What Are Knee Pain and Its Cause? Flipbook PDF

Pain management specialists are doctors with specialized training in diagnosing and treating pain. They use various tech

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What Are Knee Pain and Its Cause? Nowadays, knee pain is widespread among adults. And it is associated with general wear and tear from daily activities such as walking, running, and lifting. People involved in extreme physical events like sports, running, and heavy gym are more likely to experience knee pain and problems. However, the main reason for knee pain is aging or injury. What you need to know about knee pain Common knee issues involve sprained and strained ligaments, cartilage wear and tear, and arthritis. If you find any such problems, you should immediately contact a Knee Pain doctor for a proper diagnosis and medical examination with the help of digital scans and X-rays. After the evaluation, the Knee Pain doctor new york may recommend you both surgical and non-surgical treatment to treat your knee pain problem. What are some common knee problems? Mainly your knee pain is associated with aging, continual wear, and repetitive stress. Also, other problems related to injury and abnormal movement of your feet or legs. You may suffer from the following knee pain problems such as: Sprained or strained knee ligaments are typically caused by a blow to your knee or sudden twist during physical activity. The signs and symptoms of sprained and strained knee muscles are pain, swelling, and difficulty walking. Torn cartilage: Some trauma to your knee may lead to menisci wear and tear. Tendonitis: inflammation of the tendons may happen due to overdue of your tendons during many activities such as running, jumping, or cycling. Arthritis: Osteoarthritis is a very common type of arthritis affecting your joints, especially the knees. It is a degenerative cartilage process in middle age and older people. If you find any swelling, pain, or stiffness around your knees and joints, visit a Pain Management Specialist for proper evaluation and treatment.

How are knee problems diagnosed? During the consultation, your doctor will check your medical history and take some physical examinations, Including: X-ray: Your doctor will take X-rays to check for any tears and gaps between your tissues and bones. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): This test includes scanning your knee with the help of radiofrequency and magnet wavelength to determine any damage or diseases in the surrounding ligaments. Computed tomography scan: This test includes X-rays and a computer to make a horizontal picture of your body. A CT scan can show detailed images of your body. Radionuclide bone scan: your doctor uses this technique to determine the blood flow to your bone and to check cell activity within the bone structure. In this procedure, your doctor injects a minimal amount of radioactive material into your blood vessels and checks movement. Conclusion If initial knee pain treatment NYC like prescribing medication and exercise, doesn’t relieve, and X-rays find the destruction of your joint, in that case, Knee Pain doctor Fidi will recommend you knee surgery or replacement. Article Source : https://www.articleaffiliate.com/what-are-knee-pain-and-its-cause/

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