Vocabulary primeros auxilios escaldaduras conmoción arterias venas capilares infecciones jeringuillas. Comprehension Identify Cause and Effect

Teaching Plan EDL Level 50 Guided Reading Level T Lexile Measure ® 800L Manual de primeros auxilios is a guide to preventing and treating minor
Author:  Sara Duarte Aranda

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PRIMEROS AUXILIOS 1. - DEFINICION DE PRIMEROS AUXILIOS Primeros auxilios, medidas terapéuticas urgentes que se aplican a las víctimas de accidentes o

Primeros auxilios
Emergencia. Fractura. Paro respiratorio. Envenenamiento. Cortes. Desmayo

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Teaching Plan EDL Level


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Lexile Measure ®


Manual de primeros auxilios is a guide to preventing and treating minor health emergencies. Step-by-step photographs and instructions show readers how to handle scrapes, nosebleeds, blisters, stings, and burns. The book also describes more serious conditions and teaches readers how to know when to seek medical help.

Nonfiction Genre • Procedural Text Nonfiction Features • Captions • Contents • Featured Text • Glossary • Index • Introduction • Lists • Sidebars Text Structure • Sequential • Cause and Effect • Description

Vocabulary • primeros auxilios • escaldaduras • conmoción • arterias • venas • capilares • infecciones • jeringuillas Comprehension • Identify Cause and Effect Writing • Write a procedure.

Content Area Connections: Life Science • Understand structure and function in living systems. • Understand and make decisions about personal health.

Curriculum Support You may want to use Manual de primeros auxilios when teaching the following science topics: • Body systems • Health and fitness

Cross-Text Reading • Sobrevivir un desastre natural, an iOpeners Grade 5 social studies title

1 Introduce the Book Introduce the Nonfiction Genre: Procedural Text • Display the book cover, and read the title and the author’s name. Explain to students that procedural texts are written to explain how to make or do something. The text usually states what the reader will learn, describes any materials needed, and then explains each step in the procedure.

• Point out that a procedural text such as a handbook may include several different topics with a goal and step-by-step instructions for each one.

• Explain that the author often uses numbered steps, step-by-step photographs, captions, sidebars, diagrams, and labels to provide information and to make the procedures easy to follow.

Nonfiction Text Features • Introduction: Explain that the introduction on page 4 gives the reader a basic idea of the topics discussed in the book. The introduction also explains why the book should be read and tries to interest the reader in the book’s topic.

• Lists: Draw attention to the checklist on page 9. Explain that a list organizes short bits of related information in a clear way. In a checklist, a reader can check off each item as it is collected.

• Featured text: Point out the featured text on page 21. Explain that featured text boxes are set apart from the main text and include a fun fact or short, helpful bits of information.

• Glossary: Have students turn to the glossary on page 31. Point out that the glossary is organized alphabetically and defines key words used in the text. The glossary words are shown in boldface in the main text to set them apart.

Preview and Predict • Have students look again at the cover photograph and page through the book to preview the photographs and other graphics. Ask them to read the contents on page 3.

• Después de ver las fotografías y leer el contenido, puedes ver que este libro te enseña cómo dar primeros auxilios. ¿Qué lesiones y problemas de salud crees que podrías aprender a tratar al leer este libro?

Introduce Vocabulary You may want to introduce the following words and concepts before reading:

• primeros auxilios: tratamiento de emergencia que se le da a una persona lesionada o enferma antes que llegue el médico

• escaldaduras: quemaduras ocasionadas por un líquido o vapor caliente

• conmoción: un estado peligroso en el cuerpo que hace que una persona esté inconsciente

• arterias: vasos sanguíneos que transportan sangre del corazón a todas partes del cuerpo

• venas: vasos sanguíneos que transportan sangre al corazón desde todas partes del cuerpo

• capilares: vasos sanguíneos pequeños que conectan las arterias y las venas

• infecciones: actividades o procesos que causan enfermedades en personas y otros seres vivos por medio del contacto con microorganismos, tales como gérmenes, virus y hongos

• jeringuillas: instrumentos para inyectar fluidos en el cuerpo Activate or Build Background • Display a first-aid kit, and ask students to identify any items that are familiar to them. Invite them to tell about occasions when they have used the items or seen them used.

• Next, create a two-column chart on the chalkboard with the headings Emergencia médica and Tratamiento. Ask students to name injuries or other health emergencies that may occur in the home. Record students’ responses in the column labeled Emergencia médica.

• Have students suggest how to treat each health emergency. As students read Manual de primeros auxilios, have them confirm or revise their treatment ideas and fill in the second column of the chart.

2 Read the Book SET THE PURPOSE pages 4–7 Focus Attention As students read, encourage them to identify ways to prevent accidents in their homes or outdoors.

Vocabulary primeros auxilios, escaldaduras


• ¿Cuál es el propósito de la autora al escribir esta sección? Understand Author’s Purpose • Haz un resumen sobre cómo prevenir accidentes y lesiones en tu casa. Summarize • ¿Qué haces para mantenerte seguro al hacer cosas en tu casa, al viajar o jugar deportes? Make Connections


• Point out that page 4 is an introduction to the book. ¿Qué oraciones de la introducción le dicen al lector sobre lo que tratará el libro?

• Draw students’ attention to the bulleted list on page 5. ¿Crees que las sugerencias son más fáciles de leer en una lista con puntos o como oraciones dentro de un párrafo? ¿Por qué?

pages 8–11 Focus Attention Ask students to discuss how they should prepare for and handle a medical emergency. Have them read to see if the text confirms their ideas.

Vocabulary conmoción


• ¿Por qué es importante prepararse para una emergencia? ¿Cuáles son algunas cosas que puedes hacer para estar preparado? Identify Main Idea/Details

• ¿Cómo clasificarías los artículos en el botiquín de primeros auxilios de la página 9 de acuerdo con su uso en una emergencia médica? Classify/Categorize

• ¿En qué se diferencia el papel de una persona joven dando primeros auxilios del de los trabajadores profesionales de emergencia? Compare and Contrast


• Ask students to study the checklist and diagram on page 9 and imagine they are putting together their own first-aid kit. ¿Por qué es útil tener el diagrama como referencia en lugar de sólo la lista?

• Direct students’ attention to the sidebar on page 11. ¿Por qué la autora puede haber querido resaltar esta información?

page 12–20 Focus Attention As students read this section, encourage them to visualize doing the first-aid procedures themselves.

Vocabulary arterias, venas, capilares


• ¿Por qué es importante saber información básica acerca de cómo tomar el pulso en una emergencia médica? Synthesize

• ¿Por qué crees que la autora incluyó un capítulo acerca de técnicas de primeros auxilios en este libro? Understand Author’s Purpose

• ¿Qué pasos debes seguir para colocar a una persona en posición de recuperación? Identify Steps in a Process/Procedure


• Ask students to identify the boldface words on page 14. ¿En dónde puedes encontrar las definiciones de estas palabras?

• Direct students’ attention to the caption for the photograph on page 16. ¿Podrías entender esta fotografía sin el pie de foto? ¿Por qué?

pages 21–27 Focus Attention Have students generate two or three questions that might be answered in the text. Note the questions on the board so that students can keep them in mind as they read.

Vocabulary infecciones, jeringuillas


• Según lo que leíste sobre cortaduras, rasguños, hemorragias y hemorragias nasales, ¿cuál es el paso más importante para detener una hemorragia? Make Judgments

• ¿Alguna vez has recibido tratamiento para alguna de las lesiones que aparecen en esta sección? ¿Qué sucedió? Make Connections

• ¿Cómo compararías el tratamiento para una cortada menor o rasguño y una cortada más profunda? Compare and Contrast

• ¿Crees que las instrucciones de la autora en esta sección son lo suficientemente claras para seguirlas correctamente en una emergencia? Critique; Make Judgments


• ¿Cómo se relaciona la columna lateral de la página 25 con el texto principal? ¿Por qué se incluyó?

• ¿Cuál es el propósito del texto que aparece en el recuadro de la página 27? ¿Por qué incluye un signo de exclamación rojo?

pages 28–32 Focus Attention As students read this section, ask them to identify when a medical emergency is serious enough to require professional help.


• ¿Cómo podrías evitar las quemaduras de sol, la extenuación por el calor y la insolación? Identify Cause and Effect

• ¿Crees que la autora debió haber incluido instrucciones para realizar la maniobra de Heimlich y resucitación cardio-pulmonar? ¿Por qué? Make Judgments

• ¿Leerías más libros de primeros auxilios o tomarías clases para aprender más técnicas avanzadas de primeros auxilios? Explica tu respuesta. Make Connections


• Have students look at the photograph on page 30. Al ver la fotografía y leer el pie de foto, ¿qué aprendes acerca de la maniobra de Heimlich?

• Direct students’ attention to the index on page 32. ¿Por qué crees que la autora incluyó en el índice estos temas y no otros?

ESL/ELL Strategy Before students read Manual de primeros auxilios, display the photograph on page 9 and point to various items in the first-aid kit. Invite students to give the English words for any items they are familiar with. Then teach students the names for the rest of the items. Ask students to read to find out how each item is used in different medical emergencies.

Reread the Book • As students reread the text, have them complete the Emergencia médica – Tratamiento chart on the back cover and use it to summarize the first-aid techniques they learned.

• Have students review the text features used in the book and explain how the book is different from other kinds of nonfiction books. ¿De qué otras maneras pudo haberse organizado el libro?

• Ask students which health emergencies they could deal with competently and which ones would require professional medical aid. ¿Hay algunas preguntas que te gustaría hacerle a la autora?

Answers to Student Book Questions 1. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Para informarse sobre cómo tratar lesiones y qué hacer en situaciones de emergencia. 2. Las palabras explican los pasos o técnicas; las ilustraciones ofrecen una representación visual de los pasos o técnicas.

3. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Puede haber lesiones o problemas que no se ven. 4. Si las vendas no están bien colocadas, la lesión podría empeorar. 5. Las respuestas variarán.

3 Learn Through the Text SCIENCE: Muscles and Bones Use Manual de primeros auxilios to reinforce your teaching about how muscles and bones cause movement.

• Instruct students to place a hand on the top muscle (biceps) of their upper arm and then bend the arm at the elbow. Tell them to notice how the biceps shortens and thickens as the arm bends. Explain that muscles work in pairs; when the biceps shortens and pulls on the lower-arm bone, the muscle on the back of the arm (triceps) stretches. To straighten the arm, the triceps shortens and the biceps stretches. Emphasize that muscles pull, not push, bones to move them.

Tell students that bones meet at joints. Explain that the elbow is a hinge joint that works like a door hinge. The wrist is a gliding joint that allows bones to slide over each other. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint that allows movement in all directions. The head can nod and turn from side to side because of pivot joints in the bones of the neck.

COMPREHENSION: Identify Cause and Effect • Write the headings Causa and Efecto on the board. Explain that the causa is why an event takes place; the efecto is what happens as a result. Point out that a cause makes something happen. The thing that happens is called the effect.

• Tell students that as they read, they should look for cause-and-effect relationships. Explain that recognizing causes and effects makes information more meaningful and easier to understand.

• Write Lesiones under the heading Efecto on the board. Point out that household accidents can cause injuries. Then work with students to identify some of these household accidents after rereading page 5. Write their answers under the heading Causa.

• Then have pairs of students skim the book to identify five other cause-and-effect relationships. Invite each pair to record on the class chart one or more of the relationships they find.

Refer students to page 20 of Manual de primeros auxilios. Discuss how the pictured bandage would protect a damaged wrist joint.

WRITING Write a Procedure Have students use what they have learned about procedural text to write a page for a home safety handbook.

• Ask students to reread page 5 and then brainstorm a list of accidents that can occur in the home. Have each pair of students select an idea on the list and then use library and Internet resources to research how to prevent this household accident.

• Suggest that students record their notes on a web graphic organizer. • Have student pairs use their notes to write a first draft. Encourage them to begin with a strong statement of the goal of their text, including why the procedure is important to readers. Tell students to use the instructions in Manual de primeros auxilios as models.

• Encourage students to check for errors in sequencing, grammar, and mechanics. Have them make revisions and write a final draft.

• Invite pairs to present and demonstrate their safety procedure to the class. Compile and bind students’ pages. Make the handbook available for classroom use.

Manual de primeros auxilios Organizador gráfico Nombre Identifica seis emergencias médicas descritas en el libro y resume el tratamiento para cada una en la tabla de abajo.

Emergencia médica


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