``scratchproof,'' ``scuff resistant,'' and ``scratch resistant.'' It is unfair or deceptive to: (a) Use the term ``Waterproof'' to describe all or part of an industry product unless the designated product or material prevents water from contact with its contents under normal conditions of intended use during the anticipated life of the product or material. (b) Use the term ``Dustproof'' to describe an industry product unless the product is so constructed that when it is closed dust cannot enter it. (c) Use the term ``Warpproof'' to describe all or part of an industry product unless the designated product or part is such that it cannot warp. (d) Use the term ``Scuffproof,'' ``Scratchproof,'' or other terms indicating that the product is not subject to wear in any other respect, to describe an industry product unless the outside surface of the product is immune to scratches or scuff marks, or is not subject to wear as represented.

(e) Use the term ``Scuff Resistant,'' ``Scratch Resistant,'' or other terms [[Page 156]] indicating that the product is resistant to wear in any other respect, unless there is a basis for the representation and the outside surface of the product is meaningfully and significantly resistant to scuffing, scratches, or to wear as represented. PARTS 25-227 [RESERVED]

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