Welcome to Linguaphone AllTalk Spanish Level One

Written by John Foley Recording The Speech Recording Studio Producer John Foley Voices Rachel Atkins Helena Breck Amanda Carlton Leda Casares Eloisa F

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2 90426LP Level 2 Spanish, 2005 90426 Listen to and understand spoken language in Spanish in less familiar contexts Credits: Six 2.00 pm Wednesday 3

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Story Transcript

Written by John Foley Recording The Speech Recording Studio Producer John Foley Voices Rachel Atkins Helena Breck Amanda Carlton Leda Casares Eloisa Fernandez Xavier Fernandez Carlos Fernández-Pando John Foley Briony Glassco Marisa Julián Alan Marriott Janitzio Moreno Gary Parker Carlos Riera Mari Luz Rodrigo Sheila Walker Music Humphrey Walwyn Design & setting by Linguaphone

Welcome to Linguaphone AllTalk Spanish — Level One Linguaphone AllTalk Spanish is an entirely new audio-only course. It has been devised to help you to understand and speak Spanish without having to consult written material, apart from this introduction and the complete Level One vocabulary which follows. During the course you will hear native speakers from Spain and from Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America conversing at a normal speed, and with practice you will quickly understand and speak Spanish as it is spoken. Because you will 'hear' the language - rather than 'see' a written version of it - your accent will be an authentic copy of the native speaker accent. It is always difficult to gain an authentic accent when you can see the words in your own alphabet. Working from sounds alone rapidly gives you confidence in what you hear. It also removes the desire to 'see' the language before daring to use or respond to it.

How to use Linguaphone AllTalk Linguaphone AllTalk utilises the highly-successful tried and tested Linguaphone method of 'listen, understand, and repeat'. Level One is divided into eight units, one per CD or cassette. Each of the units is further divided into short sections (denoted by brief musical 'stings'), and its best, certainly until you feel confident with the grammar and vocabulary, to take each section at a pace you can handle. Don't attempt too much at one go. Stop the recording whenever you feel the need to - either to take a break, or to go back and listen again to what you've just been learning. This last point is particularly important. One of the great advantages of this audio-only course is that you are in control, and the pace of your learning is entirely up to you. If you experience difficulties at any time and in any section - perhaps with the grammar, with some pronunciation, with comprehension, or with anything else - then take the time to go back to wherever you need to in order to review and revise that section. And when you feel completely confident with what you've learnt, continue the recording.

Included with all the vocabulary and grammar, there are dialogues, comprehension tests and other learning activities. You'll also hear a number of what we've called 'verb boxes' - brief sections in which you can listen to some of the different forms of useful Spanish verbs. The highlighted verbs are also repeated after the Level One vocabulary which follows this introduction. Another feature of Linguaphone AIITalk - and a useful and entertaining way to check all the language you're learning is the dramatised story that occurs regularly throughout the course.

The Story The course evolves around a series of story' dialogues'. Linda Wilkinson works for SnakTrak, a high-protein snack food company in the south of England. For the last five years SnakTrak has taken a stand at the European Food Fair in the Spanish capital of Madrid. When Philip Saville, the man who usually attends the Fair on SnakTrak's behalf, is unable to do so due to sudden illness, Linda is sent instead. Linda doesn't speak any Spanish. Fortunately, help is at hand in the person

of SnakTrak's temporary agent in Spain, Antonio Jinete. Antonio, who works for Salón Plus, a company specialising in trade fairs and conferences, speaks English well, and as Linda moves through the week in Madrid, Antonio helps her with the Spanish language and with Spanish culture. He also helps her with the people she meets - including Claire Spencer, the American agent of a California-based company called TasteLite, and two representatives of the Argentinian food company BioNova: Juan-Felipe Ayala and Carmen Clemente. The story of Linda's visit to Madrid - and the problems she encounters - begins at the very start of Unit 1. The story dialogues continue through the succeeding units, and at the end of each unit there's a chance to hear some of the dialogues again, often in a slightly modified form. In Unit 8, the final unit of Level One, there's a further chance to test your new language with a compilation - in an even more modified form - of most of the story dialogues. (And those dialogues, together with more advanced grammar and vocabulary, are continued in the eight units of Level Two.)

Communicate as best you can Two last points before you begin. Spanish is one of the world's most important languages. It is spoken in many parts of the globe. Like English, there are, therefore, notable variations in the way it's pronounced, particularly in Latin America, where Spanish is an official language in 19 countries. Although AllTalk concentrates mainly on el Castellani - Castilian or 'standard' Spanish - you will also hear some of the differences between standard and Latin American Spanish. but don't think you have to learn two kinds of Spanish. With a knowledge of el castellano you will be understood anywhere in the Spanish-speaking world. And finally, like any language, Spanish has rules and regulations. Some of them may take time to master - but don't let that put you off. The important thing always is to communicate. Far better to try to say what you want to say - and risk getting it wrong - than not to say it at all. And that's really the only rule for this course: listen and communicate as best you can. Note: Any similarity to any persons - living or dead - or to any companies mentioned in the course is purely coincidental.

Spanish Vocabulary a

at, to

Unit 1

about, around at the same time perhaps April to open that's enough do you accept credit cards? activity

2 7 4 8 7 8 6 6


current, up-to-date





goodbye customs airport August drinking water

3 8 1 8 6


there (when pointing something out)


ahora ahora mismo

now right now, just now

2 3

a eso de a la vez a lo mejor abril abrir se acabó ¿aceptan tarjetas? una actividad

adiós las aduanas el aeropuerto agosto agua potable

Unit 2 3

al al lado de

at the, to the next to

al mismo tiempo

at the same time


la alarma de seguridad

security alarm


Alemania el alfabeto

Germany alphabet

3 2

some people some GM foods there around, about kind bomb threat American

7 3 7 2 5 1 7 3



on foot, walking


cheer up! year previous before first of all

5 8 8 3 5

apart from


your family name opening to learn

2 8 3

algunas personas algunos los alimentos transgénicos allí alrededor (de) amable una amenaza de bomba americano/a un(a) amigo/a andando ¡ aní mate! el año anterior antes antes aparte de su apellido la apertura aprender






sus bolsillos

their pockets



right here


una bomba

a bomb



here you are





Argentinian lift or elevator attentively

7 2 8

buena (f) una buena idea buena suerte

good good idea good luck

1 5 8

bus the authorities progressing

6 7 7

good evening, good night good afternoon, good evening good

1 1 2

el avión un aviso de bomba ayudar el azúcar baje el banco con baño el barrio bastante la bebida



hello, good morning, good day


buffet look for gentlemen each coffee quality street waiter/waitress to change

4 3 6 7 4 7 5 4 3

una biblioteca bien ¡ bien hecho! bienvenido/a los bollos

library good, well well done welcome rolls

4 1 4 1 4

canadiense cansado la cantidad el castellano catorce

Canadian tired quantity Castilian Spanish fourteen

3 3 7 3 6

your bag, case


el celular

mobile phone (Latin American)


argentina el ascensor atentamente un autobús las autoridades avanzando

su bolsa

bomb alert to help sugar go down bank with bath area quite, rather drink

7 7 4 5 4 2 4 5, 6 7

buenas noches buenas tardes bueno (m) buenos dí as el bufé busca (familiar) los caballeros cada el café la calidad la calle el/la camarera cambiar

Unit el centro cerca de los cereales


town centre near cereals

6 6 4

como siempre mi compañero de trabajo las compañia

as always my colleague company

3 3 1

goodbye (Latin American) five fifty fifty-nine cinema of course, naturally

3 1 6 6 5 2

comprar las compras con con mal acento con nosotros la confitura de albaricoque

to buy shopping with with a bad accent with us apricot jam

4 6 1 5 5 4

claro que no

of course not


with me


coja coje (familiar) la cola el comedor comer la comida como

take take queue, line-up

5 3 6

¿la conoce? conocerse los consumidores

do you know her? to know each other consumers

3 5 7

dining room to eat food like

3 1 1 1

contesta (familiar) continua (familiar) una conversación las conversaciones

answer continue conversation conversations

4 5 4 8




copia (familiar)



como de costumbre ¿cómo está(s)? ¿cómo se deletrea? ¿cómo se dice...?

as usual how are you? how do you spell it? how do you say...?

5 3 7 1

that's right things to create I believe, I think

2 5 7 1

¿cómo se escribe? ¿cómo se llama?

how do you spell it? what's it called?

2 1

cross crossroads

5 5

¿cómo se llega a ...?

how do I get to ...?




chao cinco cincuenta cincuenta y nueve el cine claro


correcto las cosas crear creo cruce el cruce cual



¿cuál es el problema? cuando ¿cuánto cuesta?

what's the problem? when how much is it?

7 5 5

de nada

not at all, don't mention it, you're welcome


de ninguna manera

by no means, not at all


cuanto se tarda ¿cuánto tiempo? cuarenta

how long it takes (for) how long? forty

5 2 6

de nuevo ¿de quién? deben de

again whose they must

5 8 7

cuarenta y cinco




to say


cuarenta y tres cuarto el cuarto el cuarto de baño la cuarta cuatro cuesta cuidadosamente

forty-three quarter fourth bathroom fourth four it costs carefully

6 6 3 2 4 1 6 8

déjeme déjeme presentarme déjeme probar déjeme ver del delicioso demasiado dentro de

let me let me introduce myself let me try let me see of the delicious too inside

3 3 4 3 1 4 6 1

cuidar de el curso

to look after (someone) course

4 1

depende a la derecha

it depends on, to the right

da (familiar) darla bienvenida darla hora daré de dé de acuerdo

give to welcome to tell the time I will give from, of give of course, agreed

3 7 3 8 1 5 6

desaparecerá el desayuno desde me despido después de destruir di

it will disappear breakfast from, since I must say goodbye after to destroy I gave

7 3 8 2 1 7 6

¿de acuerdo?

all right?




el dí a

6 2, 5

el diálogo diario un diccionario dice se dice diciembre diecinueve dieciocho dieciséis diecisiete diez las diez las diferencias diferente difí cil digale que la vere dí game ¿dí game? dilo el dinero disculpe el discurso doce los documentos

dialogue daily, everyday dictionary it says you say December nineteen eighteen sixteen seventeen ten ten o'clock differences different difficult tell her I'll see her

Unit 5 6 4 1 1 8 6 6 6 6 2 2 8 8 1 4

Unit 6 1 5

domingo ¿dónde está...? ¿dónde hay...?

Sunday where is (he, she, it)...? where is there...?

¿dónde se puede cambiar dinero?

where can one change money?


where to? two half-past two shower during economy building example for example test the

1 1 4 2 5 7 7 1 2 5 2

he elevator (Latin American) her she we begin, we start shall we begin? to begin begin

2 3 4 7 3 2 8 1

shall I begin?


¿a dónde? dos las dos y media una ducha durante la economí a el edificio un ejemplo por ejemplo el ejercicio el (m)

tell me hello? say it money

1 2 5 3

excuse me, sorry to bother you


speech twelve

7 6

él el elevador ella ella empezamos ¿empezamos? empezar empieza




Unit su empresa en en caso de incendio en orden ¿en quépuedo ayudarles? ¿en quépuedo servirles? en su lugar


your company in, on in case of fire in order can I help you? can I help you? instead

7 1 7 8 6 3 1


pleased to meet you


encantador(a) encontrar

charming to find

7 4

especial esperando

encontraremos enero enfermo

we will find January ill

7 8 1

espere su turno espere un minuto estáa diez minutos de aquí

right away to understand you understand understand intonation then to go in, to enter between wrong it's it's late that

4 8 1 1 4 4 6 4 5 1 4 2

enseguida entender entiende entiendo la entonación entonces entrar entre equivocado/a es es tarde esa (f)

escriba su nombre escucha (familiar) escuchará escuche (a) eso es eso es verdad en español el español

estácomunicando se estáriendo estaba la estación de autobuses la estación de trenes Estados Unidos estamos buscando están preparando estar alerta estar atento estar dispuesto a estar en auge

write your name listen you will hear listen (to) that's it that's true In Spanish

7 3 3 1 2 4 1



special waiting

6 3

wait your turn wait a minute its ten minutes from here

7 5 5

it's engaged (about a telephone) he's laughing he was bus station railway station United States we are looking for they are preparing to be on the alert to be vigilant to be ready, to be prepared to to be thriving

5 8 4 5 5 3 6 7 7 7 7 7

este esto/a estos/as estoy encantado estoy seguro los euros una evacuación exactamente yo le explico extraordinaria fácil un fax febrero la la una el

la su la las

feria feria de alimentación feria de tecnologí a final finalmente firme

forma fotografí a frase frases de uso diario fuera de las galletas

this this these I'm delighted

Unit 1 1 7 7

I'm sure euros evacuation exactly

6 6 7 8

I will explain extraordinary easy fax February

7 6 1 1 8

fair food fair technology fair end finally sign

2 3 3 4 2 2

way your photograph phrase everyday phrases outside biscuits

7 1 3 6 1 4

gastar la gente gira (familiar) gire gracias un gran problema grande gratis una guí a me gustan ¿le gustaria alguna otra cosa? se ha ido ha perdido ha sido un placer ha(s) encontrado ha(s) escuchado ha(s) visto una habitación una habitación doble una habitación para dos personas una habitación para una persona usted habla hablar hablo inglés

to spend people turn turn

Unit 7 2 5 5

thank you a big problem big, large free

1 4 3, 4 5

a guide I like

6 4

do you want/would you like anything else?


he's gone


has lost it's been a pleasure you have found you have heard you have seen room

7 7 7 8 5 2

double room room for two people room for one person you speak to speak speak English

2 2 2 1 7 1


una la la la el


hace mucho frí o hacer

it's very cold to make

3 8

hoy la iglesia

hacia han abierto ¿han mirado ...?

for they have opened have they looked ...?

6 8 8


¿has tenido problemas? hasta ¡ hasta luego! hasta mañana

did you have any problems? as far as see you soon! until tomorrow

3 5 5 2

hasta pronto

see you soon



there is, there are


¿hay...? he escrito he estado contando a he intentado

is there...?, are there...? I have written I have been telling I have tried

4 5 7 5

he querido

I have wanted


he reservado hemos llegado historia historia ¡ hola! hora hora del desayuno hospital

I have booked, reserved we (have) arrived story story hello! hour breakfast time hospital

2 3 6 8 1 3 3 5

your hotel


su hotel

today church

6 5

equal to


no importa de que son

it doesn't matter what they are


importante individual la industria en inglés

important single industry in English

2 2 7 1

el inglés americano

American English


el inglés británico

British English


interesting introduction we'll go on, to the left

6 8 2 5

su jefe

your boss


joven jueves julio junio la (t) a las ocho [en punto] le presento la leche

young Thursday July June the at eight o'clock [sharp] let me introduce milk

5 8 8 8 2 2 3 4

far, a long way


interesante la introducción iremos a la izquierda


Unit una librerí a un libro un libro de frases los lindo/a una lista listo los litros se llama una llamada (telefónica) llamada llamar me llamo la llave la llegada llegar llegará lo se lo explico loco estos locos los lunes este maletí n malo/a


bookshop book phrase book books pretty list ready litres

4 6 6 4 1 4 3 6

de la la una a a la su

it's called (telephone) call called to call my name is key arrival

1 3 3 1 1 1 8

marzo más el/la más el más actual más tarde más té mayo

to get to, to reach it will arrive it

5 6 4

I'll explain it


crazy these crazy people them Monday

7 7 6 8

this (brief)case bad

1 7

mañana mañana manifestación mano derecha mano izquierda mantequilla marido martes

in the morning morning demonstration on the right on the left butter her/your husband Tuesday

6 4 7 5 5 4 3, 7 8

March more the most the most current, up-to-date later more tea May

8 5 6 6 3 4 8

old half midnight

5 6 6

las medidas de seguridad

security measures


medio el mediodí a mejor no menos un mensaje mentira

half noon, midday better not less, minus

6 6 4 6

message false

5 5

mayor media la medianoche

Unit la los los en

mermelada meses métodos de agricultura metro mi un miembro mientras tanto

miércoles la ministra de asuntos agrí colas el/la mí o/a los mí os (pl) mire mí relo usted misma el mismo moderno/a un momento el móvil mucha gente muchas gracias mucho mucho gusto mucho trabajo la muerte una mujer su mujer


jam months farming methods by metro me member meanwhile

4 8 7 6 2 7 5

el museo muy muy bien necesario necesitamos necesitan necesito

museum very very well necessary we need you need I need

5 1 1 4 6 6 7

Wednesday Minister of Agricultural Affairs 7 mine


el nivel no no creo

level no I don't think so

8 1 1

no entiendo no estoy segura no hay nadie no hay ninguna ... no hay ninguno/a ¿no me diga? no pasa nada

I don't understand I'm not sure there's no one there's no ... there isn't one really? no problem

1 5 4 5 5 3 4

mine look look for yourself the same modern one moment mobile phone

3 3 1, 5 8 3 7 2 4

a lot of people


no sé

I don't know


thank you very much much, a lot of pleased to meet you a lot of work death woman

4 4 1 4 6 3

¿no se dice ...? no sólo noche nombre nombre de nombre es

you don't say ...? not only night your name in the name of my name is

your wife


1 7 8 1 2 2 3

la su a mi

a nombre mí o

in my name

Unit las normas




we'll take it we will see each other Us ninety November

6 3 8 6 8

nine new number

3 3 2

your room number? or eighty eight

4 1 6 2

it's eight o'clock October busy bureau de change post office security office

3 8 3 4 4 6




la parte el pasaporte pasar tiempo el paseo sus pases el pasillo la pausa

osea otra cosa otra vez

that's to say something else again

7 1 1

pequeño perdone perdone

otro pase

another pass





nos lo llevamos nos veremos nosotros noventa noviembre nueve nuevo/a el número ¿el número de su habitación? o ochenta ocho son las ocho octubre ocupado la oficina de cambio la oficina de correos la oficina de seguridad

el la el la

otros paises

other countries

paí s palabra pan panaderí a para

country word bread baker's for

¿para ir ...? ¿para cuántas noches? para ser exacto

how do I get to ...? for how many nights? to be precise

5 2 3

my pleasure taxi rank European Parliament park

4 1 7 5

part passport to spend time avenue your passes corridor

5 2 4 1 6 2



little, small excuse me sorry, I beg your pardon

6 5 1


excuse me



okay, all right, fine


para servirle la parada de taxis el parlamento europeo el parque

7 7 2 4 4 1, 2

Unit 1 8

pero los personajes

but characters

un un el la

floor, storey pleasure map ground floor

2 7 5 3

primero/a probar un problema estos productos



el programa

poor a little around here this way nearby above all please

7 1 4 1 4 7 2

at last apparently why?

7 7 4

puede ¿puedo ayudarle? la puerta

because possibilities possible

8 7 4



el puesto de que Aug desea? ¿a quédistancia está?

question to ask I will ask

3 6 5

¿quéestápasando? ¿quéestaba diciendo? ¡ quéfastidio!



¿quéhora es?

piso placer plano baja

la plaza pobre un poco por aquí por aquí por aquícerca por encima de todo por favor por fin por lo visto ¿por qué? porque las posibilidades posible los precios la pregunta preguntar preguntaré preocupado/a

` preocupes (familiar) la primera planta

promocionar se pronuncia la pronunciación una prueba

don't worry the first floor

Unit 7 7

first to try problem these products

5 4 1 7



to promote its pronounced pronunciation trial

7 1 6 5,7

prueba tus concimientos (familiar)

test yourself


pruebe sus conocimientos

test yourself


you can can I help you? door

3 2 6

stand that what would you like?

4 3 4

how far is it?


what's happening what was I saying? what a pain!

7 7 5

what's the time?


Unit ¿a quénombre? ¿quépasa? iquépena! ¿qué? quédese en la cola

in what name? what's the matter? what a shame! what? wait in the queue/line-up

2 2 7 1 6

el queso



do you want...? would you like? they want

1 4 7



fifth perhaps fast, quick odd, strange reasonable

3 1 6 7 '7

reception (in a hotel) desk clerk, receptionist to collect reminder of what happened remember

2 5 6 4 7

regulations queen repeat repeat repeat it

7 1 1 3 5

¿quiere...? ¿quiere...? quieren quince el/la quinto/a quizás rápido rara razonable la recepción la recepcionista recojer una recopilación de lo que pasó recuerde los reglamentos la reina repita repite (familiar) repí telo

Unit la representante una reserva reservado/a responde (familiar) responder

represenative reservation reserved reply to reply

7 2 2 4 4

reply, answer


la respuesta correcta el restaurante una revisión

right answer restaurant review

5 5 7

sábado ella sabe ¿sabe usted? sabes (familiar) sacar todo el mundo ella sale



she knows do you know? you know to get everybody out she leaves

8 5 4 7 8

you leave, go out of you leave, go out of section second question second

5 5 5 3 5

sure, certain six traffic lights week sign

5 3 5 2

la respuesta

salga salgas (familiar) la sección la segunda pregunta el/la segundo/a seguro seis el semáforo la semana la señal

el señor la señora la señorita

sir or Mr woman (older or married)

Unit 1 1

Unit 3 3

sin sin ninguna duda

without no doubt




help yourself help yourself locations situation we will survive

4 4 8 7 7

only we are you are surprised l am its me

2 3 2 3 1 3



of course your hers also, too too difficult

2 3 7 1 7

so much


afternoon, evening (until it gets dark)


young woman


September seventh Food Fair seventh we will be toilets

8 7 7 7 6

sixty performance seventy sixth if yes

6 6 6 6 3 1

if there is


always sit down I'm sorry I'm very sorry seven

7 7 2 4 3

por supuesto sus (pl) el suyo también tan difí cil

siga (todo) recto

go straight on



rige significa sigue

carry on, continue it means goon

5 2 5

esta tarde

this afternoon


next part


una tarjeta de crédito

credit card


septiembre la séptima Feria de Alimentación el/la séptimo/a seriamos los servicios sesenta una sesión setenta sexto si sí si hay siempre siéntese lo siento lo siento mucho siete

la siguiente parte

sí rvase usted mismo/a sí rvete túmisma (familiar)(f) los sitios la situación sobreviviremos sólo somos ustedes son (pl) sorprendido soy soy yo un supermercado

la tarde

Unit una en los el

tarjeta de visita taxi taxis té te toca a ti

el teatro el teléfono los teléfonos tenemos tenemos que no tenemos tiempo tener cuidado tener en cuenta tener fiebre lo tengo tengo en el tercer piso tercer(a) tercero la terminal la terminal del aeropuerto una tienda tiene tiene razón tienen

business card by taxi taxis tea it's your turn

7 6 1 4 7

theatre telephone telephones we have

5 4 6 2

we have to we don't have time to be careful to take into account

Unit they have to are you hungry? heading yet everybody

7 3 8 2 7

todo el tiempo todo recto todo/a tome

all the time straight on, straight ahead all take

5 5 3 5





4 7 7

en total su trabajo traducir

in all, altogether your job to translate

6 7 7

to have a temperature


yo traduzco

I will translate


I've got it





I have


one o'clock (pm)


on the third floor third third terminal

2 3 5 1

thirteen thirty thirty-four thirty-first (date)

6 6 2 3

airport terminal


fast train


shop you have you're right

4 2 4

three you tourism

1 3 7

they have




tienen que ¿tienes hambre? (familiar) un tí tulo todaví a todo el mundo

las trece trece treinta treinta y cuatro el treinta y uno un tren rápido tres tú(familiar) el turismo los/las turistas

su turno tus (familiar pl) la última vez

your turn your last time

Unit 2 3 4

a, an


a, an unit European Union university one

2 1 7 5 1




usted util va a

you useful going to

1 6 3

¿va andando?

are you on foot? Or are you walking?


okay let's go let's see are we going? number of scenes go do you see it?

1 1 6 1 8 4 6

¿ve? veinte

see?, do you see? twenty

1, 5 3


come on

un (m) una (f) la unidad la Unión Europea la universidad uno/a

vale vamos vamos a ver ¿vamos? varias escenas ve (familiar) ¿la vé?


veo verá ¿verdad? ¿de verdad? verde ves (familiar) la vida é l viene viernes ¿usted vive en ...? el

la el el el

vivimos vocabulario y ya ya está ¿ya la conoce? ya voy yo zona zumo de fruta zumo de manzana zumo de melocotón

el zumo de naranja

I see he will see true?

Unit 5 5 1



green see life he's coming Friday

6 6 6 2 8

do you live in ...?


we live vocabulary and already that's it do you (already) know her? I'm coming I zone fruit juice apple juice peach juice

7 5 1 4 2 4 3 1 7 4 4 4

orange juice



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